#using complement instead of compliment.......... insane choice that iM thinking so much about
martyrbat · 3 months
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the all new batman: the brave and the bold #1
[ID: several cropped internal narration boxes from Batman between different panels of him and Superman. Together the boxes all read, ‘Other than Robin and Alfred, Superman is my best friend. Some people are surprised by that. Because our styles are so different, people assume we wouldn't get along. But they're missing the point. When I'm with someone like Green Arrow, we're so similar that we feel like we have to compete. But Superman and I have different strengths. We complement each other.’
The first panel, underneath the first narration box, is Batman and Superman shown from the shoulders up as they both smile. Clark proposes, “How about this—I'll explain any Kryptonian customs. You analyze the clues.” Bruce adds on, “And we'll watch each other's backs.” Clark responds, “It's what we do.” The second panel, after three narration boxes, is Batman diving to knock Superman out of the way of a fatal blast. The third and fourth panels, after the last narration box, is after Batman solved the Kryptonian mystery and Superman just saved Bruce's life too. Bruce thanks him for the save, leading Clark to simply dismiss, “No problem. It's what we do,” as he puts his shirt back on. Bruce tells him, “Yes. It is. I suppose this means that, even without powers, you're still Superman.” Clark grins and responds, “And that you're another world's greatest detective.” Bruce quietly grunts at the compliment and tells him, “Let's get out of here.” END ID]
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