#util meets aa
inbarfink · 7 months
I legit think that the way that ‘Dual Destinies’ utilizes it’s nonlinear episode order is really neat and well-thought of! Like, it just gets so much more out of it. Not just, like, the whole building up the mystery of ‘ooooooh why is Apollo an Angsty Guy in a Coat’ thingy. But more of, like, when ‘the Cosmic Turnabout’ starts and you realize that you’re ‘catching up’ with the timeline and suddenly the entire case has this extra layer of Suspense around it. Like, ‘let the audience know that a Bomb is going to Explode soon’ is almost literally the textbook definition of suspense!
But then also, as the trial keeps going the player might put that whole 'bomb' thing to the side to focus on the immediate case-solving so when it suddenly comes back it is both shocking and expected at the same time!
And when the Trial starts and you see Apollo with the bandaged eye and… first and foremost it makes it totally unambiguous that we’re ‘catching up’ with the Present of case 1. Like, some non-linear AA games can make it hard to keep up with what events happen in what order - but here it is immediately visually obvious that we are almost back to the present. But also, it’s the misdirection. How the player was just left to assume that Apollo’s eyepatch is just another injury from the explosion and suddenly the game just quickly nonchalantly establishes that no, this is a separate thing. And now, we’ve got another mystery on our hands that we didn’t even consider at first!
And it also plays very well emotionally with Case 3, ‘Turnabout Academy’, and the Athena-Juniper drama. Because, like, the whole point is that Athena remembers Juniper as this soft-spoken little sweetheart from her childhood and then they meet in Lawyer High School and she’s all cold and professional. And we the players don’t get to experience Athena and Juniper’s childhood…. But we do get to see a lot of her in the flash-forwards Case 1, where she is acting like her old self again.
So while on one hand the Player knows some things about Juniper’s different behavior that Athena does not (namely, that it’s a temporary thing and they'll be back to being close friends sooner or layer) - we also feel Athena’s confusion and distress on a much more personal level. Even though we know this is a flashback case, it does kinda feel like our Ol’ Buddy Junie is suddenly being cold to us, too!
And for the Ace Attorney game that tries to be all about emotions… I think these are pretty neat!
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milksockets · 1 year
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you know it’s a good aa meeting when they have tootsie rolls dating back to another decade (one from the past, not the future sadly) and you need to utilize an instrument to try to scrape them out of the wrappers + choke them down 💩
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
right now im having thoughts about how people dont mess with the mechanics of the mindscape enough. i mentioned this partially when i posted about how people don't utilize the sides rooms enough (and i stand by that, there is so much missed potential there) but i'm also talking about some of the functions of each side kinda?
like, one specific example, ive seen a couple fics where logan is in charge of this library that contains all of thomas' memories, and thats cool and all but i think all of them kinda gloss over the fact that cannonically, patton is in charge of memory keeping. like, he is the nostalgia parent side. why do we assign that role to logan so often? (maybe not that often, but often enough that i think about it at least)
the main exception i think is janus, who's job is literally to hide things from thomas, and the fandom has portrayed doing that in every way ever.
but since im here, im just gonna list some of my favourite ideas for other functions/mindscape fuckery people could use (basically, headcannon dumping)
Logan being in charge of Thomas' base functions. He is the brain, so I think a lot more of his time would be spent making sure his brain is sending the right signals to all the parts of Thomas' body, instead of just working on memories and planning. This means we can still keep our workaholic Logan agenda too :)
The subconscious is where everyone's rooms are, not just the dark sides. When a side is not actively being used, they go back to the subconscious, because they are always in the back of Thomas' mind. The "mind palace" is the only place they can all meet without being affected by the room they are in
Adding on to my previous point, in the past the dark sides would only be able to talk to each other if they went to each others rooms, since more often than not the light sides are occupying the mind palace. I like to believe they've all kinda got an immunity to each other's rooms now, from how often they accidentally slept over
The imagination isn't really a thing, it's just Roman and Remus creating new rooms and areas already connected to the core mind palace (which roman technically created as well?)
Remus lives in the walls. This isn't a joke. He would.
Oh also, I've seen stories where Remus is the only side who can break into any room in the mindscape, and I support it wholeheartedly. He's the most intrusive mf ever and he's so proud of it
I mentioned before that Patton would be in charge of memories, but I don't really think that's true. I think they all control memory management to some extent. Patton is in charge of nostalgic childhood memories, Roman is in charge of Thomas' knowledge of music and theater, Logan is in charge of education, Virgil is in charge of everyday memories (remember when Logan threw a laptop at Thomas' in AA to prove that point?) as well as a couple embarrassing ones from the past, Janus is in charge of forgotten/unneeded memories and Remus is in charge of all the stuff Thomas probably doesn't want to remember but will anyways because life sucks. Yeah I don't really know which ones go best for Janus and Remus but I think it would be something like that?
I like to think that Janus doesn't actually have scales. Think about how fucking funny it would be if at some point we learn that no, it's literally just makeup. He started doing it for fun but now it's become a staple of his character. He's basically cosplaying himself. (this is a joke hc, Janus with scales gave me some of my favourite angst fics to date)
I think it would be funny if Logan had a train of thought going through his room at all times. I doubt he would get the joke
Going back to my previous post, I'm still thinking about how the world might fuzz or disappear around the edges when it's too far away from Thomas. Like, think Coraline in the other dimension. The sides can go on walks but they always end up back in the same place
there are probably other thoughts i've had that I can't think of right now, but these are a couple fun ones
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comraderyunosuke · 2 years
For the character ask, how about Hosonaga and Gina?
I am absolutely delighted that hosonaga ended up in here
Spoilers below the cut
Hosonaga Sexuality Headcanon: This man is an enigma. Sometimes I think he's aro. Sometimes I think he's gay. Sometimes I think he's bi. He is everything and nothing. Gender Headcanon: A man, but in the way that you may depict the idea of a man in abstract art. A ship I have with said character: As linked to my sexuality headcanon for him, I have no idea. He's in a quantum state of superposistion where he both has a significant other (who i do not know) and does not. A BROTP I have with said character: Honestly? Rei. She's a forensic medicine student and he's very interested in bring forensic science into investigation. After 2-1 he confronted her and asked if it would be okay if he could bounce some ideas off of her and now they meet up at least once a week to talk about science and work gossip. A NOTP I have with said character: I have seen basically No ships with this dude so I don't think I have any? A random headcanon: General Opinion over said character: I'm a little bit sad that he only really shows up in 2 cases because he would have been a really fun Gumshoe-esque AA investigator character, but also Gregson is obviously important to the story for many reasons. Also someone get this man treated for tuberculosis.
Gina Sexuality Headcanon: Bi, but she leans towards girls in preference Gender Headcanon: transfemme! But the only thing she really tries to dress up is her hair. A ship I have with said character: Ginasusa is pretty good, but I would like to bring some attention to Gina and Maria. T4T who are both really weird to adults but in wildly different ways. I think they would bond over feeling like they're not being taken seriously. A BROTP I have with said character: Kazumaaaaa. They hate each other and also there is no other person in London they would rather work with. They are actually pretty amiable with each other, but they're both incredibly opinionated and somewhat aggressive people so one minute they're having a cordial conversation and the next they are yelling over something stupid. A NOTP I have with said character: I don't think I've seen people shipping her in something I don't like but. Please do not ship her with adults. She is 16. A random headcanon: Gina was basically illiterate during the time of the first game, but during the 6 month gap Ryunosuke and Iris formed a study group with her to teach her how to read. This makes for her literature intake to be an odd collection of fiction, poetry, and entry level medical texts. General Opinion over said character: A really fun take on Inspector Lestrade while also making room for the less utilized Inspector Gregson. Another tick for TGAA being THE game for weird little girls.
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iasus-concepts · 26 days
Long-Range Radios: Extending Communication Beyond Boundaries
The Need for Long-Range Radios
In situations where communication is critical, long-range radios offer an unmatched level of reliability. Unlike cell phones that depend on network coverage, long-range radios operate independently of cellular networks. This independence makes them invaluable in remote locations, during natural disasters, or in areas where infrastructure is limited or nonexistent.
One of the key advantages of long-range radios is their ability to transmit signals over vast distances. Depending on the model, environmental conditions, and terrain, these radios can communicate across several miles or even hundreds of miles. This capability ensures that users can maintain contact in challenging environments, such as mountainous regions, dense forests, or open water, where other communication methods might be compromised.
Applications of Long-Range Radios
Long-range radios find their utility across various sectors. long range radio In emergency services, such as firefighting, police work, and search and rescue operations, these radios are indispensable. They allow teams to coordinate efforts over large areas, ensuring that critical information is relayed swiftly and accurately.
In the military, long-range radios are a cornerstone of communication strategy. Military operations often take place in remote and hostile environments where maintaining a secure and reliable communication line is crucial. Long-range radios, equipped with advanced encryption and frequency-hopping technologies, provide the necessary security and reach for military personnel to communicate effectively.
Outdoor enthusiasts, including hikers, campers, and hunters, also benefit from long-range radios. When exploring remote locations where cell coverage is sparse or nonexistent, these radios serve as a lifeline, allowing adventurers to stay in touch with their group or call for help if needed.
Key Features to Consider
When selecting a long-range radio, there are several key features to consider to ensure it meets the user’s specific needs.
Range: The range of the radio is one of the most important factors. While manufacturers may advertise impressive range capabilities, actual performance can vary based on the environment. For example, in open areas, the range might be greater, while in urban or heavily forested areas, the range could be reduced.
Frequency Bands: Long-range radios typically operate on UHF (Ultra High Frequency) or VHF (Very High Frequency) bands. UHF radios are better suited for urban environments with obstacles like buildings, while VHF radios excel in open, rural areas.
Durability and Weather Resistance: For outdoor or emergency use, a durable radio that can withstand harsh conditions is essential. Look for radios that are water-resistant, dustproof, and built to endure drops and impacts.
Battery Life: Long-lasting battery life is crucial, especially for extended use in remote areas. Some radios offer rechargeable batteries, zello bluetooth button while others use standard AA or AAA batteries, allowing users to carry spares for extended trips.
Additional Features: Features such as GPS, emergency alerts, and hands-free operation can enhance the functionality of a long-range radio. Some models also include privacy codes to reduce interference from other radio users on the same frequency.
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sapientiiae · 30 days
"Have I told you recently that I love you?" The hero asked aa he wrapped his arms around the monarch. Surely interrupting what ever she may have been doing for this was far more important. And so he placed a flutter of kisses upon her cheek. So light and soft like a feather. He moved to her nose teasing her lips before finishing with her other cheek. "I love you, Zelda." And then he truly finished placing a proper kiss upon her lips his smile widening the entire time. He parted only to place his head in the crook of her neck taking in her scent, sqeezing her tight feeling her warmth.
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The Princess of Hyrule currently stood before one of the bookshelves in her personal library, a space that was curated solely for her use, lest she extended an invitation to those she deemed worthy or close to her.
When not meeting with her court or seated in the throne room, the miniature library was one of four places you might expect to find her — the other three being her study, the Royal Library, or her bedchamber. Link was one of the few granted permission to enter this space, and though that invitation had technically been offered many months ago when they were nothing more than friends, he’d started to utilize that privilege more since they’d become an item.
She’d been combing through the texts that lined the shelves, looking for one she sought to reference in her latest stack of paperwork, when Link slipped up next to her, ensnaring the princess in his arms. “I believe you have, but it is still not often enough. I could always stand to hear it again,” she teased, rosebud lips pulling into a grin as he began to pepper her face with a smattering of kisses. It started with her cheeks, the touch of his lips soft and fleeting as the flutter of a butterfly’s wings, before trailing to her nose. When he’d ghosted over her lips, she’d tried (and failed) to catch his and make the moment last, but he’d moved fast enough that his lips were upon her other cheek in a fraction of a heartbeat. 
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She smiled broadly, unrestrained, at his words before his lips were on hers again, lingering this time, just as she’d wanted. “I love you too, Link,” came her reply, mumbled against his lips as her arms locked around his neck as she kissed him back.
The moment was over sooner than she would have liked, but the Hylian maiden settled for the feeling of Link burying his head into the crook of her neck. Hands slid from around his neck, down his chest, before finding their way around his back, holding him in an embrace as she nestled closer to his body. 
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BIS Approved Drinking Water Testing Laboratory| Gujarat Testlab
Gujarat Testlab : Leading the Way in Drinking Water Testing in India
The Importance of Drinking Water Testing in India
India faces substantial challenges in providing safe drinking water to its population. Rapid urbanization, industrialization, and agricultural practices contribute to the contamination of water sources, leading to potential health hazards. Contaminants such as heavy metals, chemicals, and harmful microorganisms can compromise water quality, making it unsafe for consumption. Given this scenario, the role of a drinking water testing laboratory in India becomes increasingly vital.
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Drinking water testing involves a detailed analysis of various physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters. This process ensures that the water is free from harmful substances that could lead to waterborne diseases or long-term health issues. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has established strict guidelines for water quality, and it is crucial for water testing laboratories to adhere to these standards to ensure public safety.
Gujarat Testlab : A BIS-Approved Leader
Gujarat Testlab Pvt. Ltd. has earned a reputation as a trusted drinking water testing laboratory in India, particularly for its BIS-approved status. This approval underscores the laboratory’s commitment to adhering to the stringent guidelines set by the Bureau of Indian Standards, ensuring that all testing procedures are conducted with precision and accuracy.
As a BIS-approved facility, Gujarat Testlab provides clients with the assurance that their water testing is conducted according to national and international standards. This compliance is critical, as it not only safeguards public health but also ensures that industries, municipalities, and other organizations meet regulatory requirements for water quality.
Comprehensive Water Sample Analysis
Gujarat Testlab’s expertise lies in its comprehensive water sample analysis, which covers a wide range of parameters to ensure the thorough assessment of water quality. The laboratory’s services include the testing of physical parameters such as color, odor, and turbidity, which can indicate the presence of contaminants. Additionally, the chemical analysis evaluates pH levels, total dissolved solids (TDS), hardness, and the presence of chemicals like fluoride, chloride, nitrates, and heavy metals.
The laboratory also specializes in microbiological analysis, which is crucial for detecting harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These tests are vital for preventing waterborne diseases and ensuring that drinking water is safe for consumption. By providing detailed water sample analysis, Gujarat Testlab enables clients to make informed decisions about water treatment and purification.
Advanced Testing Techniques and Equipment
Gujarat Testlab Pvt. Ltd. utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and advanced testing techniques to ensure the accuracy and reliability of its water sample analysis. The laboratory is equipped with cutting-edge instruments like Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers (AAS) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatographs (HPLC), which allow for the precise detection of contaminants at trace levels.
The laboratory’s commitment to quality is reflected in its continuous adoption of the latest technological advancements in water testing. This not only enhances the accuracy of testing but also ensures faster turnaround times, providing clients with prompt and reliable results. The combination of advanced technology and skilled professionals makes Gujarat Testlab a leading drinking water testing laboratory in India.
Serving a Diverse Range of Clients
Gujarat Testlab’s services are sought after by a diverse range of clients, including municipal bodies, government agencies, industries, and residential communities. Municipalities rely on the laboratory to monitor public water supplies, ensuring compliance with BIS standards. Industries, particularly in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and manufacturing, depend on Gujarat Testlab for water sample analysis to meet regulatory requirements and maintain product safety.
Residential communities and educational institutions also benefit from Gujarat Testlab’s expertise, as they strive to provide safe drinking water to their residents and students. The laboratory’s comprehensive testing reports help these clients make informed decisions about water safety and quality, contributing to the overall well-being of the community.
Gujarat Testlab Pvt. Ltd. is a leading drinking water testing laboratory in India, dedicated to ensuring the safety and quality of drinking water across the country. As a BIS-approved facility, it offers comprehensive water sample analysis that adheres to the highest standards of accuracy and reliability. By utilizing advanced technology and maintaining a commitment to quality, Gujarat Testlab plays a crucial role in protecting public health and promoting safe water practices in India.
In a nation where access to clean drinking water is a pressing concern, the services provided by Gujarat Testlab are indispensable. By ensuring that water meets the necessary safety standards, the laboratory helps safeguard communities, industries, and the environment, contributing to a healthier and safer India.
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Solar Power System:
Clean Energy Solution: Our solar power systems harness sunlight to generate electricity, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources.
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Energy Independence: Enjoy uninterrupted power supply and peace of mind, even during grid outages or emergencies.
Battery box.
Heavy duty metal support structure.
4x50W solar electric modules.
10V/10A charge controller.
Aluminum support must be properly grounded. 
2 x maintenance free 12V/120-125Ah batteries.
Support structure elevation is adjusted for maximum solar power.
Heavy-duty cable is run from panels to the charge regulator.
All required installation material (cabling, nails and plugs).
The two batteries are connected in parallel, and to the charge regulator. 
The panels should be cleaned (water/soft brush) at regular intervals to ensure maximum effect.
Panels are installed on rooftop, or other suitable and secure location with direct view of the sun. 
Four panels are mounted electrically in parallel and secured to the aluminum support structure. 
Instruction for use:
Standard, heavy duty solar power system for permanent installations, providing direct or back-up power for typical applications like a complete radio room or a remote repeater site.
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GPS Receiver, Basic:
Accurate Navigation: Our GPS receivers offer precise positioning and reliable navigation capabilities.
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Enhanced Connectivity: Stay connected and informed with advanced GPS technology for outdoor adventures or professional use.
Easy Integration: Compatible with a wide range of devices and applications, providing seamless integration for your navigation needs.
Display: 41x56mm, 4 level grey LCD, (120x160 pixels)
Battery life: Up to 18 hours.
Power: 2 AA batteries (not included). 
USB, RS232 (serial).
2,048 Track log points, 10 saved tracks.
It has capacity to store up to 500 waypoints/icons.
The GPS is a basic GPS receiver suitable for field operations. 
With name and graphic symbols and 50 reversible routes with up to 250 points each.
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 Radio Manpack Kit:
Portable Communication: Our radio manpack kits offer portable and reliable communication solutions for on-the-go professionals.
Tactical Advantage: Designed for military, law enforcement, and emergency response teams, ensuring secure and efficient communication in the field.
Rugged Construction: Built to withstand harsh environments and extreme conditions, providing dependable operation when it matters most.
Versatile Functionality: Equipped with advanced features for voice and data communication, it ensures versatility in diverse scenarios.
400 channels, 1.6 - 30MHz (250KHz - 30MHz receive), 25 watts (PEP), 12V DC, USB/LSB/AM. 
Ultra-light weight, with integrated automatic tuner.
Fully ruggedized & immiscible, selective call, group call, emergency call, phone call, message call (64 characters). GPS enabled, integrated ALE (CALM), local and remote diagnostics, channel test calling.
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Data Modem:
 High-Speed Connectivity: Our data modems deliver fast and reliable internet connectivity for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.
Integration: compatible with various network technologies and devices, ensuring easy integration into existing infrastructure.
Secure Data Transmission: Advanced encryption and authentication protocols safeguard your data, ensuring privacy and security.
Scalable Solutions: From small-scale deployments to enterprise-level networks, our data modems offer scalable solutions to meet your growing connectivity needs.
Temperature: 0°C to 55°C.
Size: 210mm W x 240mm D x 65mm H.
Data compression: In-built data compression.
Data mode: Selective repeat ARQ Protocol channel QPSK modulation.
Transceiver Interface: 9600 baud RS232; TR.29 based AT port.
Primary Power: 13.5V DC nominal (250 mA max), 9-16V DC operating range.
Rate of data transfer: Up to 6000 PBS (compressed), Up to 1475 bps (uncompressed).
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Solar Lamp with Phone Charger:
Efficiently Illuminating: Our solar lamp with phone charger combines eco-friendly lighting with practicality. 
Dual Functionality: Enjoy bright illumination while conveniently charging your phone with solar energy.
Portable Power: Perfect for camping, outdoor activities, or emergency situations, it ensures you stay connected wherever you go.
Sustainable Solution: Harness the power of the sun to light up your surroundings and keep your devices charged.
Light output high: 100 lumen/4.5 hours+
Light distribution: 360-90 degrees
Light output medium: 20 lumen/15 hours+
Light output low: 5 lumen/100 hours+
Light source: 3 x LEDs
Charging & Battery:
Charging time AC grid: 1.5 hours
Replaceable battery: Yes. 2,000 cycles.
Battery: 1LiFePO batt. /1.400 mAh/3.2V
Multi-Purpose Solar Lamp with Phone Charger.
Charging time PV: 3.5-8 hours depending on radiation.
Solar panel with 4 loops for fixture: 1.8W with hardened glass cover.
Battery protection: self discharge, deep discharge reverse polarity, trickle charge.
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Battery, Gel-Cell:
Reliable Power Source: Our gel-cell batteries provide steady energy for various applications.
Long-lasting Performance: Designed for durability, these batteries offer an extended lifespan and consistent performance.
Maintenance-Free: Enjoy hassle-free operation with no need for frequent maintenance or electrolyte checks.
Versatile Usage: Ideal for solar power systems, RVs, marine applications, and more, ensuring reliable power wherever you need it.
Deep-discharge protected and rapid recharge ability. 
Sealed 12V/115Ah lead-acid gel cell maintenance-free battery. 
Low self-discharge current allows for long (24 months) shelf life capability
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airsoftaction · 4 months
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intheroomblog · 5 months
Support Anywhere, Anytime: The Convenience of AA Virtual Meetings
In the present high speed world, carving out opportunities for fundamental exercises like going to help bunch gatherings can be challenging. In any case, with the ascent of virtual stages, getting to help has become more advantageous. This is especially valid for those engaged with AA Virtual Meetings, where virtual gatherings offer a life saver to people looking for moderation. In this blog entry, we'll investigate the comfort of AA virtual gatherings and how they offer fundamental help whenever, anyplace.
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Open Help Readily available:
One of the main benefits of AA virtual gatherings is their openness. With a web association and a viable gadget, people can join gatherings from the solace of their homes, office spaces, or even while voyaging. This takes out the need to drive to actual gathering areas, saving time and eliminating expected boundaries to participation, for example, transportation issues or geological distance.
Adaptability to Fit Any Timetable:
Life and addiction treatment centers don't stick to an inflexible timetable. With gatherings nonstop, people can pick meetings that fit their timetables and responsibilities. Whether it's initial morning, late around evening time, or during mid-day breaks, a virtual AA meeting will probably happen at some place, guaranteeing that help is open at whatever point required.
Secrecy and Security:
For certain people, the feeling of dread toward judgment or disgrace related with going to face to face help gatherings can be a critical hindrance. AA virtual drug and alcohol treatment centers offer obscurity and protection that can assist with conquering these hindrances. Members can join gatherings utilizing just their most memorable name or a nom de plume, a feeling of safety and secrecy that supports open sharing and weakness.
Various Gathering Configurations and Subjects:
Virtual AA gatherings come in different configurations, including speaker gatherings, conversation gatherings, and step-concentrate on meetings. This variety permits people to pick gatherings that line up with their inclinations and necessities. Furthermore, virtual gatherings frequently cover many points connected with habit recuperation, psychological well-being, otherworldliness, and self-awareness, taking care of the assorted encounters and foundations of members.
Interfacing with a Worldwide People group:
One of the most surprising parts of AA virtual gatherings is the potential chance to interface with a worldwide local area of people on the way to recuperation. Members from various nations, societies, and different backgrounds meet up to share their encounters, offer help, and motivate each other. This kinship and fortitude rises above topographical limits, cultivating individuals' feeling of having a place and solidarity.
Devices for Proceeded with Collectedness:
As well as giving a stage to help and association, AA virtual gatherings offer important instruments and assets to help proceed with restraint. Members can get to writing, worksheets, online gatherings, and computerized moderation trackers, engaging them to effectively take part in their recuperation process past the virtual gathering space.
Defeating Hindrances to Participation:
For people confronting actual handicaps, ongoing diseases, or other well being related difficulties, going to face to face gatherings might present huge deterrents. AA virtual gatherings offer a comprehensive climate where people with versatility issues or wellbeing concerns can take part completely without limitations. Moreover, virtual gatherings oblige people with social nervousness or agoraphobia who might find it challenging to go to customary eye to eye gatherings. The comfort of aa meeting online has upset the scene of enslavement recuperation, making support open whenever, anyplace. By utilizing innovation to interface people with a worldwide local area of friends, virtual gatherings separate hindrances to participation and give a life saver to those looking for balance. As we keep on exploring the intricacies of present day life, virtual gatherings act as an encouraging sign and backing for people on their excursion toward mending and recuperation.
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unogeeks234 · 5 months
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Oracle APEX 22.1: Download and Get Started with the Latest Low-Code Development Platform
Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a powerful, low-code development platform built directly into the Oracle Database. Version 22.1 brings exciting advancements to APEX, making it easier to create sophisticated web applications quickly. Let’s explore the key new features and learn how to download APEX 22.1.
Where to Download APEX 22.1
You can find the official Oracle APEX 22.1 download from the Oracle APEX Downloads page:
Oracle APEX Downloads: https://www.oracle.com/tools/downloads/apex-downloads.html
Before downloading APEX 22.1, make sure you meet the following requirements:
Oracle Database: APEX runs within an Oracle Database environment. You can utilize a free Oracle Cloud or existing on-premises database or install a local instance for development.
Web Server (Optional): APEX includes a built-in web listener, but for production, consider a more robust web server like Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS)
Exciting New Features in APEX 22.1
APEX 22.1 introduces a range of impressive enhancements:
Revamped Faceted Search: Create highly customizable and dynamic search experiences with more flexibility over search filters.
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): Build applications that function like native mobile apps, offering offline capabilities, background sync, and push notifications.
JavaScript API Improvements: Streamlined processes for working with APEX components and data through JavaScript.
Enhanced Charting: Enjoy new chart types, better interactivity, and visualization enhancements.
Accessibility Boost: Improved accessibility features align with WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines.
Installation Steps
Download: Get the APEX 22.1 download file from the Oracle website and unzip it.
Database Connection: Connect to your Oracle Database as a SYSDBA user.
Run Installation Scripts: Navigate to the unzipped APEX directory in your terminal and execute the following scripts:
@apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/
Unlock Accounts: Unlock the APEX_LISTENER, APEX_PUBLIC_USER, and APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER accounts.
Getting Started & Additional Resources
Once installed, access your APEX workspace through your web browser. For detailed guidance and troubleshooting tips, be sure to check these fantastic resources:
Official Oracle APEX Documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/apex/22.1/
Oracle APEX Community: Get help and connect with fellow APEX developers on the vibrant community forums.
Transform Development with Oracle APEX 22.1
Oracle APEX 22.1 empowers you to build scalable, secure, and stunning web applications with remarkable ease. Download it today to streamline your application development process!
You can find more information about  Oracle Apex in this  Oracle Apex Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for Oracle Apex  Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
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You can check out our Best In Class Oracle Apex Details here – Oracle Apex Training
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jerseyoklahomo · 6 months
Well, today was a great day, if I say so myself.
Started the day early with NO SLEEP! Literally laid in bed all night awake. So, at 7:00am after staying calm as my roommate kept receiving calls from his, what I can only believe to be, mail-order wife in the Philippines. She literally called every 30 minutes and his ringer was going off constantly as he lied to her about what he was doing for NO REASON!
Anyway....back to the story. I started the day with a nice little breakfast of eggs, cheese, sour cream, and spinach. MMM! I set off for the day to my new IOP (Intensive Outpatient) program. I decided to walk the nearly 2 mile trek to Bayonne, NJ. It was a nice morning, so I enjoyed the walk other than the shin splints nearly crippling me. I will walk this when needed, but there is a bus that goes nearby for me to utilize when needed.
I spent my time there doing a PSYCH EVAL! I must say it was one of the lesser invasive I have ever endured. I practiced for a while, and I passed the test. The urine test. Hehe! I start on Monday with my IOP program.
After that I set off to go job hunting and attend the lunch AA in my area. It was a good one. They even had snacks! For my budget, this is going to be a very great lunch option while also going to my daily meeting. I rode the light rail into downtown Jersey City.
To my delight, I received a nice email while I was on the light rail. An Area Director of Sales for a hotel management company reached out to me about an Area Sales Manager position that I applied for! She set up a phone interview at 3:00pm! I apparently did very well, but I didn't think I did. I was not prepared to interview so quickly. Plus, I usually am at least a bit buzzed when I interview. So, to gloat on myself sober is apparently a trigger. Hmmm...good to know!
Anyway, I have a second interview tomorrow via Google Video. Good vibes...
I spent most of my afternoon at the Hyatt Regency Jersey City. I sat in the perfect spot for some inspiration and motivations, but not so much that it was distracting. I feel at home in hotels, so I can usually concentrate much better. I was able to complete many more applications and assessments for jobs that I have applied to in the past couple of days. After that, I got the inkling to go into Manhattan for another AA. I met some awesome contacts, and possibly a sponsor or at least someone to point me in the right direction.
I spent my ride back enjoying the sights and sound of the city. I feel more at home than I have in my own skin in so many years, and I have no clue what is next. It's almost unsettling that it's not unsettling to me. Whatever will be will be.
I realized that there is a mall located within walking distance to my house. WOW! WTF?! I can usually sniff a mall out with my eyes closed and no map, but it looks like my senses are a changin'! Either way, that's my next stop tomorrow to look for WORK!
Check out my next post with a beautiful picture I took today.
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homeimprovementway · 8 months
Do Hart Batteries Fit Other Brands? Discover the Compatibility Secret
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Hart batteries do not fit other brands of batteries. Now, let's explore the compatibility of Hart batteries and whether they can be used with other brands. Hart batteries are specifically designed to work with Hart power tools and are not compatible with other brand tools. This means that if you have a different brand of power tools, such as DeWalt or Milwaukee, you cannot use Hart batteries interchangeably with them. Each brand of power tools has its own proprietary battery system, and using batteries from one brand with tools from another can cause damage and potentially void warranties. Therefore, it is important to always use the batteries recommended by the manufacturer for your specific power tool to ensure optimal performance and safety.
Proficiency Battery Compatibility
When it comes to using batteries, one of the most common questions people have is whether Hart batteries fit other brands. Understanding battery compatibility is crucial to ensure your devices are powered efficiently and safely. In this article, we'll explore the factors that determine battery compatibility, the types of battery connections, and common battery sizes and voltages. Factors To Consider For Battery Compatibility Before determining if Hart batteries fit other brands, it's important to consider several factors. These factors play a significant role in determining whether a battery is compatible with a specific device: - Battery Size: Different devices require batteries of specific sizes to fit correctly. It's essential to check whether the dimensions of the Hart battery fit the compartment of the device you intend to use it in. - Voltage: Every device has a specific voltage requirement, and using a battery with an incompatible voltage can potentially damage the device or render it inoperable. Ensure that the voltage of the Hart battery matches the voltage specified by the device manufacturer. - Chemistry: Batteries utilize various chemical compositions, such as lithium-ion, alkaline, or nickel-metal hydride. Different devices are designed to work optimally with specific battery chemistries. It's crucial to ensure that the chemistry of the Hart battery aligns with the device's requirements. - Connector Type: The type of connector used by the battery affects its compatibility with a device. Some devices may have proprietary connectors, while others use universal connectors like USB or AC adapters. Verify whether the connector of the Hart battery matches the connector required by the device. - Capacity: Battery capacity refers to the amount of charge it can hold. Devices with higher power requirements may need batteries with larger capacity to ensure longer usage time. Consider the capacity of the Hart battery to determine if it can meet the power demands of your device. Types Of Battery Connections When it comes to battery connections, there are two main types: - Direct Contact: Some devices use batteries with direct contact connections. This means that the positive and negative terminals of the battery directly connect to the corresponding terminals within the device. It's essential to ensure the Hart battery has the correct terminal design for direct contact connections. - Indirect Contact: Other devices utilize batteries with indirect contact connections, where the battery connects to the device through a separate compartment or connector. In such cases, you need to check if the Hart battery is compatible with the indirect contact mechanism used by the device. Common Battery Sizes And Voltages Here are some of the most common battery sizes and voltages you may come across: Battery Size Voltage AA 1.5V AAA 1.5V C 1.5V D 1.5V 9V 9V CR2032 3V Make sure to check the size and voltage requirements of your device to confirm compatibility with the Hart batteries you are considering.
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Hart Battery Compatibility With Other Brands
When it comes to powering your tools and equipment, having a reliable and compatible battery is crucial. If you're a proud owner of Hart batteries, you might be wondering if they fit other brands as well. In this section, we will explore the compatibility of Hart batteries with other popular battery brands, how to determine if they fit, and the benefits and drawbacks of using them with other brands. Compatibility With Popular Battery Brands If you have a collection of tools from different brands, it can be incredibly convenient to have a single battery that works with all of them. Fortunately, Hart batteries are compatible with several popular battery brands. This means that you can use your Hart batteries with tools and equipment from brands like Dewalt, Ryobi, Milwaukee, and Makita. How To Determine If Hart Batteries Fit Other Brands Determining whether your Hart battery is compatible with another brand depends on a few factors. First, you need to check if the physical dimensions of the batteries match. While many brands have similar battery sizes, there may be slight variations that could prevent a proper fit. It's essential to compare the dimensions and ensure a snug, secure fit. Secondly, you should consider the voltage and amp-hour (Ah) rating of both the Hart battery and the device you want to use it with. Most batteries provide this information either on the battery itself or in the product manual. Make sure that the voltage of the battery matches the required voltage of the device. Additionally, ensure that the amp-hour rating meets or exceeds the requirements of the tool or equipment. Benefits And Drawbacks Of Using Hart Batteries With Other Brands Using Hart batteries with other brands can offer both benefits and drawbacks. Let's start with the benefits: - Compatibility: As mentioned earlier, Hart batteries are compatible with several popular brands. This means that you can enjoy the convenience of using a single battery for multiple tools. - Cost-effectiveness: Instead of investing in separate batteries for each brand, using Hart batteries can save you money in the long run. - Quality and performance: Hart batteries are known for their high-quality construction and reliable performance. When used with other brands, you can expect the same level of performance and durability. However, there are a few drawbacks to consider as well: - Limited compatibility: While Hart batteries are compatible with many popular brands, there may still be certain brands or models that they do not fit. It's important to do your research and ensure compatibility before making a purchase. - Warranty concerns: It's worth noting that using Hart batteries with other brands may void the warranty of both the battery and the tool. This is due to potential compatibility issues or improper use. If warranty coverage is a priority for you, it's advisable to stick with using batteries specifically designed for the brand of your tool. - Performance variations: While Hart batteries may work well with other brands, there could be slight performance variations compared to the brand's own batteries. These variations usually do not impact the overall functionality of the tool but are worth considering.
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Frequently Asked Questions On Do Hart Batteries Fit Other Brands
What Batteries Will Interchange With Hart? HART batteries can be interchanged with batteries from the same brand. Can I Use A Milwaukee Battery On A Hart Tool? No, Milwaukee batteries cannot be used on HART tools. What Tools Can I Use A Hart Battery On? You can use a HART battery on a variety of tools. Do Black And Decker Batteries Work With Hart Tools? No, Black and Decker batteries are not compatible with HART tools.
To summarize, Hart batteries do not fit other brands due to their unique design and specifications. It is important to ensure compatibility when purchasing batteries for your devices, as using an incorrect battery can lead to potential damage and malfunction. Therefore, it is recommended to always use batteries that are specifically designed for the brand and model of your device. Read the full article
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agrieyes · 8 months
AgriEyes T42: Wireless Freedom in Towing
In the realm of towing safety, AgriEyes introduces a game-changer with the T42 Wireless Trailer Lights. Designed for simplicity, enhanced visibility, and utmost convenience, these lights redefine the towing experience, making safety a top priority.
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Revolutionary Wireless Functionality:
Say goodbye to cumbersome wiring setups. The T42's wireless functionality eliminates the hassle of complex installations, providing a seamless and efficient towing experience. The 4-pin to 7-pin wireless transmitter ensures compatibility with a diverse range of vehicles, from RVs and campers to boat trailers and utility trailers.
Adaptable Bracket for Any Mounting Scenario:
Versatility takes center stage with the T42's adjustable bracket. Offering a 160-degree range, it facilitates mounting on various parts of the vehicle, such as the roof, rear, sides, or even the bottom (with the bottom angle exceeding 30 degrees to the ground). An added anti-drop-out hole secures the tail light wire, preventing unwanted disconnections.
Warning Mode for Enhanced Safety:
Go beyond standard lighting functions with the T42's dedicated warning light. Activated with a simple switch press, this mode ensures that your presence on the road is unmistakable. Whether you're navigating through challenging terrains or stationary during work, the warning mode adds an extra layer of safety by alerting surrounding vehicles.
Effortless Installation with Magnetic Power:
Installation has never been easier. The T42 operates on 8 AA batteries (not included) and effortlessly secures to the left and right rear of a metal truck. The powerful magnetic base guarantees a secure grip, even at speeds of up to 60 mph, offering stability and peace of mind during your towing journey.
Durability Meets Reliability:
Crafted from robust ABS plastic, the T42's magnetic base provides superior insulation, impact resistance, and shock absorption. Boasting an IP67 waterproof rating, these lights withstand adverse weather conditions, ensuring functionality in rain, snow, and fog. With a temperature tolerance ranging from -20°C to 65°C, the T42 proves its reliability in diverse climates, promising an extended service life of up to 50,000 hours.
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AgriEyes T42 Wireless Trailer Lights redefine the towing landscape, ushering in a new era of wireless freedom, adaptability, and safety. Upgrade your towing experience with the T42, where innovation meets reliability on every journey.
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My boy is officially living in a sober house (with super cheap rent and utilities included!) and just went to his first NA and AA meetings today, and I couldn’t be more proud of him. I just hope he keeps this up, he really enjoyed the meetings today so I have faith ❤️
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airsoftaction · 11 months
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