#uswnt love
in-naeher-we-trust · 3 months
sammy discussing the inclusion of korbin albert on the olympic roster
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artoounit · 2 months
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✨ does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes ✨
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goddesspharo · 1 month
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Well, it feels amazing. It's surreal. Alyssa Naeher has been accepting all my hugs. [x]
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brerosee · 6 months
Caroline Harvey headcanons:
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Oooo my wifey literally only writing for her now☝️♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎
Goes up to the barrier before the game and you guys kiss through it🤭
Walks you to class
Gives you her hockey jersey
Makes you make tik toks with her
Literally is the best cuddler like please trust.
Is literally your ride or die swear
You steal her hoodies all the time
10/10 kisser. Like she grabs the back of your head and just kisses you.
Ideal date is the two of you laying in her bed watching tik tok on you phones while cuddling
You guys have matching hello kitty pajama pants ☝️
She brags to all of her teammates about you
Spoils you all the flipping time 🧍‍♀️
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beckysauerbrunn · 2 months
alyssa naeher is the only player to be on the ‘15 winning squad, ‘16 crash, ‘19 winning squad, ‘21 bronze medal team, ‘23 crash, and now ‘24 gold medal winning squad. she’s the last gal standing as christen said and she’s proven her worth again and again. i don’t care if it’s recency bias, i truly believe she’s the best goalkeeper the national team has ever seen. if this was the last time we see her in a major tournament i’d just like to extend my sincerest thanks for her service to this team and for bailing us out time and time again. truly one of one. thank you forever uncle. you’ve earned all the success you’ve had and then some
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melodiousoblivionao3 · 2 months
😡hug me back😡
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moonkhao · 29 days
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misskelley · 1 month
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Live, laugh, leg sleeve.
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Rose misinterpreted this question as: name every other Olympic sport
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in-naeher-we-trust · 6 months
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thumbsroseup · 7 months
their little dance is everything lmao
cred: cpfc23 on twitter
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goddesspharo · 2 months
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Naomi Girma and Sophia Smith at the Gold Medal Ceremony at the 2024 Paris Olympics
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trustherkindheart · 2 months
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#1 Lynn Stan
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gamergirl929 · 8 months
Going Under the Knife (Emily Sonnett x Kelley O'Hara x Reader)
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You knew surgery was a big deal, which is why you'd did your best to hide it from your teammates, particularly Emily Sonnett and Kelley O'Hara, two women who were currently dating and two women you were desperately in love with. However, a single phone call draws them to the hospital, and to your bedside, where everything changes.
Your heart clenched roughly in your chest, your anxiety spiking as the IV punctured your skin, resting within a vein that would be used to lull you to sleep so the surgery could begin.  
You knew your teammates would be livid when they realized you’d hidden your injury from them, but if there was one thing you didn’t like, it was to be fussed over.  
You’d assured them time and time again that the slight limp you developed after a rough tackle during the World Cup was nothing to worry about, that the grimace on your face when you walked was nothing, and that the groan when you pulled your cleat off was in relief and not excruciating pain.  
You stare at the white ceiling above you, glancing at the empty seat resting at your bedside.  
You knew you should’ve told someone, anyone, that you were about to face a four-hour surgery, but again, you didn’t want to be fretted over.  
Despite that, you knew you should’ve told THEM specifically, knowing that once they found out you were in the hospital and hadn’t told them, they would be far from happy.  
Kelley O’Hara and Emily Sonnett had been dating for well over a year and considering this had been the first actual holiday they had together, you didn’t want to intrude on that.  
Your heart again clenches in your chest, the surgery the furthest thing from your mind when you think about the couple.  
It didn’t take long for feelings to develop between you and the couple, the light caresses, and the flirty retorts making you fall harder and harder for the pair.  
No matter how hard you fell, you knew that they would never be interested in you, how could they when they already had each other? 
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of a clearing throat, your eyes widening when you see your doctor standing before you, the man wearing blue scrubs. 
“Are you ready Ms. Y/L/N?” He asks and you inhale deeply, your eyes fluttering shut as you nod reluctantly. 
“I’m ready.”  
Alex Morgan rolled her eyes playfully as Servando chased her daughter around the living room, Charlie giggling wildly as he caught her, swinging her up into the air and kissing her face over and over again.  
Alex’s brows furrow when her phone, which was resting on the counter begins to ring, the woman making her way across the room to pick it up. 
She hums at the sight of the unknown number stretched across the screen, a number starting with, what she knew, was the area code for Seattle, Washington.  
She clears her throat before answering, ducking into the kitchen to escape the noisy living room.  
“Hello?” She asks.  
“Is this Alex Morgan?” The woman on the other end of the phone clearing her throat.  
“Ye-Yes, this is her.”  
“Hello Ms. Morgan, this is UV Medical Center, calling in regards to a patient of ours, Y/N...”  
Considering you spent your early years on the Orlando Pride alongside Alex Morgan, she almost immediately took you under her wing, the woman becoming not only a mentor to you, but something akin to an older sister.
It was soon after that, that she became your emergency contact, the woman the only one you trusted to handle an emergency.  
Thankfully for her, she had yet to receive a call concerning your health, unfortunately, this was the day everything changed.  
The second she’d hung up with the receptionist she immediately called the first woman who came to mind, her longtime friend and teammate Kelley O’Hara, who she knew was in Seattle with Emily Sonnett.  
“Hey Al, what’s--”  
“Did you know Y/N was in the hospital?” Alex cuts her off, noting the hitch in Kelley’s breath.  
“N-N-no, what happened?!” She asks anxiously, her voice quivering, her distress alerting the blonde who’d just made her way back from the bedroom and into the living room.  
“What’s wrong?” She asks, Kelley waving a dismissive hand in her direction, the defender listening intently to the woman on the other end of the phone.  
Without warning, Kelley leaps to her feet before rushing towards the door, stuffing her feet in her shoes before grabbing her jacket, the anchor holding her into place being Emily Sonnett, the woman’s hands resting on her back.  
“Kel, what’s wrong?” She asks nervously, the woman turning towards her, her brown orbs wide.  
“Y/N’s in the hospital, we have to go.”  
And with that Emily too begins rushing to grab her things, the pair slamming the apartment door shut behind them as they rush to UV Medical Center, and to your side. 
Despite the fact that UV Medical Center was MASSIVE it didn’t take them long at all to find where you were, Kelley rattling off what Alex had relayed to her on the car ride to the hospital.  
You’d gone under the knife for ankle surgery over 5 hours ago, the extent of the injury you’d entered surgery for becoming much more prominent the deeper the doctor’s dug beneath your skin, which eventually resulted in a call to your emergency contact, that being, Alex Morgan.  
“While we’re here, we’re getting added to the Emergency Contact list.” Kelley had mumbled as they rushed through the hospital towards the waiting area outside of the surgery suite you were currently located in.  
Seemingly, the receptionist knew who they were, considering the second they spoke their names, she’d waved someone over, that someone leading them out of the waiting room towards a nearby elevator.  
“The surgery went on longer than we expected, there was more damage to the ankle than we anticipated.” He explains as the elevator doors slide shut.  
“Is she awake?” Emily asks, the man shaking his head.  
“We had to increase the amount of anesthesia we used, so we’re having a hard time getting her to wake up.”  
Kelley turns to Emily nervously; the nervousness Kelley is feeling conveyed right back at her from Emily’s hazel orbs.  
“Do you know how long it’ll take for her to wake up?” Kelley asks, her fingers tangling with Emily’s, the blonde giving her hand a squeeze.  
“We don’t know.”  
The second the elevator door opens the man is leading them down the hall and into a nearby room, that turns out to be a secluded waiting room, offering the pair privacy.  
“We’ll inform you immediately when she wakes up and leaves the recovery room.” He smiles softly, leaving the pair in the empty room, a TV hanging in the corner playing softly as the pair sit side by side on a small couch.  
"Do you think she’ll be okay?” Emily whispers, resting her head on Kelley’s shoulder, the woman taking her hand, giving it a squeeze.  
“She will be.” She whispers, unwilling to put her anxiety and worriedness into words, choosing to remain hopeful for the sake of the blonde beside her.  
As the time ticked away, the anxiety and fear within both women began to grow, and after an hour had passed, that anxiety was near teeming over, that was until the door clicked open softly, the man from earlier giving them a small smile.  
“Ms. Y/L/N is in her room; I’ll take you to her.” He smiles, the pair jumping to their feet and rushing down the hall behind him.  
“She may be in and out, she’ll DEFINITELY be groggy thanks to her pain medication, but she’ll be back to herself in no time.”  
It doesn’t take long for the pair to be ushered into a room, the two immediately zeroing in on your ankle, which hangs well above you, your ankle wrapped tightly in bandages.  
Kelley glances at Emily, seeing her own concern written on her face, the two slowly making their way hand in hand to your bedside.  
A soft whine draws their attention to your face, your face which is currently scrunched up as you tiredly survey your surroundings before your eyes again flutter shut.  
Silently, the doctor makes his way out of the room, the door clicking shut softly behind him, the three of you now left in complete silence.  
You hum, turning towards the two, your eyes remaining shut before you peek between your eyelids. 
“They must’ve really given me the good shit if I’m hallucinating.” Your tired eyes darting from Kelley to Emily and back.  
“I’ll call and tell you guys later.” You whisper tiredly, your eyes fluttering back shut.  
“You don’t have to tell us anything Y/N, we’re right here.” Emily says, giving your hand a squeeze.  
“Alex called us.” Kelley says, shaking her head when you start to sit up.  
“Well, I better call her back then.” You grumble, glancing around the room, your eyes still shut as you search for your phone.  
“Sit still Y/N.” Kelley whispers, placing her hand on your shoulder to hold you in place.  
“But I have to call Alex, she called me.” You mumble, completely unaware that the woman had indeed NOT called you.  
“No Y/N, she called us.” Emily says, unable to bite back a smile when you turn to her in confusion.  
“She called me, she didn’t call you, you’re not real.” You slur, the older defender on the opposite side of the bed cupping your cheek.  
“But we are real.”  
You shake your head.  
“No, Kelley and Emily are on holiday together, because they love each other, not me, they wouldn’t come visit me.”  
Kelley and Emily share a glance, Emily tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.  
“What do you mean Y/N?” She asks softly and you growl.  
“Just what I said, they don’t love me, not like I love them.”  
The pair stiffen, hearts stalling in their chests as the stare at one another in not only shock, but elation.
“What do-- 
Kelley’s cut off by a loud snore, the pair turning their attention back to you, realizing you’re again fast asleep.  
Kelley gently caresses your cheek as Emily runs her fingers through your hair.  
“Looks like we have a lot to talk about when you wake up, huh?” She whispers, ducking down to kiss your temple, Emily following suit moments later.
The blonde reaches across the bed, covering Kelley’s hand with her own, the pair sharing soft smiles before turning back to your sleeping form.  
It didn’t take a genius to see that Kelley O’Hara and Emily Sonnett were absolutely smitten with Y/N Y/L/N, the moment they met.  
The pair had been fearful when it came to their feelings for you, fearful it may end their relationship, but when they came to the realization that they both felt the same way about you, both had attempted to pursue you, something you were unfortunately not aware of.  
However, with the sudden realization that you too felt the same, they knew everything was about to change.  
“Do you think she meant it?” Emily whispers and Kelley smiles, glancing across the room at your sleeping form.  
“I think she did, high mouths speak sober thoughts. I guess we’ll just have to ask her when she wakes up.” Kelley smiles, turning abruptly towards Emily when she sniffles.  
“What if she didn’t mean it?” She asks, voice barely above a whisper.  
Kelley cups her cheeks, resting for forehead against the younger woman’s before she presses a kiss to her lips.  
“We’ll just cross that bridge if we come to it, okay?” She whispers, and Emily nods, the blonde unable to bite back a smile when Kelley kisses the tip of her nose.  
It’s well into the afternoon that you begin to stir, pulling Kelley and Emily’s attention away from one another and onto you, the two leaning forwards in their seats, which they’d taken residence in beside your bed.  
Your eyes crack open, your teeth clenching in pain, the overhead lights making your head throb.  
Despite that, you keep them open, Y/E/C orbs darting from Kelley, to Emily and back.  
“Wh-What are you guys doing here?” You ask, your voice rough and raw.  
Kelley grabs a nearby cup and holds in to your lips, letting you take a greedy sip before she speaks.  
“Alex called us.”  
Your brows furrow.  
Kelley nods.  
“The hospital called her, they found more damage to your ankle then they first thought, they wanted permission to continue the surgery.”  
You hum, glancing sadly at your ankle, which is still hanging high off the bed.  
“Looks like you’re going to have a lot of down time.” Emily smiles sadly, caressing the back of your hand, causing your cheeks to flush.  
“Yeahhhh...” You sigh, leaning back, your eyes fluttering shut as your head rests against the pillow behind you.  
“Why didn’t you tell us Y/N?” Kelley asks and you sigh.  
“I didn’t want you guys to worry, I knew you planned on spending the holidays together, and I didn’t want to ruin it.”  
Emily scoffs.  
“You could NEVER ruin our holiday, honestly, we were going to come see you anyway.”  
Kelley’s hand rests on top of yours and Emily’s.  
“We really wanted you to be a part of it.”  
Your eyes double in size, your heart skipping a beat in your chest as you glance down at your joined hands, your cheeks flushing.  
“You had some things to say when we got here...” Kelley starts, and your brows furrow.  
“I-I did?” You stammer and she nods.  
“You did.”  
You swallow roughly, your heart racing wildly in your chest, the thought you may have confessed your feelings making your palms go clammy.  
“Wh-Wh-What did I say?” You stutter, eyeing your blankets nervously.  
“Well, you didn’t think we were real.” Emily smiles and you chuckle, shaking your head.  
“What else did I do?” You ask Emily and Kelley sharing a glance, which goes unnoticed by you.  
Kelley clears her throat.  
“You said we didn’t love you.” She whispers, your head snapping upwards, your eyes locking with her dark brown orbs.  
“Wh-What...?” You stutter, sliding your hand out from beneath there’s only for Kelley to catch your hand before you can rest it in your lap.  
“You said we didn’t love you, like you loved us.”  
You mouth falls open, your eyes darting between the two women as your cheeks redden, the tips of your ears beginning to burn as your gaze falls to your lap, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes.  
“I-I-I'm so sorry... Y-You weren’t supposed to find out... I-I-I... I mean...” You mumble, unable to look at the two women.  
Unbeknownst to you, Kelley glances at Emily, who nods, the woman cupping your cheek before turning you towards her, your eyes glassy as they meet her brown orbs.  
“I don’t know where you got that idea.” She whispers, your eyes widening dramatically when Emily glances at Kelley.  
“What idea?” You ask, your voice quivering, Kelley tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.  
“The idea that we don’t love you like we love each other.” 
Your heart stalls in your chest, your eyes darting from brown orbs, to hazel orbs and back, your breath hitching when Kelley’s brown orbs drop to your lips, her tongue running along her lips before she begins leaning in.  
Your breath catches in your throat, the thought that this may still be a hallucination still prominent in your mind, that is until Kelley’s lips meet yours for the first time, her hands gently cupping your cheeks.  
All thoughts of this being a hallucination leave your mind as the woman kisses you softly, your bottom lip trapped between hers as the two of you kiss, parting with much reluctance.  
Kelley’s forehead rests against yours the woman smiling softly.  
Moments later she’s pulling away, her forehead being replaced by Emily’s her hazel orbs locking with yours as she leans in, her eyes fluttering shut as her lips too, meet yours.  
You cup her cheek boldly, your fingers tangling in her hair as you kiss, the woman sighing against your lips.  
Again, you part, the blonde pulling back, only to turn your head, kissing your temple softly, the older of the pair resting her head against your own as well.  
“So, what do you think now?” Kelley whispers and you chuckle.  
“I’m thinking I REALLY hope I’m not still hallucinating.”  
Kelley chuckles as Emily giggles, their laughter contagious despite the pain you’re currently feeling.  
"How can we convince you that this is real?” Kelley asks and you grin.  
“I mean, a few more kisses might help.” You shrug, unable to bite back a grin.  
Kelley and Emily share a glance, the two grinning before Kelley leans back in.  
“I think that can be arranged.”  
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melodiousoblivionao3 · 2 months
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A coach who finally realized her potential
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reminiscingtonight · 10 months
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Captain Emily Sonnett reporting for duty 🫡
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