#v. mainverse // supernatural.
aletheialed · 1 day
As Barok walks down the hallway to greet the guest at his door, he wonders if he should once again pray. God has never listened to him before, but if He truly is merciful... right now, Barok is certainly desperate enough to try.
The state he's in now is laughable. After ten long years, he's finally been freed of the Reaper's curse, and the truth about everything has been exposed. It's not like he expected everything to be easy after that... after all, the very truths that freed him have also been unbearably painful ones to accept, and the wounds he bears as a result - both old and new - will take a very long time to heal. He knows that well. But... he wasn't expecting to start losing his sanity after everything was already over.
It feels cruel. And in truth, maybe it's been a long time coming. It's not the first time Barok has worried he might be losing his mind, even then, but this is different to anything he's ever experienced before.
The symptoms of madness plaguing him now are too many to count, but above all else... is the infernal hunger that's consumed him. No matter how much he eats, it feels like it only gets worse by the minute, leaving him practically him a starving man, and frankly - terrified as well. It's a fear he can't even begin to express in words. The fear of dying when he finally found something to live for is already bad enough, but... this fear feels primal, like an instinct he didn't know he had, and sometimes it feels like he's being called to do something unthinkable, something he can't put in words but that fills him with a dread he can't shake off.
What a pitiable sight he must be. Luckily, the intensity of that fear seems to come and go by the moment, and right now, he's managed to make himself at least presentable enough for conversation. While the hunger still burns inside him, he has no choice but to ignore it for the time being - even if that thought alone makes him uncomfortable.
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"Pray forgive the discourtesy of... my late arrival." As Barok greets the guest he's been expecting, Barok gives a slight bow, surprised at just how weary he feels already. Even finding the energy for words is strangely more difficult than it has any right to be. "I trust that there was no danger on your journey?"
@wakiizashi ( plotted starter ! )
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wisheswagered · 9 days
Evelyn's gaze is as sharp as a hawk's as she observes the suspicious man before her. But as sharp as it is, it's also equally as subtle - to the point where an ordinary person might not be able to tell she was studying them at all. Of course, Evelyn gets the impression that this man is far from ordinary...
"Don't you think that outfit you're wearing is taking things a little too far?" She greets him with a somewhat-sarcastic question - the bandages aren't exactly subtle. Still, there's a tension in the room that she's sure both parties are aware of... which is to be expected, when Evelyn still doesn't remember how she ended up in this manor at all.
Is he the culprit, or is he another victim? That's the first thing this "Faro Lady" needs to figure out.
"...Hmm, I suppose that was rather rude of me. Please accept my apologies... and let me ask another question instead. Who might you be?"
@kllsworn ( starter! )
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jxckspxcer · 5 years
Roleplaying Profile Meme:
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple-choice ones, BOLDall that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
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– B A S I C S –
NAME : Murmur ARE YOU OVER 18? Yes / No IS YOUR MUSE? Yes / No / Verse-dependent (mainverse yes).
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi / Yes / Highly / Private
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Somewhat / Mostly / Strictly / (OC)
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gifcons
DO YOU WRITE ON OTHER PLATFORMS? No / Yes (discord, rarely)
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted  / Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow / Slow (3-4 Weeks) / Average (1-2 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days) (depends on the thread but usually v slow lately)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut (on a specific sideblog) / Action / Tragedy (n o than k happy place) / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-Comfort 
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romance / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage / Everything
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? No / Yes (eye ho.rror,, ne.edle,, go.re,, most people tag these)
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry only / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes / I don’t know yet (juya,,, jomi,,,, get away from me).
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? - Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Questioning
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? - Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Grayromanitc / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Polyamorous / Questioning
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions / Slow Burn / Depends on partner & muse
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes (uhgnhg it hurty my soul to rp them really but... i feel toxicity is hard to avoid when ur human so if it happen it happen, ideally it ends resolved tho). 
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes
Tagged by: stoley from @xiaolindude​ Tagging: STEALY STEALY
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🌟 for ick and vali
Send 🌟 and I’ll tell you some verses/AUs I want to write with your muse(s)!
Tumble Into Fairyland- Ick's investigations into the supernatural world have finally bit him in the ass. He's somehow ended up in Vali's world, and he is v overwhelmed and needs a hug and please someone keep him safe. This could be more in line with your mainverse, so Ick and Vali haven't met yet either.
The Dark Timeline- Ickarus woke up memory-less with only the Shadow Prince by his side. But it's not so bad, this twisted reality is safe for things like him and Em. But who's this fairy who keeps visiting... and why is he upset Ickarus doesn't know who he is?
The Light Timeline- As the tech/behind the scenes guy for the Order of the Lion, Ick's gonna want some connections to the supernatural side of the world, and who better than a literal Mothman?
Captured Moth- an AU where Ick works for a secret part of the government to study the unnaturally unknown... and one of the test subjects, number 0144 is a real live fairy who would very much like to GET OUT OF THERE.
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oncetornasunder · 6 years
Bethany Davis verses
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name: Bethany Hope Davis
fc: Anya Taylor-Joy (older fc: Marisa Tomei)
primary fandom: Stranger Things
power(s): pyrokinesis
v;; light ‘em up [mainverse]
This verse follows each season of ST when it airs on Netflix, Beth’s default verse.
v;; my childhood spat back out the monster that you see [hawkins lab verse]
Beth’s childhood in the lab, developing her pyrokinesis, etc.
v;; gonna need a spark to ignite [s1 verse]
Set during S1. Barb is alive for part of it, she and Beth hang out and try to get Nancy to see the light with Steve the Jerk, and the death of Barb shakes Bethany to her core.
v;; be careful making wishes in the dark [s2 verse]
Set during S2. Beth’s hovering protectively over the kiddos and getting a little cheesed off that Steve’s encroaching on her territory of “best babysitter”, still salty at him for what happened the year before. Here she finally meets Eleven again.
v;; i just gotta get you out of the cage [hill house verse]
In the summer of 1992 Bethany is 25 years old, married, and has moved away from Hawkins to Boston, Massachusetts with her spouse. There, Beth sees an ad in the paper looking for a babysitter for a couple with their five children. Beth’s thrilled to go back to something she’d loved so much as a child, and applies for the job. Once she got to the famous Hill House, she felt her stomach drop. This place was crawling with the supernatural, and she hated every bit of it, but the kids... Oh these kids reminded her so much of The Party she couldn’t just leave them. So she took the job, and made a vow that she’d protect these kids with her life if she had to, just as she did in Hawkins with everyone else.
v;; in the end everything collides [hill house verse 2]
26 years after the events of Hill House, Beth has done her best to keep in contact with the Crain children, always making sure they had a way to contact her over the years should they need her, but that sinking feeling she got when she entered Hill House returns one day. So she goes to seek them all out, hoping she can help before it’s too late.
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thecosmicchild-blog · 2 years
old bio
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He’s not exactly noticed, and is definitely a little bit out there, but Stiles Stilinski is a force of nature. Not really a nerd (no, really), not exactly a jock, definitely not a popular kid, he’s never exactly known his place. Sure, his father is the sherriff of Beacon Hills, and by default a well-known and respected man, but Stiles was sort of lost to the hustle and bustle of high school. He’s incredibly smart, but has trouble concentrating–ask any teacher. His laccrosse skills are… sub-par, but he loves it nonetheless. But really, what Stiles is, more than anything, is a friend. He’s loyal to a fault, unwavering, unquestioning. Always the sidekick, never the hero.
Still, underneath the sarcastic exterior is a broken, insecure boy. When he was eleven years old, his mother died of frontotemporal dementia, a disease that eats away at the brain. Stiles was with her when she died; his father was across town holding a dying girl’s hand underneath a car wreck. He knows his mother’s death isn’t his fault, but he can’t help but feel guilty. For being there when his father wasn’t. For not doing enough to save her. For being the next one to go. Frontotemporal dementia is the only type of dementia that can affect teenagers, but that’s not just it. There’s also the werewolves, and the nogitsune.
Stiles never asked to be thrown into a world of chaos and the supernatural; it was thrust upon him. His sophomore year of high school, his best friend, Scott McCall, was bitten by a werewolf. Things got… sort of crazy from that point forward. There were murderous alphas, giant were-lizards, resurrections, dark druids, everything but vampires, really. And there Stiles was through it all, the human in a pack of supernatural creatures. He never wanted the bite, not really, especially not after seeing all of the trouble it had caused, but he couldn’t help but feel cast aside. Scott assumed the role of the hero, the savior, Batman, and Stiles was Robin. Always Robin. For once, he wanted to be more than that.
Then again, he never expected to be the bad guy, either, but that’s exactly what he became. Someway, somehow, a Nogitsune, a dark Kitsune– a Japanese fox spirit–came to possess him. Stiles began losing time, getting trapped in never-ending nightmares. When he woke up, things would be different. People would be hurt, or dead, and he would be responsible. He was chosen as host for a demon, and was once again powerless. When he finally regained control of his body, a version of it, at least, there was only one thing he wanted: to save his friends. No one was going to get hurt because of him, not on his watch.
But he was dying. The Nogitsune was still at large, siphoning energy out of him, a little at a time, creating chaos in its wake. The only way to stop it was to change the host. When Scott bit the Nogitsune, it was finally destructable, for you can’t be a fox and a wolf at the same time. But it wasn’t enough to save Stiles. Perhaps the evil was at bay, but he was still weak, physically and emotionally. His body was brutally damaged, but his mind was worse. He couldn’t be powerless anymore. Intellect can get you far, so very far, but sometimes you need strength, too. Besides, he was a teenager, he wasn’t ready to die so soon. It was Scott’s last resort: to turn his best friend, and his best friend accepted.
They weren’t sure if it would work, he was so weak already, but it did. Stiles reawoke, his eyes glowing a magnificent yellow, an unexpected color after the Nogitsune killed so many people with his hands. But Stiles himself never killed anyone, and as they say, the eyes are a window to the soul. Sure, he was just a beta, nothing compared to Scott’s True Alpha status, but that wasn’t what he wanted. Stiles is okay with being Robin most of the time, so long as he can be Batman now and then.
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{v: the wolf;; mainverse}       After defeating the Nogitsune, Stiles was still dying. In a final attempt to save his best friend, and unable to face another loss, Scott turned him. By sheer willpower, he survived the bite, and reemerged a yellow-eyed beta. After all, Stiles himself never spilled a drop of blood. He is still pretty new to the whole werewolf thing, and doing his best to adjust. He’s relying on Scott more than every to show him the ropes, but, Stiles being Stiles, he’s catching on surprisingly fast.
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xbadusernameherex2 · 4 years
The Virtues
Some of the virtues have Greek Myth mainverses, but I prefer to keep track of them all together!  The Seven Heavenly Virtues in the SPN verse are  associated with @decdly​‘s blog!
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Aidos (Humility)
v: the helpmate of spear-fighting valour
[ Myth Mainverse ]
Aidos was created by Prometheus, the personified spirit of modesty, shame, reverence and respect.  She is a companion of Nemesis and together, they brought a balance to mankind and were the last spirits to leave during the most corrupt age of man.
She now lives on Olympus and rarely comes down, preferring the company of Gods.
v: the golden mean between two vices
[ All of the above, set in the Supernatural world. ] 
When the seven deadly sins came into creation: Aidos, Sophrosyne, and Philophrosyne chose to pull double duty and fill a need to maintain balance.  They became Humility, Temperance, and Gratitude.
Aidos is somewhat of a sister to Pride, who she often spends time with when not performing her duties.
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Caritas (Charity)
v: the golden mean between two vices
Charity came into the world in response to Greed, a need for balance in the universe bringing him to life.  Kind, loving, and generous - he has difficulty even hanging onto something if someone could use something he has.
He has since fallen in love with Greed ( @decdly​ ) and has a child with her, a daughter who seems frighteningly normal considering who her parents are.
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Castitas (Chastity)
v: the golden mean between two vices
Like Charity, Chastity was brought to life in response to Lust being created.  In stark contrast to her counterpart, Chastity has absolutely no desire for intercourse and often spends her time around nuns and priests who have taken vows to her.
She is very fond of her counterpart, all the same - as all of the virtues are in various ways.
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Industria (Diligence)
v: the golden mean between two vices
In a recurring theme among the virtues not of Greek origin, Diligence came to be in response to Sloth’s creation - a balance must be maintained.  The only virtue who is at times, vulnerable to sin, he has been prone to having to hold back anger and wrath. 
He learns from experience, and has a handle on said anger, but it still is very much something he remains aware of.  As for his counterpart, he can be often found helping Sloth with things as he likes to stay busy.
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Patientia (Patience)
v: the golden mean between two vices
Patience is the universe’s answer to Wrath - to maintain the balance between the two.  Calm and even, she is fond of Wrath as is the trend among the virtues and their counterparts.  One will never find her losing her temper and her ability to be patient with everyone knows no bounds.
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Philophrosyne (Gratitude)
v: winning friends begins with friendliness
The daughter of Hephaestus and Aglaea, Philophrosyne was brought into a fairly happy life without much strife in it.  Loved by her parents and her elder sisters, she happily does her duties as the spirit of  friendliness and welcome, often spending time with her great-aunt Hestia.
v: the golden mean between two vices
[ All of the above, in the SPN universe.  She took on the role of Gratitude as a way to bring balance when Envy came into the world. ]
Philophrosyne is very fond of her counterpart, Envy - it’s not uncommon to see her spending time with him as she sees him almost as a little brother.
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Sophrosyne (Temperance)
v: temperance is the flower of old age
The daughter of Erebus and Nyx and a promordial entity, Sophrosyne is the spirit of moderation, self-control, temperance, restraint, and discretion.  She spends her time mostly on Olympus as she left Mankind after being freed from Pandora’s Jar.
v: the golden mean between two vices
[ All of the above, in the SPN Universe.  She took on the role of Temperance as a response to Gluttony coming into the world. ]
Almost sisterly or maternal to Gluttony, Temperance is bemusedly fond of her counterpart.  Visits him when she can, though she has other duties she must perform being from the Greek pantheon.
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victorianpastel · 7 years
Dossier: Damien Bloodmarch
This is the mobile-friendly version of Damien’s about page. You can find a link to the mobile-friendly version of his rules HERE.
——— IMPORTANT NOTE; This blog treats the ‘cult ending’ as canon, which means that supernatural forces exist within the universe, including but not limited to whatever entity is involved with Joseph and the Dover Ghost. Generally speaking, I follow the headcanons on this crafted by neverkncw, who has far more time and patience for that sort of thing than I do. Eventually a post may be drafted detailing what this means for Damien, however for the time being it simply remains an option to be explored.
Name: Damien Allen Bloodmarch Date of Birth: September 14, 1976 Titles/Aliases: “Goth Dad”, “Vampire Dad”, “Count Dad”(once, by Lucien in a good mood) Race: Human/Dad Gender/Orientation: Male/Bisexual Height: 6'1"
Intelligence; Damien Bloodmarch could not lead the life he does if he were not wildly intelligent and able to put that intelligence to good use. While not quite able to afford going to a prominent school, Damien did receive a full ride to a mediocre college, where after attaining his bachelor’s in Information Technology, he went on to gain a master’s degree in the same field. Despite his old-fashioned preferences, computers and other technologies do come easily to Damien, and the man is a sponge for new knowledge. He could easily return to college and gain further degrees(he has considered becoming a history professor), however raising Lucien comes before furthering his own knowledge. Perhaps someday in the future, though, he’ll return to where he’s happiest.
Victorian Trivia; Damien became obsessed with the Victorian era of culture as a young teenager- in the middle of his rebellious and ‘edgy’ phase, as luck would have it. He spent time consuming any form of media pertaining to it, and over time learned to discern the good from the bad, and to integrate it into his life. It began with simple, gentlemanly customs, and a shift in fashion towards more stiff and formal(albeit still very dark) clothing, and continued to grow into changes to his room’s decor to reflect the time with vintage and replica furniture. It was when he was in college, however, still struggling to make friends, that he lost his parents and found true solace in his passions. The Victorian way of handling death, of treating it as a process of mourning and a celebration of the lives of the deceased, aided him greatly when he did not have people he could truly reach out to. After becoming successful in his career, Damien threw himself full force into crafting a life that reflected what he was passionate about, without compromising modern values that he agreed with, and modern conveniences.
Penmanship; Among the skills that Damien has picked up in his quest to recreate the aesthetic of the Victorian gentleman, Damien has developed excellent skills in the lost art of penmanship and calligraphy. He has very steady hands, and can write quite legibly, or quite elaborately. It’s a skill he’s very proud of, and makes use of often by corresponding through letters rather than texts whenever possible.
Performance Arts; A mastery of musical instruments is a hallmark of Victorian high society, and so naturally Damien has aimed to meet this standard. He is a talented singer, and can play the piano and violin, and is in the process of mastering the flute. In addition to this, however, he has also mastered an art one would not immediately recognize- and that is acting. Damien is not nearly as much the confident, Victorian gentleman as he projects, though he strives to be. For the time being it is one of many masks that he wears, one of many layers of performance one must get through before recognizing what’s underneath. There is truth to every act, however, and each act is designed to protect him in its own way. 
Pressure Points
Horror Films; Despite his fascination with death and with ‘darker’ aspects of literature and culture, Damien has little stomach for what we classify as horror and thriller films. It’s not the dark concepts that bother him, but the extreme to which everything is taken. The gore is overdone, and the extensive set up is extremely off-putting for him. He’d much rather be entertained by something pleasant that helps him relax.
Conflicting Identities; Damien is a many-layered man, and because of this, he feels the need to put on a show. Always. Once he has presented himself a certain way, he feels extreme pressure to maintain only that part of himself around others, which forces him to neglect aspects of his own personality.
Acceptance; Because of his conflicting identities, Damien has convinced himself that others will not accept every part of him, only furthering the idea that he must only show the side they have seen, and this is something that was compounded by his wife’s behaviour. There are a few people who have managed to prove him wrong on this front, Mary chief among them, however he remains incredibly wary of showing new sides of himself to people- be they strangers or those he’s known for years.
Personal Connections; Damien is an eccentric man, and he has a tendency to hyper-focus and overshare when it comes to his interests. This can be off-putting, and makes it hard for him to gain close relationships with others and maintain them. this has contributed to his conviction that he will not be accepted for who he is, but it is still something he will tentatively reach out for from time to time.
Damien actually falls in love quite easily- anyone who accepts his eccentricity and his obsessions without hesitation already has a foot in the door. It is because of his tendency to become enamoured early on, and the fact that he has been badly burned by it in the past, that he forces upon himself a very strict need for extended, and generally old fashioned courting times. If Damien takes an interest in someone, he will, with great subtlety, put them through fairly elaborate and subtle tests, probing not only for hints that the feeling may be returned, but far more importantly to ensure that they won’t be another bad decision. 
Because of this, if you want to ship with Damien, you will have to be his friend first. You must build a rapport, and you must prove yourself continually to be a truly accepting person.
Important Links
Biography [coming soon]
On Lucien & Lucien’s Mother [coming soon]
v: Goth Dad | Mainverse 01
v: Bat on the Block | Mainverse 02 (Actually A Vampire Edition)
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irekaerua-blog · 7 years
ofc he isn't all knowing and immortal and all powerful-- but he is still very, very strong compared to the average person. My point is that sometimes he'll probably come off as "above" or act mysteriously or say or do things that seem strange or a little like omnipotent but I promise I will talk to you before hand so we can discuss how far it goes or not at all etc--
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aletheialed · 8 months
Edgeworth doesn't know how Wright does it.
Being a defense attorney is an... utterly thankless job. He's thought to himself on more than one occasion over the past few days that he needs to give Phoenix more credit for everything he does, because he's certainly been seeing him in a new light as of late. It's not like Edgeworth hasn't always been impressed by him, though. To him, Wright is...
...Well. That's a topic for another day. At least Edgeworth's back to acting as a prosecutor again now, and everything's finally settling down. Though whenever he thinks of the danger that Wright was in just a few days ago, almost losing his life... it makes Edgeworth's stomach twist in anxiety, and he can only remind himself that what he should be feeling now isn't fear, but relief.
There is... one other thing, though. Something that's been creeping up on his thoughts, that he's constantly forced to think about even when he desperately wants to pretend it's not there. And that... is the topic of the supernatural. Starting with the moment when he was given the magatama, and ending with him being witness to an honest-to-god spirit channeling... Edgeworth didn't really have the time or opportunity to be shocked back then, but when he thinks about it all now, sometimes it feels like his whole world is being turned upside-down.
Perhaps that's a bit dramatic, but... how else can he describe the feeling of realizing that that everything he thought he knew about the world - how it works, what's possible and impossible - has been a lie? On top of that, it feels like his mind keeps drifting back to the topic even more than it should be, as of late... it's frustrating, and though he won't admit it to himself - there's something more there, too. A kind of fear buried deep inside him. A strange sense of something being unearthed. It's... as if the moment he took that magatama, something awakened inside him that he can't yet understand...
...What ridiculous notions.
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"Wright. You know, you really should be resting." While Edgeworth knows that Phoenix was given the all-clear from the hospital a while back, he can't help but say it anyway. "I've had a hard enough time adjusting myself. You're not still carrying that magatama around, are you?"
@lawbnd ( starter! )
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aletheialed · 6 months
"Umm... Daddy?"
Trucy's expression is the picture of innocence as she stands, hands held carefully behind her back, beaming up at her father with a smile on her face. In other words - she's definitely up to something. She's sure he's very aware of it, too, but it doesn't worry her - after all, Daddy has somewhat of a mischievous streak himself, and she knows that he knows that whatever she's planing is something he'll ultimately be able to handle.
Still, though. That wide smile and those innocent eyes can only speak to one thing - trouble. But it's actually not what one would expect that she wants to talk about today.
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"Are you busy? I have something to show you, you see, and it really can't wait!"
@turnabovt ( starter! )
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wisheswagered · 15 days
"Miss... Journalist."
The tone of Frederick's voice lies somewhere on the line between restraint and suspicion. There may be nothing that suggests that it'll be impossible for him to communicate with Alice honestly... but it's clear that he doesn't trust her - or perhaps there's some other emotion lying under the surface that he's trying to hold back...?
Even so, he makes no moves to leave or attack. With the cane held in his hand and standing tall, there's almost an air of dignity about him, though it's slightly ruined by the obvious heavy shadows under his eyes.
"Good day to you." A simple greeting, well-rehearsed. "...If you're here to listen to me perform, I'm afraid you're a little too late."
@prsonatm ( starter for alice! )
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aletheialed · 7 months
also a current list of ideas for fae!edgeworth, just for fun!
fae can lie, but most people can subconsciously sense when what they say isn't true, and experience feelings of great suspicion/mistrust when they hear a fae lie directly. on the other hand, implying things that aren't true or using indirect meanings/technical half-truths doesn't effect people the same way, so fae have to be very careful with their wording!
on the flipside, fae can tell also sense other people's lies, but can similarly be tricked by exact wording. this also extends to promises - a fae can force a human to keep any vow they make, but they have to fulfill all their promises as well!
in general, fae can sense spiritual and supernatural energies. they're capable of seeing otherwise invisible creatures when shutting their eyes or in darkness. in general, edgeworth in particular has a lot of connections with shadows - he feels more comfortable in them, he can literally "blend" into them and travel through them, and a lot of his abilities are strengthened when he's in darkness.
also, illusions!! edgeworth will eventually be able to create visual illusions, and especially change the way people perceive him in particular. strangely enough, he's actually made very uncomfortable when people see him without any illusions in place, though this is much less the case with those he trusts. being perceived in their "true form" generally is uncomortable for most fae until they learn to adjust to it.
i'll add more with reblogs later, but!! this is what i've got for now! ;www;
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