#vacuum lifting equipment
vacliftaustralia · 1 year
The Benefits of Lifting Equipment: From Heavy Loads to Seamless Solutions
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moonstruckme · 2 months
our girl with the emt!marauders is constantly in pain lol. how would you feel maybe writing about one of the boys getting hurt for a change? she gets called to take whoever home! it can be funny cuz it’s usually her ass who needs saving. (only if it’s tickling that writin itch)
Thanks for requesting babe!
cw: back injury
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 708 words
Sirius is already hobbling out of the front door when you pull up at the curb, James hovering beside him like he’s about to keel over and Remus walking behind them both with a worried indent between his brows. 
“Hey.” Sympathy bends your voice as James opens the door for him. Sirius grimaces, slowly lowering himself into the passenger seat. “Wow, I didn’t expect it to be this bad. You can’t straighten up at all?” 
“Nope,” James answers for him. He comes around to your side of the car and leans through the open window for a kiss. “He’s strained a muscle in his lower back. Only thing to do right now is rest and ice it.” 
Remus passes Sirius his seatbelt before he can reach for it himself. “Try to keep still,” he murmurs, brushing a kiss across his temple before looking at you. “Please try to drive extra carefully so he doesn’t hurt himself, love. And don’t let him do anything at home.” 
“This has got to be the first time I’ve been asked not to help out around the house,” Sirius teases. “I’d like to use my current privileges to extend this dish-doing ban indefinitely, please.” 
You find yourself in agreement. Is Remus really worried about Sirius rushing home to do chores? Just last week you had to show him where you keep the broom. You’ve lived together for over a year. 
Your dubiousness must show on your face, because James laughs and says, “He’s already injured himself worse by trying to put the moves on Remus.” 
“Hardly my fault,” Sirius says dismissively. “He’s very tall, have you noticed? I don’t have the proper equipment for mountain climbing.” 
You snort, and he grins, a true show of resilience by a soldier down. 
“I won’t let him do anything,” you tell Remus solemnly. 
“Thanks, lovie.” James plants another kiss on your cheek, rounding the car to lead Remus back inside. “Rest and ice,” he reminds you. “Keep an eye on him!” 
“I twinge something in my back and suddenly it’s like I’m not even allowed to speak for myself,” Sirius gripes.
You laugh, putting the car into gear. “Welcome to my world.” 
You take Remus’ cautioning very seriously, drifting into all your stops and easing slowly around each turn. The drive takes about twice as long as it usually would, but there are no incidents. When you get home, you do your best to give Sirius the princess treatment the boys always give you when you’re injured or ailing; you insist on opening his door for him and helping him inside, you set up a mountain of pillows to support the ice pack behind his back, and you put the remote in his hand so he can choose something to watch while you make the both of you lunch. 
“I feel very lame,” Sirius says as you come back with sandwiches and drinks. It’s a repetition of the same complaint you heard every time you started to slow down for a turn or glanced over to check on him during the drive here. “But I will say, this luxury service is starting to make up for things.” 
“Really?” You grin at him. “You’re not experiencing any urges to get out the vacuum or lift heavy things?” 
“Oddly enough, no.” 
“Crazy.” You take a bite of your sandwich, cozying up on the other side of the couch to watch the film he’s chosen. 
“You know,” Sirius drawls, “I realize I’m making this all look very easy, but I wouldn’t reject a cuddle.” 
You turn, and your boyfriend is looking over at you with a raised brow. You smile sheepishly. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 
He scoffs. “Sweetheart, if I’m too injured to cuddle, they may as well put me down. C’mere.” 
You scoot to the other side of the couch, curling into your boyfriend’s side but covertly leaning your weight against the back cushion instead. 
“Better.” Sirius kisses the top of your head firmly. 
“We probably shouldn’t tell Rem and Jamie about this.” 
“Oh no. When they get home, the story is that I was miserable being laid up all day and didn’t enjoy it at all. God forbid I have to do it again tomorrow.”
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1958 Packard Hawk Sport Coupé
The interior was full leather, with full instrumentation in an engine-turned dash. As on early aircraft and custom boats, padded armrests were mounted outside the windows, a rare touch.
The styling was definitely controversial, often described as 'vacuum-cleaner' or 'catfish' by detractors. The styling has come to be appreciated more today than in its debut. Only 588 were sold, with Packard's impending demise a likely contributing factor. Most were equipped with the Borg-Warner three-speed automatic transmission. Approximately 28 were produced with the B-W T85 3-speed w/overdrive manual transmission. Studebaker-Packard was the first manufacturer to popularize the limited slip differential, which they termed Twin-Traction. Most Packard Hawks came with TT. It was certainly the fastest Packard ever sold, since it shared the majority of its components with Studebaker's Golden Hawk. The price was $3995, about $700 higher than the Studebaker model, but with a more luxurious interior. Electric window-lifts and power seats were optional extras.
Its rarity and status as the best-regarded of the 'Packardbaker' final-year cars have made the Packard Hawk quite collectible. Values are roughly double those of the equivalent Studebaker, although they are still low by comparison with Corvettes and Thunderbirds. Because a Studebaker drivetrain was used, mechanical parts are more readily available, although body and trim parts are more difficult-to-impossible to find. While it is a unique car, current restoration costs almost always exceed the selling price.
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spacepiratenemo · 4 months
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"I don’t need your help, Firecracker!” 👾
You got any clue how frustrating this is? Being a space pirate, floating out in space, being spaceborne to the vacuum, and suddenly having to deal with “planets” just plain sucks. This body’s limits used to be the moon's boundaries; now every other planet feels like it's squeezing the life outta that slender frame, if there ain’t a working anti-gravity shield equipped!
Can't even lift a two-litre bottle of water? Well, up in space, that sucker wouldn't weigh a thing! These muscles ain't built for this— they're meant to soar through the cosmos, catch some solar wind, and mooch off the sun like a space leech!🔥
And then you land on the Blue World, that forbidden blue planet you were always told to stay away from, and you're excited, ready to explore your little dream come true... until its gravity knocks you on your butt because some knucklehead admiral decided to mess with your gear! *sigh* And to make it worse, the weather is draining way too much heat off your system too! 🤍
It'll take over a year for Nemo to adjust to life on the Blue World, but she'll never fully fit in. Marco put it best: "She's like a fish outta water; this world ain't her natural habitat, so it ain't no shock her body's strugglin'."⚠
But even with all that, Nemo ain't one to be coddled. She loves her independence, which is why it ticks her off when Ace has to carry her back to her ship 'cause her muscles are too weak to stand up again after work is done. It sucks that she has to leech thermal energy off of him, simply because the sun’s rays that hit the ground ain’t ever gonna be enough to support her mutated, convection-biology. Despite all the training, therapy, and even fixing up her anti-gravity shield, there'll still be times when Nemo needs help— and reluctantly takes it. Good thing Ace is a patient fella, polite and not bothered by her angry outbursts. 👽
Added some older sketches'n shiz to this post
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delopsia · 9 months
So do the boys keep their trucks clean inside and out 95% of the time? Or do one or both of them just kinda let the inside get away from them? Like finding random bolts and parts and wire snips and gloves on every surface of their trucks? Or are they vacuuming it out once a week ? (One boy finding the other boy and reader’s underwear in the truck and immediately going back to the house for sexy time) are their trucks kept in the garage or in the drive way? Both?
Which boy does most of the vehicle maintenance? Do they have opinions on what reader drives? Like brand make model? Because ik in my family every guy has like a brand of car he 100% will not work on. Do they have any stipulations like that?
How big is the garage?
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Original truck post, for reference
Bobby absolutely keeps his truck clean; it's a pavement princess through and through. It can absolutely do the heavy lifting that Rhett's does, pulling trailers and general offroading, but Bob doesn't have much of a reason to do those sorts of things. That pretty little truck is as clean as a whistle, gets a nice handwash every few weeks, and the interior is borderline brand new. Maybe the floor mats have a little mud because Rhett's boots are rarely clean, but he stays pretty on top of it.
A big player in that is the whole Navy thing. He's expected to keep his uniforms pristine, and it just feels wrong to drive onto a base with a vehicle that doesn't reflect that same cleanliness standard.
Rhett's truck is an entirely different story. He'd love to keep it clean, but it's just not feasible when you work on a ranch five days a week, sometimes six, if someone calls off. Dirt clings to the sides like a bad memory, but the inside isn't particularly horrible if you ignore the floor mats. His passenger seat is almost always occupied by a toolbox and a second box of "ranch junk," as he calls it; any tools too big to fit find themselves on the floor or in the back seat.
He'll clean it every other month just to keep things from getting too bad, but it's not something he puts a ton of concern into. He can spend hours scrubbing it over the weekend and have it just as dirty come Friday.
This could vary depending on the house you imagine, but the house I use to blueprint my writing has a two-car garage. Bob and Reader's vehicles occupy it, while a double-wide carport sits outside, home to Rhett's two trucks. It only makes sense; Bob and Reader's vehicles are clean, daily drivers. Rhett's work truck would track mud onto the garage floor, and the old GMC Sierra has been promoted to the near-exclusive role of date night vehicle.
Rhett's not exactly the car guy; he can do an oil change and minor garage things, but machines aren't truly his thing. He can YouTube it and probably get the job done, but there's no guarantee he did it right or if it'll last.
Bobby, on the other hand, grew up fixing farm equipment; it's almost second nature to him. He's pretty handy at these sorts of things; he'll call for Rhett to give him a hand or use him as an errand boy every now and then, but he generally works best alone.
Rhett's extremely reluctant to work on luxury brand vehicles. A lot of times, those vehicles have tech that requires special training, and he's very aware of his subpar skill set. He'd rather inconvenience you and take you to the dealership for maintenance than do it by himself and risk fucking up your fancy car.
Bob tries not to play the "I'll never work on this vehicle" card, but he's not a big fan of Nissan's. He went through two in college; one was a money pit full of endless problems, and the transmission failed on the one he got to replace it. Probably bad luck, but he's got a bias against them. Like Rhett, though, he'll suck it up and work on them if the Reader owns one.
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stellacendia · 5 months
I'm definitely only thinking about this cause I'm a custodian but who cleans the Watchtower?? Cause I can't imagine anyone on the Justice League voluntarily cleaning a bathroom except Clark and maybe Diana. In Justice League Unlimited the Watchtower has a support staff of hundreds and presumably there's a team of custodians in that crew somewhere, but what about universes where they don't have support staff?
Do they have a rotating schedule where they divide up duties and take it in turns? How often is this done? How thorough are they? Cause thoroughly cleaning a structure that large would take a lot of time and they're all very busy people living double lives. How is waste collected and removed from the Tower? I'm assuming cleaning supplies and related equipment would be acquired in a similar way to any other equipment they use.
Can you imagine the League having meetings where they're like "okay we have to get better at taking out our trash cause the can in the kitchen is always overflowing" and arguing over whose turn it is to sweep the floors this week? Bruce will ask Alfred for advice on the most efficient way to clean a bathroom and will do it out of necessity but dread when his turn comes up. Clark is the best of all them at completing his duties and he doesn't even cheat using super speed. All of them at some point will put all of the Tower's garbage into one trash bag because they can lift it no matter how heavy it is and then the bag will tear and spill everywhere because the heroes might be very strong but these bags sure aren't. Several of them will forget which cleaner is used for which task and make that task harder for the next person to do it cause the chemical the first person used made the surface much dirtier than it normally would be. Do they assume they have to mop the floors by hand or do they know there are machines that will scrub the floor sooo much faster and also suck up all the water? Do they use a regular broom for sweeping or save themselves a ton of time and use a nice wide dust mop?
I'm going with no carpet cause satellite in space so no vacuuming needed but I do have several Thoughts on how that could go wrong too. The cord not being long enough or getting in the way. Several team members not realizing it's a model that uses bags and that those need to be replaced when they get full. So much hair getting wrapped around the beater bar. Several people not realizing there's a detachable crevice tool to get in smaller spaces. Several people clogging it by sucking up things that are too big. If they have a cordless battery powered model they forget to charge the batteries. All in all it's better to not burden them with a vacuum let's just say all the floors can be swept and mopped.
Now I kinda want a fic where they try doing it all themselves and after a few months they're like "this is not working" and then they decide they need support staff. Online job postings for "Watchtower Custodian Urgently Needed, Some Experience Required." World's weirdest job interview. Having your background check done by fucking Batman
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celestial-coordinates · 7 months
Viispaa Prime
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Humans have often launched animals into space to examine the effects of vacuum and zero gravity on the eggs and organs of various species, and along those lines, in 2032, a satellite (named DSREB-1112* or “The Enterprise”) containing various species of insect and other samples ranging from egg to tissue to preserved specimens was launched, intended to loop around the moon, then the sun, and back before being studied. However, the propulsion system malfunctioned and misfired, sending the probe into deep space, unable to return; it was deemed a loss and NASA moved on, forgetting it for some time.
*Deep Space Radiation Effects on Biological specimens
Unbeknownst to them, an advanced race of beings known as the Kuana came across the pod when it exited the solar system. They took a fascination with the objects inside and returned to their corner of the galaxy where they began to work on the samples, breaking down the genomes and studying the life present on the curious little rock they'd been monitoring since the planet unfroze itself [thousands of years ago by earth time]. Among the samples, they were very fond of the angry, flying needles and determined them to be worthy of the status as a core genome sample.
Wasps became the majority focus of the gene manipulation and they incorporated aspects of their own DNA, as well as pieces from other samples that were on the satellite, and even certain amounts of bio-enhanced technology to create a sapient race of wasp beings to serve as companions, soldiers and living weapons. Human mental evolution fascinated the Kuana, and with the organ tissues of humans being present from which to derive the genome they sought, they made sure to give their wasp beings most of the emotional capacity found within humans, allowing them rational thought, free will and expression, wrapped in a roughly humanoid shape that would seem familiar. From them, the Kuana gave them advanced light sensitivity and organelles within their eyes that would indicate mood and status with colors, even those in ultraviolet and infrared spectrums that humans cannot detect on their own. Finishing their project off, they enhanced some of the natural aspects of wasps themselves by lacing carbon into their chitin to enhance its strength, giving them advanced mental processes for being able to quickly assess stimuli, boosting their immunity and antibodies to make them disease and toxin resistant, and equipping them with rechargeable stingers in their abdomens.
Viispaas stand roughly anywhere between 6’7” to 10’3” at full height when standing (add about 6-9” if their legs are stretched to full) and are predominantly male (60% male, 40% female). They have 6 limbs and 2 sets of wings: one set of proper arms with hands tipped with two fingers and a thumb, a vestigial set of arms that are weaker but just as functional, and digitigrade legs tipped with two claw-like toes which are sensitive to vibration and chemical traces. Their wings are able to vibrate fast enough to displace air like a rotor and lift them off the ground, however their flight performance is affected by air density; on earth, most Viispaa can fly above most buildings, ranging from 2-4 stories off the ground, but above 6 stories they expend more energy than is deemed worth the result, as falling from that height from exhaustion can cause injuries.
Female Viispaa rarely pass 8’7”, are thinly built and deemed “speedsters”, equipped with long stingers for swift actions. Male Viispaa are rarely under 7’8”, are broadly built and deemed “tanks”, equipped with smaller stingers but are capable of moving forces up to 5x their mass and can deadlift things 3x heavier than what most humans can generally accomplish. Most Viispaa can live between 90 and 110 years old, close to that of humans.
Both sexes have genitalia reminiscent of humans respective to their biological sex and reproduce in a manner familiar to humans as far as positions are concerned, however Viispaa cannot readily reproduce with humans. Male Viispaa produce soft, fertilized egg-like pods about the size of a goose egg they can insert into a female Viispaa where her muscles carefully tuck the pods into a womb-like part of her abdomen; the pods attach and the second half of the genes are introduced, fertilizing the pods and turning them into proper eggs. The embryos develop in the safety pods for about a month before the female seeks out a safe area to lay her clutch, producing anywhere from 5-15 fist-sized eggs which are expelled through a cloaca near her stinger. Over the course of a month, the eggs hatch into larva and then metamorphose into young Viispaa with features like human preteens. They reach adult size within a year.
When not having sex for breeding, males can release a semen-like fluid at climax instead of insert fertile pods, and females experience pleasure much like human females do. Viispaa male genitals have unique muscles that allow them to adjust within their partner and some more experienced lovers can simulate friction through penile muscles alone, without thrusting or grinding, which works well when paired with a smaller partner.
Humans and Viispaa can have sex with each other, but those unions will be sterile without intervention from Kuana genome technology.
Viispaa bodies are insectoid in appearance with milky blood-like fluid that starts mostly clear in the body and becomes opaque when exposed to air; their muscle tissues are reminiscent of cables and the matte black “skin” on parts of their bodies is rough, not unlike a coarse fabric mesh. While generally very tough creatures, Viispaa skin can still tear and the Kuana developed this mesh-like growth to facilitate quick repairs that stitch together easily. The chitin parts of the Viispaa body appear like polished metal or plastic but are also formed from a kind of pseudo-solid fiber not unlike a non-newtonian liquid developed specifically by the Kuana which is flexible and pleasing to the touch but extremely resistant to impact damage, though generally fairs better against high velocity, small surface area projectiles and angled blades over broad-coverage blunt force. Naturally reinforced with carbon fibers for durability, Viispaa chitin doesn’t restrict their movements or range of motion and protects most of their vulnerable areas from everything short of a long fall or being hit by a semi truck.
This soft armor feature is why Viispaa can create facial expressions without excessive plates.
Viispaa eyes are large and compound and have a visible spectrum that touches both infrared and ultraviolet hues humans cannot see but which they use to communicate with each other at a distance. The Kuana have similar faculties, which is where they derived the trait from, as they communicate in light and color more than sound, thus by watching the colors of the Viispaa’s eyes, they were able to determine their status. Hiding their emotions is difficult, as the color change is prompted by hormones and other chemicals from the brain, thus any change in mood can alter the visible hue of the lens, even if it’s only slightly. The colors appear solid and sparkle as light reflects off of the facets, but when changing it happens rapidly; using slow motion, one can see how individual facets of the eye lens act like pixels, changing color individually and starting at the outside edge before moving inward in a rough spiral, making the transition appear as a swirl in a majority of specimens though bursts (inside to outside) and fades (inner to outer or outer to inner sweeps) have been found as well. Complex feelings can produce interesting chromatic palettes such as gradients, flowing color rotations, and other things but these are usually accompanied by outbursts from the Viispaa due to distress.
UV and IR light patterns are activated by specific modified color changers in the eye lens that add specific layers to their emotional hue; UV flashes can be detected at range and used to communicate messages in a way similar to morse code (Viispaa on earth actually learn morse code to be able to click and blink in a way that can be decoded by human companions) while IR readings only appear in response to high stress and physical damage; IR signatures are uncommon on Viispaa due to their naturally low body temperatures with most hot spots on the body being a result of sunlight and black patterns. The eye lenses showing fields of intense IR activity are a sign the Viispaa has been injured or is in need of immediate assistance, even if they can’t communicate directly otherwise.
Viispaa have eyelids, however not for blinking; the translucent lid is used for high speed flight, rain and closed for sleeping because they cut out light signatures coming in and out so they aren’t distracted but can still see somewhat if they’re awake. It’s the only method of hiding their light signatures but is suspicious on its own so not really effective for that purpose.
Viispaa stingers are mostly retracted into their abdomens with males only leaving the tip exposed while females tend to have several centimeters visible at all times; when needed, Viispaa can contract muscles to unsheathe their stingers fully, which are black, curved and occasionally have rear-facing barbs to make removal much harder if they’re left in the target. A male’s stinger is generally 1-1.5 inches per foot in height while females can be twice to three times as long and are coated in a fluid that numbs the flesh around the stinger so it doesn’t cause pain if it’s ripped out during attack, but also can numb the wound of the target, making the sting undetectable for a certain period and thus likely to cause blood loss or worse injury. Unlike common bees, Viispaa will not die from losing their stingers; they rarely lose them unless they are at full draw when used, allowing them to use their stingers rather indefinitely unless they break off. At this point, there is another stinger stored within the abdomen that slides into place within an hour; at any time, a Viispaa has three stingers, one at the ready and two on standby, and they naturally replenish used stingers within about a month. During that time, they tend to crave things rich in iron, carbon and calcium.
As for diets, Viispaa primarily ingest things rich in sugar and simple carbs, and can also consume roots, vegetables and fruits; they enjoy refined sugars in low amounts but avoid meat-based proteins and other things unless they have cravings, such as healing or recharging. Eggs, dairy and other animal byproducts are only as needed, but Viispaa generally will not eat meat of any kind; they also fair well with salt and sugar licks, as the Kuana often provided enriched mineral supplies to ensure they got what they needed while subsisting off of sugar water and nectar for energy. Breeding periods are often punctuated with increased cravings for minerals and vegetables to help the developing embryos while most of the fluid in the egg pods is sugar-based.
Viispaa have jaws and cheeks with tooth-like plates for consuming solid food, but many opt for juices or other liquids just for sheer ease of ingestion and quick intake into their bodies. The mandibles on their faces are for communication primarily, making clicks and hums they communicate in naturally and also helping in the event of eating solid foods. While they generally hum, buzz and click, they are capable of vocal speech dependent on their environment; high engagement and active teaching produce more eloquent Viispaa, as they’re easily distracted and unlikely to pick up on the nuances of language on their own save for key and common phrases. Females tend to develop speech faster than males but males are better at recognizing body language and expressions.
Uniquely, Viispaa have regenerative abilities as well; as long as they aren’t killed outright, have a steady supply of food, and rest, they can recover from most injuries. Cuts and piercing damage close within hours, broken plates and larger injuries can heal within a month, and while they cannot reattach lost limbs, a removed wing or body part will reform fully in about 6 months depending on resources.
Genome Inclusions
Vespula vulgaris, the common wasp; base genome derived from preserved specimens and eggs stored onboard the satellite
Apis mellifera scutellata, the East African Lowland Honey Bee; behavioral patterns were adapted from studying specimens cloned from preserved subjects, prompting the Kuana to change the lethal nature of bee toxin into a numbing agent in order to preserve the aspects of community and group behavior they found useful for their project; some varieties of Viispaa have recessive aggression and mobbing behavior from strong scutellata genes, however they are rare and typically not sent to make landfall unless the location is hostile
Camponotus consobrinus, the Banded Sugar Ant; a social insect to reinforce their sense of community, ability to work together with a purpose, preference for sweets and sugary substances for food, and the foundation of their strength
Anax strennus, the Giant Hawaian Darner; a member of the largest, fastest group of insects, these egg samples were used to derive the wing blueprint for the Viispaa and allows them to fly in all directions, hover, and reach speeds faster than most land vehicles
Homo sapiens, human beings; organ tissue from donated bodies including a liver, stomach and skin grafts, and blood, heart and brain samples from both a male and female cadaver (recently deceased) sent to study the effects of close exposure to the sun provided sequences for regenerating tissue, the extent of the human immune system, and initiated the fascination with human mental evolution; the human genome is the second blueprint used alongside vespula vulgaris to create the base of the Viispaa
Ambystoma mexicanum, the axolotl; preserved whole and partial specimens which were curiosities to the Kuana but ultimately provided the enhanced regeneration genes that allow the Viispaa to regrow limbs and heal from damage; axolotls are also popular pets for the Kuana because of their silly, simple natures
Externus adstrum sapiens lovecraft, the Latinized name for the Kuana; named for their Eldritch appearance and advanced, almost mystical technology evoking a sense of fascination and fear akin to Lovecraft’s tales, the Kuana are peaceful beings and masters of merging technology with biological components; they derived the light sensitivity, skin-respiration and color-changing eyes from their own genetic sequence, as well as a predisposition for friendly relations and curiosity to override the xenophobic and territorial behaviors found in both the insect and human specimens and orbital observations made over the course of human history
Most other features are created through artificial means (Kuana bio-tech) and other trace sequences taken from other species can be found but they are minimal, usually acting as catalysts or binders to ensure the genome is stable
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(Finally going to start posting my superhero OCs! Welcome to the Flamesea Project.)
Real Name: Ka’list Gale-li (Jovian), Calista Galindo (Human)
Age: 35
Species/Race: Human/Jovian Hybrid, Latin American
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Cali was born as a human, but her early childhood would be completely turned around when her family was killed during an alien skirmish on earth. In the process of the attack, Cali would be enveloped by a burst of warp drive energy (known as flamesea energy in-universe) from a destroyed ship- resulting in her gaining extremely unstable and sporadic powers. The Jovian survivors of the battle, out of sorrow for the situation, elected to raise Cali. During her new upbringing, Cali had her DNA spliced with the aliens that adopted her in order to calm her instability- said DNA splicing would give her the powers she has today. Once she came of age, she would return to earth and protect it, ultimately becoming one of its greatest heroes.
Cali is a showboat during combat, often goading her enemies or boasting during the fight, or using her weather powers to "set the stage" for herself. This partially comes from her major paragon complex, but also from a desire to divert as much of the fight away from other people as much as people- even other heroes she works with.
While off the job, Aegis tends to not stay in one place for long- usually looking for new places to eat or simply relax and take in the world around her. In spite of her showmanship, she doesn’t tend to interact with regular people that often, which makes it harder to develop relationships outside of her already existing friend group.
Enhanced physical prowess- Cali is far stronger than the average human, being strong enough to lift many times her own weight, and being tough enough to sustain and resist far more damage than the average human.
Weather Manipulation- By far one of Cali’s most impressive abilities, The hero has a near complete control over weather phenomena. Not only can she call storms and localized changes to the weather during combat, but she can also manipulate and bend certain aspects of this weather to her will, such as-
Vacuum punches- Aegis can create pockets of vacuums to enhance the power of her punches, similar to a mantis shrimp. This means that her punches can be made far more explosive and striking.
Flight through wind manipulation- Cali is capable of manipulating the wind in order to fly- in conjunction with her cape and stormeye. She also uses the wind for dramatic effect and presentation, causing her cape to billow when she desires it.
Lightning casting- Aegis can call lightning into a specific area to strike a target. She can also strike herself with lightning, if for some reason she needs the extra volts for any reason- whether it be to “power up” by conducting electricity through herself, or to shake off an enemy who might be grappling or attacking her.
Stormeye- This device was created by Cali’s surrogate parents to allow her to fly in the same way they do- emulating their biology to harness the wind which Cali manipulates. The device alone doesn’t fully allow this, however, and thus Cali also relies on her costume’s cape to help the process- an addition that was her suggestion based on the heroes from earth she remembered. In order to allow for this, of course, the cape has to be rather long, somewhat emulating the fins of the alien species.
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stevebattle · 2 months
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RULO robot vacuum cleaner (2018) by Shunji Yamanaka (fuRo) and Kensaku Okabe (Panasonic), Japan. "Equipped with 'Laser SLAM', it enables faster and more accurate spatial recognition compared to conventional camera SLAM. It recognizes the room environment including the 360° floor plan and things on the floor and moving objects, builds a map, and based on its position, it makes a cleaning plan … In addition, obstacles such as steps (up to 25 mm in height) and lags are detected by the front 3D sensor when driving, and the industry's first active [wheel] lift function automatically lifts the main body to smoothly overcome them." – Launch of robot vacuum cleaner RULO with laser SLAM, Panasonic.
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caxycreations · 1 year
Not my usual content but I need to get this out
Looooong post, read at your own risk. Danny Phantom vs Goku, DP vs Ben 10, and DP vs....Sun Wukong. Analyzing powers/abilities and weaknesses, and considering battle methods and circumstances of combat.
Danny Phantom solos everything. I don't mean "everything but goku" or "everything but ben 10", I mean -everything-
I'm gonna go over the big 3 fictional beings of ungodly power and explain how Danny bulldozes them all. Starting with everyone's favorite anime badass: Goku.
But before we go over anyone else, let's cover Danny's powerset:
Hybrid Physiology (immune to ghost-specific things in human form, immune to human-specific things in ghost form, vulnerable to certain things in both forms)
Super strength (easily lifted a 12-ton school bus)
Super speed (circled the earth easily in a VERY short time)
Super durability (Sustained damage from a being of god-like power and kept fighting in ghost form. Human form is incredibly durable as well, but only a fraction as durable as ghost form)
Super agility (Can perform acrobatic feats beyond the skill of the most experienced professionals in ghost form)
Super reflexes (is able to dodge ectoplasm blasts from other ghosts with ease, and caught an arrow fired at him with his bare hands near-effortlessly)
Super stamina (can function at absolute peak capacity for hours before becoming tired)
Supernatural Equilibrium (it's impossible to throw him off-balance. Either due to his flight or his agility, his equilibrium is incapable of being off)
Flight (or more accurately, gravity has no effect on his ghost form, allowing him to move freely through space)
Super regeneration (has reformed his entire body from a puddle of goo, survived severe punctures and slashes, and in ghost form can survive even more serious damage such as being bisected or large punctures due to ectoplasmic biology)
Transformation (Can switch between ghost and human forms at will)
Intangibility (incapable of physical contact, phasing through any and all solid matter. He can spread this to anyone or anything he is making contact with, allowing him to manipulate other intangible objects)
Invisibility (Can become undetectable by any and all visual senses/sensors, including but not limited to eyes, cameras, bioscans, etc. He is still visible on infrared, however.)
Interstellar Travel (has been shown to move through outer space at CONSIDERABLY HIGH speed without any aid, meaning his ghost form does not require oxygen and can survive, and navigate with ease, in the vacuum of space without special equipment)
Ghost Rays (can be manipulated into any shape/form and fired as a projectile, beam, or wave. Can be fired from ANY part of his body, not just extremities. Has been shown to be hot enough to melt steel, and often explodes on contact, and are powerful enough to destroy Ghosts [which are by nature supernaturally difficult to destroy] molecule by molecule)
Ecto-Energy Manipulation (Can channel the energy of his Ghost Rays into specific parts of his body to empower them greatly, allowing him to strike exponentially harder or use his hands/feet as blades to cleave through his target. Has been shown to be capable of easily piercing/slicing through steel)
Ecto-Energy Constructs (can form nearly anything he can think of by channeling his ghost ray energy into solid forms. Has been shown to form rings, discs, and shields which can either reflect or nullify energy attacks depending on what Danny wants)
Power Absorption (Can absorb powers and energy through his ghost shield, allowing him to use his enemy's abilities for a time, or to channel the energy of their attack into his own abilities)
Electrokinesis (can generate and manipulate electricity, as shown when he used it to charge the Fenton Thermos, and a few other times throughout the series. Often used as a Ghost Stinger)
Thermokinesis (Can generate exceedingly high temperatures, making anything he is touching as hot as he wishes)
Cryokinesis (Can generate exceedingly low temperatures, and generate ice at will. He can fire blasts of ice or solid ice constructs at will)
Pyrokinesis (Can generate ghostly fire to use as projectiles)
Aerokinesis (When split into two versions of himself, one was able to generate wind to cause his cape and hair to constantly flow as if there was wind even when in environments completely lacking in it)
Temperature Resistance (Due to thermokinesis and cryokinesis, Danny is EXTREMELY resistant, or even immune, to exeedingly high AND low temperatures. For fairness we will assume immune, as the vacuum of space had no impact on him at all)
Photokinesis (Can generate light from his hands at will)
Ghostly Wail (an incredibly powerful sonic wail capable of demolishing buildings, destroy many ghosts at once, and has a wide range while covering great distance)
Telekinesis (Can manipulate ecto-energy at a distance, allowing him to move objects with it. By extension, he is able to turn them invisible, intangible, or even restore them to pristine condition at will by channeling his powers into the energy surrounding the object or person)
Time Travel (through the use of the in-fi map and/or the time medallion, Danny is capable of traveling to any point in time he wishes and to any place he desires)
Overshadowing (Can take control of another person's body, manipulating them from within. Won't work without perfect concentration, or against those with strong wills)
Duplication (Can create copies of himself. His copies retain all of his powers and abilities, INCLUDING Duplication. However, if they collide together hard enough they do automatically fuse back together)
Spectral Body Manipulation (Can manipulate his body in all manner of ways, from stretching, growing and shrinking, bending and twisting beyond physical limitations, and creating holes in his body to allow projectiles to pass through, all the way to completely severing parts of his body from each other and reconnecting them at will)
Void Generation (Can draw all light into himself, leaving a room in complete and total darkness. He is able to see in this darkness with no difficulty)
Self-sustenance (Can survive indefinitely in environments with no source of food, water, or oxygen, by utilizing his ghost form. Ghost form Danny does not require food, water, or oxygen)
Rapid Learner (Has been shown to learn new abilities quickly after seeing them done, even without training, such as using the ghost shield mere hours after seeing Vlad do it for the first time, or obtaining the Ghostly Wail power ten years earlier than Dark Danny simply due to seeing Dark Danny perform it)
Indomitable Will (Immune to weaker forms of control, resistant to more powerful forms)
Skilled Tactician (able to quickly assess a situation and, in the heat of battle, plan out the most effective way to handle it)
Experienced combatant (has been facing near-indestructible enemies since he was 14, on a near-daily basis, as well as enemies as powerful or more powerful than himself. For this we'll assume it takes place just after the end of the series, giving him 2 years of experience, with an average of 2 battles per day [assuming most are smaller, weaker ghosts] to be safe given the frequency of the portals acting up)
Skilled marksman (landed a shot on medusa with his eyes closed, and has incredible precision with his ghost rays)
Emotional Empowerment (His powers are influenced, or even generated by, his emotions as shown when his ghost rays fired of their own accord out of fear at Desiree and when he manifested the Ghostly Wail for the first time in a fit of rage. His existing powers gain strength from potent emotion, and at times entirely new powers come into being due to strong emotion as well)
Technomancy (has been shown to be capable of Overshadowing technology and insert himself into it, either controlling it or becoming part of it at will)
And Danny's weaknesses:
All anti-ghost tech (in ghost form, these work exactly as intended on him, in human form they may detect him as a ghost but have very limited or even no effect on him)
Blood Blossoms (red flowers with innate anti-supernatural properties. They cause him extreme agony and leave him devoid of all ghostly powers)
Ecto-ranium (rare element with anti-ghost properties. Ghosts making contact with it feel extreme pain, and it is assumed colliding with it hard enough would destroy them)
Goku's powerset includes:
Energy Manipulation
Transformative Power Increase
Energy Sense
Super strength (on a cosmic scale)
Super speed (faster than light)
Super regeneration (healed from an energy blast to the heart in seconds due to transformation)
Hyper-acute senses (sight and smell honed to peak levels)
Hyperperception (can perceive and think at the same speed his body can move at
Zenkai Boost (exponential power increase on near-death survival)
Divine State (Mastered Ultra Instinct makes him near-impossible to hit)
Unbreakable Will (immune to all forms of psychic manipulation)
Mental Image Training (able to visualize and telekinetically connect with others for mental training, allowing him a mindscape in which to act)
Skilled Tactician (able to quickly assess a situation and, in the heat of battle, plan out the most effective way to handle it)
Experienced Combatant (Has been training and fighting consistently for decades, with his body being 39-40, and his mind being ~43 due to time spent dead. He trains near-constantly, and has decades of battle experience to draw on, including from time spent dead)
Skilled Marksman (has incredible precision with his energy attacks and melee strikes, even as accurate as to strike specific pressure points in the heat of battle)
Master martial artist (has trained with several masters in various fighting styles and techniques, leaving him with a wealth of methods to draw on)
Emotional empowerment (his strength, ki, and tenacity increase exponentially with emotion, granting him massive power increases in times of great emotion)
Ki Armor (Can use his ki like a protective layer around him, preventing attacks that would normally harm or kill him from making so much as a scuff mark)
And Goku's weaknesses include:
Limited Energy (can sustain Super Saiyan 1 and 2 indefinitely, but 3 and onward have increasingly heavy limitations to match their increasing level of power)
Cannot survive a vacuum
Vulnerable to exceedingly high/low temperatures (can survive contact with lava, but still retains an upper limit to how hot or cold he can handle)
To make this fair we'll put Danny at his absolute peak, and account for Goku being at HIS absolute peak (his strongest form, Mastered Ultra Instinct)
Goku loves to build up to the big moment, so we KNOW he would start in base. He would...pretty quickly realize Danny doesn't quite know how to "start small". Danny has never known a fight against a powerful opponent that WASN'T for his life. Er...lack of life? ....Half-life? Half-life 2: Fenton Boogaloo? He would be fighting for his life on instinct. Goku's base form is very powerful, but in Super it's mentioned by Beerus during the Battle of Gods arc that base form Goku STILL isn't strong enough to have killed Freeza. By the Moro arc this may have changed, so we'll assume base-form Goku is at least on-par with 100% Power Freeza.
Danny may not be as fast (which is going to be the real difficulty in fighting Goku) but he has something else going for him: he can fight at max power for HOURS without feeling the effects. By comparison, Goku can fight for hours in base form, Super Saiyan, and Super Saiyan 2. However, Super Saiyan 3 has a noticeable energy drain, and limits him to several minutes. This may have changed by the end of the Moro arc, so we'll assume SSJ3 can be used consistently for an hour before he's too weak to use it. Super Saiyan God is even more limited, with mere minutes before it's drained. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (also known as Super Saiyan Blue) is further limited, and finally Mastered Ultra Instinct is more limited than that.
But despite all of Goku's powers and abilities, Danny has one simple set of powers that may win him the fight with ease. Goku is not used to fighting an opponent that can phase through his entire arsenal of attacks, and through him as well. Danny may be slower, but if Goku comes in close for a melee fight, Danny has a simple trick to win. Intangibility, invisibility. Turn invisible either partially (his arm+hand) or entirely (his whole body) and phase into Goku, pulling his organs with him as he phases out. Danny would, in character, never do something so brutal but it's not exactly in-character for these two to fight each other either, is it? Character personality has no place here. Only raw combat comparison. Goku does have ki sense, so invisibility may not be a true trump card, but he would only know where Danny is, not his exact movements. And assuming it became a battle of range, Danny's ecto-shield makes the fight entirely pointless, either redirecting, nullifying, or outright absorbing Goku's attacks. Ultimately, Danny has more endurance, greater durability, and his powerset makes him a major threat to all purely biological lifeforms thanks to his ability to simply fly through them and remove organs as he pleases. Goku does not have an answer (that I'm aware of) for an opponent like Danny. BY ALL MEANS CORRECT ME, THIS IS MY THOUGHTS AND I AM ABSOLUTELY DOWN FOR DISCUSSION! Change my mind, I want you to!
Conclusion: Goku can't defeat an opponent he can't touch, and he has no way of stopping Danny from using intangibility to remove critical organs. Even with transformations offering higher durability and faster healing, nothing will save him from the loss of his lungs. Danny, on the other hand, can survive being turned into a puddle, being bisected, punctured, and many other "fatal" injuries due to his ectobiology. It would either be a very short-lived fight with Danny holding Goku's lungs/heart in his hands, or a very long drawn out battle with Danny winning on endurance.
Ben 10
We'll assume Ben is unlimited in his access to the functions of the Omnitrix.
Ben 10's powers and abilities
Alien Forms (countless forms specialized for a wide variety of environments and situations)
Omnitrix Failsafe (instantly turns him into the alien most perfectly suited for surviving his current situation if he is dealt a fatal blow or in danger of dying)
Instantaneous transformation (his transformations happen instantaneously, and do not take time to occur)
Brilliant Tactician (Can assess a situation and form a plan to deal with it effectively and easily)
Universal Destruction (When the Failsafe fails, in the event of Ben's death the watch is set to self-destruct in an explosive manner powerful enough to destroy the universe)
Mental link to the Omnitrix (Can swap to/between alien forms with a thought)
Genetic scan (Can scan the biology of any living species and generate the peak physical example of that species, adding it to the arsenal of beings the watch can access)
Genetic Perfecting (Can simulate millions of years of the harshest conditions to turn a sample of a species into the most combative apex evolutions of themselves, creating more powerful versions of the samples already in the watch)
Innate Understanding (the watch grants ben full knowledge of every ability his new form is able to use, and how to use it, upon transformation)
Indomitable will (willing to die for his universe, unbreakable sense of self, mind is unwaveringly strong)
Ben's Weaknesses
Human reaction time (until he transforms, he is limited to human thought speed and human reflexes)
Watch cannot simulate time or experience (he is limited to the experience he has with a form, and will only be able to use abilities an "adult" specimen would be able to use, so species with abilities that come in old age will be unavailable)
This one is tricky. Are Ghosts a species, or a state of being? Is Danny a genetic hybrid, or a being between life and death? We'll look to the canon of the show for that answer: Ghosts are a species AND a state of being. Some ghosts (Desiree, Poindexter, and Ember as examples) were once human and, upon death, became spirits in the Ghost Zone with powers reflecting aspects of their human lives. Meanwhile, other ghosts (such as Clockwork, Undergrowth, and Nocturn) were never human and are extra-dimensional beings that have never existed as humans. Danny is unique: He is both Ghost AND Human. There are fan jokes that he's a corpse possessed by his own ghost, but the canon of the show states that he is a human whose DNA has been combined with ectoplasm, resulting in a Halfa. It's also been stated by the creators that Halfas are so rare because not everyone exposed the way Danny and Vlad were can become Halfas: most simply die. Danny and Vlad's DNA simply mixed perfectly with the ecto-energy. Now with that established, we come to this conclusion: the omnitrix CAN scan Danny, and it CAN add "Halfa" to it's arsenal. It would NOT be able to add Ghost to the list because Danny is, biologically, NOT a ghost. Regardless of which form it scans him in, it would get Halfa DNA because Halfa DNA is different from Ghost DNA.
However, Ben would NOT have a large list of powers to draw on. As most Ghosts have varying powers, Ben's Halfa form would have the typical ones (intangibility,spectral body manipulation, flight, invisibility, telekinesis, ghost rays, etc) but there's one fact to consider: the omnitrix cannot simulate experience, and Danny has more of it.
Halfas gain new powers, and their current powers grow in strength, with EXPERIENCE, not age. The omnitrix cannot simulate that. It could create an Ultimate Halfa (which may have more powers and much stronger base powers) but it would not give it the powers that only come with experience. He would not have the Ghostly Wail, the Technomancy, the Duplication, or any of the other powers that are born from experience and powerful emotion. The watch can't give those by default: only experience and circumstance can. And we've seen Danny manipulate other intangible things, meaning even intangible, Ben would not be safe from Danny's physical attacks. Now for the fight...
The failsafe is instant, which means if Danny tried the trick he used to beat Goku (intangible, grab lungs, pull, profit), Ben would simply be transformed into an alien that either heals fast enough to survive it OR he would be transformed into a species that does not adhere to typical biology (Ghostfreak, Alien X, Upgrade, etc) So Danny couldn't simply kill Ben, it wouldn't be that easy. Even if it were, Alien X makes it effectively impossible. This, my friends, is where Danny's Technomancy comes in. No matter what form Ben is in, no matter if he scans Danny or not, the omnitrix is ever-present as a mechanical device on his person. Danny can Overshadow people AND technology, and while Ben may be immune to Overshadowing due to his unbendable will, the omnitrix is not. Danny, upon Overshadowing the omnitrix (again, regardless of Bens' current form) could unbond it from Ben, leaving him entirely human and completely vulnerable. And given none of Ben's forms have the ability to see true invisibility like Danny's (save for those with infrared vision) he would never even know Danny was up to anything until it already happened. At that point it's as simple a matter as the Goku trick, or even simpler, a ghost ray to Ben's head or chest, carrying him high and dropping him, the Ghostly Wail, or any other of Danny's countless ways of killing regular humans.
Conclusion: Ben has a few ways of stopping Danny (Alien X, Ghostfreak, some of his energy-manipulators, etc) but none of them mean anything if Danny Overshadows the Omnitrix and unbonds it from Ben. A very simple trick, one Danny is more than capable of, and one Ben would not have time to react to unless he was in one of his faster-thinking forms such as XLR8 or Greymatter. Once removing the watch is done, Danny wins as easily as he would against any regular human.
Sun Wukong
Ooookay, this one is a DIFFICULT fight. I'm using classic Wukong, not westernized Wukong. Classic Wukong is...terrifying. Let's go over his powers and abilities. I'm using his most powerful version BEFORE his attainment of buddha-hood due to the fact that obtaining buddha-hood makes one completely and entirely above all things, leaving one truly invincible, invulnerable, indestructible, and incapable of anything in between.
Taoist immortal (age has no bearing on him, even should his body decay and become old, he will never become frail or weak due to age)
72 Transformations (can shapeshift into various forms as the situation demands, anything from a tiny golden cicada all the way to a massive and powerful elephant, and everything in-between such as tigers, rhinos, and more. For each transformation mastered, one gains an additional life, meaning should Wukong die through some method, he will be born again until his 72 lives are gone)
Superhuman agility (martial arts training coupled with his monkey instincts leave him with a level of agility impossible for humans)
Cloning (can create perfect clones of himself from the hairs on his body. Each clone is equally as powerful as the original, and can in turn create clones of themselves. Each clone holds the full powerset of the original, and can be dispelled by the original at will)
Universe-level strength (the Dragon Gods, the ones responsible for creating the universe and capable of creating infinite realms, were afraid of his raw strength)
Cosmic speed (Traveled from one end of the universe to the other with a single leap in mere seconds)
Universe-level durability (able to endure strikes from the Dragon Gods themselves)
Infinite Stamina (never tires, never feels fatigue or exhaustion)
Super-intelligent (mastered virtually every martial art, trained by the supreme Taoist sage for 20 years, learning and mastering techniques and lessons that take most hundreds or thousands of years in a mere 2 decades)
Spiritual Immortality (erased his name from the Book of the Living and Dead to ensure he could not die)
Limb multiplication (can create additional limbs at will, up to at least 1,000)
Body Freezing Spell (Can cause lower-ranking demons, humans, and monsters to freeze in place with a gesture and a single word)
Water Avoidance Charm (Can survive in deep water without breathing, but prevents flight)
Fire Avoidance Charm (can survive in any flame, no matter how hot or intense it may be)
Protective Circle (can create a magical ward of protection. Any inside the circle are protected from ALL harm)
Fiery Golden Eyes (Can see over 300 miles during the day, and almost 200 at night, as well as being able to see through any and all illusion, disguise, or transformation)
Riyu Jingu Bang Mastery (ornate gold and red quarterstaff that can extend or shrink as much as the user wishes. It weighs roughly 17,500 pounds regardless of form. When creating clones, the Riyu Jingu Bang also multiplies so each clone bears one of their own)
Cloud-walking boots (allow him to walk on clouds, integral in his use of the Cloud Somersault which allows him to cover great distances in the blink of an eye)
And his weaknesses....
Complete Goofball (incapable of taking a fight seriously. Even in his darkest moments, Sun Wukong has never given his opponent the benefit of a serious battle. He may not always joke, he may not always smile, but he NEVER takes a fight seriously and will use every opportunity to play with his enemy. Whether as a method of distraction, an attempt to make them drop their guard, or simply out of a love of fun, he never takes a fight seriously)
That's it, that's the list.
So here's the thing...Danny CAN'T kill Sun Wukong. His name is removed from the Book of the Living and Dead. He's got 72 rebirths. He's biologically immortal. His durability, strength, and power are unmatched by any being in all of fiction or reality, except for the Buddha. But what Danny CAN do is defeat him. How? Well, it's not easy, but this is how I think he'd do it.
Wukong loves to play. Danny is pretty quick on the catch so it wouldn't take him long to figure that out, and given his own love of not taking people seriously, the two would have a pretty even match as far as jokes and japes go. And Sun Wukong HATES to lose. All Danny has to do to defeat Sun Wukong is play on his hatred of losing and his refusal to take anything seriously. Danny leads Sun Wukong to the nearest portal to the Ghost Zone and tricks him into going into it with him (VERY easy for Sun Wukong to be tricked through deception, he's a fast learner but he's not that wise). Sun Wukong, now in the Ghost Zone, is limited to only being able to get out through one of the portals. Danny simply tricks Sun Wukong into staying for a moment (Sun loves games, Danny could suggest a race to the end of the Ghost Zone and ask for a ten second head start "to make it fair, since [Sun] is so much faster...Unless [Sun] is afraid he'll lose." Sun's competitive nature would rise, he would agree to the head start, Danny would have plenty of time to leave through the portal they came in from and use the Fenton Thermos to close it (Reverse Polarity seals and closes portals after all) behind him, thereby trapping Sun Wukong in the Ghost Zone forever. Sun wouldn't know how to navigate the Zone, and his magic and equipment will do nothing to help him escape. He would be stuck until he could find another portal, and he would only start looking AFTER winning/losing the race, because he would spend the entire time trying to "catch up" to Danny. Eventually he may get bored or give up, but he still wouldn't even know what he was looking for as far as getting out of the GZ. Conclusion: While Danny can't KILL Sun Wukong, he could still defeat him through deception and clever use of the Ghost Zone. Given Danny's strategic mind and the fact he's been fighting "unbeatable" threats for years, it's no stretch to believe he would figure out pretty quickly he needs to trap Wukong rather than try and beat him in a fight.
I do truly believe Danny Phantom wins against almost any opponent, and the big three badasses of fiction are no exception. That said, if you see an issue in my logic or can think of a reason he wouldn't be able to beat them, PLEASE let me know. I love discussion and if you change my mind I'll be all the happier for it. Again, I know this isn't my usual content, but I needed to get this out of my system cause I'm rewatching the show and it's got me kinda hyperfixated, ha.
Anyway, later guys! New Relan post coming soon, next one is about the countries!
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thevividgreenmoss · 11 months
How can a person make up for seven decades of misrepresentation and willful distortion in the time allotted to a sound bite? How can you explain that the Israeli occupation doesn’t have to resort to explosions—or even bullets and machine-guns—to kill? That occupation and apartheid structure and saturate the everyday life of every Palestinian? That the results are literally murderous even when no shots are fired? Cancer patients in Gaza are cut off from life-saving treatments.2 Babies whose mothers are denied passage by Israeli troops are born in the mud by the side of the road at Israeli military checkpoints. Between 2000 and 2004, at the peak of the Israeli roadblock-and-checkpoint regime in the West Bank (which has been reimposed with a vengeance), sixty-one Palestinian women gave birth this way; thirty-six of those babies died as a result.3That never constituted news in the Western world. Those weren’t losses to be mourned. They were, at most, statistics.
What we are not allowed to say, as Palestinians speaking to the Western media, is that all life is equally valuable. That no event takes place in a vacuum. That history didn’t start on October 7, 2023, and if you place what’s happening in the wider historical context of colonialism and anticolonial resistance, what’s most remarkable is that anyone in 2023 should be still surprised that conditions of absolute violence, domination, suffocation, and control produce appalling violence in turn. During the Haitian revolution in the early 19th century, former slaves massacred white settler men, women, and children. During Nat Turner’s revolt in 1831, insurgent slaves massacred white men, women, and children. During the Indian uprising of 1857, Indian rebels massacred English men, women, and children. During the Mau Mau uprising of the 1950s, Kenyan rebels massacred settler men, women, and children. At Oran in 1962, Algerian revolutionaries massacred French men, women, and children. Why should anyone expect Palestinians—or anyone else—to be different?
...AT ANY MOMENT, without warning, at any time of the day or night, any apartment building in the densely populated Gaza Strip can be struck by an Israeli bomb or missile. Some of the stricken buildings simply collapse into layers of concrete pancakes, the dead and the living alike entombed in the shattered ruins. Often, rescuers shouting “hadan sami’ana?” (“can anyone hear us?”) hear calls for help from survivors deep in the rubble, but without heavy lifting equipment all they can do is helplessly scrabble at the concrete slabs with crowbars or their bare hands, hoping against hope to pry open gaps wide enough to get survivors or the injured out. Some buildings are struck with such heavy bombs that the ensuing fireballs shower body parts and sometimes whole charred bodies—usually, because of their small size, those of children—over surrounding neighborhoods. Phosphorus shells, primed by Israeli gunners to detonate with airburst proximity fuses so that incendiary particles rain down over as wide an area as possible, set fire to anything flammable, including furniture, clothing, and human bodies. Phosphorus is pyrophoric—it will burn as long as it has access to air and basically can’t be extinguished. If it makes contact with a human body it has to be dug out by scalpel and will keep burning into the flesh until it’s extracted.
...In 2018, the United Nations warned that Gaza—its basic infrastructure of electricity, water, and sewage systems smashed over years of Israeli incursions and bombings, leaving 95 percent of the population without ready access to fresh drinking water—would be “unlivable” by 2020. It’s now 2023, and the entire territory, cut off from the outside world, is without any access to food, water, medical supplies, fuel and electricity, all while under continuous bombardment from land, sea, and air.5 “Attacks against civilian infrastructure, especially electricity, are war crimes,” pointed out Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission. “Cutting off men, women, children [from] water, electricity and heating with winter coming,” she continued—“these are acts of pure terror.” Von der Leyen is right, of course, but in this instance she was referring to Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure. As for Israel’s attacks on Gaza’s infrastructure, Von der Leyen says that Israel has the right to defend itself.
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sadia6 · 7 months
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Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to Stats Equalized!
The show where we equalize strength, speed, and durability to decide who would win a battle of hax, skill, and versatility.
This Month's Fighters...
Isaac Clarke vs Jacob Lee!
No Restrictions.
Jackb has his Final Transmission weapons
The illegal cargo that Jacob was smuggling to Callisto included detailed instructions on how to construct a Necromorph Marker. This results in Isaac tracking him to Black Iron prison to kill him and destroy the Marker's instructions.
Analysis: Isaac
I feel like every job becomes a lot cooler when you do them in Space. Tax Accountant... IN SPACE! Retail Worker... IN SPACE! Maintenance Engineer... IN SPACE! Sure, there's an increased chance that you might get devoured by a bloodthirsty hive mind that's hellbent on devouring all life in the galaxy, but for some unlucky space engineers, that's just an occupational hazard.
Meet Isaac Clarke, a lowly systems engineer employeed by the Concordance Extraction Corporation who gets called in to repair the "planet cracker" USG Ishimura when they send out a distress signal. Rather than, say, a broken antenna or an overloaded reactor core, the Ishimura has come down with a rather more unusual case of man eating space monsters.
Meet the Necromorphs, undead hive mind abominations intent on devouring, assimilating, or just out right killing all life that isn't them. They're none too picky with how they kill you and none too picky with what you do to them. They just don't die no matter what you do to them. Blow their heads off, cut them in half, pump them full of lead, it doesn’t matter. They will rush you down with zero hesitation regardless. And what's worse that they can get humans to do their job for them, using their "Markers" to not only organize the Necromorphs like one organize, but also corrupt the minds of humans into forming an cult around the Necromorphs, serving the Marker's whims.
Luckily for Isaac, he's a bit of a master of improvised weaponry, meaning he has all the tools he needs to clear these Markers out. Firstly, he's decked out head to toe in a fancy RIG suit. This Resource Integration Gear comes equipped with all the tools necessary to help its user survive on the job hazards, even if Space Aliens probably weren't what the makers had in mind for it. His RIG suit can vacuum seal when exposed to suboptimal breathing conditions, be that poisonous gas or the vacuum of space, forcing Isaac to rely on an internal oxygen supply. However, this supply is limited and only lasts for about a minute and a half. Furthermore, his RIG is equipped with thrusters that allow to freely fly around in zero g or low g environments like Iron Man.... IN SPACE! ...Ahem. Sorry. I'll stop.
Furthermore, his suit can come equipped with several Modules that can modify its performance and abilities. The Kinesis Module can allow him to telekinetically lift and throw heavy objects from several meters away with just the wave of his hand, while the Stasis Module temporarily slows down time for whatever object he waves his hand at, allowing him to dodge super fast projectiles, freeze enemies in place, or catch Necromorphs that are glitching through time thanks to their damages Stasis RIGs.
In terms of fire arms, Isaac has fire power to spare. His improvised plasma cutter, original designed to cut up large boulders, is equipped with a rotating blade, allowing for long horizontal and diagonal shots that are just perfect for cutting the limbs off Necromorphs. Even if you can't kill them, they can't chase you down without limbs.
The pulse rifle is a powerful motorized gun with a secondary fire the shoots bullets in a 360 degree radius, while the Disc Ripper shoots out a powerful romote control buzz saw that cuts through anything in its path, with a secondary fire that makes the spinning blades bounce all over the damn place. The torch flame thrower spews out fire that burns at 4000 degrees Celsius with a secondary fire that shoots a big napalm grenade, while the Cutter Line Gun is a more powerful Plasma Cutter that shoots out landmines with its secondary fire.
The contact beam is an energy jackhammer meant to blast apart rock that can create shockwaves across the ground to dispatch swarms. The Javelin Gun fires electric titanium spikes that can explode, the Seeker Rifle is a futuristic sniper rifle, and the Force Gun obliterates everything in front of it by firing pure kinetic energy. Finally, the Hand Cannon is a large foam sports hand that kills everything Isaac points at with it. Without exception.
Isaac in an experienced technological genius, capable of throwing together a good chunk of his weapons by himself on the spot. Hell, he's smart enough to build a Marker on his own... while under a Marker's mind control, granted, but still. You can't really hold that against him. As time gas gone on, Isaac has grown more and more resilient to the influence of Markers, capable of resisting their control and effects through sheer will power alone. This is impressive when you realize the Marker's mind control is collectively powerful to formulate one of the most dominant and wide spread religions in human history, with a mental influence that can span planets or even the entire solar system. Moreover, Isaac's suit is resilient against extreme temperatures, radiation, and acid and can pump him full of stimulants to keep him from being drugged unconscious.
One man, one lowly engineer has done what an entire army could not and, by himself, destroyed three Markers over the course of his life. Hell, those first two might as well have happened the exact same day from his perspective. Isaac Clarke, ladies and gentlemen. The man the dead fear.
Analysis: Jacob
Space. The Final Frontier. A place only fit to be explored when all other options are exhausted. When the Earth has no more life left in it and humanity has no other place to go. It is a hellish, lifeless void incapable of even carrying your screams. It is the graveyard of the universe and in no other world is this fact more apparent than the hellish world.... of PUBG.
....What's that? That got retconned? The Callisto Protocol isn't canon to PUBG anymore? Fuck. Alright, fine. In no other universe is this fact more apparent than the hellish world of The Callisto Protocol.
Humanity is struggling to survive in space after all other options have been extinguished and Earth's resources have been used up. Without the means to leave the solar system, crime and poverty are rampant across human society, forcing down on his luck space trader Jacob Lee to turn to some ethically questionable lines of work. He strikes up a deal with the United Jupiter Company to smuggle some illegal cargo to Jupiter's moon Callisto. This results in him getting hijacked by The Outer Way, a terrorist group fighting against the UJC, which then results in him crash landing on Callisto. This gets him thrown into the supermax prison Black Iron for illegal smuggling.
Thankfully, he isn't there long, as a riot begins not long after he's thrown into his cell. Unfortunately, the riot was caused by a zombie outbreak. The warden had discovered a super virus called the Biophage deep within Callisto and, believing it's adaptive properties would allow humans to better survive in space, unleashed the virus on all the inmates and ordered the security drones to kill everyone as a way of testing it. Now, Jacob must desperately fight for his survival in a prison where everyone and everything wants him dead.
Luckily, he stumbles across quite a few useful gadgets while on his way out. His armored space suit allows him survive the hellish conditions of Callisto's surface, where the temperatures can get as low as -139.2 C°. His prison shiv, crowbar, and electric stun baton allow him to pummel the infected up close, even against monsters strong enough to rip off heads, crush skulls, and rip human beings in half. Final Transmission gives him the Kinetic Hanmer, a massive hammer that can store and charge up kinetic energy to make his swings hit even harder. His Hand Cannon is a nifty side arm with an alt fire that fires explosive rounds, while his tactical pistol comes with a burst fire mode. His skunk gun shotgun fires homing rounds, his riot gun shotgun fires explosive rounds, and his assault rife fires smart bullets, advanced homing rounds that can maneuvers themselves around obstacles while tracking down their targets. And each of these guns is powerful enough to pierce the metal alloy of Black Iron's security drones, who are strong enough to effortlessly rip the titanium doors off spaceships. But Jacob's most advanced weapon is his Gravity Restraint Projector, a drvice on his arm that manipulates gravity to allow Jacob to effortlessly lift heavy objects and even people. He can throw you off a cliff or into a wall of spikes with just a wave of his hand.
His arsenal isn't entire good, though. Jacob suffers from what I like to call Gordon Freeman Syndrome, where his perfectly serviceable space suit and armor doesn't have a helmet. Only Jacob's is worse because he DID have a perfectly good helmet, he just took it off for no reason. And secondly, there's the CORE device strapped into the back of his neck. While it does monitor the health status of all prisoners at Black Iron and make him compatible with their Health Injectors, which Jacob can use to rececitate himself even while his heart is stopping, it also exists to monitor his memories. Meaning Jacob is frequently getting flashbacks and suffering from severe hallucinations as a result of his CORE device fucking with his head.
Despite all of that, Jacob is still a survivor. Even as the Biophage zombies evolved to match his tactics, Jacob powered through. Sneaking past blind zombies who had developed echo location and shooting out the weak spots of Zombies who grew hardened skin to resist his bludgeoning. For better and for worse, he's willing to do whatever he has to ensure his own safety. To the point that the breakout at Black Iron was actually his fault, as the illegal cargo he was carrying for the UJC turned out to be the Biophage pathogen. Realizing that he's indirectly killed thousands in his selfishness, Jacob works to undo the harm he's done, working with The Outer Way to reveal the Warden's corruption and ultimately giving his life to ensure the solar system knows about all that happened at Black Iron.
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
What's interesting about the dynamic of this matchup is that their advantages are flipped relative to their gameplay. The gameplay of Dead Space prioritizes keeping your distance and carving Necromorphs to bits before they get you, but here Issac's wide variety of weapons gives him an edge in close quarters combat. Jacob has no counter to something like the flamethrower up close and melee range would make it easier for Isaac to land Stasis on him for an easy win. Meanwhile, the gameplay of Callisto focuses strongly on melee combat, while here Jacob's guns give him an advantage over Clarke at a distance. Especially with homing bullets. And, of course, both have what is essentially sci-fi telekinesis.
However, Issac has a few distinct advantages here that make this his game. While Jacob's weapons are better suited to ranged combat, Issac's wider variety of weapons gives him a lot of answers to Jacob's tricks, leaving Lee struggling to adapt. The Disc Ripper and the Plasma Cutter's give Isaac a control over the environment that Jacob would struggle to adapt to, while the Pulse Rifle's secondary fire makes getting near him a death sentence. And Isaac's just plain and simply smarter and more experienced, with three games of monster killing under his belt to fall back. Jacob is determined, but Isaac's been pushed past the point of madness more than once, and most of his arsenal is stuff he's made himself. Isaac would almost certainly understand how stuff like the Kinetic Hammer works just by seeing Jacob charge it up.
Jacob is a tough bastard to kill, but against someone who's just as tough to out down, but much smarter and more versatile than he is, he can only do so much.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Isaac Clarke!
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supertechengineer · 1 year
The Super Sucker Machine is a heavy-duty industrial vacuum cleaner used to suck up large volumes of solids, liquids, and sludges from a variety of industrial settings. It is an extremely powerful and efficient machine that is used to clean up a range of substances, including oil spills, sewage, and hazardous waste. The machine is particularly useful in environments where traditional cleaning methods are not practical or effective.
The Super Sucker Machine is a self-contained unit that is mounted on a truck or trailer. It consists of a large vacuum pump, a high-pressure water pump, and a storage tank for the collected materials. The machine is typically operated by a crew of two or more people who are trained in the use of the equipment.
One of the key features of the Super Sucker Machine is its powerful vacuum pump. This pump is capable of creating a vacuum that is strong enough to lift heavy materials such as rocks and bricks. It is also capable of sucking up large volumes of liquids and sludges. The pump is driven by a powerful diesel engine that provides the necessary power to operate the machine.
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In addition to the vacuum pump, the Super Sucker Machine also has a high-pressure water pump. This pump is used to spray water onto surfaces to help loosen and remove stubborn materials such as grease and oil. The water pump is also used to clean up spills and to flush out pipes and tanks.
The collected materials are stored in a large tank on the Super Sucker Machine. The tank is designed to hold large volumes of solids, liquids, and sludges. Once the tank is full, the crew can transport it to a disposal site where the materials can be safely disposed of or recycled.
The Super Sucker Machine is used in a variety of industries, including oil and gas, mining, and construction. In the oil and gas industry, the machine is used to clean up oil spills and to remove solids and sludges from storage tanks and pipelines. In the mining industry, the machine is used to clean up tailings ponds and to remove solids and sludges from mining operations. In the construction industry, the machine is used to clean up construction sites and to remove debris from demolition projects.
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home-elevators-canada · 7 months
Five Things to LOVE about a Nibav Home Elevator in Canada
Home elevators are becoming an increasingly popular feature in modern Canadian homes, blending luxury with practicality to enhance the living experience. Among the brands making significant strides in this market, Nibav stands out for its innovative and user-friendly solutions. This article explores five compelling reasons why a Nibav home elevator is a worthy addition to any Canadian household, emphasizing comfort, accessibility, and style.
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Innovative Technology: Nibav home elevators embody cutting-edge technology, offering seamless and efficient operation that sets them apart. With features like vacuum lift technology, Nibav elevators operate more quietly and require less energy compared to traditional hydraulic or cable-driven systems. This innovation is not just about performance but also about promoting environmental sustainability, a value deeply ingrained in the Canadian way of life. The convenience of having a state-of-the-art elevator in your home cannot be overstated, providing a smooth and reliable means of floor-to-floor transportation that is both fast and safe.
Elegant Design Design: is at the heart of Nibav elevators, with each model boasting a sleek and sophisticated appearance that can complement any home decor. Whether your interior design leans towards the contemporary or the classic, Nibav’s range of finishes and styles ensures that your elevator will not just be a convenience but also a statement piece. The glass panels and customizable features allow natural light to permeate the space, making the elevator shaft seem less like a utilitarian necessity and more like a part of your home’s aesthetic charm.
Space Efficiency: One of the standout features of Nibav home elevators is their compact design, making them an ideal choice for homes with limited space. Unlike traditional elevators that require a separate machine room and substantial structural modifications, Nibav residential elevators are designed to fit into existing spaces with minimal intrusion. This is a game-changer for homeowners looking to add an elevator to their property without compromising on living space. The space efficiency of Nibav elevators also means that installation can be completed more quickly and with less structural impact, preserving the integrity and beauty of your home.
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Enhanced Accessibility: Accessibility is a critical consideration in modern home design, and Nibav home elevators address this need beautifully. Whether it’s assisting an elderly family member with mobility challenges or simply making it easier to move heavy items between floors, a Nibav elevator enhances the functionality of your home. This feature not only improves the quality of life for all residents but also increases the property’s value by making it more appealing to a broader range of potential buyers in the future.
Safety and Reliability: Safety is paramount in any home improvement, and Nibav elevators are built with this principle in mind. Equipped with multiple safety features, including emergency stops, battery backup systems, and an in-cabin telephone, Nibav ensures that users are protected at all times. The reliability of these elevators is backed by rigorous testing and certification processes, giving homeowners peace of mind that their elevator meets the highest standards of safety and performance.
Conclusion: A Nibav home elevator is more than just a means of moving between floors; it is a reflection of innovative technology, elegant design, and thoughtful consideration for space efficiency, accessibility, and safety. For Canadian homeowners, investing in a Nibav elevator means not only enhancing the value and functionality of their property but also embracing a lifestyle characterized by comfort, convenience, and style. Whether you are looking to future-proof your home, accommodate the needs of aging relatives, or simply add a touch of luxury to your living space, a Nibav home elevator is an investment worth loving.
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asiya2000 · 1 year
How much does the cost of plastic surgery in Korea?
The cost of plastic surgery in Korea is lesser in comparison to the western countries. However, the cost can vary based on multiple factors, that includes-
Type of the procedure
Patient’s overall health
The area of the hospital or clinic
Hospital room and other facilities
Duration of hospital stay
Any other additional procedures
Experience of your surgeon
Whether the hospital is well-equipped or not
Although the factors like currency exchange, and cheap medical equipment manufacturing costs have a role in lowering overall plastic surgery prices in Korea.
What are the plastic surgery services offered in Korea?
Liposuction- This is a surgical technique that eliminates excess fat from specific parts of the body, allowing us to keep our natural form and contour.
A cannula, a hollow thin tube-like structure implanted deep beneath your skin and connected to a high-pressure vacuum on the other end, helps to'suck' fat from your body.
Breast augmentation - A cosmetic surgical surgery that can help you gain confidence by increasing the size of your breasts. Breast augmentation is often known as mammoplasty or 'boob job.'
Rhinoplasty, also known as a "nose job," is a surgical cosmetic operation that can alter the overall appearance of the nose as well as the facial aesthetic.
It can sometimes aid in the treatment of breathing problems caused by inborn structural defects such as a Deviated Nasal Septum. As a result, it can help to relieve breathing obstructions.
Tummy tucks: If you have excess loose fat below your navel or around your belly button, this surgery is for you.
Korea is known for its plastic surgery. Our experts will assist you and recommend the best method for your needs while staying within your budget.
Apart from these double eyelid surgery (blepharaplasty), hair transplants, breast lifts, facelifts are some of the most commonly performed procedures. continue reading
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