#urban transformation
whereserpentswalk · 6 months
Reblog to curse your followers and mutuals.
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binduspoint · 8 months
Exploring the Allure of Medchal, Telangana: A Rising Hotspot for Real Estate Development
All Rights reserved – A new residential area Medchal, located in the state of Telangana, has emerged as a prime destination for real estate developers and prospective homebuyers alike. With its strategic location, burgeoning infrastructure, and rapid urbanization, Medchal offers a compelling proposition for investment and residential living. In this article, we delve into the factors that make…
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iammannyj · 1 year
Happy Canada Day | Evolution of My Old Hood: Nostalgia, Gentrification, and Canada's Changing Landscape - Part 2
The Impact of Transit Developments: Eglinton Crosstown and the Ontario Line As I stand here, reminiscing about my childhood in Flemingdon Park and Thorncliffe Park, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia mixed with anticipation. The upcoming transit developments, the Eglinton Crosstown and the Ontario Line, will undoubtedly bring profound changes to the neighborhoods that shaped my early…
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Trying to include a werewolf in your story often causes an expectation they will transform for your audience. You have a lot of options for this, but once you've committed to one it's said something about the nature of a werewolf.
Painful transformations can make us feel horrified while watching it, and hope we never endure that kind of agony (AAWIL);
A swift and controlled change can emphasize the power a werewolf has, making this curse more aspiration (Underworld);
Instances where the transformation is very gradual over days leading up to the moon can be fairly tragic due to the loss of autonomy these characters experience (Silver Bullet).
It can be tempting to commit to an aesthetic, however it's essential to ensure the themes of your werewolf story match it. A werewolf who transforms relatively quickly and painlessly isn't going to mesh with a horrific and tragic narrative. They can still work. For instance, the emphasis on how easy it is to let go of their humanity, to indulge, how hard it is to keep the beast at bay. These are themes you can explore in a quick transformation. Perhaps, full moon changes are slow and painful because the human side is fighting their beast trying to tire it out before it gains control. In that we see a more heroic element to the lycanthrope.
Please reblog with your favourite werewolf transformations! Pretty sure my fav. is from Hemlock Grove, just so visceral!
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scandalouslamb · 8 months
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Diana Ring and Livia Cardew at the 10th Annual Reaping Celebration
—The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2023)
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crystalfic · 4 months
Tales and Transformations
Shanna narrowed her eyes at the Dungeon Master, who was currently paging through one of the manuals with a serene smile on her face. That smile meant trouble.
Their characters had ended up (again) in the local tavern, ostensibly to gather information. Knowing their DM, there would be information here, but the question was who she'd chosen as the sexy lamp this time. The bartender? A bit obvious, but she'd done it before. The stable hand? The pot boy? The young men serving tables? The pretty elf sitting alone in one corner?
Across the table, Melinda draw a breath. "Bartender!" she cried, deepening her voice to her imagined version of her orc warlock. "Another round!" Gleefully in character, she smacked the DM's kitchen table, a sturdy wooden thing that had survived dozens of D&D games, and Shanna half twisted in her seat to ask their DM's husband for more drinks.
The table cracked with a hollow splintering sound, dice jumping off the table and character sheets fluttering into the air.
The game group stared wide-eyed at the crack in the table, which currently held at least three D4s nestled into the split, and turned as one to look at Melinda.
"I am so, so sorry, I don't know how I did that," Melinda babbled, her voice sounding a little muffled; maybe she was trying to keep her stomach contents in place, she'd certainly gone a bit green.
Honestly, Shanna didn't know either. Melinda was five foot four and light enough for Shanna to pick up and carry around, and she'd never shown that kind of strength before.
"You must have been working out," the DM's husband Tim said, looking as impressed as a man can be when he's holding a jug of chilled juice. "Don't worry, we were planning to replace the table anyway." Calmly, he righted the empty plastic tumblers that they used for D&D sessions and refilled them. "If the adventuring party needs cookies, let me know."
Shanna chugged half of the cup in one go, then fished her favorite glittery D4 out of its wooden grave. "Right. Whose turn is it again?"
Rose, their paladin, shook her head and did the same. "Still Melinda's, I think."
Gameplay resumed; after getting some information out of the pickpocket who tried to steal from Shanna's tabaxi rogue, the party ventured forth into the Caves of Whatever Name The DM Made Up. They were promptly attacked by goblins, who were justifiably annoyed at a bunch of blundering explorers stumbling through their living space and blinding them with Rose's casting of Daylight.
With apologies tendered and a new map provided (so that the tall fools would not stumble into Goblin territory again), the party continued on.
The sound of a footstep made Shanna blink, and her ear twitched slightly as she turned to look at the intruder. Even before she saw him, she knew from the faint smell of soap and shaving foam that it was Tim, and the scent of chocolate said he bore cookies.
"Whoa, Shanna, where'd you get the contact lenses?" Tim asked, setting the plate down on the damaged table. "Are they meant to make your eyes all reflective? You looked like a cat for a moment." A flare of light made her squint. "And Julie, love, I appreciate your love of authenticity, but there's no need to sit in the dark."
"But we weren't," Julie the DM said, shaking her head as if to wake herself up.
But they had been. Somehow, they'd all been able to see as clearly as if the sun was shining.
"Thanks for the cookies, Tim," Rose said with a smile, reaching for the plate. The fingertips of her gauntlet closed lightly around a cookie, leaving smudges of chocolate on the metal (it should be plastic).
Shanna met Rose's eyes, seconds before her helmet closed them away.
Shanna met Melinda's eyes, and under artificial light the green tint to her skin was unmistakable.  
Shanna met Julie's eyes, and Julie reached out to brush Shanna's hair away from her ear.
Her pointed, furry ear.
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i-feel-odd · 4 months
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kimrinzleycreations · 11 months
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A shy homebody tries to paint a miniature for his new character. Despite being as shy as he is, he still really wants to be a part of a cool RPG group like those he watches on the internet and decides that a good start might be to show off some nicely painted minis. Maybe he'll catch the attention of that cool Tiefling and Elf couple who play all the time in the study lounge? With such a solid plan set up, he buys some paint from a store a bunch of ginger catgirls walk out of and sets off by drawing his ideal character (which is not at all an eggy thing!), an outgoing Orc ranger. But for whatever reason, the paint doesn't seem to be sticking to the figurine, and he's dreading having to go out and buy more. In fact, it seems to be taking several layers just to get anything to look right...
Over the course of a couple of days, they try to paint the miniature, not realising every drop of paint disappears and instead applies to them. Too focused on trying to get the mini looking just right, they don't realize that the paint stained on their hands begin to creep up their arms and making them look rather... large.
But progress is slowly made. And by the end of it, the mini looks fantastic and she feels more than capable of going out to show the world her sick painting skills and to get more paint to apply the finishing touches. And who knows, maybe she'll meet some fun people there as well?
[Empire Bay, shy egg to ultra confident Orc woman minicomic]
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marismolotov · 2 months
Various space-werewolf ideas:
These are all based on my favorite idea: a world where werewolf shifting is tied to the moon cycle of the planet they are born on, regardless of where they are, and regardless of if they have moonlight directly on them or not. So if a werewolf is out on a starship, they'll shift back and forth on seemingly meaningless intervals. A few ideas continuing off of this:
Werewolf that's born on a planet with a 27-year-old moon cycle, and they don't know they're a werewolf until it happens. And when it does happen…. well, you got 27 years of fur ahead of you.
There's a planet without a moon, but then it suddenly gains a moon, so all the werewolves there suddenly start shifting and have to adjust. (Alternatively, a planet with a moon suddenly loses its moon… in the middle of the night, which might mean that all the werewolves are stuck shifted until their planet gets a new moon.)
A werewolf on a very, very big planet wants to be permanently shifted, but their planet is so large that with a single moon, they're only shifted for about 1% of the day. Their solution is to use a tractor beam to steal the moons of every planet in the galaxy, so that they can cover every section of the surface and keep themselves always wolfy.
A werewolf from a planet with a comically short moon cycle. This one would be cool for a TTRPG. Imagine that you get increased strength on every odd turn off combat and decreased strength on every even turn.
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greenerteacups · 14 days
Hi! I wanted to ask in regards to chemistry: Do you think Hermione and the twins have chemistry? Because I feel like whenever she talked to them there was something in the air (with Fred mostly, but I think Rowling just used Fred as the designated twin for everything). I loathe the fics with that pairing though
Most of Hermione's interactions with the twins are mildly antagonistic, since she's either telling them off or getting pissed that they're about to do something stupid. Is there some chemistry in that? Sure, could be! It's the eye of the beholder. The twins are tall, funny, and confident; I'm sure many girls find them attractive, and Hermione might well be one of them.
The only interactions I remember off the top of my head as being eyebrow-raising are (1) Fred trying to beat up Draco with his fists after the "mudblood" name-calling incident in COS, and (2) Fred giving Hermione healing ointment in OOTP after she used a boxing telescope (his telescope, mind, but it's still a nice gesture). Those are the two times we see Fred as consciously thinking about Hermione. Because we don't see any of the other older Weasleys do this — George/Percy/Charlie/Bill don't have any such micro-interactions with her — it reads like the author's calling attention to Fred and Hermione on purpose. There's so little romance in the books that a lot of gestures you could plausibly spin as friendly read as potential jumping-off points for romance.
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girlscience · 5 months
I know everybody likes to give characters the same 10 songs on their character playlists, but I think the most egregious issue with this is that no one gives them any country songs. I am handing them out to characters like candy. You get a country song, you get a country song, you get a country song.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Choose a transformation to permanently alter your body and remove your humanity.
1: get infected with lycanthrope (being bitten is the easiest way, but the curse can also be passed on through blood transfusions, or other bodily fluids). You'll be able to turn into a wolf any night when the moon shines, and you'll be compelled to when the moon is full. The other werewolves are likely to accept you into their community under most circumstances.
2: enter a local ufo to be turned into a cyborg. The visitors are dying to find a human who'll let you do this to them, and you might just be the one. Parts of your body will be replaced with strange and unknowable technology, thousands of years more advanced than what your backwater planet has. Who knows what you'll become, but it certainly won't be human.
3: allow a demon to possess you. While this sounds bad at first, most demons aren't actually sentient beings, but just semi sentient balls emotions. When they possess you it'll still be your mind and personality, just enhanced with the demon's emotions and desires, given its abilities. You'll also probably start looking more like what people consider a demon to look like after awhile, weather that be a body with horns and scales like the classic devil look, or something more animalistic, or even something more eldrich.
4: let the faeries play with you. This is a risky one but they're looking to be entertained by a cute little human to do things to. Who knows what they'll do to you, but we can be quite certain it'll be something very very interesting.
5: permanently psychically bond to a wyvern through the dreaming. For generations humans have done this to become wyvern riders, though rider is an odd term as your minds will be linked, you'll be able to know what it's feeling as well as it's sensations, and possibly even be able to control it directly with enough time, as easily as you'd control your own body. Though the wyvern and dreaming may effect you to, you'll likely become more creative and have more vivid dreams, at the cost of your ability to fit in with much of human society. Your body will also likely become more youthful, slender and androgynous, and may even take on wyvern like traits like slit pupils or sharp teeth.
6: permanently hybridize yourself with an animal of your choice. It's useally done with mammals for compatibility reasons, but it might work with anything. This is a slow process, involving weekly injections of Phlebotinum, and you'll get more and more like the animal you choose over the course of many months. There's no actual end limit to how long you can inject the Phlebotinum for, only a few weeks for some animal features, about a year for a 50/50 split, and if you never stop taking it ever you'll end up just becoming an animal of your choice. Be warned, it's a one way trip, so while you can always become less human, you can never reverse the changes.
7: be melted into a slime. Not much more to say about it. It'll probably be the most alien your physical form can become, as you'll have no solid body parts anymore, just an amorphous mass to move around. Natrual born slimes may be suspicious of you.
8: get bitten by a vampire and become a vampire yourself. You'll get most of the powers, from strength, to healing, to not needing sleep or food, along with the requirements to drink blood, and the weakness to silver and sunlight (you still can go out in the sun, but it won't be a pleasant experience). Your body will also change a lot, losing any sex characteristics, gaining red eyes and completely desaturated skin, and becoming extremely emaciated looking. Your mouth will also be able to shift at will between a humanoid shape, and a massive horrifying maw with huge fangs and strange mouth parts for drinking blood. There's likely a vampiric community around who'll accept you.
9: become a digital only being. You won't just be transforming your body, you'll be getting rid of it. Your entire vision will display what you'd usually see on a computer monitor, and you'll be able to type and move the mouse as easily as you can move your body now. You'll be entirely online without anything human to worry about.
10: become a spiritual being. Like a less online version of the last option. You'll become a spirit, without a body to worry about. You can't touch things, but you can move them psychically. You can also choose who can or can't see you, and how you appear to people.
11: have your entire body replaced by the cloth witches. They're always looking for humans to do this to. Every part of you will be replaced with artificial materials, usually you'll get a metal skeleton, stuffing for filling, and either cloth or plastic for your skin, like a doll of some sort but big and alive. You won't have to worry about a lot of the body things like dying or being tired or in pain, but be warned, you'll have to repair yourself with new material if damaged.
(Hey, I had to delete the first version of this poll and reupload it because of something on the old post setting off my silly little trauma. I feel like such an awful person for this, I'm sorry. But yeah, please reblog and interact with this version instead.)
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Fic for bookandyarndragon. A departure from my normal series, but a silly spooky season Transformers fic. Hope you enjoy!
Prompt - Transformers with legend of the Black Volga
“Hey, look at that one! Did you see their headlights?”
“And why would I be looking at those?”
ST3VE looked at the doctor who was standing where he thought his friends had been. 
“Ummm, Knockout? Sorry, I thought you were - well, someone else.”
“Who you wanted to see the headlights?” The doctor’s voice was pointed and held a malicious glee. “Do you even know who you were ogling?”
“Come on, it’s just one of the cars we imitate. Now, if I ran into another con with those specs. Well, it certainly helps me crank up my spike.”
“Oh dear, someone hasn’t been well informed. Blow a fuse lately?”
“Well, I figure they don’t crank your shaft.” ST3VE said and immediately regretted it as he saw Knockout smirk
“So no one told you about Volga?”
“That’s what they are calling the car?”
“That is a Cybertronian. On the small side for one of our species, but a very capable one nonetheless. And yes, that is their name.”
“So are they a Con or a Bot? I mean, why are they here?”
“Why don't I tell you?” 
Knockout led ST3VE around the corner to a darkened area where a single shaft of light illuminated the red Decepticon.
“Now, where were we? Oh yes, Volga. Well, no one knows exactly when they arrived but they go by the name of the car that they imitate. Most of the time, the humans don’t see them. But on windy roads at night, they like to pull alongside human drivers. Who normally are surprised to see a limo at night, but are not too afraid. Until they see that there is no driver.”
The Decepticon medic mused. “Of course, it isn’t just humans they drive off the road. Volga has been known to do the same to other Cybertronians when they run into them on a dark road too.”
Knockout clamped one servo on ST3VE’s shoulder plate. “Want to go talk to Volga? I’m sure they’d love to hear what you thought about their headlights”
ST3VE left, leaving skid marks as he ran away with Knockout laughing behind him.
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I like to think that whatever site Tarn posts his fanfiction on has an intricate tagging system like AO3, but he just... Does not tag his fics nearly enough. They're like one of those surprise grab bags.
Is it going to be an energon cafe au? Is it going to be Tarn getting railed by Megatron? Is it going to have unexpected oviposition? Is it going to be a trinefic because I feel like those are still super common in the tfp au even though Starscream lost her trinemates ages ago? Is it going to be ocs that oh totally aren't Tarn's "discreet" self insert and a stand in for Pharma nope no sirree he swears? Are there going to be kinks that are directly stolen from other races? Is it gonna be sfw fluff for once? Is it gonna be the most gruesome hurt/no comfort revenge fantasy? Is it going to be a thinly vieled "I walked into the djd having an orgy" fic because I know he's certainly considered writing that? Is it going to have surprise untagged mpreg? (which I've seen so many people on TikTok complain about untagged slash "oh fuck I missed a tag" mpreg or watersports) Is it going to be an omegaverse fic where I stg Tarn you stole that from the human internet?
You'll never know until you click!
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It has occurred to me that bayverse transformers exploding more and having more small parts kind of makes sense. In most other continuities, Cybertronians are made of metal that’s more solid with less parts but more flexible. It has more give to absorb shock rather than the explosive energon inside, like the difference between modern car models and older car models. So in Bayverse, upsetting the highly flammable components of your body is much easier. Bayverse transformers are made up of very solid metals that don’t bend and stretch nearly as well as other transformers do. To maintain their flexibility we visibly see that they have a lot of small parts of strong metal that overlap each other. I theorize that this makes them heavier and much slower compared to transformers from other continuities, such as Transformers Prime and g1 where someone as large as Optimus Prime can easily sprint as if they were the size of Arcee.
TLDR: Bayverse Cybertronians are slower and explode more than Cybertronians from other universes because their bodies are built like a 1940’s family car.
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
Team Prime learns (and maybe meets) some cryptids/urban legends
(Heads up, the last one includes death. It starts with "A wolf sits at the side of the...")
The less Ratchet thinks about the rude, little shit of a jackalope, the better off he is. It dented the side of his alt-mode, gouging deep as it insulted his intelligence when he pulled off the road.
To be fair, it's even smaller than a typical human and highly drunk as it slurred a warning about "idiot tourists staying after the sun sets" and "stupid big folk" and "Great Hunting."
It doesn't help that no one else believes him. Oh, sure: ghostly apparitions are fine, but a talking, big-antlered rabbit isn't?
The kids would roll their eyes and think he's trying too hard.
Optimus enjoys people-watching. He enjoys being part of the crowd. None distinguishable from the rest of the men when he uses his holomatter. There’s an old man that’s always at the bar. Hair long since grey, skin full of liver spots and translucent, back stooped, and yet he can out-drink everyone in the vicinity. His body is old and creaky, but his mind is still sharp, his tongue silver, and his hands fast on a fiddle.
Jack is his name. He’s well-acquainted with Optimus, who goes by Leo Cullen, as they struck up an odd friendship at the bar counter. Both are familiar with surviving in the true wild lands, with getting out of sticky situations and too-powerful authority figures, and ruminating on Gone Things.
Old Man Jack with his quick tongue and tired eyes carries a lantern carved from a turnip, and whenever the man and holomatter walk out together, Jack lights it up before his feet touch the ground outside.
Eventually, Optimus will be able to see how the shadows play with its light, the swirling color and shifting patterns on the turnip’s face, and Jack asks him:
“Did you make a piss-poor deal with the devil, too?”
On the outskirts of Jasper at the abandoned roads, there’s a different kind of race for a different breed of thrill-seekers, adrenaline junkies, and lost souls.
When the wind blows right and the night is dark, people race against the coyotes of dust and sand. With eerie eyes and haunting voices, they group together to form sandstorms as they chase after tires and wipe away the roads.
To the winners, howls will crown their victory as Jasper is right in their line of sight. To the losers, a storm will sweep over the area and wash all traces of the racer. Howls will welcome the newest member of the pack.
Arcee goes out there without anyone else and races. The sand scrapes over her plates, ghostly jaws snap over her tires, and her spark thrums wild as she cannot see anything in front, nor behind her, as the storm swallows her whole. 
She wins. She manages to overcome them and they howl at her victory.
Neither of them spoke of it, but when Bulkhead and Cliffjumper raced on an empty stretch of East coast highway under icy conditions, they saw a battle raging in the sea.
A massive serpentine shape with shades of onyx and midnight blues is wrapped around an equally massive squid-like form. Tentacles thrash, deadly hooks swirl within its suckers as it tries to puncture the serpent’s scales, and waves crash upon the rocky beach, the seawater rising high to meet the road. They see the foamy water pulling back and turning, turning, turning-
And then the serpent unhinges its jaw, wide enough to take a chunk out of the Ark, serrated and swordlike teeth gleam wickedly in the distance, and it sinks into the fat head and twists-
 The squid turns a ghastly white and the water calms as the victor and its prey disappear into deeper waters, the sea rippling and distorting before evening out.
“This planet has giant Quintessons.” This planet has a bigger critter that eats the giant Quintesson.” “Primus save us…”
A wolf sits at the side of the road. It’s the same wolf at the same point of the road, all the time, rain and shine. Bumblebee pulls over during his free time, and he notices it bleeding from its mouth and collar on its neck before it darts into the woods behind it.
Bumblebee doesn’t go after it because his comm rings and it’s Decepticon activity. He leaves and feels its heavy gaze upon his bumper.
The next time he stops, it’s still bleeding from its mouth and it moves to the tree line. It stops and looks back, beckoning him and Bumblebee follows.
The terrain is rough and there’s no set pavement, but he can handle it. It moves like the wind, speeding fast as it darts and weaves between trees.
If Bumblebee wasn’t a Cybertronian and so intuitively in control of his alt-mode, he would have run over the wolf that now lies on its belly on the ground.
His holomatter approaches slowly and it paws the ground, whining, pushing away the dead leaves and muck. 
Bumblebee digs deep and finds a familiar collar, he also finds bones and patches of faded cloth scraps.
He keeps tabs on the location’s local news when it finally breaks: an old couple gets their closure on their son and the family’s wolfdog that went missing decades ago. Fingers, adult ones, were stuck in the wolfdog's throat.
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