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ojiro cardigan sniper and some guy have arrived at the met gala!
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barbie meme :3
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i thought the "miku from your country" trend was cute, so of course i had to make mikus for a few of my favorite sci-fi "not a country, but not not a country" political entities
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they are Cancelling me for dealing with my grief as best i can . also for the vicious war Crimes
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Terra Ignota is a comedy, exhibit #47283:
"Some old criminal friends of mine and Mycroft's. /.../ They'll take very good care of you, because they know if they don't I'll drag them into an alley, hack chunks off them, and eat them while they're still alive."
"I like that you're honest. Most people wouldn't say stuff like that in front of a kid."
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fuck it, terra ignota favs (as of ss) while Im waiting
I dont have my copies on hand because Im at panera so soz if these arent canon compliant Im going off memory and vibes
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timeforsnipersopinion · 2 months
Mycroft is like, don't worry about these numbers, dear reader, just focus on the vibes. Which are bad, very bad. But also here's the table, just in case you do worry about the numbers. What a goddamn nerd.
An actual table of made up stats in a made up world:
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Mad respect to Ada Palmer for this. Forget fantasy maps, where are my sci-fi multivariate regression models? Where are my scatterplots? (Men who are now bad at writing women would invariably include violin plots and we would shame them for it). What a world would that be.
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timeforsnipersopinion · 3 months
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new alignment chart just dropped
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timeforsnipersopinion · 3 months
i think despite all of his heinous, heinous crimes, to me the worst thing mycroft canner has done is consistently refer to his penis as a member
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timeforsnipersopinion · 4 months
Some larger point regarding the theme of The will to battle and Mycroft's trauma:
The way that the book is about the time of the war is most obviously expressed by the fact that it has dates for when things happen and when Mycroft writes them down. It serves to create an interesting feeling of escalation, as we can see the past rapidly catching up with him, but it remains, for the entire book, his past.
I think in this regards, it is interesting that we can note an obvious aggravation of Mycroft's mental state compared to the two other books. He mentions ghosts a lot more, and the reader's interventions have turned into full dialogues with other hallucinations sometimes not even involving mycroft at all; he also spends a much higher number of scenes reacting suddenly and violently to conversations he is not invited in.
Some of it is clearly grief - there's explicit mention of the fact that people are actively preventing him from killing himself after Bridger's death. There is a lot of crying happening about Bridger, and some more happening specifically around Achilles and their shared Greek descent, that feels like a desperate projection of kinship.
I'm still reading this like a historian, though - and I continue to be encouraged by the text's finally plain admission that Mycroft Canner was chosen as the historian here because his word cannot be legally binding. Mycroft Canner was a first witness of most of what he describes in the series, but still until the last book, he writes from a distance, after the events happened. In fact he writes the first two books after Bridger's death as well, and we don't see him lose himself with grief in these ones.
In fact the real difference with this book specifically, is that he writes it explicitly after the war was officially declared: he already knows when the will to battle turns into battle.
And so I think a really interesting way this book deals with time, is that it manifests it in the text by having Mycroft be a lot less mentally stable in his retellings. Potentially, projecting schizophrenia back onto past events, as he is in his own present already operating on the kind of urgency, neglected basic needs, extreme stress, piling trauma and horrible circumstances that are described more bluntly in Perhaps the stars.
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timeforsnipersopinion · 4 months
Man i wish my live-in friend group weren't all members of a Japanese car-making conglomerate, I need someone to speak Latin with
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timeforsnipersopinion · 4 months
Two important characters—notably Dominic Seneschal and Carlyle Foster—would consider themselves transgender if they lived today, but the Terra Ignota future hits them with a different set of problems from today’s.  While gendered pronouns aren’t a daily issue, people still demand and enforce unspoken gender conformity in often-unconscious but still emotionally hurtful ways, but since the society denies the existence of gender, Carlyle lacks an apparatus for articulating and processing the pain of being misgendered, and there is no trans label to embrace, nor trans community through which to find solidarity and help; Dominic in contrast grew up in a segregated community that still uses archaic gender expression, so he has the tools to express his gender, but is consequently viewed with confusion and discomfort by the rest of the world. 
Ada Palmer, A Society That (Pretends It) Doesn’t Recognize Gender (2021)
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timeforsnipersopinion · 5 months
Terra Ignota characters as headlines
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Tully Mardi:
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Apollo Mojave:
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timeforsnipersopinion · 5 months
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Art Nouveau revival-style custom bathroom sink & mirror design by glass artist Lyn Hovey & woodworker Jamie Robertson (1980s)
Scanned from the book, 'Contemporary Crafts for the Home' (1990)
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timeforsnipersopinion · 5 months
Thinking about Mycroft Canner the product of continuous trauma, used as proof that society owes to heal suffering kids but never extended compassion by those who surrounds him, made worse even by who has surrounded him. By the Tullys maybe and by Madame's circle for sure. Thinking about the fact he's traumatized by his own enacted violence as much / more than the violence he was a victim of, but this part could never be a clean cute story about kids who need help, so it will never even be acknowledged as a source of trauma. The way The Reader speaks with the specific accent of Madame's creatures. "My two weeks are the storm". Yeah.
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timeforsnipersopinion · 5 months
How many times do I need to tell you? My commitment to clerical celibacy is for kink reasons ONLY 
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timeforsnipersopinion · 5 months
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Felt kinda weird that I've drawn so much TI fanart and haven't drawn Saladin yet. Decided to correct that, so have some wholesome murdercannibal siblinglovers <3
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