#ursus arctos horribilis
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lazer-t · 2 months ago
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Grizzly Bear for a $15 Ko-fi supporter
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fisherman-fight · 1 year ago
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BEARS - "Look I know this is a stretch but I'd argue that you don't NEED a rod and shit to be a fisherman if you're still catching fish. Going into a river and catching fish with your hands and teeth is fishing. Bears are in that right the most well known and respected fisherman of nature, protecting the world from reams of those weird horny salmon and getting chonked up in the process for winter. Legendary the lot of them"
"You ever seen one of them suckers just smack a fish out of midair like WACHOW you ain't going upstream on my watch buster"
HAN TYUMI - "He's like, a depressed cyborg and he fishes [...] I Just Think He's Neat, also, KGLW lore is insane. Did you know Han-Tyumi also ends the universe by throwing up too hard"
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crudlynaturephotos · 2 months ago
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bigfootboyband · 1 year ago
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) with four green stripes in front of two trees Art by Scott Partridge ────────────────────── Ours grizzly avec quatre bandes vertes devant deux arbres Grizzlybär mit vier grünen Streifen vor zwei Bäumen Медведь гризли с четырьмя зелены��и полосами на фоне двух деревьев
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amnhnyc · 6 months ago
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With September underway, let’s take a look at a timely diorama in the Hall of North American Mammals for today’s Exhibit of the Day. The scene takes place on a September morning in Yellowstone National Park, and this mother grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) is showing her six-month-olds how to tear open a rotted pine to find ants and grubs to eat. You’d be wise to avoid stumbling upon this scene in the wild. Grizzly bears are unpredictable and may become aggressive if interrupted while eating or tending cubs. Did you know? The nickname “grizzly” comes from the grizzled, or silver-tipped, hairs on their backs and shoulders.
Photo: © AMNH
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mammalianmammals · 4 months ago
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Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis), mother with cub, family Ursidae, Grand Teton National Park, WY, USA
photograph by C.J. Adams | NPS
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transplutonic · 9 months ago
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biologer i synnerhet
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ah yes, my favorite protein, Sonic Hedgehog
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rjzimmerman · 10 months ago
Frontier myth vilified the California grizzly. Science tells a new story. (Washington Post)
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The grizzly, a subspecies of brown bear, has long held a place in mainstream American myth as a dangerous, even bloodthirsty creature. Its scientific name, Ursus arctos horribilis, means “the horrible bear.” But that image is being challenged by a new set of studies that combine modern biochemical analysis, historical research and Indigenous knowledge to bring the story of the California grizzly from fiction to fact.
In January, a team of experts led by University of California at Santa Barbara ecologist Alexis Mychajliw published a paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B about the diet of the California grizzly bear and how that influenced its extinction. The results challenge virtually every aspect of the bear’s established story.
“Pretty much everything that I thought I knew about these animals turned out to be wrong,” said Peter Alagona, an ecologist and historian at UCSB and co-author of the study.
Much of the grizzly bear’s long-standing narrative comes from stories, artwork and early photographs depicting California grizzlies as huge in size and aggressive in nature. Many of these reports, which found wide readership in newspapers elsewhere in the West and in the cities back East, were written by what Alagona calls the Californian influencers of their time.
“They were trying to get rich and famous by marketing themselves as these icons of the fading frontier,” Alagona said. “A lot of the historical sources that we have about grizzlies are actually not about grizzlies. They’re about this weird Victorian 19th-century celebrity culture.”
The team of ecologists, historians and archivists compared the image of California grizzlies from these frontier reports to harder data in the form of bear bones from museum collections all over the state.
The frontier myth had painted the California bears as larger than grizzlies elsewhere in the country, but the bone analysis revealed that they were the same size and weight, about 6 feet long and 440 pounds for the average adult.
In an even larger blow to the popular story of the vicious grizzly, the bones showed that before 1542, when the first Europeans arrived, the bears were only getting about 10 percent of their diet from preying on land animals. They were primarily herbivores, surviving on a varied diet of acorns, roots, berries, fish and occasionally larger prey such as deer.
As European-style farming and ranching began to dominate the landscape, grizzlies became more like the stories those frontier influencers were telling about them. The percentage of meat in their diet rose to about 25 percent, probably in large part because of the relative ease of catching a fenced-in cow or sheep compared to a wild elk.
Colonialism forced so many changes on the California landscape so quickly, affecting every species that the bears ate and interacted with, that the exact cause of this change will be difficult to ever fully understand.
Still, grizzlies were never as vicious or purely predatory as the stories made them out to be. The narrative of the huge killer bear instead fed a larger settler story of a landscape — and a people — that could not coexist with the settlers themselves. And that story became a disaster for more than just bears.
Although we will never have exact numbers, experts agree that hundreds of thousands of Indigenous people were living in what is now California before White settlers arrived. One frequently cited estimate puts the population at 340,000.
By 1900, that number had been slashed by more than 95 percent to around 16,000 surviving tribal members throughout the state. Eliminating the bear and the vast majority of California’s Indigenous people can be seen as parts of the same concerted effort to replace one landscape — and one set of stories — with another.
“The annihilation of the California grizzly bear was part of a much larger campaign of annihilation,” Alagona said. “I think it’s clear that what happened in California meets the legal definition of a genocide. But in a way, it was even more than that, because these were not just attempts to eliminate groups of people. These were attempts to destroy an entire world.”
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slavicgerman · 4 months ago
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thatwobblychair · 11 months ago
141 Bear! Edition
Cause what if 141 were bears?
Including bear facts ! Why? Because bears are cute. 💕
Ghost: Spirit Bear "Kermode Bear"
Ursus americanus kermodei
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A subspecies of the American Black Bear that lives exclusively on the coastal shores of British Columbia, Canada.
They are not actually albinos, but instead have a recessive gene that causes the white pigmentation to their fur and eyes. For example, two black 'kermode bears' with the recessive gene can produce a white furred bear.
The white fur is thought to be advantageous towards hunting salmon, as it is theorised that the white colour makes it harder for fish to evade them.
Soap: Sun Bear
Helarctos malayanus
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An Asiatic bear that stands as the smallest of all bear species, ranging from northeastern India and extending south to Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
They measure between 4-5 ft from tail to snout and weigh between 55- 145 lbs. It is an excellent climber that is known to be the most arboreal of all bears.
Their name is derived from the orangey- cream colour 'sun' crest on their chest. Another name for them is Honey Bear or beruang madu, in Malay/Indonesian due to their love of feeding on honey combs.
Gaz: Cinnamon Bear
Ursus americanus cinnamomum
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Another subspecies and colour morph of the American Black Bear. It is thought to exist and interbreed with the black coloured American Black Bears.
The name is derived from the brown to red-brown fur colour that resembles cinnamon. It's coat colouration is theorised to be a mimic of grizzly bears who may also cohabit the same areas.
Price: Grizzly Bear "North American Brown Bear"
Ursus arctos horribilis
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Despite being known as the 'grizzly bear' or 'grizzly', the bear is categorised as a subspecies or pop. of the Brown Bear, a species that originates in Eurasia. It is thought that this subspecies/pop. migrated to North America between 177,000 BP ~ 111,000 BP.
There are other morphological forms of brown bears in North America also termed as 'grizzly' that were once considered subspecies but is now synonmised with Ursus arctos horribilis, such as the "Kodiak Bear and the "Alaska Peninsular Bear". The 'grizzly bear' historical range starts from Alaska to Mexico, taking in consideration of past subspecies that are now extinct, though it's current population is situated mainly in North America.
It's name came from the descriptor 'grisley' which can be read as 'grizzled' - grey haired, or "grisly" -fearsome, inspiring, though it was formally classified as U. horribilis, for it's terrible character in 1815.
*all facts taken from wiki. If there are any mistakes let me know!
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spinus-pinus · 4 months ago
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Grizzly Bear Ursus arctos horribilis
10/7/2023 San Diego Zoo, California
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dogsagainstbenitojuarez · 2 months ago
Oh can can you also ask him to explain what "no bag limit on trannies" mean? :)
@ursus-arctos-horribilis-chadder I think the annoying guy us trying to bait you to get you blocked. So like do with that what you will.
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cypherdecypher · 2 years ago
Animal of the Day!
North American Brown Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)
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(Photo by Jean Beaufort)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Alaska; Western Canada; Northern Canada
Size (Weight/Length)- 300 kg; 2.5 m
Diet- Large mammals; Fish; Fruits; Grasses; Roots; Nuts; Carrion; Insects
Cool Facts- Also known as the grizzly bear, the North American brown bear is the third largest brown bear subspecies in the world. Grizzly bears are mostly solitary outside of large gatherings for feeding during the salmon run or mating. Grizzly bears play a massive role in ecosystem health including helping to spread plant seeds by eating fruit and distributing nutrients by dragging salmon into the forest. They also help in reducing grazing animal numbers, keeping meadows lush and forests full. Originally spanning from Arizona to Alaska, starting from colonialism and ending in 1975, North American brown bear range fell by 98%. Luckily, through extensive protections in the USA and Canada, grizzly bear populations have skyrocketed. Efforts continue to reintroduce larger populations of these bears to the lower 48 states.
Rating- 13/10 (An American icon.)
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ow-my-skin · 20 days ago
Anyone heard from @ursus-arctos-horribilis-chadder lately?
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kirkendauhl-v2 · 11 months ago
Thanks for the tag, @masgwi (:
Kathleen - Yung Gravy
Iridium - the Sidh
RRRRRRR - Coaley
Koto - CloZee
Enamorate- Dvicio (tumblr classic)
Neji - Lil Ricefield
Dose - Teddy Swims
AOK - Tai Verdes
Unholy Confessions - Avenged Sevenfold
Honey White- Morphine
Lady in Black - Fiddler's Green
Viking - Slaughter To Prevail
2055 - Sleepy Hallow
Bonus Round because I have a dash in my name:
爱如火 - 那艺娜
⬆️ (I follow a guy on instagram who lives in Chongqing and he uses this song a lot and I find it very catchy)
I tag @ursus-arctos-horribilis-chadder 😈 @cir-c @verbotenwurst @vvarhound @solemn-seas @songsintheattic and @paranoidbimboid
Do it or get sprayed 🔫
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