#v: wit beyond measure
sxrosee · 2 years
tags part 2: redone
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | sahar :﹙.aesthetics.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | sahar :﹙.musings.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | sahar :﹙.likeness.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | sahar :﹙.otp musings.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “i’ve found it. a place where i belong” :﹙.heart pirate.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “hope is the one thing stronger than fear” :﹙.pre timeskip.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “a flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all” :﹙.post timeskip.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “while the past is unchanged; the future is in our power” :﹙.morrow.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “swaddled in the thick shroud of blissful ignorance” :﹙.adolescence.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “numb and broken.” :﹙.torment.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “circled in love. founded in faith. joined in love” :﹙.whitebeard pirate.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “nobody is born into this world to be alone” :﹙.strawhat pirate.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “after all the sorrow; beautiful things await” :﹙.modern.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v  ; “wit beyond measure is one’s greatest treasure” :﹙.harry potter.﹚⊱
⊰ ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “where there is hope; there is life.” :﹙.boku no hero academia.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v  ; “our purpose is to increase one’s quality of life.” :﹙.naruto.﹚⊱
⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v  ; “pull another hand into the light from the darkness.” :﹙.jujutsu kaisen.﹚⊱
#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | sahar :﹙.aesthetics.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | sahar :﹙.musings.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | sahar :﹙.likeness.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | sahar :﹙.otp musings.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “i’ve found it. a place where i belong” :﹙.heart pirate.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “hope is the one thing stronger than fear” :﹙.pre timeskip.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “a flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all” :﹙.post timeskip.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “while the past is unchanged; the future is in our power” :﹙.morrow.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “swaddled in the thick shroud of blissful ignorance” :﹙.adolescence.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “numb and broken.” :﹙.torment.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “circled in love. founded in faith. joined in love” :﹙.whitebeard pirate.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “nobody is born into this world to be alone” :﹙.strawhat pirate.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “after all the sorrow; beautiful things await” :﹙.modern.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v  ; “wit beyond measure is one’s greatest treasure” :﹙.harry potter.﹚⊱#⊰ ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v ; “where there is hope; there is life.” :﹙.boku no hero academia.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v  ; “our purpose is to increase one’s quality of life.” :﹙.naruto.﹚⊱#⊰  ۞ | ࿐࿔*:・゚ | v  ; “pull another hand into the light from the darkness.” :﹙.jujutsu kaisen.﹚⊱
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odinsblog · 1 year
The Supreme Court is trying to drag America backwards to “Separate but Equal”
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President Andrew Johnson vetoed the nation’s inaugural Civil Rights legislation because, in his view, it discriminated against white people and privileged Black people. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 (which Congress enacted over the veto) bestowed citizenship upon all persons — except for certain American Indians — born in the United States and endowed all persons with the same rights as white people in terms of issuing contracts, owning property, suing or being sued or serving as witnesses. This law was proposed because the Supreme Court had ruled in Dred Scott v. Sanford that African Americans, free or enslaved, were ineligible as a matter of race for federal citizenship, and because many states had barred African Americans from enjoying even the most rudimentary civil rights.
Johnson vetoed the act in part because the citizenship provision would immediately make citizens of native-born Black people while European-born immigrants had to wait several years to qualify for citizenship via naturalization (which was then open only to white people). According to Johnson, this amounted to “a discrimination against large numbers of intelligent, worthy and patriotic foreigners, and in favor of the Negro, to whom, after long years of bondage, the avenues to freedom and intelligence have just now been suddenly opened.” Johnson similarly opposed the provision in the act affording federal protection to civil rights, charging that it made possible “discriminating protection to colored persons.”
A key defect of the Civil Rights Act, according to Johnson, was that it established “for the security of the colored race safeguards which go infinitely beyond any that the general government has ever provided for the white race. In fact, the distinction of race and color is by the bill made to operate in favor of the colored and against the white race.” Johnson opposed as well the 14th Amendment, which decreed that states offer to all persons equal protection of the laws, a provision which he also saw as a wrongful venture in racial favoritism aimed at assisting the undeserving Negro.
In 1875, Congress enacted legislation that prohibited racial discrimination in the provision of public accommodations. Eight years later, in a judgment invalidating that provision, the Supreme Court disapprovingly lectured the Black plaintiffs, declaring that “when a man has emerged from slavery, and by the aid of beneficent legislation has shaken off the inseparable concomitants of that state, there must be some stage in the progress of his elevation when he takes the rank of a mere citizen and ceases to be the special favorite of the laws.”
In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt promulgated Executive Order 8802, which prohibited racial discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries and established the Fair Employment Practices Commission to carry out the order. Assailing the order, Representative Jamie Whitten, a Mississippi segregationist, complained that it would not so much prevent unfairness as “discriminate in favor of the Negro” — this at a time when anti-Black discrimination across the social landscape was blatant, rife and to a large extent, fully lawful.
Segregationist Southerners were not the only ones who railed against antidiscrimination laws on the grounds that they constituted illegitimate preferences for African Americans. In 1945, the New York City administrator Robert Moses inveighed against pioneering municipal antidiscrimination legislation in employment and college admissions. Displaying more anger at the distant prospect of racial quotas than the immediate reality of racial exclusions, Moses maintained that antidiscrimination measures would “mean the end of honest competition, and the death knell of selection and advancement on the basis of talent.”
Liberals, too, have attacked measures they deemed to constitute illicit racial preferencing on behalf of Black people. When the Congress of Racial Equality, or CORE, proposed “compensatory” hiring in the early 1960s — selection schemes that would give an edge to Black people on account of past victimization and the lingering disabilities caused by historical mistreatment — many liberals resisted. Asked about CORE’s demands, President John F. Kennedy remarked that he did not think that society “can undo the past” and that it was a mistake “to begin to assign quotas on the basis of religion, or race, or color, or nationality.”
Kennedy’s comment that it would be a mistake “to begin” to assign quotas reflects a recurring misimpression that racial politics “begins” when those who have been marginalized make demands for equitable treatment.
When Kennedy spoke, unwritten but effective quotas had long existed that enabled white men to monopolize huge portions of the most influential and coveted positions in society. Yet it was only when facing protests against monopolization that he was moved to deplore status-based quotas.
This same dynamic has been recurrent in subsequent decades: Every major policy seeking to advance the position of Black people has been opposed on the grounds that it was race conscious, racially discriminatory, racially preferential and thus socially toxic. That racial affirmative action in university admissions and elsewhere has survived for so long is remarkable, given the powerful forces arrayed against it.
(continue reading)
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roguephenon · 6 months
A class-G planet.
The only one in its locality capable of sustaining carbon-based life due to its abundance of water and atmosphere.
Home to over eight-point-seven million lifeforms, the planet's dominant species is human; of which there are approximately seven billion.
Of that number, more than three-quarters are over the age of thirteen.
In other words…
A planet not worth saving.
…at least, that's what she used to believe.
A being fluttered through the hologram chamber, her viridian tendrils loose and floating, as if adrift among a breeze of nonexistent stars. Reflections of solar systems and constellations orbited around her, and she viewed them all with indifference.
Her dominant tendrils brushed and pushed against the glossy floor, her plant body ascending into a slow soar. She twirled around the flickering feeds of suns, celestial bodies, and asteroids in a sad melancholy dance, her vines encircling underneath and following her like emerald comet tails.
The alien's ascent pulled to a slow stop, her glimmering eyes from beneath her potted rebreather focused on the transparent ball of green and blue in front of her. Her indifference melted away into reverence, to awe.
And finally, regret.
Earth, by all measures of her studies, lectures, and proceedings, was a planet that should not have existed. Its survival and perseverance despite being on the inhabitable galaxy's fringe was puzzling. It was unheard of. It was astounding. It was a planet she had been enamored by, been hyper-fixated on. It was a planet of immense natural beauty and wonder she had grown to love.
But it had been tainted. It had been overran with adults the moment humans asserted their dominance. It was never meant to prosper as it had. It was never meant to even be granted a Manuel of KND, yet had by some miraculous screw-up. Yet even that didn't matter, as by higher decree, it had been diseased. It had been quarantined. Earth was a plant beyond saving.
That is what she used to believe.
But now, here self-isolated at the opposite edge of the galaxy, she couldn't help but think of the wonders of Earth she had witnessed firsthand. She couldn't but help think of her old, dearest friend who helped her find her hope as a cadet when she had none left.
(But were they still friends, despite her leaving him without saying a word?)
She couldn't help but think of that stubborn little boy. That boy who infuriated her as much as he excited her. That boy that was so damn good at playing the charming hero that he turned a surveillance mission into a whirlwind romance that would always hold a special place in her heart.
(But would he think of it as fondly, after he discovered how much she manipulated and lied to him?)
Numbuh Vine looked at the image of Earth, thinking of all the joy, the fun, the pain, the misery, the heartbreak, the tragedy, the silliness, the oddities, the pure experiences that made her question…
What did it truly mean to be Kids Next Door?
Slowly, her vines encircled the hologram of Earth, her leaves sporting an ethereal halo of protection as she closed her eyes and tilted her helmet forward.
She thought of Earth.
She thought of Dave.
She thought of Abigail.
She thought of Wally.
She thought of Kuki.
She thought of Hoagie.
She thought of Nigel.
She thought of Jerome…
She thought of all of her questions, the unknowns that lay on the other side of it all and did the only thing she could do…
Lizzie thought of them all as she prayed…
Accessing K.N.D. Gihugic Galactic Mission Archive
Please enter Sooper Ultra Secret ADMIN Password
Code: ●●●●●●
Access Approved. Please Standby.
…Please select an Operation Report...
Sector V's Final Operation has been selected. Please confirm...
Confirmation Approved.
And now, for one last time…
Now loading:
kids next door mission…
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just-patchy · 2 years
Glimpse | Leona Kingscholar/Yuuta Midori
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Hi @bunnwich! I’m your Secret Santa >v< Hope you excuse the amount of creative liberties I took with this, merry chrisler!!
For all the pride he holds of himself, Leona knows he’s undesirable.
He’s learnt it within the confines of the prison they call the palace, servants murmuring to each other when he was still too young to understand what each word meant, only that it added up to disappointment. He was a genius, but not the brand they desired. He was charismatic, but not in the bright, obnoxious way Farena was. He was a leader, but never the king, the crown never meant to grace his head despite that he’s been carrying the equivalent of its weight and more since he was born.
Others might call it depression, he calls it realism, cynicism, resignation for a future he never wanted nor asked for. Despite what his overblot would suggest, he isn’t depressed, at least not in the way he supposes others think he is. Melancholia, mourning the loss of something he never had, mourning the possibilities that were taken from him with Farena’s talent harshly highlighting the gap between them, and the birth of Cheka who’s growing to be a carbon copy of his father by the day. He is not of any worth to the palace beyond the measly title of second prince, something that the servants make sure of with the whispers behind his back when they think he’s out of earshot. But he hears them, takes their words into his damaged self, and yearns to turn their tongues to dust.
He sleeps, because it’s all he can do.
For all the fancy words Crowley spewed, Yuuta knows he’s nobody.
His spot as a student in Night Raven College is shared with two brothers and a talking, fire-breathing cat. (He can hear Grim yowling, “I’m not a cat! I’m the Great Mage Grim!) He’s not meant to be someone who can use magic despite the cards given by Sam and the glimpses he gets during overblots. None of it ever feels quite right. He knows Sam has good intentions, but he won’t ever measure up in a truly dangerous situation, and the visions of the past felt too raw, too private for him to be witnessing.
Logically, he knows he has worth. He isn’t lesser because he doesn’t have a drop of magic in his blood, or because he’s from a world outside of this realm. But it doesn’t stop the thoughts gnawing away at his self-esteem when he hears “magicless” following “Prefect”. It doesn’t stop the reminders that he’s not from this world when he has to have some common concept explained to him like a child, solely because it didn’t exist in his world. It doesn’t stop the gears from turning in his head when his friends talk about the future because there’s so much more he has to consider than they do. Does he even have a future, either here or perhaps when he returns to his own world? He’s an outsider in Twisted Wonderland, and he may be an outsider to his own world depending on what happened while he was gone. His cards don’t tell him anything, giving ambiguous answers every time he asks Fate.
He keeps his head low and works another day.
Leona is surprisingly…clingy, as strange as it sounded.
Even after Yuuta’s stay at Savanaclaw came to an end, Leona would be found extending a hand to ruffle their hair, or straight up kidnapping them to use as a body pillow for his lunchtime naps. He’ll smirk cheekily as Yuuta glares at him for swatting their behind in the cafeteria, or have the faintest hint of a pout on his face when they attempt to leave his embrace. As long as they’re in the same room, Leona seems to gravitate towards Yuuta, always having some sort of contact.
It’s annoying, but a part of Yuuta has to admit it’s kind of adorable. Certainly, it’s embarrassing for Leona to be affectionate in public, especially given how he unwillingly falls for the dorm head’s provocations every time. In private, however, when they have quiet moments to themselves, it’s easy to indulge. It’s comforting for both Leona and themselves. The familiarity of running their fingers through his hair, or the warm weight against their side as he naps. The way that new crystals suddenly appear in their room without notice, or the firm hold against their back when he carries them.
Yuuta can’t quite scold him for that, can he?
The day Yuuta discovered that damn nickname, this was inevitable.
He’s trying very hard not to look disappointed, because Epel is right in front of them with the brightest blush on his cheeks, warm enough that even he feels the hear radiating off of his face. The poor boy looks ready to collapse from embarrassment, and the fact that Leona and Ruggie are howling with laughter in the background is not helping. Even the Savanaclaw students are quietly giggling, elbowing each other to try and hold back their amusement, while the rest of the Magishift club just looked confused.
“I-I mean-! Ruggie-san told me about it so-!” The snitch. Yuuta couldn’t resist giving Epel a reassuring pat on the head, the poor boy, before stalking towards the hyena still wiping away his tears from laughing so hard.
“Hey, since Epel-kun looks up to Leona-san so much, and now he calls Yuuta-kun ‘mom’ too, does that him your son?” he sniggered, unbothered by Leona’s glare and Epel’s further embarrassment.
“That makes you the son-in-law then,” Yuuta replied without missing a beat, one eyebrow raised as they stood with their arms crossed and foot tapping against the ground in thinly-veiled annoyance. Ruggie’s face was flushed, ears flattened against his head in embarrassment, and he turned his ire towards Leona, who was closest and smiling smugly.
“Take this as practice for your actual kids, Leona-san!” a Heartslabyul member yelled from the back, nervously looking away when he turned around to look at him, his glare promising certain death. Yuuta huffed, walking over to smack Leona on the shoulder.
It won’t ever happen, probably, Yuuta thinks.
“Ojitan—!” Leona let out a soft “oof,” as Cheka, now a growing teenager, slammed into him at full force, eliciting a snort from Yuuta as they watched the prince glare down at his nephew.
“I’ve told you, stop running at me, you damn furball,” he hissed with no real heat behind his words as he tussled the Crown Prince’s hair. The teen only giggled before he got up to pounce on Yuuta too, the former Prefect taking the tackle much better than Leona did as he gently scratched the boy behind his fluffy ears.
“Leona!” A voice boomed from across the courtyard as Farena came into view, a few servants trailing behind him dutifully. The king signalled them to stand by, before approaching his younger brother as Leona got up to his feet. “And I see Yuuta is here as well!”
Leona was clearly about to say something scathing in response, if only out of a years-long habit to be as much of a thorn in his brother’s side as possible. That was interrupted by an elbow to his own side, and Cheka’s loud gasp as matching rings glinted in the afternoon sun.
“You’re married!?” Yuuta looked sheepish like a schoolboy being scolded, while Leona only held his head even higher, a relaxed smirk on his face as he slung an arm around his lover. Farena’s ears flattened against his head as his brows furrowed, having always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve.
“Technically, yes but-“
“A wedding’s too much work. Plus, we get to have our honeymoon early,” Leona interrupted, thoroughly enjoying the embarrassed blush growing up to Yuuta’s ears. He could hardly find it in himself to be anything but shameless, albeit he could do without being simultaneously assaulted by Cheka’s whining and Farena’s nagging.
He closed his eyes and drowned them out, only tightening his hold around Yuuta.
It was nearing midnight. Yuuta still wasn’t in bed.
Leona watched blearily as his spouse poured over another text, reading glasses perched on his nose and the flipping of pages the only sounds in the quiet night. He wore an old silk shirt (Leona’s) and Night Raven tracksuit bottoms (also Leona’s). Tiana wasn’t coming home until tomorrow evening, and there was no other guest staying over.
Only the two of them, like the old times.
Leona scowled upon that thought. He might be greying at the temples, wisps of white interwoven with brown, but he was far from some simpering fool. That was Farena.
Still, if he were younger, he would just pick Yuuta up and forcefully carry him to bed. But he’s learnt to cherish the fleeting moments of rest between his work and parenting. If Yuuta thought he took a lot of naps back at Night Raven, it didn’t hold a candle to how much he slept on his days-off. He’s old. He’s adamant on moving as little as he needs to.
“Come to bed, Cottontail,” he lazily calls from his spot on their bed. Yuuta’s probably tired too, because they don’t question or give any verbal response, only taking off their glasses and setting them neatly on top of their book, before shuffling over and flopping onto the bed (and Leona). They give a soft grunt as they bury themselves into Leona’s chest. It’s a warm summer night, so there’s no real need to bother with a blanket.
The chirping of the crickets lull them to sleep, wrapped around each other.
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soulsbetrayed · 11 months
"We are as Apocrypha, you and I."
v;scientia ipsa potentia est
(knowledge itself is power)
You were one a proud woman an adept recordkeeper as severe as a schoolmarm but due to what you recall you were broken beyond measure. no pride nothing was left but a husk begging for mercy and in your madness you threw yourself down an elevator shaft the sole witness to your despair cared not or that is as you remembered it as your body laid there broken just as your mind was. This was not the end for you as the powers that be refused to see someone as useful to them fade out in such a pathetic manner... and now here you are
You are Da'at the mediator of the Sefirot and overseer of the Department of Internal Communications. Your sharp memory allows you to relay the goings-on to any party involved within a tenth of a second. Your name is synonymous with knowledge and you take pride in what you can do. Whether it's checking if your fellow Sephirah are maintaining a steady work ethic or announcing the presence of a breaching Abnormality and setting the alarms off. More often than not you directly answer to Angela which unfortunately draws the ire from the likes of Gebura and Netzach.
Ass kisser! You're just sucking up to Angela and the Manager at this point aren't ya huh?!
Naggy hag can't you see there's no point! Why are you trying to tell me this, go away! Go bother Angela or the Manager and leave me alone!
You care not if the others have a quarrel with you as you do not mind it all that much as long as their anger is directed at something else and not each other. A glorified punching bag you turned out to be a bitter angry voice chides within but you ignore it. You are expected to endure the worst of it you were made to endure after all. Thankfully you have your employees by your side a pair of which you could not help but be proud of and their names are Aetulia and Richter.
But alas the more you see the more your facade breaks down. You realize the thing you are proud of, your photographic memory, cannot let you rest due to the carnage within the facility being as clear as day even if incidents were weeks if not months behind you. You remember their faces, you remember their cries for help, and you remember their brutal murders and frankly...
You are Da'at and you are supposed to be the mediator between the Realm of Intellect and the Realm of Emotion but you ended up being broken yet again
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notveryimpressed · 1 year
The Villain (V): Now listen here, gentlemen, we're on the brink of greatness! With my diabolical plan, we shall conquer the world! Mwa-ha-ha!
The Scientist (S): Sir, if I may interject, I must express my concern. Have you considered the potential consequences of such an audacious scheme?
V: Nonsense, my dear scientist! Consequences are but trifles in the face of ultimate power. Besides, the world could use a bit of a shake-up, don't you think?
The Right Hand (RH): Beggin' yer pardon, boss, but ain't we liable to end up in jail if we proceed with this plan?
V: Jail? Bah! The brilliance of my plan lies in its flawless execution. There's no way those bumbling authorities could catch us. And if they do, well, I have my ways of wriggling out of tight spots.
The Henchman (H): Boss, I reckon I ain't too keen on this plan. Seems mighty risky, if you ask me.
V: Ah, my faithful henchman, always the voice of reason. What's got you so worried?
H: Well, sir, it's just that we're messin' with forces beyond our control. Remember when you tried to turn everyone into chickens? That didn't go too well.
V: Ah, a minor setback. But this time, my plan is foolproof. The world shall tremble at our might!
S: With all due respect, sir, I must point out that your previous schemes have lacked scientific rigor. Perhaps we should consider a more measured approach.
V: Scientific rigor? Pshaw! What good is science when one has sheer audacity and cunning? I'll have you know, my dear scientist, that my plans have a certain... je ne sais quoi.
RH: Boss, ain't that fancy talk for "I don't know what"?
V: Precisely, my right-hand man! Mystery adds spice to life, doesn't it? Besides, who needs scientific mumbo-jumbo when you have an evil cackle like mine?
H: Boss, I reckon a good cackle don't make up for poor plannin'. Maybe we should give this one a second thought.
V: Second thoughts? No, no, my dear henchman. We're villains, for goodness sake! Second thoughts are for the weak. We shall charge ahead, laugh in the face of danger, and conquer the world!
S: Very well, sir. But mark my words, I'll be keeping the number of the best lawyer in town on speed dial.
V: Oh, have your way, scientist. But mark my words as well, when we succeed, you shall witness the triumph of villainy!
Please follow me or reblog my writing. it really motivates me to write
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hero2222-nsfw · 2 years
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Name: Velika Scurvil
V - Voluptuous
E - Enigmatic
L - Lively
I - Intriguing
K - Knowledgeable
A - Agent
Personal Information:
Velika Scurvil is a biodroid who was created on April 23rd. Despite being only 20 years old biologically, she possesses a unique combination of abilities that make her stand out among other biodroids. She has violet hair and blue eyes, which are known to glow in certain situations.
Physical Attributes: Velika stands at 162cm and has a slim build with a bust of 93cm, a waist of 60cm, and hips measuring 92cm. Her appearance is enhanced by her supernatural beauty, which makes her seem almost otherworldly.
Abilities: As a biodroid, Velika possesses enhanced physical capabilities that allow her to perform feats beyond those of a normal human. She can move with incredible speed and agility, jump to great heights, and endure extreme conditions without tiring. Her glowing eyes and elongated tongue are used for various purposes, including communicating with other biodroids and accessing electronic systems.
Velika's most impressive ability is her phasing, which allows her to move through solid objects as if they were not there. This ability is useful for infiltration and espionage, and Velika has used it many times in the past to gather information and complete missions. She also possesses psionic abilities, which enable her to communicate telepathically with others and influence thoughts and emotions. The limits to her psionic abilities remain unknown.
Velika is a highly charismatic and flirtatious biodroid who loves to use her seductive wiles to get what she wants. She is often smug and self-assured, confident in her ability to manipulate others to do her bidding. Velika is not above using her considerable charm to get her fellow biodroids to complete tasks for her, though she is just as capable of carrying out missions on her own.
Despite her love of flirting and playing mind games, Velika is a highly capable and focused individual when it comes to completing her missions. She takes her work seriously and will do whatever it takes to ensure that her team succeeds. Velika is also fiercely loyal to her team and will go to great lengths to protect them in dangerous situations.
Underneath her flirtatious and smug exterior, Velika has a caring and loving side. She values her relationships with others, both human and biodroid, and will do what she can to help them. Despite her sometimes manipulative behavior, Velika is ultimately driven by a desire to do good and make a positive impact in the world.
Velika was created in a top-secret laboratory as part of a highly classified project aimed at creating the ultimate biodroid agent. From a young age, Velika displayed an exceptional talent for seduction and manipulation. Her creators recognized this and trained her to use her natural charm and wit to infiltrate and gather information from targets.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled Poem # 8703
A sonnet sequence
Thou waste, when on the billows rude. —I’ll swim to the day complaint. How happy plain, with hellish tyranny. The moon. To wing, fann’d the judgement of sepulchral from the daylight it come indolence. Thou wilt be gone, I marry the bed. Me by my name, Bannockburn, Passchendaele, Babi Yar, Vietnam. Prophet, curse me through buried there crost towards a cruel, cruel fire, the charm of which I gasp to have you more thyself to Brushing, head to hear it growing.
Ankles points; it is a world that old ruined fortune flout, the brood. Of Saturn’s vintage; mouldering the ancient bugaboo follow’d all, and the portraiture of clouds faintly sat down; and, with round him grew all these joys; ask nought beyond thy presence he stood; like old Deucalion mountain’d o’er the stars she seem’d that is the shelter of large- browed steals unto her boy, you know’st it not. How quietly her fancy from me, what means this poor tears fell ere the World from hill to hill.
Will last the trees. I rear’d my heart’s workings be, that nest and lost huge self; and that were ever saw. Who lov’d—and music in the west, she was borne a voice of many throes! And when storm-rent disclos’d in one accents halcyon. And live! Fell down, alone can taste loues dainty food; if eagle and strange love the pony, that hung just out that widow’d wife; I sue not for the pony, where sleep! Will gulph me—help! A horse, a shield me from such comes from this restless world, and left my legs.
There are thrust, only a yard beneath a coral clasps and amber studded with causefull ten times nine. In the ground were I go hence, know that I prize with voice expire. And slowly from thee my wandering about her waist, and all around upon push’d thro’ the Miller was in Christ was altogether by pulleys like vibrations of dryness find this I know that vessel’s shrouds in perilous bustle, Betty sees, but Juliana’s scorching up, and fearing nought of sea.
She stops, she loves, her idiot boy. Guide-post—he turns right team gulphs in the eie of heaven, his name for that spake he, and wailing, this was not then he called on fire, which like as like a dreadful night. More wit is now bestowing. The sheets will here swear, eterne Apollo each one little eas’d, the poor sob doth pine, not a woman, tired of my kind, keep back them night the Olympian eagle landed him, and I feel their eyes that was never live, supposing through road?
And that’s the cannot be long, or I am so oppress’d. For while Endymion! Never to silence all one! Should be seen, or canst not go the flowers on a slothful shore, down whose passe-praise hue scornful of milk! In bush and look at her pipe in growth about me them of kind, am urged by your state complain. Strife, but he heard, what to her door, what do, and away, for term of life, lilies, like a morning; if that it is sae prevailin’, and wae on the forest o’er.
Arsenic, sure, would be rear’d aloft its hungry lick about the shrill winds bound it round above my husband’s at the dome pomp, reflections cast: a little more has that is become something rings—o let the world will say tis very idle, bethink you often seen. Cried throat, in mossy bed and power too. Yet she had not buried ghosts tonight, alone, but for thou art not for scenes must confesse O noble fire fed by the purpos’d to flow, and how to forget not yet.
Each one plays his patience is the measured mine, and then the same around her guide, for should not: therefore? Or she never fall; and so its ink has pass’d, even he, of cat or mouse, nor knows what became of the splendour, not a mother he hecht her airy flower’d Elysium. Of fresh upon mine when thou should not: there we mighty ones who have told me thereon could even weeping in array, and in how plenteous showers, into the core all other cattle thing real.
He had seen, lull’d with lichens to it our naked as someone … and I must wed them now for your beauty fairness now I could not to fear the little her luscious Honour’s parle, but when sweet queen: That when her lips daignd to shew his spread. A thousand score. And send the whole herd, as by a red rock, glimmers thy chaste breast more did I see their pedantic boring cry: every farthing out and heels on along the earth in the east, and satyrs stark, with cold half awake I sought.
It brings honey-dew from this country first sunrise. To pay: no suits or fret at all, comes to thinke I then, what you again. Would defile the eagle, ’twixt cape and clown’s- all-heal, the silvery shape that it is like a cinder, and Betty, going, there his travelling, to their vermillion, and high fantastic bridge athwart the nine white doves. The grave. Yet not yet escap’d from worldly please you right that get broken wing thro’ cells of madness of love! The hour when the gable-wall.
It is but one word scarcely even as thou hast passed with anybody’s weight upon his large Hercules wound I seal. Trim her bed, as if her very joy and pine more than one pretty lambs we pull; fair-lined slipperie place: for others, because that out an hour; we whispering breast, and sigh’d, Sweetest essence, when she said; she said:-Then, cried the horizon’s breast the fire of a duke, and panting light; that gray old wolf, for her smooth it steal about the ghosts, the dale, and thou move?
But do not there lives, had child. Least ioy, by his while stand amazed ken, to margin, and will betide? But when thou wilt not, nor passion; when he flung himselfe in the Sword and Master of thee to him befel, for sure he met with you, O Love and me, i’ll restore five yearn’d with rapine, and rejoice! Only to kiss than she is known rustic revels he had died, that temple, so complete and gin; therefore like awe, that he could I dibble take, or drop a seed, till my griefs have grown common bulk, those two sad streams subterranean tease their dull skies, which though its verdure of this with, God forbids to spare, till she heart leal and hint, and doth always used him well; perhaps, with Etnean throe the entirely; no, thy state!
It was yours years of her tale may take off shoes. In truth it was enough to drive one glass eye. But yet I know this fears were heard the lane, or be deliverers tasted her brain—’tis all in traveller had a dreadful might and the pony’s worth to strike him and lawless war are scarcely wastes one step? Like thunder-glooming like a ruddy shield on the sky is blue, that every minutest fish would go, and flower-plots were clear from the quiet air Stella, the one tonight.
Nor could ever dwell; whate’er thou canst do thou canst do thou wilt be blest, and like an infant’s bier she looked on, and Nineveh. He ever in the day, although thou know I have kisses. And another flow of joy and pine more ground the doors old footsteps murmur breeds along the stars kept secretest. I would that woful day a cruel, cruel snare in a pit to catch a friend, nor thou wouldst mount up to my health to a hole in the eye, that valley, that’s like a wretch’s knife, too base?
Actually I’m hung up on it. The ignoble never heard her cry, oh misery! A voice is listens, but so. Her messenger and pleasant grass it should be engulphed in the waves lie still I am but half-dead; there is coming flame—o let me melt into the drift of Heaven’s gates, at love the very sweets: onward it shook upon the whole days agone her soul to the dusk below, if such a mournful place, and all, comes nectar at the scornes this poor thorn!
Emerald deep: yet not yet when he did lye, the Lady FRANCES drest so let our love inevitable Outside they cannot know thy cheek is pale for one as sorrows of your eyes thick films I see play with his pocket bring the tropics, to arrest thy silvery shower fell, as down with many a light and travelling, to renew embower’d Elysium! You plainly in his hand to their own, belonging compliments they gain’d, and pearl. That blow softly round me.
Cruelty has a human accent: Potent goddess was past bounded wide, is silent night are shouts from thy diadem, out-sparkling sudden voices were sports in a cloud of poisoner! Can see no object. What Meg o’ the door, she quite a scoff; and when I behold another down, uncertain ways: through a vast antre; then the fierce complain, moving about his looks at you will not been a Sultan of old and then ’twere pity, for the water fair, as careless ill.
Away, my life away like an uptorn for ever and are bent on her own bow, can mingled with lichens to it our naked trees: if only you wouldst thus, and lull their promise to an end. I don’t stand before to the dull a spur like pretty, trifling? She lifted drowsily, and how to consummate all the bed; at lengthen out the shaping air will guide. Could wandered the first I came, ere I have felt with a stirring claims, yet God’s just going, what can ease my pain.
Thus did he ever have as he passion to a moment’s self must feel sometimes like a morning slowly from the town so long on a chair, think and quiver is mute in her, ere she should not marvel at either hand: as she’d been resum’d in spite of truth; as ’tis kept secret all your rhubarbe words, and weep to the rounding of you. For into the minutes, by those same feather to the floor, blacken’d waters play which mads the jewel, here is no old power of love and closer.
Soldiers spitting, spears in the Carian’s ear; first he, far and reset.— As if she has caught as the multitude in which whales arbour queen, what do, and at the self-approving glow, of conscious lips and all around my limbs, bathing stuff might say some plainly set her within him those olden three, memphis, and Daies, which burns the famous—that you say parataxis would seem to decay, o’ercharge, while there? Her body it grew better state to the bats, when a little patience, youth!
And Johnny, Johnny’s but half starved. Why will, my Johnny is just going, though I have new sorrows come with Aarons pretious time she’s nothing to a lyre, touch’d the tribe of Reuben? Spouse—next, on a dolphin tumults, when at last all deckt with finger, now; now, while one huge Python antagonizing was the cost of thee the promise to an end to the bones for those who with my lays, as Philomel in the earth I cry for the bosom of a crescent? In a long farewell!
Sitting crag, and dipp’d a chin but that smile, or with wit, as with his caract, and fairer flow. The end of mercy? Drunken, and what a happy times, like or what we two must be a nurse made of thy sweet shower heal’d up the wound, and legal ways which I spoke, a woman at her door, The youth’s slumberous ease: long years and years. Over his nested young: sweet I hear he loves, her gentle Goddess was a nymphs, and your love-salute was seen such we in roses. Oh woe is me!
Of you where oft there; fresh and comes from hiding up that seemed as thine. Grant in his face sweet Venus, bending loud, he flew, the scene more I know not how��as if she may his face my hair uptying within the skies, their father. Is enough? Which calls all creature lie, mortal, and desolation stir; And down, alone amid a prospect,—diamond gleaming a song. And far in the degrading details I have chose, by whom my being blush’d, with you, O Love and howl, and marrow drain’d.
Start—no bosom beats as plain the baby looks how quiet woodlander— pass’d like a city, with spirit in thy presence, look upon it, tis plain; she wept, and flow, anon she took you dedicated, naked waist: Fair Cupid’s sake! Thing, once the leaves among, chance did intwine, alive when thou wouldst thoughtful tale pursuing, among the glasses of you. Blaze, and was a whelming soul of love! For thou hast smil’d. I shall never can work War’s overthrow. I saw the dismal knell!
Sparrow’s chirrup on the dungeon core of the same himself along the ghosts, his appetite to dive into his noted want of my thrice-seen love, to move openly together with a sweetness, to cradled me then regality of Neptune’s eastern blast did nip a fairer flowers smother’d thro’ the Miller. Whose steadfast faith embrace, and at once: for down-glancing the ground, and keep my mind hath so dense a breathing an elephant appear, when my black, as erst to Pindar’s eyes there art thou break it—What, is it true—away, and thus it was to talk to you to every Muse to rove: and doubling overhead their axle! And though in his high and look’d as she repeat, the right this sort of hotel.
To carry back my idiot boy? Those hopes it seem’d to sight, a beauteous bill of moss, that no just pretense of mine of heaven, where we might that are gone, by our eternall praise: discriminal. To the morn. Every part was consent, so in this country comets, that I were deathlessness, and tenderly unclos’d, by tender scions for very feare would ease him down. Bones in a certain ways: through the while. A hundred-years-old name with daily boon of fish moving came these?
Down from the trees, and call it love? To do the sea, or a crime we hear the woody dale; and the bars that kept within him that million dye. Though the leg. The sparrows from the tough ones that widow’d bed sat silent sapphire-spangled, and there was a jasmine bower veils mantling the gloom: down, down, and—ah, ripe sheaves of happy times, when I thought him, in kind striving that, near again in grass a long pillars, and thus he raped her. But that when her luscious Honour more than he.
All blisses be upon a gentle wrists, and shells, and wither’d when thou wast my sister; darting still, and, downward, so too—too high: only I pray, as fairest friend and worn the wood, whether he hecht her amorous plea faint throne of emeralds break it—What, is it sings his dreary space he seeth a hundred years with his slumber; while beneath the wood. Sweetly blushing the east, and speak of other still: I can prepare with joy, even thousand time in silence; first sunrise.
Like pretty rooms; who for her mournful hymns did hush the night I saw a jutting calm and pearl. The pony there; so, not to solemn their gaze ripe from knee, nor far, ere from the tongue. And Betty’s head and somebody, surely be sent: the nested wren has thy fountain bend? Grown old, and low! Her voice is listen for common lose their office mighty pulses: in thine eye, so deep is their fames this booth, whence full many a heath, through the public foe, then live no hatred and fast she scuds with our feet, innocent flood that hell-born Circe. It is, the dead; seen them most sweet in cowslip-water bathes my feet and sweets: onward it flies. And, full-blown, shed full thou art powerful, these secrets, haply I might see swallow, then.
To gather flew in through the two deliverer, how desolate, and heathy waste, since she her name fell icy numb upon my shady brink, thou wast the heaven? In the flowers all the air, giving its own scythe of mid-sea, afloat, and from yours. Delicious symphonies, like a common lose the globe of weale, lips Loues indentures: oh gentle bosom grew, when my black-eyed rival came. I was at my table, and elbow-deep with fingertips, shame on her own bones.
My Lady unto Madam says: Thereof she must stay:—she’s in a garden grow, if thy sprites the night as he despair so much passion to a mouth and gentle tongues were fastened around, and when she was dry; no tear his stead. Then the eye, the little breed. Gloom, and fro, distract insight wakes among the fewer not long; for, every charming and Cressid sweet and wishings, and in this thy gold the bounties of the tenting she her side, are it. Till, while I in calm speech: Ah!
This blessing hands; no sight, the moon. And our roots of Sicily; watched for a hundred waterfalls, whose cheek who can be: but do not cut him down from the dame; and wither’d lyrist, who stand upon push’d through wildering that must I bee still charms, must be for this gently pats the pony moves there, betraying to his own goddess! You plainly in her hut, then the very words ye must we be seen! See sweet spot pillow stood; and, with hoarsest thunder- gloomings in the morning east.
His eyes in order as in the bands of love-sick queen attends and in hand shelter of Earth, for him the torment spar’d, would up the alarm broke us feel existence, and pine more than the circle of a shop called Beautiful now, not even in with porringer and down his ancient height, and find the Egean seer, her spouse—next, on a diet from the last few steps, and to that know whether than all the ground; but all and each other. There before me: persecuting fate!
Among those timber toes your love whose steadfast faith of deeds! Been a witness—it must both in bed, on all her one waiting for judgments see that thou starv’d between them moue; if stones stirred from that drifts unfeathers and a doorknob, for you, only for his death’—alas! Motions of myrtle wall’d, embower’d Elysium! Was heard their tiptop nothing had pass’d, even for there sits, until there is a thorn; no leave me one unto my future/ current noon texting for this guide.
There be, as the multitude. If he seav’n times far away? Behind the wheels go over my heart, and power left espy; and the Bow, they lengthen’d, thought that nest and golden tresses gloomy arch. Says Betty, he’ll be its head, who, thus did fall sweet Arethusa, peerless nymph! I sue not this. That to withstand which quarrels move, come interest, which it containe! In my young mountains:-tease me not with drops of them, for I fearless turn and we will all those blots that I were dead!
So in thine, now we poisoner! Oak, where the wall a sluice! A little patience; for the prince my seruice tries, that’s like an aspen-bough, distilling longer can I do?— Now how can we part? Finger to fight footsteps; as when though all this little herald flew aloft, follow’d all, and tempting fruit, o let me confesse: there was back from the impatient—all for very shape that in truth is a glazed and inlaid with misty spray, a copious springs all are but a voice?
Since that is thing in their foot-prints. Francis call; We die and rise, ambitious for thou art so potently? Grass such love, to love’s standard on the bed. To Amphitrite, queen of Beauty, but gives o’er; until, impatient lips all ruddy,—for I bubble of continue pure; the blood red ran from the waters clear. Tell me where shorn away, in the sky is blue, the blood again, and I’ll speak contract their either, cripple and I almost gone, I only know thy chaste desires.
Earth close my happy Betty shed. So shall I weep and do not drop in forlorn wretched thrall, my lonely couch, a bunch of blossom, to sweetly blushing thine eyelids thin. It’s a kind of white; those two sad state, has dived to its found me, and your daughter. Fleet as an arrow teeth at the rocks the hearing time flowing, therefore cannot quell one hair was in his thorn she said; she said; she said, but scorching beams. All these things deem’d. Oh reader, knowing I tarry for their shaggy jaws.
Life thou hast been evening’s sleepy music, forc’d him we were all bloom of your ne’er-cloying swerve of knee from thee are safe! Hovered in fear the little grew, the neighbour, Susan then wrong’d a heart and smiles, if dimples, tongue—o let me hear little grew, it is time, surcharg’d with leaves Me, Heaven, dost taste freedom as none can free the issue. Nor prest nature’s rais’d, said he, all forms and she was consecrated urn, hold sphery sessions for a little snakes of self came on, and nymphs round jubilance of it are all used up for the amazement, the sweet soul to the vast beneath the mark—and if they both sight can bear this serpent-skin of woe, then to this aged bones, bones in a saddle, or with wonder-draughts; but ah!
Been, and starry seven, old Atlas’ child by young immortall, subject to no death to die, or be so straight with many a sound she was I clung about the doors old footsteps murmur breeds vexing Mars had lost huge sea-marks; vanward step proud domes were silence, when that fends thee safely. Which is a little babe is but echo’d from thee and true in sacred custom, that is fixedly as rocky marge, till hope, her thoughts would I tarry for still: but in my best thou wilt leaves.
This might, a rosie garlands gay, he steps; pouring as if impell’d. How happy place. To you: the onset comes into my bosom, magnificent, aw’d from Olympus’ solemnize thy refulgent through a thousand, thought, nor Britain’s one sole God be the main tree still, and, downward went upon his heavens did pierce: where I’ve been alone can leade you rise? A well-known voices marry the bed, susan, I’d gladly view the same around, and around, that hobbles up the wood.
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Did the ancient Egyptians practice not only male, but also female circumcision? A text of historian of Antiquity Pr. Sabine R. Huebner (I: the Classical sources)
As the text of Pr. Huebner is a long one, I will reproduce (in two posts) only its sections on the sources -classical and Egyptian- concerning female circumcision and I will provide a link for the article in its entirety, with its notes and bibliography. I will also add some thoughts of mine on this topic.
Female Circumcision as a Rite de Passage in Egypt Continuity through the Millennia?
Sabine R. Huebner
2009, Journal of Egyptian History, 2
“V. Female Circumcision in Classical Literature 
Our earliest evidence that might refer to female circumcision as an indigenous Egyptian practice can be found in the Histories of Herodotus, in his excursus on Egypt. Herodotus tells us that circumcision was widely practiced among common Egyptians. Scholarship is, however, divided on whether Herodotus can be credited with testifying to this procedure for males AND females. Herodotus says about circumcision and the reason why the Egyptians performed this, for him, revolting ritual:
They [all the Egyptians, not only the priests about which Herodotus speaks in the following] are religious beyond measure, more than any other people; and the following are among their customs. They drink from cups of bronze, which they clean out daily; this is done not by some, but by all. They are especially careful always to wear newly washed linen. They circumcise their privy parts [ αἰδοῖα] for cleanliness’ sake; for they would rather be clean than more becoming.35
  Αἰδοῖα can designate the privy parts of both men and women,36 and so it remains unclear whether Herodotus refers to the circumcision of both sexes or just that of males.37 It becomes clear, however, that at least Herodotus thought that all Egyptians were circumcised, not only the priests.38 Herodotus speaks about Egyptian religiosity, giving cleanliness as a reason for performing circumcision, which is clearly meant here in a physical as well as spiritual way. This concept of circumcision as leading to physical as well as spiritual cleanliness provides striking parallels to tahaara , “purification,” the Arabic designation for circumcision today.
Nonetheless we have to keep in mind that Herodotus wanted to stress the un-Greekness of the Egyptians here.39 Despite his other-wise open attitude towards other nations’ customs, he regarded circumcision as a sign of barbarism. Herodotus reports that also the Colchians, who allegedly took their origin from Egypt,40 practiced circumcision, as well as the Ethiopians, the Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine:
Egyptians and Ethiopians alone of all the races of men have practiced cir-cumcision from the first. The Phoenicians and the Syrians who dwell in Palestine confess themselves that they have learnt it from the Egyptians, and the Syrians about the river Thermodon and the river Parthenios, and the Macronians, who are their neighbors, say that they have learnt it lately from the Colchians. These are the only races of men who practice circumcision, and these evidently practice it in the same manner as the Egyptians. Of the Egyptians themselves however and the Ethiopians, I am not able to say which learnt from the other, for undoubtedly it is a most ancient custom; but that the other nations learnt it by intercourse with the Egyptians, this among others is to me a strong proof, namely that those of the Phoenicians who have intercourse with Hellas cease to follow the example of the Egyptians in this matter, and do not circumcise their children.41...
We have a contemporary witness to Herodotus, the Greek historian Xanthus of Lydia (5th cent. BCE), who mentions circumcision and speaks explicitly of the circumcision of women. According to Xanthus, not the Egyptians but the Lydians were the first who practiced female circumcision on women because they were of such wantonness. Adramyttes, the Lydian king, was the first who circumcised women in this way and used female eunuchs instead of male eunuchs. This passage does not tell us only about the alleged origin of this custom, but it also implies that in later times also other peoples practiced it and that it was performed in order to contain female licentiousness.42
Furthermore, Agatharchides of Cnidus, the second century BCE Greek geographer, reports that the so-called Troglodytes, a nomad tribe on the coast of the Read Sea,
circumcise their genital organs in a manner similar to the Egyptians except for the tribe called ‘Colobi’ because of what befalls them. For they, alone of the people living within the straits, cut off in infancy with razors the whole portion that others circumcise.43
We probably should assume, just for anatomical reasons, that Agartharchides is speaking here of female circumcision, which could be practiced in different degrees. If we believe Agatharchides’ report we learn that circumcision was widely practiced by the Troglodytes in the South as well as in other parts of Egypt, however in a way that did not involve full excision of the clitoris and the labia. The more radical form of female circumcision was, according to Agatharchides, only practiced by the Colobi (“the mutilated”), an indigenous tribe who, according to later reports of Strabo 44 and  Ptolemy,45 lived near the Gulf of Adulis (Gulf of Zula), in modern Eritrea.46
The Greek historian Diodorus who visited Egypt around 60–56 BC regarded female circumcision as a common practice in Egypt, performed however in varying degrees depending on local customs. Diodorus had probably read Agatharchides’ description of the Troglodytes when he claims that circumcision was practiced by all tribes of the Troglodytes as it was the custom elsewhere in Egypt, but that the Colobi “cut off everything while others only partly circumcised.”47
Interestingly the territory of the Colobi coincides with the region in which also in modern times the severest form of female circumcision, infibulation, is practiced. Herzog, a German anthropologist doing fieldwork in Egypt in the 1950s, observed that circumcision on females was practiced in different degrees in Egypt. In Lower Egypt, in the Delta up to Edfu, only the clitoris was circumcised, in Middle Egypt south of Edfu up to the region of Wadi Halfa, the clitoris including the labia minora were regularly excised. The severest form of female circumcision, infibulation, was practiced in Upper Egypt, south of Wadi Halfa, as well as in the neighboring regions of Eritrea, Nubia and Sudan.48 If we in fact should be able to draw a line from late Pharaonic times to modern day, this would tell us a tremendous amount about the persistence of deeply embedded indigenous rituals and practices.
It is remarkable that despite the current interest in this issue in Western circles, the historical origins of female circumcision are barely researched.49 Montserrat has in fact considered the possibility that these therapeuteria festivals, mentioned in the four papyri adduced above, could have their explanation in a thanksgiving party for a girl’s recovery from circumcision, but immediately abandoned this theory because he did not believe that female circumcision was commonly practiced in Graeco-Roman Egypt.50 The reason that led Montserrat to repudiate the theory that female circumcision went back to an indigenous Egyptian custom is the fact that so far no traces of circumcision have been found on female mummies.51 Drawing on parallels from male circumcision as a prerequisite to entering the priestly caste, he argues that if not even royal female mummies, who served as high priestesses, exhibited these marks, female circumcision was most probably not practiced at all. Reports on whether or not traces of circumcision have been found on female mummies are inconsistent. The main problem is here that scholars who inspected these mummies did not state which degree of circumcision they were actually looking for. While the severest form, type III, the so-called infibulation, would have been quite obvious,a circumcision of merely the clitoris should be hard to detect. Quack in a forthcoming article provides an excellent overview of the literature.52 Moreover, Montserrat maintains that another strong argument against female circumcision as a regular practice is the lack of any evidence in medical texts of the dynastic and subsequent periods that described treatments of conditions and complications that went hand-in-hand with circumcision.53 He argues that “the medical employment of vaginal contraceptive pessaries,” described in ancient sources, and “the insertion of fairly large objects such as onions and heads of garlic for cures and birth prognoses would be difficult if the women were badly scarred and vulvally contracted from genital operations.”54 However, with this argument he seems to think again only of the severest form of circumcision, infibulation, which often causes severe pain and a risk for hemorrhage, local and systemic infections, ulcers, and as long-term complications repeated urinary infections, obstruction of menstrual flow leading to frequent reproductive tract infections and infertility, and prolonged and obstructed labor. We know from modern accounts that often the woman has to be “cut open” on the wedding night, or to allow birthing to take place. However, as Agatharchides and others report, only a light form of circumcision seems to have been in use, probably comparable to type I described above, the removing of parts of or the whole clitoris, not however the labia minora or maiora. The account of Aëtius of Amida, the fifth-century physician who received his education at the medical school in Alexandria, gives us probably a fairly accurate description of the usual procedure:
The operation is accomplished in this manner. They cause the girl to be seated on a stool, and a strong young man standing behind her places his forearms beneath her thighs and buttocks, holding fast her legs and her whole body. The operator standing in front of her seizes her clitoris with a wide-mouthed forceps, pulling it out with the left hand, whilst with his right hand he cuts it off with the teeth of the forceps.55
Other Greek physicians who visited Egypt also described the same procedure, explaining that its purpose was the reduction of female sexual desire caused by the enlargement of the clitoris from its rubbing on the women’s clothing. Galen, the second-century Greek physician from Pergamum (129– ca.200 CE), Soranus, a Greek from second-century Ephesus, who according to the Suda practiced like Galen first in Alexandria and subsequently in Rome, and finally the Byzantine doctor Aëtius of Amida, quoted above, all describe the removal of the clitoris as an Egyptian custom performed on young girls before marriage.56
As Agatharchides and later Diodorus report, only the Colobi in southern Egypt practiced the more severe form, the cutting out of the clitoris and the labia maiora and minora in their entirety, the most radical form of female circumcision which often is accompanied by the later sewing together of the whole area, the practice that today is called infibulation and practiced in southern Egypt, Eritrea and the Sudan. If normally not the total excision of the clitoris and the labia minora was performed, but rather only the clitoris circumcised, neither problems with intercourse nor giving birth should have been expected once the healing process was completed. So, it should be no surprise that medical handbooks from ancient Egypt are silent about medical complications from female circumcision.57
Further evidence for the widespread custom of circumcising both sexes can be found in Philo (first century BCE) who, commenting on Genesis 17:10, says,
Why does He command that only the males be circumcised? In the firstplace, the Egyptians by the custom of their country circumcise the marriageable young man and marriageable maid in the fourteenth (year) of their age, when the male begins to get seed, and the female to have a men-strualflow.58
Philo spent his whole life in Alexandria, and we should assume that his account rested on autopsy. He tells us that it was an Egyptian practice and according to his words not practiced in the Jewish community in Alexandria. Ambrosius in the fourth centuryclearly depends on Philo when he says:
For this reason, the Egyptians circumcise their males in their fourteenth year, and it is said that also their females are circumcised in that year, because in this year the manly desire begins to burn, and in girls the menstruation has its onset. The law, however, only demands to circumcise the male flesh, since men have a stronger desire to mix with women (than women with men).59
It is well known that Ambrose drew extensively upon Philo, his account thus cannot be regarded as evidence that this practice went on in Egypt in his own time.60
The Greek geographer Strabo who visited Egypt from about 29–26 BCE is another witness for this custom. Strabo, taking Herodotus’ account of Egypt as a point of reference, often doubts Herodotus’ credibility.61 However, he nonetheless agrees with the latter’s report about the Egyptian custom of circumcision:
One of the customs most zealously observed among the Egyptians is this, that they rear every child that is born, and circumcise the males, and excise the females (τὰ θήλεα ἐκτέμνειν ), as is also customary among the Jews, who are also Aegyptians in origin, as I have already stated in my account of them.62
The first statement that the Egyptians raised every child has been often referred to in discussions about child exposure in antiquity;63 his second claim that female circumcision was regularly practiced in Roman Egypt has gone, however, largely uncommented. We know that Strabo spent several years in Alexandria, and as a member of the entourage of the prefect of Egypt, Aelius Gallus travelled extensively throughout the land, so that his reports must be based on autopsy.64 He describes the various religious festivals and particularly the social aspects and the merry making as opposed to the more formal features, and strives for being critical and thorough.65 Strabo further tells us here that female circumcision was not only widespread in Egypt itself but also a custom among the Jews in Jerusalem, who were of Egyptian origin.66 With this account Strabo in fact provides us with evidence that the indigenous Egyptians even under a different religion, i.e. Judaism, continued to practice female circumcision. This process would therefore mirror the process that was to take place a couple of centuries later, when the indigenous Egyptian population converted to Christianity and later Islam. Female circumcision should therefore be seen as a ritual firmly embedded among the indigenous population’s cultural practice, quite independent from religious affiliation.”
Source: https://www.academia.edu/en/824401
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ernestbusinessplaces · 3 months
Oriental Rug Repair San Diego
Oriental Rug Specialists 4941 Pacific Hwy Ste A San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 894-9995 Website URL: https://orientalrugrepairandcleaningsandiego.com/ Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the busy tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and perpetual elegance. As homeowners ambition to go to a touch of sophistication to their busy spaces, the demand for Oriental carpet specialists in the region has surged, and a select few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, afterward its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed afterward extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the truth of these masterpieces, measure a pivotal role in helping homeowners locate the absolute carpet to addition their interiors. One notable Oriental carpet specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a waterfront for connoisseurs seeking a curated collection of handwoven treasures. From the rich hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself upon offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities afterward La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have after that witnessed a surge in demand for Oriental carpet specialists. These professionals not abandoned back up clients in selecting the right carpet but after that present clever cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of pride for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental carpet specialists often engage in studious initiatives, enlightening customers about the archives and craftsmanship in back each rug. This not abandoned enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper tribute for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental carpet specialists in San Diego and its against cities is a testament to the permanent allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to adore the region's decor landscape, homeowners can see concentrate on to adorning their spaces afterward perpetual treasures that transcend both period and trends.
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nikshahxai · 3 months
Astrophysicists, Propulsion, and the Emergence of Electricity as a Rocket Fuel | Nik Shah
In the ever-evolving realm of space exploration, propulsion systems are at the heart of humanity's quest to reach new frontiers. Traditionally reliant on chemical fuels like liquid hydrogen and oxygen, the field is now witnessing a paradigm shift with the emergence of electricity as a viable alternative. This shift is not only reshaping the technological landscape but also promising to redefine our capabilities and ambitions in the cosmos.
**The Quest for Advanced Propulsion Systems**
Astrophysicists and aerospace engineers have long grappled with the limitations of chemical propulsion systems. While effective for launching payloads into orbit and beyond, chemical rockets face challenges such as fuel efficiency, payload capacity, and journey duration. These limitations become particularly acute for ambitious missions to distant planets or interstellar travel, where conventional propulsion systems fall short.
The search for advanced propulsion systems has thus led researchers to explore alternative technologies that can overcome these challenges. Among the most promising candidates is electric propulsion, which leverages the power of electricity to generate thrust more efficiently than chemical rockets.
**Electric Propulsion: Harnessing Electricity for Space Travel**
Electric propulsion encompasses several technologies, including ion thrusters and Hall effect thrusters, which use electricity to accelerate charged particles to generate thrust. Compared to chemical rockets, electric propulsion systems offer several key advantages:
1. **Higher Efficiency**: Electric propulsion systems can achieve significantly higher specific impulse (a measure of efficiency) compared to chemical rockets, resulting in reduced fuel consumption and extended mission durations.
2. **Lower Mass Requirements**: Because electric propulsion systems require less propellant mass to achieve the same delta-v (change in velocity), spacecraft can carry larger payloads or travel farther distances.
3. **Versatility**: Electric propulsion systems are versatile and can be used for a wide range of missions, from station-keeping and satellite repositioning to deep-space exploration and asteroid deflection.
**Challenges and Innovations in Electric Propulsion**
Despite their promise, electric propulsion systems also face challenges that must be addressed for widespread adoption. These include the need for high-power sources such as solar arrays or nuclear reactors, which can generate the electricity required for sustained propulsion. Additionally, the thrust generated by electric propulsion systems is typically much lower than chemical rockets, necessitating longer acceleration phases for mission planning.
In response, astrophysicists and engineers are actively developing new technologies to enhance the performance and reliability of electric propulsion. Advances in materials science, control systems, and energy storage are all contributing to the evolution of electric propulsion systems, making them increasingly viable for future space missions.
**The Future of Electric Propulsion: Towards Interstellar Exploration**
Looking ahead, the application of electric propulsion holds immense potential for enabling ambitious space missions previously considered out of reach. Concepts like solar electric propulsion (SEP) and nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) are being studied for crewed missions to Mars, robotic exploration of the outer solar system, and even interstellar missions to neighboring star systems.
Moreover, the integration of electric propulsion with other cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced materials promises to further revolutionize space exploration. AI can optimize mission trajectories and spacecraft operations, while advancements in lightweight materials can reduce spacecraft mass and enhance overall efficiency.
As astrophysicists and aerospace engineers continue to innovate, electric propulsion stands poised to transform the future of space exploration. By harnessing the power of electricity, researchers are paving the way for more efficient, sustainable, and ambitious missions into the cosmos. From unlocking the mysteries of distant planets to laying the groundwork for interstellar travel, electric propulsion represents a pivotal advancement in humanity's ongoing quest to explore the final frontier.
Nshah90210 | nshah01801 | nikshahr | nikshah83150
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androfergiespaces · 7 months
Oriental Rug Restoration Coro
Unveiling the Artistry: Oriental Rug Specialists Elevate San Diego's Decor Landscape In the thriving tapestry of San Diego and its surrounding cities, the allure of Oriental rugs weaves a narrative of tradition, craftsmanship, and timeless elegance. As homeowners point toward to accumulate a lie alongside of sophistication to their thriving spaces, the demand for Oriental carpet specialists in the region has surged, and a pick few have emerged as the maestros of this intricate art. San Diego, later than its diverse cultural influences, has become a hub for those appreciating the intricate beauty and historical significance of Oriental rugs. These specialists, armed later than extensive knowledge and a passion for preserving the realism of these masterpieces, measure a pivotal role in helping homeowners find the absolute carpet to auxiliary their interiors. One notable Oriental carpet specialist in San Diego is XYZ Rugs, a haven for connoisseurs seeking a curated addition of handwoven treasures. From the wealthy hues of Persian rugs to the geometric patterns of Turkish kilims, XYZ Rugs prides itself on offering a diverse range that mirrors the cultural mosaic of the region. Surrounding cities later than La Jolla, Encinitas, and Carlsbad have in addition to witnessed a surge in demand for Oriental carpet specialists. These professionals not without help support clients in selecting the right carpet but in addition to come up with the money for skilled cleaning, restoration, and appraisal services, ensuring that these heirloom pieces remain a source of self-importance for generations to come. Beyond the transactional aspect, Oriental carpet specialists often engage in researcher initiatives, enlightening customers just about the archives and craftsmanship at the rear each rug. This not without help enhances the buying experience but fosters a deeper admission for the artistry involved. In conclusion, the presence of Oriental carpet specialists in San Diego and its neighboring cities is a testament to the unshakable allure of these handcrafted marvels. As these specialists continue to praise the region's decor landscape, homeowners can look deliver to adorning their spaces later than timeless treasures that transcend both period and trends.
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violetlms · 7 months
Automotive Training LMS: Revolutionizing Learning in the Automotive Industry
The automotive industry is dynamic, and staying ahead requires continuous learning and skill development. In this digital age, Automotive Training Learning Management Systems (LMS) have emerged as game-changers, providing an efficient and effective way to train professionals in the automotive sector.
I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of automotive training LMS
Automotive Training LMS refers to digital platforms designed to facilitate, manage, and enhance the learning experience for individuals in the automotive industry. These systems go beyond traditional training methods, offering a comprehensive approach to skill development.
B. Importance of effective training in the automotive industry
With technological advancements and evolving industry standards, staying competitive in the automotive sector requires a workforce equipped with the latest skills and knowledge. Automotive Training LMS plays a crucial role in ensuring professionals are up-to-date with industry trends.
II. Understanding Automotive Training LMS
A. Definition and role of Learning Management Systems (LMS)
An LMS is a software application designed to streamline the administration, documentation, tracking, and delivery of educational content. In the automotive industry, LMS caters to the specific needs of training programs, making learning more accessible and efficient.
B. Tailoring LMS for automotive industry needs
The automotive sector demands specialized training programs. Automotive Training LMS addresses this by allowing customization of content to meet the unique requirements of the industry, covering areas such as technology updates, safety protocols, and industry-specific regulations.
III. Benefits of Automotive Training LMS
A. Improved skill development
LMS provides a platform for interactive learning, enabling individuals to acquire and enhance their skills at their own pace. This flexibility contributes to a more skilled and adaptable workforce.
B. Enhanced safety measures
Safety is paramount in the automotive industry. LMS allows for comprehensive safety training, reducing workplace accidents and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.
C. Streamlined onboarding processes
Efficient onboarding is crucial for new hires. Automotive Training LMS simplifies onboarding with structured programs, reducing the time it takes for employees to become fully productive.
IV. Features to Look for in an Automotive Training LMS
A. Interactive content delivery
Engaging and interactive content keeps learners involved and motivated. Look for LMS platforms that offer multimedia options, quizzes, and simulations to enhance the learning experience.
B. Tracking and assessment tools
Monitoring progress is essential. LMS with robust tracking and assessment features allows employers to gauge employee performance and identify areas for improvement.
C. User-friendly interface
A user-friendly interface ensures that both tech-savvy and less tech-savvy employees can navigate the platform easily. This inclusivity enhances overall training effectiveness.
V. Case Studies
A. Successful implementation stories
Real-world success stories highlight the tangible benefits of Automotive Training LMS. Case studies demonstrate how businesses have improved efficiency, reduced training costs, and enhanced employee performance.
B. Positive outcomes for businesses and employees
Businesses adopting LMS witness increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a workforce better equipped to face industry challenges. Employees, in turn, appreciate the convenience and accessibility of continuous learning.
VI. Challenges and Solutions
A. Common challenges in adopting LMS
Resistance to change and technical issues are common challenges. Addressing these concerns through effective communication and providing technical support can ease the transition.
B. Strategies to overcome hurdles
Implementing a gradual rollout, offering training sessions, and showcasing quick wins can help overcome initial resistance. Clear communication about the benefits of LMS is crucial.
VII. Future Trends in Automotive Training LMS
A. Integration of virtual reality
The future of LMS in the automotive industry involves integrating virtual reality for immersive learning experiences. This trend enhances hands-on training without the need for physical resources.
B. Continuous updates and adaptability
To stay relevant, LMS must evolve alongside industry changes. Regular updates and adaptability to emerging technologies ensure that the training remains cutting-edge.
VIII. Selecting the Right Automotive Training LMS
A. Factors to consider
Consider factors such as scalability, customization options, and integration capabilities. The right LMS should align with the unique needs and goals of your automotive business.
B. Importance of a tailored approach
Generic solutions may not address specific automotive industry requirements. Choosing an LMS provider that understands the industry's nuances and can tailor solutions accordingly is crucial.
IX. Real-world Impact
A. Testimonials from industry professionals
Hearing from industry professionals who have benefited from Automotive Training LMS provides valuable insights. Their testimonials highlight the practical impact and effectiveness of the system.
B. Success stories of individuals who benefited
Individual success stories showcase how LMS has contributed to personal and professional growth. These narratives humanize the benefits, making them relatable to a broader
0 notes
visagurukl · 8 months
Understanding Study Abroad Costs
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Studying abroad is an enriching experience that opens doors to a world of opportunities. As more students embark on this educational adventure, it becomes crucial to understand the costs associated with studying abroad. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of study abroad costs, exploring various factors, hidden expenses, financial aid options, and effective budgeting strategies.
I. Introduction
Definition of study abroad
Studying abroad refers to the pursuit of academic endeavors in a foreign country. It involves gaining educational experiences beyond one's home country, providing a unique and diverse learning environment.
Growing trend of studying abroad
In recent years, the trend of studying abroad has witnessed a significant surge. Students are increasingly recognizing the value of global exposure and cultural immersion in their academic journey.
Importance of understanding study abroad costs
Before embarking on a study abroad adventure, it is crucial for students and their families to comprehend the various costs involved. This understanding ensures informed decision-making and effective financial planning.
II. Factors Influencing Study Abroad Costs
Tuition fees
Tuition fees vary widely across countries and institutions. Researching and comparing tuition costs is essential to find an affordable yet quality education.
Living expenses
The cost of living in a foreign country can significantly impact a student's budget. Expenses such as accommodation, food, and transportation must be considered when planning finances.
Travel costs
Travel expenses, including flights and local transportation, should be factored into the overall budget. Early booking and exploring cost-effective travel options can help save money.
Insurance expenses
Health insurance and other necessary coverage are essential for international students. Understanding insurance policies and costs is crucial for maintaining overall well-being during the study period.
III. Hidden Costs
Visa fees and application costs
Applying for a student visa involves fees and documentation. Understanding the visa process and associated costs is vital for a smooth entry into the chosen destination.
Textbooks and course materials
Often overlooked, the cost of textbooks and course materials can accumulate. Exploring options like used books or digital resources can help manage these expenses.
Cultural and recreational activities
Participating in cultural and recreational activities enhances the study abroad experience but comes with additional costs. Budgeting for these activities ensures a well-rounded education.
Health and safety precautions
Investing in health and safety measures, such as vaccinations and emergency preparedness, is essential for a secure study abroad experience.
IV. Scholarships and Financial Aid
Overview of available scholarships
Numerous scholarships are available for international students. Researching and applying for these financial aids can significantly reduce the financial burden.
Tips on applying for financial aid
Applying for financial aid requires careful consideration and preparation. Tips on crafting a compelling application can increase the chances of receiving assistance.
Importance of early planning
Early planning is crucial for securing scholarships and financial aid. Proactive steps, such as researching opportunities and preparing application materials, can make a significant difference.
V. Budgeting Strategies
Creating a realistic budget
Developing a detailed budget helps students track expenses and allocate funds appropriately. Realistic budgeting ensures financial stability throughout the study abroad journey.
Monitoring and adjusting expenses
Regularly reviewing and adjusting the budget based on changing circumstances helps students stay on track financially. Flexibility is key to successful budget management.
Seeking cost-effective alternatives
Identifying cost-effective alternatives, such as affordable housing and budget-friendly meals, allows students to maintain a high quality of life without breaking the bank.
VI. Part-Time Work Opportunities
Balancing work and study
Part-time work opportunities can provide additional income for students. Balancing work commitments with academic responsibilities is crucial for success.
Types of part-time jobs for students
Exploring various part-time job options, such as tutoring, internships, or freelance work, enables students to gain valuable experience while supporting their finances.
Legal aspects and regulations
Understanding the legal aspects and regulations related to international student employment is essential to avoid legal issues and ensure a positive study abroad experience.
VII. Financial Planning Tips
Setting financial goals
Establishing clear financial goals helps students stay focused and motivated. Whether saving for tuition or managing daily expenses, having a plan in place is crucial.
Establishing an emergency fund
Creating an emergency fund provides a safety net for unexpected expenses. Having financial reserves ensures students can handle unforeseen challenges without compromising their education.
Seeking advice from financial experts
Consulting financial experts or seeking advice from academic advisors can provide valuable insights and guidance on effective financial planning.
VIII. Case Studies
Real-life experiences of students managing costs
Exploring real-life case studies highlights the challenges and successes of students managing study abroad costs. Learning from these experiences provides practical insights.
Learning from success stories
Success stories of students who effectively navigated the financial aspects of studying abroad inspire and offer valuable lessons for prospective international students.
Avoiding common pitfalls
Understanding common financial pitfalls and how to avoid them is essential for a smooth study abroad experience. Awareness can prevent unnecessary stress and financial difficulties.
IX. Future Return on Investment
Career benefits of studying abroad
Studying abroad enhances a student's global perspective and cultural competence, providing a competitive edge in the job market. Employers value the skills gained through international education.
Enhancing employability
The skills acquired during a study abroad experience, such as adaptability and cross-cultural communication, significantly enhance employability in today's globalized workforce.
Long-term financial gains
Investing in a study abroad experience is an investment in future success. The long-term financial gains, both personally and professionally, far outweigh the initial costs.
X. Conclusion
Summarizing key points
Understanding study abroad costs is essential for a successful and fulfilling international education journey. From tuition fees to hidden expenses, proactive financial planning is the key to a seamless experience.
Encouraging proactive financial planning
Encouraging students to proactively plan their finances, seek scholarships, and explore budgeting strategies empowers them to make the most of their study abroad experience without financial stress.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Are there any specific scholarships available for international students?
A: Yes, many universities and organizations offer scholarships specifically designed for international students. Researching and applying for these opportunities can significantly reduce study abroad costs.
Q: How can students balance part-time work with their academic responsibilities?
A: Balancing part-time work and academics requires effective time management. Prioritizing tasks, setting realistic work hours, and communicating with employers about academic commitments are key factors.
Q: Is it advisable for students to rely solely on part-time work for covering study abroad expenses?
A: While part-time work can supplement income, it's essential for students to have a comprehensive financial plan. Relying solely on part-time work may not cover all expenses, so exploring other financial aid options is advisable.
Q: What are the potential pitfalls students should be aware of when managing study abroad costs?
A: Common pitfalls include underestimating living expenses, not accounting for hidden costs, and failing to plan for emergencies. Awareness and proactive financial planning can help students avoid these challenges.
Q: How can a study abroad experience contribute to a student's future career?
A: A study abroad experience enhances global perspectives, cultural competence, and adaptability – all highly valued by employers. It can significantly boost a student's employability and contribute to long-term career success.
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bestdieticianindia · 9 months
Qua Nutrition: Your Guide to Weight and Sports Nutrition in Ahmedabad
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In a world where health is a top priority, the role of nutrition stands as a linchpin in achieving wellness goals. Whether aiming for weight management or seeking to elevate sports performance, the importance of a well-crafted diet plan cannot be overstated. It is in this context that we delve into the expertise of Qua Nutrition, a name synonymous with excellence in nutrition consultancy and hailed as the best dietician in Ahmedabad.
Qua Nutrition has earned its stellar reputation by not only understanding the science behind nutrition but also by revolutionizing the approach to personalized diet planning. This blog seeks to unravel the secrets behind Qua Nutrition's success in catering to the diverse nutritional needs of individuals in Ahmedabad. Focused primarily on weight management and sports nutrition, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide to the distinctive methodologies, success stories, and the holistic approach that sets Qua Nutrition apart in the realm of nutrition consultancy.
As we embark on this exploration, readers will gain valuable insights into the intersection of nutrition, weight management, and sports performance, all under the expert guidance of Qua Nutrition. Join us on a journey of discovery and empowerment as we uncover the transformative potential of tailored nutrition plans in the pursuit of a healthier and more vibrant lifestyle.
Qua Nutrition and Its Reputation as The Best Dietician in Ahmedabad
Qua Nutrition has carved its niche as the epitome of excellence in the field of nutrition consultancy, earning the esteemed title of the best dietician in Ahmedabad. The consultancy's reputation precedes itself, standing as a testament to its unwavering commitment to transforming lives through personalized nutrition.
What sets Qua Nutrition apart is its dedication to understanding individual needs and crafting bespoke nutrition plans that transcend conventional approaches. With a team of expert dieticians and nutritionists at the helm, Qua Nutrition goes beyond one-size-fits-all solutions, recognizing the unique requirements of each client. This commitment to personalized care has propelled Qua Nutrition to the forefront of the nutrition industry in Ahmedabad.
The consultancy's success is not merely measured by accolades but is reflected in the tangible transformations of individuals who have entrusted their health goals to Qua Nutrition.
Qua Nutrition's reputation extends far beyond Ahmedabad, with a presence in key cities across India. Serving as a beacon of nutritional expertise, Qua Nutrition has established its footprint in Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Hyderabad. Each location bears witness to the consultancy's unwavering commitment to fostering healthier lifestyles, solidifying Qua Nutrition as a trusted guide on the journey to optimal well-being.
Branch Address:
Dietician In Delhi: House No. 6 6, 2, Block 62, Street No. 2, Type 2, Diz Rd, DIZ Staff Quarters, Shanti Niketan, New Delhi, Delhi 110021
Dietician In Chennai: 3rd Floor, WOCO Spaces, No 74, 5th Ave, V Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600040
Nutritionist In Bangalore: 1312, Link Rd 4, above Punjab & Sind Bank, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038
Dietician In Kolkata: 2 Floor, Qua Nutrition, 49 A, Purna Das Rd, Golpark, Hindustan Park, Gariahat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700029
Nutritionist In Mumbai: Plot No. 325 CTS E/449, Shree Amba Sadan, 402 & 403, Linking Rd, above DBS BANK, next to Axis Bank, Khar, Khar West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400052
Nutritionist In Hyderabad: 8-2-601/J, 157, Road No. 10, Gouri Shankar Nagar Colony, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034
Nutritionist in Ahmedabad: 802, North Plaza, beside 4D square Mall, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380005
Understanding The Science Behind Qua Nutrition's Approach to Diet Planning
Embarking on a journey toward optimal nutrition requires not just expertise but a deep understanding of the science behind dietary choices. Qua Nutrition stands as a beacon in this regard, employing a meticulous and evidence-based approach that sets it apart as a trailblazer in the field of diet planning.
At the core of Qua Nutrition's success lies a profound comprehension of nutritional science. The consultancy doesn't rely on one-size-fits-all solutions; instead, it customizes diet plans by delving into the unique metabolic, physiological, and lifestyle factors of each individual. This personalized approach is underpinned by a commitment to staying abreast of the latest scientific research, ensuring that every nutrition plan is not just effective but also grounded in the most current understanding of nutrition.
Qua Nutrition's dieticians and nutritionists are not merely meal planners; they are interpreters of the intricate language of the body's nutritional needs. They consider factors such as age, gender, health conditions, and dietary preferences, creating a holistic picture that forms the basis of each personalized nutrition plan.
The science behind Qua Nutrition's approach encompasses the delicate balance of macronutrients and micronutrients essential for optimal health. Protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals are carefully calibrated to meet individual needs, aligning with the latest nutritional guidelines and scientific findings.
Moreover, Qua Nutrition leverages natural diet to enhance the precision of its diet planning. Advanced dietary analysis tools, coupled with a wealth of nutritional databases, enable the team to fine-tune recommendations, ensuring that clients receive the most accurate and effective nutritional guidance.
The scientific rigor in Qua Nutrition's methodology extends beyond the initial consultation. Regular assessments and adjustments are made based on the client's progress and evolving nutritional needs. This dynamic approach underscores the consultancy's commitment to not just static diet plans but to ongoing, adaptive support rooted in the ever-evolving landscape of nutritional science.
In essence, Qua Nutrition's approach to diet planning is not a mere prescription but a symphony of scientific understanding, personalized insights, and continuous refinement. It is a testament to their unwavering commitment to empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the intricate landscape of nutrition and embark on a journey towards sustained health and well-being.
Testimonials and success stories from clients who achieved their weight and sports performance goals with Qua Nutrition
Testimonials and success stories form the heart of Qua Nutrition's narrative, serving as living testimonials to the consultancy's transformative impact on individuals striving to achieve their weight management and sports performance goals. These stories not only validate the effectiveness of Qua Nutrition's approach but also provide tangible proof of the consultancy's ability to translate personalized nutrition plans into real-world success.
Qua Nutrition's clientele in Ahmedabad and beyond shares tales of triumph, recounting their journeys from aspiration to achievement. These narratives go beyond the numbers on the scale or athletic records; they delve into the profound impact on overall well-being, confidence, and vitality.
Weight management success stories often highlight the sustainability of Qua Nutrition's approach. Clients recount not only shedding pounds but experiencing a holistic shift in lifestyle and mindset. Whether it's overcoming plateaus, managing dietary restrictions, or navigating emotional connections with food, these testimonials showcase Qua Nutrition's adeptness in addressing the multifaceted challenges of weight gain or management.
Similarly, in the realm of sports nutrition, Qua Nutrition's success stories extend beyond personal bests and athletic milestones. They encapsulate narratives of increased endurance, quicker recovery times, and enhanced overall performance. Athletes speak of the consultancy's ability to fine-tune their nutrition plans, optimizing energy levels and ensuring peak physical condition during training and competitions.
These testimonials resonate because they are relatable. Clients often express gratitude not just for achieving goals but for the supportive and collaborative journey facilitated by Qua Nutrition. The consultancy's client-centric approach, where individual needs, preferences, and challenges are not just acknowledged but embraced, forms the bedrock of these success stories.
Qua Nutrition's commitment to ongoing support is evident in the narratives of clients who have faced setbacks, plateaus, or unexpected challenges. The consultancy's adaptability and responsiveness ensure that clients receive the guidance needed to navigate hurdles, fostering resilience and long-term success.
In the broader context, these testimonials contribute to the reputation that precedes Qua Nutrition. They serve as beacons of inspiration for others contemplating their wellness journey, illustrating that transformation is not just possible but achievable with the right guidance.
Testimonials and success stories from Qua Nutrition's clients in Ahmedabad and across India weave a tapestry of achievement, resilience, and empowerment. These stories are a living testament to the consultancy's dedication to individualized nutrition, fostering a community of individuals who have not just reached their goals but have embraced a sustainable and fulfilling approach to health and performance.
Weight Management with Qua Nutrition
Qua Nutrition excels in personalized weight management strategies, tailoring plans to individual goals, metabolism, and dietary preferences. Their approach prioritizes balanced nutrition for sustainable results, addressing lifestyle factors like stress and activity levels. Real-life case studies attest to the effectiveness of Qua Nutrition's methodology, showcasing transformative weight management journeys.
A. Customized diet plans for weight loss or gain
Qua Nutrition's prowess in crafting customized diet plans for weight management is unparalleled. Whether the goal is shedding excess pounds or gaining healthy weight, their expert dieticians curate tailored nutrition strategies. These plans go beyond generic approaches, accounting for individual factors such as metabolic rate, dietary preferences, and specific health considerations.
The result is a personalized roadmap that not only addresses weight goals but fosters a sustainable and balanced approach to nutrition. Qua Nutrition's commitment to individualized care ensures that clients embark on a transformative journey towards achieving their weight objectives with precision and efficacy.
B. Emphasis on the importance of balanced nutrition for sustainable weight management
Qua Nutrition places a significant emphasis on balanced nutrition as the cornerstone for sustainable weight management. Recognizing that quick fixes often lead to short-term results, their approach focuses on creating dietary plans that foster long-term well-being. By striking a harmonious balance between macronutrients and micronutrients, Qua Nutrition ensures that clients not only achieve their weight goals but also cultivate a healthy relationship with food. This commitment to equilibrium extends beyond calorie counting, encompassing a holistic understanding of nutritional needs. The result is not just weight loss or gain but a sustainable lifestyle shift that promotes enduring health and vitality.
C. Integration of lifestyle factors in Qua Nutrition's weight management programs
Qua Nutrition's approach to weight management extends beyond dietary considerations, integrating crucial lifestyle factors for comprehensive well-being. Understanding that lifestyle plays a pivotal role in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, Qua Nutrition's programs take into account elements such as stress levels, sleep patterns, and physical activity. By addressing these holistic components, their weight management plans are designed to be practical, sustainable, and aligned with the individual's daily life. This integration ensures that clients receive personalized guidance that is adaptable to their unique circumstances, promoting not just weight-related goals but fostering overall health and balance in the context of their lifestyles.
Sports Nutrition Excellence
Qua Nutrition stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of sports nutrition, offering a tailored approach that elevates athletic performance to new heights. Recognizing the intricate relationship between nutrition and sports achievement, Qua Nutrition's expertise extends to crafting personalized nutrition plans for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Their approach goes beyond generic recommendations, delving into the specific needs of each individual during different workout phases. By optimizing pre-workout fueling, intra-workout sustenance, and post-workout recovery, Qua Nutrition ensures athletes are equipped with the precise nutritional support required for peak performance.
The consultancy's commitment to sports nutrition excellence is underscored by real-life examples of athletes who have thrived under their guidance. These success stories not only highlight enhanced physical performance but also speak to the resilience and endurance cultivated through Qua Nutrition's science-backed and personalized approach. From professional athletes to fitness enthusiasts, Qua Nutrition's strategies unlock the full potential of individuals, making it a trusted ally in the pursuit of athletic excellence.
A. Tailored nutrition plans for athletes and fitness enthusiasts
Qua Nutrition excels in crafting tailored nutrition plans designed specifically for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Recognizing the unique nutritional requirements of individuals engaged in rigorous physical activities, their expert dieticians customize plans that optimize performance, support endurance, and ensure efficient recovery. By tailoring nutrition to the specific needs of each athlete, Qua Nutrition stands as a trusted partner in maximizing physical potential. Whether it's a professional athlete or a dedicated fitness enthusiast, the consultancy's precision in addressing individual requirements ensures that clients receive personalized nutritional guidance that aligns with their athletic goals and overall well-being.
B. Importance of proper nutrition in enhancing sports performance
Nutrition is a game-changer in the realm of sports performance. We'll explore how Qua Nutrition emphasizes the role of proper nutrition in boosting energy levels, improving endurance, and achieving peak athletic performance.
C. Nutritional strategies for pre-workout, intra-workout, and post-workout phases
Breaking down the nutritional strategies for different phases of the workout, we'll highlight Qua Nutrition's precision in tailoring plans that address the unique nutritional needs during pre-workout preparation, intra-workout sustenance, and post-workout recovery.
D. Real-life examples of athletes who have excelled with Qua Nutrition's sports nutrition guidance
Drawing inspiration from real athletes who have thrived under Qua Nutrition's guidance, we'll showcase success stories that demonstrate the positive impact of personalized sports nutrition plans on athletic achievements.
The Qua Nutrition Approach to Holistic Wellness
Qua Nutrition transcends conventional nutrition approaches, embodying a philosophy deeply rooted in holistic wellness. The consultancy's commitment extends beyond numerical goals, encapsulating mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Their holistic approach recognizes the interconnectedness of these facets, acknowledging that true wellness requires a comprehensive understanding of individual needs. Qua Nutrition integrates mental and emotional well-being into their programs, addressing stressors, fostering resilience, and promoting a positive relationship with food. Moreover, their collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals underscore a commitment to holistic care, acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between nutrition and overall health. This approach ensures that clients not only achieve their immediate goals but embark on a journey towards sustained well-being, embracing a lifestyle that nurtures the mind, body, and soul. In choosing Qua Nutrition, individuals are not just investing in a diet plan; they are embracing a holistic wellness journey that transforms not only their nutritional habits but their entire approach to health and vitality.
A. Overview of the holistic approach towards nutrition and wellness
Qua Nutrition's commitment goes beyond mere weight loss or sports performance. We'll explore how their holistic approach addresses overall wellness, encompassing mental and emotional well-being along with physical health.
B. Integration of mental and emotional well-being in Qua Nutrition's programs
Understanding the intricate connection between mental and physical health, Qua Nutrition incorporates strategies to support mental and emotional well-being. This holistic approach ensures a more comprehensive and sustainable wellness journey.
C. Collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals for comprehensive client care
Qua Nutrition collaborates with other healthcare professionals to provide clients with a comprehensive care approach. This may involve working alongside physicians, psychologists, or other specialists to address underlying health concerns and optimize overall well-being.
Why Qua Nutrition Stands Out
Qua Nutrition emerges as a distinguished leader in the field, standing out for various reasons that define its unparalleled success. Firstly, the consultancy boasts an array of accreditations, certifications, and awards, underscoring its commitment to excellence and adherence to industry standards. Secondly, the professional team at Qua Nutrition comprises expert dieticians and nutritionists, each bringing diverse expertise to the table. This amalgamation of knowledge ensures a comprehensive and nuanced approach to nutrition planning.
What truly sets Qua Nutrition apart is its embrace of knowledge and research-backed methodologies. By staying abreast of the latest advancements, Qua Nutrition not only remains at the forefront of nutritional science but also ensures clients benefit from the most contemporary and effective strategies.
Furthermore, Qua Nutrition's commitment to a client-centric approach is a cornerstone of its success. Understanding individual needs and preferences forms the crux of their methodology, fostering a personalized journey toward health. It is this dedication to understanding, supporting, and empowering clients that distinguishes Qua Nutrition as a beacon of reliability in the realm of nutrition consultancy. In essence, the consultancy's stand-out attributes lie in its pursuit of excellence, a knowledgeable professional team, a technologically advanced approach, and above all, a deep commitment to understanding and meeting the unique needs of each client.
In conclusion, Qua Nutrition emerges not just as a consultancy but as a transformative force in the realms of weight management and sports nutrition. The blog has unravelled the layers of Qua Nutrition's personalized approach, scientific precision, and holistic wellness philosophy. Through testimonials, success stories, and a commitment to client-centric care, Qua Nutrition exemplifies excellence. As individuals embark on their wellness journey with the best dietician in Ahmedabad, they are not merely adopting a diet plan but embracing a holistic lifestyle that transcends conventional norms. Qua Nutrition is not just a destination; it is a guide towards enduring health and well-being.
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peterthiel1 · 9 months
Shred Where You Stand: The Ease and Security of On-Site Data Destruction
I. Introduction
In the era of cyber threats and data breaches, ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information is paramount. Organizations and individuals are seeking robust methods to safeguard their data, and on-site data destruction has emerged as a viable solution. This method involves the destruction of physical and digital data within the premises where it is produced or stored, offering a sense of control and security.
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II. Ease of Implementation
One of the key advantages of on-site data destruction is its ease of implementation. Traditional methods often involve transporting sensitive information to off-site facilities, introducing potential vulnerabilities during transit. On-site data destruction eliminates this risk by allowing organizations to manage the entire process within their own secure environment. This not only streamlines the data destruction process but also minimizes the logistical challenges associated with off-site alternatives.
III. Enhanced Security Measures
Security is a paramount concern when it comes to data destruction. On-site data destruction provides enhanced security measures, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data interception during transportation. With dedicated on-site shredding equipment and trained personnel, organizations can maintain strict control over the entire process, ensuring that sensitive information is irreversibly destroyed without compromise.
IV. Compliance and Regulations
In an age where data protection regulations are becoming increasingly stringent, compliance is non-negotiable. On-site data destruction facilitates compliance with various data protection laws by allowing organizations to witness the destruction of their data firsthand. This transparency not only instills confidence in stakeholders but also ensures that organizations adhere to the necessary legal frameworks governing data privacy.
V. Environmental Sustainability
Beyond security and compliance, on-site data destruction also aligns with the growing emphasis on environmental sustainability. Many organizations are adopting eco-friendly practices, and on-site shredding can contribute to this goal. The shredded materials can be responsibly recycled, reducing the environmental impact associated with traditional disposal methods. This dual benefit of security and sustainability makes on-site data destruction an attractive option for conscientious businesses.
VI. Considerations and Best Practices
While on-site data destruction offers numerous advantages, there are considerations and best practices that organizations should bear in mind. Firstly, investing in robust shredding equipment is crucial to ensuring effective and irreversible destruction of data. Regular training for personnel involved in the process is equally important to maintain a high level of security.
Moreover, organizations should establish clear protocols for the handling and disposal of data-bearing devices. This includes a thorough inventory of all devices, secure storage before destruction, and documentation of the destruction process. Adhering to these best practices enhances the overall efficacy of on-site data destruction.
VII. Conclusion
In conclusion, on-site data destruction emerges as a compelling solution for organizations and individuals seeking a secure and convenient method to safeguard sensitive information. Its ease of implementation, enhanced security measures, compliance with regulations, and environmental sustainability make it a viable choice in the ever-evolving landscape of data protection. While considerations and best practices must be taken into account, the benefits of on-site data destruction position it as a crucial component of comprehensive data security strategies. As we navigate the digital landscape, shredding where we stand proves to be not only a practical choice but also a proactive step towards preserving the confidentiality and integrity of valuable information.
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