#unnatural eye colour
Cringetober but make it tbh creature day 6. "Unnatural eye colour".
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ravenclod · 14 days
> yayayahahahaha i wanted to use this as an excuse to try some animation... i was gonna do some even cooler stuff but didnt have time and decided i liked how it looked as is :3
was gonna have this as a gif but it was so crunchy so i decided a video was better ^_^
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awkwarddoesanart · 13 days
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featuring moth (because of course it is)
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sillaselvagga · 14 days
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Cringetober Day 6 - Unnatural Eye Colour
Carole Pepper from Honkai Impact 3rd. I just wanted to draw her because I love her and her design, however I feel that I did not make her justice.
Prompt list by @icryink
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iateaslinky · 14 days
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Cringetober day 5 and 6. This ugly sopping wet cat of a man is a gijinka of an ugly wet sopping cat of a fox plush toy i made for a school project. He has orange eyes so that is also day 6. More about him under the cut!
His (full) name is William Lakadee, but he goes by Will. This is because I was going through a Will Wood phase while making him and apparently Lakadee means wood in Hindi and he's from India in my mind so yeah. He has a constant cold sweat on himself and is permenantly horrified of everything. He is a TV Infomercial actor/salesman persom thing. He has a sister who might be drawn in upcoming days.
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qiekz · 10 months
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new sparkledog thing :3 ish!! is he is a deep sea weird dog thing, he is completely unaffected by any water pressure and depth, and can live anywhere in the sea!!! he has 4 arms, his back arms are better at swimming than his front ones and have webbing for that! his name is Lumi btw ^_^ its short for bioluminescence
[plz reblog]
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ver w/o text if u wanna get a better look at him
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whomst-yall · 1 year
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woe, human wander be upon ye
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picrews-for-rpgs · 1 year
Do you have suggestions for changelings? White skin, solid color eyes, pointed ears? I've struggled with finding picrews with actually white skin and solid colored eyes.
Hi! Thanks for the ask. (I'm also tagging @theawkwardbutterfly 'cause I know you wanted changeling recs too!)
Here are my Top 5 picks for making changelings:
Tiefling Maker by Crowesn
Picrew overview here
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White Skin ✅ Solid-colour Eyes ✅ Pointed Ears ✅
One of my all-time favourite picrews for a reason, this tiefling maker has everything on your checklist and so much more! It has 3 androgynous body types to choose from (with options to add cleavage, an adam's apple, neither or both!) and 8 face shapes!
One of my favourite things about this picrew is the skin details, so if you'd like to keep your changeling's skin pristine and unmarked you can do that but if you, like me, like to add subtle interest you can apply subtle grey blush and vitiligo like I've done in the example images. There are also scars, wrinkles, freckles, facial hair and goliath-esque markings, all of which can be layered over each other. Clothing options are versatile and there are some great accessories too!
Fantasy OC Maker 4000 by stuffjademade
Picrew overview here
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White Skin ✅ Solid-colour Eyes ✅ Pointed Ears ✅
Another super versatile character maker specifically targeted towards fantasy OCs this picrew also has 3 androgynous body types to choose from (with options to add cleavage, an adam's apple, neither or both) and 8 face shapes. It also has tons of skin details including scars, bruises, make up and wrinkles but one of my favourite things about this one is the huge range of beautiful high fantasy accessories, weapons and animal companions. A really fantastic option for wizards, warlocks and rangers in particular.
TS Fantasy Icon Maker by trifling shadows
Picrew overview here
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White Skin ✅ Solid-colour Eyes ✅ Pointed Ears ✅
This picrew doesn't have different body types but considering it's only head and shoulders anyway, it makes up for it with it's 6 face shapes. Skin details include facial hair, scars, wrinkles and vitiligo all of which can be layered on top of each other and there's a good range of high fantasy backgrounds, clothing and accessories to choose from. The facial features, face shapes and other details are varied enough that this picrew can be used for feminine, masculine or androgynous characters.
Fantasy Character Maker by deerinspotlight
Picrew overview here
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White Skin ✅ Solid-colour Eyes ✅ Pointed Ears ✅
Continuing the trend of androgyny (particularly appropriate for changelings) this picrew has 2 gender-neutral body types to choose from and 3 face shapes. It has tons of options for skin details like scars and wrinkles and a good range of high fantasy/historical clothing and accessories including a couple of animal companions!
Build a bastard by warmonger
Picrew overview here
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White Skin ✅ Solid-colour Eyes ✅ Pointed Ears ❎
Only one gender-neutral body type for this one but it somewhat makes up for it with 7 face shapes to choose from. This picrew is greyscale so if you want to make a changeling who dresses in colourful clothing or accessories this might not be the best choice. However the options for pure white skin and hair and solid colour eyes work really well for changelings. Clothing choices lean a little modern but there are options that work for high fantasy and historical settings too.
That's it for now folks, but there were quite a few others that I found while researching this that also work pretty well so I'll probably follow up with a Part 2 soon.
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inked-dee · 14 days
Cringetober day 5 + 6 Gijinka + Unnatural Eye Colour
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ghoul--doodle · 3 months
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I died for a couple days again but here’s some stupid scribbles with a Péng and Lychee body swap
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senseiwu · 2 years
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do I have a type for my favourites lmao
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wolfies-toys · 1 year
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Ice Pop Orange Shiba Kaiju Sofubi vinyl figure by Konatsuya
purchased from japan via proxy in 2021
I have a couple of these guys, but this ones orange is so incredibly vibrant, I love these figures so much they look like gummy candy
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Make your own here
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rizardofether · 1 year
My playthrough with my deep gnome wizard Davlen has been rough. Not only has it been really glitchy, he has had terrible luck, not to mention generally how terribly things go in the story itself
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Only barely rolled high enough to save Shadowheart
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Learned that if you don't indulge Astarion and go check out the bushes, he fucking tackles you to the ground. Davlen managed to roll high enough dex to get away at least
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His icon is just gone most of the time
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Now, this one's not a glitch and more just slow loading issue but it looks so funny
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He also completely beefed it at noticing he was being robbed. It took me a second time for him to actually notice he was robbed, though he didn't notice the robbing itself.
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This then led to my clip of the endless Mol cycle where Mol kept talking to me and I couldn't escape. I had to reload my previous save. Which was inbetween my first and second robbing.
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This time Davlen noticed he was being robbed, finally catching the thief red handed. But still clueless that he had already been robbed, which led to this line. It sure was interesting to see cause so far my characters had caught being stolen from before anything was taken.
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They gave me this pickpocket's bag and money. They stole my camp supplies sack though. So I guess that's gone for forever now.
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hacked-wtsdz · 2 months
I love early seasons supernatural aesthetics so much. The isolated highways, funky motel rooms, neon signs, shiny guns and shiny cars, leather jackets, old books, through a film camera lens in seasons one and two, makes for such a specific atmosphere. It transfers the isolation Sam and Dean experience so well, cramped into the seats of a 67’ Chevy impala, claustrophobically un-alone while individually lonely. The nasty, sometimes created with horrible special effects, monsters really do look monstrous, unsettling more than outright terrifying. With yellow eyes, in dirty clothes, glitching and pale. The whole colour palette is grey-ish and cold, you almost feel the contrasted darkness, the distrust, the nagging belief that something wicked may be hiding behind every corner, behind every corner of your own self as well. Idk. The blood looks dark, the sulfur looks sickeningly yellow, the skin looks unnaturally pale. It’s all so horror-coded, and gives such an atmosphere of instability in your own existence in the world, which aligns with the themes of the seasons. This atmosphere, to me, makes it a better horror show than if it had had better special effects and scarier monsters. Because the horrifying is in the daily existence, in how you are, rather than what you face.
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cute-little-crow · 1 month
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You’re in a particular mood whilst in the midst of intimate shenanigans and it’s about to get you in a whole heap of trouble. Or when you ask them…
“Is it in yet?”
feat: Rafayel, Sylus, Xavier & Zayne (separately)
tw: female reader, brat behaviour, regretting decisions, smut smut and more smut, edging, overstimulation, temp play, light bondage (held bodily), all the boys bringing out their Dom sides to varying degrees, spanking, oral fixation, creampies, hair pulling, phew sorry if I missed something
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“Excuse me?”
“What? It was an innocent question,” you huffed, biting your lip and glancing towards the ceiling light over his shoulder.
You could feel the hard length of Rafayel’s cock twitch within your walls, his hand, splayed wide at your hip, tensed until his fingertips pressed harder into the soft yield of your skin.
The urge to squirm was growing more intense, but then he would know. He would know you were goading him. Hell, he probably already knew given the narrow of his violet hued eyes and the crease forming between his eyebrows.
When he didn’t speak, didn’t move, barely drew breath, you piped up once more—pushing your luck too far.
“All I asked was if it was in yet. What’s the problem, Raf?”
Rafayel hissed.
The unnatural noise made you jump, a pathetic moan tumbling from your lips when the jerking motion nudged the tip of his cock against your swollen pleasure spot.
“Brat…” he seethed, pulling out of you and leaning back to spread your thighs wide apart. “And to think I was being so nice to you. Clearly, you don’t want nice.”
His long fingers splayed out on your sensitive inner thighs, holding you down on the bed with your cunt gaping and flexing from where he had just been buried. Arousal dripped along your slit until it dribbled to the sheets below.
You reached from him, squalling from the sudden empty feeling but he pushed away your hand and gave a stern shake of his head.
“Hush. Don’t speak. Let’s see how long you can last, hm?”
Gripping the base of his cock, he spread his knees wider so he was closer to you once more. The fat tip leaked with precum which he smeared around your entrance before pushing into you, but stopping when the tip disappeared.
It felt delicious and your skin warmed all over from the sensation. You keened, attempting to roll your hips upward only to be stopped by a firm grip.
“Oh? You feel it now… shame.”
Frowning, you licked over your suddenly parched lips.
Rafayel was pissed.
It turned you on to see him darken; from the colours swirling in his eyes to the shadow falling over his face to his entire demeanour growing sterner, everything more angular and sharp.
Again he withdrew and let his cockhead slap against your puffy clit, far from gentle. Your nerve endings were on fire, sweat gathering on your hairline.
Over and over Rafayel repeated the process. He gave you only ever an inch and never for long enough. Your stomach was in knots from the treatment, the continued smacking of your swollen pearl which he would reach down and tweak every now and again, stopping when he knew you were getting close.
“Please…” you begged, broken and near tears. “I need to feel all of you. ‘want your cock.”
“What’s that, cutie? I didn’t think you could feel anything… and now you want it all? Brats don’t get treats, they get tricks so hush until I’m ready.”
Rafayel edged you for the next hour; giving you enough stimulation to keep you tense and desperate but never enough to satisfy your needs.
It would be quite some time until you decided to be sassy with the Lemurian again.
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Sylus paused.
His mouth pulled back from your neck, steady breaths tickling your skin and emphasising the bruises blooming to life.
“I’m sorry, I think I must have misheard you. What did you say, sweetie?”
You were regretting your moment of madness already, heart pounding so harshly in your chest that it just might beat right out. Funnily enough, your voice disappeared into nothing but a strand of whimpered syllables.
He clicked his tongue in dismay, and cupped your chin firmly to bring your focus to his face. You couldn’t run from the piercing intensity of his vermillion eyes, nor from the hold on your jaw that tightened until you were close to squeaking out.
“Nothing, I’m sorry—”
“No, no. You should repeat what you asked me, kitten. Something about ‘is it in yet?’, no?” His voice was a deadly calm whisper and that was so much worse than an overly emotional reaction.
Sylus thrust harshly into you when your mouth flapped open and closed like a fish out of water, your stomach clenched and your legs wrapped more tightly around his waist.
“Seems like you can feel me just fine… so why deny it? Does the kitten want to brat me tonight? Tsk tsk. Bad kitty.”
He peeled away your legs from his sides carefully, thumbs digging into the backs of your knees whilst he adjusted your body beneath him. You went from being intimately close to having your knees digging into your chest and your ankles by your ears.
The adjustment allowed him to sink deeper into you, knocking the air from your lungs. Sylus loomed over your folded body with one stretched hand holding your ankles. It was enough to keep you in the position he desired, enough that every forward momentum felt like you might burst all over him.
“I can’t hear you, sweetie.”
You squealed and squirmed. Your eyes rolled over to the back of your head. You wet his cock so thoroughly that slick dripped from his balls, only emphasising the smacking sound when they impacted heavily against your backside.
Over and over he drove you through orgasm after orgasm. Sylus wrung you like an overly used towel and listened to you sing his name along with the best attempts at apologies you could muster. Every sound was desperation incarnate and he let out an amused huff that gave way to a guttural groan signalling his own release.
“Sylus… oh fuck, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Instead of releasing your trembling legs, the cunning man above you ran his fingers around the base of his cock, coating them in the mixed essence of you both which had managed to escape.
The digits came away creamy, shiny and debauched. With a wolfish grin, he pushed them into your mouth to silence your continued pleas for mercy. Your tongue flattened against roughened pads, the tang lighting up your taste buds and saliva rushed to meet them.
“I heard you, but bad kitties need to be reminded of their manners. Now then, suck my fingers cleans so I can fill you with another load. I need to make sure you really feel it after all…”
Sylus made you pay for your sass over and over that night…
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“… did I? Did I hear you right?”
“Did I stutter? I said… is it in yet, Xav?” You asked churlishly. His cerulean eyes swam like oceans in front of your face, a fleeting look of hurt passing over his features and that was enough to deflate most of your bravado.
“Wait, baby, I’m sorry. You don’t deserve—”
Xavier cut you off with a move you could only describe as pro wrestling adjacent.
One moment he was cradled by the comfort of your body and the next, he was rolling you over onto your stomach and straddling your thighs. His hand traced the curve of your spine, pressing your chest deep into the plush mattress and ending by winding around your hair.
“No, baby. You don’t deserve to be given half-assed dick. Let me make up for my failings,” he rasped into your ear, leaning over you whilst his slick cock rocked between the cleft of your ass.
He tugged on the makeshift ponytail he’d made, drawing your head up at the same time the rest of you was crushed into the sheets, your hands trapped beneath your stomach—useless.
“Spread your legs—that’s it—I see you’re not completely off the rails tonight.”
Xavier worked himself through the gap of your thighs, the blunt head of him butting up against your clit and drawing little gasping hisses from you. His fingers tightened in your hair, and you squirmed, futile beneath his weight.
When he finally notched at your fluttering hole, you were holding your breath so hard you could hear the blood flowing in your ears. His hips descended, dropping himself flush along your body at the same moment he fucked into you.
“Shit!! Xav! Oh god…”
Xavier chuckled nasally, a hungry mouth clamping over the beating pulse in your neck. He set a harsh pace immediately, fucking you prone bone.
You could do absolutely nothing but take every hit. His cock moulding your pussy to fit him and him alone. The angle had him rutting right up near your cervix, so close to flashes of pain but measured enough to stop before he could inflict any actual damage.
He huffed into the crook of your neck, biting and licking over the hurt with shallow breathing that mimicked your own. Xavier was relentless and you had never seen him quite like this.
“So tight, princess. You feel me now? Tell me. Do you feel me in your belly? Gonna spill any minute,” he admitted with a heavy grunt punctuating the words.
In your belly? You could feel him in your damn throat with how deep he was hitting and all you could do was squeal. The sound heightened into a high pitch shriek only animals would hear when he shifted himself to deliver a hearty smack to your backside.
“C’mon… tell me. Is it in now? Is my cock deep enough? The cream you’re leaking tells me yes but I want to hear it from you.”
“Yes! Xavier, yes!”
Never again would you make that same mistake. Who knew your star boy had it in him?
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At first, you weren’t sure if he had heard you. Zayne was frozen above, hands pressed to either side of your head and his eyes fixedly shut.
You were about to repeat your attempt at being a brat just to see how the good doctor would react when he blinked open his eyes and your jaw snapped shut.
The frown deepening his brow seemed genuinely startled and he raised a hand to feel your forehead like he was assessing you for a medical condition.
“You don’t feel feverish… perhaps some neurological condition has manifested,” he muttered almost to himself.
“Zayne—don’t be silly. All I asked was if it was in yet?”
He hummed—thoughtfully. “Yes. I heard you, but I can’t quite correlate the words with the sentiment because I know you can feel me.”
“Oh, you do, huh? Sound pretty full of yourself, Dr Zayne.”
As if for emphasis, he pumped himself into you with a snap of his hips. It resulted exactly as he wanted, with your breathless gasp and your head flying back against the pillows.
“You were saying?” He asked coolly. “Perhaps I should check your reactions to other stimuli, just to be sure…”
“What does that—oh!”
Ice veiled the tips of his fingers, careful blue veins creating intricate patterns. Zayne sat back on his haunches, cock still plugged into your clenching cunt, and traced those frozen digits down the column of your throat and towards your breasts.
“Cold! Cold! Stop that,” you yelped, swatting at his hand which diligently refused to be dissuaded.
Only the very corner of his mouth quirked into a smile, his smart, ever assessing eyes watching intently whilst he circled your puffy nipples and they stiffened further from the cold.
“You seem to react to low temperatures within normal ranges, how about warm temperatures,” he mused absently.
Without further warning, his head dipped and his tongue brushed your pert nipple. Zayne’s lips surrounded the bud and suckled with enthusiasm. The instant heat of his mouth bowed your spine and raised your ass so you were grinding yourself shamelessly against Zayne’s front.
“Zayne… fuck.”
The friction elicited from the coarse thatch of neatly trimmed hair at his pelvis caused you to mewl and whine. Your fingers carded through his dark hair and all rational thought flew from your mind.
Just as you were getting used to the hot sensation of your nipple being sucked and pinched by careful teeth, he switched. Ice enveloped the swollen skin, a burn gnawed at your gut but it was a pleasant one.
Zayne continued to tweak at your nipples in turn, cooling them down and warming them up with his tongue, all whilst he maintained a steady pace within you. His cock throbbed and your walls spasmed.
“My diagnosis,” he said quite suddenly, mouth breaking from your breasts with a shallow pant, “is that of brattitude. Quite a severe case too…”
You groaned aloud, eyes cast heavenward at the near orgasm that was close to cresting over you like a playful wave.
“Treatment begins now. I’ll make sure you continue to feel me all night long.”
The good doctor was true to his word, and come morning, the only thing you couldn’t feel were your legs.
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