#usat coach
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tripeakathlete ¡ 3 months ago
Celebrating Triathlon Successes of Craig and Manny
🎉 Huge congratulations to Craig V. for an incredible 4th place finish at the Xterra World Championship in Trentino! Your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of your amazing achievement. You’re a true warrior, Craig! Keep pushing your limits and reaching new heights. 🌟 #XterraWorldChampionship #ProudMoment #TriPeakAthlete #TrueWarrior #KeepUpTheGoodWork…
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xjust4kicksx ¡ 3 months ago
Let’s throw USA Taekwondo and AAU Taekwondo into the ring. In the US, both are the biggest organizations revolving around Taekwondo competition.
USAT is the official national governing body for Olympic Taekwondo in the U.S. If your goal is to get into Olympics, you have to compete and climb the ranks in USAT. Although this sounds great, USAT has no grassroots program. This means it’s does little to nothing to preserve the original art of Taekwondo and promote traditional styles. They strictly are sport, and often loose the true values of the martial art. They’re all about focusing on getting athletes to Olympic levels and having them chase points and rank, but there’s no focus on smaller amateur athletes who just enjoy competition at lower levels and embrace their traditional styles.
AAU Taekwondo is a smaller organization that by itself will not get you to the Olympics. This is slowly becoming more popular, as AAU does work to retain traditional values of martial arts as well as still give more sport opportunities for athletes. That being said, as mentioned, you cannot get to the highest of levels of competition through just AAU. But, for many competitors who do not have Olympic aspirations, which is probably majority of practitioners, it is a much better program and much less restrictive on the athletes, coaches, and officials.
USAT, as far as I’m concerned, is no longer fit to be the governing body over the U.S. I understand they’re place in TKD Olympics, but for the amateur competitor with love for the traditions, they do not fit to represent the majority.
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lamilanomagazine ¡ 1 year ago
Tute EMS: sei sicuro di conoscere tutti i vantaggi della tecnologia?
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Tute EMS: sei sicuro di conoscere tutti i vantaggi della tecnologia? Le tute EMS rappresentano una forma avanzata di elettrostimolazione muscolare utilizzata nell'ambito dell'allenamento sportivo. Questa tecnologia si basa sull'applicazione di impulsi elettrici mirati ai muscoli attraverso elettrodi integrati nelle tute stesse. L'obiettivo principale è simulare il movimento muscolare volontario per provocare contrazioni muscolari e migliorare la forza e la resistenza. Le tute EMS di GetBusy.tech si possono utilizzare anche a casa, l’efficacia dell'allenamento sportivo dipende da diversi fattori, tra cui la tipologia di esercizi, la consistenza nell'allenamento, l'equipaggiamento disponibile e la disciplina personale. Ecco alcuni punti chiave da considerare se decidi di allenarti a casa. Variazione degli esercizi e pianificazione dell'allenamento La varietà degli esercizi è fondamentale per stimolare diverse parti del corpo e promuovere la crescita muscolare o il miglioramento della resistenza. La pianificazione di un programma di allenamento ben strutturato che includa una combinazione di esercizi cardiovascolari con tute EMS, di forza, di flessibilità e di equilibrio è essenziale per ottenere risultati efficaci. Utilizzo dell'equipaggiamento adeguato Anche se non si dispone di attrezzature sofisticate o di una palestra completa, è possibile ottenere risultati significativi con l'uso di semplici strumenti come pesi liberi, fasce elastiche, tute EMS, tappetini per lo yoga. L'adattamento degli esercizi in base agli strumenti disponibili può essere fondamentale per raggiungere gli obiettivi di allenamento. Costanza e impegno La chiave per vedere dei risultati è la costanza nell'allenamento a casa, che richiede disciplina e motivazione personale per mantenere una routine costante. Impostare obiettivi realistici e seguire un programma di allenamento regolare è essenziale per ottenere benefici significativi. Adattabilità e flessibilità Uno dei principali vantaggi dell'allenamento a casa è la flessibilità. Si può pianificare l'allenamento in base al proprio orario e alle proprie esigenze, evitando così la necessità di adattarsi agli orari delle palestre o dei centri sportivi. Tuttavia, è importante mantenere un approccio disciplinato anche nell'ambito domestico per evitare la tentazione di procrastinare o saltare gli allenamenti. Anche se ci si allena a casa, è possibile ottenere supporto e guida da professionisti del fitness o coach online. Potenziali vantaggi delle tute EMS Le tute EMS vengono usate sia da principianti che da professionisti, per via dei loro benefici durante l’allenamento sportivo. - Le tute EMS possono contribuire a migliorare la forza muscolare, poiché gli impulsi elettrici possono coinvolgere un numero maggiore di fibre muscolari rispetto all'allenamento tradizionale. Questo può portare a un miglioramento della forza e della resistenza muscolare. - L'uso delle tute EMS potrebbe contribuire a ridurre i tempi di recupero tra gli allenamenti. Le stimolazioni elettriche possono accelerare il processo di recupero muscolare e ridurre la sensazione di affaticamento post-allenamento. - Integrando l'elettrostimolazione muscolare nell'allenamento, gli atleti possono beneficiare di una maggiore capacità muscolare, migliorando le prestazioni in termini di velocità, resistenza e potenza. - Stimolare i muscoli attraverso le tute EMS può contribuire a rafforzare i muscoli stabilizzatori e migliorare la coordinazione muscolare, riducendo così il rischio di infortuni durante l'attività sportiva. - Le tute EMS possono essere utilizzate in diversi contesti e possono essere integrate facilmente nell'allenamento quotidiano senza richiedere necessariamente l'uso di pesi o macchinari specifici. Considerazioni importanti Nonostante i potenziali vantaggi, è essenziale comprendere che l'elettrostimolazione muscolare non dovrebbe sostituire completamente l'allenamento tradizionale. È importante utilizzare queste tute come complemento all'allenamento regolare e non come unico metodo di miglioramento delle prestazioni. La ricerca scientifica sull'efficacia e sull'impiego ottimale delle tute EMS nell'allenamento sportivo è ancora in corso, alcuni studi hanno mostrato risultati positivi. Le tute EMS rappresentano una tecnologia promettente nell'ambito dell'allenamento sportivo, offrendo potenziali vantaggi come il miglioramento della forza muscolare, la riduzione del tempo di recupero e il potenziamento delle prestazioni sportive. L’importante è essere consapevoli che per avere risultati bisogna anche integrare una dieta equilibrata e fare allenamenti mirati, in base ai propri obiettivi. Chi vuole dimagrire seguirà un’alimentazione diversa da chi vuole mettere su massa muscolare e anche gli esercizi da fare saranno differenti. Le tute EMS possono essere un valido aiuto, ma se si vogliono vedere dei risultati nel lungo termine è fondamentale essere costanti nell’allenamento, avere chiari i propri obiettivi e capire se si ha la motivazione giusta per potersi allenare a casa o se si è più produttivi in palestra. Ognuno deve seguire la strada migliore per se stesso, non c’è una via più giusta di un’altra, l’importante è mantenersi in forma cercando di divertirsi e senza esagerare con gli sforzi quotidiani.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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nfliplnews ¡ 1 year ago
[ad_1] Ahead of their first preseason contest against the Colts on Saturday, the Bills released their first unofficial depth chart.Before the team takes the field, here are X takeaways from the depth chart:Not giving an inch at position battlesBills head coach Sean McDermott meets with linebacker Terrel Bernard (USAT)The Bills had a few notable position battles going on at training camp. For each of them, they are not giving away anything ahead of the preseason.At multiple positions, multiple players are listed as starters. Among those, along with the corresponding players named, are:Bates over Torrence Ryan Bates #71 (Photo by Timothy T Ludwig/Getty Images)One position battle that actually does evidently have someone in front: Right guard.Incumbent Ryan Bates is listed ahead of second-round rookie O’Cyrus Torrence.Despite that, the battle doesn’t seem to be over at all. During training camp, the two were rotating with the first team. Head coach Sean McDermott often wants his rookies to “earn” a job. That’s probably playing a part here.Dorian behind MilanoNot mentioned at middle linebacker: Third-round rookie Dorian Williams. As general manager Brandon Beane noted, he’s the second-stringer at outside linebacker behind Matt Milano.Cam listed twiceCam Lewis is the most versatile player on the Bills, according to the depth chart. Excluding special teams, Lewis is the only player listed at two positions: Slot cornerback and safety. He’s a depth player at both spots.Harty takes one Bills wide receiver Deonte Harty (11) Credit: Gregory Fisher-USA TODAY SportsAs mentioned, Harty and Shakir are both listed as starters at slot receiver. But Harty is given the edge as the return man. Harty appears to be the leading candidate to replace Nyheim Hines, both at kick and punt returner.Isabella listed lowSpeaking of returner and slot receiver, it doesn’t appear that Andy Isabella is factoring in just yet at either. He’s working with backups currently and Isabella is named as a third-stringer on both fronts. Isabella, a former second-round pick, signed during training camp.AJ could be outBills linebackers A.J. Klein (52) and Dorian Williams (USAT)AJ Klein is probably destined for the practice squad. His contract could save the Bills money against the salary, and he’s listed at the bottom of the middle linebacker depth chart below Dodson, Bernard, and Spector.Poona in thirdPoona Ford was signed after the 2023 NFL draft to potentially spell in for DaQuan Jones as the space-eating defensive tackle. During camp practices he has seen some reps with the starters, however, Tim Settle is the second straight behind Jones. Ford is behind Settle.Epenesa over Boogie Note on Quessenberry Credit: Gregory Fisher-USA TODAY SportsStory originally appeared on Bills Wire [ad_2] Source link
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cartofolo ¡ 6 years ago
Facciamo un po’ di chiarezza
Articolo di Giorgio Nardone (psicoterapeuta).
C’è molta confusione in giro e, a dire il vero, proprio a partire dagli stessi counselor, coach, psicologi o psicoterapeuti, molti fanno ciò non che non dovrebbero, come spesso succede quando si sente odore di business, purtroppo anche chi organizza corsi come noi fa la sua parte per creare un gran fumo. Da parte nostra vorremo contribuire a dare qualche chiarimento utile.
Cominciamo con il Counselor
COUNSELOR: il Counselling è una “relazione d’aiuto”, professione disciplinata dalla Legge n°4 del 14 gennaio 2013. Essa consiste nell’applicazione da parte del professionista di un insieme di tecniche, abilità e competenze tese a facilitare il Cliente nell’uso delle sue risorse personali, affinché questi possa trovare la soluzione per un problema che crea disagio esistenziale e per migliorare complessivamente la qualità della sua vita.
Lo scopo del Counselling è quello di offrire al Cliente l’opportunità di esplorare e riconoscere i propri schemi d’azione e di pensiero e aumentare il livello di consapevolezza, così da saper utilizzare al meglio le proprie risorse personali per gestirsi in  modo efficace e raggiungere un maggiore benessere.
Il Counsellor opera nel campo della prevenzione della malattia e in quello della promozione della salute, così come intesa e definita dalla Carta di Ottawa nel 1986. Il Counsellor possiede competenze specifiche per la promozione del benessere dell’individuo e non esercita attività sanitarie.
Per il suo specifico settore di intervento il counselor non va confuso con altre figure professionali, quali lo psicologo, lo psicoterapeuta, etc. . Infatti l’attività di counseling non prevede l’utilizzo di tecniche e metodologie di intervento proprie delle figure professionali citate, come: la somministrazione o prescrizione di farmaci, l’utilizzo di test psicodiagnostici e quelle attività che nel dettaglio sono proprie della figura dello psicologo o dello psicoterapeuta.
I Counselor si occupano di persone sostanzialmente sane che hanno bisogno di colloqui di sostegno o di aiuto per affrontare problemi relazionali o decisionali senza la necessitĂ  di una cura di tipo psicoterapeutico o farmacologico che richiede competenze e specializzazioni diverse.
<Quando stai vivendo un momento ingarbugliato e hai bisogno di rimettere le cose a posto, un counselor, attraverso l'ascolto e specifiche tecniche di colloquio, (nel nostro caso attraverso il dialogo strategico) ti sostiene nel ritrovare le tue energie interiori per ripartire. Ad ognuno di noi può capitare di attraversare momenti difficili e confusi in cui capiamo di avere bisogno di un sostegno più efficace del semplice “momento di sfogo con l'amico del cuore”. Un counselor, dunque, ti aiuta a scegliere senza scegliere al posto tuo. Ti aiuta a ripartire lasciandoti la responsabilità dei tuoi passi. Ti sostiene nel cambiamento e nel recupero delle tue “energie sopite” nei momenti chiave della tua vita. Il percorso di counseling è quindi per definizione legato ad un obiettivo di cambiamento specifico e può essere applicato alle diverse dimensioni della vita: relazioni familiari e/o di coppia, vita professionale, ecc.>
Quello che comunque ci preme sottolineare è che aiutare le persone, in qualunque modo venga fatto e in qualunque contesto, è un’attività difficile e delicata, in cui la buona volontà, l’altruismo e la pazienza non bastano. A volte con le migliori intenzioni si creano gli effetti peggiori. CHI È COACH E COSA È COACHING ? Come per il counseling in Italia non è una professione regolamentata: lo Stato non indica cioè i requisiti minimi necessari per fare il Coach. Non esiste alcuna normativa di riferimento, nessun percorso formativo obbligatorio, né tanto meno l’obbligo per il professionista di iscrizione ad un albo professionale. In tale quadro normativo “chiunque può definirsi coach” .
La parola “coaching” è apparsa per la prima volta sul finire del ‘900 negli Stati Uniti per indicare quell'attività specifica che vede un allenatore impegnato a sostenere, guidare e motivare una squadra o un singolo atleta per migliorarne le prestazioni in vista delle future competizioni. Da circa una decina di anni, però, questo termine si è esteso e generalizzato al di fuori dell'ambito sportivo in cui era nato, venendosi a configurare come un intervento indirizzato a un individuo o a un gruppo, con lo scopo di aiutarlo a ottenere risultati ottimali in ambito sia lavorativo che personale. Diffusosi ultimamente soprattutto in ambito manageriale, il coaching si differenzia dagli interventi di psicoterapia e consulenza poiché non è orientato alla cura di disturbi psicologici o alla risoluzione di specifici problemi, bensì allo sviluppo dei talenti, nella direzione di fare emergere a pieno le potenzialità degli individui a vantaggio di una competenza da sviluppare o di un risultato da migliorare. Professione in rapida e crescente espansione, il coaching trova applicazione nei più diversi ambiti personali e professionali.
In ambito imprenditoriale - dai business tradizionali all’e-commerce; da imprese consolidate a imprese in fase di lancio – il coach focalizza il proprio intervento nell’aiutare l’imprenditore a sviluppare business plan specifici e personalizzati. In situazioni come coppie, famiglie, team (sportivi o di lavoro) e comunità, il coach è invece chiamato per migliorare la qualità dell’interazione e dei risultati attraverso la rilevazione delle forze e delle debolezze del contesto e il conseguente sviluppo di piani adeguati per produrre i cambiamenti necessari.
Il coaching individuale - il più noto e frequente (chiamato anche “life coaching”) – si caratterizza per un rapporto esclusivo tra due persone - il coach e il “coachee” (manager, atleta, personaggio dello spettacolo…) -, in cui il primo aiuta il secondo a focalizzare i propri obiettivi e priorità e lo supporta, in termini prevalentemente motivazionali, nel mantenere e portare a termine il programma stabilito.
E la lista delle diverse tipologie di coaching potrebbe allungarsi a dismisura. Il termine coaching, infatti,ha raggiunto in pochissimo tempo una molteplicitĂ  di significati ed applicazioni che, secondo le leggi mediatiche piĂš tipiche della nostra epoca, ha visto anche un contemporaneo proliferare di dissertazioni teoriche ed estese bibliografie sul tema.
Un'ampia schiera di professionisti, provenienti dalle più diverse discipline, ha trovato la possibilità di proporsi e proporre la propria idea al riguardo. Una sorta di “corsa verso l’ovest”, alla conquista di territori inesplorati e suggestivi per la possibilità di interventi e per le opportunità percepite. Una corsa velocissima, ognuno con la propria bandiera da conficcare e tutti diversi l’uno dall’altro per le risorse, i mezzi, gli strumenti, le conoscenze e le esperienze da mettere in gioco. Ma a differenza della vecchia corsa all’oro, prevalentemente individuale, questa è una corsa in cui i partecipanti  sono costretti ad interagire e a collaborare l’uno con l’altro nel creare questa nuova professionalità, prevedendo il rispetto di alcune regole fondamentali.
La prima è quella per cui ogni intervento di coaching trova significato e valore solo attraverso il riscontro oggettivo degli obiettivi e dei traguardi progressivamente raggiunti. In altri termini, non esiste un intervento di coaching se non ci sono successi. Il coaching, dunque, è innanzitutto l’espressione di una professionalità assolutamente pragmatica e come tale impone, ai coach e ai loro interlocutori , l’assunzione di responsabilità precise e a volte impegnative. Un buon coach deve sapere guidare il cliente a sviluppare i propri talenti in vista del raggiungimento di specifici obiettivi, e lo deve fare nel modo il più possibile rapido ed efficace. Ecco quindi che i criteri pragmatici di efficacia ed efficienza si configurano come elementi fondamentali nella scelta del modello di coaching da utilizzare.
Un secondo elemento distintivo, che accomuna tra loro anche i piÚ diversi modelli di coaching, è l'estrema enfasi posta nel sottolineare la diversità teorica e metodologica del coaching rispetto ad altre forme di intervento, come le attività terapeutiche o di consulenza. Dalle prime il coaching si vuole distinguere evidenziando il suo essere rivolto a persone libere da disturbi psicologici invalidanti, ovvero persone sostanzialmente indipendenti ed autonome che desiderano migliorare le proprie prestazioni (personali o lavorative) e ricercano quindi un aiuto esterno che possa facilitare questo processo di miglioramento.
Dall’attività di consulenza, invece, il coaching tende a distinguersi non presupponendo come necessario per il coach il possedere competenze specifiche sul contesto aziendale (o sportivo) d’intervento. Certo, tali competenze se presenti possono facilitare il processo di coaching, ma dal coach stesso non vengono usate per fini diagnostici o valutativi.
In quest’ottica la natura e lo scopo del coaching più tradizionale tendono a concretizzarsi in una sorta di partnership tra coach e cliente, mirata al raggiungimento di obiettivi, condivisi e misurabili, generalmente inerenti l’incremento delle conoscenze, del livello di performance e della qualità della vita delle persone coinvolte. Processo che, nel suo evolversi, ha come caratteristiche distintive l'essere orientato sul presente e sul futuro e il focalizzarsi prevalentemente sullo sviluppo delle risorse del cliente, evitando di affrontare la risoluzione diretta di eventuali problematiche emotive o cognitive.
CHI È LO PSICOLOGO E COSA FA ? PSICOLOGO: è necessaria una laurea in Psicologia legalmente conseguita presso un’Università Italiana, un Tirocinio Formativo della durata di un anno effettuato con la supervisione di un tutor professionista iscritto all’Ordine Nazionale degli Psicologi Italiani e il superamento dell’Esame di Stato che consente l’iscrizione all’Albo degli Psicologi della Regione di appartenenza, obbligatoria per esercitare.
Tale qualifica gli permette di intervenire su problematiche affettive, relazionali e sociali, sia in età evolutiva (infanzia e adolescenza), sia in età adulta (individuale, coppia, gruppo o famiglia). Lo psicologo può fare diagnosi, valutazioni, interventi di prevenzione, ma non "cura", non prescrive farmaci, ma utilizza la relazione, l’ascolto, l’empatia, la parola, come strumenti, naturalmente utilizzandoli secondo specifiche tecniche basate sulle teorie fondamentali alle quali fa riferimento il professionista.
CHI È E COSA FA LO PSICOTERAPEUTA ? PSICOTERAPEUTA: è un laureato in psicologia o in medicina con una specializzazione di almeno quattro anni in una scuola riconosciuta ufficialmente dallo stato italiano. Questo consente l’iscrizione all’elenco degli psicoterapeuti dell’Ordine degli Psicologi. Lo Psicoterapeuta è colui che "cura" la patologia, e aiuta la persona a tornare ad una condizione di benessere, magari migliore di quello precedente come problemi di origine esistenziale (fobie, traumi, lutti, separazioni, timidezza, complessi, ecc.) o psicopatologie(disturbi d’ansia, attacchi di panico, depressione, disturbo ossessivo compulsivo, ipocondria, ecc.). Non utilizza farmaci, benché possa prevedere la combinazione di psicoterapia e psicofarmacologia.
La differenza tra gli psicoterapeuti sta nella loro formazione a Modelli diversi di terapia,  esistono diverse Scuole di specializzazione che propongo percorsi riferiti ad approcci teorici e metodologici anche molto differenti tra loro, come per esempio il modello di terapia breve strategica, di terapia psicoanalitica, psicodinamico, sistemica, cognitiva, comportamentale, etc. etc.
Per questo i Modelli di riferimento seguiti dallo psicoterapeuta possono condurre a terapie con tempi ed esiti estremamente diversi.  
Fonte: http://rolandociofi.blogspot.it/2013/08/differenze-tra-counselour-coach.html
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micro961 ¡ 2 years ago
Angie G,  Facciamo un altro post
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l'artista  presenta il suo terzo inedito
Quando si inizia bene non si può che continuare meglio! E’ il caso della giovanissima Angela Natalia Galeone, in arte Angie G, 15enne cantante sanvitese che presenta il suo terzo ed inedito singolo estivo dal titolo “Facciamo un altro post”, uscito il 12 Luglio. Il brano ha tutte le carte in regola per essere una delle hit di questa estate 2022 caratterizzato  fin dall’inizio da una base ritmica che accompagna l’intero brano, il cui sound trasmette subito voglia di allegria e di ballare creando un mood piacevole e tipicamente estivo.
Anche il testo risulta orecchiabile, creato con incastri di parole dal tipico linguaggio usato dai millenials, ben legate al ritmo ed in linea con la musica. Azzeccato il titolo, che evidenzia una delle formule di comunicazione piÚ usate dai giovanissimi ed in questo Angie G è una perfetta rappresentante. Il suo stile pulito e moderno si completa con una voce intensa, dalla notevole abilità modulare, capace di attraversare le note dai toni alti e squillanti fino ai bassi e viceversa.
Il singolo è stato pubblicato dall’etichetta discografica DMB MANAGEMENT, la stessa dei due precedenti singoli di Angie, il primo inedito “Le cose che non mi hai mai detto", uscito lo scorso 8 Aprile (brano che in un mese ha raggiunto oltre 57.000 streaming sulla piattaforma digitale Spotify) ed il secondo singolo inedito “L´universo in mezzo ai guai”, uscito il 17 maggio. Tutti e tre i brani sono stati scritti dal talentuoso Giuseppe Macchitella, in arte Solo, pluripremiato giovane autore che ha instaurato un sodalizio particolare con Angie, ispirato spesso proprio dalla voce della giovane artista. Residente da poco tempo a Carovigno (provincia di Brindisi) Angie frequenta il secondo anno del Liceo Musicale “Durano” di Brindisi e ha partecipato al concorso canoro “Music Gallery” di Casamassima (Comune della provincia di Bari) arrivando semifinalista dopo la valutazione di un ́importante giuria, dove spiccava la presenza del noto direttore e maestro Beppe Vessicchio. Angie in questo periodo estivo è già stata ospite in diverse manifestazioni   nella provincia di Brindisi e parteciperà a tanti altri eventi canori in giro per l’Italia. Recentemente è arrivata in finale al concorso Premio “ Apulia Voice” edizione 2022 a Taranto, valutata da una prestigiosa giuria composta da Simona Bencini ( cantante dei Dirotta Su Cuba), la vocal coach Dada Loi e Riccardo Loda (A&R Manager della Warner Chappell Music).
Per sostenere e conoscere meglio il suo mondo e tutti i suoi aggiornamenti basta seguirla sui principali canali Social: Facebook, Instagram e Tik Tok e ovviamente ascoltarla ogni volta che volete su Spotify!
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kevinmallon ¡ 3 years ago
Kevin Mallon - Head Triathlon Coach and Co-program Director in Fairfax
HEAD TRIATHLON COACH AND CO-PROGRAM DIRECTOR IN FAIRFAX Kevin is the Head Coach and Co-Program Director of our Fairfax Team. He is a USAT Level I Certified Coach as well as an ASCA Level 2 swim coach. He has been coaching youth swimming since 2007, and has helped several elite athletes qualify for NCSA Junior Nationals, and USA Jr. Nationals, many of whom are pursuing collegiate swimming careers at Division I, II and III schools.
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Kevin began successfully competing in triathlons in 2009, racing distances ranging from sprint to Ironman. Naturally, he found himself coaching athletes who shared the same passion in endurance sports. As a coach, he looks to break down his athletes’ mechanics to help them develop a technically sound swim stroke, pedal stroke, and run stride. In doing so, Kevin’s athletes have seen success at the Boston Marathon, USAT Age Group Nationals, Collegiate Club Nationals and at several Ironman 70.3 races. Kevin individualizes each program to ensure his athletes are able to perform at their highest potential.
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tripeakathlete ¡ 1 year ago
Week of December 4 - 10, 2023
Congratulations to all of the athletes who raced this past weekend! I am incredibly proud of my team! This weekend, each and every one of you stepped up and delivered. I know I push you hard during our training sessions, subjecting you to countless burpees and strenuous exercises, but it is all for a reason. Standing on the sidelines, watching as each of you cross that finish line, brought me…
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remotecareers ¡ 3 years ago
Recruiting Coordinator (Remote/Contract)
ABOUT USAt Vida, we empower individuals to overcome chronic mental and physical health conditions, once and for all.
The impact of chronic conditions on healthcare is immense: in the US alone, chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease drive 80% of the $3 trillion healthcare spending, which is at 18% of GDP.
One in 3 individuals has a chronic health condition, and 1 in 4 struggles with mental health.Vida provides expert, personalized, on-demand health coaching and programs from a network of experienced health care providers and leading medical institutions.
Vida is a next generation continuous care platform for both consumers and businesses, combining a consumer mobile app, an enterprise care platform offering on demand 24/7 solutions for chronic conditions.
Vida platform runs in the cloud, captures real-time data from 100+ devices and apps, and integrates back to the employer, payer, and provider.
We are trusted by Fortune 1000 companies, major national payers and large providers to enable their employees live their healthiest lives.**Vida is authorized to do business in many, but not all, states.
If you are not located in or able to work from a state where Vida is registered, you will not be eligible for employment.
Please speak with your recruiter to learn more about where Vida is registered.ABOUT THE JOBAs our Talent Acquisition Coordinator, you will be responsible for supporting Vida’s ongoing talent needs by managing all aspects of the candidate interview experience.
You will support the Talent & People Team by coordinating and executing seamless and efficient processes, predominantly related to the coordination of the interview cycle from beginning to end to ensure a positive and consistent candidate experience.
You’ll serve as a point of contact for candidates throughout the entire interview experience process ensuring the highest quality of service.
In addition, you’ll also assist the team with other administrative duties as assigned.
RESPONSIBILITIESScheduling interviews and phone screens working directly with candidates and hiring managersMaintain Applicant Tracking System (Lever) updating candidate records, job postings and confirming new hiresTracking recruiting activities and providing candidate status in a weekly reportIdentifying opportunities for improving candidate experience and scheduling efficiencyCommunicate professionally and maintain a high level of confidentiality at all times both internally and externally with our candidatesIdentifying opportunities for improving candidate experience and scheduling efficiencyAssisting in the coordination of other recruiting activities as neededQUALIFICATIONS1-3 years of Talent Coordination experienceBasic understanding of Recruiting and HR concepts, policies and proceduresExcellent interpersonal and communication skills and attention to detailDemonstrated ability to provide the highest level of customer service to internal and external customersDemonstrated analytical skills with the ability to learn new systems or applicationsProficient in Google SuiteExperience of hiring across a breadth of roles in the health and wellness area is a plusVida is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer.Diversity is more than a commitment at Vida-it is the foundation of what we do.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, ancestry, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or Veteran status.
We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law.We seek to recruit, develop and retain the most talented people from a diverse candidate pool.
We don’t just accept differences – we celebrate them, we support them, and we thrive on them for the benefit of our employees, our platform and those we serve.
Vida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures.We do not accept unsolicited assistance from any headhunters or recruitment firms for any of our job openings.
All resumes or profiles submitted by search firms to any employee at Vida in any form without a valid, signed search agreement in place for the specific position will be deemed the sole property of Vida.
No fee will be paid in the event the candidate is hired by Vida as a result of the unsolicited referral.
The post Recruiting Coordinator (Remote/Contract) first appeared on Remote Careers.
from Remote Careers https://ift.tt/38hQqCl via IFTTT
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swimcyclesprint ¡ 4 years ago
Seriously, let's get silly.
Seriously, let’s get silly.
A good coach knows when to be serious and when to lend a smile. The balance is unique to each athlete, and a coaching skill honed only by on the job experience. And I am incredibly excited to announce that I’m officially ready to be the sometimes serious/sometimes silly coach for you! Coaching was my first calling all those years ago, and to have the formal USAT stamp of approval as a Level 1…
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newwaveswimbuoy ¡ 4 years ago
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Credit to @tri_me_ceph : #Repost @perfecttimingmultisport ・・・ ✨PTM Fit Fam✨ TriDawgs Multisport Club (Wilmington, Delaware) Submitted by Greg Cephas I started my journey in triathlon 4 years ago after always having an interest in it. I used to watch some of the coaches I coached with at Nike Smokey Mountain Running Camp train like crazy and I was super impressed with the work that they put into their training and how disciplined they were. Fast forward to four years ago when I finally decided to take that leap, I was kind of lost and didn't know where to start as far as swimming , biking , and running all merged together as one. I had a couple local friends ( Roy James and Mel Poteat) who had been competing in the sport already and one of them got me in the pool ( Roy) and the other ( Mel) suggested that I join the Tridawgs a triathlon team that she was already a member of. Joining them was one of the best decisions that I have made in a long time. From my first day at swim practice Coach Glenn worked with me to correct my form and get my breathing corrected and then I was off to the races. Training with the Tridawgs and being around a like minded flat out bad asses kept me motivated to put the work in and stay dedicated to a super physically and mentally demanding sport. Since entering the sport four years ago I have competed in two Duathlons , ten Sprint triathlons, one Ironman 70.3 , and made a trip out and competed at USAT Age Group Nationals and hit the age group podium four times in those four years. All of this would not have been possible without the help and guidance that I received as a member of the Tridawgs. The wealth of knowledge on this team across all three disciplines is something that you can't put a price tag on but since there is a price tag on it I would have to say the yearly dues of $12.50 is money well spent! LOL One of the things that the Tridawgs realize is the lack of diversity in the sport of triathlon and the outside factors that play a pivotal role in the lack of that diversity... ⬇️⬇️⬇️ . #swimbikerun #trilife #ironmantraining #ironmantri #swimmer #tri365 #tritraining #triathlontraining #3athlonlife #triathlete #thetrihood #t — view on Instagram https://newaveswim.com/3rCzmPK
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spellyjane ¡ 7 years ago
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Call this pride, showing off or bragging, sure it really is, but it is also thanks. The 2017 USAT rankings came out yesterday, I was thrilled to see my name at number 6 in women's 45-49 AG, mixed in with some amazing athletes. It prompted me to look to see if Ironman had fixed their 2017 rankings, there was a mix up with results and for a while my Cozumel result had me as 2nd instead of 3rd. So the overall Ironman AWA ranking had me at #2 in the Women's 45-49, which I immediately dismissed. Well, it seems that they have fixed the results and allocated the points and OMG, I have been pouring over the results thinking it must be wrong BUT, I am still #2. I absolutely must say some kind words here about my coach Rick Schopp at INTENT ... He dived right into the deep end with me when I signed up for 3 x Ironman and 3 x 70.3 including 2 world championship events where I wanted to seriously get after it. I can still remember his excited little giggle, he was so on board. We knew it was going to be a big year. So, that stash of trophies and my overall USAT and Ironman rankings are a testament to my hard work for sure, but to a damn fine, scary smart coach. Thank you Rick!
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multisportperformance ¡ 4 years ago
For The Female Triathlete: Leaving Diet Culture Behind
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At Multisport Performance Coaching, we work with athletes to become strong and fit to achieve high athletic performances year after year. Our worth as an athlete is not determined by the number on the scale or how we look in our tri suit. It is crucial that we consistently feel healthy, energized and strong. We understand the importance of nutrition in this sport, and we utilize food as fuel to set us up for success in both the short and long-run. We also believe that food is wholly meant to be enjoyed and celebrated, and this is how we approach nutrition, training and everyday life.
The beautiful thing about the sport of triathlon is that we have many tools within our reach to help us achieve our athletic goals, and food and nutrition are some of the greatest ones available. As a coach, I regularly communicate the importance of the quality, quantity and timing of nutrition to my athletes because of the critical role it plays in everyday training and its effect on race day performance. For many athletes, race day results are the top priority, and you cannot nail soley race nutrition if your daily nutrition leading into the event was not optimized as well.
There are times where I wish I could approach the topic of food/nutrition just as similarly as I do with hydration, power, heart rate, etc. This is not usually the case. Society has been inundated with “diet culture” messages for decades, and as we enter the holiday and new year season, these messages are about to come at us from every direction.
We are human and notice how we look (especially in our spandex gear that keeps us hydrodynamic and aerodynamic). For so many years, the media instilled in us (especially females) that our worth was in being “skinny”, and reinforced this notion by supplying us with unattainable, unrealistic, and photoshopped examples of what this looked like. Female athletes have also been marketed to that “thinness” is ideal, especially compared to our male counterparts. Thankfully nutritional science and more realistic approaches are becoming the norm in advertising and social media. Kudos to all the triathlon apparel companies showing us a much broader spectrum of female models in triathlon gear!
As a person who struggled with eating disorders throughout college and great fluctuations with my weight in my 20s, I feel like I can wholly relate to many of the issues that many of us face with our relationship with food/exercising. Focusing on my strength and athletic performance versus my size was the turning point in my relationship with food and my body, and this is also how I approach nutrition, training and racing with my athletes.
I often encourage athletes to focus on becoming strong (never obtaining “skinny”) through the training we do. If we lose too much weight and muscle as athletes, we set ourselves up for the negative responses such as: a drop in power output (which can negatively override the power to weight ratio), decreases in bone density and increased risk of injury/stress fractures, hormonal changes from Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (RED-S, formerly referred to as the female triad), and not fueling/or recovering properly leaving us with lackluster performances.
A case study I often refer to is professional triathlete, Holly Lawrence, and her 2017 performance at the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Chattanooga, Tennessee. A favorite to do really well at this event, she surprised the triathlon community at large when she DNF’ed (did not finish) and pulled out of the race less than halfway through the bike portion. She started the race several pounds lighter than her previous season the year before. She eventually elaborated on her performance and injuries on social media:
“It’s no secret I messed up in the lead up to World Champs this year [...] After racing so aggressively all early season (and a little bit too much) during my mid-season break I panicked and did way more than I was told to and should have. I picked up an injury- no surprise, and it hit me hard. The slow progress of my foot was scary, running out of time for 70.3 Worlds, unsure whether I'd have to withdraw and I was in a bad place. [...] I think it switched in something in my head  - If I lost a chunk of my body weight I would counter some of the fitness I'd lost and not hurt my foot. I've always been bigger than a lot of the female triathletes out there but it's never really bothered me or made me want to change, I just accepted it’s the way I am and especially in long distance being strong has paid off. After my injury hit and I wasn't running I started becoming stricter with my diet and was obviously getting leaner. But here is the crazy part. All of a sudden everyone (and I mean everyone!) was telling me how good I looked and how "fit" I looked. It honestly fueled me to keep going, I felt so crap about the injury and how my training was going it felt good. I have always prided myself on my smart approach to training, nutrition, recovery etc and coming from a science background (Bsc Sport Sci) something I've always been interested in and still am- so I am disappointed in myself for falling into this trap that so many athletes fall into. By the time I got to Worlds I felt like a total fraud- I wasn’t sure how much I could even run, my foot was semi-under control but totally unknown. The last couple months involved failing bike workouts, not only was I getting too precious about nailing bike workouts to compensate for not being able to run, but I wasn't fueling enough to hit my sessions properly because I focussed too much on body weight. Race day I had THE WORST swim of my life - I couldn't fake it, I'd lost my swim strength, the bike didn't get much better and I just didn't have anything. I was emotionally drained and didn't have the fight in me.”
Holly’s struggle is a reminder to us all that even the top athletes have to approach nutrition and body image just like we do, and being healthy rather than thin is critical to our goals and overall performance year after year. 
This holiday season, let’s leave this “diet culture” behind and embrace what individually works for each of us. MSP coaches are always here to have a conversation, determine your motivators, and help you achieve your goals.
-Tiffany Woods Multisport Performance Coaching USAT Level 1 CoachTraining Peaks Accredited, Level 1 AFAA Group Fit certified
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valessjpt ¡ 4 years ago
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Io che fingo un post allenamento dignitoso, anche se muoro. E si, anche io faccio fatica 🤪. Anche i vostri coach/trainer/allenatori quando si allenano (ammesso che lo facciano, o almeno l’abbiano fatto seriamente per un po’ di tempo.) La fatica non finisce mai, almeno mentre ti alleni e mentre sopporti i dolori successivi, ma questo è parte del processo. Il corpo, i muscoli, necessitano di stimoli efficaci, e se restate chiusi in pochi schemi motori, oppure usate i soliti pesi e i soliti esercizi, prima o poi i progressi rallentano. Quindi, ad ogni allenamento, date il 200%. Non il 100, perché di base so già che tenderete a risparmiarvi. State focalizzati/e, e impegnatevi al massimo. Ogni ripetizione come se fosse l’ultima. #bodybuilding #postallenamento #postworkout #allenamento #workout #fitnessgirl #fitness #fit #gym #gymlife #gymgirl #training #trainingday #trainingmotivation #motivation #saturday #saturdaymood #tomboy #tomboystyle #tomboyitalia (presso New Gym Novara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGcVZyulH-x/?igshid=fddofytm20mx
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webmarket01 ¡ 4 years ago
6 Science-Backed Tips to Help You Start Running for Weight Loss
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/6-science-backed-tips-to-help-you-start-running-for-weight-loss/
6 Science-Backed Tips to Help You Start Running for Weight Loss
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Running can help you lose weight, but not in the way might think. Follow these tips to run your way to weight loss.
Running is one of the best workouts for weight loss thanks to its accessibility.
Does swimming burn calories? Yes. How about cycling? Yes. How about a fancy fitness retreat in the south of France? Oui.
All of those things are great for weight loss, but they have a higher barrier to entry when compared to running. You need a pool, a bike, and a six-figure salary, respectively. But if you can afford even a cheap pair of running shoes, then you can run. You can run in hot weather. You can run in cold weather. You can run in the snow. You can run in the rain. You can run with a friend. You can run by yourself. You can even run every single day if you’re smart about recovery.
It’s that kind of accessibility that makes running one of the best workouts for weight loss. “You just need a pair of decent shoes, some creativity, and maybe a friend or two to develop a walking or running plan,” says Daniel O’Connor, Ph.D., professor of health and human performance at the University of Houston. “It’s less expensive than joining a gym or having a personal trainer.”
That’s a big deal considering time and opportunity are some of the biggest hurdles people face when trying to make fitness a priority. “Everyone is dealing with full schedules and competing priorities, so it’s often difficult to add something new to your routine without trading something else out,” O’Connor says.
You’ll still need to shift some things around to make running a serious part of your life, but being able to run right out your front door, free of charge, eliminates some very real roadblocks.
Still, running for weight loss is a little more complicated than hitting the pavement and hoping the pounds melt away. There’s a strategy involved, and we can help. Here’s everything you should know about running for weight loss.
What should runners eat to lose weight?
There are a billion benefits of running—including weight loss—but running isn’t a reason to ignore your diet, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. In fact, you could find yourself gaining weight if you over-fuel your runs.
“Most people overestimate the calories they burn on a run,” says Angela Rubin, USAT Level I triathlon coach and studio manager of Precision Running Lab at Equinox in Boston. As a very general estimation, you burn about 100 calories per 1.5km (use this calculator to determine how many calories you burn based on your weight). So if you run 3-4km, you’ll burn about 200 to 300 calories—a solid workout.
Just because you start running doesn’t mean you don’t need to be conscious about what you eat—the reality is that you need to create an overall calorie deficit if you want to lose weight.
“Weight loss is about creating a caloric imbalance, where you’re using slightly more calories than you’re consuming, say 200 calories per day,” O’Connor says. So while it’s totally normal to crave something sweet or carb-heavy after a run, you need to keep your indulgences in check if weight loss is your ultimate goal.
How many days a week should you run to lose weight?
Yes, athletes are constantly optimising their training plans and race-day strategies, but you don’t need to go crazy if you’re just starting out. “When it comes to weight loss, moving and burning calories are what matters,” O’Connor says. “If you like sprints, which have a higher rate of calories burned per minute, then have at it; but if you prefer walking or slower jogging, you’ll just need to spend more time to burn those calories.”
That said, a Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise study found that runners lost more weight than walkers over a six-year period, possibly because of the afterburn effect. “Running at a high intensity will create an afterburn, which is when your body continues to burn calories when you’re no longer moving,” Rubin says. She suggests starting with three 30-minute runs a week, sprinting for 30 seconds then recovering for 30 seconds to a minute.
How do you lose weight with strength training?
Cross-training is important for a few reasons: First off, it makes you a stronger runner and reduces your risk of injury. “Running is only hard on your joints if you don’t have the muscle to support them,” Rubin says. Secondly, lifting will help you lose weight. “The more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories you’ll burn at rest,” she says. That’s right, more muscle means more burned calories when you’re just sitting around.
How do you get the runner’s high?
The runner’s high is real: a Journal of Experimental Biology study shows that running releases endocannabinoids, which are associated with pleasure and could keep you coming back for more. But don’t worry if the idea of a runner’s high feels more distant than a marathon finish-line. You just need to move past the point in which running totally sucks.
“Your body is made to run, but you won’t have the conditioning if you never do it,” Rubin says. “Work your way up by running regularly (see: the three times a week we mentioned above), and it should start to feel more natural over a month.” Before you know it, weight loss may even become an afterthought, too.
Is it better to exercise in the morning?
While rolling out of bed earlier than usual isn’t always appealing, running first thing in the morning is a great habit to form for a few reasons. First, it guarantees you won’t skip out on your mileage later when work runs late, or you have an unexpected obligation. Plus, the morning miles might make you more productive and communicative with your colleagues and friends, as studies have found that running can sharpen your focus and critical thinking skills.
Also, according to recent research, people who exercise in the morning are more successful at losing weight than those who worked out at night. In the study, researchers divided 48 women into two groups—one that did aerobic exercise in the morning for six weeks, and another who worked out in the evening—and asked them to record what they ate during the period. The results found that the early bird exercisers consumed less calories throughout the day and ultimately lost more weight than the night owls.
Other studies have found that exercising in a fasted state—i.e., running before you eat breakfast in the morning—burns more fat than running after eating. If you are heading out on an empty stomach, though, aim for a shorter and easier route, so you’ll avoid bonking midway through. (Read: Don’t go on a long or high-intensity run under-fueled!)
Why is it important to get enough sleep?
While maintaining good habits during the day—eating well, exercising regularly—are crucial for weight loss, resting at night is just as important for keeping off the pounds. In a study published by Plos One journal last year, researchers found that people who skimped on sleep were more likely to have higher body mass indexes and larger waist circumferences than those who got adequate shut-eye.
The good news is, running may help you fall asleep easier and more deeply. Numerous studies have found that daily aerobic exercise—specifically the moderate to intense type, like cardio, strength training, and yoga—improves our sleep quality, which helps us avoid the consequences of sleep deprivation such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolism issues. If you run in the evening, make sure to leave enough time before bed to let your body temperature and heart rate lower, so you don’t feel too revved up to fall asleep.
The post 6 Science-Backed Tips to Help You Start Running for Weight Loss appeared first on Runner’s World Australia and New Zealand.
This content was originally published here.
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gnefitness-blog ¡ 4 years ago
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The GneFitness Track Club provides a fun, safe, and affordable environment for boys and girls, ages 5-18, to master the basics of track and field, to develop good sportsmanship, and to cultivate a healthy self-image. We accept youth athletes at all ability levels, exposing them to sprinting, distance running, hurdles, and field events such as long jump and high jump.
The program isn’t just about fun and fitness, but also the development of leadership skills. We provide our athletes with educational resources and access to great coaches and mentors. These services are offered to make our athletes more competitive and marketable for scholarship opportunities in the future.
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There are two types of registration: Regular Season (March until Mid-May) and Extended Season registration (March until July/August). Athletes ages 7-18 may register and compete for the extended season. This registration option entails participation in very competitive AAU meets, USATF meets, ESPN Wide World of Sports, and Junior Olympics. There will be travel involved with being a part of this team; families will be responsible for their own travel arrangements and lodging. Members are responsible for paying all AAU and USAT&F registration fees at track meets.
The membership fee for the is $346. These fees are not refundable or transferable. Additionally, note that fundraising is mandatory for all athletes $266 (returning athlete). The team will distribute a comprehensive fundraising plan that will clearly outline fundraising obligations. Parents will have the option to “opt-out” of fundraising by paying the designated amount.
Contact Us -
Address - (gneFitness - office)
6605 Longshore Street Suite 240 #121 Dublin, OH 43017-2774
Phone - 614. 396-7755
Website - Gne Fitness
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