#unskipable cutscene triggered
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littleshysheep-at-da · 4 months ago
Do you happen to have a discord account? There's a Kumo Desu discord. It's really not the most active nowadays, but it's there
I do actually! But I have probably the smallest social battery in the world and am also just a person who is INSANELY introverted, so I’m a very infrequent conversationalist. (Just a heads up to everyone I tend to give my Discord as a method of Content at Cons but uh… If I ever meet you in person and add you pls don’t worry if I don’t message you, I’m not trying to avoiding you or trying to ghosting you I’m just anti social and a dumby).
But honestly? I avoid general Fandom Servers (and ESPECIALLY Reddit Subs) like the plague. They’re just… too… unfiltered? Like I’ve come to learn how in Fandom everyone has different things they’re interested in. So you can be into the same Series but just completely incompatible, and that’s not that incompatible people are not bad people at all!!! You just have vastly different focuses and therefore not a lot to talk about! And since I’m mostly a Character Analysis Shipper type (and particularly a DIEHARD OTP/OT3 person) I tend to avoid more Gen stuff cause Shippers often get shit. Like excuse you Shippers DO care about Analyzing the Media!! But a lot of people in Kumoko are really in to like… Power Levels? And I mean yeah it has a lot of Stats and stuff so I don’t think that’s like an invalid point of interest!!! But it’s just never been my thing.
Plus with Kumoko I once checked the Reddit (mistake on my part I know) and (if I’m being honest about my bitterness, so heads up this next part is full of spite I’m sorry) saw people going for Ships I hate with such a passion I had to question if they even Read the Series or are Literate at all. Like my god I have never had NOTPs THAT STRONG. Like not liking the same Ships doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker (really depends on what they are though)!!! Like usually Ships I don’t like fall on a scale of “I could see it but it’s not my go to” to “that kinda icky but I knew it would be gross” but this was a “I have never questioned someone’s Reading Comprehension harder in my life and I want murder”. And do not get me started on people who Waifu Shiro and dumb her down to a Dere girl when her best quality is being insane. And people on Reddit are often mean and idk if Discord Servers are the same.
I mean… I guess this me having to come clean that I am… weirdly over protective of my Character Reads and Ships in Kumoko. Like a lot. Like a “I genuinely don’t understand why I get worked up about it so much?” (My best guess is left over Bullied Kid Trauma but I ain’t about to Trauma Dump rn) So ummmm there’s that… (my other all time Fav Series is Persona and idk cause it’s a Game I kinda expect there to be lots of people with bad takes cause people do Play Games without Reading the Dialogue at all (I know it’s super weird) and it’s a big enough (much bigger than Kumoko) Fandom for there to be people of all takes…) honestly Posting on Kumoko content has been super good for me cause it’s making me feel more comfortable talking about my Opinions? So I always have to give a BIG Thanks to people who send in Asks and Like my Posts.
… SORRY THIS REPLY GOT SO LONG AND PERSONAL GAH! Basically I didn’t know there was a Server but I’m not super interested. I’m gonna instead try to cultivate (with an emphasis on cult lmao) the kind of very specific Content I want to see on my own Blog 🫡
Basically I’m a Post about Shiro x Ariel and there three kids Mera, Kyouya, and Sophia as well as my Shun x Katia x Kyouya Agenda until you all go insane and it invades your brain.
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by-foolish-design · 4 months ago
Hey guys today is a speedrun guide on marjoleins first section, the caravan. To begin with we've got the Kate section. Currently no skips have been found here as if you skip her dialogue you can't get the ticket and then get into the show, so we got through this part with the best lines and the shortest dialogue options as shown here. Once we get the ticket we get inside and the cutscene plays, once again unskipable sadly so is added to our time. I will use this cutscene as a point to explain the bug glitch for this run. Since this is any percent we use the biggest glitch of this run that turns this from weeks to about 2 hours. You need to hit these 5 inputs on the first frame, you may recognise these as the ones for keystone cup. Cause it's the first interaction with postie for marjolein you get access to all powers she unlocks for 1 frame as you arrive in the desert for the first time. It takes some time to master but once you do it gets easy very fast. You may wonder what this does. It tries to switch the trope but since there's no trope to switch to right now it just breaks some stuff including the in-game clock meaning that you don't have to wait multiple weeks for things to spawn. Once you've done this you need to line yourself up between this NPC and face slightly right of that tree there. And by sprinting you can make it out the barrier that stops you from leaving the caravan now by keeping running here for around 20 mins you will start to see the light of the mirage, when you do turn right and look for a Kurt in the desert, this is the cutscene Kurt for arriving at the mirage and right next to him is the trigger for his dialogue that allows you to get to the mirage. While you actually can run straight there at the end of the cutscene noone wi tell you to run and leave and the narrative doesn't know what to do so it just starts to crack and you have to restart. Once inside follow these specific path of tunnels to get the vortex as fast as possible and run in break free here and once you regain control run to the exit and say “thanks Kurt!” (not needed but it's fun) then the run is practically done just do the basic inputs for marjolein's soliloquy and this section is done and you can hit time.
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toadstool32 · 3 months ago
how does someone best get into Yu-Gi-Oh these days.. 🐮
HELLO HIII you have triggered an unskipable cutscene,
ive made a somewhat rambly thing over here
some warnings for yugioh: torture of the physical and psychological kind, gore, child abuse, uhhh some other heavy stuff, we love childrens card games!!
mostly, you can read the manga, we like the manga we love the manga its the og nothing compares to it but also you have to read. even if you dont wanna read the whole thing i do recommend reading teh first 8 chapters bc theyre NOTHING like what u expect yugoh to be, theres no cardgames just straight up, saw trap fun, also kazuki takahashis early art is very charming. you can find it places.
if you want to watch anime theres the tooei anime which we lovingly call season 0, the adaptation for early yugioh, kaiba has his hair green here and yugi looks even smaller, it also focuses on smaller characters and gives us that sweet classmates having fun in a horror way (i swear its fun) im p sure its on youtube
if you want to watch duel monsters you have to decide if you want to watch the 4kids dub or watch it subbed, i hear the dub added fun songs and character montages and also its 4kids, you know, ill leave it up to u, u dont even have to understand how the card game works bc theyre making it up as they go so its p sweet. theres movies also but most people only care about dark side of dimensions which is set post canon, (havent watched it yet for *reasons* but the movie looks gorgeous)
In the case u dont wanna start with duel monsters you could do gx or 5ds, gx is very fun and silly up until season 4 then its like, sad, and tragic, duels are very fun and cool tho, or you could do 5ds, more serious and the focus is the plot yeahhh but also the duels are even more serious (i say serious but, come on, its yugioh) theres also a crossover movie with dm gx and 5ds, called bonds beyond time yayy!!
you could also watch the abridged series by little kuriboh, if only bc they do have songs there and i miss that old school editing , also he once retweeted from me so i feel like i have to promove the series.
IF YOU WANTT to ever get into the card game you could play duel links, u can play card games in ur phone as the characters isnt that sweet, i had fun with it back in the day and i heard the events they have nowadays drop all kinds of lore, fun times and easier to get into than say, master duel.
anyway join in this hole with me
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cptapathy · 1 year ago
Yeah, I'd avoid talking to me in person. I trigger an unskipable cutscene, soz.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years ago
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Congratulations, you’ve triggered an unskipable cutscene of me infodumping about the Passione and Diavolo/Doppio aspect of this AU, you cannot escape me-
SO BASICALLY shit starts way at the beginning with Diavolo and Doppio. Not fully sure about the dad situation, but their mom was human. Unfortunately, she still ends up getting arrested for Something Or Other, and a young Diavolo and infant Doppio end up getting put into the “care” of the priest guy
now, unfortunately for them, Diavolo has a couple of Mer traits that are starting to poke up, and well…… yeah, no shade to religion as a whole, but you’ve gotta admit, the strict “traditional” types really don’t take this kinda shit well. So Diavolo spends most of his child and young adulthood locked in a basement thing that was connect to but still locked away from the ocean. Like, there’s a tunnel leading outside to the open water but it’s barred off so only water and some fish can get through
Now, the contact between these two was incredibly limited, however the priest guy at least had enough sense to know “okay, letting the monster in the basement actually go insane is a Very Not Good Idea, so let’s see if social interaction can keep him docile” and it both…… does and doesn’t work as intended. On the plus side, for a good chunk of years, Diavolo does just that. On the downside, with every year that goes by, with every year Doppio brings down books and stories from the outside world, with every year he grows larger and the cave grows smaller…….. his hunger for the outside world grows ravenous
So he breaks out via the tunnel and with Doppio’s help. After all, that’s his older brother! He’s sure as hell going to help him out with this!!! And honestly? For the next couple weeks, Diavolo is content with this. He goes out basically every night, usually with Doppio but sometimes without, just to experience what the world has to offer. It's during one of these nights he ends up meeting Donatella which then leads to Trish, but he's completely unaware of her since Donatella was a tourist and not a local
unfortunately, things aren't all perfect. See, Diavolo gets a bit....... overzealous in his newfound freedom, and kinda over does it. That combined with his extreme lack of social skills means that he doesn't take it very kindly to people who disrespect him, especially if some of said people pick up on his mer biology. So he's unfortunately pretty prone to starting fights, most of the time which he leaves no survivors. He hides all the bodies in his tunnel and honestly isn't bothered by it too much. If anything, he's actually kinda proud of it
unfortunately, this backfires when the priest finds out what's up, connects the dots as to all the murders and disappearances, and reacts in a very reasonable, logical way
yeah, so he starts a lynch-
Diavolo and Doppio, understandably, start to freak the fuck out and respond in a similarly reasonable, logical way
Doppio starts a shit ton of fires and Diavolo grows to full size to smash the place
come morning, the whole town is nothing but ash and there were no survivors. Diavolo gives Doppio a ride to the neighbouring island and they both decide "okay, let's not do that again, what could be do to make sure we don't get put in a situation like that again?" and decide the safest long term plan for them would be to gain power. Legal power however was a bit too out and open for their tastes, so they decided instead to gain underground power. They start building up their gang, recruiting people and starting their "trade," and they actually draw in quite the crowd. Given how accepting the two were about mers they ended up finding a very untapped market of manpower that was free for the taking
and of course, when they find on of the Arrows this power just increases. The Beetle Arrow (or maybe it's some kind of other animal? maybe an octopus?) is still Super Power and different from the others, and also something they only had temporarily before it was snatched up by Polnareff, but they've got at least one regular arrow which gives humans a bit of a slight power boost. Maybe instead of fully transforming them, it gives them a randomised minor mer-themed ability, ex: slightly boosted strength or can hold their breaths for a long time or more durable skin, etc etc
it's enough that there are a LOT of rumours of Passione's crews, but they're also still obviously very human which insights a lot more cooperation from those under their "rule" out of general fear
I'll admit, I'm not super sure how Diavolo and Doppio learn about Trish's existence, but that whole part of the AU is Diavolo wording the Bucci Gang to pick her up on one island and bring her to another island on the other side of the "Italy" part of the archipelago. Maybe for some Fun Team Bonding because this is in the equivalent of Pirate/Victorian Times For The Aesthetic <3 it takes them several weeks instead of just one. Giorno is a Weird Cabin Boy that Bucciarati dragged back to the ship who gives them all Vibes, but none of them actually suspect him of being a proper mer because they've all gotten used to the Vibes that come with being stabbed by the arrow
so we've made the jojos were...creatures...vampires, what else? I think the next logical step is making them mermaids when they get water on them. the merstars
for extra fun, what if they're like. The mildly eldritch Giant mermaids. Like, the ones that could hold a human in the palm of their hand
just. The Joestar family are essentially literal legends. Jonathan used to be Dio's friend and companion, protecting his ship and crew by swimming alongside them until one day he was betrayed and his skeleton was then hung up like a skeleton and ever since the family has distanced themselves from humans, save for Speedwagon and Erina since they were Jonathan's close friends
now the whole series has been shoved to the water. Maybe George II was a half-human who just kept growing until he had to be moved to he water permanently, but fell in love with his childhood friend Elizabeth who would visit him and even bought a home on the seaside. Maybe one day she was followed and George was slaughtered, and while she was able to get revenge she was forced on the run to escape legal repercussions
now thanks to Erina and Speedwagon she lives on an island far by the coast and almost an hour away from anyone else where she does her best to teach and raise her son in peace. Being only 1/4 mer Joseph could probably pass as a human, albeit a pretty large one, but there are some traits he struggles to hide should any person try to get too close, like having slightly strange eyes and patches of scales and gills
Suzie was a mer who'd pass through at regular times in the year and she and Joseph slowly fell in love with each other. They'd go on long swims into the sunset and stare at all kinds of plant life. Joseph would bring Susie all kinds of Land Foods to share and he learns how to cook specifically so he can share it with her. Susie tells him all about her travels around the world and deep in the ocean and brings back souvenirs. It didn't surprise anyone when they announced their marriage and Joseph purchased a boat so he and Susie could travel together
Holly grew up in the ocean and on a boat. She would swim alongside her mother and father as they travelled, going where she pleases. Susie and Joseph weren't surprised when she fell in love with the musician who would always play his songs by the sea. When Jotaro is born, he has a sort of a split custody of sorts. For the school year he lives with his father on land and attends human classes, and then during the summer break and any other long breaks he travels the ocean with his mom and interacts with other mers
Fibsh People Go Brrrr
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