#unova route 10
9823678 · 10 months
Gladion on the Unova Route 10
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pcktknife · 2 years
I still don't understand how ppl could have disliked gen 5s pokemon like have you seen darumaka?? You must have missed darumaka that's gotta be it
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leonbastralle · 7 months
pokemon late game route ost has no business going so hard
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critterbitter · 8 months
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Did you know route 10 has a history of landslides? I like to think that this route has always been a point of contention within Unova’s pokeleague, especially with such crumbly cliffs so close to their victory road.
(Anyways the Patrat and Pachirisu children find out the hard way about Route 10’s… unfortunate quirks.)
((On the plus side! Behold! A bouffalant calve!))
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Masterpost for more pokemon nonsense
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noelledeltarune · 4 months
i wanna try to learn a song entirely from memory on piano which should i do
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aquaspiderherself · 1 year
I'm curious so— put in the tags what your favorite songs from pokémon are! I'm personally a big fan of Unova's Route 10, Colosseum's Friendly Battle, and i'd say the english OP for the Orange Islands may be one of my favorite anime openings ever.
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fastcastweatherreport · 3 months
Good Morning!!! People, Pokemon, beings from otherworldly galaxies, everyone is welcome to look at the news forecast!!
Here today we have your favorite Weather Anchorrrrrs, Mulberry and Beany! Take it away you two!!
"Casto!! Casto form!! Form form!! " -->
[ "YIPPEE!! here we are again everyone! Reporting to you live from within the Fast Cast Studio, it's me and Mulberry today if you couldn't understand our introduction man Gregory. We love you Greg!" ]
" Haha~ awww Beany, all hyped up and raring to give us that forecast ay buddy?? Well... First we have to go over our latest events! Be sure to translate for me to all our pokèfriends at home please "
" ahem... Route 4 in Unova is still undergoing a massive Sandstorm and hasn't made progress on that new road yet, can't blame the poor guys and gals. I hope you can get those poor pokèmon to settle down now that the whole Team Plasma shindig is dealt with, best of luck to you! "
" Lacunosa Town in Unova is still recovering from the recent discoveries of the legendary pokèmon Kyurem being the cause of all their nightly terrors! Hopefully now that once again; the Team Plasma ordeal is over with the dragon will go back into hibernation and leave your Town alone, until now these news anchors advise you stay inside at night still! "
" The Jagged Pass in Hoenn is undergoing some renovations in order to attempt making the slope easier and safer for trainers to climb! However we don't expect that task to be easy! Make sure you guys and gals take plenty of Water Type pokemon with you, even with the volcano being inactive you can expect 90° to 105° bright sun temperatures around that area! "
" And with that out of the way we can go straight into our news forecast! Like always, here at Fast Cast Studios care about your safety and recommend taking the necessary precautions to ALL outdoor activities! From all over the world! Here is your Weather Forecast!! "
" Unova, Partially Cloudy with a chance of rain. 60° - 65° heat "
" Sinnoh, Cloudy with a 46% chance of rain Tuesday through Saturday this week. Sorry guys! The general temperature in Sinnoh will be 40° - 55° except at the North Peak of your beautiful region where it'll be a chilly 20° - 10° "
" Kanto, Full sun all week! Though it seems Beany senses a 20% chance for rain so keep your umbrellas ready! We can't tell exactly which day, so we're predicting a pokèmon will be using Rain Dance on an unexpected interval during the week.
Your temperatures are steaming hot this summer, so stay hydrated in your 80° - 90° weather! "
" Johto, your temperatures are practically the same as Kantos being fairly close by and all! So be sure to keep hydrating as well in your 70° - 90° weather! You're also partially cloudy with a 60% chance of rain Monday through Wednesday "
" Kalos, put on your sunscreen Sunday through Wednesday because those are YOURRRRRRR sunny days! The rest for this week will be cloudy with a 55% chance of rain so prepare those electrical wires for the possible storms Lumiose City!
The weekly temperature is 58° - 69° "
" Alol- oh holy Arceus... Guys are you sure abo-" [Commercial Break!!! 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡]
" We're back! Sorry about that folks, Alola always catches me off guard. It's like y'all are roasting marshmallows on Slugma down there or something- anyways... Be sure to stay cool with some Mantine Surfing cus y'all got 96° - 99° weather 'whispers: sweet Arceus how do y'all live-'
Ahem! Sunny all across Alola except in Po Town as usual "
" Galar! Cloudy with a chance of Sleet and Rain, we're unsure of the percentage or when it will happen so we predict that some Pokèmon are going through turf wars right now and it'd likely be best advised to stay out of the Wild Area and travel by train!
40° - 60° temperatures when you put the Turf War weather aside! "
" Last but not least we have Paldea, 60° - 69° partially cloudy with a strong wind predicted to happen Tuesday from the South East "
🎶 News Cast Music 🎶
" Casto!! Casto Castform!!! Form form! Castform! " -->
[ " What a wonderful day of Weather Forecasting!! But phew... I sure am tired from all the reports, what say we go and get some tacos today partner? "]
" You said it Beany! It's bean- a pleasure to talk with you all as usual guys and gals, until next week or the next immediate news forecast. This is Mulberry and Beany signing off! Bye bye! "
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backyardmons · 2 months
All our Ambassadors!
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At Backyard 'Mons we've taken care of hundreds, maybe even thousands of pokemon throughout the Unova metro with the goal of being reintroduced into the wild healthy again. However, there are a few pokemon we have that wouldn't be able to survive in the wild for various reasons. Fortunately for them, we're able to provide them with a great life here!
Moon, the male zorua kit, has a genetic mutation that prevents him from being able to create illusions! He was found in a friend's yard as a newborn abandoned by his mother who took all the other kits into the woods with her. We couldn't find anything wrong with Moon until we did a blood panel and found out he had this rare mutation!
Avalanche, the female absol, was one of the many victims of when Team Plasma froze Unova. She was running across Route 10 trying to warn the people, but the shock of the weather change caused many things to collapse, including the cliff edge she was jumping across. She survived with major wounds and ended up needing to get her leg amputated. Now she's elderly and lives a comfortable life here!
Hero, the female emolga, was part of a litter born in a dangerous area. My plan was to release all the babies and their mother once they were weaned, but Hero was different. She was nearly constantly suffering from electric fever and couldn't keep up with her littermates. When I took her to the pokemon center, I found out that her electric sacs were underdeveloped! Now that I know how to care for her, she lives a largely fever-free life.
Ladle, the female pelipper, was found as a wingull in Undella Town. A beachgoer noticed that she'd only hop rather than fly and got concerned about her, so he took her to a pokemon center. It was there the doctors found out her wings were stunted and small - not a rare deformity in birds. This beachgoer was a friend of mine so they knew where to go! Ladle wasn't meant to evolve in my care, but she's an absolute glutton. I looked away for 5 seconds and she got into the candy stash!
Beau, the male turtwig, was the first pokemon we ever took in! He's a captive-bred turtwig with gigantism, bone problems, and a slight head tilt. Unfortunately, "giant" turtwig are not rare to breed, and what would normally be a very rare disease is not uncommon in captive-bred turtwig. This is because, despite being dangerous to evolve, many people want giant torterra for their cool looks. Beau has severe health issues and we put a lot of work into making him thrive, but there are so many others like him who aren't thriving.
Malachite, the male aron, was found by my friend in a cave. He was being bullied by other aron, and when the trainer scared them off, he was startled to find out he had paralyzed hindlimbs. He was rushed to a pokemon center where they found out he'd been paralyzed for a while, having been seemingly caught in a rockfall. However, he'd be able to thrive in captivity...and that's where I step in! Malachite is one of our most difficult pokemon to care for due to his expensive diet and voracious appetite.
Pango, the female sandslash, was found being a "terror" and digging really close to human settlements. She didn't have the same fear for humans other sandslash did and definitely acted like she was once owned by a trainer - however, she didn't seem to fully understand her surroundings either. It took many tries to catch her, but someone eventually did and took her to the pokemon center, where they found out she had diabetes that caused her to go blind. There was no way she could've survived this long without trainer intervention, but she was dumped. There is a happy ending to this tragedy, however, as she's living an amazing life here!
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astererer · 1 year
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Aster has been updated with a new look! And a job. And an updated backstory. Putting it all under the cut because it’s fucking long lmao
First up, not actually abandoning Aster’s original design, just giving her a new one to sort out the time and place for different scenarios I draw her in :)) little diagram below of the changes she undergoes over the course of around 5 years.
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The Backstory
Born and raised in Wyndon, Aster and her older brother grew up watching the city change and evolve around them at a rapid pace. This impacted both siblings in different ways — in Aster’s case she tends to find herself getting bored or frustrated if her surroundings stay the same for too long.
In childhood Aster was pretty shy, and struggled to bond with people outside of her family, preferring the company of pokemon to her classmates at school. Generally came across as a bit awkward and quiet but otherwise unassuming to her peers, while at home she could be very talkative and energetic.
Became interested in battling from a young age thanks to the general culture in Galar being very battle focussed, and used to dream of being a steel type gym leader, just like Peony watched a lot of his matches on TV throughout her childhood
Taking part in the gym challenge at 14 years old made her reassess this ambition, however. She enjoyed the battles, sure, but the extra attention gained from doing well in the challenge made her uncomfortable. Once people started recognising her in the streets she decided that no matter how far she got, she would not get involved with the league afterwards. Aster did not want to lose out on personal privacy and it made her very anxious feeling like there were eyes on her at all times. Changed her plans to using the prize money she saved over the course of the challenge for travelling.
Then she made it to the finals. And beat Leon. It was a very close match, basically a draw, but out of their respective last pokemon standing, Leon’s Charizard was the first to hit the ground. So Aster won.
Within two weeks of assuming her new role of champion, Aster quit. Giving zero notice to the league, she packed her bags and left the region for Kalos after giving her family a brief goodbye. The league was not happy with this development.
Her disappearance resulted in a bit of a media frenzy for a few weeks, and Leon got his position as champion reinstated. Chairman Rose decided to sweep things under the rug by way of claiming the championship fight was actually a tie so this was all just a big mix up, actually.
After half a year in Kalos, her next move was to visit Paldea, where she met a Naranja-Uva student named Pecha, and some of her family (belonging to @peachsodama ). The two girls became close friends and would stay in touch after Aster left the region to visit other parts of the world.
Spent the next few years exploring different regions before coming to Unova at 20 years old. After about six months seeing what the region had to offer she took a liking to Unova, and moved to Nacrene city, living with a friend she met in her travels, and getting a job at the daycare on Route 3.
Nearly a decade after leaving Galar she made her return at 22 years old to take part in the Galarian Star Tournament at Leon’s invitation.
Her personality has changed significantly over the 10 years since she left Galar. Constant travelling forced her to interact with total strangers far more frequently than if she stayed in Galar. While some interactions were negative, overall she became more comfortable with socialising. Actively enjoying it, even.
Aster’s battling style has loosened up considerably along with her personality. As she commands her pokemon she moves in time with them, as if dancing along to the rhythm of the battle. Almost got banned from Gear Station for jumping around a train car in the middle of a battle when she first arrived in Unova.
Miscellaneous info
Born into a family of flying taxi cabbies on her father’s side, at least one person every generation grows up to be one — family has a tradition of each child receiving a Rookidee as their first pokemon when they’re around 5 years old. In part so if they too become a cabbie they have a partner they trust and know inside and out, but mostly to ensure the kids in the family are used to being around pokemon and learn to treat them with respect from a young age.
The gifted Rookidee is also the offspring of the parent’s Corviknight — Aster’s family values their ties and connections to one another and having your first pokemon being connected to your parent’s is a nice sentiment.
Loves movies. While travelling, Aster would sneak into cinemas to see new movies, and once settled in Unova she got to work building a DVD collection.
Her Perrserker, Muffin, was a runt Aster found abandoned out in the wild when she first started her gym challenge. She took him to a pokemon centre, and raised him into her ace. He’s a tough little man now :))
Aster’s team has three main stays — Muffin, Mango and Goji. These are her guys who carried her through most of her gym challenge and haven’t left her side since. The other three slots in her party get rotated out often so she can give equal amounts of love to her other pokemon
The fourth party slot is usually taken up by her Carkol, Treacle, during work hours though.
Aster’s job at the daycare is primarily taking care of and hatching eggs trainers don’t want to collect, then raising the newborn pokemon until they can be released or given a new home with a suitable trainer. She also assists in handling particularly rowdy and aggressive pokemon when necessary.
Daycare wages, while consistent, are not the highest, so Aster supplements her income by visiting Black Tower on her days off when she needs the money. She makes some extra cash and her team get to battle tough opponents, they have a great time
Really dislikes using social media. Finds it super tedious, so the best way to stay in touch is just by texting her lol.
Despite loving cat pokemon of all kinds, the Kantonian and Alolan Meowth lines just rub her the wrong way. She just thinks the Galarian variety are much better cats.
Has multiple scars on her body that have accumulated over the years, most are from minor accidents during her travels or getting a bit carried away while playing with her team.
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bellafragolina · 1 year
Rampage Sickness AU
thank you to @peachsodama for putting up with my maddening rambles about Dottie and rabies in general i love you babe
WARNING: reference to rabies and body horror/gore-esque happenings to the pokemon
A Herdier is spotted on Route 10, rampaging through the grass and snapping at anything that enters its line of sight. Aman knows well that it’s possible the Herdier could just be territorial, but now that there’s a new illness infecting Unova, he can’t take any chances. So at the tearful behest of the people living along the Route, he goes off in search of the Pokémon to see what’s going on.
The forest is deathly silent, besides the soft sounds of the river. Aman sticks close to the water, having heard the symptoms of rampage include a fear of water. It could be an advantage against the Herdier, should his Poké Balls fail or if Miso Soup faints during battle.
Aman's hand twitches.
A bush explodes.
Aman dives out of the way of the Herdier. He rolls, throwing out Miso's Poké Ball as he spins to face the ranging Pokémon. It thrashes around, head swinging wildly as it stumbles about, spraying drool everywhere it goes. It's skinnier than anything Aman's ever seen, and no doubt dehydrated to near death, yet it rages on.
A jingle sounds in his ear. Miso dances, keys rattling, and that's all it takes for the Herdier to charge again. Slobbering, snapping jaws full of black smoke hurdle their way. Aman rolls again, while Miso jumps higher in the air to avoid being hit.
"Thunder Wave!" Aman calls.
Miso rattles, and the ground glows gold. Static licks between blades of dewy grass, and the Herdier staggers to a stop, forced to its knees.
Aman takes a shaky breath in, watching the Pokémon heave for air. The Herdier jerks, flinches, jerks again. It struggles against the paralysis, working its legs forward, then jerking them back. Forward and back.
Trying to Dig.
Aman readies an Ultra Ball. The Herdier gives a wheeze, dry and hacking despite how it drools. It snaps its head around to stare at Aman, eyes a faint green glow in the sunlight.
Then it roars.
The Herdier cracks as it jumps out of the paralysis, bounding towards Aman on broken legs, still dead set on biting. When Miso darts in from of him, body glowing with purple rings, the Herdier changes tactics. It digs again, throwing mounds of dirt behind it as it buries itself into the ground.
Aman pants for air, heart beating loudly in his ears as he scans the ground. Miso hovers nearby, body still glowing and ready to attack.
The forest grows quiet again, and slowly, Miso starts to relax. Aman isn't as quick to call victory. Sure, the Herdier was on the verge of death, but he knows rampage can carry a Pokémon through hell to achieve its goals of spread.
The ground shakes, then erupts in a spray of dirt and grass. Miso releases is psychic waves, but the Herdier doesn't flinch. It snaps its jaws around the key ring, shaking its head as hard as it can when it touches ground again. Miso rattles horrible, crying out in panic and shock as the Herdier attempts to rip its own head off to win.
"MISO!" Aman shouts. He throws the Ultra Ball with all his strength, uncaring of taking the Pokémon back alive anymore. The ball cracks into the Herdier's side, causing it to spit Miso out as it tumbles down, captured in light. "Miso!?"
The Klefki jingles weakly, lying on the ground in a shocked daze. While no doubt injured from the attack, Aman knows Miso can't get the rampage. He was told so, by those who know the one helping figure out this mess. Still, he shakes, watching his Pokémon calm down, grief still fresh within him.
"Miso," he breathes, when the Klefki shakily starts to float again, "go wash off in the river. You're covered in spit and germs."
Aman swallows, watching Miso tiredly do as told. To think, one of his last remaining Pokémon is covered in what killed so many others, caused such rage within creatures that were once so wonderful.
The Ultra Ball lies still on the ground, no fight to be found from the Herdier inside. Aman has Miso pick it up and wash it off too. It's not the best disinfectant, but it'll have to do for now. As much as he hates it, Aman keeps Miso at a distance, and leads the way back towards Opelucid City to clean up and report his findings.
Hopefully this puts them closer to a cure, so no one has to experience anything like this ever again.
Aman and Miso are wonderful! i hope i did them justice!
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a-stone-slab · 6 months
Ranking Pokémon Regions based on their Route Variety
(based on my own opinions). As Paldea does not have routes, it will not be included.
#8: Galar
First up, we have last place which consists of Galar.
Galar has three climate styles for Routes. Grassy Plains, cliffs, and snow.
Each route type also follows the same theming. The grassy plains usually consists of a few patches of grass and a bridge going over the wild area. The cliffs usually consist of ladders, patches of grass, and some sort of ruins. The snow/ice climate consists of the usual gimmick for ice routes in pokemon: Snow, ice, and rock. Galar’s only route that deviates from those trends is Route 9, which consists of two climate types and offers variety with most of the route being a water route.
Because of its poor variety in route types, Galar ranks dead-last in this list.
#7: Sinnoh
Sinnoh’s mainland has like three major climates: forest, rocky canyon, and snow.
Sinnoh’s route design follows a rather similar design pattern throughout the region, being “This region has a large mountain” for most of the routes. Most routes feature cliffs or large fissures in the ground in some way.
The thing saving Sinnoh from last place, however, is the Battle Zone routes.
Different climates on the same route, an actual desert route that isn’t just “sandstorm clouding your vision”, and intricate route gimmicks are all featured in sinnoh’s post-game routes, landing it a spot as #8 on the list.
#6: Kanto
Kanto and Sinnoh are in a similar situation, but Kanto just barely wins out over Sinnoh. Kanto has very few route climates, with forest, coastal path, and rocky cliffs.
The factor that helps Kanto win above Sinnoh, however, is the fact that most routes in Kanto have more thought put into them than just a path between two places.
From cycling road, to nugget bridge. The windmills and split paths of route 14, to the viridian forest side-path of route 2. Kanto’s routes have world-building put into them, to help with the limited variety capable in the original gameboy titles.
#5: Johto
Johto is slightly better than Kanto, taking Kanto’s design philosophy and repeating it.
Despite having low climate variety in the original games, the remakes somewhat turn it up and add more worldbuilding in the process, to make routes feel more alive in some way.
And if a route isn’t able to be more than a single path, there is some memorable event or detail added in to make it stick out, landing it a solid middle point in this list.
#4: Hoenn
Hoenn has more variety with volcanoes, actual jungles, beaches, deserts, forests, mountain paths, etc.
It sits below the next three regions in the list, with the only thing really holding it back being the over-reliance on route types in the region, being ocean paths and forests.
#3: Unova
At number three, we’ve got unova.
Home to routes such as the desert ruins and cityscapes of Route 4 and the melancholic cliffs of Route 10, Unova relies on worldbuilding to make its routes feel more alive, taking basic paths and making them feel more important in some way.
From Route 6 being a location known for changes in weather and scientific research, to Route 3’s daycare and park feel, all the way to Route 13 having homes, different layers with different designs, and fishing spots to make it feel more alive and connected to the people that should be using it, Unova’s routes heavily rely on making sure a route feels like they’re all noteworthy in some way.
#2: Kalos
A lot of Kalos’ routes lack some worldbuilding, but make up for it in variety in some way.
With forests, snowy mountaincaps, cliffsides, beaches, swamps, and even spins in the desert route trope, Kalos has each route feel different from others with similar themes.
A cliffside overlooking a beach to a waterfall-covered abandoned mine. A short sunny forest to a haunted forest path. A snowy mountainside to the dry and arid lumiose badlands, Kalos’ routes are diverse and well-designed.
#1: Alola
Alola has the most varied routes in the series to date. Ocean cliffsides, graveyards, beaches, mountains, canyons, forests, deserts, swamps and jungles, and even a smaller city, alola takes the route design philosophy of the other regions and brings the region’s design mentality of “Everything is connected and important” to a whole new level.
Every route is important and feels like a puzzle and has some sort of importance to it. A farm in a western inspired town and a happy and sunny path between towns, to hidden flower fields and lost woods-style deserts, Alola’s routes all have hidden details that allow players to spend time looking around each and every area, adding a feel of adventure or discovery to even the smallest path.
This was just a random little list that without any real importance to it, but i hope anyone that reads it enjoyed my little review of each region based solely on their routes! 😄
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9823678 · 10 months
Pokemon Black&White - Route 10 (lo-fi hip-hop) || KaatuWaves
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pkmn-aide-mel · 1 year
Are YOU a stressed, overwhelmed parent, in need of a babysitter?
Or perhaps you're a trainer, with a young Pokémon that just isn't ready for battles yet?
Well, if that's the case, then YOU should come and visit,
A place of learning and fun, for children and Pokémon alike!
•Toddler and Baby Pokémon Care;
•Preschool and Kindergarten Programs;
•School Break Programs - Winter, Spring & Summer;
•Pokémon Training Classes for Newly-Caught Pokémon;
•After-School Care For Ages 3-10;
8 AM - 6 PM
Monday - Friday.
Route 3, Unova
For more information, contact us at www.wellspringdaycare.com!!
[personal intro here]
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lepoppeta · 1 year
Got another one for you that I just thought of!!
What are your favorite musical themes from Pokémon and why? Could be from any game, any region!
I ranked each region from worst to best by soundtrack, and then picked some favourites within each one!
BATTLE! WILD POKEMON (HGSS) - This slaps for no reason. It goes so hard, and for what? A Pidgey?
VIRIDIAN CITY (FRLG) - I don't really find any of the Kanto tracks that inspiring, but this one's kind of cute and cheerful.
8 - JOHTO (as of HGSS)
DARK CAVE/ICE PATH - I really like how this track is very mellow and makes you feel like you're actually going deeper into whatever cave you're in.
GOLDENROD CITY - This track is just really cute and bouncy; it makes me happy whenever I enter Goldenrod and this theme starts up.
CIANWOOD CITY - Very peaceful seaside town track. It puts me at ease!
ROUTE 216 (DAY) - This track is so funky! I really like snow and ice routes in Pokemon because the terrain is usually used very creatively, and the music has a tendency to be more unique.
HAU’OLI CITY (DAY) - Very gentle and cheerful. I like it a lot!
BATTLE! TRAINER HAU - a good theme for a good boy.
BATTLE! PROFESSOR KUKUI (SM) - This one shocked me when I first heard it because it's so loud and triumphant and impressive. I wasn't expecting anything this bombastic out of a Pokemon game.
LILLIE - I don't like Lillie all that much as a character, but I think her theme is very pretty. It has a touch of elegance that she awkwardly wields; maybe she'll grow into it someday!
ROUTE 6 - Bagpipes.
FREEZINGTON - Like a crystallised lullaby!
BATTLE! TRAINER AVERY - I really like the techno-aspect. It's like they took the sound effect that plays when you set up Trick Room and they made a whole battle theme around it.
BATTLE! TRAINER MUSTARD - Very funky; lots of different aesthetics all coming together to make something that really works!
BATTLE! GYM LEADER - It slaps. What more can I say? It's such a great spiritual successor to the Kalos Gym Battle theme.
BATTLE! MACRO COSMOS OLEANA - I can't really put my finger on why I like this theme so much. It's really energetic and fun for me!
SLUMBERING WEALD SHRINE - Eerie and mysterious, especially with the howling in the background. It's more like white noise than an actual tune, but it's wonderfully atmospheric.
SOUTH PROVINCE - Very heroic! Sounds like you're setting off on an adventure.
NORTH PROVINCE (MONTEVERA REMIX) - Bouncy and funky. This is my favourite version of the North theme.
BATTLE! GYM LEADER - What the fuck. This slaps. It is so funky. I'm not too big on the theme that plays when the Gym Leader terrastralizes their last monster (I think Galar got the cheering idea down better) but the rest of it? Amazing.
BATTLE! ELITE FOUR - Absolutely my favourite E4 battle theme by far. It's so intimidating.
BATTLE! TOP CHAMPION GEETA - It's a little sad that the actual length of the theme is pretty short and so it repeats on itself more frequently than some other themed do, but I like the stereotypical Spanish elements it has! Now if only Geeta was as impressive as her battle theme...
ROUTE 10 - I am so upset that Route 10 is inaccessible in B2W2 because this is my favourite route track from Unova by far.
BATTLE! GYM LEADER - This feels like cheating a little bit, because it's technically three themes in one (and the 'final Pokemon' theme is just the franchise theme, which I'm absurdly fond of anyway) but the regular battle theme is awesome all on its own.
ROUTE 15 - Very sweeping; I like how it doesn't necessarily sound happy, but it conjures up a sense of determination.
ANISTAR CITY - Ancient and elegant and also a bit ominous. I like the use of the chimes / bells at the beginning.
BATTLE! RIVAL - This theme really makes me think of a competition between friends! There's nothing antagonistic here at all, just an amiable rivalry.
BATTLE! GYM LEADER - It's very different to pretty much all of the other Gym Battle themes; it's a quiet, ominous buzz in the background instead of being in-your-face.
BATTLE! CHAMPION DIANTHA - I like how it has elements of twinkling fairy femininity but the bells/chimes, electric guitar, and techno beats evoke the idea that Diantha is not to be fucked with.
PROFESSOR SYCAMORE - More like Professor Sexymore, amirite? It's very elegant and very French, what more could you want?
ROUTE 110 - This is the route theme from Hoenn. This track has so much "anime protagonist beginning their journey" energy to me. The trumpets.
ROUTE 113 - A unique route requires a unique theme! This really does give the impression of something soft falling from the sky.
VICTORY ROAD - Every time I hear this I get a little shiver up my spine. This is the sound of grinding for the E4 and getting lost in the dark. This is the best Victory Road theme out of any Pokemon game ever and I will not be taking criticism on that statement.
SURF - A beautiful waltz!
DIVE - Another unique theme for another unique route mechanic. I think the only other time Dive is used in Pokemon was in BW and B2W2 but I don't know what the themes are for those because, believe it or not, I've never actually used that HM while in Unova. I like this a lot - it evokes a feeling of quiet curiosity without being spooky.
FORTREE CITY / SECRET BASE - I prefer the original RSE version of this; I don't like how ORAS slowed the Fortree theme down.
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🎶 A headcanon about music
(Ooc) This one's a bit tough! I myself basically only listen to vgm, because I'm sheltered trash, so it's hard to answer proper questions related to my ocs when it comes to music. Hopefully these satisfy you, though:
Cooper's mentioned before that there's a recording of a song on Unova Route 10 he listens to frequently-- it's exactly the song that you think it is. I associate that route theme with him in calmer moments when he's reflecting on the past in some regard, though I'll admit maybe I'm biased. The Sm4sh remix works well as an encounter theme, though, so...
As for Pallas and Shia, they're absolutely two peas in a pod in some regards--some of you have even caught on to exactly what I mean by this! So I would have to imagine that they would have to have one of those motifs where if you put them both together it sounds like they were made for each other, if I were to give them both unique themes.
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pokemon-studies09 · 1 year
For the pokemon asks, 😺, 🎂, and 🎸?
Do Hybrids of pokémon/human exist? Are they common or broadly accepted?
No, these types of hybrids don’t exist in my canon. Humans and Pokémon aren’t compatible with each other, so they can’t happen naturally, and it’s not possible to create one artificially.
What age is typical to obtain a trainer license?
In my canon it varies from region to region. In the Japanese regions of the world, such as Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, the age is 10. In Unova I imagine it would be 16. I haven’t quite decided on the other regions, but I imagine it would be roughly the same.
Is game music (route, town, or battle) diagetic? (Does it actually exist/play irl)
No, it’s just a game thing. I’m not really sure how that would work in a more realistic take of the Pokémon world.
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