#usopp and brook in gryffindor
misslovasstuff · 6 months
wait, is there a discussion regarding what Harry Potter house the strawhats would be in?
Luffy is a gryffindor, for sure. Robin is a ravenclaw along with Chopper and Brook… and Jimbei. I’m a bit torn whether to put Sanji in hufflepuff or slytherin but I’m gonna go with the latter. Franky is a gryffindor… Usopp is a hufflepuff and for Nami im not quite sure but I’d say slytherin. I don’t know about Zoro though, but I’ll say gryffindor.
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usagirln12003 · 4 months
Vinsmoke Sanji: Hogwarts AU
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Sanji Vinsmoke is a Pureblood wizard that was born on the 2nd of March 1978 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1989, being sorted into Gryffindor House.
He has a Poplar wand with a Phoenix Feather Core.
His Patronus is a Mountain Goat.
His favorite subject is Potions and his least favorite subject is History of Magic.
He was one of the Gryffindor Prefects of his year.
One of Sanji's most easily noticeable characteristics is the kind, calm, cool, and collected manner in which he carries himself. He tends to speak in a very composed manner, even in dire situations, and rarely acts without thinking. His demeanor in a lot of ways can be compared to that of a secret agent. This is amplified by the fact that he very often enjoys a smoke. He quite often makes comedic exceptions to this, such as when in the presence of beautiful women, or when angered by a friend.
Like Zoro, he is more perceptive than he seems, and often tells people what they need to hear instead of what they want. Hence, he is seen as one of the more hardened people in Luffy's friend-group. For example, when they first meet Laboon and learn that the whale had been waiting for 50 years for a reunion with his friends, it is Sanji who immediately (and correctly) points out that Laboon's friends are most likely dead. Sanji does possess an optimistic and idealistic side. Furthermore, even after the abuse, he experienced from his family as a child, he held out hope that they may have changed for the better. However, this hope proves to be completely futile, but he was angrier than surprised at the revelation, showing that he maintains a healthy sense of skepticism even at his most hopeful. Sanji also showed a high degree of faith in his fiancée, Pudding Charlotte, and was horrified and downcast when he discovered her true motive.
Like Franky (and unlike Zoro), Sanji is not afraid to show his emotions when the moment calls for it and is entirely capable of crying or losing his temper, which results in Sanji's short fuse and subsequent beatings of most enemies (and Luffy). In fact, a running gag has appeared since Sanji's fight with Jabra, during which he stated that when he gets angry, he "heats up". After this fight, when Sanji gets particularly angry at an opponent, he appears to burst into flames. This occurs with both Absalom and Duval. It is also seen when Luffy states nonchalantly that he is friends with Hancock Boa, considered to be the most beautiful witch.
Despite his hardened outlook on life, Sanji does not object to acting foolishly on certain occasions, like dancing with the more immature members of the group (Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Brook), or acting childishly excited in certain situations.
Sanji seems to enjoy relaxing with a cup of tea (his favorite drink) as seen when he entered Mr. 3's house and helped himself to Miss Golden Week's tea set. This habit came up again when the group sneaked into the Ministry of Magic to save Robin when Kalifa distracted Sanji by offering him tea; in another instance, Sanji angrily refused Bege when he was offered something to drink while trapped inside of Bege's mansion.
Since at a young age, Sanji has a habit of saying "shit" or "shitty" when describing something. For example, he might call a person he especially does not like a "shitty bastard" or something along those lines (such as his personal nickname for Zeff, "shitty geezer"), but he also described something pleasant to him, like being alone with Nami, as "shitty fantastic" and "the shitty best".
He does admit that he is not perfect. He convinced Usopp to let him fight Jabra, because of their differences in abilities. He admitted that he was stronger than Usopp in terms of physical strength, that they both had things they could not do and things they could do and because of that, they can help each other. This inspired Usopp to realize he was the only one who could save Robin by using his marksmanship.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
My Hogwarts!One Piece headcanon no one asked for but I feel like sharing is that Luffy, Zoro and Nami are Slytherins. And nothing can change my mind about that.
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boa-h · 2 years
If They Were At Hogwarts
[Straw Hat Crew]
*I recently got into Harry Potter lol, and I really like Snape :>
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- Gryffindor
- Often breaks rules and get into fights
- Most of the points taken from gryffindor was because of him
- Has friends from all over the school, no matter the houses they’re in
- Popular boi
- Slytherin
- Doesn’t have a lot of friends but has been around luffy since forever
- Detention 100000 times a week for all sorts of reasons
- Is always late to class ofc
- Scared of snape lmao
- Hufflepuff
- His siblings are all in slytherin except for him
- Very kind but not a lot of girls like him except for pudding who’s also in hufflepuff
- Does not ride on broomsticks if he doesn’t need to, does not use floo powder either
- Unlike the other two, he doesn’t get into trouble often
- Gryffindor
- Like Ron, she’s not that brave
- Never got into trouble other than stealing other people’s money
- Has tried to bribe the teachers at some point
- Terrified of snape
- Gryffindor
- Literally begged the sorting hat to let him be a gryffindor
- No one really likes him except for luffy and the friend group :c
- Gets bullied by slytherins but gets his revenge by doing pranks on them
- Snape = worst fear
- Um
- The pet luffy snuck in?
- Ravenclaw
- One of the most pretty girls in the castle
- Good friends with Cho and would study together a lot
- A lot of students have a crush on her lol
- Snape is actually one of her favorite teacher
- Gryffindor
- Pretty close with robin and usopp
- Will punch you if you talk bad about any of his friends
- He’s kinda bad at magic though
- The only student who dares to talk out loud during classes, and therefore a lot of detentions and points taken off
- The ghost that roams around the castle lol
- Bone jokes to everyone
- Has gotten eye rolls but it never discouraged him
- Plays lit music though
- Had his own concert in the school before
- Hufflepuff
- Very good swimmer ofc
- Can talk with sea creatures
- Doesn’t have a lot of friends but is loyal to those who are
- Not afraid of any professors and wouldn’t hesitate to talk back to them
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painted-crow · 4 years
One Piece Sorting
Important note from Paint!
Hey there folks! This is an anonymous submission that got sent in after someone asked me to Sort One Piece. Alas, I haven't watched it and therefore can't comment, so I'll post this as it is. Thank you so much, anon!
(Surprising number of Ravenclaws in this one, huh?)
Submitting into paint's lovely submission box bc I don't have a tumblr....
Luffy- slytherin primary. Everything is about his nakama or his family or himself. "I refuse to be a hero because heros have to share their meat and I want the meat for myself". An alternate sorting would be a gryffindor with a super loud slytherin model, where being slytherin just feels right to Luffy in a gryffindor way, but I think the gryffindor primary possibility is just spillover from Luffy's super loud and obvious gryffindor secondary. Luffy solves literally all problems by charging in and refusing to back down. He's also got that gryffindor charisma thing going where he wins people over all the time.
Nami- slytherin primary, of course. "all I care about is money and mikan" where mikan turns out to just be a stand-in for "my special people". Her growth arc consists of adding the straw hats to her list of special people and trusting them. She's also a slytherin secondary, whose instinctive reaction to danger is to try to slither her way out of it and who does excellent improv in the face of danger  (observe her fight with Ms doublefinger or with Khalifa)
Zoro- I think a ravenclaw primary. One of zoro's defining moments is when he fights for usopp to be kicked off the crew. It's a moment where he stands for his principles against everyone else. And I see that moment as him fighting to defend a system of how the crew should work and how hierarchy should work, in a ravenclaw way. I also see his general adherence to a swordsman's path to be about that as well - honor is super important to Zoro but its not a gryffindor gut honor but something constructed from principles. As for secondary, its hard work hufflepuff. That's it, that's zoro's entire strategy, just keep working and working and working and working and working and working and eventually you'll get through.
Usopp- usopp is not a slytherin (he can't contemplate protecting just his own in the kuro arc). I don't think he's a hufflepuff. I'm not certain if he's a ravenclaw or a gryffindor, whether his desire to be a noble warrior of the sea is something he constructed or something he just feels. I guess if I had to, I would guess ravenclaw. He's hands down unquestionably a ravenclaw secondary whose strength is entirely based on the tools he's prepared in advance for the situations he's encountered. He can occasionally do rapid-fire ravenclaw if he's had enough prep time.
Sanji- sanji is a hufflepuff primary. The most obvious sign is his insistence that all humans deserve to not starve, but his constant need to help people is also a sign, as well as him being one of the only strawhats introduced completely suffocating his own dream because he can't abandon his community. He's a slytherin secondary who is ridiculously good at disappearing in the middle of the action to take advantage of a totally different victory opportunity he spotted. (I am basing my characterization of sanji on his pre-thriller bark character. Sanji changed a lot after thriller bark (mostly in ways I hate) and I'm not sure what type the new version sanji is)
Robin-i think Robin is probably a ravenclaw primary, she has that sort of classic ravenclaw trait of caring super deeply about truth and knowledge and accuracy etc. She's also pretty clearly a ravenclaw secondary, her strength lies in her preparations and she's not super great at reacting when her plans fall apart
Chopper's big moral moments always come when he's confronting an unethical doctor. This is why I think chopper is a ravenclaw with a hufflepuff model, not a hufflepuff - because what's important to him is the principles of a doctor's responsibility. If you made a case that medical ethics required something anti - hufflepuffian I think chopper would eventually concede once convinced. Although we have yet to see that happen. He's another ravenclaw secondary, his rumble balls and medical skills and literal brain point planning power are what he relies on.
Not sure how to type Franky's primary. He hasn't had a ton of big moral decision moments yet. Just the one gut decision to trust in Robin, which leads me to guess, along with his general personality, that he's a gryffindor primary. But it could be the gryffindor secondary that I'm pretty sure he has, charging into things and inspiring followers. (obviously also a ravenclaw model for all the stuff he builds, but I think the ravenclaw is just what he does for fun/to support the gryffindor, not his immediate reaction to challenges)
I'm pretty sure whatever brook's primary was burnt out. His new, take life as it goes and appreciate it, attitude is hard to place in any of the four houses. He does seem to feel bound by debt and duty and vows and such, that's what he falls back on when facing critical decisions, so I'm gonna guess ravenclaw primary. I'm not sure of his secondary. Sometimes he slithers, sometimes he faces head on, but in thriller bark it's all with a kind of grim desperate resignation so is probably burnt. Using slytherin in his music and in later interactions with enemies does seem to make him happier than any of the other secondaries, though, so that's what I'd go with.
Anyway these are all just my opinions of the one piece sorting and I welcome your thoughts.
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
that Slytherin au
So remember that post a while back where I had a harry potter au for one piece where all the Strawhats were in slytherin due to their strong ambition present at an early age to achieve their dreams? No? well here it is anyway lol
Check out this post for some more reasoning behind the idea – note that I do headcanon some characters to not be slytherin, but for the sake of this au and the actual technicalities of the Sorting Hat theyre in Slytherin.
Here we go!
AU will start off with Luffy as a first year, and all canon age differences, meaning Usopp is in his grade, Nami’s one year older than them, Sanji and Zoro above her, and the rest Adults!
Save for Chopper – a special case, a mythical creature raised as human by Hiruluk in the northern mountain range. He looks somewhat more human than canon but is definitely a reindeer. When Hiruluk died and he was given to the care of Kureha, she sent him to Hogwarts (after a few years of learning from her) due to his wish to know more. He was accepted as a political ploy as an olive branch to other magical creatures – ‘ we accept you!’. He doesn’t care. He might be furry but he’s here to learn and be the best healer ever!!! Hence, Slytherin, the boys got ambition and needs some powerful families to back him up! He is in Luffy’s grade, even though he’s younger (technically)
The biggest reason for the Strawhats to be in this House is because of their ambition - but there are other reasons too!
Sanji is from a family of Gryffindors – heroes who are anything but. He wants to be the exact opposite of them in any way he can. When Zeff adopts him, he unlearns his family taught prejudices against Slytherins and when he goes to Hogwarts, tells the sorting hat in no uncertain terms that he wants to be in Slytherin.
Nami herself is cunning, and I would place her in Slytherin even if this wasn’t a Slytherin Au. She’s the perfect slytherin down to the T except for one thing – she doesn’t know her magical origin, as she was adopted at a young age. She gets a lot of shit for that, which she gives right back, as well as taking some money along the way! She also doesn’t fall in with the Magic is Superior ideology that many of her peers have – magic didn’t save her town, or Bell-mere, or her orange trees, magic isn’t superior. Magic is a tool to her, not a way of life, and science can help a lot! For instance, she made the Climatact Spell Set, with help from Usopp, which combines her knowledge of weather patterns, the environment, brief weather spells, and heat and cool manipulation spells, to create weather based attacks. For instance – it takes a lot of energy to summon and sustain/direct a storm… but if Nami can create one with use of low power cooling/heating spells and the environment – she can do a lot.
-      More Below!
A zoro that is Cursed to always be lost is something that I’ve seen often and Im HERE FOR IT! If someone could direct me to the original creator of that headcanon I would love to credit them for it! To Be Clear AGAIN this idea is not mine, but I want to credit whoever’s it is because I love it. 
 That aside, Zoro is like Nami in that he doesn’t know his magical heritage. However, as a child he got the misguided idea that more wand equals more power, which he somehow manages to make actually work. Thus, Zoro has three wands, each with powerful beginnings. Im thinking powerful dragon heartstrings core for one wand, Thestral for Kitetsu, and  Rougarou hair for the last sword – Zoro’s a bloodthirsty kid and he needs some bloodthirsty wands :/
 Usopp’s a halfblood! He’s kinda scared of Hogwarts as his magical parent (Yasopp) has kinda been outta the picture for the most part, but he’s ready for this!! As soon as the kid practically vibrating with excitement to his left doesn’t explode. Usopp originally desired to be part of Gryffindor – house of the Brave, right? But after talking to Luffy, he’s not so sure.  He wants to be his own hero – all on his own, not because he part of the hero, brave house. When Luffy is sorted before him into Slytherin, Usopp makes the descsion to follow him, and follow his goal. He’ll show the world he can be the best!!
He grows to be really good at herbology and potions – an odd mix, but you know whats odder? Mixing the two to chuck at people for pranks then turning it into your fighting style. Go Usopp!
Brook’s a cursed ghost – he’s bound to his living body, but the body’s just bones and bones lol. He makes it work – people know him first as the Soul King after all! He can barely remember his school days, but hes vaguely sure he was in slytherin – he remembers many parties held in dungeons, looking out to the lake for sightings of a curious aquatic beast (Laboon!)
Franky’s still a shipwright, but of ~magic~ ships. His brother’s ships are better known, but his are more sought after by… certain people (more on that later.) When he was a kid, he walked straight into Hogwarts, looked for the table that had the people who would buy his stuff, and told the sorting hat he wanted to go there. Later, he runs more with the Gryffindor crowd, regretting his choice, but when he makes friends with a first Year who tells him where to find some Adam Wood in the Forbidden Forest, he stops regretting it so much.
Robin has a very shady past, and she’s only at Hogwarts for a year before disappearing into the world. She has an odd type of magic, somewhat like pareseltoungue, that allows her to read coded and ancient languages with some studying (our girl still puts in a lot of effort though!) She reappears many years later during Luffy’s first (possibly second) year, and becomes the new history teacher (sorry professor Binns!) People find her scary and suspicious, but Luffy likes to talk to her after class, when she tells him history more like a story than a lesson! She’s very good at duplication magic.
 LUFFY. This boy. Where to start – he’s from a pureblood family, not that he cares, and has some serious magic talent – which he plans on using to travel the world and find the mysterious One Piece – a fabled artifact said to have one’s wishes granted. Luffy wants it to be free (his home life with Garp isn’t very good.) He has a couple famous brothers who have been through Hogwarts – Ace and Sabo, both Gryffindors and pretty big shots around Campus. No one knew they were brothers til Luffy busted into Gryfindor Dorms one night and looked for them. Luffy is exetremly good with nonverbal magic (something in this universe that will be elaborated on, as it features into Nami’s magic as well), not so much with verbal as the pronunciation trips him up. Potions is also hard and if it were not a required class he’d have been kicked out.
Will touch on Jimbe later once I figure him out
Now. Perhaps you are wondering – why do a bunch of kids have developed fighting abilities? Well – take a look at the plot.
This takes place not only in a Harry Potter setting, but in Harry’s own world as well. Meaning – Voldemort is rising, Harry’s still the chosen one, yadda yadda yadda. But do you honestly think that Voldemort is the only magical evil? That there isn’t a magical underworld not involved with his horrible schemes?
Cause there is one – and Luffy and crew are neck deep in it. While Harry and co. are off fighting Voldemort, Luffy is ‘sneaking’ around fighting big time criminals.
Imagine – this eleven year old child comes up to you, a big mob boss, and absolutely destroys you. That’s Luffy.
Underage Magic? You think Garp, head of something or other in the Ministry of Magic, is going to stop that from training his criminal grandsons to be the best Aurors they can be? He knows how to undo the spell (there must be something at Hogwarts that blocks the ministry from being informed of spell use during the school year!) and Luffy has been casting magic like it was second nature since he was real young. He’s taught it to his friends too!
 So plotwise, its basically the school reacting to the Straw Hats, who don’t seem to be friends but are, the odd noticings of what their doing while Canon plot goes on, and the inevitable suspicion from Harry.
But oh? What about the ship thing? What’s Franky Doing with that?
 Luffy is forever a pirate – and the sea is one magical thing I have yet to be seen explored in the Harry Potter Universe. Therefore – free realestate!!! Luffy’s going to be a magic pirate when he grows up, he’s been telling everyone this since he first met Shanks,  and maybe no one believes him now but it’ll happen! Magic Pirates!! Yay!!!
That’s all I have for now, so send me questions if you have any! I might make this into (another) drabble series, or maybe just one big one shot. We’ll see!!!
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scribblrhob · 5 years
Thoughts on the four Blues of One Piece and Hogwarts houses
Ok, so, concerning the four Blues of the One Piece world.... 
I feel like you could almost compare them to the Hogwarts Houses. East would be Gryffindor. All the Strawhats from there (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Chopper) belong in that house in my opinion. South could be Hufflepuff, considering Portgas D. Rouge and Ace. You might say “Um, the Kid Pirates - Hufflepuff??” and I hear ya’, though I think there is a discussion to be had about what being a Hufflepuff really means (for example, are they all necessarily friendly? Or does it suffice that you value your comrades, sincerity and hard work - all that actually pretty true for Kid? Pointing this out as a Hufflepuff myself *peace sign*). You could also say that two Houses are mixed into two Blues; the G’s and the H’s on one side of the Red Line, leaving the Ravenclaws and the Slytherins in West and North Blue.
Law is very Ravenclaw to me, with perhaps Slytherin being a secondary choice. He has great ambition, but in his soul he’s a gigantic closet nerd lmao. 
Robin - 100% Ravenclaw, no explanation needed, she is basically the library itself with how much knowledge and wisdom she has. Brook is possibly the big exception, because he acts like a “typical” Hufflepuff. But with his knowledge of music maybe he can also pass as Ravenclaw...
Anyone else thought of this?
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purghhappenings · 6 years
what houses do you think everyone would be in if they went to Hogwarts? -spoon
Okay!!! I’m lightweight bad at Hogwart houses so feel free to correct me on characterizations and assignments (also I’m sorry this is so late i feel like DEATH)
Luffy: is a Gryffindor by default i mean cmon tell me I’m wrong(this is one of three I’ll fight you on)
Zoro: Slytherin mainly because he’s not afraid of underhanded methods and he’s got that air about him???(i just want him to be one 🤷🏼‍♀️)
Usopp: Ravenclaw because he’s super smart and witty(he’s a good liar)
Nami: I’m gonna say Slytherin only because she will and has done what is necessary to help the crew
Sanji: Gryffindor! Sanji definitely does what’s right at the end of the day, he’s also every trait
Chopper: Hufflepuff because he’s a doctor and has incredible empathy
Robin: Slytherin she will 100% do what it takes for those she loves
Franky: Slytherin again because Franky will do what has to be done! He’s the big brother and if he has to kill a few people 🤷🏼‍♀️
Brook: Ravenclaw because he’s an amazing musician and you gotta be creative but he’s also got wisdom
Jimbei: Gryffindor mainly based on he saved ace even though it would mess up his warlord agreement and he’s a lot like Luffy even though he won’t admit it??
Marco: Ravenclaw(it hurt me not to put Slytherin) because he’s been a very successful pirate for a very long time and he’s very witty and strong and crafty
Law: SLYTHERIN. This isn’t ever gonna be up for debate. Though he is a D so he’s def a lot like Gryffindor but he’s totes a Slytherin.
Oh my god spoon i am so sorry this took so long!!!! I have no excuses so seppuku is in my future for you.I hope you guys like these( i dont think hufflepuffs make good pirates)I am totally a Slytherin by the way.
Tell me if I’m wrong except with Slytherins cause i know my people!!!!!! 🙏🏼❤️✌🏼 thank you!!!!!
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agemintherough · 6 years
Hi, I a an of your story and i have a few questions, i know this has nothing to do with it but I am currently thinking about doing a crossover with Harry Potter and One Piece and I wanted to know if you could give me some tips on how the story should start amd other good stuff Another question is how do you think Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbotom, and Luna Lovegood think of the Straw Hat Pirates and Vice Versa?
Hello! Thank you for reading the story and taking the time to come here! In regards to your question, first, I wish you the best in your writing. The first question I have for you is what kind of tone are you aiming for? Is this going to be a comedy? Something serious? From there, who do you want your focal character to be? Is it One Piece in the world of Harry Potter or Harry Potter? Both of these things are important when planning your story. You can do this in a lot of different ways. For example, a darker piece might be from Voldemort’s perspective after dying, suffering an afterlife as the magically deprived slave of a Celestial Dragon as penance before getting liberated by someone like Rayleigh. A humorous crossover might be Fred and George collaborating with Usopp while on holiday, enjoying the tall tales and experimenting with different weapons/ pranks. There are so many ways to go about doing it beyond “Oh, Luffy gets a letter to Hogwarts because those from the line of D. are secretly wizards.” There’s nothing wrong with that plot, but I think more can be done with it.Personally, if I were to do a crossover involving those properties, I would do something like this (which, if you like, use it. I’m cool with it): The Pre-Time Skip Straw Hats are on the run from the Marines (Smoker, maybe?) and end up on an island that isn’t on Nani’s maps. While exploring and searching the island, Robin accidentally discover an entrance leading to the Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade within the walls of a deserted building. It would have turned out that the entrance was created using forbidden magic long before the main Harry Potter books by a crazy wizard who was trying to create a new kind of Portkey (or something like that...go nuts!) and most of the wizarding community believed the enchantments to have died out as they could not be accessed using conventional magic. The only person still wary of it was Albus Dumbledore, who asked Aberforth to keep an eye on it (who, despite hating his brother, relented as he would, in turn, assist keeping the Hog’s Head afloat if there were ever any financial situations...or goat related incidents). The sight of odd people in Hogsmeade would give cause for alarm, but Dumbledore would offer them shelter in Hogwarts under his supervision in order to try to figure out how to open the faux-portkey wall. Add in the Ministry of Magic trying to deal with non-magical people infiltrating the wizarding world, you’ve got yourself a foundation to build a story on.If we are looking at the characters thoughts, Hermione would be the most alarmed and not trusting at all at everyone, taking a large amount of time to turn around and trust. Ron would immediately take a shine to the Straw Hats, but would be told that he was being rash and too trusting. Harry would be wary, but open to learning about these odd people. Neville would be really afraid initially but would work up the courage to fight alongside the Straw Hats with [[insert conflict here.]] Ginny...well, I’m not going to lie, I have no idea. Go crazy.Luna would be instantly accepting of all the craziness and would fit in very easily with everyone, because she is Luna Lovegood and of course she would.The Straw Hats would be a bit different from where you would do them. Somebody like Brook or Franky would fit better at Hogwarts than Zoro. Chopper would face adversity due to being similar to a half-breed, especially if done with Umbridge. Luffy would be keen to join on any adventure Gryffindors went on (Zoro as well, out of boredom). Usopp would freak out all the time, but find common ground in people like the Weasley Twins. Nami would be grounded and try to keep a level head about things...until discovering Wizarding currency and trying to get as many galleons as possible. Finally, Robin should just be left alone in the library for the entire story and checked in on occasionally as a running background gag.There’s a lot to be done with a crossover between One Piece and Harry Potter. Go at it and enjoy yourself. Figure out your style and let yourself grow as you write. The important thing is writing for yourself and remembering to have fun along the way. Good luck writing and thanks for asking!
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jgjmk4-2 · 7 years
If the Straw Hats Were Teachers at Hogwarts:
Teaches: Potions. Also the head of Hufflepuff
Very precise with measurements, ingredients and despises when a student cuts the ingredients the wrong way
Sucks at explaining things but very good in giving/showing examples. Also swears quite a bit during class.
Usually doesn’t give homework.
Teaches: History of Magic. Also head of Ravenclaw
If someone says history is boring, 50 points off their house and detention for 3 days.
Strict but still a motherly figure to all her students.
Gives her students lots of homework but usually doesn’t check it
Teaches: Muggle Studies 
Tries to be professional but he’s painfully awkward with his students.
To lighten the mood, he tries telling jokes, hence the: “may I see your panties?”
Gives homework and has small optional amusing tasks to complete along with it (e.g. write a foot long essay on the various transportation devices muggles have and draw a duck in the top left hand corner of your parchment) 
Teaches: Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures
Very excited to pass on his knowledge 
But also very fragile. If he hears a student say something negative about his teaching, he’ll be sad for weeks :(
Gives homework but it’s always very easy and do-able.
Teaches: Flying and Divination
He can’t actually fly. But he teaches it anyways because no one else will (he’s brave in a way tbh XD). He also teaches Herbology when Chopper is too busy.
The nice teacher who loves making jokes in class, especially to relieve his students’ anxiety if a bad omen appears in their tea cups :) (and his own anxiety too)
Gives little homework and lots of time to do it.
Teaches: (Main teacher of) Defence against the Dark Arts. Also head of Slytherin
Teaches waaayyyy to advance spells for the class he is teaching.  But somehow his class always manages to cope. 
He prepares them for real life rather than for the exam. So his students usually fail the exams but come away with great life lessons/advice to protect themselves against the Dark Arts. ^_^
Doesn’t give homework because he forgets
Teaches: Defence against the dark arts as well
However he usually ends up teaching the dark arts instead but he’s cool so all the students love him
Ironically, he’s the Headmaster. And he gets along with EVERY student in school. He also doesn’t give a crap about the regulations from the Ministry of Magic.
Does he give homework? Nah, the students give him homework.
Teaches: Charms and Transfiguration
Gets very pissed when a student mispronounces a spell. Swears a lot during class but is a responsible teacher.
Prepares her students very well during exam time. If you’re in her class, you have a 98% probability of passing but also a 62% of getting a detention.
Gives moderate amount of homework but always remembers to check
Teaches: Astronomy. Also head of Gryffindor because he’s so manly.
Overenthusiastic while teaching. Will pester his students to ask him questions if they don’t understand. 
He’s the only guy that can understand what centaurs mean when they speak (FRANNKKKKY CENTAUR!!)
Gives homework but practically does it for the students when going through it during class time.
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punkeduppirate · 7 years
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Strawhat Pirates, Harry Potter AU
Since I’m a fan of both One Piece and Harry Potter, I think it’d be fun to do this. well a lot of artists already did HP AU but this time I just wanted to sort them all myself :))
monster trio should be in Gryffindor together, they can’t be separated. with Luffy as a famous Seeker, Zoro the Qudditch captain, and Sanji as “another potion prince?”. at first I wanna put Sanji into Ravenclaw but, nope, Gryffindor would be best. and Nami, idk she really fits in Slytherin. lucky Slytherin to have her. Robin is a pure Ravenclaw don’t ask. and Brook reminds me of Moaning Myrtle so I put him in Ravenclaw. Brook also wants to join the frog choir. Hufflepuff trio at the back, would make the house more fun. Usopp and Chopper would be herbology buddies. anyway Chopper is a big fan of Honeydukes. and Franky there, he’s cosplaying Dumbledore..
anyway, both One Piece and Harry Potter turned 20 this year! 
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jijibaobao-blog · 7 years
your hogwarts au is ♡♡♡! i wonder what house do you see each mugiwara in??
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Hi there, thanks for asking ♡♡ I’m sorry if I kept you waiting and sorry for disappearing>So here’s my opinion! Sometimes there are more than one possibility to me so I’m just gonna list them all.Luffy: GryffindorZoro: GryffindorNami: Gryffindor/RavenclawUsopp: Gryffindor (I really think Usopp shold be in Gryffindor instead of Hufflepuff XD And his dream is to become a brave warrior on the sea so)Sanji: Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff (It is reeeeaaaally hard to decide his house, and although I know I have drawn him in both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, I still prefer putting him in Ravenclaw XD)Chopper: Hufflepuff (Chopper is so cute I love Chopper♡)Robin: Ravenclaw/SlytherinFranky: Hufflepuff/RavenclawBrook: Hufflepuff
I know there are many other different ideas about their houses so I also want to know how you guys think ;) Feel free to leave your thoughts!
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angelz1251 · 7 years
💖💙💜Tagged Challenge!!!!💜💙💖
Hey Fellow Tumblr Manics!!!!! I was tagged by @mina-chan98 and by @narusakuloverforever to do this challenge. Thank you so much for the tags, guys!!!!!😄😄😄
Game Rules: Tag 20 amazing followers you want to get to know better
Name: Dazhane’ 😊😊😊😊😊
Nicknames: DeeDee and DayDay 😁😁😁😁😁
Gender: Female 👧👧👧👧👧👧
Star Sign: Libra/Awesomeness 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
Height: 5 ft ′3 in 😸😸😸😸
Sexual Orientation: Straight 😇😇😇😇😇😇
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor 💙💙💙💙💙
Favourite color: Pink 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
Favorite animal(s): 🐕, 🐆, 🐺  and 🐬
Average hours of sleep: Ranges from: 4-8 💛💛💛💛💛
Cat or dog person: 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Favorite fictional characters:
Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, Kushina Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze, Tsunade Senju, Jiraiya, Hinata Hyuuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Sasuke Uchiha, Karin Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuuga, TenTen, Kakashi Hatake, Yamato, Sai (Naruto) 💓💓💓💓💓💓
Goku, Chi-Chi, Gohan, Goten, Videl, Pan, Trunks, Vegeta, Bulma, Bulla, Yamcha, Tien, Launch, Krillin, and Android 17 & 18 (Dragon Ball Z)💟💟💟💟💟💟
Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Robin, Usopp, Chopper, Sanji, Franky, Brook, Shanks, Ace, Sabo, Koala, Hancock, Rayleigh, Garp, Dragon, Bellemere, and Zeff (One Piece)💓💓💓💓💓💓
Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Levy, and the Fairy Tail family (Fairy Tail)💙💙💙💙💙
Ichigo, Rukia, Kon, Isshin, Yuzu, Karin, Kisuke, Yoruichi Uryuu, Orihime, Chad, Keigo, Tatsuki, Renji, Byakuya, Gotei 13, and the Soul Society (Bleach)💗💗💗💗💗💗
Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Jinx, Kid Flash, BumbleBee, Mas o Menos, Aqualad, and Speedy (Teen Titans)💛💛💛💛💛
Ash, Misty, Brock, May, Drew, Dawn, Team Rocket (Pokemon)💜💜💜💜💜💜
Star, Marco, Angie, Raphael, Moon, River, Pony Head, Kelly, Tad, Janna, Tom, Jackie, Alphonso, and Ferguson (Star vs the Forces of Evil)💙💙💙💙💙💙
Finn, Jake, Bonnibel, Marceline, Beemo, Neptr, LSP,  Fionna, Cake, Gumball, Marshall Lee, Tree Trunks, Shelly, Flame Princess, Flame Prince, Ice King, and Starchy (Adventure Time)💚💚💚💚💚
Number of blankets I sleep with: 2 💘💘💘💘💘💘
Favorite band/singer(s): Blood on the Dance Floor, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Chris Brown, Rhianna, DJ Khaled, Rick Ross, Usher, Ariana Grande, Lil Wayne, and any Japanese or Korean pop stars 💞💞💞💞💞💞
Dream Trip(s): All Disney parks, New York, California, Paris, Washington D.C, Hawaii, Jamaica, Bahamas, Australia, and Alaska 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Dream Job(s): Graphic Designer or anything in the art field 💗💗💗💗💗💗
When the blog was created: June 2015 👛👛👛👛👛
Current number of followers: 255 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸
When did your blog reach its peak: on my 18th birthday🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆
What made you decide to make a tumblr: I made a tumblr because I wanted to share my love of NaruSaku and all my other OTPs to other fellow shippers and get to talk and make friends with other NaruSaku shippers here in the United States and also all over the world! Best ship and OTP!!!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
I choose to tag:  @amazing-joe, @glittersparklesz12, @svtfoefreak, @reversedjm2017, @super-na, @narusakufactory, @narusakufanastic, @sakura933, @kakashiswife1, @1pieceluvr, @abril2410, @pokeshippinglove, @dbzebra, @narusaku1990, @liliaew, @texasalchemy93, @f3dorafangirl, @ladyingreen7, @dbz-club, @winter-serenade
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heckapoomoved · 8 years
i said it before and i’ll say it again; a hogwarts au is necessary for every series. every. series. 
*throws some one piece hogwarts au headcanons at your face*
i. luffy was sorted into slytherin and usopp into gryffindor. it didn’t seem likely at first- especially due to the house rivalry- but they’ve become best friends. they’re well-known for their savage pranks, constant rule-breaking and hearts of gold. the relationship they share really does highlight the similarities between their houses and does do some good in bringing them all closer together
ii. robin teaches ancient runes (but is also always willing to tutor for history of magic). she originally worked under croc in the ministry but moved onto her position at hogwarts after some time. she’s become a lot more nurturing and noticeably happier during her time there, but retains her love of learning and educating, making her a ravenclaw
iii. zoro’s a beater and sanji’s a chaser (on their respective quidditch teams). they’re (surprise surprise) rivals, and have zero chill when it comes to competing against each other. (it actually scares some people, which causes nami- who’s also a chaser- to yell at them. usopp gets a kick out of commentating for it, though)
iv. usopp’s best class is probably charms, but divination is definitely his favorite. he loves making up terrifying tales that he claims to see of the future to his classmates, either irritating or scaring them. zoro’s his favorite victim 
v. chopper was bitten by a werewolf and had a hard, hard time adjusting to society for a super long time. luffy is probably his first-ever actual friend, with the rest of the straw hats closely following. he can brew potions to keep himself under control himself but they always follow to provide moral support (chopper’s crazy good at potions and herbology) 
vi. brooke’s a ghost and has a tendency to either a) terrify students with his creepy laugh or b) weird them out with it. he gets a kick out of telling them bad jokes all day. he also made the mistake of trying to peep on nami while she was in the bathroom and she jinxed him down the toilet. you’ll never find him there anymore
vii. franky teaches transfiguration. he gets along really well with usopp, and is always enthusiastic about his work. he thinks zoro is a bit of a slacker and is always trying to get him going, which zoro irritably blames on franky’s house being hufflepuff
viii. sanji’s a squib!! don’t ask me how he plays quidditch or got accepted into hogwarts, i don’t know yet. might discard those concepts, even. but i know that i want him to be a squib 
ix. luffy’s patronus is a monkey, zoro’s is a tiger, nami’s is a cat, chopper’s is a tanuki (his animagus is a reindeer though), robin’s is a falcon and franky’s is a rhino. (yes i ripped this off that cover page or that question corner, can’t remember)
x. the marauder’s map of this universe was made by nami and usopp for zoro’s sake (he kept getting lost) but it ended up becoming much more than that and is currently the source of most of the world’s troubles tbh
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llamasgotoheaven · 6 years
Straw hats sorted into HP houses
Gryffindor: Luffy, Usopp, Vivi, (Jinbei)
Slytherin: Zoro, Nami
Ravenclaw: Robin, Chopper
Hufflepuff: Sanji, Brook
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Hey, I read your headcanon about all the Strawhats being in Slytherin because they are extremely ambitious and don't care about the rules, and I love it! But what do you think about Hufflepuff? It's the house of the dedicated, hard-working and honest, so I can definitely see Zoro going there (loyal to his promise, extremely hard-working and always tells the truth) or Sanji (so loyal to his principles that it gets him injured, hard-working, kind even if he pretends he doesn't care..)
Okay, so I’m going to take this and run with it, because I have been waiting forever to speak about this - so I apologize for the long answer lol.
Anyway, first things first! To clarify, the All Slytherins head canon was more of an AU, because there’s definitely the possibility that the Straw Hats could fit into other houses.
Personally - I love Zoro in Hufflepuff!!! This man is the definition of loyalty, just watch the end of Thriller Bark. I can never view him in a house such as Gryffindor or whatever.  Sanji would be great in Hufflepuff as well!!! When his character is not being destroyed, his main spectacular trait is his kindness, which definitely fits into being a Hufflepuff.
(Honestly, most of the Straw Hats could get into Hufflepuff by loyalty alone. However, few of them have that kindness to them, and have more traits.)
But let’s talk about this in terms of this au (Oh boy, this is going to be long lol) and the actual Sorting hat, and the age at which they are sorted.
In Harry Potter Canon, the Sorting Hat actually isn’t that great. It sorts you into a house based on your characteristics as an 11-year-child and puts you into place with more of the people with the same characteristics as you.
You are a child. You are going to grow. But… doing that kind of stunts that growth. Give you a category of who you are suppose to be.
Ugh. I have problems with it. MOVING ON! So the sorting hat summarizes your entire character into basic traits.
The following is taken from the Wiki
Gryffindor - Bravery, Nerve, Athletic,Courage,Chivalry, Daring.
Slytherin - Resourcefulness,Cunning, Ambition,Determination,Leadership, Self-Preservation, Fraternity, Cleverness
Ravenclaw - Intelligence Wit Wisdom Creativity Originality Individuality Sharpness Acceptance
Hufflepuff - Dedication, Hardworking, Fairness Patience Kindness Tolerance Modesty Loyalty
(End stuff taken from Wiki)
These are the defining traits. Half of them are synonyms. So, basically, G = Brave and Bold, S = Ambitious and Cunning, R= Smart and Independence H = Good Person, Loyal, and Hardworking.
So, seeing how that is how the Sorting Hat works…. lets look at the Straw Hats as 11 year old children. And also how the theme of OP (dreams) translates very well into the word ‘ambitition’
Luffy, 11 years old - basically a tiny delinquent, beating up people in the streets, not paying for food, and shouting his dream every three seconds for the world to hear. This boy is made up of nothing but ambition to be a pirate (every fight. he has is training to be one) and he isn’t just going to be a pirate - he’s going to be the Pirate King! Essentially, while he does develop his character more later, all he has going for him is Ambition right now. So? I’d say Slytherin. 
Zoro, 11 years old - …. he swore an oath to a girl who died that he would become the greatest swordsman in the world and he has not stopped working towards that goal since. He doesn’t have anyone to be loyal to right now, as a child all he has is his dream, his ambition. Slytherin.
Nami, 11 years old - working for Arlong, probably crying every time she makes a map because its not the map she wants to be making, using every trick in the book to get money, and already knows her dream to draw a map of the world. I’d say the textbook definition of a Slytherin honestly.
Usopp, 11 years old - Trickery and deception by every resource is his game, and we know he wants to find his dad already, though he doesn’t want to be a brave warrior of the sea yet. Slytherin, half-textbook definition again.
Sanji 11 years old- This kid was saved from starvation because he had the same, impossible dream as an old man. but he’s also tricky because even young, Sanji was unbearably kind. But to this I’d say,  Germa 66 was probably Gryffindor because of the whole ‘hero’ thing, and Sanji might want to go the opposite. For this au at least, Slytherin!
Robin, 11 years old, - on the run from the government because she became an archeologist at 8 years old so she could study the poneglyphs. This girl has ambition, and we see in flashbacks that she’s still trying to find them while on the run. Slytherin!
Franky, 11 years old - I think it was actually at 11 years old that Franky said that he was going to work to create his ship of dreams, so ambition for sure. I would say Slytherin.
Brook, 11 years old - hey, WTF was Brook doing when he was 11. Oda tell us. Ugh. So honestly no concrete reason here but let’s just put him in Slytherin just because lol.
So there’s the reasoning - at a young age, each and every Straw Hat (barring Brook) has a dream, an ambition so big that any normal person wouldn’t even be able to think about it. Slytherins are ambitious - but not only that - they aim for the top and I’m pretty sure all the ones that got into Slytherin outside of their blood line were able to reach their goal. 
The Straw Hats aim for the top - and that was their defining trait, even as children, which is what the Sorting hat would have picked up on. Maybe down the road it would have changed - with the characterization now, definitely some of them would be in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor.
tl;dr While the Strawhats do have characteristics of other houses, especially Hufflepuff, these traits didn’t reveal themselves in full until they were Adults, and if they were children the sorting hat would have sorted them into Slytherin based on their one, defining characteristic - their ambition, or in the one piece world ‘dream’
Wow, okay I apologize this is a very long post lol, and I definitely went over what I was intending to answer. But yeah! Thanks for the ask! Im sorry if this long answer annoyed you, but I just had so much to say!!! 
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