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spotify wrapped! 12, 24, 48? 🌾
Mind Over Matter by Young The Giant aka THEE ian gallagher song
Tangerine by Glass Animals (on my gallavich playlist)
The Bitter End by Placebo (on my mickey playlist)
#🌾 <- this is now the Unmilled Rice emoji#bc in my modded minecraft world thats exactly whay unmilled rice looks like#asks#creepkinginc#music stuff#i listened to 4 playlists this year and theyre all shameless themed
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Earth and Sky, Ch. 4
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“Wis. Wis, Wis, Wis.” Heidi circled around, putting her hands firmly on Wis’s shoulders. “You just moved to one of the most inhospitable places in the whole Alliance! Now, I’m a native, so I don’t quite mind this place, but that’s ‘cause I have a home! A nice home an’ a nice office! When you’re out in a place like this, you gotta make yourself a nice, welcomin’ home! ‘Cause if you don’t got that place to go to when the goin’ get tough out here, it’ll be real rough on ya!” She let go of Wis’s shoulders, her expression softening. “An’ I know that ‘home’ looks different to everybody…but it looks like to you it has a big, beautiful garden! My job might be ‘architect’ on the business card an’ all… But I think I like buildin’ people homes the most! So I’m gonna help ya, and that’s that!” Wis blinked. Such a heartfelt speech…all because of a catalog page.
Also on AO3
The bright midday sun was only intensified by the massive glass windows and the shiny metal surfaces of the Moisture Farm. It probably would’ve hurt Wis’s eyes, had it not been for the colossal man standing in front of her and Mi-an, blocking most of the light behind him.
“So. Planting.”
Wis and Mi-an stood at attention as Zeke handed both of them a funny-looking tool with a metal square at the end.
“You’re probably used to how they do things in more temperate areas. Not only is there more water, there’s more nutrients in the soil. Not here.”
He crouched down towards the planting plot in between him and the builders, laying out some straw around the edges. “Even if we use raised beds, we still gotta protect seeds from the environment and give them extra nutrients to grow. So we line our seeds up in grids and line them with straw. It’s the Straw Grid technique.” He stood up, lined his own weird square tool up with the edges of the soil grid, and drove it firmly into the ground. The straw was buried, the ends standing up like a mini fence.
“Oh…so if a sandstorm comes by, less of the soil gets blown away…” said Mi-an.
“Yep. And as the seed grows, the roots will hold the soil together a lot more. Which is good, since the straw decays eventually. And that matter gets recycled into the soil for nutrients. So this way, over time, we revitalize the soil to be more fertile for future growing.”
“Interesting…” muttered Wis. “We can’t just add fertilizer?”
“We can, but this way allows us to grow even when we don’t have fertilizer.” Zeke took some more straw out of the bundle that he had brought over and handed some to Wis and Mi-an. “Here. You try laying down a grid.”
Zeke made it look easy. Not only because he was far larger, but also because he’d probably done this thousands and thousands of times. It was hard to get the straw in deep enough, and evenly. Wis ended up hopping on her square shovel with both feet a few times like a pogo stick, which ended up working far better than just shoving it down like Zeke could. Mi-an, who was also struggling a bit, copied her.
“It gets easier with practice,” Zeke said, flat as ever, though Wis swore she could see a glint of amusement in his eye.
The grid laid out, Zeke took a packet of seeds out from one of his pockets. “After the grid gets put down, it’s fairly standard stuff. Bury the seed, but not too much, then give it a good amount of water.” The builders held out their hands, and he dropped several grains of unmilled sandrice into each. “Sandrice. Staple crop all across the Eufaula. Grows faster than a lot of the stuff we have, so it’s a good place to start. Both for you, and for the farm again.”
Wis was no stranger to planting, after years of chores on her Pa’s farm. Dig little holes with your fingers, drop the seeds in, and gently cover them back up.
“That’s pretty much all there is to it,” Zeke said when they all stood up again. “I’ll give you some seeds and a little water, and you’ve already got your planting kits. You can give it a shot when you’ve got the time.”
“Nice!” said Mi-an. “Thank you so much, Zeke!”
“Yeah, thanks. Haven’t gardened in a while, but this is interesting,” said Wis.
Zeke hummed, handing the two the promised sandrice seeds and a small bottle of water. “‘Course. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work. Still a lot of work to do with all these plots to fill.”
Wis waved goodbye to Mi-an when they stepped off the yakmel cart at the train station, turned to head for home, and immediately froze in her tracks. She groaned, slapping a hand to her forehead. How could she forget?
Her property was tiny.
She could barely fit two of every type of machine into her yard and still have enough room to safely walk around. Anything she planted would either be perpetually in the shade of her house, or caught on fire by one of the furnaces.
Entering her yard and dropping her new planting kit off in her storage area, she looked around at the space she had (and didn’t have). Maybe…she could ask for a land expansion. Move the fence out beyond the southwest corner. Then she could move some things around, and set up a little planting area out in the back!
And all that lingered on her mind as she counted up 1000 gols and talked to Heidi a few minutes later about getting that expansion done. Abuzz with anticipation as Heidi was next door at City Hall getting the paperwork ready, Wis’s hands tapped and twitched, itching for something to do.
A furniture catalog on the table caught her eye. It would be a while before Wis had the means to expand her house itself and make room for more furniture, but hell, she was on a streak of dreaming up her dream home. No harm in browsing a little.
Inside were lots of nice furniture sets, from rustic to cute to almost industrial. But what caught Wis’s attention was the outdoor furniture section. First and foremost, a beautiful ivory pergola, pictured standing tall over a lush, wooded garden.
…A garden.
Wis hadn’t planted anything properly for ages. Sure, she took care of a couple houseplants back home, but a whole garden…small trees and bushes providing some much-needed shade, colorful flowers lining one entire edge of the yard, herbs and fruit and veggies fresh for the picking, a nice table and chairs under the pergola, covered by lush vines or ivy, or…
“Ooooh, plannin’ a garden?” A sheaf of papers gently set down on Wis’s shoulder. She looked up to see Heidi, smiling down at her.
“Heh. Just getting ideas. For now I should see if anything can grow at all out back.”
“Hopefully it does! Not too many people outside the Church folks and Zeke do a whole lotta planting out here, so it’d be nice if we can get even more greenery in this place.”
Wis hummed, and moved to shut the catalog to handle the paperwork, but Heidi quickly reached out and pointed at the page that Wis was just looking at. “Ohhh, that pergola’s real nice lookin’! Reckon if you get a lotta plants growin’, it’d make a great centerpiece! You wanna get that, too?”
“Ah…it’s a little…pricey,” Wis said sheepishly, eyes trailing down to the price tag: 1600 gols. Even more expensive than the land expansion. “Maybe later.”
Heidi hummed, brow furrowed. “How’s this? This catalog is for an Ataran store, so I place orders for folks. I can cover, say…a quarter the price?”
“W-what?” Wis’s eyes widened. “No, no, no, that’s fine, I’ll wait until I have enough for it.”
“Wis, c’mon! Your very own garden! You gotta have some good furniture in there to sit and admire all your hard work!”
“S-seriously, I’ll get it eventually. You shouldn’t need to pay a single gol for my side project…”
“Wis. Wis, Wis, Wis.” Heidi circled around, putting her hands firmly on Wis’s shoulders. “You just moved to one of the most inhospitable places in the whole Alliance! Now, I’m a native, so I don’t quite mind this place, but that’s ‘cause I have a home! A nice home an’ a nice office! When you’re out in a place like this, you gotta make yourself a nice, welcomin’ home! ‘Cause if you don’t got that place to go to when the goin’ get tough out here, it’ll be real rough on ya!”
She let go of Wis’s shoulders, her expression softening. “An’ I know that ‘home’ looks different to everybody…but it looks like to you it has a big, beautiful garden! My job might be ‘architect’ on the business card an’ all… But I think I like buildin’ people homes the most! So I’m gonna help ya, and that’s that!”
Wis blinked. Such a heartfelt speech…all because of a catalog page. “I, uh… Th-thanks. I’ll…pay you back then, when I get it…”
“Wis…” Heidi groaned, before standing tall over her and fixing her a hard stare. “I’ll say it again. When you get started on that garden, you will order that pergola, and you will get a 25% discount, and you will get the garden of your dreams. Am. I. Clear?”
A shudder ran down Wis’s spine. Her lips pursed. “Um. Y…yes! Understood…!”
In an instant, the warm smile was back on Heidi’s face. “Good! Now, let’s handle that paperwork, shall we…?”
Dear Ma and Pa,
Sorry I couldn’t write last week. Things have been kind of hectic. Had to repair a watering machine for the local farm after it got attacked by a bunch of lizard…men. It was wild. Luckily that’s all settled down…not sure about the lizardmen, though.
But in other news, I learned how to plant stuff! Yeah, even out here in the sand. The growing technique’s a bit different than fields and greenhouses, since you need to account for the rough environment. Not sure what exactly can grow in someplace so arid, but the farm here’s got a bunch of different kinds of seeds that they’ve grown here for ages. Might try and experiment!
Hope you guys are well. Say hi to Nia for me if you see her.
Love you,
Hi Honey!
Those lizards sound scary! We saw some pictures of them in the paper, but they were all from really far away. I hope you’re not fighting those lizardmen…be sure to stay safe! But wow, the farm situation sounds even more dicey! Not surprised that you need the oomph of a machine to be able to grow enough to feed an entire city out there. But that’s just the thing for you, isn’t it? It’s great that you’re finally being given lots of good work!
Wow. It doesn’t look right, seeing that little seedling just…in the sand. Incredible that the Sandrock settlers were able to survive that long without having to rely on imports. Nia happened to be over when we got your letter and pulled out the photos, and when she saw them, she immediately lit up! Apparently she and Prof. Luo are busy cooking up some seeds that are supposed to be hardier! Looks like the desert’s perfect testing ground for that. She says that she’ll write to you ASAP once she gets her hands on some seeds to send you.
In the meantime though, we’re sending over some of Pa’s berry seeds! Plus some snacks, of course. A nice, familiar taste of home. Well, assuming that you manage to grow it out there. Let us know how they grow! Hopefully your Pa won’t want to have you start selling crops out in Sandrock… Take care out there, okay?
Hi hi hi!! I told the professor about how you started growing stuff out in the desert! He thinks it’s interesting! There’s not a whole lot of documentation on Sandrock’s growing techniques…guess no one else really cared about how the Sandrockers survived out there… Which sucks!! That stuff’s important to the Alliance’s history! Sandrock might be a tiny part of it, but it’s still a city with a lengthy story!
We still had some grant money left over for our seed project, so I’m gonna send you some of our stuff! And guess what…we have wisteria, too! So now you can go outside whenever you like and point at it and cackle and say that it’s you >:) (Still avoiding that corner of the Botanical Gardens out of pun-repulsed instinct…)
I’d say it’s a present, but since it’s on grant money I think I’m obligated to say that it is strictly research material. Uh-huh. Totally. Not a belated housewarming gift for my bestest friend. It totally is don’t worry about it
And I know what you’re gonna say, and NO, you don’t need to get me anything back. Well, nothing like a gift, anyway. All I need is some notes and pictures every week on how all the plants are doing! That locks it down as all research, and it’ll be on our grant’s tab!
I hope that everything grows! Maybe it’s the madness of finals, but all these plants and their seeds are kinda like my babies at the moment. But if not…well, that’s science, baby…
Your parents are both doing good, by the way! Went to your place out of habit last Saturday…brain still thinks we hang out all the time. Your Ma’s cooking’s still really good. Wish we could just pack a bunch of lunchboxes and ship them to you…without having them spoil in the burning hot desert…
Stay safe, okay? I keep hearing things about bandits and lizard creatures out there from the newspaper… Don’t go diving straight into trouble!!
Wis, sweetie,
Another package for ya! I saw your Aunt Solanum and Aunt Mentha the other day at the market, and they asked me how you’ve been holding up! Well, I told them about that garden of yours that you’re planning, and they just about jumped for joy! They asked me to give you some of their seeds too. Pomatoes should do just fine, they can grow in garbage dumps…but maybe the desert sands will finally be the thing that tames the almighty mint. Or maybe not…best to still keep it in its own quarantine pot.
I thought that’d be the end of it, but then Solanum went ahead and talked to your Grandpa…and then Grandpa wrote to just about the entire surviving branch of the Cyprens family to get seeds… So you’ve got a lot of ‘em on your hands now!! Sorry for front loading you so much…tried to get all of them to send it to ya in batches, at least. It’s not like you’ve got the time or water to get everything up! But hey, at least you won’t have to worry about any more food shortages, hahaha!
Hi Ma, Pa, Nia…
Thank you for all the seeds, but…I think I have enough now! It’s really generous of you and the rest of the family, but (and I say this as politely as I can) can you guys…not send any more?? If you could spread the word to the family too, that’d be great. I only just got my homestead expanded by like a couple dozen square feet. It’s not a proper farm! I don’t all of these to go to waste…
But I’ll plant a couple of these to start! Some of these I know already can be grown here from what I saw from what our farm has in stock. We’ll see how it goes…
Two whole crates.
Two whole crates full of seeds, bulbs, and starter kits.
Ripping open her second cousin’s latest package of tulip bulbs, Wis regarded the crates with a sigh. She had enough to start a proper botanical garden with a farm on the side, and yet she only had the confines of her yard to deal with.
She’d already planted the sandrice that Zeke had given her, and it was taking well. The only question was what to plant next. Certainly not starved for options. The line of soil that Wis had tilled and gridded would only hold a fifth of all her seeds at most.
Reaching an arm in and shuffling around randomly, Wis picked out a seed sachet. Parsley from her aunt. An herb patch sounded nice…just about the only readily available seasoning around these parts was salt. Everything else had to be imported from elsewhere, and Owen and Arvio both sold them for a markup. Wis reached back in and grabbed a few more of her aunt’s seeds—rosemary, thyme, peppercorn, oregano…that was a good start. Two plots each.
Shuffling around some more in the crates, Wis pulled out a bag of daffodil bulbs. Nice colorful flowers on either side of the herbs… Out came the latest bag of tulip bulbs and a bag of hyacinth bulbs, and into the soil the bulbs went.
Next up was a bag of…wisteria seeds. Wis let out a snort on instinct. There she was. She put it back into the box. This absolutely had to go on the pergola. When she could get it. Plus, it would be a bad idea to have to deal with one of the most aggressive growers a gardener could have without any kind of dedicated structure for it.
On and on she went, shuffling through the crates and planting whatever chance had her pull. Most went into the ground plots, others went into pots that Wis carried inside. By the time she figured she had enough, one of the two crates was almost empty. She crammed everything into a single crate and dusted off her dirty hands. That should certainly do for now. She grabbed her watering can and opened the spout of her water tank. It filled only about three-quarters of the way before the glugging of the tank fell silent. Hm. It had been a while since the last refill.
Wis decided to empty the can first before deciding how much more she needed. She only managed to fully water three of the plots…of a dozen. Plus 7 pots. And with her machines, she was going to need—
“—35 units of water comes out to…800 gols…!” Burgess said with a strained smile as he typed everything into his cash register.
Wis flinched. “Ah. Well…maybe take out 5 of those…?”
“That brings it down to around 686… Are you sure you need this much?” Burgess’s brow furrowed. “I know builders need more water than most people, but this is a lot!” His eyes widened. “N-not that I’m accusing you of anything, of course! M-maybe it’s just a leak in your piping or something! I-I just want to make sure that not a drop of water gets wasted!”
“Eheh…I’m just trying to start a garden,” Wis said sheepishly. “I thought I was gonna start small and all, but I guess I just lost track…”
In an instant, Burgess brightened back up to his usual sunny self. “Oh, how lovely! More greenery is always great! No wonder you need all this. If I could, I’d give you a discount to incentivize growing and stuff, but that’s against the rules. And what kind of water supervisor would I be if I let anyone break the rules?! But for that garden, I hope you know that you have my full support!”
Wis waved a hand. “It’s fine. I’ll just take 20 units for now and start growing like half of them.”
“Right-o!” Burgess punched the new numbers in with gusto. “470 gols, then! Oh, but by the way…”
Wis looked up from fishing the change out of her wallet. “Hm?”
“It won’t get you a whole lot, but you can maybe make a dew collector or two to get a lil extra water! It adds up over time, trust me! And you’re a builder, so you can get one up lickity-split!”
“Dew collectors… What are they, exactly? Moisture extractors?”
“No…not quite like the Hydrogel in the moisture farm… It’s more like a tarp that dew settles on in the morning! Director Qi should have a diagram for it…he said something about having the ‘most optimal surface area’ for it, I think.”
“That does sound useful,” Wis said, handing over the gols. “From what I can tell, I’m gonna be needing a lot more water…”
“Seems so! A-and you shouldn’t have to be spending a bunch of money every week just for that… It supports the town, but you should support yourself, too!”
Wis let out a chuckle, loading a barrel of water onto her dolly. “Hopefully not! At this rate, my plants are always gonna get fed before me.”
“Ack-! U-um!” Burgess yiped. “Don’t—don’t starve yourself, please! Plants can always handle a little underwatering but—”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” Wis exclaimed, waggling her hands. “D-don’t worry. But I’ll see about that dew collector…”
No hello, no greetings, no pleasantries.
Qi was working away at something, again. Always working. Sequestered away in this monolith of a building. He looked up when Wis pushed the front door open, still every bit as inscrutable as every time before.
But just as Wis was about to open her mouth, his brow raised. “Ah, right. The Hydrogel has been assembled, correct?”
Wis nodded. “Got it up two days ago.”
“I see. Everything in order then?”
Once again, Wis was just about to respond, but Qi plowed on anyway. “Actually, don’t answer that. I know my designs are flawless. There shouldn’t be any issues. Thankfully it was but a minor diversion from my main project,” he said nonchalantly, waving a dismissive hand.
Wis suppressed the urge to scowl. No thanks from her for the diagram, then. Clearly he could thank himself enough. Best to just press on, then. “Uh-huh. Well, I need a diagram. Burgess said you had one for a dew collector?”
“Oh, that? Yes. Five disks, then.”
Wis counted out the data disks as Qi held out a hand. “I got a bit overzealous with planting and—”
“I need not know the purpose of your request,” the director cut in. “Just give me the disks, and I shall fulfill it. This exchange needs nothing extraneous.”
Wis snapped her lips shut. Alright… Try to make idle conversation? Extraneous. But stand around in a dangerous ruin and blabbing about robots and time travel…?
She let out a huff as she passed the disks to Qi. The blip of irritation seemed to go unnoticed by Qi, who just gave her a curt nod. “Good. This will be in your mailbox tomorrow morning. Now, if you please…” His gaze flickered toward the door behind Wis.
She didn’t need to be told twice, shouldering her bag and turning to leave. “Yep. Thanks,” she muttered.
She shook her head once she was outside and well out of his view. Why was he always like this? Despite the relationship between researcher and builder being nothing less than pure collaboration, this one guy seemed to think that he was above it all. Everything seemed to bother him; everything seemed to be a waste of time. Everything except space and robots, evidently. Whatever scraps of civility he had were buried under a thick veneer of unspoken judgment, a ruling that no one outside of a place like Vega 5 would be able to pass. If he didn’t make such precise diagrams, including super important things like the Hydrogel, Wis would call into question the necessity of having someone like him in the town at all.
Returning to her yard, she slid her bag off next to her workbench with another sigh. That was just the way Director Qi Heng was, she supposed. From the way things sounded, he was a fixture of this town, despite how little he participated in it.
Wis took a deep breath in, and out, trying to let her simmering blood cool off. Patient. She needed to be patient. She just got here, and she was already getting huffy over someone that wasn’t immediately friendly. Maybe he was an ass, but if she was an ass as well, that wouldn’t help anything. She just needed to focus on building. And the people that actually seemed to care about her. Get Science Man’s errands done and over with, and stay out of his way.
Looking over her new garden patch, she pursed her lips.
She had better things to do than try and win the favor of Science Man, anyway.
A/N: *Always Sunny episode title card* Wis attempts to win the favor of Science Man
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update on my stardew valley challenge!🥔🍓
I have to reach perfection but I can only sell items in a stack of 999 and my profit margin is set to 25%
I’m currently in summer year 7

horseradish / daffodil / leek / dandelion / parsnip / cave carrot / coconut / cactus / banana / sap / large egg W / egg W / egg B / large egg B / milk / milk L / green bean / cauliflower / potato / garlic / kale / rhubarb / melon / tomato / morel / blueberry / fiddlehead fern / hot pepper / wheat / radish / red cabbage / starfruit / corn / unmilled rice / eggplant / artichoke / pumpkin / bok choy / yam / chanterelle / cranberry / holly / beet / ostrich egg / salmon berry / amaranth / pale ale / hops / void egg / mayonnaise / duck mayonnaise / void mayonnaise / clay / copper bar / iron bar / gold bar / iridium bar / refined quartz / honey / pickles / jam / beer / wine / juice / poppy / copper ore / iron ore / coal / gold / iridium ore

wood / stone / nautilus shell / coral / rainbow shell / spice berry / sea urchin / grape / spring onion / strawberry / sweet pea / common mushroom / wild plum / hazelnut / blackberry / winter root / crystal fruit / snow yam / sweet gem berry / crocus / red mushroom / sunflower / purple mushroom / cheese / goats cheese / cloth / truffle / truffle oil / coffee bean / goat milk S / goat milk L / wool / duck egg / duck feather / caviar / rabbit foot / aged roe / ancient fruit / mead / tulip (all colours)/ summer spangle / fairy rose / blue jazz / apple / tea / apricot / orange / peach / pomegranate / cherry / bug meat / hardwood / maple syrup / oak resin / pine tar / slime / bat wing / solar essence / void essence / fibre / battery pack / dinosaur mayonnaise / roe / squid ink / tea leaves / ginger / taro root / pineapple / mango / cinder shard

magma cap / bone shard / radioactive ore / radioactive bar / smoked fish / moss / mystic syrup / raisins / dried fruit / dried mushrooms / carrots / summer squash / broccoli / powder melon
Green is complete
Purple I have 999 but haven’t shipped yet
Red I haven’t even started / I have less than 400
Blue is nearly complete
White I don’t have acces to yet (i’m still in 1.5) although I have been trying to prep for the update, so far I have about 600 fish ready to be smoked and I’ve been collecting common mushrooms, grapes and pineapples for drying
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Life in the Corazon Rivera Ancestral House
From Cora Relova of the Pila Historical Society Foundation and granddaughter of Corazon Rivera:

Lola’s house (Corazon Rivera Ancestral House) is considered ancestral because it is more than 50 years old and still belongs to the fourth generation of the family. It is a heritage house because the architecture belongs to a certain period and it is inside the declared (Philippine National) heritage zone. It is “taga-gitna” (people with houses in the center of the town surrounding the main plaza are elite).
It was built around 1929-1930. Lola Loring said she was 12 years old when they - Lola Azon (Corazon Rivera), Lolo Ato (Renato Del Mundo, son of Corazon Rivera) and Lola Loring (Loreto Del Mundo, daughter of Corazon Rivera) started living there. The old municipal hall (municipio) used to be located in the property. Lola Azon’s property was where the main municipal hall is located now. Lola Loring said that Lola Azon did not want to build the house directly in front of the church because she felt that the sins being confessed will "boomerang" back to the house or something like that. Can you imagine if she did not exchange her property….we will be in the center of the town plaza.
Anyway, there was no architect hired and Lola Azon was assisted by her nephew Felimon Rebong ("Lolo Imon") who was an engineer, or still an engineering student at that time. The house was built during the American period so it is called a chalet. It had plumbing and electricity. For better air flow the windows were big and surrounded the house. The lower portion of the windows had “ventanillas” (little windows) covered with wooden sliding doors which can be opened too. The upper portion of the walls had open wood carvings.


On the landing of the main stairs is the “balcon” (balcony) where one can sit to view the plaza. Aside from the main door there is also a door that leads to the first room. There were three rooms before with small doors leading to each room (the word “privacy” did not exist). The first one that opens to the balcon was occupied by Tita Jovit (Jovita, Cora's sister) and myself. The second one that opens to the sala/living area was occupied by Lola Azon and Tio Ato and family when they visited and the third one which opens to the comedor/dining area was occupied by Lolo Judge (Ramiro Relova, Loreto's husband) and Lola Loring. The 3rd room has a door that connects to the toilet/bath. (I recently had a division made to make the toilet separate from the bath during the renovation of the house).
There is no partition between the sala and comedor. When we were young a cabinet was used as partition. The front of the cabinet faced the dining room. The back of the cabinet faced the living room and the old piano was placed there. Actually the furniture pieces were moved around. The location of the living room set now is the best placement.
There was a sliding door that was the partition between the dining room and the kitchen. The kitchen was smaller until Lola had it renovated. We had no gas or electric stove. We had a “Kalan” (clay stove) that was made of ash. Charcoal, firewood and “bunot” (coconut husk) were used as fire. I remember that there were three parts so three dishes can be cooked at the same time. Can you imagine how hard it was then? Often there was a lot of smoke but there was a continuous flow of air then so it was not so bad. It is said that the food taste better with this method of cooking.There was also a storage room in the kitchen for (rice) “bigas”, salt etc. and I think a motor to pump water up the house. The pipes of the house was connected to free flow water fountain in the plaza. There was a stair in front of the toilet/bath used to go down to the first floor “silong” (basement).
The “silong” was where the "katulong" (household help) stayed, where the “sampayan” (clothes line when it rains) was, and the “bodega” - storage for the newly harvested and unmilled rice” palay”. Large blocks of ice were also stored there, covered by palay husks (and they never melted!) Lola Loring also had pens for hens that laid eggs and chickens for our food. I hardly went down because the flooring was not yet cemented and it was a bit dark.
Lola Azon planted a number of fruit trees. We had macopa (java apple), suha (grapefruit), lanzones (similar to lychee), balimbing (star fruit), duhat (java plum), santol (cotton fruit) and yambo (plum apple). Only the macopa (as old as the house) and the balimbing survives. The duhat in front of the house (by the gate) is only around 20 years old.
There was a “labahan” wash area for clothes at the back of the house. There was a continuous flow of water because of the pipe that was connected to the free flow fountain. There was a huge “kawa” or cauldron where the water fell and we (Tita Jovit and Tito Vic - Vic Del Mundo, Cora's first cousin and son of Renato Del Mundo) used to pretend “swim” or just fooled around and bothered the lavandera (washer woman) . Sadly, I do not know what happened to the “kawa”.
General cleaning of the house was done twice a year, certainly before the Flores de Mayo and I think after the New Year. Wives of tenants would come (around 4 ladies) and would work for free but they are fed very well and given travel fare and rice to bring home. It is called “panunulungan”. The ladies used “is-is” (ficus leaves) to scour the “pasamano” (window sill) and the floor before waxing. They used “walis na tingting” (broomstick) for the ceiling, walls, iron works followed by “basahan” (rag) soaked in water with soap in “palangana” (basin). I think it took them 2 days to clean everything. Then a male "katulong" (hired help) would wax the floor manually (very labor-intensive), then used “bunot” (coconut husk) to make it shine “lampaso”. I loved the smell of floor wax and the super clean house. One of the ladies was Aling Dulay who loved to bring Michael (Cora's son) fresh eggs.
I also remember that there was a carpet for the sala set. For cleaning the help would hang it on two chairs on the sidewalk in front of the house and beat it with a walis na tingting (broomstick). The lavandera (washerwoman) would also use the sidewalk to sun-dry clothes before rinsing.
Lola Azon would sweep the leaves on the ground with “walis tingting” everyday at around 4pm and I loved helping her. The leaves were piled up and burned because it drove the mosquitoes away. Every household did it. But in modern times, due to global warming and fumes, the municipal government forbade the burning of anything.
The wood used for the building of the house was mainly narra. Lola Loring (Loreto Del Mundo, daughter of Corazon Rivera) said that the panels with carvings that divides the rooms from the sala and comedor were made in Paete, Laguna. The windows in the rooms are made of wood with capiz shells. The flooring is also made of narra planks and the ceiling is made of wide solid narra. I remember that the materials used for the lower portion were not sturdy so it was cemented to better support the house.
After lunchtime and cleaning the kitchen was done, the help would iron clothes in the kitchen area with a plantsadora (iron). I remember that before the electric iron a heavy metal contraption with wood handle filled with burning charcoal was used (now considered an antique). The help would also listen to telenovelas on the radio. We were required to have an afternoon nap “siesta”, and we laid on banigs (woven mast) spread out in the living room.

Capiz Shell Window

Plantsadora (Iron), image from Cora Relova
Image of a Kawa, uncredited photo
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unshidous your kirisaki
unmahirus your shiina
unkotokos your yuzuriha
unmils your gram
unborealis' your unknown
(calling you out)
#~friendly idea chamber opening~#(mod is currently trying to memorise stuff for class while listening to yuno go bafu bafu nya nya please no)#(oh and staring at my yuno birthday stand that i need to give offerings to so i can pass my test)
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Tweah Attributes Weah’s Failure to Prosecute Corrupt Officials To UNMIL Withdrawal
Samuel Tweah, former Minister of Finance, has attributed the George Weah-led government’s inability to prosecute former corrupt officials from Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s administration to the departure of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). In a recent joint radio interview in Monrovia, Tweah explained that the government chose not to initiate legal actions against these officials to…
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Philippines Again Leads Global Rice Import, What's Driving the Demand?
Despite the ongoing El Niño phenomenon, the Department of Agriculture (DA) in the Philippines asserts that rice production remains strong. However, local rice traders are purchasing unmilled rice, or palay, at prices up to P30 per kilogram, significantly higher than the rates set by the National Food Authority (NFA). This discrepancy points to a lag in the NFA’s response to market conditions, missing opportunities to stabilise prices earlier in the harvest season.
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Calcined Aluminum Oxide Powder: A Comprehensive Overview
Calcined Aluminum Oxide Powder: A Comprehensive Overview Calcined aluminum oxide powder, also known as calcined alumina, is a refined form of aluminum oxide (Al2O3). It undergoes a process called calcination, which involves heating aluminum hydroxide or other aluminum compounds to temperatures typically exceeding 800 degrees Celsius1. In this article, we’ll explore the key characteristics, production process, and applications of calcined aluminum oxide powder.Get more news about Calcined Aluminum Oxide Powder,you can vist our website!
Key Characteristics of Calcined Aluminum Oxide: Purity: Calcined aluminas are more pure than fused aluminum oxide products (except for fused white aluminum oxide). When milled, they retain the chemistry of the unmilled crude more closely than fused aluminum oxide. Shape: Calcined alumina grains consist of single platey crystals, whereas fused aluminum oxide grains tend to be fractions of large crystals and blocky in shape. A calcined crystal resembles a six-sided disk with a thickness about one-fifth of its diameter. Applications: Calcined alumina is commonly used in glass and metal lapping, polishing, and coated abrasive tapes. Production Process: Calcination: Aluminum hydroxide or other aluminum compounds are heated to high temperatures, resulting in the transformation into calcined alumina. Milling: The calcined alumina is milled to achieve the desired particle size and shape. Applications: Lapping and Polishing: Calcined alumina is used for precision lapping and polishing of glass and metal surfaces. Coated Abrasive Tapes: It finds application in coated abrasive tapes for various finishing processes. Calcined aluminum oxide powder offers superior performance in grinding, blasting, lapping, and polishing applications. Its high purity and unique crystal shape make it an excellent choice for various industrial processes. Remember, when it comes to abrasive grains, expect excellence and accept no substitutes!
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ewes meet a bloke in the alley
who looks so much like he was broken, indown, in the valley: can & seems, so sad, tho, jokin around & in- vokin the name of a goddess, he blames the smoke of the flames that destroys all, the toys that ewes show off 2 the folk(s) in the pokey whose words are un-spo ‘ken, whose oxen, quite often, are yoked, as theyre, all, eating roe w/ their kin, & chokin on gin, left unmilled,…
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Radio Liberia FM & AM + Radio Online + (Radio Android Application 🇱🇷📻)
Liberia is a country with a rich musical heritage, and its radio stations play a key role in promoting local music and culture, as well as providing news and information to the public. From national broadcasters to community stations, Liberia's radio landscape offers a diverse range of programming to suit a variety of tastes and interests.
One of the most well-known radio stations in Liberia is the Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS). The LBS operates a number of national stations, including the popular ELBC 99.9 FM and LBS Radio 91.0 FM. These stations provide news, current affairs, and entertainment programming, and play a mix of local and international music.
Another major player in the Liberian radio landscape is UNMIL Radio. Operated by the United Nations Mission in Liberia, UNMIL Radio provides news, information, and educational programming to the public. The station also serves as a platform for promoting peace and reconciliation in the country.
In addition to these national broadcasters, Liberia is also home to a number of community radio stations. These stations are run by local communities and provide a platform for local voices and perspectives. They often focus on specific issues or interests, such as health, education, or music.
Some popular community radio stations in Liberia include Radio Gbarnga, which focuses on agriculture and rural development, and Radio Nimba, which plays a mix of local and international music and provides news and information to the community.
Overall, Liberia's radio stations play a crucial role in promoting local music and culture, as well as providing news and information to the public. Whether you're looking for the latest news headlines or the hottest new music, there is sure to be a radio station in Liberia to suit your needs. So why not tune in today and discover the rich and vibrant world of Liberian radio?
✔✔ GOOGLE PLAY STORE: ▶ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexto.radio.liberia
✔✔ AMAZON APP STORE: ▶ http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/dl/android?p=com.alexto.radio.liberia
✔✔ SAMSUNG GALAXY STORE: ▶https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.alexto.radio.liberia
#radio#internet radio#radiostation#radio liberia#liberian radio stations#radio liberia fm#radio liberia android#android#play store#amazon app store#samsung galaxy store
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they don't mean UNMILLED whole grains!
Slowly rebuilding my gut microbiome and reestablishing something that feels like real control over this body, but if I never see another slice of rye bread it'll be too soon.
#food#shieldfoss bread situation#fr though i should find some ridiculous all rye bread it might fix me
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Nissan Pickup UNMIL 2007 This is a replica by #jcollection of one of the many type of vehicles supporting UN peacekeeping operation. . This model is based on Nissan Navara pickup used by UN peacekeeping operation in Liberia (UNMIL) 2007. . #mydiecastcollection #nissannavara #myundiecastcollection #diecast #unmil #43scalemodels #unitednationsvehiclemodel https://www.instagram.com/p/B8as7d4l7lY/?igshid=3c2j34r2phqo
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untacos your truck
unmils your gram
unwakames your seaweed
(un-fuutas your kajiyama)
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The winter of 1880–1881 is widely considered the most severe winter ever known in many parts of the United States.
The initial blizzard in October 1880 brought snowfalls so deep that two-story homes experienced accumulations, as opposed to drifts, up to their second-floor windows. No one was prepared for deep snow so early in the winter. Farmers from North Dakota to Virginia were caught flat with fields unharvested, what grain that had been harvested unmilled, and their suddenly all-important winter stocks of wood fuel only partially collected. By January train service was almost entirely suspended from the region. Railroads hired scores-
hello molly i am in your inbox
hello minerva you are in my inbox
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If anyone is interested.
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