#unlike today where you just have the same game with a different name
mullettaegi · 2 years
i miss when mobile games used to be fun :(
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angstywaifu · 1 month
Black Dahlia - 9. 10 Gold Pieces (Garrick)
One tragic day changes Dahlia's life forever. Despised by her father and brother, she's spent her entire life trying to be the child and sister she use to be. But nothing she ever does is good enough. She joins the Rider's Quadrant to prove them wrong. Garrick now in his second year has proven he is more than the mark on his skin to his fellow riders, and taken leadership of his own Squad alongside Xaden. Little does he know the girl walking across the parapet is about to send him on a rollercoaster of a year.
Set Pre Fourth Wing/Books
Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos)
Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist A/N: I just wrote her threshing part. And I can't wait for you guys to meet her dragon.
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The snapping of twigs and crunching of leaves announces the arrival of the rest of the group. Xaden and I turn to see Eya leading the very small group of first years over to us. One by one they lower their hoods, their faces illuminated by the moon overhead.
”So, how did you all go in challenges?” Xaden asks as if he doesn’t already know.
He had watched every single fight we we’re in. He already knew what everyone needed to work on and improve. But he wanted to hear it from them. Needed them to figure out their strengths and weaknesses on their own.
”Well I don’t know about you guys but I kicked ass out there today.” Imogen says confidently as she crosses her arms across her chest.
She had done good. She’d clearly ended up in a home where she was allowed to train and fight. Her technique was a little sloppy, but it was something we could work on and fix.
”Yes, we all know you did well.” Ciaran mutters as he leans up against a tree.
Imogen’s head snaps towards him, eyes locking onto his instantly. I watch as Ciaran cowers slightly at her stare. A stare I couldn’t help but compare to that damn Aetos girl now. Fuck.
”Yes I did, unlike you two. What the hell was that footwork? I’ve seen babies taking their first steps have better footwork than you.” She snaps back at him without missing a beat.
”Not all of us got sent to homes where we were allowed to train.” He grumbles back before turning his head away from her.
Bodhi rubs the back of his neck nervously. He had won his fight, but barely. “I won, but I definitely could have done better. Pretty sure I was a few seconds off losing.”
Xaden nods in agreement. “You just need to get use to different fighting styles again, refine your technique. Which is why we’re doing this. Having these meetings so we can help each other instead of insulting each other.”
Imogen huffs at Xaden’s words, fully knowing the last ones we’re directed at her. Deep down she did care, and would help anyone who needed it. She just needed to stop having such a short fuse.
”Which is why we’re also going to start shuffling the groups up for training, that way you guys can learn off each other.” I announce, everyone nodding in agreement.
”We’ll keep the same nights per week, you’ll just change who you’re with every day or two so you don’t get use to fighting the same person.” Xaden adds.
Bodhi clears his throat, drawing our attention to him. “Am I still able to keep my one night per week for the other training?”
He doesn’t say her name, but I know who he means. Dahlia. He’d been training with her and two others from his squad. Similar to what we we’re doing with the other marked ones. Making sure they survived.
Xaden nods. “Yes, I want to make sure our squad has a good chance in challenges, and hopefully squad games later in the year. And honestly training with her would be very beneficial.”
A growl rumbles from my throat before I can stop it, everyone turning to look at me. Everything about her infuriated me. The way she’d proven me wrong today in her challenge, her attitude, and of course that damn last name.
”What’s his problem?” Imogen mutters to Bodhi, causing him to smirk.
”He doesn’t trust Dahlia. Think’s she’s going to rat us out to her father if she finds out what we’re up to.” He tells her happily.
Imogen looks at me and cocks her eyebrow. “Really? Have you seen how she is with Dain? They hate each other. Pretty sure that extends to her father to.”
”Yes, but as I keep saying it could all be an act. She’s probably waiting for us to slip up.” I growl out before clenching my jaw.
”Someone’s just salty he under estimated her fighting ability.” Xaden teases from next to me as he leans back against the tree.
”I am not!” I grumble back at him.
”Oh, so you weren't ranting to me earlier about her making you eat your words?” He challenges.
I narrow my eyes at Xaden, my nostrils flaring as I huff at him causing him to chuckle at me. Out of the corner of my eye I catch Bodhi smirking at me. He wasn’t wrong though. I’d very much under estimated her. Thought everyone had talked her up because of who she was. But today she had only solidified the talking I’d heard about her. How she had definitely taken down that third year without breaking a sweat. I’d even laughed as she’d pulled out a staff she’d kept close to her side. A very rare weapon choice, especially for dragon riders. But she’d made it look so easy. Made that damn staff look like a deadly weapon. And something told me she would be just as talented with any other weapon she touched. She’d literally made me eat the last words I’d uttered in her ear before she stepped onto the mat.
”Damn Tavis, she’s really gotten under your skin.” Imogen teases, not even phased by my temper.
”Oh you have no idea.” Xaden mutters causing the others to snicker.
”You lot done? Because last time I checked we weren’t here to talk about her.” I say angrily, trying to end the conversation.
”We’re done. I’ll let you know who you’re training with tomorrow.” Xaden says, promptly ending the conversation topic.
Everyone nods in agreement before placing their hoods over their heads, turning to head back up to the quadrant. Xaden and I hang back, taking place at the rear of the group, ready to hang back so we don’t arouse suspicion heading back into the quadrant together. Now that there were more marked riders, we’d noticed Professors and any leadership that were around were becoming more strict on us sticking to the hanging out in groups of three or less.
A few steps a head Imogen leans her head towards Bodhi. “How much you wanna bet he ends up fucking her?”
”What did I just say!” I roar, causing everyone to burst into fits of laughter as I push past them.
”10 gold pieces.”
Taglist: @imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94
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seitokaisnihongo · 1 year
The Entirety of Japanese, Lesson #1
AKA - I'm sorry, you do have to learn all three scripts.
Welcome to our first lesson! Today, we are going to learn how to read Japanese.
Sort of.
See, it's not something you can learn in one day, or one lesson. Learning a language is a gradual process that doesn't cement until you start *using* it.
So we will go over the basics, both the WHY three scripts and the HOW to learn all three over time, and then provide 10+ FREE resources from all over the internet for you to practice with!
Let's go!
Why All Three Scripts?
Short answer: because I said so.
The Japanese language has no spaces in it. Unlike English where there is a space between each word, Japanese sentences look like this:
All three scripts are in this sentence. It translates to "plums and peaches are both like peaches". An odd sentence, but here's why I chose it...
When you write it in *just* Hiragana (the basic, "first" phonetic script), it looks like this:
Yikes. So many も, with no way to tell apart the multiple words in the も train.
So... how can you tell similar words apart when written out?
Wait, let's look back a bit. Can you tell where different words are in the sentence before? Yes. Even without being taught *anything* about the Japanese language, you can tell where different words start just by looking at it.
By writing in multiple scripts, you can tell similar words apart.
Okay... But How Do I Learn Them?
There's quite a few ways to learn them. In fact, on Thursday we will be publishing community responses from our Discord detailing how THEY learned the scripts.
But for now, here is the two first scripts you'll learn in their entirety, thanks to Coto Japanese Acamedy
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You'll learn these first for three reasons:
First, they are easier.
Second, you can spell any word in Japanese with these two scripts. Not a hard and fast rule, but Hiragana is used for native Japanese words and Katakana is usually used for international loan words, emphasis, names, and 'sound effect words', aka onomatopoeia.
Third, you'll see Hiragana above Kanji (the difficult one) that tells you how to pronounce Kanji.
As far as actually learning them, you *could* just write them down over and over.
Writing is super important when learning Japanese.
But it might be easier to start with some apps, games, and videos where you can learn the characters both in context AND within words.
Here's our favorite FREE resources:
Duolingo (Website, Android, and Apple) is great for learning singular words and Hiragana / Katakana, however explanations of grammar is limited to desktop. Still, PERFECT for the beginning stages regardless of device.
Bunpo is another free app for learning Japanese!
JapanesePod101's videos on Hiragana and Katakana over on Youtube are fantastic for hearing natural speach.
Tofugu's Hiragana and Katakana blog posts have the * best * mnemomics, with sound bites.
Busuu's (Website, Android, Apple) Japanese course starts off with Hiragana words to get you speaking immediately.
Kana (Apple, Android) is a free app dedicated to JUST Hiragana and Katakana.
Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese is the holy grail for new Japanese learners. Of course, it has a no-frills explanations of all three scripts.
Japanese Ammo with Misa has detailed lessons on everything, including Kana.
Here's a video on the difference between printed and written Hiragana fonts.
And finally... our discord server.
Wait... what about Kanji?
Well, the problem is there's a lot to learn. A LOT.
You'll be learning them over the course of yearssssssss. But that's fine; you can tune into our lessons to learn them.
Join right here to practice what you learn! You'll also gain access to new friends learning the same language AND more free resources.
We can't wait to see you there!
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nerdy-the-artist · 2 months
Space Pirate Design Ranking
The Metroid series has a boatload of different designs, completely changing between every game except the 2D iterations. Some think it’s simple design inconsistency, others think that they’re different genetic manipulations of the same species, while others (including myself) are of the opinion that the Space Pirates are a collective made up of various species. Today, I’ll be ranking these designs based on what they convey and, simply, what I think is cool and aesthetically pleasing. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll only be ranking the standard Space Pirate variant of each game, the “core enemy type” if you will. And yes, Metroid Prime 4 Beyond is here, though its place in the ranking is subject to change as we get more closer looks.
7. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
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Some people may consider this a sin to put so low on the list but, to me, this really just doesn’t fit the whole vibe of the Space Pirates, especially in the Prime series. In the Metroid Prime saga, the Space Pirates are an authoritarian empire who recklessly abuse technological advancement for the sake of domination. This just… doesn’t say that. It’s a good design, don’t get me wrong, but this really looks like some weird skeleton knight. I could see this crawling out of some crypt to seek vengeance, not descending from a space ship to plunder. For that reason, I gotta put this guy in last place.
6th place: Metroid Prime Federation Force
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For many of the problems Metroid Prime 2’s design has, I think Federation Force remedies… and then makes the opposite mistakes. Federation Force’s Space Pirate design is, canonically, around the same height as Metroid Prime’s Omega Pirate. Why make mechs for your game if you’re just gonna scale the enemies up anyway is anyone’s guess. With that in mind, I kinda like this as a heavy unit for the Space Pirates, but the center of this design just is a bit hard to look at. I love the limbs and the inclusion of the iconic Prime Pirate energy blade. There’s a mix of fleshy joints and tough, metal plating that I enjoy, I actually like the bright red eyes as well, especially for a heavy unit. But the carapace around it just feels… it’s kinda hard to look at. That mouth, as well, is just a bit too buggy and lacks expressiveness. Really, that’s my edict on this thing. Good extremities, but lacks expression and is generally tough to look at. Still, I imagine someone could retool/retexture this thing to be a real banger of a design.
5th place: Metroid Other M
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From here on, these designs are ones I truly like as Space Pirates. Metroid Other M’s Space Pirate design was a tough one to find a good image of. This was about the best one I could find in a cursory search. As far as official designs go, I think this is the best translation of the iconic Zebesian Space Pirate to 3D we’ve ever gotten. There was a small effort made in Prime 2 to bring the claws back, but here there are on full display and they look great. The whole design is, honestly, fantastic. You can see the smooth bands around the limbs and torso, downward pointed jaw, and the big, smooth, blank eyes of the old sprite. The spines on the back and head really add some personal flare to these guys as well, and the whole design has a delightfully cheesy color scheme that I simply adore. I think the series has designs that evoke certain feelings and themes better, but this is certainly a fun looking guy.
4th place: Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
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Unlike every other type but the Zebesians, the Space Pirates of Corruption have a distinct name based on the Homeworld we explore, Urtraghians. There is a distinctly pseudo organic bend to these guys, with the textures on the armor plating feeling almost Xenomorphic. However, where I think this design stands out is, of course, the head. The long, pointed teeth clearly visible under the rows of eyes really makes this eel-like head intimidating. You can really imagine the Urtraghians descending from their ships in a city, gunning down innocents and plundering whatever they choose. These animalistic terrors will smell where you’re hiding and drag you out kicking and screaming. It really fits the Space Pirates’ role in the story. From day one, they really have just been a bogeyman for the Federation. We rarely actually see them doing… ya know… pirating. The rampant technological obsession was a concept introduced by the Prime trilogy. As a design for the Bogeyman of the Galaxy, I think the Urtraghians work great.
3. Metroid Prime 4 Beyond
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Haha, 3 is for 4 and 4 is for 3. This will be subject to change and many people might not rank them until we get clearer images, but uh… I’m doin it. Beyond’s pirates have a very buggy design, but in a way that’s parallel, not identical, to the Zebesian designs from the 2d games. Their mouth is split into mandibles, they have a hard carapace, and their movements can be jittery and unsettling. The large size of them compared to the Federation personnel seen in the trailer really evokes power and control. Their armor has outward pointed edges and defined pectorals. These are conquerors, proud, undefeatable warriors. The sparseness of it also evokes a sense of confidence, as if they don’t need a full covering when their hardened shell is so superior to weak flesh. It’s almost ornamental in a way. (Though someone should remind them they lost in every previous fight against Samus). Their mandibular maws, hunched backs, double thumbed hands, and digitigrade stance (standing on their toes with their heels off the ground) also evokes a certain other core enemy type in a sci fi shooter.
I’m going to leave it here for now as I have some other stuff to get to at the moment and I Forgor the image limit on Tumblr posts. I’ll get the ranking for the final (first?) two designs by the end of today. Then, I might make a post about what roles I’d fit these different species into for my own storytelling purposes.
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lovra974 · 2 years
Bakugo's son (part 2)
Let's say Bakugo didn't take his shot with you for probably any reason he could find.
But let's say destiny decided to give him a second chance by transferring you to UA, just when his son entered it.
He passed the practical exam with 78 points so one above his father and talked about it for weeks. "Well, how much did you got in English brat? Go back studying instead of bragging! Damn, who gave you this ego?"
Nobody knew you were transfered. Little Bakugo was in class, minding his own business and talking with his new classmates when a familiar voice called for silence. His eyes bulged. It was you, his favorite teacher in the world. Big grin on your face, hands on your hips and mischief in your eyes. "Alright, let's play a game, kids..."
He was euphoric. The night, before calling his dad he took a big breath, he needed to play casual if he wanted to get what he wanted. "Hiiii daaaaad..." (Maybe that was too casual...)
"What's on brat? You have a weird voice."
He very rarely called him dad. It was always 'old man', 'number two/one' (depends on the month with Deku) or 'stupid hero'.
"You won't believe who is my teacher."
Bakugo was not ready to hear your name. No. No. No... He felt his gut clench. It was always like that when he was with you. He wasn't as stupid as his son thought. He knew what feelings he arbored for you. At first he felt validated as a dad, and then he built a solide admiration for you. Until he took a step too much and begun falling.
He was scared, the last time it happened it ended so badly. It ended with a scandal, a baby in his arms and the mother leaving without looking back.
Even if he knew you were not the same, he was anxious. So he prefered not doing anything.
His son waited for him to put a move, because you were exactly what his family needed. He could confide to you. His dad really liked you and he saw how you looked at them both. With longing. That's what he wanted, a family. A family where his dad wouldn't felt alone and crushed by responsabilities. But not sure his dad read the note.
Mini Bakugo's time at UA was focus on work. You weren't going easy on them. First you made them work on strategies then their quirk. He developed his quirk, watching how he could use it differently from his father.
His first duel with a classmate was disastrous. He lost in a matter of minute and didn't talk for two days. He took you, hyping him and a long call from his dad to sooth his mind. "It's no big deal, gremlin. Everybody fail from time to time, it helps to get experience." "But you never lose, you're the symbol of Victory..." he murmured with a teary voice.
"What?!? What's that bullshit? Of course I have lost, kid. My first hero training at UA, I lost against Deku. Damn I wanted to kill that shitty nerd..."
"You lost?"
"Yeah... I also didn't get my hero license on the first try too. That's things happen. What I want you to remember is that you'll get better if you fail sometimes. Learn from your mistakes. If you never learn you won't be a good hero." "Thank you old man." "It's nothing gremlin, do your best. Before I go, are you the idiot who put the washing machine on warm? I told you a hundred times it's better cold for your clothes!!"
At the Sport Festival the kid gave his all. He won, but unlike his father, under the cheering of his classmates. He felt elated. A feeling so bright a tear dropped off his eyes. Deku smiled at him when he gave him the medal with a few words of appreciation.
Bakugo wouldn't tell his son he cried too. He cried of relief, of pride, of watching his gremlin grow and becoming such a wonderful hero. Without another word, you left him a tissu.
Mini Bakugo was doing well. But he was not satisfied yet. So... He talked to his Grandma about you.
He was indulging in his retired grand parents activities and today was photography. He let them dress him and turn him to take photos from every angle. He knew he could vant as much as he wanted in this moment.
"That's the kind teacher you told me about?"
"Yes. The one that makes the old man blush. He's such a simp I swear!" he responded while looking straight at the camera.
They put the replay of the Sport Festival which was playing in a corner. Masaru took pictures and Mitsuki watched the replay.
"But I guess he won't ask them out..." she mused.
"No, I tried everything but he is to fucking stubborn."
Mitsuki watched you with the other teachers on the TV and then smiled when she recognized one. She patted her grandson hair.
"Alright, I know what you need to do..."
The gremlin followed his grand-ma instructions. When he came back the weekend he stepped in the kitchen where his father was cooking. He stared at him, deciding how to attack first.
"So how was your week, brat?"
"Good. Professor Y/N made us work with the Professor Mindjack's class. It was cool."
It is how the plan began. Each time he mentioned you, he had to put Professor Mindjack in the same sentence. Professor Y/N exchange the exams with Professor Mindjack for correction. Professors Mindjack and Y/N want to train us Monday morning...
And it was working. After a week like that only, he asked his son, "You talk a lot about the Zombie..."
Without missing a bit, his son responded, " Well, I see him a lot with Professor Y/N."
"Oh..., they are friends?"
"I guess, they are always together."
The kid digged into his plate. Not missing how his father stiffen. He felt a little guilty for lying to him like that, but that's the biggest reaction he got.
He kept doing the talking about his week, not too much to raise suspicion. His grandma told him to be subtle.
And for his pleasure, the day his father and Deku came to UA to talk with the students, you were with Professor Mindjack.
The gremlin was strolling in the corridors when he saw his father coming from the opposite direction with Deku. He grabbed his friends by their collar and hid with them in the classroom.
Just at this moment, you got out from the teacher lounge with Mindjack, talking with animation. Bakugo froze. Everything his son told him replayed in his mind. His traitorous brain showed him what he didn't want to see. You, dating that stupid Zombie, being happy and lovey-dovey with him when it was Bakugo who was craving your attention. Your eyes were shining, you looked so carefree with him. And stupid Mindjack was smiling too!!! A tired and discret smile, not a big grin but a smile nonetheless! Bakugo felt fire in his lungs. His hands were warm when you saw them.
The day went good, the gremlin didn't stop watching his father. He analysed his behavior, the way he talked to you and to Professor Mindjack. He was professional, supporting with his classmates. Nothing too different, until the end of the day.
It's Deku who saw the restrain in his friends. He had glommy eyes when he thought nobody was watching. The green haired hero didn't know why though.
You felt deflected when Dynamight ignore your goodbye. It burned you to watch him walk away whereas you wanted to thank him for the day. Your throat tightened.
His son come to you after the lesson. His piercing red eyes stared while you tried to act like it didn't affect you.
"I'm sorry, Professor Y/N."
"Why are you apologizing, champion?" you said with a forced smile.
"I have put in my father's head that you were dating Professor Mindjack. That's why he acted like that."
Slowly, he pushed a little paper on your desk. Your hands moved of themselves, you were too flabbergasted to process what your student said to you.
"It's his number. It's your choice but if you want it, you have to make a move."
You analysed the boy in front of you. He looked as determined as always. The frown had been soothed by the years and his classmates. But he still had this defiance in his stance.
And now, you saw something rare, something he usually don't show, worriness. Right on his shakening pupils.
Just like that, it makes your heart acted on his own. You took his hand, carefully. You hold and press it. The child swallowed.
"Is that what you want?" you questioned.
"We both want it. The old man is just too stupid to say it."
You nodded and put the little paper in your pocket. "I'll think about it, kid. Thank you for your help."
The gremlin smiled, then left.
The same night, you decided to take matter into your own hands. With a deep breath, you called him.
"Yeah?" He grumbled.
"Mister Bakugo? It's Professor Y/N. You left before I could thank you and ask you something."
The ProHero shook. His mind blanked for a few seconds.
"How the hell did you got my number?"
"Not important. When is your next day off?"
"Why???" He barked.
"I'm taking you out on your day off, so when it is?"
Only silence responded to you. But you knew he was still there.
After a long time, you heard something like papers shuffling, then a quiet "Sunday..."
"Perfect, it's a date then! I see you Sunday. Goodnight!"
When the call ended, Bakugo in his napron in front of the calendar slowly turned to look at his son.
The gremlin was hiding his smile with a scowl like his father.
"You little shit..."
"Tsk. Try to ground me and I send the record to Grandma, stupid hero."
@afterlife11 @johnnysactualgf
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sergeifyodorov · 3 months
Any interest in grading everyone’s first day of free agency? Would love to hear your thoughts!!
ooh okay ! well as tuned in as i am i didn't catch everything so this is going to be pretty incomplete/fairly uninformed but here's my attempt:
boston bruins: that zadorov contract LOL AND LMAO (i say as if hes not going to immediately skyrocket to excellence.) that lindholm contract might be even worse with the same caveat. A+ for me, a hater
buffalo sabres: what did they even do? C.
detroit red wings: kane is a bad move + jack campbell is fine at that contract + cam talbot is the epitome of "goalies? what's up with goalies?" + why do they have 4 goalies now. C-
florida panthers: lost montour, lost oel, lost lomberg. that reinhart contract is really good though. C+
montreal canadiens: if slaf continues on his upward trajectory that contract looks great; if he doesn't, they're already bad so it doesn't matter all that much. B
ottawa senators: what did they even do? get noah gregor? i hear he's very fast. C.
tampa bay lightning: where do i even start with this one
toronto maple leafs: the problem w/ all of the leafs' acquisitions is that they are Fine, some of them even Good, but they're just overpaid enough for me to not only get annoyed about it but also see 30 ft of insufferably rancid discourse every time i open twitter. B+
carolina hurricanes: appear to have lost half the guys i remember being on their roster, but the one dude they did end up signing was one of the small handful of good deals i saw handed out today. C
columbus blue jackets: this team's quality does not matter. you know what does matter? gaudreau/monahan reunion. A
new jersey devils: brett pesce's good. B+
new york islanders: anthony duclair's good but i mourn what lou lamoriello will make him do with his hair. C+
new york rangers: what did they even do. C.
pittsburgh penguins: incredibly committed to the bit of only signing players over 30 and they don't have poj back yet. C
washington capitals: genuine home runs in here. chychrun... pld... matt roy... didn't even give out valuable picks to acquire these assets! A
chicago blackhawks: i think they're trying to crawl out of this rebuild with no other serious potential core members other than bedard, which don't get me wrong is a bad move, but i also think they're not doing a terrible job of crawling out of the rebuild. B
colorado avalanche: kept jo drouin. C+
dallas stars: lyubushkin is incredibly bad and they gave him 3.25 aav. and casey desmith is there. F
minnesota wild: extended one of the sexiest toothless men on earth jake middleton. A
nashville predators: A+
st louis blues: what did they even do. C
utah hockey club: that durzi price is a bit steep but hey, if you've never had the money before i guess you might as well spend it. also sergachev was a BALLSY move i will miss you my cunty mistress. also we (the nhl) have a fucking iginla again... for our health. we need an iginla. B-
winnipeg jets: what did they even do. C
anaheim ducks: what did they even do. C
calgary flames: sharangovich extension + anthony mantha. tidy bit of business. zayne parekh YOU are the 2025 calder trophy winner. C+
edmonton oilers: managed to get a couple good players on nice cheap contracts, improved their rush game even more somehow, and will have to re-print their goalie's jerseys because they now have two different guys named skinner. A
la kings: gave joel edmundson nearly 4 million dollars a year. D
seattle kraken: stole brandon montour from florida. B+
san jose sharks: unlike the hawks, seem to be actively prepared to break out of the rebuild and trying to do it. toffoli? great! wennberg? a little overpaid but they're trying to hit the cap floor at this point so it's quite good! rumours of pavs return to san jose but you didn't hear it from me. B+
vancouver canucks: jake debrusk is gonna be a good linemate for petey imho. the hronek and myers contracts were a little rich but honestly they seem to be a lot more coherent ideologically than they were just a couple years ago. B
vegas golden knights: basically lost every remaining original misfit/otherwise quality forward in an effort to keep marchessault, and then lost marchessault anyway to the Power Of Divorce. and now they have ilya samsonov as their starting goaltender. F
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alys0r · 2 months
A small analysis of the Moonvale characters.
I must say right away that the characters from Moonvale seem to me more realistic and lively, even despite the disgusting avatars with artificial intelligence. These are clearly more or less the same types of characters from Duskwood, but somewhat modified. Initially, I thought that I would be extremely disappointed if everything in Moonvale was exactly the same as in the previous Everbyte game, but no. It seems that everything repeats itself, but it repeats extremely well. This is not a copy, but a parallel. Moreover, there are still differences. But about everything in order.
Our missing waif. And yet we interact with him directly. We're connected somehow, and it's not just about the envelope with our name on it. Was Adam on his way to give us the envelope? I doubt it very much, considering that the main character is obviously not privy to this. Is it all related to Duskwood? I'm pretty sure I'm not, and if I am, it's obviously not with Hannah. To be honest, I haven't looked at the theory of this game yet, and I don't know if anyone has voiced such a thought, but the cave is clearly similar to the mine where Jake and Richie were. Especially considering that, as Jake said, if I'm not mistaken, the mine stretches for many kilometers, and the actions of the current game take place not so far from Duskwood. Soooooo, returning to Adam, this whole situation with him is clearly very different from the situation with Hannah, which is good news. I can't get a good look at Adam himself, given that there is no clear information about him
Eric is probably one of my favorites (apart from Jake, of course, heh) among all those created by Everbyte. He is a lively and interesting character. Of all the people I'm dealing with today, it's the hardest for me to compare Eric to anyone in particular. Maybe with Thomas, because it's the first time we've talked to him, but that's all. Eric clearly has some kind of sin in the past, as can be understood from his correspondence with Ash, and it seems to me that this will play an important role in the plot (it is not surprising that such attention is paid to this). He is completely calm even in a tense situation and knows how to think clearly enough. The fact that he went into the forest alone, strangely, is still explained by the fact that he is well-versed in the wild. Eric is proactive, but he still thinks first and then acts, thanks to him for that (although this may change in the next chapters). And, apart from Adam, this is the only character whose face we've seen. Separately, I want to note that the idea that Eric could have done something bad on the night of the Festival (given that people from nearby cities come to Duskwood during the festival) is quite interesting.
Lily, with her combative nature, is clearly visible here. But Ash is clearly more sarcastic. And she doesn't throw accusations right and left, preferring to find out at least something first (but not personal data (I still love Lily)). Unfortunately, it is difficult to say anything else about this, given that this is only the first chapter. But Ash is already making a positive impression.
Richie is No. 2, but not the kidnapper. Charlie seems to be much more free and open than Richie, but we all know why Richie himself couldn't be like that. Charlie is clearly more active and impressionable. One of those people who can't sit still and like to get involved in something. And unlike Eric, he acts first. It still seems to me that something unpleasant will be revealed about Charlie (although perhaps this applies to everyone in general). But he is a very nice person.
It reminds me of Jesse, but it's hard to say for sure yet. I think, like Jesse, he will play a big role specifically for the main character.
I think, like me, you also thought at first that it was Jake. I'm not going to build theories about personality yet, but chel clearly knows us as well as Adam. Whether he will play the same role as Jake is difficult to say. (It will certainly be very funny if they also make him a romantic interest, deciding to stupidly copy Jake….)
That's all for now. I'm wondering which of the Duskwood characters will still make themselves felt (except Jake, I think he will obviously still show up). Maybe it will be Allan. Although it seems to me that in any case it will be someone little expected by us. And maybe I will have correspondence with the main guys of Duskwood, but literally something one-time.
I'm sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English very well and I use a translator
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thygoddessouijathicc · 2 months
Ok ok I’ve probably posted too much on this today however…
Major spoilers for Ugly oh yeah also warnings for discussion of dark themes and suicide.
So I was looking at the achievements for the game and I noticed a few things. First of all that almost all of the achievements names are statements most being presumably said by Scorpion or about him for example “I will make you a REAL prince.” “Not my son!” And the ever classic “Put on the mask!” “PUT ON THE MASK!” “PUT ON THE F******* MASK!”
Some seem not to be said by Scorpion but if put in the correct context probably are. “Hot dog” is a cruel fucking joke but I mean it’s not an… incorrect statement… (Scorpion I hate you). “Waiting for my prince.” Makes total sense in context and taking it as being said by Scorpion makes it kinda horrible because he says prince and not son or child or whatever because he only sees Butterfly as an heir and a continuation of himself rather than a child.
But one thing particularly stands out to me and it’s how the major story beat achievements progress. The first major story beat is the bandaged, its achievement is “Can’t be real”. Next is the covered “Painful image”. Then you get the mirror monster which gets way more interesting with “THIS IS NOT ME!”. Then the lock thing “I need to hide myself.”. Then the poisoned is next. Not sure why I remember that one’s name and not the last two but eh… it’s achievement is “Who am I?”. Finally we get to the mirror shard itself with the definitive statement “I’M UGLY!” And the fire boss “This is not me.”
Looking at these statements my interpretation is that these are all after the fire and are Scorpion’s thoughts at the time. They seem to portray largely denial but something a bit deeper in the character’s psyche. Scorpion doesn’t know who he is without his looks and finds the mere idea that they are bad to be painful. He can’t let himself be seen if he is ugly just like he couldn’t let his ugly son be seen, who we have established by now he sees as an extension of himself and not a child. He rejects his son being ugly with statements like “not my son” the same way he says things like “this is not me”. Because no part of him can be ugly that’s not possible he can’t reconcile that idea.
Going beyond this Scorpion seems to think his deformity is way worse than it is. When we see him in the ending of the game we will notice yeah he’s kinda let himself go maybe a little and he has what? One scar? I don’t think he was ever actually burned in the first place at least not that badly because we have seen Butterfly who is confirmed to have been burned and his scar is definitely much much worse. It’s likely if Scorpion was ever burned at all he has made a full recovery but again I doubt he ever was. It’s not that he’s actually become ugly it’s that he sees it that way because to Scorpion him having a small scar is just as bad as being hideously deformed or whatnot. Scorpion was never ugly he never needed to “hide himself” but he thought he was ugly and he thought he did because that’s how he responds to any ugly thing apparently. We spend the whole half of the game thinking this guy has been burned beyond recognition but no… he just has a cut on his face. But that’s enough for him.
Also side note I headcanon the thing that cut his face to be the mirror shard seen throughout the game. He was literally cut by his own reflection.
Continuing to the second half of the game the achievements get… different. They seem to be, unlike earlier ones, present thoughts mixed with past ones. Especially the items. “I deserve everything” “top secret” “play it again” “this is my son.” “You asked for it” (about that last one, that’s said about Spider’s eyepatch so… fuck you Scorpion, damn) “Are you beautiful?” “Crime and punishment” “precious collar.” “You have ruined it” “where is my heir?” And “dangerous spider”. These thoughts don’t seem exactly regretful of his actions though some can be read as regretful of his own situation. We get from this a few things.
One, he didn’t like his wife that’s for damn sure. And with the idea that he was a prince I kinda question if perhaps it was an arranged marriage which would explain it being so loveless seemingly from the start… though that doesn’t excuse his actions at fucking all. Still fuck you Scorpion.
As for what else is there… “I deserve everything” is a very weighted statement at this point in the game so is “are you beautiful” especially being said about one of Butterfly’s belongings because it does feel like he’s actually asking if his son was beautiful all along (even if in his own way) and possibly even “where is my heir” can be seen as weighted though that one can be seen as a memory given it is a rattle but it can also be him asking now that he’s alone where is his heir he wanted so badly to be perfect. Precious collar is also questionable because that’s the dogs collar. The one he killed. “This is my son” is one I’m very unsure of because it’s the wine glass from when his son wore the mask though it does imply he actually did present Butterfly as his son… when Butterfly was masked of course. It sounds almost proud maybe and part of me doesn’t doubt that it might actually be proud. But only proud when Butterfly can’t be seen and functions properly as an accessory to make Scorpion look good.
Finally there is the noose “the rope is the key”… self explanatory. It’s the key. We have been finding keys this whole game and this is the only one that leads out. Whether or not Scorpion actually regrets any of his actions it’s clear how he feels about his situation. We know from the final sequence if he wanted to he could just leave. He’s hardly trapped in a way that will actually stop him from leaving. Especially given he locked all the doors to be hidden meaning he probably does have access to the outside.
His death could be seen as an accident he seems to behave maybe like it was but also he definitely put the rope over the scaffolding he knows will collapse then got up there. And he also if we are in fact reading achievements as his words, just called the rope the key. So I’m going to go out on a limb and say he definitely meant to do that. We can also see in that final scene he’s actually seeing himself properly now so it can be well confirmed that he probably isn’t killing himself for being ugly… on the outside.
The noose is the only key for Scorpion to leave not because he physically can’t leave but because even if he did leave he can’t change anything about his situation and the things he’s done and he’s ugly inside, which is where it really matters. Suicide is a complicated topic and while I don’t particularly like Scorpion as a person he was pretty awful let’s be real here, I do feel like his suicide is still somewhat sad because in a sense… well in a few… he was at the end of his rope at this point and had nothing left. He realized the error of his ways finally seemingly but he also realized that it doesn’t matter. He can’t unkill his wife or kids or dog, or unburn his son’s face. Not to mention even if he wanted to go back to living how he used to it’s implied he’s been gone awhile and with that fire he caused everyone either thinks he’s dead or crazy or both. And maybe his peers are after all just as shallow as he is or was or whatever you think at this point in the game. And would actually think he’s hideous for having a small scar.
There really wasn’t anything Scorpion could have done in this situation but die. He created this mess do not get me wrong here he is at fault for all of this and while from the context of him being a prince I do think he may in fact be a product of his situation given the perfectionist mentality and deep insecurity and narcissistic tendencies could well have been intentionally fostered I mean he does lead a religion for fucks sake and who knows that shit could have been going on since he was like 9 which absolutely would destroy his ability to have a proper childhood development, we have nothing to go by on account of his own upbringing other than that he is in fact a royal. He’s not referred to as a king so maybe that’s something and implies he probably has siblings older than him. But really for all we know he’s just kinda like this? No reason no horrible upbringing that fostered narcissism to a clinical degree so bad it causes him to seeming panic at imperfection and try to cover it up, honestly he could just have woken up one day and chosen child abuse. We know very little about this guy he literally isn’t even named we just call him Scorpion. And again even if he did have a past to explain his actions they’re still on him and I still like to watch him faceplanting into glass.
But as much as I do blame him for everything that happened he is literally an abuser I still do take suicide seriously and respect that Scorpion killing himself was really the only thing he could have done in his situation (I say all this because I have seen people call it him wimping out and fucking hell I don’t vibe with calling suicide an easy way out no matter what the character has done). Sure maybe turn himself into the police (which wouldn’t he need evidence and statute of limitations and trial and shit?) or an asylum and live out the rest of his days imprisoned and for the latter case depending on the time period, lobotomized. Yeah it’s not like that was really an option even if he’d done terrible things and was now aware of the extent of that I don’t see anyone deciding they want to spend the rest of their life in a padded cell. There’s also a chance he may have been shipped off to an asylum if anyone found him because he did randomly go up to a mirror and throw a candle at it, presumably causing a fire that killed people, then disappear for years. It’s like he chose between death and slower and possibly more unpleasant and humiliating death.
Also beyond just the actual consequences of staying alive with statements like “I deserve everything” it seems like his psyche is also taking a serious beating. And yes Scorpion you do deserve this your son SHOULD by all means be no contact with your narcissistic arse. The flesh pits taunt you. But yeah yeah back to the point… I also interpret the flesh levels as being all in his head so his mind seems to be falling apart whether from guilt or isolation or what but Scorpion isn’t mentally stable at this moment in time. Honestly I debate if he ever was and if hallucinations like this are actually new but again we don’t know much about this guy. Though the mirror stuff probably also isn’t real unless maybe it is because the poison spiritually fucked him up??? Whatever the case may be I don’t think Scorpion finds himself beautiful at the end of the story and I don’t mean physically I mean it feels like he understands that he’s ugly where it matters and that’s inside and that his actions were disgusted and disgraceful. So I think the choice to… do that… wasn’t entirely to avoid consequence so much as it was “there’s nothing left for me and I’m a monster and the world is better off without me” which is kinda heavy shit right there.
At the end of the day Scorpion is a character with almost no dialogue save from what I affectionately call “random Scorpion noises” (which mostly consist of waking up panting and laughter in memories and smooching noises) so we don’t really understand his actual feelings towards his situation aside from in the ending song where he takes the stance everyone else takes and pretty much goes “yeah I kinda suck lmao” but I find him interesting to analyze since we know so little yet so much about him? We know he’s a prince, we know what he’s done, but as a person we know very very little.
My take is that Scorpion was probably the younger of a few princes and raised into his narcissistic tendencies and perfectionism to look good in court, because to me that makes the most sense to explain why he’s like this. He’s definitely not crown prince and to me even his *age* is up to debate because we have no idea of the time period as far as I know it could be modern it could be medieval. And he kinda looks pretty young let’s be real even at the end of the game with a full adult son who also seems to have a child he looks maybe late 20s early to mid 30s? I have no evidence for this but I’m not convinced he was a legal adult in some of the early on the timeline memories. Because no way this guy is a grandfather without a single wrinkle or grey hair if we are saying he was minimum 18 when he had his son because his son is in this case minimum also 20-30 something depending on how old you think the child is putting him at like 50-60. I also feel that his reoccurring desire to specifically *hide* anything imperfect is of note.
Oh yeah I also think spider is from elsewhere. I think she’s from a different kingdom and that the marriage was both arranged and political. Because for one that’s what you do with princesses and non crown princes you use them for political advantage. For two the Spider wing has a very unique aesthetic that feels kidna like it’s maybe reminiscent of an entirely different kingdom’s aesthetic given it’s all light glass where everywhere else is for lack of a better term… heavy
But these are only headcanons because we must remember… we don’t know their goddamn NAMES. Though I think it would be really funny if Scorpion, Spider, and Butterfly were in fact actually their names. Goddamn arthropods.
So anyway all I wanted to say was some stuff about achievements and it turned into Ouija going character analysis crazy
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pureiceblue · 1 year
Queer Gaming History- Caper in the Castro
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We are thankfully in an era where there are more openly LGBT characters in video games than ever before. Just looking at the list of known queer video game characters on Wikipedia shows how much progress we've made with the early days being organized by decade and recent times being organized by individual year.
Since it's Pride Month, I'd like to talk about one of the earliest pieces of LGBT representation within video games and just why it was created.
This is 1989's Caper in the Castro. You can now play it for free here.
Just as a warning, the language used within the game is very much dated to the 80s. I don't mean this with just 80s slang, I mean that you're gonna see words that are considered slurs nowadays.
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Caper in the Castro was developed and released during the height of the AIDS epidemic. While it was released for free, it was considered a piece of software known as charityware. Unlike other freeware, charityware is distributed as a method of encouraging downloaders to donate money to a certain cause. In this case, Caper in the Castro was made to raise money for those suffering from the AIDS epidemic.
We'll get more into how the AIDS epidemic influences the game in a bit. I think I should also show you guys what the game's about.
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The above screenshot sets the scene pretty well. It's a short point and click adventure game where you have to save your friend, Tessy, from the evil Straightman. It's about a fifteen minute playthrough with a few fun ways to get yourself killed or arrested (as is the adventure game tradition).
You're limited to the few buildings on the city streets, but you can mostly tackle them in any order you want. You don't have to pick up specific items, just notes which last even if you die. The death screen is pretty iconic by the way.
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Deja Vu? Who is she? There is no Ace Harding, just Tracker McDyke.
Tracker McDyke is wonderful by the way. Yes you can pick locks, but you're gonna solve most of your lock problems by just shooting them. Gunshots are just background noise in this neighborhood, nobody gives a shit and neither should you.
You can also look at a lady showering and she'll say a happy "hey~" to you!
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There's no reason for this. Sometimes it's just nice for Detective McDyke to look at a sideboob and butt.
It's not all butts and boob however. While the story is short, the surroundings tell a true reflection of what the queer community went through during that time (and sadly still does on a different scale).
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We're going back to talking about the AIDS crisis now, because the very idea of the game was based on the cruel reality C.M. Ralph experienced. It was normal for many in the queer community to just have friends disappear and never be found. Many families wouldn't claim those who were found and same sex partners weren't given spousal rights.
In Caper in the Castro though, you can save your friend.
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Tessy is found unharmed toward the end of the game and it's easy to free her. You get to be a badass and shoot her chains off before burning the whole place down.
As I type this, I think about what a lovely role you get to play in this game. You play as a gun toting lesbian that takes down the evil Straightman, save your missing drag queen friend, then burn down all of Straightman's supplies.
If this game came out today, people would say it's inciting violence against straight people- Wait a minute! There was a censored release!
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C.M. Ralph did put out a commercial release for Caper in the Castro called Murder on Main Street! It takes out everything queer in order to appeal to a publisher. I can't be mad though because you do what you have to in order to get that bag and let's be real.
There's no way in hell a publisher would've taken this.
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Caper in the Castro itself is named after San Francisco's historically gay neighborhood, the Castro. While many have found a community among their queer peers, many places within were under threats and violent acts.
The scenario presented within the game can only be solved by members of the community. The police can't help you, only a lesbian with a gun can. We as a community need to support each other, especially with how things have been going in 2023.
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I wanted to talk about this game for pride month not just because it's an important part of gaming history. To me, it represents the reason we celebrate pride.
Because there's a scene in the game where you walk into a diner and see two gay couples just having a comfortable late night meal.
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And I think about how we deserve this comfortable happiness for many decades to come.
...and this game also gives us the "fantasy" of burning down the establishments of those who want to kill us.
Happy pride everyone. I hope you're all safe and surrounded by people you love and also love you in return.
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I often think about how much Shoma deserves an olympic gold medal. Not just because it would be great, but also because i don’t think in the future he’ll be regarded as the incredible skater that he is without it unfortunately. He‘s truly exceptional. But he got „unlucky“ in that most of his career he had to compete against two skaters who had historic results. Both Yuzu and Nathan are insanely talented skaters to go up against. And the olympics are only every four years. While I still wish there was a chance, right now it seems unlikely… to me and a lot of his fans, he‘ll always be special.
I agree with you. Shoma would deserve it so much, but it doesn't seem as if it's Shoma's goal at all. Shoma himself doesn't put the importance on an Olympic title, so we shouldn't be sorry he may not get it. (I mean there is a huge chance he'll retire before the next Olympics but at this point there is also still a chance he stays until then)
BUT Shoma is very special with or without an Olympic title. His skating, story and achievements are one of a kind. To get back up after many points where others would have ended their careers and to still skate is amazing. And Shoma made history himself. It may not be in many WRs (though he did gain a few in his junior and senior career) or titles after titles, but still his name is written in the skating history books with being the first to land a 4F, with having 3 Olympic medals, with the double victory for Japan at the 2017 Worlds and 2018 Olympics etc.
I agree that Shoma is a bit unlucky in that regard that he faced Yuzu and Nathan in his career, but on the other hand I don't think Shoma would be where he is today if he wouldn't have faced those two skaters and took them as inspirations. Everything happens for a reason.
Shoma's name may never have the same impact as Yuzu's bc Yuzu's story, achievements and scale of fandom is a rare exception (if I am being honest I wouldn't even wish it for Shoma as Yuzu's scale of fame is kinda scary at times and isolating) , but Shoma is not unknown in the skating world or Japan and there are future generations who name Shoma as their rolemodel or favorite skater. He will live on in future generations skating.
And tbh at this point we won't know how big Shoma's impact on skating will be as such things can only be seen after a while. There were many Olympic or World Champions in skating but only a few are still mentioned and their influence seen today.
Just saying without meaning to put anyone's achievement down: I think the importance that is put on the Olympics is a bit whack...it's every 4 years but it's actually just another high level competition and depends a lot on luck to be born at the right time and be able to get there. And it says nothing that you could win the Olympics if you don't have any other results over a longer period of time. An Olympic title is insignificant for the value a champion brought to skating. (Just look at the Tutberidze girls or Sotnikova to see that not every champion made an impact afterwards)
Imo the only big difference of the Olympics and things like Worlds is the attention Olympic games have internationally and this is the only reason I would wish an Olympic title for Shoma (and for the stupid haters who hold it against him that he lacks this one title but that's simply a thing I'd take as personal victory) Just to make everyone aware of Shoma being an extraordinary skater.
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Sing A Little Song For Me Pt. 3
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nobody asked for it, but here’s a part three i thought about 🫶🏼
three years later…
wilbur was miserable. he let the love of his life slip away just because he was afraid of commitment and being a bad husband. he was scrolling through instagram, liking random pictures and memes, not even realizing he scrolled to y/n’s profile and frowned, clicking on their profile picture, wanting to see what they’ve been up too. he sees a new guy in your life now, apparently, and frowned. he realized the girl he loved, no, still loved, moved on and had a new boyfriend it seemed like it. damn, it hurt. he wipes his eyes and calls his friend, phil and tommy.
“hey guys, i just found y/n’s instagram again and it’s making me feel like shit.”
phil looked at wilbur, worried and frowned. “wil, don’t succumb yourself to sadness that isn’t necessary.”
tommy sighed. “mate, you’re fucking miserable when you’re sad.”
wilbur groaned. “how do i move on though? i need some sort of closure or something.”
tommy looked innocent. “I have her address?”
”why the fuck do you have her address?” wilbur fumed.
“I um.. uh.. am partners for a project with their daughter?“ tom questioned.
“and why didn’t you mention this to me?” wilbur said, scarily calm.
“because i didn’t want to make you rip off the bandaid? or because i secretly have a crush on their daughter?”
wilbur held the bridge of his nose, sighing. “you better give me the fucking address now.”
phil looked on, watching, waiting for wilbur to blow up.
”here! her address is 2523 Rd 173 Grover Hil, OH 45849. Just don’t do stupid shit.” Tommy said.
wilbur grinned. “no promises! now bye!” he hung up the phone and visually mapped out his response to her in his head.
wilbur went out the next day, saw the house y/n was living in and grasped the ring he was carrying. he made his way to the door, sighed and knocked. and knocked.
a little boy opened the door and yelled. “mum! there’s a hot guy at the door!”
he heard a “alright, wilbur! let me get the door.” and then a perosn came into view and his heart stopped. (yes i named y/n’s child wilbur, sue me)
it was them. y/n. and god did they look amazing.
he cleared his throat and said, as any normal ex would do, “I missed you.”
the person at the door shooed wilbur away and closed the door behind them. “why the fuck are you here?”
will started to get down on one knee when jarred arrived, greeting his wife with a kiss. “hello dear, who is this?”
they kissed Jarred back and put their right hand, the one with the ring on it, towards wilbur, on his chest and smiled up at him. “just somebody that i used to know, dear. nobody really that important.“
wilbur. still on one knee frowned. “i was going to give you the world, y/n! i came here today to make you my wife! instead i find you with him.”
y/n frowned. “you had that chance a long time ago. i’m a different person now. at least i have somebody who loves me and respects me as i am, and we’re on the same wavelength with our relationship, unlike you and i. and me, i’m as happy as i can be, which is suprising after what you made me do. i have 3 amazing kids, an amazing and loving husband, and where are you? still eating ramen out of the same dish?”
wilbur scoffed and threw the ring at Jarred. “You can have the bitch for all i care.”
wilbur peeked out of the door. “mum, what’s a bitch?”
y/n stood there stunned. “well honey, a bitch is this guy here. but in the future, don’t use that word, alright, sweetheart?”
he nodded. “okay mum!”
Jarred turned to wilbur. “you better move the hell outta here before I call the cops, you bastard. and don’t come back!”
wilbur stood up and ran towards y/n gave them one last kiss on the lips and ran off. “i had to do that, at least once.”(I HAD TO QUOTE GALE FROM THE HUNGER GAMES)
y/n sighed and leaned into Jarred. “I’m sorry, I don’t know how he found me or why he decided it’d be a good idea to approach me.”
Jarred stood there, shocked. “As long as you’re here with me, it’s all that matters, dearest.”
you hugged him. “that’s all i’ll ever be.”
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multi-muse-transect · 10 months
V in Mortal Kombat interactions.
V: If you’re me from the future, please tell me I get Johnny out of my head.
V: It’s gonna come at a price.
V: So is Jackie alive in your universe?
V: Who's Jackie?
V: So where are you from? Haywood, Badlands or Charter Hill?
V: Haywood.
V: It’s gonna take more than just fancy fighting moves to survive NC.
Raiden: Don't judge a book by its cover V.
V: Fuck, it’s so hard to fight without combat implants!
Raiden: You must get used to a life without crutches, only then can you overcome the city itself.
V: You don’t happen to know who’s the Zen Master now do you?
Raiden: Why he’s a teacher in the Wushi Academy!
V: You’re gonna love the esoterica.
Raiden: You should show me sometime.
Raiden: Such a bleak future you live in…
V: It has its perks.
Raiden: It’s horrible that people would do things to themselves to survive such an insane city.
V: The city ends up getting them regardless.
Johnny Cage
V: Told you Alex was the best.
Johnny: The best? She is leading woman material!
V: Johnny and Solomon are actors in this universe?
Johnny: You’re talking about Keanu and Idris right?
V: No, you’re not making my life into a movie.
Johnny: Maybe a video game can work?
Johnny: So you mind telling me how brain dances work?
V: You need to chrome the fuck up first.
Johnny: Adam Smasher sounds like a lame ass name.
V: Why don't you say that to his face when you see him?
V: You remind me of this one guy-he was a bodyguard.
Scorpion: I wish to meet him one day then.
V: Fuck me, what kind of implants cause those?
Scorpion: Technology isn't required to learn magic.
Scorpion: You're getting more and more skilled without your combat implants.
V: It took sometime but I'm getting there.
Scorpion: Arasaka's evil must be stopped!
V: They'll learn to fear the reaper when we raid it.
Sub Zero
V: I've met plenty of gonks like you in NC. All dead in a ditch
Sub Zero: Then I will be the first to survive.
V: You just sold out your clan by working for Arasaka!
Sub Zero: A small price to pay for salvation.
Sub Zero: Adam Smasher has proven himself to be a valuable ally!
V: Don't come crying to me when he bites you in the ass!
Sub Zero: With Arasaka's tech, I will create an unstoppable army of cyber-Lin Kuei!
V: Not on my watch!
Kung Lao
V: Careful, that attitude won't get anywhere in NC.
Kung: Cybernetic thugs don't scare me.
V: A hat? Seriously!?
Kung: Don't underestimate it V.
Kung: Is Panam available for today?
V: As if she'd go out with you.
Kung: I heard about the story of David Martinez. I've had the same experience like that...
V: You should take it to heart.
V: This isn't my first time meeting a ruler.
Sindel: Oh? Do tell...
V: Jesus Christ, what kind of chrome makes you do THAT?
Sindel: Please, I don't need machines in my body.
Sindel: Do you do this often? Asking rulers out for dinner?
V: I learned it from a gig in Dogtown.
Sindel: Our magic will help cure your condition.
V: Let's hope it doesn't turn the other guy into pixie dust first.
Shang Tsung
V: Tell me where So Mi is or you end up eating lead.
Shang: You still care about her despite everything?
V: I've known many backstabbing assholes in NC. You're not special.
Shang: But I am built different compared to them.
Shang: I assure you, my magic will make sure that Silverhand will be gone.
V: I'm not selling my principals out to a wizard!
Shang: I wonder if I will have Silverhand's soul when I take it from your body.
V: One-try it asshole and two-I don't think that's how it works.
Shao Kahn
V: I almost mistook you for an Animals member.
Shao: Do you mock me mercenary!?
V: Not my first I've fight someone big with a hammer.
Shao: Then they must've died in the most humiliating way possible!
Shao: I am not afraid of a dying mercenary!
V: You will be.
Shao: All legends fade.
V: Not mine, it will never fade away!
V: You're seriously coming at me with a spear and shurikens?
Reiko: Unlike you-I don't need machines under my skin.
V: Many gonks like you die because of loyalty.
Reiko: Then they have died honorably!
Reiko: You aren't afraid of death. Good!
V: I pass by it all the time.
Reiko: You spared Khameleon. So weak and disgusting! Mercy is disgusting!
V: Your devotion to the roided maniac is way more disgusting.
V (if female V): You know anything I can get for Judy?
Tanya: I recommend the flowers of the royal garden.
V: My world can use more people like you.
Tanya: Maybe there is. Perhaps you weren't looking enough.
Tanya: I don't trust Reed.
V: Good, don't!
Tanya: Takemura is so blinded by loyalty.
V: That's Goro for you.
V: You sound...familiar.
Kitana: I don't even know who you are.
V: Fuck me, I need one of those!
Kitana: First you must learn to train with them.
Kitana: I can't believe the Mox's care about money instead of caring for others.
V: Tell me about it.
Kitana: Thank you for telling me about Hansen.
V: You're welcome princess.
Li Mei
V: I think I know a detective who would love to have you as a partner.
Li Mei: Do tell Earthrealmer...
V: If the cops acted like you then NC would have zero crime.
Li Mei: Perhaps I should teach them.
Li Mei: So much corruption in your city, I'm surprise it's still standing.
V: You can thank the mega-corps that semi-run it.
Li Mei: 6th Street are nothing but barbarians parading as protectors.
V: Lofty patriotic bullshit is all they spew out of their mouths.
V: Fought a guy just like you. Hunted Tigers.
Kenshi: Was he just as skilled as me?
V: You're gonna love Jotaro Shobo since you kill yakuza a lot.
Kenshi: Really? Tell me where he is...
Kenshi: Your blades are advanced but not advanced as sento.
V: No shit. None of them can summon a ghost!
Kenshi: I would love to duel Oda one day.
V: I don't think that's a smart idea...
V: No one is good or bad where I come from...except for Maelstrom.
Ashrah: They are beyond redemption.
V: I know a guy who needs someone like you, he's FIA.
Ashrah: I know he has a good heart but is clouded by devotion.
Ashrah: So Mi is safe with me.
V: Tell her I said hi.
Ashrah: Regina Jones heart is so pure yet full of darkness.
V: Really? She doesn't seem to have a bad bone in her.
V: What the hell kinda name is Smoke?
Smoke: One that you will respect.
V: Thanks for taking care of 6th Street for me.
Smoke: They're nothing but savages.
Smoke: The Aldecaldos have such a beautiful culture.
V: Wanna join them one day?
Smoke: Wakako looks like she's taken a liking to me.
V: Odd, she doesn't like anyone.
V: So..how does my story end?
Geras: Your future is very...hard to tell.
V: You're a Samurai fan?
Geras: I was watching their concerts very recently.
Geras: I suggest you should side with So Mi.
V: Why is that?
Geras: I have met another who travels to other timelines.
V: Ciri? Yeah, she does that.
Liu Kang
V: I can tell you didn't create my timeline.
Liu Kang: I would never create such depravity.
V: Shit, I'm sure Viktor would love you on the boxing club.
Liu Kang: I’ll visit one day.
Liu Kang: In one timeline, you and So Mi are together.
V: That...that's kinda beautiful.
Liu Kang: I have something that will help your ailment.
V: Really? It won't fry my nerves right?
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hellou-i-guess · 2 months
Hello, hello
Welcome to episode 3 of Things that frustrate me, Hellou, for some reason
Today I present to you:
This entire post came to be simply because I have seen many people and videos say 'All franchises (MCU and Star Wars most frequently) now want a multiverse' or something along those lines.
Now onto the program:
It's just semantics, really.
I think that it is pretty clear what the word 'multiverse' stands for, but I like the order so you get the unnecessary etymology.
The word 'multiverse' is made up of two words - multi and universe. It's used in science and storytelling to tell us that there are multiple different universes that happen at the same time where things are different.
From a storytelling perspective it's mostly used in comics. Firstly used in 'The Flash', but now commonly tied with MCU because of the Multiverse Saga.
And here is my a bit harsh opinion - MCU is not a multiverse. Currently at the very least. Not many things that are called 'multiverse' are actually functioning multiverse.
They deal with the multiverse but are not the multiverse.
DC and Marvel as comics are multiverses, because they have comics happening in different universes to theirs, but I will not be focusing on those, because I don't want to entangle myself into like 90 years of comics and retconning and 'is this now cannon or not or did it happen on Earth xxx'.
So there are a couple of examples I would mainly like to focus on in this amateur essay - Star Wars, DCU (the presentation on Gunn's plan for it specifically), MCU - the multiverse saga and 'Legend of Zelda' Franchise (post 'Ocarina of Time').
Gunn's plan for DCU
This will be brief as we don't know much about how this will actually pan out, but DCU as it is planned is actually a multiverse.
Simply due to them not dismissing the other movies and saying that they plan to make movies not connected to the storyline that they will call 'Elseworlds' stories.
So essentially the story is taking a place in another universe and exists inside DCU it just isn't the part of main continuity we are following.
That is a multiverse as they exist inside the same entity with same characters, but in different universes. Simple enough.
MCU - The Multiverse Saga
Unlike the above mentioned DCU, the MCU deals with multiverse. Doctor Strange, Ant-man, Spiderman and Loki are characters whose stories are interconnected with the multiverse - hence the name of the saga.
However, MCU as entertainment entity owns no films or TV shows that have stories running or happening in different universes that have nothing to do with the main continuity. All of the stories take place in one universe with brief touches on other universes.
If the MCU, for example acquires Iron Man: Armored Adventures and that comes under the MCU umbrella, then, yes, the MCU is a multiverse, but until that or something similar happens it is not a multiverse.
'Deadpool and Wolverine' does not change this fact as the MCU has acquired characters, but not the movies from 20th Century Fox. They essentially have the same entrance to MCU as America Chavez.
The Legend of Zelda - post 'Ocarina of Time'
As anybody who played the games or has watched a lore video explaining the Zelda timeline at 2am instead of sleeping will tell you - it's a mess.
I'll be short (shocking), after the events of 'Ocarina' the timeline splits into three - the hero is successful which leads into child and adult eras and Ganondorf succeeds. Different games happen during this three eras and they are fully independent of each other and events that happen in them. 'Wind Waker' has no impact on 'Twilight Princess'.
This was specifically included for that rift in the timeline, because whether 'The Legend of Zelda' is a multiverse depends on how you see the multiverse.
If your definition of multiverse is completely different universes that have existed independently of each other then no, it is not a multiverse.
If you count diverging timelines as different universes branching out from the same one then yes, it is a multiverse.
Of course, these are only valid if we ignore the existence of 'Breath of the Wild' and 'Tears of the Kingdom'.
Why? Because of their placement in the timeline.
If the timelines converge sometime before the events of 'BotW' then no, it is not a multiverse, just a timeline issue bordering on multiverse.
If they don't refer to previous if loop.
Unfortunately, 'BotW' has no official placement in the timeline and this thing is still murky. I have seen people put it in different spots in the timeline.
Star Wars
While we're on the topic of timelines. Star Wars is the most frequent franchise I have seen referred to as the multiverse and it's just not.
It's the simplest example here do dissect.
It's stories taking place in different points in the same timeline of one universe. There is no mention of other universes of diverging timelines.
Same as 'House of the Dragon' and 'Game of Thrones'. It's the same universe, it's just that one takes place nearly 200 years before the other. There are just larger time jumps and different political conflicts and state of political rest (empire and republic).
In conclusion, just because a franchise has different projects or deals with the multiverse does not mean that franchise itself is a multiverse.
If you read this far - thank you, sorry for the long read
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vivi-the-goblin · 1 year
We really did go through a lot to find pokemon in gen 3, didn't we? Especially since this was the days before consistent internet access, reliable guides, and solid coverage. You want Milotic? ok, so there are 6 random unmarked tiles in this entire river which have a 50% spawn rate, and it re-randomizes if you talk to an NPC on the other side of the map. You find it? Cool, go to the contests and raise its beauty stat to max with pokeblocks, remembering that if you don't raise it to max within a small number of pokeblocks it will just refuse to eat more. How many pokeblocks? depends. Anyway, Congrats! Oh, you want the regi's? ok, in the middle of a swirling maze of sea tiles that shove you, off in the middle of nowhere, find a small Diving spot and go to wall. There's a message in braille for you there saying to dive again, hope you know what braille is. Inside are many more braille tablets. go to the back wall, use dig, which I hope you have, and also I hope you have a waillord in the last slot of your party and relicanth (5% spawn in underwater grass on 2 routes) in the first. Do that, and 3 random rocks in the middle of nowhere all over the map will open, your hint to this is "a door opened somewhere far away." Find those obscure caves for more obscure braille hints like "wait twice" (don't move for 2 minutes). Congrats! careful not to knock them out though, only one chance. Oh, look the TV's flashing, but it's not the name rater show like it has been the whole game, it's a news report! It's somewhere, and it's red! What is it, and where? Red! Unknown to you, it's a different somewhere every time you enter a door, but good luck! Especially since it immediately runs and keeps the same HP between encounters, make sure not to knock it out :) Wynaut? Well this random tiny town has an old man saying whether he can see an island today. In the  1/10923 to 1/65536 chance that he can (depends on how many pokemon you have with you), go in the direction of that window and you'll find a new island with them. Bagon? previously unreachable section in a midgame cave, very back room, chance to spawn. Hope you aren't wearing repels! Beldam? Yeah it's in the champ's house in a corner of the map, a building and city you've otherwise looted already. Spheal, Snorunt? Yeah there's a cave whose tide changes throughout the day, go there at different times and there's different parts available. solve puzzles at both times and you can get a shell bell! And remember, this was 2003. Parents were either very controlling of your internet or outright banning it in fear of you getting kidnapped or getting their info hacked. Internet safety was taught in schools because it was a wild west where you could easily stumble onto anything, less corporate sanitization than a run down subway system. So running to it wasn't most people's first thought, and there was a good chance nobody would have what you were looking for, if you even knew how to find the right people. There's something wonderful to be said for those days. If you DID manage to get the regi's, you were likely the only kid at school to, and you felt like an ADVENTURER! You found old ruins in hidden untouched corners, with a language you may have never heard of before! You deciphered it and solved thier riddles to find something ancient and unlike anything you'd seen! And all by yourself, or the forum you stumbled on to figure it out with other explorers! It felt amazing! That said, they were right to dial it back in the future. Gen 4 probably had the best overall balance on these. Still, every time people get upset over a Malamar or Runerigus, I can't help but smile. That was part of the appeal, once upon a time. It always feels like they're saying "this one's for you, thanks for sticking around."
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Started this doodle a little over a month back when I was trying to get things "out", left it nearly finished (for what that's worth at my skill level) and decided to just finish the lovely guy today.
I sketched out a couple poses before settling as I found it incredibly difficult to present what I had envisioned. By the end I settled on this snoozin' on his side approach.
Molten Tigrex is undeniably one of my favorite monsters in all of monhun.
So it turned out when I was feeling at my worst and wanted to get thoughts- any thoughts at all- out, after a few pieces I decided to just put out something I enjoy. Something positive, to me.
Considering how simple he can appear on paper, when you were "there" progressing through a new monhun and tackling him he felt like an incredible achievement of what monhun's systems could do to make a fun fight.
Namely, I think of Molten Tigrex whenever I think of how much older monhuns created "organic phases" to each fight.
For a lot of players who primarily experienced Monhun through Iceborne the idea of "phases" in monhun has a very different connotation.
Now-a-days it's natural to think of phases in monhun the same way you'd think of them in an RPG encounter or an MMO fight, namely, because that's what they often are now.
In older monhun phases weren't so often pre-defined, and instead phases were born from the integrated energy and aggression mechanics that each monster was made to follow.
These are mechanics that have not died off, and the terms within will sound extremely familiar because of that. Enrage. Exhaustion. Un-enraged.
Very simple ideas, so simple that in (as of typing) modern monhuns (Ice/Sun) it's easy to ignore these states almost entirely, only ever paying attention if a specific monster has a specific gimmick in a state (like Rajang's differing immunities to traps depending on state).
This is in part because modern monhun is undeniably faster, so why slow down to appreciate these details when all it means is "dodge faster sometimes"? With the added mobility of our hunters, and not just with our legs but our newfound ability to easily use items or sharpen without 30 miles of safe space around you, you don't NEED to focus on such things as much.
But it's also because modern monhuns have incorporated a few mechanics that have nearly deleted these states from the game, primarily Iceborne's clutch claw introducing a means to perma-enrage monsters, thus deleting 2 out of the 3 states you'd ever see that monster in.
In the older games these things were slightly more important- though I won't go lying saying they were something you were 100% dialed into 24/7, just that it wasn't uncommon for you to take a mental note if they were enraged, standard, or exhausted before you used an item- for your own safety.
This created a natural phasing to fights where you could "generally feel" if the monster was enraged or exhausted even if you weren't dialed in, unlike later titles where you just know they are enraged and you're swinging constantly anyway so who cares lol
Molten REALLY took advantage of this by making you really feel his different states.
When the fight begins he is cumbersome, slow, borderline asleep and just nipping at whatever is irritating him.
And when he's enraged he's a full power steam engine firing on all cylinders as he explodes into your personal space the second you lower your guard.
I always really liked how he took a built in "vibe" that monster hunter had developed over many years and cranked it to 11. Instead of having a gut notion of what state the monster was in just due to what actions you were naturally taking- you were FULLY AWARE of what state this mad fucker was in and I loved that.
Great monster.
Good to ramble about that for a bit.
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ecl0wn · 2 years
a totally un-biased review of amnesia: memories
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AMNEƧIA: memories
Release Date: 25 August, 2015 (North America) | 11 August, 2011 (Japan) Developers: Idea Factory, Otomate Publishers: Idea Factory Platform(s): PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch
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Amnesia: Memories is an unforgettable otome experience. Before I start, I need to mention, this is covering the game and not the anime. The anime is a trainwreck - mostly because it tries to cover every route in it and it becomes a mess, leaving you feeling confused and having little attachment to the characters. If you want to watch the anime, go ahead, but I personally wouldn’t recommend it. The only saving grace of the anime would be the OP, “Zoetrope” sung by Nagi Yanagi (stylised as “yanaginagi,”) which is just beautiful.
Unlike other otome games, where you would have to build up your affection with a certain character to enter their route — Amnesia starts off by selecting a “World.” The world you pick determines which route you’ll be on, only once you enter a route do you have to worry about gaining affection.. amongst other things.
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It was the 1st of August. That morning, when she awoke, the heroine found herself without any memories from before August 1st. Everything, from the sort of life she lived, to the relationships she had, was a blank...... A young boy named Orion appeared in front of her, referring to himself as a "spirit." Under Orion's guidance, the heroine began the struggle to regain her memories. She searched her house for clues about her everyday life, and received a message on her phone... What was displayed on the screen was an unknown name to her. Now, she is asked to meet with him, a boyfriend whose name and face she doesn't know. In a position where who to trust is uncertain, the heroine must move in a way that her memory loss remains undetected by her partner. Because of this, the story becomes tangled in complex ways. With no memories of "him," our heroine will write a new love story starting today... — Game Description from the Official English Website
Yup. Amnesia is the name of the game (literally,) while trying to recover your memories, you deal with your love interests and have to try to play it cool, so they won’t notice that you’re missing your memories.
One of the things I found interesting when I first discovered Amnesia back in 2016 was the parameters.
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You have three parameters to focus on:
Affection: The heroine’s favor toward the chosen character Trust: How strong your relationship is with him Suspicion: Suspicion elicited by the heroine’s memory loss
Actually you have four in one route but I’ll touch on that later.
Since each route takes place in a different world — the story background varies depending on which world you’re in, but for the most part things are pretty much the same.
In the prologue of the game you’re introduced to Orion, who serves somewhat as a tutorial figure and a voice of reason throughout most of the routes. His goal is to help you recover your memories and live a normal, happy life. The more you delve into your chosen route, the more you’ll see how difficult that can really be.
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Shin ♥ Blunt, Earnest
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Shin is the main love interest of Heart World. Childhood friend turned lover, and also a tsundere.
Shin’s route feels like a murder-mystery V/N rather than a romance V/N, which is fine actually. He speaks with harsh words (as any tsundere does,) but as they say, actions speak louder than words; he is very protective of you and it’s clear, by behaviour alone, that he cares about you. Despite the romance in his route not being as focal as in the other routes — it’s still handled well. His route doesn’t really get too emotional until the end but that’s alright. During my first playthrough, it left me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out who the culprit was, however the further you get into the route, the more obvious it becomes (at least to me.)
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Ikki  ♠ Alluring, Fascinating
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Ikki is the main love interest of Spade World. Co-worker turned current boyfriend... with a time limit?
I can say this; when I started Ikki’s route, I did not expect to like him as much as I did by the end of his route. He is the flirtatious playboy character of the love interests, incredibly popular — so popular in fact, that he’s garnered himself his own fan-club. The fan-club is so incredibly annoying to deal with, however, during his route you find out how and why he has a fan-club and why you two got together in the first place. His route feels a lot more... sexy? Than the other ones, which has to do, in part, to the incredible voice acting of Taniyama Kishō. The route starts off feeling weak, and in all honesty, annoying — but as I got further along, I found myself intrigued and enjoying it.
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Kent ♣️ Cool, Logical
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Kent is the main love interest of Clover World. Complete relationship-noob with a pure heart.
Kent is the shadow MVP of Amnesia, to be honest. He is blunt and speaks without a filter (he’s unaware when he’s being rude,) but he tries his hardest in this relationship of yours, and he’s just so precious and cute. His route is pretty vanilla but can get some emotions out of you when the time calls for it. Considering the other suitors of the game, his route is unexpectedly refreshing; mostly because even though he tries his best — the outcomes of his endeavours are usually awkward as all hell, which is cute in it’s own way. The only thing I have to say negatively about his route; is that he makes me do math. Not even kidding. Kent is a graduate student in mathematics, and although the questions he gives you are relatively simple, I still feel stupid every time I have to do them while replaying his route. A simple and cute route about Kent letting go of all his apprehension while learning how to fall in love.
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Toma ♦️ Affectionate, Intense
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Toma is the main love interest of Diamond World. Miscommunication: The Route! Also yeah, “Intense” is one word to describe him..
I’m going to be completely transparent: I like Toma. His route? Pretty meh, in my personal opinion but, as a character I like him, and apparently, so do a lot of other people considering he won 1st place in the 2011 Amnesia Popularity Poll.
Spoilers Ahoy!
I just want to get it out there real quick, that Toma is a character who fits with the yandere trope. Here are the trigger warnings for his route if you need them: drugging, isolation, imprisonment.
Oh yeah, remember how I briefly mentioned one of the routes has a fourth parameter? ...Yeah! Doubt: Measure of doubt felt by the heroine In his route, you need to actively doubt the things he does, which is just another thing to worry about on top of all the other things you’re currently worrying about.
If you can look past those things, or in fact, if you enjoy characters like this; Toma’s route will be a breeze... maybe. The thing that annoyed me the most about his route is how short it could have been and how many problems could have been avoided with proper communication. However, since the Heroine lost her memories, it’s unavoidable on her end. His route is Intense. With a capital ‘i.’ However, I found it enjoyable enough. More enjoyable, however, is his routes in the other games post-Amnesia.
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Ukyo  🃏 Mysterious, Enigmatic
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Ukyo is the main love interest of Joker World. If you’ve played any of the above routes, you might recognise him.
Spoilers Ahoy! This entire route has spoilers so proceed with caution.
Upon successfully finishing your fourth route, and moving on to replay the game once again, you might notice a fifth world option: Joker World. Welcome to the final frontier!
That strange green-haired guy who makes appearances in every route? This is him! Complete with all the questionable behaviour he’s shown in the past — however this time, we get backstory. Joker World is often considered the “True Route” which you’ll understand why upon finishing the good ending, however, I personally don’t believe that there’s any “True Route.” However, this route is the best one (not biased.)
You get backstory onto what really happened before you lost your memories, who you were, what your real life was like before picking a random world to continue into. If you thought Toma’s route was intense, just buckle up; this is one hell of a ride.
Even now, with over 99 hours put into the game — I still cannot blind my way through Ukyo’s route and will have to resort to the walkthrough. Why is this? Well, because if you mess up even one line of dialogue; it can ruin the entire route somehow — just, trust me, okay? The difficulty level skyrockets — if Kent’s route was 10% difficult, Ukyo’s route would be 90% difficult. So, what’s there to gain from such a difficult route? Is it worth playing through it?
Yes. (Not biased.) No matter how difficult his route is, it is always satisfying to complete it and get that good ending. Always. (Still not biased.)
There is something, however, I will briefly mention: despite his behaviour — Ukyo is not a yandere, and if I have to say that again I might implode.
Spoilers Ahoy! No going back.
Upon finishing his good ending it should be completely apparent on why he isn’t a yandere; but I’ll spell it out anyhow.
Ukyo has travelled across different worlds — either dying in horrific agony, or killing the love of his life, causing him to jump to another world to try again. Repeating this cycle over and over, the amount of trauma he inflicted upon himself, caused a new personality to be born.
The definition of yandere is as follows: A character who has an obsessive and possessive side in regards to their crush, ready to use violent and murderous means to maintain an exclusive bond.
Anyone can see clear as day, that this isn’t Ukyo. As his alter-ego is only violent and murderous towards the Heroine because if she doesn’t die, he will. It’s a fight or flight response, and his response is to fight.
OK. Rant over, let��s proceed.
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Amnesia’s score is good, albeit often forgotten. Amnesia’s OST is composed by MANYO. Known for composing the Collar×Malice OST and also worked on the STEINS;GATE 0 OST and HIMOUTO! UMARUCHAN OST.
Both themes for Amnesia are sung by the incredibly talented Oda Kaori, both taken off from her fourth single “Reverberation.”
The voice acting is immersive! Each actor really did their best and you can tell, the quality is superb and suits each character really well!
“Orion” — Hiromi Igarashi (五十嵐裕美,) known for: Anzu Futaba (IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS,) Aoi Hyoudou (Kaichou wa Maid-sama!)
“Shin” — Tetsuya Kakihara (柿原徹也,) known for: Subaru Akehoshi (Ensemble Stars!,) Azuma Yukishiro (A3!,) Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
“Ikki” — Kishō Taniyama (谷山紀章,) known for: Shinomiya Natsuki (Uta no Prince-sama,) Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs,) Jean Kirstein (Shingeki no Kyojin)
“Kent” — Akira Ishida (石田彰,) known for: Shun Kamiya (TRIBE NINE,) Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa,) Aru Akise (Mirai Nikki)
“Toma” — Satoshi Hino (日野聡,) known for: Kyoujurou Rengoku (Kimetsu no Yaiba,) Momonga (Overlord,) Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
“Ukyo” — Kōki Miyata (宮田幸季,) known for: Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa,) Hanataro Yamada (BLEACH,) Aiichirou Nitori (Free!)
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I give it a good out of very. Go play it.
...Hey. If you enjoyed this incredibly-not-biased review, I run some twitter bots of otome characters, so follow them if you’re interested. This was less of a proper review and more the ramblings of a hyperfixated teenager, sorry about that.
MY BOTS: Ukyo Quote Bot, Ukyo Pics Bot, Zen Bot
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