#v; twin puppets
kabukiccentrics · 1 year
The air was unnaturally still inside Shakkei Pavilion.
Sunlight filtered through the ceiling, illuminating expertly crafted walls and thriving maple trees. Red leaves hung heavy on their branches over a sandy garden, shading a pair of sleeping individuals.
A pair of individuals who for all intensive purposes were identical in every way. Dressed entirely in white cloth, draped with purple silk like blankets, hands resting on their chests, ball-jointed fingers threaded together.
An image straight out of a fairy tale, a moment in time undisturbed by the outside world.
Time stretched infinitely from the moment the twin dolls were placed in Shakkei Pavilion, until one day, it didn't.
Time resumed with the fluttering of eyelashes, the twitching of those ball-jointed fingers, the wind rustling the leaves to disturb the stillness. A single leaf fell, landing on the face of the puppet.
On instinct, it raised a hand to its face and brushed it away. It was in that moment that it suddenly realized it existed. That it was awake.
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Its eyes opened, soft purple the color of mist discovering the world for the first time. The red leaves above it, the sunlight warming the Pavilion… Sensations it had never perceived before greeting it one by one.
It didn't know how to react to the stimuli. It remained frozen in something akin to shock, eyes wide, eyes watery, eyes releasing tears that slid down the sides of its face towards its ears.
Some sort of noise left its throat, and it discovered it had a voice. A voice it didn't know what to do with yet, aside from whimper in awe at the world around it coming into focus.
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foxyk7 · 1 year
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The Scarf Twin’s by @yukiphobia24
Suzie the Singer Puppeteer by me ( @foxyk7 )
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transmascswagpolls · 4 months
Transmasc Swag Polls- ROUND 1
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
PUPPET: OOPS! Accidentally Transgender
ALICE: Subtext/ Coded
FNAF: High School (a Youtube animation series), Your Turn to Die (and other related media)
PUPPET PROPAGANDA- (Pollrunner's Note: I genuinely wish I could highlight all the propaganda that was written for this character. Some of the stuff I read was WILD. The submitter uses he/they pronouns for Puppet, but I will have to note the character canonically uses she/her)
On their introduction, Puppet was interpreted by everyone in the fandom as a guy. He has a very deep voice no matter the va, has short hair, and wears the boy school uniform (aka a tie instead of a bow and pants instead of a skirt). His sister has an extra song where she sings about being there for her sibling- uses a lot of male gendered ways to refer to them, and the song has a lot of trans subtext in it ("I'm still that little boy to you" (showing puppet as a kid), "it was only me who could see you", "a light will be born in your new world, and that will be your song"). This song's MV shows Puppet as a kid wearing a dress and a bow in his hair. He looks really sad when looking at their reflection in a puddle and they angrily take the bow out of his hair. In the reflection we can see present day Puppet with his chest covered in bandages, smiling. One time when Puppet is placed in a boy's cabin, other characters point out the 'mistake' to him, which he brushes off and says it's ok (in fact, he seems very happy about it). The creator was confused as to why people were calling Puppet a guy. She says that Puppet is not trans and is just a tomboy. When people thought Puppet was trans, [she] got some backlash for showing unsafe binding, so she said that Puppet doesn't bind and is "just flat chested" (which is really weird to me since his identical twin is not in the least bit flat)
Alice has a whole scene in the spinoff where someone asks him why he talks like a girl sometimes (uses feminine pronouns when he's flustered or stressed in japanese) and he tells them that his mother raised him as her daughter but he knew in his heart that he was a man and eventually got up the courage to tell her. VERY defensive over his gender as a result of that. Sure he's AMAB. But also considering his situation I think he can also count as transmasc. He's one of us Was in his sister's band and played the drums (he doesn't know how to play them). Can only wear striped things if the stripes are in a specific way and is so picky he tries to get a 17 year old to eat his food. He's very kind and cares for people (especially his younger sister) but is also very cringefail... you should play this game. Pleag (Pollrunner's Note: I only met this character thanks to this poll and that alone made everything worth it. His pseudonym (which is a spoiler so I won't include it here) is so clever that it inspired the name of one of the characters in my game. Swaggy fucking guy fr fr)
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myristicisms · 1 month
@sleeplesswork | vergil;;
things were progressing, certainly not fast, but at a steady rate — a dripping faucet someone had forgotten to turn off, left broken. with every passing day, it was hard to determine whether he was finally getting a footing with everything or if he'd been falling for so long that the nothingness was beginning to feel like floor. . . the headache pounding behind his eyes didn't seem to dampen, but the reception the once angelo received at devil may cry was getting… friendlier. it wasn't exactly the word he'd use, but his presence no longer set off alarm bells, and vergil knew he didn't deserve any more than that. whilst he was trying to better himself — more for dante and nero's sake, and perhaps v's — his efforts were solely to be noticed and appreciated by himself and no one more. yet lady had started greeting him when she stormed into the office to bark something at dante. his brother was throwing his arm over his shoulder, and vergil was trying hard not to be repulsed by the touch ( though it often ended in a fight when his foolish twin refused to let go ). there was also nero, his son; while the boy clearly strived for them to have more of a connection, they were at a standstill, truthfully when vergil was dragged to visit the man's home, he spoke more to his human companion ( girlfriend ), than his spawn. another that came to mind was miriam, the woman who'd been most greatly affected by urizen's actions; whilst she may have despised him more than mary, they forged common ground. she'd started to offer her endless supply of home-cooked meals as-well, presenting them to vergil as if he had the right to judge whatever she created. it took an embarrassingly long time for the man to realise she'd been trying to offer him a meal.
how amusing, he shouldn't be thinking about warm meals as the blood on his hands chills, while what's left on his tongue burns so hot it's all he can focus on. the mangled caucus before him matters not; there's nothing left of it to eat that doesn't involve the stomach where he can smell the human remains. still, he stands there, staring, starving. the pain twists and curls its way through his suddenly full stomach, and yet he feels starved… when was the last time he'd eaten ? v had a couple of meals during his measly month of living, but she wasn't vergil. he couldn't die from a lack of nutrition, but he felt the pain; his hollow insides hadn't started aching until today, though.
in an almost mindless haze, he returns to the devil may cry, watching his bloodied hand push open the agency's front door as if it belonged to someone else. the feeling of being puppeteered was so familiar that it was almost comforting; once alarm bells would have gone off, now it granted a momentary respite from forcing heavy limbs to function without fail. though, in such a stupor, the devil had failed to notice a familiar shard binder within the building's walls.
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Silence is tranquility, something she's come to note for many years and yet it still never leaves her feeling any easier. Miriam knows she's welcome where she's sat, the unlocked door of the building further vindicating the fact that the familiar albeit empty space of the business had been a place of conversation and solitude alike throughout the years and yet it doesn't leave her any more calm to be there without one of the residents of the place present and yet still she patiently waits. It's another night she'd intended to waste her time idly chatting with one of the brothers, perhaps preparing dinner for the residents seeing as they won't eat anything of substance if she doesn't. It's ridiculous how fulfilled she truly feels, being able to provide for someone again no matter how minor it was, Nero being out of the house had taken a lot of adjustment and even then the absence of his presence, of not having nearly as many leftovers as she now often does, it's all a reminder of just how quickly time passes and oh how she grieves the past.
Whatever the case it hardly mattered, she has other matters at the forefront of her mind, like how dusty the bar of Devil May Cry is despite having just been taken care of a few weeks ago or how much progress the elder of the twins was slowly inching towards in bettering himself. It wasn't asked of her but Miriam, for her own piece of mind, had been keeping an eye on the man, blue was a color of calmness, loyalty and leadership and while Vergil appeared to be those on the surface, he was a tornado of control and over domination when she'd first had the displeasure of truly meeting the man as Urizen. He's made great progress in bettering himself, slowly opening up to the prospect of new things and foolish a thing as it is she can't help but find some sort of softness for the otherwise prickly and cold man. Perhaps it is her own foolish desires to see the best in everyone regardless of the sins that taint their fingertips or maybe it's the fact that he was much like herself as far as circumstances go, whatever the case she couldn't bring herself to truly hate the elder of the spawn of Sparda.
Blunt nails gently dig into her thigh, a pinching reminder of what she nearly lost and yet again she falls deep into thought, memories swirling like a whirlpool of disdain and sorrow at just how terribly her time spent under Urizen's control had been; Despite being able to walk around again with hardly any issue, there still lingered the after effects of not maintaining her glyphs, her energy still sapped away and it's irksome how powerless she is as her body fully recovers many months after the fact. It's a miracle for her to be sat in the familiar building as she is just as it's a miracle for her to be able to witness a familiar figure stumble inside. She almost cracks a joke to him, the beginnings of a smile swiftly falling to concern as she stands and paces to the blood covered man. “ Vergil- ” She speaks up, voice uneasy as she holds a hand out in offering, not wishing to bother him with an unwelcome touch.
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bloodygirlhood · 1 year
gen v fic(s) ?? (mostly jordan tbh)
the lack of gen v fanfics is actually a crime so i am here to change that. i have a lot of ideas, and thought i could share them here to see if anyone would be interested in any of them.
— SECOND CHANCES (jordan li fic)
Nova Woods' body is made of mistakes and regrets more than flesh and bone.
Ambition is her second name and betrayal is her God.
Not that Jordan Li knew this when they started dating her. No, what Jordan knew was the girl who always wore pink even though people made fun of her, and who brought them a cup of coffee and a sandwich because she knew they tend to skip breakfasts.
Nova Woods was Jordan Li's safe place. Tender touches and soft kisses, the emphatic look in her eyes that made them melt as if she was the sun and they were Icarus' wings, and praises spilling from her lips like sweet honey that they so needed.
Until they learned what kind of a monster was under the masks she was wearing.
The only reason Nova was with them was to get into the top ten on the list.
Nothing about her was real. She was just a perfectly sculpted illusion, showing them what they wanted to see. And Jordan was a fool, who opened their hearts and showed her their most vulnerable parts.
Nova knows she fucked up. She knows that. And she is ready to do whatever is necessary to win them back. She no longer cares about the list - she never actually did; it was her parents' ambitions pressed upon her and she was just a puppet whose strings were in their hands.
Jordan Li does not believe in second chances. But Nova Woods is ready to change their mind.
(I have not yet come up with Nova's powers, super healing for plot armor ofc but maybe animal control or plant control - something that will not overpower her.)
Samantha Riordan is nothing if not her twin brother Luke's shadow. He is the Golden Boy, the sun seems to favor him as he bathes in its light while she is just Luke's little sister (despite being two fucking minutes older than him) resting on the shadow he has created for her. She watches her brother wear the crown of glory all the while she seems to have very similar powers to his but never makes it to even the top ten on the list.
Even her name does not just belong to her. Their younger brother was named Sam, which was the nickname she went by. Emphasis on the past tense because her younger brother has killed himself so her fucking name became a taboo in her own house.
It is like the universe and everyone around her acts like her actual ability is being invisible.
That is until her twin brother blows himself up and all the spotlight falls upon her.
Love Interest(s): Jordan Li (main) & Marie Moreau (not poly)
tw: homophobia, religious parents/guilt
Eden Rivers cannot stress this enough: just because she kissed a girl one time (okay, maybe three times) does not mean she is bisexual. She likes boys. She is straight. She is normal. She is the way her God wants her to be.
Her knees have bruises due to kneeling on the ground and her throat burns and aches for uttering prayers for hours and asking for forgiveness from God.
Again, her mother says, ignoring the tears that stain Eden's cheeks. She feels no pity toward Eden, she sees no daughter or a teenage girl. She only sees an abomination and is blinded by disgust and hatred.
There is something terribly wrong with Eden: she kissed another girl.
Eden does not argue or fight back. She continues praying and, crying, regretting and hating herself.
Then, she wipes off her tears and cleans the blood on her knees to go back to her job as if nothing happened.
Luke Riordan sees right through his assistant but does not force her to speak. He knows how her parents are and just reminds her that she will always have a place in his house if she ever needs it.
Then, he kills himself.
And Eden is starting to question her God.
Then, she meets Jordan Li — he, no wait, she, but then it is a he again and Eden cannot understand anything. Bi-gender, others explain to her and suggest her to use they/them for Jordan.
Eden needs to know why Luke, a human form of sunshine, decided to blow himself up. Because if she cannot find a reason, it means her God has failed her.
And she has to work with Jordan, whose both forms make Eden forget that her God is watching her, reading her not-so-pure thoughts.
But when Jordan is around, Eden's God does not exist.
And she no longer puts meaning into her prayers - not after kissing them.
She does not regret kissing them. She only regrets not doing it before.
(i am actually v proud of this idea because a lot of people have to hide or fight back their sexuality due to the pressure of their parents and norms placed into their heads. gen v is not just a show about superpowers or heroes/villains, it is also about discovering your real identity and finding who you really are and i feel like this fic would be focusing on both identity search and fun superpower parts.)
In a world full of Supes, being a seer is lame, Isabel Quinn knows. She also knows how fucking pathetic it is to have a girlfriend who can manipulate blood when she faints at the sight of blood.
Isabel does not think she belongs at Godolkin University but she follows her girlfriend Marie Moreau there. She assures herself that everything will be alright if they keep a low profile - but then Marie wants to go out with the "cool" Supes and drags Isabel with her.
And then there is a woman with a split neck in the middle of the club they go to. And the crimson river is all Isabel can see. So much fucking blood and Isabel's vision goes black.
She wakes up in Andre Anderson's bed - the guy who is responsible for almost killing the woman in the club- and learns they left her fucking girlfriend responsible for it and tries to get away from him.
Andre - a hypocrite, hero-wannabe in Isabel's opinion- pulls a cliche when he grabs her wrist in the middle of the yard to justify his actions but then the Golden Boy chases her girlfriend and flies to the sky.
And there is blood again. Everywhere.
Fainting once again and this time waking up with a worried Marie hovering over her, Isabel says a dumb thing. A very dumb and unforgivable thing.
Isabel loses the only reason she came to that university: her girlfriend.
But while Isabel is running after Marie to regain her love, Andre Anderson seems like a tail on her back, desperate to prove to her that he is a good guy.
love interest(s): Marie Moreau & Andre Anderson (love triangle, andre as main love interest)
Camila Dunlap sometimes pretends like the white ceiling above her is actually a bright blue sky that stretches to freedom and the chains on her hands are actually her sister Cate's warm hands.
She is tired of looking at the trees and being trapped inside of a room.
She is tired of waiting for her sister to save her.
Sometimes they let her see Cate. But Camila knows Cate has to do things for them. Bad things, her older sister mumbles when asked, terrible things.
At least, she talks with the guy in the next room through Morse code. Sam is his name, a funny guy who often jokes about how she is not actually real. Communicating with him keeps her remaining sanity.
Until one day, when Sam does more than keep her sane, and actually helps her out of the Woods with the help of a very tiny girl.
But it is never over.
Cate tells her that if she truly wants to be free, she has to do whatever they say. She has to turn Sam in and betray the people who have saved her.
Betrayal has always been a part of love for Dunlap sisters, who can play with the strings of someone's mind as if they were those of a violin.
(as you can see, i don't like sticking to canon so this is based on the theory that cate is a double agent. i am not sure about sam's age but he'll be aged up.)
i think this is it for now. don't question why the summaries are way too long, i tend to do that. i'd appreciate if you stated which one(s) you are interested!
thanks so much for reading this!
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flightlessribbons · 6 months
Switch games, changed lore
Gloria and Victor start traveling together after the first gym challenge when Hop begins to set out on his own.
An online show hosted by twin celebrities Castiel and Brant (renamed Shielbert and Swordward) is popular and well watched throughout Galar. Throughout the main story, their episodes and hosts begin to get weirder as they make up stories and rights of their lineage, but their loyal fan base only grows and defends the twins to no end. The show, even if its infamy, gets more popular as the main story goes on.
Rose is a puppet to the twins, as they use Rose to awaken Eternatus under the guise that it’s for Galar’s future. 
Their real plan is to awaken Eternatus to draw out Zacian and Zamazenta and forcefully catch them so they can claim themselves as the second kings of Galar and gain considerable control in the region.
Rose is unaware of their true plans, and goes ahead with Eternatus’s awakening despite his own doubts. Has encouraged and promoted (with different ads, raffles, and campaigns that shows throughout the main story) everyone over the main story to leave Hammerlocke and the Wild Area on a certain date to watch the Gym Season’s finale so the affected area of the city could be empty for the second Darkest Day.
When he realizes Eternatus is much more powerful than he thought when awakened, Rose actually tries to fight it first before Leon gets there, and is knocked out in the process. The final fight with Gloria and Hop proceed as normal after Leon shows up.
During the events of the post-game, Hop and Gloria are accused of being fake heroes by Castiel and Brant’s fan base, as they couldn’t have possibly teamed up with the legendaries that were meant to choose only those of the royal family. The twins pretend to be against such rumors, but are much more unsettling off camera. They threaten Gloria and Hop unless they hand over the rusted sword and shield, and give them two days to deliver it to them. 
They try to get more information on the siblings with the help of Leon and Sonia while they visit Rose in the hospital, to which Rose overhears and tells them about the twins' involvement in the Darkest Day. 
Hop and Glo are harassed by the twins’ fans, adding pressure on social media as well as in person. 
The pressure eventually gets to Hop, who runs away to the Slumbering Weald to be alone, though he is met with Castiel who steals the shield from him. 
The twins soon begin another livestream from one of the gyms, and show off a provoked Zamazenta under their control. Hop and Glo immediately go after them, as their friends help them find out which gym they’re at.
Zacian, enraged at Zamazenta being used, fights along with them, though the brothers frame it as the two wolves coming to test them before their prophecy comes true. 
Hop and Gloria free Zamzenta from their control, and Hop manages to steal the shield back from Castiel. The two wolves leave the area again, and seeing their plans fall out, the brothers get angry at the teens. They talk about all the plans they made and how they messed it all up, but forget they are live streaming. They are taken away by the authorities when Hop and Gloria leave to return the weapons to the Weald.
When they return, they find the wolves waiting for them. Returning their weapons the legendaries prompt them to catch them.
Florian has returned from a gap year and is recovering from health problems that started at an event at Kitakami at the end of his past year.
Juliana is new to the region, and is paired up with Florian for their school adventure.
Both Turo and Sada are Arven’s parents that worked in the Area Zero Lab. 
Both past and future paradox pokemon roam the crater.
Before the events of the main storyline, Turo created an AI of himself to help more at the lab, so he and Sada could balance their work and family time better.
When she was alone in the lab one day, Sada was pushed into one of the portals to the past by an alternate, evil, version of herself that had come from another portal. Alternate Sada took over Sada’s life, but Turo began to notice differences. 
He programmed AI Turo to take care of Arven, as well as a failsafe to protect him from Alternate Sada should anything happen to the real Turo.
Alternate Sada figured out that Turo knew, and threw him into one of the portals to the future. She also trapped AI Turo in one of the labs to prevent him from stopping her.
Alternate Sada eventually died in the lab blasts, but she was the parent who neglected Arven all those years that he had the most memories of.
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laurasanchez36 · 1 month
Sammy the Kind Sun and Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon My NEW MSA X Dark Deception OCS
1.- Sammy the Kind Sun/Harrison ___
Full Name: Sammy the Kind Sun, Harrison ___ (in the past)
First Name: Harrison
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 6 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives: Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon/Willie ___ (his brother)
Species: Human, later Animatronic Sun
Friends: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends,
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Sammy the Kind Sun's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeasT3qcqVc
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Sundrop (from FNAF SB) and Mickey Mouse (from Epic Mickey)
2.- Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon/Willie ___
Full Name: Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon, Willie ___ (in the past)
First Name: Willie
Last Name:
Gender: Male
Profile Pic
Age: 7 (deceased)
Blood Type:
Actual or Past Occupation:
Favourite Shows/Games: ___/___/___
Favourite Food:
Favourite Animal:
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives: Sammy the Kind Sun/Harrison ___ (his brother)
Species: Human, later Animatronic Moon
Friends: Sabella the Ballerina Butterfly/Lewana ___, Angelisa the Angel/Fairy Doll Hybrid, Sally the Princess Cat Hybrid, Farkle the Prince Fox, Billie the farmer bunny and Alastair the new mascot bear/demon hybrid, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (normal-self), Doug Houser, Tammy Houser, Bierce, Mystery Teams, Girls' Clue Club, Stella the Cat, Aurora Woodson, Stanley Woodson, Greg Woodson and Lonnie Woodson, Maisy Pepper and her friends,
Enemies: Malak, The Black Charro, Agatha, Jerry, Murder Dolls, Murder Monkeys, Possessed Statues, Gold Watchers, Plant Piranhas, Dread Duckies, Goliath Clowns, Killer Twins, Reaper Nurses, Reaper Professors, Joy Joy Gang, Dracula the Ghost Vampire, Mama Bear, Trigger Teddies, Mannequins, The Puppeteers, Mr. Giggles, Gary the Goat/Raccoon Hybrid (mind-control), Dennis the Gopher, Wilbert the psycho Wolf, Beverly the Bee/Vanessa ___
Alignment: Good
Weapons: Magic Staff
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Mr Giggles' Portal: ___
Mark-Mark the Sleepy Moon's Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgLlSQoDjw8
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
This one sounds like Moondrop (from FNAF SB) and Oswald (from Epic Mickey)
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blackfairy312 · 2 months
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only i get this joke but Sumi and Simon seeing Komi and V (human Vinnie) out on the street
okay here's the joke;
Sumi is an oc of ours who is a dating sim type of character. she has a twin named Kiyoshi. they kill people. Kiyoshi has his own group of """friends""" he hangs out with and Sumi doesn't really have any friends because she is , well. a "yandere" is the best way i can describe her in a few words but Sumi is very mentally unstable and also she makes her own psychedelic drugs and sells them (she also makes poisons).
she met Simon on the dark web. Simon is like Eddie Brock, he's a guy with an evil alien parasite in his body . Simon is like a walking living corpse who has plant-like abilities (he shapeshifts his head jnto a pumpkin and kills/eats people oj halloween) . Simon lives in the shadows and doesna lot of stuff kn the dark web. when he met Sumi , she had a persona named Haru, and she pretended to be a guy. anyway some events lead into Sumi and Simon meeting jn person.
the Canon Ending for Sumi would be that she kills the player and Simon ends up eating them. because of Kiyo's route also taking place around the same time, her canon ending would be that she moves out of the house and moves into an abandoned house . Sumi then lets Simon stay in her house because she wants to repay him for killing people for her .
so Sumi is this mentally unstable woman with a TRASHY taste in men. and Simon is her non-human emo friend who is always angry and is really scary. her Guard Dog.
how does this tie into Komi and V?
my current idea for post-Vincent's death is that Vinnie comes to life and Komi makes a new body for him cause she feels bad. she was in a very similar situation (reincarnation) so she knows what irs like to wake up suddenly and have memories from two completely separate lives (V has memories from Vinnie (the puppet is in a "coma" because of Remnant/Agony) and Vincent himself). the whole thing with V is that he's the "Glitchtrap" of the story (a "second chance" villain return)
anway so because V is alive because of Agony (like Remnant, except Agony is more like what's goijg on with Eleanor in Fazbear Frights) . because Vincent used Vinnie as an alter ego of himself (this is why Vinnie has been "alive" the entire time) he basically BROUGHT Vinnie to life , like, that one fucking story in the Fazbear Frights novels about the doll in the closet named Simon idk but anyway , V is basically the two fragments of Vincent's personality (himself and Vinnie) fused into one MESS of an identity. all of the unhinged violent thoughts and boiling hatred and every negative emotion Vincent has forced himself to repress as manifested.
anway that means V is just a creepy freaky weird monster that follows Komi around because he's attached to her and wants to protect her but also he hates her guts and wants to torment her.
Komi hated Vinnie and she HATES V even more
uh anyway Sumi and Simon art dump
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plus some Kiyoshi and other slasher ocs
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I feel like the only I'd be Even Remotely okay with Sparda coming back is like if some evil alchemist or something brought him back through necromancy, possibly as part of some Take Over the World (or Hell) scheme. Like, he died before Eva and the twins were attacked by Mundus' forces, and then after DMC5, some necromancer fucker built him a new demon body and shoved whatever was left of his soul (probably harvested from the Underworld) into it to try and use him as a meat puppet, but that uh. Did Not Go Well for them, and Sparda broke free.
Sparda doesn't just waltz back into his sons' lives, either: he knows he's got a lot of apologizing and making up to do, even if he didn't leave them on purpose. He'd be devastated to find out what happened to Eva and to his sons after his death, but also so happy that they're both alive. Apologizing wouldn't be enough to make up for everything that happened, and neither would letting them punch him in the face, but he'd try it anyway.
Having a grandson would be a pleasant surprise, at least until Sparda found out the poor boy had been raised in a cult that worshipped Sparda as a god, in which case Sparda was just like, "Ah. Another descendant that I'm obligated to let hit me. Alright, Nero, go ahead. Don't hold back. I'm so sorry."
As for how Sparda died originally:
I've got a personal theory that he died for the same reason we see V's body breaking down after Vergil uses the Yamato to split himself in 5- when Sparda separated the Human and Demon Realms, he also split his soul. It just took longer for his body to "degrade"/break down because he's all demon, whereas Vergil is half human. Sparda further splitting his soul into the Sparda, Rebellion, Yamato, and the Perfect Amulet, and then the amulet halves, also didn't help things.
As for why he didn't just re-absorb them and live for another idk, 2000 years:
My best guess is that it wouldn't of been enough to save him because his body was just too far gone by that point, like how you can only stretch something so many times before the elastic just wears out too much and the whole thing just snaps and falls apart. And, if we go with this theory, maybe he thought leaving his sons the swords/powers that he did was more important, since if he was going to die anyway, the least he could do would be to TRY and take care of his sons. I think he just wandered off to die, too, somewhere where any "vultures" that were drawn to his corpse (or whatever was left of him) wouldn't be anywhere near Eva and his sons. This means Eva and his sons might not of had any remains to bury/ashes to scatter, but he did TRY to keep them safe for as long as he could.
As for why a necromancer alchemist brought him back NOW, instead of earlier in the timeline:
-Doyalist explanation is because otherwise the plot would be different and I don't wanna think about that rn, but anyway.
-Arius and Agnus were able to create fully artificial demons*, and before them, the only other person (as far as we know) that could do that was Mundus himself. Which is horrifying, since it means that alchemy (or at least alchemy focused on creating and controlling demons and demonic energy) has officially reached the level where normal human beings can play God with the souls and lives of men and demons. Hence the whole Sparda/necromancy clusterfuck.
[*= Human shaped demons in Aruis' case, and ones that had a certain amount of free will and sentience, like Lucia and the Secretary demons, although Lucia was considered "defective", presumably because she had too much humanity/free will. Agnus had a specialty in constructs powered by demonic energy and piloted by a person or persons' soul(s), and turning humans into demons via his Ascension Ceremony.]
Anyway, mainly, I'm just fine with Sparda being dead, tho I would like more info on his. Some archive of his past or something, y'know? Some flashbacks from the twins, or Matier. More info on Eva would be nice too, tbh, given we know even less about her than Sparda.
Sorry I took so long to get to this!
This scenario kind of falls into "came back wrong", which I'd be okay with. Maybe the necromancer was successful, until they pit Sparda against his own sons. Somehow Sparda is fine and it's one hell of an awkward reunion.
I like your theory about how Sparda died, how he was essentially weakened from all the soul splitting. Wouldn't it be something if Vergil had inadvertently followed in his father's footsteps?
I'm not sure I vibe with Sparda just going off to die. It seems more fitting to me that it was an honest attempt to defeat Mundus' forces and he died in the attempt. It's more tragic to think he always meant to come back, always wanted to come back. And I like that sort of tragedy, I guess. When you try your best and you don't succeeeeeeeeeeed....
I'm gonna wrap this up here bc it's raining and losing power for a second is a definite possibility and I'd be real pissed if I had to write everything again lol
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kabukiccentrics · 1 year
Things had spiraled out of her control.
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Perhaps it was the deep connection to Irminsul herself and The Balladeer now shared, or perhaps it was Fate playing a cruel trick on her, but the information she had extracted from The Doctor slipped into the stream of information that Scaramouche had been searching through. And like how decay attracts insects, that man's twisted memories reached out with their pungent stench, wafting around his nose and luring him closer.
Showing him something she hadn't meant to hide, but had yet to find a good opportunity to explain. The Balladeer was still recovering from everything that had happened, after all, and with his mental instability and other complications, she hadn't wanted to rock the boat.
But the waves crashed down on the boat regardless of her desires, pulling those within Irminsul into the cyclone that was the hidden truth behind the incident of Tatarasuna. The cruel truth, but nestled within it, was a glimmer of something Nahida herself considered positive.
The silence was deafening as the memories ended. She knew she should speak, should try to soothe the confused Traveler and Paimon, but her attention was fully on the Balladeer. She couldn't find her voice for a long moment, but finally was able to utter, "That was... Balladeer, are you okay?"
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jonfucius · 1 year
Great Star Trek Rewatch - The Original Series S1
Originally posted on Twitter 16 October 2020 - 26 October 2020
Star Trek: The Original Series Season 1 is up next in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. As with ENT, DSC, and STX, mini-reviews will document my progress.
The Cage: Star Trek’s would-be pilot from 1964 suddenly has incredible relevance to today’s Star Trek: Discovery. This is one of my favorite episodes of any series, and it gave us TOS’s only two-parter. Pike goes from wounded, vulnerable leader to the man we know in DSC. 10/10
The Man Trap: A solid but unremarkable episode. I can see why NBC picked this one to be the first episode shown, but it's not nearly as strong as "The Cage" or "Where No Man Has Gone Before." The creature makeup scared me as a child and still evokes a little primal fear. 6/10
Charlie X: Adolescence is challenge aplenty, and more so when you're omnipotent. This isn't a horrible episode, but it's not great either. Thus begins TOS's frequent encounters with all-powerful beings of energies. Extra point awarded for Spock and Uhura's duet. 7/10
Where No Man Has Gone Before: Star Trek's second pilot, and a stronger entry than the previous two. Kirk's speech about humanity needing its frailties is a nice counterpart to his need for his pain in Star Trek V. 9/10
The Naked Time: This episode is famous for our heroes acting out of character, and while it is entertaining I feel like it would have been more powerful if it came a couple episodes later. 7/10
The Enemy Within: Evil twin and transporter accident episodes are a well-worn Trek trope these days, but this is the first and arguably one of the best. Shatner does some good work portraying both sides of Kirk's psyche. 7/10
Mudd's Women: I love Roger C. Carmel in the role of Harcourt Fenton Mudd.
I hate this episode. It's misogynistic, it's gross, it's sexist, it's everything wrong with TOS distilled into one interminable slog. This episode gets one point for Roger C. Carmel. 1/10
What Are Little Girls Made Of?: Ruk is a little scary, and the android makeup effects are decent for the mid-60s, but the premise (are duplicates with our full selves really us?) isn't fully explored. Hoping S2 of Star Trek: Picard really dives into this idea. 6/10
Miri: The titular Miri's crush on Kirk is cringey (to say the least). The duplicate Earth really has no bearing on the plot, other than a "huh, weird" reaction at the top of the episode. The "Fountain of Youth=DANGER" plot is an old Trek trope, given birth here. 5/10
Dagger of the Mind: I've always had a crush on Dr. Noel (Kirk clearly did as well). Woodward, Gregory, and Hill are excellent in their roles, and the neural neutralizer was kinda frightening to young Jonfucius. Plus, who doesn't love a good Christmas episode? 8/10
The Corbomite Maneuver: Here's an episode that should've aired first, in place of "The Man Trap". The Balok puppet is frightening, sure, but it's a classic Star Trek story of realizing the "bad guys" are merely misunderstood. Shows Kirk as a master tactician, as well. 10/10
The Menagerie, Part 1: An ingenious reuse of the unaired "The Cage" footage that establishes history for Spock and the Enterprise, thus growing the show's larger universe. 10/10
The Menagerie, Part 2: Spock's trial concludes, as we learn that the whole point was to give Pike a new life. 10/10
The Conscience of the King: Beginning Star Trek’s long association with the Bard, this one is steeped in Shakespearean tone and plot. A truly tragic ending, moody direction, and heightened performances sets this murder mystery apart from others. 9/10
Balance of Terror: When Star Trek: The Original Series fires on all cylinders, it puts out episodes like this one. A tense naval battle with a melancholy ending, this is one of the best episodes of all time. Mark Lenard is superb as the Romulan commander. 10/10
Shore Leave: Finnegan is just the worst. A surreal escapade with just a little camp. Serviceable and cromulent. 7/10
The Galileo Seven: Spock still has a lot to learn about humanity. Star Trek's first shuttlecraft mishap is still one of its best. Great visual effects (especially with the remastered edition). 8/10
The Squire of Gothos: Trelane is a rough draft for Q, and boy is most of this episode rough. The twist at the end is pretty great, however. 6/10
Arena: I've seen this one a few times, and each time, I fail to understand why the fandom adores this one. It's very slow in the middle, made up for by the unseen Gorn attack at the top and Kirk's morality play at the end. 7/10
Tomorrow is Yesterday: A light-hearted time travel yarn with a compelling guest performance, deftly told by D.C. Fontana’s script (with some obvious Gene Coon touches). One of my all-time favorites from TOS. 9/10
Court Martial: Technically the 2nd courtroom drama (“The Menagerie”), but it is the first one to use a trial to examine our heroes. Shoutout to Richard Webb’s Finney, and a court-martial panel with an Afro-Portuguese and South Asian membership - a rarity in 1960s TV. 7/10
The Return of the Archons: Kirk's first opportunity to talk a computer to death, this episode is surreal and a little creepy. However, I don't consider it to be of The Body (of outstanding episodes). 6/10
Space Seed: Gee, I wonder if we'll ever follow up on those Augments left behind on Ceti Alpha V…
Jokes (and problematic brownface aside), this is rightly a classic episode. 9/10
A Taste of Armageddon: A thoughtful meditation on human nature and war, another strong S1 entry. I can't help but feel some parallels to the Americans who have just shrugged and accepted COVID-19 as a fact of life, rather than something that can be defeated. 8/10
This Side of Paradise: A strong acting showcase for Shatner and Nimoy. Some classic philosophical banter in the tag. 8/10
The Devil in the Dark: An episode that rightly deserves the epithet "classic." Ignore the goofy Horta costume and focus on the story. Classically Star Trek through and through. 10/10
Errand of Mercy: Introducing the Klingons with John Colicos was a masterstroke. The brownface is horrendous, but the performances and the story are superb. 8/10
The Alternative Factor: The "what is the worst episode of TOS?" debates rarely mention this absolute turd. Might have something to do with being sandwiched between two pretty great episodes. "Mudd's Women" at least has Carmel's performance going for it. 0/10
The City on the Edge of Forever: It's certainly in contention for the GOAT title, but it's not my all-time favorite. Still, Harlan Ellison's script (rewritten by Roddenberry) and the performances are firing on all cylinders, and the ending is truly shattering. 9/10
Operation -- Annihilate!: This episode creeped me out as a kid, but it's a wimpy episode to end a season on. 6/10
And with that, Season 1 of TOS comes to an end in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. Final score: 7.43/10. Highest score(s): "The Cage," "The Corbomite Maneuver," "The Menagerie," "Balance of Terror," "The Devil in the Dark." Lowest score(s): “The Alternative Factor."
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 months
Constantine (2005)
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Constantine comes from the era of comic book film adaptation when we were just happy to get ANYTHING. This allowed writers, directors and executives to do whatever they wanted to make the stories and characters more accessible and bankable without mobs coming to their doors with pitchforks and torches. Unfortunately, this often resulted in generic, forgettable films. The less familiar you are with the Hellblazer comics, the more likely you are to appreciate this less-than-faithful take on the character. I enjoyed it just enough to give it a mild recommendation while hoping a better adaptation will someday leave this one in the dust.
In LA, cynical occultist John Constantine (Keanu Reeves) is surprised to find a demon attempting to enter our world through its possessed host, rather than simply puppeteering her the way demons usually do. Meanwhile, Detective Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) is shocked when her twin sister, Isabel, commits suicide. Isabel knew this mortal sin would condemn her to Hell, which prompts Angela to suspect she was actually murdered. These strange events are somehow linked to a strange spearhead discovered in a ruined church in Mexico that possesses a man (Jesse Ramirez) while granting him near-invincibility.
With his American accent and black hair, this Constantine feels a lot more like a traditional cynical hero than the blonde from Liverpool you'll find in the pages of DC/Vertigo's comics. There are worse things your movie could do, but it doesn’t help make the story memorable. There's got a mystery that leads to a big threat, which is a good spine to build your skeleton upon. We’re introduced to several rules about the world. Turns out that God and the Devil (Peter Stormare) are competing for mankind’s souls and that neither demons nor angels can directly interfere; they only “influence” people. “Half-breed” angels and demons can walk around doing what they want, however, and when they go too far, Constantine puts them back in their place. He’s doing this to win himself a spot in Heaven. Our favorite exorcist has terminal lung cancer - that’s what you get for smoking non-stop. Maybe this case will be the one to get him his golden ticket. I dunno. Doesn’t it feel like more could be done with this? When you boil it down, Constantine isn’t much deeper than End of Days with Arnold Schwarzenegger and is that really where we want to be?
It’s the details of the world that wind up interesting us in the end. The visions of Hell we see are unique. It’s like a perpetual nuclear sandstorm ripping apart a parallel Earth, with damned souls squirming in agony below while demons prowl about. Getting there requires you to perform simple but convincing-looking rituals, which is one of the standout moments. Rachel Weisz and Keanu Reeves have some pretty good chemistry, even if it would be a cliché for her to fall for a man who didn’t even hold the elevator door open for her the first time they met. Pruitt Taylor Vince as Father Hennessy has an inventive encounter with a demon. Shia LaBeouf plays Chas Kramer, Constantine’s driver and apprentice but he’s gone for such large chunks of the movie you wonder why he was even included. Tilda Swinton has a memorable but small role as the Archangel Gabriel. At this point, I feel like I’m just going through a list of things about the movie, which anyone could do… but maybe that’s all there is to say. How does the movie make you feel? Excited while Constantine is shooting demons with his cross-shaped gun or punching them with holy brass knuckles, I guess. Intrigued when we’re piecing together the clues behind Isabel’s death, I guess. Not exactly a rousing endorsement but the film is not boring. It moves, you want to see what’s coming next and once it’s over, it’s out of your mind.   Could it be that I’m nostalgic for Constantine? I do remember seeing it when it was released on DVD. In fact, I specifically remember buying it. I went to HMV looking for V for Vendetta. This was going to mark my official transition from VHS to discs and when I got to the store, I saw they had an exclusive 2-pack that included Constantine for free. Maybe that’s what's tipping me over the scale; the fact that I didn’t have to pay anything to see this film. If you decide to check it out, stay all the way to the end of the credits for a bonus scene. (August 16, 2022)
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milescottontail · 4 months
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Fredbear's and Friends: Extended AU
Which is an AU where Fredbear's has... an extended cast of characters! (And maybe was open for a little while longer idk)
vvv More info vvv
Fredbear: Leader of the band, basically the dad of the group.
Springbonnie: Second in command, very laid-back ... He lets the others get away with a lot.
Marionette: A glorified security system. a gentle puppet made to keep the younger children in check.
DeeDee: A little fishing friend, VwV.
Ballora: Mom friend, was made with adults in mind. Look up Dolli Dimples! Has nine ex-husbands.
Babydoll: Silly little clown </3 likes ice cream.
Chika Chiki: Friendly party girl! always up-to-date on the current fashion.
Seafox: A grizzled old seafarer.
Mange: A gentle sweetheart with anger problems.
Angel: Ambitious and cunning, she hopes to take over Springbonnie's place one day.
Sunshine/Moonlight: A stage performer with an odd gimmick! switches between the happy-go-lucky Sun and the odd and cryptic Moon by the light level in the room.
Nightingale: A character that appears in the Fredbear's and Friends comics! Fredbear's secret twin and (apparently) mortal enemy.
Silvery: Springbonnie's sister Sometimes mentioned in Springbonnie's Showtapes, she makes her first appearance in the Fredbear's and Friends comic.
Patchouli: Springbonnie's wife briefly appeared in Fredbear's short "Kits o' Plenty!" but it's odd that such a designed character only appears once, isn't it?
Junior: Eldest of 107 siblings Junior is the main character of the short newspaper comic "Springbonnie Junior"!
This isn't the final character list (I'm considering adding Skipper and maybe a Gator?? oh and maybe a Funtime Freddy-type character)
When/if I finalize the character list I'll be uploading a family tree image :V!
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rfaromance · 2 years
I just really need to give Seven a hug right now, I’m on day 9 of his route and I’m really worried about his mental health…
Yeah... yeah. He needs it, even if he insists he doesn't.
So, I never realized how many people get that one particular bad ending on Seven's route because they misread his social cues or don't understand why he's acting the way he is.
Everything that he has ever done was for Saeran. He'd do whatever he could to defend him from their mother, he'd sneak Saeran out for sunshine and ice cream, and when he went to the church, he'd take back extra food for Saeran. He didn't want to leave his brother, but he was told that the best way to help Saeran would be to make a ton of money so they'd have a place to live and be safe and far away from both of their horrible parents.
He was a kid. He's smart, a downright genius when it comes to "book smarts," such as learning how to hack and code and build robots or how to speak 7 languages. But he's still a kid and he didn't have normal life experiences that would help him in the common sense area. He had no reason to distrust V or Rika, who'd been kind to him and supported him.
So he threw everything away to join that miserable agency and do disgusting work, because he knew--or he thought he knew--that would help Saeran. That agency worked him to the bone and exploited him in ways I don't particularly want to discuss. Physically, mentally, emotionally. He wasn't kidding when he said a single joke could make him end up floating in the river. He let that agency do whatever to him because he was convinced it would help Saeran. He was living vicariously through his twin, because in his eyes "Saeran and I are one." He could forgo his name, his identity, his "home," his everything... except Saeran.
He was stripped bare into being a mannequin, a puppet for the agency to use and abuse as it pleased, with only one defining trait that kept him strong and constant: his love for his brother.
It wasn't until he got the floppy disk from Rika with the pictures of his brother smiling and being happy in the sunshine that he allowed himself to smile too. He didn't create the goofy 707 mask until he saw Saeran's joy.
"If Saeran can't have it, neither can I." That was his mantra.
Imagine learning every person sacrifice you made was in vain. Sleepless nights, being thrown all over the world, calluses upon calluses on your overworked fingers, constantly fearing for your life, being violated and treated as less than human--less than dirt even. Every life he took, every secret he leaked, every target he destroyed. He took every sin of his in stride because he was ready to become a demon if that meant Saeran could have peace, love, and happiness. Why do you think he chose "Luciel" for his baptismal name?
It was all for nothing. He's truly destroyed down to his core. He can't trust anything. He doesn't know how to cope with that. He's numb with despair but also boiling with anger and all he can do is focus on the task in front of him.
He's hurt enough people. He can't let someone innocent like you get caught in his web of destruction. As much as he wants to be close to you...
He won't damn you, too.
tl;dr: he needs a hug SO badly but you have to wait until he's ready! Don't smother him or push him. He's going through a lot. Treating him like silly haha man or trying to seduce him will only end in tragedy.
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lovedrotten-au · 2 years
Leezye 📂
Puppet girl UwU
Leezye 🎭
🎭 Mettaton x Papyrus's daughter and she is Meptryus's twin sister
🎭 childish, dumb but a little smart, selfish & mocker
🎭 she can remove her arms to reveal magic threads
🎭 she has needles in her hair which she uses to fight
🎭 her eye is made with real aquamarine jewel, and his hair are made with something as soft & as shining as silk
🎭 she loves girly and glitter things. When she was really young she ate a full glitter glue stick.m XD
🎭 she hates Aphnys and Uldyns. Because they are smarter and stronger than her, and they mock her
🎭 shoujo fan & foujoshi (she is a yaoi fan)
🎭 she is less smart than her brother but she is most sadistic
🎭 she hate orange smell
🎭 she has a crush on Kris (yeah the last king of underground :v he is adult... but don't worry Kris do NOT love her !!!)
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achy-boo · 9 months
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Nightshade Belladonna Libya
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Name: Nightshade Belladonna Libya
Romaji: Libya Belladonna Nightshade
Quote: "It does not matter what anyone says: I am the main puppeteer..the true controller of the show.."
V/A: Coquelic from Path to Nowhere(English) and Hamel from Path to Nowhere(Japanese)
Gender: female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 20
Birthday: February 14th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Eye color: Blue(more like a mixture of dark blue and light blue)
Hair Color: dark blue with teal end
Height: 5'5
Weight: 100 lbs
Race: undead vessel(Puppeteer abilities)
Homeland: Shenzhen, China(Move in Tsukii's mansion in Yokohama, Japan with Dawn and Jeanne)
Family: A mother, father, Valeria Libya(older brother), and Dawn Melody Libya(Identical twin sister)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Sapphire Lake Dorm
School Year: 2nd year(house warden)
Class: 2-B
Student Number: No.8
Occupation: Dj, babysitter and bartender
Club: Light music club(Her dorm has a gaming club and a tea cup[for gossip of NRC])
Best Subject: Flying
Favorite Color: shades of blue along dark and pastel colors
Favorite Food: It depends on her mood but sweets, homemade food from Tsukii's, Jeanne's or her and Dawn's hometown makes her happy
Least Favorite Food: Lilia's cooking, bitter food and drinks, liver, olives(she only eats it if its was one of the said girls' cooking)
Likes: Night like reading, she also likes spilling the tea at the Tea Club, she sometimes likes school, the night sky, walks in woods or rain, her cursed bunny, plushie(her name is Kianisha btw) and music.
Dislikes: Heat, being interrupted, Crowley, loud noises, people interrupted her reading time, She don’t like Rook at all. She also can’t stand Azul nor Leona
Hobbies: making handmade gifts, doll making, making stuffed animals and singing along with dancing
Talents: She is empathetic and if she is distracted enough, you will see her eye colors began to swirl around(it’s rare for that to happen)
Nicknames: Nini (Tsukii and Jeanne) Little BunBun(Jamil, Ace and Vil), My night sky(Dawn)
Other Nicknames: La Princesse des Marionnettistes or La princesse des poupées(Rook), Silent pup(Crewel tho he rarely used that nickname to Night)
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Night has dark blue hair that reaches her mid back)her eyes are a mixture of dark blue and light blue which she always shows without shame. Night appears to be petite which she is but she had a lot of strength when it came to fighting. She always carried her cursed bunny plushie around her at all times. Her plushie, and that silent yet soft look on her face are her signature items.
Personality: Night is…special to say the least. Even if you knew her, she is always timid. A girl with a few words,an outcast of the NRC. But when she in her dorm as a house warden, she is the most stern and yet laid back house warden. (Which often leads people to think that Night is a combination of both Riddle Rosehearts and Leona Kingscholar). She had no bullshit tolerance and she will make sure her voice is heard. She always value safety, privacy and wellbeing so she is very determined to keep it the way it is. After time has passed; Night is still timid but she actually expressed her emotions more, actually start to say what’s on her mind. Anger her and she will become your nightmares. She can be spiteful..only if you deserve it. She is mostly the type to just stared at you in a silent judgment before walking away
If she just stares at you blankly, she is silently judging you
Doll's wrath and bloodlust is Night's um(never used after what happened years ago)
She is the one of housewardens in NRC and she is not the type to just go with the flow
Night has Jeanne, Tsukii and Dawn accompany her throughout NRC(even House warden meetings)
She has no filter when she is pissed
She is multilingual but she loves Korean and Japanese more
Her nickname is The Puppeteer and nobody knows why
She knows that Kianisha is a cursed bunny plushie and she really don't give a fuck about it
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