#v fs
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adorastarot · 2 years ago
Hello~ could you do a reading on how Tae will be taking care of his pregnant wife? He seems to want this so badly, i wonder if he would be cute or too cautious
Hi sweet anon <3 Thank you so much for asking this question, I really enjoyed doing this reading!!! I first decided to check if Tae wanted babies (just to be sure!) ♡ Want a personal reading? Check out my Ko-fi (Thank you for all the support, I love you all so much <3 )
Does Tae want babies?
3 of cups, the devil and the fool
The man wants babies! Babies would make him the happiest however with the devil, he has a lot of worries regarding being a dad and specifically that moment in his life - building a family. But when the moment comes he wants to just be able to jump into it and not think about the consequences and he is very likely to do this.
How will Tae take care of his person during pregnancy?
The hermit, 10 of pentacles, page of swords, 4 of pentacles and ace of cups
Tae is going to become a hermitttttt! He is not going to leave his home at all wanting to be at home with his person all the time. He may even take a break from his usual activities or go on a little hiatus, especially when the due date is near. He would rely on his family a lot for support and may also rely on them, talk to them and ask them for advice. The pregnancy may even make him go back home or his parents could..move nearby if they don’t already live nearby. He would try to make his partner feel very grounded and he may go on waaaayyy too many shopping trips! OMG he would shop so much, even without his partner lol. He would want to know EVERYTHING, he would go to all of the doctor appointments and even request more appointments than needed, just to be on the safe side?! He would watch all of the videos keep track of everything, but all of the baby bump diaries, and keep a countdown too!  He would love the baby bump so much, very likely to sing to the baby bump every day before bed as well. I just see all of the love overflowing from his heart. All the love <3
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wishingstarinajar · 2 months ago
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Ohey, another robofication of an old OC but this time it's my silver fox (aka mature gent) Case.
Still a big WIP but he's taking shape!
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junhwabauer · 17 days ago
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fyboynextdoor · 1 year ago
© jellybear
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senjutsunade · 8 months ago
Blind Incandescence - Head Canons I
♣ Tsunade, Orochimaru and Jiraiya grew up in the same neighborhood. Being childhood friends, their bonds are deep - pretty much sibling like. They went to the same elementary, middle and high school together. Eventually career choices changed their paths somewhat -  Tsunade and Orochimaru chose to pursue medicine while Jiraiya chose to go down the Literature and Creative Writing route. That changed nothing about their relationship. Orochimaru and Jiraiya were there for Tsunade following Nawaki's death. Along with Kushina's aid, they helped Tsunade get through her darkest days.  
♣ When Tsunade started medical school, she and Uzumaki Kushina (her cousin) moved into an apartment together. The apartment was old, small and cramped. But it was close to both hers and Kushiha's  universities so it was a practical decision. Moreover, it  gave her a sense of freedom and independence her parents suburban mansion couldn't offer her.
♣ Once Tsunade and Minato started investigating Nawaki's murder, the apartment became their pseudo office. That was also where Minato and Kushina's 'friendship' started. Eventually the place started feeling too cramped and Tsuande was contemplating moving out to give the couple privacy but then Kushina decided to move in with Minato instead and Tsuande never considered relocating. Eventually nostalgia played a role in her decision to simply stay when Jiraiya and Orochimaru tried to convince her to move elsewhere - an expert in self torture, Tsunade realized she had too many memories in the dingy old place to just leave. Hell, there was still a cabinet full of unopened  and expired ramen in the place that Kushina had left behind when she moved out.
♣ Once Minato and Tsunade establish their detective agency (based on a very off-hand comment made by Kushina one evening when she is tired of tripping on countless files that have taken over every surface of the apartment) Tsunade spends an unhealthy amount of time at work. More often than not she even sleeps in her office. She has been called out on that habit numerous times over the years - by Minato and Kushina. By a very pissed Nagato - who is sure the agency will be sued any day  now because his insane cousin is sleep deprived and has anger issues; so being the agency's lawyer, he will have to clean up the mess.
♣ After Minato and Kushina are murdered, what used to be a biweekly habit turns into routine. She only goes home to shower, change and throw away the food Jiraiya and Orochimaru leave for her in her fridge - which always goes bad but they refuse to stop making extra work for her, the idiots. Shizune tries to talk to her about this  numerous times too - it doesn't work. So she simply orders a couch and forces it into the very cramped office. Years later, it is still a mystery how Shizune actually managed to make that piece of furniture fit in that space - it simply shouldn't have been possible.
♣ The only nights she actually spends in her apartment are the nights she is babysitting Naruto.
@konohagakurekakashi & @uchihaa-itachi
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eclecticmuses · 1 year ago
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After Heartbreak
Author: @eclecticmuses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Rating: Explicit Chapters: 15 Relationships/Characters: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz's Mother, Jemma's Parents, Milton, Other Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Romance and Angst, Childhood Sweethearts, Second Chances, Class Differences, Angst With A Happy Ending, Explicit Sexual Content Summary: February, 1945. Jemma Simmons is working as a nurse at a Red Cross convalescent hospital in the south of England caring for wounded soldiers when she runs into a ghost from her past: Leo Fitz, her childhood sweetheart, who was cruelly ripped away from her by her disapproving parents several years prior. Can they rekindle their friendship and find something new? Or will Jemma's responsibilities and family ruin their chance at love once and for all?
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
Jemma Simmons’ eyes opened to darkness.
Her long-established routine immediately kicked in: silence the shrill alarm rattling away on the bedside table, switch on the lamp, then lie back in bed and blink up at the ceiling as her eyesight adjusted to the dim light that bathed her attic bedroom. She allowed herself one moment to be still and enjoy the comforts of her small bed before she stretched and got up, heading downstairs to the bathroom to begin the rest of her morning ritual. Time to face another day.
It was February, 1945. The Allies had long since pushed onto the Continent and were beating the Germans back, but they were suffering heavy losses along the way. As a nurse, Jemma had seen the worst of the casualties coming back to British soil from the front and even some that resulted from attacks at home—all of the blood and guts and gristle that were a part of wartime. Thankfully, she no longer dealt with death. Now she worked in recovery.
Read the rest on AO3!
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skate-the-onion · 1 year ago
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Kevin Aymoz x bull horns (2019 - 2023)
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elliesbelle · 2 years ago
not to be tmi but when my ex comes to visit me for an entire week in just a couple of months, y'all will likely get so much ellie x reader content after that cause the similarities between my ex and ellie and the crazy amounts of disgustingly nasty lesbian sex we're gonna be having? the writing inspiration will just be flowing nonstop
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lqxh · 2 years ago
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© 다슬기🐚
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thisisntreaver · 11 months ago
Okay question
Does anyone else feel like fem hobw has very different vibes than male hobw, based on voice alone?
Like they're both very good performances, but I feel like the energy they bring is super different.
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neonsomatic · 3 months ago
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I can't fucking get over them
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adorastarot · 5 months ago
Hey welcome back, can you please do same reading for taehyung and his fs also? Thank u😊
Hiii sweet anon! Thank you so much for being here! I hope you're well!
❥︎You can now buy a reading with me via ETSY! ✨
❥︎Will Tae and his fs meet in 2025?
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The emperor in reverse, 7 of cups, 3 of wands
I…don’t see Tae meeting his FS in 2025…at the moment it looks more like 2027 for me. There could be ego or rigid thinking blocking this connection right now - It seems like there may be a lot of confusion but also a lot of options potentially in regards to people. Either Tae or the FS still have a lot to experience and learn from other’s before choosing each other but they are slowly making their way to each other.
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3know-racha · 4 months ago
241103 dominATE KAOHSIUNG sound check
©spear_B_0811 | do not edit or crop logo
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tsarinajissa · 4 months ago
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That's ok Rook. That's also how I look when I see Morrigan.
I've put full body images below. I was able to give her actual stomach pudge, killer thighs, and some real arm muscles!! So thrilled.
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fyboynextdoor · 6 months ago
© oui
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lord-shitbox · 4 months ago
40 & 41
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