#v: círdan's home (childhood)
scion-of-kings · 17 days
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scion-of-kings · 13 days
Closed starter for @ofthevanyar
He was too little to be wandering the halls that late at night on his own, his sole company a stuffed animal he held to his tiny chest, its fluffy head comfortably tucked under his chin.
Gil-galad thought, as he padded forward towards the lone source of light at the end of the corridor, that the nursemaid who took care of him was nowhere to be seen, but he still wanted that warm glass of milk she gave him when he woke up in the middle of the night. He supposed he would find some in the kitchens, because that was where food was stored, but he didn't know how to get there.
Anyway, he was hungry enough to try to find it for himself, and tired enough to know he needed his glass of milk, perhaps something sweet, too, if he hoped to be tucked in again and rest. He kept being disturbed by nightmares, and the restless energy he felt all around wasn't helping.
The Prince wasn't tall enough to reach the handle, nor strong enough to push the door open, and he pouted. The wood creaked, though, when his little slipper collided with the ornate wood.
That hurt, and Gil-galad let out a resounding curse he had heard a guard say the other day, one that was too inappropriate for someone as young as he was, but that made him giggle because it was a forbidden word.
"Lady Amarië?" he whispered in the way only children whisper. Maybe she was in there, or maybe not, in which case he should go on with his exploration. "Are you there?" Gil-galad said when he reached the next door, this one closed. "I," he jumped from one circle embroidered on the thick carpet to the next; "want," now from flower to flower; "some milk," he chanted, jumping at each word.
It went on for a few repeats of the sentence, at which point Gil-galad just dragged his stuffed animal by one arm behind him, tired and not really knowing how to reach the kitchens on his own or go back to his room.
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scion-of-kings · 7 years
You can find all the info about the verses here [x]; this is just a quick summary to help me keep everything neat. Although there’re five main verses covering from Ereinion’s childhood to his death in the Siege of Barad-dûr, I’ve divided each one of them in several smaller verses, as sometimes there are a lot of things going on there. 
As this is going to be a sort of index to keep track of everything, I’ll be adding the links with the info about the AU verses once I write everything. 
More info: History. Headcanons.
Trackers: Snows of Hithlum, Círdan’s home.
More info: History. Headcanons.
Trackers: The Pearls of Balar, Young High King of the Noldor, The War of Wrath
More info: History. Headcanons.
Trackers: Foundations of Lindon, Elvish Rings and Elvish Forges, The Faithful Ships
More info: History. Headcanons.
Trackers: Of Elves and Men
More info: History. Headcanons.
Trackers: Moon’s Fall, Keep Darkness at Bay, Aeglos and Narsil, none could withstand
More info: History. Headcanons.
Trackers: The Halls of Mandos, The Undying Lands
AU where Ereinion never died at the end of the Last Alliance and lived to witness the events in the War of the Ring.
More info: History. Headcanons.
Trackers: Into light his star shines
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