#unusual items
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In the summer of 2016, I noticed that coffee shop baristas yelling out names reminded me of Mulder yelling out “Scullaaay!” on my favorite show, The X-Files. So I gave my name as Scully for a laugh, shared the picture with some other fans, and encouraged them to try it, too. I even promised to donate a dollar to the Neurofibromatosis Network for everyone who did it. I didn’t raise a whole lot of money, but the idea to have a #ScullyCoffee4NF day on Scully's birthday was born.
Gillian Anderson rose to fame on The X-Files playing Special Agent Dana Scully. She continues to delight her fans with memorable roles in The Fall, Sex Education and The Crown just to name a few. Ms. Anderson has also been a longtime supporter of the NF Network. As fans of Gillian, we thought this would be a fun way to support the work of the NF Network & celebrate her iconic character’s birthday.
Since 2017, X-Files fans have donated over $13,000 to the NF Network on #ScullyCoffee4NF day. Thank you to everyone who has donated in the past, thank you Gillian Anderson for inspiring generosity in your fans, and HAPPY 60th BIRTHDAY SCULLAAAAY!
1. Use the name “Scully” at your favorite coffee shop, or just take a creative coffee picture from home. We love the fun pictures, but we want you all to be safe this year, too!
2. Take a picture or video and share it on Facebook, X or Instagram and tag it #ScullyCoffee4NF.
3. Make a donation to the NF Network in honor of ScullyCoffee4NF day. Be sure to select ScullyCoffee4NF from the dropdown menu under ‘contributing towards.’  Every $10 donated gets you a chance in our donor prize drawing - prizes pictured below. So $20=2 chances to win, $30=3 chances to win, etc. Only one prize per person.
If you can’t get to a coffee shop or you don’t drink coffee, no problem - be creative!  The important part is to make the donation at the NF Network, you’ll still be entered in the drawing-the coffee pictures are just for fun!
Open to everyone, as long as your mailing address is located on planet Earth!
Donor Prize #2 - Donated by SPN Script Hunt (hey, that's us!)
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Unproduced script from The X-Files Season 10, from the collection of Chris Carter.
This fundraiser is why I got a group together to buy this script, let's kick it in the ass! - @lets-steal-an-archive
Update 02/27/2024
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p0gue-m0h0n3 · 9 days
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Roger Smith persona:
Made of wire support, clay, acrylic, puff paint, green and purple felt (floral decorations with puffpaint).
Mounted on a recycle candle holder.
Salvaged disco ball affixed to base.
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snackugaki · 2 years
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y tho
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derwahnsinn · 1 year
31 Days Idol Challenge - Oliver Riedel
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Day 14: Unusual Clothing Item
For this challenge, my pick is definitely the Woodstock Laundry Dragonflies Pyjamas Oliver showed up to for the Meet & Greet in Ostend in 2022. It was such an unusual pick of outfit, but it did look super comfortable, and who doesn't want to go to work wearing pyjamas? I have to say I love how Oliver totally rocks almost any piece of clothing he puts on. Photo by Katrien Peel.
While he often wears the same old singlet and asymmetric hoodie, he certainly isn't afraid of bringing out some fashion, and he has quite a few designer pieces in his wardrobe.
Bonus material: 1) Also from 2022 M&G, this time in Hamburg, Oliver sported a Vivienne Westwood Spray Orb Logo t-shirt. Unknown photographer. 2) In Mexico City 2022, Oliver wore a green UO Daisy Doodle Crew Neck Knitted Jumper from Urban Outfitters (and a matching green beanie). Photo by Ro Septien. 3) From Vilnius 2023, Oliver wore a Rick Owens DRKSHDW Pentagram-Print Long T-shirt. Photo by richuslv on Instagram. 4) Haculla printed patchwork hoodie, unknown photographer.
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Others doing this challenge:
Till: @endlich-allein Flake: @anwiel13 Paul: @instillennachten
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velvetjune · 6 months
person who’s gotten too into the collectibles and world of control: penny bartwell should appear in control 2
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frostsinth · 2 months
I wanna be fit. Not because I want to be skinny (though that would have bonuses) but mostly so I could just randomly parkour and blow some complete stranger's mind then disappear into a crowd.
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charbway · 2 months
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you want to buy my items you want to buy my items sooo bad
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sovonight · 2 years
i love how in baldur’s gate a stack of 5 potions takes up the same amount of space as an adult human body
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secondwhisper · 1 year
Some thoughts on Cultural Christianity; things I don't often see discussed.
To note upfront: I have lived my whole life surrounded by (English-speaking white) Midwestern US Protestantism. Some of these points will be addressing religious/cultural hegemony broadly, most should address manifestations of cultural & hegemonic christianity in particular, and some may be specific to the flavor of christianity local to me.
Funerary practices // Is it normal procedure to have a memorial event with viewing, songs, and speeches after someone has died? Is it normal procedure to have the interment of an embalmed body, in a coffin, in a graveyard? Is it normal to have little or no private/personal mourning practices (eg no changes in dress, socializing, meals, housekeeping), even for close family? Is it normal to have little or no standard practices for anniversaries of a death, even for close family? // Is it illegal in your area to bury an unenbalmed corpse in the earth? Is it illegal in your area to have sky or sea burials? Is it illegal in your area to create a funeral pyre? Is it illegal in your area to cremate a corpse in a crematorium? If no, have these practices always been legal? Are they normal? // What funerary practices followed the death of your grandparents? What funerary practices will follow your death? Would each of these be considered acceptable to your friends, family, and broader community? Are each of these considered normal?
What religion is // Is it normal for "religious" to mean "believing in (the existence of) a deity"? Is it normal for a religious person to venerate one god, which is probably an anthropomorphic personal male creator god? Is it normal for prayer to just be a way to say "please" and "thank you" to that god? Is it normal for a religious person to want to increase the number of people in their religion? Is it normal for a religious person to think that there is only one "correct" or "true" religion (or subtype thereof)? Is it normal for a religious person to be awaiting a messiah/savior? Is it normal for a religion to have a specific canonical "core set" of written teachings/scriptures? Is it normal for religious teachings/scriptures to present themselves as god-given literally-true recountings of history -- and be considered such by members of that religion? What is the legal definition of "religion" or "religious" in your area? // Did your grandparents identify with any religion? Would you, your family, friends, and broader community describe your grandparents as religious? Do you identify with any religion? Do you consider yourself to be religious? (Are these the same question to you?) Do your family, friends, and/or broader community consider you religious, even if you don't see yourself that way?
Literature & language // Are you familiar with phrases such as "o ye of little faith," "(am I) my brother's keeper?," "fire and brimstone," "doubting Thomas," "an eye for an eye," "man does not live on bread alone," "prodigal son," and "the writing is on the wall"? Did you encounter these phrases from friends and family, before or outside of encountering them in popular media or school? Did your schooling emphasize Greek and Roman/Latin foundations of language and/or literature, maybe even to the extent that it obscured/marginalized/erased other sources and influences? In literature classes, were you expected to understand references to heaven and hell, crucifixion and resurrection, virgin birth, a trickster devil, an innocent walled garden and fruit that transmits knowledge/evil, witch trials, walking on water, crusades, anointing, baptizing, and the general concept of a savior/messiah? Do you use these references and themes when/if you write? Are "goliath," "nimrod," "Jesus (Christ)!" as a profanity, "bedlam," and "pharisee/pharisaical" in your vocabulary? Would you expect that your grandparents' answers to these questions would be the same as yours?
These questions are intended to help you identify whether, and to what extent, your culture & the culture around you are consistent with (US protestant) christian culture. This isn't an exhaustive list, these are just three big topics I think people usually leave out of cultural christianity discussions.
Do note: I am not saying that if you aren't christian, you need to change your end-of-life plans, abandon your literary tradition, limit your vocabulary, and get a degree in religious studies/world religions. I am also not saying that every norm above is unique or exclusive to christianity, nor are all of these norms present in all varieties of christianity. I am not saying that it's bad to be religiously christian or culturally christian! I am saying that many people are unaware of the legal, social, and academic advantages they gain for every degree of similarity with their local religious/cultural hegemony. And I am saying that you should consider the ways in which you may be privileged on this axis, whether or not you are religiously christian.
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telesilla · 2 years
Ya know, sometimes a weird phrase is not a good band name, but rather a good album name.
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1randomweirdo · 2 years
I've been staring at this for several minutes. It's such a thing of ridiculous beauty. Let me see if I can describe it properly (link to Pinterest where I found it*):
It's a gold lighter, up top is the light part, but if you tilt it to the left there's like, a teeny, tiny lided writing desk with paper?? And a tiny, thin pencil (pen?) that pulls out, plus, at the opposite corner, out pops a tiny little clock??? There's engraving on the inner lid of the 'writing desk', but it's hard to read. It starts with "all my love" but I can't make out the rest.
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*sadly, the article it links to no longer has *any* photos available, so all I know is that this one is "antique"
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noisycowboyglitter · 1 month
"Mesmerizing Abstract Colorful Psychedelic Butterfly Flying Drip Art Designs"
"Kaleidoscopic Emergence: An Abstract Psychedelic Butterfly in Flight"
In the realm of captivating visual art, this mesmerizing piece captivates the senses with its kaleidoscopic blend of color, movement, and surreal imagery. At the heart of this abstract work is a vibrant, psychedelic butterfly, its wings unfurling in a graceful dance of fluid motion.
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Buy now:19.95$
The butterfly's form appears to be in a constant state of transformation, its delicate features dissolving and reforming in a kaleidoscopic display of hues and textures. Vibrant splashes of color, ranging from vivid blues and greens to pulsing reds and oranges, create a mesmerizing visual symphony that evokes a sense of hallucinatory wonder.
The dripping, almost paint-like quality of the colors adds a dynamic, organic quality to the piece, imbuing it with a sense of raw, primal energy. As the butterfly's wings appear to flutter and morph, the viewer is drawn into a captivating visual experience that transcends the boundaries of the physical world, inviting them to explore the depths of their own imagination and perception.
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This abstract work of art stands as a testament to the power of the subconscious mind, tapping into the universal symbolism of the butterfly as a representation of transformation, metamorphosis, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. Through its bold, vibrant palette and its dreamlike, psychedelic aesthetic, this piece challenges the viewer to see the world through a new, kaleidoscopic lens.
"Enchanting Treasures: Unique Butterfly-Inspired Gifts that Captivate the Senses"
In a world filled with mass-produced trinkets, the search for truly unique and meaningful gifts can be a delightful challenge. For the discerning gift-giver, butterfly-themed offerings stand out as enchanting treasures that capture the essence of beauty, transformation, and the wonder of the natural world.
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From exquisite jewelry pieces featuring delicate butterfly motifs to captivating home decor that infuses spaces with a sense of ethereal elegance, these one-of-a-kind gifts transcend the boundaries of the ordinary. Each item is imbued with a sense of artistry and attention to detail, reflecting the skilled craftsmanship and creative vision of their makers.
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these unique butterfly gifts also carry profound symbolic meaning, serving as reminders of the fragility and resilience of life, the power of change, and the inherent beauty that can be found in the natural world. Gifting these captivating items becomes an act of celebrating the recipient's own capacity for growth, transformation, and the embrace of their own unique essence.
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Buy now
Whether presented for a special occasion or as a thoughtful gesture, these exceptional butterfly-inspired gifts offer a truly memorable and meaningful way to honor the remarkable individuals in our lives.
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oars · 7 months
start putting all the things back in stores that arent target i hate online shopping
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homunculus-argument · 5 months
If your regular everyday clothes* were put on a mannequin, and placed in a group of other mannequins that are dressed in regular street clothes of your region, could the people who know you spot the mannequin who is "you" from clothes alone?
*if you are of an unusual size or build, assume for the sake of this thought experiment that they've found clothing items that are otherwise identical to yours, but able to fit to a standard mannequin
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aealzx · 3 months
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Prologue Next
“We’ve secured the suspected meta.”
“Copy that. Red Hood, do you have eyes on the last of them?”
“Not yet, but I’m pretty sure she’s in this apartment.”
Several months ago a group of unpredictable rogues had popped up in Gotham. Nothing unusual for the city, other than they appeared to be a group of teenagers who were both criminals and heroes. Stolen goods of various types ranging from common camping supplies, food, and clothing, to an odd assortment of medical supplies and technology. Assaulted police, other heroes and vigilantes given the slip. And yet there were also many criminals dealt with that hero teams couldn’t account for who was responsible. The main lead they had gotten was the suspected meta human. A girl with white hair that could fly, phase through walls, and various other super human feats. She had been the first lead they could latch onto, and from there they had built profiles on the other three. The oldest girl appeared to be in her late teens, another girl just a few years younger, a boy the same age as the second girl, and then the metahuman, younger than all of them. They had been more of a curiosity than a serious threat. Until they had stolen something from the wrong people and painted a target on their heads. Now they were in a cross between a rescue and capture mission as the team only known as The Phantoms were being raided by pissed off crooks.
The three youngest had already been caught by the rest of the team sent by Batman, it was only the eldest girl that remained. And unless Tim could pull off a miracle Jason only had ten minutes to find her before the planted bomb destroyed the building they’d been hiding in.
With Barbara’s help he and a few of the others had searched the entire apartment building, checking each room for the remaining Phantom and placing eyes where they’d been to make sure she didn’t give them the slip and run to somewhere they’d already been. Jason had just slammed through the front door of one more apartment when he’d answered Barbara’s question, a scattering of food wrappers in a trash pile, a small cook top, sleeping areas, and other items for basic needs betraying recent habitation. It was a good hint that this was where the Phantoms had stationed, especially with the scrabbled together computer workstation setup off to one side.
There were only three other doors in the apartment, and Jason moved to the first one quickly. A closet near the front door. Empty. A bathroom across from the front room. Also empty. Which meant the last room, the bedroom, had to be where she was, if she was there.
Jason flung the door open and promptly caught the crowbar that was swung at his face, accompanied by a near frantic screech from the girl he’d been looking for
“Got her,” Jason announced to the comms, deftly yanking the crowbar out of the girl’s hands and tossing it to the side. “Begin evacuation, I’ll be out in - ….. Shit.”
As Jason spoke to Barbara and the rest of the team he decidedly ignored the girl’s demands for him to get out, having to block a fist thrown his way. He’d noticed she was obviously distressed, tears marking her dirty cheeks and a fierce glare directed his way. It wasn’t unexpected considering she was the last of her team they didn’t have in custody; she must have felt any myriad of emotions ranging from despair at failing to fear that they would hurt her. Yet Jason quickly noticed something that made him cuss mid report, and realize the girl's actions weren’t out of defiance, but protectiveness.
“There’s five of them,” Jason reported, finger pressing to his comm and eyes locked onto the new figure that hadn’t been part of any of their intel. And for a good reason. The lad was unconscious on a cot, one of the stolen items in the team’s list, and he didn’t look good. If it weren’t for the shallow, shuddering breaths from him Jason would have thought he were already dead, his skin ghastly pale other than fever flushed cheeks. “There’s another boy, heavily injured. I’m bringing them both out, have someone standing by.”
Of course the girl heard his report, and renewed her efforts to fight Jason, blocking him from reaching the fifth member. They didn’t have time to converse gently though, and so Jason grabbed her arm and yanked her forward. “Listen! I’m not going to hurt you, I’m trying to rescue you. There’s a bomb! We have to get out of the building, and get him to a hospital.”
The girl was smart. Or at least not dumb enough to ignore Jason’s words completely, for she froze the moment he mentioned the bomb. “...What?” she asked, wide eyes locking onto him, daring him to trick her.
“Look, you guys trying to steal Lazarus water pissed off the wrong people. They planted a bomb, and my team and I are here to rescue you. We can talk about your crime runs later, alright?” Jason explained a little more, really not wanting to have to knock the girl out too just to get the two to a safe area if he could help it.
The way the girl’s eyes opened, a horrified gasp escaping her, told Jason she wasn’t a bad person. Or at least reinforced what their actions aside from theft had suggested. That was the reaction of someone who realized they’d made a mistake, and felt the weight bearing down from the mess that had been caused because of it. She stopped trying to fight Jason now, pulling away and rushing to the 5th member’s side, grabbing his limp arm and hooking it around her own shoulders to try and lift him up.
“Is he safe to move?” Jason asked, stepping forward to help. Even though the lad looked fairly small, he was still too heavy for the girl judging by how she was struggling to even get him upright. “His spine isn’t hurt? No broken bones?” he asked to clarify when the girl looked at him with a question half voiced.
“No. Nothing broken, just the-” she confirmed, cutting off when Jason reached forward and effortlessly scooped the frail teen up.
“Hold onto my back. We’re going that way,” Jason directed, ignoring the way she tensed, holding herself back from demanding he not touch her friend, and nodding towards the window.
“WhAT?” the girl sputtered, hands jerking as she internally wrestled with being obedient to him or her own sense of self preservation.
“We’re out of time. Just grab on,” Jason half snapped, roughly kicking the window to shatter the glass, twisting his frame to shield the lad in his arms as well, just in case. “One minute,” he added, repeating what Barbara announced in his comms to reinforce his directions.
It was enough. Pursing her lips and giving a soft whimper the girl rushed forward to throw her arms around his shoulders from behind, clinging to him with a death grip. Jason wished he had a better way to carry both of them, but he hadn’t been expecting there to be two of them in the first place. So he could only hope the girl’s grip was strong enough to hang on as he shot a zip line towards where the others were gathered. After getting the other end secured to the building they were in, Jason latched the clip on the rope and swung over the fire escape, curling his legs up to make sure the lad he was carrying had plenty of support. He could hear a muffled, drawn out squeak from the girl on his back, but didn’t comment.
“Wh- Ja- DANNY! LET HIM GO YOU-” the mid teenage girl caught sight of them first, snarling and trashing against her restraints when she saw who Jason had. Cass refused to let her go though, pulling her back to kneeling and considering pushing her down further if necessary. She didn’t get to finish her protests though.
“HEADS DOWN!” Dick shouted after Barbara announced a second to detonation, and those who had capes were throwing them over their targets and each other, hunching over to bodily protect them from the cascades of blasts ripping through the apartment building the Phantoms had been stationed in. They were far enough away that they shouldn’t get hurt from the collapsing rubble, but there was still the possibility of smaller debris getting thrown at them. So they remained huddled on the ground a safe distance away until the rubble settled, and only when it stopped shifting did they stand again.
“Oracle, status on the inbound units?” Dick was the first to speak, the others giving sighs of relief and partially relaxing.
The two middle teenage children had quieted significantly after the explosion, the boy looking at the rubble in shock as he realized they would have been caught in it if it weren't for the group of vigilantes that had captured them. And the girl held a similar period of stunned silence before she started kicking at Cass again. “Get off me! Get your filthy hands off Danny!”
“Sam, it’s okay.” The eldest girl spoke with a shaking voice, slipping off Jason’s back and leaning her head against him in a moment of despair. Cass’s hand froze where it had been about to knock out chop her feisty captive, blinking and looking up instead. So the middle teen’s name was Sam? And the unconscious lad was Danny?
“The meta is waking up. Should I dose her again?” That was Damian, keeping an eye on the youngest Phantom. She was starting to stir, but the eldest Phantom spoke up before the others could.
“Don’t. Please. They’ve been through enough. Just please bring her over here, I’ll manage her,” the eldest girl directed. Her voice was still shaking, but it had steadied somewhat after Jason had turned slightly while remaining crouched to allow her to sit next to their 5th member, her hand resting on his cheek as she was gathering the breaking pieces of her determination.
Stephanie and Cass only exchanged looks with each other, and also Dick and Tim, before Jason spoke up. “Just bring her over. She might be more docile when she’s near this one.”
They didn’t seem completely convinced, but Stephanie at least complied, moving to crouch on one knee with the youngest girl while Damian hovered nearby with another dose of sedatives.
“You’re doing the right thing kid. When the cops get here with the paramedics they’ll get Danny taken care of. You don’t have to worry,” Jason encouraged the eldest girl, grateful that she was getting her team to behave.
“They can’t take him,” she rejected, catching the rest off guard.
“What? Look if it’s about money don’t worry, it’ll be taken care of,” Jason insisted, hoping it wasn’t because of a different possibility he was quickly starting to consider. He’d thought it was just his imagination, but Danny was unusually cold to the touch. Almost like ice. There was another common reason he knew people avoided hospitals despite being this injured.
The eldest girl shook her head again. “It’s not that it’s….” she paused, seeming both reluctant to tell them but also not sure how to tell them what was going on. She wasn’t even sure what was wrong. But when the youngest teen groaned and started to shift the eldest looked at her and found her answer. “Danny is like Danielle. Doctors can’t help them. They’re too different.”
That’s what Jason thought, but it didn’t mean he wanted to hear it, and it earned an understanding but frustrated groan from him and some of the others. “Shit. Alright,“ Dick took charge of the situation, hissing slightly and reaching to his own comms. “Oracle, where’s the nearest safe house? The 5th member is another potential meta, unconscious, and heavy bandaging over the whole torso. Can you contact home and have Penny-one or The Doctor on standby?”
As Dick took care of directing the team, Jason took care of keeping their tentative ally willing to listen to them. “We might have some contacts that can help. We have friends that also need more attention that the regular doctor can give them. Do you kids have names we can use?”
It was more of a lead than they’d had since they’d gotten stranded there, so the eldest teen seemed hesitant but hopeful to grab onto it. After a moment of thinking, her other hand reaching out to Danielle as she started to blink her eyes open, she responded. “My name is Jazz. This is my little brother Danny, my little sister Dani with an I, and our friends Sam and Tucker.”
“... Your parents gave your little siblings the same name?” Jason couldn’t help asking after hearing the relationships. That also explained a lot about why Jazz had been so frantically protective of Danny, aside from her being the oldest of the group.
“It’s… a long story,” Jazz admitted, grimacing a little. “Danielle… was unexpected.”
Looked like Jazz didn’t quite trust them enough. That was fine, they didn’t need a whole backstory right off. Oracle could probably figure it out easily now that she had names and relations. “Fair enough,” Jason dismissed with a grunt, ending his conversation as Dick approached them.
“Hey. There’s a whole mess of stuff going on, I know, but right now we’re going to focus on making sure everyone is taken care of, and then we can figure out the rest of the mess later, okay?” Dick started, leaning low with his hands on his knees and speaking gently. “The police and paramedics can take care of the criminals that were hunting you, but since he’s a special case we’re going to move to a different location where we’ll give everyone a check up. Sound good?”
Jazz didn’t jump at the offer, but they could see she saw promise in it, and hesitantly nodded. “My friends and I stay together at all times. Got it?” she demanded.
“Sure,” Dick agreed, not seeing any issue with that. “But we’ll keep the restraints on if necessary, alright? You all still have charges of assault after all.”
It was easy to see Jazz’s expression fall significantly at the reminder, as though her soul had been slightly crushed. “Yeah… okay,” she agreed, swallowing some nausea that had churned her stomach at being reminded they were criminals. Then, before Danielle could fuss too much, Jazz turned to rest a hand on the small girl’s arm. “Dani, these guys have agreed to help us. So behave and don’t pick any fights unless I say otherwise, alright?”
The fist that Danielle had prepared to punch her holder didn’t move, and after a moment Danielle groaned in reluctant relent. “Guhhhh can I at least punch the guy who drugged me? I feel awful.”
The comment earned a weak chuckle from Jazz, and she patted Danielle’s arm. “I’ll think about it. Just rest for now. We’re moving to a safe place.” She hoped she wasn’t lying to Danielle, and that these people would actually, finally give them the help they needed.
I guess I go here now =v=;;;
Partially inspired by this post. But not including everything because there's a lot of stuff I don't understand. |D This just got stuck in my head so hard I couldn't work on anything else.
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35gofbeansprouts · 1 year
whenever i hold out an object in front of my kitty and she rubs her face on it i feel like that item has been blessed
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