#v. elise; tag tbd.
strayslost · 11 months
Elise knows this child well. Not personally, as a friend or even a casual acquaintance - no, it's more accurate to say she knows of them, because the name Yumeno Kyusaku is infamous throughout all of the Port Mafia.
Rintarou had spoken of her to them before, in that cold, clinical way that he spoke of everyone. Chuuya had only mentioned them to her a few times, but though he was blunt and seemingly dismissive, she knew well- that he regretted that way they'd been handled. Not just by the Port Mafia as a whole, but... how Chuuya himself had treated them, too.
So it's no surprise that it makes her wonder what she should do. Chuuya hadn't given her any specific instructions, but she knows that he wants them to be freed - yet is still afraid, on some level, about what might happen afterwards. He doesn't know how to go about freeing them, either, in such a way that won't lead to a disaster. Elise thinks it's a little mean of him, but... anyway, now that they're in the past, they're both currently stuck pretending to be under Rintarou's rule, so they can't really do anything regardless.
...But Elise couldn't help but visit Kyusaku anyway. While Rintarou is sleeping, she snuck out on her own, visiting the prison that keeps them away from the world, smiling as she walked. She wonders what it's like to live in a prison... ah. Actually, maybe she doesn't need to wonder about it at all.
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"Hehe... Hey, Kyusaku? You're there, aren't you?"
@theircurse ( starter! )
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wisheswagered · 9 months
Frederick... does not know what to think of Elise Viraldi.
Of course she's suspicious. Anyone who claims to work for the manor - this place where games of life and death and suffering are eternal, and there is no escape to any of the three - is naturally someone he's not inclined to trust.
But Frederick hasn't spent much time with her until now, and hasn't let his suspicions progress into anything but mere whispers at the back of his mind. He doesn't know if it's because this place is too incomprehensible to understand, or if the weight of despair that he's experienced here has consumed his thoughts too greatly... today, though, is different.
There must be some way to escape. That's the lie that Frederick is an expert in telling himself - and he has plenty of practice in it to speak of. This isn't the first time he's felt like he's reaching the end of his rope, frayed and about to snap, but each time is just as unbearable as the last... and, he thinks to himself wearily, it's finally time to do something about it. He has to at least try.
"What do you know about this manor?" Frederick demands, having cornered Elise in a corner of the Manor he knows people rarely pass by. He has nothing to threaten her with, but there's a wild intensity in his eyes, and his voice is venomous as he spits out the words nonetheless.
"You must know something. Nobody else suspects you, but I'm not so easily fooled. Is there a way to escape that you're not telling us? Tell me!!"
@asea0fmxses ( starter for elise! )
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lovelornings · 4 years
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@stratoscityshakedown​ said: Elise steps up to Yumi and gives her a tight hug. "Sorry. You seemed like you needed one.."
❥ Yumi always had a tendency of being far too cold. Not matter the heavy sweaters she wore, there was little combating her body’s reaction to being as emaciated as she - be it chills that ran down her body or the constant fatigue. Things she’d rather deal with than having the stress of sitting down at a dinner table; reminded of her mother’s ever watchful stare. 
But there’s finally some warmth to be found in Elise’s arms when she hugs her, and Yumi can’t help but hold into her arms for the duration of the hug, trying her hardest to keep herself from shaking. She couldn’t afford to have a breakdown over something as simple as a hug - even if it had probably been years.
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“Hey, Elise....do you want to get something to eat later...?”
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