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gvnuzi · 5 months ago
Batuzi no way
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I want to do dronetober or anything-tober but like I’m BUSY this October like I basically have an exam almost everyday. Hell I have an exam tmrw and instead I spend 2 hours on this
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hcneymilkks · 5 years ago
STRAY KIDS Seungmin ‘Likes’
In the 21st century, Social media has taken up our time. The term likes and comments always follow us around. How many likes do we get? Are the comments always positive? To Seungmin, it seems stupid, but as time goes on, he finally realizes how much it can change a person.
Pairing: Seungmin x Hyunjin
Genre: Angst (i think)
Warnings: none
NOTE: may or may not be a little rundown of what a whole book may be about (hehe)
Seungmin smiled. The light breeze ruffling his auburn hair. It was a cloudy day, rain starting to fall. The post-rain smell starting once again as the droplets hit the long green grass. Seungmin packed up his camera and school books, deciding the day were to end.
Few stops on the train, few bus rides and a little bit of walking, he was home. Home to an apartment he and Hyunjin share. It was fairly spacious. Two bedrooms each with a large closet, the bathroom, living room and kitchen is shared. Rent much less than what other college students pay.
"Hey I'm here." He took off his shoes and placed his camera and keys on the side table.
Hyunjin stared at the auburn boy sprawled out on the couch and giggled. "Rough day?"
Seungmin nodded his head and groaned. "I have an essay due next week, two presentations to do in two weeks and an art project due by the beginning of next month."
"Poor baby. Anyways I have food cooked, let's eat first and then tell me all of your problems."
Both the boys sat facing each other, nothing but chewing and sips heard. The sun had started to set behind Hyunjin, casting an orange glow on his honey coloured hair. Seungmin did nothing else but stare. Seungmin knew he was attracted to Hyunjin. Heck, even most people in his Collage are attracted to him. But Seungmin knew Hyunjin never liked the attention. He was a soft-spoken boy who liked the library and was an introvert. Never really into parties, loved politics, and is a member of the student council. Seungmin smiled. He knew he could never let Hyunjin go.
"Uh is there something on my face?" Hyunjin tilted his head.
Seungmin shook his head, quickly taking a sip of his water. Too much daydreaming.
"Thank you for the food, it's amazing as always. You know, instead of being a Political Science major you can be a cook. They get paid great, you get to try and create new recipes, and you are always in the back, away from people." Seungmin explained in a sing-song voice, the pitch going higher and louder as he emphasized on being away from people.
Hyunjin chuckled and brought his plate to the sink with Seungmin following. "Min, that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea, but you know how much I love politics, science and history. Taking this major is actually making me step out of my comfort zone which I want to happen."
Seungmin stayed silent, saying a simple 'oh' and putting his plate in the sink as well.
"But if all else fails, I will become a chef and give you free food for the rest of your life."
It was now eight in the evening. Both of the boys had their daily chores done and were now in the living room. One looking for something to watch on Netflix while the other cursing at his computer.
"Goddamn why won't you work?"
Hyunjin sat down beside Seungmin who looked like he was about to explode. "And I thought the younger generation was supposed to know how to work the newest technology."
"Bitch! You're only a few months older than me shut up."
Hyunjin slid the computer closer to him. "What the heck are you doing anyway?"
"I'm trying to upload the photos I took today. I need to post them!"
Hyunjin shook his head. "Give it to me."
The younger obeyed and gave the camera to Hyunjin.
"Okay, so you plug the cord into this USB port here and then plug the other side into your computer. Press select and upload the different pictures that you want."
"Okay...so how do I get them on my phone?"
Hyunjin sighed. For someone who was smart and creative, he was very dumb.
Moments later and the photos were posted, Sungmin smiling.
"Wow you know a lot about computers, you should change your major to computer science or software engineering."
"Nah bro that's too hard. Besides, I don't really like math. Anyways, where did you even post the photos?"
"On Instagram, duh."
"What's an Instagram?"
Seungmin almost dropped his phone in shock. Ten years of knowing this guy and he doesn't know what Instagram is? Oh, how did he fall in love with such an idiot?
"It's a social media app where you can share photos, like and follow content, and make online friends."
"Okay....What's the big hype about it. Why are you so into it?"
"I'm not into it." Seungmin looked the other way and blushed.
"Yeah says the baby who almost cried after he couldn't figure out how to make his computer work." Hyunjin playfully rolled his eyes.
"Hey! You take that back!"
Hyunjin was confused, just who in the world would message Seungmin at this time? Seungmin was a likeable guy but was somewhat picky with his friends.
Could it perhaps be a girl?
Hyunjin shook his head. There was no way that Seungmin became straight all of a sudden. Not even his horrible flirting experience with Jeongin could change his mindset. At least, that's what he thinks.
"Sorry. I should probably put my phone on silent." Seungmin reached out for his phone when Hyunjin put his hand on top of Seungmin's and smiled.
"Don't worry about it. This account must be pretty popular."
Seungmin blushed and smiled. Oh, how easy it was for him to sway with any words that came out of Hyunjin's mouth.
"You should make one. You know, for the experience."
Seungmin stood up and bid Hyunjin a goodnight afterwards, leaving Hyunjin alone with his thoughts.
"Chan how do you make an instagram?"
The Student Council meeting didn't start until half an hour, but Hyunjin decided to be extra early for the sake of some advice.
"Uh? You just make one? What's with all the questions? I thought you vowed not to go back on social media?"
Hyunjin sighed. "I know but I want to run for the next student council election as president and in this day and age people use social media more than ever."
"okay okay there buddy no need to sound like you were born with no internet. I'll help you." Chan was the current president but was graduating this year. To keep the student council running each year there would be elections, Chan had hoped the day would come that Hyunjin would run.
"Chan I still don't understand how to post."
"Ohmygod Hyunjin just do it like this." He took the phone from the younger boy's grasp, much to his complaints. Chan picked the photo they took of Hyunjin outside of the student council room and clearly showed step by step how to add filters (as if he needed it), how to hashtag, and what to caption.
"And I thought the younger generation knew how to use Instagram." A backpack was thrown and someone fell to the floor, groaning.
Seungmin started to cough violently.
"Hey man are you alright?" The freckled boy, Felix, patted his friend's back while someone was trying not to laugh.
"I-im fine." He said weakly, few coughs here and there. "Just went down the wrong pipe."
"Drink some more water then, it will help."
Both the blond and the aburn haired boys looked at the squirrel-looking boy.
"Are you stupid? Seungmin just almost died from a liquid."
"I'm fine I s-"
"Yeah but that liquid wasn't water Felix. Now his throat is all dry and needs to hydrate it with water."
"Jisung that's stupid, everything is made out of water. Where did you even get that information?"
Seungmin tried to speak louder but the two bickering boys wouldn't stop.
"I'll have you know that Tumblr is a reliable source for information."
"See this is why your IQ is a four."
More bickering.
Heated tension.
All because Jisung said something stupid.
"Guys enough! I'm alive and that's what matters." Seungmin took a sip of water to soothe his raw throat, hearing a ding coming from his phone.
While Jisung and Felix went back to the topic of Fortnite, Seungmin had opened his Instagram to see a new follower.
"No way. He actually did it."
Two weeks have passed and Hyunjin's following has increased. Everyone wants to know about the boy who came out of his shell to become the upcoming year's student council president.
Hyunjin felt happy, loved, accepted. He no longer was the shy boy in class who sat alone in front who was too scared to ask questions or voice his opinions. He could thank Instagram for the change.
But someone felt that Hyunjin was changing too much, for the worse.
Seungmin believed that too much social media for someone can change their whole demeanour. He didn't realize it would change his best friend.
"Hey Seungmin, do you think M5 or R3 would make me look better?"
It was one of those rare days where Hyunjin stayed back at the apartment. Many parties on campus and Hyunjin wanted to go to all of them. Accompanied by Changbin and Minho of course.
Seungmin had chosen to always stay at home, finishing up an essay that was due in a month.
"Um....what are those?"
Hyunjin looked at Seungmin, as if he was an alien from area 51. "Are you kidding me Seungmin? It's the Instagram filters from the new update. Gotta look good for the gram."
Seungmin rolled his eyes and mumbled a whatever under his breath. Hyunjin sighed and picked M5, posting the photo not a second longer.
"By the way, the student council wants to throw a party in our apartment, are you okay with that?"
Seungmin closed his laptop as he couldn't concentrate any longer.
"Why not throw the party at Chan's house? It's way bigger than here. Plus I hate parties so why should it be where I live?"
"Well jeez Seungmin sorry to hit a nerve. Sucks that my roommate won't even attend a party with me for once."
Seungmin felt his heart break. "A roommate? I'm not even your friend?"
"You stopped being my friend after I realized you're a loner and so boring. Like really Seungmin? Taking pictures of the sky is so creative there are tears in my eyes."
Seungmin stood up to get a glass of water. "No one asked you for your opinion Hyunjin. Let me remind you that I suggested to make an Instagram account for fun, not to change your whole fucking personality."
Hyunjin went into the kitchen and smirked at Seungmin. "Oh I see now, you're jealous. Jealous that I have more followers than you, jealous I'm more handsome than you, jealous-"
"Shut up! You're not Hyunjin. Hell I don't even know who you are. Fine! Have that stupid party here, I won't be attending and don't fucking ask for me. You have gone low Hyunjin. I don't even know who I fell in love with anymore."
Seungmin left the room without another word, slamming the door to his room.
Hyunjin stopped for a moment. "He loves me?"
"Thanks for letting me stay here Felix, I'm sorry about that."
"No worries mate. You're always welcome here."
A ding goes off on Felix's phone and he gasps.
"Chan's throwing a party, wanna come?"
Seungmin groaned. "Come on Felix you know I don't do any of that. Plus the NOD Magazine at the University posts about the parties and posts photos. I can just read it and feel like I'm there."
Felix sighed. "Well if you ever change your mind, you know the address."
Felix soon left for what he called was the party of a lifetime with Jisung, Seungmin curled up in a ball watching Netflix.
A ding soon came from his phone.
Felix: if you change your mind mate, here's the address [Address]
Seungmin groaned, one party couldn't hurt right?
Oh but it did.
As Seungmin opened the door to his own apartment, he was welcomed with the shouts of "KISS, KISS KISS" and two people kissing.
Who you may ask?
Political Science major Hwang Hyunjin.
Journalist Yang Jeongin.
Hwang Hyunjin has won the title of Student Council President for the 2019-2020 year!
But that's not all;
Sources closest to them have said that they have feelings for each other and have taken it to the next level.
Congrats to the new couple we wish them well!
Seungmin sniffled.
"Stupid Hyunjin. Stupid Seungmin. If only I said nothing about opening an Instagram account he wouldn't have changed."
he could have been Seungmin's from the beginning.
now Seungmin is welcomed to the apartment with an empty feeling.
his heart more fragile than ever.
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whyamiupagain · 7 years ago
Another Sad Love Song
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imagine #2 part #2
Hi guys! Sorry I haven’t uploaded. School is kicking my ass but I’ll try to post more with longer parts. Hope you enjoy! 
Days had gone by. I did all I could possibly do to avoid Auston. If a friend would invite me for lunch I had to make sure Auston wouldn't be there or any way Auston could somehow show up where we were at for me to even go out, all without dropping hints that something happened. I changed my route to school because I knew for sure I would run into Auston on the daily. I was basically in constant fear I had to be face to face with the man who broke my heart. Finally it took about a week or so for our mutual friends to wonder why I wouldn't hangout with them anymore. I lied to them saying that I had some random school project that was stressing me out. They all decided to surprise me by waiting for me to get out of class and "kidnap" me. It was actually a very kind gesture that I really appreciated because it took my mind off of Auston. We all went to go eat at my favorite restaurant, we went to see a movie, and we even went bowling. For the first time in a long time I genuinely felt happy. They told me they had more surprises for me. They insisted on blindfolding me to "enhance the experience", which I did just so they would shut up. We drove for about 15 minutes. They helped me get out of the car safely and also made sure I wouldn't crack my head on the way up the stairs. One of them knocked and then I heard a door being opened. They lead me in and told me to take off my blindfold at the count of 3. 
"1, 2, 3!" they cheered. And I took off my blindfold and saw that we were at my apartment. I thought how in the world did they get in? I saw balloons, goodies and sweets, a couple of beer cases, and non other than Auston Matthews. Then I realized how they got in. I gave Auston a key when we first started "dating". I was still so happy from the very kind gesture my friends were doing for me but it was so hard keeping my smile up once I saw Auston. 
"Wow" I said still amazed and ignoring Auston. 
"Do you like it?" one friend asked.
"Ya, I love it, and I love all of you guys. Thank you for today it really meant a lot" I said to them.  
"Oh great! We were really hoping you'd like it. We even got Mr Auston Matthews here to get some free time to spend it with us and not the 'love of his life' " one friend joked. We all laughed and Auston just looked annoyingly at the friend. They all chimed in comments like "Loved Boy" or "Soon to be married Matthews". They didn't mean to hurt me, but those comments really stung me. Hard. 
"Im going to go get fresh air" I told them and I stepped into the cold Toronto air. As soon as I closed the door tears came flying down from my eyes. All I could hear was the distant noise of people chattering, the cold wind, and my sobbing. I couldn't take it much longer. He's in love with someone else. Not me. I just had to accept it the way it was. As much as it hurt, I wanted him to do what made him the happiest. I quickly tried to stop crying, I fixed my makeup and took out my phone to see if I didn't look like I was balling my eyes out just a few seconds ago. Right as I was about to stand up from where I was sitting, one of Auston and I's mutual friend, Mitch Marner, came out and joined me. He could quickly tell what I was doing outside. He didn't say anything, instead he hugged me. Again, since Im such a crybaby, I began to cry. He whispered to me that everything was going to be ok, and that he wouldn't leave me until I let it all out so I could enjoy the rest of the night. A couple minutes later I stopped crying. And we stayed there in silence. 
"So do you want to talk about it?" Mitch asked after a couple of minutes. 
"Im not quite sure if this is the right time" I told him. 
"Well you know I heard that of you tell someone what's making you feel sad that you'll feel better after telling them" Mitch tried to convince me to tell him what the hell is making me sad after what a wonderful day we all just had. After thinking for a while, I was prepared to finally tell him, since all he was trying to do was be a good friend, when the door opened and out our friend yelled at us to go back inside or else we would die of hypothermia. 
I could easily tell that they were all slightly drunk with the exception of a very quiet and slightly annoyed Auston. 
"Ok, ok were going. Jesus Christ calm down" Mitch told them. He helped me get up and whispered in my ear, reminding me that we weren't done with our conversation. We got in and I was immediately handed a beer. I quickly shot it down so that I forget why I got sad after such an amazing day. On my third beer, Auston announced that he was leaving. Grumbling and nagging began to arise. Our friends were teasing him that he had to return home to the "Mrs" which Auston simply rolled his eyes at. I was starting to get too drunk to even make a remark of the comments. Right as Auston was about to close the door I caught him starring at me. Which I then , due to my drunkenness, flipped him off which made all our equally drunk friends laugh at my actions to him. I saw him smirk slightly before shutting the door leaving me with a night to regret in the morning. 
 The day after I had a pretty massive headache. That was my main goal of the night anyways. I just up to a messy empty house, praying that all my friends made it home safely. I took a shower and cleaned up the mess my friend had left me. I got a call from Mitch inviting me to brunch and so that we can continue last nights conversation. I agreed, hung up, got ready, and went to go meet him up where we had agreed to meet. I got there a tad late but luckily for me Mitch knew my regular order and ordered for me. We sat there had a bit of small talk before Mitch told me to tell him what was bothering me last night.
"Mitch, I don't want to cry in front of all these people or even in public" I told him. I thought those excuses would get me out of telling him. 
"Come on (Y/N) don't give me excuses. I want to know what was bothering you so that I can either fix the situation or beat up the guy who made you feel this way" he said, which made me mentally laugh at little ol'Mitch trying to beat up a much bigger Auston. 
"Ok, fine. I'll tell you. But please don't get mad at Auston or say anything about this to anyone even Auston" I said to him. He seemed to get mad, maybe at the thought that Auston would do something to me, but he just nodded. "Ok, so a couple months before the season ended me and Auston started to date. We didn't want to tell anyone. So you know, as one does in a relationship, we got to know each other pretty well and I fell in love with him and I thought he was in love of me too. Summer came and you know I went to go see my parents and Auston went to see his. He didn't call nor text me at all during the summer and I didn't think about to much because I knew he was with his family and he was having fun. When I saw her with him when we all got back to Toronto. And when I heard him present her as his girlfriend that he adored so much, I lost it. He never wanted to let people know that we were dating nor did he want to be seen out in public aline with me. I never once heard him talk about me like the way he did about her. I confronted him, I asked him if I meant anything else to him besides a daily hook up or if our relationship meant anything to him. And he told me he only saw me as a friend that he was too in love with her. I asked him if he ever loved me the way I did to him and he said no. And for days I was avoiding you all in fear that I might see him. Sorry that I lied. And when I saw him last night it hit me again, that he never loved me, that he loves somebody else. That I just need to accept it because in the end I just want him to be happy. But, its just so hard to continue loving the person who broke your heart, its hard seeing them love another person" I finally told him with tears threatening to come out. Mitch was just in pure shock. It took him sometime to take in all the information that I just spilled.
"I need to go" he said while getting up and pulling out way too much cash for our meal and setting it down on the table.
"Mitch wait", I grabbed on to his arm," please don't tell Auston. I don't want him to get mad or I don't want him to end the relationship he's in right now, he's so happy with her. I just need to accept that" I said to the frantic boy.
"No (Y/N), I am going to go tell him what a big mistake he made and of all the pain he's done to you, then only he can decide what to do about it" and with that he got easily out of my grip and ran off to his car. I just sat at the table in full shock. I couldn't move or even think. I was just waiting for whatever was to happen next. 
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309nyeon · 8 years ago
[PANN] Joo Haknyeon with his sisters
Source: 누나랑 여동생이랑 사이좋아보이는 주학년
Produce 101′s Joo Haknyeon has an older and younger sister.. Currently, he lives with his noona in Seoul. He has quite an age gap with his younger sister.  He has a lot of aegyo because he grew up with two sistersㅠㅠ
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The person next to him is his older sister. An acquaintance of his older sister uploaded this picture of Haknyeonㅇㅇㅇ Even though his noona’s face is covered with his sticker, you can tell she’s a goddess.... Also, look at Haknyeon’s outfit (t/n: he’s known for having good fashion sense)....... I can’t believe that he’s willing to share an umbrella with his noona. 
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He took these pictures with his younger sister in Jejuㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ His hometown is Jejuㅠㅠㅠ I can tell that he completely babies her since they have a bit of an age gap between them.  She even left a youtube comment, asking people to support her oppa. 
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I’m Joo Haknyeon oppa’s younger sister, Joo ____ ! Thank you for giving so much love to my oppa! I won’t accept any questions. Please vote for my oppa a lot!
Even though she’s young, she’s strict about not accepting any questions...
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This is a picture of the three of them at Gyeongbok Palace in Seoul........... Their relationship looks close.  Most siblings don’t take pictures sweetly like this, right? ;;;;; Anyways, I’m so jealous that Haknyeon is someone’s actual younger brother and oppa.
My oppa, shut your eyes...
Me too.........
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Ending this post with a picture of Haknyeon who loves chicken
Overall: [+767, -195]
1. [+220, -6] Cuteㅠㅠ He does look like an oppa next to his younger sisterㅠㅠㅠㅠ
2. [+203, -6] My oppa, shut your eyes. I don’t have any pictures with my oppa like that. Just thinking about it grosses me outㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Joo Haknyeon looks so affectionate with his younger sister. I’m jealousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+162, -5] Joo Haknyeon oppa .... his oppa vibeㅠㅠㅠㅠ he’s so sweetㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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4. [+91, -3] Produce ruined his image completely....To his family, he’s the world’s most precious son and brother.. I wonder how hurt his family and he must feel when watching reruns.. If it was me, I wouldn’t even go on the internet...I cried so much for him after finding out that he was the head of the family. My father also died early so I empathized with him when he was holding back his tears during his ranking speechㅜㅜ....Regardless of the reactions toward him, I don’t hate him... I want him to succeed. 
5. [+64, -1] He does look like an oppa next to his younger siblingㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+62, -0] Haknyeon, what do you think about a younger sibling that’s old? I’m ready to call you oppa.
7. [+56, -0] You can tell he babies herㅠㅠㅠ I’m jealous of his younger sibling..... I also want to be Haknyeon’s younger sister....
8. [+56, -0] I feel so bad for him because he’s getting so much hate these days...These pictures make me realize that he’s still only 19. Even though he looks so young in these pictures, he looks very sweet...ㅋㅋbasically, I’m jealous that his sister has an oppa like that.
9. [+56, -0] Haknyeon’s full name is Joo Haknyeon oppa... anyways, he’s an oppa, Haknyeon oppa...
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10. [+56, -1] Haknyeon working hard at volunteering with ash on his face...He also bought and wears a charity (AMIS) hat...After the concert ended, he went back home at dawn, slept for two to three hours on the way, went to school even though he’s tired, and personally printed out a piggy post-it to thank fans for his subway ad... Why do people expect so much from a 19 year old... when they know absolutely nothing about you.. Why do people say to stop defending you and curse you even on unrelated posts about your daily life?... Even as a fan, I’m sad. How much sadder must you beㅠ
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11. [+52, -0] Haknyeon oppa... I also want to call him oppa.... Haknyeon oppa.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
12. [+52, -0] You can tell that he’s very sweet just from how he treats his fans. He was the first one to leave a post-it on his subway ad too. 
13. [+44, -0] I think the way he acts everyday is his real self, not the way he comes across on the show.... I really hope he later shoots a reality show of his pig farm in Jejuㅋㅋwhile acting like a guide and talking in Jeju dialectㅋㅋㅋ He seems to have a lot of pride in pigs and Jeju. 
14. [+41, -0] Hey, all of you who are disliking a post like this, you actually love Haknyeon, don’t you...? Now that 1-pick has started, you should work harder to promote and vote for your fave. What are you doing here, increasing the views of this post? You're very interested in him, aren’t you...
15. [+36, -0] Wow, looking at his clothes, he looks like a fresh, bright kid. His face is also working hard. Although there may be many who are cursing you because of Joonyoung’s evil editing, there are even more people supporting you. I hope you struggle through the hate and come on top. I’m also supporting you. 
16. [+33, -1] Look at how sweet Haknyeon looksㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
17. [+26, -0] He’s the second child among three siblingsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They look very close!!
18. [+26, -0] Haknyeon, you caught my attention with your PR video. After that, your meringue video and your hidden box video where you introduced the trainee next to you even though it was your PR time impressed me. And even though you went to your company’s building to promote yourself, you told them to watch the show live instead of asking them to vote for you. Why won’t the PD show this side of you? Because the PD told you to come early, you went so early in the morning that I thought you were admirable while feeling sad for you. Even though people are completely misunderstanding you, I hope that one day these people will get to see this real side of you.. Noona is always supporting you! I’ll work hard to vote for you this week!
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19. [+24, -0] I definitely don’t get along with my mother’s son like that ㅠㅠㅠ
20. [+23, -0] Haknyeon, don’t get hurt, don’t lose strength, and let’s hwaiting! One pick is Joo Haknyeon!
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21. [+23, -0] I’ve seen a couple gifs in the comment section, and I can definitely see why he’s called Produce 101′s founding contributor. He’s handsome... Idk if he’s the standard handsome type but all of his features are f amazing. 
(t/n: He got a lot attention and interest because of his pictures from 3/9 Sangam and his ending close-up from the Nayana performance). 
22. [+22, -0] Tbh I assumed he must be really bad after seeing all of the hate comments, but after watching Mcountdown, he fixed everything that people pointed out so I was surprised. He’s willing to listen and fix his mistakes. 
23. [+22, -0] When Joo Haknyeon oppa cries, he becomes a babyㅋㅋㅋ
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24. [+22, -0] All of his acquaintances have said that he works f hard.. He also had to learn the Open Up choreo in three days.. A mistake’s a mistake, but he doesn’t deserve to be this criticized. I feel bad for him. Cheer up, I’ll support you. 
25. [+21, -0] I love Haknyeon’s fashion sense...His shirt also sold out (after he wore it). Joo Haknyeon, cheer upㅜㅜㅜㅜ
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26. [+21, -0] Isn’t Haknyeon’s full name actually Joo Haknyeon oppa..?
27. [+20, -0] Apparently, Yongguk and Haknyeon were in the same agency and trained together before. Why didn’t they show this.. I only found out after watching Yongguk’s Vapp live.
28. [+20, -0] As expected, his full name is Joo Haknyeon oppa....
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29. [+20, -2] 
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I once prepared a performance with him before. I can’t tell you what exactly because I’m embarrassed of potentially exposing myself. But what I can tell you is that he’s nothing without hard work. Is this too harsh of an expression? I was dumbfounded that people have been criticizing his personality, saying that he’s greedy or that he’s an outcast. But I was most dumbfounded at people saying that he doesn’t work hard. He’s someone who experienced all kinds of hardships so he works even harder. He doesn’t go outside often and practically lives in the the practice room. Please don’t judge and criticize him based on the five minutes of his life (you’ve seen on tv). 
30. [+20, -0] Haknyeon, let’s debut!! The people who are disliking this post are practically stalkers at this rateㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
31. [+19, -0] He looks very young, looking at him like this....ㅠㅠ I hope he cheers up even though he’s getting a lot of hate these days. 
32. [+19, -0] Haknyeon, debut and shoot a variety show in Jejuㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
33. [+19, -0] Haknyeon’s actually very bright and has a lot of aegyo in daily life. He’s just a kid that acts like his age. Why don’t they show this side of him on broadcast? It’s a pity that only fans know this side of him. 
34. [+19, -0] There are so many stories of him being kind, but you’re criticizing his personality??? 
35. [+19, -0] I like how sweetly he’s staring and holding his younger sister’s shoulders, but I also like him in this picture ㅋㅋㅋLook at how he’s holding his noona’s bag and jacket.....If this was my younger brother, he would’ve just thrown them on the groundㅡㅡ (what actual siblings are like ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) Haknyeon’s like the ideal younger brother you’d imagine in your head....I’m crying
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36. [+18, -0] I watched his individual cam and he wasn’t that bad...I’ll support you.
37. [+18, -0] He looks so good in a hanbokㅋㅋㅋ he looks like a crown prince... or just one of the king’s sons?? ㅋㅋㅋ He looks very royal. 
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38. [+17, -0 ]
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When I first got to know Joo Haknyeon, there were rumors that he did acting before. There was a lot of talk about why he was doing this when he did acting and that he probably just wanted to be a celebrity. To the people from the art, music, and p.e. (t/n: dept?), these were words with some bite, but to us, it was just something we talked about with indifference. I bet Haknyeon got hurt by it a lot, but he just laughed and responded well. I’m sure that there were people who were jealous of him at first, but later on, there was nobody who thought badly of him. But apparently he’s getting criticized for not working hard enoughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Do you know that we’re laughing about this among us? Joo Haknyeon’s the type to work disgustingly hard. He works so disgustingly hard that he even made the ones who talked crap about him shut upㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don’t know anything about center or whatever because I don’t really watch the show. I also haven’t seen him since a year ago so I don’t know if his personality changed since then or if he was originally like that. But what I do know is that when it comes to effortㅋㅋㅋㅋif you tell anyone who knows Joo Haknyeon that he’s being criticized for not working hard enough, they’ll 100% laughㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
39. [+17, -0] He’s only a trainee, but look at how he treats his fans. He’s f sweetㅇㅇ
40. [+17, -0] Haknyeon’s memorizing the lyrics by himself in a cornerㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ I’ve gotten used to looking for him in the corner or the edges on the show... I’m supporting you, Haknyeon. Fighting, fighting
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41. [+16, -0] He was the first one to write a (thank you) post-it on his subway ad..ㅠㅠ I feel bad for him. He treasures his fans a lot.
42. [+16, -0] He’s the type to practice his one line in the waiting room, but they don’t show any of that ㅠㅠ Even his teachers have said they thought he didn’t practice at all at first because they didn’t know he was a slow learner. But they realized that he actually worked 2, 3, 10 times harder to get something right ㅠㅠㅠ The PD maliciously used his slow learning pace and showed him failing to catch up the first few days, but they don’t show him working even harder the following daysㅡㅡ
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43. [+16, -0] Haknyeon’s so lovableㅋㅋㅋㅋ Idk about the show, but anyone who’s seen his PR to how he wrote that post-it would never be able to give him up.. Even though he’s just a trainee, I’ve never seen anyone who’s already so good to their fans.
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44. [+16, -0] Let’s all cheer up!!
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45. [+16, -0] Ahn Joonyoung completely ruined the image of a kind kid like this in one moment. Please give up your position as a PD. What are you doing to these kids?
46. [+16, -0] Haknyeon’s not my fave, but he feels like my hurt finger?ㅜㅜㅜ I’d been voting for him consistently until two-pick, and I’m really supporting him... I thought that he must be a good kid seeing how the people around him have all stood up for him and said that he’s not like how the show makes him out to be. Now that it’s one-pick, I probably won’t vote for Haknyeon anymore since my fave is also in a dangerous position but I’ll keep voting for him on maboyㅜㅜ I know that both Haknyeon and his fans are probably hurting and sad because of all of the hate disguised as criticism, but I want Haknyeon and his fans to know that there are lots of people supporting him as wellㅜㅜ I hope that he debuts with my one-pick and that both will smile brightly at the final episode...
47. [+15, -0] The people around him have all come out to say that he’s not like how the show makes him out to be. Joo Haknyeon, let’s debutㅜㅜㅜLet’s work hard for one more weekㅜㅜㅜㅜ 
48. [+15, -0] He’s an oppa one moment, a baby the next.... Noona’s heart hurtsㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜHaknyeon who always says fighting for the noonasㅜㅜHaknyeon, you should also hwaiting!
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