evilsanlang · 3 years
I should have some Valentines on my blog tagged as 'love letters'
THANK U BTW you came in a clutch she loved all the awful little cards I spammed her with <3
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autisticandroids · 4 years
do you know where i can find an episode guide for only cas/essential plot episodes?
i am truly not the person to ask for this because i am very much like. i will either commit to a full rewatch or ONLY watch faves, but i think @fluorescentbrains is working up a list, and i know @pietacastiel has some kind of skip/watch list that they’re using
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oswednesday · 3 years
longest mutual 😳
youll find im very short
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fluorescentbrains · 4 years
i appreciate your spn liveblogging so i don't have to be hatecrimed first hand 😩✊
ur welcome. live updates coming basically 24/7 at this point lolol
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swampgallows · 4 years
please disregard that anon, you're kickass
thank you! and its okay theyre just some teenager who got mad about another teenager’s opinion on a tv show so they basically did the equivalent of turning around in line at the DMV and yelling at a stranger twice their age because theyre wearing a t-shirt the same color as their fave’s hair
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albertserra · 5 years
how did you feel about the end of ready or not? i liked it but the tonal shift was jarring to me...
i liked it but i get what you mean, its definitely a big tonal shift since there were only a few comedic bits scattered through the movie and a lot of it seemed to be trying (not Very successfully imo but thats just me..) to be genuinely dramatic. I do think it shouldve leaned more heavily into either drama or comedy since the script wasnt good enough to do both but i still thought it was enjoyable and there was just enough absurdity in the rest of the movie to lead up to the tone of ending
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10: what's something you're excited for? ☺
10: what's something you're excited for? answered, but! i am excited for summer, for spending my time reading, for being done with my undergrad, and (hopefully) going to a few concerts!
send me a soft ask
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thesporkidentity · 5 years
where do you watch the untamed?
If it’s available in your region, I’d recommend viki first. Of the legally licensed versions, their fansubs are the best. It’s also available on Netflix in a lot of places (I have…a LOT of issues with their subs, but netflix is one of the most easily accessible sources, but also I really don’t like their subs) and the Tencent youtube channel (the subs are occasionally very goofy, but I still think they’re better than Netflix).
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ripeuronymous1993 · 5 years
55 issss.......showdown by electric light orchestra! very nice very swag : )
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fishtomale · 6 years
I love your collage! How did you gather your materials, what was your process?
I collect from old magazines, old college letters, stickerbooks, baptist mall and restaurant tracts, price tags, comic advertisements, and lgbt self help pamphlets. 
Usually I just collects images for a certain aesthetic or feeling, but for that specific collage had a lot to do with being not only a woman, but a lesbian raised in a toxic Christian environment. 
Thank you for your kindness.
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ruinpowder · 6 years
30? 😀
thank you!!
#30 - ugh where do i begin….i really just want to run all over the place w a girl you know??? like doing mundane stuff like grocery shopping or eating at ihop at 1 am and ofc going to pride would also be super fun 😭 also a wedding?? hello that would be so wonderful
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strawberrytar · 6 years
Tumblr media
for @uppermanhattanhobo
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clownemojies · 5 years
Your opinion on rockstar/clowns? 🤔
its 2019! thats how everyone should look by now! it’s a good look.
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oswednesday · 4 years
happy that bear didn't attack you~ 💐💖🙏💯💟
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yeunonesforflint · 7 years
6th round of thanks to our rebloggers:
(in chronological order)
Thank you so very much indeed for helping us keep this campaign going!
Every reblog counts for us to reach out to as many people as possible for this fundraiser.
Every dollar donated is a step forward towards our goal of raising enough money to provide 18,000 lead-mitigating meals to Flint residents through the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan.
If you’re on Twitter, we’d really appreciate it if you could please go to this link and retweet to help us spread the word there too: https://twitter.com/yeunones/status/906228911205490688
You can also find us on Facebook.
We truly appreciate everything you’re doing to help us, no matter how or when you contribute. Until the 29th we’ll be slower in getting back to you individually, but this fundraiser goes on as usual: your money’s safe, and you’ll hear from us soon if you’ve assisted us in anyway. Thank you for continuing to reblog our posts with the tag #yeunonesforflint and for donating what you can. We know many are students or otherwise financially challenged so we don’t expect anyone to give anything beyond their possibilities.
We’ve been reaching out to people from outside the Steven Yeun fandom as well and we’re truly grateful to everyone. Fans that want to leave us a message for Steven when donating just have to follow the instructions that’ll show on the donations page. We wish you all an amazing day!
- Yeun Ones
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swampgallows · 4 years
23 and 24? i consider you a music expert ☺
LOL you’re so sweet! I’ll try to dig deep for these ones!! 23. A song that when you listen to it you’re transported to a liminal space, time is pointless and you must sit and wallow in the void that remains well there’s only one right answer for this one... i know a lot of people find this song beautiful but to me it’s incredibly haunting, very much the aforementioned “wallowing of the void”. 
(really I wanted my answer to be CLSM — Where the Music Plays, but the version from time 4 a cup of tea is only available in the full album rip on youtube) :: Orbital — Halcyon + On + On
24. A song to listen to on a long drive when you have the really strong urge to keep driving until you find somewhere to start a new life (preferably a European city whose language you don’t speak) this song always makes me think of my brother. it also always makes me cry :: Squarepusher — Iambic 9 Poetry
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