dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
literally shaking with rage. wish I could scream really loud rn
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vessuna · 8 months
i think some of my beloved mutuals know me from other blogs without realising but i’m too awkward ask … nNXNSN
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dystychiphcbia · 4 years
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ofpharmaceuticals · 4 years
@unstabletm​ // starter call.
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“--When are you going to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around you?” At this point, she should just drop the subject and forget about it.
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coueture · 5 years
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          ❛      ———  what’s  𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠  with  you  ?  you  didn’t  move  your  arm  away  like  you  usually  do  when  i  𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐛  it  .     ❜  ( @unstabletm​ . )
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ohavl · 4 years
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      “ That expression on your face makes me BELIEVE you’re up to something. I don’t like it. ”
( @unstabletm​ )
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pastchased · 5 years
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       ❛  can you actually go the hell away  ‘n  get off’a my scarf  ?  ❜   ( starter    »  @unstabletm​  /    💛  )
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kissitani · 4 years
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@unstabletm :  ‘  you’re a sick fuck.  you know that?  ’ CNSNNXMSMDMSNND
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   ❛ i’ll take that as a compliment ! ❜ he didn’t as bothered as he probably should be with his friend’s words, almost as if he was aware of his ‘sick fuck’ status. being as attune with emotions, both his own and the ones of others ━━ he is. 
truly, it should’ve been taken as more of an insult, but shinra doesn’t seem very interested in taking it like one; in fact, his expression reflects one of flattery, a broad, unabashed grin making itself known. 
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    ❛ i was already pretty knowing of the fact, but you flatter me regardless. if there’s anyone to blame, though, it’s gotta be you. ❜
light & dark .
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loveslashed · 5 years
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@unstabletm​​  /  ask. “  why has no one fallen in love with me yet?  i’m so bored.  ”                    
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because you’re a sociopath? she wants to say it, and truthfully, it might have slipped into her demeanour — a twitch in her eyebrow, perhaps, or a disapproving pull of her lips — but she says nothing at first, simply offering the broker a measured look.
one of the most appealing and infuriating things about orihara is his penchant for mischief. he doesn’t see his business as life-ruining in the slightest, she thinks. he likely sees it as great fun, dabbling in the witchcraft of power, running his fingers through the grains of sand at the beach, where every grain is a human soul.
she tucks some of her hair behind her ear. “i’m sure one of your contacts will have an answer for that, orihara-kun.”
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kittyhooded · 5 years
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@unstabletm​ || 'starter call'
there he is. that disappointment of a so-called big brother...sometimes, she found herself wondering where those days went; the days he cared. long gone now, just as her own. " iza-nii. " 
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voice as light as chilly winds, approached izaya. even with that almost always blank face of hers, there's a hint of gloom to it; for once, her sister not at her side, where she should be. 
" ...mairu, " she muttered, " ...have you seen her? " typical, hadn't asked how he was doing; doesn't appear to be hurt, thus, she felt no need.
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hvocs · 5 years
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                                    @unstabletm​​  :    ❛  come and find me … polo !  ❜  
               ❛                    ──        IZAYAAAAA    !                    ❜            a    usual    rage    spilling    between    clenched    teeth    ;    a    familiar    and    expected    anger    far    too    comfortable    within    his    body    ,    a    particular    mess    he    can’t    stave    off    no    matter    how    hard    he    tries.    a    visceral    response    to    seeing    oriha.ra    on    the    streets    of    ikebukuro    ,    despite    shizuo’s    constant    reminders    to    stay    the    hell    away!    but    the    threats    never    seem    to    linger    within    the    informant’s    mind    ,    or   he    chooses    to    ignore    them    ?    what     a    pain    in    his    ass    with    an    idea    that    he    couldn’t    put    past    him.    
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                 common    sense    doesn’t    come    to    his    mind    to    STOP    ,    not    a    rational    thought    to    quit    chasing    a    lost    cause.    it’s    easy    to    let    something    take    over    that    he    hates    ,    to    bend    the    nearest    road    sign    into    a    misshapen    boomerang    to    throw    at    someone’s    who    is    already    a    ghost    in    the    wind.    shizuo    can    hear    cackles    and    taunts    ,    not    that    far    from    him    ,    igniting    his    rage    even    farther.            ❛                    I    TOLD    YOU    TO    STAY    OUT    OF    IKEBUKURO    ,    YOU    BASTARD.    !                    ❜
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coueture · 5 years
♡ hi
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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coueture-a · 5 years
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          he’s a nuisance , a pest ; like a fly he lingers , suffocates ramuda with his everlasting presence . [ surely he does not have this much time on his hands . does he not have anything better to do ? is his occupation to be an inconvenience ? were that the case , he would not be surprised . ] a sigh elicits mouth in vexation , nose scrunching up just slight til visage withdraws to usual unaffected demeanor . his trademark expression .     ❛     aaaaah ? iza - chaaaaaan ! how are you ?     ❜ ( @unstabletm​ . )
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pastchased · 5 years
unstabletm texted  :   3 , 2 , 1 . . * GRABS MASAOMI'S SHOULDERS FROM BEHIND *
     ever diligently had he been watching the crossroads  .  piercing  ,  unforgiving gaze of amber studies the area  .  the very territory of his lofty yellow kingdom  .  with masaomi reigning as shogun of the yellow scarves  ,  no one would dare enter this specific shady area in particular  ,  his domain  .   ——————  not that anyone was aware of his status  ,  of course  .  no one would ever have the gall to rat him out  .  a certain informant does come to his mind’s eye but he’d vastly prefer not to think about the likes of him  .  especially not this instant  .
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        brows would crease as hues revert to that of slits  .  he thinks he hears something or perhaps he was merely being too paranoid  ,  too uptight but he couldn’t bring himself to relax  .  not now  .  shoes are tapped impatiently ‘pon the sidewalk    &    he glances around  ,  left     &    right  until he practically jumps out of his own skin ‘pon feeling a touch to his shoulders causing him to unleash a gasp before he about faces  .  ❛  jesus  !!   are you tryin’ t’ give me a fuckin’ heart attack  ?!   i knew i smelled a fuckin’ rat  .  izaya  .  you got a death wish or somethin’  ?   get the fuck outta here  ,  would ya  ?  ❜
random asks  /  accepting  ! 
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kissitani · 4 years
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@unstabletm :  ♥ O_O
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really, he wasn’t too sure what prompted this, even if it were to be in a taunting manner, it’d still leave traces of true intention, a need ━━━ someone to hug , or to hug someone . there’s a difference, albeit slight to some. regardless, does izaya deserve that ? absolutely not, with the things he’s done. but it’s not as if shinra’s any better. that he knows, no shame in it. he knows that neither of them are good. 
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even so , shinra still finds hands upon his friend, one at his back, the other on his shoulder, pushing him back some for eye contact, even if izaya most likely doesn’t want that in this moment. hugs seem intimate enough for him. ❛ hey, what bought this on ? ❜ shinra doesn’t mind a hug himself, but this was rather unexpected.
❛ april fools was a while ago, you know . . . is it that your legs are weak ? i can’t say i’m used to you hugging me . . . in fact, i don’t think you’ve ever done it before. i have to say , you’ve got me in a kind of awkward position , izaya . . . ❜
send a symbol for a scenario ! /  ♥ : hug my muse.
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ohkind · 5 years
izaya thinks all ur muses are losers im sorry 2 break this 2 u
talon wants to know his fucking location.  his words not mine.
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