#v. living on the edge of no control ( SCI FI. )
cryoexorcist · 1 year
new verse drop:
v. living on the edge of no control (SCI FI. )
chongyun, code name demonbane, is part of a mysterious faceless group known as the exorcists. they are well known in the internet sphere for their hacking skills. demonbane is the most infamous one, also calling himself a 'ghost hunter'. chongyun's exceptional at tracing anything online, and has a knack for finding people/bypassing even the toughest of security systems.
in the real world chongyun poses as an ordinary, sby and awkward young man, but online is ruthless and unafraid to tackle anything and anyone.
this is a catch all verse for like scifi/cyberpunk/spy aus, cause it could all fit for each of them.
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Mac and Riley, Just Roommates
Chapter 2
Following Season 4, episode 9
Mac glared fixedly at the numbers again, scrawled in sequence in Russ’s penmanship. Not that he had required them written down. The sequence replays precisely, 44, 8, 2, 12, 11, 75, 7, 31, 51, 77, 2, 11, 38, 53, 51, 77, 2, 11. It was the final communication from Oversight, James Macgyver, his father, with the words “you’ve got that son?” tagged with intention on the end. 
To say that it had been the nastiest two weeks of his life, was well, a gross understatement. One Mac compared to the words written by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, proposing the double helical structure of DNA. Most famous among scientists for its coyness and underestimation and for the significance of its prediction. 
He experienced angst, Codex was real and still out there, his mom had been a DSX agent underwriting a dooms day project, he had a mysterious living aunt bent on murdering ¼ of the world’s population, his father, absent from most of his life was now permanently dead, and with the slam of a button he had chosen a husband and father to die to save a city. 
Elbows stationed on his work bench, Mac rested his hefty head in the palms of his hand. Then vehemently pushes himself back from the bench in a grunt of defeat, his metal stool clanging to the wood floor. He scowled at it, his chest expanding and contracting in patchy breaths. 
“You break it you buy it” Mac overhears alongside him.
Mac guardedly lifts his head, his stare in concentration on Riley’s face. She bestowed him a slight, but deliberate smile, just cresting at the corners of her lips. Mac knew that his hesitancy had been routed in fear, but he immediately treasured it was unnecessary with Riley. Bozer, Matty, Desi and Russ had come at him with sympathy, completely a fitting retort but regrettably not desired and hostile to the blocks of Jenga precariously towered around his emotions. Riley’s approach had mirrored Mac’s instinctive response. From the moment in the war room, in which Mac verbally acknowledging his father was dead  but had believed Mac to be the only one to stop Codex, Riley was steady with “so what are we doing now?” It should not have staggered him, Riley seemed a tuned to what he needed at any given moment, even when he himself was cluelessness. 
Riley sauntered in front of him, bending down to recover the lifeless stool. While doing so, she gives Mac clear vision of her well-proportioned backside. Mac experiences a piercing intake of breath, permitting his eyes to remain a fixed. He had unequivocally not forgotten their exchange that morning, just a few weeks ago, following the evening Riley had moved into his place. At least this reaction to a spectacular view, supported Mac in concluding that despite the trauma of the last weeks that he wasn’t completely dead inside. Overall, he had had zero time to scrutinize what had transpired previous between them.
Riley travels to the other side of the work bench. “Still working out what your dad was trying to communicate?” she questions. Mac nods in affirmation, his brows knit once again into a downward “v” and he repositions his worn-out body on the, now, upright stool opposite her. Mac then spits out the exact words he had used after the viewing his father’s abnormal farewell message, and while his computer famed out “so much for closure”… adding, “he just leaves me a puzzle”   
 “Hey Mac”, Riley starts gradually “I know that your dad often lacked in the father-like department.” Mac approves with a slight snort. “But he was always your dad. And as your dad he believed in you. Even in his last moment or message he trusted you to be the person to figure this out”, Riley pointed directly at the mess of numerals on the page. “You got this Mac” she whispers, the same line as she had stated previously and habitually, in his dire moments. Mac just continuous stares intently at Riley. Riley continues, “but Roomie, you have been at this for days, without sleep or food, you need a break, a distraction”. Mac immediately thinks to open his mouth to protest. Anticipating this Riley, leans gracefully across the work bench and places her index finger to his lips. “Trust me” she begs. 
Her finger was the only point of contact, but it was resting gently it was against Mac’ s lips. Riley was beyond the point of lying to herself, she had experienced agonizing day dreams about Mac’s mouth. Her point of connection registers for her the tiniest explanation of the texture which is warm and firm. Unhurriedly, she allows her finger to drop. Although very pleasing, she is criticizing her own activities given all Mac has experienced the past weeks, telling herself this maybe poor timing. 
Mac clears his voice, “What did you have in mind?”. Riley’s face lights up, as she hears a slight tease in his voice, and sees the smallest of childlike sparkle in his eyes.
“How about heading out, grabbing a slice at the arcade, let me school you again in Ski-ball” Riley jokes. “Davis, you may have schooled me once, but I will knock that Ski-ball crown off your pretty little head” he says in a challenging voice, he pauses “but not in the mood for crowds…”
“So then we’ll stay in… a binge watch of the Fringe?”, she queries. Riley is aware it is one of Mac’s beloved Sci-fi’s. Mac’s grin is genuine. Riley accepts this as confirmation she has nailed her suggestion. She erects her cell from her back pocket, starts dialing “Ill order a greasy wheel, you grab the bubbles”.  
Hours later, they make it to season 3 episode 3, Riley pauses the show seeking explanation, “wait didn’t Milo calculate that Olivia would die in the car chase? Mac nods in agreement, and casually states “spoiler alert, she is from the alternate cosmos, and Peter is going to bang her doppelganger”.  Riley had been mid-glup of her beer, his stark comment shocked her, resulting in the beer spraying from her lips. It covered the coffee table, floor and Mac. She covered her mouth in horror, as Mac’s eye brow’s raised. Unable to contain it, a boisterous laugh rippled from her chest, Mac joined in, his laugh equally animated. 
Riley stands, “I’ll case down a towel from the kitchen”. Mac stands as well, glazing down at the splattering across his t-shirt. Mac reaches his arm behind head to grab his shirt, he whips it off in one fluid motion, as Riley arrives directly in front of him. Riley stares hungrily at the expanse of Mac’s chest, her eyes drifting downward over his chiseled abs and navel sitting just above expertly hung jeans. Mac registers his reactions, feels his chest puff and Riley’s eyes searing a path of heat down his body. He watches as Riley lifts her hand holding a t-towel and touches it to his pectoral. Then the t-towel flitters to the ground. Riley’s finger tips, graze his scar at the top of his chest, he observers her unconsciously but greedily licks her lips. 
Mac starts reciting a few digits of Pi in an attempt to control his own physical reactions. He eyes grow wide as saucers as Riley leans forward to set her mouth to expanse she had been caressing. Her lips pleasantly sting his skin. Mac’s head falls back as a groan escapes. 
They both lift their heads, eyes locked together. In a flash motion, Mac reaches his hand to tangle in Riley hair. He aggressively pulls her face towards him, smashing their lips together. His body feels like an immovable mass, rooted in this position. Mac briefly registers the science behind kissing, his internal monologue acknowledging the field of philematology, the complicated study of kissing. Lips having more nerve ending that any other part of the human body, and when pressed against one another the brain goes into overdrive releasing oxycotin, dopamine and serotoin, direct to the pleasure center of the brain. Riley fragments her lips and sweeps her tongue past Mac’s teeth. This action obliterates every scientific explanation, all Mac could do now is sense and feel. Her cashmere lips continue to shove eagerly against his, while her tongue strokes his with skill. She tastes zesty, subtle notes of tomato sauce and pepperoni. He hears her make quiet mews of pleasure which go straight to his gut, and marks his own moan resonating in his head.  He feels a lust induced haze, anticipation, and desire.
Mac tugs away, only because he necessitates oxygen, his clutch remains impenetrable on the back of her neck. 
Probing her eyes, Mac is able to squeak out, “Riley where is this going?”
Riley smirks with sugar in her grin, “I was banking on your bedroom?”
Mac scenes fissures of electricity shoot into the room. He reaches down lifting Riley under the thighs to straddle his torso, effortlessly, like she is air.  Riley buries her hands in his thick locks messaging his scalp. He walks in long deliberate strides towards his room. He sinks them both, sitting evenly on the bed, Riley still straddling his hips. Hands decisively on his upper body, Riley leads Mac back to lay on the bed, looking at him like a cat downing a canary. It is like a black hole pulling him in, until his gravity is lost under her touch. His solid hands seek out Riley’s hips, fingers skating beneath the edging of her shirt and thumbs making spellbinding circles against her silky abdomen. The blood flowing through his body feels like a jackhammer, as he registers the slow growing tension against the fly of his jeans.  Riley trails him downward, inserting her hands either side of his head, she plasters hot kisses the apex of his erratic pulse and across foundation of his square jaw. 
Mac’s cell phone sings and vibrates from jean pocket muted under Riley’s thigh. The ring tone being “She’s the boss” Mick Jagger hit from 1985, which signals Mac is the Matty. He digs in his pants for the phone, “What is it?” Mac answers, clearly in frustration. Matti’s voices rings out, “Woah Blondie, a reminder of who you are talking too. Get your ass to the Phoenix, you are wheels up in 3, got a lead from the recovered data at the explosions site. “I’ll ring Riley and the rest of the team” Matty ends. Mac, lets out a ragged breath, “no need to call Riles, I will let her know.”
Riley hikes herself off Mac’s body to a standing position at the edge of the bed. Mac perceives that, like him, her breathing remains labored. He rises himself, planting his feet directly in her personal space. Gazing with promise in his voice “Riles, this is not over…”, Riley’s 110 watt smile radiates as she responds, “I’m counting on that boy wonder!”. She swaggers form his bedroom to get ready for the op, offering him a swift wink. 
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roominthecastle · 5 years
Hi Room, What do you think about the finale? Any theorys about why Katarina did that to Red? And what do you think about the Stranger? Thanks!
To me, the finale in general felt okay, which is strangely comforting bc it wasn’t bad. I’m good with an “okay”. “okay” is an improvement (like I still feel TBL is trying while – to use a concurrent example – GOT gave up on itself and its fans spectacularly). There are individual moments that are more than okay to me (DEMBE, the team work, esp Liz & Red, esp esp Liz taking charge and that tiny moment of synchronized tea drinking) and others are less than (e.g. the conclusion to the conspiracy plot is kinda… ?!), but overall I like how S6 played out and my excitement for (lucky number) 7 is intact. Things are in motion and interesting again, and I finally gave myself permission to do a proper, full-scale re-watch during the summer, maybe attempt to chart the timeline, too, which is sth I never expected to consider doing again. I’m even gonna read the comics. In short, this season pulled me back in the Zone.
the rest is behind a cut due to length – @ mobile app users, apologies as always
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Red’s identity, Dom’s story, and Liz’s side of these things
The Stranger: Masha was bound to figure out you aren’t who you say you are. What I can’t figure out is Dom. Why would he tell her all that?Red: In an attempt to help her move on.The Stranger: And she believed him?Red: She did. So much so that she‘s decided it’s safe to bring her daughter home.The Stranger: I know Dom meant well. He shouldn’t have told her that story.
So… having seen this scene, I def have more doubts than before, anon, but I still believe that the gist of the Rassvet story (including Red == Ilya) is true. This is (imo) why Red tells Dom “I know the broad strokes, I know who I am, but I need to hear the details you used to sugarcoat the ugly truth to make it look like a fairytale”, i.e. something that Liz has a tendency to swallow (see changed man!Tim or every paternity test they show her), something she was eager to embrace here, too, despite the obvious holes bc – as she told Ressler – “it is sweet and safe, so I’m gonna overlook things that don’t add up and hope it doesn’t come crashing down on me this time”. But it does. Every time.
Whether we like it or not, this is a consistent trait in Liz, this willingness to settle for a sweet, simple story over the messy, complicated truth even when she has misgivings (see her going at Red in 219, “It wouldn’t kill you to lie just once to make someone feel good.”). She’s not stupid, she’s just scared and unsure, imo (and so is Red but, unfortunately for Liz, being pathologically secretive is still what soothes him). But when there is no sweet story available to make Liz feel good/safe or it’s no longer sustainable, that’s when she grows restless/angry and goes on the offensive until she feels safe again. She did this w/ Tim and then w/ Red, too (she literally locked both of them up to gain control), and both times we can eventually hear her say “I was scared of you but not anymore”, and both times she expresses love for a safe & sweet idea and not the full reality of these men who cannot live up to that idea, so the cycle starts up again (well, not w/ Tim as he is now dead but Red is still in the running.)
It doesn’t really matter if the answer she gets is incomplete or untrue. As long as she can make herself swallow it, as long as it brings a sense of security, she will go for it. Tim played along w/ this and that fantasy bubble collapsed every time. Red never did and never will indulge her w/ sweet delusions but by doing so, he also reduces their “feelgood” time together. He hides behind her father’s identity but for her, he breaks cover repeatedly, which to me further signals that he doesn’t wish to take on the roles associated w/ this identity in her life, which clearly clashes w/ her park bench claim of “this is who you will always be to me”. And given Liz’s track record w/ these self-soothing declarations, I think we will once again see her being contradicted.
Having heard of what’s happened btw her and Red, I think Dom decided to tailor the truth to give them a quick-fix. His story brought a sense of safety/certainty that Liz craves – sth Red refused to offer when he told her he had a secret and he had to keep it and refused to give her any embellished feel-good alternative. But now he is on edge bc some of his secrets have been spilled and it was done in a way that maximizes his discomfort (by making him look like a hero when he considers himself anything but, and, ultimately, by undermining his control over his own “narrative” around Liz). I believe this is part of the reason why he tells Dom that he likely made everything worse by telling her that story.
I hope next season they will be pushed to face more of the actual truth together – in all its ugly, messy glory – about what exactly happened and, more importantly, why. Because we still don’t know much of that. Dom only offered a taste but now Katarina is back to mix some sour to the sweet (I am hungry as I am typing this, can you tell ;)
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The Stranger: well, we barely have anything to go on here but what we have is already intriguing, i.e. he grew up w/ Red, he seems to know Dom and Katarina personally, he seems to have some serious tradecraft background + connections, and he is among the v few who is trusted w/ Red’s secrets, so he is inner inner circle for sure (and he’s played by Brett Cullen, so… yes please). I still think the childhood pledge from the Rassvet story is an element of truth (it just fits our Red way too much + I see it reflected in “Cape May”), so I think these 3 (the Stranger, Red, and Kat) were likely childhood friends and they all picked similar career paths (or it was picked for them), so the Stranger is likely Russian, too.
Katarina continues to puzzle me to no end, I freely admit. And I am enjoying it (for now anyway). The finale offered some really interesting details here, imo, and I think Red’s 2nd meeting w/ the Stranger is the most revealing.
Red tasked his mysterious friend to locate Katarina bc Ressler’s dig for his real identity triggered an active search for her, too. The Stranger finds her and hands Red a picture saying, “It’s her. I’m telling you, Raymond. Paper trails. The passports. The travel. It’s her.” What we can immediately conclude here is that they didn’t even know what Kat looks like now since it’s not the picture the Stranger used to identify her but her signature methods/movements (knowledge of this implies a close working relationship in the past at the v least). And since he doesn’t hand Red the pic to ask him to confirm it’s her but to show him what she looks like now, we can also conclude that Red had no idea what she looks like now, either, which means that he hasn’t seen her for almost 3 decades and, apparently, he would have been fine w/ maintaining this arrangement if it hadn’t been for the security risk Ressler’s digging exposed them to.
This conclusion lines up nicely w/ two (imo very important) things established in previous episodes:
Red’s hallucinations at Cape May – he sees Kat the way she looked in 1991/92. His mind couldn’t conjure her present image bc his last memories of her are almost 30 years old. This in turn implies that the Hobson’s choice event took place around this time, as well, and that was the last time he saw her. It was the last time Dom saw her, too, if what he tells Liz in “Rassvet” – that it was 28 years ago – is true.
Katarina being dead – whatever happened to Kat, her own father considers her as good as dead now. So does Red and Dom blames him for this loss, going as far as saying he killed her.
Dom: These boxes are all I have left of my daughter.
Red: If Katarina were standing here instead of me, if it were she asking you, what would you tell her?Dom: It doesn’t matter because she is not here and she’s not asking.Red: But if you could tell her–Dom: I can’t!
Dom (to Liz): If my Katarina was still here, she would have let me know. [… her mother sent a letter hoping it] would find her alive. I picked it up because I knew it never would.”
Liz: You said the name Masha Rostova had been lost to history until the manhunt. Now it’s out there and someone’s looking for me. It’s my mother.Red: Lizzie, your mother is dead.
Her mother was dying, Kat never showed. Her daughter was being hunted and it was televised globally – Kat never showed. And clearly neither Dom nor Red expected her to as they both seem to consider Katarina dead despite being aware that she is still out there somewhere. Moreover, they both believe that Liz is better off thinking her mother is dead than knowing whatever the truth is (so it cannot be too good). Add to this Red’s latest remark to Liz – “your mother can’t hurt you” – and things truly get weird and interesting. Was Kat subjected to some special session w/ Krilov, too, that somehow “extinguished” parts of her, practically rendering her old self “gone”? This would be my current best guess (just a shot in the dark, really) and I know it’s crude sci-fi territory but this is TBL we’re talking about.
Whatever happened to Kat, Red was involved in it, and we have several remarks to back this up:
“All the money, all the time and effort, all the favors in the world cannot possibly equal what you took away from her.” (Red, 216)
“There was a woman and her child. Both were doomed. Both would die. I could either save one or lose both. I chose the child. It was the worst thing I’ve ever had to do in my life.” (Red, 319)
“I’m not sure Elizabeth will ever be ready to learn what you did to Katarina.” (Dembe, 422)
“[Katarina] is gone because of choices you made.” (Dom, 320)
In “Cape May”, Red hallucinated forgiveness/absolution from Katarina but we don’t know if this is how she actually felt. It could have been just Red trying to make himself feel better about doing what he felt to be necessary. Katarina in the present doesn’t seem to be in a forgiving mood, tho. She clearly expected to be contacted and she clearly considered Red’s presence a threat.
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Red: If Moscow is looking for Katarina, if Agent Ressler’s inquiry has reignited their search…The Stranger: Then I know that could be bad.Red: I want this done before Masha’s daughter comes home.
So… your guess is as good as mine here, anon. All we have for now is a whole lot of vaguing and very little concrete info. I agree, it feels there’s sth more to this but there’s just so little to go on, it could be almost anything. What we can conclude is that the Stranger and Red (and Dom) have stayed away from Katarina for almost 30 years and if it hadn’t been for Moscow’s freshly reignited interest in finding her, this complete lack of contact would have remained. They didn’t even keep direct tabs on her since they had no idea what she looked like or where exactly she was or that she was a threat to Red (otherwise he would have approached her differently, imo).
They clearly do not want Kat to be found – the precise “why” remains to be seen. Red’s first words to her are a warning – “it’s not safe” –, and I think he truly went there to make sure she wouldn’t be scooped up. That was his immediate objective. If she were found, the consequences would reach Liz and Agnes, and heading that threat off is what ultimately motivates Red here (→ “I want this done before Masha’s daughter comes home.”). He didn’t look too enthusiastic to make contact. He didn’t want to, he had to.  And he didn’t tell Liz, which suggests that he wants this separation to remain, which suggests that something is up w/ Katarina that goes beyond the usual “you can’t be in her life bc it’s dangerous” reason. Dom stayed out of Liz’s life, too, for safety reasons yet Red told him to find Liz if anything happened to him. That doesn’t seem to be the case w/ Kat at all. Red himself stayed away from her yet he went to find Dom after Liz “death” and returned several times after that for advice or simply for his company.
The meeting w/ Kat wasn’t a social call and it did not feel like a romantic reunion, either. Red just looked sad and tense to me. And he clearly did not expect to be stabbed, so I don’t think that bit was part of any planned performance. Why he received that treatment is another good question. Kat has clearly come into the possession of some new info that compelled her to go on the offensive. It could be related to their past and that vague remark about what Red did to her OR it is about something more recent that Red wasn’t aware she was aware of?? Right now this moment feels like a convergence of two separate threads: Red came to warn her based on “undisclosed plot point A” and Katarina reacted to him based on “undisclosed plot point B”.
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Oh, I love this song, anon. Antis can keep pointing at that awkward kiss (that he doesn’t even initiate, she keeps pushing her face into his) as evidence of some ~epic romance~ all they want, but once again they fail (and/or refuse) to see things in context and “Cape May” was already pretty clear wrt Red’s feelings, I agree. and the finale lines up w/ it, too, which is nice.
Red hasn’t seen her in 30 years yet he only decided to contact Kat bc her looming exposure threatened Liz and Agnes, and when he is shown a picture of her, this is his reaction:
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Not exactly what I’d expect from a dude in love (even if it were unrequited). He had a way more emotional reaction to Dembe’s return and he only left like a week ago. This is more like how you react when someone shows you photographic evidence of Bigfoot chilling in their hot tub w/ a beer. And now we know Red knew all along that Katarina was alive, so him “designating” Liz as the woman he loves and confessing (several times both to her and others) that without her he has nothing to live for and saying her name as his last word speak volumes already. So if they wanted to sell Red/Kat, they have already undercut themselves on multiple fronts here by giving literally all the romance tropes to Red/Liz. But I don’t believe they are selling R/K, it’s just another smoke screen + Kat is part of a past both Red and Liz have to settle for the sake of their future. And settling the past is always easier and more fruitful to do w/ a living human than w/ a ghost or a hallucination.
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Yeah, I think it’s there to signal that they (Dom and Kat included) go way back and were/are close, like you said. and to indicate shared Russian roots, perhaps. As I said above, I still think Red is Ilya and the Stranger is likely Russian, too, (and so is Dom), so using Liz’s original Russian name makes sense in this context of “Russian togetherness”.
and Red sometimes calls her Masha around Dom, too, bc that’s what Dom calls her bc that’s who she still is to Dom. And I think that’s why Red calls her Elizabeth bc that’s who she is to him, which is a nice little detail further emphasizing that his main/defining connection to her is the present one just as James keeps saying. Or as Red puts it on-screen
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I can def see both sides here, anon, and more. Knowing what we know about Red, both are likely among the multiple reasons that underpin his behavior in this scene. Yes, on the one hand, he was pressed for time and wanted that Kat thing done as soon as possible. On the other, he was also kinda closed-off as if he were trying to hold back emotionally as well as physically, which I think flows from 2 main sources: 1) he feels uncomfortable w/ the labels Liz wants to push on him (ever since the pilot he’s been displaying a preference for “partner” and not “father” and he might be reaching his saturation point) and 2) he is still heartbroken and afraid to put himself out there again w/ Liz after three major betrayals in a row. He’s already had a sort of baseline distress due to how emotionally vulnerable he is to Liz at all times, so after this latest heartbreak I think he is just trying to take things slow, leaving space and time for Liz and himself to figure out a mutually acceptable way to fit together.
She’s been using his heart as a knife block to satisfy her own needs and I think it’s making him less and less willing to force himself into slots that feel uncomfortable to him. She just decided that him playing dad and grandad is what suits him but a week ago she thought life in prison suited him the best. I mean… that’s not how you relationship. At all. Relationships are ongoing negotiations where all involved need to consent to their “roles”. It’s not “I hate you now, so I will put you in prison” and then “I love you now, so stay for dinner”. After everything that’s happened, I am not surprised Red is pushing back a little here for the sake of (what’s left of) his own sanity. He is a deeply flawed, problematique human being but he is still a human being and not a toy.
Liz and Agnes are the most important to him and he would never ever force his preferences on them, I completely agree. But that doesn’t mean Liz should be allowed to force her preferences on him esp when those change so often and so drastically bc she clearly doesn’t know what she really wants from him yet. I think this realization is finally truly dawning on this guilt-ridden, lovesick idiot and that’s part of what we see in this scene, esp in that “I don’t wanna intrude” comment that really does feel like a pointed retreat from her abrupt park bench declaration. But of course there is no negotiation w/o talking and that’s what Liz wanted to do before Red shut her down, so…
bottom line (that’s been the same for 6 years): these 2 need to talk.
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livelivefastfree · 6 years
100% need a masterpost of your fics cause you've been drawing them and I love everything. But recs would be appreciated too!!
ALRIGHTY THEN.  One……VERY large post of my fics and my Motorcity recs, coming up.  ^v^  50+ fics for y’all’s consumption.
Let’s start with my fics, because I know them better, haha.
Save A Horse, Ride A Dragon
One of my fav fics I’ve done to date in any fandom.  Mike is a mercenary dragon trapped in the shape of a human, wandering the Michigan wastes in post-apocalyptic magical America, when he and his Burners get an offer from the mysterious Lord Vanquisher.  T+ at this point for suggestive moments and makeouts. Polyburners/Muckles.  Warnings for the Duke being The Worst, and for Mike being the DUMBEST oblivious thirst-lizard.
The Officer Present//Director Absent series (AKA Live Free and Welcome To The Kane Co Family)
A love letter to the Season 2 that never was, co-written by me and my twin sister toastyhat/HeatedHeadwear!  :D  Live Free chronicles the appearance of a new, menacing super-soldier in Motorcity, the shadowy machinations that led to his appearance and an overarching plan from Kane that could destroy Motorcity–once and for all!!!!!!  Welcome to the Kane Co Family starts shortly after the fallout from the first, with both cities struggling to come to terms with their new reality–but the world is changing and there are new threats on all sides, and if they thought their status quo changed in the first fic, BOY THEY’VE GOT A BIG STORM COMING!! >8Dc  Also Julie punches multiple people and generally kicks ass, it’s fabulousBoth fics are gen, they’re both rated T+ for violence, Evil Science, angst, etc.  Warnings for copious Deluxe worldbuilding, egregious amounts of backstory, a couple OCs I’ve been reliably informed are extremely fun, and chapter titles in the style of anime episode titles, because why not.  :D
Originally created solely to fill a prompt from a sexy prompt generator, this fic and the world it’s set in both spiralled wildly out of control, and a much more plot-heavy sequel is in the works.  Supersynesthesiac follows Mike Chilton, a vigilante superhero in Detroit Of The Future, as he finally meets his elusive, telepathic partner Blonde Thunder under the most dramatic circumstances possible.  Rated M for psychic makeouts, mind-melding and also there’s sex happening, probably.  It’s not nearly as lovingly described as the mind-meld porn going on in the foreground.  Polyburners is happening in the background, but this fic is basically entirely Muckles.  Warnings for Red being awful.
Rest In Pieces (Come Apart)
Mike is getting entirely out of control, and needs to burn off energy before he can get himself (and everybody else) in trouble again.  Fortunately his gang has a Plan.Rated M for sweet, loving and totally relentless polyburners gangbang.  Warnings for everybody being absolute dorks.  Also bondage and edging, if that’s not your thing. UoU
Werewolves Of Detroit
A series of vignettes exploring the world of Mike Chilton, rogue ex-commander werewolf, his vampire best friend, his highly unconventional pack, and the world they live in. EVERY section is illustrated and I’m very proud.Rated T+, mostly gen with mentions of Dutch/Tennie.  Warnings for Kane being a huge bigot, mentions of KaneCo-mandated surgery, and Texas being an asshole about vampires.   
Exposure Therapy 
Mike has a cool idea for a cool present for his cool boyfriend to totally cure Chuck’s fear of going fast in Mutt.  Rated M for dumb, fluffy smut and implied sex toys.  Warnings for unsafe driving practices.
Kiss And Tell
Somebody came into my askbox and suggested polyburners–but the rest of the city doesn’t know that’s their relationship, just that SOME configuration of Burners is together, and it seems to change CONSTANTLY.   Rated T+ for vaguely-implied possible sex at some point off-screen.  Warnings for nothing, this fic is a perfect warm fluffy representation of my poly-burner feelings and I love it.
A little snapshot from an AU I’m not really planning to flesh out–I mostly wanted to capture a certain kind of bittersweet emotional conflict.  Chuck’s doing his best to keep his head down and live through college when a face he hasn’t seen since The Accident shows up at his door.  Vaguely Muckles-ish.  Rated T+ for reference to a nasty car accident and the aftermath, warnings for Kane being, just, Not A Good Dad.  
Override 0
Not exactly an AU, more of a speculative fic about the Burners finding out that Chuck’s enhancements go a lot further than just the weapons systems in his arms.  A realization prompted, of course, by the Duke of Detroit’s thirst for drama.  T+, no pairings.  Warnings for, in the words of AO3′s tag system, “#Loss Of Limbs”, mind control via brain-hacking, and mentions of unethical scientific/surgical procedures.
So Real In The Dark
I challenged myself to write people pining for each other while simultaneously being in a relationship, and a sci-fi AU with an artificial amnesia hookup service turned out to be the solution.  Half a fic about boys being incredibly dumb, and half a fic about trauma, bigotry, coping mechanisms and communication, and how you can love somebody and know them incredibly well and still not really understand them.  Explicit, Muckles, background Dutch/Tennie and Claire/Julie.  Warnings for brief stranger danger, aphrodisiacs, more poor treatment of cyborgs, and emotional gut-punch.
 –Stuff I Post About That Isn’t Posted/Finished Yet–
A universe where the Burners are grown-up villains, and the former villains of the canon series are our new teenage heroes.  They’re dysfunctional and weird, but they’re doing their best to protect the clean, orderly, shining city of Deluxe from the gangs and bots and nasty, climbing bots that Ms. Kane sends up from the city below.  UoU  Likely to be rated T+ if I ever post it. Not much in the way of pairings except Ms. Kane’s right and left-hand man are VERY married and VERY tragic because you know I gotta fit Muckles in there.  
–Collab Fic / Gift Fic–
Chilton 2.0 by me and LaughingStones
The Kane Co. super-soldier program needs a volunteer, and who better to be superhumanly enhanced than the rising star of the Security program, Commander Chilton?  He’d never betray Kane Co, or need to have his brain overridden!  There’s no way this project can possibly go wrong!  Rated M for some pretty fucked-up treatment of cyborgs, and also for sexy future reasons. Warnings for Mike getting really messed up physically, emotionally and psychologically by bad programming and free-will overrides, and also for dumb boys stumbling awkwardly through impromptu sex-ed together.  Muckles.
i’m not the same kid from your memory by roachpatrol and also I helped
Kane Co. captures Chuck and manages to do some nasty shit to his brain before the Burners come and re-capture him.  Chuck does NOT appreciate being held captive by Burner Scum.  Emotions!!! Angst!!!!!  …it’s rated T+ on AO3 but there’s sex so just, be aware of that.  UoU  Muckles!
Experiments In Cross-Species Makeouts by LaughingStones
This one is very hard to explain, because Jem and I like to bounce of each other’s AUs and fics and write derivative fics of fics–there’s an OC in the Live Free/Welcome To The Kane Co Family universe who has what is essentially a nasty brainy kismessisitude/hate-love relationship (not fully explored in the fic, but very fleshed out in my mind, haha) with Chuck.  And this is….those two, but with the races/species from Werewolves of Detroit.  So…supernatural AU Chuck/OC hate-sex.  M, obviously.  Warnings for vampires getting drunk on siren blood and Live Free/WttKCF spoilers.
Recalibration Nation by HeatedHeadwear
!!!! A fic for my picture of Chuck as the Duke’s cyborg bodyguard, because toasty is great.  A+ hurt/comfort and recovery and bittersweet life-goes-on vibe, aslkfjsadf I love it.  T+, no pairings, warnings for anxiety/panic attacks, ear trauma, violence, emotions.
Proper Disposal Of Project Materials by LaughingStones
A scene in Chilton 2.0 I didn’t get to write; Chuck is a Failed Project, and Kane Co. has no used for Failed Projects.  Fortunately, the techs he grew up working with have his back.  T+ for (yet again) unethical treatment of cyborgs.  
Making Friends The Superhero Way by LaughingStones
Set before Supersynesthesiac; Mike’s good at his superhero job, but sometimes everybody needs help.  In this case, help just happens to have cat ears.  Gen, rated G.  Warnings for trouble breathing and also Mike being a doofus.
The Space Shenanigans series by LaughingStones and roachpatrol 
Loosely related to/based on the Forget Me Not, but set much later.  I’m not sure FMN is going to be poly or not, but these fics are inspired-by, so they go in this section. :D  The various sexy shenanigans of space-captain Mike, cyborg Chuck and Julie the terrifying space princess.  M for sexy shenanigans.  Warnings for (acted/fake) dubcon for the benefit of an asshole, and…..just various sexual shenanigans, I would check the warnings on the fics, haha.  :D
–Aaaaaand some non-me recs!–
(((I’m going to have to speed through these a little bit more, but I love them also, this post is just getting VERY long)))
All Steamed Up by Gumbridge 
Gen, G: coffeeshop AU, technically. Chuck would REALLY like a new espresso machine, he has done the MATH, it’s GOOD BUSINESS, MIKE!!!!!
Artificial Nocturne by Icka M. Chif (mischif)
Gen, T+: Mike accidentally trespasses on the territory of a mysterious guy who calls himself “Hound”.  Mike immediately sets about pushing past the emotional barrier of standoffishness and the physical barrier of giant, repurposed KaneCo HOUNDbots, and ends up with two awesome new friends out of the deal.  (The “Chuck is a constantly-terrified badass with an army of bots” AU)
Atlas and Copernicus by charcoalmink
Gen, G: A piece about how Kane can think of Mike and Julie both as his children, but feel so completely different about them.  Hurts so good, ahhh ToT
Behind The Throne by intravenusann
Duke/No. 2, Explicit: Number 2 would never really leave.  But sometimes it’s nice to be reminded why she stays.  
Bittersweet by EnsignCelery
Gen, G: Sometimes they get stressed.  Sometimes you just gotta lie down and cuddle.
Chicken Soup For The Burner Soul by renquise
Gen, G: Mike’s immunity boosters start to wear off and he goes down like a tree.  Good old-fashioned soft sickfic hurt/comfort.
Constantinople And Timbuktu / By(zantine) Any Other Name by (orphan_account)
Mike/Chuck, G: oh my god, this fic is strange to explain but so fun?? Historical AU–Chuck’s an orphan who ended up a body-double for russian royalty in like 1500, until he ends up kind of ambiguously kidnapped by a Tatar horseman who doesn’t speak his language but has a really nice smile and a fun come-and-go family of other riders from other countries.  In the words of the author, “ [the Russian nomad!au] “
Degreaser by Gumbridge
Claire/Julie, T+: Claire can tolerate getting dirty down in Motorcity, but it has to be under the right circumstances. Julie provides those circumstances.
I Thought You Were Dead by Caligraphunky
Gen, G: Jacob thought all the androids he created for KaneCo were scrapped.  But here’s unit CHUCK, back again.
In The Lost Age Where The Jewels Hide by roachpatrol and LaughingStones
Chuck (Lord Vanquisher)/Mike (Smiling Dragon), Explicit:  The LARPing group plays WAY crazier games than Mike is used to, but he could really get used to in-character Never Have I Ever if it always ends with stuff like this.  WOW.  Sex is GREAT.
Loaded Up And Truckin’ by RaccoonDoom 
Gen, T+: Smokey And The Bandit AU–AKA Jacob has a truck and uses it to run illegal goods; Mike and Chuck run interference and keep the cops off his tail.  Trucker AU, heyyyy. :D
Love Free by Prim_the_Amazing 
Multi/Polyburners, G: KaneCo has the algorithms, the expertise, they determine the most perfect possible partner.  So what do you do when the person KaneCo chooses isn’t the person you wanted?
Never Quite Thought We Could Lose It All by LaughingStones
Mike/Chuck, Explicit: It’s not weird for a KaneCo tech to have a huge blank spot in their memory, but it is unusual for one of their childhood friends to show up at their cubicle dressed as a physical relief technician, looking stressed and desperate and acting like Chuck should know him.  Warning for implied/referenced noncon.
The Obligatory Fantasy AU series by LaughingStones 
Mike/Chuck, G/T: Chuck’s a Mage On A Mission, and he’s not going to be derailed by the fact that his bodyguard is definitely a dragon who definitely considers Chuck his beautiful, golden-haired treasure.
our guts can’t be reworked by roachpatrol
Mike/Julie, Chuck/Mike, T+: Mike finds out he’s bisexual in the most confusing possible way: BODY-SWITCHING.  
Pyrrhic Victory by Clementine
Mike/Chuck, G: I live for Mike and Chuck LARPing dramatic emotional scenes and being dumb, dorky boys and that’s what this is, and I LOVE it. 
Quiet by deanon
Mike/Chuck, Explicit:  Mike makes the mistake of wondering about Chuck and sex and being noisy, and get catapulted abruptly into terrible, flustered pining.
Quit or Retry by Caligraphunky
Gen, T+: a really short but really nicely done piece that slowly illuminates more and more of a single scene until you get the full picture.  fear. android Chuck.
Riding Shotgun by Oisiflaneur
Polyburners, T+: I’ve never smoked pot but I’m all for the Burners hanging around being chill and kissing and occasionally also Mike does shotguns and people make out.
rise if you’re sleeping (stay awake) by RaccoonDoom 
Gen, T+: Another cyborg fic, this time about Mike and Chuck and insomnia and nightmares.  Sweet hurt-comfort. UwU
Rule Number Eight by drown (teii) 
Chuck/Texas, Chuck->Mike, T+:  the fic that got me into Chuxas–starting with the aftermath of one-sided Chuck/Mike and chronicling Chuck’s descent into weird, Texas-related madness. 
Scars by corelton
Claire/Julie, G:  Julie’s line of work puts her in enough danger for her to actually have scars, like, old-fashioned scars from actual injuries.  Claire is fascinated by them.
searchlights in the parking lots of hell by roachpatrol
Gen, T+: I don’t know if it sounds like a compliment to say this is one of the most subtly, gorgeously horrifying fics I’ve ever read, but that’s basically how I feel.  Mike is a kid in a cyborg program, and he keeps ending up in sparring matches with the same kid, over and over again; it’s a different kind of unsettling every time.  There’s something about seeing a scenario that’s obviously intensely messed up, through the point of view of a character who thinks it’s normal and good.  It gives it a special, extra punch.  
Sex Level: Texas! by LaughingStones
Texas->Mike, Texas->Burners, Explicit: Texas has some totally cool and sexy thoughts–mostly about Mike.  WHAT?  It’s not like it's weird.   
Spend Life Fighting For Your Sanity by roachpatrol 
Dutch/Tennie, T+: Deluxe has no patience for rebel scum, free-thinkers or artists.  Unfortunately for Dutch’s continued health and well-being, he’s all of those things.  Even if he can’t really remember what he did.  AKA: Deluxe re-captures Dutch and comprehensively fucks him up, but SUCK IT you can’t take away the colors in his SOUL.  
Sprouts by renquise
Gen, G:  a fic about Dutch finding ROTH, and Dutch and Chuck becoming ROTH’s weird programmer dads.  ROTH is adorable and the characterization is great, A++ 
Test Drive by renquise 
Mike/Julie, Explicit: Julie and Mike have a fun adventure in pegging together. 
thursday’s child has far to go (and they go so very, very quickly) by thinkingCAPSLOCK
Gen, G:  Kane loses one child, but at least he still has the other.
Walls Twice As Strong by deanon
Mike/Chuck, T+:  in the words of the original summary: “When Mike and Chuck fight, everybody knows.“ 
We Are Golden by renquise
Polyburners, T+:  Mike kisses everybody, and it’s soft and good and makes my heart feel all happy. 
We Can’t Punch Good: A Love Story by heartsinhay
Dutch/Texas, T+: Texas is pretty sure Dutch has just gotten immune to Texas’s sweet Texas Moves, but that’s okay.  Texas has got more than one trick up his sleeve, and he knows what Dutch likes.  Probably
yellow highway lines (that you’re relying on to lead you home) by renquis
Gen, G:  A delicious exploration of the world that might exist outside the dome, and also THE BURNER ROADTRIP FIC YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR.  The kids take a package from Rayon and go on the road, headed for San Fran come hell or nuclear superstorm.This is one of the first Motorcity fics I read, and It’s a big part of why I started making things for this fandom in the first place. :D  Very recommend, A++
117 notes · View notes
tech-battery · 4 years
I have been a technology cheapskate most of my life. I’ve rarely bought a monitor brand-new; I’m pleased to say I pieced together my current three-screen articulating swing-arm setup primarily from Craigslist and hand-me-downs. But this fall, I had an opportunity to temporarily replace my three aging displays with the most ridiculous, most advanced gaming monitor ever made: the super-ultrawide, super-curved, ultra-high resolution 49-inch Samsung Odyssey G9.
The Samsung Odyssey G9 is a monitor so big, so wide, so curved, it can fill a midsized desk and wrap around your entire field of view. It’s also simply a phenomenal screen: speedy (240Hz, 1ms, G-Sync, and FreeSync 2), high resolution (5120 x 1440-pixel), and bursting with brilliant color thanks to a QLED panel that tops out at an eye-searing 1,000 nits of brightness. I’m not kidding when I say I have to avert my eyes when I launch Destiny 2 in HDR, and I could swear I felt the flames the first few times my Star Wars: Squadrons’ TIE Bomber blasted an X-Wing into oblivion.
As they say on Reddit, I have ascended — and the past few weeks have been a gaming and productivity experience like few I’ve had before.
But gradually, I’ve been coming back down to Earth.
The Odyssey G9 is a showstopper, and I don’t just mean that figuratively: last January, attendees of the world’s biggest technology show were dazzled by its unprecedented curvature and sci-fi inspired frame.
When I put that same monitor on my humble IKEA sit-stand desk, the effect is otherworldly. Compared to my old hodgepodge of screens and rat’s nest of cabling, this G9 looks like a terminal aboard a Star Trek spaceship... even if my physical keyboard and its long braided cable ruin the illusion a bit.
The sheer size of the Odyssey G9 and its broad-shouldered stand do limit your options. I’m lucky that my small-form-factor Ncase M1 can fit behind the screen, and there’s just enough clearance (a little over six inches) for my Audioengine A2+ speakers to fit underneath the monitor at the stand’s highest position. But if I had a bigger PC or bigger speakers, I might have also needed a bigger desk — or else had to use the included 100mm x 100mm VESA adapter to mount the nearly four-feet wide, one-foot deep, 31-pound screen to the wall. My current monitor arms can’t carry nearly that much weight, though you can buy some TV arms that do.
As it is, I’m a fan of the way this monitor brings my whole desk together. Two DisplayPorts and an HDMI 2.0 port let me switch between three video sources easily, including a side-by-side mode which lets me display two at once, effectively giving my PC and game console (or a second computer) each their own 24.5-inch, 2560 x 1440 displays.
There’s also a two-port USB-A 3.0 hub and a 3.5mm audio output, which worked perfectly with my keyboard’s USB and 3.5mm audio passthrough. As you can see from my photos, I can do a lot with only a single visible cable thanks to those ports. And while the narrow V-shaped stand might seem a little minimal for a monitor this hefty, it takes a decent shove to get it to tip forward even at its highest position.
You can adjust the monitor’s settings using a tiny five-way control nub underneath the power LED, and it’s remarkable how much you can tweak — including the ability to crop the entire panel to 4:3, 16:9, or 21:9 aspect ratios instead of stretching out the image. You can effectively have a 27-inch HDR panel for your game console or TV whenever you need. It’s just a shame that the monitor’s biggest benefits don’t necessarily translate to its side-by-side mode, where your 240Hz HDR screen generally becomes a pair of 60Hz SDR ones.
My first big test for Samsung’s Odyssey G9 wasn’t a console or even PC gaming — last month, I co-hosted The Verge’s industry-famous Apple event live blog, capturing every screenshot you saw. I normally run three monitors because I switch tasks like mad, and if there’s a better multitasking test than an Apple event, I haven’t met it yet.
At first, I wasn’t sure this epic screen would work. Most apps and websites aren’t designed to display across the vast expanse of a single 32:9 monitor, so you have to live in windows. I couldn’t simply toss one or two apps onto each monitor like I usually do. But while Samsung doesn’t ship the G9 with any good windowing software and Windows 10’s default Snap is woefully insufficient, Microsoft’s free downloadable FancyZones windowing manager worked wonders.
l built my own set of dedicated snappable spots for the Apple live stream; The Verge’s live-blogging tool; Slack; a browser window to keep track of any Apple press releases that might pop during the show; and even a narrow strip of Windows Explorer so I could see which images I’d already captured and weed them out as necessary. The only other wrinkle was the additional Chrome extension I had to download to ensure YouTube could launch “full screen” in a browser window, instead of taking over my entire ultrawide monitor.
In general, while I did occasionally miss my two vertically oriented monitors for scrolling long webpages, Google Docs, and Tweetdeck, I found the G9’s gigantic horizontal expanse of real estate nearly as effective for most tasks. Where I could only squeeze four narrow columns of Tweetdeck onto my old portrait-orientation screens, the G9 would comfortably fit five, plus a 30-tab web browser, a nice vertical strip of Evernote for note-taking, and our Slack newsroom alongside.
I wouldn’t say it’s better than having three screens for work, but it seems like a sufficient substitute — except maybe that toast notifications now pop up in the corner of my eye where they’re pretty easy to miss. Still, it’s nice not to have to match color, contrast, and brightness across three screens at a time, or adjust how my mouse crosses from one monitor to the next. Having a single, vast, unbroken expanse of real estate that’s always the same distance from my face (as I spin in my chair) is an absolute treat. And while the Odyssey G9’s unprecedented curve does tend to catch ambient light, the matte screen does a great job of diffusing any glare.
The ultrawide aspect ratio didn’t work as well for video as I hoped, though. While you might imagine 32:9 being great for movies, I had a hard time finding anything I could play in ultra high definition that wasn’t 16:9. Most streaming platforms won’t easily let you access their 4K and HDR content on a Windows machine to begin with — YouTube’s the primary exception, though Netflix works if you’ve got a recent Intel processor and use Microsoft Edge or the native app — and you’ll want 4K to take advantage of a screen this high-res and this close to your face. The 4K YouTube videos I played were definitely clearer than 1080p — I could really peep these pixels in Dieter’s iPhone 12 video review. And while standard 16:9, 1080p content does display just fine full-screen with black borders on the sides, it feels like I’m wasting a lot of screen real estate that way. Plus, the blacks are a bit gray, not the deep inky black you’d get from an OLED screen — particularly with HDR on and Samsung’s iffy local dimming enabled.
The first thing you should know about gaming on the Odyssey G9 is that you’ll want a serious graphics card to go with it. Technically, 5120 x 1440 resolution isn’t quite as many pixels as a 3840 x 2160 4K UHD screen... but remember we’re also talking about a monitor that goes up to 240Hz. To properly review the Odyssey G9, I borrowed an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 to get enough horsepower, since my GTX 1080 couldn’t even run games like Death Stranding or Destiny 2 at 60fps smoothly at that resolution.
The second thing you should know about gaming on the Odyssey G9 is that it may not be quite as immersive as you’re imagining.
Don’t get me wrong: having an X-Wing cockpit wrapped all around you is an epic experience, and it feels like a true advantage to be able to use my peripheral vision in competitive shooters like PUBG and CS:GO. But it wasn’t long until I noticed something weird going on.
Look carefully at these images: notice how the sides are warped? Imperial deck officers and Novigrad Temple Guards aren’t generally this pudgy.
I tried game after game after game on the Odyssey G9, digging into my Steam, Epic, and Uplay libraries and tweaking a variety of settings, and this is simply the reality: every 3D game gets warped when you’re viewing it in a 32:9 aspect ratio, and there’s not much you can do about it. Changing your field of view in a game doesn’t get rid of the effect; it simply changes how much of the game world appears in the center of your screen (where things look normal) and at the edges (where they look stretched and zoomed). I actually pulled out a tape measure and checked: video game content that measures 4.75 inches at the center of the display can get stretched to a full 12 inches at the edges.
Now, this isn’t Samsung’s fault; it’s just the way games are built. Most games have a single virtual camera that exists at a single point in space, and while Nvidia once proposed changing that (see link above), the company’s Simultaneous Multi-Projection doesn’t seem to have made it into any of the games I tested. And in games with pre-rendered cutscenes, like Final Fantasy XV, you’ll be watching them at their original aspect ratio.
But before you write off 32:9 ultrawides right now, there are three things I’d like you to consider:
You might get used to it.
It’s not that distracting in some games!
2D games aren’t affected at all.
Let me give you some examples.
CS:GO and PUBG are incredibly competitive, nail-biting games where focus is everything, where you always need to have your gun at the ready and be scanning for any sign of movement. I don’t have time to turn my head left and right to appreciate the scenery or think about whether it’s warped. The G9 simply gives me enhanced peripheral vision, and it helps — not hurts — that things which appear in the corner of my eye are zoomed in by default. I got used to treating it as my peripheral vision and nothing else. (The 240Hz also comes in pretty handy in games like CS:GO where you can actually hit that frame rate.)
Genshin Impact, Abzû, Rocket League, and BioShock Infinite are games with gorgeous, colorful worlds whose proportions aren’t “normal” to begin with, and I love having them wrapped around me.
In Destiny 2 and XCOM 2, I found I could forgive the warping because of the enhanced field of view and the ability to easily zoom whenever you want. It’s nice to see more of the battlefield at once in XCOM while planning out how my soldiers will move each turn, and it’s pretty cool to aim down the sights in Destiny without the typical claustrophobia that comes with zooming in, since you’re still able to see what’s going on around you.
2D / 2.5D games like Worms W.M.D and Disco Elysium do look fantastic on the G9 — when you can find ones that actually support an ultrawide screen. That’s not a given: I managed to launch Soldat at 5120 x 1440 resolution, but it didn’t stretch across my monitor. Games with fixed widths like Streets of Rage 4 and Hyper Light Drifter won’t either. Even Disco Elysium only offers 21:9 support, not 32:9, unless you apply a hack.
And for every one of the 3D games that worked, I also found a Borderlands 3 or The Witness or Goat of Duty or The Witcher 3 where the warped geometry really bugged me, either because I wanted to sit back and look at the beautiful vista or because the edges of my screen were moving faster than the center.
In games like the hack-and-slash Mordhau or the road-tripping Final Fantasy XV, the distraction can also be when a piece of geometry that’s critical to the game constantly looks wrong. (Your Mordhau sword or axe often extends into the warped area of the screen; the road itself in FFXV looks curved instead of flat!)
Frankly, the most annoying game I played on the Odyssey G9 was figuring out which games would work in the first place. Here, I have to shout out Rock Paper Shotgun’s Katharine Castle, whose brilliant example-filled guide showcases nearly three dozen titles that do work, complete with GIFs so you can see for yourself. But if you’re willing to work at it (and understand the risks), a community at the Widescreen Gaming Forum (WSGF) and PCGamingWiki can help you hack and patch many existing titles to work at 32:9, too.
For instance, I installed a trainer that let me run Death Stranding at full-resolution 32:9, with an infinitely adjustable field of view, instead of the 21:9 that designer Hideo Kojima and company shipped.
Using a common tutorial, I hex-edited my Persona 4 Golden .exe and remarkably wound up playing what was originally a 480p PlayStation 2 game — and later a 720p, 16:9 PlayStation Vita game — at a glorious 3840 x 1080 at 32:9. (I do still need to figure out how to un-stretch the UI.) And there’s an old, unmaintained program called Widescreen Fixer that helped me revisit an old favorite:
I wouldn’t say the community is robust enough that you could necessarily find a fix for any game in your library. But the WSGF does now have a Discord you might want to check out.
The Samsung Odyssey G9 costs $1,479.99 — a premium price for a premium monitor like nothing else on the market. You can find other 49-inch 32:9 panels for less, but none with this combination of resolution, brightness, curvature, and refresh rate. The closest you can come is last year’s $1,200 Samsung CRG9 which maintains the resolution and brightness but with half the refresh rate at 120Hz and a notably less pronounced 1800R curvature — which, I imagine, wouldn’t be as good at giving you convincing peripheral vision in games.
If you’re looking for the ultimate ultrawide, this is currently it. I’m just not convinced that I am, personally, even if I had that much money earmarked for a new screen. For $1,500 and the enormous amount of space the Odyssey G9 consumes, I could buy a 48-inch LG OLED TV instead. I’d get a screen just as gigantic for my multitasking, but taller, with 120Hz G-Sync and FreeSync support, incredibly deep blacks, HDMI 2.1 for variable refresh rate for the PS5 and Xbox Series X, and no need to troubleshoot aspect ratios for my videos and games. Linus Tech Tips has a video that dives deep into the pros and cons of that LG screen, and I came away fairly convinced.
It wouldn’t be the same experience that the G9 offers, of course, and I might regret it if Nvidia and AMD ever dust off Simultaneous Multi-Projection for real. The TV might also cut off access to a large portion of my desk, and I might not be able to place my PC and speakers within easy reach without blocking a bit of the screen. But I’d have a more obviously future-proof setup; an equally, if not more gorgeous image; and a lot less ambient annoyance when I want to game. At the very least, here’s hoping Samsung adds HDMI 2.1 to this epic monitor next year.
0 notes
maciekpro · 5 years
“Apollo 11” goes beyond a child’s dream from thirty years ago
APOLLO 11 - RATE 10/10
One of the first historical facts that I remembered as a child were the words spoken by Neil Armstrong jumping off the lunar lander — it’s a small step for man, but a great leap for humanity.
It was extremely evocative. I was way too young to watch live coverage of the moon landing and — at the end of the eighties in Poland — there were only two channels of national television, so it was rather difficult to come across snapshots from NASA. There was no internet either, so I relied on kid’s imagination.
Over the years, I consumed every film about space, that I could find. Mostly sci-fi of course. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars, Alien, finally Apollo 13. Never did I think that one day I would be able to watch the first moon landing almost one-to-one, in a documentary film made on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission.
Todd Douglas Miller, looking for unpublished shots for his document, has acquired rather extraordinary archival materials from NARA (National Archives and Records Administration). It had beed locked away, untouched for fifty years! 70-mm. large format positives, obtained from 65-mm. negatives using the Todd-AO method.
The technicalities are usually of a minor importance, but are rather crucial in this case. In the 1950s, the United States cinema fought against the popularity of television by flexing its muscles with technological innovations. One of them was a large format positive, 70mm wide. It allowed the recording of a very wide picture and four soundtracks. Let’s leave the sound for a while (I’ll get back to this later).
Dan Rooney, a NARA archivist working with Miller, said during one of the working-talks that there was a certain amount of material from NASA on the large format tape. Miller asked for further information. It turned out that the agency has 165 rolls of 70mm film, of which 61 rolls related to the Apollo 11 mission.
Why did NASA shoot archival materials on a 65-mm. negative, changed in the Todd-AO process to a 70-mm. positive? This was due to a joint project with MGM Studios that unfortunately never did kick off. Despite this, during the documentary shots of the Apollo missions, it was decided to stick to the technology that was used in the implementation of such cinema legends as “The sounds of music”, “Around the World in 80 Days”, “Hello, Dolly!” and “Cleopatra”. Fortunately!
The quality of the 70mm large format positives delighted the creators involved in the project. Add to that modern editing techniques, post-production and color correction and you get an image that will knock your socks off. All this is buttered with the beautiful music of Matt Morton, which perfectly raises the mood (think “Interstellar”, but more classy).
And then there’s the sound. Radio recordings from each of several dozen loops at the Florida Flight Control Center, comms with astronauts in a rocket, comms between the LM lander, lunar orbiter and Earth, conversations on board — roughly ELEVEN THOUSAND OF HOURS OF AUDIO. 458 days! Titanic effort, but it allowed to lead a feature film-like narrative. There are no interviews, no talking heads, there are only a few simple animations describing the subsequent phases of the flight. The whole document is happening here and now, not looking back from the today’s perspective.
The footage taken by the team led by Theo Kamecke are spectacular. Remarkable shots of the Saturn V rocket being rolled on a giant transporter to the Launchpad, phenomenal close-ups of Neil Amstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins wearing space suits — their faces, full of emotions, focused on what they are going to achieve. This is extremely powerful.
Shots showing what was happening outside of NASA buildings are also a great strength of the film. We watch the rocket launch with the spectators onsite. People who came from different states and from abroad to see with their own eyes as the three superheroes are taking off to the moon. Aerial photos show the campers town, followed by close-ups of people in colorful vintage clothes (well, period-adequate really), wearing great hairstyles and fashionable glasses, laden with gadgets like 8 and 16mm movie cameras, telescopes, binoculars, battery operated tourist radios, cameras.
There are caravans, travel chairs, people sleeping in large station wagons, stands with hot dogs and sandwiches, flags. There is a VIP area, NASA officials and presidential officials, a crowd of women in dresses and gentlemen in hats mixes with military uniforms, journalists weighed down by equipment. Few hundreds of shirtless campers crammed into the concrete waterfront parking lot in front of the Pennys store. Grandparents show something to their grandchildren, fathers drink beer while their daughters look through binoculars. For me — a child of Polish martial law — all the damn colorful America of the sixties is there!
And here is the Apollo 11 mission. Seeing the Saturn V rocket standing on jet flames and clearing the tower I was all choked up. I cried with emotion. Such is the power of these images!
Amazing, moving shots from cameras on earth, and then from space. Satisfaction while watching this movie is beyond anything. It is absolutely better than any of my expectations. Better than any CGI in any feature film. Because it is so REAL! Nothing can be compared to that. Nothing in the world.
Emotions when approaching the moon are indescribable. I know they will make it, but when the 1201 and 1202 executive overflow alarms sounds, I’m on the edge of my seat! When Neil switches to manual control, overriding the computer; when the fuel reading is getting lower, and he is still looking for a convenient place to land, I’m on pins and needles. 60 seconds of fuel, 30 seconds, 15 seconds… Delicious sense of relief when they finally landed.
After all, I learned about it as a kid: “on July the 20th 1969, the astronauts of the American mission Apollo 11 landed on the moon surface for the first time” Then, I felt that it was something big. But certainly I had no idea that it was so great! The second time I cry when Amstrong utters his famous words and descends to the surface of the moon. The third I cry time when astronauts return safely to Earth. You may say I’m soft. That may be, but believe me, I got soaked in this movie like in a child’s dream from thirty years ago.
It is a total must-see. Maybe it’s the best movie ever made. Certainly the best in 2019 and the best movie about space in general. Ocasionally there are screenings in cinemas, but you definately can rent it on various streaming platforms. You definately should.
And once you watch it, please visit https://apolloinrealtime.org/11/ and see the study that Ben Feist did for the Apollo 11 mission.
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digital-dragoon · 5 years
what are your top five fave games and why?
this became longer than i thought it would jdxghkj
so here it all is after the cut:
i’d definitely say that panzer dragoon zwei is my top fave game. i started playing zwei when i was little (around six? i think?) and have two different copies which i return to every so often. i love how different it still is to a lot of the other types of games that i play, being that it’s a rail shooter with such an intriguing overarching story written via episodes of stages that alter depending on the pathways you choose. it feels so alive, full of beautiful music, gorgeously generated bgs for it’s time and really intriguing alien-esque designs for the enemies. but that’s... actually not what had the biggest impact on me
what did was what happened depending on what score you get at the end of each episode; the higher the score (from low to perfect accuracy), the higher a chance that your dragon will morph. lagi goes from being this young yearling who is still struggling to fly at the beginning to this absolute flipping powerhouse at the end if you play it right. and you have multiple endings associated with what morph he ends up as too!
it’s just.... such a thought-provoking, immersive and cool journey to go along with. especially as you’re not just watching your dragon grow and become ever more powerful, but watching his rider, and previously, his carer, grow along with him too, developing from an angry, vengeful person into someone who realizes that. their fate, their destiny as a duo is one and the same and it’s not just about his feelings anymore but for the fate of their entire world and the rest of the population, both monsters and humans, that live in it
second to that is panzer dragoon saga. another one i played when i was younger. but, originally, i only had the demo disc, so just... kept repeatedly playing that due to the fucking gorgeous boss battle music at the end of it
this time, it’s the world building that draws me to it. how... everything is so well thought out; from the militaristic stand points of two warring armies, to the struggle of humanity in the face of a post-apocalyptic world and it’s ever more mutated, monstrous inhabitants. the dragon, this time, has ever more of a crucial role, completing his role as a ‘destroyer’ of that which is actually? (not that either army knows this) to save the human race from extinction
again, there’s a lot of cool character development that goes on: from the dragon’s rider edge, to the ‘rival’ azel, who is an android-esque entity known as a drone designed from an ancient age. 
as a game, it not only brings some of the regular mechanics to the table, but also allows you some fun room to do silly little antics like barrel roll through the air when you’re controlling the dragon. it has such a gorgeous soundtrack and subtle little details to the controls, alongside the replay value just... being immense tbh... so this almost joined the top one spot but just managed to miss by a near margin due to zwei being just a bit closer to my heart
okay so. this third spot has a mix of a few different games. most of them horror. there’s resident evil 0 and 1, 4 and also.... eternal darkness! they all have some really cool features that it was hard to decide on one of them! as a kid, i watched my dad play re a Lot, there were some of his fave games and i ended up really attached to them myself
they have a really cool story that pretty much jump-started all of the zombie horror games that came after. i just... find the whole fact that this virus can infect and turn others a really cool concept to bring to the table even now? (and then parasites and also Sci-fi leeches that the t-virus originally came from?? such cool stuff) especially as. you’re playing as some of the survivors. zero has a really cool mechanic that, well, was a tiny bit clunky maybe but fascinated me when i first played it. you get to switch control between rebecca chambers and billy, trying to piece together a series of murders and the secrets behind them. there’s a lot of really cool enemies in that game
and just... re1 and re4 are so Iconic and fun to play. especially the remake of re1  
then there’s spyro 3 taking fourth place! a fun childhood game that really always be in my heart tbh.... i still prefer the original, even as p nicely put together as reignited is. it holds so much charm!! from the colours, to the music, to the fact that you’re picking up dragon eggs that hatch the babs! it has a lot of v cool minigames and then some... super hard ones (looking at u rhynoc ice hockey)
it’s such a fabulous and fun game that i will always end up returning to tbh
and finally.... there’s sa1!! i Love absolutely Love the cinematic opening before you play the game!! just. Oomph that music is so good (and perfect chaos eye just. opening in this cool way?? A+ tbh)
i played it for dreamcast and went on to play it on gamecube. i think... besides the main story and tikal being such a fab and sad character (alongside chaos himself), it also illustrated some things about the other characters you play as. particularly knuckles and tails
honestly though?? one of my main focuses outside of the actual storyline is always gonna be the chao gardens. i couldn’t get enough of them as a kid and still can’t now whenever i play! i just... end up veering back to them over and over again... mainly bc of how cute the chao are? but also how fun it is to raise them and see them change into all of these different forms
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jawblade-a-blog · 8 years
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.   RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !   TAGGED.  by myself   TAGGING.  all y’all lovely people GIMME YOUR IN DEPTH CHARACTER HEADCANONS
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FULL  NAME :   Takashi Shirogane ( 白銀隆 ) NICKNAME :   Shiro AGE :  25 BIRTHDAY :   October 21st ETHNIC  GROUP :  Japanese NATIONALITY :   Japanese-American LANGUAGE / S : English, Japanese, bits of Altean and Galran SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  asexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  aromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   single HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Honshu, Japan CURRENT  HOME :   Castle of Lions PROFESSION :  Black Paladin, leader of Team Voltron
HAIR: deep black and cut short, the sides and back of his head shaved into an undercut. one long patch is left at the front, a forelock that hangs down over his forehead, reaching down just shy of his eyes. while this forelock used to be the same black as the rest of his hair, it’s now white, the colour lost under the severe stress he faced in Galra captivity. EYES :   a dark grey in colour, sometimes looking from a distance to be a deep brown or black. long eyelashes. FACE :  strong, sharp jawline, high cheekbones, long and straight nose, thick eyebrows. LIPS :   average, perhaps leaning on the thin side – often quite dry or cracked. COMPLEXION :  pale, but in a sickly, unnaturally caused kind of way, caused by complete lack of sunlight and possibly other events from his time in captivity. eyes often have dark circles beneath them. BLEMISHES :   none SCARS :  most notably, the lateral scar running across his nose, gained in a gladiator battle. the rest of his body is littered with scars, of all different varieties. large, jagged gashes, thin but deep lines, claw marks, sword slices, burns – just about anything you can think of. the placings are all very random, all clearly gained from battle, some overlapping. none of it is a pretty nor attractive sight, one of the many reasons he always has so much of his body covered. as well, there is a great deal of scarring on the bicep of his right arm, where skin meets the metal of his prosthetic. TATTOOS :  none HEIGHT :   6′2″ WEIGHT :   182 lbs. BUILD :   muscular and fit. chest and arms particularly toned, though his legs aren’t lacking in muscle mass. FEATURES :   Galran cybernetic prosthetic arm. ALLERGIES :   none, as far as he’s aware. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  kind of just how he wakes up. the only hair he really has that can be styled is his forelock, which is generally left alone. USUAL  FACE  LOOK :   clean-shaven. USUAL  CLOTHING :   not a lot of clothing variety in the middle of space. outside of his armour and his usual outfit though, he’d stick to long sleeves. lots of sweaters or shirts with long sleeves. his style always used to be very casual and comfortable.
FEAR / S :   loss of those he cares for. isolation. captivity. the possibility that he might not be a good person, that he’s every bit a monster that the Galra are with everything he’s done and is capable of doing. loss of control. panic attacks. flashbacks. ASPIRATION / S :   defeat Zarkon and free those who have been under his control or enslaved by him. keep the other paladins as innocent as he can/they should be at their ages. keep the other paladins alive and get them all home safely. find and save matt and commander holt. work with keith to develop and show him his capabilities. POSITIVE  TRAITS :   loyal | supportive | patient | reliable | practical | observant | compassionate NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   represses feelings | paranoid | pessimistic | solemn | on occasion can let emotion direct him to reckless action | self-sacrificing MBTI :   DEFENDER ( ISFJ-A ) ZODIAC :   libra TEMPEREMENT :   melancholic SOUL  TYPE / S :    leader, helper, caregiver ANIMALS :   sable VICE  HABIT / S :    jaw clenching, finger tapping, biting the inside of his lip/cheek FAITH :  none GHOSTS ? :   doesn’t believe AFTERLIFE ? :   doesn’t believe REINCARNATION ? :   doesn’t believe ALIENS ? :   i mean. he wishes they weren’t real sometimes. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  vol…tron?? whatever being against zarkon is. EDUCATION  LEVEL :    high. graduated the Galaxy Garrison at the top of his class.
FATHER :    doesn’t really remember or know much about him MOTHER :    deceased. SIBLINGS :   Keith Kogane, adopted brother EXTENDED  FAMILY :   n/a. NAME  MEANING / S :    隆 ( takashi ), meaning “noble, prosperous”;  白銀 ( shirogane ), meaning “silver” HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   n/a.
BOOK :  a brief history of time by stephen hawking MOVIE :   n/a – he needs to pick a new one because all his old favourites are sci-fi and those are a lot less fun after you’ve lived it. 5  SONGS :  n/a ( forgive me, i’ve not settled on his favourite music yet ) DEITY :   n/a HOLIDAY :   new years MONTH :   september SEASON :   autumn PLACE :    his home – the one where he grew up and lived with his mom after moving from japan when he was very young. the home where he watched Keith grow up. WEATHER :   cool, but not cold. sunny, but with clouds in the sky and the chance of rain. SOUND :   wind blowing past leaves in the trees SCENT / S :    rain, freshly dried laundry, mom’s tonkatsu TASTE / S :    subtle flavours, most things fruity FEEL / S :   anything that isn’t metal. soft, anything that screams ‘comfort’ ANIMAL / S :    wolves NUMBER :  11 – his favourite time is 11:11 COLORS :   he’s been rethinking these, since a lot of his favourites now remind him of not so pleasant things these days.
TALENTS :  leadership, knowing the right thing to say in most circumstances, combat – particularly hand to hand, picking up on and memorizing patterns, improvising, observation – particularly of people and their behaviours, ticks, etc. BAD  AT :  handling his own emotions, seeing his own value TURN  ONS :   n/a TURN  OFFS :   n/a HOBBIES :    exercising, sparring, reading, distracting himself from his thoughts and anxieties, avoiding sleep, spending time with those he cares about, cuddling TROPES :   Broken Ace, Awesome by Analysis, Team Dad, I Am a Monster, 100% Adoration Rating, Not So Above it All QUOTES :     “ If you get too worried about what could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great. ” “ Patience yields focus. ”
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   uhhh i mean, since he’s a very main character, i get quite a bit of what i want from canon ngl. buuuut i’d love some full backstory of his life prior to kerberos, plus everything that happened while the galra had him prisoner. Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   oh god, idk. music with deep, heavy lyrics, but ultimately with optimistic messages? Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :    okay so i’m a big red vs. blue fan, and i was seeing all kinds of people talking on tumblr about how shiro is so much like wash, who happens to be my favourite character and my biggest, oldest muse. finally caved and watch voltron, and… shiro ticks like, all of my boxes for a favourite character + character i can relate to on some levels. he’s complex, he’s broken, he struggles a lot internally but holds it together and helps others, he’s team dad, he’s self-sacrificing… i could go on, i really could. Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   oh. uhm. see the answer above. i heard he was v much like wash except more chill and much less jaded, and also who could escape hearing him referred to as ‘space dad’. i’m weak for space/team dads. Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   holy shit nothing. i love him and his strengths and his flaws. Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   mm… we both believe more in others than ourselves, both v supportive of those we care about… there may be more??? but those stick out to me the most. Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :   “Please stop playing on my fears” basically Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :    everyone??? i love getting to explore the older brother/dad dynamic he has with the rest of the paladins, and how it differs between the four. also love the dynamic between enemies, particularly those who put him on edge, or worse. Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :    honestly i tend to wake up with inspiration bc he’s become my strongest muse, right up there with wash, buuuuut rewatching canon, having intense discussions about canon or AUs, and doing character analysis all give me an extra boost of inspiration, for sure. Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :    like half the fucking day, holy shit. granted, my focus is shit and it’s not the only thing i’ve been doing. multitasking.
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sporadicbeepboops · 8 years
20 Games I Loved in 2016
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The Switch delay. Several big AAA duds. Another year without an official Mother 3 U.S. release. 2016 could have been a disappointing year. (Outside of video games, it certainly took its toll.) But at least from my perspective, the good far outweighed the bad. Virtual reality finally made it out of the gates, and despite some hiccups, it shows real promise. Long-delayed games like Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian somehow made it to store shelves AND surpassed expectations. And love it or hate it, Pokémon Go inspired a genuine pop culture craze the likes of which we’ve never seen before, at least as far as games go. I think all of that is worth celebrating.
Before we get to the list, some quick shout-outs and no-brainer caveats…
2016 was not kind to the Wii U, but the 3DS quietly had one of its best years ever. That’s partly reflected here, but I couldn’t make room for Dragon Quest VII, Fire Emblem Fates, BoxBoxBoy!, Metroid Prime: Federation Force and Gotta Protectors, to name a few. Sometimes it felt like Nintendo was just cleaning out its closet — how long ago was DQVII released in Japan? — but we benefited either way.
Overall, I played fewer games this year, but the ones I did play held my interest longer. Thanks to various microtransactions and DLC, 2016 probably hit my wallet just as hard.
What didn’t I play? Stardew Valley, SUPERHOT, Final Fantasy XV (at least past chapter 2), Frog Fractions 2, Hitman — oh, and I didn’t get to stuff from last year like Yakuza 5 or The Witcher 3, either. Yakuza 4 was pretty solid though.
I left off any new ports of games that came out last year or prior, unless there were substantial additions that changed the experience in a meaningful way. That meant The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and Mini Metro weren’t in the running, while Rez Infinite technically was.
Love making lists, hate ranking items in said lists, just because I’m incredibly fickle. There’s a good chance that I’ll want to shuffle everything around the moment I publish this. But my podcasting buddies are counting on me here, so it’s time to be decisive.
Keeping all that in mind, here are the games I really loved in 2016…
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20. The Witness - I’m already cheating because if I’m being honest, I didn’t actually love this game. The Witness takes a couple dozen hours to finish, and I spent at least half of them staring at a notebook, drawing grids, connecting dots, and having no idea how to pave forward. But even if I didn’t love the game, I respect it immensely. I admire Jonathan Blow’s commitment to this singular idea, of taking the kind of puzzle you might see on a restaurant placemat and coming up with every possible permutation of it. And there is of course a “meta” layer on top of that, where solutions to each component change the environment around you — tree top bridges that unfold based on the paths your lines take, or colored glass panels that create new puzzles on top of old ones. It might be cold and off-putting at times, but The Witness is still commendable as the ultimate puzzle box.
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19. SuperHyperCube - I bought into PlayStation VR for games like Rez Infinite and RIGs — big, flashy, “immersive” experiences. And they delivered! I’m a very happy PS VR owner, and I hope Sony builds on its momentum this year. (I’m skeptical, but then being a virtual reality early adopter was always a leap of faith.) However, while I got exactly what I expected from most of the launch titles, it's the simple puzzle game seemingly modeled off of “Brain Wall” that I keep coming back to. I turn on the headset to play Job Simulator or Battlezone, but I always play a couple rounds of SuperHyperCube before I’m done. A solid case for virtual reality not as a thrilling roller coaster, but a hypnotic, relaxing voyage.
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18. Headlander - The best game Double Fine has put out since Iron Brigade. Free-roaming Metroid-style exploration, a perfect 70s-synth sci-fi score and a fun body swapping gimmick at the heart of it all. I wish there were more vessels for your noggin to control, but there’s a strong foundation here. 
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17. Kirby: Planet Robobot - It’s easy to take Kirby games for granted, and that’s especially true of Robobot, which uses the same engine and many of the same powers as the recent Triple Deluxe. What does the former bring to the table then? Smart level designs that take advantage of the new mechs without letting them dominate the action. A novel mechanical world that feels distinct from the typical pastel meadows. New amiibo support. OK, so maybe it doesn’t add that much to the series, but it’s right up there with Super Star anyway. 
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16. Pokkén Tournament - This game is a fresher, more enjoyable fighting game than Street Fighter V. It doesn’t even matter (too much) that the single player is pretty thin or that the roster is small. When’s the last time you played a one-on-one fighting game that felt truly new? Pokkén is a great 3D fighter and a great 2D fighter at the same time, which is no small feat. And it’s also a gorgeously animated recreation of those battles we all imagined happening in our Game Boys 20 years ago.
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15. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - The popular sentiment seems to be that Madagascar is when this final Uncharted entry really takes off. Slow drama and frequent cut scenes give way to island exploration and memorable shootouts. My take? The back half is fun and the epilogue is lovely, but I could spend an entire game in Nathan and Elena’s living room, or hopping around the globe for the next story sequence. Wherever you stand, this is a fine way to close out a reliable series.
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14. Picross 3D: Round 2 - Seven Picross games — eight if you count the Twilight Princess freebie — on the eShop. That’s a lot of a perfectly fine thing. But none of them are Picross 3D. Thankfully, the real deal finally arrived this year, with hundreds of puzzles and a few extra gameplay wrinkles. Worth the premium price tag.
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13. Titanfall 2 - The campaign didn’t need to be good. Multiplayer FPS games live and die by their multiplayer, and many developers seemingly write off the single player experience as an afterthought. That’s why Titanfall 2 is such an unexpected treat. The factory, the time hopping, the airborne carrier — all cleverly designed, with platforming gimmicks that would feel just as suited for a Metroid Prime game. I think the reason the new Mirror’s Edge fell flat for me was that this game featured the same parkour moves in a much more exciting package.
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12. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE - This crossover game is Persona-lite, yes, but I think that sells the characters and world a bit short. While its inspiration focuses on the pressures of being a Japanese high schooler, #FE is all about the Tokyo show biz scene. Pop music, soap operas, microwave cooking shows — it’s all very goofy, but the game still takes its protagonists’ dreams and ambitions seriously. #FE also makes clever use of the Wii U GamePad, turning it into a tablet/social app that helps keeps the conversations going. Even if you’re not into this particular “scene,” #FE may still win you over.
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11. Rhythm Heaven Megamix - I can’t get enough Rhythm Heaven. They could put 20 new musical minigames on a cart annually and it’d make my list every year. Sumo wrestlers, lumberjack bears, monkey slumber parties — all magic.
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10. Severed - A Vita game! It’s great to see DrinkBox Studios stretch beyond sidescrollers with this first person dungeon crawler full of grotesque monsters and creepy, colorful mazes. Swiping and poking on the Vita’s touchscreen feels great. The controls are key to Severed’s success; if battles were menu-driven, the entire game would fall apart. 
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9. Pocket Card Jockey - I hope Nintendo keeps letting Game Freak be this weird. It’s not just that it’s horse racing plus solitaire. It’s your jockey biting the dust and being brought back from the dead to repay his debt to the angels. It’s the brassy, big band score that accompanies every race. It’s horses with luchador masks and cats hanging from their backsides. Pocket Card Jockey is a miracle of localization.
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8. Pokémon Sun - Yes, another Pokémon game. The Alola region is the best thing to ever happen to this series. Previous games had regions based on cities like New York and Paris, but the results always felt half-hearted. In Sun (and Moon), the tropical island setting influences everything from the creatures you catch to the trials you complete. I’ve never demanded a believable world from this series, but that’s kind of what we get here, and it’s terrific.
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7. Inside - This is the type of game where the less you know going in, the better. It’s Limbo — a previous Justin GotY — filtered through a twisted dream logic that I still can’t get out of my head months later. 
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6. Paper Mario: Color Splash - I know you don’t like Sticker Star. Rest assured: that 3DS oddity feels like a rough draft for Color Splash, which improves upon its predecessor in every way. A textured, vibrant world that rivals Tearaway in its papercraft. Thrilling scenarios like a train heist, an underwater game show and the throwback above. Hilarious dialogue that mostly makes up for the many, many identical toads. I miss the liberties Intelligent Systems used to take with the Mushroom Kingdom, but everything else about Color Splash restores this spin-off series to its former glory.
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5. Overcooked - This year’s couch co-op champ. Cooking with a partner is all about communication, and that’s doubly true when the kitchen is split across two flatbed trucks or on an iceberg rocking back and forth. My friends and I love head-to-head games like Smash Bros. and Towerfall, but it’s nice to play a game that’s all about puzzle solving and careful planning together. And I love the wistful stage select music.
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4. Dragon Quest Builders - Minecraft has always fascinated me, but I don’t do well without direction. That’s why I’m so grateful for Dragon Quest Builders, which breaks down the open world construction into small, manageable tasks. I started off just sticking to blueprints and keeping decorations to a minimum; now, I’m spending hours building up towns the way I want them to look, for no other reason than my own personal satisfaction. Even taking the crafting element out of the equation, Builders does a great job of capturing the adventuring spirit of its parent series.
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3. Pokémon Go - I didn’t set out to put THREE Pokémon games on here, and in a vacuum, this is much less satisfying than Pokkén or Sun. But we don’t play video games in a vacuum, and certainly not this one. I played Pokémon Go in Central Park, talking to strangers to find out where the Ivysaur was hiding. Or I played on my lunch breaks, exploring parts of South Street Seaport with coworkers that I had ignored for years. Go’s peak came and went, but it remains one of my fondest experiences of the year.
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2. The Last Guardian - Another game that’s more than the sum of its parts. The Last Guardian is finicky and sometimes frustrating. Trico is hard to climb. The camera doesn’t know what to do when you’re up against the wall. So what? How many games feature a creature this lifelike? He may be an illusion made up of A.I. routines, scripted animations and fur shaders, but all of those elements come together in a uniquely convincing way. His evolution from reluctant ally to friend has a subtlety I’ve never seen before. I’m glad Ueda spends as much time focusing on the inner struggles as he does the external ones. Hope it doesn’t take another decade for his next game.
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1. Overwatch - I didn’t even know what Overwatch was until two weeks before its release, and even then, I didn’t expect much from it. I had played Team Fortress 2 and thought it was just fine. I knew what to expect. Medics, tanks, builders — that sounded familiar to me. But I was so wrong. Overwatch isn’t just a team-based shooter; it’s the superhero team-up game I’ve been longing for since “The Avengers” was in theaters.
All 23 (and counting!) heroes have their superpowers, and all of them have their jobs to do. What really sets Overwatch apart is when these heroes are bouncing off of each other. Any combination of six is going to have its own dynamics. Mei dropping ice walls to give Reinhardt time to recharge his shield. Junkrat dropping traps to help Bastion watch his back. Mercy gliding up to Pharah to give her rockets a little extra punch. Every battle brings new possibilities and strategies to the table. I’ve played over 100(!) hours and feel like there’s still so much to learn.
But it’s not all serious business either. The colorful personalities, animations, costume designs and more do so much to shape the world, even when I know next to nothing about the overall “lore.” Last year, Splatoon felt like the only shooter I’d ever need, but Overwatch has actually managed to supplant it in my heart. That’s something this Nintendo fanboy never thought he’d say. Can’t wait to see how Blizzard builds on their masterpiece in year two.
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cryoexorcist · 10 months
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They ALREADY do independent work, and are quite successful at it. Still, something about this ad is almost tempting. It'd be worth looking into actually. Chongyun could easily find out what the company is, who they work for, and if this is a scam or not.
With a hum, Chongyun settles back in his chair and reads the ad over again, before deciding to comply. At the very least, Chongyun wouldn't be losing a whole lot, the pros to this are far too tempting to pass up.
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So, Chongyun decides to follow the instructions, even finding the very tin needed lying around in a pile of junk! With another hum, Chongyun decides to send it off in the morning, making a mental note of it. But hey, if this isn't a scam, extra money is always a plus.
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vincentbuckles · 6 years
Weekend reading: I shopped til I dropped
What caught my eye this week.
I would have had this post to you much earlier on Friday, but for consumerism. You see I got totally distracted trying to get the best out of my new Sage Barista Express:
Real life: Messy.
Having done a barista training course a few years ago, I improbably fancied myself as pretty hot stuff with a coffee grinder.
I’ve enjoyed flat whites knocked out by a friend on this well-reviewed model many times, too.
But it turns out I didn’t know my friend as well as I thought I did!
I’ve discovered he’s great at making coffee – but perhaps more shockingly that he’s modest about it. (What other talents does he boast, I now wonder? Or rather does he not boast?)
Seriously, I know it takes a while to get the hang of DIY espressos on new kit, so I’m not too perturbed. It’s only eaten a couple of hours so far, and that includes washing the bits and bobs, figuring out how it fitted together, and collecting beans I spilled on the floor.
No, the other reason why I fell behind was because as soon this new toy finally arrived from Amazon, I went out for a three-hour hike around West London.
Did you sign for it, sir?
You see I’ve been in all week waiting for deliveries – and it drives me crazy.
I’m on edge all-day, until the deliveries do (or don’t) arrive.
A laid-back friend who doesn’t understand my hair-trigger control freak personality asked me what the big deal was.
“Imagine waiting all day to be slapped in the face,” I said. “You don’t know when it’s coming, but you will be slapped in the face. That’s me waiting for the door buzzer.”
It’s not even that I can’t do the social interaction bit. It’s worse: I usually talk the delivery person’s ear off. (A common failing among those of us who work from home.)
Rather it’s the waiting and uncertainty that kills me – and the unexpected and unscheduled state change.
Years before the Millennials I kept my mobile on silent always, for the same reason.
A totally unexpected phone call to my mobile feels like being tapped on the shoulder by a suddenly apparating supernatural nosy neighbour. I hate it.
Now at this point you’re either nodding along (a very few of you) or you’re aghast with incomprehension. Which is fine.
(I’ve said before when explaining why I invest actively and nearly everyone reading shouldn’t that I’m wired differently. I didn’t say it was easy!)
Economy class
Anyway, the reason I’m sharing these asides – and the rare from real-life picture above – is to give a quick update on my embrace of consumerism.
The story so far: You’ll remember I bought a flat, I still haven’t written up why, and I set about spending some of my 20-odd years of winnings (well, savings and winnings) to make it fancy.
This got off to a good start. I’ve always loved nice furnishings and so on – from afar. But by the middle of the hot summer I was bored of spending money.
I’d lost enthusiasm, I’d lost my girlfriend (she said she didn’t like my sudden interiors obsession, but perhaps she just didn’t like the sofa I finally selected?), and I’d lost (/spent) more money traded for matter than I’d spent on things in the previous two decades combined.
I didn’t even go crazy! It’s just that living like a graduate student even as your earnings multiply is pretty low-rent.
For most of that long era I used to opine to my more normally spendy friends that buying stuff only produced problems. Which in my experience was almost always true.
Stuff didn’t work, or you had to upgrade something else, or it broke, or you felt guilty, or you had to wait in for days to get it delivered, or you were worried it’d get nicked when finally you did get hold of it – or any one of a dozen other woes that people who buy stuff all the time think is just the way the world is.
Only two things hit the spot for me without fail when I splashed the cash. Black cabs – which I almost never took, and felt so luxurious in those pre-Uber days – and the first beer with two poppadoms and all the sauces and other gubbins.
Obviously I did a gazillion other things over the decades. I didn’t just taxi around London from curry house to curry house! And often it was money well spent.
But never reliably so.
Well, this whole flat buying and furnishing thing has proven my younger self right.
Through the keyhole
Don’t get me wrong. It’s coming along. It looks beautiful, to me if not my ex. I feel lucky to live among all these things I chose in my still-new flat, even knowing luck is only part of it.
But, oh! I guess I secretly thought the universe would notice The Investor Is Finally Throwing Money At The Problem and the rules would change. But they haven’t.
Stuff comes broken. Trades people don’t show up. Some of them are great, but some are – well – yet to find their true calling. Deliveries don’t arrive. I made a final push to finish my flat before Christmas, and caned the Black Friday offers. But only three of the seven resultant purchases that were scheduled for delivery have actually made it here so far. A new record of rubbishness.
Coffee machines are harder to use than you expected. Analine leather sofas stain if you sneeze near them. Complete automatic watering systems require add-ons to water completely. Your boiler is already up for a service – and that’ll be £100+ with VAT please.
I feel sometimes like Robinson Crusoe, finally back on the mainland after a long sabbatical away catching fresh fish with his hands and brushing his teeth with a fragrant root. I can confirm 2018 has a lot of gorgeous stuff on offer – but as we all know it comes at a price and doesn’t really solve anything.
Still happy I did it, but pleased I’m mostly buying things that will last.
Once I’m done the hedonic treadmill is going back into storage!
Note: Yes, it’s an expensive coffee machine (though one of the cheaper good ones). I’ve always liked a few quality things in life, I’ve just tended to get them cheaply. I saved about half my income for 20 years, so while the Frugal Police are welcome to give me a caution, keep in mind that I wrote the (racier) pages of the book you’re throwing at me. And beware Buffett’s Folly…
From Monevator
From the archive-ator: Death, infirmity, and investing – Monevator
Note: Some links are Google search results – in PC/desktop view you can click to read the piece without being a paid subscriber. Try privacy/incognito mode to avoid cookies. Consider subscribing if you read them a lot!1
Here’s how much fund managers are paid [to lose to the market] – Institutional Investor
Houses prices down on fundamentals not Brexit, research suggests – ThisIsMoney
Property slump could cut number of affordable homes built by 25% – Guardian
UK migration: Fewer EU arrivals, but overall figure stays the same – BBC
Do you live in one of the happiest places in the UK? – ThisIsMoney
The inheritance tax mess, where richest pay a lower percentage rate – Simon Lambert
Products and services
UK rail fares to rise 3.1% in January – Guardian
Shawbrook tops table with a 1.65% one-year cash ISA rate – ThisIsMoney
Ratesetter will pay you £100 [and me a bonus] if you invest £1,000 for a year – Ratesetter
New breed of elite dating apps for wealthy singletons [Search result] – FT
Comment and opinion
How to own all tomorrow’s winning stocks – The Evidence-based Investor
John Bogle needn’t worry about index fund dominance – Pragmatic Capitalism
The proliferation of indices isn’t all it appears – Abnormal Returns
In praise of old jobs – Young (Mrs) FIGuy
Spend more: The most ignored piece of financial advice [Search result] – FT
How to retire forever on a big stash [US taxes/insurance] – Mr Money Mustache
FIRE Day! – Retirement Investing Today
You would not have invested with Warren Buffett – Behavioural Value Investor
Anti-FIRE: The YOLO train wreck edition – Simple Living in Somerset
Juggling six-figure margin debt [Don’t try this at home!] – Fire V London
The top 20 personal finance questions answered – Guardian
Morningstar gets into the finance-meets-food-pyramid game – Morningstar
Five things parenting and (active) investing share – The Value Perspective
What can we do about over-confidence? – Behavioural Investor
An attempt at estimating the true ‘global market portfolio’, including all the unlisted assets in the world [Research] – Alpha Architect
Government finally admits UK will be worse off under all Brexits – New York Times
Leave voters statistically much likelier to believe conspiracy theories – Guardian
A Daily Mail EU scare story debunked [Again, people believe this crap] – Tom Pride
The French village that fears for its British community – BBC
Romania has lost 16% of its population to rest of EU in a decade – MSW via Twitter
Brexit TV Debate: A former Remainer will argue for her Brexit deal, a closet Leaver for a better deal or Remain. What a time to be alive! – BBC
I’d like to Exit from these homegrown cretins. Where do I vote? – BBC
Kindle book bargains
Why You? 101 Interview Questions You’ll Never Fear Again by James Reed – £1.99 on Kindle
Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations by Thomas L. Friedman – £1.99 on Kindle
The Spider Network: The Wild Story of a Maths Genius and One of the Greatest Scams in Financial History by David Enrich – £1.99 on Kindle
Tiny Budget Cooking: Saving Money Never Tasted So Good by Limahl Asmall – £1.09 on Kindle
Off our beat
Internet: The end of the beginning [Video/Presentation] – Benedict Evans
Watch how just a few self-driving cars prevent traffic jams [Graphics] – Science
Nike and Boeing are paying sci-fi writers to predict their futures – Medium
Woman who names daughter ‘Abcde’ is upset when someone finds it funny – ABC News
A man actually ticked the US Visa form ‘Are You A Terrorist?’ box – via Twitter
Maps showing how we’re divided by more than Brexit [Funny, old-ish] – Ink Tank
And finally…
“Why should we look to the past in order to prepare for the future? Because there is nowhere else to look.” – James Burke, Connections
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Weekend reading: I shopped til I dropped published first on https://justinbetreviews.weebly.com/
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