#urban legend eddie
sofiiel · 1 year
Hi so um my mind decided to wreck me today with thought about Monster/Cryptid!Eddie x Reader. Not a vampire or werewolf, just like DemoEddie. And because I made myself kinda sad...and my mind is cruel... I'm just gonna toss it here 🤷🏾‍♀️
Warnings: angst, violence, sadness, death. (morbid mindset me to kick off the afternoon...yaaay.)
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He changes at the chime of midnight, some cross between himself the Demogorgon and Demobat.
It's scary as hell and hideous.
Eddie's got nearly no control over himself in this state, and kills anyone and anything he can.
Problem is, he remembers all of it. He hates his transformations and when they end he spends hours trying to scrub blood off his hands.
He doesn't want to risk hurting you, so even though he is trying to live a normal life he never spends time with you after 11:30. His days seem normal to you and everyone around him, but he's carrying this secret with an ever constant fear.
He doesn't tell you why, he has to leave at the same time every day. But claims it a job, gig, or something to help Wayne.
Then one day you follow him out of concern, after talking with Dustin, Jeff, and some others. As they all voiced to you that they thought he was acting strange as well.
You think he might still be struggling with some of the ptsd he had after his ordeal. You'd rather not have him be alone if he's mentally hurting.
But following him was the worst thing you could have done.
You're confronted by a creature baring a striking resemblance to Eddie, deep within the woods.
Your mind tell you that can't be him, he can't be the thing devouring.....wait that's not an animal. You can see a hand and mangled leg within the carnage.
You run, but it smells your fear and makes chase.
It pounces, and you roll, pinned to the ground.
The creature shrieks at you with his claws digging into your shoulders.
You can't help but shudder as you look at its face. You could never mistake it, even as changed as it was now.
That thing is or was Eddie.
You don't know what's happened, but you try to talk to him. However, his eyes aren't registering your voice.
He opens his mouth and out comes this weird floral shaped thing with needled teeth.
You want to shut your eyes, but you need him to see you. If he could see he was frightening you, hurting you, he'd stop. Right?
You keep trying to talk him down. It isn't working.
A long dark tongue fires out from Eddie's floral mouth and wraps around your neck.
You're losing a lot of blood, and now you can't breathe.
You try to move your arms, if you could just touch him, maybe that would help. He knows your touch, he always said he loved it, craved it, survived off of it.
Though as you try, his claws press down tearing through, drawing more blood.
"It's me," you choke out, gasping for breath.
Water slips from the corner of your eyes. Eddie still seems unaffected.
"Don't you know me? C-can you not see me?" You wheeze.
Your limbs start to feel cold, and your vision is shaky.
There's no getting out of this. Shutting your eyes, you accept the pain of his claws digging clear through your shoulders, and you hug him. You hug him with all the strength you can afford.
Behind closed eyes, picturing the man you love as you remember him.
That beautiful, infectious smile.
You recall the sound of his laughter and your name rolling off Eddie's lips. The way he'd look at you, the way one might marvel at a spectacular sunrise. You hold onto him as if your hug could bring him back. You had to.
Eddie removes his tongue from around for neck, and for a second you're hopeful.
Blinding pain engulfs your chest and shoulders. He's knocked you back to the ground with his claws. You try to withhold a scream as that floral mouth and needled teeth gnaw a hole into your chest.
You wrap your arms around him again, hands tangled in his blood soaked hair, gently combing it. Hoping to fight his fury away with something gentle.
Your eyes are trying to focus on the odd wings protruding out his back instead of the mind-numbing pain.
"It's ok, Eddie," you struggle to get the words out. "I know this isn't you, it's not. This is not your fault."
But he's still tearing away, you can't withhold the scream anymore and it's earth shaking. Leaving even your own ears ringing.
Eddie stops moving and backs away. He violently shakes his head and starts clawing at himself until...
There next to you, trembling on his knees, is the Eddie you know.
He holds his hands out in front of him, every inch of his torn clothes and skin is painted scarlet. The smell makes him sick.
But when his eyes slowly trail up to you as you lay on the ground, hugging the open chest wound close, Eddie shouts. It doesn't seem like a sound a human should make. Something like the last screeches of a large, dying machine.
He's falling all over himself as he scrambles closer. Tears form paths down his blood riddled face. It hurts him to look at you, he couldn't stop himself, he did this.
Eddie wants to hold you, but he feels he shouldn't, not after what he's done. How could he? You probably didn't want him within 20ft of you.
He chokes out your name and takes your hand carefully, as if holding it alone could be the finishing blow.
You turn your head to look at him and smile, "knew you'd come to your senses."
Eddie shakes his head, he can't believe you're trying to make light of things, trying to comfort him after....
"I should have told you." he whispers while he cradles your hand to his cheek.
"But I thought, I thought you might run away, leave ... If you knew." His words ar eon the verge of whimpers.
You can feel his tears on your hand, and you can see his shoulders shake.
"If I loved you as a potential serial killer," you gave a fading chuckle, "and waited for your return....why would I leave over one really ugly tantrum."
Eddie choked out a chuckle through his tears. He dares to draw closer and either pets the top of your head or strokes your cheek.
He starts to pick you up, working slowly and gently to gather you off the ground.
"I'll get you to the hospital." He says. Sure, it won't go well for him being seen like this with you in such a state. But he'd take whatever punishment came his way. In his mind, he deserved it.
"Eddie don't -" you try to warn him, but a scream stops your words and draws Eddie to a halt. You can't be moved. It's much too painful.
And what's worse, you've not the strength to take the pain. Your vision wavers and fails.
Eddie's left to call your name, his voice cracks as he repeats that he's sorry and that you'll be ok.
"Just hold on"
"You said you would lea-" Eddie stops his desperate shaking of your body and collapses onto you. His fists wrap in your clothes as his body is wracked by wailing sobs.
When there's no more tears to cry, Eddie lingers curled up to you until moments before dawn.
He lays you down in the middle of the spring flowers, a place he knows your friends will find you. He gives you a kiss goodbye before vanishing into the wilderness.
Eddie would once again go missing, this time for good. He can't face his Uncle Wayne because of the torment of being the killer this time. He won't visit his friends, he'd rather leave them with a better memory of himself.
He would not leave them with the memory of the monster. The monster he now surrendered himself to, permanently. Better to live as the unfeeling creature then with the everlasting pain of losing who he loved with all his heart.
He leaves one last letter of closure for Wayne, addressing what to say to his friends and those that love him.
People around the country tell legends of a strange, mournful creature wandering woods and underground places. Its painful wailing can be heard at the crack of midnight. They say he rips the hearts from his victims in hopes of filling the empty space where his used to be.
But nothing is big enough.
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shyjusticewarrior · 15 days
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Bruce and Jason, Batman: Urban Legends
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Harvey and Jason, Task Force Z
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Tim and Jason, The Boy Wonder
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wynnyfryd · 4 months
@messessentialist told me her friend called to rant about spotting an “upsettingly beautiful boy in a tj maxx” and i vomited 1200 words about it, enjoy
fic idea: chrissy and eddie work together at tj maxx. one afternoon a guy comes in who’s so hot that it kinda just pisses eddie off? bc like, who does this gorgeous asshole think he is??? coming in here and popping his hip at eddie’s counter, like, does he even know how uncomfortable it is to start chubbin’ up in skinny jeans?? that shit chafes!
so eddie gets all flustered and responds by getting an attitude with the guy because he has zero chill (and also because the dude’s iced coffee is sweating a ring all over eddie’s counter, and so help him if his manager gets on his ass one more time about keeping his station tidy—)
“did you need help finding anything else today?” eddie sneers. “coasters, perhaps?”
upsettingly hot guy looks confused for a second before he follows eddie’s pointed glance at the plastic starbucks cup leaving a cold puddle on the laminate, and then he sneers right back; adjusts the ray bans nestled in his perfect honey brown hair and looks eddie up and down — long, slow, one eyebrow lifting in subtle elitist disapproval.
“what?” he snorts, “hot topic wasn’t hiring?”
oh, fuck you very much!
so eddie’s all ‘nemesis acquired’ and holds the biggest grudge of all time. makes a sworn enemy and a boogeyman out of the guy, turns him into urban legend, starts blaming the Upsettingly Beautiful Man for every little thing that goes wrong in his life — at work, at home, at band practice; no place is safe from the dreaded UBM.
“he’s not a fucking cryptid!” gareth snaps one day at rehearsal, chucking a drumstick at eddie’s head. “just track him down and bone already so you can shut the hell up!”
“wouldn’t he just talk about him more after they have sex?” jeff wonders, to which gareth narrows his eyes and raises his second drumstick as a threat.
meanwhile, eddie’s cute coworker chrissy (who he’s become surprisingly good friends with, to the point of referring to her as his work wife) gets a girlfriend. robin’s sooooo pretty, and soooo nice, and sooooo tall, eddie, did you know how tall she is?
yes, chrissy, he’s supremely aware of a stranger’s five-foot-eight-and-a-half stature now, thank you.
“you have to meet her!” chrissy gushes, bouncing up onto her toes.
eddie hangs another shirt. “you have to chill.”
“hey!” she pouts, pixar princess cute. “you wouldn’t tell the sun to dull its shine, would you?”
“i mean, i would, but i doubt the giant ball of plasma cares what i want.”
“okay, whatever, eeyore.” she rolls her eyes but she physically can’t stop beaming even as she does it, and eddie finds himself melting under it — some sort of radiant area attack coming from the apples of this girl’s cheeks, he swears, because the next thing he knows he’s agreeing to go to rando new girlfriend’s housewarming party this weekend so he can meet her properly.
only he doesn’t get to meet her properly, because when he shows up to the party the two bedroom apartment is packed with people he’s never seen, and it’s loud as fuck in here and he’s sweating through his leather from the six flights of stairs he had to climb to reach the place, so he steps through a sliding door out to the balcony and lo and behold, if it isn’t Upsettingly Beautiful Man looking upsettingly beautiful — positively fucking divine, actually, the last wisps of fuchsia sunset catching the gold streaks in his hair and dotting the tip of his flawless nose. Seriously, does this dude have any flaws? A scar, a birthmark, an unsightly ingrown hair? Eddie can’t even see a single blackhead for fuck’s sake.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer” the dude mutters, turning to look at him, and, “oh, my god, you again?”
“i’ve got a fucking coaster this time,” the guy says, lifting his solo cup and giving it a little shake to point out the cork round sitting underneath it, “so if that’s what you came out here to berate me for, then you’ll have to think of something else.”
“uh,” eddie says again, because he has no idea what brought this on but he’s pretty sure it has shit all to do with him, and pretty boy’s really working himself up now, arms moving in sharp gestures as he paces back and forth on the short balcony.
“not that it even matters if i didn’t have a coaster, because this is my house! i can do what i want with my own fucking stuff in my own fucking apartment, nance, i don’t— uh…”
pretty boy’s face blossoms rose petal red, a heavy blush creeping up his jawline as he catches himself mid rant and folds in on himself, crossing his arms over his chest with a sheepish expression.
eddie’s always had a thing for shepherding.
“i’m listening,” he says, popping a cigarette in his mouth and holding the pack out in offering. “if you care to vent.”
the guy — steve, eddie finds out — tells him all about his controlling ex-girlfriend as they work their way through two cigarettes each, the sun slipping away to reveal a full topaz moon, big and low and close, ripe citrus bending the branch of a tree. nance was a real piece of work by the sounds of it, and eddie feels like an absolute shit for the way he treated steve, who had apparently just gotten dumped the night before they met and had been out shopping for a “please take me back” present.
“like that was ever gonna work,” steve mumbles, ashing over the railing. “pathetic. anyway, sorry i was rude to you that day or whatever.”
“you weren’t.”
“nah, i was.” steve shifts his weight, knocks their shoulders together. “not that you didn’t deserve it.”
“yeahhhh,” eddie agrees, cringing at himself. “sorry.”
“all good. so what’s your story then, huh? who pissed in your cheerios that day?”
eddie blames the alcohol fumes wafting from steve’s cup — a justification that makes perfect sense and would totally hold up in a court of law — for what he says next.
“honestly? you.”
steve’s face is so cartoonishly offended that eddie busts out laughing, eyes crinkling, head thrown back.
“oh, so you’re just an asshole,” steve nods sagely. “first cute guy to flirt with me in six weeks is a lunatic. love that for me.”
“no, i—” eddie laughs, “okay, we’re coming back to how you think i’m cute, but i just meant, uh-”
oh, fuck it. eddie’s never been good at holding his cards close to the chest. more of a 52 pick up kinda guy, historically, and why change now?
“you were so gorgeous it, like, genuinely upset me for a second,” eddie admits, running his tongue over his lip. he stubs out his cigarette; turns to look right at steve. “like, uh, like cuteness aggression or some shit.”
steve mirrors his posture, leaning an elbow on the railing, nearly chest to chest. “so you are crazy,” he smiles.
“that’s correct.” eddie swallows.
steve moves in to close the gap. “good crazy?”
“fun crazy, so i’m told.”
“i’m gonna kiss you if that’s cool.”
the kiss tastes like ripe citrus
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Jeanette MacDonald (The Merry Widow, Monte Carlo)— vivacious and luminous, jeanette macdonald was known for her beautiful operatic soprano voice. she appeared in a series of witty and sparkling musical comedies directed by ernst lubitsch in the early 1930s, usually opposite maurice chevalier. in the late 30s and 40s she was often paired with operatic baritone nelson eddy.
Katharine Hepburn (Bringing Up Baby, The Philadelphia Story, The African Queen)—This woman. I have been obsessed with her for years. I know the urban legend is a popular one at this point of her walking around set in her underwear when her pants were stolen and she was left with only a skirt, but the pants thing is honestly enough for her to be the hottest in the room in my book. She refused to wear anything else at a time when the public in general and especially the studios did not like that. She was independent, stubborn, and so so very capable. Competency kink anyone? Also, if you want one final way that Katharine's entire life was saying "fuck you" to the establishment, it started young! Her mother took her to suffrage events, and she never got rid of that attitude of justice. I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of all the ways she was such a badass that I'm turning into a rambling mess instead.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Jeanette Macdonald:
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Gifset: https://www.tumblr.com/mydailyvintagephotos/687386480054812672/remembering-jeanette-macdonald-on-her-birthday
Gifset 2: https://www.tumblr.com/marypickfords/186755987894/jeanette-macdonald-in-one-hour-with-you-ernst
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Katharine Hepburn propaganda:
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I'm sure one million people will submit her as an iconic Hollywood star but that iconicness might lead people to forget just how insanely hot she was like she had it ALL she was skilled she was funny she was smart she was beautiful AND she was likely bisexual
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The single word I would use to explain Katherine Hepburn's appeal is *range*. In her acting career, that meant covering all the ground between lush period dramas and the comedies she did with Carey Grant and Spencer Tracey. In terms of hotness, it meant an uncanny ability to bring anything from a Dietrich-esque androgyny to some of the best Classic Hollywood Glamour you will ever see.
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Katharine hep was so cool. The VIBES, the INDEPENDENCE,,, living life on her own terms.
she just had this.... bearing to her, this power. she could be funny, even silly (like in bringing up baby) but also so regal and elegant. she was nobody's fool and dear GOD that's so hot
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Fancam link
She’s not only stunningly gorgeous (those eyes that pierce your soul! a jawline you could cut glass with!) but her delivery and physical presence in roles gives off confidence and authority in such a sexy way (truly the biggest dick energy of Old Hollywood). Her fiery energy in The Philadelphia Story? Unmatched.
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God she's. She's so hot y'all. She has the range!!!!! Funny and dramatic and lovely
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She IS the transatlantic accent. Classically gorgeous and such a strong personality.
She's literally one of the funniest women to ever live! She goes shot for shot with Cary Grant in Philadelphia Story and we damn well love her for it! She's the most annoying creature to ever live in Bringing Up Baby but she's so insane and funny that we simply cannot help but fall in love with her (and root for her to give Grant an aneurysm!)
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i know she's accounted for but i really want to be sure someone has submitted the scene in bringing up baby where she's pretending to be a gangster
She simply stuns onscreen; you cannot do anything but be captivated by her presence. Also a non-gender-conforming icon and mild tumblr celebrity by virtue of that one picture from The Warrior's Husband (stage play).
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Katharine Hepburn was out here casually changing the lives of young butch lesbians with her gender swag! She wore pants even when people said she shouldn’t, she refused to marry or have kids, and she wore menswear in at LEAST one movie!
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Someone's got to mention it, but she's won the most Oscars out of any performer and is largely considered one of the greatest actresses ever. She's got an incredible voice, an incredible presence, and she absolutely steals every scene she's in. She was private person and deemed standoffish and unapproachable, but she was also profoundly concerned for people's rights and was an outspoken supporter of abortion access. Finally, the Katharine Hepburn slacks look is just iconic. I mean look at her.
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If I start thinking about her face for too long I will cry she is so so hot. Katherine is so charismatic and charming in everything she appears in - watch her adopt a leopard and fall in love with her. Also she has the biggest dick energy ever (she and her pal Lauren Bacall share that accolade). Also had an incredibly long and varied career from screw ball comedies to serious dramas - she’s a queen of the screen and I adore her.
(I hope someone else submits real propaganda but just in case they don't:) Cries. Screams. Wails. The woman who singlehandedly made me realize I was bi. A real "do i want to look like her. be her. or be with her.' crisis, where the answer was all three. Holy shit please all three.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 8 months
Drama abounds when you're attacked by monstrous bats after an argument with Eddie and Steve Harrington comes to your rescue...
Warnings: Complicated feelings, unrequited love, angst, mentions of blood.
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This week had officially sucked.
Eddie was too busy following around his new girlfriend like a lovesick puppy to care what you were up to.
You wish it didn't bother you, but it did. All Eddie talked about was her and it drove you mad, jealously that began as small thing had grown and grown the last week or so. It was an awful feeling.
Shouldn't you be happy Eddie had found someone? Someone kind, pretty and who had so much in common with him. That's what a good friend should feel. Right now, this reaction made you feel guilty as hell.
"I don't know what your problem is. Why can't you just be happy that I'm happy! Maybe if you found someone yourself you wouldn't be like this?" Eddie had snapped at you earlier and the crushing feeling in your chest doubled.
It was dark now in Hawkins, Autumn was in full swing, the chilly wind nipping at you as you walked home.
Technically, you should be at Hellfire but after earlier you were in no mood tonight, you just wanted your bed and maybe a good binge of some of your favorite movies.
Anything that would help you forget about your feelings right now. Maybe scary movie, no romance whatsoever.
It was ironic you spoke about scary movies because the next minute you found yourself in one.
Hawkins was creepy after dark and you had heard enough tales from your relatives about the strange shit that went down here. At first you didn't believe it, Hawkins looked like any other picturesque small town... Well, until you looked closer and discovered the rot underneath the perfect facade.
Your friend Robin told you that spooky monsters roamed the woods, the rumours that freaky bat creatures hid in the shadows looking for prey. Not vampires, no actual bats that would rip you apart.
At first you thought it was some kind of old urban legend, that's until the bodies began the pile up and the legend grew and grew.
Now no one went into the woods, not even in groups. No one would risk it. Even walking past the woods to get home creeped you out, even if someone deep inside you were itching to know more about these bats.
Devil bats people called them. The side of you that was a big fan of mystery and investigating had researched as much as you could about these creatures but most of it was flimsy at best.
You're so lost in your thoughts that you miss the screeching sound the first time. The second time however chills you to the bone.
Screams fill the air, a man shouting for help and you freeze for a second before running to help. It's the stupidest thing you've done going straight into a frenzy of bats, but you can't just leave the guy to die.
When you reach the clearing into the woods you find your too late. The man is dead, blood seeping into the ground and bites on his neck.
Hawkins police station isn't far away. Maybe you could find Sheriff Hopper? You're about to run when you hear that screech again and one of the bats swoop down at you.
The tail is long and sharp and it lashes across your stomach before you can even move. Then the second bat is flying at you and you begin to run back out the forest and through the streets.
The bats are following you, four or them whipped up into a frenzy at the smell of your blood. They're smart to and dive down whipping their tails across your legs so you stumble and fall, your head smacks across the gravel on the road and dizziness makes your head spin.
You kick out at one of the bats and it hits the sucker right in the face, the other one uses its tail to wrap around your legs tightly, so hard that the sharpness of its tail cuts into you.
Two of them then work at ripping open your shirt and sinking their teeth into your side. The scream that leaves you is full of terror and pain, no fucking way are you dying now, theres still so much you want to do in life.
Wriggling around you try to throw one of the bats off you and it works but the second little bastard uses its wings and tiny, fierce claws to pierce into your skin to slow down your moments.
Just when it seems all hope is losr something slams into the bat and knocks it off you, you're so grateful for this and peer up to see Steve Harrington wielding a baseball bat covered in nails.
He slams it down on the bats head that has its tail wrapped around your leg and kills it instantly, freeing you. Dazed you stsnd up and Steve tosses you a crowbar.
"Take their heads off"
You don't have to be told twice and make quick work of the bats as more begin to fly your way. Pissed off, you swing the crowbar and tear off one of their tails.
Steve's hiss of pain captures your attention and you rush towards him and pull it away from Steve by its tail, Steve recovers and smashes the bat into its face.
His shirt is torn and you see a small trickle of blood seep through. The screeching stops as the last creature dies.
Tires squeal on the pavement and you hear your name being shouted. Eddie is running towards you, he looks as pale as a ghost when he reaches you and checks you for wounds.
"Eddie, what are you doing here?" Steve steadies you as you stumble. Eddie is still terribly pale as he answers.
"I heard you screaming, I was out looking for you because you didn't turn up at Hellfire and I felt like shit about earlier and then I heard you scream... I couldn't find you and I was terrified"
He's shaking as he takes in your appearance, his eyes wild.
"What the fuck were those things? Sweetheart?" you smile faintly, the adrenaline from fighting the bats wears off and you wince in pain and your head feels like it's spinning.
"I'm fine Ed's... I, woah" you faint and strong arms catch you before you fall.
When you come to you're at your house and resting on the sofa. Eddie is beside you looking extremely anxious.
"Thank fuck you're awake" his eyes are red and it looks like he's been crying, he won't admit it but you wonder if he was.
"You could have died... Those bats, shit if Steve hadn't found you when he did" His voice trails off and you gently squeeze his hand.
"I'm okay Ed's. Sore as shit but fine" he nods and kisses your cheek gently, then goes to help Steve with the bandages and antiseptic cream.
Gingerly you lift up your shirt and wince, it's soaked in blood which makes you feel nauseated. Eddie gently cleans the blood away as Steve cuts the bandages.
"Shit, these bastards got you good princess" he whispers worriedly. His nickname makes you ache.
"Don't call me that Ed's. Stacy, she doesn't like it" you whisper and he freezes.
"You're my best friend" he murmurs and the tension in the air deepens.
"Another thing she doesn't like Eddie. Maybe you're right and I should find someone. Would stop all this drama with Stacy" Eddie swallows and Steve steps forward.
"Munson, can you get more bandages incase these get bloodied up quickly" Eddie nods and hurries away.
The tension disappears, Steve gives you a sympathetic smile. Yeah, you were sick of the drama with all of this.
Steve gently patches you up and you feel yourself calm down for the first time tonight as you watch him work.
"Let me do yours, just take your shirt off and I'll help" he looks hesitant but nods and slips off his shirt.
You might have complicated feelings for Eddie but that didn't stop you from admiring Steve, he was handsome and now he was here in your house half naked. Georgia would have a field day if she knew about this.
When did he get so hairy? The thought pops into your head unbidden and it flusters you so much that you almost drop the antiseptic cream.
The bites draw you in again, a fresh one from tonight but also old ones. Bites that have left scars, marks from the bats tails that haven't faded.
You reach out to touch one gently, Steve watches you intently, there's a lot of tension in the air and the fact you could have died has you feeling rattled and in need of comfort.
Steve must be feeling the same thing as he dips his head down and his lips hover over yours.
He hesitates then his lips meet yours before he pulls away again. "Shit, I'm sorry. Shouldn't have done that" he mutters.
"It's okay. It was nice and kinda freeing not to think of Eddie every five minutes" he softens and you patch up the rest of him.
"Tell me about it. Felt the exact same with Nancy, it's better now but I still haven't found the right girl I want to be with, who isn't after me for just sex" you peer up at Steve, eager to say something comforting.
"You're awesome Steve, a badass monster fighter to boot. You'll find someone amazing"
Steve smiles and kisses your cheek, lingering just for a moment.
"Thank you sweetheart"
The door slams shut and you jump apart as Eddie comes in. He looks between the two of you with a blank expression on his face, eyes trailing to Steve who is shirtless and then your flustered look.
"Am I interrupting something here or..." Steve barely looks flustered as he shrugs on his shirt.
"Thanks for helping me patch up honey, call me if you need anything okay?" he smiles and squeezes your hand.
He leaves and your filled with a rush of jumbled feelings.
Could be an Eddie or Steve story :) Your choice.
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zoohouseart · 2 years
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An idea of how Ed Edd n Eddy's cast may appear as adults. I wrote a bio for each one too.
Ed: Married May Kanker right out of high school, had 26 kids all named after monster movies (all of which he's VERY protective of). Spends a simple life working on tree-lifting and mine digging, bathes in gravy every night. Misses Edd and Eddy a whole, whole lot. Unfortunately doesn't see them often, since they moved further into the city while he stayed in the cul-de-sac.
Edd (Double D): Cleaned his act, got the girl, gained a master's in science and engineering, became a teacher, and yet STILL isn't happy or widely respected. Has yet to fully address his long standing anxiety of taking off his hat. Cannot let himself catch a break as he stresses daily about getting the bills paid. Wishes there was more to life than this ever-revolving door of monotony.
Eddy: Flunked out of college. Works as an errand boy for the mayor of Peach Creek and "oversees productivity". Secretly continues to feed his compulsions to scam and gamble at any chance he can get. Spends his every evening dreaming of the day where HE's the mayor, and scheming up ideas he'll never enact (unless..). Often complains that jawbreakers aren't as big as they used to be.
Nazz: Lives a bohemian life, praying someday her time to shine will glisten once more as an "influencer" but works retail in the meantime. Mooches off her fiancée Edd and tries to make up for it in emotional (and erm, well, physical) support. Is struggling with the idea that she peaked in high school, but will never admit it. Mockingly called "Double Z" by Eddy, though she doesn't mind.
Kevin: Is the mayor of Peach Creek. Won this view through pure charisma and good word as the football king of Peach Creek High and general "best at everything", but is often these days fumbling the ball on keeping the streets safe and clean. Is now friends with Eddy, or at least he likes to think so. Is sad he didn't make it into pro league, and will sulk about it when noone's looking.
Sarah: Took up the job of being a shrink (specifically in anger management), and a general town do-gooder. She's often, even if obnoxiously, asking to help others. Has really turned her life around from her loudmouthed, vicious childhood and make up for her past cruelties.. but has mostly done so just to repress her unbridled rage bubbling inside. Whatever you do, don't bring up Jimmy in front of her.
Jimmy: Sarah and Jimmy were conjoined to the hip practically forever, until the day his braces came off. Once he did, he got the call from Hollywood for his incredible acting chops, and ditched his BFF without a second thought. People often tour Peach Creek to see his hometown, much to the chagrin of everyone there. Is a real piece of work these days and could use a nice ass whooping.
Rolf: Grew to be a mighty farmer, creating a titanic cattle industry. Used his profits to buy a massive chunk of Peach Creek and turn it into "New Yergosluvia", so his old country family could live nearby. There he resides as it's king, and frequently feuds with old friend Kevin. Wears Victor's pelt in honor of his life-long servitude to a son of a shepherd (Victor passed peacefully in his sleep).
Johnny 2x4: MIA. As the Eds became more accepted, Johnny became the new misfit. One day, tragedy suddenly struck Plank in senior year of high school, and Johnny was never seen again. There's urban legends of crudely drawn faces appearing on the trees around the old cul-de-sac they grew up in. Ed swears he's seen one tree move. But that's crazy Ed for you. …Right?
May Kanker: Spends her days mostly exhausted from having to take care of 26 children, and hardly ever leaves the house. When she's not trying to drown out the kids with a cranked up TV, she's spending every other hour gossiping about occurrences across the city with her sisters.. though there's not a lot of time between that and cleaning up shit smeared on the walls.
Marie Kanker: Was expelled from Peach Creek High School for stalking Edd and threatening harm on Nazz. She now spends her days as a forum rat on doxxing related message boards, betwixt a day job of driving a garbage truck, where she mostly rides around town spying on people and scribbling down their whereabouts. She too spends all remaining hours gossiping with her sisters.
Lee Kanker: Was mid-planning on going to college and had her life all figured out to be a part of law enforcement until she was unexpectedly locked up for "illegal wood burning". She swears she was framed but has no idea who could've done it. She's usually calling her sisters, but occasionally talks with Eddy. She's not interested in him anymore; they just like to shoot the shit sometimes.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
Hey, me again! Sorry to bother you but I wondering if I can send a request about my favourite family (but of course remember to take the time you need to write this or completely ignore this request if you don't like it)? I was thinking about the reader coming back home from an afternoon with the other girls and once she comes back, she sees the most adorable scenario she has ever seen. Eddie and the other boys sitting on the tiniest chairs ever, wearing tiaras, make up, fake earrings, playing having tea with Penny and her stuffed animals. Idk, I thought it was cute😅
But Again, feel free to ignore this request if you don't want to write it. Thank you and I hope you have a nice day❤️
this was such a cute request for them and i enjoyed every single second of writing it. i hope i did it justice and i hope you enjoy!
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𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐞𝐚 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
(girl dad!eddie munson x mom!reader/pregnant!reader)
warnings: imagery of men in terrible makeup and mentions of pregnancy (reader is pregnant) more penny, eddie and reader (and baby wayne) adventures here :)
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If someone were to have told younger you, you’d be a mom before you were the age of 21, you probably would have punched them in the face, strictly because of the implication and the jinxing. While having a baby was something you entertained after seeing a particularly cute one out in the world or something, you weren’t overly fond of the idea of raising a tiny human with someone or even on your own. You considered yourself much too selfish for that. 
  …However, if someone were to have told you you’d have Eddie Munson’s–one of three local freaks and town urban legend in the making—babies, you probably would have given them the keys to your car and maybe the deed to your parents’ home.
  Your crush on the metal head had a lasting effect on you. When you’d actually begun dating him, falling head over ass in love, being with him was all that mattered to you and it didn’t feel pathetic because it was all he wanted, too. 
  Immediately after graduation came marriage and then Penny, your cute little Oopsie as Eddie referred to her when she was in your tummy. You preferred it over his original nickname for her, which was Creampie, seeing as how he was sure that was how she’d been conceived. You forced him to change it.
  Of course, since you had said baby with another on the way, you had to provide for them. Eddie had already been employed at an autoshop—his skill with the mechanics of a car was probably what led to Penny’s conception, you just couldn’t help yourself when faced with Grease Monkey Eddie—and Eden got you a job with her at her father’s firm as his partner’s receptionist.
  It worked out pretty well, Eden didn’t have a car so you’d pick her up before work since she’d rather jump off her roof than drive with her dad, who was also her boss, then afterwards you’d drive back to the trailer where Eddie and Argyle would be waiting for the two of you (if Argyle wasn’t off, she’d chill with your little family until he came to get her because she didn’t want to go home and you couldn’t blame her).
  Normally, your job wasn’t super stressful, you’d just been exhausted lately, though you didn’t exert yourself (Eddie would never allow it). 
  Today you had felt every agonizing second of the work day, it had been so slow. You’d done all the filing, made all the copies, called all the people, there just hadn’t been as much going on as usual and after you’d managed to make it to lunch time, the last half of your shift was spent staring across the room at Eden, both of you blinking owlishly at each other, staring contests, trying to get paper airplanes to reach the other, anything to stave off the boredom. Suddenly, you couldn’t wait til you could take maternity leave. 
  After work, you’d both practically sprinted to your car, the ride was spent bitching about the work day. The closer you got to your home, the more life you felt began to fill you; energy the work day had sucked away returning to you at the notion of seeing Eddie and Penny.
  If you had known exactly what you’d be walking into, you may have transcended into a higher level of joy.
  You and Eden were still chatting as you shut your car doors, still shedding the weight of the work day. She’d been talking about moving in with Argyle, something she was desperate to do but her parents were still hesitant about when you unlocked the front door, pushing it open for her.
  Eden had walked through the doorway and stopped, causing you to run into her back. 
  “What’s the hold up?” You asked, peering around her shorter frame. The sight made you gasp.
  “Hi, honey!” Eddie greeted you, grin so wide it almost looked like it hurt.
  Eddie, Argyle and Jonathan—always dragged around with Argyle—were crouched in tiny pink plastic chairs (much too small for them to actually allow their weight to rest in, lest they break them) around the small table in the living room, which was cluttered with various kitchen utensils and Penny’s pink tea set. 
  Not an unusual sight, since they always indulge your three year old. What was new was the bright colors adorning their faces.
  Eddie had on bright purple eyeshadow (complete with poorly replicated wings of eyeliner), cheeks powdered with an even brighter pink and lips coated in a deep shade of red lipstick, meticulously applied judging by the precision. Pink clip-on earrings dangled from his lobes and around his waist was one of Penny's pink tutus—stretched to its limit.
  Argyle’s long dark locks were in two high, messy ponytails. His eyes were decorated with a blue eyeshadow (ruined with various marks and stains of mascara), cheeks powdered bright red and lips a coral orange. His tutu was purple and his earrings were red.
  But Jonathan…oh, Jonathan. His eyeshadow was pink, cheeks pink, and lipstick a bright red. Penny was always more gentle with Jonathan, for some reason. His makeup didn’t look as messily applied as the majority of Argyle’s and Eddie’s. Unlike with them, Penny had attempted to draw on eyelashes for him, and he had smatterings of glitter sporadically around his face. Not only did he have one of her pink tutus and green earrings, he also got the privilege of wearing her favorite pair of fairy wings.
  He refused to make eye contact with you, staring into the tiny, plastic tea cup clenched in his hand.
  “Hi, babe. What happened here?” You asked, hand moving to hide your smile, though you were pretty sure it was obvious. Penny—dressed in her pink princess dress and a purple feather boa, pretty little face also covered in makeup with a plastic crown carefully placed on her head to make sure her curls didn’t get tangled in the combs of it (Eddie had to have put it on her)—returned from the hallway closet where her toy box was located, arms full of her stuffed animals, all of which she dropped the moment she saw you.
  “Mommy!” She squealed and you squatted down to allow her to run into your arms as Eden stepped out of the way and disappeared into your room. “LOOK, MOMMY! I made daddy and unca Ahgle and unca Johnny puddy!”
  “Uh huh,” was all you could say without laughing. 
  “We awe having a tea pa’ty.” Penny informed you after she’d unwound her arms from around you, giving your baby bump a gentle pat before she ran back over to scoop up her stuffies. They were placed in the other empty plastic chairs surrounding the table and actually looked like they fit in the tiny seats, unlike the grown men.
  “Do you think I’m pretty, mama?” Eddie asked, batting his eyelashes at you with his red lips pulled into a mischievous smirk. Eddie was no stranger to makeup, you’d done his eyeliner for gigs plenty of times and he could now do it on his own, but that only involved lining his waterline and tightlining, not wings. 
  He and Jonathan had silently stared at themselves in the bedroom mirror, self reflecting on how they got themselves in this position, for longer than either of them would care to admit. But Eddie would do anything for Penny and he knew you would get a crack out of seeing him like this.
  Argyle was too high (it was a perpetual thing at this point, he’d been stuck in a high since back in high school) to care, although he’d wanted his ponytails braided and Penny wouldn’t allow it.
  “I think you’re something,” You offered through your giggles and Eddie chuckled along with you, stopping only when a flash of bright light momentarily lit up the room and blinded him. 
  Eden lowered the Polaroid camera she’d retrieved from your room, plucking the picture that whirled out. 
  She shook it briefly and examined the developing photo with a careful eye before she smirked. 
  “Oh, this is a good one. I gotta make a copy of this for Nance.” 
  Jonathan stood up then, kind of. His butt was still stuck in the tiny chair so it went with him. “Eden, give me the photo.”
  Eden took that as her cue to take another one, cackling as she grabbed the film. 
  Jonathan began to advance. 
  “Eden—I mean it, give me the pictures—EDEN!” He shouted as she bolted out of the front door. He ran (as best as he could with a tiny chair attached to his ass) after her with Argyle following him to play instigator. 
  “Run, baby, run!” Then when he realized he’d be in both pictures as well, “GET HER, JONATHAN!”
  Eddie was howling with laughter, causing Penny to join in even though she hadn’t been paying attention to what was going on. Once he calmed down, he stood up from his chair, pulling the thing off of his hips, he moved it to the side and sat on the carpet, patting the spot between his legs to beckon you over. 
  You set your bag on the counter and went over to join them, settling between his legs as you leaned back into his chest with his encouragement for cuddles. Eddie pressed a kiss to your forehead, no doubt leaving a kiss stain as Penny set a little tea cup on a plastic plate down in front of you.
  “He’we you go, mama.” 
  “Oh, thank you, Penny!” You lifted the teacup by its tiny handle and pretended to take a sip. “That’s very good!”
  “Yes,” she stated, pleased and already distracted with arranging her stuffed animals in their seats.
  “Long day?” Eddie asked, mumbling against the side of your head as he continued to press kisses wherever his lips could reach. He’d clocked the lingering bits of tension and stress on you the moment you’d walked into the trailer, he also swore he had a sixth sense tied to you somehow, because he could always tell when something was wrong. He’d get bouts of anxiety at work and come home to find out you’d had a terrible day, so he’d taken to just calling you when the feeling popped up. 
  He hadn’t been wrong yet.
  “Yeah,” You sighed, turning onto your side as you burrowed further into Eddie and the soft shirt he wore. “It’s better now, though.”
  He hummed as you lifted your head, lips puckered.  With a grin, he closed the small distance, giving you your ‘welcome home’ kiss.
  You broke away, the two of you smiling as your attention was drawn to your daughter, who looked shy and had a small smile of her own as she wrung her little hands together.
  “You kissed.” 
  Eddie chuckled, chest shaking against you. 
  “We’ve kissed before, baby.” He pointed out. She’d witnessed you exchange thousands of (appropriate) kisses in front of her but lately she’d been cooing every time Eddie showed you affection. You thought she may like seeing you two love each other like the couples in the cartoons she watched.
  “Yes.” She giggled into her little palms, shoulders rising as she became even more bashful.
  You shook your head in amusement, raising a hand to rest your chin in, thumb absentmindedly stroking over your lower lip. You were surprised to see a shade of red over the skin of your thumb, considering you’d worn a nude shade of lipstick.
  Oh. Eddie’s lipstick. Right.
  Then you got to thinking about it, the gears in your head turning as your eyebrows furrowed. 
  “Where’d you get this makeup?”
  Eddie and Penny exchanged nervous glances and there was a long pause in between your question and his answer, deciding to try to get out of this like his daughter often tried to.
  “Eddie, is this my makeup?!”
  “Baby, I have to go pee, can you move real quick?”
  “You’re not getting away, answer the question!”
  Yes. It was your makeup.
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mochiroreo · 11 months
There’s a bite to it
Modern!Eddie Munson x Vampire!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, Blood (not too graphic), blood loss, P in V, fingering, squirting, cream pie, soft smut.
Author’s note: (this is fic NOT beta’d 🥹) Well hello there and welcome! I know, I know its been a while. A lot has been happening these days but thank you for staying! Now starts the drop of my halloween specials, sorry it took this long! As always, Minors go awayyy. This is the first time I’m attempting to write this type of tropes 💀 thank you for reading!💖
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“Oh fuck off Gareth! What? You think I’m too “scared” for this dare?” Eddie stomped on the cigarette butt, his black boot squeaked at the pressure.
“No, but I’m just saying you can back out. We’re not gonna tease you for it.” Gareth looked at Jeff, silently asking for help to stop Eddie and just back out. “I mean yeah—“ Jeff started, scratching his nape while he thinks how to persuade Eddie to back out. “Look dude, you heard about the rumours. Some did not come back from entering that creepy mansion for the same reasons, a dare. It was just all for fun.”
Eddie scoffed at Jeff’s reasoning. Yeah, he is a ‘bit’ afraid, but his pride really won’t let him back down from a dare, let alone his friends’ dare. What started as a usual night for hellfire ended up with drinks and other games, resulting to Eddie losing continuously in a rock-paper-scissors game.
He sucked at the game so badly that he was practically the one that dug his own grave to protect his ego, asking for another round before the group decided to give him a dare for losing so much, which is to enter an abandoned mansion in Hawkins that is famous for all the kinds of rumours and urban legends surrounding it. From poltergeists to disappearances to murder. Making Eddie’s friends regret that they have mentioned it to him as a dare.
“I’m fucking getting out of that mansion alive. Jesus, what could happen in just one night?”
“Exactly! There is a LOT that could happen!” Gareth reasoned out, frustratedly gripping his hair. Eddie had the audacity to cackle and grab the bag that he packed for his dare, looking at his friends one last time before flicking his middle finger up to them. “You’re overthinking this. I have my phone with me so I’ll just call you or message if something happens y’know.” Turning around quickly to walk towards the eerie mansion, Eddie gulped. His prideful facade falling off when he faced the mansion. He is now feeling the cold autumn air, the crunching of the leaves as he walk towards the gate without looking back his friends.
If Eddie can hide how scared he is earlier, his sweaty palms and goosebumps can’t hide it now. He knew about the rumours and all the possible occult rituals that apparently happened inside the said mansion, he was such a big fan. But now that he’s in a dare he really don’t want to be in, he can’t help but curse the place for being at Hawkins.
He felt his jeans pockets if he brought his phone and power brick with him, making him sigh in relief when he got both. He really cannot afford to leave something, knowing how scared he already is. The old metal gate creaked, the wind blowing a tad bit harsher when he pushed himself in which made his skin pricked with goosebumps. He immediately walked inside, not having a single moment with the broken angel statues near the huge fountain at the garden (he watched too much Doctor who, thats for sure.)
Eddie let out a sigh, before looking around the place. He expected the mansion to be run downed, broken glasses,debris or blood everywhere. Maybe even cigarette butts and empty caps of syringe. But no, the place is immaculate and in pristine condition. The drapes where carefully folded, the sofa looking as if its new. Everything was black though, and he is liking how this mansion is styled.
He looked around before deciding to explore the second floor. He carefully walked upstairs as if someone can hear him, his boots creating a dull thud sound in every step on the carpeted floor. Eddie was met with a long hallway and dozens of doors scattered throughout yet he was intimidated with the one at the end, the biggest one that seems to be calling him. His eyes landed on a series of painting adorning the hall, a portrait of a woman that slowly loses her smile as he kept on walking towards the biggest door. It was as if every portrait was a different woman. A different nose, lips, eyes— as if all the artists that is trying to paint whoever the woman is does not know how to draw.
Eddie grabbed the brass knobs of the massive double doors, opening it slowly. His eyes twinkled when he finds out its a well-kept bedroom. The fact flying over his head, not thinking that someone must be living here for this to be this clean. Sighing, he took his leather jacket off and draped it on the chair, putting his bag down as well. He removed his shoes excitedly before plopping down at the soft mattress. “Holy shit. Why are people afraid of this house, this is such an awesome place to live in.” Eddie took a deep breath before sighing in relief. He yawned, not noticing the pair of red eyes that seemed to be watching him ever since he stepped inside.
“Well, it is indeed an awesome place to live in. I try to keep it clean. Have I done a good job?”
“Oh yeah you’ve done a won—“ if his eyes were closed earlier, now its as wide as saucers as he look around to find where the voice came from, before landing on the chair near the vanity mirror. Eddie gasped, his mind turning into a mush and his heart beating so fast that he knows its trying to jump out of his rib cage. “U-uhm— I just got dared—“ he tried to explain, sitting himself up on your bed. You looked at his nervous expression and find his stuttering adorable which made you laugh loudly. Eddie stopped explaining himself when he heard you, finally taking the time to look at you more closely.
It took him no time to notice that you are the woman in all of those portraits, yet they did not do you justice. You are ethereal, he thinks. Maybe that’s why the artists kept on changing things cause they cannot fully grasp your existence and just how beautiful you are?
You’ve noticed that he had gone quiet, making you tilt your head. Its been a while since you’ve had a human in your house. Have you already taken it too far? You leaned in a tad bit, moving the chair closer towards the bed. “Are you alright? Perhaps I’ve taken it too far?” You asked him, eyes tracing every inch of his face and oh. Oh. He looks downright delectable and delicious. Also adorable with how he is openly ogling your whole body. Dressed in a white dress that hugs your curves in a sinful way, not too thin yet not enough to hide all the things Eddie wanted to see.
You leaned forward, resting your head on your palms. The scent of Eddie wafted throughout the room, your eyes gleaming in delight. He smiles like smoked sandalwood and citrus which was an odd combination but made you more attracted towards him. It has been a while indeed since you had a taste of something that seemed so.. fresh. Eddie noticed the way your eyes raked over him, snapping him out of his desires. “I’m good I’m just trying to explain my situation cause I would really love not to get a lawsuit for breaking in someone’s house— I really thought this was abandoned.” He sat comfortably on your bed, eyes noticing the slightly longer than normal canines when you had given him a toothed smile before looking around your room.
“Well.. that’s what you, humans, say all the time whenever you enter this room and gets caught.” At this time, you have already stood up in front of the corner of the bed where Eddie is. “Said they they are just lost, curious, got dared..” you positioned yourself in between his dangling legs at the edge of the bed, loving how his breath hitched when your body is so close to his crotch, jaw tightening as if he is fighting himself to hold you. “But have you noticed something..” you drawled out the end of your sentence, cocking an eyebrow for him to say his name. “Eddie.. wait what do you mean us humans—?” he whispered. You did not pay any attention to his question, continuing your teasing. “Eddie, what a fitting name for your adorableness. But yes, Eddie, have you noticed something?”
Eddie just continued to stare at you, brown eyes locking in with your red ones, which he just noticed, his face filled with confusion. “If my eyes can’t give it away then- Look at that small vanity mirror, tell me if there is something wrong.” He quickly looked behind you to stare at the said mirror, immediately noticing that you don’t have a reflection. Sirens rang inside his head, yet he cannot move his body to run away from you. He watched enough horror movies to know what type of creature are those that live without a reflection. “V-vampire..?” He muttered, his face slightly paler when you nodded. You used your powers to turn the vanity mirror away, shutting the curtains, making Eddie jolt in shock with how quick the darkness engulfed the room.
His eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden lighting, it wasn’t too dark that he cannot see you, but definitely not bright enough to make him think clearly and think of a plan to escape. Denying inside his head that he is attracted to you. Your cold touch on his cheek made him jump, his hands landing on your hips which made you moan at the warmth. The sound definitely woke Eddie’s cock, and when he tried to remove his hands, you stopped him. “Its okay.. its okay. I’m not gonna hurt you.” You whispered softly, one hand cradling his cheek to make you look at him upwards while the other plays with his soft,curly hair. You usually don’t promise this to most of the humans that wanders on your house as they always end up being eaten anyway but to him,its different. “God, it’s been a while since I’ve smelled something as good as you. What a bonus that you are also a cure for sore eyes.” You chuckled in delight while Eddie gulped. Your eyes are definitely redder now, yet all Eddie felt was you putting more pressure to his crotch with your thighs while you move closer.
You duck your head, grabbing his nape to expose his neck for your soft,pink lips to latch on which had taken him aback. “Fuck” he muttered under his breath, hands tightening on your hips which made you inhale his scent deeply while sucking his pale skin harshly. “Please.. will you let me have a taste?” You whispered on his skin, trailing wet kisses all over while Eddie is slowly losing control on himself.
God, what did he walked into? Poltergeists, ghost, and cults, they said. Turns out, a fucking vampire lives in the mansion. He is not sure what scared him more, the fact that a vampire might suck him dry and die or the fact that even though he might get suck dry, he does not mind dying in such a way. Not trusting his voice, he gave you a small moan, craning his neck further. You pushed him onto the bed, red eyes now gleaming in delight. Eddie watched you with curiosity, definitely getting harder on his jeans when he watched your fangs grew longer. You leaned down to his neck once again, straddling him with ease.
Your plush thighs trapped him underneath you, hands holding his arms which made him feel trapped and wanted. “It might hurt a little but you’ll enjoy it, I promise you. Thank you for the meal.” Sucking in a breath, Eddie prepared himself before feeling your fangs prick his skin. He held your waist that you are pretty sure will give you bruises, not that you mind. In such a short time, you were completely smitten with how he smells divine and how he looks like he is meant to be with you. And with the taste of his blood, you weren’t sure how to let him go.
His taste was more than what you have expected, smooth and addicting. You sucked harder, blood filling your mouth. The hunger that was asleep for centuries re-igniting inside of you. No one has tasted this good. No one has made you feel intoxicated this way for ages. You almost lost yourself if not for the way Eddie caresses your hips and thighs after his bruising grip, lips forming into a lazy smile as if he is high. He is indeed high. Never had he expected for it to feel this.. good. If he’s going to die this way, might as well go all out, right?
The thought gave Eddie the confidence to moan loudly when he felt you suck harder again. One of his hand move to your back, tracing gentle circles while the other held your nape. “Yes. Take it, take what you think is yours. Does it taste good? I’m happy to give you more.” His words made you swoon, voice low and husky as he urge you to take more of him. Your hips now rutting on his clothed cock which made his eyes roll at the back of his skull. It’s too much for him, he just wants you to continue to use him. You continued to hump him, eager for a different type of release. Unlatching your mouth from his neck and licking it clean to close the wound. Eddie watched you sigh in bliss. His blood smeared at the side of your lips, which you licked, making sure you’re not wasting a drop of blood.
“Fuck, sweetheart—“ he choked out in pleasure, guiding his hands to your breasts and giving it a tentative squeeze. and giving it a squeeze. You gave him a toothy grin, retracting your fangs. You traced his bottom lip with your thumb, only for him to suck with while maintaining eye contact. The action made something snapped inside you, precautions flying out of the room. You slowly unraveled yourself, taking off your dress, your body now bare for Eddie. He looked at you in awe as if time froze before pulling you down for a searing kiss.
The kiss was hot,sticky, and messy from his blood. You cannot help the soft sighs that escaped your mouth when his lips found yours, his teeth tugging on your bottom lip before giving it a soft suck. Your knees buckled, weak with Eddie’s ministrations. He continued to kiss you deeply, playing with your nipples that made you pull away and bury your face on his neck. “Oh sweetheart, you’re so fucking beautiful.” He growled on your ear, before flipping your positions. He was now on top, straddling you as he look down. Taking off his shirt, it was your turn to run your hands on his lithe body. He isn’t bulky but holy fuck was he well defined on all the right places. And by the looks of it, his cock probably won’t disappoint as well.
Your mouth watered at the thought of his cock inside of you, taking you. You do not mind giving him the power over you, as long as he let you taste all of him. Eddie took of his clothes one by one, standing up quickly to remove his pants and boxers before going back to straddling you. Your eyes widened at his size. Not massively long but the girth of him makes you gulp. Your mouth watered but you cannot help but ask him one thing. “Well fuck me but— would that fit?!” The slight crack of your expression made him laugh, lightly stroking his length as he bury his face at the side of your neck to press wet kisses. “Oh it will fit. We will make it fit, don’t we?” His mouth slowly goes down to your breasts, sucking your pebbled nipples in delight. He continues to do so when you felt his hands cupping your bare pussy.
The action made you release a breath cause finally his hand is where you want it to be. The feeling of his warm palms and his cold rings just made you want more, bucking your hips slightly to ask him for more. He moved away to look into your eyes, rubbing your pussy gently and feeling how wet you are. “You’re soaking wet, jesus.” He mumbled, your eyebrows furrowed with just how his touch is making you lose yourself. “Other than it has been a while, you are the first human that made me feel this insatiable hunger again.”
Your statement made Eddie smirk, before inserting his finger deep to your cunt. The intrusion made you gasp loudly, his finger going in and out to slowly loosen you. Eddie felt you try to grind on his fingers, urging him to add one more. And another, his thumb rubbing your clit as three of his fingers slide in and out of you with ease with how wet you are for him.
He felt the rough patch inside of you, aiming and hitting your sweet-spot over and over again. Eddie can feel that your getting closer with how your breath quickens and how you kept on squeezing his fingers. “Ahh, I-I’m close— please Eddie, please.” This prompted him to go faster. You asked him politely, how can he say no? He watched the way your eyebrows scrunch, mouth open with a silent scream as you let go. You saw stars dancing underneath your eyelids, Eddie still thrusting his fingers and rubbing your clit making you extremely sensitive.
“Eddie— Eddie stop—“ you looked on his face that is holding a wide grin while you try to hold his wrist and stop him. “Ah ah, let go sweetheart, come on. You can give me another one, can ya?” Your hips cannot stay still as he continue to abuse your cunt. He quickly took notice of your tears that are bound to fall soon “I’m— I’m—“ stuttering as you try to warn him, a loud moan erupted from your chest as you get hit with your climax harder. Eddie continued only to slowly stop when he felt you squirt. “Well aren’t you a generous house host?” He teased, licking his fingers clean, letting your juices coat his mouth. His comment made you giggle before positioning his length, nudging his tip on your puffy cunt. “Why yes, I am. Though I am pretty sure I can give you more.” You cockily said, pulling him closer.
His lips found yours once again while he slowly pushes inside you. He swallowed your moans, before he moved away to groan. You might be a vampire but fuck, your cunt was so warm and tight for him that it made his eyes roll at the back of his skull. His thickness made your back arch, nails dragging down his back as he slowly build his speed. He watched you with hungry eyes, bare chests pressed while he try not to crush you with his weight. Your connection with him felt like a dream, in all the centuries you have lived, you have forgotten what it feels like to feel this desired, this wanted.
He fits you perfectly. His cock hitting the right places as his thrusts grew faster and harsher. You were a moaning mess underneath him, drool slightly building up at the side of your lips while your tears threaten to fall. Eddie’s fringe is matted to his forehead as he slam himself in and out of you like a wolf in rut. “S-so good. Ah,ah,ah” you mewled over and over, pulling him closer and wrapping your arms and legs on him to be as close to him as possible. His rhythm never stuttered, bringing you pleasure more and more.
Feeling your teeth scrape the side of his neck, he knew you were on the verge of cumming the same as him. Yet he knows you wanted more, needed more. “Do you want another taste? Come on, you can feed on me.” Tears were now flowing down your cheeks as you chant over and over while your fangs grew longer “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.” You were squeezing him, talking to himself inside his head not to cum yet but when your teeth sank on his skin, his hips stuttered.
The moment his blood hits your tongue and flooded your taste buds, you gave in. Your body convulsed as if you were hit by such a strong wave, while Eddie lets out a loud growl, filling you. Your senses were blank, pleasure taking over as you take and take. He had never felt so high and filled with pleasure. Is he seeing spots now that you kept on sucking his blood while he just cummed? Yes. Is it the best climax that he ever had in his life and was it worth it? Yes. He smiled drunkenly to himself as he feel his strength slipping away, softly combing your hair with his fingers. You felt his breathing slowly get softer before snapping out of the trance from his blood, his whole body crushing you when he passed out.
“Oh fuck—“
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Eddie woke up with a headache, feeling lightheaded. The curtains were drawn and the moon shining down through the huge window, illuminating the room alongside the lamps. You quietly sat down beside him, shyly handing him an apple and orange juice box. He took the juices with a lazy smile before bursting into laughter when you covered your face in embarrassment. “I am so sorry.” You mumbled, taking a peek on his reaction. This made him laugh even harder, clutching his stomach. He finally stops and removed your hands covering your face. “Hey, its okay, you literally took my breath away. You should be proud of that.” He teased, making you scoff at him which made him chuckle.
“You know.. its been centuries since I felt this type of connection towards someone.. Will you visit me again?” Holding his hand tenderly, you press it close to your chest while looking at him with pleading eyes and a pout. Eddie could not say no with how adorable you look at him compared to when you just met him. He was planning to tease you but the swelling of his heart made him do otherwise. “Of course! As long as you let me paint you AND hang it on your hall of fame.” “Hall of fame?” You asked him while chuckling, only to be met with a firm nod. “Fine fine.” you took his hand that was on your chest and kissed his palm with tender eyes that were looking at him with affection, the action making him blush. And making his cock hard.
“Sweetheart, you really need to stop making me horny at this point. I almost died the last time.” He joked, both of you laughing at his silliness.
If someone told Eddie that he would meet and sleep with a vampire, he would have probably laughed and punch the person who is clearly out of his mind. But now, doing both, he does not mind doing it again. Meeting a vampire AND having the best sex of his life? Deal.
And for some reason, as you watch Eddie drink both of the juices you gave him, you cannot help but stare intently at his face. Everything seemed to be so oddly familiar that your heart feels like you know him for the longest time which made your eyes slightly water.
Because, maybe you do.
After all, he looks exactly like the only lover that you had and loved two-centuries ago.
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence, swearing, no beta, warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: A voice calls to you.
Author's Note: Set around two weeks after the ‘earthquake’ and is canon-compliant except there is no Eddie in 1986. This fic takes a couple of chapters to get going, so stay with me. I am SO excited about this, and I think you will love where it goes.
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The colony screeched and swooped, taking off into the inky dusk sky with graceless chaos. Each bat had stretched their wings and dropped from their forest dwelling to join the trilling and flapping. Only one remained.
He perched high in the treetops, an unwillingness to join the others that was not typical for a bat. Impossible for a bat, depending on who you asked. He observed the night grow darker with an entirely unnatural sense of understanding.
Eventually, he would fall from the branch and join the others in the hunt for moths and wasps, beetles and bugs. The hunger would drive him to it, yet the hunger could never be satisfied. It had been like that for one hundred and fifty years.
He was the oldest in the colony and couldn’t remember being young. He couldn’t remember reveling in warm nights or cicada season. He felt as if he had always haunted the forest and always would. He felt, and that was the problem.
The other bats did as all Eptesicus fuscus did. They were born into a colony around April and spent a month nursing from their mothers. The pups grew up, hibernated in the winter, mated, and bared the next generation, ultimately living a short life, just shy of a decade at best.
This bat did not. He did not hibernate alone or with others. When they found warmth and shelter in dilapidated buildings, under tree bark, or in caves, he remained a presence on the boughs of the forest’s tallest trees. He did not mate and did not father. He did not fly patterns across the sky while the town below slept. He ate to survive and continued to live well beyond his species’ dictated years. Nothing more. Nothing less.
He watched over Hawkins, Indiana for over a century. With each passing year, things would change. Slowly, the wilderness had been reduced to clusters of wooded areas by modernisation and industrialisation. It was becoming more and more common for the bats to come into contact with humans. A vast majority of the time, the people screamed and ran, terrified of disease or spooked by urban legends. Some marveled at the bats with respectful awe. Some tried and failed to catch the needle-teethed things for sport. Mostly, they were left alone to mind their own bat business, and mostly, that’s what the ageless bat did.
It wasn’t until mid-nineteenth century that the bat sensed a deep and profound shift. The Lab was built and the earth suffered. The bat had an ariel view and echolocation, but he couldn’t know what happened within the walls. Decades passed and the mystery continued. By 1983 though, he knew his kind wasn’t the only nightmare fuel in the woods.
1984. 1985. And, in 1986 the ground split open, spilling the Upside Down into Hawkins. An earthquake, reported the news. The sixth sense innate in all animals knew better Deers, birds, and bees all migrated out of pattern. The colony of bats entirely disappeared one night, having feared the vibrations pulsating from the cracks in the earth.
Only one remained, an unshakable and quite possibly magical force tethering him to Hawkins.
“That town is no place for a witch,” came the warning. “Something is still wrong with Hawkins. Can’t you sense it?”
Infamous in Indiana, Hawkins was the place where buildings burnt and people went missing with threefold outcome. One: they were never seen again. Two: returned, but at what cost? Three: bodies found, so disfigured by unseen violence that it was hard not to believe in monsters.
When the streets fell apart in 1986, sending part of the town down into hell, it would have been fair for Hawkins to lose what remained of their resolve. Yet, the town would go on to rebuild, and between the freshly poured concrete and funeral services, a battle was fought in secret.
“A doorway was opened. They may not claim victory,” came another warning with a beg to heed.
Yes, it would be the fight of their lives, but it wasn’t for a witch to interfere with. That was a hard line in the sand of magic that even you would not cross. They called him Vecna, but you had no name for him. His sorcery was not of the natural world. To let him know of yours would be to risk it all.
There was more to you than witchcraft, however. Hawkins was a town in crisis, and there was space for you to help and heal.
“It’s not just him,” cried a third and final warning. “The ground is consecrated,”
“That’s old superstition,” you dismissed.
“So is blood moon bad luck, but look what happened last time. And falling brooms, broken mirrors, and circles of salt. We are superstition. There are some places witches should not go.”
Your mind was set and your path clear. “Something is calling me there. Doesn’t that have meaning?”
“Not all callings are sanctified,”
“Do we fear holiness or not?” you asked. “I can’t walk consecrated ground but should only show devotion to the sanctified calls?”
There was no answer.
You sighed and softened your voice. “Look, I know you mean well. All you do is out of love. I know that. But, I need to do this. It’s… I don’t know… So real. The calling. It almost has a voice,”
“The timing,” was offered as a reminder.
The first time you felt something coming from Hawkins was when the quote unquote earthquake happened. A catastrophic event like that had to have more consequences than just Vecna, you thought. It could have shifted other magic and natural musings.
“I’ve made up my mind,” you stated with boldness beyond your rank in the coven.
“Are you so willing to discount lore?”
“Folklore. It’s 1986. I know witchcraft isn’t a science, but you have to give me more credit than that. We don’t have to listen to every whisper on the wind and take for gospel the tea leaves in our cups… Nuances, you know?”
Your eyes stayed closed and your hand gripped the pen tightly, waiting for a reply to be sprawled out on the page. When nothing more came, ‘Are you so willing to discount lore?’ the last words scribbled in a handwriting not your own, you breathed out hard.
Automatic writing took a lot of energy out of you, but it was the best method of speaking to The Witches Who Came Before. Reading back their psychographic warnings, you felt a small sense of guilt over defying them, but more than guilty, you felt empathy for a town so beaten by evil over and over.
Hawkins was calling.
Aid workers, distressed families, and reporters had flooded the small town, making it all the more easy for you to slip by the city limits unnoticed. Although you weren’t sure what should or could be noticing you, there was still a small exhale of relief when you didn’t burst into flames as you drove passed the ‘Welcome to Hawkins’ sign.
The voice calling you to the town hadn’t been polite enough to give specific instructions. In lieu of directions or coordinates, you drove along roads that appeared to be out of the path of the earthquake, finding your way to a bar called The Hideaway.
Inside, patrons sat around watching their town on the news while staff rushed to cook food and package it up for the crisis centers.
“Bit of a wait on food, honey,” a waitress called to you.
“Just after a Coke.”
It seemed uncanny for a bar to be operational in the middle of an emergency, but it also befit a town so used to death. You took your can of Coke from the waitress, left a ten on the counter, and made your way around the tables to get to the noticeboard on the other side of the room.
Lost dogs. Swimming classes. Babysitters for hire. Then, your eyes landed on it.
Maybe it had already been volunteered to home displaced people, but you trusted it was worth a shot. “Hey, can I borrow your phone?” you asked the waitress, walking to the bar and leaning on it. She nodded and dumped the old rotary phone in front of you.
After four rings, “Forest Hills,”
“Ah, hey. I saw your flyer. About the one-bedroom. Is that still available?”
The woman made a scoffing sound. “Apparently beggars can be choosers. Ain’t nothing wrong with that trailer but Red Cross said it ain’t fit for people. On account of the mold, they said.” Her voice was gravelly from a pack a day, but she didn’t sound unkind.
“I don’t mind mold,”
“Guess it’s available then.”
The bat had never known illness or injury. Whatever was killing the trees though, had touched him. He didn’t wither and die like other flora and fauna, but he wasn’t unscathed. It was as if he was burnt from the inside out, a mark on his feet spreading slowly but surely.
The sensation was unpleasant at first, but grew more noxious. His wings wouldn’t stretch their full span, and he could only glide small distances. The bat found a small patch of trees not yet turned to ash, settling in at the base of one, hiding under brush for warmth.
It was a fine place to die, if that should be his fate. He was where he belonged.
Forest Hills Trailer Park had been subdivided again and again; any spare patch of land was used for caravans and tents of people left homeless or those coming to watch the disaster unfold.
The one-bedroom trailer Michelle, manager of the park, gave you the keys to was indeed in need of repair. There were air vents that sat wide open, the outside cold seeping through. Dark mold grew in the corner of the bedroom’s ceiling. And the carpet should have been replaced years prior.
The very first thing you did once alone in your new home was ring a small bell you kept in your bag. Three shrill rings for good fortune. For everything else, you’d need supplies.
The local general stores would likely be low on stock, and the shopping mall had burnt down only a year ago. It stood in ruin, yet to be redeveloped. Before you ventured to the shops, you decided to take a short walk around Forest Hills and the surrounding land to see what could be foraged.
As you passed people, some looked you up and down, Satanic Panic clouding their perception of anyone they considered to be different from themselves, to be ‘other’ in any way. Some neighbours though, waved and offered a friendly greeting. “Michelle con you into that old trailer?” one asked, to which you politely faked a laugh.
Out beyond the trailers and RVs was a patch of land that seemed unaffected by everything happening in the town. The trees soundproofed the space, making it feel miles away from civilisation. While there wasn’t much in the way of edible mushrooms and plants, nor things needed for your craft, you sensed an undercurrent of magic there.
Crouching down, you picked up a golden leaf, twirling it between your fingers. Close, you thought, but didn’t know what it meant.
It was then you saw it out of the corner of your eyes. Something moved under the tree near you. Small. An animal. A rabbit, maybe? Rats or opossums or a trash-stealing raccoon?
Slowly, you sat down on the forest floor, cross-legged and facing the tree. You would wait until the animal revealed itself on its own terms.
The bat was so weak he could hardly move. He tried to hide away from the human that was watching him, but he couldn’t. When he resigned to his position, he let his vision focus on you.
You weren’t surprised to see the bat. The feeling was relief, like you’d found a missing thing. It was clear something was wrong with the creature though. “Do you need help?” you asked it.
Still slowly, you scooted closer to the bat. There were no obvious signs of injury. His brown fluffy body was free from blood or gore. Perhaps he had torn a wing or flown into a tree.
“I can help,” you whispered, holding a hand out flat to the ground. The tips of your fingers were close enough to the bat that he could bite if he wanted to, or he could shuffle forward into the softness of your hand.
Whatever compelled the bat to never leave Hawkins, compelled him to fall onto your palm.
“Hi,” you greeted, bringing your hand to your chest and holding the bat safely between your hands. “What’s happened?”
The bat was a common species; you recognised him as the aptly named big brown bat. His body was the size of a baseball, and some of his colouring was wrong. His legs and arms would normally be pink, but they were a sickly black colour. It looked like his brown fur was beginning to turn too.
“Did you eat something bad? Accidentally poison yourself?”
The bat, of course, did not answer your questions. You looked around the trees for other lost animals or any sign of something that may have caused your new friend to become sick. When there were no answers there either, you stood and took the both of you back to the trailer.
Destiny and a little folly may have led you to Forest Hills and the one-bedroom trailer, but you had come to Hawkins prepared nonetheless. In your car, there were supplies to ensure if you’d had to sleep there for a couple of nights, you could. The bat would benefit from your readiness.
The sleeping bag you’d packed was turned into a soft nest for him. “Alright, let’s get you warm,” you whispered, placing him in the middle. He shuffled on the spot for a few moments before settling, his brown eyes still watching you.
When you offered him a piece of banana, he nibbled at it.
When you gingerly stroked his fur, he let you.
Still, there was something about the way the bat watched you, something in his reaction to your movements. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but it was most definitely curious.
“Alright, my furry friend. We need provisions. Especially if there’s gonna be two of us.” You spoke to him as you pulled your jacket on and grabbed your bag. “Please be here when I get back. I promise I can help you.”
It was dark when you returned home. Stores were staying open late to receive interstate deliveries and provide goods to the in-need townspeople, so you managed to get most things on your list.
Inside the trailer was cold, the spring air outside not yet filtered with summer’s coming warmth. You checked on the bat, ensured he was still cosy in his nest. Then, you got to work.
After soap and scrubbing did its part and the mold was attacked with vinegar and bleach, you boarded up the vents and added repairing them properly to your to-do list. In the bedroom, the bed was covered in fresh linen while you dreamed of a brand new mattress.
The only other furniture in the so-called ‘partly furnished’ trailer was a couple of bar stools at the kitchen bench, a televisionless television stand, a couch in surprisingly good condition, and a coffee table that sat a little too low to the ground.
Next, you took a ritual learned from your sisters whilst in India and let milk and rice boil over on the stove for prosperity and abundance. From time spent in Lowcountry, you observed the practice of painting your porch blue. The trailer didn’t have a porch, but the doorframes would suffice. It would ward off evil spirits, as would the salt ring you ran around the home. Finally, mugwort and sweetgrass smudged through the space, cleansing and claiming it as your own.
By the time you were finished, it was almost midnight and your stomach growled obscenities. The bat had been nibbling on the fruit you’d offered, but you’d not eaten since the morning.
After two cups of noodles and a cup of white jasmine tea, you unpacked the small cat bed you’d purchased for the bat. You relocated him into it, still with the sleeping bag, and pushed it under your bed. He’d like it in the dark, you thought.
Skipping a shower, you changed into pajamas and got into bed. Sleep came quickly, perhaps quicker than it had in decades. You dreamt that night. Of darkness. Of blood. Of screaming. Nothing coherent, nothing recognisable. Just an ominous feeling that you were going to find what you were looking for, ready or not.
End Note: Reblogs and comments are so appreciated. Like I said, it will take a couple of chapters for you to fall in love, but I promise you will.
If you are interested in the witchcraft in the story, check out The Grimoire. It will be updated with each chapter!
Fic Taglist: @kaitebugg03 @paranoidmunson @amira0303 @munsonsbait @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @stardustmunson @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @munsonlives @sweetpeapod @depressooo-expressooo-blog @thorfemmes @hawkins-high @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob @mymoonisalways-in-scorpio @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @lacrymosa-24 @mel-the-fangirl
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leothil · 6 months
fic recs: archive edition 19
Well well well if it isn't Wednesday already. Why didn't I post this on Monday you ask? Well you may have noticed a little something went down on 911blr on both Monday and Tuesday. A few articles got published and such. A little launch party happened. A tiny bit of insanity took over the fandom. Kept me a bit preoccupied. But we're here now! One (or two) days more to enjoy some fanfic before the new episode takes over our brains for at least 24h!
This list has absolutely no cohesive theme, except they were all published around Halloween 2021.
rainbows have nothing to hide by @hattalove Buck and Chris come to the conclusion that memes about Kermit the frog fit Eddie a little too well, and a new secret language between them is born. Per the author: this is no contest the stupidest thing i've ever written, this show makes me sick in the brain. Personally I love a little silliness in my fics now and then! 3.7k words, rated T
The Monsterfucker's Symphony by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels The fic, the myth, the legend. 17 chapters of one-shots where one of Buck and Eddie or both of them are some kind of mythological creature. You will definitely find something you like, and maybe discover something new about yourself along the way. I'm not going to claim favourites, but I'm quite weak for the werewolf and witch chapters. 57.2k, rated E
Like Any Unloved Thing by @hmslusitania A noir urban fantasy AU where private investigator Eddie gets hired to find Maddie Buckley's lost brother. Hands down one of the best AUs I've ever read, with what might be my favourite use of magic and the supernatural in a modern setting. The atmosphere will burrow its way under your skin! 18.1k words, rated M
who's afraid of the little plastic pasta man? by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck) Technophobe!Eddie makes a glorious appearance when Buck buys a pasta timer in the form of a little chef that starts singing when your pasta is done. Incredible silly vibes! 1.5k words, rated G
Start the list with silliness, end the list with silliness, have a perfect balance. Enjoy your week, and may we all survive the season seven premiere!
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shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
This Parallel
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darknesseddiem · 5 months
hi babe !
i hope your doing okay !! can i request n°10 and n°13 with roommate Eddie Munson, some angst and fluff pleaaaase ??
love u
nono 🫶🏻
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥
"With the raven's wings retreating into the night, the cold air carries the faint whisper of your escape—a haunting reminder that, just this once, you’ve slipped through the shadows."
This blurb is part of the writing game created by me, join me and the raven in this maze of stories. 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥.
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Ever since you moved in with Eddie, your life turned into a complete circus, and not the fun kind.
I mean, this guy made it his personal mission to torment and annoy you in every possible way. It was like he had a sixth sense for when you were in a good mood, because that’s exactly when he'd show up with his unbearable attitude and ruin your day.
You’d be chilling on the couch, finally finding your zen after a long day, and boom, Eddie’s at your side with some ridiculous comment or a loud snack, crunching like a rock concert in your ear. It's like he had an alarm set to interrupt any hint of peace you managed to scrape together. He was the king of passive-aggressive vibes, and his superpower was turning your bliss into chaos.
But it wasn't like you had much of a choice. You'd just moved out of your parents' house, and your wallet was emptier than a ghost town on a Tuesday night. Plus, you had a lease binding you to this disaster zone of an apartment, and breaking it wasn't exactly in the budget.
So, there you were, stuck with Eddie the Terrible, who seemed to think that personal space was an urban legend and that common decency was for other people. Every time he walked into the room, it was like a dark cloud rolled in, and you couldn't help but wonder what cosmic force had brought the two of you together. If only you'd had a crystal ball before signing that lease.
Everything seemed totally fine at first. When Steve and Robin introduced him to you, he seemed chill, fun, even charming in that "he's probably got a ton of friends" kind of way. If only you'd known what you were signing up for...
The first few days living together in the apartment were bliss. He helped you with the move, carried all the heavy boxes, and went out of his way to make sure you felt comfortable. He was quiet when you needed silence, even respected your sacred moments on the couch while you binge-watched Modern Family. But, you know what they say, when the deal seems too good, it's time to raise an eyebrow.
It didn't take long for Eddie's true colors to start leaking out. Those same colors were about as subtle as a clown at a funeral. The same guy who had been so considerate and quiet suddenly turned into a one-man circus, complete with loud music and a never-ending collection of weird hobbies that made you wish you could build a soundproof bubble around yourself.
Silent nights turned into your own personal heavy metal concert, and your sacred couch time was constantly disrupted by the RPG campaigns he insisted on hosting at the apartment. Oh, and let's not forget about the marathon sessions he spent in the bathroom, perfectly timed to when you were running late. It was like the old Eddie had vanished into thin air, replaced by a cheap knockoff who didn't understand the concept of a volume knob—or basic courtesy, for that matter.
Gone were the days of quiet evenings, replaced by head-banging riffs that could wake the dead. Trying to watch your favorite show? Forget it—there was always a horde of his geeky friends crowded around the kitchen table, rolling dice and arguing about some wizard’s spell-casting ability. You'd go to grab a drink and feel like you'd wandered into the middle of a convention.
And those bathroom stunts? A whole new level of infuriating. You'd be in a rush, scrambling to get ready, and he'd be in there for what felt like an eternity, probably reading one of his comic books or watching cat videos. The guy had a sixth sense for the exact moment when you'd need the bathroom, and he used it to make your mornings an absolute nightmare.
Which brings us to the present moment: you pounding on the bathroom door like there's no tomorrow, hopping up and down like a kangaroo, and shouting for the thousandth time. "Eddie, I swear to God, if you don't come out of that bathroom right now, I will pee on your bed!"
The only response you got was a noise that could only be described as someone eating in the most grotesque, inappropriate way. "Wait, are you... are you watching ASMR while I'm about to explode into a puddle of pee? Oh no, you did not. You are going to hear from me!"
The sound from inside got louder, and then he replied, "Sorry, I can't hear you. I'm busy watching this guy stuff a whole chicken leg into his mouth."
It took every ounce of restraint not to break down that door and give him a piece of your mind. Eddie's antics had hit a new low, and your patience was hanging by a thread. This was the pinnacle of absurdity, the kind of moment that made you question every decision that led you here. You'd been through a lot with Eddie, but this? This was a whole new level of "what the hell." It was like living with a YouTube compilation of the most obnoxious trends, all crammed into one bathroom-occupying nightmare.
You might need a whole new strategy—or, at this point, just a new apartment. Because if this was a glimpse into the future, you weren't sure you wanted to stick around to see what else Eddie had in store.
“Please, for the love of God, let me pee…” you said, almost on the verge of tears. This was getting exhausting. Eddie must've sensed the shift in your tone, because the annoying sounds suddenly stopped, and the door swung open to reveal a metalhead with frizzy hair, wearing Looney Tunes pajama pants.
He had this sheepish grin on his face, like he knew he'd pushed you to your limit but didn't quite realize how close you were to snapping. He stood there in all his ridiculous glory, holding his phone with a paused video of some guy eating what looked like a plate of ribs, totally unbothered. "Hey, no need to be so dramatic, it's all yours," he said, stepping aside as if he wasn't the cause of your impending bladder explosion.
You shot him a look that could've melted steel, then dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. As you finally got your much-needed relief, you could hear Eddie outside, humming some awful heavy metal tune to himself. It was like he had zero clue—or zero care—about how his antics drove you up the wall. He was just Eddie, living his best life, while you were left to deal with the chaos he left in his wake.
After the morning incident, you grabbed your coffee and headed straight to work, determined to shake off the chaos that was life with Eddie. But you could only escape for so long, because lunchtime rolled around, and you returned to the apartment, only to find a scene that looked like something straight out of a sitcom—think The Office, but even more ridiculous.
Eddie was in the kitchen, wearing an apron that said "Kiss the Cook," with his hair pulled back in a makeshift ponytail. The whole place smelled like something was burning, and he was frantically waving a dish towel at the smoke detector, trying to get it to shut up. It kept beeping, and every time it did, Eddie flinched like it was personally attacking him.
On the stove, there was a pan with some kind of unidentifiable charred mess, which he was desperately trying to scrape off with a spatula.
Your smile vanished the moment you noticed that the charred thing in the skillet was none other than the octopus you'd bought just the day before.
"What the hell?" You were furious, and it didn't help that Eddie was grinning like he was some kind of innocent angel.
He shrugged, clearly oblivious to the level of your outrage. "Oh, that was yours? My bad, I thought it was just... some random squid or something." He scratched the back of his head, as if he'd just made a minor mistake and not destroyed a perfectly good piece of seafood. The sight of him smiling like that only made your blood boil even more.
Your plans for a delicious lunch were now literally ashes, and Eddie was standing there like he'd just successfully solved a Rubik's Cube. You had to take a deep breath to keep from shouting. You'd put a lot of effort into picking out that octopus, and now it was just a blackened lump that even the trash bin would reject.
"How do you not know the difference between an octopus and a random squid? And who just grabs something from the fridge without asking?" you shot back, trying to keep your voice from escalating into full-blown rage.
Eddie looked around as if hoping to find an excuse or an escape route, but there was nowhere to run. He was cornered, and he knew it.
That was the last straw. Tears welled up in your eyes, and Eddie's expression shifted from cheerful to guilty in an instant. Before he could say anything, you turned and bolted out of the apartment, exhausted by the whole ordeal.
You couldn't stay there another minute. The anger and frustration had been building for weeks, and now it had boiled over. You needed space, air, and most importantly, a break from Eddie and his chaos. You didn't know where you were going, but you knew you couldn't be in that apartment for another second.
You walked for what felt like hours, letting the cool breeze and the distant sounds of the city calm you down. The world outside was peaceful compared to the constant drama of living with Eddie. As you strolled through the park and sat on a bench to collect your thoughts, you realized just how much the situation had been draining you.
You didn't go back home for the rest of the day. Instead, you found solace in the simple things—grabbing a coffee, listening to music. Anything to clear your mind and remind yourself that there was a whole world out there, far removed from Eddie's antics. You needed this time to figure out your next move, to decide if you could keep living with him or if it was time to break the lease and find a new place.
The one thing you knew for sure was that you couldn't keep going like this. Living with Eddie had become too much, and you'd had enough. It was time to put yourself first and find a way out of the madness.
As soon as you returned, he tried to talk.
"Don't talk to me," you snapped, cutting him off mid-sentence. No room for discussion, no excuses. Just the sharp edge of your words.
Eddie looked taken aback, his eyes widening as if he'd just been hit by a surprise splash of cold water. You'd never spoken to him like that before, but you weren't in the mood to hear whatever half-baked apology or lame excuse he was about to offer. After everything that had happened, you just needed space and silence.
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded and backed off, his usual bravado deflating like a punctured balloon. You could feel him watching you as you walked past, but you didn't turn around. The time for talking was over, and you didn't owe him anything. You'd already had more than enough of his antics for one day.
You went to your room and closed the door, thankful for the barrier it provided. It wasn't much, but at least it gave you some distance from Eddie and his chaotic energy.
After some time reflecting, you decided it was time to talk about your decision. You went to the living room, where Eddie was watching one of his nerdy movies. He was glued to the screen, engrossed in whatever epic battle or spaceship chase was playing out.
"We need to talk," you said, standing by the couch with your arms crossed. Eddie turned his head, startled, but didn't say anything. He paused the movie, knowing this wasn't just a casual chat. "This isn't working," you continued. "I think it's better if I look for another place to live."
Eddie blinked a few times, processing your words. He shifted uncomfortably on the couch, scratching the back of his head. It was clear he hadn't expected this conversation. "You're leaving?" he finally asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
You nodded. "Yeah, it's just... too much. The constant noise, the bathroom thing, and then the whole octopus incident," you said, laying out the reasons. "It's not healthy, and I can't keep dealing with this."
Eddie looked genuinely regretful. "Hey, I'm sorry about all that. I didn't mean to—"
"It's not about apologies," you interrupted. "It's about needing space, needing peace. We just don't work as roommates, and that's okay. But I can't keep living like this."
He nodded like he understood your reasons, but what he said next was not at all what you expected.
"Ever wonder why I always bug you?" he asked, looking at you with an expression that was hard to read.
You frowned and shook your head, genuinely puzzled. "No, not really. I just figured you were... I don't know, Eddie."
He took a breath and then, almost sheepishly, replied, "It's because I want to get your attention."
Okay, what the hell? Your heart suddenly raced, and your mouth opened in a shocked gasp. Was he serious? All those antics, the noise, the drama—it was all because he wanted you to notice him? It sounded like something out of a high school rom-com, and it left you reeling.
"Wait, are you kidding?" you asked, trying to process what he was saying. Was this some sort of joke? But the look on his face told you he wasn't messing around. This was real, and he was genuinely trying to explain himself.
Eddie seemed to sense your disbelief, and he shrugged, looking a bit embarrassed. "I know, it's dumb, right? But I don't know how else to talk to you. You seem so... I don't know, together. And I'm... well, I'm me," he said, gesturing to himself like he was some kind of cosmic disaster.
This conversation had taken a turn you weren't expecting. You'd come here to tell him you were moving out, and now you were dealing with a confession that threw everything into a whole new light. What were you supposed to say to that? It was hard enough dealing with his shenanigans as a roommate; now he was confessing that there might be more to it.
He continued, "Ever since Steve and Robin introduced us, I’ve been interested in you. You’re so smart, beautiful, and funny that I found myself falling for you, little by little."
Oh my God, it felt like your heart was about to burst from the rollercoaster of emotions you'd experienced today.
"Was it a stupid way to get your attention? Yes. Was I a jerk? Absolutely," he said, rubbing his temples like he was trying to make sense of it himself. "But I got so lost in my own feelings that it was the only thing I could think of to make you notice me..."
This wasn't at all what you expected when you walked into the living room. You'd imagined a straightforward breakup with your roommate, but now here he was, confessing that he had a crush on you. And not just any crush—one that had apparently driven him to turn your life into an ongoing episode of Jackass.
It was a lot to take in, and you didn't even know where to start. Part of you was still annoyed at him for all the chaos he'd caused, but another part of you felt a twinge of sympathy. Maybe Eddie wasn’t just the relentless man-child you thought he was. Maybe he was just... confused and desperate for your attention.
"Eddie," you began, struggling to find the right words, "you can't go around making my life miserable just because you like me. That's not how this works." You shook your head, trying to ground yourself. "I'm glad you told me how you feel, but this isn't the way to handle things. It just makes everything more complicated."
Eddie looked genuinely regretful, as if he realized that his antics might have done more harm than good. "I know," he said, his shoulders slumping a bit. "I didn't think it through. I just... I don't know, I panicked."
The whole situation was like a scene from a cheesy romantic comedy, but it was happening in real life, and you weren't sure how to navigate it. You'd come to tell him you were moving out, and now you had to figure out how to deal with this unexpected confession without losing your sanity.
You sighed, feeling like you'd been caught in the world's most twisted emotional chess game. After a moment of gathering your thoughts, you confessed to him, "I can't say I don't feel anything for you either... From the first day, I liked you, but I'm just so mad about everything." It was time to set things straight. "We can try something more, if you promise to never pull those idiotic stunts again, or I swear I'll kill you." The two of you chuckled at the last part.
Eddie's eyes lit up, a smile spreading across his face like you'd just given him the best news in the world. He looked almost like a puppy that had been let back inside after getting caught in the rain. "I promise, no more of that stuff. I mean it. If I do anything dumb, you can smack me with a frying pan," he said, putting his hand over his heart in a mockingly solemn gesture.
You couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated seriousness. It was hard to stay mad at him when he was being so goofy. "I'll hold you to that. I have a pretty big frying pan," you replied, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie chuckled, clearly relieved that you weren't storming out the door. "Deal. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to make things so hard for you. I just... I guess I went about it in the worst way possible." He rubbed the back of his neck, a little sheepish. "But I'll do better, I promise. If it means we can try something, then I'll be on my best behavior."
It felt like a weight had been lifted, and the tension in the room eased a bit. You knew there'd be a lot of work to do to make this living arrangement function without the constant drama, but at least now you had a new understanding between you. It wasn't exactly the romantic journey you'd pictured, but at least it wasn't a total train wreck.
"We'll see," you said, giving him a half-smile. "But one more thing, Eddie—if you ever lock me out of the bathroom again, I won't just threaten to pee on your bed. I'll do it." The laughter that followed was a sign that maybe, just maybe, things might work out after all.
“Okay, I’m starving,” you said, breaking the mood with a light touch. “Sushi?”
“Sushi?” He grinned and pitched his voice into a silly imitation, making you roll your eyes. “Eddie, I’m serious,” you said, trying to sound stern.
“Eddie, I’m serious,” he repeated with an even bigger grin.
“Stop mocking me,” you whined, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Stop mocking me,” he echoed in an exaggeratedly whiny voice.
“I’m getting the frying pan,” you threatened.
“Sushi sounds great to me,” he replied instantly, flashing you his best innocent smile, you rolled your eyes and went to order the food.
You wouldn’t lie—even his idiotic ways had managed to win your heart too, but you’d never admit that to him.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Can Anybody See Me? Part 11
This one is a bit angsty. Steve has a panic attack, so if that bothers you, you can skip it. It’s just a soft interlude with Eddie and Steve. And of course a bit recreational drug use. Also every school needs an urban legend or ghost story.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Steve loved drama and the play. He did not love his pottery class. The teacher Mr Lovett had taken an instant dislike to the fact that Steve had joined his class half way through the first semester and therefore missed all the fundamentals.
And worse Mrs Hall refused to let him change it at the start of the new semester. So he was stuck in a class he knew nothing about, where the teacher hated him, the other students ignored him, and he was pretty sure he was failing.
“Look,” Steve told Mrs Hall. “I just want to know if I fail pottery if I’m still going to graduate. That’s it and then I will be out of your hair until graduation. I swear it.”
Mrs Hall sighed and went looking through her file on him, clicking her tongue as she thumbed through his transcripts.
“If pass all your other classes and get above a C+ in drama, you should still graduate,” she said after several minutes of cold silence.
Steve sighed in relief. Those involved with the play were given automatic passing grades, so as long he did the other assignments, he was on track to graduate.
“Thank you, Mrs Hall.”
He stood up and began to walk to the door when she called out to him.
“Mr Harrington,” Mrs Hall said, “I know boys will do whatever they want, but please stay away from Edmond Munson. That boy and his little cult of Satanic worshiping D&D lovers will only cause you further ostracization of your peers.”
Steve blinked. “I beg your pardon, ma’am, but before Eddie took me under his wing, I was friendless and alone”
Mrs Hall tutted. “Better to be friendless and alone than to be caught up in a cult.”
He frowned in confusion and hurt. “Are you going to tell my parents?”
“I should,” she sneered. “But I could get into a lot of trouble if I do, so I will stay out of it. You only have a few more months of school anyway. But know that I will keep my eyes on you.” She wagged her finger at him and then shooed him away.
Steve ran to the bathroom and slammed the stall door shut. He forced himself to breathe like Eddie taught him, but he couldn’t get his breath under control. He heard someone enter and start pissing.
Steve tried to keep quiet but his breathing made it hard. There was the sound of running water and suddenly he couldn’t hear anything else. It was like water rushing around his head. He let out a strangled cry, thinking that whoever was out there had gone.
But he was wrong.
“Hey, is there someone in here?” Eddie asked.
Steve let out another sob but this time in relief.
“Steve?” Eddie whispered.
He tried to get a word out, but all that came was wordless gurgling.
Steve could hear Eddie run out the door and the relief he felt crumbled to dust. He started sobbing and couldn’t stop.
“Steve?” Eddie’s voice came again. “Hey, sweetheart, can you open the door for me?”
Steve struggled for a moment or two before he managed to get the door latch free for the door swing open. He stumbled out, right into Eddie’s arms.
Eddie managed to keep them upright but barely. “Holy shit, are you okay?”
Steve shook his head.
“Hey, hey,” Eddie cooed. “I’ve gotcha, big boy.” He led them over them to sit on the floor.
“Aren’t you worried someone’s gonna come in?” Steve asked after a moment of just sitting in silence.
“Nah!” Eddie said with a grin. “I put out the ‘Out of Order’ sign. We’ll be good for a while.”
Steve frowned for a moment. “So that’s where you ran off to.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow and then the other shot up to join it. “Did you think that I ran out on you?”
Steve curled in on himself. “Everyone else does.”
“Except your kids,” Eddie pointed out. “And except me. Okay?” He put his arm around him and drew him close. “You want to talk about what happened just now?”
“I had my meeting with Mrs Hall,” Steve mumbled.
“Yeah?” Eddie said. “She let you out of pottery?”
Steve shook his head. “She still refuses. I think she’s in cahoots with Mr Lovett to my senior year as miserable as possible.”
Eddie tucked Steve’s head under his chin. “That’s just bullshit, sweetheart. I’m sorry this year has been so bad for you.”
Steve was quiet for a moment. He raised his head to look Eddie in the eye. “And then she had the gall to suggest that being friends with you was worse than being alone.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “She did what?”
Steve nodded. “If it didn’t mean detention and the possibility of not being able to graduate on time, I would have told her fuck off.”
Eddie kissed the top of Steve’s head. “I am a bad influence on you, you know.”
Steve chuckled. “Don’t care. I think you and your friends were the first people to like me for me instead of the Harrington name.”
Eddie grinned. “What the matter, Stevie? Don’t like being a Harrington?”
He shook his head. “Hell no, I’d change if I could.”
“How about Munson?” Eddie teased.
Steve laughed out right. “I think you skipped twelve steps there. At least buy me dinner first.”
Eddie blushed as Steve lowered his head on his shoulder and sighed.
“I should get back to class,” he murmured, “but I don’t think I can face other people right now.”
“So don’t,” Eddie said, standing up. He pulled Steve to his feet. “Come on, you and I are playing hooky!”
“Eddie!” Steve laughed, but let him pull him along.
They got out to Eddie’s van, breathless and giggling.
“Where to?” Steve asked as he yanked open the passenger side door.
Eddie just grinned. “I know just the place.”
They started driving and Steve could feel the weight of the world lift from his shoulders the farther they got from the high school.
“Thanks for the assist, Eds,” he said softly. “It’s nice knowing people care.”
Eddie shook his head. “Don’t thank me for being a decent human being, man. It’s embarrassing.”
Steve laughed. “Still a nice feeling.”
They drove the rest of the way in silence. They got out to Lover’s Lake and to a nice boat house.
“I know the owner,” Eddie said. “So sometimes I like to come out here and think. Just look at the water and let it take away all my troubles.”
Steve sat there and listened to the wind on the water.
Eddie pulled out a pack of cigarettes from somewhere. “You smoke?”
Steve nodded and took one off of him.
Eddie patted his coat and pants, cigarette dangling from his lips. “Shit. I think I left my lighter out in the van.”
Steve dug into his pocket and pulled out his Zippo. He lit Eddie’s cigarette first and then his own.
“Thanks, man,” Eddie said.
Steve shrugged. “Not a problem. You provided the smoke, I provided the light.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Fair enough.”
They sat there in comfortable silence for a while.
“You know, it’s forced conformity that made Mrs Hall who she is,” Eddie said.
“What’s that?” Steve asked.
“You must have missed some of my table rants, then.”
Steve shook his head. “I try not stare at pretty boys when they’re drawing attention to themselves. It makes the whole not straight thing a little more obvious. Especially since that was something I knew wasn’t what straight boys did.”
Eddie leaned into his space. “You think I’m pretty, Harrington?”
Steve fobbed him off with his elbow. “You know you are, man. You don’t need me to say it.”
“Joke’s on you, pretty boy,” Eddie cooed. “Flattery works on me.”
Steve blushed and ducked his head. “Duly noted.”
Eddie cackled.
After they finished their cigarettes, Eddie went digging around the boat house.
“Ah ha!” he said triumphantly, holding up a bag of weed. “You partake, Stevie?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I have been to a Tommy H party at least once or twice in my life.”
“Ahhh...” Eddie sighed happily. “One of my best customers.”
Steve giggled. “You got any papers to roll or are we just going to light it on fire and try to get high on the fumes?”
Eddie laughed. He tossed Steve the bag and continued to dig around some more. He pulled out another prize with a “Eureka!”
He shows the bong to Steve with a feral grin.
“Yeah, okay,” Steve said a startled laugh. “That works.”
They passed it back and forth, slowly getting high.
“So what’s forced conformity?” Steve asked after a few minutes.
Eddie hummed and then said, “Oh. It’s this theory I have. Parents, teachers, school counselors trying to force kids into specific boxes. Skinny, scrably kid? Must be a nerd and likes science. Only the kid hates science and math. Maybe he likes art and music. Something that schools are always trying to get rid of by the way. When there are budget cuts, those are always, always the first to be axed.
“Music is also something that is hotly contested. Don’t talk about sex or drugs or even feeling sad, really. Stay in the correct societal lines. No jazz or rock or metal. Just country or pop. Even though those two genres would be nothing without the jazz or blues. Black people’s music...”
Eddie continued to rant as Steve watched him wave his hands around in obvious enthusiasm.
“Does that make sense?” he said after a long time.
Steve who had been mildly buzzed throughout the whole thing nodded. “I think so. And I think...” he frowned. He looked up at Eddie with shining eyes and quivering lip. “I don’t know what I am. Sexually, I mean.”
Eddie sat up. “You don’t have to decide anything right now. You clearly are attracted to men. Does that mean that you aren’t attracted to women? Not necessarily. Like Marty likes both, but he prefers men. Uh...another person I know. They don’t go here obviously. But they prefer women. But every once in a while, they find a man that lights up their world and they go for it.” He huffed out a laugh. “Despite what the name suggests, bisexuality isn’t 50/50.”
Steve frowned. “Huh. Okay. That gives more to think about.”
Eddie shook his head. “You’re still in high school, dude. You have your whole life to figure this out.”
Steve’s answering smile was effervescent. “Thanks, Eds. For all of this today. I just needed to get out of my head for awhile.”
Eddie gave Steve’s shoulder a squeeze. “Any time, Stevie.” He stood up and dusted himself off. “Come on, I should get you back to the school to pick up your car.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, otherwise the auto-body club will strip it for parts and leave it on concrete blocks by morning.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, let’s go with that.”
“It’s true!” Steve protested as he got up to follow him.
“It’s really not,” Eddie said. “It’s an urban legend.”
“Come on...” Steve said.
Eddie just shook his head and led them back to civilization.
Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot  @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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sp0o0kylights · 7 months
Being from PNW as I am, I really want to do a Polybius AU with Steddie (I just don’t want to write it lmao) 
We begin with Eddie being absolutely attached to this growing urban legend. An arcade cabinet shrouded in mysterious gameplay, awash with rumors of kids disappearing or even dying, and men in black “collecting” something from the cabinet every week? 
Throw in his own little weird encounter with an arcade game as a kid, one Eddie cannot for the life of him find again and yeah, he’s salivating over this shit. 
Hellfire’s tired of hearing about it. This has been Eddie’s white whale since they met him, they’re done listening to him chase down rumors and insist the game was checking for psychic powers in the population. (Or testing a “mind weapon” or six other things.) 
 He gets met with nothing but groans and complaints when he catches wind that something like Polybius popped up on the west coast, igniting the rumors all over again, but this is a new tale for Hellfire’s freshmen.
They sit, enraptured  and asking six million questions, by something everyone but Mike thinks is just some silly bullshit story--but it’s so out there that Lucas and Dustin placate him. 
(“Why on earth would Brenner use an arcade cabinet when he was just kidnapping kids at birth Mike, you just want an excuse to see El…”)
Obviously Polybius IRL takes place in Oregon, but let’s say things have grown a bit. Extended, like the growth of a disgusting, pulsing vine, into California. 
Will is walking home when his hand flies to the back of his neck, a buzzing overtaking his ears as this weird, black arcade cabinet from a nearby shop seems to slide into his focus.
Slowly, like a camera lens being focused, it pulls him in until El yanks him out of it and he realizes he hasn't been breathing.
 Later he tells Mike--because he has to tell someone that isn't Jonathan and isn't El and absolutely isn't his mom-- and Mike absolutely loses his shit. 
This, of course, accumulates into a blowup at lunch, in front of the rest of Hellfire. 
Who are rolling their eyes because oh God, not only has Eddie infected the freshman with this, they’re now doing that thing they do where they get all secretive and try to talk in code words. 
(As if all of Hellfire isn’t aware they think “Mike’s girlfriend” who is about as real to them as Suzie is, has superpowers. 
The party is good at a lot of things, but whispering isn’t one of them.)  
There's an argument about whether this means Brenner, or someone like him, is collecting kids again and if so, do they have a responsibility to stop it, and that this isn't the Upside Down this is human horror, but what if it is actually the Upside Down, they don’t know--and it goes round and round between the Party in Hawkins and El & Will up in California, via phone calls. 
The Hawkins crew decides they need to go to California, together. 
They just…have to figure out a way to get there, first. 
Will & El on the other hand, decide they can’t wait, because they can save kids.
They can make a difference--prevent this shit from happening in a new location all over again.
El doesn't want to be like Kali anymore, but she understands what Kali was trying to do and she feels that same sort of responsibility to stop what she can. 
They disappear. 
Jonathan calls everyone he can, frantic, because he thinks Will and El have decided to go back to Hawkins, and his mother just left with Murray to do something she was extremely vague about and Argyle does not have enough weed for this.
If you guessed this accumulates with a Eddie + the Extended Party (Nance/Steve/Robin) going on a road trip you’d be right. 
Also they collect Suzie on the way because no one ever uses her in stories and fuck it she’d be fun to bring in. 
With them being in California you have Max’s past coming into play, as well as Eddie’s own mystery with the arcade cabinet, everyone crashing together at the Byers house (one bed or no bed either is hilarious for Steddie) and as we left the rest of Hellfire back at Hawkins to try and dodge six million questions about where like, ten people vanished off to (“Uh….camp?”) we get to have some fun there too. 
Throw in Eddie’s massive ass crush, “out of Hawkins”  Robin + Steve (who is perhaps a lot more chill with things than Eddie realized) and a need to go “undercover” at a gay bar purely for selfish reasons on my end (I want to see Steve flirt shamelessly with men and watch Eddie blue screen bc of it) and you have a lot of fun with the entire groups dynamic. 
I don’t have an ending other than Eddie at some point needs to play Polybuis and Steve drapes himself over Eddie’s back, whispering encouragement in his ear as a way to keep him from getting pulled into it the way Will was while the kids work together to kill whatever it is the government's unleashed this time (not Brenner, but instead another branch or faction who took his research and ran) but I’d love to parallel Eddie more to Will, on both the gay and supernatural fronts.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
❤️ Loved By You ❤️
Summary; Eddie's ghost haunts Hawkins, Lovers Lake, The Hideout, the benches in the woods near Hawkins High, and especially the Trailer Park.
All your life you've heard of the poor souls who died in Hawkin's earthquake of 86.
Most passed on, Eddie wasn't so lucky he's been stuck in limbo for thirty-four years, fading in and out as time passes, trying to find companionship but failing.
That's until he meets you.
Love transcends death and happy endings can happen even when all hope seems lost.
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. 18+, minors dni. Soulmate au
I don't give anyone permission to copy, repost or reuse my work.
If you enjoyed this pls consider reblogging, etc. It's much appreciated. ❤️
I hope you all enjoy it, it's a long fic and I hope you all love it as much as I do. ❤️✨
All your life you had heard about the great earthquake of 1986 that happened in Hawkins.
Every year the town held a vigil for those that died, your best friend's parents Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington held a special service along with Dustin Henderson and Robin Buckley for one person in particular.
Eddie Munson. The ghost of Hawkins, an urban legend whose name was whispered about by adults and whose legend was infamous.
Once accused of killing three high school students from Hawkins High, those of whom were in his (third) senior class.
Until Jim Hopper, Hawkin's most famous sheriff for a whole lot of things, the most amazing being coming back from the dead- or escaping the prison he was held at in Russia.
Anyway, Jim had cleared Eddie of any wrongdoing after his death, in fact, according to Dustin, and many others he had died a hero, helping save others during the earthquake.
Dustin told a lot of stories about Eddie, you'd heard a few when you hung out with Alice, it was bittersweet though because you could see how much pain it caused Dustin to talk about Eddie but he said he had to talk about him because he never wanted Eddie's memory to be forgotten.
You wondered what Dustin thought of the Urban Legend regarding Eddie's ghost. Over the years many people claimed to see Eddie, some were stoned, drunk or a little bit of both.
Others were curious, trying to find out if the tales of Eddie's ghost were true. Double dares to go deep into the woods and call out his name, mentions of the faint sounds of a guitar playing when everything was silent at The Hideout, the cave in Lovers Lake was a hot spot for activity too.
Some part of you yearned to know if it was true, even though the logical part of your brain dismissed it as nothing more than an urban legend.
Plus, you had seen how upset the rumours made Dustin, how much he hated that his friend was used as a laugh for dumb teenagers and even some adults looking for a scare.
Unfortunately, as much as you didn't want to entertain the rumours, some people were all for finding out if the ghost of Eddie Munson was real or not.
Todd Carver was your ex and to say he was a dick was an understatement. You had dated him for two months and grew tired of his arrogant and boastful demeanour.
Graduation was fast approaching and you wanted more out of life than Todd and his asshole tendencies.
It was just your luck he was still part of your friend group however you did your best to avoid him.
He had been trying to get you to date him again but you just weren't interested.
You hear him goading someone and your stomach fills with anger when you notice its Dustin's son Ben.
He was exactly like his dad, you were very protective of him and follow Todd as he and his friends Calvin and Sam push Ben into the woods.
You can hear their laughter and it infuriates you.
"Come on dude, call out for Munson, didn't your daddy give you Eddie for a middle name? Talk about morbid man"
"Shut up" Ben snaps and you hear those morons laugh again as they tease Ben.
"Leave him alone!" you march up to Todd and he snorts.
"Come on Babe, we're just messing around" you glare at him. Steve said he was like his Uncle Jason in miniature, he didn't like to speak ill of the dead but apparently, Jason was an asshole, Todd was just like him.
"It's not funny Todd, Get lost asshole" Todd snorts.
"What? we just wanna know if Eddie Munson's ghost is real or not? What's wrong with that?" he replies innocently but his eyes are full of malice.
He imitates a ghost and at that exact moment, a branch falls and hits Todd, leaves fall on him and his eyes widen in shock and a small hint of fear.
"It's Munson! Let's get out of here" he rushes away with Calvin and Sam at his heels.
Ben smiles, relaxing as he watches them go.
"Thanks for helping me" You ruffle his hair and tell him to get back for his last lesson.
As he heads away you turn to look at the fallen branch and leaves and frown curiously. There's no wind? Was it an old branch or something else? Something spookier?
Then there's a voice behind you and you freeze on the spot.
"God, that Todd dude was a dick right?" when you turn around he's standing near the benches, arms folded across his chest.
His hair is wild, dark brown and long. Big brown eyes filled with annoyance, some of his tattoos visible and he's wearing a Hellfire t-shirt and jeans just like you saw in the pictures Dustin has on his mantelpiece.
What the fuck.
"He's related to Carver? Can spot that asshole smirk anywhere" Eddie grins at you.
"Shit, you're really... I thought you were a myth or some urban legend passed around by stoned guys and campfire tales" he snorts.
"I'm as real as it gets princess... The smile falls away from his lips, still very much dead though, which is shit"
You sit down on the bench feeling a little bit dizzy, you can barely believe what's happening.
"The branch" you ask faintly and he smiles, it's heart melting, all dimples and a hint of cheekiness.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Just that dick Carver. You dated that douchebag? Could do a lot better princess" you stare at him still processing everything.
"How did you know that?" he shrugs and sits beside you, the temperature drops a little.
"I'm a ghost, I hear all kinds of shit. Disappear for weeks on end, then come back again. It's confusing being stuck in this limbo world"
"I'm sorry" you reply feeling his sadness so acutely that it takes your breath away for a second.
"It's kay, not your fault. It's nice sticking around sometimes, even if I can't do much. Haunt the dickheads that come out here sometimes though the bullying little shits, keep track of Hellfire Club which is cool, amazing how massive it is now" he looks so proud.
"I know Dustin, Steve, Nancy, Robin. They've told me all about you. You died a hero" he gets up and smiles faintly.
"Decided to stop running, sometimes I wonder if it was sheer stupidity more than bravery"
"Bravery, not stupidity" you assure him and there comes that dimpled grin again. It makes you feel out of sorts, tingly.
"Must have been an awful earthquake" you sympathise and Eddie nods wincing.
"Yeah, was more concentrated on dying at that point though" this confuses you and you say so.
"It wasn't the earthquake that killed you?" he stares at you puzzled.
"No, it was the bats that killed me' he points to the tattoo of the bats on his arm. Ironic right?"
Wait... What?
"Bats?" his eyes widen.
"Shit you don't know?" he cringes and then turns on his heel and disappears. You call him back, curiosity piqued.
What the heck didn't you know? What was going on? More importantly, you just talked to Eddie Munson.
It's a thought that should terrify you but it doesn't and you find yourself anxious for the chance to speak to him again.
Eddie must be as curious about you as you are about him because he appears again at the edge of the woods while you are talking to your friends.
Anticipation fills you and you want to talk to him so badly, quickly.
You're a little breathless as you catch up to him and sit on the bench.
"Can you tell me what you meant about the bats, please? If you're okay to talk about it. I understand if you don't. The memories must be awful" he pauses for a few seconds then nods.
"Okay, I'll tell you but be warned. This shit is crazy. You might not believe me" you pay him rapt attention.
"Try me" and with that he begins to tell you everything.
You just talk a lot, he opens up about what really happened in Hawkins in 1986 you're stunned and have so many questions.
Demobats, Vecna, The Upside Down, The Mindflayer, The earthquake that rocked Hawkin's was caused by Vecna killing four people, their friend Max was the last death and it literally opened the gates to hell, where The Upside Down bled into Hawkins.
There was a massive group in Hawkins including Dustin, Nancy, her brother Mike, Steve, Robin and a super powers girl named El that fought against the monsters.
The evil was defeated but Max passed away and that caused a huge fracture in the group as well as Eddie's death.
"Sucked watching all the shit going down, doing my best to help when I could. When I wasn't vanishing for months at a fucking time" Eddie murmurs and his tone hurts your heart.
"Thank you for telling me Eddie. I really appreciate it" he offers you a warm smile and sighs as he looks to the darkening sky.
"You should get home, it's been hours" the darkened sky surprises you and you swear.
"Shit. Dad is going to be so pissed" You gather your things and Eddie clears his throat.
"Can I see you tomorrow sweetheart?" your heart melts at his hopeful expression and you find yourself aching to see him too.
"Count on it" you assure him. He sticks around to make sure you get to your car safely, he's gentlemanly and it's so sweet that you are smiling all the way home.
Even though you are still stunned about talking to a ghost you enjoy talking to Eddie, you talk a lot about many things and even though he disappears sometimes he always comes back.
The time between his disappearances begins to shorten as he mentions to you one day.
It's the first time he appeared outside your window you were just in your nightie and it was kinda cute watching Eddie stammer out his apology and turn around while you pulled on your robe.
If he could blush you're sure he would.
"Come in" you call to him and it's still pretty cool watching him go through things. He's beaming, something has made him happy and it makes you smile too.
That cute grin of his is infectious.
"The disappearances are shortening princess. It's like an hour now compared to hours or even weeks before we met"
It's amazing this is happening because you miss Eddie like crazy when he isn't around.
"This is amazing" You reach out without thinking and grab his hand, you except to feel cold, nothing at all.
Instead there is only a tiny chill as your fingers interlace through his and he is gazing at you in shock.
"You can feel me?" he whimpers and you nod tightening your grip on his hand as he squeezes your hand back, both of you are at a loss on what to say but it's also so wonderful what happened that you're both grinning at each other in a happy bubble.
Betty stares at you curiously as you doodle in your notebook, you don't mean to but you're doodling Eddie's name in little hearts.
Fuck. Over the weeks and weeks you had been getting to know each other, his form more solid with each passing day you're feelings are deep and growing by the day.
The truth was you were in love with Eddie.
"You've been lost in thought, daydreaming and smiling to yourself. What's going on? Are you in love with someone?" she asks excitedly.
Your heart speeds up but then comes crushing heartache and tears spill down your cheeks.
"It doesn't matter. It can't ever happen" she looks so confused as she rushes to comfort you.
"I don't understand honey" she wouldn't be able to.
How could you explain that you were head over heels in love with a ghost?
It was a quiet night. Just you and Eddie. His body so close to yours, you bridge the tiny gap between the two of you and lay your head on his chest.
He feels so solid so real and for a few precious seconds you forget that you don't hear his heart beating. That it can never beat. All that matters is that Eddie is here with you.
That's until your doorbell rings and you groan getting up, you can hear that its Todd before you even see him and feel pissed. What the hell did he want?
You open the door just wanting to get this over with.
"Babe! It's been weeks and weeks. Graduation is next Friday! I've been super patient but when are you going to take me back?" you gape at him.
"Uh, how about the first of never? We broke up for good Todd because you're an arrogant bully" he looks stunned for a second.
"This is bullshit! You've met someone else haven't you" There's a shadow upstairs near your room, it's Eddie.
He's protective and you know he won't take Todd shouting at you lightly. However you're well versed in dealing with this dumbass.
"It's none of your business. Go away, Todd. You and I are never going to happen again" he scowls and reaches towards you to grab your arm.
"What are you doing! Let go!" his eyes darken and your heart sinks but then he comes to when you wrench your arm away and he snorts.
Then the next second he's literally flying out the door and lands right on his ass outside. You slam the door shut and head back upstairs knowing Eddie is annoyed.
He is quiet as you head into your room, still fuming that Todd thought you would ever want him back.
"Of all the arrogant, conceited assholes" you huff and you turn to Eddie who is resting on your bed his face blank.
"Eddie?" he gets up, he looks so tense and you move closer to him and gently take his hand.
"Eddie?" he turns to you and he looks forlorn, it makes your heart ache so deeply when he hurts, you hurt.
"What's wrong? Is this about Todd? I don't want him back. You know that right? He's such a douchebag and... He turns away and when he turns back to you his gaze is cold.
"Yeah, he's a dickhead but not every guy you meet will be. You'll find someone special, look at you. You're amazing, sweet, kind, beautiful" his words warm your heart and yet you still feel anxious.
"I don't want some guy. I... You're all I think about Eddie" It's the first time you've admitted out loud even though it's been obvious between you two for a while now.
He shakes his head, his eyes shining but his face set and angry.
"You can't sweetheart. I'm not even here, not really. You can feel me and I can feel you, yeah but it doesn't change the fact that I don't even have a fucking heartbeat"
"It doesn't change the fact that you have no future with me"
There's silence and he begins to fade.
"Please don't go" you beg and he smiles sadly.
"I can't be selfish sweetheart, you deserve someone real, someone who can be with you properly, that can't happen while I'm hanging around. Goodbye princess, thank you for making me happy for the first time in thirty five years" his hand gently strokes over your cheek.
"No, no" you beg but he disappears completely and he doesn't come back, not even for your heartbreaking calls.
Even if it breaks the heart that no longer beats inside of him, he knows he has to stay away.
It's been a week since Eddie left, sometimes you think that you catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of your eye, smell his cologne when you wake up in the night but it's all just wishful thinking you realise.
You can't even explain to anyone why you're heartbroken, you feel so alone.
Graduation passes by and while you're happy that you and your friends will be together at the newly built Hawkins academy, there is still a heaviness in your heart that is left by Eddie's absence.
For a second you swear you see Eddie at the edge of the forest but he's gone the next second and you're sure much to your disappointment that you imagined it.
He really wasn't coming back. The thought broke your heart all over again.
The next night you find yourself wandering around Lovers Lake. All your friends are here and it's a massive party for all seniors.
As they party you head off on your own and find the cave that Eddie supposedly haunts, you just want to feel close to him for a little while.
The tears you've been holding in since yesterday fall and you cry it all out, all the heart ache and pain.
"Please don't cry," you think you imagine Eddie's voice but when you look up he's watching you, he looks agonised.
"What are you doing here, I thought you were staying away?" you wipe your eyes and stand up shakily. He swallows and moves closer to you.
"It's hell. Like a physical constant ache, it never goes away, the longing to be with you. When I'm not with you I'm in agony. Didn't know being dead could hurt this much. Hurt even worse than when I died"
Your whole body shakes with tears.
"I feel the same way, it feels like I can't breathe Eddie, it hurts so badly" he reaches out to you and his hand rests on your cheek.
"How can I stick around though? I'm just keeping you from moving on, finding someone who...who can really be with you" he spits out the words, the devastation in his eyes breaks your heart.
"This isn't fair. Life sucks ass you know that?" this brings a smile to his face and you cuddle into him, then you peer up at him.
"I love you Eddie, I'm in love with you" his expression changes, it's like happiness radiates from him and it fills your heart with joy.
"I love you too sweetheart, I'm so in love with you" his lips meet yours and you kiss passionately, pouring all of your love for each other into the kiss.
The kiss is incredible, perfect. You kiss for what seems like hours until you slowly part, Eddie's lips press to your forehead.
Then something weird happens, and Eddie's eyes widen. He stares at you for a second and whispers "Princess"
Then he's just gone.
Eddie expects to disappear and then re appear within an hour or so.
Instead of an hour it's barely a minute and something feels wrong. One minute he's in The Upside Down and he's bones and dust, the next minute, as if by magic he can feel his body coming back together, bones forming once more, skeleton then his body piecing itself back together, he opens his eyes and he can hear the most wonderful sound that he's heard in thirty five years.
The sound of his own heartbeat. He can't even comprehend how this happened. How he is alive once more.
Maybe magic did exist? If those creatures, the demobats, MindFlayer, Vecna and another dimension under Hawkins then who's to say that magic wasn't real?
A miracle had happened that's for sure. Tears burn in his eyes and he knows so much has changed over the years, his friends are grown up, his uncle an old man.
And yet he was given a second chance, another chance at life and he wasn't going to waste a single second.
At first he's unsteady on his feet, he cuts himself some slack. Shit he's been dead for so long.
Somehow though he gets out of the cold desolate world of the destroyed Upside Down.
He crawls his way out of hell and into the light.
It's a couple of hours later, you're at home and the sun is beginning to rise. Bird sing fills the air as sunlight fills your room.
That perfect kiss with Eddie fills your mind. Was it a goodbye kiss? Something didn't feel right when he disappeared and it's troubling you what it is.
"Princess" you peer up and Eddie is at your window, you race over to open it and he comes in.
"I thought you were gone" tears blur your vision and you throw your arms around him.
It takes a second for you to realise that he's warm, so warm, Eddie smiles through tears as he says something to you.
He's beaming, absolutely radiant,his whole body is solid and through your haze of tears you hear the words he's been saying to you.
"Princess, listen" he places your hand on his chest and you lean in close.
Thump, thump, thump.
You can feel the steady thump of his heart beat. It's the most beautiful sound you've ever heard.
"How?" you're barely able to gasp out and he shakes his head, he has no idea either.
"After our kiss, I woke up in that place, everything was desolote and there was barely any sign of an exit but I crawled my way out of where my Uncle's trailer used to be" he closes his eyes.
"I was down there in the upside down but then I got to the surface, I could feel the sunlight, hear birds singing and could feel my heart racing, by some fucking miracle I was brought back"
"I've been given a second chance to have a new life, connect with Dustin and the others, spend my life with you if you'll have me, you're the woman I want to spend my life with" you kiss him elated.
"Yes, yes, yes. I'll be by your side through all of it Eddie". His eyes darken in a delicious way that makes your whole body tingle.
"There's so many people I want to see but first I really want to spend the morning making love to my girl. Does that sound good to you Princess?"
"Yes", you manage to say as his arms wrap around you pulling you close to him.
For the first time you make love, feeling Eddie's body close to you, the way he makes you feel is everything.
Mind-blowing orgasms sweep over you both but the absolute best part is when you cuddle into his arms sleepy, when you wake up he's dozing peacefully, there's a smile on his face and you sigh content as you rest your head against his chest.
His heartbeat lulls you back to sleep once more, a smile on your face as you slumber.
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