#v; xiii.2.
ofspark · 3 months
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𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌'𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒏.
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@celestrahl asked: "tell me how it got this way." from noel!
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𝑪𝑶𝑼𝑳𝑫 𝑯𝑬 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑼𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹 in her bones when his words brought her pause? Was it silent enough that the turmoil laden sinew may yet creak aloud && give away her guilt? This mantle she upholds as champion is one of choice. An atonement; the willingness to become an eternal epitaph for the weight of all that has transpired. For there is truth in a mercy by the hand of a goddess. She should not breathe, should not be given the grace to walk within this stone edifice---her existence should be comprised of crystal. But by Etro's hand, she is all that stands between a slumbering goddess && a being that has since spiraled into his own darkness. "Sacrifice.. and the repercussions that come with it." More a musing, more a thought than statement; the breath she takes in is shallow midst the furrow of her brow. One that sees her gaze cast over the curvature of pauldron, a glance to an endless sea beyond still sands. Careful footfalls carry her nearest ledge && resplendent blues take to the sight of coming tide. A glance to her company ensues && it is devoid of malice. She is neither aggravated nor cross. This responsibility she upholds is one that has since melded itself into the fabrication of her existence. A dedication held taut to the soul to safeguard against the what ifs. Steel in her voice, pride in her shoulders. "We've all got our parts to play. It's a race against oblivion." Oblivion. She can still hear the callous voice that uttered his intentions as their blades crossed. The bellow of steel that clashed---it still rings in her ears.
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mostfuckableffvillain · 4 months
Hey, I'm on my phone, so I can't a href as I'd like, but, click on my Wheel of Names
and tell me:
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firagafury · 1 year
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haunted-xander · 7 months
Sone notes:
FFXI & FFXIV are excluded due to the nature of being MMOs- they are, quite literally, impossible to remake (And XIV is getting a graphical update anyway, so it's not like it needs one)
(FFXV & FFXVI are excluded for obvious reasons) (FFXIII/XIII-2/LR are also excluded for similar reasons)
By 'benefit from', I mean that the narrative/characters/world and general story experience would be enhanced due to modern tech/hardware and what they now do with it. For example, FFVII really benefits from the remake since there's a lot of things they can portray more subtly and delicately than they could in the OG (such as Cloud's hallucinations & memory issues and how other's react to it)
(And also for some of the older titles there are things in the writing that may have aged poorly- in a remake they could rework it to be more tasteful)
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blazing-dynamo · 2 years
Oh so I guess I should cross pollinate for that sweet sweet engagement, ig.
Hi I’m Sam. I host a mildly successful, but wholly non-lucrative podcast about RPGs, called RPG Bookclub.
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You know how here on tumblr, it’s awesome when you’re current on a TV show because you can come on here and everyone is guessing what’s happening next and making theories and focused on just the one part we all just saw?
That rules! But video games don’t have that (besides episodic games), so you have to wait till you beat it, or risk spoilers, and talking about the games is a much less easy process until everyone involved has beaten it.
Enter the Book Club format, where we artificially pick a stopping point each week, and just discuss 4-ish hours of a game instead of the whole thing, and make our way through a bunch of games.
We try to often play through games people don’t cover often, so if you like the games in the tags, come check us out.
We also have three supporter only sub-series: One where we play the Trails series, every game, in chronological order, called Bookclub no Kiseki. But that's a lot to play each week, so we take some time in the middle to play the Tales of... Series, which are much easier to digest. And the last one, the JRPG Canon, which is more of a review/analysis of the opening section of a bunch of games, and not actually playing them to completion.
If you’d like to check us out, We’re on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Stitcher, and all the other podcatchers that pull their data from one of these three.
You can also find us online at www.rpgbook.club for links to our discord and all that.
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royalarms · 6 months
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❛ hurry up already . ❜ impatience grows with his friend's indecision , tiredness clawing its way back into his already cloudy head . they've been standing , staring at a gas station's choice in snack for upwards of ten minutes , and the prince is growing restless . not as restless as prompto , of course , but a little less distracted . all distractions or non - distractions aside , a familiar gaze is peering at them through the car , and everything about it screams contempt , ❛ gladio's gonna kill us . ❜ he sighs , his foot tapping intently , ❛ why don't we just call it a night here ? you can spend however long you want doing whatever you want . getting late , anyways . i'll tell iggy . ❜
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. . . @qiucksilver .
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g4zdtechtv · 6 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - Raamario's Shadow | 12/6/11
Yep, it's a show on television, alright.
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FF6 was really good when i played it years upon years ago haha
the characters and music are really good, hope you have fun playing it!
I should once I get into it. I know that it usually gets overshadowed by vii but everyone whose played all the ff games ranks it right up there with iv and vii
0 notes
8bitsupervillain · 2 years
Best Games that came out before 2022!
I thought briefly about combining the pre-2022 games with the games that actually came out in 2022. In fact I still plan to, but I figure I should separate the lists and include my mini-reviews.
10: Leisure Suit Larry (real caveat hours)
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For the purposes of its entry here this is in fact most of the Leisure Suit Larry series. The old Sierra ones anyway. Is it cheating? Technically sure, but the thing about it is I can't really pick one out of the line up to be like "this is the best one." LSL1 is a decent little game, but it has aged rather poorly and the gambling section you have to do is the worst. LSL2 is not good in the slightest, and I hate it quite a bit in fact. LSL3 is good, I greatly enjoyed the story and like Passionate Patti as a character. LSL5 is maybe the best of the originals, but there are some hang ups I have with it looking at it with a modern lens (the blackface, I'm talking about the blackface). LSL6 is a pretty decent game with some really good jokes in it, but it also has some of the worst bugs, some of which can straight up lock you out of being able to finish the game. Love For Sail meanwhile plays the best out of the series but has some real aggravating moments where you have to be pixel perfect in your play. Also it has another similarly terrible gambling section just like the original Larry. I didn't play the remake of the first Larry this year but I can't imagine it does too terribly much to make it stand out from the rest.
I have to say though I greatly prefer the Sierra Larry games to the first attempted reboots that came out in the 2000s. I haven't finished it but Magna Cum Laude just seems like a really poor game that lacks the charm of the older entries. There's also Box Office Bust, but I'm given to understand that's somehow even worse, especially since you can't buy it from any of the digital stores, and I don't really want to buy a disc drive just to play Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust.
I'm in full fanfiction mode here now, if they do make a new Leisure Suit Larry game I kind of want them to include a character like Passionate Patti. Wet Dreams Don't Dry included a small section where you play as Faith in between the two games so clearly they're not opposed to the idea of having a female player character in the reboot series. Then again, I'm also fine with them just leaving the series alone because I felt that Wet Dreams Dry Twice was a wonderful send off to the reboots. Also with the passing of Jan Rabson I can't imagine they'd be in too much of a hurry to make a new one. I humbly submit to you that I think they should try making a Passionate Patti game. Make a game like the Larry reboots, but have Patti be the main character, I think that could be good. Couldn't be any worse than Les Manley or Jerry Wanker.
09: Final Fantasy XIII
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For a good decade or so I kept hearing the constant rumblings and grumblings about how Final Fantasy XIII was more or less a slap in the face for RPG fans. The hallway, the hallway, Pulse l'Cie, fal'cie, cieth, gotta read the in-game bestiary to get the lore, why does Hope gotta be such an emo boy, etc. etc. I quite liked this game, maybe I'd feel differently if I were a long-time fan of the series, but honestly this game really doesn't feel so bad as its years of reputation would lead one to assume it is. My only real complaint is playing the game on the normal difficulty makes enemies entirely too spongy, but kicking the difficulty down to easy made it feel a lot better. Not that it made it a cakewalk, I died a few more times than I'd care to admit. For all the harrumphing and furor I've heard in regards to the story I liked it, sure there's some realy pacing issues and nonsensical twists but I thought it was a good story. One of things I liked about it is despite her status as the cover girl Lightning really doesn't feel like she's the main character or hero of the story. I know she's given more plot relevance/made the hero in later entries, but here in XIII she doesn't really get that much more screen time than any of the other characters. You could just as easily assign main character/protag status to Vanille or Fang, hell even Hope or Sazh if you're feeling particularly brave.
The only other major complaint I have with this game is when you do inevitably get down to Pulse I don't care for the sudden open-world the game gives you. I didn't particularly mind the game giving you a path to follow, so when it gives you this rather poor open world I was kind of trying to just rush through the section so I could get back to the story proper. Also the ratings after the battles I think don't add a whole lot to the experience. It's not like it's an action game where it can judge your combat proficiency like a Devil May Cry or similar. The combat system really feels like a single player version of a system from an MMO. Where you choose your attacks or spells and the game just does them automatically. That being said I don't mind the combat system, I think it's perfectly functional, even if I did find the summons to be slightly confusing to use (and I cannot for the life of me remember how it actually functioned, I played this way back in February). I'm eager to try the rest of the trilogy because despite how "the story is poorly handled" I want to see how the rest of it shakes out.
08: DJMAX Respect V
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I enjoy rhythm games. I may not be particularly great at them but I find the simplicity of "push button to do good" of a lot of these types of games to be fun. Like so many people I fell face first into the clutches of Guitar Hero/Rock Band back in the day. I've always been vaguely aware of the DJMAX series, but never really bothered with it, until now! Is good. I like most of the tracks that are available for it, I'm not the biggest fan of K-pop but this has some really good K-Pop tracks in it that made me a fan of several of the artists. Also it's good to know that if I ever need to find a way to rid myself of several hundred dollars the DLC option is right there for me. Good game.
07: The Darkside Detective
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A delightful comedy mystery adventure game. It leans heavy on the supernatural element, but I found it to be a delightful game. Some of the jokes are absolutely groanworthy, but I feel that none of the chapters of the game outstay their welcome. I think this might have been an episodic thing way back when but I'm not a hundred percent sure. It would definitely explain why the game is split into six separate cases (plus two extra ones you unlock after completing the main story) that largely have nothing to do with each other but I'm not sure that's the case. It's not a particularly long game, but I don't think that's really something to hold against the game. It just means that it doesn't get the chance to start getting annoying with blatantly unfair puzzles. More games should have the decency to not drag themselves out forever, and instead end before things get too bad.
06: Call of Duty Black Ops III (Girls' Frontline Mod)
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Honestly if you asked me back in April if I would replay Call of Duty Black Ops III, much less had it be in my top ten I probably would've reacted negatively. Largely because I distinctly remember not caring for Blops 3 when I played it way back when. But then I stumbled across the Girls' Frontline mod for the game and I decided what the hell I'll give it a whirl. I'm really surprised at how much I like the actual gameplay it was a fun time to be had. I find that the combination of Girls' Frontline with the storyline of Blops 3 worked out really well. From what I understand a lot of the later story in Frontline lends itself well to the techno-conspiracy stuff seen in Blops 3. Also I feel that the use of the models from GF is the closest I'll ever get to my dream game of making a big elaborate espionage conspiracy game like this or a Metal Gear Solid and just having everyone be an anime waifu. The one time in the game it doesn't swap out the model for one of the Dolls is really funny to me. It's great seeing photo-realistic Robert Picardo standing with a bunch of anime girls.
05: Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance
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I considered doing with Kingdom Hearts what I did with Leisure Suit Larry. I thought about combining them all into one entry and saying: Kingdom Hearts, all of em (except Chain of Memories). But the thing is I can absolutely point to an entry and say "this, this is the absolute peak, and pinnacle of the series. God I love it. I want to have sloppy makeouts with it." Dream Drop Distance is an amazing second place prize winner in this regard. Dream Drop Distance plays like a conglomeration of everything I love about the various Kingdom Hearts games just crammed into one very thrilling and masterfully executed package. The only aspect about the game that I didn't care for was some of the Flowmotion stuff because the environments in the game really don't lend themselves well to it. They're crying out for a more open environment like what would eventually be in Kingdom Hearts 3, not the pretty closed off arenas of DDD. That being said everything else about this game is just an absolute gem.
The combat is much more refined and feels better than the combat in Birth by Sleep, the focus on two playable characters kept the pacing of the game moving at a good clip. Then there's the boss fights! Some of the best boss fights in the entire franchise are located in this entry. I may have complained about the sheer soul-crushing challenge of the Rinzler and young!Xehanort fights but I can't help but admit that they are two absolute stand outs from across the series. Even with the fights I don't like I can tell that they took the lessons they learned from Birth By Sleep and 358/2 Days and made the bosses fit the restrictions of the handheld better than some from the past. It's something of a double-edged sword though there's at least one encounter that is entirely too clausterphobic for the big fight you have to do. And the less said about Spellican the better I say.
This was a great game and an absolute delight in setting up what was to come in the final installment of the current story arc. It is also in my opinion the game with the best realization for Xigbar since KH2, and wonderfully sets up what becomes of him in KH3. The only real complaint I have about the games technical aspects isn't even strictly to do with the game itself but with the weird implementation of achievements on the PC version of the game. For whatever reason Epic Games has the correct amount of play time listed in the library, but it does not show any of the achievements I unlocked during my time with the game. The same thing happened with the achievements in Birth By Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage, other than that though I had no problems with the game on a techincal front.
04: Tyranny
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I do enjoy a good dark and edgy fantasy every now and then. I don't really look specifically for it any more because of the absolute glut of the stuff you can find out there. Tyranny is special in my eyes because it does the dark and edgy fantasy stuff really well and is written well enough that it never really stands out as just pointless edge just for the sake of it. Sure there are cartoonishly evil characters like The Voice of Nerat who just seems to be the embodiment of "lol random chaos evil murder. I'm so quirky." But the rest of the game is so well-written that it makes a character like that work. What I like about the game is that since you're playing as an evil overlord who is sent to oppress the masses the game doesn't make you undergo an arc where you realize Tunon (your overlord) is in fact a bad so you need to work with a token resistance to stop him. It lets you start as an evil overlord and stay as an evil overlord, it's nice and refreshing. I love how some of the conversations in this game are basically boss fights where you have to choose exactly the right choices or the conversation goes extremely poorly to the point where someone has to die. Sure there are plenty of times that combat is inevitable, but I appreciate when the game lets you talk down an opponent and convince them to join your side in overthrowing some other pawn of darkness. It's not the longest RPG in the world but I think it works to its favor. Since it's shorter it doesn't take as long to go through the multiple routes and see what the game has to offer in terms of story content. I wish that there could be a sequel one day, but given the accusations and everything against Chris Avellone I completely understand why that's not likely to happen. Still though this was a phenomenal game, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has a passing interest in CRPGs.
03: Return of the Obra Dinn
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I always thought this looked like a neat thing. But for whatever reason I just never really took the time to actually play it. It's certainly not a typical scenario for a video game, go do some investigating to find out what happened to an entire ship's crew as an insurance agent. What I wasn't expecting was some of the absolutely out of left field events that occurred on the ship. I don't think anyone could accurately guess what leads to the ultimate downfall of the Obra Dinn. I liked this game a lot, there are some issues I have with trying to identify the differences between some of the sailors, but I think that's more down to me just being bad at recognizing the differences between some faces. It was always a massive boon when a character would have some sort of facial hair so I could tell the difference between characters. I love the voice acting in the game, hearing various European and Asian sailors yelling at each other brought a big smile to my face. I don't wish to spoil the mystery of the game, so don't take the relatively small amount of text I wrote about it to be an indictment of the game, this is most certainly well worth playing. Plus it's on the Switch now, so you can take the fun insurance investigation on the go with you.
02: Kingdom Hearts 2
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I did very seriously consider making this just a "All the Kingdom Hearts minus Chain of Memories are great, and here's a brief summation." But I think that Kingdom Hearts 2 stands head and shoulders above the rest of the series as the best. It astounds me that they went from KH1 being a very good game and then after a brief foray into card battling made this absolutely stellar piece of gaming. Just pure unadulterated greatness poured into this game, I love it to pieces. I find the opening hours of the game where you play as Roxas to be a great change of pace to the first entry and it sets up very well just what kind of story the rest of the game will bring you through. The combat is a real swell time acting as a very strong Action RPG that just generally plays better than the combat from the first outing. While the boss fights might lack some of the more big bombastic set pieces from later entries in the series they stand out in this game for being simply better than the others.
While I love the plots and counterplots and counter-counterplots of the later entries I love how comparatively straightforward this one is to the others. Sure there's certain trace elements of what would go on to the rest of the Kingdom Hearts plots but this one sets it all up in an extremely satisfactory way. I like how some of the Disney worlds in this game have some gameplay changes, they're not all just go into Mulan and fight and fight and fight. For as many people have griped about it Atlantica will stand out in your memory for how different it is compared to the other words, for good or ill. I love how Tron world starts out with you in the lightcycle arena before it goes back to the old Kingdom Hearts combat. It just plain feels good to play generally, it doesn't have the basic combat system of the first game, and it doesn't over complicate it by having the magic and combat systems that you would eventually see in Birth By Sleep, Dream Drop Distance, and 3.
For years I was always curious why the fandom for Kingdom Hearts seemed to always single out KH2 as the best of the franchise. Having played the game I can completely understand why. This is quite possibly one of the finest action RPGs I've played. A definite recommend.
01: Pillars of Eternity
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I didn't go in to this game with any real expectations. I just sort of went in hoping to find a fun little RPG to play during my down time at work. I certainly did not expect to be so thoroughly gripped by this game, this is such a masterfully written and immaculate game that I am surprised I hadn't played it at any point in the past seven years. Particularly I'm surprised because I apparently kickstarted this game nearly a decade ago. Guess that goes to show how loose I am with my money and the games on my infinite backlog.
When I started the game I thought it was going to be just sort of a typical by the numbers RPG with fine combat. And at the very start that's what I figured it was going to be, but then after everyone who is accompanying your character dies I felt a marked difference in what was to come. When you get to the first town with the massive tree just full to bursting with hung corpses I started to figure this might be quite different from what I figured it would be.
I find this to be extremely difficult to talk about because I want to just gush and spoil the entire story of the game. But I don't want to spoil anyone because I do genuinely think this game is well worth playing. While the gameplay doesn't strictly do anything unique it just plays as a very strong refinement of CRPG mechanics that I've seen in other games like Blackguards or Tyranny (which itself was a further refinement of the systems from Pillars). While for the most part the gameplay can boil down to "have your guys just dogpile and turbo murder every enemy" there are also moments that are basically conversation boss fights. Which makes the game stand out very strongly to me, I absolutely adore when games let you have dialogue puzzles to make it so you don't HAVE to engage some of the pivotal fights. I love it when RPGs remember that there's more to situations than just combat and makes it so you can roll a character who is a bit of a sweet talker.
Another strong aspect of Pillars of Eternity is that with the DLC they released they actually went to the effort to record new dialogue for the original cast that interacts with the characters you can recruit in The White March. They even made it so if you have characters from the White March DLC they can interact with important characters in early parts of the game, it just blows me away. One gameplay thing I was surprised by is when you unlock your manor base I thought the game was going to make it so if you wanted to upgrade it you'd have to drop what you're doing and hoof it back to base. It was a very pleasant surprise that you don't have to do that, it's just an menu you can use whenever you please to do most things with the base. There are certain actions that will require you to be at Caed Nua (your manor/base), but these aren't super pivotal choices.
That's another thing I adore about Pillars of Eternity, your quest that is so incredibly important to your party is basically an unknown to the rest of the world. The world keeps turning to involve the petty issues of a mad lord with his big town square hanging tree hoping and praying his unborn child isn't born a soulless monster. You keep having to collect taxes and pay your employees who guard your estate. Of course no actual time passes in the game, it all really just progresses when you do your in-game quests. I just find it neat that as your going on this big world-changing journey no one outside of you, your party, and those you're actively chasing after is any the wiser.
I love this game it was just a such an utter delight to play through and I'm eagerly looking forward to playing Deadfire.
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verstarppen · 1 year
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: ̗̀°•*⁀☆ SUMMARY: there is little time between fast cars and spaceships but you make it work; lando norris never paid attention to the stupid sci-fi shows daniel used to watch, until he met you.
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•*⁀☆ PAIRING: lando norris x fem! star wars actress! reader
╰≫ NOTE: the reader has no face claim. pictures haven't been used to represent the reader's appearance, but within the context of the story she is famous and therefore a well known public figure.
๋࣭ ⭑⁀☆ STATUS: ongoing
⋆。‧⁀☆ UPDATES: 22:00 GMT (UTC+0 UK), 09:00 AEDT (UTC+11 AUSTRALIA), 23:00 CET (UTC+1 GERMANY, FRANCE, ITALY), 00:00 EET (UTC +2 GREECE), 07:00 JST (UTC +9 JAPAN), 17:00 EST (UTC -5 AMERICA), 14:00 PST (UTC +8 CANADA), 03:30 IST (UTC +5:30)
・゚:⁀☆ TAGS: fluff, celebrity nerds in love, f1 2022 and 2023, light angst, way too much star wars lore, surprise pregnancy, no beta reader we die like oscar and danny's sanity, kotor movie bc i said so, ahsoka pr team needs to pay for this smau btw
‧₊˚⁀☆ A/N: stuck between a rock (f1 brainrot) and a hard place (star wars brainrot)
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[ episode i ] - 11/09/2023
[ episode ii ] - 12/09/2023
[ episode iii ] - 14/09/2023
[ episode iv ] - 15/09/2023
[ episode v ] - 18/09/2023
[ episode vi ] - 26/09/2023
[ episode vii ] - 7/10/2023
[ episode viii ] - 8/11/2023
[ episode ix ] - 24/11/2023
[ episode x ] - 4/12/2023
[ episode xi ] - 7/3/2024
[ episode xii ] - 16/3/2024
[ episode xiii ] - 5/4/2024
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ginnsbaker · 4 months
fic: if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) (14/?)
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Part Summary: Leigh reconciles with Jules and then receives news from Danny that could potentially disrupt her new beginning with you.
Pairing: Leigh Shaw x Fem!Reader | Word count for this part: 5.200+ | Warnings: Spicy phone call | Author's note: The date will happen in the next one, and then after that, 1-2 chapters to wrap up this series :)
Masterlist | Part I Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII
The date doesn't happen as quickly as Leigh expected. You don’t bring it up again for several days after your grand, against-all-odds declaration of love.
In the meantime, you text constantly. Sometimes you call, just to ask about her day. The first time, she’s so confused, waiting for the real reason behind your call. But there isn’t one—you simply wanted to talk, and texting wouldn’t do it.
She’s rarely on the phone with anyone these days. For her, phone calls are usually reserved for urgent requests from Drew or her mom, or from companies trying to sell her something. The last time she was on the phone just to talk was with Matt, during the stretches when work kept them apart for days. Before that, it was high school, chatting with friends and boyfriends about everything and nothing.
Talking to you on the phone feels like stepping back in time. There’s something intimate about it, something that modern-day texting can’t capture. She finds herself looking forward to your calls, the sound of your voice at the end of a long, tiring, or listless day.
Days stretch into a week before you finally ask her out, armed with the when and where. Leigh will never admit it to anyone, but the wait is excruciating.
The butterflies swarm in her stomach as she lies on her bed, fresh from a shower, in an oversized shirt and boy shorts, biting at her fingernails. She's already restless by the time her phone rings at the usual hour.
She picks up almost immediately, trying to keep her voice as blasé as she can manage. “Hey.”
“Hey, Leigh,” you reply breathily, not realizing how that tone makes Leigh press the phone harder against her ear, as if she wants to hear more of it. “How was your day?”
She rolls onto her back, stretching her hand out and drawing patterns in the air against the ceiling. 
“It was okay. Nothing too exciting. How about yours?” she says.
“Pretty good. Just busy with work stuff. I was thinking about you, though.”
The simple statement sends a new wave of warmth through her. “Is that so?”
“Very much so,” you whisper, and Leigh can almost see your smile, just like the one forming on her lips. “So, uh, I was thinking…”
“Yeah?” Leigh prompts, her heart picking up speed. She hears some shuffling on your end and waits with bated breath.
“Maybe we should finally go on that date,” you suggest,  hopeful and a bit nervous. 
Leigh’s heart leaps, and she tears the phone away from her ear, burying her face into her pillow as a squeal escapes before she can contain it. Catching herself, she quickly schools her expression, tosses the pillow aside, and sits up ramrod straight.
“We should,” Leigh blurts out, still feeling her heart thumping wildly against her ribs. “When were you thinking?”
“How about this Saturday?”
Leigh pauses, mentally counting—one, two, three—before replying, “Great. I’m free then.” 
Wanting to lock in the details, she asks, “What time?”
“Could I, um, have you for the whole day?” you ask hesitantly, and then quickly realizing how it sounded, you clarify, “I mean, could we make it a day-long date? I promise it’ll be worth your while.”
Leigh hums, pretending to mull it over, but inside, she's practically screaming yes.
“What do you have planned?”
“It's a surprise,” you reply, the playful secrecy in your tone drawing a grin from Leigh. 
Unable to contain her intrigue, Leigh tries to coax out some clues. “Anything you need from me? Dress code? Anything I can help you with?”
“No, just be yourself,” you say, your voice dropping to a softer, more intimate cadence. “Wear whatever makes you feel most like you. You're beautiful in anything.”
Leigh feels a warm blush spread across her cheeks. She's grateful you can't see her, can't see how your words reduce her to a pile of mush.
“In anything?” she asks coyly.
“Or nothing,” you whisper back, almost without thinking.
Leigh nearly chokes on her breath at that, biting her lip to stifle a moan that threatens to escape owing to the boldness of your flirtation. She doesn't immediately realize she's drifted into a stunned silence until you apologize, worrying that you might have crossed a line. 
“I'm sorry if that was too forward,” you say.
Leigh shakes herself, trying to clear the haze of memories—the soft moans, the way your body yielded to her touch that night. “No, it’s... I still think about that night,” she shares.
“O-Oh?” you stammer, your grip tightening around the phone. You're driving home with one hand, thinking it would be a short call. Suddenly feeling lightheaded, you quickly pull over to the side of an empty street, realizing you might not make it home safely if you don't.
“What do you... think about, specifically?” you venture, slowly unbuckling your seatbelt.
It’s as if a switch has been flipped in her. Her mind races back to that night—the way you touched yourself under her gaze, how she guided your movements, the feel of her finger inside you while she rode your thigh. 
Leigh's breath hitches, and she feels heat spreading through her body. She kicks off the covers, finding herself lying flat on the bed, her fingers inching teasingly at the hem of her shorts. She closes her eyes, letting the memory of that night trickle into the forefront of her mind.
“I think about the way you looked under me,” she says softly, “The flush of your skin, the sounds you made, how your lips felt against mine.”
Her words send a shiver down your spine. “Leigh,” you murmur, “I-I think about that night too. How you took control, how you made me feel like I was the only thing that mattered.”
Leigh's fingers slip beneath the waistband of her shorts, teasing herself as she remembers the feel of your skin against hers. “I remember guiding your hands,” she continues, her voice growing huskier. “Watching you touch yourself, seeing the pleasure in your eyes. It was intoxicating.”
You can hear the desire in her voice, and it sends a surge of arousal through you. “I remember the way you moved against me,” you reply, your voice low. “Your skin was so hot against mine, it felt like I was on fire.”
As Leigh's fingers dip lower, brushing against the wetness between her legs, she gasps. She tries to contain it but fails, letting out a guttural moan—a sound of pure want—right into your ear. The rawness of that sound snaps you out of your lust-filled reverie.
“Fuck, are you... are you touching yourself? I-I'm so—” you start, your voice shaking.
“Don't apologize. Just keep talking. It's okay,” Leigh cuts you off sharply, switches the phone to speaker mode, and swiftly removes her panties. For a brief second, she thinks she probably shouldn't be doing this, not before the date they'd just planned. But the overwhelming urge washes over her, making rational thoughts blur into the background. She can't control herself; she needs to come, needs you to make her come.
“Tell me what you'd do,” she chunters, no longer concerned about sounding needy. “Please.” 
“Shit,” you hiss, quickly connecting your phone to your car’s speakers and then tossing it onto the passenger seat. You then adjust the driver's seat to give yourself more legroom and hurriedly begin to unbutton your jeans. Though you're embarrassed to admit that you've never had phone sex before, you're not about to let inexperience stop you. Not when Leigh was practically purring in your ear, begging for it.
“Y/N?” Leigh’s voice rumbles through the confined space of your car and you hurriedly close your eyes as you formulate a response, your head buzzing with several things you want to do to Leigh at once.
“I'd start by kissing you,” you begin, your voice low and deliberate, though you feel a bit foolish at the tentative start. “Soft, teasing kisses, tracing a path down your body. I'd take my time, Leigh, tasting every inch of your skin.”
“Where would you kiss me first?” Leigh breathes.
“Your neck,” you reply, your fingers brushing against your own skin as if you’re tracing the path your lips would take on hers. “I’d kiss right behind your ears…then down your throat, lingering at your collarbone.”
Leigh’s breathing becomes more ragged, and you can almost feel her anticipation. “And then?”
“Then I’d kiss my way down to your breasts,” you say, your own arousal building. “I’d take each nipple in my mouth, sucking gently, then harder, feeling them harden against my tongue. I’d circle my tongue around them, flicking the tip, just like so.”
Leigh listens, her breaths becoming shallow, her body trembling with need. She closes her eyes, lost in the sensation, in the vividness of your description. She traps a rosy bud between her two fingers, mimicking the rhythm you describe, the tension in her belly coiling more tightly.
Meanwhile, your own hands are busy on your body. Despite the cramped space even with the car seat reclined, you manage to slide two fingers inside your pants, rubbing your clit, while your other hand tweaks your nipple.
A soft moan escapes Leigh’s lips, and you know she’s imagining your mouth on her. “I’d keep moving lower, kissing down your stomach, tracing the lines of your body with my tongue. When I finally reach your thighs, I’d spread them open and kiss the inside, so close to where you want me but not quite there yet.”
“I’d breathe you in,” you murmur, “taking a moment to just enjoy the scent of you. Then I’d lick, just once, a slow, teasing lick from the bottom of your slit to the top, tasting how wet you are for me.”
“Fuck,” Leigh groans wantonly, her fingers undoubtedly mirroring your words on her own skin. You can almost see her hand moving against her clitoris, fingers collecting her own wetness and spreading it all over until her inner thighs are glistening with it.
“I’d part you with my fingers,” you continue, your own breath coming faster now, “and then I’d dive in. I’d lap at you, my tongue moving in slow circles around your clit, feeling it swell under my tongue. I’d drink you in, Leigh, tasting every drop, getting lost in how sweet you are.”
“Don’t stop,” Leigh pants, and you can hear her movements quickening, the unmistakable sound of wetness and skin in frantic motion, as if she's placed her phone near the epicenter of her impending climax.
“I wouldn’t,” you promise. “I’d suck on your clit, gently at first, then harder, using my tongue to drive you crazy. I’d slide a finger inside you, curling it to find that perfect spot, the one that makes you see stars. I’d keep licking and sucking, adding another finger, thrusting them in and out, matching the rhythm of my tongue. I wouldn’t stop until I felt you trembling, until I heard you crying out my name as you came.”
Leigh’s moans grow louder, more desperate, and you can almost see her, writhing on her bed, lost in pleasure. “Y/N, I’m close,” she gasps.
“I’d be looking up at you, watching your face as you c-come for m-me,” you say, your voice faltering as you slide a finger inside yourself. “Fuck, Leigh, baby, come for me.”
It's the endearment and the mental image of your deep brown eyes, brimming with hunger and worship, that sends her spiraling into ecstasy.
“Oh god, Y/N!” Leigh moans, her back curving as an intense orgasm overtakes her.
You’re not there yet, but you close your eyes, letting the image of her climax burn into your mind.
Leigh lies there, basking in the afterglow, her body still trembling with the remnants of her orgasm. She’s about to check in on you, perhaps return the favor, when the front door opens and closes with a bang.
“Mom? Leigh?” Jules yells from the living room.
Panic surges through Leigh. She scrambles to her feet, hurriedly pulling on her underwear and shorts. The phone slips from her grasp, landing on the bed, the line still open.
Leigh reaches the top of the stairs, breathless and flushed, just as Jules appears at the bottom, looking up with a mix of worry and curiosity. 
“What's going on?” Leigh asks, wincing as she feels the stickiness between her thighs. She silently curses, wishing Jules could have shown up after she had a chance to shower.
“Where’s Mom?” Jules demands, her eyes scanning the hallway. “And Logan?”
“She took him with her for a grocery run,” Leigh replies, coming down the stairs. “Is something wrong?”
Jules sighs. “I was just worried. The door was unlocked, and I couldn’t find anyone. Thought something might’ve happened.”
Leigh relaxes a bit, though the adrenaline from moments before still courses through her veins. “It’s fine. I just didn’t realize you’d be coming home tonight,” she says.
“Yeah, about that…” Jules trails off, tilting her head toward the kitchen with a meaningful glance. 
Leigh follows, her bare feet whispering against the wooden floorboards. Striving for nonchalance, she asks, “You hungry?” Her hand hovers over the fridge handle, betraying none of her recent distractions.
Jules stops in her tracks and turns back to Leigh. “I’ve been thinking,” she starts, hesitating slightly. “I’d like to move back in.”
“That’s… great,” Leigh says flatly, unsuspecting of her sister’s announcement. She catches the sharp drop of Jules’ brows and hurries to cushion her words. “I mean, we never actually wanted you to go. You’re welcome back anytime, you know that.”
Jules' eyes sharpen, her lips pulling into a tight line. “But only if we talk first.”
Leigh nods, a hard lump forming in her throat. “Of course,” she says.
They end up ordering take-out when Leigh's nose wrinkles at the unmistakable stench wafting from the numerous boxes of leftovers crammed in the fridge. She can't recall how long they've been there, only that their rightful place is now the trash bin.
It's Jules who picks the restaurant, and Leigh bites her tongue over the choice of Vietnamese. The last time they'd ordered from there, Jules had barely picked at her food, pushing noodles around her plate more than eating them. Leigh tries not to think too much about it.
The dining table is overtaken by a clutter of takeout boxes, each one wafting a blend of lemongrass and ginger into the room—a scent so rich you could almost scoop it out of the air. Leigh watches her sister with that look—the one that's all walls and wariness, like she’s guarding the last piece of herself she can’t afford to lose.  Jules, on her part, looks a little restless, her fingers skirting the edges of a white takeout box like it might offer some kind of sanctuary.
“So, talk,” Leigh prompts,  twirling her chopsticks to pick up a fresh vegetable roll and dipping it into peanut sauce.
Jules takes a breath, a deep one. When she meets Leigh’s eyes, it’s with a resolve that seems to pull her upright. “Fine, since I’m the one who kicked this off, I’ll lead. I’m sorry. I know I tossed around some pretty nasty words last time I stormed out, and I meant them—then. But calling you a sociopath? That was me going off the deep end.”
Leigh’s face hardens, a quick, involuntary tightening of her features as she recalls the sting of that last confrontation. She pushes her noodles around her box, the chopsticks clattering softly. Jules waits, the steam from her own untouched meal rising and disappearing into the air.
“I appreciate your apology, Jules, really, I do. But you can't just throw words like that around, whether you mean them or not. Words stick. They fester,” Leigh says, meeting Jules’ gaze squarely. 
Jules looks down, tries to mask the hurt that flickers across her face, biting down on her lip. 
Leigh continues, “When I criticize you, it’s not meant as an attack. I’m not someone who likes to beat around the bush, especially not with family.”
The word ‘family’ hits differently this time—at least for Jules it does. Her heart aches at the mention, dragging up memories of a recent painful conversation where she had confessed to feeling like an outsider in her own family.
“Sometimes it's not about what you say but how you say it,” Jules mutters.
Leigh looks at her expectantly, clueless and curious at the same time.
“Not everyone can handle being talked to so bluntly. Not everyone’s as frank as you, okay? Sometimes it feels more like you're pushing me away instead of trying to help.”
Leigh goes quiet, letting the silence stretch just a bit before she nods. “You’re right,” she concedes, the words slipping out almost thoughtfully. It’s almost surprising, the lack of her usual quick-fire defense. “I think I got so wrapped up in the idea that being honest meant being harsh. I can work on that. I should work on that.”
Jules blinks, taken aback by the calm acceptance in Leigh’s tone, the ease with which she receives the criticism. It’s a side of Leigh she hasn’t seen much of—this reflective, almost gentle version. It's a welcome change, a sign of growth that feels both sudden and deeply necessary. 
“I didn’t expect... I mean, I’m glad you took that the way you did,” Jules says.
Leigh gives a small, almost sheepish smile, a rarity on her usually stoic face. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About how I say things, not just what I say. It’s been... a lot to unpack. But hearing this from you, it really helps. It does.”
She means it. Ever since you’ve stubbornly eased your way into her life, she’s done a lot of thinking. She’s done a lot of grieving too, realizing that if she had seen the changes that needed to be made earlier, things might have been different for her—for Matt. She’s learned to accept that life is always going to be filled with regrets, but she’s grateful now to recognize that she still has the chance to change, even if it came a little too late.
Better late than never, right?
She looks at Jules, her eyes earnest and a little bit haunted. “I’m sorry, Jules, for everything I said, everything I made you feel. I love you. You’re my sister, always. I know I can be too hard on the people who mean the most to me, but I’m going to try, really try, to balance that love, to understand how you need to be loved.”
Jules sits frozen, speechless for the first time. Their confrontations usually spiral into heated exchanges until one of them storms off. She hadn't expected this to be so... civil and mature. 
So unlike them. 
Finally, she manages a small, shaky smile. “Yeah, this... this went way better than I played it out in my head.”
Leigh’s laughter is a quick splash of reprieve, a burst of surprise at how well things have turned.  But it fades as quickly as it bloomed, her smile slipping into a frown as she catches the shadow creeping over Jules’s face. 
“What is it?”
Jules fidgets, nervously twisting a napkin between her fingers. “I... need to ask you something that’s been eating at me for months... well, almost a year now. And I need you to be brutally honest with me, Leigh. Can you promise that?”
Leigh feels a slight tremor of worry, but brushes it off and nods. “You’re scaring me, but sure. I promise.”
“Here we go,” Jules says, taking a deep, faltering breath. “Remember that night? When I was so drunk you had to come and get me? It was the last night Matt was... before he... you know. Do you ever resent me for it? I did such a horrible thing, robbing you of his last moments because I couldn't keep it together—”
“You know I’ve never blamed you for that. Not during our last fight, not when Matt died, just... never, basically,” Leigh says, leaning back on her chair.
“But some part of you must have hated me, because—”
“—maybe he needed someone.”
Leigh just shrugs and denies it which only frustrates Jules even more. “No, Leigh,” she tries, “I need you to listen to me. I was very drunk that night—”
“You were really drunk a lot of nights and you’ve done a lot of crappy things,” Leigh states frankly. “But none of them had anything to do with Matt’s death.”
Jules swallows hard, her eyes stinging. “But what if it did, though?”
Leigh, clearly frustrated, responds, “You really think that?”
Jules looks down at the table and stays silent.
“Jules,” Leigh sighs, searching for the right words to reassure her sister. Eventually, she opts for honesty. “Look, I can’t tell you how to feel, but that’s not how I feel. Okay?”
It takes a second longer for Jules to say, “Okay.”
Leigh stares intently at her sister, noting the way Jules's eyes avoid contact. She knows the soft okay from Jules isn't a signal of acceptance or peace, but a white flag in a battle mostly with herself. Jules is grappling with her own guilt, a feeling that has little to do with Leigh but still consumes her. Leigh wishes, not for the first time, that her sister could see the truth as easily as she reads into misconceptions. It’s the same thing she wishes for herself.
Feeling slightly vindicated to have aired her feelings, Jules turns her attention back to the food spread between them. She reaches for her bánh mì, grips it firmly, and takes a hearty bite. As she chews thoughtfully, she manages a muffled, “Thanks, Leigh.”
Leigh just offers a small, understanding smile.
As they continue eating, Jules suddenly grins, crumbs dotting the corners of her mouth. “You're probably wondering why we're having Vietnamese tonight,” she says.
Leigh raises an eyebrow, curious despite herself. “I was wondering.”
Jules chews quickly, then, with her mouth still full, blurts out, “Well, I've got one more piece of news for you.”
It’s almost midnight when Leigh returns to her bedroom. 
As soon as her eyes land on her cellphone, carelessly tossed on the sheets, guilt floods her. She remembers she didn’t even say goodbye to you. Horrified, she realizes she left you hanging, high and dry.
She grabs her phone, her heart pounding in her chest, and checks for any messages from you. The screen lights up, but there are no new notifications, no missed calls.
“God, I’m such an idiot,” she mutters to herself, running a hand through her hair. She takes a deep breath and dials your number, her fingers trembling slightly as she presses the call button.
It rings once, twice, and then you answer. “Leigh?”
“Hey. Sorry, did I wake you?” Leigh asks, picking up on the sleepiness in your voice.
“No, not at all. What’s up?”
She lets out a relieved sigh before rushing into an apology. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you like that. Jules came home and then I—”
“It’s okay, Leigh,” you whisper soothingly, grateful that she called you back at all.
That doesn’t alleviate Leigh's guilt, though. She racks her brain for a way to make amends. 
“Can we… Can we pick up where we left off?” she suggests hesitantly.
You let out a kind chuckle. “I’d like that. But maybe we should save it for… later. Honestly, that was a bit reckless, Leigh.”
Leigh's brow furrows, even though you can't see it. “What do you mean?” she asks.
“I want to do this right,” you explain earnestly. “If taking things slow helps us build something real, then I’m willing to wait.”
“Well, clearly patience hasn’t been my strong suit either,” Leigh admits, her lips curving into a grin at your attempt to be chivalrous.
“I know,” you whisper, traces of a smile audible in your voice. “But I didn’t want you to think that’s all I’m after. And believe me, I want you—it’s driving me crazy.” 
Leigh runs her tongue along her teeth, feeling the familiar tug of desire low in her belly.
“I just don't want us to get so caught up in the physical stuff that we miss out on really getting to know each other,” you say.
“Me neither,” Leigh agrees, tucking the blankets up under her chin, pretending it's you keeping her warm.
“While I obviously enjoyed our…conversation earlier,” you say, pausing to maintain your composure. You can still hear the echo of Leigh's moans in your car, the memory likely to revisit you on sleepless nights in the coming days. “I'm really looking forward to diving deeper into things, like your favorite book, on Saturday.”
“Maybe I'll bring you a whole list,” she teases.
“Guess I’ll have to find that library card I signed up for then,” you joke.
“A library card, huh? Dork,” she retorts affectionately.
You feign a wounded tone, “Ouch.”
The laughter that follows is light and easy. You sigh contentedly and say, “I should probably call it a day. I’ve got an early start tomorrow.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Leigh.” I love you. “See you on Saturday.”
The call ends with both of you reluctantly hanging up, smiles fixed on your faces as you lie back. Leigh is an addictive rush, coursing through your veins like adrenaline. You've excused yourself out of habit for sleeping early, but you doubt you’re going to get much sleep tonight.
Leigh nudges open the door to the crowded bistro tucked near the Basically News office. It’s the thick of lunch hour, and the place pulses with the chatter of midday patrons. It’s exactly the sort of public, non-intimate setting you'd want for meeting an ex. She weaves through the crowded room, spotting Danny at a corner table, his focus tethered to his phone as he absently taps on the screen.
“Hey,” she greets, sliding into the chair opposite him.
Danny looks up, a hint of irritation flashing in his eyes. “You know, I could’ve just dropped by your house later.”
Leigh shakes her head. “It's better to meet somewhere public from now on.”
His expression darkens, and he scoffs. “Why? So Y/N doesn’t get jealous?”
Leigh leans back, crossing her arms. “Yes,” she says, deliberately blunt.
Danny's jaw sets, a muscle twitching slightly, but he doesn't press the issue. Instead, he reaches into his bag and retrieves a folder, sliding it across the table toward Leigh. “Matt’s publisher wants to release his comic posthumously,” he starts, “but there are strings attached.”
Interest sparks in Leigh's eyes as she opens the folder, her eyes quickly scanning the contract. 
“What kind of strings?” she asks.
“They want either you or me—or both of us—to join a group of artists to promote the comic—”
“That sounds fair and exciting,” Leigh interjects a bit too soon.
“—across the country,” Danny finishes, clicking his tongue in mild annoyance. “It’s a tour, Leigh.”
Leigh's fingers stall at the edge of the paper, the reality of the proposition sinking in. 
“A tour?” she echoes.
“Yeah,” Danny nods. He flags down a waiter and orders a beer. “Early next year. Matt’s comic is in the final stages of editing, and it should be finalized in about three weeks. They’re aiming for a release in February, and the tour will follow right after that.”
“That sounds soon,” Leigh remarks. “How long is the tour supposed to last?”
“About two months,” Danny replies. “We'll be traveling across different states, attending conventions, signing autographs, meeting fans. It’s a big commitment.”
Danny shrugs, the hurt briefly flickering across his face before he can hide it. “Yeah, we. Though I'm not sure I can join because of the new job in Vegas. There's a good chance you might be doing this solo.” His attempt at nonchalance doesn't quite cover the sting of her reaction—how distant the concept of 'we' seems to her.
Leigh chews on her lip, her thoughts drifting to her own commitments—her column, her classes at the Beautiful Beast, and you. The idea of leaving all that behind, even for just a few months, feels like too great a sacrifice.
“It’s a lot to take in,” she says, pushing the folder back towards Danny. 
“He deserves this kind of recognition,” Danny implores, as if suggesting that Leigh thinks otherwise.
“I'm aware,” she snaps back, “I just need a bit of time to think it through, to sort out the schedules and everything.”
Danny raises his hands in mock surrender, indicating he doesn't want to escalate the argument. But Leigh knows him well enough to see through it—it’s a tactic. Danny has a way of guilting her into decisions without saying much, letting assumptions and insinuations simmer until Leigh finds herself making the choice he wants.
Leigh stands up, slipping the folder into her bag. “I’ll let you know as soon as I can.”
“Fine,” Danny says with a tight nod. “Just don’t drag your feet. The publishers are waiting on an answer soon.”
Saturday comes soon, but not soon enough.
All week, relentless rain showers have scattered across the days, and though the forecast promises sunshine today, Leigh wakes up to the soft splattering of rain against her window. The gentle patter seeps into her consciousness, easing her from sleep. The room is filled with a cool, damp scent, and is bathed in a soft, diffused light as the morning sun is muted behind thick clouds. 
Leigh gropes blindly beneath the pillow to her left, retrieving her phone and squinting at the time. It’s 9:30 AM. She blinks, trying to shake the sleep from her mind, and her heart drops slightly as she notices five missed calls from you, each one timestamped progressively: 7:45, 7:55, 8:15, 8:30, and finally 8:45.
Guilt twists in her chest. She sits up, brushing sleep from her eyes, and dials your number back, hoping she hasn’t missed something important. 
You answer on the first ring. “Hey. Everything okay?”
Leigh sighs, running a hand through her tousled hair. “Yeah, I'm sorry I missed your calls. I just woke up. What's going on?”
“It’s Saturday,” you say rather awkwardly. “We had plans to meet this morning, remember?”
Leigh sits up, suddenly fully awake. She’s been looking forward to Saturday all week, eagerly anticipating this date. The realization that she slept through most of the morning fills her with shame. She’s been so restless the past few days, and it was only the gloomy, sleepy weather last night that finally allowed her to get some decent rest.
“I’m sorry if I disturbed your sleep, but since it’s an all-day affair, I thought we could start with breakfast,” you continue, breaking the silence that had been filled only with Leigh’s soft breathing.
“Where are you now?” she asks.
You hesitate for a moment before replying, “I’m actually parked outside your house.”
Fuck. Shit. Damn it.
“Okay, okay. Sorry, uhm, can you give me five minutes?”
“Take all the time you need.”
Leigh ends the call and throws off the covers, scrambling to get dressed. She rushes to the bathroom, splashing water on her face and running a brush through her hair, muttering curses under her breath. Her hands tremble slightly as she picks out an outfit, the anticipation of the day ahead propelling her forward.
As she heads for the door, a small smile forms on her lips. This might not have been the flawless beginning she imagined, but just knowing you’re on the other side makes it perfect already.
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ofspark · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: i can't do this alone! ( serah @devourlight bc cade doesnt know when to not be a gremlin. )
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𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒏 blossoming in her throat. Wherefore a gaze akin wondrous seas is dulled only by helplessness. But even as warring perpetuity rages midst marrow--- thunder cracks in her bones && howls across pallid horizons--- there is naught one's influence may invoke. For her hands are tied at the behest of a goddess that barely clings to her own existence. Hang high the banner of steadfast warrior && see to it that her blade serves well to ensure the welfare of what's left to tattered divinity. The very armor held taut to frame is evidence enough of cosmic impressionability forcing her hand when home was so close; when she could practically taste freedom. So in this domain that has been forsaken by the darkness && consumed by chaos abundant, flecks of light catch at the grooves of mentioned armor. Roseate hues are a fever dream at best; is this once-soldier turned champion even truly there? Are the greaves that hold her aloft truly leaving the impression of soles against still dirt? Or is this merely a ploy to feed her fervor? To stay true the course set upon. && it is with all of these what ifs that attentiveness averts askew; eyes cast across the crest of pauldron to take in the sight of desperation incarnate. A sibling pleading that Lightning stay. What a familiar construct.
"Serah.." Uttered hushed, nigh pleadingly---but it's because she knows what has yet to come. The travesty that will pass && herald damnation. Lest will damn this course of events && see to it change is enforced. The pair standing just those few paces beyond would play so pivotal a part in the timeline therein. Every action, every blade of grass, every flap of a butterfly's wings; whatsoever their choices be, may it alter the course of unfavorable fate she's wept over. "I can't go with you. Leaving Valhalla would see Caius' plan come to light. Etro would be lost and so too would countless lives." A brief pause ensues, lashes aflutter && cast to settle against the crests of cheeks for but a moment. && when her gaze presents itself once more, resolve blossoms within. One might sense melancholy at the precipice of lash line. Others might see the burden of duty consuming her. "Lean on those around you. See this fight through to the end. The future depends on it."
0 notes
Round 2
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Gilgamesh: A man of many .... blades.
Cid: If you love diamonds, he's the man for you.
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ahqkas · 4 months
♯ THEODORE NOTT masterlist !
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❛ 💸 ━ personal favorite
❛ 📀 ━ fluff
❛ 🏛️ ━ angst
❛ 🥟 ━ suggestive
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i. dealer ━ smoking had never interested you before but when the local dealer catches your eye, you might get the experience of a professional ( 📀 )
ii. bella italia — in the moment of darkness, he was your light (or when theodore nott noticed a pretty girl struggling to communicate in english and decided to step up) ( 📀 )
iii. tempi difficili — theo comes to your rescue in the foreign world of english and self-centered gits ; part two of bella italia ! ( 📀 )
iv. wicked game — the world was on fire and no one could save you but him ( 📀 )
v. practice makes it better — struggling with the local slang, you feel out of place until you meet theodore nott, the silent slytherin ( 📀 )
vi. jealou$y — an unexpected situation catches you off guard in the heart of florence and your boyfriend reveals a side of him you’ve never seen before ( 📀💸 )
vii. to like you or love you — theodore nott was known to be just like an eurasian magpie — drawn by nature to snatch up and fly off with shiny things. it was no surprise the two of you found yourself in possession of a time turner (which certainly showed you an interesting image) ( 📀 )
i. theo comforting you after you had some troubles falling asleep
ii. you learn and tell theo ‘i love you’ in italian
iii. theodore with a lover who has teary eyes
iv. theo learns about your curly hair
v. theo with a model ! gf
vi. theo with a lover who has sensitive skin
vii. theo with a gf who won the battle of being afraid of physical contact
viii. theo with a lover who has an oral fixation
ix. theo with a gf who zones out a lot
x. theo with a lover who smells of coconut
xi. ex bf theo who tries to get you back / part 2
xii. theo with a dyslexic ! lover
xiii. theo with a dancer ! gf
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bengals-barnesbabe · 5 months
#Track 9 Masterlist
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Pairing: Joe Burrow x RnB Singer!Fem Reader
Summary: When the secret relationship between a famous singer and a popular quarterback is revealed no one could be happier. But when lyrics to an unreleased song are released, the strength of their relationship is questioned and tested when fans, reporters and exes start coming into the mix. Will you get your happy ending or is this the beginning of the end?
Main Masterlist 🤍
Character List🩷🧡🖤
Warnings: 18+, mentions of sex, foul language.
Last Updated: 19 September 2024
a/n: #track9 taglist is open! if you would like to be added to my taglist for this series comment 'tag me🧡' and you'll be added. If you want to be taken off at any point dm me -babe :)
* ~ flashback chapter 🩷 ~ social media post
🧡 ~ private dm
🤍 ~ group chat
🖤 ~ written chapter
Chapter I: Valentine’s Day Tease
Pt.1: 🩷 Pt.2: 🧡
Chapter II: Clothes Are So Obnoxious
Pt.1: 🩷 Pt.2: 🧡
Chapter III: Tell Me
Chapter IV: You Love Me
Chapter V: #Track 9
Pt.1: 🩷 Pt.2: 🧡 Pt.3: 🤍
Chapter VI: Crazy 4 Me
Pt.1: 🩷 Pt.2: 🤍
Chapter VII: Kisses 4 My Exes
Pt.1: 🩷 Pt.2: 🤍 Pt.3: 🤍 Pt.4: 🤍 Pt.5: 🩷
Chapter VIII: Real Shit
Chapter IX: #TMYLM
Pt.1: 🩷 Pt.2: 🤍 Pt.3: 🧡
Chapter X: Training Camp
Chapter XI: Press Week
Chapter XII: prayer for the broken
Chapter XIII: ‘i love you, goodnight’ tour
Part1 :🖤 Part2: 🩷
Chapter XIV: Domestic Tingz
Chapter XV: ‘The Reynolds Pamphlet’
Part1: 🩷 Part2: 🤍 Part3: 🧡 Part4:🤍 Part5: 🩷
Chapter XVI: Robbed*
Part1: 🖤 Part2: 🤍 Part3: 🖤
Chapter XVII: Operation Tiger*
P1: 🩷 P2: 🧡 P3: 🤍 P4: 🧡 P5: 🤍 P6: 🖤
Chapter XVIII: Run Joey Run*
Part1: 🩷 Part2: 🖤
Chapter XIX: #WLT*
Part 1: 🤍 Part 2: 🩷 Part 3: 🤍
Chapter XX: Wish I Never
Part 1: 🧡 Part 2: 🩷 Part 3: 🤍
Chapter XXI: Let’s Be Strangers*
Chapter XXII: Messy Gal
Chapter XXIII: Tour Countdown
Part 1: 🩷🤍 Part 2: 🤍🩷
Chapter XXIV: Mr. Perfect
Part 1: 🖤 Part 2: 🩷
more coming soon ♥︎
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.* ° :⋆ₓₒ
#Mars V Chase
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225 notes · View notes
hyunestrella · 1 year
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★༉ SUMMARY. Growing up you were never shown exactly what the correct example of unconditional love, leading you to believe it wasn’t real, and simply did not exist. So why was this kinda nerdy guy making you feel things you never knew existed?
★༉ PAIRING. Han Jisung x AFAB! Reader.
★༉ GENRE. SMAU, idiots to lovers, angst, fluff.
★༉ WARNINGS. non idol! au, toxic relationships, major angst, reader has a face claim (soyeon of gidle), written elements, she/they pronouns, “kys/die” comments as friendly banter, gaslighting, manipulation, established relationships, cheating, break ups, parties, alcohol consumption (everyone is of legal age), swearing.
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— posting status. completed.
— started. 03/10/23 (DD/MM/YY)
— ended. 23/11/23 (DD/MM/YY)
— taglist. closed.
— notices.
this is NOT an accurate representation of stray kids or any of their members. this is NOT intended to harm them, or their image. this is a work of fiction
the plot and any original characters belong to me, @hyunestrella.
you do not have any permission to repost my work on this platform, or any other platforms.
you do not have any permission to translate my work.
do NOT spam like each chapter - you'll be blocked and reported.
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4liferz !! 3racha !! the boys !!
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i — the worst ii — she’ll be back iii — your number?
i — sucking faces
ii — hungover
iii — friends
iv — back 2 black
v — shut the fuck up
vi — proud parent moment
vii — no response
viii — all i have
ix — blocked
x — actively bamboozled
xi — quit your bitching
xii — proud of you
xiii — damaged goods
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i — memes ii — unseen bits
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© @hyunestrella 2023.
409 notes · View notes