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“There were a lot of things Rosaleen liked to do that made her feel at peace and. Ring a smile on her face, without having any thoughts in her head. Reading was one of them, but riding the bus to nowhere while listening to instrumental chill music was also one of them.” . . . . #selfie #storysneakpeek #newstory #writingcommunity #writersofinstagram #amwriting #upcomingstory https://www.instagram.com/p/COAy2z2LwJ8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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warrior-angel · 4 years
Started: 07/30/20     last updated: 14/07/22
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ksgracecollections · 5 years
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Dahlia. An original character of one of my upcoming stories.
Artist: @yugenartz
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Hello SO I just started this! ANd uh Im gonna be posting more about a story im working on 
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tvserialstuff · 7 years
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lordromulus90 · 6 years
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CUTENESS MECHA WARS Official Logo and it looks beautiful. In fact its pretty much the most dynamic Logo I have created so far. Hope you like it
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twdspngoals · 7 years
Upcoming stories
Jeff and Olivia (part 2)
Alex Standall x reader (part 2)
Daryl Dixon x reader
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morphoeigengrau · 5 years
"I would happily fill the pages of my every notebook to write how much I adore you."
-Homicidal_thinker -writethendie
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tyson-berry-blog · 7 years
hiiiii do you have lika a queue or smth :)
Hi! Yes I do. Under my masterlist page there should be an “Upcoming Stories” tab. 
This should be it:
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“Are you really going to walk away?!” She stopped walking but didn’t turn to face him. “Is that what you’re going to do from now on?’ You walked away from him!” She turned to him, tears rolling down her face. “I know what I did! I know that it’s my fault!” He took he step closer to her but she rose her hand and shook her head. “No. Don’t come any closer. If you truly believe that, why would you want to be next to me? Don’t you resent me?” He didn’t answer, she smiled, shook her head and left. . . . . #selfie #readingtime #upcomingstory #anwriting #writersofinstagram #writerscommunity #writingcommunity #newstory #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/COAz3NPLSiM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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frankburtonjr · 9 years
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@royal.viii Zach being interviewed by Brad Myers. #Upcomingstory
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hellbells101 · 10 years
Teasing Snippet: Dreaded Feels
Pairing: Brian/Carter Verone
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Brian was done with feelings after LA. Dom had burnt him so badly that he vowed to live by his persona the Snowman. It was all well and good until he clashed with Carter Verone
Status: A few scenes from a complete draft 
Meanwhile in the VIP section, Carter was watching enraptured. He could see Brian out on the floor. He was alluring and teasing and the best bit, he was the only one that Brian would bend a little for.
  “He’s beautiful.” Monica froze, “Excuse me?” Carter whirled around, “You heard me dear. You couldn’t expect that this would last forever.” There was also the part where he was pretty certain that she was a Federal agent.
  “Just like that?” Carter shrugged, “You still work for me and I need your expertise for the operation. You will be as well compensated as usual. You just will not warm my bed.” It was cold and he was well aware that he had not cast her in the most favourable light. He couldn’t quite find it in him to care. He just had one goal and that was to crack the shell of ice that was built solid around his Corazon. Oh, he was going to go through the ritual of making sure that they would think twice of betraying him. Carter was hoping it would finally make Brian react to something other than sex or cars.  There was also a small part of him that knew he was doing this to test whether Brian would stand by his side no matter what. He looked over at the guard, “Bring them to me.”
  Brian sat down on the seat in the back with Rome, having followed the guard. Rome was freaking and that was just stupid. Carter would kill them or he wouldn’t - what was the point freaking out? He’d took note of the items as they’d come into the room. He knew that whoever pissed Carter off was in for a very uncomfortable evening. He wasn’t too bothered as he was pretty sure that Carter wasn’t pissed with him.  
  Monica was looking a little less certain, and if Brian was a meaner person he would be laughing right now. She was looking a little uncertain about her future and she should. Carter was moving on to newer shinier male things and Brian was guessing that the information was drying up as a result. He was a cop long enough to know that that would not fly for long.
  Carter waited until Rome was squirming before he started, “Do you know what I hate?” Rome shook his head; Brian shrugged and Monica just drank from her champagne glass. “No.”
“Rats. Anyone who would betray me. They always end badly.” C
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you-plus-them · 10 years
(Request) Reader finds Daryl out in the woods and they get swarmed and they help each other out. Lots of fluf but platonic badass teenage daughter//after relationship type stuff?
Hi! Sorry that there’s no gif…for some reason it won’t upload…(i know random, But i didn’t want you to get the idea that I didn’t care about this request like the others because that it not the case at all!)
Anyways we got the request and I’ll start to work on it at soon as I can!
Love, Rorie
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maxmade-blog · 10 years
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Nothing like shooting some bronzers for a upcoming story to warm you up! What's everyone's go-to bronzer?? #researching #upcomingstory #topbronzer #maxmade #makeup #makeupartist (at www.maxmade.com.au)
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tyson-berry-blog · 7 years
Can u link ur upcoming stories to ur masterlist?
Hi! I think I had the incorrect link the first time but it should be working now. I believe the link is:
and my master list for anyone that wants it is:
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thenostalgicbliss · 11 years
Still working a title...
Nineteen-year-old Ellie has a few problems-well, so she thinks. One of the three is actually true. Her long term boyfriend has dumped her, her older brother is marrying her high school nightmare, and finally-she is convinced that she is dying of cancer. There is only one answer to all of this absolute madness: live like there is no tomorrow. This means taking risks and putting herself out there. Between daily Web MD browsing, experiencing life without her long term boyfriend for the first time since freshman year of high school, swallowing the first year of college,stuck in the middle of her family's wedding planning, and entering adulthood, Ellie learns more about herself and the people around her. And to make the most out of any moment-even if you're dying or not, because life should never be feared. 
This upcoming novel is full of quirky moments, love, zest, the joy of living, and lots of hypochondria. (;
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