#v: i write sins not tragedies ( secondary main )
lilxmcrtes · 2 years
Send 🤩 for a starter based on a random sentence | @agentjjkelly | Oliver
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“Just go ahead and press that button.”
He hoped it would impress her, what the lab tech could do. The teams collaborating on this had put in months of hard work. Not to mention if this went well, it would mean a great deal of money for all of them.
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lilxmcrtes · 3 years
●°•☆ Headcanons ☆•°●
Family Statuses
Eira & Aeron
Father ( in main verse )
Father’s parents
Mother’s sister ( plus her husband and any kids )
Father’s adopted brother ( family undecided )
Father ( in secondary main verse )
Older/Twin sister
Mother’s parents
Oliver & Lorelei
Oliver’s mother
Oliver’s father’s brother/step dad/Lorelei’s father
Oliver’s real father
Oliver’s older brother
Lorelei’s mother/Oliver’s mother’s sister
Tripp’s mother’s sister
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lilxmcrtes · 3 years
●°•☆ Headcanons ☆•°●
Main Character Arc
Eira - Self worth
Main problem: Higher placement of other's feelings before her own for the sake of potential "love"
Other problems: Viewing romantic relationships above platonic ones, low self esteem hindering depth of connection
Aeron - Trust
Main problem: Defensive and closed, isolating himself from meaningful relationships
Other problems: Tendency to pick fights, overly secretive / avoids sharing about himself
Oliver - Identity
Main problem: Went from a solid understanding and clarity of his life and direction to nothing, always trying to bring back instead of move forward
Other problems: Near constant fear that haunts every waking moment, particular with personal effects and sensations
Lorelei - Self image
Main problem: Projects a false image for attention and denial, failing to confront her true self
Other problems: Recklessness and participation in dangerous activities, shallow relationships and purposeful lack of depth
Tripp - Discipline
Main problem: Pushes blame onto other people constantly and does not account for his own fault for the outcomes of his actions
Other problems: Tendency to pick fights, physical ones in particular, lack of commitment and proper preparation for activities
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
stuck like flies to a shit magnet
Bro I Was So Close To Thinking This Was Hate Lol | Anonymous | Oliver
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[ ♧ ] ~ “Are you the shit or the magnet? Or perhaps the fly?”
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lilxmcrtes · 3 years
●°•☆ Timeline ☆•°●
Main, Secondary, & Childhood Verses
wishing on dandelions ( Eira ) / growing a tyrannosaurus heart ( Aeron ) / living in another time ( Oliver ) / burning bridges like they're cigarettes ( Lorelei )
Oliver Sutton is born August 10th
Oliver’s father is killed in action
Oliver’s mother remarries to Oliver’s uncle ( his father’s twin brother )
Lorelei Sutton is born October 30th, a product of an affair between her mother ( Oliver’s mother’s sister ) and Oliver’s uncle / stepfather
Aeron Teare is born June 27th along with his twin sister Angelina
Angelina does not survive and passes away
Eira Teare is born November 18th, a product of an affair her mother had with a man that was actually a witch
Oliver’s brother passes away after being in a car accident
Aeron starts taking weekly piano lessons
Lorelei is abandoned on Oliver’s doorstep before her mother passes away
It is decided Aeron isn’t ready to start school so they push his start date a year
Aeron burns his tongue with chicken soup made by his mother, bad enough to lose his sense of taste for a while. Probably hasn’t been right since
Aeron watches J.urassic P.ark for the first time
The Urn Incident - Eira and Aeron break Angelina’s urn. Eira takes the fall even though Aeron pushed her.
Aeron unknowingly meets his soulmate Adom who is in his first grade class
Eira is backhanded by her mother, gifting her a scar from the cut she got from her mother’s wedding ring.
Eira meets her first friend, Espen, the first day of kindergarten
Eira’s mother and Espen’s father have an affair that leads to them no longer being able to spend time together outside of school
Eira is allowed to skip the first grade
Espen is kidnapped. His father goes to Chastity to ask for help for the ransom and when she refuses, he leverages their affair. It doesn’t scare her but it would prove inconvenient so she paid him off. Although the ransom is paid, it turned out that Espen had already been killed
Eira and Aeron’s mother leaves their home just as summer break starts
Aeron fails the fifth grade and has to repeat it
Aeron meets his best friend Jace who is in his repeat of fifth grade class
Aeron no longer takes piano lessons since his piano teacher passed away
Oliver leaves home to go to university
Lorelei leaves home after graduating from secondary school, running away with her boyfriend
Lorelei’s boyfriend cheats and leaves her stranded
Eira and Aeron’s grandparents on their father’s side pass away, leaving quite the inheritance that brings their mother back, thinking she’ll get something out of it. She presses for a divorce to collect. This also leads to the separation of Eira and Aeron, Aeron leaving to live with their mother and her boyfriend
Eira starts dating a guy in her classes
Eira has a pregnancy scare that scares off her boyfriend
Oliver graduates from university and begins working at La Fleur Laboratories while continuing for his master’s degree
Aeron gets thrown out of his mother’s house but is taken in by an elderly neighbor that took pity on him
Eira and Aeron graduate from high school
Oliver gets his master’s degree
Aeron reconnects with his best friend Jace, meeting Tancred
hopes up high ( Eira ) / same shit different day ( Aeron ) / i write sins not tragedies ( Oliver ) / not the type to call you back tomorrow ( Lorelei )
Oliver gets married to Giselle Melanie de la Fleur, the daughter to the owner of La Fleur Laboratories, the company he works for
Aeron is under the impression he’s knocked up his girlfriend but it turns out she was sleeping with someone else and it wasn’t his
Eira starts taking classes at a community college
Eira meets Tancred from studying at his library
Eira and Tancred start dating
Eira runs away from home and starts staying with Tancred
Oliver’s first son, Percy, is born
Eira breaks up with Tancred even though she actually didn’t want to
Eira can no longer take community college classes due to lack of funds
Eira starts working at Finnian’s teahouse and volunteering at the animal hospital
[ Default Verse Entry Point ]
Eira meets Oliver
Eira and Aeron’s father pass away, reuniting them when they return home to live there since it was left to them
Aeron moves out because it’s too much to live there
Eira and Oliver start dating
The Incident ( tm )
head down low ( Eira ) / forgive and forget ( Aeron ) / can’t remember to forget ( Oliver ) / not the type to call you back tomorrow ( Lorelei )
Oliver moves in with Eira while he continues to recover
Eira and Oliver adopt a Golden Retriever, Clover, to be his emotional support animal
Oliver starts working at the local grocery store, wanting to be more independent
[ Default Verse Entry Point ]
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
Despair And Drinks | @the-wonderland-jinx​
“ i know i don’t deserve forgiveness, but i like the idea that some people think i might. ”
[ ♧ ] ~ “Don’t we all?” The man drawled, a mix of European accent and drunkenness in his words. He certainly wasn’t out of control but he’d had enough to drink that the separation between each word was becoming increasingly small. The accent didn’t do any listeners a favor either.
“We like believing things we don’t aren’t true. In the end it doesn’t change anything though.” Oliver signaled for another drink as he’d just finished the one in his hand. He didn’t fully turn his head to see what sort of response that would earn him. It was more to give her a tired glance.
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lilxmcrtes · 3 years
“ excuse me? i could use a little help, if you don’t mind… ” [ Oliver ]
breaking the ice prompts. | @lilxmcrtes | Eira
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"Of course! What can I do for you?”
The man made his order, a bit rudely she might add. He seemed to be irritated for waiting for her to finish putting together a pick up order. Eira was still a bit new at this and online orders were supposed to be her priority since one of her coworkers, who had conveniently stepped away, was supposed to be at the register. If only the other register hadn’t been taken up by another customer...
The invisible pressure had her heart pounding and face hot as she took down the order wrong. When she repeated back to be sure, he wrinkled his nose and ordered yet again. After profuse apologies made with downcast eyes, she finally went to getting his order together.
Who was she kidding, taking a job like this?
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
mayhaps they talk about their parents?
Muse Meta Time | Anonymous | The Main Five(tm)
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[ ♢ ] ~ “Not much to talk about. They were shitty. Like all parents.”
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[ ♡ ] ~ “I wouldn’t say that exactly...” She’s too quiet to be heard with someone else talking over her.
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[ 💀 ] ~ “Yeah. I’m glad I left when I did. ...Maybe not my mom. She was... She was okay.”
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[ ♤ ] ~ “Awww. Someone miss their mummy?”
[ 💀 ] ~ His eyes narrow. “At least I have one.” No, he had no talent for subtly or understanding some things simply cannot be said.
[ ♤ ] ~ The taunting smirk falls, replaced with a frown and glaring eyes that nearly burned holes into the man. Still, her voice was sweet. “Better watch yourself, Leslie.~” Then it became a growl. “I won’t hesitate to cut a bitch.”
The pair bicker while Aeron has lost interest, outside with a cigarette while the thoughts of his parents churn in his head, and Oliver rolls his eyes, sat with Eira, before downing some of his drink.
They sit quietly like that. Eira is sure he won’t say anything but he proves her wrong.
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[ ♧ ] ~ “My real father died before I was born,” he explains, eyes on the table where his hands rest from the way he props himself up on it. “And the replacement my mother chose... He might’ve been his twin brother but looks were the only thing they had in common from the stories my older brother would tell. Not in the good way either.”
Technically she knows this already, but she lets him talk anyway.
[ ♡ ] ~ “I can understand that kind of... family. I don’t remember much about my mom.” She was looking at him but now her gaze rests on the same thing, watching his hand swirled the last bit of drink in his glass. “And my dad... We made him angry a lot I think.” That earned a pause in his movement, eyes flickering over to her. “We weren’t very good kids.” She laughs but her chest hurts. She knows it’s true and she should have been better. Her father loved her and she repaid it with trouble. She should have been better. A hand comes to rest on hers, intense forest green hues looking into her deep brown ones.
[ ♢ ] ~ “Keep your fucking hands off my sister.”
[ ♡ ] ~ “Aeron...”
[ ♢ ] ~ “You’re really going to defend this guy? You know what he is. You know what he does.”
[ ♧ ] ~ “And you? You’re any better?” He stands, just an inch more than his opponent.
[ ♡ ] ~ “Enough. Both of you,” she hisses, moving between them, a wall despite being the smallest of the three. “That’s enough for today.”
[ ♢ ] ~ He stood down begrudgingly. “Where’s Tripp, anyway?”
The question is answered with thuds against the wall.
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
Tag Dump 》 Oliver ♧
♧ musing through memories 》 save ♧
♧ my mind is a prison 》 aesthetic ♧
♧ part of me is still lost out there 》 headcanon ♧
♧ weep little lion man 》 visage ♧
♧ sadness of a long lost feeling 》 musing ♧
♧ promise not to fade away 》 likes ♧
♧ don’t stand so close to me 》 thread ♧
♧ just want to hold you in my arms 》 desire ♧
♧ can’t shake these midnight thoughts 》 wishlist ♧
♧ taking all the courage i have left 》 starter ♧
v: can’t remember to forget ( main )
v: i write sins not tragedies ( secondary main )
v: ignorance is heavenly bliss
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
●°•♧ Oliver Headcanons ♧•°●
v: can’t remember to forget ( main )
If his food is wrong, he won't send it back. He just eats it sadly.
He wears glasses.
Surprisingly he likes his tattoos because he feels more connected to who he used to be even if he can’t remember what they mean exactly.
He has an emotional support dog, Clover, a golden retriever. She’s actually the dog he got for his son when he met Eira.
v: i write sins not tragedies ( secondary main )
Wife - Giselle Melanie de la Fleur - his ‘little flower’
Son - Henry Percival Sutton - lil ‘Percy’ ( born 2 years into their marriage )
Funnily enough, he stopped calling Giselle his little flower because now her name was Sutton so it doesn’t make sense anymore.
Really only got married as a power move than out of love.
v: ignorance is heavenly bliss
v: TBD ( mutant )
Pre Verse Post
Assassin Persona Reveal Post
Angel and Tourniquet Drabble
Project Seraphim Post
Post Escape To The Split Post
Ash Drabble Following Brimstone Thread
Last Updated 1/15/21
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years
●°•♧ Oliver Verses ♧•°●
Main Timeline
v: can’t remember to forget ( main )
After the accident, Oliver moved in with Eira so she could keep an eye on him and help with his constant nervousness, regaining his memory, regaining normal movement, etc. as well as his son, Percy.
He makes a living by working at a grocery store, something to get him out and be somewhat social. He keeps a daily photo journal and writes an extensive description of significant details such as his emotions or his surroundings.
v: i write sins not tragedies ( secondary main )
Oliver went on to live life greater than he could handle, marrying into his high position at his wife’s family company, La Fleur Labroratories, as a contractor and project manager. Having fallen out of love with his wife, he only stayed after discovering they would be having a son. Though that didn’t stop him from having his affair with Eira. He fell in love and planned to leave his wife, introduce his lover to his son, and become a family with her.
That changed when Aeron came back into her life.
Tension between them led to fight, which left Oliver sustaining a great head injury. But Oliver believed he was fine, and went to work as planned. There were some renovations being done so when he went to check on them and was distracted by the pain in his head, he fell from an unfinished floor, hitting construction materials on the way down.
He was taken to the hospital and while physically he was able to recover, the damage to his brain was pretty bad.
v: TBD
Anything to do with bb!Oliver aka his childhood up to the main verse.
Mutant Timeline
v: lose an arm to save the body ( mutant )
Age: TBD
Powers: Healing Through Absorption ( Primary ), Force Fields / Shielding, Invisibility
Name: Gabriel Wyatt Tucker ( False Identity After Escaping )
Oliver is a prisoner of a mutant gang. They use him for his abilities, blackmailing him by threatening the family that was kind enough to take him in after splitting up from the Teares. Essentially what Eira thought her brother was doing.
Unfortunately for Kit, it’s a rule not to mess with their ‘other’s’ life or he’d have left a long time ago.
au: TBD
In connection to Eira’s Single Mother!Mutant!AU explained here.
S.tar T.rek Verses / AU
v: a.d a.stra p.er a.spera
Explained in detail here.
v: e.x a.stris s.cientia
Explained in detail here.
Demon / Guardian Angel Verse
v: ignorance is heavenly bliss
Friend and confidant to Eira, Oliver is one of the first angels she met upon her arrival. As one of the key guardian angels, a guardian to angels, it was his job to get her started. Years later he is the one to be assigned to Aeron to help him regain his angelhood. Oliver does his best to keep her updated and be a messenger between the two whenever he can manage.
He was originally quite the powerful being, rivaling Lucifer’s power easily, as a demon. But he was cleansed, of both his darkness and his memories, by Lorelei in a fit of jealousy over the attention he received from Satan / Lucifer, unwillingly becoming a lost angel. The blackness of his soul manifested into another entity known as Henry and acts as Oliver’s mirror, residing in Hell as a demon. It is the hope of the hell dwellers that he will one day remember his true potential and return to be reunited with his other half.
Detective Verse
v: repeat after me i'm over it
Explained in detail here.
v: everyone is a hero in their own mind
Explained in detail here.
Other Verses / AUs
v: TBD
Walking Dead / Zombie Apocalypse Verse
v: TBD
Last Updated 12/7/21
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