#spoon anon
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fallenclan · 4 months ago
I think the song "Like Him" by Tyler the Creator could fit Sleepydawn!
GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE!!! thank you spoon anon for motivating me to finally finish this animatic :D
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months ago
i'm the anon whose ask started with "i think i might be neurodivergent"
my parents are fine and they're understanding and everything but there's just stuff that they don't really get which is probably due to the generation gap but while they get mental health to a certain extent, i don't know how they'll react and i don't want them to react like i'm seeing things which aren't there. to add onto that, one of my cousins has autism and he's non-verbal and i think even a few of the other kids with autism either of my parents have met have had very obvious symptoms and i don't really have any of them so i'm not sure if they'd even believe me. as for school, i don't trust them to not talk to my parents about it and i don't want my classmates finding out (the main school counselor's daughter is in my year) and tbh i don't think they're even capable of it so like i don't have any adult to talk to about this and i don't want to talk about this to my friends either because in our school there's a concerning amount of jokes about autism and most of my friends either make them or play along with them.
i just don't know what to do bc like sure i can technically self diagnose but there's a difference between that and an actual diagnosis but tbh i would rather not have it in my medical records so i can't even get an official diagnosis.
I can relate to this SO much. There are so many things to think about and hurdles to overcome when getting a diagnosis, and I've been thinking about them for myself a well. To be honest, I don't know if I have the answers for you, because I haven't come to a conclusion for myself. I go back and forth on if I want to get a diagnosis, for a lot of the things you've said here. But I do want you to know that you're not alone <3
Naming you spoon anon!
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forgeofthenine · 8 months ago
hi! its me the rolan brainrot girly who had finals but was too busy thirsting. new brain rot ZEVLOR AND HIS 18 STRENGTH??? oh my goddd i need him to flip me, hold me against the wall I NEED HiM- is it okay to bark in here? the fact that ik his ass is so gentle but he can fold me in hal-
also is it okay to go by 🥄 LMAO?
Zevlor is like a gentle giant, he has so much power and strength behind his touch and he always controls it. It almost radiates off him. Actually getting him to pin you against a wall with even half of it is almost once in a lifetime. Tbh I'd be barking too lmao
Also, welcome to the fold spoon anon, I hope your finals have gone well!
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rec-a-fanfic · 7 months ago
Title: don't leave me tongue tied
Author: markofalover
Fandom: Deadpool - All Media Types, Wolverine (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: T
Pairings: Logan Howlett (Worst Wolverine)/Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Status: Complete
Length/Chapters: 1,724; 1 chapter
Logan notices the sticky notes a week after moving in.
(post Deadpool & Wolverine)
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milessunflowers · 1 month ago
i am mostly chill just worried about someone calling the police because i do not look like im about to start my final year of school and go on camp
bittersweet moment cause i kinda want to write fics but no, school.
- spoon
oh man hopefully that doesn't happen that would be scary
lowkey school sucks but hopefully you have a good day (if it hasn't happened already)
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tobyfobywoahby · 1 year ago
GAH u want me here??
OMG SPOONBS ANON?! yes cmere actually you know what you’re MY kid now if Cedar can adopt so can I what r ur pronouns and child name pref
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originalartblog · 1 year ago
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skk are (disgruntled and uneven) chopsticks
(referencing this)
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27spoons · 15 days ago
ngl shauna and melissa are growing on me SO FAST. like at first i was like “random but okay let’s go wlw” then the more i thought about it the more i was like “this kinda works” i need to know ur opinion on them
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listen. i hate that fucking melissa hat has become a more important character. i did not give a fuck about her.
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i too, wanna kiss a woman holding a knife to my throat.
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borderlinereminders · 6 months ago
You have no idea what anyone else is going through.
People could be crying themselves to sleep, struggling to hold it together, and barely making it by.
When they open that anon hate, they may delete it and try to brush it off. They may post it with a nonchalant response. But there is a very real chance they see that and they feel it.
Quit hiding behind anon to send asks that could be hurting people. Does it honestly make you feel good to do that?
You know what people should do instead?
Send anonymous love. If you have the spoons, please take a moment to send a blog you like (or multiple blogs!) some anonymous love. Help drown out the hate.
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fallenclan · 3 months ago
Tbh to me Darkstone's forehead marking always looked like a white bird in flight
- 🥄
actually that's cute as hell especially when you consider his mate is Shrikethorn
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my-castles-crumbling · 19 days ago
Anon Advice Asks - February 10th
Social cues anon, canon anon (new), midnights anon, spoon anon, folklore anon
Social Cues Anon
Hey, it's social cues anon again, I am sorry I am being annoying.
Now I know it might sound dumb or like I don't expect you to know my feelings or the fact I don't know them is stupid but.
I like him??? Is it romantic?
Really? Do I? I didn't realize I talked about him like that till you pointed out Sara might do that bc of this. And I know it's stupid and I know I should know my emotions or something like that but I really don't know.
And um, can you help? Like, how did you know I liked him? Did I say something that's romantic? Can you write the part that makes you think I like him and why? I am sorry you don't have to. I am not sure and I am sorry I am an idiot when it comes to this stuff and I really genuinely don't know what's considered a romantic attraction. I am not a child so it's honestly embarrassing.
This is embarrassing sorry I am just confused.
(but also happy bc that means Sara isn't mad!! I like our friendship with her I would be sad otherwise.)
(I texted him the art exhibit thing now you said I should, he didn't answer yet I am so nervous what if it annoys him. Would you be annoyed if someone you recently (not so recent but still) became friends asked to go to an art exhibit right? Anyway I can update when he text back. Well I won't if you don't want me to. Anyway I am writing to you too much I understand if not-)
(And like, would you be annoyed if someone waved at you or said hello when you see each other on campus? Do you think if I say 'hey' sometimes he would be mad? He is so nice and I know he won't be openly mad about it but what if he finds me annoying I don't want him to think about me in a bad way- sev is like, won't hate anyone I am sure that's how he is but what if he dislikes me it's a possibility right. I am yapping too much sorry)
Anyway you don't have to do it really.
And it might be ironic but sorry for apologizing too much too, I tried to delete a few but I feel like I have to and I don't want to be rude and all
Don't hate me please
HAHAHA wait I thought you said you liked him? You talked about him being nice and kind and attractive, and I just....okay whoops. I mean maybe you don't like him in a romantic way, I just...you sounded like you did lol. Like you said a few times that he's cute and nice and I guess I just assumed?
Okay I am not annoyed. Nor would I be annoyed if my friend asked me to go to a museum. Or if someone waved at me. I think that's nice!
I don't think he finds you annoying <3 You have no reason to apologize and it sounds like you're just overthinking (which is okay!) I think you just need to wait and see what he says and know that either way, you've done nothing wrong. I promise <3 Also I don't hate you.
Canon Anon
Hey cas
99.9% of the time when content talking about Canon vs fanon marauders shows up I don't say anything. I mean the whole point of fan fic is that it isn't canon, right? Most things I'm just like yk, whatever individuals prefer.
But people who get upset about certain aspects of regs charecter bug me. Like okay- canon say reg got the dark mark at 16, died at 19, betrayed voldy last minute and tried to destroy the horcrux. And people are like well there's not proof he was abused, plus his parents weren't voldy supporters, so he chose to be a death eater, and just because he changed agendas, doesn't mean he actually rejected beliefs like blood purity, so he was still bad.
And like... maybe people in this fandom just haven't known a lot of far right teenagers? Or teens in general?
But like there was a war happening *the entire time* reg was in school. And his parents might not have directly supported voldy but you can tell from the descriptions of the house that it was an oppressive and blood purist family. And then he was sorted into a house at school with a bunch of other blood purists who were as a group ostracized by other children. And yeah that was those kids way of defending themselves but it's really hard to break away from beliefs that are so reinforced on every side, especially when no one is helping. Idk. It just seems out of tune with our current reality yk
Just thoughts
I think....I think it's hard because we know next to nothing about canon reg. So people can feel however they want about him. And yes, he can be an excellent mirror into real-life kids today and what they're dealing with, but we also have to remember that part of fandom is not censoring people. So if people believe different things about Regulus, that's their right, and it doesn't have to have to do with real-life current events. As long as nobody is being rude about it, it's okay for people to believe different things. So while I don't disagree with you, it's okay for people to have other beliefs, too.
Midnights Anon
HI my dear <3
I definitely think it's time to tell someone and ask for help. Honestly, it sounds like you're struggling so much, and you don't deserve that. You're right, it can be super hard to tell someone, and it can be hard to figure out hat to say. My suggestion is to write it out, just like you do with me. Then, just hand the paper to someone, like a guidance counselor or a parent (sounds like your counselor may be a good idea?) Whoever you think will be the most helpful and understanding. That way you don't have to find the words on the spot. Write to them about the thoughts you've been having and the way you've been coping. And yes, definitely ask for a therapist.
And I'll be honest, getting help can be scary. it can feel overwhelming at some points. But you're are SO right when you said in a few years, you will look back and be SO glad you did it. I can say that firsthand, because I had to do the same thing. I believe in you and I know you can do this <3
Also, I do not think you're a bad person. I promise <3
Keep me updated!
Spoon anon
hi cas it's spoon anon
i'm honestly kind of scared because what if i'm just overthinking everything and it's all just in my head and who even trusts internet quizzes and then it'll just be like i cried wolf when there was nothing but if something is actually there it'll be on record and i don't want that maybe i just get sensorily overwhelmed easily and have depressive episodes and anxiety attacks like normal people and there's actually nothing to be diagnosed but idk sometimes i feel like there might be and other times i'm just perfectly fine like i could be having three anxiety attacks and a mental breakdown one day and then be completely fine and happy the next so maybe it's all in my head then i won't ever be able to trust myself when it comes to mental health i mean i probably already have a skewed up version of it from my culture but i have this need to know if there's actually something and idk I'm just scared
Hi <3
I completely understand why you're nervous. But honestly, from talking to you a few times, it seems like it's going to bug you until you know. Also, if you do get diagnosed with something, you don't have to share that with anyone, you know? It can just be something you know and you choose what to do with it from there.
Folklore anon
hello,folklore anon here!
so there's no real reason km writing this but ijdut felt really lonely and sad i rly dk why... is thet normal? because smtimes i really fell like this and want to cry/scream and this feeling is really bothernig me...
oh! and tday i went w my mom to buy a hoodie and i told her that i wnted it from the men's section and it was weird and not weord at the same time so yeah..just a random thing iwnted to say✋️
Yeah I definitely feel like that sometimes. Do you have a friend you could reach out to and just talk to on the phone or text with for a bit? You don't even have to tell them you're feeling down, you could just be with them. Either way, I'm proud of you for reaching out! And I'm proud of you for asking for the clothing you wanted!
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silversupremacy · 4 months ago
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Is this a threat or flirting
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rec-a-fanfic · 3 months ago
Title: Rabbits Feet (Bring Good Luck)
Author: AureolinB
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Rating: T
Warnings: discrimination
Pairings: Aizawa Shouta/Yamada Hizashi
Status: complete
Length/Chapters: 8,470 words ; 3 chapters
When assigned to the case of Musuatafu's newest vigilante, The Rabbit, Aizawa Shouta really didn't realise how much his life, and those around him, would really change as a result.
He especially didn't expect to be gifted a Rabbits Foot by the very vigilante he was supposed to be tracking down.
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milessunflowers · 1 month ago
i’m currently giving off runaway child vibes because puberty did not hit me and i’m on my way to camp on public transport with a suitcase and backpack :/ but the hot chocolate i got made it worth it
:) spoon
oh spoon that does not sound fun are you okay? if you need or want to talk my dms are always open 🙂
but hot chocolate makes a lot of things better
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fellshish · 2 months ago
warning: small rant incoming, neil talk, no graphic SA talk though
“good omens fans only care about their blorbos, how can you even think about your show right now when there are real victims” WE’VE known for months, and WE spent months pressuring amazon to either kick neil off the production or not produce s3 at all!!! WE did that!!!!! so don’t tell us we don’t care about victims or about women’s safety when we put effort into doing something that ACTUALLY helps keep people safe.
“there is no ethical way to enjoy his work. this is just too important.” obviously, we should all avoid giving financial support to neil wherever we can. and i understand that people want to see him punished, but who ACTUALLY benefits from all of us abandoning this show and our fan communities? who? do his victims know or care that there are still good omens fans out there? or is this just a demand for virtue signalling, to show everyone WE’RE one of the good ones by burning all our books and quitting our favorite shows cold turkey?
“you’ll find new things to care about” yknow, i did that the last time something i loved turned out to be created by a terrible person. it left a massive hole in my heart for years. i wasn’t the same. nothing made me equally as happy. until i found good omens, ironically enough. so what do i do? keep cyclically punishing myself for daring to love things while not knowing their creators are bad people?
no one benefits from my misery. me giving up on something i love, something that was co-created by so many people, has zero effect on that monster. nor does it do anything to help his victims. all it does is make me unhappy.
as a final note, from personal experience, i’m willing to bet at least half of these people love something that was created by someone awful, and find a way to rationalize it to themselves because THEIR situation is somehow very different.
sorry for the rant. i hope you’re feeling better! 💕
💜 glad you got this out of your system. i think people will have a really hard time finding an unproblematic piece of art with a morally perfect creator. i hope we’ve long abandoned that type of (self) policing
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youdeserveanaward · 7 months ago
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You’ve unlocked an achievement!
Successfully used a DBT skill to help get through a crisis!
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