#➎| v; in the end everything collides [beth hill house verse 2]
oncetornasunder · 6 years
Bethany Davis verses
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name: Bethany Hope Davis
fc: Anya Taylor-Joy (older fc: Marisa Tomei)
primary fandom: Stranger Things
power(s): pyrokinesis
v;; light ‘em up [mainverse]
This verse follows each season of ST when it airs on Netflix, Beth’s default verse.
v;; my childhood spat back out the monster that you see [hawkins lab verse]
Beth’s childhood in the lab, developing her pyrokinesis, etc.
v;; gonna need a spark to ignite [s1 verse]
Set during S1. Barb is alive for part of it, she and Beth hang out and try to get Nancy to see the light with Steve the Jerk, and the death of Barb shakes Bethany to her core.
v;; be careful making wishes in the dark [s2 verse]
Set during S2. Beth’s hovering protectively over the kiddos and getting a little cheesed off that Steve’s encroaching on her territory of “best babysitter”, still salty at him for what happened the year before. Here she finally meets Eleven again.
v;; i just gotta get you out of the cage [hill house verse]
In the summer of 1992 Bethany is 25 years old, married, and has moved away from Hawkins to Boston, Massachusetts with her spouse. There, Beth sees an ad in the paper looking for a babysitter for a couple with their five children. Beth’s thrilled to go back to something she’d loved so much as a child, and applies for the job. Once she got to the famous Hill House, she felt her stomach drop. This place was crawling with the supernatural, and she hated every bit of it, but the kids... Oh these kids reminded her so much of The Party she couldn’t just leave them. So she took the job, and made a vow that she’d protect these kids with her life if she had to, just as she did in Hawkins with everyone else.
v;; in the end everything collides [hill house verse 2]
26 years after the events of Hill House, Beth has done her best to keep in contact with the Crain children, always making sure they had a way to contact her over the years should they need her, but that sinking feeling she got when she entered Hill House returns one day. So she goes to seek them all out, hoping she can help before it’s too late.
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