rollo-rolls · 8 months
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A sims post from me, yay!
I want to show you what I am working on. I finally created a default skin for my game. Pics are unnedited, I just fixed clipping on the bra. Prakseda isn't wearing any makeup, except eyeliner because she looks weird without it, hehe. I love the fact that she looks like herself in a base skinblend. I also started using @nectar-cellar You Are Hyperreal normal maps and I'm very satisfied with the results. I converted beautiful natural nails to complete the look. I edited Bloom's Sexy Feet, it looks so good in Blender and TSRW but I can't get it to look right in the game :( But I'm not giving up. I edited feet for every life stage by hand, it can't go to waste!
So basically I'm not really converting right now, I want to set up my game first, edit all my sims to fit the new skin.
I hope all of you are doing okay and if not... Better days are coming, believe me! ♥
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star4daisy · 1 year
heyy!! If you haven’t done it already, for the ask game 4 and 5 <33
heey ty for asking <3
4. 🐈 CAT: Does the world of your WIP have any superstitions or folklore?
the one's that are posted I don't think so but Devil's Night will have some kind of tradition that happens every year on Halloween due to some folklore hehe
5. 📓 NOTEBOOK: Share 7 lines from a WIP of your choice!
unnedited excerpt from a new rskc (jegulus/rosekiller) fic that I'm gonna post soonish:
“Why are you holding Barty on a leash?” James was almost afraid of asking. “Because he’s less well-behaved than all the other dogs around here.” Regulus pulled it enough to bring Barty in their direction, he looked entirely unbothered, in fact, there was a glimmer in his eyes that James wasn’t familiar with. Evan choked on his breath, eyes widening upon realising what was going on in front of them and then a huge smile broke out on his face, his eyes twinkling in amusement and appreciation. “You’ve managed to do the impossible, Reg.” “Don’t be coy, everyone knows you keep Barty on a short leash,” he threw the leash at him, but Evan let it fall at his feet. “Nah, I quite like him when he’s unleashed.” Evan’s grin was feral.
ask game
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abstinentce · 1 month
(Familial specifically)
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Unnedited photo 👍
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arrogantsoap · 1 year
where can i find the unnedited lunchroom tapes? i remember someone linking me to something of the sorts at one point but i can't find that post or reply with the link. anyone?
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deiitaelric · 4 years
Amnesia / Bakudeku fic Part 1
ship: bakudeku
tags: amnesia, some angst, homophobia (?), happy ending, unnedited, I'm writing this as a thread on twt so I don't know where I'm going exactly
It was strange being back after more than three years. He was calmly walking down the street, impregnating himself with the familiarity of the place. The smell, the view, the people. And then… He.
His feet moved on his own, already calling for him. However, even if he was all by himself, he didn’t react at Katsuki’s call. Only a few feet between them and yet zero reaction.
That really pissed him off.
Raising a hand, he grabbed him for one arm, making him turn a little.
“Oi, Deku, are you deaf?” But he only looked at Katsuki with big, confused, slightly scared eyes.
“Sorry? I-I think you’re confounding me with someone else. My name’s Midoriya”
“Duh, I know”
Izuku blinked in confusion at the response. Katsuki did the same. Suddenly Izuku let out an "Oh" and started searching something up in his pockets.
“Do we know each other? Sorry, I…” He handed a piece of paper to the blonde, who took it, annoyed and confused as fuck. Katsuki looked up at him after reading it.
“Really? Do you have amnesia?”
“Yeah, sorry, I… I don’t remember you. I don’t remember almost anything beyond two years ago” Katsuki kept silent for a moment, reading the piece of paper over and over again. “How do we know each other?”
“We’re… childhood friends”
“Oh, really? That’s awesome!”
“I guess”
“Hmm, sorry for not remembering. Were we still in touch?”
“No, I… I moved out some years ago”
Izuku offered a sad smile. His phone pinged and he excused himself as Katsuki read the report one more time.
“If we’re childhood friends you have to know my mother, right?”
“Of course, how’s she doing?”
“She’s good. In fact, I’m going to see her right now. Do you want to come with me?”
“…Sure” Katsuki responded after a brief pause, handing the sheet back to Izuku. “Do you two still live in the same apartment?”
“Great, she’ll be happy to see you” The green haired boy saved the piece of paper in his pocket again without even paying attention to what he was doing. Habit. “And yes, my mom told me I’ve spent my whole life in there, so it has to be the place you know”
They started walking together feeling a little odd, and Katsuki was dying to ask more questions, but he didn’t know where to begin. He looked out of the corner of his eye at Izuku and saw him wearing a focused face. Suddenly he widened his green eyes and looked back at him.
“Oh. Are you Katsuki-kun?”
“Yeah, I’m… Yeah”
“Oh” Izuku smiled wide. “I remember my mom talking to me about a childhood friend called Katsuki. She… she even showed me some pictures of him. I mean, of you” He corrected himself. “My mother was a little sad about me not remembering you. She’s gonna be so happy that we reunited again” He smiled even wider at Katsuki, but it vanished when he found the hint of sadness in the blonde’s expression. “I’m sorry for not remembering you. The doctors said I might remember one day, but, well, they’re not sure… Maybe if we… talk some more? What name did you use earlier? It’s some nickname you have for me?”
“Yeah, I… I used to call you a stupid nickname but…”
“It’s okay. You can call me the way you want, maybe it rings some bell for me”
“I’ll use Izuku, if you don’t mind, I really never get to call you Midoriya, so…”
“No, sure! It’s totally fine!” Izuku smiled at him, cheeks with a hint of pink. “And… Well, I… Is Katsuki your name or last name?”
“Name. Last name’s Bakugou”
“Well, I’m glad to meet you again, Bakugou-kun” Izuku smiled and reached a hand, but Katsuki made an ugly face. Izuku’s smile dropped as well as his hand. “Oh, sorry, I… Should I call you Bakugou-san or…?”
“It’s okay, it’s just... It’s weird hearing you call me that way”
“Oh. What way did I used to call you? Sorry, I…”
“Katsuki’s fine”
“Okay. Katsuki, then” Izuku beamed, offering his hand again. “Nice to meet you again, Katsuki-kun”
“Hm” Katsuki took his hand, feeling an unpleasant twist on his insides.
Part 2
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birch-forest · 3 years
world crashed n then the menu was spinning rlly fast
90% bug free indeed
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not to be a shipper on main but please validate my shitpost
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stellarune · 4 years
I'm on my computer so I don't have emojis but hey lemme just *hands you a rose* and *hands you five more roses* yes Connor I want six sentences
“Valin was about to respond when he heard a snort behind him.”
“The fifth of february was as an uneventful tuesday as any other.”
“ However, what was unusual in this tuesday, was how he started writing on the blackboard”
“ whispers followed his announcement, students wondering where they could be going that sir astin would care enough about -- without it being something star related -- to take them to.”
“What happened kid ? someone pissed in your cheerios?”
“Jensi pat the back of his head notso-gently, but thats what he should have expected so he just accepted it.” 
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mlmrioranger · 3 years
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unnedited sirius gibson icons that i made for myself ! completely free to use with no credit and etc, since i just cropped some cgs and some official art :]
my brain went simp mode so i blacked out and when i woke up i had these in my gallery /j
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snalsupremacy · 3 years
LoTR 20th anniversary special: EXCLUSIVE director's cut now with UNNEDITED breaks between the scenes! feel like you are part of the cast! a 15 hour experience (each) of magic and fantasy
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psycheswritings · 5 years
On It
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Title: On It Fandom: Peaky Blinders Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 1056 Author's Note: This piece is unnedited, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes given the fact that english is not my first language and by practicing I'm hoping to improve my skils. I hope you all enjoy it and please let me know what you all think of it. (Y/N) = Your Name (Y/E/C) = Your Eye Color Summary: (Y/N) and Tommy have been together forr a while but life has been pushing them away from each other, so they escape for a week to try and reconnect.
The cold night breeze made (Y/N) shiver. Immediately, she pulled the shawl tighter around her body. Things were different out in open camp and although the young woman had been raised in the countryside, she could say that this was something she had never experienced before. The Lee’s and another allied family were all gathered around the fire, singing and dancing. (Y/N) smiled to herself, observing them for a moment, before her eyes settled in her husband, sitting on a chair on the other side of the fire. Johnny Dogs was talking with him while he was trying to pay attention to what the other man was saying. But his wife knew better, his mind wasn’t set on the conversation. As if sensing her observing, his eyes started searching around for her. When his ocean blue eyes met her (Y/E/C) ones, they took their time holding each other’s gazes, analyzing each other, trying to guess what the other was thinking. (Y/N) was the one to break the contact, looking to the ground while walking to sit beside her husband. At least that was her intention, because Tommy had other plans in mind. When she was passing in front of him, he held her wrist in one of his hands, pulling her towards him, making her fall into his lap. The woman let out a gasp of surprise before she took a moment to look at him and in that instant he knew that she was going to question his sudden behavior, so he lost no time in sealing his lips to hers. Surprised couldn’t quite put into words the feeling that overcame (Y/N) in that moment. Thomas wasn’t inclined to public displays of affection – or any emotion, by the way – so having him pull her to sit into his lap and kissing her - quite passionately, as a matter of fact – in front of so many people was quite shocking for her. However, the feeling of his lips on hers, his hands holding her in place by the waist, quickly took her mind out of this train of thought. He always had that effect on her. It didn’t matter how many years they have been together, one touch was enough to make her melt into him. They both knew that it was a mutual feeling, but most part of the time Tommy made a point of fighting it, especially when she was trying to reason with him in some way, and that made her question the extent of their feelings for one another – or more especially whether or not he really loved her. That was the main reason why they were here right now, to try to reconnect. The last year had took its toll on them. Multiple threats form the business, what lead to many fights inside the family and on top of all of that, (Y/N) had gone through two miscarriages what made the couple drift apart. Tommy never saw himself as a potential father. He had nothing to compare to, considering his own had abandoned them when their children most needed him. But he also knew that although they had never really talked about it, his wife desired a child more than anything. And deep down he would be lying if he said that he never thought about seeing her belly growing with his child. She blamed herself for not been able to go through a pregnancy – and although it hurt her to admit, seeing Esme complain everyday about having to carry another child in her belly made her jealous – and that made the both of them fight for the most ridiculous things. It was them that Polly took matters into her own hands and decided that the two of them needed sometime far away from the family, just the two of them, to sort things out. Tommy broke the kiss, leaning their foreheads together and looking deep into her eyes, a playful smirk on his beautiful face. “Where did that came from?” (Y/N) asked, still quite taken aback by his actions. He didn’t make a move to remove her from his lap, instead he held her close to him, caging her in his arms that had found home around her waist. In the background, they could hear some of the people teasing them about the kiss, but they both ignored it, a faint blush creeping through her cheeks. What she couldn’t ignore was the hint of desire in his sparkling irises. “Can’t a man simply want to kiss his beautiful wife?” The look in her eyes told him that she was still unsure about his display. He couldn’t quite blame her for that, he knew that he had not have been the best of husbands to her, have been neglecting her the attention she deserved because he was afraid to make her go through another failed pregnancy. He would never say it aloud, but he had been pushing her away in fear of hurting her more. What he did not take into account was he was hurting her anyway. “We both know that this is very unlike you.” It wasn’t an accusation, just a simple statement. “It’s the gypsy blood calling.” He quipped making her smile softly. “That is a side of you I thought I would never see.” Her tone was a little somber, but the confession was truthful. She really didn’t expected him to be this openly affectionate with her. “You are the only one allowed to see all sides of me.” They just stared at each other for what felt like ages. When (Y/N) opened her mouth to reply, one of the Lee man interrupted her shouting playfully at them. “I am seriously disappointed, Shelby. With a wife as beautiful as yours I thought that you would already have a bunch of little devils running around.” The men around him laughed and Tommy felt (Y/N) stiff in his arms. His next move was ways bolder than the kiss in itself. He looked at his wife, his eyes reflecting the light of the bonfire, wrapped his arms under her bridal style and stood up, making her gasp and entwine her own arms around his neck. “We’re on it.” Them he strode to the wagon they were staying in, under the shouts and whistles of approval from the people around them.
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rafaartsstuff · 4 years
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unnedited version or whatever...
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Cc show case: First up we got this ear tattoo: http://quirkykyimu.tumblr.com/post/178306575975/reupload-i-only-changed-the-cas-thumbnails-if Then we got this lovely blush: https://thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-blush/title/imf-choi-blush-n.26/id/1427530/ Along with these nail and lip art. I'm not sure if you can really see the nails. But I tried doing a close up screen shoot with the creepy walk to show them: https://redheadsims-cc.blogspot.com/2018/09/crystal-nails.html These glasses: http://pietro-sstyle.blogspot.com/2018/09/glasses-vittar.html The first hair with the black and blue I can't remember where I gotten it. But the next two hairs I gotten from this collection: http://candyforniasmoonlight.tumblr.com/post/178341597372/ts4-sheesh-hair-v1-v2-a-new-hairstyle-with The Ariana Grammy outfit, the Ariana body suit and skirt, the Ariaan pink body suit and the little purse I gotten from this lovely collection: https://foreverfranci.tumblr.com/post/178316692767/foreverfranci-forevrfranci-ariana-grande Then there is this lovely pig tails: http://jennisimsunanuevaexperiencia.blogspot.com/2018/09/downloads-sims-4newsea-cloris-hair.html Ariana Grande sweater: https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/JazKSimmer/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-female-teenadultelder-everyday/title/ariana-grande-reebok-sweaters--mesh-needed/id/1417786/ Then we gotten a couple of Sailor moon hairs: http://simmandy.tumblr.com/post/178193525826/unnedited-previews-and-back-views-because-i This super cute dress: http://jennisimsunanuevaexperiencia.blogspot.com/2018/09/downloads-sims-4base-game-compatible.html a nice swim suit: https://megandanii.tumblr.com/post/178257855136/bingle-bangle Pink Wig hair: https://thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/leahlillith-pink-wig-hair/id/1427086/ a sexy dress recolor: http://elfdor.tumblr.com/post/178312819567/nitropanic-criss-cross-dress-recolor-its-a This hair which I love the curls off to the side: http://redheadsims-cc.tumblr.com/post/178318324863/redheadsims-cc-blondesims Her outfit is made up of this cute crop top: http://margeh75.tumblr.com/post/178240873761/s4-jodie-tops-some-cute-cropped-cap-sleeve-tops And these backyard stuff jeans recolor: https://illogicalsims.tumblr.com/post/177799312434/backyard-stuff-leggings-with-tied-shirt-backyard Granny dress: http://annabellee25.tumblr.com/post/178238161974/heya-guysi-havent-done-anything-new-in-ages-i and the last outfit his made up of this cute sweater: https://fifthscreations.com/post/178217336910/autumn-sweat and these Halloween shorts: https://delightfullydreamingsims.tumblr.com/post/178351147470/spooktacular-shorts-6-halloween-themed-swatches
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googleofsimscc · 6 years
Hair Buns CC Post
Maxis Match:
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yusukenui · 6 years
im angry that all the things ive been working for have to be held back for inconveniences that could be avoider by FUCKING COMMUNICATING you damn stupid adults
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