#unless it's an unabashed and resounding YES it's a no
novadreii · 8 days
Please remember girlies of the jury: a man's "maybe" is always, without exception, actually a "no".
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Vi's Selfies Event
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This one's all about being self indulgent. self shipping. self love. etcetc. So many folks are shy about self shipping and for silly reasons. That's why I'm here to say fuck it for you. For the next week or so, we're celebrating the joys of daydreaming about your faves.
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"But that's cringe, virtue." Disrespectfully fuck off. If someone wants to bitch or judge anyone having some good, harmless, self-soothing fun, they're not welcome here...Now that that's outta the way, lets talk about how this is gonna go down :)
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You (yes, YOU!) are going to send me an ask about the self ship of your choice. Tell me a bit about yourself. Tell me a bit about your character (I don't know every anime super well so this could be really important if its not tokrev or another one I'm really engaged with). Send a mood board or playlist or anything you think will help me appreciate the dynamic! Pic crews of you and your fave are welcome!
In return you'll get me gushing over you and your fave. Simple as that. Some little headcanons or scenarios for you to ponder, and probably some questions about your beloved self ship dynamic!
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Important notes and rules:
Unless you explicitly request me not to, the ask will be published with your silly lil head canons or scenarios.
You don't have to be a moot, but I will not accept anons for this event for logistical reasons. PLUS this is unabashed self shipping! Nothing but resounding support here so no need for anon!
I will only answer one ask per person - so choose your self ship carefully!
You are not restricted to TokRev, but know I may not be very familiar with your character and that might affect the kind of content you get back.
I may get a little suggestive in the HCs so clearly state somewhere in your ask if a little suggestive content is a hard no
Be respectful to anyone and everyone else who takes part and consider interacting more with others' self ships.
I still reserve the right to refuse an ask if I feel uncomfortable, I don't expect that to happen, but I'd like to disclaim that upfront anyway
Block SelfVi's Event if you dont want to see this
So if you ever needed a sign that it's okay to talk about your self ship, consider this it and drop by for the SelfVi's event :)
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sleepylixie · 4 years
What are friends for?
College! Han Jisung X fem! Roommate reader
Imperium Universe || Jisung || Seungmin || Chan
1.5k words, Fluffy Fluff fluff,College!AU, Roommate!AU
Beware of: None other than teeth-rotting fluff and a teeny bit of swearing. Seungmin is chaotic evil incarnate but we been knew already 😂😂
A/N: the soft feels for Han Jisung hit hard 24/7, you guys. I MEAN LOOK ST THIS CUTIE BABIE I AM SIMPING. i have nothing more to say for myself. Please enjoy my offerings 🥺❤️❤️
Requests are open for SKZ and BTS! || Masterlist
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Han Jisung wasn’t used to roommates. Him and his law major friend Seungmin had neglected to apply for on-campus housing until the last minute. A freak administrative error had the both of them assigned to a certain Y/N’s room and... safe to say, the two of them had had a bit of a surprise in store for them when they met you.  
It was disconcerting for Jisung at first- to see his first impression of your appearance as a possibly reserved, introverted character dissolve into chaos the second you opened your mouth. You were a force of nature dressed in pastel skirts, a lavender-scented hurricane that had no control over her tongue or hair. You smiled like a fox- sweet and unassuming on the surface, but sharp-witted and deceptive underneath.
Jisung knew instantly that Seungmin would click with your personality. The both of you were freakishly similar, with your innocent appearance melting into sheer devilry whenever the two of you wished so. Of course, he was right.  Seungmin took to you with great interest-the two of you clicked like kindred souls, or possibly reunited twins who were separated at birth. Jisung, on the other hand... 
He was intimidated by you, and that made it slightly difficult for him to settle down around you. While you never treated him with anything beyond familiarity and the niceties of acquaintances, he could never allow himself the same sense of familiarity that Seungmin allowed himself with you. 
He wished so dearly that he could behave otherwise, for he would be lying if he said he hadn’t found you just a little attractive (just a smidgen) from the second he met you. Jisung wanted to be close to you, gain your trust and friendship, but for some reason(him scared of looking like an idiot and possibly having you judge him for the rest of his life) he could never bring himself to do it.
The three of you had been living together for a good year and a half, well into your third semester and you’d all figured out how to live with each other. For example, Seungmin would only cook if there was DAY6 music playing in the kitchen. The way you entered the house was a clear indication of your mood that day- and today, it was a loud, resounding slam followed by strings of cursing.
“This is a fucking scam. This entire university is a cesspool of money mongering bastards and greedy professors who don’t deserve a shred of anybody’s fucking respect-
“Woah, slow down there, tiger, what’s got your tail on fire?” Jisung asked you, jumping upright from where he was lounging on the couch. Your eyes flashed with annoyance as you threw yourself onto the side of the couch Jisung had just vacated.
He couldn’t help but let his eyes rove your body as unnoticeably as he could manage. Your hair looked windswept from your walk back to the apartment, one of the guys’ hoodies and jeans covering your frame. How you could look so devastatingly adorable despite having steam pouring out of your ears was absolutely beyond him.
“What happened, is my fucking creative lit professor refused to grade me up for the mid-term assignment, even though I know my piece was one of the best.” You were fuming, stark raving mad, literally one second away from shooting sparks out of your ears as your hands twisted together on your lap.
“He told me that if I worked harder at trying to become a better writer, I wouldn’t have to be begging for a better grade. AND HE SAID THAT I SHOULD TRY NEW METHODS OF BEGGING IF I WANTED IT THAT BADLY.”
Jisung’s eyes narrowed as he took in the words that were spewing out of your mouth. “Did he really-” “YES HE DID I CAN’T WITH THIS UNIVERSITY-” You burst out, letting an angry yell punctuate your sentence. 
“Do you want to go to the Dean? I’m sure they’ll be able to do something about it.” 
At that, you smiled at Jisung, the same foxy smile that had him shrinking a little into himself every time he saw it- it was a thing of rather savage beauty, very out-of-place on a face as endearing as yours.
“Not really, I handled it myself.”
Jisung stared at you, his internal discomposure melting into curiosity. “What the fuck did you do Y/N, I swear if you got one of the varsity jocks to beat him up or something-”
“I’m glad you think I’m capable of that, honestly.” You giggled, anger temporarily forgotten, swatting at Jisung’s thigh. Were those butterflies in his stomach? Gods, he would eat a knife if it got them to stop fluttering-
“She had the Dean on call when she spoke to that sleazeball of a professor,” Jisung exclaimed, amidst assorted gasps and cheers from his audience, laughing a little himself as he sipped his beer. “guess who got a new creative lit professor and full marks for the assignment.”
You laughed as everybody around you let out peals of laughter, thumping you on the back in appreciation.
Your roommates had a gang of 6 other boisterous boys from all over the campus, united by a string of unsavory events and narrowly avoided expulsion. You should probably be concerned, sure, but the vibe the 8 of them had with each other was way too nice for you to not be roped in; now you were part of all their weekly parties at Chris and Hyunjin’s frat house. 
You were situated on the armrests of one of the couches in said frat house, red cup supplied with your kind of poison- Whiskey and soda. All of the boys were gathered around the common room, laughing and talking amongst each other when Jisung took it upon himself to recount the story of your creative lit professor’s unfortunate dismissal. 
It was a rather embarrassing pastime of yours, to watch Han Jisung. He was a strange one, alright. Out in the world, he was a loud, boisterous guy with a penchant for words, knowing exactly what to say at any point of time. It earned him his reputation of being a cheeky mood maker in any setting, the kind of guy who had friends all over the campus and beyond. 
In truth, however, the Han Jisung you came to know was reserved, a little more hesitant with his words, the kind who’d allow his friends to speak up for him unless he absolutely had to. He wasn’t a pushover by any means, no. He was just a little more picky with his words when they were meant for the people he was comfortable with.
For some reason, it warmed your heart when he behaved that way around you too- it felt like he’d accepted you into his inner circle. For some reason, your heart honest to god skips a beat when he smiles, this fucking adorable smile every time you and Seungmin tease him around at the apartment because fuck, he doesn’t always smile like that, does he? For some reason, you end up noticing his eyes when he smiled like that, the way his cheeks lifted up in this devastating manner, the way he’d laugh out loud with his whole body, so at odds with his reserved personality-
Yeah, no you definitely had a thing for him. You thought you were being glaringly obvious with it too, with the unabashed way you’d notice and steal glances at him every time he walked into the room. 
Not that you’d ever tell him any of this though, you were fairly sure you’d sent him an impression of mild intimidation with your rather...loud personality.
It was probably for the best if you admired Han Jisung from afar, hoping that your fancy for him doesn’t take the reins on your behavior.
Jisung might not have noticed, but another certain somebody definitely did. Somebody who’s brain was already thinking, well-oiled cogs being put to use.
“Jisung, you should probably know that Y/N has a thing for you,”
“Seungmin what the fu-” you spluttered, neck already burning. This was not fucking happening.
“Is this what the roommate convention was for, you sneaky lil rat?” you exclaimed, doing everything you could to not lock eyes with the third roommate who was seated on your bed with the other two of you, now gawking between you and Seungmin with a rose blush scattered across his nose. 
Seungmin, to his credit, wasn’t fazed for a single second by the way the energy in the room changed, choosing to smile devilishly before continuing with his next sentence. 
“Y/N, you should probably know that Jisung has a thing for you too,”
What the fiddlesticks-
“And now, for my final trick, I shall excuse myself from this room. Roommate convention adjourned.”
Seungmin walked out of your room with a literal skip in his step. You would deal with your snake of a best friend after you were done with.. oh.
Your eyes finally met Jisung’s- warm amber eyes still looking at with a mixture of curiosity, surprise and affection that just knocked the words out of you. “Was Seungmin pranking me again?” He asked quietly, a hint of a smile playing across his lips. You sighed, trying to expel the nervousness. What the hell, might as well say the truth. 
“Not really,” the back of you neck felt like literal lava at this point- “I do like you.”
You were going to kill Seungmin.
“Good to know,” Jisung sighed in relief, his fingers twisting together on his lap. “Because uh.. He wasn’t pranking you either.” The next words seemed to take effort for him to get out, because his blush spread from his nose to his cheeks. “I like you too.”
You were going to thank Seungmin.
And then you were going to toss him into a dark room with Lee Minho and his boxing gloves, but that’s for later. 
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tragicbooks · 8 years
It began with gay dinosaur sex, then became the most heartwarming thread on the internet.
Chuck Tingle doesn't fit the typical image of a best-selling and award-nominated author. That's exactly what makes him so wonderful.
Not much is known about the man himself, although that hasn't stopped his fans from trying to uncover the truth. Tingle says he has autism and his pseudonymous author identity is a mask that lets him be himself and connect with people in ways he's often struggled with. He also says he has a black belt in tae kwon do and a Ph.D. in holistic medicine from DeVry University, and says he lives in Billings, Montana, with his "handsome son, name of JON," who helps edit his books and clean up what he calls his "unique way" of writing.
It's hard to explain Tingle's unique way to those who haven't been exposed it. Tingle writes hilariously titled surreal gay erotica "tinglers" about dinosaurs, airplanes, handsome sentient food, cryptozoological creatures such as Bigfoot and unicorns, current events and politics (usually with dinosaurs, food, and/or cryptozoological creatures), and even strange metafictional meditations on his own books and, yes, his own butt. Here's a small sampling of his work:
A few of Tingle's covers, used with permission: "all book covers or drawings are a good way thank you."
Tingle's way is definitely unique. As weird as it might sound, his stories have one surprisingly inspiring purpose: to "prove that love is real."
Whether that love's with another man or, ya know, a billionaire T-rex lawyer, that's up to you. As long as you're a "true buckaroo" (what Tingle calls his fans or anyone who proves love), you can overcome anything the "devils" throw your way, all in the name of love.
To celebrate his recent #1 Amazon best-seller about a real-estate-mogul-turned-president and the Russian T-rex who loves him, Tingle hosted a Reddit AMA that reached the front page of the popular site — giving him an even bigger audience than ever before. While some buckaroos who hadn't yet been initiated into the Tingleverse were a little confused and uncomfortable at first, Tingle ultimately won them over with his unique way — which says a lot about his passion and the goodness in people's hearts.
Here are 19 powerful moments from Chuck Tingle's Reddit AMA that prove love is real.
Chuck Tingle's "author photo," which he admits is not actually him, on the cover of his book "Buttception: a Butt Within a Butt Within a Butt." Image via Chuck Tingle/YouTube.
(Just a heads-up: Tingle's unique way features some distinctive language and grammar. Those idiosyncrasies are preserved below to give an accurate impression of the man himself.)
1. First, just to be clear: "Love" doesn't have to be sexual.
"love is real with or without our participation as buds!"
All screenshots via Reddit.
2. But love does have to be consensual.
Remember, kids: Don't put your butt in someone else's butt unless they explicitly communicated to you that they want your butt inside their butt. (As for the ethics of butt cloning, I'm not even sure that I'm ready to tackle that subject just yet.)
3. Which is why it's so important we all reflect on the things we do and ask ourselves: Does this prove that love is real?
And if it doesn't, then why are you doing it? Nothing is worth doing without love.
4. When you reach out and connect with friends? That's love, right there.
5. You can prove love by making new friends, too.
6. Some buckaroos prove love is real by helping strangers.
Who knew that finding love at a gas station could be so wholesome and delightful?
7. You can even prove love across generations if you just trust that other people are trying to prove love, too.
8. Love takes many different forms, and you can still appreciate them all even if they're not your "preferred pound."
If you're a straight buckaroo, then seeing gay love isn't going to "turn" you gay. Same thing if you're a human and you see ghost pirate love or unicorn love — you're not going to suddenly turn into that thing. (And if you do feel a slight tingle? That's OK!)
9. If chocolate milk is your preferred pound? That's cool, too.
10. But proving love doesn't mean that everything is awesome all the time.
Sometimes the "loneliness train," as Tingle calls it, pulls into the station of your brain. That's OK because even when it's difficult, it can still bring us together.
"you can think, 'well if everyone thinks this sometimes then i guess me and everyone else have a lot in common, i didn't realize that!' then you can start thinking that maybe you have EVEN MORE in common as buckaroos."
11. Sometimes it even takes a while for us to heal, and that's OK, too.
12. The truth is, everyone has their own unique way, and that's worth celebrating — even when it makes it difficult to communicate.
As strange as Tingle's distinct voice may seem at first glance, that's just how he communicates. And if it works, what's the problem?
"as a buckaroo growing up it was very hard for me to UNDERSTAND FEELINGS OF OTHERS and accept SOCIAL CUES ... so then i wore an imaginary mask of myself to say 'hello remember when i could not talk to you? now i can talk to you in this UNIQUE WAY and i can express myself.'"
13. Just as there's no one "right way" to prove that love is real, there's no right or wrong way to be a man, either (or a woman, for that matter).
14. Come to think of it, there's no "right way" to be a helicopter, either.
Anyone can be whatever they want. A heterosexual man can even prove love to his wife by giving her a book about a gay helicopter. That's the power of the Tingleverse.
"in this story JOM HAM must learn his body as a helicopter man and i think that is a very important message"
15. The most difficult thing in the world is to be an individual, comfortable in your skin. Your unique way is part of the world, and it matters.
"the world needs you in it being EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE because every day that you're exactly who you are you are proving love."
16. Because when each of us proves love is real by simply being the best person we can, it inspires others to do the same.
Doing so ripples through the Tingleverse, converting even the most cynical Reddit commenters into true believers.
17. That's why sometimes the best thing to do is to trot cutely and embrace your own unique way.
"you are SO MUCH BETTER than anyone else in the world at being you"
18. But even when we fail and let the loneliness train settle in, all we have to do is believe love is real to prove it to ourselves and the world.
19. This truth is universal whether you're a human, a unicorn beach cop on roller skaters, a handsome ear of sentient corn, the physical manifestation of the year 2016, or anything else. Love always conquers hate.
Yes, it's a little ridiculous that this strange, gay, sci-fi erotica author would be such a bastion of hope and inspiration. But the world needs love right now, and that's what Tingle's all about.
No one knows who Chuck Tingle really is or if his story is even true. But you have to admit, the earnestness in his words rings true and makes you smile. And that means this mission to "prove love" is a resounding success.
please understand http://pic.twitter.com/C9v80kgLxS
— Chuck Tingle (@ChuckTingle) November 9, 2016
Tingle's unabashed enthusiasm is infectious, and people like him — and you — always have the power to celebrate the things that make life worth living. That's how we prove love is real.
0 notes
socialviralnews · 8 years
It began with gay dinosaur sex, then became the most heartwarming thread on the internet.
Chuck Tingle doesn't fit the typical image of a best-selling and award-nominated author. That's exactly what makes him so wonderful.
Not much is known about the man himself, although that hasn't stopped his fans from trying to uncover the truth. Tingle says he has autism and his pseudonymous author identity is a mask that lets him be himself and connect with people in ways he's often struggled with. He also says he has a black belt in tae kwon do and a Ph.D. in holistic medicine from DeVry University, and says he lives in Billings, Montana, with his "handsome son, name of JON," who helps edit his books and clean up what he calls his "unique way" of writing.
It's hard to explain Tingle's unique way to those who haven't been exposed it. Tingle writes hilariously titled surreal gay erotica "tinglers" about dinosaurs, airplanes, handsome sentient food, cryptozoological creatures such as Bigfoot and unicorns, current events and politics (usually with dinosaurs, food, and/or cryptozoological creatures), and even strange metafictional meditations on his own books and, yes, his own butt. Here's a small sampling of his work:
A few of Tingle's covers, used with permission: "all book covers or drawings are a good way thank you."
Tingle's way is definitely unique. As weird as it might sound, his stories have one surprisingly inspiring purpose: to "prove that love is real."
Whether that love's with another man or, ya know, a billionaire T-rex lawyer, that's up to you. As long as you're a "true buckaroo" (what Tingle calls his fans or anyone who proves love), you can overcome anything the "devils" throw your way, all in the name of love.
To celebrate his recent #1 Amazon best-seller about a real-estate-mogul-turned-president and the Russian T-rex who loves him, Tingle hosted a Reddit AMA that reached the front page of the popular site — giving him an even bigger audience than ever before. While some buckaroos who hadn't yet been initiated into the Tingleverse were a little confused and uncomfortable at first, Tingle ultimately won them over with his unique way — which says a lot about his passion and the goodness in people's hearts.
Here are 19 powerful moments from Chuck Tingle's Reddit AMA that prove love is real.
Chuck Tingle's "author photo," which he admits is not actually him, on the cover of his book "Buttception: a Butt Within a Butt Within a Butt." Image via Chuck Tingle/YouTube.
(Just a heads-up: Tingle's unique way features some distinctive language and grammar. Those idiosyncrasies are preserved below to give an accurate impression of the man himself.)
1. First, just to be clear: "Love" doesn't have to be sexual.
"love is real with or without our participation as buds!"
All screenshots via Reddit.
2. But love does have to be consensual.
Remember, kids: Don't put your butt in someone else's butt unless they explicitly communicated to you that they want your butt inside their butt. (As for the ethics of butt cloning, I'm not even sure that I'm ready to tackle that subject just yet.)
3. Which is why it's so important we all reflect on the things we do and ask ourselves: Does this prove that love is real?
And if it doesn't, then why are you doing it? Nothing is worth doing without love.
4. When you reach out and connect with friends? That's love, right there.
5. You can prove love by making new friends, too.
6. Some buckaroos prove love is real by helping strangers.
Who knew that finding love at a gas station could be so wholesome and delightful?
7. You can even prove love across generations if you just trust that other people are trying to prove love, too.
8. Love takes many different forms, and you can still appreciate them all even if they're not your "preferred pound."
If you're a straight buckaroo, then seeing gay love isn't going to "turn" you gay. Same thing if you're a human and you see ghost pirate love or unicorn love — you're not going to suddenly turn into that thing. (And if you do feel a slight tingle? That's OK!)
9. If chocolate milk is your preferred pound? That's cool, too.
10. But proving love doesn't mean that everything is awesome all the time.
Sometimes the "loneliness train," as Tingle calls it, pulls into the station of your brain. That's OK because even when it's difficult, it can still bring us together.
"you can think, 'well if everyone thinks this sometimes then i guess me and everyone else have a lot in common, i didn't realize that!' then you can start thinking that maybe you have EVEN MORE in common as buckaroos."
11. Sometimes it even takes a while for us to heal, and that's OK, too.
12. The truth is, everyone has their own unique way, and that's worth celebrating — even when it makes it difficult to communicate.
As strange as Tingle's distinct voice may seem at first glance, that's just how he communicates. And if it works, what's the problem?
"as a buckaroo growing up it was very hard for me to UNDERSTAND FEELINGS OF OTHERS and accept SOCIAL CUES ... so then i wore an imaginary mask of myself to say 'hello remember when i could not talk to you? now i can talk to you in this UNIQUE WAY and i can express myself.'"
13. Just as there's no one "right way" to prove that love is real, there's no right or wrong way to be a man, either (or a woman, for that matter).
14. Come to think of it, there's no "right way" to be a helicopter, either.
Anyone can be whatever they want. A heterosexual man can even prove love to his wife by giving her a book about a gay helicopter. That's the power of the Tingleverse.
"in this story JOM HAM must learn his body as a helicopter man and i think that is a very important message"
15. The most difficult thing in the world is to be an individual, comfortable in your skin. Your unique way is part of the world, and it matters.
"the world needs you in it being EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE because every day that you're exactly who you are you are proving love."
16. Because when each of us proves love is real by simply being the best person we can, it inspires others to do the same.
Doing so ripples through the Tingleverse, converting even the most cynical Reddit commenters into true believers.
17. That's why sometimes the best thing to do is to trot cutely and embrace your own unique way.
"you are SO MUCH BETTER than anyone else in the world at being you"
18. But even when we fail and let the loneliness train settle in, all we have to do is believe love is real to prove it to ourselves and the world.
19. This truth is universal whether you're a human, a unicorn beach cop on roller skaters, a handsome ear of sentient corn, the physical manifestation of the year 2016, or anything else. Love always conquers hate.
Yes, it's a little ridiculous that this strange, gay, sci-fi erotica author would be such a bastion of hope and inspiration. But the world needs love right now, and that's what Tingle's all about.
No one knows who Chuck Tingle really is or if his story is even true. But you have to admit, the earnestness in his words rings true and makes you smile. And that means this mission to "prove love" is a resounding success.
please understand http://pic.twitter.com/C9v80kgLxS
— Chuck Tingle (@ChuckTingle) November 9, 2016
Tingle's unabashed enthusiasm is infectious, and people like him — and you — always have the power to celebrate the things that make life worth living. That's how we prove love is real.
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