#v;what is mine
incissam · 10 months
@fullintenticns sent: ‘Let me go’ from myrcella
It was a simple request from a scared little girl. How many times had Daenerys been in that kind of position as she was growing up when Viserys held onto her arm too tightly or she was caught trying to steal something from a stall. Unfortunately she couldn't just let her go to roam free. "No one is going to harm you here." She tried to reassure her even though she was being contained to a single room in Dragonstone that the windows had been barred to discourage her from wanting to jump out. Still part of her heart broke for Myrcella and why she had to do this to get her family to take her seriously.
"I know the way that you were apprehended makes you feel as if you're a prisoner, but you are a guest here I promise you that." The Queen moved to where the table with this morning's food tray was place moments before. "Now, I don't want your family to think you're not being taken care of. Won't you break your fast?"
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yrsonpurpose · 4 months
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"the handsomest-bodied man in all of England."
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violadvis · 9 months
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JORDAN LI & MARIE MOREAU GEN V | S01E04 'The Whole Truth'
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harbingersecho · 4 months
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5ftboy · 10 months
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"I don't know, I just saw stuff happening in my head - to you. And I saw a bullet like... go clean right through you. And I had a millisecond to recognize that it wasn't real - but that it was about to happen. And it freaked me out."
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peeta-mellark · 9 months
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GEN V (2023—) 1x06 “Jumanji”
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fereldanwench · 4 months
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🍿 NOW PLAYING 🍿 Immortal in the Code: A Cyberpunk 2077 Series
Compelled by a desperation that only Night City can incite, two Arasaka veterans become unlikely partners in a quest for atonement and salvation. Just renewed for a fourth season!
[created with this template by @seungnm ♡]
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loopyarts · 9 days
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My whole digital sketch/doddle spread of Holm. Aka me figuring out how to draw him while I am also having fun with it. He’s also my favourite minor character from dungeon Meshi. :3c He is just so adorable to me and I love this goofy 28-30 year old gnome.
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incissam · 1 year
@fxcdboys sent: Without you there's nothing left to fight for.
The words that he spoke could be taken multiple ways considering her position as she stood with him atop the Wall looking out to where their mutual enemy was. He had seen the others beyond the wall the white walkers they called them an army of frozen undead she could hardly believe the sound of it. Yet when the call for aid came she answered because she felt the pull to do so to protect her kingdom even if she hadn’t claimed it just yet. Her mind flashed back briefly to the visions from the house of the undying and hearing something about the long night and winter coming she felt this was the moment.
Violet eyes looked up at Jon taking him in for a moment and nodding her head understanding the words. Without her and her dragons supporting the men all hope would be lost. “I suppose you’re right, Lord Snow.” She gripped at the side of the wall letting the cold seep into her bones as she strained to look for this impending doom that she hadn’t laid eyes on yet. “Though do not lose hope, I’m not gone and if they mean to take me I will go down fighting.” She gave him a reassuring look before pushing off the wall and putting her hands behind her back addressing him once more. “I suppose you have a plan for the on coming attack?”
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pharawee · 1 year
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Punn. Do you need my help?
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batfleckgifs · 7 days
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chatlote · 2 years
Tell me/tag this with what was your biggest interest/fandom this year, I'm curious 👀
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mail-me-a-snail · 10 months
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mr eurodyne gets snakebites for his tboy swag
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sunshineandlyrics · 29 days
The insects just want to love you Louis .. 😂😂😂😂 (I could watch this discourse all day)
Chicago, FITFWT Mexico City, 1 June 2024.
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fereldanwench · 5 months
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2065 "Why blue?" "Cliche sad girl shit. Just sorta stuck."
⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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xolaanii · 1 year
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skyrim -> flame atronach
"Flame atronachs resemble female humanoids made entirely of fire, wearing loose pieces of black metal armor. They have three clawed fingers on each hand, and two toes on each foot. They wear a metal mask shaped like a woman's face, which features two long, swept-back horns that serve as their "ears."" [mods: x, x]
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