hikarimurasaki · 6 years
I did a dumb.
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
あなたは天の空にただ一人だから If you are only a person in the sky もう守る事はできないだろう Does it mean I can no longer protect you? 滲んだその姿は嘘だとするなら If that fading form of yours is made a lie 目に映ることは出来ないでしょう? Does it mean it can no longer be reflected in my eyes? 私がいない空を見上げたあなたに To you, who looked up to the sky where I am not その胸に何を残せるだろう? Can there be something remaining inside your chest? 奏でたこの言葉や色づく想いは These words I played and the colored feelings 目に映すことが出来ないでしょう? Can they not reflect in your eyes?
(niki: brilliant)
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
Welcome to my new distraction.
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
Misc. things about myself
Relationship Status: 404
Favourite Colours: Purple and pink
Lipstick or Chapstick: Can’t I do both?
Last Song: Radwimps - スパークル
Last Film: Thor - Ragnarok (SSHHHH)
Top three shows (not top, but the ones that come to my mind now. I don’t play favorites): 幼女戦記、iZombie, RWBY
Top 3 ships at the moment: Mary Celeste, Nautilus (Jules Verne, anyone?) and the Executor. Titanic almost made the cut. 
(I guess I was tagged by Matt cuz I read his post? I wanted to do it anyway so)
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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Virgo, Angie Sage and Kaze Hikari
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
Mary’s Ability
Official description: “Once she has seen a living being with her eyes, Mary can never lose track of them until they perish. She will always be able to find them as long as they remain inside Runeterra (she cannot find someone in the spirit world or the Void, for example). In addition, she can also contact them and communicate with them whenever she wants.”
- Whenever she has looked at anyone, that person will never remember what happened.
- Mary’s power does not extend to other planes of existence, but it does extend into the Cosmos. For example, she can find extraterrestrial beings like Aurelion Sol or a Targonian, as long as they remain in the same universe.
- Mary establishes a telepathic link with every living being she has looked at. She states that she is constantly looking through each and every being’s eyes, meaning that this link is always active on at least one end. It is better that most of the people who underwent her power remain oblivious to it, isn’t it?
- Mary can also share what she sees with a being she has established a telepathic link with. People who have undergone this tend to lose their minds.
- Mary is able to communicate telepathically with beings she has looked at. The receiver will be able to hear her voice in her mind. There appears to be no danger of going insane as a result.
- Language is not a barrier to Mary’s communication. Indeed, it seems that she can use any language existing in Runeterra.
- Mary’s power will activate every time she looks at a being with her eyes. The only way to negate it is not using her eyes, which is the reason they are closed most of the time. Mary can navigate her surroundings perfectly without the use of her eyes.
- Mary can only “see”; she cannot “read”. She can only see thoughts a person is currently having, not their past thoughts and memories.
- Mary refers to her power as “looking” and/or “seeing”.
- Mary’s ability cannot be overwritten, interrupted, eavesdropped on or canceled, even by Mary’s own accords.
- Mary never forgets anyone she has looked at.
- On the other hand, people she has looked at tend to not remember her.
Ultimate: Mary is capable of overtaking the mind of a person, granting them great magic power in the process, but only as long as they are still under her control. She can only do this to one being at a time. Under normal circumstances, Mary will never resort to this power.
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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Angela Nero and Hikaru Musume
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
I’m beginning to like custard pudding with bitter caramel.
It’s a pity they are so expensive though.
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
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From left to right: Angela Nero, Hikaru Musume, Virgo/Angie Sage, and Kaze Hikari.
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
When you go “Fill” in Japan, you don’t get Support, you get Jungle.
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hikarimurasaki · 7 years
Me: *seeing the new Worlds mission*
Me: Alright, time to spam midlane.
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