#untrue tag ->
jack-kellys · 3 months
“why uksies spot?” what are u saying. what are you trying to say…
because uksies spot to you only means girl of color. spot [general] to some always means girl of color. i’m not the one who’s got it twisted bro what’s the. issue. what’s the question. what’s really the question. it’s just how some of us see spot so why is that worth questioning… be grateful actually
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amielot · 5 months
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two part comic! next part can be found here
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tzarrz · 1 year
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to all people who said PART 1 made them laugh - i lov u 💗 this is for u
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blinkbones · 1 year
cons of playing old video games:
no fandom
visuals that aged poorly
pros of playing old video games:
no fandom
visuals that aged poorly
cheap as hell
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palskippah · 10 months
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Some Mareach thoughts regarding their pining for the other because that's my favorite headcanon ever for them, especially if it's painfully obvious that they like the other.
It's all rambling sjdksj Sorry if it's confusing to read! It's just all my thoughts on the matter, and they're loosely based on the drawings I did jsjds
Also, this all may not be very coherent? In the sense of time and stuff, I wrote it on the spot, honestly sjsj
Now, Peach has been in love with Mario for a long time. Before he saved her for the first time, and maybe even before he became the helpful hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.
He was nice to her, respectful and liked to have fun- never mind that she was a princess. With her subjects Peach couldn't exactly run and jump and just play any time outside of the official games (unless it was little children, they loved it, but once they got bigger, they realized she was The Princess, and must be treated with excessive respect and distance, apparently), but with Mario she could get her nice, pink dress dirty with mud or with stains of green grass, get leaves in her hair, or overall be a mess, regardless of the situation. He'd just laugh with his equally dirty overalls, instead of fretting over her nice clothes being ruined.
They'd have simple competitions, who gets faster to that one tree about ten meters away? They'd push and shove to get there quicker, both using their abilities for it. Peach would levitate a rock for it to get in Mario's way, and Mario would jump very high to go past it easily. And whoever won earned a kiss from the loser (alright, Peach shamelessly set that rule, whatever for her to place her lips on Mario's round nose or to get his mustache to tickle her cheek when his lips placed a loud kiss on it).
It was fun and simple, and Peach felt truly relaxed and appreciated when she was with Mario, in a way that with her cousin Daisy or her father Toadsworth she just didn't. Her heart would beat faster, and she'd look forward to seeing Mario's blue eyes and his silly nose and his handsome mustache. And to hear his accented sweet voice, or to see him communicate with gestures, where Peach would do her absolute best to interpret it the best she could.
To simply be by Mario's side could made Peach's whole day.
After she was rescued though, she saw him in a new light- a heroic (and very handsome-) light. He fought against a koopa many times his size and simply flung him out by the tail! Then Mario effortlessly lifted her in his arms and ran her to safety. Mario kind of literally swept her off her feet, and Peach felt that she fell a little more in love with him, in a way that she knew she never would be able to forget or be able to get over it.
But something Peach is very glad of, it's that there's no need to forget or get over it, because Mario likes her too. A lot it seems. The first time he saved her, and once they were back at the castle, Mario seemed to reach for his hat to do a playful bow as he usually did for the princess, but Peach was excited and loved him so much and felt so cared for, that she impulsively leaned in and kissed him on the nose, halting Mario's movements. She muttered in a sweet, loving voice: "Thank you, Mario."
And by the stars, the way Mario's cheeks went pink and his eyes bright, as if something wonderful just happened to him, made Peach's heart sing in happiness. Could this mean that he could love her too?
So, Peach started to be clear in her intentions. She'd be sweeter, she'd get him gifts, and treat him like a king that deserved everything in the world. Because to her, Mario did deserve everything and more. Peach invited him exclusively to eat cake with her, they woudl go to picnics on their own ,to enjoy each other's company. And Peach would very tentatively reach his hand when she could or kiss his face if the situation allowed it, even staright up hugging him, with no excuse or reason to (simply because she wanted!)
To any outsider, it was clear the princess was courting Mario, but to Mario, it was just his good friend being more friendly, which was great! He was very glad to be a closer friend to Peach. So, Mario started returning the efforts, he'd give her silly things he found that reminded him of her or make the time to spend his afternoons with her. He'd be more affectionate in the way Peach was, saying outright what he liked of her or cheering for her in enthusiasm at their games (Mario saying, "I love you, I love you so much!" while clapping).
But it didn't go past that.
Peach wasn't sure if Mario was being oblivious or she wasn't being clear enough- But he'd blush and do silly dances when she said something particularly sweet to him, and his eyes would soften when looking up at her. So, Peach was very confused. Why, even when she said, "I love you, Mario", he answered with an enthusiastically, "I love you too, principessa!" and... that was it. As if Mario just didn't notice that Peach was trying to go somewhere with all their courting (Thinking about the "we look like a couple :3" "A couple of besties! :D").
I'm thinking that ever since they became friends, Mario has had at least a little crush on Peach, and how could he not? She's so beautiful, and nice, and funny. Mario doesn't think she'd be interested in him in a romantic sense though, because he knows very well she cares about him! But romantically? Princess Peach could have anyone she wanted, and there must be other royals more worthy of her love. So, why choose Mario? What could he possibly give her that another guy or woman in a much higher position couldn't?
Mario is very sure of himself in some ambits, and then in others not so much. When time goes on, he truly believes he's worthy of being Peach's hero, because he's strong, agile, he can jump very high, he's smart too! If Peach is in trouble, he will find a solution or a way to rescue her and make sure she's okay. He trusts his physical abilities very much, that's why he trains and does his best to be as strong as he can! What else can Mario give Peach if he can't be useful for her safety-
But he doesn't think he's good enough to be anything else besides that. Because Mario isn't worthy to hold her hand simply because he wants to, unless he's pulling her and running away from danger. And Mario couldn't just hold Peach in his arms in the way a bride is held by the groom, because he only does that if he needs to get Peach away from a castle or danger, again. Or to kiss her cheek just because he wanted to show her his fondness, without having to purposely lose their races.
Mario just wasn't good enough for that, and it always made him realize that no matter what he did, he'd never feel worthy, because he'll always just be Mario, Mushroom Kingdom's and Peach's hero. And Mario was okay with that, really. And what difference does it make, anyway, if Peach doesn't feel the same way. She was so sweet and considerate, always looking out for people she cared about. Mario was just very glad that he was in that group of people that Peach deeply cared for. And he knew he was there, because she did so many nice things for him! Bake him a cake, even when he didn't help her in any significant way prior to it, or hug him out of nowhere or look at him sweetly- it was as if they were dating! And it made Mario immensely happy, because if he tried hard enough, it was as if Peach only had eyes for him, and only did nice, sweet things for him. And looked at him with her beautiful sky-blue eyes, full of love for Mario, as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend.
When he saved her for the first and she kissed him and looked at him as if he was something precious and loving, he felt that maybe Peach could see him as a romantic partner, worthy of very nice things and very nice people such as Peach. But then she said, "You are my hero!" and that hope shattered, because right- hero, Mario was a hero. He was good in helping and saving the day and that's why people liked him! That's why Peach appreciated him too. So, Mario smiled brightly anyways and jumped in joy, because he's happy to be Peach's hero!
In the privacy of his own room, Mario would allow himself to feel sad about the matter, about feeling too little like a person and too much like a hero sometimes. Hoping it could be the other way, or maybe both ways. Anything so Peach could think of Mario and be pleased with the person he was, rather in all the things he could do. (Does that even make sense? it's me, Kym, asking ASJKJS)
And you can bet that Luigi was witnessing all of this, especially Peach's fruitless courting, and Mario's lovesick pining. He'd see the princess acting in the same way a loving partner would, and Mario relishing in the attention, very clearly in love. And then Mario would say something that sounded way to close to friend-zoning, and Peach would look briefly caught off-ward, most likely confused.
And Luigi couldn't blame her, when Mario himself didn't think she was courting him! The idiot (both affectionate and derogatory) didn't have enough confidence to think a princess could like (and love) him. Alright, well, if Luigi had a royal person hopelessly in love with him, he wouldn't believe it either- because he's just little ol' Luigi! Nothing special. But Mario? He was the specialest guy around! But he was so insecure too and wouldn't just see that Peach was almost desperately trying to get him to see that she loved him and wanted to be much more than just friends.
For God's sake, she said 'I love you' to Mario, directly to his face, and not even that seemed to change his thoughts of not being good enough or her not wanting anything besides friendship. Worst part, Luigi had to see his bro pining in their house, sighing, thinking of the princess, and out loud wondering what she was doing. He'd always be thinking of her, Peach this and Peach that- And it's not that it bothered Luigi or angered him, it's just that it was frustrating! The woman was right there! Peach could be with a huge MARIO, WANNA BE MY BOYFRIEND? <3 sign right outside their house and Mario would ask Luigi for which brother it was.
It frustrated him and made him feel sorry for his bro. Mario had something so good right in front of him, and due to his insecurity, he couldn't allow himself to see it.
After months and months of implying a relationship and Mario just, not noticing, Peach started to realize that... maybe Mario just didn't feel the same way. And maybe he just didn't know how to let her know it. Maybe Mario was being nice and returning her efforts just to not hurt her feelings, when all he wanted was to just remain friends. It made Peach feel so sad and so ashamed, had she just been forcing her feelings on Mario? A worse thought crossed her mind, has she been making him uncomfortable with her actions? And all these months...., Peach wouldn't forgive herself if that was the case. Maybe all those blushes and soft eyes and shy smiles were just the things she wanted to see.
Stars, she had to fix it. So, Peach stopped inviting Mario on his own to her castle and baking a cake with his favourite flavors in mind, and started inviting both brothers and also friends. She stopped leaning to hug him or kiss him, and when they'd win or lose races, Peach changed the rule into a high-five, meeting Mario's kissy lips with her palm the first time it happened. She truly hoped her efforts of a romantic relationship could just be forgotten, and not affect their friendship.
Mario was devastated with the change in Peach's behavior. She no longer invited him to the castle, and he didn't receive any more letters with 'Come to the castle, I've baked you a cake! <3', and the worst part- when he ran especially slow to get to kiss Peach in the cheek, and he was right about to do it, Peach's hand received him instead of her face. She smiled cheerfully and said, "Let's do high-fives from now on, yes?'
It was as if Mario's heart shattered- it was the last piece in the puzzle that indicated that he was no longer as loved as he used to be by the princess. Mario was treated like, like Luigi was! Which, honestly, was still very good, but! Mario used to be special! Peach used to treat him like he was someone noteworthy and worthy of the nicest gifts and her nicest smiles, and now it was no longer... If there was a little sliver of hope in Mario that they could be something, it was entirely gone. Now he couldn't even pretend that she loved him romantically, and it made him so, so sad.
Was it something he did? Mario should just ask, shouldn't he? God, but he just couldn't, he was a coward. What if Peach told him she no longer liked him at all, and was trying to slowly distance herself, and she actually hated Mario now?! Obviously, Mario was being dramatic, but he just wanted to explain why Peach no longer treated him in a special way...
That's all I've got 🧍
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utilitycaster · 3 months
I think it's gotten better as of late but I must admit. unbelievably validating to, after months of being like "I feel so much discussion of TTRPGs and actual play rests on the idea of novelty rather than skillful execution and I disagree" to turn on the Sam Reich episode of Adventuring Academy and for Sam and Brennan to say "I would watch any well-executed premise the creators were passionate about, no matter how many times I've seen the same concept."
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noirandchocolate · 13 days
Curious about this, ‘cause I’ve been doing headcanon stuff about my faves a lot lately.
No “combo of these” choice because I’m asking about the primary way, not for the only way or every way. Whichever you use/that happens most often, that’s your answer to the poll.
But feel free to tell me your combo in reblog text, tags, or replies!
Reblogging to send this to a farther audience would be very nice of you btw!
(Also, all the ways I put in the poll and any other methods people use are valid and cool. It’s headcanons—hopefully the main goal is to have fun and maybe share what you make with others! Just making sure you all know I think that. <3)
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flavia8 · 3 months
You know. Something I really hate about a lot of popular fantasy books, and it's especially prevalent in Romantasy, is what passes for Feminism in them. It's a toothless fake, used as an aesthetic/seasoning. A sprinkle of *strong female character* and a dash of deceptively misogynistic everything else, and for the finishing touch a pinch of man who's slightly better than being openly sexist and Boom. Fantasy series led by a FMC.
Generally, the Female Main character either starts out or becomes incredibly powerful, but always, always, always her power is linked to the men around her. She supposedly has agency and makes her own choices but the choices she makes are between choices provided to her by men. Her male love interest is more powerful in SOME way, and ends up besting her in some way. Experience, training, power, there's always some way the man is better than her. Female characters are never allowed to just BE powerful. Or even just BE single. Often they give up their powers, or are forcibly stripped of them. They look down on other female characters for doing "feminine" work. And, they're stupid as hell to supposedly make them relatable or endearing. Often, the male mc is concerningly abusive but it's portrayed as dreamy, romantic and Ideal. (I genuinely get the love for villains, and enemies to not, and the love for morally grey characters, I genuinely do, but this isn't that, what happens in these books is just genuinely bad (if they actually were people) being portrayed through rose colored glasses) [And in some stories that could be genuinely interesting!] If there's a second Love Interest, he will just do the same awful shit to the MC but it's better now bc it's him.
If the female character isn't white, all of this + a staggering amount of racism. They're rarely MCs. They're fridged for the MCs, they serve the MCs, they're never as beautiful or powerful as the MC, they're stereotyped and portrayed as savage, vapid, comically evil, or just as a good guy with no character at all.
These books are presented as feminist and it pisses me off. Feminism is equality for all, and the fight for Women to be equal and have their own agency. To make their own decisions. Genuinely I believe writers should be able to write whatever they want. I have no issues with having "problematic" stuff in books. My issue is when people start to believe that this shit is feminist, and the author is so skilled and amazing, and it's a masterpiece! Fuck that.
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cabeswaterdrowned · 2 months
Something interesting is that Ronan doesn’t immediately connect the “Adam would hate this Gansey” to his description of the Gansey on fire he knows, the Gansey who contains every wild spark etc., just that it’s a Gansey who doesn’t tend to exist around Adam because Adam can be centering/soothing for Gansey as we see in TRB pre the ending (and wild and angry aren’t synonyms, so I think Ronan qualifies Gansey on fire as a different Gansey from the one brought out by fights with Adam too. then again a lot of Adansey’s most major fights are when no one else is around to witness so could also be some unreliability there..). It’s Gansey on this specific night and the way he is interacting with Kavinsky, that glacial laugh that is meant to portray superiority and not humor, the type that would unequivocally say he’s better than other people (not that Adam would have issue with saying Kavinsky is lesser than them he doesn’t give a fuck about Kavinsky. but he likes that normal Gansey thinks all human life has value later) is a side to Gansey that Ronan thinks Adam would hate: “But this was not Gansey as usual. This was Gansey with a lofty tilt to his chin, a condescending quirk to his mouth. A Gansey that was aware that no matter what went down here tonight, he would still go back to Monmouth Manufacturing and rule his particular corner of the world. This was a Gansey, Ronan realized, that Adam would hate. Gansey said, “And what is it my dog needs?” 
The Gansey that Adam would hate isn’t necessarily wild Gansey although there is definite overlap here / the wildness is what allows this Gansey to come forth, it’s arrogant to the point of being cruel Gansey. A Gansey who is simultaneously less in control / more destructive and actively is very comfortable having control over other people, in ruling, in being arrogant or superior, which it makes sense would bother Adam so much more than Ronan because of class dynamics and Adam’s control issues and fear of Gansey proving he shouldn’t care for / trust him by exerting control over him. This is a version of Gansey who could really easily hurt Adam (taking notes on this scene for my Gansey comes back wrong / no humanity Gansey fic idea).Also want to contrast this from how Adam reacts to a Gansey who is exuding confidence/power but is extremely controlled about it in the DC section, because there are things he really dislikes about that Gansey but he’s also quite enamored by him in a really unhealthy way, and it generally…. Is a Gansey that riles Adam up a lot in a few ways imo. But he definitely sees that Gansey sometimes and wishes for the control to break which is actually a bit similar to Ronan enjoying this less in control Gansey. So I do think Ronan is right that Adam’s reaction to this Gansey would include hate and he wouldn’t have the affinity for him Ronan does but I also think his reaction would be more complex than just negative.
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sharpbutsoft · 5 months
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"[Matilda of Boulogne's office as Queen of England], initiated and broadly defined by the coronation ordo, gave her royal power and authority to share in governance. Her obligations and activities were shaped by custom established by previous queens and the ad hoc needs of king and realm. [...] [Matilda's] thorough integration into the governance of the realm was not repeated in [Eleanor of Aquitaine’s] years as queen of England. Eleanor's coronation followed a new model that emphasized the queen as progenitor of royal heirs and subordinate to the king rather than as sharer of royal power. Though Eleanor acted as regent in England between 1156 and 1158 and in Poitou on several occasions from 1165 on, her writs suggest delegated rather than shared royal authority. In England, her power was limited by the lack of lands assigned to her use and by the elaboration of financial and judicial administration. Whereas [Matilda of Boulogne's] inheritance allowed her to play an integral role in politics by securing the Londoners' loyalty and a steady supply of mercenaries, Eleanor's inheritance provided her with more extensive power in Poitou and Aquitaine than in England. Until 1163, Eleanor withdrew funds from the Exchequer by her own writ, but unlike her Anglo-Norman predecessors, she was not a member of its council nor did she issue judgments from the royal court. Eleanor's counsel and diplomatic activities, in contrast to Matilda's, are rarely mentioned. She did, however, encourage the 1159 Toulouse campaign and supported Henry in the Becket affair and the coronation of young Henry. Eleanor was not a prominent curialis; she rarely witnessed Henry's charters or interceded to secure the king's mercy. She did follow in Matilda's footsteps in her promotion of her sons, cultivation of dynastic goals through the Fontevraudian tombs, and patronage that reflected her family's traditions. For Matilda, to be queen encompassed a variety of functions-curialis, diplomat, judge, intercessor, and "regent." Through a combination of factors, Eleanor's role as queen was much more restricted."
-Heather J. Tanner, "Queenship: Office, Custom or Ad Hoc", Eleanor of Aquitaine: Lord and Lady (Edited by Bonnie Wheeler and John Carmi Parsons)
#this is so interesting when it comes to the gradual evolution of queenship over the years (post-Norman to early modern)#eleanor of aquitaine#matilda of boulogne#queenship tag#historicwomendaily#english history#my post#don't reblog these tags but#the irony of the 'Eleanor of Aquitaine Exceptionalism' rhetoric is that not only is it untrue#but you could actually make a much more realistic argument in the opposite direction#We know that it was during Eleanor's time as queen of France that 'the queen's name was disappearing from royal documents' (Ralph Turner)#She did not enjoy an involvement in royal governance that her mother-in-law Adelaide of Maurienne enjoyed during her time as queen#As Facinger points out 'no sources support the historical view of Eleanor as bold precocious and responsible for Louis VII's behavior'#Even as Duchess of Aquitaine she played a secondary role to Louis who appointed his own officials to the Duchy#Only four out of her seventeen ‘Aquitanian’ charters seem to have been initiated by Eleanor herself#And now it seems that even Eleanor's role as queen of England was also more restricted than her predecessors#with new coronation model that was far more gendered and 'domestic' in nature#That's not to argue that it meant a reduction in the queen's importance but it does mean that the 'importance' took on a different form#There's also the fact that Eleanor's imprisonment and forced subjugation to Henry after the rebellion till the end of her life#was probably what set the precedent for her sons' 'Lord Rules All' approach with their own wives (Berengaria and Isabella)#as Gabrielle Storey has suggested#None of this is meant to downplay Eleanor's power or the impact of her actions across Europe - both of which were extensive and spectacular#But it does mean that the myth of her exceptionalism is not just incorrect but flat-out ridiculous
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bluejaybytes · 7 months
The funniest shipping take I've ever heard was someone saying ChellDOS was problematic because of the age gap. GLaDOS is... a robot. Chell is a fully grown adult woman. What in Gods name do you mean by that. Also they try to kill each other MULTIPLE times I think that might be a bit more pressing
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icy-book · 2 months
Did you know You can take Terry Jr and Nicky,,, and make them kiss . Woaugh . No one else has done this before
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nyandela-catalogue · 7 months
just putting it out there that we don’t support Alex Kister (and we haven’t for a couple years now).
just because we exist and post TMC-like stuff isn’t anything to do with them, and it never had anything to do with them, and it never will.
that’s all else i will say about this.
no it’s not. uh yeah so basically we dont support some stuff they’ve said in the past, but the bullshit that’s been dealt to them has been disgusting and transmisogynistic.
second edit:
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cobaltfluff · 7 months
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bullied by the sakura family
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toytulini · 1 month
one more baja blast. either im going to clean this tank or fall miserably asleep while screaming and crying trying
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