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sp0o0kylights · 4 months ago
Adopt a Jock Part One / Previous Part / Part 10.1 (you are here)
Chapter 10 is complete and will be fully uploaded to A03 this weekend when I can get around holiday shenanigans. It's very long so tumblr gets it in parts. I'm sure I could make a Thanksgiving food pun there if I tried hard enough but alas I am not Steve nor Dustin.
Apparently, if you stumbled into supernatural shit, you were rewarded with a mountain of legal paperwork so absurdly thick that Gareth was almost positive it included a government-approved execution clause for anyone reckless enough to speak about things better left unsaid
So, here they were: barely a week past the lab incident, eating lunch, keeping their heads down, like their entire world hadn’t been turned upside down.
(He couldn’t even appreciate the pun.)
“She keeps looking over here.” Tiff’s pen tapped out a furious rhythm, her gaze fixed on one Nancy Wheeler, “And she’s been following us.”
“Well according to Steve she knows about--you know.” Gareth said, keeping things vague in hopes it would prevent any visits from men in black suits.
“I’m sure she just wants to talk.” Jeff said with a note of sympathy.
The fucking traitor.
“I’m sure we’re not allowed to talk.” Stewart muttered darkly, pushing his peas around his lunch tray with a fork.
“Only with people who don’t already know.” Grant tried to argue, and that rapidly dissolved into an argument regarding NDA’s and tricky legal language that Gareth tuned out in favor of his new found hobby--doing his level best not to think about anything beyond his lunch and what new D&D character he wanted to play.
His last one died in the prior game, and though Eddie had--weirdly and entirely out of character--offered to revive it, Gareth had waived him off.
They needed some normalcy right now, and if that came at the cost of Gareth’s beloved druid meeting her maker, then so be it.
Plus a new character was a great distraction.
(He was set on playing a noble elf known as ‘Gregg from Accounting’, but a second dwarf named Iron the Chef had been tempting…)
“She’s coming!” Tiffany hissed, slamming her pen down.
Mourning the loss of an easy, drama free lunch, Gareth sighed and prepared himself.
“Hi.” Nancy said, announcing her presence with quiet determination, books stacked in her arms and chin raised defiantly.
No one said a word back.
“Jonathan let me know what happened, and I wanted to say that I’m sorry you got pulled into all of this.” She paused, clearly thinking her words over, before adding; “Steve, Jonathan, and I used to practice.”
Nancy stopped again, this time blatantly waiting for one of them to say something.
She got more stares in return.
“Given that things sound a little open ended, and that there were injuries, I thought it might be good to start up again. Steve suggested if we do, you all should come too.” She finished, bulldozing right through her own awkwardness.
“Practice what?” Grant asked, confused and trying to cover it with suspicion.
“Defensive measures.” Nancy answered.
Seeing their unchanged blank stares, she gathered her books in one arm, formed a finger gun with her free hand, and mimed shooting in such a deadpan manner that Gareth almost burst into disbelieving laughter.
While he was haunted by visions of Nancy Wheeler holding a gun, Tiff loudly picked her pen back up, making enough noise that all eyes went to her.
“You beat my score on Mrs. Click’s practice test by two points.”
“Uh--yes?” Nancy said, blinking at her.
Tiff's eyes narrowed. “I’m kicking your ass on the final.”
Another dumbfounded blink.
“Tiff’s coping, as are we--no…defensive measures necessary.” Jeff said, in a desperate bid to soothe things over, “We appreciate the offer.”
She nodded, seemingly placated by his response. “Actually, where is Steve? I wanted to talk to him too.” Nancy asked, changing topics with ease. “I haven’t seen him all day.”
“Ah-ha.” Tiff muttered under her breath, as if catching out what Nancy really wanted.
Stewart kicked her ankle.
“He’s with Eddie.” Grant said, covering the sound of their resulting scuffle.
“He’s been spending a lot of time with Eddie lately.” Nancy noted, in that same neutral tone the Feds spoke in. All fake nice without giving a single thing away.
It was a little terrifying.
“We all spend a lot of time with each other.” Tiffany shot back, hackles very much raised and not bothering to hide it. “We’re friends. That’s what friends do.”
“Man, we are vicious today!”
“She’s really sore about that grade.” Stewart covered, offering a sympathetic pat to Tiffany’s shoulder (who looked an awful lot like she was going to bite his hand for it).
Did Nancy Wheeler even know about the weird academic rivalry Tiff had with her? Gareth took one look at Tiff’s gritted teeth, and thought better of it.
“I wouldn't be if I was able to properly finish that essay,” Tiff motioned to the now hopelessly crumpled paper underneath her pen, “ instead of rushing it because I had to pull someone out of a lab--”
“Nancy’s right.” Jeff cut in, in another desperate attempt to distract them all from eating each other. “I haven't seen much of Steve or Eddie today.”
He turned expectantly to his right. “Gary?”
Gareth frowned back at him.
“Why would I know where they are?”
“Oh,” Stewart said, far too innocently. “You haven’t realized you’re their assigned zookeeper?”
Wadding up his napkin was second nature. So was launching it at his friend's head, who expertly (and unfortunately) dodged.
“So you’re saying you don’t know?” Grant asked, a smile creeping across his face.
Gareth opened his jacket, fishing around for a moment as if he was searching for something, before pulling his hand back to show off his extended middle finger.
Pity he actually had the answer.
“They’re in the drama room. Steve sweettalked Mr. Barns into letting them set up early for Hellfire’s game.” He grumbled, ruining the entire effect.
“See?” Stewart said smugly.
With deliberate slowness, Gareth raised up his other middle finger before waving them both in a circle.
“Fuck you, fuck you--”
“Not in your lifetime.” Tiffany answered, to multiple chortles.
“Don’t bother them, Wheeler.” Gareth continued, ignoring the assholes he called friends to turn back to Nancy. “They’re setting up for the Hellfire’s last game of the year and Ed’s is a little…obsessive about it.”
As in he was known to be a complete and utter terror in the days leading up to his grand finales but Gareth wasn’t telling her that.
These games were a big deal for Hellfire as a whole. Precious things they looked forward to and the finale game was something they often worked several months, if not a solid year, to reach.
This year's game had more riding on it than any one prior. Hellfire’s shared sanity, for example, and a shining piece of normality they all found themselves desperately needing.
(Plus the problem of Eddie flunking again--and not telling anyone.
See--Eddie had been touchy the first time he hadn’t graduated and even with the appearance of monsters and government lackeys, Gareth expected this year to be even worse--but the Steve of it all added a rather explosive emotional element.
“You still have most of Hellfire.” Gareth had pointed out, when he’d hitched a ride home a few days prior and found the paper declaring Eddie’s super senior year a lost cause. “You know you’ll still have them after they graduate too, right?”
“Because they’re going to be looking forward to their old pal Eddie while in college, sure.” Had been the clipped response.
“They will.” Gareth said, with a level of assurance he hoped Eddie could feel. “And if that’s the concern, then you’ll definitely still have Steve.”
Who hadn’t gotten into college, and openly admitted to refusing to try now that monsters were back.
“I guess.” Eddie had said, looking like a deflated party balloon.
In typical Munson fashion, he seemed to realize he was giving away more “real feelings” than he’d intended too, and changed the subject with an energy that Gareth knew was fake.
He hadn’t called him out on it though, and equally, he had not called out the mania Eddie had slowly been succumbing to since that fateful day. He’d get over it--Gareth knew he’d get over it--if they could just make it past the point where Eddie’s own brain informed him the world was ending to prove it.)
All of them deserved a break, and a place to put aside all the stupid shit and simply have a good time, and heading off Steve’s nosey ex-girlfriend before she could cause problems would go a long way to help.
“I’m sure they can spare two minutes.” Nancy was saying, mid creation of the exact problem Gareth was hoping to avoid.
“No--uh,” He flailed about for a reason she couldn’t, and the longer she frowned at him the more his brain simply vanished all forms of higher thought. “Don’t?”
Nancy’s expression soured, mouth twisting in a line Gareth very much did not like. “I’m sure they--”
“Tell us what other things you practice. Besides, you know. The pews.” He interrupted frantically.
Under the table his foot struck out, and though he had no idea who he’d struck he hoped whoever it was understood what exactly he was trying to do.
“The pews?” Nancy echoed, after a painfully long moment.
“You know? Pews!” Gareth mimed a gun, and then made “pew” noises while firing it.
Besides him, Jeff gave a very Harrington-like sigh.
(He’d been doing that a lot lately, Gareth made a mental note to mock him for it.)
“You cannot tell me you guys only practice with guns.” Tiffany huffed. She had not been the kicked party, but thankfully, hadn’t needed the nudge to catch on. “What happens if you run out of bullets?”
Nancy gave her an odd, almost calculating look.
“We use whatever else we have on hand.” She said flatly.
Which just boded so fucking well for the rest of this conversation (and Gareth’s life, given he was uncomfortably aware of the things that went bump in the night.)
“Well, give us an example.” Tiff continued, and given the now increasingly concerned looks that the rest of Hellfire was darting between her and Nancy, Gareth knew the rest of his idiots hadn’t caught on.
On a piece of paper he scrawled--and the underlined twice, for good measure;
‘Go. Find. Byers!’
--and then chucked it at Grant’s head. Who thankfully opened it, even if he made a face while doing so, before proceeding to pass the note around as Tiff and Nancy traded increasingly pointed words about weapons training.
“When you’re in a situation, you use whatever you have on hand. I would assume you knew this, given what I heard happened the other day.”
“Yes, but wouldn’t it make more sense to train and carry with backup weapons rather than just hoping you find something on the way? What if the--what if we’d been in the woods?”
Gareth watched the note travel from person to person, until it was dropped back in front of him.
‘You go find him.’ Someone had scrawled, followed by multitudes of doodles, two of which featured army-hat wearing dicks driving tanks.
Then and there, he decided that perhaps his friends truly did deserve death should a similar situation arise in the future.
Useless. They were all useless.
“You’re welcome to make a suggestion, Tiffany.”
“I will. I’ll make a list even.”
“Good.” Nancy smiled, with all her teeth.
“Fine.” Tiff returned, looking half feral.
Was this some type of weird mating ritual between academic types? God, they were scary.
‘Well, that definitely won’t come back to bite us in the ass.’ Gareth thought wryly as Nancy stormed off in the opposite direction of the drama room, tapping the note against the table. He glanced at the rest of the group, who appeared to be attempting to tempt Tiff out of her snit by way of asking her what dramatic bullshit she thought Eddie would be pulling in the finale.
If nothing else, he decided, they’d prevented ruining Eddie’s day--and possibly, their entire night.
Nothing, save more fucking monsters or equally evil government lackeys could manage that.
(Pity that Gareth had forgotten the third most powerful force on the planet when it came to wrecking plans.
Middle schoolers.)
The day had dragged but they'd made it, and Eddie in turn, had made that wait worth their while.
The lights in the drama room were low.
The entire table had been set up with such care and drama that Gareth almost couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Goblets lined both sides, each filled with a dark red liquid Gareth knew damn well could not be wine.
Candles--real ones, had been lit, casting shadows across Eddie’s face as he lounged in his throne, a master in their element.
A castle, meticulously crafted out of wooden sticks and painted a dark, forbidding gray towered in front of Eddie down at the end, with the layout of the insides crawling down the table atop carefully gridded paper.
Monstrous figurines stood in a row off to the side, like little soldiers, planted right in front of a plain, if not comically large, cardboard box.
It was elaborate, meticulous, and half the items had clearly been stolen from Steve’s house, if not outright decorated by the man’s own hand.
“Welcome, my friends.” Eddie purred, breaking the spell that had fallen over Hellfire.
“Oh my God.” Grant breathed, jostling Gareth’s shoulder as he pushed inside.
“Dude, you outdid yourself!” Stewart added, voice awed as he took it all in.
“He had help.” Steve confirmed, materializing at Eddie’s shoulder. He leaned forward, adjusting something in front of Eddie, ignoring the immediate angry swat and hissed warnings about “ruining the moment, Steven!”
“Glad to see you putting your mom’s party planning skills to good use.” Jeff teased, but no one missed the way he ran a hand down the table, staring giddily at the spread.
Steve gave him a shrug, but even in the dim light Gareth could see how pleased he looked.
It was magical, and Gareth felt something come alive in his chest that he’d privately thought the manticore had killed.
A childish sort of excitement, bubbling up as he realized he was about to have a damn fine time.
This, of course, is when the actual children came in.
“I made a timeline.” Dustin announced, shouldering his way in between Jeff and Grant to slam down a massive piece of paper.
“Oh my God where did you come from!?” Stewart yelped, started as more and more children suddenly swarmed Hellfire’s table.
“The middle school is literally next door. We walked.” Max rolled her eyes as she took a seat next to Tiffany. “What idiot let you guys light candles in here?”
El fell in right next to her, stealing what was clearly intended to be Grant’s chair.
Who looked like he’s about to say something about it until he caught sight of her delighted face.
Gareth would have laughed at the obvious way Grant’s shoulders slumped as he accepted his fate, if his own chair hadn’t just been usurped by Michael Wheeler.
“A timeline?” Steve asked, before Eddie could surge to his feet and kick the brats out.
(They all watched him jerk anyway, like he’d intended to do just that and barely caught himself.)
“Uh, everything?” Dustin scoffed, waving a beat up folder in the air. “We took it all the way back to when we first met El.”
Next to him, Lucas had stepped up to the table, running a hand down it in much the same way Jeff had. “We decided it might help us figure out where the manticore came from.” He said absently.
A riot of emotion exploded over Steve’s face, made all the funnier by the fact that it was entirely at odds with the setup he’d so lovingly created.
“I’m sorry, did we not hear the Chief of Police? He’s investigating this, our involvement is over.” Steve made a slashing motion with his hand, as if that would hold them all off.
(Gareth, who once watched all of these children fight each other over an arcade score for three consecutive days, knew it was a lost cause.)
Dustin made yet another scoffing sound in return.
Given how often he seemed to make them, Gareth wondered if he had problems with a sore throat.
“I thought we all widely agreed Hop’s investigation skills are terrible.”
“Hello?” Stewart said irritably. “We were about to get started?”
Eddie swung himself into a sitting position and made like he was going to stand up, likely to pounce on the opening Stewart had just given.
Pity Steve once again, beat him there.
“Yes, but he’s not investigating, is he? We,” Hellfire’s jock made another motion, this one a circular twirl of the hand. Gareth was starting to wonder if the gestures are directly linked to his stress level. “already did that part. He can now do the part he’s good at, which is fixing it.”
“He’s not good at fixing it, look at what happened with the demodogs!”
It was at this moment Gareth made his fatal mistake. In hindsight, he should have known better than to ask out loud,
“Okay, can someone please explain what the hell’s a demodog?”
Several protests, groans, and pencils are flung his way for it.
(“Do you know how often that word has been thrown around!?” He’d defend much, much later. “You guys keep saying it but not what they are!”
“If you stopped eavesdropping all the time maybe you wouldn’t be wondering about such things.” Eddie had responded snidely.
“It’s not my fault you keep talking about this shit when I’m right there you asshat--”)
“What, you didn’t think there were actually feral dogs in Hawkins did you?” One of the kids asks incredulously, like he can’t possibly believe anyone is so stupid as to buy into it.
“They were like the manticore, but small and more, well, doggish.” Dustin dismissed, this time with a Harrington flavored hand waive of his own. “Ask Steve, he was there.”
Gareth turned to do just that, D&D campaign be damned (He would not apologize for wanting to know what else might be out to kill them all even if the finale was technically on, sue him) to find Steve had slipped right into mother hen mode.
“No.” He spat, charging forward as he flapped his arms around, like the children are a flock of birds he can scare away. “You are not sucking anyone into this, and we are not getting involved! You heard Hop!”
Mike rolled his eyes. “Don’t be a coward, Steve.”
“I’m not a coward, I’m someone who doesn’t need another near death experience! There’s not a reward if you have five in a row, dickheads.”
Seething and not bothering to hide it, Eddie picked up the massive gold goblet in front of him and took an obnoxiously loud sip out of it.
“I’m also going to remind you that Henderson here,” Steve stopped behind Dustin to rattle his, “is going to camp in a few days? I believe the rest of you also have similar engagements.”
It was Mike’s turn to scoff.
“Lucas is only in summer school until 3 and camp doesn’t start for another two weeks. We have plenty of time!”
“It’s not summer school,” Lucas protested, eyes darting to Max and back as if she wasn’t aware the kid was a nerd. “It’s a creative writing program--”
“Yeah, well, the rest of us are busy.” Steve fired back. “So any theories you have, you can take and shove right up your ass.”
“Why is it always the ass with you Steve? Do you have an ass fixation?”
Gareth watched as Eddie immediately choked on the dyed Mountain Dew he had been chugging down, hacking so hard tears welled in his eyes.
Jeff shared a pained look with Gareth over the table as Grant pounded him on the back.
“I do not have an ass fixation, Henderson--”
“Okay.” Tiffany clapped her hands together, the sound ringing out throughout the drama room.
“Here’s the deal. Summer break is two days away. Steve is right--most of us here are working, if not preparing to go to college. No one needs to go snooping around where we aren’t wanted, and we definitely do not need anymore injuries. Kapeesh?”
Henderson immediately turned on her. “So we’re just gonna trust the guys who fucking started all this!?”
“Given they also have better ways of handling it, yes. We are. Hopper told them about Stewarts goo, they sent some suits in to kill the manticore, and thanks to El’s heads up we caught things ahead of time for once. Can’t we just enjoy that?” Steve was beyond worked up now, repeatedly running his hands through his hair, only to fix it, pick at it, and then repeat the process again. “For fucks sake Dustin, Eddie just stopped limping!”
“I don’t think it’s over.” Mike muttered angrily, pushing a finger against Tiffany’s water bottle.
She grabbed it before it toppled over, glaring at him.
“El, do you feel anything?” Steve spoke like he was invoking a god and not an undersocialized twelve year old.
“No.” She admitted, after a long almost uncomfortable pause. “I do not.”
Steve pointed at her victoriously. “There you go!”
“No more buts!” Steve shrieked, before seemingly to realize he’d done so. He coughed, and then said; “I thought you dorks would be storming in here trying to get Eddie to DM for you, not harassing us about the Upside Down.”
“You guys are playing D&D?” Lucas asked, as if he hadn’t been salivating over the spread for the last five minutes.
“I really like your cleric.” Will said quietly to Jeff, having leaned over to look at his character sheet at some point during the argument.
“Will, aren’t you a Dungeon Boss?” Steve asked, to the horror of those around him. “Why don’t you go sit by Eddie, I’m sure you’d enjoy seeing how he does stuff.”
A wince rippled through the members of Hellfire.
There was simply no way Eddie Munson, a man known to be possessive at best, would ever allow any of them to even glance at his notebook, let alone his entire spread laid bare behind his screen.
Those were his secrets--the result of too many late nights and an easy contributor to his failing high school yet again--and this was the grand finale.
Steve sitting next to Eddie had been miraculous enough--and that was with Eddie actively demanding he sit there, in a vain attempt to drag Steve out of his issues.
Fearing the worst, Gareth snuck a glance at their glorious--and notoriously ridiculous--leader.
Eddie sucked on his teeth, the noise painfully loud in the abrupt silence, eyes on Byers the Younger before they drifted back to Steve.
Who clearly had no idea he’d put his foot in it.
Tiff looked ready to break a pencil, eyes glaring a hole in Eddie’s head as if daring him to disappoint the group's golden retriever while Grant, Jeff and Stewart had all magically found something else to look at.
Gareth himself hunkered down, waiting to see how this would play out.
One more painful, pulsing second and then Eddie seemed to come to a decision, rolling out his hand and gesturing Will closer.
“Indeed Baby Byers,” He dropped into one of his many DM voices, something deep but alluring. “come closer and learn from the master of masters. Perhaps you’ll find something here to take back to your own campaigns. Something truly…terrible.”
He waggled his eyebrows at Dustin as Will’s Party groaned, though none of them put up much of a fuss once they saw the sheer smile that overtook Will’s face.
With the unique combination of embarrassment and pride, Will took his place next to Eddie.
Steve beamed in the corner, clearly pleased with himself and it was not lost on Gareth (or anyone else in the know) that Eddie preened only after sneaking an obvious look at Steve’s face.
“God he has it bad.” Stewart muttered, only to hiss when Jeff not so subtly jabbed him with a pen.
Gareth just shook his head, and gave Eddie a grin that said he would absolutely be getting shit for this later.
“Stevie, be a dear and fetch more chairs would you?” Eddie drawled, as he settled back into his throne, baby Byers happily checking out the items he had laid out behind his DM screen.
Which Gareth supposed was Steve’s punishment for inviting the kids along, but then, Eddie may as well have been bossing the jock around all day regardless given the look of the place.
(He’d certainly taken advantage of doing just that while his leg had been healing.)
That was their mess though, and Gareth happily put all thoughts of monsters, murder, men in black and every other awful M word aside to inside pull out his luckiest D20 die.
“Hellfire,” Eddie boomed as the all finally settled, “It's time to show the kiddies how it's done. Let’s roll!”
“And Dustin bitches at me for my puns.” Steve loudly complained as he came back into the room with chairs.
Eddie shushed him again.
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hetakinkmeme · 2 months ago
Welcome to the revived Hetalia Kink Meme! This will be hosted both on Tumblr and on Archiveofourown as a prompt meme challenge. I noticed that trying to only host on Tumblr led to some issues, and a lot of people don't know how to use Dreamwidth nowadays so attempting to host it there doesn't work anymore either.
Now, the Hetalia fandom isn't as big as it once was, but I'm still hoping that we manage to get some participation going.
Collection link:
Please note that this is NOT affiliated with the original Hetalia Kink Meme on Dreamwidth or its corresponding collection on ao3. Their collection is named Hetalia Kink Meme(heta_kink). Ours is HetaliaKinkMeme(Hetalia_Kinkmeme).
Now, here's a quick FAQ and list of rules:
What's a prompt meme?
It's a place where you can suggest things you want to see written in your fandom, or write people's requests if you happen to see one that strikes your fancy! As a requester, click on "prompt form" and fill out the form. The fields with a * next to them are required fields, but you may choose whether to leave the other fields blank or fill them out.
Required fields: Characters(at least 1), Description(Describe what you want and don't want). That's it!
As a writer, you may click "claim" on somebody's prompt to announce your intention to write it.
But OP!! I thought prompts aren't allowed on ao3!!
You're correct. Usually. Many people don't know that there is actually a special collection challenge type on ao3 that is designed for hosting prompt memes just like this one! There is a separate section for prompts where you can upload prompts/requests. Here's a link to ao3's prompt meme FAQ:
How many prompts can we request?
I made the limit 15 per account. I think this is more than enough. Of course I can't stop you from requesting from multiple accounts but come on man... (If you want to add another prompt that badly you could also delete one of your old prompts.)
How long should our fills be?
I am unlikely to enforce any minimum, but I personally recommend at least 400 words.
Can I write a fic for a prompt that someone has already claimed?
Yes! Multiple fills per prompt are allowed. Two cakes and all that.
Are requests anonymous? What if I want to de-anon a request?
Requests are anonymous by default, but you may de-anon by unchecking the "semi-anonymous prompt" box at the end of your prompt form.
Are the collection works anonymous? What if I want to de-anon the fic I wrote?
COLLECTION WORKS ARE NOT ANONYMOUS BY DEFAULT. When uploading a fic to fulfill a prompt, you may add it to the "anonymous" collection on ao3 to keep yourself anonymous.
NOTE: You won't be able to click claim on a prompt without revealing your username. Unfortunately anonymous claims aren't possible without making the entire collection anonymous. A work around is to just upload your fic to the collection the old fashioned way and then state the prompt you're filling in your A/N.
I heavily debated whether to make the entire collection anonymous, but I ultimately wanted it to be up to the author as to whether to anon or de-anon without them being forced to leave the collection in order to de-anon.
1. Your prompt/request must have at least a BIT of description as to what you want. Posting only something like "cat boy!Ivan x dog boy!Alfred" isn't going to do much to get anybody's imagination running. A prompt as short as the above will be considered spam and deleted. Aim to describe a bit of what you want(just a sentence or bullet points is fine, just at long as it's something) as well as what you DON'T want(any squicks etc.)
2. Requests must be for Hetalia. I'll allow crossovers if it seems like a popular enough property. (I.e. Hetalia x Harry Potter). Hetalia AUs such as cardverse are more than welcome!
3. Both requests and fills may be anonymous as stated in the FAQ. To make your request anonymous, click the "semi-anonymous prompt?" box at the bottom of the prompt form. It should be auto selected already. This will make sure your prompt is posted under "anonymous".
To make your prompt fill anonymous, upload your fic to the "anonymous" collection along with this one. Unfortunately clicking "claim" on a prompt will reveal your username and there's nothing I can do to change this. You can make note of which prompt you fulfilled in your A/N.
4. All characters & ships welcome. All kinks and types of prompts and works welcome.
5. Be nice to each other. Mean-spirited asks, prompts, or fills will be deleted.
Have any questions? Send in an ask!
Prompts and fills may be submitted onto this tumblr as well, but the same rules as above apply. You may submit the same prompt on both ao3 and Tumblr or on only one of them as you wish. Prompts that do not follow the rules will be deleted.
Update: In case it isn't clear, you don't have to specifically fulfill an ao3 prompt to upload to the ao3 collection; it can be a fill for a tumblr prompt as well! You can also send the fic link here and I'll post it.
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haru-dipthong · 1 year ago
How long will the japanese wikipedia article for goncharov last?
And how big is the internet, really?
I was in a wikipedia hole recently and I happened to notice that the Japanese article for Goncharov is the only language variant that is completely in-character.
Tumblr media
Every other language specifies it as “Goncharov (meme)”. Japanese lists it as “Goncharov (1973 film)”, and formats the introduction as if it were a real movie:
Tumblr media
Goncharov is a 1973 mafia film set in Naples, Italy. Produced by Martin Scorsese, the main cast includes Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, John Cazale, Gene Hackman, Cybill Shepherd, and Harvey Keitel.
— Wikipedia (my translation)
The rest of the article does go on to acknowledge Tumblr’s influence in Goncharov’s popularity, but every mention of this influence frames it as reviving the popularity of the supposedly real film. On two occasions the word 再燃 is used (the first kanji means “again” and the second kanji means “burn” - it means “rekindle” and can be similarly used in the metaphorical and literal sense, just like the english word “rekindle”).
Tumblr media
Goncharov became particularly popularity on social media as a result of a reblog of a Tumblr post in August 2020. The post depicted shows the title of the film (Goncharov) in place of a brand logo on a shoe, which were described as “knockoff boots”. The image post and the comment attached to the reblog, mocking the fact that the original poster had not seen the film, became an internet meme. In November 2022, a poster made by a fan of Goncharov was uploaded to the internet, and the film’s popularity resurged. Various fan-made content about the story and production began to spread on Tumblr and other platforms. Goncharov has been widely covered in the media as an example of how fandom is born on the internet, with many prominent figures, including Scorsese himself, leaving comments.
— Wikipedia (my translation)
It’s clear the article is trying to adapt the real history of the meme and incorporate it as much as possible into the fictional history of the film. The rest follows quite similarly, and includes more analysis of how Tumblr culture created the “reignited” popularity, how Elon’s acquisition of Twitter resulted in an exodus of users to Tumblr which may have contributed to the increased awareness of the “movie”, etc. Though most of it is directly translated from the english, enough of it is original (such as the attempts to reconcile both real and fictional histories) that I suspect the article’s current state is intentional.
To get back to my initial question, how long will this article last like this?
Remember the whole Scots Wikipedia debacle? An american teenager had basically used simple word replacement to translate over 23,000 articles into Scots. Some people noticed this, but not many, and not loudly enough. It was only after a well researched reddit post pointed out the scale of the damage that people really took notice and action was taken. The wikipedia editor had apparently been doing this for 7 years before the reddit post was made.
If 20,000 articles could go largely unnoticed for 7 years, I imagine a single article could easily evade similar detection. Realistically, how many Japanese speakers are going to even hear about Goncharov and make it to the wikipedia article? Then, how many of them are going to do more googling and find out it’s all a hoax (or know already)? THEN, how many of them are going to tell a wikipedia admin that the article is a lie, or publicise it somehow in a way that forces the editors to update the article?
I think the reality is that although the internet may appear to be a massive open town square (or several), it also has side streets, and side streets of side streets. I feel like the number of active members in each online hobby or interest group are really quite small, and then they get divided between platforms, and even further divided into subgroups. I think if one decided it was something one wanted to do, it would be quite easy to become one of the most prevalent members of any online community you chose just by devoting the time and energy to it.
It’s also kind of shocking how much internet content is inaccessible on account of it being in a different language. English reigns supreme in terms of sheer volume, but there is original research and journalism and entertainment and art in every language, that hasn’t and might never be translated into english. For example, I found it very difficult to find any english sources or research for my post about the evolving conjugation of 違う, but I easily found several japanese papers and websites. In fact, if you google “違くない adjective or verb”, the first english result that doesn’t just handwave it as “informal” or “slang” is a tumblr blog with my post on it!
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It’s a small internet indeed where my little hobby language blog is, according to google, the prevailing english source on what is quite a remarkable change in Japanese grammar that’s been happening since the 80s.
I think the Japanese unreality version of the Goncharov wikipedia article will stand for many years to come.
(below link shows the article at time of writing)
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polarislex · 2 months ago
id rather be crazy like you 𓂃۶ৎ
♡ live update thread ♡
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 ♡ master post here ♡
AND THE PROLOGUE IS LIVE FOLKS! thanks to you, and getting this post to SEVEN likes, i went ahead and uploaded the prologue!
link here
Just to note really quick - updates for this may not be super quick. I am currently writing my chanbaek fic and i do want to bang out as much as of that as i can! with that being said though, if this gains traction and if i can get 10 kudos & 2 comments on the prologue, i will shift and get the first chapter completed and up! I want a goal that I think could be achievable but yet a bit pushing for a smaller writer like myself!
Also, to add a bit of a backstory to this idea (if anyone is curious): back in, i think, 2018/2019, this original idea was set in strictly aesthetics with BTS and EXO being the main 2 groups I was doing them for! ironically enough, this was more an idea i had while talking with old friends on tumblr back in the day of what themed aesthetics should i do next (i think i just finished some of the disney princess ones). there was, at the time, no correlation to descendants (though, obviously now, I can't say that. I've watched the movies, and some elements may be similar) I then tried my hand at a social media au with Jimin being the main focus, but i ended up putting it on hold to cancel the au all together. I didn't know how to move forward with where I was, so it sort of just crumbled and died ahaha
now, i think then around 2021/2022, i sort of revisted the idea on my own, but with the idea to make aesthetics solely for nct members. this never happened, but the idea did stick with me for years. it was always something i wanted to really, really, really, dabble back into but i was never sure how. Did i write little one shots looped together in one fic with conflicting timelines for that sense of confusion? did I revive the social media au? or do I try something completely different.
so, now in 2025 and getting that boost from the likes on tumblr, here we are. i decided to go with nct dream being the main focus, but exo members will also provide relevance through the story (along with mention of some bts members for the sake of the original plot)! you can always go to my tumblr and look through my masterlist to find the old aesthetics for bts and exo, but i hope within the next few weeks to have updated exo as i see fit AND have nct dream done! In the mean time, enjoy the playlist! drop a kudo, leave a comment / leave a like or comment here on tumblr too! or send me an ask!
till next time! xoxo lexie
I think I may have gotten too ambitious so I’ve merely made it a 5 kudo goal! I’m going to keep it at 2 comments because I really really want to hear thoughts, but if I hit the kudo mark, I’ll update! I love seeing the traction it got on here too!
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2af-afterdark · 1 year ago
I have a little idea that during God!MC period of learning how to God, whenever they use their power, it makes them hungrier and hungrier each time. And that could be like a gateway to inviting different devils to eat with them, it'd be a fun bonding experience. Since MC have some Godly power, they should be able to create something of value to pay for the food consumed.
MC inviting Amon to eat with them every other day to make sure he's at least eating more often than before. Or treating Bael to a fancy lil dinner before sending him to his bed to sleep, telling him not to worry about the paperwork and that they'll take care of it(*cough cough* MC hunting down Bell and bound him to his office til he finishes them)☺️ inviting Satan to go eat to have some alone time with him (〃ω〃)
MC could try bonding the angels and devils through meals, first invite both Gabby and Satan because they've been beefing with each other since the beginning of the game, I doubt it'd work since Gabby can't get along with his own peers, let alone bonding with an individual from a species he've been hating on for so long.
I also thought of MC needing lots of sleep after using their power, but then it would cut down the time they get to spend with everyone so I chose the former idea over this one.
This fandom, along with a few others, is making me consider reviving my Tumblr acc and upload things...
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But, like, this is actually so cute? I love it. No notes. I just need domestic fluff.
If you do, then please let me know! Your creations are so pretty and I want to see them all! I literally have no other social media
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dreadnotau · 1 year ago
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Its been a decent couple of months of productive work, so it's sadly time for a schedule change. I'll be posting pages two weeks apart again. Details provided below if you're curious as to why.
In all honesty there's no big dramatic reason this time around. I've just slowly lost drive to work on Dread Not as often and as thoroughly as I used to be able to. As I said in one of my previous posts (that sounded suspiciously like this one), I want to focus on other projects as well. One of those is my personal art blog, which I've neglected even though I've had art on the backburner that I've been meaning to post for AGES. Kingdomrune is another one of those, where I have shit I could post that I just... never did. Dread Not takes a lot of time and I miss being able to dedicate that time to consuming media instead of just grinding and trying to produce my own. One of the most important things to do as an artist is to broaden your horizons and take in as much art as you can, to diversify and expand what you know and what you can make. But, when all day every day I'm just sitting and drawing my own thing, it's like I have tunnel vision and my creative resources run dry. It's starting to feel weirdly soulless on my end, because I don't feel nearly half the inspiration to make the pages as I did when the big hiatus ended. It's all dependent on time and exposure, and I can only crunch for so long before it starts to feel damaging to me instead of fun and creatively fulfilling.
So what does this mean, practically speaking? Well, for one, I'm spacing out the page upload for the rest of Act 1, as previously mentioned. I'm well aware this will kill the pacing and it'll drag out longer than it theoretically needs to, but I'd even rather that than trying to rush out a page in the Two Days I have free this week (yeah, ONLY two days free out of the ENTIRE week. Don't ask me why it's not even my fuckin' fault this time). If pages become even more scarce than 1 page per 2 weeks, blame it on college. I'm getting new subjects and I don't even know the class schedule yet. Concerning Act 2 though, I'll be changing the structure of the pages from their core. I'll be switching to a different drawing software (probably Krita, suck my dick Photoshop) so it'll take some getting used to. I can't even promise bonus content or anything during the necessary break between acts because of that shift in software happening, I've never done a massive technical move like this. However, it'll allow me to, not only work on Dread Not better, but expand my art overall, so it's definitely worth it. I've wanted to get into animation for YEARS and Krita seems like an okay place to start (the gif on this post WAS made with Photoshop, but shitty gifs are about all I can make as animations in Photoshop). Act 2's style will, predictably, differ heavily from Act 1 and (with how long writing the dialogue alone for it is taking), it might end up being Longer than Act 1, too. Visually, it'll probably be something like cleaned up and coloured sketches, with simpler colour palettes and simpler (big airquotes) visuals overall, and it'll speed up the process and possibly allow me to post more than one page at a time. Possibly. That's not a promise.
I'm sorry if that's disappointing to anyone, but I physically can't make myself continue the current artstyle across all acts. It's just not feasible.
For those curious about the FARTHER future of Dread Not, I have plans to turn Act 3 into a series of fics rather than full comic pages, and something maybe a bit more insane for Act 4. I don't have everything figured out yet, and I don't want to make any false promises or give any grand ideas I won't be able to commit to, since only time will tell how my creativity will flow years from now. If you all want more content from me specifically, again I'm planning on reviving my art tumblr like a half buried zombie, and you'll probably see more there than you bargained for once I actually get into the habit of posting things. If you're mayhaps interested in my original stuff, keep your eyes peeled for a guy called Duro, I might start posting about him some time soon.
As always, thank you for your patience, and apologies again if this news was disappointing to anyone. I'm just one guy and this comic is a titan of biblical proportions. I'll keep you all posted on any further developments and plans for the future! Stay tuned!
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worldismyne · 9 months ago
was there any drama behind warrior u ending in the middle of an isuee?
Drama? Not really, more like, a series of unfortunate events.
The creator's computer crashed, destroying around 10-15 finished pages that had yet to be uploaded.
She was writing as she went, on an issue that was the origin story of the fan favorite villain, Hevvin. I think there was a lot of pressure to make it perfect, and when she went to go back and redo the pages, did what a lot of creators in her position would do. She second guessed the direction the issue was going and thought what she had made was 'terrible'.
She was very open about how she felt she wrote herself in a corner. She enlisted the help of fans to post one page fan comics while she decided what to do, and in the end, decided to end the series.
We were all sad, but from my POV, most people were understanding. It was a for free webcomic she had started in college and made 100s of pages for us. A lot of us had been in a position where we couldn't finish a fic or lost something we'd been working on to computer issues. It was just sad to see it happen to something on such grand of a scale.
A few years later, there was a problem with the webhost, and the official website for the comic died. She was also applying for animation jobs, which at the time the industry was very anti-fandom. So her DA and other galleries that had WU stuff incidently on it was deleted. Her WU blogs got caught in the shuffle, so we lost the original ask blog and concept art blogs. She made a new WU blog that has what she was able to save, but was very clear by 2020 she was ready to move onto a different project.
I can't stress enough how intensely parasocial the fans were by the series end with both her and the characters who'd been accessible through ask blog format since before tumblr (we have an archive of the old formspring for the blog, it's 30 webpages long, and that was just a fraction of it). She read and promoted any fan work that was made on the blog. Even posted the thumbnails for unfinished issues, and had been writing issues out of order.
There was a lot of pressure from the fanbase to make certain ships canon and Hevvin fans were half the fanbase (tumblr sexyman level obession). She was very clear what she would and wouldn't write, that she was pantsing the comic the entire run (no outline, just vibes) and by the series end there was so much pressure to appease the fans, I think the pages getting lost was the straw that broke the camel's back.
((For context, when all this was going down superwholock was on fire with fans harrassing people at cons over ship takes, homestuck was in full swing and fans of that would reach for other webcomics like WU during hiatuses. It was not a great time to 'let down' an audience on tumblr))
I wasn't on her end of the inbox, but I saw her get exhausted from demands to incoporate ships, headcanons, and update faster. It's one thing to get writers block after loosing a good chunk of work, it's another to have that happen in front of 10k+ fans who treat you like any old mutual.
She is aware of our efforts to revive the comic, but has been clear she's ready to move on to different projects. We did get a nice lil promo on the official blog.
Now she has a new comic series, where she works on one issue at a time. When the issues are done she posts them, when they aren't she talks in vague updates. Lately she's been focused on helping raise money to get people out of Gaza.
The orginal WU fandom is mostly gone, though we had a few pop in, nostalgic over the comic as we finished the unfinished issue. Atm we got about 99 peeps following on tumblr and consistent traffic on comic fury.
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springstick · 4 months ago
100 days of productivity !! - Day #005
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The cat you always see in these pictures is named Crash :3
Friday, Nov 15th, 2024: Hello Tumblr, it has been awhile. I definitely came down with something, but I feel better today. I read about half a book this day, so I wasn't doing nothing! I had a quiz in microbiology that I think I did pretty well on. Some of my plants are dying which is making me sad.
GOALS ↬ I studied a good amount, as I have an exam on Wednesday in my Basic Med Lab Techniques class. It's mostly blood banking (HELP), so at least it's just one subject. I did not revive my Duolingo streak, sadly. I also need to pull myself out of the cycle of emotional eating again. I am doing very poorly at that. I am going to actually go swimming next week. I swear. I also am going to start bringing a water bottle around. I realized that on my closet app there are some clothes stragglers that I haven't uploaded yet, so I have to upload those.
OTHER ITEMS ↬ I read a lot, and I cleaned my room a bit, especially wiping down surfaces to try and get the sick out of the room.
I hope that this re-formatting makes sense. I don't want these posts to take a million years to read through.
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dear-alex-chill · 1 year ago
An update
Lately I haven't been active and it's spanned much longer than I intended. I originally thought it was the Team Science Zine sucking up all my energy (that zine was awesome but a beast to make) but I now realize that may have been me trying to convince myself of an untrue reality. I've been exhausted all the time with no time for me. I'm also dealing with more personal issues and being in a period of transition uses a lot of spoons. Hopefully I'll resolve some issues through therapy or other means but it's a lot to balance and I don't necessarily have the resources to take on everything. Unfortunately, art and writing has taken a backseat for the time due to everything going on. It is what it is, I hope to create again one day. However, the end of DAC as an account may be nearing.
I know I've been silent/quiet for months. I know I've not finished anything. I have few WIPs but they're limited in development and not something I want to post. Overall the Dear-Alex-Chill account is fading on all fronts and I'm not sure I want it to revive. I know my stuff rarely shows up in places, in part because of the niche I drew myself into, but also a lack of relevancy in what I produce. I honestly haven't touched digital art in a while, I do miss it. However, I'm exhausted constantly or I'm under the perception I'm too busy to do it, carving time is hard right now. I am considering leaving everything up and just sorta orphaning my account, I would never delete my writing and I don't like the prospect of deleting my art, but actively maintaining a social media like that is taxing and not something I can do right now. DAC might turn into an archive of sorts and when I'm ready I'll start anew entirely with a new name and page. Or maybe I'll come back in a while ready to get going again, I'm not sure.
Some of the lack of desire to revive was a slightly toxic culture. When things blew up around me (not really at me though but like Tumblr? Yk) I felt the need to step back and a part of me just never wanted to return. Moots, I love you guys, you're the reason I stayed so long. But sometimes it's hard to want to engage in a community of people that dislike you and that you generally dislike, it's tiresome. Wacky and Sikyu especially, you guys were awesome to talk to (I'm just mentioning you two specifically because I feel really bad for leaving you guys with no context after months of hyper-dumping hcs and ideas. Anyone I've repeatedly dmed or shared my hcs with and talked to, I do miss you all. Everyone is owed an apology but that's a lot of names to write.) It's hard to stay in a place you don't want to be, especially when you feel you're leaving those close to you, but I think it's of my best interest to step away from DT and TtS/RTA.
To my followers, I'm sorry you haven't gotten what you followed for.
To the anons and haters, cool. Have fun with your lives, I believe in karma but don't act on it, it's not my job to enforce karma, that's the universe's job.
To my mutuals/friends, I haven't forgotten you all and I do think about you. It's just hard to reply or I feel bad reaching out after so much silence. Hopefully I'll be chatty again or return to some normalcy later and I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you earlier.
Overall this just serves as a message/wellness check. I'm still here, I still lurk, but I don't really know if I want to stay active. When I decide to either orphan or revive, I'll let you all know in a new post, but for now here's what's been happening. I love y'all.
See ya later.
(yes this was on insta in slides form, Tumblr hates me uploading more than 3 photos at a time)
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ren12art · 2 years ago
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Just one of my quite old unpublished works to revive my tumblr.
Jon Snow - or more like something inbetween the cinematic and book (as I imagined him when reading) versions.
[ Please don’t use, edit, re-upload or re-post my art anywhere without my permission! Thank you in advance! ]
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cometblogging · 2 years ago
Reviving this old blog to let y'all know I've got something sk8 related coming 👀
It's basically fanfic but in song form BUT this is not me plugging my music to make $$ I will be uploading the song to soundcloud so even if you don't wanna buy it and refuse to use streaming services that give artists money (like spotify or youtube) you can still listen to it
The song is called Infinity and I wrote it wayyyy back when I first watched sk8, then recorded it last year, wasn't happy with the first mix and didn't touch it until almost a year later... it's been finished for weeks now but I had to get the cover for the single and the pic for fhe youtube video in order first which took some time (especially with my very sporadic but explosive motivation)
It's gonna be released August 4th 2023 under the name Infinity (DEMO) by Comet in loads of stores, on most streaming platforms and on SoundCloud
Again I don't want ur money I just want the right people to hear the song that I wrote specifically for Renga 🥲
Also just in case this breaches containment: WE DO NOT TELL ANYONE OUTSIDE OF TUMBLR WHO THE SONG IS ABOUT 👀
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rosietrace · 2 years ago
Melodic Misconceptions 🎹
Track 29: Impossible potential
Synopsis: Victoria Shard was a former member of the popular idol group [ Poisoner ] from NRC corporations. After discourse with her group leader, Victoria decided it was best for her to leave and pursue her solo career in a record label run by her parents.
It had been half a year since her separation from her old group, and Victoria had never been more successful. But now she has a new problem. She must return to NRC corporations in order to mentor the seven idol groups.
Ellis Clawthorne is a member of [ (Co)-connect ] the most recent group under NRC'S belt. With no experience as an idol, Ellis must persevere in order to succeed and pursue her dreams.
Will both girls be able to adapt to their current situations?
Author's note: It's been 84 years I know /j
This may seem a bit underwhelming for a return of MM, but given that Tumblr is not so subtly screwing me over, I needed a long-term break
But anyway, thank you so much to everyone who's been patient enough to wait for all these tracks ^^ I know my upload schedule is a nightmare at this point, so I'm really happy to know that you guys are willing to wait for a while for another installment of my Magnum Opus (okay maybe I shouldn't exaggerate, but still)
Hope you enjoy!
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
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“Huh. So you're Circe.”
Raising an eyebrow at you, Circe slowly approached. You could tell by his body language that he was most definitely hesitant to even talk to you.
Then again, you just happened to run into him, so it wasn't like you expected to talk to him, to begin with. You just let it slide for a little while.
“And you're very obviously Aguri Harper. Do you legitimately don't remember seeing me after your encounter with Vil and Koral?”
You let that question float around before letting out an awkwardly placed whistle. “Possibly…” you drawled.
Circe frowned but shrugged that off relatively quickly. “Well, forget that I guess,” he said. “Why are you back at NRC Corporations?”
Before you could answer that, Circe answered his own question. “Oh, wait, I'm sure you're here for Victoria.”
You practically begged your body to not betray you at that moment, but alas, you felt your cheeks heat up at the mention of the well-known idol that you occasionally take on a date or two.
Not that she'd consider them dates.
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
That was a lie. Victoria did consider them dates.
She paced around the room, with Zen sitting on the couch in front of her, staring at her with utter bewilderment. Naturally, of course, given that Victoria showed little to no stress unless the situation truly called for it.
So he's guessing that whatever she's stressed about, he's more than sure that the situation called for it.
“Err…. Tori? You feeling okay??” That was probably the dumbest question Zen could ask, but he asked it regardless.
Victoria let out an exasperated sigh, but she wasn't necessarily annoyed at Zen. “It's…. Complicated, Zen.”
His eyebrows raised, lips pursed for only a moment. “Oh yeah? Wanna talk about it?” he gently pats the empty spot on the couch next to him. And in response, Victoria tiredly sat down.
“So, did anything happen?”
“It isn't about the NXDE revival, right? As far as I know, it was a success-”
“It… It isn't about the NXDE revival, Zen.”
Zen's eyebrows furrowed. Not only in bewilderment but also in silent irritation because Victoria didn't get straight to the point like she usually did.
But he'd never get mad at her for something as small as that. So he waited patiently for her to get to the point.
“.... It's about Y/N.”
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
“So, you're telling me that you're just- What, denying that you're in love with Victoria?”
You clicked your tongue in annoyance, “I'm not in love with her.”
Circe looked at you like you just told him the biggest piece of bullshit he's ever heard. And frankly, you had reason to believe that what you just said was the biggest bullshit he's ever heard.
“For an actor, you're surprisingly obvious when it comes to your own feelings,” Circe didn't fight the quiet snort he let out, “No wonder there haven't been any reports about any potential relationships.”
You crossed your arms, folding them over your chest. “How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not in love with your former group member?”
Circe smirked, if only for a moment. “As many times as you want, Harper,” he told you, before walking ever so slightly closer than he needed to be.
Circe already had a busy schedule at the moment, especially with how Koral was managing Poisoner at the moment, so he needed to say what he wanted to tell you in the quickest way he could.
And he needed to do that and leave an impact.
“I think you failed to remind yourself that it's impossible to be in a relationship with an idol like her. I can tell you thought you had a chance, Harper.”
And boy…. He most definitely left an impact.
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
🥥: @starry-night-rose @nem0-nee @windbornearchon @fumikomiyasaki @sakuramidnight15 @authoruio
Fellow goobers: @geminiiviolets @oseathepebble @vaporvipermedia @twsted-princess @knights-escort @crazyyanderefangirlfan @celiica @terrovaniadorm (If I forgot to add anyone, pls notify me!)
──ㅇ─────↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺───ㅇ────
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sylusheart · 1 year ago
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hi there <3 welcome to my blog! :3 i write for shits and giggles and i post all of my works on ao3, you can find the link to my acc here.
but i also post some of my one-shots here on tumblr too (i only post the ones that are 'one part' long directly on tumblr - sometimes i tend to write one-shots that end up getting split into two/three parts because it becomes too long or i just do it for easier access to specific bits of the story) ♡
in my masterlist below you can find the direct links to my fics; if the fic is uploaded on tumblr (meaning if it's a one-shot) the link will take you to the tumblr post for it first but the ao3 link will still be accessible and shown on that page if you'd like to read it on there instead!┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁️
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this is my one and only blog because i'm not too used to the idea of having multiple blogs idk that sorta overwhelms me atm lmao (i'm not so familliar with tumblr but hopefully overtime i'll get more comfier on here and how things work...) but usually all my posts are just devil may cry :D though i tend to write/shitpost abt other stuff too such as call of duty, final fantasy vii/xv, resident evil, k-pop, love and deepspace + more! but yeah that's basically me summed up :p
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here's a masterlist of my current works and wips for ao3! i've included a key at the bottom of this section with a detailed explanation on the labels i attach to my titles :3
-------˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹ 𐦍 ˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹-------
devil may cry
╰┈➤ ❝ serenity (on-going) vergil x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ cowboy like me (2 part one-shot) dante x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ made for me (one-shot) nico x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ heavy chain (one-shot) vergil x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ awakened (on-going) vergil x fem!reader ❞ WIP
love and deepspace
╰┈➤ ❝ candles for caleb (one-shot) caleb x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ mile high club (one-shot) xavier x fem!reader ❞ WIP
call of duty
╰┈➤ ❝ king of it all (one-shot) könig x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ barracks bunny (2 part one-shot) ghost x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ a little jealousy (one-shot) shownu x fem!reader ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ heartstopper (one-shot) nayeon x fem!reader ❞ WIP
resident evil
╰┈➤ ❝ revival (one-shot) wesker x fem!reader ❞ WIP
╰┈➤ ❝ cabin fever (one-shot) leon kennedy x ashley graham ❞ WIP
vicious/villains duology
╰┈➤ ❝ elevating desires (one-shot) victor vale x eli ever ❞
star wars
╰┈➤ ❝ restless nights (discontinued) anakin x fem!reader ❞
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ key:
(on-going): this means it’s a fic that has depth to it, in other words: a long fic! it's something i'm continously writing and it has a thick enough plot to divide into multiple chapters. i try to update as regularly as i can. you can subscribe to the fic on ao3 so you'll get email updates whenever i post!
(discontinued): this means it's a long fic that i've abandonned and won't ever be going back to. this can be due to multiple reasons but i don't tend to drop my fics if i have a good story lying underneath them, so if you do see a discontinued fic on my page it probably wasn't something i was willing to remaster/extend on in the first place.
(completed): this means it's a long fic that has multiple chapters and has been edited a couple of times but probabably not edited to perfection. you won't have to wait for me to update as the entire story is available.
(one-shot): a quick fic that is only one chapter long, these are usually unedited and raw - they're just undeveloped quick bursts of ideas i try to write down asap, but i don't usually stretch them out into full-blown fics.
(2/3 part one-shot): i aim to make my one-shot fics just one chapter long but sometimes they get a little lengthy; it just feels wiser to just seperate the whole thing into a few parts. i never go over 3 parts, because if i do i would classify that as one of my 'long fics'.
(editing): if one of my fics has 'editing' beside the title that probably means i'm primarily focusing on updating that particular fic and i won't be working on other fics for the time being until i have completed editing, i usually go into an editing phase after every 10 chapters i upload on that specific fic, meaning i don't re-edit my one-shots no matter how many parts they are - my one-shots are always going to be raw first drafts and will most likely have mistakes.
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i'm open for requests, if you'd like me to drop some headcannons or if you want to ask me if i could write up any possible fic ideas i will be more than happy to consider your suggestions! just drop me a dm or ask me anonymously <3
anyway thanks for reading this far, i'm super excited to make more works and share them with everyone :3 kudos and comments are so very appreciated (they motivate me fr) and in general i just love interacting with others so please don't hesitate to!
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xxxjarchiexxx · 1 year ago
here's a rundown of the sites that have popped up for people to move to if they wanna leave tumblr for ur own comparison (you know what twitter and reddit are already so they are NOT included)
cohost: this one is the most popular one suggested, it's my personal favorite but it's very much not made for you to garner or interact with a large audience and there is 0 way of finding people outside of tag browsing and the broken 'global cohost feed'. the site culture is very friendly but very anti-judgement or dni type lists, so if you have any group you don't want interacting with you that isn't against the site's rules, it's probably not the site for you. it's a little buggy too by virtue of being so small. it also does not have a messaging system, which is by design as it's meant to be used with other websites
bluesky: factually just twitter 2, it's by the same guys and is built the same way and is literally just twitter
pillowfort: this is almost a 1:1 tumblr clone, though with less discourse on the site overall. there's a focus on fanworks and fan creations with the site culture making it the norm to follow and interact with people who don't share your fandoms because of the small userbase. it has limited customization but what is there is really useful. you can find people to follow through "communities" that you can join or browse, and there's a group dedicated to introducing yourself and finding people via browsing their tags. it's easy enough to use, but has a VERY limited userbase. it does have the best image upload system in my experience, so for artists this is probably the best option other than bluesky for visibility
dreamwidth: it is just a livejournal clone, mainly good for posting fan creations and joining fan challenges and not much else
mastodon/fediverse: site culture here ranges wildly from instance to instance, it's basically an open source code that provides a skeleton for a twitter-like where anyone can host their own 'instance' which is like a unique social media site with unique rules and url, but anyone on ANY of these instances can follow and interact with each other. you can discover people within your instance and people your instance interacts with fairly easily, but branching out or finding active tags is a little harder. finding an instance that works for you can also be some trial and error.
spacehey: a sort of myspace revival clone that's good if customization and css is a big draw for you to tumblr, it's mostly a really young userbase though there are some 20-somethings floating around too. there are forums and groups but the community culture seems to be based mostly on blog posts and comments, where forums and groups are basically a comment once to answer/ask a question and that's it situation rather than thriving subcommunities
neocities: you probably know what this is, but neocities is a website builder with a community tab for updates from people whose sites you follow, it's probably my favorite option overall but is also the hardest to use because it requires you to have an entire website to create. i maintained one for 6ish months until i had to wipe my harddrive and didn't back up my site files, but it's a good community if you like coding (though there are a lot of free to use templates/themes you can use if making a site from scratch is too hard/not in your wheelhouse)
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venerabela · 2 years ago
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{PSNL} The Western Lunar Dragon, Venerabela
An alternate universe of Vene. For those who don't know, a few years ago, I turned Vene into an Eastern dragon. The general idea behind this version of Vene is simple. The realization I have come to understand about myself after drawing this is FAR more complex. The general idea is... What if I had kept Vene a Western dragon instead of making them an Eastern dragon, and continued to evolve them as I have since 2015? We might have had something like this. A towering, 8 foot (2.4m) wall of draconic muscle, intense stamina, attunement with the celestial wonders of the night sky, and magic, both stellar and natural. This druidic version of Vene holds much power within themselves. Most of it courses through their body, giving their wings an Aurora Borealis appearance. In offense, this Venerabela conjures up spheres of stellar energy. Pure, superheated hydrogen gas whose properties would only be possible within the outer photosphere of stars. This offensive ability is also utilized within his breath ability. On the other side of the coin, their command over nature also allows for healing and regrowth. A wildfire, deforestation, any natural or unnatural event which would destroy the nature he is sworn to protect, a wave of his hand would allow for the soil to become fertile once more, the lands to be cleansed, and foliage to begin regrowth and healing. This magic also heals the wounds of others. In defense, the armor on Vene's chest, muzzle, forehead, shoulders, hands, forearms, underbelly, tail, shins, and feet allow for protection, but also close-combat defense. The blades on his arms are able to stave off and absorb sword attacks for a time, but they are not impenetrable. Once these natural blades are chopped off, they take time to regrow. This version of Vene is kind of a testament to how I have grown over the years. A lot of the looks on this form are influenced by important people in my life. It's strange to think that I went from a gray, unremarkable dragon to where I am now, with my look vibrant and pleasing to the eye. At least to my eye. There is a lot more to this that is difficult to go in depth with, but I still wanted to share this while I could.  Vene and art (c) to myself Just as a heads up, these accounts are going to be revived. You will start seeing a flood from them here on June 1st with all my art from the past few months, just to have a little bit of my history to go off. If you would like to see more of my work, check out my FurAffinity page, linked below in my Carrd. There will be more coming, and each site I have linked to my Postybirb will get theme-appropriate art and content in the coming months! -FA, Weasyl, and FN will get all my commission work, personal art, and whatnot. This will include all my more extreme uploads. -DeviantArt and Tumblr will get the majority of my SFW and/or tastefully mature works, to abide by Tumblr and DA's upload policies. -Pixiv will get my humanoid art, scenery, and other portfolio-building art. -SoFurry will get any stories I choose to write, as well as art associated with them. I will try and post story work to SoFurry with any art I post here. Wanna see these images early? Have HD downloads? PSD access? Consider becoming a patron on Patreon! >>> https://www.patreon.com/Venerabela <<< Join my Telegram and Discord to interact with me! Want a commission? See other sites I'm on? Interact with me and my community? >>> https://venerabela.carrd.co/ <<<  
Posted using PostyBirb
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inresponseblog · 1 year ago
David, this has gotten me to revive my years-old tumblr just to submit something. The power of art!
You can archive this offsite, but please credit me as CornyDweeb (haven't associated with the In Response handle in ages).
For 1-? players
Search YouTube for videos titled like this game (example: 'IMG 0079' or 'IMG 2961').
Watch the first one that's interesting. When finished, note the amount of time spent watching the video. Players set a timer equal to this amount of time, then discuss the following in order:
why the cameraperson chose to film; how the cameraperson felt about the subject of the video; what the cameraperson expected to get out of filming the video; what the cameraperson was doing one [minute, day, month,…] before recording; what the subject did one [day, month, year,…] after recording; what we learn about the world through this video.
When the timer is up, discussion ends, no matter how far through the questions players traveled, nor if someone was in the middle of a thought.
Play continues until each player has chosen a video. When the last timer ends, players then set a timer for the total amount of time spent watching all videos. They then record a video of that length, the subject of which is up to the players. Once finished, players upload this final video to YouTube with a similarly formatted title.
Tumblr 200-Word RPGs 2023
Last November, we did an informal game jam for folks who wanted to write something for Writing Month, but would prefer to write fewer than fifty thousand words of it. You can find the complete list of participants for that event in this post here. There's also an off-Tumblr archive of entries whose authors gave permission for them to be preserved here, if any of those links turn out to be broken.
Last year's collaboration went over well enough that I thought we might dust it off again this year. To be clear, this is just for fun – it's not a curated jam, and nobody's judging winners or handing out prizes..
If you'd like to throw your hat in, just follow these steps:
Step 1: If you're unfamiliar with 200-word RPGs, read a bunch of last year's entries (linked above) or browse the 200 Word RPG Challege archives at https://200wordrpg.github.io/ to get your brain-meats properly configured.
Step 2: Write your own 200-word RPG. If you're not sure whether you have 200 words or not (and with RPGs it can genuinely be difficult to tell!), you can use the word counter at https://200wordrpg.github.io/wordcount to check.
Step 3: Reblog this post and append your 200-word RPG.
Step 4 (optional): Please indicate in your post whether you're okay with having your 200-word RPG archived off-site for posterity – if you don't say anything one way or the other, I'll assume the answer is "no".
(As before, as a courtesy to anyone who's creeping the notes, please restrict non-200-word-RPG commentary to replies and tags until November 2023 is over – let's make the actual games easy to find!)
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