#unless it's not blue maybe I just don't like blue denim no idea
strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
rare sight: I was organising my closet bc it's finally warm weather and just created an outfit with jeans I actually enjoy wearing. anything is possible
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thefreakandthehair · 10 months
@steddiemas day 1: deck the halls | wc: 1.2k | rated: m
Robin Buckley loves Christmas.
Like, really loves Christmas. If she could convince Steve to put the tree up in their little shitbox apartment the day after Halloween, she would. In fact, she'd tried last year but Steve reminded her that a live tree would be a needleless fire hazard by Christmas Day and she refuses to entertain the idea of a fake tree.
Absolutely not. Live tree or bust.
And this is how Steve ends up at the Christmas Tree Farm the day after Thanksgiving, dragged around with a fond if not tired smile as she checks tree after tree, pulling their branches, checking their strength and health.
"It has to be a Blue Spruce to hold those heavy ornaments from my parents, and none of these are Blue Spruces!" She bemoans, whipping her head around to glare at Steve. "Are you even helping?"
He rolls his eyes and sips the hot chocolate that warms him from the inside. "I'm here as moral support and to cut the thing down when you find it." Steve wiggles the little saw he'd been handed and nods her on.
Robin scoffs and marches back towards him. "I think there are some Blue Spruces in the lot towards the back."
Without a question, he turns on his heel and follows her. This isn't their first Christmas Tree Hunt so he knows the drill. No matter how much he actually hates Blue Spruces because the needles are sharp and stick him when they hang the lights, he'll never say a word. Not when it makes his best friend this happy.
Eventually, they make the trek through muddy grass and Robin does, in fact, find a Blue Spruce that makes her eyes light up in the hidden away lot.
"This is it," she beams. "This is the one."
"Perfect, here, hold this--" Steve hands her his mug and starts to lean down, only for the tree to start shaking.
A man in ripped jeans and Reeboks lies beneath the tree, his own saw just beginning to make its mark in the stump of the spiky, healthy Spruce.
"Hey! Hey, what are you doing? This is our tree." Robin says, reaching through branches to hold it steady. "We were just about to cut it down, back off."
Steve sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. It's not that he won't defend Robin's honor and get into a fight in a Christmas Tree Farm for her, he'd just really rather not.
The mystery man pokes his head out from under the tree with furrowed brows and two needles sticking out from the top of his head, dirt on his denim jacket that protects what looks like a red and black flannel. Steve's definitely been watching way too many Hallmark movies with Robin lately because holy shit, he's cute.
"Listen, my best friend wants this tree, and I don't even wanna be under here but if she doesn't get this Blue Whatever-The-Fuck, someone's halls are getting decked and it'll probably be mine. So, sorry." He shrugs and returns to his place under the tree. 
Robin looks at Steve, bewildered and frazzled simultaneously. Do something, she mouths. 
Like what? He mouths back, scrunching his face and contorting his mouth. 
She widens her eyes and jerks her head to the side, desperate. 
He should’ve known Robin would be responsible for his demise. 
“C’mon, man, we’ve been here for two hours looking for a tree.” Steve gets no response, just a few grunts that shouldn’t go straight to his crotch but what can he say? It’s been awhile.
He steps forward and lies down beneath the tree with the Tree Thief. “Is she here with you? Your best friend who seems as fucking rabid as mine is here about these trees?” 
Steve watches as the man focuses on the tree stump, rhythmic back and forth motions of the saw moving his torso along the ground with his tongue poking out between his lips. “Maybe I can talk to her? Or send Robin? She’s… convincing?” 
“Chrissy wants this one, dude. Hate to break it to you.” 
“Ah, okay. Robin and Chrissy. Well, I’m Steve, and you’re…?” 
The sawing stops as he catches his breath. “Eddie. I’m Eddie. And unless you’re gonna help under here, you might wanna move. I don’t wanna drop this on you.” 
Steve pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and takes a chance. Reaching out, he places one hand on top of Eddie’s. “Can I make you a deal?” 
Eddie startles, eyes flickering back and forth from the space where their hands touch on the rough bark of the tree up to Steve’s gaze. 
“Depends on the deal, I suppose.” Maybe Steve imagines the flush to his cheeks and the playful grin that blossoms across his lips. All he knows about Eddie is that his best friend’s name is Chrissy and that he has the most beautiful brown eyes Steve’s maybe ever seen. 
Not maybe. Definitely. 
“Uh,” he shakes his head, trying to pull himself out of whatever Christmas romcom he thinks he’s living in. “What if we help you and Chrissy find another tree and I help you cut it down? I’ll even carry it to the car for you.” 
“What are you, some sort of lumberjack?”
“Nope,” he lowers his voice conspiratorially, joking as he leans closer, like an idiot. “Just desperate not to get my halls decked.” It earns him a genuine smile and surprised laugh punched from Eddie’s lungs. 
“Alright,” he taps the saw on the trunk and smirks over at Steve, mere inches apart beneath a Christmas tree. Close enough for the faint scent of Eddie’s cigarettes and Old Spice cologne to permeate the strength of the resinous spruce. “You help us find another tree, lug it to the car, and then meet me for coffee after? Seems like the least you can do, all things considered.” 
Trading numbers with the guy he met while bargaining for Robin’s dream Christmas tree isn’t the weirdest moment of his life, but it’s certainly on the shortlist. As is plucking rogue needles out of his hair when they come up from beneath the tree.
He ends up lugging two Blue Spruces to the parking lot an hour later in two trips— Robin chatting with Chrissy in front of them and Eddie at his side, gravitating closer and closer until their arms nearly touch. 
“You know, you didn’t actually have to do this,” Eddie says, moving away from Steve and to the other side of Chrissy's sedan to help tie the tree to the roof. “You’re not like, actually obligated or whatever.” 
Steve finishes tying his end of the knot and looks across at Eddie, finding him standing with hopeful eyes and a piece of hair drawn in front of his face. 
“Oh, I know.” He smiles and shrugs. “But I want to. Especially the coffee-with-you-after part.” 
“Not until we get this thing up and decked, Munson!” Chrissy pops up next to Eddie at the same time Robin appears next to Steve, both of them practically bouncing on their heels and grinning ear to ear. 
Robin nudges Steve in the side and he looks down to see her phone held out, Chrissy’s number typed into her contacts with a tiny pink heart to it. He gives her a subtle, excited thumbs up from below Eddie and Chrissy’s view beneath the car. 
Eddie slings an arm across Chrissy’s shoulders and ruffles her hair before she fixes her ponytail, indignant. 
“Alright, alright,” Steve laughs. “I’ll uh, I’ll text you?” 
Eddie nods and turns himself and Chrissy towards the front of the car. As he gets in the passenger seat, he looks back at Steve with a mischievous wink most likely emboldened by Steve’s brash flirtation. 
“The sooner, the better.”
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ninjagirlstar5 · 4 months
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Star, stop changing Tamami's design challenge (impossible).
No, for real, I think this is the fifth redesign I've done of her character. I don't know why but the past designs I've made for her just weren't satisfying to me for some reason. Some of the designs I decided were just bad or didn't suit her while the others were similar but I just didn't like how it looked (tank top, large sweater, scarf, the rainbow bracelet and a long skirt). But I...think I've finally landed on a design that I liked the most out of all the ones I've made so far. (Please let it be the last. Please, my brain and heart. I would like to settle on a design and move on!)
ANYWAYS, I used Teruya's DRA sprite as a base for Tamami since, well, she is his mom and she's about as short as DRA!Teruya (or maybe shorter, I don't know, the wiki gave me two heights for his DRA self. I decided she's about 4'8'' to 5''). So it made sense to use this sprite for her, even when I made slight adjustments to her eyes and nose by making the eyes a little wider and bigger and the nose a bit more pronounced as DRA!Teruya's nose is very small. Out of three of the five designs I've made, I kept this short hairstyle of hers with a large ahoge as I loved this style the most and didn't want to change it. I based her bangs off of SDRA2!Teruya's length and style and the back of her hair like DRA!Teruya's, but I changed the way the strands looked so that it'd look more like her own hairstyle but you can still see the resemblance between the two of them. The ahoge, though, is very much real, unlike Kojiro's and Teruya's (they canonically style their hair like that on purpose), and she cannot fix it no matter how hard she tries. So she just gave up and let it be. Tamami got stuck with the protagonist trait, even though she died before the events of Danganronpa, lol. I've never been a fan of fictional kids looking like carbon copies of their parents. Like, you have the meta-power to design these kids anyway you like and you just make them look exactly like one of their parents? Unless their look-alike appearance is plot relevant, it's just weird for them to look so much like one parent that they can easily be mistaken as siblings and has zero resemblance to the other. And that's saying a lot coming from me who looks a lot more like my Irish dad from skin tone alone, but even then people can tell that I'm at least Asian because of my facial structure and even asked as such, tying my appearance to my Filipino mom. I don't know, I just like seeing a mix of traits for the kids to have inherited from their parents, you know? So, since Kojiro already has a design with green hair and green eyes, I decided to have Tamami have a different hair color, gray and green, but she also has green eyes, just a different shade. Teruya inherited his mother's eyes while getting his father's hair. Since I headcanon Teruya to have freckles, Tamami has freckles as well and as I mentioned before in this post, I adjusted her skin tone to be more obviously tanned instead of dusty from my older drawings of her. And then there's the outfit, which is a dark gray tank top, a long denim(?) skirt, dark reddish-brown boots, a blue handkerchief scarf to match with Kojiro, and a big fluffy yellow sweater with a checkerboard pattern that is tucked into her skirt, and long puffy sleeves that hangs off of her shoulders. The rainbow stripes on her skirt and the rainbow bracelet ties her design to Teruya's as he wears a rainbow as well, and I thought it'd be a neat idea for them to have a similar love for rainbows even though they've never met (cause she died via childbirth). The thought of Teruya still inheriting some of his mom's mannerisms and traits even though they never officially met scratches my brain in a good, angsty way. I wonder what Kojiro thinks whenever he recognizes parts of Tamami in Teruya...And that's it for Tamami's design! Hopefully it'll stay this way.
Tiny characters that can beat the shit out of an enemy that's much taller than them will always be peak character design, you can't change my mind on that.
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redvioletarts · 5 months
Novel Loading Progress Bar Stickers & Notebooks to help you track your writing
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[Image ID: five stickers displayed against a wooden textured background. Each says "Novel Loading" in hand lettering, alternating light and dark letters in the sticker color, above a blank progress bar with each quarter marked, and below that is written "Word Count Goal:", a blank space to fill in, and "K" as an abbreviation for one thousand. The stickers come in kelly green, violet purple, denim blue, rosy pink, and dark red. End ID.]
You know what sucks about writing? It's lonely, at least most of the time. Unless you've got a rabid AO3 or Patreon readership waiting for your next chapter, or a really dedicated writer's group, you end up spending a lot of time just plugging away at what looks to other people like basically the same task... all. the. time.
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[Image ID: Mockup of a person sitting on a fluffy blanket, holding a pen and a pale blue notebook featuring the same Novel Loading artwork as the stickers above. They rest their wrists and the notebook on a coordinating blue fluffy pillow. End ID.]
"When are you going to finish that so I can read it?" your friends ask, inevitably when you're at that 75% mark and you hate every word you're putting down. You really don't have an answer.
Now you can get a sticker (for all you laptop and phone writers) or a notebook (for the longhand sentimentalists, or those who like keeping a writing journal specifically to write about their writing) that has a visual progress tracker right on the front, ready to be filled in with your favorite Sharpie.
Both come in five colors to match the vibe of your story--or enable you to track more than one story at once without mixing them up!
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[Image IDs: First image shows a person sitting on a bench with a pencil and the pink version of the Novel Loading notebook. Second image shows the red version on a black desk surrounded by black and gold office supplies. End ID.]
We writers know progress on a novel isn't exactly linear--a thousand words near the beginning of the novel is usually way easier than a thousand words dragged sentence-by-sentence out of your brain as you're poring through your notes trying to tie everything together near the end. But who cares? Rip off the loading bar idea from the programmers--they're BSing it too!
Fun fact! Most of the loading bar graphics you see on computers are fake--they're just there to reassure you the computer hasn't frozen. But by gum do they make us feel better.
So slap a loading bar on your novel! Track your progress visually to keep yourself motivated, give your friends an opportunity to encourage you, and maybe meet some new writer buddies when you're sitting in a coffee shop with your laptop sporting one of these stickers.
Or get the perfect gift for your writer friend--because seriously, how do you buy for a writer? New notebooks, obviously. Yeah, they have about eighteen blank ones stuck in a box already and they mostly write on their laptop, but they still get really excited every time they get fresh paper. It's a writer thing.
(Yours truly once asked for loose-leaf binder paper for Christmas as a kid. No, my family never let me live this down.)
Both products ship out pretty quickly from my print partners. The stickers are nice splash-resistant vinyl ones, and the notebooks are hardback with a smooth matte finish that feels good in your hand.
Get the sticker here, and the notebook here!
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romeave · 2 years
have you done a garroth fit check or zenix? what about jeoffery? sorry i just miss bitches lol
wait brendan had like 2 outfits {at least mys, forgot for mcd} and they were drab as hell if memory serves right
Garroth has a lot of fits so he gets his own post but here is everyone else anon!!
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Brendan's casual fit screams background character. Dark green shirt with black pants do nothing to help him stand out. The red converse are the only part of his design that stands out, but I'm not really sure why they're there in the first place (maybe a refrence to Kiki??).
Luckily for Brendan, he's so minor his boringness adds to the design instead of detracting.
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Brendan took everyone's insurance money and bought himself whatever...this is. Pink and deep teal is a banger color combo, but the red sneakers still seem out of place. I'm also not sure if he's wearing a one piece or just a coordinated two piece. Might be a swimsuit but there's no reason for Brendan to wear one.
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Lovingly bland. Dorky sweater in a similar gray/white/green to his Jury uniform is both recognizable and weather appropriate. Khaki pants fitting of a dad. Gorgeous.
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Jeffory in the uniform is really just okay. The abundance of green eye brunette boys in PDH make him come off like a background character. Fairly certain Zane’s goons in PDH s2 stand out just as much and Jeffory does, and they don't even speak.
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Apologies for the poor lighting. Jeffory only wears his formal fit at prom so we never see it in a good atmosphere. From what I can tell, its really just a basic black and white tux. There's a black strip near the collar that could be a bow tie or a ribbon. And the lapel flowers compliment his eyes.
TOTAL SCORE - 7.3/10
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Fortunately, Zenix's hair and eyes are neutral and don't clash with the blues of the uniform. Zenix buttons his blazer the same way Gene does, which is a neat little character detail I enjoy very much.
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Zenix really said minecraft bad boy. He has stolen his grey and black striped hoodie from Zane’s closet, a direct homage to Garroth considering Zenix to be like his little brother in MCD. The white undershirt and black pants fortunately steer clear of flat white and black, which are saved for accessories and shoes. Keeling the entire fit in grayscale allows the values to stand out, making the design readable.
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Hate the whitewashing but the fit itself is nice and funky. Love the black jacket with the white fur and the bright red/pink buttons. Putting the button color on the shirt stripes is s neat idea, but it clashes with the gray. The blue of the pants is the same value as the brown of his weirdly coordinated belt/shoes.
5/10 for the jacket alone
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Zenix's Laurance arc, made dumber by the addition of a white shirt under the polo. This implies that UP!Zenix is supposed to parallel Laurance?? Which is a weird choice since UP!Zenix acts nothing like Laurance. Jesson later gives any notable Laurance traits (soccer captain and popularity) to UP!Zane, who is a combination Jeffory/Garroth/Laurance hybrid...who is not Zenix. Deadass UP!Zenix doesn't have any parallels outside of this one fit. Unless normal Laurance is notoriously into peanut butter Laurance stans help me out here-
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Again, loses points for whitewashing. The burgundy brown varisty jacket with matching shoes is fine, if not bland. Adding the white t shirt and normal denim jeans really gives off high school Garroth energy. Look at that he evern has a baseball bat. At least the chains on the jeans are a tiny, but in character detail
TOTAL SCORE - 5.4/10
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anime-corner · 3 years
Unmiss You I Iwaizumi H.
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A/N: So, I basically don’t know how it turned out like this... Not proud of this one though, kind of am? It’s honestly confusing. But hey, hope you like it!
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Two A.M. At least that was the time that was shown on his phone. He couldn't remember how long since then. Or how it happened. He just knew that he fucked up.
The device rang in his hand, answering quickly, not bothering to check the caller I.D., hoping that it was you, "yeah?"
"Aww, Iwa-chan! That was quick! Did you miss me that much?" He scoffed, throwing the phone on his bed, the call on speaker as he laid back down, his arm draped over his eyes.
"What do you want, Oikawa?" He asked without the usual insult to the setter's name.
"Are you… still thinking about her?" The caller said, careful in his words, "Besides, it's what? Almost three? You're usually not up this early."
"Why do you care?" He huffed as he thought about it. He never did stay up late or woke up early unless it was to give Oikawa the support he needed. But this time it was different, he knew that, and that was because he was waiting for you.
"Geez, of course, I care! You're my best friend! And it's obvious that you're miserable without her." Oikawa could hear shuffling on the other end.
"What do I do then? She won't answer my calls o-or reply back to my messages." Iwaizumi held out a pillow, throwing it across the room in frustration, "Hell, I can't even get a glimpse of her without those crows stopping me!!"
"Maybe… She wants to move on?" It was silent for a few moments as he debated in his mind. Was she really?
"... I hope not. Because wouldn't it be unfair if… she gets to forget everything when all I want is to get her back?" He gripped onto his dark hair, tears threatening to spill, his firm look shattering to pieces, "She's all that I think about after that game. She's in my dreams, within my vision… I could even hear her at times but…"
"But what?" A heavy sigh left Iwaizumi's lips as he succumbed to his thoughts.
"You're right… Maybe, she doesn't want me back. I can't just rewind time to make it right. I can't go back to before I fell for her, to stop myself from meeting her and undo everything because I know that I'll just end up liking her. Loving her." It wasn't like him to act like this.
He was stubborn. He wouldn't stop at anything like a breakup. Instead, he'd do anything to get you back. But, with how he was right now, he doubts that he'd be able to. That's just what was running inside his head. Full of doubt and regret.
"It would have been easier that way…" Oikawa comments, giving out a sigh as well.
"Yeah, no shit. But like you said, maybe she wants to move on. And I just have to live with the fact that you can't easily unmiss a person you so badly miss." Iwaizumi let out a growl of annoyance, hearing noises from the other side of the screen,  "Oi Kusokawa, are you still listening!?!"
"Get up. Out of bed. I'll pick you up in thirty minutes." He had to blink a couple of times, trying to register the words of his friend.
"What do you mean you'll pick me up!? Oi, don't come over or I'll kick your ass!"
"Just do it, will you Hajime?" Iwaizumi mumbles incoherent words to himself, debating whether or not he should. In the end, he gives in.
Forcing himself out of his bed, he dressed with what he thought was okay looking. A long sleeve grey shirt and ripped jeans, not bothering to look good for something Oikawa had planned for him. It was useless, he thought. A distraction was useless. A knock came as he opened it, the setter eyed his friend from top to bottom.
"You look like shit." Oikawa said as he went in, hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, thanks sherlock." He rolled his eyes, closing the door.
"What's with the outfit? Come on, I'll get you something else." The setter darted towards his room, opening the closet for something the dark-haired male to wear.
"Why are you here, Oikawa? I'm assuming you aren't here just to take my mind off of her." Iwaizumi questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Actually, I asked (y/n) if she could just hear you out. She'll be meeting us at the park." Oikawa admitted, already preparing for the worse.
"YOU DID WHAT!? YOU IDIOT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" Hands wrapped around the collar of Oikawa's shirt, face dangerously close and seething with rage.
"Because you're both hurting! See for yourself!" He got out his phone, scrolling through the messages he and two of Karasuno's members had been exchanging, "Both Tobio-chan and that Small Fry has been sending me pictures of her during their practice and she's trying her best to cope, struggling just the same as you."
"Shut up Assikawa!! (y/n)... She doesn't want me back. If she did, we would have fixed our relationship by now." "I lost her because I messed up. And--" Oikawa threw a pair of jeans with an oversized dark blue denim jacket and a grey hoodie.
"Here. Wear this." It was also the same one he wore when they watched the game between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa, "That's what you wore on your first date, right?"
"I… yeah."
"Good. I'm sure she'd like it if you wore that instead. I'll give you ten minutes to freshen up." He left Iwaizumi to get ready, closing the door behind him, "Or at least, as much as you possibly can. Geez, I can't believe you're an emotional wreck!"
Was it okay? Was it okay to see you? Did you hate him? Or did you still care? Was there still a chance for the two of you to get back together? More questions than answers and honestly, he only wanted to know if you'd take him back again.
"Hey, are you really sure she'll be there?" He got out of his room, wearing the clothes Oikawa handed him.
"I'm sure but…" Looking at him up and down again, a smile on his lips. His usual cheerful and outwardly carefree expression was on his face, "Look at my Iwa-chan, all grown up and ready to get his girl back!"
"Shut up! This was your idea!"
"Huh? Does that mean you don't really plan on fixing all of this? Are you giving up?" Iwaizumi choked on nothing, that wasn't his intention. He wasn't giving up. He just didn't know how to.
"That's not…" He was struggling to get his words out.
"Just kidding, Iwa-chan~!" Oikawa received a hit behind the head, one of the usual violent punishments he would get from his best friend, "Gah! What'd you hit me for?!"
"Shut up!"
"Is your vocabulary only limited to that?"
"Shut up!"
The walk towards the meeting place was quiet. He was uneasy. What were you even expecting from him? A sorry? To beg for forgiveness? A hug perhaps? Because he'd be ready to give you anything and everything. Shit, he should have brought that scarf you made for him.
"Huh? She isn't here yet?" Oikawa looked around but you were nowhere to be found.
"I knew it. She hates me." The dark haired male crashed down on a nearby bench.
"Now, don't go all psychic on me Iwaizumi. I was only late." Standing up quickly as if he didn't drown in his sorrows sitting on that wooden seat.
"(y/n)!" The setter greeted, tackling you into a hug.
"Sorry Tooru, did I make you wait?" You asked, pulling away from his hold.
"Nope! We just got here. I had to make sure Iwa got all dressed up instead of coming here only in sweatpants. Or those nasty jeans I saw him wear when I got there." He shuddered when he felt Iwaizumi's glare hitting his back as he raised both of his hands, making his way to the sides, "Well, I'll be way over there before Iwa-chan hits me again!"
"So…" The both of you start, the male clearing his throat when you didn't open your mouth to speak.
"Uh, you go first." He gestured towards you as you shook your head.
"Tooru asked me to listen. Now, talk. I still have to help Kiyoko and Hitoka in handling the boys." Iwaizumi nodded, realizing what little time he had to explain.
"Right." He began, rubbing the back of his head, "Oikawa told me everything… that happened that day.
• • •
You have been meeting up with Oikawa for the past few days now. You planned on surprising him on your third anniversary and with his best friend's help, you knew he'd like it, especially if he and his team win against Shiratorizawa. Well, you want your team to win too, but can't choose which side you'd support so, you decided that whoever wins would avenge the other.
Aoba Johsai lost.
His team lost and you stood there at the balcony crying your tears out, both in frustration and happiness. The latter because of your team and the former for the loss. You excused yourself, looking for any of the third years in the team. And you happen to stumble upon Oikawa.
"Tooru!" You shouted, running towards the setter.
"(y/n)? Shouldn't you be with your team?" He asked, looking around for the crows. Or at least, his little rival other than Ushijima Wakatoshi.
"They'll understand why I left. But most importantly, how are the two of you? How's Hajime?" It was your turn to look for your boyfriend.
"I'm… not sure. Iwa-chan's probably with Mattsun and Makki. The others should be together." You nodded, grasping both of his hands in yours.
"I'm sorry for what happened, you were all really great! I promise we'll beat up Ushiwaka's ass for you two!" You declared, earning a chuckle from him.
"It's fine, (y/n)-chan." Oikawa ruffled your hair once you released his hands before remembering something, "Hey, why don't you give your present to him, I'm sure he'd like it especially when you've been at it for weeks. Isn't it your anniversary today? It'll help him a lot." You hugged the man in front of you, appreciating the help and support he has given you.
"I hope so. Ah well, thanks again for the help Tooru, I really appreciate it. I'm happy that Hajime has a friend like--" You were then cut off by a shout, your name echoing throughout the hall.
"Hajime! Great timing! I've got something--” You rushed towards him and was about to give him a hug when the look on his face made you stop.
“No. You don’t have to. I can see it perfectly clear.” Iwaizumi said as your brows furrowed.
“What do you mean?” You asked, glancing at the other two third-years behind him who only shrugged.
“What do I mean?! I should have known that you liked Oikawa from the start! We lost the game and the first person you went to find was him!? Unbelievable (y/n), unbelievable!” He bellowed, glaring at the two of you. His eyes were clouded with grief from losing and seeing you with his best friend triggered something he didn't want inside of him.
“W-what? That’s not true. Look, I just managed to bump into him and--” He cut you off again, his hands clenched tightly.
"Yeah okay, blame it on that!"
“Hey Iwaizumi, I think you should calm down a bit.” Hanamaki joined in, placing a hand on the shoulder of their vice-captain.
“Yeah, they were just talking. (y/n) was probably comforting him and asking for you.” Matsukawa added, getting ready to help his best friend if Iwaizumi ever decides to punch away his anger.
“Bullshit! I know what I saw! How do you explain those past few days huh?! I wanted to ask you out before the Interhigh and it so happened that I saw the two of you together. I ignored it because I trusted you!” He held back, not to get him and his team kicked out and bring shame to the school in his final year. Though it was painful, he knew he needed to get rid of it verbally, "If you wanted him then you should have said so from the start! I would have understood. So, I'm letting you go. That's what you want right? To be free from me?!"
"H-hey now, you don't mean that right? Why don't we take a seat a-and we'll talk this out, yeah?" You offered, walking towards him cautiously.
"Talk? You still want to talk?!! I'm done (y/n), okay!? Just leave me alone! I never want to see you ever again!" He lashes out, his emotions controlling every bit of his sanity.
“Idiot! You’re a total idiot!!” You screamed at him, closing your eyes in an attempt to stop the tears from falling. You don't want to let him see how weak he's making you, not in a situation like this.
“How did I become--!!”
“I asked Tooru to help me think up an idea for the gift I wanted to give you for our anniversary. He’s your best friend so I thought it was okay and that he’d be able to keep a secret. But surprise, surprise, you don’t like that kind of thing. You don’t need to be jealous of someone I don’t have feelings for! But hey, I guess you don’t trust me like you say you do!” Shuffling through your bag, you pushed an Aegean hued scarf with Olive colored horizontal lines near the fringe, “Here, take it. Burn it for all I care. We’re done.”
'Did she..? No wait, don't move. I'm sorry..' He thought, he couldn't voice the words out and even if he did, the damage was already done, 'Why can't I…? (y/n) please, let's talk…'
"Goodbye, Haji-- no, Iwaizumi-san…" Saying his last name added salt, tons of it, to the biggest wound ever inflicted on your heart. And on his too.
'I said don't go..! I can't reach you if you do. I can't feel myself, please don't go.' Again, the words wouldn't dare leave his mouth as he was also afraid that he'd say something wrong. He didn't dare blink, wanting to still see your figure within his vision, 'Let me see those hands again, I'll kiss it all better. Just don't leave me…'
"Oi, Oikawa!!" Suddenly he was on the floor with a bruised cheek and an angry setter in front of him, being held back by the other two they were with. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I get it that you're like that towards me but (y/n) didn't do anything wrong! She asked me for what you wanted and this is the thanks she gets!?" His grip on his collar was tight as he was still able to get close to him despite being held down by two of their friends, "You saw those bandages on her hands right? Well, she made that scarf all by herself just for you! She did that despite knowing nothing about knitting!"
"I…" He started but, as if you were still there, the words he so wanted to stay retreated back down his throat.
"What!? You what, Iwaizumi!!?" Oikawa snapped, almost on the brink of insanity like how Iwaizumi was before you left, "Got anymore bad things to say about her!?!"
"Zip it, will you?! I know that she didn't do anything wrong! It's just my fucked up and tired self making all the excuses!" He looked down, burying his face in his hands.
"Y-you could still run after her. I'm sure she'd--" One of them said, patting his back.
"She won't. Six years and never did she go against her word once she's made up her mind. It'll take a shit load of convincing but, I doubt she'd want me back." He gave out a huff, walking away until his best friend stopped him.
"Then you've just got to be stubborn like usual and try your best." Oikawa spoke, pumping the depressed Iwaizumi up.
"Huh? Ah, y-yeah…"
• • •
"How long has it been since you last slept?" You asked him, caressing his cheeks with your thumb as he leaned into your touch.
"What?" He blinked a couple of times before sighing, "I slept, maybe for just a few hours before waking up again because every time I close my eyes, that face you gave me that day keeps coming back to me and…"
"And?" He didn't want to tell you but, this would be the chance that he couldn't take hold of on that day.
"And there's this stupid scene that keeps playing in my dreams, during that fight we had, you left and when I saw you again, you were so happy with someone else and that broke me." He wanted to cry but all he could do was ball his fists with his brows furrowed in anger. Anger towards himself and his stupid decisions, "My last words to you that day was to leave me alone. That I never wanted to see you again. But, I was wrong. I still want you here by my side. I still want to see you. I still want to hear your voice every morning after I wake up and every night before I sleep just like before."
"Iwaizumi…" You started but your words just went in one ear and out the other as he continued.
"What I'm saying is, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I fucked up. That my jealousy got in between the two of us. It was dumb of me and Oikawa's supposed to be the childish one." He chuckled bitterly, mostly to himself. Now that he spoke his mind, it was silly of him to feel that way. To feel, was it inferiority? "I guess I still wasn't used to being the one getting the attention instead of him who's always surrounded by fangirls everywhere. Or believe in the idea of someone who would actually love me and not use me just to get to him."
"Iwaizumi, never in my life was I attracted to him. You know that right? I told you this once before." He held both of your hands, placing the other on his cheek. It was as if he was touch deprived and wanted to make up for the times he was away from you.
"I know. It's just that… letting you go that day was the hardest thing I've ever done. I couldn't even stop you, I just stayed there. I tried, believe me, I tried but I couldn't. I wanted to make you stay. But losing my last game in high school and all my emotions were over the place that it took a toll on me." Iwaizumi admitted. Sighing for who knows how many times now.
"It's okay. I understand." He stared at you, confusion written all over his face.
"No, you don't! I'm not blaming this on my loss. I'm blaming this on myself, for doubting you. You've been loving me so right despite studying in different schools and all I did was hurt you! Days after we broke up, I've been feeding myself these useless reasons not to see you, telling myself that you're mad at me and that you don't need me anymore. I'm sorry. Please hate me…" He was crying, he didn't care anymore if anyone saw him so… vulnerable. You wiped it all away, a smile on your lips.
"Hajime." You started. It was the first time in weeks since he last heard you say his name, "I love you."
"W-what?" These words were the least he expected to come out of your mouth but, he wasn't complaining either.
"You heard me. I love you." You repeated before you giggled, "Sure yeah, you were totally an ass for not listening to me but it doesn't change the fact that I still love you. And I also heard from Tooru that you haven't been like yourself since that day, my fault entirely. I should have thought about what your reaction would be.
"You know… I tried to come up with tons of reasons to just give up, so we both wouldn't have to hurt like this. It would have been easier for both of us. But, I can't. I don't want things to be easy between us. Everything you do makes me fall for you over and over, deeper than the last time. And hearing you say that you still love me, makes me realize that I should have tried even harder." Iwaizumi hugged you tightly, afraid that this was all a dream and was about to wake up. Or was he going soft just for you? Because it was obviously not because of Oikawa.
"So, what do you want to happen to us? What's your call?" You asked looking up at him.
“What’s this? Are you two okay now?” The childish devil on Iwaizumi's shoulder popped in between the two of you, “You are! That’s great! I’ll tell them right now--!”
“You, hanger bastard! I’ll beat you up--” He was about to give Oikawa a piece of his mind when he heard your voice echo in his ear.
“Hanger bastard? What’s with the new insult?” You laughed out loud, the wing spiker smiled, missing the sound, "Where'd you get that?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow, I'm sure Mattsun and Makki want to get a say in this too." He suggested, receiving a nod from you.
"Hey Iwa-chan, you guys don't have to diss me every time you get jealous!!" Iwaizumi scoffed, ignoring the setter.
"Anyways, I'll fetch and take you home after practice. We've got a lot of catching up to do." He offered, intertwining both of your fingers together, “We can even start now, I’ll walk you to Karasuno.”
"I'd like that, Hajime."
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I gave you my heart and I don't regret not taking it back. My attention is yours and no one else's from the beginning until the end. 
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