#unless theres some kind of explanation for how they were able to meet at all that im missing here
sonknuxadow · 1 year
Speaking of Sonic and Mario, I love the idea that Mario raised/adopted Sonic. I’ve seen a few fan art about it and I just enjoy it more than the basic rivalry stuff
i dont really think the idea of mario actually adopting and raising sonic makes much sense since we know for a fact that game sonic never had parents and raised himself and tails on his own BUT. i do love the idea of mario being like a dad/uncle figure to sonic its very good
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tuffdwightwest · 4 years
You Are My Best Friend Ch. 1
"Snotlout!" Gobbers voice rang out right before a hooked hand smacked a piece of metal. Startling Snotlout back awake as he cried out in fear, forgetting briefly where he was.
Seeing the familiarity of the forge though, his cry quickly turned into a groan as he crossed his arms meeting Gobbers gaze. "What? Can't a viking get a little shut eye around here?" He complained.
"Not when you are working with me, boyo. Perhaps you would like to work on the next shipment of maces needed instead of the meager, sharpen these axes job I have going for ya." Gobber responded. Turning away from the Jorgenson as he went back to what Snotlout assumed was forging some new maces.
For a months now, Snotlout had taken over Hiccups old job in the forge. Working as a second hand to Gobber. He had been promised the 'Official Weapon Tester Position' but that was clearly not the case. In fact the other Riders had a good laugh as even his father piped in and agreed that it would teach him some humility.
If Snotlout's life was a fable this chapter would be called the dark years. Still mumbling he still went back to work as he focused on sharpening the blade. Trying to ignore Gobbers off-key singing as he silently cursed Hiccup's name. As they were nearing being finished however Gobber piped up with something that actually caught his interest.
"-ading off with her cousin Lars to the Northern Markets. With that Zippleback with her, I bet she'll come back with more gold then she could carry!" Gobber boasted with a laugh.
"Uh who? What's going on?" Snotlout cut in having missed the beginning of whatever Gobber was speaking about.
"Ruffnut. She is trying to become a Trader of all things and for a few weeks she'll be training with her Cousin Lars on the business." He explained. Snotlout blinked in surprise at this. Of course he knew that both the twins were planning on trying different avenues for professions, something that their family had been harping on them about, both had been adamant on saying that they were Dragon Riders and that was what they would stay. Although now apparently it seemed that Ruffnut was going to try being a merchant?
"Uh when did she leave?" He asked.
"Just this morning; well done!" Gobber said before quickly switching into something else as he noticed Snotlout for once actually finish his work. Looking down Snotlout hadn't even noticed he was on the last sword. Grinning he set it aside, feeling mighty pleased with himself as he stood.
"This mean I can go?" He questioned.
"Gah, yes! Get more work done without having to deal with your moping anyway." Gobber complained although he still had a small smirk. Excited Snotlout turned to leave as he practically raced out of the Forge.
It wasn't dusk yet and the sun was still decently in the sky which left him a good four hours to actually have some fun for once. Usually he would go straight to Hookfang and the two would go flying together but today he actually veered off course as he remembered the conversation he was just having with Gobber. He was actually kind of curious about why Ruff chose to do that and he figured Tuffnut would be the best one to ask.
After all, he still was gearing for Ruffnuts love and her suddenly up and leaving was quite a shock for him. He thought they were finally getting somewhere!
With those indignant thoughts he found himself in front of the Nuts house. It was further back on the island and looked like it needed its fair share of repairs. With cracks lining the walls and even a few smashed windows. The chicken coop behind the house actually giving a kind of unpleasant odor. Come to think of it. Snotlout had never really visited the twins at their house and at this moment, he kind of wished he still hadn't.
Just as he was about to knock on the door, a squeal sounded from behind him. Turning he came face to what appeared to be a very angry boar. The animal stomping on the ground as it glared at what it deemed an unwelcome trespasser. "Uh... nice boar." Snotlout mumbled trying to calm the animal as he held out his hands, trying to make himself less threatening. The boar however just stomped the ground again, shaking its burly head as it gave a loud snort.
Then with a roar the animal started to rush Snotlout. Screaming out in terror, Snotlout went to move out of the way but before he could he was suddenly pushed to the side as something shot out from behind him. Not suspecting it he fell back on his ass but at least now he could identify Tuff as the twin rode on the Boars back, laughing and giggling as the beast tried to buck him off.
Just as Snotlout was starting to get concerned, the boar finally started to calm as Tuffnut finally jumped off. "Next time. Lets do that in the boar pit okay Bjorn. Also! Good pig telling us when theres strange men at the house." Tuffnuts voice rang out as he petted the boar behind the ears. The once angry animal just snorted as it sniffed at the twins hair, Tuffnut without a helmet, before it started to trot off.
Standing up Tuffnut brushed himself off before crawling up the steps and standing next to Snotlout. His eyes alight with amusement as he looked down at him. Realizing that Snotlout still hadn't gotten back up, he cursed before scrambling to his feet. "Why is there an angry boar guarding your house?" He scoffed already angry at what just happened.
"Why not?" Tuff responded. The retort Snotlout had was lost in the absurdity of that so instead he just threw his hands up, thinking of many reasons why not to have a boar guarding your house. Visitors being maimed being one of them. Before he could though Tuff beat him too it.
"You need something? Not to cut off your imminent rant but none of you have ever come to our house before. Unless its overhead, on dragon and you are yelling at us to get Barf and Belch cause Svens sheep got out again." Tuff explained, "Although still, its not usually you." He added looking at Snotlout warily.
Ignoring it though Snotlout shrugged, "I heard Ruff left and I just came to find out why. I thought you two weren't gonna go through with your tribes demands?" He said jumping right into it. Tuff looked surprised for a moment before he just shrugged, his whole body moving with the effort. Instead of answering though he just gestured Snotlout to follow him inside. Although Snotlout really didn't want to know what the interior looked like, he still followed.
"We weren't initially but Mom convinced Ruff to trail along with Lars. She said she actually enjoyed it so... yeah she's gonna try to be a Merchant or whatever." Tuff said, voice a little detached when he said it. He didn't exactly sound pleased by his sisters decision but it was obvious he was at least trying to be supportive. "They wouldn't let me go with her either." He added at the end.
Glancing around the surprisingly tidy inside, he listened to Tuffs explanation and couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. He was mostly sad that he wouldn't be able to recite his newest poem to her, while Tuff was upset cause he already missed his sister. "Two weeks?"
"Or more. Depends on how it all goes." Tuff responded with a sigh as he went and sat down in the center of the floor. "What am I even gonna do while she's gone? She took Barf and Belch so I don't even have that." He complained.
Snotlout pursed his lips before going and sitting next to him. Whatever he was planning on saying in comfort though was lost as he actually smelt the twin. Now usually they smelt like a mixture of BO, Zippleback gas and cheese. A disgusting scent but they were always proud of it. Today though, today he smelt like, "Why do you smell like freshly baked sugar cookies?" He asked.
Tuffnut looked surprised as he spared a glance at Snotlout. Snotlout was actually surprised to see the twins face redden as he averted his gaze and mumbled something under his breath. "What?" Snotlout shot back leaning in closer to hear.
"My mom made both Ruffnut and me bathe in this special oil she made. She said she didn't want us smelling like a dead rat so she's making Ruff and me bathe more often. Except it has always been me. Ruff always somehow finds a way to avoid it while I walk right into it." Tuffnut huffed crossing his arms.
Snotlout grinned finding Tuffs distress amusing, "I think its an improvement. Might actually want to hang around you more now that I don't gag everytime I'm downwind."
"Haha..." Came Tuffnuts response as he kicked at Snotlouts boat. "Speaking of hanging out though. Do you wanna hang out?" Tuffnut asked offhandedly.
"I really just wanted to know why Ruff left. Was gonna go take Hookfang for a flight. He's been restless." Snotlout responded, moving to get up as he was reminded of his original goal. He was still looking at Tuff however as he caught a flash of hurt cross over his face before the twin quickly covered it up with a half smile.
"Yeah okay, I get it. Maybe later?" He asked.
Snotlout frowned, Tuffnut sounded almost desperate and what was with the hurt look he gave him. It wasn't like they hanged out all the time so why did he suddenly want too today. Feeling wary he just shrugged, "I'm a busy dude." Was his response as he turned to leave.
If Tuff was trying to pull him into a prank he wasn't falling for it. Tuff didn't say anything as he left the house either so Snotlout just assumed he realized that Snotlout was too good to be tricked.
Now to go flying.
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nakadoo · 7 years
softly,,, i wrote souyo drabble,,,,,, bec,, ,, im obsessed,,, with the idea that yosuke has nice hands too, ,, , theres probably gonna be a part 2 to this but not right now, ,, 
Yosuke tended to sell himself short. Souji's not really sure why it is, but it's been keeping Yosuke from seeing his true potential to be more than what he thinks he's capable of. He keeps comparing himself to Souji, keeps saying that he's just an average guy among more than average people. Souji wonders sometimes if Yosuke's aware that he was practically the glue that kept them all together, that his title as second in command wasn't just because he was the second among the group to attain his own persona.
Yosuke is capable of so much but he just didn't really believe in himself; if someone held him at gunpoint and asked him to praise himself even just once, he'd probably consider his options for longer than necessary considering his own life was on the line.
They had a meeting today. No one was in the T.V. but Souji had decided that it was best to train, to keep them all sharp and on their toes, just in case an obstacle was in their path. He came to Junes a little early, mostly to grab a few groceries to take back home for Nanako.
Then he spots him, lingering around the hardware section of Junes, just looking down at a few items. Yosuke picks up something that Souji can't identify or put a name to, inspects it, weighs it in his hand, before dropping it back into it's bin. He does this several more times with similar looking items before deciding that the first one he picked up was the one he wanted.
"What's that?" Souji asks him, leaning over his shoulder to get a look at the item. He knows what it is now, not the name but just by it's appearance, and wonders what Yosuke could probably want with it.
Yosuke jumps at Souji's voice and nearly drops his item but he manages to catch it before it hits the ground. But he accidentally elbows Souji in the process, which would have been really funny if he weren't on the receiving end of the pain. "Sorry, partner!" he practically yelps. He offers a hand and tugs Souji back onto his feet. "You really need to stop surprising me like that."
Souji rubs at his stomach where Yosuke hit him and shakes his head. "Yeah, sorry. My bad," he apologizes. "So what're you doing here so early?"
Yosuke looks down at his little item, then taps one ear piece of his headphones with a click of his tongue as he explains. "Gonna fix them," he says simply.
Yosuke's already making his way out of the hardware department, but not before grabbing some wire that looks too thin to be of much use. "Yeah, with how often we get roughed up in the T.V., it'll only be a matter of time before these break too."
Souji is a man of many talents and various tidbits of information. However, he's not quite sure he understands what his best friend is trying to say. "Huh?"
He's already paying for the items. He scratches under his chin as the cashier rings him up, before reaching into his pocket to unplug his headphones from his music player. He raises it up for Souji to inspect.
Souji takes it into his hands gingerly, like he's scared he might break it. But not that he's actually looking at it, it the wire doesn't match with the bit at the end (he still doesn't remember what it's called). "You can replace these?"
Yosuke gives a little laughed, amused by the fact that Souji looks stumped. "Of course you can," he tells him, taking his items without having them bagged. "I'll show you," he says, gesturing with a beckoning hand for his friend to follow. "Let's go round the back."
He is no stranger to Junes' staff room, he's been there countless of times before, so he drops his bag on the worn out couch and makes his way towards Yosuke.
Yosuke drops his bag down on the single table in the staff room and flips a switch to turn the ventilation fan on. He sits down, takes out a few things, and prepares to get to work. He pulls his headphones on, plays his music while he tinkers with the wire, pulling it and pinching it and bending it at various degrees until he stops and grins a little bit. "It's always the jack," he tells Souji as if Souji completely understands what he's talking about. "Good thing too, would have been a pain in the ass if it was the wire."
"Uhh, sure," Souji replies uncertainly, pulling up a chair so he can watch Yosuke work.
Yosuke unplugs his music player and sets it aside, picking up an exacto knife before getting to work. He's carefully cutting at the protective plastic, peeling at them until the wires are exposed.
There aren't many wires but Souji doesn't know what each one does but he's pretty impressed with the confidence that Yosuke works. He's probably done this many times before and for some reason Souji's a little bit bewildered and wondering why he's so surprised his friend knows all this when its so blatantly obvious how much he loves his headphones.
"See?" Yosuke says, straightening his back as he shows his handiwork to Souji again. There's a little wire sticking out that looks wrong, and Yosuke pokes it with his knife. "That's why one speaker isn't working."
Souji nods again. He knows the very basics of wires, like the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit but that's mostly it. He plants his elbows on the table, leans in a little closer and Yosuke hunches his back in concentration as he carefully separates the jack from the wires. He continues on, talking about how he has to strip back a few of the wire, expose something Souji again doesn't understand, and the rest of the explanation is still something that Souji isn't really too keen on. But the way Yosuke explains it makes it seem like its so easy to understand.
Yosuke plugs in the soldering iron he took from his bag and waits for the end to heat up. He takes out the wire he bought and the replacement jack, then arranges and prepares them on the table. "Just gotta put everything together then we're good," he grins cheekily.
"You know," Souji says as he watches Yosuke get back to work once the iron is ready. "You said I was pretty good with my hands... You're not too shabby either."
"Ah, jeeze," Yosuke says with a light blush dusting his cheeks and an almost pained look on his face. "I can't believe you still remember that."
"Well, it was a compliment. And I liked it," Souji admitted easily.
"Dude you are so weird sometimes," Yosuke laughs.
Souji shrugs and watches him connect the wires to the jack. If he really thinks about it, Yosuke's probably a lot better with his hands than he is. The way he manages his knives in battle is telling, and though the first forays into the T.V. world had Yosuke's hands all cut up with how bad he was, he'd improved so much since then. He could toss his knives five feet in the air and catch them easily.
...Now that Souji really thinks about it, he kind of really likes the way Yosuke's hands look. There are still scars from cuts that never really faded, calluses from battles as well as from practicing on his guitar. He had shorter fingers than his own, but they were bony and knobby and almost as awkward looking as Yosuke's whole personality but just as charming as Yosuke himself.
Souji leans his cheek into his palm, watching intently as his partner picks the soldering iron and starts attaching this to that, here to there, before finally encapsulating the exposed wires into the bought jack.
Yosuke tugs on the wire of the soldering iron and sets it aside to cool. He fiddles with his music player and plugs in his headphones. Sure enough, music is pouring out through both of the speakers and he smiles before plopping his beloved headphones onto his head. He plays with the volume settings, letting it go as high as it can, then slowly lowers it until he can't hear music anymore. He turns to Souji then, a little smile on his lips that makes Souji's heart flutter a little bit. "I fixed it," he says causally, "but I guess these are pretty old. Sound quality just isn't what it used to be."
Souji tries very hard to make it look like he wasn't staring dreamily at his best friend. "Then why not buy new ones?" he offers. "With all the money we get from the dungeons—"
"One," Yosuke interrupts with a happy appreciative smile. "That money is for new equipment and items for the T.V. World." He swivels in his chair to face his best friend and mirrors him, leaning his cheek onto his palm as well. "And two, I'm kind of attached to these. Unless they're completely ruined beyond repair, I'm not getting rid of them."
Souji hums thoughtfully, wondering how much it would cost him to buy a set of high quality headphones in the shade of orange that matched Yosuke's eyes. "You've had them for a long time then?"
"Mhmm," Yosuke hums at him as he cleans up his work place now, carelessly shoving his tools back into his bag. "Anyway, we should head up to the food court in case anyone's there already."
"Yeah," Souji agrees with a smile. He wonders idly if someday he'll be able to get a look at Yosuke's hands up close.
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lilietsblog · 7 years
one punch man 10-12: the aliens
huh its episode 10 already man this anime is so short is it flashback time yet?
hi terrible Godzilla oh yeah its the S class introduction time
gotta love that theres actually competent military in this anime why is it such a rare thing jfc
seriously tho Saitama's superpower is NOT superstrength, that's just now how physics works I think he has sped up perception, and I suspect he had that to a degree even before he started his training, judging from how easily he managed to take on the crab guy, if not all of it but what his strength training gave him (awakened in him?) was basically reality warping no wonder he's bored: he ACTUALLY REALLY doesn't have to put any kind of effort into his punches, as it's not his physical strength that's doing any work there, it's literally reality bending to accomodate him that has got to suck reality warping ennui I love my egg son
I love how all of these monsters demand acknowledgement and don't just try and step on pesky human distractions that ignore them
okay yeah this dude did end up just trying to step on her
man Tornado is freakishly powerful and that's amazing
Genos oh come on you really should learn some self-defense actually
this sounds like an anime reference I'm not getting
I love that Silverfang at least appreciates Saitama's actual power
and Genos is just inviting Saitama to tag along this is adorable
I love how completely fucking extra all the heroes are and how ridiculous Saitama's low key normalcy looks by contrast
poor Tornado she's amazing but since she's only summoned for appropriate level threats it's not even interesting to be amazing
Watchdog Man is amazing
man you are so dramatic maybe start with explanations jfc there is no logic to this order of operations SAITAMA GOT HIS TEA IT'S FROM STARBUCKS IT'S HILARIOUS awww I love this cute lil bad boy who skipped his lil sis's piano recital )=
poor Saitama not knowing anything I love how casual he is about asking what he doesn't know I wouldn't have managed >_>
you call it right Child Emperor this is very ridiculous granted the meeting holder dude is probably right but he's being very ineffectual about it
Saitama jfc why
oh yeah this is a completely irrelevant bunch of baddies isnt it
OH YEAH THESE ARE THE ACTUAL BAD GUYS GEE 'IN THE NEXT SIX MONTHS' SURE DID TURN OUT TO BE SOON so yeah thats why the meeting holder dude was right
I love how much attention this anime cares to pay to civilians in trouble
man guys you should have hidden in that rut together instead of getting out
the knight guy is awesome
man thats... not all of city A that was destroyed
ahaha Saitama didn't wait for everyone my socially awkward egg acts on his own out of sync with anything <3 i can relate so much
man my favorite thing about this final fight is that it's going to involve collaboration it's not just 'Saitama saves the day' because he's just one person like with the fish king, Saitama was only able to save anyone because other heroes were there first and here there are multiple battles to be fought these dudes are important too
wow his stump sure isn't bleeding out
hey the swords at least slow the monster down that's not nothing
man this samurai dude is hella cool this entire squad is hella cool footsoldiers are important and I love this anime
I love that the kids are in front here it's a terrible idea and yet in context who's going to say no
jfc King you are way too fast to give up
sorry Genos this is a child
I love the peacemaker dude tho
ahaha Saitama is already inside I love him
oh dude you sure are confident in yourself
man this guy's design is SO TOTALLY A REFERENCE
...so the flashback stuff is probably side material that I haven't downloaded isn't it
whatever, I'll just continue the liveblog
man this ending is nice it's just pure aesthetic, and it's such a nice grounding one the Earth that Saitama lives on, which is the same one we all do
hi humanization of the enemy to them, Saitama is the kaiju and yeah he kinda is reality warping powers do that
aww Saitama is not very good at finding vital parts of the ship to destroy eh
Saitama makes for an awesome creepypasta really an unstoppable juggernaut
...I really want OPM to become an endless shounen series it's worth it and it has political setup enough for SO MUCH to happen it features a cast FULL of people very ready for exploration and convoluted plots the first season feels like BARELY A PROLOGUE in what could be the grand scheme of thing
hi Hammerhead!!! I love you!!! omfg is that your actual first name oooomg
this show's unwillingness to kill anyone off IS AWESOME
hi Sonic <3 I still love your oni face
I love that the knight guy looks middle aged with wrinkles and all
sorry coordinator dude that's S class heroes for you
welp bye bye dude that's the batter figuring shit out <3
man poor coordinator dude he's trying his best
I love Saitama and his low key shit I love how the navigator TRIES HIS BEST Saitama is ONE SMART COOKIE oh man this dude can actually look hella intimidating
yeah the downside of telekinesis as a combat power is that you still need to have something to telekinesis unless you can just straight up telekinesis your foes i guess
oh hey gravity manipulation nice
sorry due Saitama's power is basically no sell of any other powers its kinda sad
ahaha hes breaking his own ship now
man this supreme telekinetic power sure isn't used to actual direct combat ....yeah he's ridiculously weak kidna
awww cute lil aliens
awww Child Emperor! <3
ah yes! this is what Tornado is for!
and Mumen Rider on the ground you is good job!!! i love that they give him spotlight so fucking much you have no idea this really is an anime exploring the idea of heroes
guys with indirect powers wait for guys with direct powers to give them a chance
I'm still amazed the Knight is still alive guess his power is some sort of invulnerability/healing
dude if you forget the defense and focus on attack they still outnumber you this would have worked better when you still had many heads
Saitama is like a white hole infinite energy he just makes his own
I love how Saitama is still not used to the change of his status from hobbyist to professional it's the small details that make it <3
ahh and this is the kind of fight Saitama wanted isn't it?
haha twenty years yeah strength training had fuckall to do with it Saitama had this potential since babyhood
man Saitama's low key-ness looks really badass here best egg
I love that Saitama's movement isn't even running particularly well, it's just walking really really fast
awww Saitama's come to not expect much by now <3
haha sorry dude you're now match for Tornado's firepower hope she's got some way to watch out for civilians would be invaluable for search&rescue if she were free for it rn
oh hey Drive Knight there sure are lots of knights here huh
oh and it was Metal Knight who destroyed the town huh was he the dude who came in to test his weaponry against the meteor?
yup dude sorry outnumbered
so guys you might want to get the fuck out from under the ship now
I love the badass opening music this is Saitama's true potential too bad the plot isn't about it
lol I love how they both have pretty low expectations for each other
this dude is about to bring down his own ship heh
OMG SAITAMA DIDN'T NO SELL THAT THAT'S PRETTY AMAZING sorry dude Saitama has power beyond his own conception too
yeah you can heal yourself but Saitama wasn't hurt
man his pants are baggy and look hilarious
wow holy fuck and Saitama's method of surviving is ragdoll roll with it as much as possible I do that in the car to avoid motion sickness on bumpy roads
aww hey dude vulnerable after all where Saitama just isn't
sorry Tornado you're awesome but that wasn't you
this dude is strong but he isn't Saitama fast he's not even Sonic fast just very strong
CONSECUTIVE NORMAL PUNCHES NICE NOT ENOUGH STILL SAITAMA MUST BE SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW (and yet vaguely dissatisfied still because something in his brain chemistry still isn't making this as awesome as it should have been)
I love Saitama's creative names Serious Punch
I love that Saitama never taunts, never doesn't talk to his foes he doesn't dehumanize them, ever
well yeah okay that was pretty curb stomp sorry dude but you still entertained Saitama more than anyone else ever managed to
I hope poor little alien crew members survive alright ^^;
aww and the master picks up his knight
oh hey Amai Mask who the fuck even are you dude what the fuck shut up? I love the bad boy he's saying it like it is dude they literally saved the Earth and everything that wasn't wiped out in a single strike???
Amai is an actual supervillain here isn't he
mm he could be S rank I see
oh hey Metal Knight there sure are a lot of supervillains holed up at the top of the Hero Organization huh well I mean it makes as much sense as anything to recruit anyone sane enough to come in
awww Genos really has found balance with Saitama
so is Saitama already home or what ah nope there he is <3
Tornado you naive muffin
'history-making events, the top stories for days' yeah i guess in this kind of world there's nothing to do but keep reconstructing and ignore the losses )=
anyway I love this anime
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desatu · 5 years
second verse, slight variation of the first
whoop whoop
okay so periodically i will consider reopening old friendships, and for the most part it seems like a great idea
except for the fact that one of them is with my ex girlfriend, who i still kind of have some shit to sort out with, but i cant sort out with her. because we will just argue, and it will go badly. anyways, i keep wallowing, and being pissed off at our last argument (we’ve started talking a little bit since then, but since i skipped out on actually meeting up, we havent spoken...) because of the overtones and what it implies about me and our relationship and all this other stuff!!! !
to sum it up, essentially i feel like i was thought of as inferior for some reason. either my choice to not wear nice clothes, or to dress bizarrely. i just realize i always felt not good enough. which didnt have to be an awful thing. thinking your SO is out of your league can be a good thing, because you’ll work harder to be worth them. but thats only if they really are out of your league. and lets be honest. in some aspects, they arent, obviously.
anyways, i feel like i was treated as... not as good as i was. because of stupid things. like my clothes. I never felt complimented? mostly because she didnt compliment me. (for clarification. both women). My clothes were never name brand. I never got new clothes because I didn’t want them. I never got complimented, even when i tried to dress up a little. Unless I was very dressed up (high femme, which im not super comfortable with), i didnt get complimented unprompted. which is a weird thing to be bothered by. I should be able to exist without constant praise. but theres a difference between constant praise and constant indifference. I dont mind, is different from i dont care. When I said I don’t care, I meant I dont mind. I think i never made that distinction clear. I dont think she did either. idfk, its just.
 i always felt like there were markers I wasnt hitting that she was judging me by. And I kept catering to her by altering myself, which felt awful. I didnt realize how awful it felt, but now that I can openly admit that i like “cringey” things and my sister just goes with it, i realize that i wasn’t telling her things i liked because she’d make fun of me and id feel bad. and tobe fair, i also made fun of things she liked, but i like to think i made it clear i was joking. for some things, i think she was genuinely criticizing me, but not realizing that it was a dick thing to do. its weird. its weird, and i cant get any explanation out of her, because its just a worthless thing to do.
problem is, we got along great. we were great friends. we could still be great friends. when we started talking again it was so easy.
But I don’t want to fall into that trap of catering myself to her, and of soothing all her hurts. I don’t want to take blows I don’t have to, unintentional or not, to spare her feelings.
When I talk to her, it’s almost instinct to do that. I did it for so long. But I want to be someone I like, unabashedly. If I can’t admit I like the silliest of shows, that I like the dumb cliche ships along with those shows, what am I doing?
I refuse to be a cheap, easily-digestible imitation of myself. Fuck that noise.
0 notes
yarnings · 6 years
Mellow the moonlight to shine is beginning
There was renewed discussion about the lack of Bree/Roger fics. I may have tripped and fallen, hitting the keyboard on the way down and this popped out.
As my frivolity suggests, this has not been beta’d, edited or even checked against the timeline. Any and all mistakes and places where things don’t make sense should be assumed to be errors that I would appreciate having my attention drawn to so I can fix them.
Roger groaned, tired from trying to keep up with his father-in-law all day, and walked through the cabin door. To his disappointment, the table had no food on it, being covered instead with Bree’s workbook and a bunch of loose sheets full of sketches and notes in Bree’s distinctive hand. As he stood, blinking to help his eyes adjust to the relative dimness inside, he noticed a pile of charcoal- smeared boards discarded beside Bree’s chair, presumably her even-rougher work that she did before consigning designs and calculations to expensive paper. It wasn’t the first time that Bree had managed to carve out some free time from the toil of trying to take care of the house entirely by hand, and spent the afternoon designing. However, and Roger frowned as he noticed that the hearth was cold, normally when she did this there was a pot of stew ready for the evening meal.
Just then Roger heard a noise outside, and turned back, squinting his newly-adjusted eyes against the bright sunlight. Bree was coming back from the big house carrying Jemmy, with a basket over her other arm. He stepped out to meet her and relieve her of her burdens. She handed him the basket with a kiss as Jemmy snuggled himself more securely against her side.
“He’s being a little clingy since I neglectfully abandoned him to be spoiled by Mrs. Bug all afternoon. Apparently he’s worried I’ll leave him to get stuffed full of sweets again.”
Roger wisely didn’t say anything, and peeked instead into the basket, finding a loaf of fresh bread inside.
“They were firing the big oven, and I was offered a loaf of bread so that I wouldn’t have to bother with the dutch oven today. I figured we could have sandwiches for dinner tonight. We have some pickle and I mixed up a bit of mustard to go with the sausage.”
Roger’s mouth watered at the thought. He resolutely pushed memories of sandwiches he’d had in the twentieth century from his mind as he followed Bree inside. He wasn’t about to suggest that mayonnaise would be a nice addition, as he had no desire to find himself assigned to the job of whisking it up himself.
Once inside, Roger washed up and set to slicing the bread while Bree picked up her notes and stuck them on the bed in a haphazard pile for organizing later. Jemmy was bribed with a chunk of hard sausage to sit in his chair. He gnawed on the sausage and banged his horn cup on the table as he watched his parents prepare the meal. In addition to the pickle and mustard, Bree brought out some butter and a small basket of greens that her mother had thinned from the garden that morning. Despite his enthusiasm for the meal, Jem had clearly had a full day of running around with his mother in the morning and exploring the big house in the afternoon, because part way through his eyes closed and he narrowly missed falling asleep in his dinner. Bree coaxed him into enough wakefulness to get ready for bed. When she tucked him into his cot he didn’t even make a token protest, just closed his eyes and went to sleep. Roger watched her from the table, not feeling energetic enough to take advantage of Jem’s early bedtime, but still appreciative of how she moved and the occasional tantalizing glimpses of skin that he got.
Bree looked up and caught Roger’s gaze, giving him a smile that celebrated everything they were to each other. She came back to the table, and they sat together for a while, finishing their meal in silence, enjoying simply being in each other’s presence with no urgent tasks to draw their attention away. Roger broke the silence first.
“What were you working on this afternoon? You seem to have made some progress.”
“I want to make a treadle spinning wheel. You know the kind where you can sit down, and work a foot pedal to spin the machine, rather than needing to walk back and forth like Marsali is always doing?”
Roger was vaguely aware of the fact that spinning was done on the ridge, and had a fuzzy memory of seeing what he persisted in thinking of as “modern” spinning wheels on a school trip to the museum as a child. He nodded anyhow, secure in the knowledge that Bree would give enough detail in her explanation to fill in any gaps in his understanding.
“The thing is that there’s a reason you have to walk back and forth with the wheels now. I could put a treadle on it easily, but it wouldn’t work. The hard part is spinning the yarn. You have to walk back and forth, because it’s done in two stages, so unless I can get it down to a single continuous process there’s no point.”
“Well, can ye?”
“I know it’s possible, that’s the hardest part. I’ve seen one at a historic site before, and while they didn’t go into details, I don’t think it was a very complex thing to make, so we should be able to do it here.”
Roger smiled at Bree’s confidence. She never accepted the idea that there might be something too difficult for her. Of course, that was why there were here.
He gathered what dishes there were, and gave them a wash in cold water while Bree cleared the leftovers into their pantry. By the time he was done, she had retrieved her work and spread it back over the now-clean table. But rather than trying to keep working, she just organized her notes to put away until she had another chance to work on the design.
By unspoken agreement, when she and Roger had both finished and put everything away, they lay together in the growing darkness. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they drifted off to sleep.
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isaacathom · 6 years
probably the only cool thing that came out of my stupid dr:dawn thing was the whole thing with the three traitors. they were kinda cool. technically 4 if you count the mastermind, but practically 3
like theres the 3 of them. an actor, a director, and an analyst or some kinda iirc. they were best friends while attending the school, the actor and director were basically dating, its all nice. their 4th friend was i think a computer programmer of some kind, and after a series of logic leaps, decides ‘hey time to kill everyone’. and, with a lot of reservations, the three of them go on board. the actor and director know that they can pretend to have no idea whats happening (yknow, because HE is an actor and she must have learnt something from being a director, surely). but the analyst knows she cant. she knows she wouldnt be able to pretend. so she volunteers to go under the memory wipe so she cant give the game away. a/d arent super into the idea, but she goes under, and the game is under way.
within the game, the analyst either comes to believe she has no talent, or is the ultimate luck, idr. the actor and director have to pretend that theyve never met the others, but the whole group accepts that the two already know each other (which was always true). in an effort to make sure noone tries to ask them too many questions (and thus accidentally blurt out smth stupid) the two deliberately adopt sorta awkward personas. he actor (peeeter? peter, i think) deliberately acts the giant jackass, standoffish and aloof, tho its fairly obvious the further the game goes on that he genuinely cares about everyone. its a stereotypical act but its cool. she puts on a more ~quirky~ persona, acting as though the whole thing is just like one of her movies (which isnt TOO far from the truth, technically) which honestly just pisses a lot of people off.
what hurts a/d the most is that they end up pissing off the Analyst, who finds them insufferable, despite the fact they were once best friends. it really hurts, yknow.
the game goes on, people die, all fun. but it gets to a point where the remaining group is rather tightknit (excluding a/d, naturally), and the programmer mastermind gets incredibly bored. and so she reveals the next motive - Peter, the actor, is the prime accomplice to the mastermind.
and god, how much does it hurt to see people he once called friends turned white with fear and then red with anger. watch his girlfriend struggle to convey the correct emotion and just shake in confusion. everyone anger. he just bolts. completely loses it. out the fucking door in a flash. its almost insane how quickly he leaves. mans having a fucking breakdown in that cabin man. holy shit.
so his girlfriend, the director, Ashley, stammers out something about getting the Truth from him, and she leaves after him. their discussion is tough, because what do they do? rose (programmer, iirc) betrayed them. what do they do? dont do anything stupid, he tells her, when she goes to leave. :)
now Ashley knows whats up. by outing peter, he’s been made into a target. he’ll be interrogated, or executed. his death hangs on the wall, slowly ticking along. its only a matter of time. and she wont have that.
so she sets up a plan. she leaves a note on a random table, purportedly from peter, asking someone to meet them down in one of the rooms. peter doesnt leave his cabin, so theres no risk of him finding out about her plan unless someone knocks on his door. noone does. even though she usually gets up first, she deliberately sleeps in to ensure she isnt the first to find it. if questioned, she says she couldnt sleep due to the peter thing. everyone nods understandingly.
its breakfast. the note is gone. someone has it, and wont own up. the discussion at the table is either quiet or centered around what to do about peter. Ashley insists they go easy on him..... he cant be all that bad! they should talk to him! her words fall on deaf ears. but that note didnt.
that night, she hides at the meeting spot. one of the others finally arrives, clutching it. peter? she hides as her victim enters the room. then, bam, sneak out from behind the door, club the fuckers head in IMMEDIATELY. her victim collapses to the floor. its, i think the boxer. as she sets up her crime scene, she realises the cruel irony. that she murdered to save her boyfriend, who she knows was never into the death game idea and was coerced in by herself and rose, and that the person she murdered also had a girlfriend. another player in their game. she’ll be devastated, wont she. wouldnt be the first time a couple was torn apart by murder, she supposes. it cant be all that bad.
her crime scene is meticulously set up. she wants it to be obvious it was her, but not so obvious as to look fake. she finishes, closes the door, and heads back up to her cabin. the day looms.
the girlfriend ends up finding the body, having been told by him the night before that if anything happened, she should look on that floor. its detective and trial time.
peter is practically dragged out of his cabin by said girlfriend, demanding an explanation. he, truthfully, states he knew nothing about the meeting until they mentioned it, and knew nothing about the murder until he was given the case file by monokuma. people dont believe him. Ashley appeals for calm. its rough.
the trial isnt great. the girlfriend has decided that peter MUST be responsible due to the note. the analyst (still believing thats NOT her talent) instead deduces it to be clearly in Ashley’s handwriting, and blah blah. eventually, ashley is convicted, despite peter’s increasingly desperate attempts to reflect the blame back onto himself because of COURSE he cant fucking believe it!!!!! no!!! ashley is found guilty. peter absolutely breaks the fuck down. raw as fuck. no artifice at all, begging ashley for an explanation, a reason. ashley explains to them all that she knew peter would be murdered if she didnt act, blah blah. and then drops the final bombshell. he knows who the mastermind is. and he will tell you. :) smiles directly to camera before shes dragged off to her execution. peter is still absolutely fucking bereft. and like, yea, hes an ACTOR, but its..... very obvious. everyone had already caught on that his bravado was an act, and it had been breaking the entire trial. with each new point of evidence against her his artifice shattered more, until he said some shit that made is VERY obvious he was definitely a non-mind wiped fucker. guy lost his shit. poor guy.
after Ashley’s execution, and monokumas subsequent revelation that hey, ashley was also in on it. funny, that? and, oh, theres still one more left! :3c everyone is a little bit..... stunned, i think. peter goes to leave. likely gets stopped by the analyst, who offers him a tissue of something. dude breaks down again. he’s just having a rough day.
time passes. there are no more murders. peter divulges a lot of stuff, particularly about the years they lost due to the mindwipe. he’s hesitant to talk about rose, and he’s REALLY conflicted about calling out the analyst’s real power.
later later, all the shit ramps up, the analyst’s complicity in the entire thing (and the fact she was weirdly SUPER fucking into it, and that most of the fine details were her idea) is revealed, shit hits fan, eventually everyone kick’s roses ass and leaves.
uhhh tl;dr the 4 best friends set up the death game, with one acting as mastermind, 2 acting as plants, and 1 participating as a clueless fucker with mind wiping and some other memory fuckery (which she actually didnt agree to, funnily enough, and which started to bother ashley and peter when it became obvious she had been ‘tampered’ with). 1 of the plants is betrayed and exposed to the group, and the other plant (his gf) then fucking kills a guy in order to stop the others from being too rash and killing him before he could tell them anything. that was really on it. i really liked Peter and Ashley. i think those were their names. its good fun.
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