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akashyadavgrowth · 6 months ago
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The Most Alien Place On Earth Socotra In The Gulf of Aden separated from African Continent seven million years ago. It is full of amazing flora and fauna due to its isolation.• • This is a two part video from BRUT.NATURE. • #Socotra #SocotraIsland #Yemen #SocotraYemen #BiologicalHotspot #BioHotSpot #UnusualFlora #UnusualFauna #UnusualAnimals #UnusualPlants #UnusualTrees https://www.instagram.com/p/BstPVApB1up/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1499uzw3zrfgx
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danceswithukulele · 5 years ago
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As seen "on the road." I was out and about on the bike enjoying the 60+ temps and spied this in the distance. Just had to stop and take a quick snapshot. - #asseenontheroad #unusual #unusualtree #thingsthatmakeyougohmmm #saywhat #frascarelliphotography ##nowthatsodd #didyouseethat #doyouseewhatisee https://www.instagram.com/p/B9t-_kMpcv1/?igshid=3br2r8t04wpe
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themeissenman · 5 years ago
Who is the top part of the crime climbing up it’s always easier and climbdown. I washer have to be careful because the bakers cyst on my right leg I still not healed so I’m still making sure more pressure is resting on my left leg. It is important if you have an injury who is be aware of the injury and try not to strain it. Don’t do as I did I learn the hard way. It could be another six months to a year before my right leg is healed and I can’t be sure if it’s not going to take longer as well and it of course impairs me and what I really want to do. #bakerscyst #climbingtrees #trees #unusualtrees #barnettrees #parktrees #climbingsafety #climbingdown #mensfitness (at Victoria Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pNjhPDFz0/?igshid=dl66lj1q4387
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myrachidh · 7 years ago
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A 3 headed, 15 foot (5 meters) high Palm Tree in AinSokhna, Red Sea Coast, Egypt. Pls let me know if you've ever seen a #PalmTree branched at its top ~ This #odd Palm Tree is growing on a #beach at the #RedSea #town of Ain Sokhna less than a hundred feet from Red Sea waters ~ #Trees #plants #unusual #unusualtrees #photoinstagram #photography #photos #AinSokhna #RedSea #Egypt ~ https://www.flickr.com/photos/rachidh/albums (at Explore the Red Sea at Ain Sokhna)
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kbrownjewellery · 7 years ago
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#funchal #madiera #treewithaface #unusualtrees #vividimagination #creativeminds www.kbrownjewellery.etsy.com
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annkozh · 8 years ago
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♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ #unusual #unusualtrees #thursday #необычныедеревья #wow #saintpetersburg #mycity #tree #place #iloveyou #awesome #улетайнакрыльяхветра #санктпетербург #ялюблютебя #teamo #insta #instalife #instaplanet #instaearth #коллаж #хобби #collage #hobby (at Unusual World)
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attyvicsimon · 8 years ago
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#UnusualTrees along the streets of #Tennoji #Osaka #Japan 😎👌😘 #LostInJapan #Travel #AuthenticTravel #TravelMindset #Backpacking #TravelInspiration #Wanderlust #Adventure #JourneyOfLife #JourneyOfFaith #YOLO #FOMO (at Tennoji)
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fotosergkov · 6 years ago
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• Волшебное дерево на горе Ай-Петри • Magic tree on AI-Petri mountain Фото в высоком качестве на сайте ФотоПрироды.рф | FotoNature.ru © Сергей Коваленко | Sergey Kovalenko #волшебноедерево #дерево🌳 #вкрыму #наайпетри #необычноедерево #сказочныйлес #деревокрым #живоедерево #лесноечудо #природаКрыма #волшебноеместо #красотыприроды #фотонаприроде #фотовкрыму | #magictree #tree🌳 #Crimea #aypetri #unusualtree #fairytaleforest #treeCrimea #livingwood #forestmiracle #Crimeannature #magic #beautyofnature #naturephoto #photosinCrimea https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-Rf4mlZx0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10uk4sux1uaj2
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muffiemouse · 7 years ago
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Lumpy Tree. #lumpytree #eggtree #unusualtree
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iihih · 7 years ago
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We’ve got an Octopus Tree blooming on our street in Los Angeles! Native to the rainforests and gallery forests in Australia, New Guinea and Java, it’s sometimes called an Umbrella Tree. Or, as my friend called it, a Dr. Seuss tree :) #octopustree #queenslandumbrellatree #rainforesttree #unusualtree #floweringtree #umbrellatree #whatsthisdoinghere #thingswesawonourwalk (at Los Angeles, California)
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akashyadavgrowth · 6 months ago
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danceswithukulele · 5 years ago
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As seen "on the road." - #asseenontheroad #unusual #unusualtree #thingsthatmakeyougohmmm #saywhat #frascarelliphotography ##nowthatsodd #didyouseethat #doyouseewhatisee https://www.instagram.com/p/B9t8TKrJ7F5/?igshid=5uvipb0272xf
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danceswithukulele · 5 years ago
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As seen "on the road." - #asseenontheroad #unusual #unusualtree #thingsthatmakeyougohmmm #saywhat #frascarelliphotography ##nowthatsodd #didyouseethat #doyouseewhatisee https://www.instagram.com/p/B9t74OIpV4K/?igshid=1lxsd7x1yly6t
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themeissenman · 5 years ago
I won’t climb any old tree just because it might look climbable from a distance. I can only ascertain when I find an interesting tree 🌳 that meets my requirements. Ideally I would love to find high trees but most high trees over 50’ the lowest branches on trees that could have been climbable are often anything from 20’ above the ground. This tree because the highest branch was long horizontal . What you cannot see is me pulling my injured left bicep. That seriously hurt. The trick is to wait a few seconds till the discomfort eases which I did. #unusualtree https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2ihmcjYbb/?igshid=g7hwmyusq53
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