#unpopular opinion podcast
blues-valentine · 20 days
Some shows don’t need a reboot, and yes I’m talking about OTH. Why rebooting a show that ended perfectly fine years ago? The lack of original content is truly killing tv and movies. We know how that 00’s show reboot on Netflix ended for Gilmore Girls. Like, we don’t need it.
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utterdrip · 8 months
it is so wild how differently my opinion on astarion/pc changed over the course of 4 months.
i used to be FIRMLY in the camp that astarion held no real deep feelings for the pc until at least the end of act ii—more likely act iii
but good lord has 600hours and exploration of all dialogue trees changed my mind because uh. yeah. idk PERSONALLY OBVIOUSLY THIS IS ALL MY OWN OPINION BUT
astarion is stupid in love with pc by act ii. like so fucking enamored and entranced by them even before his confession scene yes ive said it
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nachosncheezies · 2 months
I'm curious-- did you ever end up listening to DD's podcast?
I like it the more it unfolds; but also, your tags got me interested to learn about Fred Armisen because I had no clue (or interest in, at the time) who he was. I like him already, so thanks for that. >:D (And the convo's neat, too.)
I haven't! To be honest, I've never really followed DD; his work outside The X Files never really interested me. There was a time he had a certain kind of reputation that was not really compatible with anything about me, and there's just something about his whole vibe that I'm still kind of wary tbh. Someone on here commented recently about knowing these sort of boys and I felt like I knew exactly what they meant. I can't really explain it any better than that. 🙊🫣
That said! There's something interesting about the artistic polymath archetype in general, and it seems like he's done a good job of presenting himself in that light more recently. And Fred Armisen has always appeared to me to have that, and been genuine and very unassuming about it from the start. I think it's wild I've not seen Fred as Fred (not his impressions/characters) much, considering how very many things he has featured and guested in, and some of the people who have worked with him and sung his praises (The gen x NYC/Chicago improv/writers crew stands out - think Tina Fey, Seth Myers, Amy Poehler, etc). The few times I've seen him interviewed were mostly about his music, so speaking with another actor? I'm certainly at least interested to hear what they have to say.
This hubub over Gillian potentially being a guest has my attention too, of COURSE!
I have to figure out where/how to access it first though. I'm a bit of an idiot about these things tbh 😂 is it free? got a link?
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essektheylyss · 5 months
For Midst, lmao:
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
There is literally one answer here and it's Weepe. I don't even think this is an unpopular opinion but I literally cannot think of anybody else. Like, Phineas is also not hot because he's just so purely wet cat, he is a baby, he might as well be 12 to me, but I don't really get the sense that anyone is thirsting over Phineas Thatch. He's got the wet eyes and attachment issues of a greyhound and it does feel like everyone seems to agree on that.
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
Gretel was already hot but knowing she's part of the Breach? SKYROCKETED her hotness. I fully believe that in universe she suffers for so often standing next to the Sexiest Man of the Year five years running, but also, no one knows about the sedition, and that is so sexy of her.
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
I don't know where Ellie and Ettie's mother is, but I think one of them should bring Emmet home to her. Since his parental situation is a little, uh, off at the moment.
Okay but in all seriousness, this is my formal announcement that I WILL be writing a secret-celebrity-romance-to-whirlwind-marriage-to-rapid-genial-divorce fic for Jonas Spahr and Jedidiah Pom after this show wraps and no one can stop me. Because it would be messy as fuck. It would be so fun. Is anyone listening to me. Do you see my vision.
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juniperhillpatient · 10 months
I’ll never fit in with the scream fandom as a whole because of my hard to hear but correct opinions such as stu is absolutely one of the most fun ghosftaces & i adore him but he’s dead & bringing him back now would require a suspension of disbelief & bending of the narratives rules the likes of which it’s far too late to ask for if you were gonna do it 3 was the moment
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oldnetreasures · 1 year
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Can someone unpack this for me?
Jodi Arias murdered Travis Alexander because he would not commit to her. She was infatuated with him and would have happily spent the rest of her life by his side. This murder was the result of a scorned woman seeking revenge, she was not a vigilante. Give your support to the women and men who have murdered predators because they wanted to protect others.
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This man is just one example of someone who took the law into his own hands for the right reasons.
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lqfiles · 4 months
reading all the convos u have w all ur anons and moots religiously this is my version of listening to podcasts
that’s literally what it feels like plsss i feel like i’m a podcaster and you guys are sending me your little stories or dilemmas and i try to help out, LQFILES PODCAST INCOMING
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now that you admitted you don't know what the magnus archives is, the girlies will hunt you for sport
the author is on the hellsite (affectionate) too actually!
oh nooooooo
they’ll hunt me down even more violently when I reveal that I actually hate podcasts…. oops
(oh but that’s so cool!! I might not know the podcast but i’d legitimately follow the author lol bc that’s cool)
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kiarpennington · 10 months
Name a character that you can’t understand why others like; I’ll go first! For me, that character is….Katherine Pierce! Let me know yours! And for more fun content, check out the Kia’s Commentary Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube!
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malachiwardyt · 11 months
Hello again, podcast side of Tumblr.
I'm back with a new video about The Magnus Archives, specifically going over my viewers' hot takes about the series. I talk about TMA a LOT, so I figured it might be nice to give other people an opportunity to talk about it. Also, controversial opinions are always fun.
As for the art, I did a lot of monster design in October as a fun way to get back into a genre of art I hadn't covered in a while, and this is an expansion of that idea. The character pictured here is an omen of death, inspired by Banshees, Will o' the Wisps, and la Llorona, which I haven't actually given a proper name to, so if y'all have any ideas, feel free to share them.
As for the background, I went with a bit of swampy atmosphere, with dark green water and trees barely visible in the dark. Given that the character is composed almost entirely of black smoke or fog, having her spread out over the water felt right. I also have a lifelong fear of water, so it felt like the right place to put a depiction of Death.
I'll do a bigger post at some point explaining all of the detail work that went into the character, probably along with some concept sketches or something. Did notice that I forgot a detail, though, while going back over the speedpaint in the finished video, which would have served to make her a little more solid looking.
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Anyways, that's the hot takes video! I'll be trying to finish the Malevolent script soon so that we can have that video, though the latest episode HAS given me a new scene to draw. Feel free to let me know what you think of the video or the art and, as always, good night, Tumblr people!
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kairiaka · 2 years
When you're listening to a Storytelling podcast, and they tell a tale from a culture or people they do not understand-- and not only do they butcher the tales, but they state their ill-advised opinion like it's fact:
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When someone is telling a version of a story that is a complete retelling, but they're implying that their version is the "original" version.
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meiozis · 4 months
i want a fun cunty little xiaojun solo album so badly i can't put it into words
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cromwelll · 5 months
That post where people were talking about how they can’t imagine living without all their favorite music made me realize that if I never heard another song, I genuinely wouldn’t care at all. There are so many better things to listen to.
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sparklejumpropewitch · 6 months
Alpha podcast bros will cry about how woman are “anti-man” and then continue to imply a man’s worth relies on the traits of the girl he’s with.
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lumism · 1 year
my most unpopular stranger things related but not stranger things exclusive opinion is that i am very bored with how almost every story that has paranormal or scifi elements eventually evolves into a story about stopping the end of the world. and i do know that apocalypse media has its enjoyers however i am not one of them and i very rarely choose to consume it so you see why it would exhaust me that so often all my horror shows and podcasts turn into an apocalypse thing
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
treat you better (2) II Ingrid Engen x Mapi León x Reader
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part 1 I masterlist I word count: 1438
a/n: Hi, we hope you'll love part two as much as part 1 and thanks to @briggtea for sending us the idea for the oneshot.
You stumbled upon that podcast snippet accidentally while scrolling bored through Instagram while your girlfriends were getting ready for bed in the bathroom of the hotel room you were staying in. Nights before big Champions League games always made you feel a bit restless.  It was a queer podcast about sports you enjoyed, that’s why you clicked on it, but you couldn’t stop watching it when you noticed the guest was your ex-girlfriend.
In the scene the host asked her grinning:” How would you rate y/n on a scale from 1 to 10?”
“Maybe a two if I’m being nice.”, your former lover replied with a smug smile on her lips, you wished you could take away from the fellow footballer.
“Oh wow, seems like you got an unpopular opinion here, the internet goes crazy for her.”, the interviewer whistled impressed by the reply of your ex-girlfriend.
“The internet’s falling for her looks. She’s not that great to be with.”, she shrugged.
“So, the rumours are true, you two were together?”, the host curiously lifted an eyebrow at her.
“Maybe. All I can say is that she wasn’t very committed.”, the football player answered laughing which was obviously a blatant lie. After all she was the one who cheated around in London not the other way around.
“That’s bullshit!”, Mapi yelled furiously before ripping the phone out of her hands to throw it on to the bed.
“Babe.”, Ingrid tried soothing your Spanish girlfriend with her calm voice.
“She’s basically gaslighting her!”, the defender protested enraged, shaking off the hand the Norwegian had laid on her shoulder.
“Maria, relax. I know she does, and we’ll prove her wrong on the pitch tomorrow.”, you told her calmly.
 “On the pitch? She’s going around spreading rumours about you when she was the one who cheated on you!”, Mapi snorted angrily.
“No, you don’t understand, amor. She’ll hate losing against us.”, you pointed out.
“I believe you that, but I’d like to hurt her in in more ways than just that.”, she hissed, sounding almost like Bagheera when he was ready to fight whatever caught the cat’s eyes.
“I appreciate it, but trust me, she’s not worth it. Come on we should go to bed.”, you assured her in a soft tone.
“Fine.”, the Spanish player sighed, exhaustion was catching up with her. Quickly she and Ingrid laid down, you were in their middle.
“Sleep well, my loves.”, Ingrid gave each of you a good night kiss.
“Good night, girls.”, you whispered, once again feeling very lucky to have them in your life.
“Night.”, Mapi mumbled, already half-asleep. Sleep took the three of you in quick succession.
You tried to focus on yourself as best as you could while you got ready for the game. Ignore the noise, forget about your ex. There was just you and the game in front of you.
Even the chatter of your teammates faded into the background until something touched your elbow.
You looked up to Alexia studying your face.
“Yes, Capi?“
“Do you feel ready?“, she asked.
You watched a small line between her eyebrows as she frowned.
Nodding once, you replied: “Ready and focused.“
“Don’t worry.“, you assured her and forced yourself to a smile.
Alexia shook her head, considering you: “I just don’t want you to do anything stupid out there.“
“I won’t. You know I’m not the type such behaviour.“
“I’m just saying…“
You sighed, locking eyes with her: “Promise.“
This seemed to relax your captain. She nodded slowly and then clapped her hands: “Alright, let’s win this then.“
“Please.“, you agreed. You refused to imagine your ex cheering with her teammates.
Ingrid squeezed your hand as she passed you: “Come on.“
“Coming.“, you smiled back at her.
Mapi appeared on your side right as you were about to walk out on the pitch. She nodded into the direction of a very familiar ponytail: “There she is.“
Apparently, she had felt your gaze on her because in that exact moment, she turned around and flashed you a bright smile.
You swallowed hard as she walked towards you, all innocence: “Hi.“
“Hi, good luck.“, you answered plainly.
“You’ll need it more.“, she smirked.
It took you a lot not to roll your eyes about her arrogance. Instead you shrugged: “I think you’re wrong about this.“
You jogged onto the field to warm up, leaving her behind to watch.
The first half of the game remained calm as you had expected. Both teams testing the waters, not risking too much that early in the game. Barcelona had more chances but had not used them yet. You know you had to be more clinical in the next fourty-five minutes.
In the second half, the whole game changed. It got rougher, more aggressive and you had your problems with that.
It was more than frustration, it was pure anger. Your exes smug grin, the unnecessary fouls by the other team, the unsuccessful attacks. You just wanted to scream.
You took a deep breath and gathered yourself, there was no use. You had to stay focused.
It worked until the seventieth minute. Chelsea was on attack but Mapi won the ball easily. She hesitated for a half a second before passing it to Lucy.
Your ex saw this moment of hesitation as an opportunity. She wanted to win the ball back with a slide tackle but her timing was off. She crashed into Mapi, her studs colliding with your girlfriends ankle.
Mapi was on the grass, screaming in pain while your ex got up, unfazed by the incident. There was not even an apology.
Ingrid was already kneeling beside your girlfriend when you ran over to them.
“Shit.“, the Spanish defender cursed under her breath.
“Mapi, are you okay?!”, you asked her deeply worried.
“Yeah.”, she answered through gritted teeth.
“I swear she did it intentionally. I’m going to.”, you begun.
But a firm, big hand prevented you from walking up to your former girlfriend.
“No, you’re not doing anything.”, Alexia interrupted you, her voice dripping with determination.
“Stay calm and carry on, y/n.”, Marta added.
“But.”, you started.
“Score the winning goal for us.”, Aitana suggested with a wink, hoping it would stop you from doing something stupid.
“It doesn’t work like that, Aitana.”, you reminded her.
“Maybe it does.”, she replied encouragingly. While your gaze followed a hurt Mapi who got subbed off. A spark of extra motivation hit you when you saw that. Maybe the Catalan midfielder was right about that.
It was the last minute of the game when your chance arrived to turn the draw into a win, Caroline played a cross to you which you only had to head in with your head. It was a goal, Barcelona has won once more against the English team.
Aitana jumped into your opened arms.” See? I told you so.”, she cheered.
“There’s no fucking way.”, you could hear your ex-girlfriend scolding, shooting mad glances at you from afar, but you couldn’t care less.
As the referee blew the final whistle you sprinted to the bench where Ingrid and Mapi were the first to pull you into a group hug.
“We won girls!”, you laughed happily.
“You were amazing.”, the Spanish defender whispered proudly into your ear.
“And your goal was amazing.”, the tall dark-haired woman beamed at you.
“Thank you. Have you seen her face after I scored?”, you wanted to know from them with a hint of malicious joy.
“She deserved that.”, Mapi noted.
“How are you feeling? Her foul looked bad.”, you suddenly remembered, looking concerned at your girlfriend.
“I’m okay. She went right for the ankle, but it’s not too bad.” she calmed you.
“At least that.”, you let out a sigh of relief.
“Don’t worry about me.”, the heavily tattooed woman said.
“Come on, girls, time to celebrate that win properly.”, Ingrid intervened smiling.
“Yes, y/n deserves it.”, Mapi agreed smirking.
“And we make sure she gets her reward for her great game and her bravery.”, the Norwegian continued delighted.
“Oh, we’ll.”, your other girlfriend shared a knowing glance with her.
“Girls.”, you blushed listening to their words.
“We’re just proud of you.”, Ingrid declared.
“And we’ll show you how proud later tonight.”, the defender winked.
“We can’t just leave now.”, you protested, pointing to the rest of their teammates who were still celebrating.
“No one will notice trust us.”, the Scandinavian argued.
“Alright, let’s go.”, you give in, knowing fully well that your girlfriends would always treat you better than your former lover. And the night had just begun, it was set to be unforgettable.
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