#unrelated but i also watched Only Boo! for the first time and i Really liked that as well that was cute af but the one year time skip
kawaiianimeredhead · 12 hours
I spent the last couple days rewatching SOTUS since the first time I watched it years ago
And honestly, I may like it more now than I did and I liked it a lot back then. I kno people have issues with it and I get those and understand them
But damn I love this show a lot. I can't wait to start watching SOTUS S, I remember enjoying that as much if not more so I think it'll be a fun rewatch
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 months
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"Tombstone Picnic,the infamous 'Lost Ending' Bendy cartoon from the early days of the studio. The ending has not been seen since the cartoon's first run in 1929 and no copies are known to exist."
----- Bendy comes face to face with [REDACTED]!
Another year, another Ink Demonth event. Let's see if I can get past the first 10 days again (I kind of doubt it, but let's not get ahead of ourselves).
Starting with a very interesting topic! As far as in-universe things go, I think the simplest interpretation would be: a look back at simpler times. Before the ink craze, the damn machine and all that. The times when (I presume) the only concern was getting the shorts finished on time. Nostalgia for a bygone era. It was more the metaphorical side that I was aiming for when I was making this drawing.
I don't really like to use this term when I reminisce about things that, in my opinion, are very "recent", but since it's been 7 years (more than half a decade, jeez), I think using "nostalgia" in this case is allowed in my view.
It's not surprising to say that I'm nostalgic for the times of 2017-2018. (In terms of Bendy, of course, not in terms of life in general, lmao) It's been so long... On one hand, similar to the in-universe reason, it was simpler times, I admit. Things weren't so…crazy, so to speak. And on the other hand, it's because of the good memories of that time (again, in terms of this franchise). The wait between chapters, the teasers, the theories, and the in-betweens. And what I wanted to show here, one of my top favorite moments that I remember the most, was the release of the reveal trailer for BATIM Chapter 3.
I was excited that day! I had just gotten home when the trailer dropped and I immediately went to watch it. An actual in-universe Bendy cartoon! Bendy and Boris animated! Mysterious Shadow!?!? and then BOOM, game stuff. Henry running in a hallway, silhouettes of new characters, Bendy statue, Miracle Station? and BOO, the Ink Demon jumping in the station! Alice humming, and OOOHHHHH RELEASING IN SEPTEMBER, LETS GOOO.
It was really cool. I would not only say this is one of my favorite moments, but also that that trailer is my favorite trailer we've had. Yeah, in the end the "gameplay" in the second half of the video was just a cutscene running, and the "scene" that happened in the trailer doesn't actually happen in the game. Hell, the "hallway trailer" wasn't even in the release! But, the cutscene is still pretty cool anyway, plus, even though the scene doesn't literally happen in the game, it still teased elements that were in the game without giving away spoilers, so the trailer wasn't a total lie at the end of the day.
But yeah, nostalgia. A hell of a drug, but at the same time, a nice time machine,I say.
On an unrelated note, hey, prompt for day 1, and I'm not that late! Sure, I'm posting this after midnight, so it's not day 1 anymore, but still, compared to other years, I'm very up to date with the event. After all, 1-2 hours late isn't that late compared to 1 week. But of course, prompt 2 is going to be another story entirely, but in the meantime? I'll enjoy this achievement.
Have a great event this year folks!
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blundergato · 1 year
watching a video about masculinity and anime and what it is about anime that appeals to boys, and the video is good so far, but man whenever dragon ball is brought up in a discussion, i get this weird whiplash because the conversation always focuses on vegeta in ways that i feel shows a misunderstanding of dragon ball as a series.
this video in particular pointed out goku as an annoying protagonist with even more annoying fans, to then discuss the character development of...vegeta?
this is just a weirdly bizarre thing to say because vegeta fans are 100% louder and way more obnoxious about him than goku fans are about goku.
i think that vegeta's character development is highly overstated by most of the fandom and has always been that way, way before super came along and just made everything worse.
the dude is a villain for a good 85% of the show and really only truly comes around at the end of the boo saga. i would say that technically it was the end of the cell games, but boo saga kind of retroactively rewrites what happened there.
this video points out that vegeta eventually becomes a family man, specifically showing clips of him during the early android saga...which is pretty insane considering he almost lets his wife and newborn die a couple times throughout that saga and doesnt really seem to give a shit about it.
then of course the self sacrifice portion where he hugs trunks for the first time. the sacrifice is pointed out as noble even though vegeta was going to die no matter what, whether he blew himself up or not. the trunks hug is surely a new moment for him, but its sort of retread ground.
someone in the video also says that vegeta is more relatable because hes a character whose place was defined for him since birth but then he had to figure out his new place when he realized he wasnt the hotshot he thought he was, which...i guess is a reading for a character who was a genocidal prince who solved all his problems by just killing them. vegeta didnt want to be the super saiyan of legend because he thought he was destined to be a savior; he just wanted to replace freeza and did not want to be controlled.
i think vegeta's popularity amongst boys and men as a supposed hero is entirely unrelated to his actual growth; his character development is just used as a retroactive justification, but thats an entirely different essay.
like i said, i think the video is good so far, but ive always found analysis of dragon ball as a series specifically, especially by other men, to be sorely lacking.
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glowinggator · 4 years
Cuddles - All Turtles
Request: Hi I really like you writes! keep up the good work, I was wondering if you could do a rottmnt cuddle Imagines? If that's fine?
Pairing: All Turtles! (Non-Poly) 
Content: Fluffy as FUCK. Brush your teeth after you read this, cause it’s sweet as hell. 
He loves to cuddle! But...he’s nervous. He doesn’t want to prick you with one of his spikes, or...worse. With his brothers, it’s different! They’ve got hard shells and plastrons, but you’re so... squishy! What if he hurts you? 
He gets so happy about casual touch. Putting you on his shoulders? Throwing his arm around your shoulders? Affectionate hair ruffle? He’s the physical embodiment of :) 
If you want full cuddles, though, you’re gonna have to be the one to initiate it the first few times. He’s just too nervous, otherwise. 
Rest your head on his plastron when you’re watching a movie and he’ll melt. 
Seeing how your arms maneuver around his spikes to embrace him, how gingerly you hold him...Maybe it’s possible. Maybe you two can cuddle without getting any boo boos.
He can’t really lay on his back because of his spikes. He’ll either get stuck that way when his spikes inevitably get embedded into the material, or he’ll shred up whatever he’s laying on.
(He’s banned from the beanbag chairs.)
He wants to be the little spoon so bad, but it’s physically impossible. He’s forever bound to big spoon duty. He’s okay with that, though. 
(One time you showed up wrapped in mattress foam and bubble wrap to try and be the big spoon. It's a very fond memory, even if you were padded too stiffly to actually hold him.) 
He likes to rest his head in your lap. Run your nails along his head or shell and he’ll be asleep in no time.
He won’t lay on your stomach or chest though. He really wants to, but he’s afraid he’ll crush you. There’s no debate with that topic, unfortunately. 
He’s such a good big spoon!! He’s so strong, and he cradles you like you’re the entire world. Because you are! 
He likes to rest one hand on your stomach and tangle his other hand with yours. It’s so cool to look down and see how his spikes cradle you. Almost as though you were a treasure encased in barbed wire, protected from the outside world. 
You always feel so safe when you cuddle. I mean, it’s hard not to when you’re cocooned in 1000lbs of muscle and spikes!
His hold is firm, but noticeably gentle. 
He runs pretty warm, compared to the rest of the turtles. Great in the winter time, not so great in the summer.  
He traces little doodles on the back of your hand. You can never tell what they are, though. And he won’t tell you what they are, if you ask.  
(They’re dogs.) 
He’s not coldblooded, due to the way he was mutated. As such, he doesn’t really have any issues regulating his body temperature. He does find himself seeking out heat sources, however! Donnie calls it a vestigial response. Raph absolutely does not care about no scientific names or explanations: he just knows that he likes to sit under the heat lamp in the morning.
Prepare to be his next heat lamp. 
If you come over in the mornings, prepare to be greeted with a very sleepy Raph the instant your feet hit the lair concrete.
He’s never on his phone when you cuddle.
He is a talker, though. He doesn’t quite whisper, but he definitely invokes the gentle voice. 
He falls asleep very quickly if he doesn’t keep himself talking. Your presence is just so calming to him, he can’t help it! 
He’s a very deep breather, and it’s really calming to listen to!
Unfortunately, he starts to snore about 15 minutes after he falls asleep. And he’s loud. 
You’ll get used to it, eventually. 
He doesn’t sleep consistently, so full cuddle sessions are far and few between.
He read that fake rumor that Albert Einstein only slept for five hours a year: while it’s since been debunked, it’s stuck with him. He started training himself when he was little to power nap instead, and now it’s hard for him to get out of the habit.  
But..you’re a good motivator.
He’s a little nervous around the concept of cuddling, at first. He’s very touch-starved, and once you warm him up to the idea, it’ll be hard to pull him off you! But he’s incredibly nervous about it at first.
It’s...intimate, you know? He’s vulnerable, and that freaks him out.
His shell is super sensitive. Partially because it’s soft, but wearing his battle shell all the time has removed a lot of stimuli that would have made it less sensitive.
He reflexively rolls his shoulders when you run your hands along his exposed shell. At least, for the first few times. If you do it enough, it’ll quickly become a way for him to relax.
Likes to pull you to his chest and hold you like that. He usually has your head under his chin so he can scroll through his phone while you cuddle. He doesn’t move his arms much though, so it’s okay.
(He also likes it when you’re facing him so he can steal glances at you once you fall asleep. He thinks you’re even prettier when you’re completely relaxed.)
You’ll rarely see it for yourself, but his eyes get all soft while you’re cuddling together. The quietest, calmest smile graces his features when you’re in his arms.
However, you do notice how all the tension fades from his body, and how his breathing seems to slow down.
He’ll run his free hand along your back every now and then, pressing a quiet kiss to the top of your head.
He runs fairly cold, which is awesome in the summertime. He always lets you borrow his hoodies when you cuddle. If you ask nicely, he’ll let you keep ‘em, just so long as he has one or two in the closet.
His bed has super soft blankets, and they’re so nice to curl up in. You’ll probably stay there for a little while after he gets up, honestly.
He’s not a talker, surprisingly. Every now and then he’ll pull his arm back to show you some meme on his phone, but that’s about it. He’ll listen to you though! He actually really likes it when you mutter about whatever's on your mind while you cuddle.
King of “Uh huh,” “Wow,” “Mmhm,” and “Damn that’s crazy.”
He really is listening, though. He just likes to tease you a little bit.
His grip is either iron-tight or loose as hell.
On bad days he’ll curl up as the little spoon, and not even the gods could convince him to let go of you.
It takes him a while to warm up to the idea of being a little spoon. Both because his shell is hyper-sensitive, but it also kind of erodes that “bad boy” persona he’s got going on.
Once he’s more comfortable with it, he’s about 50/50 on it. He’s more likely to indulge himself on bad days, but it honestly just depends on his mood.
If you pull him away from work, you can bet that he’ll pull you to his chest while he’s sitting on the bed. He’ll lean forward to rest his chin on your shoulder as he explains his latest breakthrough. He shakes a little bit when he’s excited, and you can feel it as he holds you.  
He panics a little bit when he’s on his back, but he really likes it when you lay on his plastron, so...Chair cuddles!
He likes to have you in his lap while he works.
He also likes to kick his legs up onto your lap when watching TV. If you guys have the couch to yourselves, he’ll also lay all the way on your lap. If anyone sees you guys, or if anyone comments on it he’ll just hit ‘em with a very snarky quip.
“Okay, and? At least I actually have a partner :)”
You don’t know how he said “:)” outloud.
He thinks he’s so smooth, but honestly? He’s such a dork.
He’s huge on touch. But cuddling? It’s a whole ‘nother ball game. He loves it a lot, but...he’s so vulnerable! It’s so intimate to him. He’s not adverse to it in the slightest; in fact, it’s the exact opposite! He’s super excited when the topic comes up.
You can tell that the idea of fully cuddling affects him more than he lets on, because he won’t stop talking when you bring up the subject for the first time. He rambles when he’s nervous.
(He talks with his hands a lot, and it’s really cute how he rambles and rubs the back of his neck.)
He’s actually a great cuddler, though.
Big spoon? Hell yeah. Little spoon? Awesome. Horrific entanglement of limbs that would put eldritch horrors to shame? Sweet! He’s just happy to be close to you.
He can go 50/50 on having his phone with him. If he does, he’s usually either watching memes with you or playing a mobile game.
(Kind of unrelated, but he was very excited about that weird, Subway Surfers revival that happened earlier this year. It was all he played for a while, and now you have the tune lodged in your brain forever.)
He’ll talk for a little while if he doesn’t have his phone, before you settle into a comfortable silence.
He’s either ranting about something shitty that happened that day, or shitposting. There’s no inbetween.
“If I shot someone from Texas while I was on the moon, would that fall under Texas’ jurisdiction or the moon’s?”
He also likes to trace little patterns on your hands, if he has access to them that day! You can usually tell what they are. Other times, it just seems like he’s finding an excuse to hold your hand. It’s really cute.
(If you ask him what he’s drawing, he’ll say he’s reading your palms before dropping a sweet little line about how he’s in your future.)
(He does NOT know how to read palms but it’s the thought that counts <3)
Not ashamed about cuddling in public. Hell, if you’re fine with it, he’s more than happy to cuddle during movie night. In fact, it’s kind of a source of pride for him!
He looks so cocky about it that Donatello has to make a physical effort to NOT hit him.
Please run your palms over his shell, he’ll melt.
If he’s the big spoon, squeeze his biceps. He might not say it out loud, but he’s melting internally. It sticks in his head for at least a few weeks afterwards. Ego Boost 100
If you’re ticklish, prepare yourself for tickles. He strikes without a pattern, and without warning. He doesn’t always do it, though. Maybe about one in ten times. He just likes to hear you laugh :)
He’s very nice to cuddle with overall. He’s the best cuddler in the lair, hands down.
Literally the only one in the lair who isn’t embarrassed when you bring up the topic.
He’s been WAITING for this moment, actually.
Doesn’t care about whether he’s the big or little spoon.
He’s super talkative when he cuddles, it’s cute. He usually likes to spend this time talking about one another’s day. He’s a great listener too!
He’s always 100% engaged in what you have to say.
He has trouble settling down outside of his normal schedule, so it’s rare that he’ll fall asleep while cuddling.
If you’re in a position that gives his arms a lot of mobility, he’ll draw on you. Not just tracing patterns, but he’ll actually bring out his markers and draw on your arms, back, or just any exposed piece of skin.
He always manages to find the prettiest colors to compliment your skin tone. You never want to wash it off, honestly.
He HAS to keep himself busy with something, or else he’ll explode. At least, that’s how he describes it. If you try and get him to lay down and fall asleep...well, he’ll try! But he’ll be squirming the whole time.
It’s best to throw on a Jupiter Jim movie if you want him to stay still.
He likes to tangle his legs with yours while you cuddle. Whether he’s taller or shorter than you, he WILL find a way.
He’s the lightest out of all the turtles, so there’s a possibility of letting him (partially) lay on you without shattering your sternum! Congratulations!
(He’s around 525 lbs. He’s only half of what Raph weighs, but he still has to be careful about how he lays on you. It’s crazy to think that you’re so small compared to him.)
His hands are so cold, and he’ll absolutely use that to his advantage. If he gets bored, or if he just wants to make you laugh, he’ll grab your waist with his cold fucking hands. Hope you’re a northerner <3
He also likes to tickle you, way more than Leo.
Don’t try and tickle him though, he HATES it. He’s absolutely the type of person to just Scream if you try.
Like I said, he gets bored really quickly. He also just likes to make you laugh.
If you’re cuddling in bed though, like right before he falls asleep? It’s so nice.
He’ll still tangle his legs with yours, but he moves so much slower. He loves to let his hands lazily roam across your form as he pulls you closer to him, savoring the comfort and heat that you bring. If he talks, it’s in drowsy whispers that only you two can hear.
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years
Before and After Rituals
a/n: hi I hope yall like Imma make this a series with the schools so      mauh <3
pairings: karasuno x reader
warning: I’m pretty sure this is all clean if not feel free to say something. 
summary: the boy’s before and after game things that they do with you
seijoh || nekoma || fukurodani || shiratorizawa
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Daichi Sawamura
the night before a game you always go over to his house with some meat buns and either stay for a while or spend the night
he always holds onto you in some way
it calms him down 
its not anything big but it gives him a good sense of peace and quiet before chaos
after his game you always wait for him outside the gym, win or lose
he goes with his team back to the school and you meet him there too
you either go to his house or yours and one of you spends the night just to calm down his head
you always get snacks and even if he tells you to not get to much junk you always get to much and he doesn’t stop you
if he won then you talk about the next match and his thoughts on the team
he’ll also spin you around when he sees you outside the gym
idk he loves doing it
if he lost than he’ll start on things he needs to do better on and you’ll try and cheer him up with some corny jokes and kithes.
Sugawara Koshi
all the morning before the game you two are attached at the hip. 
everyone is just used to you “sneaking” onto the bus to drive with them
in reality him trying and failing horribly to cover you with his jacket and coach just giving up on it
constant quiet giggles at first as you try and calm his nerves
then around the end its more quiet and serious as he focuses a little more
after the game he naps on you the whole way home
if he wins you get to listen to his rambling about some idea he had on signals he could use or a set up he wants to try
he could literally talk for hours on what he was thinking wall watching and playing its so adorable
if he loses then theres a aura of sadness in the bus and if its bad enough he’ll muffle his small sniffs into your shoulder
that hasn’t happen except for date tech and sejioh though and your happy for that
you always sleep over after the game
Asahi Azumane
before the game welcome to teddy bear time
noya constant teasing for a week straight since the big dork is constantly on you freaking out
normally its not to bad and a lot of it is just of how scare he is that his spikes will get blocked a lot and the comments he’s sure to receive about his looks when he gets there
when game day does come you always kiss his cheek and hold his face to tell him good luck
def earning gags from tssuki but you didn’t hear it from me
after the game its like teddy bear time x10
win or lose you get a new weighted blanket for a couple of days
if he wins its a more happy blanket yes but he’s so exhausted that he just falls asleep on you the minute you meet him at his house after they left for the bus
plus a bunch of random ‘holy crap wait i did that?!”’s to himself throughout the day
if he loses he cries a little, blaming himself for the entire thing
you always tell him that its not his fault and that he did his best
he’s honestly so pessimistic the night after and your one it telling him that he needs to remember how it feels but not let it bring him down
you bring him up with those comments and he’s so grateful for it
Nishinoya Yuu
every time the day before a game he likes to go somewhere with you
weather it be the park, the arcade, an ice cream shop
a freaking pet shop (yes you almost got a pet that day)
he finds it relaxing to see you having a nice time with him and every time he always makes sure its a place to make you smile
after the game he’s a koala on you, win or lose
the only real difference is happy koala or sad koala
happy koala is randomly kissing you and laughing, nuzzling into you while Tanaka either gags or whines about how single he feels
sad koala is sniffling into your shoulder and clinging to you even more if its possible, hes pretty quiet too so you know hes waiting until you get home to talk about everything
course after that mini pout session hes all fighting and ready to see that team again and win
either one also ends with a cuddle movie night until like 2am
also unrelated but like he’s so freaking hot when he receives so always tell him that
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
ok ok this boy omg 
so before the game its MAJOR sucking up to you
literally after a while you’ll get more used to it and get what kinds of attention he wants but like at first its just a lot of complements and stares and draping
literally ennoshita is stretched so thin the week before hand by it all
no one even understands why he’s sucking up to you other than him, you (after a little), and ennoshita
he just wants you to return the energy
after the game all depends on winning or loosing
if the win he will always, without fail, kiss you like a million times all over your face when he sees you next
does not matter if its outside the gym or if its when he gets back to the school or what
every time
if they lose, well you now have a very sad puppy on your hands
mentally during a game he’s like no one you’ve never met but when he gets home and has sometime to think its all a bunch of ‘i could have done better’ and ‘i should have done better’ s
you are constantly reassuring him thats he’ll do it next time and that its not his fault
but win or lose yall’s main thing is a movie and snack night
after that he’s really to go the next morning and beat up some volleyballs lol
Ennoshita Chikara
lol he’s the most chill i think
before the match he’s really calm
bb doesn’t think he’s gunna play but like he’s ready
honestly though the biggest switch is that he’s an even bigger cuddle bug than before
like he keeps it together at school but hangouts? coming over?
better have gone to the bathroom before cause you’re not moving for the next couple hours
it’s like it calms him down after practice enough to think over what he needs to work on
after the game is the same no matter win or lose
every.single.time. he will always have a sit down with you to talk about what happened during the game
like quick nap, the meeting, then off to your house to go over the pros and cons on the game
he always has the moments when he thinks he’s not worth it to be put in the game but you always just ruffle his hair and tell him thats the furtherest from truth he could get
Kageyama Tobio
sorry anyways
so before a game he gets kinda quiet
normally he likes to chat about stuff that went on in practice or how hinata pissed him off that day while yall are sprawled on his couch
but he gets quiet the week before and just has that look on his face
you know the look
the ‘grumble grumble’ one
you always poke between his eyebrows and poke at him to make sure he doesn’t go to far into his thoughts
the night before its like a switch flips and hes muttering to himself like crazy on something he might be able to do with his sets
after a game is another win or lose situation
winning means you get little kid mode kageyama
literally his eyes sparkle at everything he enjoys afterward
rewatching his match
anything you freaking do, all that
plus napping, a lot of napping
losing is sad to watch
he sort of goes back a few steps in the social department and goes robot mode
you both will camp out on his couch, his head buried in your lap or shoulder
if its bad enough he cries a little
you always sleep over no matter what
Hinata Shoyo
alright this boy before the game is normally fairly daily ngl
you get normal bouncy sunshine that will follow you anywhere and everywhere all the time
but the night before you get meditation mode where he sets out his game stuff and sits there for like half an hour
first time this happened you got scared for him cause he never sits still that long
now though you just sorta hang on his bed watching him cause its cute
after the game is the biggest depending there is out of the rest
if he wins he is bouncing of the walls after a little nap
when you finally get him home he’ll have you throw the ball back and forth for like an hour before you call it and make him lay down or eat or something
if he loses its like he lost all his energy for a little while
he tries to fall asleep but cant due to a replay of something he did wrong
you always run your hand through his hair and try to calm him down
calm down as in cheer up not energy
at least until someone says something (usually tanaka) that gets him on another energy high to beat them next time
you always sleep over though it just happens so often that it became normal
Tssukishima Kei
before is fairly normal im ngl
he doesn’t do to much out of the ordinary
I like to think he’s a heck tone more affectionate in private 
his before game time isn’t anything special though 
he does come with you to the store to get snacks with yamaguchi more often tho so
thats something
after a game is really calm and slow
once again I think he’s a lot more affectionate in private so you lay on him while hes on his phone to calm down
half the time its calming you down since you were freaking out more than him
but same difference
this is what happens win or lose though
like if they lose and he tried he might lay on you instead but its normally just like that
honestly thinking of him being more affectionate in private just makes me fall for him ahhhhhh hate this but anyways
Tadashi Yamaguchi
this boy good lord
so before a game he literally shaking 
like he was fine the whole week but the day before he’s slowly freaking out more and more
tssuki will laugh at him while your trying your best to talk him out of his up coming panic attack that might come
a good light smack on his back and a cheek kiss is good enough to get him distracted fro thinking to much though
after a game is always the same thing unless he screwed up a serve really bad
you two always go to the store and gets some snacks and them go to his house and just talk about anything ad everything
if he wins its normally about the game but when he loses you bring up random things to cheer him up
if he messed up he’ll get quiet and just lay on you for hours
but you know that if you can get something about his amazing improvement he’ll eventually brighten up
bb just wants some love (that doesn’t mean you don’t smack him upside the head when he makes fun of someone tho 
a/n: im sorry for not doing  kinoshita and narita i dont know them good enough since im not that far into season four to write for them. plus i think ennoshita is oc but thats ok i think
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A Very Short Summary That I Think Kinda Represents All The Heartless Ships (That I Know Of): A Saga (It’s not)
Dock x Alastor: A couple that acts like an old married couple before they’re even old. They probably acted like an old married couple upon their first meeting.
Alastor x Lorelei: Alastor is so confused but just kinda goes along with it. Lorelei be like ‘pls notice me senpai or else I’ll completely lose it. Ha ha jk jk lol...unless-’
Lance x Bandy: The embodiment of be gay and do crime. Can’t be in the same room without something going wrong in the best possible way. Make it their personal mission to ruin Alastor’s day.
Diana x Lorelei: Thought the other would be useless but then they weren’t. They really don’t want to like the other but then they do.
Lance x Alastor: Would probably hate each other at first, but even when they start liking each other they would pretend to hate each other, even though they both know they don’t.
Lorelei x Lance: He would come to all of Lorelei’s performances and cheer so loudly before she would even begin, and he would boo at everyone else that performs and try to ruin their performance. Lorelei pretends to be annoyed.
Lance x Dock: Lance would so be down with injuring someone for the sake of Dock’s experiments. Neither have a moral code so they can bond over that.
Bandy x Dock: Bandy constantly making jokes that Dock tries way to hard to understand. Sometimes they throws in jokes that don’t make sense on purpose just to see what conclusion Dock will come to.
Diana x Lance: Lance would try to goad Diana into fighting, and she would act like she’s too good for that, but then they both fight and have a great time.
Dock x Diana: Kinda ignored each other until Dock decided to make a cool looking gun for Diana. To which Diana didn’t like feeling like she owed a favor and helped with some experiment Dock was doing. Thus began the dynamic duo.
Alastor x Diana: They’re basically the only ones doing the mission for the sake of doing the mission. They would sit and talk for hours about deep topics.
Bandy x Alastor: Bandy listens to everything Alastor says, he just doesn’t do as he says. Alastor probably doesn’t completely trusts them, so always keeps tabs on them, so at this point Alastor knows everything about Bandy.
Bandy x Lorelei: Would use each other for personal reasons, and grow almost dependent on each other without realizing it. Slowly start seeing the other as a deeper person then a tool.
Diana x Bandy: She probably thought Bandy was annoying but they kept talking to her so she eventually grew to like them. They make a surprisingly good team when fighting.
Dock x Lorelei: I feel like Dock would really feed into Lorelei’s dark side to observe it, making her feel comfortable, like she could do anything and it wouldn’t phase Dock.
Flint x Eira: Probably didn’t really like each other at first, but then grew to like each other. Flint really likes how Eira fights fair and gets really upset whenever Eira seems insecure and immediately tries to cheer him up.
Eira x Heartless: Eira thinks Heartless is hopelessly naïve and comments on it frequently, but if anyone else dared to say it Eira would be at their throats all like, “I’m sorry he’s not a cynical asshole like you.” Heartless would be constantly hugging Eira.
Flint x River: Flint teaching River how to fight, and River would try to use her medical expertise to help with his overheating. Constantly helping the other one out.
Doppel x Alchemy: Doppel would love being their assistant, and Alchemy would absolutely play him up during the performance. Alchemy would scold him for stealing customers money, but also they would keep it.
Doppel 2 x Alchemy: Alchemy would try so hard to give this poor man some confidence, constantly complimenting him. 
Alchemy x River: Wholesome. That’s it. That’s all that comes to mind when I think of these two. Brian empty, only wholesome.
Flint x Heartless: If Flint overheated Heartless would try so hard to carry him, ending up exhausted after carrying him a distance and Flint is over his overheating. To return the favor Flint carries Heartless basically at all times.
Flint x Doppel: Flint probably thinks of him as underhanded, but then comes to realize that this was how he survived on the streets. Doppel would try so hard to rope Flint into his schemes, to which Flint occasionally will.
Flint x Doppel 2: Would probably at first treat Doppel 2 the same way he treats Doppel, until he realizes he needs to be a lot more softer around Doppel 2. Flint gives so many head pats. Doppel 2 will sob whenever Flint overheats.
Eira x Doppel: Eira would constantly stop Doppel from his fun, basically babysitting him, and Doppel would try to get Eira to loosen up a bit. Sometimes Eira does, and it’s such a rush but he would never admit it.
Eira x Doppel 2: Eira would just protect Doppel 2 all the time, and then there was one time when he was down and Doppel 2 stepped up to protect him and he was just so touched.
Alchemy x Heartless: The positive reinforcement radiating off these two is insane. They literally just go around making people feel good about themselves while holding hands.
Eira x Alchemy: Really enjoys flustering Eira, and if Eira ever gets the courage to flirt back, even if it’s something small and doesn’t really make sense, Alchemy would just be more flustered then they’ve ever been in their life.
River x Heartless: Both of them would try and tell the other how they felt but then chicken out and talk about something completely unrelated while blushing like crazy, and the rest of the gang just looks at them like bruh.
Doppel x Heartless: Thinks Heartless being undead is the coolest thing ever. Honestly considers being undead with him, with Heartless always having to talk him out of it.
Doppel 2 x Heartless: The. Encouragement. Heartless’s constant reassurance to Doppel 2 makes him feel very comfortable around Heartless and he opens up a bit to him.
Alchemy x Flint: Flint would be so in awe of all the stage performances Alchemy does, and Alchemy kinda shows off a bit when Flint is watching.
River x Doppel: Literally the only person who could rein in Doppel, get him to calm down and just play some cards, and no, that doesn’t mean gambling.
River x Doppel 2: River would kinda train Doppel 2 as her apprentice since fighting isn’t really his thing, and they would heal the crew together.
Lance x Eira: Sword fights. So many sword fights of the homoerotic variety. Neither of them expected Lance’s flirting to turn serious, oop. Also potential meeting in childhood head cannons. 
Diana x Alchemy: They would say something about how Diana’s outfit was cool, and Diana would begrudgingly say something nice about Alchemy. They’ve caught themselves in a compliment war.
Dock x Flint: Actually fascinated with Flint’s low tolerance to heat, keeps trying to figure out why, and Flint is all like, ‘It ain’t that deep’.
Lance x Flint: Flint be like ‘could you at least TRY to fight honorably and fairly?’ and Lance be like ‘lamo what does that even mean?’ Lance thinks it’s so funny when Flint gets mad when he fights dirty.
Diana x Doppel: Shoots him on sight but he always dodges; it’s almost like a game for them at this point.
Diana x Doppel 2: Would have soft moments together that Diana would viciously deny to anyone that dared ask. So what if you walked in on them watching a movie together, it’s a new killing tactic shut up Alastor.
Bandy x River: Her nice nature throws them off a bit, unsure of how to respond to such sincerity, and they would teach her so many jokes that River would go around telling everyone, making Bandy so proud.
Alchemy x Lance: The flirting would never end. Ever. It doesn’t matter what situation their in, it doesn’t matter if they’re in the middle of a very serious fight to the death. Flirting. And nobody knows that it’s serious but them.
Alastor x Heartless: Alastor was trying to act like they were the ultimate enemies, but Heartless is all like, ‘why don’t we sit down and talk about this?’
Bandy x Alchemy: Could you imagine them up on stage together? They would be constantly trying to out do the other, making a game out of who could dazzle the crowd more.
Alchemy x Lorelei: Both performers but in different areas, they would understand the stress of it, and talk about it frequently.
Dock x Doppel: Doppel would be such a little shit to Dock, and sometimes he tires to help Dock with an experiment for fun but messed up everything, but somehow Dock still had a good time.
Dock x Doppel 2: Just so much of Dock obsessed with trying to figure out what the hell Doppel 2 even is, and Doppel 2 apologizing when he doesn’t get clear answers.
Lorelei x River: A secretly not a soft girl and an actual soft girl that could still destroy you. This is a power couple if I’ve ever seen one.
Lance x Heartless: Lance would do everything in his power to try and make Heartless angry. Heartless’s constant positivity makes Lance want to see how far it could go.
Diana x Heartless: Whenever Diana goes to kill someone, the person she’s trying to kill is usually never nice to her, so this is confusing. 
Alastor x Flint: What if in the middle of the fight Flint just straight up picks him up, and it looks weirdly suggestive, and now they’re both flustered.
Bandy x Heartless: They would just go around and have fun to be honest. I feel like they would share a sense of humor.
Lance x River: Didn’t expect her to be good at fighting, but when she shows that she is, he is absolutely ecstatic. If they dated he would go around and brag about how his girlfriend could take him and the person he was bragging to down in a fight.
Alastor x Eira: Both kinda have that I-look-like-a-twink-but-I-will-mess-you-up energy. Both of them would just sit there denying their feelings so hard.
Dock x Eira: Their both stoic most of the time, viewing this fighting as impersonal and just a means to their own end. This kinda forms a comradery.
Lance x Doppel: Lance is interested in Doppel’s really weird street fighting tactics. Would actually stop fighting to teach each other tactics, which can get very handsy.
Lance x Doppel 2: He would keep trying to make Doppel 2 fight him, and if Doppel 2 throws the lightest punch ever, Lance acts like Doppel 2 just took over the world and is cheering him on.
Diana x Flint: Why can I imagine them both constantly suggesting to the other person that they could join their side at any time?
Bandy x Eira: Eira is so serious and Bandy thinks it’s hilarious. They would probably debate about their morals often, neither ever accepting the other’s morals but begrudgingly admitting the other has a point.
Lorelei x Heartless: Lorelei had put up this nice front but accidently lets Heartless see a different side, to which Heartless is all like, woah neat. Lorelei feels a bit unsure of how to handle acceptance.
Bandy x Doppel: Would absolutely hit the town solely to mess with people. Bandy would be really useful to steal stuff, so Doppel would just goad them into stealing things and then steals them from Bandy, which Bandy thinks is so funny.
Bandy x Doppel 2: They would mess with Doppel 2 so hard, his anxious reactions were funny to him. But also, he doesn’t like it if other people mess with Doppel 2 too much. Like, that’s his job and his job only.
Dock x Alchemy: The way Alchemy can switch their appearance fascinates Dock, and Alchemy would just flirt with Dock so hard but he wouldn’t understand any of which, which they think is hilarious. 
Alastor x Alchemy: Alastor is not happy that Alchemy flirts with him at every given opportunity. Like, he’s very busy being enemies and trying to kill all magic users, stop making him feel things right now.
Dock x Heartless: Dock would be practically frothing at the mouth thinking of how Heartless actually functions, seeing as he’s undead and all. And since Heartless wants to know his origins as well, maybe they’d find out together.
Lorelei x Doppel: She thinks of him as a ‘ruffian’ or something like that. He thinks she’s stuck up. They want to absolutely murder each other. So what’s with this weird sexual tension?
Lorelei x Doppel 2: Would be so sugary sweet to him as she tries to make him do her biding or something.
River x Dock: Two very different doctors, yelling at each other their ideals on what a doctor is. Can and will annoy the other one while they work. Dock will make improvements to River’s prosthetics. 
Alastor x River: Once Alastor would be injured and alone, and River would find him and heal him and get him back to the Jury before leaving immediately. Alastor is going crazy trying to figure out why.
Flint x Lorelei: Why do I feel like they probably had a one night stand and then when they met on opposite sides of the battlefield they were like ‘oh. shit.’
Alastor x Doppel: When a rude little gremlin meets a terrifying librarian. Alastor is trying to get Doppel to stop doing what he’s doing which only fuels his desire to keep doing what he’s doing.
Alastor x Doppel 2: Thinks Doppel 2 shouldn’t exist but then when Doppel 2 is crying about it he sort of becomes sympathetic about it. Like, together they try find a way to get Doppel 2 to not exist, which turns weirdly intimate? 
Diana x River: Diana probably caught feelings first when River drop kicked Dock. If either of them got kidnapped by the other side they other would always go visit the prisoner all like ‘I just want to go check on them, god guys.’
Bandy x Flint: “Fights are a serious thing. Don’t take it as a joke!” “Yeah, Yeah, that’s what I’m doing.” “THEN STOP SWITCHING ME WITH YOUR WEAPON SO YOU CAN HOLD ME!”
Me realizing that for most of these they could just be read as how they interact with each other rather than a ship. Also me ignoring that.
This was basically an excuse for me to decide who I want to ship.
Characters belong to @abd-illustrates​
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lovelylou · 4 years
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since 2020 is almost over, i thought i’d share (some of) my favorite fics that made my 2020 a lot better.
[note: not all of these fics were written/published in 2020, although most of them are, there are some that are older, but that i’ve read or re-read this year]
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tastes like summer, smiles like may by outropeace
“Is this true?” Harry grabbed the beta by the shoulders. “Bryce, where did you hear that?”
“There’s rumors going around the castle,” he smirked. “stories about his beauty and his cold attitude. They know he is an omega only because of his scent, but he has never had a heat.”
“Do you know what this means?”
Bryce smirk grew into a big smile. “He can’t give you an heir.”
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
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But It's Useless by thinlines
Louis was even hallucinating now. He closed his eyes.
“Hey, you.”
He chuckled wetly, head still leaning against the door.
“Can you get out of the way? You're blocking the door.”
He exhaled sharply before slowly turning around. His eyes fixed onto muddy Nike trainers before it traveled up to impossibly short jogging shorts. The yellow color was atrocious, simply ghastly.
“What happened to being polite, Harold?”
OR Omega Louis would never guess that he would be trying to hack into Alpha Harry's Wifi. That is until everything changes when he tries to get to know his enemy.
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haunted by the ghost of you by missandrogyny
He’s tall—that’s the first thing that registers in Louis’ head when he spots him, standing with his hands behind his back. Tall, with curly hair, staring at them with the widest, greenest eyes Louis has ever seen. And wait, are those dimples? Louis didn’t know ghosts could have dimples.
Because he’s definitely a ghost, this boy. At first glance he looks normal, standing there pigeon-toed in a band shirt (The Ramones, Louis can’t help but note incredulously), dark jeans, and some boots, with rings on both hands, and tattoos littering his left arm—a sleeve made of anchors and names and roses and other completely unrelated things. But he’s also a little bit translucent; if Louis focuses, he can see the outline of the furniture, the design of the wallpaper through him.
“Hi,” the boy—the ghost—says to Louis. His face shifts; somehow his dimples dig deeper into his cheeks. His eyes flit from Louis, to Niall, to Liam, and finally to Zayn, and his face goes from shocked to elated. “I’m Harry.”
At in that exact moment, standing between three of his best friends and staring at a (quite handsome) ghost, Louis can only think one thing.
Nick Grimshaw was right.
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On the Edge by zanni_scaramouche
Figure skating is as vital to Louis’ identity as his DNA, so when his skates go missing right before the last Olympics of his career there may be a meltdown only vanilla bath salts can fix. Well, that and the stupidly charming hockey player he met on the plane.
Harry’s too old to be the wonder kid and too young to be taken seriously in the NHL. As an alternate thrown in at the last second, he fights to prove himself on the national team at the largest sporting event known to man. Or he will, once he gets off this flight and can focus on something other than the fussy figure skater and his stunningly blue eyes.
A baggage mix-up skews both of their perfectly laid plans for gold, forcing the two to work together as the clock clicks towards the minute they’re expected to shine on centre ice.
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even the best laid plans by falsegoodnight
“Anyways,” Louis stresses, narrowing his eyes, “just let me say it and then rate how terrible of an idea it is on a scale from one to ten.”
“Alright,” Zayn agrees, sitting up expectantly.
“I want to ask Harry Styles to take my virginity,” Louis blurts, holding his hands out for emphasis.
The way Zayn’s eyes bulge is almost comical. “Negative infinity,” he says, voice choked. “Negative infinity times negative infinity.”
“Technically, a negative times a negative is -”
“Really negative infinity,” Zayn corrects himself, shaking his head wildly. “Louis, what the fuck?”
Or, Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
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The Compulsion to Find Love by Toomanytears
The most prestigious English third-level institution, Candling University, accepts omega students for the first time and Louis Tomlinson applies with bright eyes and brighter ambitions. There he encounters personal obstacles, traditional mindsets and a beautiful boy who inverts every prejudice Louis has ever known.
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Mine Would Be You by crinkle-eyed-boo (KimmieRocks)
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
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UN(RE)SO LVED. by daddyharrie
The ghoul boys are back, but this time around there are some unresolved feelings involved. Harry is a skeptic, Louis is not. Watch them go on their ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real?
Or, BuzzFeed Unsolved AU.
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Hate to Smoke (Without Me) by louhazpride
“For fuck’s sake,” he huffs, grabbing the pillow and pulling it on top of his head in an attempt to block out the banging coming from the other side of the wall.
It’s the third time this week that his neighbour has woken him up in the middle of the night with his little ‘rendezvous.’ Honestly, he's quite sick of it. There’s only so much sex he can bear to hear in one week and he has already hit his limit. If he wanted to listen to someone having sex, he’d turn to porn.
As if the noises weren’t enough, Harry immediately becomes aware of the faint aroma of weed filling his flat.
“I’m going to murder him.”
Sleep. Harry just wants one good night of sleep. However, his neighbour has a thing for headboard-banging-against-the-wall-sex every night. After a secret set-up and a bet, Harry may finally get the sleep he so much desires.
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Three Days in February by writing_practice
“We have to get out of here, outside,” Harry whispered, turning his hand in Louis’s grip to hold on and pull them both to their feet.
“And how do we fucking do that?” Louis hissed, carefully rising and pulling Harry to his feet before Harry could do it. His gaze darted to the front then back of the arena. “None of the doors are where they’re supposed to be.”
“What?” Harry looked around again too, couldn’t see any doors, only knew that they must be there, somewhere. “How do you know?”
Confusion slid over Louis's features.
“Because we’ve been here before, Haz. It’s the O2.”
The show. It must be the first night of their tour. They were too late; they were out of time.
Louis is cursed after a night out with the lads and the five have just three days to figure out what happened and how to break it before Harry and Louis both lose their sanity and maybe something more. Louis can hear everything Harry thinks and Harry isn’t sure he can keep his feelings for Louis a secret from his own mind.
Ridiculous amounts of banter and angst, a lot of Harry and Louis alone together, a healthy dose of OT5 friendship, and one very magical weekend.
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Coming Up For Air by stylinsoncity
It's a long plane ride to LA but sitting beside Harry makes time fly.
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I'd Give Up Everything Just Ask Me To by Rearviewdreamer
They don't usually exchange Christmas gifts, but this year is different. This year, Louis knows exactly what he wants to put under the tree to make his boyfriend smile. He just doesn't know how he's going to get it.
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bruise you like a peach by falsegoodnight
There’s two reasons Harry despises Econ.
The first is that it’s boring as fuck. The second reason is a bit more personal, a bit more focused in a way. As in it’s focused on one specific thing, or in his case, person.
His name is Louis Tomlinson.
Alternatively titled 'the peach fic.'
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Sometimes You Just Know by 2tiedships2
“Dear diary. Today is going to be a good day, and here’s why...”
“What are you doing?” Louis mumbled as he bit into a piece of toast.
“It’s been almost two years and today Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson reunite. Louis is very excited about…”
Louis’ chair screeched along the kitchen floor as he flew up out of his seat, quickly grabbing the paper from Niall’s grasp. As he scanned the page he found it amounted to lines of nothing.
“What is this?” Louis asked again. “We’ve discussed how Harry Styles will never be spoken of in this flat. I don’t care how long it’s been.”
Niall snatched the paper from Louis and proceeded to draw a line across the page before writing.
“Today is the day that he-who-shall-not-be-named is coming to dinner.”
Or the one where Harry and Louis don’t believe in soulmates… until they do.
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eyes off you by soldouthaz
“Just promise me you’ll do whatever it takes to keep us all safe while we’re in there,” Liam says.
Through the crack in the door, Louis can just barely make out the broad curve of Harry’s back, the slope of his curls as they tumble down all sleep-soft and lazy, and the sharp twist of his arm - all leading down to where he’s got his pointer and middle finger crossed over each other behind his back.
“I promise,” he tells Liam firmly, “I promise.”
or; a charlie’s angels inspired fic where louis is the brains, harry is the charm, liam is the muscle, and niall drives the getaway car - and zayn is there, too. sometimes.
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Welcome to The Rivalry by 2tiedships2
“Welcome home!” Niall yelled, clapping his hands in excitement. “Isn’t it great?”
Louis looked between Niall and the house, unsure how to respond.
“I don’t understand,” Louis finally managed to say. “Aren’t we a little old to be living so close to campus?”
Niall scoffed. “You’re only twenty-four for fuck’s sake. There is still plenty of partying left for us to do. What better place than one street over from where a car was set on fire after the Michigan game last year?”
“Is there proof of that? Did the car have Michigan plates or something? Is there a photo I can send in a DM to Wolfie?”
As if on cue, a Twitter notification popped up on Louis’ Apple watch. He had tweeted again.
Or a reverse You’ve Got Mail au inspired by the Ohio State/Michigan rivalry. Featuring duplex neighbors, (kind of) enemies to lovers, and an anonymous Twitter feud between omega Louis and alpha Harry.
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Cold Little Heart by seducedbycurls
Louis is a soft omega with an abusive past and an alpha child
A few months after getting a divorce, Louis meets Harry, an ex-military alpha wolf that offers him something -odd.
In exchange for teaching him how to cook, Harry will babysit his son, Abraham
Louis really could use the help.
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eremiie · 4 years
im bored and need to speak my truth so here are all the mario kart characters ik the aot cast would main bc my brain is big like that idk
eren: he would want bowser but be beaten to him everytime by reiner so he would get stuck with toad. fucking loser.
sasha: she has a daisy obsession and i stand by this. she loves daisy sm and dresses up as her for halloween and shit ☹️ sasha ily sm bbg im so glad youre still alive and isayama didnt k word you!!!
levi: the ghost thing,,, his name is boo i think?? idk hes my ult in aot so im surprised i dont have much of a reasoning other than it fits his aesthetic. ok next.
reiner: bowser. very manly. big. idk. yea!
bert: okokok hear me out.... this mf LOVES mario. like, homeboy has a mario shrine and collects mario figures,,,, he may or may not have mario boxers but thats neither here nor there. but yea my man loves mario it just makes sense.
armin: koopa!!!!! he thinks he’s rly cute and may or may not have received a koopa keychain from annie as a joke for his bday and blushed sm bc she was like “you look like him. bye.” bro armin brainrot is real i love that natural blonde mf sm. grrrrrrr
mikasa: we all know she is the baddest bitch and therefore it only makes sense that she mains rosalina bc i do too and bad bitches think alike. also she exclusively uses motorcycles bc once again, bad bitch behavior.
hisu: as a part time hisu kinnie i can confirm this bitch LOVES baby peach bc of how cute she is ☹️☹️☹️ i love historia sm like whenever she does tricks for xp when she jumps from ramps she giggles so hard at the cute noises that baby peach makes and the gang just stares at her with the biggest heart eyes. AHHHHHHH omfg im making myself blush,, anyways.
ymir: she is the biggest simp and therefore begrudgingly (she loves it we all know it 🙄) plays w baby daisy so her and hisu can twin.
z*ke: donkey kong ..... wtf do you want me to say. 😐
hitch: pricess peach ,,,, shes a baddie like that idk
gabi and falco: they both fight over donkey kong jr bc they wanna twin w z*ke. yea. unrelated but falco is an ipad kid 100% and he usually plays doodle jump on his sticky ipad while gabi steals piecks phone and watches slime videos. y r kids are so gross bye.
annie: she wouldn’t care, or want to play in the first place but rei and bert made her so she just ends up w toadette and it makes armin jelly bc shes unintentionally twinning w eren :( if someone points it out she’ll kick them tho and then drive home lol.
hange: i dont think its an option on mario kart but let’s pretend it is okay,,, yknow the wizard one ???? thats super hard to beat ???? and they throw magic at you????? yea they play with that one and you can’t convince me otherwise.
jean: MF GETS STUCK W WALUIGI EVERY TIME AND USUALLY TRIES TO FIGHT EREN FOR TOAD BC THEY BOTH LOST TO REINER FOR BOWSER BAHAHAH ,,, jean bby im sorry :(((( ure soooooo sexy tho ahahah call me 😁😁😁‼️
pieck; birdo 🧍🏻‍♀️i love her sm but like ... pieck baby .... really ??? this is who we are ??? anyways. this makes a lot of sense to me im not sure why.
porco: he plays w dry bowser purely bc it sorta resembles his titan form :((( pls this man has me whipped (also we are pretending they had access to nintendo products in 830 or whatever year the series takes place ig ,,, uh ok zoey anyways)
erwin: man’s doesnt understand what “a mario kart” is but he tries to play w everyone nonetheless and usually ends up w the default mii character .... i also headcannon that he always drives backwards on accident... yea....
thats it. im sleepy. its 4:23 am so gn ig lol.
also i am not spellchecking this so you may need to clown me.
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bisexualkiecarrera · 4 years
4 times JJ complimented you + 1 time you complimented him
JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Tumblr media
wordcount: 3.5k+
warnings: just drinking, smoking and cursing!
Hanging out in a group of only hot guys and your best friend Kie wasn’t always easy. You loved your friends dearly and normally, any day spent with them was a good one. There were just some days that you just couldn’t bring yourself to have fun when all you could think about was how you looked in your bathing suit. 
You’d explained it to Kiara during a sleepover once when she asked why you hadn’t come in the water that day, opting to stay on the boat in your baggy t-shirt. She didn’t really understand but she tried her best to be helpful whenever she saw you get in your own head after that. John B and Pope were either absolutely oblivious or smart enough to know not to push the subject when you answered their concerned questions with “I’m just a little tired, don’t worry about it.” JJ knew without you ever muttering a word, familiar with the feeling of being uncomfortable showing people your body, even if it was for a completely different reason. 
The day in question was the hottest day of the year so far, and even though you were sitting in the smallest bit of shade the HMS Pogue’s tiny driving console provided, you felt a line of sweat drip down your spine. 
“Babe, come in! Seriously, it’s way too hot for you to not be in the water!” Kiara called as she swam up to the side of the boat, head barely resting on its edge. Your eyes skittered over to the boys, treading water several yards away, but the only one who seemed to be listening to your conversation was JJ. He gave a small encouraging smile before turning back to the two boys splashing each other like children. 
You bit at your lip for a second, mulling over your decision before realizing it really was too hot to stay dry. You mumbled out a “fine” as you went to slip your arms out of your sleeves, “but go back to the boys and I’ll meet you over there.” Kiara gave you a wide smile before pushing off the boat, swimming gracefully back towards the group. 
You shed your shirt quickly and got in the water, trying your hardest to make as small of a splash as possible. You sink your head under the water, wetting your hair as you make your way towards your friends. You take a look at Pope now floating peacefully on his back and make eye contact with a smiling John B. “Hey, little minnow. Nice of you to join us.” You roll your eyes fondly at the nickname, leftover from when you were kids. Back before you the world taught you to be self conscious, it was nearly impossible to get you out of the water and back into regular summer clothes, and so your fishy nickname was born.
You wink at JB before swimming quietly towards Pope, who still had his eyes closed as he faced the sky. You get close before stilling for a second, letting the waves settle around you. You lean in towards his ear and let out a “boo!,” sending the boy flailing. The three others laugh off to the side as you and Pope begin a splash fight. Not long after, JB can’t help but join in, followed by Kie. You take this as an opportunity to wade over to JJ, who’s looking at you with pride mixed with something you can’t quite place. “What’s the look for, J?” He takes a second to look over your face again, brow furrowed slightly in confusion. 
He shrugs a little as he answers, meeting your eyes. “You just look really pretty like this, all happy and back in the water.” You feel heat unrelated to the temperature cover your face as your eyes dart back to your friends, Kie now hanging on Pope’s back. 
“You’re just glad there’s finally someone who can beat JB in a race in the water.”
A movie night at the Chateau just isn’t complete without an all-out pig fest, food scattered on every counter and table. Kie is generous enough to supply you all with enough fries from The Wreck to last a lifetime, and Pope brings along some ice cream, but always the cheap kind that his dad is willing to part with. John B mans the grill, making you all hot dogs and cheeseburgers while JJ provides the bud and whatever beer he can steal out of his fridge or convince his cousin to buy for him. Over the years, he’s also claimed the spot as your assistant, hovering over your shoulder as you move around the Chateau’s already cramped kitchen making brownies. 
It’s been years that you’ve been making what you call “kitchen sink” brownies for you and JJ and JB. They appear at every birthday and holiday and whenever someone is especially sad. They’re really just boxed brownies with whatever snacks you can find thrown into the batter, but JJ loves to be the one who gets to crunch up the toppings and sprinkle them, and you figure that the world owes JJ Maybank every second of happiness he can find. Tonight, the search through your kitchen at home proved especially successful, coming away with not only chips and pretzels, but also mini oreos and a pack of m&ms. 
JJ walks around the counter to see your finds spread out on the counter and his jaw drops. Your giggle tears his eyes away from the assortment and he raises one eyebrow in question. “You’re sure your parents are cool with you taking all this stuff?” The question makes you laugh, and you lean in like you’re about to tell JJ a secret.
“If I’m gonna be honest,” you drop your voice to an almost-whisper, “I think my mom bought extra snacks this week just for this.” A small smile appears on his face, and if you hadn’t known him for so long, you would have no clue that there was a little sadness behind it, thinking of his own parental situation in comparison to yours. “C’mon, J. Batter’s done, pan is greased. All I need is your supreme topping skills.” 
What seems like forever, but in reality is only 30 minutes, passes by before you slip back into the kitchen to take your brownies out of the oven. The raggedy oven mitt JB leaves on the counter for you is barely hanging on by a thread so you grab the extra cleaning rag to wrap around your covered hand for protection. The second the pan touches the oven, JJ is there behind you, looking over your shoulder. You turn to him, eyebrows raised in scolding as his hands fall to your hips. You place your hands on the plane of his chest and push gently backwards, shaking your head. “I’ll put a five minute timer on. Go sit, you know they’re too hot right now.”  He allows you to guide him back to the couch before you pull out your phone and set the alarm, pulling you to settle into his side. 
The timer goes off and JJ jumps so quickly it genuinely startles you. You all share a chuckle at how fast his feet moved, and in no time at all, he’s back next to you, a brownie on a paper towel in each hand. He extends one out to you and you gladly take it. “Hey, man, thanks for getting me one too, really thoughtful of you,” John B says as he makes his way to the kitchen to cut one for himself and Kie and Pope. JJ’s mouth is already full of brownie and there’s a smug smile on his face as he swallows. He shouts a “yeah, of course, buddy!,” after your friend’s retreating figure before turning to you. 
“You know these brownies are ring-worthy, right? Like, SO fucking good I’m considering proposing right now.” 
You giggle at the statement as crumbs fall from his lip. Your only answer is “JJ, you know you did half the fucking work, right?” He laughs at your response and wiggles his eyebrows. 
“Guess that makes us both wifey material!”
By far, your least favorite part of your friendship with JJ is tending to his various cuts, bumps and bruises. Between JJ’s general recklessness, his ongoing beef with Rafe Cameron, and Luke Maybank himself, it felt as though you spent every other day standing between his knees as he sat on your bathroom counter. This time, a particularly heated run in with the kooks had thankfully left JJ with nothing but a busted lip, bloody knuckles and an adrenaline high. His mouth was running a mile a minute, recounting every step of the fight despite the fact that you’d witnessed it all first hand. 
“Did you see the look on Rafe’s face when he hit the ground? Absolutely unreal!” You let out a frustrated huff as he waved his hands wildly, not noticing your own hand outstretched to grab his. 
“Yeah, J, I saw but please give me your hands. I need to put antiseptic on.” Your voice is a little pleading and he quiets at your request, laying his wrist in your hand and watching your face as you get to work. You dab at the cuts with a soaked cotton ball, and it doesn’t escape either of you that JJ no longer flinches at the sting. Once you’ve moved on to the other hand, his stare intensifies as you carefully move his rings around to make sure there’s no hidden nicks underneath them. When it’s time for you to move onto his face, he places his hands gently in his lap and lets you inspect his face closely, turning it from side to side with a finger at his chin. Your demeanor lightens a little when you’ve decided the damage is as minimal as possible. “Really glad you managed to keep Rafe away from the money maker this time. Well, mostly.” You punctuate your point by pressing the cotton to the tear in his lip and the pressure makes him hiss. You pull your hand away and grab the vaseline, smearing a small amount over the cut as gently as possible. “You really should ice that, J. Keep the swelling to a minimum.”
You realize a little belatedly that he hasn’t taken his eyes off your face the entire time you’ve been working and your eyes raise to meet his. The look in his eyes is a little confusing and a little startling, and his voice is gentle when he says “Thank you for patching me up. You always take the best care of me.” 
You let out a deep sigh before patting his leg gently and moving towards the door. “I think I could find work as a school nurse with all this experience you’ve given me.”
A boneyard party used to be your absolute favorite way to blow off steam on a Friday night. The sand, music, booze and weed were the easiest way to melt away the stress of a long week, but lately, the stress of seeing your best friend sneak off with some random had you absolutely dreading stepping foot on the beach. Most of the time, you had a pretty easy time keeping your less than platonic feelings for JJ at bay. You always rationalized swallowing your emotions down by telling yourself that you both needed each other as a friend way too much to jeopardize that. It was getting harder and harder to listen to your own advice lately, and partly because you weren’t quite sure what he was feeling. He’d been especially affectionate lately, not giving second thought to curling his body around yours on cold nights around the fire. His compliments had become less silly and teasing, and sometimes when he looked at you, it felt like he was staring straight into your soul. 
Tonight, you’d allowed Kie to pick you out an outfit from your closet, not wanting to spend time debating with yourself and getting yourself stressed. She’d picked out a pair of high waisted denim shorts and a cropped white t shirt, topped with a yellow scarf to tie around your ponytail. It was simple enough that she knew you’d be comfortable but cute enough that you’d feel confident. 
Secretly, she’d also seen the way JJ eyes had dragged slowly over your figure when you’d worn those shorts the week prior. Neither of you had spoken to her, or Pope or JB, about your feelings for the other, but they as a group had all witnessed the gentle way you handled each other and had their suspicions that one of you would break soon. She’d driven you to the boneyard, promising to stay sober enough to relocate you all back to the Chateau at the end of the night. She pulled your hand along, heading straight to where she knew your friends would be congregating, just behind the keg. JB and Pope each had a full cup in hand when you approached and JJ had a joint hanging from the side of his mouth. “Gentlemen, let’s get it going,” Kie startled the boys, a giant smile across her face. 
A few hours into the party and a considerable amount of beer later, the realization hit you that JJ hadn’t wandered off to find someone to mack on yet. He’d even turned down the touron who approached him first, despite her tiny skirt and flawless makeup. It had to be some sort of record for him, usually his presence at these parties was fleeting. You thought back to just the week before when you’d watched him lead a beautiful curly-haired girl back to the Twinkie. You’d felt nauseous watching them flirt, his legs parted as he sat on a low hanging branch with her settled between them. Her hands rested on his chest as she stared up at him from under her eyelashes and you had to rip your gaze from the pair when he slid from his perch and wrapped her hand in his. You kept your eyes on the ground as they passed, but like a train wreck you couldn’t help but watch, you were unable to stop yourself from throwing a last glance in their direction as they approached the van. He’d turned to look at her with a sly smile on his face and must have caught your eye over her shoulder. His smile dropped quickly and something looking like an apology crossed his face for a second but when you looked away again, focusing on holding the burning tears in your eyes back, he recovered and smiled back at the girl, pulling her into the spacious backseat. 
Even just the memory had you tense, and JJ felt the uneasiness radiate off of you from his position by your side. He called your name gently so as to not call attention to the two of you and you turned your head quickly, blinking away your thoughts. Your eyes focused on the concerned look on his face. “You alright? Did someone upset you?” JJ’s eyes were already scanning the crowd for who could have possibly upset you and it pulled a small smile to your face. 
“No, J, I’m alright, just thinking. All good now.” His face turned back to you, a small pout gracing his lips. He asks if you’re sure and when you nod in agreement, he turns his attention back to your friends. The two of you watch Pope and John B argue about if Gatorade was actually better for you than regular water or not for a few minutes before you turn back to JJ. “Hey, JJ?” Your voice is small and it surprises the boy beside you to hear you so timid. When his attention is turned on you completely, you start your question. “Is there a reason you turned down that girl before? She was like, stupidly pretty.” You’re finding it a little hard to meet JJ’s eyes as you ask, so you fiddle with the strings on your bracelet instead. 
A small chuckle leaves his lips before he replies with “I got the prettiest girl at the party standing next to me already. Why would I leave?” Your eyes meet his and there’s no humor anywhere on his face and you can feel yourself get hot under his gaze. You’re left speechless for a second before the sound of Kie’s voice pulls you from the moment. You clear your throat and turn back to your friends, mumbling under your breath. JJ replies with a “hmm?” and you repeat yourself a little louder this time, so he can just hear you.
“Kiss ass.”
Somehow, Kiara had managed to convince her parents to allow you to come to Midsummers as her guest and by an even greater miracle, you’d managed to save enough babysitting money to buy yourself an appropriately fancy dress, floor length and blue with pretty flowers embroidered on it. You arrive at the Carreras’ house early in the afternoon to begin getting ready, helping Kie put her hair up with some flowers pinned in. You chose to keep yours mostly down and let your best friend weave some braids in, tiny beads sprinkled down the length of them. Neither of you put on very much makeup, but it was still more than you’d worn in recent memory, and it felt nice to look in the mirror and actually feel pretty and put together. Kie comes up behind you as you look in the full length mirror and wraps her arms around your waist, chin resting gently on your shoulder. “We look fucking good, don’t we?” She giggles and scrunches her nose up as you meet her eyes in the mirror. 
You nod emphatically before turning to face her, a wide smile on your face. “Hell yeah, we do, baby! The lady pogues know how to clean up good!” Your response makes her laugh, head thrown back, and it makes you wish all your friends would be in attendance, despite how much you love girl time with just you and Kie. 
Your dreams of being able to spend the night with all of your friends almost came true, spotting John B on Sarah’s arm from across the room upon your arrival. The night became even sweeter when you saw Pope standing next to his father, but even as the five of you stood together at the edge of the party, people watching and laughing, you couldn’t shake the feeling that JJ was the piece you were missing most. Kiara and Sarah left to make their way to the restroom and Pope was pulled away to help his dad, leaving you and JB standing in the corner. “You should go see him, you know. Skip out early, I’m sure Kie wouldn’t mind.” You turn to look at your friend, confused at his sudden idea. You had a feeling you knew exactly what he was saying, but you waited for clarification, fiddling with the glass in your hand. “JJ is at the Chateau and before I left, he seemed pretty upset that he wouldn’t get to see you in your dress.” 
He holds out the key to the twinkie and your jaw drops a little, and it makes JB chuckle, shaking his head slightly at your obliviousness. It really hits you all at once, exactly what JJ’s recent change in behavior meant. The intense stares, the end of his slew of meaningless hookups, and especially the sincere compliments that you’d been taking as a joke. You knew you had to see him, so you looked up at JB and handed him your glass, taking his keys from him. “Tell Kie where I went, please.” You turned and started to make your way through the crowd and you heard John B’s cheer through the noise of the party, smiling as you reached the door. 
You don’t even bother turning the radio on when you get in the van, the pounding of your heart loud enough. When you get to the front door of the Chateau, you can hear the television on and it takes a second to see JJ’s outline resting on the couch. The front door slams behind you and JJ doesn’t turn right away. “Jeebs, why are you ho-” The question catches in his throat when he turns and sees you in the doorway instead of John B. He breathes out a quiet “wow, hi.” You move towards him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders so that his hands fall at your hips. 
“JB told me you wanted to see me in my dress, so here I am.” You look up at him teasingly as a blush spreads across his cheeks. “Plus, I couldn’t really have any fun at the kook party. The cutest boy in town wasn’t there.” It’s JJ’s turn to be left speechless and it makes you giggle. The sound pulls him out of his trance and its milliseconds before his lips are pressed to yours. You snake your fingers into his blond hair and you feel his hands squeeze at the meat of your hips as your lips part and he licks into your mouth gently. It feels a thousand years before you pull away, resting your forehead against his. “You’re my favorite person, JJ Maybank. I think you always will be.”
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okay so I’m going to post all of my perhaps the stars thoughts in this one post, under the cut, so they won’t clog up the dashboard/tags. And I’ll just keep editing this one post unless my thought is a joke and I want clout for it. Spoilers under the cut obviously
(last updated 29.11.21)
Like so.
Front matter - I love 9A as a narrator already. They have no idea what’s going on. I love the dramatis personae and just the ?? everywhere.
1 - gosh i love 9A so much. you can definitely tell that they and mycroft have very similar backstories and knowledge bases, but the distinction between the characters is so clear. also 🥺🥺🥺 it has to be a short war. 9A writes like they’re on the verge of tears and I want to protect them with my life (Mycroft writes like he’s in the middle of a breakdown and that’s the difference)
in addition, I love that they said that world war 1 ended in 1945 or 1989. It’s interesting to see how history recontextualises our mostly contemporary events.
2 - Carlyle!!!!!!!! Carlyle is safe and wearing a wrap and they are eating chocolate cake I am so glad. Being this far from Dominic can only do them good. I like that they’ve shown more of what the Anonymous actually does. i understand why the anonymous is so respected if part of their work is done 100% live streamed, typos and all. You couldn’t win the beer test harder. I hope the the Anonymous livestream also comes with a chat function where people can make fun of their typos I think that’d be really funny.
I love how much 9A is a part of the Ancelet-Kosala family they are so loved 🥺 Vivien and Bryar both inviting them to stay at their flat I want to see Vivien’s flat and Su-Hyeon giving them their old deputy sensor jacket was so sweet. I love them, I love their friendship. Also I love that 9A can describe affection and caring for people and be normal about it. This narration is so relaxing.
I hope Martin is safe. Also this is the first time in all four books I’ve actually liked Heloise so I’m going to make that a Mycroft problem.
3 - “I have never been in a place before.” boo hoo do you want me to be sorry? I’m in a place right now. I’ve been in a place this whole time. Jokes aside, I assume this chapter was written before the pandemic but it really does give me strong isolation/quarantine energies.
I’m not sure I love the top down narration of here’s what everyone’s doing in all the places, but I assume that comes with the tragedy of not being able to physically watch these conversations because they cars are down.
I’m gonna do it this way for ongoing thoughts. and chapter style as above for when I come home from work and I summarise what I read
MASON being allowed to pass through Levantine lands makes me think of when you’re playing Diplomacy and Turkey allows Russia to pass through Constantinople to the Black Sea, and now I’m wondering if MASON spent those 128 days playing Diplomacy online with the bois like I do
Nurturist to alt-right pipeline confirmed. A set-set is anyone I personally find weird and the more weird I find it the more set-set it is.
As a cousin I just want to put my foot down and say fuck the nurturists
This is unrelated to what I’m currently reading, but a thought I had earlier: we poppin’ the biggest bottles when 9A confirms ockham/leslie/ojiro loving polyamorous trio
A return of Vivien's bad spanish accent. I love every time they mention it
The logistics of religious holidays 🥺 thank you for felix faust for making carlyle look at 48 pictures of things eating bananas, you saved the world
Fuck Brillists are so funny. Once again i love su-hyeons friendship with 9A
4 - "we have four hours to save sydney" aw nah just leave it she'll be right
I forgot to write anything for like three chapters but here's just a list of stuff i remember
I love dominic as the Mitsubishi director actually. I think he's thriving. I expected him to shirk his duties as much as possible but he really is going to bat for his guys
9A putting their tracker on busy to avoid bryar, and then her overriding it was very funny
It sucks that the trackers are down. Imagine how that world would look if you lived it :( poor jedd mason. They can't even reconnect the system landline style because romanova is a modern city and doesn't have wires. That's such good worldbuilding
Did 9A not translate the latin from the first few books? Or did they get Carmen to do those passages as well?
Felix fausts zoom icon my beloved
9A and Su-hyeon talking around the reveal of Huxley/Toshi was so funny I've been thinking about it all day
9A laughing at latitudinarian but not dick hooker. I hate this book. I know that line was just put in there to make fun of me and I resent it
"mars or first contact?" And "wear the vs with me" made me actively emotional i love huxley and 9As friendship
That being said this is so awkward because i feel like I'm loosely hiveguard? Which seems unlike me but maybe i just think assassination is sexy
9- is it upsetting to know that carlyle is so suicidal at this point that they don't care if they live or die? Yes. But also, 'im suicidal so I'm happy to drag myself down with you' is metal as fuck. I hope you die i hope we both die. Also imagine risking world war because you're a horny rapist. Yikes. Anyway jesus christ sniper really wrote their chapter while experiencing THAT level of torture. I want to kill julia so bad she's so evil. But as a side note I was briefly obsessed with a The Adventure Zone fanfic with essentially the same premise if less overtly rapey so I do kind of love this, on like a I love feeling big feelings scale.
I'm kind of miffed that the answer to 'who kidnapped sniper?' was someone we were told explicitly that it wasn't, and not someone else that we could have foreshadowed. Like if they had just said 'it can't be julia because she wouldn't publish something admitting her guilt' that would have been fine, but they also said that the dollmakers were all vouched for. How are we supposed to predict a fifth dollmaker? (Then again the answer to who stabbed mycroft was fucking perry-kraye again, so sometimes that's just how it be) Anyway my favourite fringe theory was that sniper is cato weeksbooths frankensteins monster, and they were taken for related reasons. followed closely by masonic torture.
10 - haha yes let Anonymous say fuck! I checked and this is the first fuck since tltl. I like how 9A is acting like ECP Holmes and MC Moriarty is like, secret code, as though the whole world didn’t read about their Holmes/Moriarty relationship. This wasn’t so much a puzzle as a junior jumble
11 - I love pirate mycroft. Pros of having a cannibal murderer on your ship: willing to eat the dead crewmember instead of rations. Also this is very obviously the plot of The Odyssey. 
12 - I though i already had comments on 12 started. I can't believe this is unedited. This is just how mycroft writes. Unbelievable. Also I want to quickly pause and read the Odyssey because I have a copy I just never got around to finishing it, and I would love to, just once, know more about something than Mycroft does. The only thing he referenced I’ve actually read was Candide and I literally forgot all the Manichean stuff in favour of making jokes about syphilis.
Natekari: i refuse to surrender
Ganymede: that's fine maybe we can sort it out tomorrow
Tomorrow: ganymede and natekari come in covered in injuries
Natekari: yeah it's fine i surrender
This is literally the funniest thing I've ever read
Cookie 😠
I can't believe the gender neutral future couldn't figure out a neutral word for parent's sibling in 400 years
Cookie fucking blew herself up?????? What the fuck
Apologies to the poor woman on the bus just like. Trying to get off at her stop while I'm visibly reeling about fucking cookie blowing herself up and turning ganymede into spaghetti. Jesus christ. What the fuck.
Okay whoever tf is doing all this shit and framing utopia u gotta stop fr fr
It's probably merion kraye. I hope it's not sniper
Okay but actually it'd be so funny if, after all this nurturist bullshit, the only person who is actually was set-set sleeper agent was cookie herself. That'd be hilarious
Wait does that mean perry-kraye 2 was a u-beast? Omg
This is actually so sad. Fuck lorelei but :(
Like i said it would make a great horror game/ visual novel tho. like it tricks you into thinking it’s like an rpg and you can pick certain decisions to influence the narrative, but after a while it locks out the third and fourth options entirely no matter how many times you press it. The game always ends with you killing Ganymede.
ET TU PAPA?????????
He's a cop what did i expect
Oh the palpable rage of Reader they're about to go off
Haha let papa say fuck
Okay but papa being so awkward that all gendered historical clothing looks bad on him is so funny. My gender is police commissioner
Idk why the girls are fighting. Utopia and gordian want the same thing they just picked different scifi aesthetics to make their whole personality
Tully 😠😠😡😡🤬😡🤬😡😠🔪😡🤬
Actually i read the tully reveal the moment before i was supposed to start work, and so i hyperfocused on how much i hate tully so much that i turned around to sympathising more with him than i ever have in the narrative previous. We'll see how this turns out for me
I thought it was croucher yelling about how his name was going to be immortalised alongside achilles' and i was like no you're not. I forget you're in this story every time you're not in it.
Perry-kraye has more justification to think that, but i think in like 200 years when everyone who was alive for the war is dead, perry-kraye will be like, a detective comedy staple. "Somehow the murderer was casimir perry all along?" And he appears with a curly mustache eating a sausage because the sausage is the only thing people remember about him. Also he dresses in 18th century fashion every time
"We should always be able to pass words to friends, it’s the simplest, the most necessary thing." made my cry at work. I wish martin was here i miss him. I want him to be with xiaoliu and his kids
Not mycroft of all people defending tully. I guess if anyone is more responsible for this war than tully, it's perry-kraye
Fuck am i gonna have to pause a read the Odyssey now? I kept joking about it because i wanted to be better than mycroft at something but maybe i really have to
Does this mean carlyle is someone? Thisbe? Or just mycroft? I don't know enough about the iliad to make guesses
okay but if Mycroft is Odysseus then who is Penelope? I assume the Mardis are the suitors and that’s why Bridger came up with the association in the first place. My assumption would be JEDD if JEDD wasn’t literally leading the war to begin with.
Damn I can't believe I've been shit talking the Mitsubishi this whole time. They were the only ones who were right. I guess we all have egg on our faces
Also fuckin cornel if you're that dedicated to your empire that you would imprison JEDD in circumstances more torturous than ganymedes, then you shouldn't have made him imperator destinatus in the first place, dickhead
Okay this is probably the closest jedd ever gets to being affectionate and it's so cute. It's so sweet. mycroft hold My hand.
The damnatus memoriae existed even in the chronicle we read oh my god. Oh my god. They're going to need a bash loss specialist 😧
This is all extremely heavy and I'm emotional but i can't believe weeksbooth won the race for longest continuous bash. Congratulations ockham 🥳
Martin Semaphoros.... I think it's really sweet that cornel would honour his loyal servants by absorbing them into his own birth bash
God the line about duty overthrowing even the right to struggle against death is so sexy. Oh my god. Oh my god.
"Cato Weeksbooth is no longer human" i mean. We know. Unless he means human in the literal sense. Was his presence in the Ráðsviðr cell foreshadowing? Was cato the frankensteins monster all along?
Also JEDD is definitely penelope but i guess he can have two roles the same way mycroft can be odysseus AND moriarty AND jean valjean
Oh god this is gonna hurt. "I do not know how to call friend one who does this" who is going to betray me now
Dominic when he finds out JEDD slept beside Mycroft but not him
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Me: Aww cato gets to do science again :)
Anonymous: stop smiling mycroft this is bad
Me: 😐
Oh my god, the man who launched a thousand ships.
Wait. Wait what? I thought it was a metaphor? Hello??
i can’t believe i was the idiot who wanted to apollo’s iliad as a side story. you fool. it’s the book
I'm so sad
I literally for a second thought i was getting my bridger piloting achilles like a mecha wish but alas
I wish threatening to breakup with god worked all the time
Bridger 🥺🥺🥺 little alex 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay everything's great again. Eureka, cato, kat or robin, we're getting the band back together
But where's thisbe, cowards?
this chapter is actually calling me out personally because the main reason i’m cousin and not utopian is because I think it’s too hard and I want to take the easier path. like on a conscious level I respect gradatim and reaching the stars and doing stuff but for me personally i’m good out here.
Jedd picked the worse option because he loves mycroft and wants him to be happy I can’t do this
but also i still don’t get why the girls are fighting. like i understand it but i don’t Get it. it’s the same shit i’m sorry like i know the utopian thing is harder but it’s the same and you can do both.
eureka my beloved. i have missed her.
“I should have learned the brill system but i was too busy learning everything about philosophy and history and also learning 8 languages” “well you should have tried harder!” for fucks sake hobbes give him a break he’s just a guy
“stretches mandated by whitelaws” fucking dorks oh my god
'mycrofts gone again' how??? You put him in a cage
Whatever i love 9A
God it actually hurts so much more that the guildbreakers were influenced by brillists. Like they tore that family apart. 
I. Yeah, okay. Okay. I guess this is happening. I guess MASON is patroclus.
I am actually so sad for JEDD and the fact he let mycroft go? oh my god. he must be in so much pain right now he loves his dads so much that he’d let mycroft go and risk his life to save Cornel
i hate it but kosala does have girlboss energy for killing MASON. i wish she hadn’t done it but it did fuck severely
i feel like this series is going to end with everyone on a 7/10 list dead. oh god that includes vivien.
oh god what if it includes 9A?????
"asshole and a half" i fucking love you 9A
Also, goddamn, anonymous and acting emperor is pretty damn good for a servicer.
Oh the prep notes for the chapter. i love this. I love 9A
Vivien is safe!!!!!!
i think it’s so funny that 9A is Masonic Emperor despite being so deep into the line of succession they didn’t even know they were in the line of succession. like, you’re the most qualified person who is not literally MIA rn so congratulations Caesar?
The autocaps thing is so funny actually. I hope 9A is okay in hospital ☹️ yes 9A it’s very funny to write Cornel mason why do you think i do it all the time?
VIVIEN IS A GOOD DIPLOMAT I LOVE HIM 🥺🥺🥺 once again i return to my roots as a vivien ancelet stan. I wonder if his spanish has gotten better
They started talking about audiobooks and i had a brief flash of horror that they were about to advertise audible to me. What a world we have found ourselves in.
I feel sad about the gorgon stuff but it's really interesting seeing the symptoms played out from someone directly
"the absolute surrender of earth" yeah okay
EEYYY ROCKHAMPTON. also i assume emerald city is a fantasy thing but also there is a city called emerald about a 3hr drive from rockhampton so maybe? We just wouldn't call it emerald city
I'm gonna start sobbing at work i stg
Four months they were trapped like that for four months jesus christ
Su hyeon 🤝 julia, being super vile and evil and i hate them
Su hyeon hurts the most but I'm fuckin taking notes down I'll tell you what. I love a tragedy, i love a betrayal where you know they betrayed you but no one else does and you can't do anything about it
God I've been teary this whole time. Once again carlyle saves the world 🥺 but trust someone experienced with manipulating to figure out how to get around manipulators. God she's so sexy and powerful
THE PREFECT IMMEDIATELY STEPPING DOWN OH MY GOD. ANGEL. I LOVE YOU. I think Masons are weird but they are extremely sexy
The part where they just keep repeating how they want huxley was so sweet but also bro you blew my cover. They're so cute. Friendship ended with su hyeon now huxley is my new best friend
WAIT. 10A???
Is she, you know... An essayist
I actually love carlyle as an essayist
Wait no! Fuck! They're setting up 10A to gently prepare us for 9A dying and let me tell you i won't hear a fucking bit of it. I swear to god ada palmer if you kill of 9A you WILL catch these hands
Oh god I'm crying again. "You saved the world by being kind and paying attention to someone in a sickbed when nobody else did...the world needs a cousinly voice who's used to talking about miracles" I'm literally so emotional i love this so much
I doubt jedd had a tantrumy toddler phase but i can only imagine that chagatai is prepared for this because baby jedd did do the 'holding my breath until i get what i want' thing, and he ended up passing out and nearly dying because he Meant It
'i want my ibasho' 🥺🥺🥺
Danaë 😮 i totally forgot about her lmao
Tryna figure out when in the timeline leslie got pregente though
Also oof finding out you're gregnant right at the beginning of global conflict is just. The timing couldn't be worse
Wait also that's the baby that should have become a set set. Guess it's too late now. Also Olympian is so cute. Next gen OS right here
9A is starting to doubt utopia baby i am right there with you
I think since I wrote that note and came back I don’t think I’m doubting utopia anymore? but I think it’s easier for someone from the 21st to justify death than for someone from the 24th
i know JEDD doesn’t need to wake up but i think it is bullying to make him discuss his world conquest plans when he just woke up
also JEDD giving the same consideration to remembering if he ate breakfast that he would to the continuation of the human race is very funny
oh god, you asked him a trolley problem. oh man, we’re going to be here all day
oh, another gender speech huh? I think it is interesting the number of afab people that mycroft gendered male. it really does read as misogyny 2
i don’t know if this really solves the problem of masculinity being default tho. like it’s great that the world was ostensibly saved by “women”, but that doesn’t change the fact like, femininity is relegated to cousins and nowhere else
unless madame is full of shit, and there’s femininity everywhere, but it didn’t fit her vibe so she ignored it
regardless i think there still needs to be some work to solve sexism so that we can have gender again because, like, people like gender sometimes. it shouldn’t be this easy to reinvent misogyny
Actually saladin 9A isn't allowed to die because i, like raging achilles, will go to the ends of the earth to destroy you
I don't think this is mycroft. I think this is saladin
Okay they referred to 'my prison visit' so it's possibly mycroft, but it just doesn't sound like him? It's like tonally different, like someone who knows mycroft well is trying to mimic his writing style. Either that or its mycroft and mycroft is saladin and has been the whole time
Okay yeah thisbe is terrible. I know that. But do i also love her? Yeah
Haha yess the fact that chagatai is modo mundo came back that's so good what great foreshadowing
Yeah see this is mycroft canner! It's him!
Oh my god. I wanted sniper and 9A to meet so bad. This is exactly what i wanted "humanists keep trying to elect us both" I'M CRYING
"hey i just lead a war against you, the handcuffs are very my fault" SNIPER I LOVE YOU
"achilles didn't come back from the dead did they? Jedd mason was enough, twice would be ridiculous" this is just my sniper stan corner
This is my new sniper's chapter. My friend made fun of me recently for waking up full of strength and reading sniper's chapter every morning, but I'm just gonna get worse
the reason sniper doesn’t like the utopian oath is 100% just dickhead older ba’sib energy. sniper made fun of the utopia oath because cato likes it and they used it to make fun of cato. it’s the same reason i hate league of legends
i love the pronoun clarification. finally a real reader insert.
“so one side says go to space, and the other says let’s stay here because it’s easy? screw them, let’s go to space” literally thank you. space is cool as fuck.
nevermind this isn’t my new sniper’s chapter i literally can’t handle this. i will never read this chapter again
just kidding this is sexy as fuck but also I want to die.
I can’t think of any other way the story could have gone. like who else could be tasked with finishing Mycroft’s narrative? 
like it was so obvious in hindsight they were both greek servicers, followers of JEDD, familiaris, Anonymous, philosophers. mycroft’s got 17 lifetimes of work to do oh my god. oh my god.
I now realise that chapter 26 is, in fact, that chapter, like objectively.
Okay i forgot to update for ages bc pan finished pts before me so i yelled at them instead but
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starkerintheparker · 4 years
starker reclist - canon based fics
Hi Starker fam! To celebrate my 900 followers I decided to finally start posting my humble and very personal reclist. I’ve been planning to do it for a while now but it got way bigger than I anticipated so I decided to split it in 4 parts and will share the first one today. I’ve been around for less than a year and there’s a lot I haven’t read yet so my plan is to update this list as I go. 
Under the cut is part I, solely is dedicated to canon-based fics. I’m a sucker for angst so most of my recs feature guilty!Tony, miscommunication, porn with feels and all that jazz. Hopefully you’ll be able to find something interesting according to your preferences. Oh and don’t forget to leave kudos, comments and spread the love for these authors :) Cheers!
Last updated: 2020/04/18. All new fics added will be marked with ***
• 10 Ways to Woo Your Boo by @darker-soft-starker (NR, 6k, completed)
Summary: By twenty-one Peter Parker had graduated college, scored himself a post-grad job and was a full-fledged member of the Avengers. He had his own apartment, paid his own bills and juggled his time between being a superhero and working enough to cover his rent. So long as Peter was armed with his ID, he was a full-fledged adult in the eyes of the law. Perhaps foolishly, he’d assumed it would make him an adult in the eyes of everybody else too. Keen to be seen as worthy of Tony's heart, Peter enlists the help of his friends and the internet in courting his former mentor.
Review: We all love Ash’s fantastic AUs but this lovely canon-based fic may be one of my favorite works by her. I will never know how she manages the fine balance between angst, humor and romance, I just know it hits me good and takes my breath away. Oblivious!Tony and Peter being a bisexual disaster at wooing, what do you mean this wasn’t in the movies? Sounds canon to me.
• 100-Point Restoration by Destina (T, 8k, completed)
Summary: Tony needs a happiness upgrade; Peter wants Tony. These goals might be compatible. (This story is set roughly five years post-Homecoming).
Review: I just realized this was the first Starker fic I’ve read, and it was back in 2017! I didn’t ship Starker at the time but this author must have done something right because for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes away. This fic is gorgeous. Tony’s voice is amazing, his dynamics with Peter are spot-on and organic - but nothing’s better than watching their feelings unfold, like a soft and warm humming just awaiting for disclosure.
• adult supervision by doveslayer (M, 20k, on hiatus)
Summary: Peter Parker should not keep drunk-dialing Tony Stark after midnight. But more pressingly, Tony Stark should not keep answering. In which Tony tries to convince himself he's doing nothing wrong. warning: underage!Peter tho pretty vanilla imo                                                                                        
Review: My favorite “everything is happening while nothing is happening” fic. Their voices are spot on, the dialogues are clever, and you can almost touch the tension with your fingertips. It’s been a year since the last update but even if this fic never gets finished I promise the read will have been worthy!
• Attached by @paspleurer (E, 7k, completed)
Summary: Tony gets it, he really does. As far as rebounds go, sleeping with your childhood hero isn't half bad. And if what Peter wants is this— just sex, with no strings attached— then Tony will give him this.
Review: Pleurer and Learned Foot have seduced me with the rebound trope. This is a lovely Tony POV with the good old pining + miscommunication combo, plus enthusiastic sex and sweet domesticity. What else could I ask for?
• Covet by RTC anonymous (E, 34k, completed)
Summary: Peter has a new boyfriend. Tony starts drinking again, for unrelated reasons.
Review: I read this fic when I was still warily lurking around the Starker fandom and it blew me away. The sexual tension is so palpable you can almost taste it. There is jealous, guity Tony failing at mentoring and a vulnerable, smitten Peter Parker trying to make sense out of it. RTC anon is a religion.
• Ephemeron by @ramblings-from-elsinore (E)
Summary: "Being around Ned, Peter's reminded how out of place he is. For Ned, the second ever appearance of aliens over Manhattan is the stuff of excited hallway chatter, of where were you when—? Ned’s world wasn’t blown apart and stitched back together. Because Ned doesn’t remember. No one does, except the ones who were there, who fought." AKA, "Tony's relationship with Peter may be unconventional, but they’re unconventional people who have had some pretty fucking unconventional experiences." In which Tony can't stop touching Peter to make sure he's real, and Peter dreams of being in Tony's arms and not disappearing.
Review: I started reading this fic before I joined the fandom and man, what a way to get pulled into this ship. Brace yourself for hardcore guilty!Tony being all over the place plus unhealthy codependency and touch deprivation, all the good things. Reading this is a spiritual experience but fair warning: this is not a happy story, at least not for a long while, so please mind the tags.
• Expiration Date by @learned-foot​ (E, 12k, completed)
Summary: Tony knows exactly what this is. First big breakup, go for a fling with a completely inappropriate person. It’s basically a cliché. He kind of thought Peter was better than that, but apparently being brilliant and one of the bravest people on the face of the planet doesn’t mean he’s immune from being a stupid college student who makes stupid college student mistakes. AKA Tony is sure this is just a fling, and he deals with that about as well as you’d expect.
Review: Ahh my beloved rebound trope and my first rec (out of many) by LF! Between a pining, insecure Tony making all the wrong decisions and a young and confident Peter unwilling to let him go, this fic makes your heart ache in the best ways. Good thing LF only works with happy endings!
• From Thy Bounty by @ibby-writes​ and feyrelay (E, 31k, completed)
Summary: Tony’s eyes are always dark, but now there's almost no iris left. He looks hollowed out. There’s something terribly hungry there, despite the feast they've filled themselves on.
Review: I’ve lost count of how many times I reread this insanely hot and ridiculously well written fic. Besides the A+++ characterization, there is delicious food porn foreplay followed by a breathtaking cat and mouse game that culminates with no less than 13.5k of intense and unapologetic sex with feels, my favorite kind. Enjoy the meal! ;D
***Gift of Choice by tuesday (E, 12k, completed)
Summary: Tony Stark had a thing about giving Peter stuff.
Review: This is my favorite fic by tuesday and the PERFECT rendition of our beloved sugar daddy trope. Great pacing, amazing dialogues and a breathtaking build up that makes you both smile and sweat in anticipation. They’re so in love I almost can’t handle when they finally get together. Sexy, hot and very sweet.  
• here is my hand, my heart by belatrix (E, 16k, completed)
Summary: Mostly, Tony had tried not to look. He still does. Try, that is. It’s just― it’s getting a little bit harder every day.
Review: I have a HUGE soft spot for this beautiful masterpiece, because it was the fic that finally made me join the Starker fandom. I’ve reread it so many times and it never fails to amaze me. Through an atmospheric non-linear narrative, this shows a guilt-ridden Tony Stark trying and failing to resist one determined Peter Parker who won’t take bullshit for an answer. Hot, and angsty, and breathtaking.
• I know that you got Daddy Issues (And I do too) by feyrelay (E)
Summary: The one where Peter’s blue balls save the world. Because, yeah? That meandering, blooming thing between him and Mr. Stark? That relationship that continues to be maddeningly legal, platonic, and above-board, but still somehow haunts Peter’s wildest wet-dreams? That might just be the key to Strange’s endgame.
Review: This fic is a love letter to those who appreciate an angsty and nuanced slow burn like me. Possibly the best character study I’ve ever read combined with a clever, well researched and intricated plot. Reading this will make you fall even more in love with Tony and Peter as individuals, before wanting them to be better together. Make sure to also check all related fics under the tag DIEU (Daddy Issues Extended Universe) - the Starker verse we fucking deserve.
• if I am the river, you are the ocean by sadonsundays (E, 7k, completed)
Summary: The one where Tony can't sleep and Peter can't stop his hands from shaking.
Review: This is a gorgeous recovery fic, painful and heartbreaking, yes, but still very gentle as Tony and Peter’s relationship quietly unfolds. Pepper is an absolute treat which was refreshing to me. I just love the quiet and angsty undertone that guides their journey until they finally find home in each other.
if you’d grant my love a pardon by belatrix (M, 2.5k, completed)
Summary: The first time, it goes something like this: “No,” Tony says, but it’s tired, half-hearted, not quite a denial.
Review: One of the reasons why I love this ship is that there’s always room for angst, even when they’re already together. This lovely yet heartbreaking fic mirrors Tony’s fragile heart as he realizes that as much as he should, he just can’t let go of Peter, not quite yet. Belatrix writes guilty!Tony’s headspace like nobody else and I just can’t recommend her writing enough.
• in the light of a dying star by @areiton​ (M, 6k, completed) fix-it
Summary: Extremis isn't a guarantee. That's what Pepper told him, as they took him off the bloody, dusty field. It was just a chance. A desperate gamble.
Review: I’m so glad I read this right after Endgame because this is the fix-it Tony and we all deserved, this fic is so comforting and beautiful. I really love the quiet, ethereal atmosphere and how it shapes our perception of time and character development. Peter is beautifully written and their get together made my heart ache in peace.
• In the Morning by @cagestark​ (M, 6k, completed)
Summary: Peter's pretty stressed. He isn't understanding physics despite all the extra time he is spending with Bruce. And underneath it all, something is wrong with Mr. Stark.
Review: Heart wrenching and painfully honest fic, where Tony is a jealous mess and Peter is his usual earnest, sweet and good self. They meet in the middle, and it’s quiet, beautiful and sad.  
• Kiss Me by @ironspi​
Summary: Five times Peter and Tony almost kiss and one time they did.
Review: This fic was such a lovely surprise! It begins unpretentious and it builds up to quality pining and unresolved sexual tension. Chapter 4 is particularly awesome, so charged and intimate. Kudos to the author for exploring Peter taking the lead and making Tony melt in his arms.
• Landslide by spqr (M, 8k, completed) fix-it
Summary: Peter jumps into the quantum realm with his heart in his throat. He steps out in 2018, on the edge of a lake he still has nightmares about. A hundred yards away over the water, the lights in the lakehouse are on.
Review: Morally ambiguous characters + angsty time travel? Count me in. This fic has a very interesting (and darker) take on Peter post-Thanos, in his raw and desperate grief over Tony. Bonus points for amazing dialogues and a fix-it plot so clever and believable I’m surprised I didn’t see it on screen.  
• lean on me now by @areiton​ (G, 9k, on hiatus)
Summary: He’s so tired, and he hurts, the kind of screaming pain he’s struggling to ignore now, and he wants to go home. But he can do this. He can sit and watch, and keep them safe. A wry smile tugs at his lips because he knows how ridiculous that sounds--a kid keeping Avengers safe.
Review: One of the best canon divergence fics I’ve ever read. It’s quiet, angsty and Peter’s voice is simply amazing. My heart breaks for Tony, but I’m so here for Peter & Rhodey’s brOTP, the fandom deserves more of it.
• noticing by @areiton​ (NR, 2k, completed)
Summary: “You deserve to be happy,” Rhodey tells Tony once, when Tony is drinking and conflicted and Peter is sleeping unaware on the couch. Tony watches him, eyes bright.
Review: How could I ever resist seeing Tony and Peter’s relationship development through Rhodey’s protective and thoughtful gaze? Any Tony stan should read this fic because this is the kind of love, friendship and support he deserves. Reading this put my mind at rest, knowing Tony’s cared for, and safe.
• Obvious by @learned-foot​ (M, 14k, completed)
Summary: When Peter wakes up, several things become very clear all at once: he’s underground somewhere unpleasant, something is messing with his powers, and his entire body hurts. A lot.
Review: WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP *victory dance* god this one is brutal, but we can trust LF to bring on full angst with an intriguing plot and A+++ characterization. I’m so here for protective!Tony doing whatever it takes to keep Peter safe, including all the confusion and heartbreak his problematic decisions may bring.
• Permission by @cagestark​ (E, 16k, completed)
Summary: During drinks with the Avengers, Peter admits that he enjoys orgasms more when someone is giving him permission, though since he's single, there isn't anyone in his life to offer it. Generous Tony offers to offer it.
Review: This fic is unique and so very hot, but don’t let the smutty summary fool you. There is also tenderness and FEELS in capital letters. Despite their arrangement, pining!Tony is so vulnerable and so completely in love with Peter it kinda breaks my heart a little, but thankfully Cage is a big fan of happy endings like me, so we’re all safe in her hands.
***Post-Endgame NYE by @darker-soft-starker (M, completed)
Summary:  Five years after the events of endgame Tony is resurrected. Months after that, he's still trying to find equilibrium
Review: Hands down the loveliest ‘flirting on a bench’ I’ve ever seen, and my top favorite NYE Starker fic. I love to see Tony facing an existential crisis while he navigates his new life post-resurrection, including the violent realization of ‘oh no, Peter’s an attractive adult now’. Gentle and gorgeous get together, kudos at Morgan for being a little devil and playing matchmaking.
• Proxy by @cagestark​ (E, 11k, completed)
Summary: Peter wants to know if Mr. Stark knows, like, anybody who’d be willing to make out with him. Things escalate from there.
Review: I have such a big soft spot for this fic because “by proxy” is one of my favorite tropes and Cage explored it masterfully. Again, this is pining!Tony at his best and Cage just has this ability to transform what once started as a sexy little thing into this soft and gentle love story, the kind that gives you butterflies in the stomach.
• Radar by @intoxicatelou​ (M)
Summary: Peter could say that he’s officially approached desperation, but he wants this, wants Tony, and he’s willing to do everything it takes. Or the one in which Peter tries to become Tony's celebrity crush from 2009 in order to seduce him.
Review: This is one of my favorites self-indulgent fics, I just can’t resist the good old “Peter’s seduction handbook” trope and intoxicatelou delivers it beautifully. This story is sweet, super fun and relatable af. There’s A+ pining, Peter being a bisexual disaster and MJ being the queen we all stan, shocking absolutely no one.
• Revelations by RTC anonymous (E, 127k, completed)
Summary: “I still don’t get it,” Ned says. “How you just... keep being ordinary in spite of all the craziness you’ve lived through. You were in space. You helped Iron Man save the universe. And nobody knows it was you.” His tone softens, becomes almost sad. As though he realizes that what he’s saying is so completely alien to him that he will never be able to understand this part of Peter’s life. “Peter, don’t you want people to know you for who you are?” An AU where they get the Gauntlet off of Thanos that first time, on Titan.
Review: I feel like I don’t need to justify this choice – almost everyone in the fandom has either heard of or read this masterpiece, it’s safe to say this fic is part of the Starker Training Wheels Protocol lol. If you have just arrived or is just exploring the fandom and enjoys slow burns I suggest you start right hee because it doesn’t get any better than this. There’s A+++ characterization, breathtaking pining, insane sexual tension and a very satisfying ending if I may say so. Definitely among my top 3 Starker fics. RTC anon, wherever you are, please know you are loved and appreciated. I’ll literally build an altar for you.
• Reversal by @learned-foot​ (E, 4k, completed)
Summary: Sometimes, Tony is the one who needs to be praised.
Review: For once Peter makes Tony just lie down and take 😊 the fucking 😊 praise 😊. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this fic all my life. This is the praise kink Tony (and we all) deserve, genuine, gentle and powerful. If you’re a big sap for their love like I am, you’re in for an emotional ride because this is overwhelmingly sweet to the point it brings tears to your eyes. LF is such a gift to this fandom.  
• Settling by @cagestark​ (E, 5k, completed)
Summary: Peter really wants to be taller than Tony. Heels help.
Review: One of my favorites by Cage, I still remember how happy and giggly I felt when I first read it. There is A+++ characterization, amazing dialogue, Avengers domesticity, praise kink, the hottest blow job and my favorite Starker first kiss. Oh, did I mention Peter in heels and Tony loving every moment of it? You’re welcome :D
• Stipulations by RTC anonymous (E, 70k, completed)
Summary: Peter Parker’s long term dream recently went from ‘get into MIT’ to ‘afford going to MIT’. As the time approaches, it’s dawning on him that he won’t be able to pay his tuition and afford the move to Cambridge all at once: he’s out of money, his secrets are beginning to pile up, and desperation has started creeping in... And then one night, he saves Tony Stark’s life.
Review: Another fandom classic by our irreplaceable RTC anon, this fic is SO GOOD I keep coming back to it and just recently I realized I’ve built all my personal Starker headcanons out of it, lol. A+++ characterization and hot, delicious pining is a given with this author, but I’m really here for that senses-dialed-to-11 trope, and RTC delivers it masterfully.  
• subtle by @areiton​ (T, 1k, completed)
Summary: Peter is not subtle. He wears his emotion, his excitement, like a flag waved bright red and teasing for a bull—impossible to go unnoticed, impossible to ignore. It’s adorable and it’s Peter, and it’s—in hindsight—why Tony misses the context clues.
Review: This fic is like reading poetry, a balm to the heart. Peter wears Tony’s colors and by the time Tony finally gets the context clues they fall together in the gentlest, softest way.
• Take it slow by tuesday (E, 13k, completed)
Summary: There were a ton of reasons dating Peter was a bad idea. Tony loved bad ideas. He was going to do it anyway. In which Tony thinks they're dating, and then they're dating undercover.
Review: This fic is so endearing it’s basically impossible not to cheer for these two, despite their usual infuriating communication issues, lol. But I promise all the angst and wait are worth it, because there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing how they (finally!) get to be on the same page.
• the record spins on the trails we blaze by @darker-soft-starker​ (NR, 5k, completed)
Summary: Years after the events of Homecoming, Peter thought all of the bad memories were well and truly behind him. After all, so much has happened since then - and he's happy now. Everything is kinda perfect.Turns out nothing stays buried.
Review: Hell yes! I agree HoCo’s events were particularly traumatizing and this trope is not as explored as it should be. To put it simply, this fic is something I didn’t know that I needed and Ash delivered it beautifully. It’s incredibly gentle, cathartic and honest, not to mention the lovely domesticity and understanding between the characters that will make your heart swell.
• Under Someone Else by @learned-foot (M, 7k, completed)
Summary: Peter realizes he’s just a rebound. And he’s okay with that, really. Or at least, that’s what he keeps telling himself.
Review: FEELS, FEELS EVERYWHERE. It’s so hard to choose a favorite fic by LF but this is the first that comes to mind because it introduced me to the amazing rebound trope. It’s so refreshing to see this ship’s potential for angst and miscommunication playing into the “fuck first, talk later” scenario. Warning for vulnerable boys being idiots and breaking our hearts but P.P.P.S they do eventually get their shit together and it’s glorious!
• Up for Anything by tuesday (E, 8k, completed)
Summary: When it came to Tony Stark, Peter would take what he could get. In which Peter believes he's just a rebound. (Not Endgame compliant.)
Review: Of course there’s yet another gorgeous rebound rec because I can’t get enough of this trope. Honestly, LF and Tuesday writing for each other have provided some of the best fics this fandom has, God bless them. This is another treat featuring pining!Peter and the usual “I can’t communicate properly how much I fucking love you”, but there’s also bantering, delicious dirty talk and so much affection that you’ll read it all with the biggest smile on your face.
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aracaeli · 4 years
The Sign of Three
NOTE: Merry Christmas @elfchensdcartblog from your DCMK secret santa!! I’m sorry for posting it at the last minute possible, I should probably have said Happy New Year instead. Here is my humble gift to you. Also, I’m sorry for not writing it with the accent. Regular english still gives me trouble and I’m not sure I’m capable of writing it right. Big thanks to @dcmksecretsanta for hosting he event.
I’m really rusty, but actually making this gift is more fun than I imagined. I forgot how soothing writing can be. Please forgive any mistake I made, happy reading! ^^
----The Sign of Three----
“You know, this is a very bad idea.” Heiji said to Kazuha for the sixth time that day. He’s practically sulking by now. On default, Heiji is not a big fan of malls. Much less going to a mall two days before Christmas. Suffice to say, the place was packed. People are everywhere. There’s people who are getting their christmas shopping late, young couples celebrating christmas together, or just some rando who had the bright idea to come to the mall near christmas. The mall even blasted out “We Wish You a Merry Christmas'' in every speaker on loop. Heiji swears if he finds the person responsible for that song that guy will have to answer to him.
Kazuha however is chipper as ever. She ignored his comment and instead was busy looking at toy displays in front of her while whistling along on the christmas song. Heiji wouldn’t even be here if Kazuha had not dragged him out. Heck, he wouldn’t even leave the house if it weren’t for her. His plan is to stay at home and do some reading, maybe go out for a bit to get food, but that’s it.
Kazuha apparently had other plans for him. She insisted on making him come with her to her class christmas event today and accompany her to do last minute shopping for the kids. Apparently the school wanted the students to celebrate Christmas by making a christmas event where the kids can play and exchange gifts. Only, the actual event is two days early from christmas because the kids will be celebrating with their own family on the actual christmas.
The idea is stupid. Heiji said as much.
He gets smacked in the head for that. Heiji had tried to lie his way out, but Kazuha immediately saw through him.
And that’s another weird thing about Kazuha lately. They had been married a while, but Heiji was sure that her changes only occurred recently.
Lately, she seems to become more observant. She often notices small things that she didn't notice before. Normally if someone moved her pen when she was away, she wouldn’t notice, but now she was able to tell the exact distance of the pen’s displacement. 
Another weirdness is, she woke up by the slightest noise. Before when Heiji had to stay late because of work, he was able to get to their bed without waking her. Now Kazuha is awake when he cracks the door open. If Heiji made a noise, she was able to tell exactly what was causing the noise, even if she was two rooms away. Heiji didn’t know what was the cause, it’s not like it’s the first time he saw that kind of ability. He had good ears, so does his father. What’s weird is that Kazuha suddenly developed one, too.
Maybe it was contagious?
Heiji shakes his head, chasing the ridiculous thoughts away. Despite Kazuha being weirdly observant, Heiji managed to secure an awesome gift for her, in his humble opinion. The subject of his musings is still shopping happily, uncharacteristically unaware of his thoughts. 
Kazuha is still looking at the display. But now she has already moved to the far end of the store. She picks up the toys one by one and assesses them carefully, as if it was important evidence on a crime scene. After a while, she held up a toy truck in front of him.
“Do you think Mikoto-kun would like this one?” Kazuha asked, holding a red toy car that resembles a fire truck. 
Mikoto is one of Kazuha's students in elementary school, who Heiji really doesn’t like. Mikoto, like most the boys in her class, had a crush on Kazuha-sensei and wanted to marry her when they grow up. Nevermind that Heiji visited the class and told them that Kazuha was already married to him.
In response to that information, Mikoto--who had the smuggest face for someone barely older than a toddler-- just looked at him from top to bottom, face clearly displaying unimpressed. “Oh well, we’ll see about that.”
The audacity.
Not caring what the brat would get for Christmas, Heiji answered shortly, “He’s a kid, that’s a toy. The math suggests that he would be thrilled.” 
He thought she would get annoyed with him, but his wife just shrugged and went back to shopping. In the end, she made a decision and took the toy to the counter to pay for it and told him to wait for her. Heiji watched her with a suspicious gaze, wondering if what meets the eye is really the truth. 
Heiji thinks it’s weird that Kazuha invited him to the event. While it’s not the first time he has come to her class and participated, it was always such a disaster. Considering what happened when he was present, he should be banned.
In his defense, it was the brat’s fault. Everytime Heiji comes to pick Kazuha up, he will ‘accidentally’ step on his foot. Kazuha makes Mikoto apologize to him of course, but the boy apologizes with a sleazy grin not fit for a child. One time, when he visited Kazuha during class, the brat ‘accidentally’ poured paint all over his shirt. Heiji tried to get back at the kid, but as if sensing his petty intention, Mikoto immediately cried.
Worse, Kazuha never sided with him. She came and comforted the kid while Heiji had to watch the kid buried his face in Kazuha’s chest while giving him the smuggest smile known to humankind. He had to bite back a curse. 
Another incident that popped in his mind is when Heiji cursed in her class, in front of the children. It was actually quite comical, the children had simultaneously stopped what they were doing and looked at him in shellshock, Heiji stood awkwardly for a minute. He was about to make a run for it. When one of the kids decided that what he had done was unacceptable on so many levels and tattled on him to Kazuha.
Kazuha had put him on time-out as if he was five despite his protest to her.
“I can’t play favour, Heiji. It’s not a good example for the kids” Kazuha said sternly while putting her hands at her hips. Long story short, he lost the debate.
He had to sit in the hallway to think about what he did while the other children peeked at him curiously from the window.
One kid even booed at him.
Yeah, it was not his proudest moment.
While he was reminiscing, Kazuha came back from the cashier, carrying one more bag in her hand. She didn’t have any trouble carrying it, but he decided to perform his duty as a good husband and took the bag from her hand. Beside, this way her hand would be free for him to hold.
Chiding himself for being sappy, Heiji linked their fingers together in a loose grip, suppressing the blush that always comes despite already being married to her. But Kazuha was having none of it today as she tightened her hand.
Kazuha leaned closer on him. Their arms linked together and her nose almost brushed his shoulder. 
“Let’s go upstairs.” Kazuha said, leading the way. As they walked side by side, she broke the silence.
“Did you finish your christmas shopping?” Kazuha asked. The mall was crowded and loud, so Heiji really had to pay attention to hear her. 
“I did. Finished it weeks ago.”
“Including my gift?”
“Is it a living thing?”
“Is it a nonliving thing?”
“We’re not playing 20 questions!”
Kazuha pouted. She bit the inside of her cheeks and turned her face away from him. Giving Heiji her side-view. And suddenly he finds himself resisting the irrational urge to kiss that protruding lips in public. Fortunately, unlike with the case of  Fairy’s lips, he still had common sense left.
“I think I know what you get me.” Kazuha said suddenly. 
Heiji gave his wife a skeptical stare, surely she was just bluffing, afterall he went through a painstaking measure to make it a surprise. He even draws a murderboard, which he hides in Kudo’s house, much to the latter dismay.
“No you don’t.” Heiji sneered.
“Hmm let’s see now,” Kazuha put her hand to her chin, mimicking his favorite pose when solving a case, complete with a smile, which may appear innocent at first but completely devious. 
“I know that you suck at handcraft. And I don’t see you working at anything, so it can’t be handmade. You said it was a non-living thing, so it can’t be a pet. Judging by how quick you are in answering my question earlier and the fact we have a joint account, it’s unlikely to be a trip or a dinner.”
Heiji started to sweat. Is this what the suspect always felt whenever he made a show of his deductions? Still, Kazuha is not done yet.
“The fact that you finished weeks ago means you had planned it for awhile. You’ve gone to Tokyo for a suspicious amount of time, it can be unrelated to gift-buying, but my instinct said it was very related. But it’s weird that you go so far just to shop, there’s plenty of places here where you can hide your gift. That suggests the involvement of an outside party. Probably a delivery. Which means…”
Kazuha added a dramatic pause.
“....it was custom-made.”
Damn. What’s gotten into her?
Still, Kazuha went for the kill, “The fact that you’re giving it to me, big chance it was a jewelry. Probably a necklace. Since you had no sense when it comes to women’s fashion, the one you custom it’s not probably the design. If my deduction is correct, that necklace would have my initial.”
Heiji completely avoided looking at her. Somehow his pride is trampled over her deductions. He had plans after all. The only solace he had was Kazuha doing all of that is kinda hot. So he let it pass.
“Am I right?”
Heiji shrugged. “I don’t know, you had to wait.”
Kazuha gives a little happy jump, almost knocking a lady that was passing by them.
“I can’t wait for a necklace with a ‘K’ pendant to come.”
Heiji nodded along with her statement. The pendant that he ordered is actually spelled ‘K.H’, since Kazuha had officially become a Hattori now. He decided to let her little mistake in detail be left uncorrected and changed the subject.
“Can we go now? I think this place is getting more packed.” Heiji said, and true to his word, someone bumped into him. Said person didn’t even apologize and just walked. 
“Hold on, I still need to buy one more for Chika-chan.”
“Huh? I thought it was a secret santa.”
“It is, but I’m buying a present for all of my students in the class.”
Heiji frowned. “Why? Isn’t that a bit much even for you? You’ll see them again next year.”
He felt her getting tense. She was looking straight ahead but he can tell that she was carefully masking her face as casual indifference.
Shrugging her shoulder, Kazuha answered, “I just want to make this year memorable.”
Heiji observed her face carefully for any clue, but sensing his curiosity, Kazuha looked back at him and feigned a smile. Deciding to not pursue it further, he noted this exchange and kept it in Kazuha’s folder, a place in his mind palace where he keeps anything related to Kazuha that he finds odd or weird. That folder had recently become thicker and thicker.
“Let’s go up one more floor, I think I see a store selling hair accessories.” Kazuha said quickly as she pulled him along by his hand to the elevator direction. Heiji followed along.
She accidentally stumbled on her steps. Delaying them for a few seconds. In consequence of that, they missed the elevator. As the door closed with a resounding ding sound. It was like a butterfly effect, the world just decide what he needs today is a murder.
If only they got on that elevator, they would have missed the shrill scream of a person discovering a dead body.
But unfortunately they did.
Knowing that scream everywhere, Heiji felt his detective sense alert in an instant. But before running off to the source of the commotion, he looked at Kazuha first, wordlessly asking for her permission.
Kazuha sighed, smiling softly, “Go”.
Heiji gave her a cheeky grin. He  handed her the shopping bags to her. Since both his hands are free, he had the chance to strike a cool pose before running off by gripping the edge of his hat and pulling the cap to the front.
“I’ll be back.”
In the span of time for one call to the police, five interrogations, and one person broke down crying later, Heiji managed to gather the suspects in the back of the store. The body is found in a clothing changing room. A man in his late thirties, wearing casual jeans and polo shirt. The corpse had been found laying on his back, half his body leaned on the mirror. Eyes wide and mouth wide open. Although there is no blood. 
The store owner had been very helpful in aiding his investigations. She closed the crime perimeter and helped gather witnesses. Even though she initially insisted that the man just had a heart attack, until Heiji pointed out the signs that he clearly is poisoned.
Heiji was busy doing his usual detective work that he didn’t really notice that Kazuha hadn't shown up even after thirty minutes had passed since they heard the scream.
Heiji was about to search for her, already worried that something happened to his wife. But as he was about to walk away from the crime scene, Kazuha catches up with him, completely unaware of his worry. She even brought a drink in hand  and casually sip the cold liquid from the straw while looking around the crime scene curiously. 
“Solved it yet?” She asked. Slurping the boba tea. 
Heiji was momentarily distracted by the movement of her lips. Shaking the unwanted thoughts away, he looked back at the corpse.
“Not yet. So far, here’s the situation. Someone is found dead in the changing room of this store.” Heiji gestured towards the corpse.
“No blood.” Kazuha remarked.
Heiji nodded. He feels weirdly proud that she participated in the case. He resisted the urge to pat her head, “Exactly. Death by poison.”
“No, arsenic.”
“Who do you think did it?”
“Well, I figured out the trick, But I’m still not sure who did it.”
Kazuha nodded solemnly. Still slurping her drink. Her gaze turned towards the three people standing behind the store owner who were looking at them the whole time. The three men are the main suspects for the case. Heiji told them to stand far enough so they can’t overhear his conversation. Heiji was sure the culprit was between the man with glasses and the tall one. Although he had no evidence or any defining clue.
“The guy with the glasses seems suspicious.” Kazuha said. Leaning close to whisper in his ears. He instinctively take a step back. Typical of Kazuha to annoy him with her stupid breath and her slurping when he was in the middle of a case. 
Heiji snatched the drink from her hand. 
“How is he suspicious?” He asked, only half-interested in her answer.
“Look at the inside of his wrist.” Kazuha said confidently at first, but she suddenly turned hesitant and quickly shrugged “But, I don’t know though, you’re the Detective.”
Reluctantly, Heiji followed Kazuha's advice and focused on the man in glasses hands. 
Wait….that mark…
“I know who the killer is.”
An hour and half later, they finally manage to get out of the mall. Heiji was sure that they were already late to the event. Thankfully, there was no traffic on the way, so they made it to the school ground less than ten minute later. The event hasn't started yet. Most of the kids were still playing around, although Kazuha’s coworkers had pulled out various games and an assortment of christmas themed sweets out.
When Heiji and Kazuha enter the classroom. The children cheered. Immediately, she was surrounded by her students. They formed a circle around her and tried to get her attention. Looking at the spectacle before him, Heiji can’t help but note that Kazuha is really good with kids. 
Heiji put their bag on the gifts table. He searched for an empty chair to sit on. Heiji found one in the back of the room. He sits down on one of the chairs beside the low round table. Heiji was so focused that he didn’t notice someone approaching him.
“So you came.”
Heiji turned to the source of the voice. But he didn’t see anyone.
“Down here”
He looked down and his stare met with Mikoto’s gaze.
Mikoto only grunted. The kid pulled the chair across him and sat down. He slouched on the chair while looking around the room with bored eyes. Heiji noticed that his eyes landed on a little girl with a pigtail who was excitedly chatting with Kazuha. He looked back at the kid and the girl.
Heiji was a very observant Detective. The best in Japan. Despite what neechan said. That’s why the blush on Mikoto’s face didn’t go unnoticed by Heiji. He gave a small sigh. Kids these days, so easy to move on from one crush to another.
“Do you like that girl?” Heiji asked. One eyebrow raised suggestively. He deliberately didn’t gesture on the little girl across the room.
Mikoto looked scandalized, suddenly sitting straight with face flushed red. “What! No! Who likes Chika!?”
Heiji grinned. “I didn’t say anything about Chika-chan.”
Mikoto was about to defend himself. But no words come out. All of his face was flaming red to the tip of his ear. The blush even went up to his ears. In the end, he settled to look away instead. Sulking.
“So…” Heiji began, finding the opportunity to tease the kid highly amusing. “Do you think Chika-chan cute? What’s her deal?’
Mikoto crossed his hand in front of his chest, “She’s not cute! She’s stupid!” he stated, too loud and too defensive to be true. Some of the kids and one teacher had looked their way due to commotion. 
“Hey, stupid is a bad word.” Heiji chided. 
Mikoto was about to protest. But somehow decided against it and mumbled a low “Sorry.”
Seeing the kid actually reminded him a lot of someone. Although Heiji can’t quite recall who. “Here’s an advice, if you like her, don’t pull her pigtails.”
Mikoto, once again, flushed red. As if he was just caugh red-handed. “I don’t need your advice, I bet you also pulled Kazuha-sensei’s ponytail.”
Heiji laughed. It’s actually happened. The scene of their younger years flashed before his eyes. Kazuha used to have pigtails too when she was young and the sight of her hair swinging around as she walked always seems cute and endearing to him. Although back then he had no idea what the feeling blossomed in his chest was. 
Young Heiji never made the connection between the flutter of his heart and Kazuha’s presence. Once Heiji even thought he had heart problems. His mother laughed when he brought his concerns to her. Shizuka had said that he was healthy as a clamp and had nothing to worry about. To his embarrassment, it took him ten more years to finally understand he was in love with Kazuha.
“What are you boys talking about?”
Both of them turned around simultaneously, only to find Kazuha standing behind.
“Nothing,” Mikoto said. Kazuha looked at the two of them suspiciously. “Mikoto-kun, you should join the others. The game is about to start.”
Mikoto sends Heiji a distress signal to help him get away. But Heiji feels no remorse as he shrugged his shoulders in total betrayal.
“Mikoto-kun.” Kazuha said again, voice more stern. In the end, Mikoto sighed and walked away from the couple. Joining the merry and fun of his friends in the center of the room.
Kazuha sat on the empty chair that Mikoto left, staring at the crowd in a somewhat somber gaze, “He reminds me a lot of you.”
Heiji immediately defended himself, “What! I am nothing like that brat.”
“You two seemed to get along, though” Kazuha said.
“No, we’re not. He hates my gut. Apparently he used to have a crush on you.” Heiji added, “And just so you know, those little accidents that he did, are not an ‘accident’.”
Kazuha laughed. “I know. I just wanna show how ridiculous you are, getting jealous of kids.” Heiji opened his mouth, but she cut him off, “Don’t even try to deny it.”
Heiji blew a harsh breath. Looking around at the happy kids around him, the christmas decoration is exquisite, and the cookies smelled delicious, even from when he was sitting.
“Why do you insist I come anyway?” Heiji asked. Although he probably knows the answer. With how observant Kazuha is lately, maybe she noticed that he’s not having such a great time at work. 
But his wife is always able to surprise him. “I’m pregnant.”
Heiji gaped at her as the world turned into a standstill. Voices become mute and he swears the earth stop spinning.
Kazuha...is pregnant…
Kazuha is pregnant.
He heard the words clearly. But the meaning didn’t actually register in his head. Kazuha is pregnant? With his child….
There’s another human being that he will be responsible to. Someone who looks like him. Or maybe Kazuha. Maybe a well-behaved kid like Chika-chan or a brat like Mikoto.
What would he do if his kid makes bad choices? Or become too reckless like him?
He could feel his panic rapidly growing by the second. The thought of bringing a human life in this world is downright overwhelming. Kazuha might be good with kids, but he is not. What would he do with one? That’s easy, he should feed it. Oh God, what did you feed a kid? What does a kid even eat??
As if sensing his rapidly growing panic, Kazuha called his name. “Heiji,”
When there was no response, Kazuha grabbed his hand that was laying on the table. The contact startled him. His eyes turned to her.
“We’re gonna be fine, Heiji.” Kazuha added, “Beside, I’ve been thinking about it, and I think I want to focus on raising our family.” 
Suddenly, it made sense. Why she wants to make this year christmas with her class so memorable. The way she is acting so weird recently. There’s only one thing he can’t figure out, thought….
“I don’t get why you suddenly become so observant, is that another side effect of pregnancy?”
Kazuha stared at him in bewilderment, “What are you talking about?”
“You! You were suddenly very observant. Like a detect--” Heiji stopped mid-sentence, he abruptly stood up from the chair, knocking it backwards. As if he just received the meaning of the universe, he exclaimed:
“Oh God, our child is gonna be a detective!!”
A/N: And thus, Heisuke is doomed since he was a literal fetus to be a detective by his father. 
There’s a local belief in my area that when a mother is pregnant, how she behaves is influenced by the child’s personality. So if a woman often gets angry during pregnancy, that means the child is temperamental, so on. Halfway writing this, I realized that it might be too weird and specific, so I ended up rewriting it into a more general trope. Although dumbass me misread the fact that Kazuha is elementary teacher-to-be, not elementary teacher. Still, I hope you accept this as a humble sort-of-headcanon to your Heisuke AU.
I actually really like the concept of the AU, I had to refrain myself from liking and reblogging all the posts because then you would have easily figured out that I’m your Secret Santa (lol). Can’t wait to see your next works. Good luck and Merry Christmas! ^^
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Grey's Anatomy Review 17x3
A truly emotional episode, also Where the heck was Dr Perez, I missed you come back.
(Meredith Grey)
The belle of the ball for this episode, Meredith. Hasn't she been through enough? They were plenty of other doctors who haven't been tortured yet. But then again without her getting Covid we probably wouldn't have been treated to the Derek scene and possible cameos from other beloved characters. I loved every bit of the scenes on the beach even though I found myself wishing she would pass out some more so I could get even more Derek scenes, I mean you can't blame me they even played the MerDer song, but at the same time I was glad she couldn't get to him stay out of his arms Mer, you can't die no matter how much I want to witness a merder hug or kiss. It hurt my heart to see how broken everyone was, especially for Webber and Bailey who have both had to see her on the verge of death and pull her back from the brink of death way too many times. Ellis is adorable I hope she has many more scenes to come in future episodes and how cute is her nickname Ellie Belly. And she definitely did the right thing giving Webber her POA, he knows when to let go but will still fight like hell if he knows there's a chance of you living.
The scene with McWidow and her was adorable as well, my shipping levels for the two of them have gone up some more as well, but I did think it was too soon for him to be offering to be her POA if he wasn't just joking because I'll admit I wasn't sure if he was serious or not but after knowing her for such a short while not to mention his feelings that are beyond the friendly level for her, he would have done the extraordinary measures that Meredith wouldn't really want to try to save her. He's already invested.
The scenes with her and Richard were so wholesome he was the father she never had. He has loved and supported her from the beginning, their relationship is strong and one built on trust and hes right we do need Meredith Grey. The scene with Bailey was cute as well how she came to talk about changing her POA but switched to talking about her super risky surgery while practically on the verge of tears instead when she saw the previous conversation was making Meredith nervous.
Then there's Amelia and Maggie who have also been sitting on the edge of their seats praying for her to be alright. Wish I'd seen more scenes with the three sisters interacting a bit but the ones we did get were heartfelt and heartwarming.
On an unrelated note when she was trying to get to Derek but face planted into the sand instead was hilarious girl fell like a starfish.
Tom Koracick
Not gonna lie for a good chunk of this episode I was started to dislike Tom. I love his character for some weird reason but at times his less than flattering attitude gets irritating, but then I realized that he has to be going through some stuff right now between the whole Teddy and Owen and him situation, the $100000 in booties incident and then he was fired from his job as chief of all chiefs. It's been a rough time for him and while that definitely does not excuse what he did to the new doctors it did make me a little more sympathetic to his rude attitude especially when he confessed to Richard that he didn't think he was a good teacher. And then the ultimate kick when you're down he received the news that he had Covid from literally the worst person they could have sent at that time.
Now don't get me wrong Koracick is a douche and all but he definitely is not going to get the same care that Meredith is getting, but Owen just told him to head home and stay there I know he's A symptomatic and all but even they can develop lung damage from Covid and he has no one there who really cares for him like that and will more than likely have to recover on his own without someone there to check up on him and he definitely doesn't have the same drive to live. Why can't he also have a hospital bed. Keep the same energy for everyone you're all on the same team at this point. When will everyone finally accept him into the club, this isn't the first time someone in that hospital has cheated.
Moving on to other things, I'm so excited to hear him say that he has to get over Teddy because he really does, especially because in the end Teddy is probably going to choose Owen, it's always Owen, but I'm not crossing my fingers about him staying away from her this time, because I've heard him say it before and now with him having Covid I think Teddy is going to be that one person who will visit him so she's not staying away from him anytime soon.
Might just be me but I'm sensing something might happen between him and the doctor that told him off earlier. Idk that's usually how most relationships on Grey's starts with the doctor offending the new comer but IDK.
Is currently ignoring Teddy as he should be. She's just trying to talk to him as though nothing happened. The way he delivered that news to Koracick though could have been done better. I know he hates Tom right now but he could be a little more sympathetic he literally just told the man he has a life threatening disease and just said it like I know you have a flu that can kill you but go home and stay away from people, as though he has a common cold or a simple flu. This is someone who is a doctor who works with you saving lives in a pandemic and sure you don't have to like him but you do have to be on his team. Owen has cheated twice and yes this time it happened to him and yes he has a right to be pissed but have some compassion man.
Needs to stay away from Tom she only really attempted to talk to him after Owen gave her the cold shoulder, and she surely can't expect him to forget everything that happened so quickly and move on as though none of it ever happened. And like I said earlier she should let go of Tom and let him move on because at this point we all know she's going to pick Owen, it's always been Owen. I know I said at one point she should be with Tom but right now that feeling is gone I really don't think they're right for each other as much as I did before. And lastly I need her to figure herself out because she's treating the real MVP here and if she let's Anything happen to Meredith Grey after she survived the unimaginable she's going to have the whole hospital on her back and I will be mentally killing her as well because no boo not my Meredith.
Richard Webber
Is now Meredith's POA and as I said earlier I couldn't agree more, hes the best person for the job. And I'm so happy for him being the chief of chiefs he seems genuinely happy again and I'm also happy that Koracick handed the job of training the doctors to him again because the man's right. Training the doctors is a gift and Richard surely has that gift. Enjoyed seeing him bring the doctors into the operating theater and giving the speech, it's been a while.
Jo Wilson
Has really been having the work piled on her recently between Meredith having Covid and the mess of the pandemic itself she's been buried in work, and I'm so proud of her finally looking like a true grown attending in my eyes and she's doing great. The way she's been looking at babies of lately is adorable, I'm wondering which line they're intending to take her down with her new found love of babies. She doesn't have that much of a plot at the moment which is a good thing because at the moment having a plot includes having a positive Covid test.
Is seeing her last remaining duckling near death and is torn up about it. She sounded near tears when she was talking to her about the POA issue. She doesn't really have that much of a plot either which is especially good in her case because the Plot includes Covid and she actually has a preexisting heart problem so it would be very unlikely that it would work out in her favor. Watching her pride at seeing Richard doing his press conference was nice even though at first it seemed like she was a little upset about him being her boss again but she'll get over it.
Was seen way too little with Meredith in this episode they even gave Mcwidow time with her Deluca was only there for work which I found ridiculous, yes he had that one scene where he was grilling Teddy but that's not enough. That love triangle between him Mcwidow and Meredith is being formed as we speak. On another note I'm so glad to see him back to work again and healthy again and he's an attending I might have missed it but does he have a specialty because I've been trying to pinpoint it and I can't is it cardio? I guess I'll figure it out eventually.
Is understandably panicking she can't be Meredith's doctor because not only is she her sister but she is way too involved. When she asked Teddy of she was alright enough to work Meredith's case broke me. The pain in her voice and face, she feels so much and has been crying the whole episode, Thank God for Winston, he's been an anchor for her. I can't wait until they're able to be with each other physically instead of just talking on the screen. I wish them the best of luck.
Carrying on the work and teachings of Mark Sloan, and just existing really no plot at the moment as it has been for a while, and we weren't even blessed with Harriet this time but there was Ellis so I'll allow it.
Being a good boyfriend and father as usual. Hes so sweet, thoughtful and caring.
He also does not have a plot other than being a kickass partner and father and he better not have a plot any time soon either.
Currently is just being a great mother and aunt with jo other plots which I am also happy for because it means neither of my babies are in the Covid plot circle so far, they're safe for now. Amelia seems so happy. I'm glad for her hope her joy can continue but knowing Grey's it probably isn't going to last for too much longer.
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nightcoremoon · 3 years
so for the first time I saw batman: the killing joke.
it was okay I guess. but massively overrated. I expected some fucking masterpiece of cinema but instead it was just two unrelated short films that were more style and flash than substance.
so first off, barbara's storyline was mediocre. franz wasn't a compelling villain; just a creep, and a trust fund brat. oh wow he's a mafia kid who stole his family's fortune by hacking. if it was the falcone family I'd have cared more but it wasn't so it's just some faceless deathfodder rando. who gives a shit. the whole situation was just a vehicle to shove batman's dick into babs. which kinda fucks over bruce's character here and judging by the timeline kinda makes him a bit of a groomer, yikes. bruce and gordon have known each other since bruce was a young boy and we know that bruce is way older than babs so yeah bruce totally knew her from birth until present day, he literally utilized an active power dynamic to police her crimefighting activities, and he should have fucking known better and stopped her when she kissed him because it would (and did) compromise their professional dynamic, but hey, batdick. and at least barbara recognized that she was behaving emotionally rather than logically when it came to bruce and paris and took the high road out. that would be a serviceable standalone episode to write her on a bus in a serialization but THIS IS A MOVIE. so for a waste of an already short runtime it's like having an appetizer before your meal but instead of something like a crab cake before stuffed flounder, you get greasy onion petals that are more fried batter than onion before getting a well done cheeseburger that's just a glorified hockey puck on a sponge with a kraft single on top. the animation and vocal delivery were excellent of course, not gonna disparage that aspect, so it was well made, but the writing was just not very good. a polished turd. quantic dream must have developed it then because it feels like I watched a david cage production.
so in a 78 minute movie, five of which were the credits, we had a half hour Disney/Pixar short except those bring joy and this brought boring. also there were a lot of shots of her ass tits and underwear that were obnoxiously male-gazey and there was a token gay for the sole purpose of dangling a carrot on a stick for the queers. look kids, warner brothers and dc comics cares about the lgbts! give us money! a waste of time before the real reason why anyone came to see the movie that literally only exists to pad out the runtime to make it a feature length (even though paying a full ticket would've been a total ripoff because, again, IT WAS ONLY 78. even 9 was 81 minutes long and that had an amazing storyline so I forgave it, but 78 minutes? ugh.
alright now for the joker segment.
what the fuck? that sucked! *throws tomato*
mark hamill and the joker's lines and the art and the cinematography and the choreography was all good and the plot was cohesive. I get it.
but holy shit was the writing weak as fuck.
okay so some rando breaks the J-ster out of Arkham (already unlikely but ugh whatever), he didn't turn a trick or recruit or anything, he just went to purchase a carnival. or, steal one. but wait, he DID recruit, but he went to get all of the stereotypical Circus Freak™ stereotypes. little people, fat lady, bearded lady, wolf man, strongman, diaper man (wait, what?), and the two headed woman. I guess if you don't really think about why all of them were super readily available in the outskirts between arkham and gotham [i just realized they both end with -am] then it makes enough sense. and then literally right after that HE RECRUITS SOME GUYS TO HELP HIM KIDNAP GORDON. and then strips and photographs barbara. um. ew. you can tell the writer and director were men. Alan Moore is constantly molesting women in his comics and this one trick pony should be put down already. but whatever. the plot is weak and it only gets saved by the flashback sequences.
oh no.
they're not that great.
he's a failed unfunny comedian who just wants some money to move his wife to a better house so he turns to thievery with the mob. OR YOU COULD JUST STOP GOING TO THE BAR AND BLOWING IT ALL ON BOOZE. I mean the cops knew where to find him after all so clearly he's a repeat customer (or moore is a bad plot writer who relies on convenience and shut the fuck up and don't critically analyze it). alright so he gets wrapped up in the mob to perform a heist on a playing card factory. GET IT, BECAUSE HE'S THE JOKER??? and he uses the moniker of the red hood to retain his anonymity. I expected the mobsters to be working for francisco but no the paris storyline was only cooked up screenplay for passing the runtime so why would they do something clever and interesting and make the film cohesive? that'd be really stupid to make the movie feel more like one movie and not two short films. at least when grindhouse & planet terror did it they advertised themselves as an anthology film. whatever. he falls in the vat of acid which melts the red hood to his face and I gotta say that's actually a pretty good idea to get his face white and his hair green and his lips red. I like that part. oh wait I forgot about the most important part! his wife gets shoved in the refrigerator. OH WOW THAT'S JUST SO COMPELLING AND ORIGINAL, TOTALLY NOT SOMETHING THAT ALREADY HAPPENED TO GREEN LANTERN. TWICE. although she wasn't literally shoved into a literal refrigerator like alex was. rip in frozen pieces you absolute legend of a trope namer. alright, so... so the joker is sad because his wife died. you know, the wife we saw for two minutes and knew the moment we saw her drenched in sepia she was gonna die. and she died offscreen. kyle's gf died and he was fine. gordon's wife died and he was fine. batman's parents both died and he was fine. oh boo hoo someone I love died! fuck off. I am so goddamn sick of people trying to justify their evil with "I was sad once". it's a stupid trope and it's not compelling. the only valid version is doctor doofenshmirtz' evil(er) version in the PF movie because it's hilarious that it's because of a toy train because that's the emotional depth that fridgewomen is treated with in all of these storylines. but at least batman said so. oh yeah, I almost totally forgot, batman's in this movie.
batman punches people and nonlethally takes them out. by suffocating them and letting them get stabbed and throwing them into pits of spikes and HEY WAIT A GODDAMN SECOND! okay let's just ignore that bit and hope that the little people squeezed between the gaps in the spikes and the strongman could breathe in the face mask and the two headed women had KO gas and the fat lady was fat enough that the knives only stabbed her cellulite. it wouldn't be the biggest reach one would have to make in watching this fucking disaster of a plot mess.
now I did like that it was actually batman, and by that I mean he gave a shit about the insane because he recognizes that mental illness is not a cause of dangerous or criminal behavior, just a potential exacerbating factor if it wasn't treated. yeah he brutalized mobsters and crime lords but they were mostly in self defense while gathering intel. he politely asked sal maroni and the sex workers for information and they gave it to him without violence- he manhandled maroni but only after he reached into his pocket for a cigar which could've been a gun. also batman says sex work should be decriminalized if only by not ratting them out to the cops. he was a genuinely good person in the second half of the movie. too bad it was ruined by the shitty first half that made him a borderline groomer.
joker's song was... bad. mark hamill performed his ass off but the song wasn't that good. it just tried to be willy wonka if he was a voyeuristic monster. oh yeah have the only girl character be paralyzed stripped and photographed only to give her father ManPain™. again... the fuck? joker and batman were both gross but, again. male writers. if it was a one-off I could drop a thermian argument because, alright one and done makes sense, especially 1988 standards. but it saturated and soured the entire goddamn movie because of abhorrent pacing decisions. so you're goddamn right I'm gonna bring it up twice! joker was a creep, his plan was dumb, nolan and burton and lord/miller and even ayer had better motivations. YES I AM SAYING THAT JARED LETO'S JOKER HAD BETTER WRITING THAN MARK HAMILL'S JOKER. not nearly to the level of ledger nicholson or galifanakis but hamill didn't have a lot to work with here and I maintain that his performance was amazing; honestly I like his the best out of all of them but just... not here. but I think I can cut some slack to firelord ozai and luke skywalker even if he just phoned it in here which he didn't. writing was just weak. and that's all there is to it. don't anon me and threaten to remove my bones ok?
alright so batman and joker fought and joker got the upper hand and was gonna kill him but it was a prop gun. haha. they had a heart to heart and batman tells joker that he wants to help him get better, even after joker killed robin and molested barbara and traumatized gordon and did countless other travesties, he still said he would help. but joker said no, and told a joke that was good enough to make batman laugh. and then the credits rolled.
what a completely pointless and empty ending. oh it's deep and meaningful and poignant? ok sure, I guess, movie, but you didn't earn that. shyamalan did the same thing a dozen times. that doesn't make him any less of a shit writer.
I can understand the concept of batman laughing at joker's joke, humanizing him.
I get it. I see what they tried to do. I respect it.
but this movie was massively overhyped and overrated and I expected it to be so much better than it was. but overall to me it was just another batman cartoon to throw on top of the pile. maybe it was influential to graphic novels. maybe it shaped batman into what he is today. it published right as tim burton's movie and I can respect its place in the pantheon of comic history. but sometimes things that are classic...
aren't that great.
citizen kane, casablanca, the maltese falcon, the treasure of the sierra madre, gone with the wind, singing in the rain, all of them are classic and legendary pieces of art. but they're just not that good, interesting, appealing, watchable, or FUN. they were good at the time- I mean come on we all know them today- but on going back you'd have to really appreciate the finer details to still love the movies today. and this belongs there, in the vault, to be appreciated from afar. influential if dated.
but god am I still disappointed nonetheless.
it was just okay. had some good ideas, had some really bad ideas, had some ugly stuff. overall mediocre. first half 5/10, second half 7/10, overall 6/10.
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jessicajonesrp · 4 years
An Awkward favor (reposted, since I screwed up response in last one)
It's been about a week since Jessica told Luke that she was pregnant and they were going to be parents. It was news that Luke was excited to hear even tho it scares the hell out of both him and Jessica they were still quite happy. However his wife's unrelenting hatred of doctors is a REAL PAIN IN THE ASS!
It came down to either she bit the bullet and see a doctor or Luke did something that was completely uncomfortable for all involved. It took a day or two for him to get up the nerve to make the call, funny the man can let a grenade explode in his face but calling her made him hesitant.
After finally making the call a meeting time was set..a neutral spot in a Manhattan coffee shop. Luke debated taking Jessica with him, I mean this was basically walking off a cliff for him because who knows what his firecracker of a wife will do but this is for the sake of their baby so he really didn't have a choice.
They arrived about 20 minutes early and found a table towards the back. It wasn't long until a woman walked up to them and sat down, she wore a short jacket to cover up her dark blue scrubs, the meeting time apparently coincided with her next shift. Luke stood up, pulling out a chair for her, smiling at the woman to cover up the awkward feelings he had seeing her again.
"Hey Claire, thanks for coming." 
Claire eyes him for a second before smiling and addresses Jessica holding out her hand. "You're Jessica Jones? Hi I'm Claire it's nice to meet you." 
Luke thrown a little when she ignores him but not so much that he doesn't notice the wedding ring on her finger.
"You're married..Congratulations I'm happy for you."
Jessica had always thought that she was the one with mental issues in their marriage. Apparently she was wrong, and Luke had hidden depths of crazy of his own. Because what kind of guy thought his ex wanted to be the baby doctor person- whatever, she wasn't an expert on pregnancy related terminology yet- of his current wife? Or that she, said wife, would be comfortable with the idea of a woman her husband assumedly slept with looking at her naked?
The only reason she even agreed to a meeting with Claire to see if the woman didn't laugh in both their faces, which was no less than Jessica expected, was because Luke trusted her. And for Jessica, that said a lot. She was very skittish with any touch from anyone not within her tiny circle of trusted ones, doctors included. Even pre Kilgrave- after all, it was doctors who made her and Phillip what they were. But if Luke trusted someone, she in turn trusted him, which was more than could be said for a random stranger.
Besides, this was not an ordinary baby or pregnancy. If she had to see a doctor, it had to be one with superhuman experience.
"Yeah, hi," Jessica nodded stiffly, giving Claire a brief glance over and wondering if the woman was doing the same towards her. She shook her hand as quickly as was minimally polite and as was her way, got to it.
"You probably wonder why the hell your ex would ask you to come meet his wife when she isn't obviously about to die, so lets get to that so you can turn us down and go. Right, I'm pregnant, and I hate doctors, because of many reasons, and he says I have to go to some doctor. And he says he trusts you, and I trust him, but obviously with you being ex and me being current you're going to say no. So, sorry for wasting your time."
She starts to back away, ready to leave since she assumes she just had the whole conversation for everyone.
Claire looks at Jessica bewildered. "Excuse me, first of all you don't know me..At all! Second I'm a medical professional so if someone needed my help I have to help them third ain't nobody thinking about yo man or dying to see you naked. Now how about you asked me what you wanted to ask me and let me decide on rather or not I'll do Boo for your skinny ass!" With that she turns to Luke and begins cussing at him in what is probably the dirtiest Spanish on the planet.
Luke holding up his hands in his defense says the equivalent of Yes yes, I'm sorry, but please we need your help back to her in Spanish and smiles at her, 
Claire tries to bring herself to cuss more but sighs before turning back to Jessica. "Look.." sighing again "You need someone that knows how to monitor you and your bady.. And I have experience dealing with you kind of people..So look Luke's a jackass but..Damn that's all I got he's a jackass, so let me help you."
Turning back to Luke. "I don't do this stuff for free anymore, this won't be cheap because some of the stuff we'll need is expensive..But Mr. Big Time that shouldn't be a problem for you."
 Luke nods yes. "Whatever you need I'll take care of it..But this is absolutely on the down low Claire..So not even your husband can know about this." He looks at Jessica concerned "Guess it comes to you Jessica, what do you want to do..If not the hospital or Claire, something else?"
"We'll do whatever you want." Claire moves closer and smiles again "This is some awkward shit but I can do this..Hell I've done harder with less than what your husband just agreed to buy and not be cheap about it either." Giving Luke the side eye 
"Its gonna be ok.. I'm off Sunday, I'll come by the club and take a look at you." 
Luke interrupts her "Actually we have a place in Harlem, it's nice I'll text you the address." 
Claire gives Jessica one more look of assurance.
Jessica turned back to face Claire, taken aback by her attitude. This was the first time she had met someone who was actually more verbally feisty than she herself, and for a second she just stared at her, a little stunned by her response. She was still processing that the woman had more than just dished back at what Jessica had laid out at her, and was in the middle of turning over in her mind how Claire had figured out she was squeamish about her seeing her naked while simultaneously calling her skinny, before the Spanish flurry of exchanges started.
"That's fine, anyway I have to get to the hospital to start my shift, so see you Sunday?" She looks at Jessica waiting for an answer.
Jessica, who knows about as many Spanish words as might be uttered in a Taco Bell commercial, outright stares when Luke starts responding back to her in Spanish in return. She had no idea that he knew Spanish, let alone enough to be able to understand the rapid, angry-sounding spew of words that Claire had just flung at him.  Her taut shoulders ease up a little as she watches, and she slowly starts to smirk.
“Damn, Luke. I’m starting to see a pattern, you really like women that say it how they see it, huh.”
When they finally start speaking English again and Claire addresses her directly, Jessica stiffens, not liking her calling Luke a jackass, but she can get why she would feel that way, considering the position he’s putting her in as his ex.
“So…wait, you’ll actually do this? Even though you sounded like you wanted to take his head off a second ago?”
When Claire continued to assure her, she shifts nervously, playing with the sleeve of her jacket.
“What stuff do you need? The expensive stuff you’re talking about. And, uh, what do you need to do to me, exactly?”
She hesitates, hating as usual to have to actually verbalize any kind of feelings-related, vulnerability-involved things, but if this woman is going to be her doctor, it’s more than likely going to be a necessity, so she makes herself spit it out.
“It’s not really the you being ex thing that trips me out, okay.” She took a breath, then ground out, “ I have PTSD. I don’t always do great with people touching me. And the last few encounters I’ve had with doctors have been the doctors that made me what I am, and the doctor that made my rapist who he was. Who also happened to be his father, and trying to save his life, but that’s a whole different story. I’m not trying to be an asshole, I just…..it isn’t anything personal.”
She looked towards Claire, but not directly at her as she finally answered. “If you’re willing, I guess I’ll try. I want the baby to be okay. Just…you have to tell me what you’re doing, and why, and stuff.”
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riskeith · 4 years
oo.. a read more.. how mysterious ;)
shsjjdhdjf hi! it’s pretty and fluffy yes ! some of it have melted away though sadly.. 🥺 how are you? hope your day has been amazing <333
i tried to go to dragonspine last night because albedo’s quest opened up for me a while back and it took me there and i failed like two seconds after so i just went to bed all angry shekdhskdbncj i kept thinking about how easy it would be if you had diluc, xiangling or klee on your team since they do ‘big’ fire attacks that would help with the frost... :(
have you decided that you want to build your whole team or just focus on 1-2 characters? i’ve heard some people say that it’s better to do just 1-2 but i’m hesitant over it... they’re your main team for a reason you want them all to be reliable yk..?
“LEGEND OF KORRA?” omg..... fun fact the first klance fic i ever wrote (never released it though since its still unfinished hskshdj) was a klance lok au! imagine the boys as rival probenders... 🥴 lance waterbender... keith firebender..... 🥵 but thank goodness you decided to give it a shot sjdkfjdk look where it lead us.
i meant that exactly! that’s not negative that’s just life because same here. i ended up just deleting everything when i started uni (the only thing i have left is tumblr) because it’s kind of hard keeping up with fandoms and stuff when the weight of the world is on your shoulders ... :/ even lost contact with practically all my internet friends lmao sheesh. do you still find it difficult to find motivation to write n stuff? (this is such a heavy topic soz)
us on our date.... chillin... suddenly hilichurls attack. incredibly romantic.... <3333 venti to your xiao i wish!!!!! #bringventiback2k21pls 🥺.. dude you reminded me!!!! i was on ao3 the other day (as one usually is) and did you know there are so many genshin fics? i was SO surprised?? kind of fun tho, have you checked them out?
no need to promise!! but you have my undying support <333
ohhh?? you wouldn’t? i mean your reasoning is absolutely valid!! the end was most definitely very disheartening in so many ways lol.... i probably would still tbh i just miss them a lot. like getting a chance to see lance and keith again with the same voice actors n everything??? i think i’d do anything for that LMAO when it comes to story though i have no idea... not really sure what they could do with it. maybe something with lotor?
YOU WATCHED SPIRITED AWAY????!!!?!? BABY I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! i’m so so so so so glad you like it oh my gooooood this is the best news ever <333333333333333333 i take it you’re now finished with it; what did you think? 🥺 also howl’s... girl my heart is soaring. i just know you’re gonna enjoy it so much!! aaaaah, let me know when you check it out <3333
icb you’re teasing me like this....,,..... ‘just wait until you read the last section’ i’ll just go die then. that was already so beautiful and there’s more??????? let me go back to my original roots and ask; hand in marriage? 🥺💍 multiverse.... i have questions.... is it like, a one shot for each or is it like.. jumping between the universes? 🥺
stay safe, stay healthy mwah!! 🥰
awww does snow not stay for long where you are? or is it not cold/thick enough to stay 😔 and i’m good! didn’t get as much done as i wanted but tomorrow certainly.. (i say every day FHSKFSD) hope yours is amazing as well <3 :*
FHSDKJFHSDKFHSJD omg ripppp im sorry 😭 but one day!!!! you will conquer dragonspine i can feel it. oooo wait do you not have xiangling yet? :o and also you mentioning diluc reminds me of this tweet i saw here, maybe he isn’t actually optimal for that enviroment AHAHA
yeah i agree with you! I kinda focus on building the traveller most bc i use him a lot of the time, but recently i’ve been trynna build everyone else up too and balance them out. like you said we want them all reliable and they all have different uses and functions, so.
PRO!!! BENDERS!!!!!!!!! omg wait were they gonna be... forced to work on the same team?? 🤪🥵 either way S tier concept. but also um excuse me?? you write fic too?!?!?! “first klance fic i ever wrote” implying there are more??? maybe published ones??????????? i won’t ask for links in case it like outs you LOL but omg??? excuse me?? how is this the first time i’ve heard about it >:(
shit that sucks :(( ugh im sorry you felt the need to do that! :( is it also kinda freeing and relaxing tho? that you’re not involved or have any connections or obligations.. idk sometimes all that overwhelmes me too. sometimes i have a really hard time writing yeah, but that’s also due to various other reasons unrelated to school. like twice a month i tell my friends i’ll quit FHSJFKDSHK but i never do lollll and then sometimes i’ll just get hit with such an intense urge to write and then im like?? i was so stupid for thinking otherwise? (and no worries at alll <3)
FJHSDKFS couples that fight together stay together 🤪 i think that was in one of my todobaku? fics LOL. okay but i saw some leaks (which i don’t condone but welp) suggesting that maybe... venti would return 2 banners after xiao or something so hopefully!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was looking at tier lists too and he was really high up so now im like fuuuuck maybe i can’t spend on my primogems for xiao i’ll have to save again FHSDKJFSD. ngl i was pretty surprised to see so many fics too! but nah i haven’t really read anything, hbu? also did you know there’s an official genshin impact webtoon? i haven’t read it but i am considering itttt
AHAH yeah that’s fair tho. i think s8 ruined it so much for me that anything else would make me feel empty sighhhhh. but i was also gonna say something about lotor! honestly i feel like if they did make something else, it’d be a prequel or something, maybe even the prior paladins, so we wouldn’t even get to see klance at all fhkfhsksd.
i really liked it!! not sure if it was bc i zoned out towards the end tho, but i felt like the ending came pretty quickly? or maybe i was just so immersed i didn’t want it to end... ahaha. but i still stand by the fact i love haku sm..... i think i’ll watch howl’s tomorrow! i considered starting it tonight but i still wanna soak in spirited away for a bit so... we shall see <3 but ofc i’ll def let you know all my thoughts when i do
YOU ALREADY HAVE MY HAND BOO!!! you have my whole heart too just take it i’m giving it to you 😩❤👐. it’s one shot for each! I was actually considering making it a multichap with each chap as a new universe, but i have a horrible track record with those and idk that i could make each universe long enough fhdkfjs. ugh honestly i’m tempted to just like send you what i currently have anyway bc i honestly don’t think i’ll ever finish it fhskdf but there are some good moments in there that deserve to be Seen..
thank you!! you too, hope you’re all nice and warm 😘🤩
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