#unless if the star and moon are a thing so they just automatically clicked well together so thats makes sense too
hexxter · 5 months
A thing thats always makes me go “!!!”
Is the fact that player have their own Starlight keyblade
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Other character with this keyblade type had or the basic version or the moon version
Its always gives me feelings I can’t explain..
Its like.. player is just “side character” isn’t even official part of the history but they are so unique.
The fact the canonical rusty keyblade in missing link its the one that only the player can have.
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Its also gives comfort, maybe they don’t have canon face or aren’t written in history, but this keyblade, no one else but them had it so far.
Its feeding my headcanons and theories so much hhaaaa
Imagine Brain being able to recognize them just cause the keyblade.
Or the player having a reason to remember their past cause no one ever saw this type of keyblade but they know Starlight is a keyblade type.
Or will this topic be even explored in missing link? In union cross it’s wasn’t really any part of important lore and players could choose different keyblades, but now its really big part of the player’s new journey.. the whole chapter being just about the keyblade. So its would be interesting to see the player or others looking into the keyblade history or what makes this type of keyblade (or the player themself) so special.
And the fact that the moon version was available only in khx and not in union cross, why is that. Does that mean the sun version a post-keybalde war after the player went from hell to back and the only person to be in the battle and survive, which made them have some symbolic connection with the sun?
I am probably thinking too deep into it and it’s doesn’t mean anything but in my khux version that runs in my head 24/7 it’s important.
(My favorite trop is that daybreak trio are the stars moon and sun.
Skuld being the stars, as she literally have them on her outfit. Ephemer the moon with his silver hair, and Player is the sun with their keyblade.
It’s such a cool concept for my brain to play with and makes me giggle.
And cause it’s such a cool friendship trope but also have so many tragedies stories connected to it.)
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pen-observing · 3 years
request: baker mc with barbatos. + how you came to know and bicker with the man that looks like love.
People find joy in doing the things that they love and, right now, your joy is waking up earlier to see the sun’s rays against the counter of the bakery. They’re so beautiful to bask in and so rewarding once you remember all that it took just to be able to come into such a place. It takes real work.
However, the sun’s rays on this particular morning touch something else. They shine upon a sleek black envelope that was placed right in the middle of your counter.
How did it get here? You’ve always locked your door out of responsibility. Surely nobody managed to break in or something similar? Everything looks in order and nothing is stolen. With this, there is simply no reason for you not to open the little ‘gift’ that was there. Right?
Being a famous baker meant that sometimes you did receive letters but never in such a manner or such a style. They were usually in pastel envelopes; written by little kids with lots of doodles, sprayed with some overwhelming floral scent. And, they were charming indeed but this was allure inside of mystery.
You sit down at the table close to the window and open the envelope carefully. Sometimes you think that anyone who works in your business and actually manages to succeed has to have some childlike innocence. When kids are the only ones writing you such letters it makes sense.
You lay the delicate piece of paper and start to read.
Allow this letter not to alarm you in the slightest. I have come to notice some others on your counter a few days ago and deemed this to be the best way to approach you with an inquiry. Please, read it completely before you make your final judgement.   Do you happen to believe in the afterlife? Do you happen to be religious yourself?   Even if the answer to these two questions is a resounding no (which I have no way of knowing, I assure you) - please consider this offer.   You have been chosen as someone who can help create a bigger order amongst the three realms. We, my young Master in particular, believes in the power that can bring about a more harmonious coexistence. We have already had humans come to our domain but expansions have started because of that previous success. I hope this manages to assuage your initial feelings and any possible fear you might have. We are demons, I must say. I believe there is no use in lying or manipulating you because we are approaching you with a noble idea and goal that you can help come to fruition. We are inviting humans that are experts in their fields to teach us even more and you have been chosen as one of them.   If you hold any interest, please proceed to sign your name at the bottom right of this paper. If, however, you are not interested or are afraid – please place it back inside the envelope and it will automatically become ash.   Discard it carefully. I urge you not to get hurt.
Now you wish that this letter was full of doodles with a cupcake in the middle of the sun. Who was pulling such a prank? Was this a lousy attempt of the baker 2 streets down to intimidate you for the upcoming cake contest? You have to give him credit for his imagination at least.  
Who does he think he is to challenge you? Did he assume you would be afraid? Perhaps, you always were a bit too spiteful for your own good. And with that spite growing – you signed your name at the bottom right.
No need for fire and ash. No need to be scared of anything that this foolish letter stated. Right?  
“I would like to extend my outmost thanks for signing the letter.”
What? What was that voice? Fucking hell, how big is the joke the other baker is playing? You will be sure to leave him a 2 star review because only his cookies were decent but all you can do right now is turn around to the direction of the deep voice.  
10 steps behind you, and next to your entrance door, stands a man that reminds you of the moon. He has perfect posture and an overwhelming presence. He holds a hand over his chest and looks at you with eyes that cause reminiscence – you always wanted to get lost in such a magical sea.  
He is smiling at you but once he notices the shocked expression, he stops and raises one eyebrow. You’re both quiet. Well, this certainly is not that annoying baker. So, maybe, perhaps, possibly, in some way: the letter was not a joke?
“Please don’t tell me you did the same impulsive thing as the human that is a writer. Did you, by any chance, sign this letter thinking it was a joke?”  
Obviously, you fucking did. I mean come on?? Three realms?? Demons?? Who would believe such a thing? Really, your spite got the best of you.
“You are not answering and I suppose that much is an answer in itself. Before you express a desire to cancel it out, I have to let you know; that is a legally binding contract and if you try to break it the punishment will be severe. When I say legally binding, I mean by the laws of hell itself. But, do not be alarmed. Please.”
The personification of the moon asks if sitting at the table would be okay and begins to explain to you all of the things in detail. He does it with clear words and you can’t help but believe that this idea seems promising. And this man, while cold and collected, does not seem like a threat.
Truthfully, you have achieved such a big success already. Baking is art and as an artist it was always the main goal. Learn more. Consider yourself a student as long as you live. Be sure to take any opportunity because it means growth. After all, you’ve gotten this far using those ideals. Wouldn’t it be a shame to throw them away now?  
“And rest assured. You will be completely safe in the Devildom. I have been personally tasked with assuring your safety.”  
You’ve come to learn that his name was Barbatos – meaning philosopher in some old book you’ve read. It is so odd that someone new seems so dependable. Because of this you ask him the question any sane person would.
“Would you like a cupcake?”  
Yes, that indeed is the question any sane person would ask in your field. You already know there is no way to back out of this; not unless you wish to endanger your life. So, why not start an adventure if you already must?
You give Barbatos a cupcake and turn the sign to closed before going back behind the counter. The sign won’t change in the following year until you are free from the damned contract. You get overwhelmed with the realization that the sun’s rays will seep in but have nobody to actually greet once you leave. You realize how much you are going to miss this place. How are you supposed to leave it behind just like that?  
You touch your pocket and take out your phone. If you must leave and abandon this, then so be it – but you will have some tangible memories of your dedication. You need to have some tangible memories of this glowing morning.  
You start to take photos. Of what?   The bowl of small chocolates that people can grab on the way out and bring to others that they love. The door decorated with flowers. The very counter you stand behind and the rays of light that are on it. The seating arrangement, the wall with your achievements, clippings from magazines, newspapers and reviews.   Yes, you even take a photo of the child’s drawings with a cupcake inside of the sun. How ridiculous. And, oh, how much you’re going to miss this.  
The very last photo you take is of Barbatos. He is sitting at the table, looking outside the window. Maybe you shouldn’t but – he looks like he belongs here for whatever reason. And, deep down, you wish to remember him like this. Inside of a peaceful moment. You press the click and he turns around. He doesn’t say anything – he offers a slight smile. In that moment you freeze and realize that in his peaceful moment the smile reminds you of childlike love.  
Perhaps the following year will not be so bad after all.  
“They call you the best in all of the three realms?” “Indeed.” “You put lemon-honey- syrup in your baklava. I refuse to believe you deserve it.”
Just because he reminds you of the moon and the deep waters; just because he gives you peace – it does not mean that professionally you will allow yourself to be inferior to him. Finding comfort with slight bickering became your idea of heaven and light in this place of darkness and hell-fire.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
Omotober Day Six
“Bran thought about it. 'Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?'
'That is the only time a man can be brave,' his father told him.”
― George R.R. Martin
The walk home had become much more fun since they had met Aubrey. Before they met her it was just him and Kel. That wasn’t to say Sunny hadn’t had fun on those walks. Kel was his best friend, and he never pressed Sunny out of his comfort zones. He did pretty much all of the talking between the two of them and only stopped periodically to check in with Sunny or get an encouraging nod. Sunny loved to listen to Kel’s ranting and wild made up stories, and he usually ended up drawing them once they got back home. But now that Aubrey was there too, it wasn’t just a walk. It was a performance.
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
“Did not!”
“Did too!”
They continued back and forth, practically tripping over each other in their haste to respond. They had seemingly forgotten anything was around them but their ranting, facing one another as they walked and expertly avoiding obstacles with the practiced ease of those who were used to doing two things at once.
Aubrey had only joined their friend group a week or two ago, but she fit so seamlessly in with them it was hard to remember she hadn’t always been there. Kel had found a sparring partner in her, Mari finally had a little sister to spoil and do girly things with, and Hero could have made friends with a brick.
As for Sunny? Well he wasn’t too sure exactly what he thought of the girl, but he enjoyed having her around. He had never been a fan of loud noises or anger, but somehow with Aubrey it was different. She never stayed angry for long, and even when she was mad, she had never been scary.
“Did too times a million!” Aubrey declared, and Kel gave a disgusted growl, throwing his hands up in the air. She smiled smugly and stuck her tongue out at him, which only started their argument anew as Kel’s fire was rekindled by her slight.
Sunny smiled to himself as their back and forth sped up even more, and he continued to walk innocently at their side. As long as he didn’t call any attention to himself, they wouldn’t remember to drag him into it and try to get him to pick a side. Sunny couldn’t exactly remember what started their argument, or why they were still going at it after being at each other's throats since they had all gotten on the bus, but their shouting was funny.
An unexpected bark broke through his happy haze, and Sunny froze. His good mood evaporated and in its place was cold fear, dripping down his back and gluing his feet to the sidewalk. Hector bounded closer, tongue waving in the wind as he ran towards them. Kel cut off his argument with Aubrey and called for his brother. He intercepted the dog as it got to him, holding his collar fast and keeping him back from Sunny.
Aubrey gasped and clasped her hands together, squealing at the arrival of the furry terror. She skipped over, elated by the new arrival.
“Oh my gosh, who is this?” She asked, holding out her hand towards him. Hector was distracted from his mission to squirm out of Kel’s grasp and sniffed her hand with a laser focus. Once he had determined she was friend and not foe, Hector refocused his efforts to escape.
“This is Hector. He’s my dog,” Kel said, his words punctuated by pauses as Hector jerked them back and forth trying to get his freedom. Hector was only a dog, but Kel was also only a nine year old boy, and trying to hold onto an energetic ball of fur was quite the exercise.
Sunny tried to remember the steps Mari had given him for when he felt like this. Calm down.. Focus. No, he had to focus first, right? He couldn’t remember, and if he couldn’t remember the order, then it wouldn’t work. Sunny shut his eyes tight, letting black starbursts try to distract him from the pain in his chest. It didn’t work, then he was just scared he wouldn’t see if the dog came near him. He opened his eyes again. Kel was watching him with a worried look, and shame colored Sunny’s cheeks. It was bad enough to have such an overreaction to something completely normal, but Kel’s eyes on him somehow made it even worse.
“So cute!” Aubrey shrieked, not noticing what was going on between the boys. She squatted down and let Hector lick at her face, giggling in joy and scratching behind the dog’s ears. She took his face in her hands, speaking to him in a sweet baby voice, “You’re just a little lovebug, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” Kel said, trailing off. He was clearly distracted by trying to manage everything around him, “Where is Hero?”
Said boy was hurrying up the street, an electric blue leash in his grasp. He was panting from exertion, the same way he always did when what they were doing required any exercise, and Sunny vaguely wondered if Hero had his inhaler with him. It was just running up the street, it shouldn’t trigger an asthma attack, but Sunny also knew that stress sometimes made them worse and could make just breathlessness pull into a full attack. On top of the fear and on top of the shame, now he also had to deal with guilt wrapping around his shoulders for causing Hero to have to run out and help him.
“I’m so sorry guys, Mari and I left the door open to get a breeze and I wasn’t paying attention to where he was,” Hero explained as he clipped the leash to Hector’s collar and pulled him into a heel. Hector walked in circles around Hero and tugged to try and get closer to the group of kids. The second Hero had him, Kel was back by Sunny’s side, blocking him and Hector with his body and quietly checking over his best friend. From around Kel Sunny spotted Mari walking over at a much slower pace, and the steel in his spine began to melt. Mari meant safety.
“Why are you sorry?” Aubrey asked, cocking her head to one side and looking around. She finally saw Sunny hiding behind Kel and she seemed even more confused.
Mari arrived with a gentle smile, walking around Kel and hugging Sunny close without words. He wrapped his arms around her automatically, breathing out a sigh and letting the tension fall out of his shoulders and onto the ground. He had felt better when Hero had intervened, but Mari was the one that made him feel safe again. If she was here, nothing bad would happen.
“Calm down. Focus,” She whispered, and the order clicked into place in Sunny’s mind. Once he knew that, he took an experimental breath. It was easier. He could do it.
“Sunny’s afraid of dogs,” Kel explained as the sibling had their moment, “We always keep Hector in our parents room when he’s around,”
“I completely lost track of time,” Hero said apologetically, rubbing the back of his head with one hand. Now that Sunny was taken care of, Kel knelt down by Hector and shushed the still whining dog, scratching underneath his chin the way he liked. Hector’s leg began to shake erratically and he held his head high to give Kel better access.
“It was an accident,” Mari replied, keeping Sunny close to her. When she worried she liked to have him right beside her, and he never minded. Beside her was the best place for him.
Aubrey hummed to herself, clearly taking in all of the information. She pulled her mouth into a thoughtful frown surveying the scene around her. The young girl walked away from where the brothers were and over to Sunny and Mari. She stood in front of him with her hands behind her back rocking back and forth on her heels.
“He’s a nice dog,” Aubrey stated, shooting Sunny an encouraging smile. She kept her voice sweet and light, the way she always talked to him. He bit the inside of his cheeks, avoiding eye contact with the girl. The shame sitting in his belly got worse.
He knew that Hector was a nice dog. Hector was the only dog that Sunny could even get relatively close to, but that didn’t change the fact that he was a dog. He was loud, and he jumped, and he licked, and the energy was just...too much. Sunny didn’t even have a good reason for being afraid of dogs, he just was. He had always been, and he always would be. It was frustrating. It was humiliating.
“It’s okay, Sunny,” Mari soothed, as if she knew what route Sunny’s mind was bringing him down. She patted his shoulder and turned to Aubrey, “It’s just something that he’s uncomfortable with, it’s not something that has to change.”
Aubrey loved Mari. She liked all of them, but Sunny knew that it was more with Mari. Aubrey looked at her like she hung the moon and the stars, and her word was law. They had only known Aubrey for a short time, but he already knew that she would never disagree with his sister.
That’s what made her next words so shocking.
“My mom says that fears should always be confronted. You can never bring light into the dark unless you open the door.” Aubrey stated, the words clearly rehearsed from hearing them over and over. She ended by holding out her hand towards Sunny, her smile never wavering.
“Aubrey...” Mari started with a sigh, her voice kind but delicately firm. Sunny knew what would come next from that tone.
Mari would gently put Aubrey down from the idea and bring Sunny back to the shelter of their house before anything else could happen. She would wrap him in blankets and hot chocolate and love and he would never have to confront what scared him so badly. It was the option he knew, the one that he should take. It made sense and it was safe, responsible even. It would be foolish to break out of what he knew and go beyond into the unknown.
But Aubrey was still holding her hand out. She still believed in him.
Sunny took her hand before Mari could finish her thought, letting himself be pulled out of his sister’s arms. Aubrey hummed a happy tune as she walked them away from Mari and back towards the boys. They were staring at Aubrey in silenced shock, Kel managing to keep a tight grip on Hector’s collar in spite of being clearly lost for words.
Aubrey, unphased and unafraid, changed her grip on Sunny’s hand and turned it so the back of his hand was facing Hector.
“So what you do is let him smell you. That way he knows you’re a friend, and you know that he’s okay with you being close to him.” Kel and Hero had taught this to him over a dozen times, but trying now wasn’t quite so stressful.
It had to be the way Aubrey held no fear or concern. Every time he had tried this before, his sister and friends had reassured him they were holding Hector tightly and that should anything go wrong, they would be here. The possibility of going wrong was what scared Sunny so badly, but that possibility wasn’t present now.
Hot puffs of air hit the back of Sunny’s hand as Hector eagerly sniffed the offered appendage. Kel still had his arms looped around Hector’s neck and Hero was holding the leash, and nothing had gone wrong yet. A pink tongue darted out and licked at his fingers, and Sunny pulled away. It wasn’t the normal jerky motion that was usually accompanied by a sudden breathless panic, he just didn’t like that feeling. Aubrey giggled and reached her own hand out to pat Hector on the top of his head.
“If you pet him, he won’t be able to lick at you,” She commented, and Kel took the silent direction to turn Hector close to him so Sunny could reach his body, “He’s really soft!”
She was right, Hector was soft. His fur was thick and glossy, clearly cared for and brushed thoroughly to keep it this nice. Sunny had seen Kel brushing Hector in the backyard plenty of times before, but now he could see the appeal of putting in all that work. Experimentally he scratched his fingernails against the dog’s body and he was rewarded by Hector giving a full body shake, turning so Sunny could get to his other side.
This was nice, unexpected, but nice. Mari was coming over now, putting a hand on Aubrey’s shoulder and beaming. Sunny turned around to look at the two of them and awarded the girl’s with one of his rare smiles, both of them lighting up at the unexpected happiness on Sunny’s face. Aubrey let go of his hand and turned all of her attention onto Hector, distracting the pooch with her baby talk.
“Are you fwiends now wiv Sunny? Yes you are, yes you are you sweet little baby,”
Sunny pulled his hand back, but he didn’t retreat. He was focused on watching Aubrey. Strong, confidant, idealistic Aubrey. Sunny finally figured out what he thought of her.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ [Thanksgiving Special! 🦃]
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📑 Table of Contents | ◂Backward
Word Count: 4,439
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“Oh, oh, oh, it’s Thanksgiving, we’re gonna have a good time. With the turkey ey! and mashed potatoes ey!. We are gonna have a good time. It’s Thanksgiving~” Nicole Westbrook, “It’s Thanksgiving”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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Oh look, the Author’s Note is at the top this time. I bet you’re thinking, ‘Well shit, this can’t be good!’ And you’d be right 😂 Okay so, I wanted to write a special for Thanksgiving right and I had these plans to make it this shit fest of just absolute crack and humor right. WELL if you know anything about me you know that I go back to angst by default. Like, you know how when you play online games, sometimes your settings just reset on their own and then you gotta go and turn off the music and turn the subtitles back on and why the fuck is PVP ticked on?? That’s basically me okay. I auto default back to angst unless I changed the settings again lmfao
So, I started this off, full fucking intent on being funny right. Yeah, no. Runaway while you fucking can. It got so fucking heavy in the middle and it’s just… I’m sorry bro. That’s all I can say. It might make you cry? I mean, I’m a sensitive lil bitch and I cried while I wrote it sooo~ But fear not! I gave it a cheerful, happy and somewhat enlightening/inspiring ending?? At least I think so anyway… Also, you don’t have to celebrate Thanksgiving to enjoy this! Oh yeah, and don’t @ me about facts, I literally used Wikipedia because I’m an uncultured fuck that knows nothing about Thanksgiving even though I live in the USA lmao Don’t fucking @ me about the song I chose either 😂 I ain’t adding that shit to the playlist tho.
So yeah! Read this shit, cry into your snuggie or your dog that looks like a mop and then go enjoy some turkey or hug your mum. Don’t forget to reblog this chapter because I’m a hoe for them reblogs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
☔ Rain
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The door to class 1-A slammed open with so much force, it bounced off the wall and came back, stopped only by a gloved hand. An obnoxiously loud voice filled the room, “Are you ready, kids?!”
“Aye aye, captain!” I jumped up, automatically answering only to curse myself a moment later when he smirked. “Bitch, this ain’t Spongebob!!”
He clicked his tongue and gave me double finger guns. “But you responded!”
I slumped into my seat in frustration.
Present Mic approached the board, picking up a piece of bright orange chalk before writing a word on the board in English: Thanksgiving. He slapped his palm under the word, making several pieces of chalk fall to the floor. “We’re going to be talking about the meaning of Thanksgiving in Western Countries, most notably in the United States!”
“Sir!” Iida’s hand shot into the air.
“Thanks for calling, listener! What is your request?!”
Iida stood tall. “With all due respect, sir, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Japan, we celebrate National Labor Day.”
“You’re correct… almost! Many people consider National Labor Day to be Japan’s Thanksgiving! Plus, I’m your English teacher, so why not take this time to talk about a wonderful holiday where you get to stuff your face with as much food as you can handle without being looked at like a weirdo?!”
“It doesn’t matter what you do,” I commented blankly. “People will always think you’re a weirdo, cockatiel.”
“Hey, aren’t you American, Winchester?” Kaminari questioned, tilting his head back to look at me.
I shrugged. “My mom was American, but I was born in Japan. I mean, Gramps taught me English and we had a small dinner every Thanksgiving to ‘celebrate my heritage’ or some shit, but I don’t really know the details about the holiday.”
“Which is what I’m here for!” He slapped the board again, giving up a grin. “Now pay close attention, listeners! In America, Thanksgiving occurs on the fourth Thursday of November every year! In Western Countries, this holiday is known to be the moment to thank the Native American people for helping European pilgrims to survive their first winter in the United States! Typically, this is a day when families come together from across the country to be with their loved ones and feast!”
I hummed. “Gramps used to always make me watch these American pageants where grade-schoolers put on plays reenacting the interaction between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. I remember one year, this kid was dressed in a fucking black trash bag stuffed with newspaper.”
“Plays are very popular in schools all across the states!” He nodded his head. “Can anyone tell me what year that Thanksgiving became a federal holiday in the USA?” He cupped his ear, but the only thing he got in response was a cricket that had snuck into the room a week ago to avoid the approaching chill settling over Japan. That fucker is really good at hide-n-seek because we still can’t find him and he’s at the back of the room so it’s like he’s in my fucking ear. “That’s right, the year is 1863! Before that, it was celebrated off and on since 1789 but the third president, Thomas Jefferson, just wasn’t feeling the holiday so he put a stop to it!”
“Seems suspect,” I responded.
“Now, who can tell me about the First Thanksgiving?!”
Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp.
My eye twitched and I turned in my seat, eyes scanning the back wall. Where the fuck is that goddamn cricket?! I swear to Deadpool I’m gonna roast that bitch when I finally fucking find it.
“Right again, my impressionable listeners! The First Thanksgiving was created by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October 1621! The feast lasted a total of three days and, according to one attendee named Edward Winslow, there were one-hundred-forty-three rockin’ attendees – ninety Native Americans and fifty-three Pilgrims!” He continued to drone on about the history of Thanksgiving in the states, listing off several different dates and names I couldn’t be bothered to remember.
I mean, History is cool, I guess, but when am I ever gonna need to know this stuff to function as a member of today’s society? Especially here in Japan, where American norms aren’t focused on at all? Plus, that fucking cricket is all I can think about!
“By the way, there will be a test on this and if you fail, you get remedial lessons with me, your chart-topping host!!”
Oh, fuck me.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
I stepped out into the chilly night, my breath coming in puffs of smoke as I walked. Aizawa didn’t like us to leave the dorms after dark, but there was no specific rule about it as long as we stayed on campus. It was two in the morning, and I had been tossing and turning in my bed since I got there. It hadn’t bothered me at first when Mic brought up Thanksgiving, but now that it was just a couple days away, I’m starting to get restless.
This would be my first Thanksgiving without Gramps…
I fell onto the icy cold stone bench, letting my head fall back to stare up at the navy sky. It looked like ribbons of velvet, bright stars dotting across it like sequins caught under the light. The moon was a perfect crescent.
I glanced over, seeing Zuku with his arms wrapped tight around his body. Even with the thick sweater he wore, it was obvious he was cold. I patted the bench beside me and he sat down, letting me throw my arms around his body. I focused on my quirk, raising my body temperature to warm him up. “Why are you awake?”
“I got up to use the bathroom and spotted you out the window.” He frowned up at me, his brow furrowed. “You look so… sad. What’s wrong?”
My grip tightened around him and I smiled sadly. “I guess I am a bit sad… This is my first Thanksgiving without Gramps, so… it kinda hurts, you know?”
“Oh, I see… I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine. Just something you gotta deal with, ya know? It’s life, and life is full of unfairness.”
“Will you… tell me about it?” He asked softly, playing with his fingers in his lap. “About what the two of you did each year? If it’s not too painful, I mean…”
“I’d love to,” I ruffled his hair and closed my eyes. “Let’s see – Gramps thought it was important for us to celebrate Thanksgiving because my mother was American. ‘It’s part of who you are, kitten, so we must celebrate!’ is what he’d always tell me. He spent the first five years learning everything he could about the holiday because he wanted it to be authentic and at age five, he started hosting a small feast for the two of us each year.”
“It sounds like he loved you a lot.”
“Yeah… Yeah, he did. We were each other’s world, the only two people we had in life. It was just us against the world!” I chuckled, but it held no humor. “Gramps was a hell of a good chef. He always used to attribute that to the fact that he worked for near six years in a restaurant with his father before the man died and the place had to be sold. Cooking reminded him of a simpler time, so he took pride in everything he cooked. Now that I think about it… that was the first time I met Skye and Heather.”
“Friends of yours?”
“Nah, they made my life hell growing up.” I waved my hand. “I don’t think they remembered this, but I met them once when I was seven. They lived a couple blocks down from us and Gramps had met them on several of his midday walks. Skye was half-Japanese on her mother’s side, while her dad was American and Heather was full American but her family moved to Japan just a year or two previously. Since Gramps wanted to make Thanksgiving as authentic as possible, he went to them for advice. Sky’s father had asked his grandma back home to send a few of her recipes for the holiday and that’s when I met Skye for the first time. He stopped by on his way to work to drop them off and she was with him, but she took one look at me and turned her nose up.”
“You were bullied?” He asked softly, lowering his head. “I never would have thought that.”
“Yeah, but it didn’t start until I was twelve.” I chuckled. “Anyway, we didn’t have much money to work with, but he saved up with every paycheck for months in advance. Just small amounts from each check and then the week before Thanksgiving, he’d take the money he saved and go all out, buying a Turkey, potatoes, pumpkin pie, the works. Some of the shit he couldn’t even get in our town, he had to travel to specialty shops or order the ingredients online from overseas. I kept telling him it was too much work, but he was a stubborn old man.”
Izuku shifted in my arms, his head on my shoulder. “Tell me more about him,” his voice was soft and growing husky as sleep started to claim him.
I hummed softly. “He liked what the day symbolized – families coming together to be thankful for the people in their lives and for the things they were gifted with. To be honest, I often wondered as a child if he regretted raising me, but I knew that was wrong as I got older. It was almost like… raising me gave him a purpose, a reason to face every day with a smile. And I guess in a way… he was the same for me. I remember it so clearly, waking up at one in the morning on Thanksgiving day to sounds in the kitchen. I’d sneak down the hallway, careful of that stupid ass board on the right that always creaked when you stepped on it. And there he was, seeming to radiate warmth and happiness as he bustled around the kitchen getting all the dishes ready for that day.”
I smiled, my hands fisting around his jacket as I took a shaky breath. “He always wore that stupid ass apron I gave him on his birthday in fifth grade. It was this god awful snot yellow color with lime green stripes. If you stared at it too long, you’d go fucking cross-eyed. And it had this… hell, even to this day I don’t know what it was. I think it was a Rhino in a chef’s hat but I guess it coulda been a hippo? Or a fat giraffe with a short neck. He was convinced it was a Thanksgiving Zebra, but I still think he’s nuts. There’s no way that was a damn Zebra, and I would literally list the reasons why it couldn’t be, but he’d just listen intently with a bright smile, nodding his head to show that he was listening. And once I was done ranting, he’d pat my head and simply say, ‘Thanksgiving Zebras are quite special’. I swear he was batty.”
Zuku chuckled. “What makes a Zebra a Thanksgiving Zebra?”
“They have to be fat as fuck apparently. And orange. At least I think it was orange. It coulda just been a really dark yellow. I’m telling you, this apron was all kinds of wrong! I will never understand what I was thinking when I looked at that thing in the store and was like, ‘This is feckin’ awesome, he’s gonna love it!’. But he did love it, wore it every time he cooked, even on the rare occasions we had guests over. He wore it without shame and always with a smile.”
“Because it was from you, so it was special.”
“Hmm, probably, yeah.” I sighed deeply. “Come on, let’s get you to bed, you look like you’re about to pass out.”
“I wanted to hear more stories,” he pouted, but he was clearly having trouble holding his eyes open.
“I promise to tell you some more later, okay?” I stood up, putting my arms under his body and lifting him into my arms. He snuggled closer, mumbling something under his breath before sleep finally claimed him. I held him closer, feeling my eyes sting with tears, but I forced them back. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t cry, not until I’ve earned the right to do so.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
“Hey, Jen, wait up!”
I paused in the hallway, glancing over my shoulder. Ryuu was dodging students as he headed toward me, smiling brightly. When he finally reached me, he threw his arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug. I chuckled, hugging him back. “Hello to you, too. What’s up?”
“Are you busy?” He questioned, pulling away.
“Uhh, I got a shit-ton of homework that I probably won’t do and might accidentally burn but that’s about it.” I grinned.
He huffed, putting his hand on his hip. “You better not! You’re not allowed to get kicked from the hero course because you refuse to do your work.”
“Yes, mother.”
He nudged my shoulder but I didn’t miss the way his lips twitched up. “What do you say we hang out at the library for a bit and work on it together?”
I hummed. “Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to lure me away, Hiryuu Rin~”
“As if,” he teased, tugging on my hand. “Come on, let’s get to it!”
“But learning is so boring~”
“You won’t be a hero with that attitude~”
“Last time I checked, pros don’t have to go around dividing letters with numbers to defeat villains,” I grumbled, throwing my head back.
He hummed. “True, but what if you come across a math villain?”
“Punch him in the dick.”
He sweatdropped. “What if he has hostages and he’ll only release them if you solve his math problems?”
I looked at him blankly. “What are the actual chances of that fucking happening, Ryuu?”
He huffed, puffing out his cheeks. “It could happen!”
I poked his inflated cheek with a chuckle. “Anything is possible, I guess.”
Ryuu led me to the back of the library, settling down in the corner. The next few hours were spent taking turns on our homework assignments. I was able to help him with a couple subjects, while he had my back for some of the harder ones, like math. And then there was physics, which left us both fucking stumped.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
The librarian peeked her head around a large bookshelf, her tired, dull eyes landing on us. “Library’s about to close. Time to leave.”
I glanced out the window and clicked my tongue. “Damn, we were here for a while. It’s dark out.”
He nodded, stuffing his books into his bag. “They say time flies when you’re having fun, but…”
“We weren’t having fun at all,” I pointed out and he shrugged, stifling a yawn.
“Can I come back to your dorm?”
“Ho~? I didn’t know you were so forward, Ryuu.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him and he rolled his eyes, rubbing his arms as we stepped out into the cold.
“I was thinking more along the lines of hot chocolate and a movie.”
“Well, that’s no fun.”
“Just what were you thinking…” he muttered under his breath before shaking his head at my grin. “Nevermind, I don’t want to know!”
The walk to 1-A’s dorm passed in comfortable silence, Ryuu practically glued to my side as he soaked up the warmth from my body. I wonder if his body reacts negatively to the cold because of his reptile-like quirk. I should ask him about that later.
We stepped inside and I immediately froze in the doorway, my eyes wide.
Ryuu took his shoes off, looking back at me curiously. “Jen? What’s wrong?”
“I, uh…” I swallowed hard, covering my mouth and closing my eyes. As soon as I stepped into the building, the smell of food had wafted to my nose, almost as if it were waiting at the door to tease me. It smells just like… like the house did every Thanksgiving morning. It’s the exact same smell.
A hand rested on my shoulder, Ryuu looking at me with worry. “Do you feel sick?”
“No, I just…” I took a breath, forcing a smile as I tried to ignore the smell. “Sorry, just remembered something.”
“Are you sure? You look pale…”
I chuckled, pushing past him. “I was born pale. You up for grabbing the hot chocolate and heading to my room for the movie? Not really in the mood for socializing.” I stepped into the kitchen and froze for the second time. What the fuck?
“If you’re not in the mood for socializing, that might be a problem, Winchester.” Kirishima grinned.
“You better fucking get in the mood, bitch!” Katsuki scowled, his face twisted up.
“Welcome home, Jen.” Izuku greeted, brightly.
“Huh, class A certainly loves going over the top for everything, don’t they?!” Monoma laughed, but it didn’t have its usual mocking undertone to it.
“I hope you don’t mind us joining you guys,” Kendo smiled, tilting her head.
My eyes scanned the faces of classes A and B, all stuffed into the kitchen around the table that had been covered in various dishes of food – turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole… Am I dreaming? I don’t… I can’t…
Ryuu embraced me, his hand finding my cheek. “You’re crying…”
“What? No, I -” I lifted my hand, wiping at my eyes. I am crying. I’m crying in front of both classes. They’re supposed to look at me and be reassured and feel safe, how can they do that if I’m crying my eyes out? Why am I even crying?
Momo and Ashido rushed over to me, pushing Ryuu away as they fussed over me, squishing me between them. “We’re sorry, we should have asked first!”
“Yeah, don’t cry, Jen!” Ashido squeezed me tighter.
“I don’t… know why I’m crying…” I sobbed, rubbing at my eyes furiously but the tears wouldn’t stop coming.
Izuku smiled sadly as he approached, pulling my hands away from my face. “All Might thinks you haven’t properly grieved for Gramps. That’s why I thought it would be a good idea to do this, to give you a chance to… to… properly grieve and to realize… to realize that you’re not alone!” His shoulders shook as his eyes filled with tears.
“Damn it, Deku! You’re supposed to make her feel better not start crying with her!!” Katsuki slammed his hand on the table, the silverware rattling.
“Can I… have a minute, please?” I asked softly.
The two girls exchanged a look before hesitantly pulling away. I bowed my head and stepped out of the kitchen, heading back out through the doorway. As soon as it clicked, I leaned back and slid down, my body shaking from the effort it took to hold back the rest of my tears.
‘Remember, kitten, life isn’t always easy. More often than not, you will face hardships and pain that will be so bad, you will begin to question why it has to be that way. However, just as happiness is often fleeting, so, too, is sadness. You may think that crying makes you a weak person, but I assure you it does not. Crying is a sign that you’ve been strong for too long, and there is no shame in it. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions, kitten. They are not your weakness, they are your strength.’
“Young Jen?”
“Toshi…” I sobbed, tears flowing down my cheeks as my body shook.
Warmth flooded me as I was brought into a strong chest, arms wrapped tight around me. A tired voice sighed from somewhere behind him, “I told you this was a bad idea.”
He kneeled beside us, his hand gently rubbing the top of my head. “Sorry, I should’ve stopped them.”
I shook my head. “No, I… I just…”
Toshi rubbed my back comfortingly. “When young Midoriya came to me and told me about his conversation with you the other night, I saw this as a teaching moment. He wanted to get together with the rest of your class, as well as class B, to have a Thanksgiving dinner in honor of your Gramps. I knew this would be hard for you, but I was sure that it was the right thing to do. You accepted the fact that he was gone, but you never grieved for him, did you?”
I shook my head, clutching his sweater between my fingers.
“When we lose someone we love, closure is important for us to heal and move forward. And… I worry that you might feel alone in this new world, but you have impacted those around you, even those from class B. They were more than happy to help out when young Midoriya explained things to them.” Toshi pushed me backward, grasping me by the shoulders and giving me his signature smile. “You are surrounded by people who love you, my dear Jen. Never forget that.”
And I smiled back, even with the tears still falling from my eyes.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
When I returned to the kitchen twenty minutes later, several worried eyes snapped to me, no doubt noticing my red and swollen eyes, but I smiled brightly at them to ease their worries, stepping aside to let the two teachers inside.
“Hey, All Might made it!” Kaminari cheered.
“And Aizawa-sensei, too!” Kishima grinned.
“Does that mean we can eat now? I’m fucking starving,” Katsuki complained, his arm thrown over the back of the chair as he glared at the ceiling.
“Yes, let’s dig in!” Momo clapped her hands excitedly and the room sprung to life, everyone squeezing into the chairs around the table. Not everyone could fit, of course, and they ended up sitting off to the side or on the counters. All Might himself took up two and a half seats as he sat at the head of the table, laughing and chatting with the students as he told them stories from his youth.
I sat at the opposite end, between Shouta and Izuku, both of whom kept glancing at me with worry, though the greenette wasn’t trying to hide it like our teacher was. I chuckled, taking each of their hands with my own. “Thank you for this. It really means a lot to me.”
“Of course!” Izuku squeezed my hand, giving me a bright smile. Aizawa didn’t say anything, but he squeezed my other hand.
“You Sparky fuck, that turkey leg was mine!!”
“Huh? I don’t see your name on it, Bakugo.”
“Do you wanna die?!”
“Ahahaha! What deplorable manners class A has! Pathetic!”
“Be quiet, Monoma!”
“So many beautiful girls packed into one room, I just wanna touch them…”
“You’re disgusting!”
“Can you pass the cranberry sauce? Ribbit.”
“Here you go, frog girl!!”
“You’re too loud, Tetsu!”
“Hey, All Might, what was your favorite thing about America when you lived there?”
“That’s easy, young Kaibara! I loved seeing the -”
“Hey, you guys started without us!!” The room turned their attention to the doorway where Midnight, Gran and Present Mic stood. Midnight, who had spoken, huffed in annoyance. “There better be a turkey leg left!”
“Itps mjinre!” Katsuki mumbled around the turkey leg that he had stolen from Kaminari.
“You little brat, give it here!” She demanded, nearly jumping across the table to tackle him. His eyes grew wide and he took off, yelling obscenities at her as she chased him around the kitchen.
Gran approached me, putting her hand on my shoulder and smiling kindly. “Happy Thanksgiving, deary.”
I looked around the room, watching the chaos that was ensuing around me. And I smiled, my heart full of happiness and warmth. Things haven’t been easy, and I’m sure the road ahead of me is far from clear, but I’m surrounded by people that care about me, that I care about. Gramps… wherever you are right now, I want you to know that I’m okay. You don’t have to worry about me. These idiots may not be entirely sane and they may drive me up a wall sometimes but… they are home. My home.
“Hey, hey!” Mic raised his voice, making the glasses rattle. “Let’s go around and say what we’re thankful for! Start us off, Uraraka!”
She pulled a surprised face at suddenly being called before tilting her head and smiling. “I’m thankful that we can all be here together!”
“Excellent! Iida, you next!”
“I’m thankful to be with friends during this time of giving thanks!”
“That’s the same as what Uraraka just said but good job! Let’s keep this train a-rollin’, folks!”
“I’m thankful for music.”
“Boobs. Definitely boobs.”
“I’m thankful Bakugo didn’t kill me for that turkey leg…”
“I’m thankful that everyone here is so manly!”
“I’m thankful I’m not sitting next to Mineta…”
“Anime and manga, definitely.”
“I’d be thankful if this bitch would stop chasing me!!”
“And I’d be thankful if you’d give me that turkey leg you brat!”
“I’m thankful that all of you dears are healthy~”
“Hah, I’ll be thankful when class A finally goes down!”
“I’ll be thankful when I don’t have to babysit Monoma anymore…”
“I’m thankful I got to meet Kirishima!!”
“I’m thankful that I sparkle so beautifully. I am magnifi -”
“I’m thankful for this awesome food!”
“What about you, Jen?” Izuku asked, curiously.
“Me?” I hummed as several people looked at me expectantly. I grinned brightly. “Ain’t it obvious? I’m thankful for tacos!”
Zuku sweatdropped. “I shoulda guessed…”
“Well, you stick to your guns, at least, young Jen!”
“Speaking of,” I looked Zuku dead in the eye, my expression deadly serious. “Where the fuck are my tacos, bro?”
His body tensed and he swallowed hard. “Um, I… I didn’t see any mention of tacos when I was researching Thanksgiving…”
I clicked my tongue. “That’s fucking shameful, Zuku. No holiday is complete without tacos.”
“I-I’m sorry!”
I grinned, ruffling his messy hair. “Make sure you don’t forget next year, ‘kay?”
His face lit up and he nodded. “Of course!”
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
「“Give thanks for a little, and you will find a lot.” – Hausa Proverb」
「“People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.” – Johnny Depp」
「“Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.” – William Shakespeare」
「“Love doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Franklin P. Jones」
「“We fall, we break, we fail. But then, we rise. We heal. We overcome.” – Unknown」
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gaystardust · 4 years
Twelve Weak Lies 1/? [Kanera Week Day 2]
Synopsis: An injury forces Hera and Kanan to land on Eso, a planet neither of them have heard of. Neither of them expect to fall undercover as a young couple expecting the first child, just because the people of the village are so convinced that’s who they are. Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Discussion of pregnancy and pregnancy loss, although neither of those actually happen. Some discussion of poverty and existence. AO3 Link: [link] A/N: There is a host of made up fruit/vegetables (or our-world food given a slightly warped version of its name), some made of Twi’leki culture. This is Chapter 1, and the rest of the chapters will go on AO3 at some point after Kanera Week because I am waaayyy behind.
 “What about that one?” Kanan asked, making a stab at something on the star map Hera couldn’t even see.
She leant forward, squinting at the… planet? Moon? Speck of dust caught in the projector? “I’m not sure I even know where that is.”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter where it is. I’ve got a feeling.”
A feeling. It was always ‘a feeling’, a phrase Hera couldn’t parse well enough to know when it was just a hunch, or something a little more concrete.
Of course, concrete generally meant something mysterious and borderline magic that she would never be able to understand and Kanan would never explain.
Hera sighed, turning back to the ground slowly rising towards them. It was a powdery brown colour, muted across the whole of the planet bar thick splotches of green and blue in a band around the equator. A quick scan showed few life forms, unsurprising based on the size of the planet, centred around several obvious sentiments.
She’d spent a good few hours in hyperspace trying to work out what exactly this planet was and if there was any infrastructure they should be aware of. But it was still just a blank pinprick in the middle of nothingness, with absolutely no information past a name and an export listed anywhere on the holonet.
Eso. Main export, something helpfully named the Eesu fruit, and wood from something called the Uko tree.
So basically there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. And yet, Kanan wanted them to go there, so they were going.
Or maybe Hera was just tired of arguing. They’d had nothing but fights the last few days, the stress of their repeated failed missions rubbing them both the wrong way over and over.
The wound on her side still stung, and her leg wouldn’t hold her full weight unless she was leaning on something.
It had been an eventful tenday, to say the least.
The atmosphere seemed pretty good, rocking the ship a small amount as they entered. The gravity felt… fairly average, which made sense for the size of the planet.
Hera tapped the intercom button on the control panel, leaning forward. “Almost ready to land, Kanan. If you could come up, that would be great.”
It would take a little while for them to reach the ground, but having them both up front would help. There was so little they could do without the pretence of a fully functioning crew - or even a family unit, in some cases. It stopped people questioning how two people so young had ended up with a ship of their own, travelling the galaxy instead of enlisting or settling down to start a family.
There were no prizes for guessing which comment was directed at who.
By the time the landing legs of the Ghost had fully extended, Kanan was finally in the cockpit. Whatever he’d been doing in his quarters had apparently held him up, but nothing past the “sorry, I was busy” indicated what exactly that was.
A dark-skinned Kiffar waved them down, her dark hair tied up and fluttering behind her back. Hera could already see the pouch on her belt, likely heavy with credits and whatever else people were paying in.
Kanan sighed, standing without prompting. Sometimes, his Force sensitivity came in handy. “I’ll go get it.”
The minute they were securely landed and shut down, the Kiffar was stepping up to meet them. She was tall, as tall as Kanan if not more so. She looked somewhat strict, but nothing they couldn’t handle.
“Y’new here?” she asked, voice rough under her Outer Rim accent. Kanan nodded, immediately stepping up to his usual role. They’d practised this too many times to slip up. “Yes, Ma’am. Looking for somewhere safe to dock our ship, likely long term.”
“You planning to stick around?” “We hope so,” Her added, moving to stand slightly behind Kanan’s shoulder. “We could do with a fresh start.”
For a second, the Kiffar considered them. “Work?”
Kanan nodded to himself. “For me, not for her,” he shrugged towards Hera. The Kiffar gave her an odd look, analysing something between them that was a little uncomfortable. “She’s not well at the minute.”
It wasn’t a lie, and it wasn’t hard for her to see. Hera knew she was washed out, skin grey-ish as she recovered from the obnoxious injury on her side. Even when she tried to stand straight, she was hunched to one side.
Whatever the Kiffar was looking for, she clearly found. “Well, if you’re sticking around, call me Mihra. Now…” She glanced to the Ghost, the cogs ticking behind her eyes. “Y’planning to stay on the ship, or are ya looking for a house?”
They looked between each other, considering for half a second. “Yeah,” Kanan spoke up, turning back to Mihra. “Yeah, somewhere to live would be great.”
She nodded, turning to call something over her shoulder. It sounded like Huttese, but it might not be at all - definitely derivative though. One of the attendants rushed off somewhere.
“Tiss will see what she can find. Let’s get your ship settled, and then we’ll get you somewhere to stay.” She must have noticed the confusion in Hera’s face, unsure why they were willing to help. “Relax. You aren’t the first people to turn up like this, and y’won’t be the last. We’re a community of people on the run from something or other. If you’re willing to work, we’re willing to help.”
She said it with finality, as if she expected neither of them to ask any more questions.
And so they didn’t.
They were barely settled an hour when someone knocked on the door. The wood rattled its metal fixtures, a noise neither of them were particularly used to, before opening easily.
Hera reached for her blaster automatically, Kanan doing the same. She already had it trained on the doorway when a tall, Rodian woman stepped forward. Her eyes trained on the blasters for a moment, but she didn’t react.
Her bright, star-field eyes watched the two of them before she half turned towards the doorway. “Maar? I would stay outside a little longer, if I were you.”
Hera half-lowered the blaster, but not completely.
When the Rodian turned back, she smiled. “Apologies, I clearly should have waited. Mahra told me you were looking for work?”
Kanan stepped forward, nodding. “I am.”
She nodded. “The name’s Tsiin, I work in one of the forests just out of town - fruit picking. Not necessarily difficult, but we mainly pick for ourselves so it’s fairly rewarding.”
There was a moment of quiet while Kanan considered it. “And the pay?”
“I should have guessed,” Tsiin laughed, shaking her head. “It’s fair. Some of the payment is in food, we pick a variety so it doesn’t get too bad. Otherwise, it’s pay based on quantity. 30 credits per bag, we normally get a handful done between us a day.”
Kanan clicked his ton. “So, why do I pick that instead of the other options?”
“Three things,” she held her hand up, four fingers curled up into a fist. “Safety. Shorter hours. Less Imperial pressure.” Something about that made Tsiin look directly at Hera. “More time at home, supporting your partner here.”
“That’s four things,” Hera pointed out sharply, but Kanan half spoke over her.
“Fine. When do I start?”
“Day after tomorrow. Get yourselves settled tomorrow. I’ll come and collect you an hour after dawn, and you’ll be back before sundown.”
To Hera, they sounded long hours of physical labour, but Kanan seemed to think it was fine. “Okay. Deal. I can’t promise how long we’ll hang around, though.”
“Oh, we’re used to that.”
The new voice was deeper, raspier, strangely melodic for the near-human body it came from. Their hair was so dark, it stuck out against the almost white colour of his skin and their clouded eyes. In one hand they held a bag of interlocking ropes, metal containers swinging low.
The cane in their other hand tapped on the floor just in front of him.
They smiled vaguely into the room, mostly looking towards them but not perfectly. “Apologies for interrupting, but we are more than used to people coming and going in our community. Fast friends are common here.”
Tsiin sighed from where she should. “This is Maar. They run one of the market stalls in town.”
Kanan stayed quiet, but Hera forced herself to smile, hoping he could hear it in how she spoke. “Nice to meet you, Maar.”
“Likewise,” they replied, before holding out the rope bag towards her. It was more direct than previously, her voice helping them pinpoint a little more accurately. “I brought you some necessities to last you until at least tomorrow. Hopefully, you will find them helpful. There is not much, but I checked with some locals for what you would need to eat, Miss…”
“Hera,” she supplied quickly, hoping against all odds that this wasn’t a bad idea.
“Miss Hera. I asked what you could eat, while Kanan, I can guess myself,” they smile was a little too wide, but not threatening in its strangeness. “Hopefully you will find something to your liking.”
“There’s bedding in here as well,” Tsiin said carefully. “And spare clothes. Like I’m sure Mihra said, we are more than used to strangers arriving on our doorstep.”
Hera stepped forward again, letting Kanan take his time. Whatever he was reading into the two, it was taking all of his focus. “Thank you, honestly. It’s incredibly generous of you.” She stepped forward to take the bag, surprised by how heavy it was, and how little effort Maar had been exerting.
Tsiin looked between both of them, before nodding .”Alright, well. We’ll let you get settled. Come on, old man, I’ll walk you home.”
The near-human turned sharply, putting their arm out to take Tsiin’s. “You two had best come and visit me soon.”
Now, Kanan replied. “Of course, Sir. As soon as we can.”
“And I shall hold you to that!” Something in their tone was completely serious.
Just as they crossed the threshold, Tsiin twisted back. “Day after tomorrow, kid. Me and the crew will come and get you.”
Kanan nodded, giving her his best grin. “I’m looking forward to it.”
The house was small and dark, thankfully cool despite the high humidity outside. It almost reminded Hera of the buried houses on Ryloth, chasing away the burning sun and the impending dessert by blocking out the sunlight that most humanoids were desperate for.
Kanan, she knew, hated it. He’d told her often enough in the week they’d been based on Eso. Something about the lack of natural light, and the strange feeling of being half-buried in clay and hay walls.
Still, Hera had forced him to stick with it, pushing through the wobbliness in her right thigh as she ran more whitewash across the peeling wall. One of the neighbours had given it to them, with instructions to paint their new home before the peeling paint cracked through to the wall and the smell of dung crept from its prison.
She hated painting, had since she was a child, but even Hera had to admit there was something nice about painting walls. There was no precision to it, covering such a large space in a single colour, but she could still see where she’d succeeded to cover it.
It was more than a little satisfying.
The twinge in her torn rib muscle reminded her not to lift her arms too high, but there was no way she could balance on one of the stools they’d found. The wound in her leg was healing quickly, but it had been a nasty shot, with metal hooks digging into her leg before she’d had a chance to think. Even now, weeks later, it twitched and ached whenever she put weight through it.
Taking a deep breath, she hobbled over to the mats they’d been using as a bed (two of them, layered over each other for some comfort, even if it meant sleeping next to each other). The drop to the ground was further than she would have liked, her leg giving out halfway as she hit the mat with a thump.
At least, she mostly made it onto the mat - before decided that was far enough. The mats themselves weren’t thick enough to hold her at an uncomfortable angle, even half hanging off them, and moving much further would take more energy than she had. Pausing there would work which better
Hera reached for the comm tucked into the waistband of the shorts she’d claimed from Kanan (she tried not to think of them as underwear, because they weren’t - he just slept in them). They were easier to move in while she renovated the space they would be living in for the next few weeks at least.
“Kanan?” she asked carefully, listening for the telltale bzzzzz-click to say she’d connected. “Make sure to get eggs for tonight as well.”
A laugh came from the other end, covered in static but completely Kanan. “I know, Hera, I’ve already got them.”
“And the vegetables I asked you to get?”
Kanan stared down at the pile he was carrying. “Okuru, gulalung, solum and greens.”
“And the annuum?” Hera added, the lecture obvious in her tone.
“Of course,” he lied through his teeth, doing his best to sound exasperated. “How could I forget?”
The sigh on the other end of the line made the comm crackle unpleasantly. “Just remember to pick them up before you come home. And the persipan. Can’t make sweet curry without them.”
“I know, I know, you tell me often enough.” He absolutely did not know, they had never discussed this, but there was something about admitting that that felt like it would blow their cover. After all, the people of this community had decided they were an established couple, and he wasn’t about to make them question that.
He could hear Hera moving around on the pallet they’d been sleeping. It creaked if you moved to hard. “Can you get some alata as well? I fancy some. We can cook them with porridge in the morning.”
It had been way too long since they’d eaten fresh fruit and vegetables instead of the rations they mainly ate while travelling, and the first time they’d had a steady income in even longer. He was already heading back to the market anyway, so he might as well.
That didn’t stop him filling his voice with exasperation, the fake tone he used for chores he would do without her even asking. “Of course, your highness, I’ll get you what you want.”
A hand reached out, catching him around the back of his head. “Wha- hey!” He spun around, face to face with a fairly old Nagai, who had already caught him at their market stall that morning. “Maar?”
The comm in his hand crackled. “Kanan?” Hera’s voice was filled with concern.
Maar’s eyes were greyed over with cataracts, but they still landed on the comm. “Apologies, I have interrupted you. Continue.”
Kanan watched them carefully, not sure how to take this interruption. Still, he returned the com to in front of his mouth. “Don’t worry, Hera. It’s just a friend being a pain-” Beside him, Maar laughed as if that was the best joke they’d ever heard. “I’ll be back soon. I’ll speak to you later.”
“You’d better, Jarrus, or you’ll regret it.” The comm pinged once more as the connection was severed. Immediately, he spun to the Nagai.
“You shouldn’t complain about your partner, Kanan Jarrus. She is trying her hardest to keep her spirits up while shut inside.”
Of course, Maar knew nothing about why Hera was shut inside, past that she was unwell. That was a lie they kept spreading - not that it was completely a lie, just an oversimplification.
“I know, Maar,” Kanan said with a shake of his head. He knew she was struggling, but what else could they do. She could barely walk, never mind anything else. “She’s trying to keep herself busy, painting the house while I’m at work, but- OW!”
This tap on his shoulders was barely a tap. “Kanan Jarrus! You should be more careful. Your wife-”
“Partner,” he shot in quickly, trying to stop that instantly.
Maar nodded almost immediately. “Your partner is in a delicate position.”
Something clicked in Kanan’s mind, that perhaps telling everyone Hera was unwell would end badly for them both, long term. “No, no, she’s not that kind of sick. She’s just making sure to give herself plenty of time to rest.” Then he laughed, brushing his hair back out of his eyes. “Besides, I’m not sure I could get her to stop if I tried.”
The Nagai seemed to consider this, before nodding again. “Still. She should not exert herself, no matter how tempting.”
“Try telling that to Hera,” Kanan continued to laugh.
They arrived back at Maar’s stall, which they had left completely unguarded while they wandered off to… hopefully do something other than following Kanan, but he honestly couldn’t be so sure.
Each of the shelves and crates was practically overgrowing with local fruit and foraged roots, along with cheaply imported items. The whole place smelled like overheated sweetness, with a side of acidity.
Maar didn’t say anything as they placed food items into Kanan’s arms, and the robe bag they had given them on the first day that had arrived there.
“No, Maar, we don’t need any meiloorun you’re fine, or any eesu, I’ll be getting some from work later this week, I don’t have the money to-”
Maar shook their head. “Take them, from me to you. I have seen many like your partner here, and fresh food is always good. After all, she will need her strength, and you will need to be prepared. The next generation are always particular in their wants.”
Kanan blinked. “I’m sorry, what?”
Maar watched him carefully. A few skinny black braids falling in front of their eyes before they spoke again. “Apologies. I assumed you already knew - it has been the talk of the town for the last few days.”
Thoughts swirled in the back of Kanan’s head. Yeah, okay, the town wasn’t that big - maybe a few hundred people maximum, and most of them lived identical lives to all of the other’s around them, so gossip was a bit of a thing.
They were meant to be laying low.
“That… Hera is pregnant?”
Maar nodded as if that was obvious. “Of course. That is why she is in seclusion, yes? Not a practice I would use myself, but I know many species - including Twi’leks, she is a Twi’lek, yes? - use them as standard practice.”
The townspeople thought Hera was pregnant. They had taken the fake relationship between the two alongside Hera’s ‘illness’, and decided that meant they were going to be parents.
It took a few seconds, and a few deep breaths, for Kanan to pull his thoughts together. “No, no, she’s… she’s not in seclusion, Maar, she’s just more comfortable at home.” Maar gave him a look of complete disbelief, and Kanan made himself press on. “She has an injury to one of her legs that’s playing up.”
They nodded as if a grave secret had finally been explained. “Well, I’m sure she’ll be up and walking in no time. Just make sure you get her the food she has requested - the body knows what it needs better than we could ever understand.”
All Kanan could do was nod. If Maar wasn’t going to understand that Hera wasn’t pregnant, he wasn’t going to push it. Stars, he couldn’t even make himself think about it fully.
He handed over the credits to pay, Maar handing him back the chunk that would have covered the extra fruit. Kanan didn’t bother arguing, quickly taking his leave and ending their conversation abruptly. The Nagai wasn’t at all putout.
It was only when he was sure they were out of earshot that Kanan felt safe to react. “Shit.” At least Maar had covered Hera’s requests - he wouldn’t have to face anyone else that day. “Shit.”
“You didn’t tell him I wasn’t?”
Hera stood with her hands on her hips, poised like she was ready to fight. She had him quite literally cornered, standing in the centre of the room while he was sat on the bed.
“I told him you weren’t secluded, I just didn’t specifically say you weren’t pregnant.”
It had seemed logical at the time to let the cover the town had invented for them fly, but Hera was taking this much worse than Kanan had thought she would. He’d assumed that he would come home, explain what had been said, and they would laugh about it - but, no, Hera was taking personal offence to it.
She threw her hands in the air, lekku barely bobbing behind her. “That’s the problem! You should have just said I wasn’t, corrected him before it went any further.”
Kanan shrugged. He wanted nothing more than to pull his knees up to his chest, but he’d been trained better than that. “Does it really matter? They’ll work it out soon enough, once you’re well enough to wander around and they realise you clearly aren’t pregnant.”
“They’re just going to assume I’m not showing yet,” Hera added almost too quickly. “Or worse.” Her voice cracked as she said that. Then she shifted, dropping onto the mat beside him. Her head fell into her hands. The defeat in her voice was obvious “I don’t want to be involved with this, Kanan.”
Kanan shifted himself to put his hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Hera. I didn’t think about the impact this would have - to be honest, I’m not sure I even thought. I was so caught off guard, I’m not sure I was planning anything.”
Hera made herself breath, lekku still unnaturally calm. “I know.” She sighed, pushing herself further forward. “I know you didn’t mean it, I just… I don’t know how to deal with that.” There was another pause before she let out a frustrated, grumbling sound. “But I don’t know how we get out of it without sounding awful, especially with people giving us free things because they think I’m pregnant!”
He nodded, looking towards her carefully. “We could always let them have their rumour. Leave before they realise you’re not showing because you’re not actually pregnant.”
“That’s a terrible idea,” Hera said quickly. “We’d be breaking their trust, making them think something about us that we’re not. It’s one thing to keep saying ‘partners’, it’s another to actually commit to that.”
“But you’re considering it.”
“Yes. Yes, I am.”
Everything dropped away for a moment, except the bubbling of the curry over the fire. It smelt deliciously spicy and sweet, filling the room around them.
For the first time in a long time, Kanan wondered if he should meditate.
He immediately pushed that out of his brain.
Hera sat up a little straighter. “ Can humans and twi’leks even have children together?”
“I mean, yeah, of course they can?” Kanan couldn’t help the question in his voice, wanting to know how he knew that when she didn’t. “I’ve never met any properly, but I saw plenty of blended families when I was growing up.”
Her body stopped moving, even though it barely was in the first place. For a single breath, she was just looking at him, and he was looking at her, and something around them shifted.
“I’m never letting you near me again,” she said finally.
“What?” Kanan huffed, gesturing towards her where she stood in front of him. “I’ve never even been near you! At all! What- I- You-” He took a deep breath, staring towards the shuttered windows. Hopefully, no one could hear them. “Look. If it bothers you that much, I’ll start correcting people.”
Hera sighed, flopping back on the mat as if she’d given up. She tried to hold back the wince, but Kanan still noticed. He didn’t comment.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you shouldn’t. Start correcting people, I mean.” She didn’t look completely convinced, but something must have done it. “It might be easier if they think I’m staying at home because of morning sickness. We wouldn’t have to explain why it’s taking so long to recover from a minor injury.”
“Do you think we can pull it off, though? No offence, but we’ve known each other for - what, a year? Do we know each other well enough to pass for a couple who would be having a kid together?”
Hera shrugged where she lay. “I don’t think it matters, Kay. Not every couple is physically affectionate in public - some aren’t affectionate at all. Hopefully no one will notice.” Then she laughed, bright and filling the room. “Besides, we wouldn’t be fake dating, we’re just… not correcting their assumptions. It doesn’t mean we have to actually pretend we’re together.”
Kanan hummed to himself, trying to find the line in his head. It would be incredibly difficult to find the line where people would just accept their relationship, and not ask any questions.
“So we have… what? Two, two and a half months here then?”
Hera nodded. “That would be the plan. We can probably go for more if we need to, but let’s aim for that.”
Two and a half months. Just two and a half months.
He could probably manage that.
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briteboy · 7 years
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+ SOME NOT ANONS because i had so many astrology questions omg i’m just gonna put them all together ok
it’s honestly mostly astrology stuff, some other random things and of course a GoT question because it’s not a mass answer post unless i get at least one of those. and if ur the anon who sent ur theory to me yesterday, my answer is.............. quizas 🌚
aight let’s go
do you have any tips on websites i can look on for figuring out my characters zodiac signs? (moon, fire, water and those stuff). i dont know where to look and on the sites i found its so complicated :( thank u!!
welllll if you aren’t really familiar with astrology i’d say to just make up a birth time/place for your character and put it in here and then you’ll have your answer. but if you don’t think those results fit your character and you want to make it more personalized, i’d say it’s worth it to firstly research each of the 12 signs a bit so that you gather their general traits and such, and then research about the different planets and houses in your chart (sun, moon, first house which is also rising/ascendant, mars, mercury, venus, etc.) and start trying to piece together what their placements would be. i know when i do this i might research a couple different moon placements or something (i.e. literally just google like ‘aquarius moon’ ‘ cancer moon’ ‘virgo rising’ etc.) and see if it fits. if you need further help, message me off anon!
@hhoneybadgers​ said: whaaat how is there so much astrology?? everyone's sun/moon/rising/venus/mars/jupiter/freaking kepler-666/andromeda/sirius/draco malfoy and have houses, and here i am, just an ordinary lil aquarius
OMG well ur in luck because you also have kepler 666/sirius/regulus/hagrid shit too. aquarius sun is only a very small part of your birth chart, which you can look up here
(how many times will i link to this site i wonder)
@thosefuckingsims​ said: are people just sending you their birthcharts?? i'm a scorp sun cap moon n taurus rising tell me about myself pls. drag me :^)
oMGDF i already know ur chart is spicy, but scorpio/taurus is one of the most interesting sister sign combos to me. it’s one of those ones that have a real connection and usually when two different people respectively have them, they’re attracted to each other (not necessarily romantically, just they might click really well) the fact that your sun and rising oppose (but have that awesome connection) probably makes you initially come off much differently than your actual personality would suggest, and then when someone gets to know you it’s like meeting a whole different person. you probably come off very grounded but stubborn (your scorp sun also might suggest this as well because of all that aggressive mars influence), and i know for me personally i’m often intimidated by taureans so that also might apply. your cap moon probably enforces that as well (freaking earth signs, they’re always so resilient in their own way) i feel like this combo might make you seem really deadpan, maybe appreciate some black humor. and ur probably not afraid to stand up to anybody (*cowers in fear*) u wanted me to drag u but i’m sorry i’m mostly in awe
@nnicolesims said: Oooh, me next also! I'm still figuring this out honestly. Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, ascendent Scorpio!
OMG another taurus/scorp mix! wtf this is basically the same as @thosefuckingsims except your sun and rising are switched lmaoooo that’s too funny
so like honestly i feel like a lot of that ^^^ would also apply to you? taurus suns are often intimidating to me because they come off as Too Cool 4 U but really they’re usually sweet and shy on the inside. i think your scorpio rising will also amplify that cool factor just because that placement is so ~Mysterious~ and like, people look at you and are just captivated by something. almost like you have a magnetic pull. scorpio rising is the most fascinating ascendant to me, that’s the reason i gave it to ramona (her heterochromia influenced it a lot too) i feel like you might be shy but secretly passionate and willing to put a lot of effort to that passion.
PLS ME NEXT (u really don't have to I'm just curious 😂) Virgo sun, sagittarius moon and gemini rising 😃
o0o0o0o i like this combo! it reminds me of my mom heheh. she’s a virgo sun/scorp moon and i feel like she also has an air rising, maybe libra tho
virgo/sagittarius is such a good match, like it’s weird but whenever i see those two signs together, especially in the form of different people, it’s always like a lasting bond. both virgo and taurus always seem to pair well with sag. you wouldn’t expect a virgo sun to be so ardent but sagittarius has a profound influence, and it’s interesting because virgos are often always looking for answers, and i think sagittarius would only make that need for reason even more so because sags find possibility in everything, especially as a moon placement. it’s one of my favorite moon signs (and not just because i have it too lmao) gemini rising in this mix is also very interesting because sag and gem are sister signs (opposites) (so many sister signs in these questions dang) and gemini rising is almost one of the most fitting rising signs to me for some reaso, especially with a virgo sun (both virgo and gem are ruled by mercury) because that makes you even MORE inquisitive and probably very friendly. people might consider you easy to talk to, and i bet you have a lot of intriguing things to say.
sagittarius sun, aries moon, scorpio rising!!
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this combo...WHEW!!! i love it tho. i feel like your sun/moon combo makes you very child-like, which can be a blessing or a curse depending on the situation. you might be very independent and full of thoughts or energy that you don’t know how to channel. i feel like especially with your rising sign, you might be very sarcastic and that might come off as a little harsh to people but you mean well. i really like this combo, lots of mars influence with that happy-go-lucky jupter nature!
Its so cool to see everyone talking about astrology and stuff ! i love it!! I'm a capricorn sun and moon and saggitarius rising :p sometimes i feel like i vibe more with pisces more ya know? but idk lol
i feel like capricorn and pisces often fit each other well, strangely enough. pisces are kind of bubbly and caps are kind of serious so they balance each other out. but anyway, onto your chart! you might be a bit introverted because of double cap but your sag rising might help mitigate that and make you a warmer person (caps are known to be a bit cold, honestly it depends tho, especially if there’s a fire influence) a lot of the time you might feel a bit to mature for your peers, but your sag rising makes you want to go back to a time when things were simpler and you could just be a kid. you probably feel like you need to prove yourself a lot too, but sometimes u just gotta give into ur sag nature and let loose a little u know
Sagittarius sun, aries moon and libra ascendant. I don't actually know what any of that means. It confuses me lol
omg hello can i set u up with the sag/aries/scorp above, you guys would be perfect for each other but maybe a little too perfect. you might get on each other’s nerves. and again with the sister signs, this time it’s aries and libra which is........honestly i can’t read this one, in the case with people, either they despise each other or they grow to love each other. (at least that’s been the case with me and libras.) so with that in mind with your moon opposing your rising, it’s very interesting. you might come off as calm, agreeable, charming because of your libra rising, only for others to find out you’re a bit more excitable and aggressive due to your moon. but aries is still charming in their own weird way, and sag too (dang fire signs) and sag + libra is like THE otp only next to aries + gemini. people probably think you’re really cool and chill. you probably get fired up easily about stuff tho
Scorpio sun - Taurus Moon - Scorpio Mercury I am a walking contradiction lol
OMG ANOTHER TAURUS/SCORP WOW third time’s the charm. can i set you guys up too?? WHAT’S UR RISING THO
basically what i said above goes for you too. people are probably in awe of you because you project, like...not necessarily a domineering nature, but more like...very self-assured and set in your ways (which might be your downfall if you aren’t careful, especially with that scorpio mercury, hoo boy) my mercury is in pisces but in the 8th house (ruled by scorpio) so i vibe with this. sometimes i say too much or go too far when i’m talking to someone and i can probably thank the scorp influence for that. i bet u love to talk about taboos and push people’s buttons in a sneaky way, not in an annoying way like an aries might
i'm kinda confused but sun - Aquarius, moon - Leo, ascendant - Gemini, i don't think its anything special but idk ;)
IT IS SPECIAL! any fire/air combo is automatically fun to pick apart. and omfg AGAIN with the sister signs!! what is this the 4th? 5th time?? i had no idea there was so much opposing influence on simblr wow. actually your sun/moon combo is the same as one of my characters, avey! if you’re like her, you might be pretty ambitious, flamboyant, but you also might go through a lot of identity crises trying to stay true to yourself. you’re the kind of person everyone can find a friend in, especially with your rising being gemini! people probably love to talk to you. leo moon is one of my favorite placements because it’s so weird, leo is ruled by the sun, so even tho leo and cancer aren’t opposites, they still kind of oppose each other. leo moons are often silly and funny, everyone finds them hilarious. i’d probably wanna know someone like you tbh
Wheres the rising part on the birth chart thingie?
i made a very official comprehensive guide to reading ur birth chart
Hey sorry to bother, but where did you say you got your star chart thing from? I tried to find where you mentioned it but couldn't.. 😩
oK I THINK THAT’S IT FOR THE ASTROLOGY ASKS? WHEW it’s been a long time since i’ve done this, i forgot they just come pouring in when i open the floodgates of the stars omg
I'm so so late but Santi literally breaths sweater weather to me and I'm CRYING HDISHDJSJSB THAT'S MY SONG AND MY BOY I'M SAD
OMG i haven’t heard that song in so long. i feel like this isn’t the first time someone has told me this, or maybe it was just that he reminded them of the neighbourhood in general. i can’t totally see it tho it’s okay i’ll cry with u :’{
I just found your blog and holy shit your edits are amazing! How do you edit????
like this! it’s from a while ago and i made my own psd since then but essentially it’s pretty much the same. i probably won’t update it because all of the main principles are there and if you follow that tutorial you should be putting your own spin on it anyway, not trying to replicate it exactly y’know
Do you use height mod for toddlers?
i haven’t yet because i’ve been using that fake baby, but i will probably have to bite the bullet and do it now -___- here’s a comment on one of the height mod threads that i’m essentially going to follow, confusing as it is:
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How do you make the toddlers smaller? Is it editing or something else?!
i explained that here!
AHHH!!! I'm trying to catch up on your posts but I ran out of data and the pictures aren't loading now. Apparently I need to get unlimited data so I can read your beautiful wonderful story?!?!? This is torture!!
OMG NOOOO well this was from like last week so hopefully you got data and caught up since then. i’m sorry u had to go through that :{ also thank you for the compliments i’m cryin
I just spent the last 3 hours reading your story from start to finish. INCREDIBLE. AMAZING. EMOTIONAL. IM ADDICTED.
AKSDKJGFDKSLJ THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always get so giddy when people send me messages like this, ily so much ;___; <333
Lemme just say. I'm all for them wearing stupid effing shirts.
I THINK THIS WAS FROM WHEN ROONEY WENT INTO LABOR? with the cactus shirt and santi’s wild ride of an outfit? if so i agree
Can you link me to the beginning of your story?
(I'm the anon with an aunt who had kidney failure) it turned out alright in the end. We managed to get ahold of her ex-husband bc we knew he was a match, and he so very graciously agreed to donate 😭 I'm so thankful for him at the moment; even though he wasn't a very good husband
yay thank goodness!!! i’m so glad it all worked out, bless her ex-husband wow that was a really great thing of him to do (aside from being a shitty husband lmao.) i hope all is well in your family now and that your aunt has a successful and quick recovery! <3
So I saw that you've never watched supernatural and honestly, it's actually better than a lot of ppl say it is. It's definitely not the best show out there, but a lot of people give it shit just because of the fact that it's on the CW. Another thing people complain about is the queerbaiting but I don't think it's that bad tbh
i honestly don’t know anything about it lmao, i watched the first episode yeeeeears ago and wasn’t really hooked in so i was just like “eh it’s not for me”. i know some people who liked the earlier seasons so i bet they are good. i know @wanderlustonline likes it! it’s just never really interested me, and also YEAH LMAO i remember all the queerbaiting. i literally thought there was a character named destiel. just like i also thought there was a member of 1D named larry
people keep saying emilia (daenerys) can't act but the way she acts in GOT is literally how they want her to... i don't get how people don't understand that :/ look at her background, how she was raised. her character mostly ignores or hides her true emotions. to stay strong as a leader. in the last ep of S7 you can see the writers chose to let her character finally "break" and show her emotions. so i'm pretty sure you don't like dany's character writing, not the acting :P
the whole time reading this i was like “but that’s totally not how her character is?” but then i realized that’s probably how it is in the show. from what you’ve said, she honestly sounds so different from the books lol, and that’s just my main gripe: is that it doesn’t follow the story it was meant to. it’s diverged too much. so i guess you are right, but it’s kind of like comparing apples to oranges at this point when the show is so different. and i’ve only seen one season of this show, the most recent one because i wanted to witness the trainwreck of everything lmao. but i’ve heard a lot of people complain about her acting, which i’m sure is largely the writers’ and directors’ faults of course. but you can’t deny the girl moves her eyebrows too much and relies on that to convey her emotions omg. (she literally didn’t move them at all this season which makes me think they specifically told her not to so ppl would stop making memes of her ridiculous Acting faces)
anyway yeah i hate the writing most of all and i feel bad that the actors have to just deal with it at this point. especially nikolaj coster-waldau who basically shares the same relationship with GoT that robert pattinson did with twilight at this point. it’s so funny
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readbookywooks · 8 years
21 In the remaining hours before nightfall, I gather rocks and do my best to camouflage the opening of the cave. It's a slow and arduous process, but after a lot of sweating and shifting things around, I'm pretty pleased with my work, The cave now appears to be part of a larger pile of rocks, like so many in the vicinity. I can still crawl in to Peeta through a small opening, but it's undetectable from the out side. That's good, because I'll need to share that sleeping bag again tonight. Also, if I don't make it back from the feast, Peeta will be hidden but not entirely imprisoned. Although I doubt he can hang on much longer without medicine. If I die at the feast, District 12 isn't likely to have a victor. I make a meal out of the smaller, bonier fish that inhabit the stream down here, fill every water container and purify it, and clean my weapons. I've nine arrows left in all. I debate leaving the knife with Peeta so he'll have some protection while I'm gone, but there's really no point. He was right about camouflage being his final defense. But I still might have use for the knife. Who knows what I'll encounter? Here are some things I'm fairly certain of. That at least Cato, Clove, and Thresh will be on hand when the feast starts. I'm not sure about Foxface since direct confrontation isn't her style or her forte. She's even smaller than I am and unarmed, unless she's picked up some weapons recently. She'll probably be hanging somewhere nearby, seeing what she can scavenge. But the other three. I'm going to have my hands full. My ability to kill at a distance is my greatest asset, but I know I'll have to go right into the thick of things to get that backpack, the one with the number 12 on it that Claudius Templesmith mentioned. I watch the sky, hoping for one less opponent at dawn, but nobody appears tonight. Tomorrow there will be faces up there. Feasts always result in fatalities. I crawl into the cave, secure my glasses, and curl up next to Peeta. Luckily I had that good long sleep today. I have to stay awake. I don't really think anyone will attack our cave tonight, but I can't risk missing the dawn. So cold, so bitterly cold tonight. As if the Gamemakers have sent an infusion of frozen air across the arena, which may be exactly what they've done. I lay next to Peeta in the bag, trying to absorb every bit of his fever heat. It's strange to be so physically close to someone who's so distant. Peeta might as well be back in the Capitol, or in District 12, or on the moon right now, he'd be no harder to reach. I've never felt lonelier since the Games began. Just accept it will be a bad night, I tell myself. I try not to, but I can't help thinking of my mother and Prim, wondering if they'll sleep a wink tonight. At this late stage in the Games, with an important event like the feast, school will probably be canceled. My family can either watch on that static-filled old clunker of a television at home or join the crowds in the square to watch on the big, clear screens, They'll have privacy at home but support in the square. People will give them a kind word, a bit of food if they can spare it. I wonder if the baker has sought them out, especially now that Peeta and I are a team, and made good on his promise to keep my sister's belly full. Spirits must be running high in District 12. We so rarely have anyone to root for at this point in the Games. Surely, people are excited about Peeta and me, especially now that we're together. If I close my eyes, I can imagine their shouts at the screens, urging us on. I see their faces  -  Greasy Sac and Madge and even the Peacekeepers who buy my meat cheering for us. And Gale. I know him. He won't be shouting and cheering. But he'll be watching, every moment, every twist and turn, and willing me to come home. I wonder if he's hoping that Peeta makes it as well. Gale's not my boyfriend, but would he be, if I opened that door? He talked about us running away together. Was that just a practical calculation of our chances of survival away from the district? Or something more? I wonder what he makes of all this kissing. Through a crack in the rocks, I watch the moon cross the sky. At what I judge to be about three hours before dawn, I begin final preparations. I'm careful to leave Peeta with water and the medical kit right beside him. Nothing else will be of much use if I don't return, and even these would only prolong his life a short time. After some debate, I strip him of his jacket and zip it on over my own. He doesn't need it. Not now in the sleeping bag with his fever, and during the day, if I'm not there to remove it, he'll be roasting in it. My hands are already stiff from cold, so I take Rue's spare pair of socks, cut holes for my fingers and thumbs, and pull them on. It helps anyway. I fill her small pack with some food, a water bottle, and bandages, tuck the knife in my belt, get my bow and arrows. I'm about to leave when I remember the importance of sustaining the star-crossed lover routine and I lean over and give Peeta a long, lingering kiss. I imagine the teary sighs emanating from the Capitol and pretend to brush away a tear of my own. Then I squeeze through the opening in the rocks out into the night. My breath makes small white clouds as it hits the air. It's as cold as a November night at home. One where I've slipped into the woods, lantern in hand, to join Gale at some prearranged place where we'll sit bundled together, sipping herb tea from metal flasks wrapped in quilting, hoping game will pass our way as the morning comes on. Oh, Gale, I think. If only you had my back now. I move as fast as I dare. The glasses are quite remarkable, but I still sorely miss having the use of my left ear. I don't know what the explosion did, but it damaged something deep and irreparable. Never mind. If I get home, I'll be so stinking rich, I'll be able to pay someone to do my hearing. The woods always look different at night. Even with the glasses, everything has an unfamiliar slant to it. As if the daytime trees and flowers and stones had gone to bed and sent slightly more ominous versions of themselves to take their places. I don't try anything tricky, like taking a new route. I make my way back up the stream and follow the same path back to Rue's hiding place near the lake. Along the way, I see no sign of another tribute, not a puff of breath, not a quiver of a branch. Either I'm the first to arrive or the others positioned themselves last night. There's still more than an hour, maybe two, when I wriggle into the underbrush and wait for the blood to begin to flow. I chew a few mint leaves, my stomach isn't up for much more. Thank goodness, I have Peeta's jacket as well as my own. If not, I'd be forced to move around to stay warm. The sky turns a misty morning gray and still there's no sign of the other tributes. It's not surprising really. Everyone has distinguished themselves either by strength or deadliness or cunning. Do they suppose, I wonder, that I have Peeta with me? I doubt Foxface and Thresh even know he was wounded. All the better if they think he's covering me when I go in for the backpack. But where is it? The arena has lightened enough for me to remove my glasses. I can hear the morning birds singing. Isn't it time? For a second, I'm panicked that I'm at the wrong location. But no, I'm certain I remember Claudius Templesmith specifying the Cornucopia. And there it is. And here I am. So where's my feast? Just as the first ray of sun glints off the gold Cornucopia, there's a disturbance on the plain. The ground before the mouth of the horn splits in two and a round table with a snowy white cloth rises into the arena. On the table sit four backpacks, two large black ones with the numbers 2 and 11, a medium-size green one with the number 5, and a tiny orange one  -  really I could carry it around my wrist  -  that must be marked with a 12. The table has just clicked into place when a figure darts out of the Cornucopia, snags the green backpack, and speeds off. Foxface! Leave it to her to come up with such a clever and risky idea! The rest of us are still poised around the plain, sizing up the situation, and she's got hers. She's got us trapped, too, because no one wants to chase her down, not while their own pack sits so vulnerable on the table. Foxface must have purposefully left the other packs alone, knowing that to steal one without her number would definitely bring on a pursuer. That should have been my strategy! By the lime I've worked through the emotions of surprise, admiration, anger, jealousy, and frustration, I'm watching that reddish mane of hair disappear into the trees well out of shooting range. Huh. I'm always dreading the others, but maybe Foxface is the real opponent here. She's cost me time, too, because by now it's clear that I must get to the table next. Anyone who beats me to it will easily scoop up my pack and be gone. Without hesitation, I sprint for the table. I can sense the emergence of danger before I see it. Fortunately, the first knife comes whizzing in on my right side so I can hear it and I'm able to deflect it with my bow. I turn, drawing back the bowstring and send an arrow straight at Clove's heart. She turns just enough to avoid a fatal hit, but the point punctures her upper left arm. Unfortunately, she throws with her right, but it's enough to slow her down a few moments, having to pull the arrow from her arm, take in the severity of the wound. I keep moving, positioning the next arrow automatically, as only someone who has hunted for years can do. I'm at the table now, my fingers closing over the tiny orange backpack. My hand slips between the straps and I yank it up on my arm, it's really too small to fit on any other part of my anatomy, and I'm turning to fire again when the second knife catches me in the forehead. It slices above my right eyebrow, opening a gash that sends a gush running down my face, blinding my eye, filling my mouth with the sharp, metallic taste of my own blood. I stagger backward but still manage to send my readied arrow in the general direction of my assailant. I know as it leaves my hands it will miss. And then Clove slams into me, knocking me flat on my back, pinning my shoulders to the ground, with her knees. This is it, I think, and hope for Prim's sake it will be fast. But Clove means to savor the moment. Even feels she has time. No doubt Cato is somewhere nearby, guarding her, waiting for Thresh and possibly Peeta. "Where's your boyfriend, District Twelve? Still hanging on?" she asks. Well, as long as we're talking I'm alive. "He's out there now. Hunting Cato," I snarl at her. Then I scream at the top of my lungs. "Peeta!" Clove jams her fist into my windpipe, very effectively cutting off my voice. But her head's whipping from side to side, and I know for a moment she's at least considering I'm telling the truth. Since no Peeta appears to save me, she turns back to me. "Liar," she says with a grin. "He's nearly dead. Cato knows where he cut him. You've probably got him strapped up in some tree while you try to keep his heart going. What's in the pretty little backpack? That medicine for Lover Boy? Too bad he'll never get it." Clove opens her jacket. It's lined with an impressive array of knives. She carefully selects an almost dainty-looking number with a cruel, curved blade. "I promised Cato if he let me have you, I'd give the audience a good show." I'm struggling now in an effort to unseat her, but it's no use. She's too heavy and her lock on me too tight. "Forget it, District Twelve. We're going to kill you. Just like we did your pathetic little ally. what was her name? The one who hopped around in the trees? Rue? Well, first Rue, then you, and then I think we'll just let nature take care of Lover Boy. How does that sound?" Clove asks. "Now, where to start?" She carelessly wipes away the blood from my wound with her jacket sleeve. For a moment, she surveys my face, tilting it from side to side as if it's a block of wood and she's deciding exactly what pattern to carve on it. I attempt to bite her hand, but she grabs the hair on the top of my head, forcing me back to the ground. "I think. " she almost purrs. "I think we'll start with your mouth." I clamp my teeth together as she teasingly traces the outline of my lips with the tip of the blade. I won't close my eyes. The comment about Rue has filled me with fury, enough fury I think to die with some dignity. As my last act of defiance, I will stare her down as long as I can see, which will probably not be an extended period of time, but I will stare her down, I will not cry out. I will die, in my own small way, undefeated. "Yes, I don't think you'll have much use for your lips anymore. Want to blow Lover Boy one last kiss?" she asks, I work up a mouthful of blood and saliva and spit it in her face. She flushes with rage. "All right then. Let's get started." I brace myself for the agony that's sure to follow. But as I feel the tip open the first cut at my lip, some great form yanks Clove from my body and then she's screaming. I'm too stunned at first, too unable to process what has happened. Has Peeta somehow come to my rescue? Have the Gamemakers sent in some wild animal to add to the fun? Has a hovercraft inexplicably plucked her into the air? But when I push myself up on my numb arms, I see it's none of the above. Clove is dangling a foot off the ground, imprisoned in Thresh's arms. I let out a gasp, seeing him like that, towering over me, holding Clove like a rag doll. I remember him as big, but he seems more massive, more powerful than I even recall. If anything, he seems to have gained weight in the arena. He flips Clove around and flings her onto the ground. When he shouts, I jump, never having heard him speak above a mutter. "What'd you do to that little girl? You kill her?" Clove is scrambling backward on all fours, like a frantic insect, too shocked to even call for Cato. "No! No, it wasn't me!" "You said her name. I heard you. You kill her?" Another thought brings a fresh wave of rage to his features. "You cut her up like you were going to cut up this girl here?" "No! No, I  - " Clove sees the stone, about the size of a small loaf of bread in Thresh's hand and loses it. "Cato!" she screeches. "Cato!" "Clove!" I hear Cato's answer, but he's too far away, I can tell that much, to do her any good. What was he doing? Trying to get Foxface or Peeta? Or had he been lying in wait for Thresh and just badly misjudged his location? Thresh brings the rock down hard against Clove's temple. It's not bleeding, but I can see the dent in her skull and I know that she's a goner. There's still life in her now though, in the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the low moan escaping her lips. When Thresh whirls around on me, the rock raised, I know it's no good to run. And my bow is empty, the last loaded arrow having gone in Clove's direction. I'm trapped in the glare of his strange golden brown eyes. "What'd she mean? About Rue being your ally?" "I - I  -  we teamed up. Blew up the supplies. I tried to save her, I did. But he got there first. District One," I say. Maybe if he knows I helped Rue, he won't choose some slow, sadistic end for me. "And you killed him?" he demands. "Yes. I killed him. And buried her in flowers," I say. "And I sang her to sleep." Tears spring in my eyes. The tension, the fight goes out of me at the memory. And I'm overwhelmed by Rue, and the pain in my head, and my fear of Thresh, and the moaning of the dying girl a few feet away. "To sleep?" Thresh says gruffly. "To death. I sang until she died," I say. "Your district. they sent me bread." My hand reaches up but not for an arrow that I know I'll never reach. Just to wipe my nose. "Do it fast, okay, Thresh?" Conflicting emotions cross Thresh's face. He lowers the rock and points at me, almost accusingly. "Just this one time, I let you go. For the little girl. You and me, we're even then. No more owed. You understand?" I nod because I do understand. About owing. About hating it. I understand that if Thresh wins, he'll have to go back and face a district that has already broken all the rules to thank me, and he is breaking the rules to thank me, too. And I understand that, for the moment, Thresh is not going to smash in my skull. "Clove!" Cato's voice is much nearer now. I can tell by the pain in it that he sees her on the ground. "You better run now, Fire Girl," says Thresh. I don't need to be told twice. I flip over and my feet dip into the hard-packed earth as I run away from Thresh and Clove and the sound of Cato's voice. Only when I reach the woods do I turn back for an instant. Thresh and both large backpacks are vanishing over the edge of the plain into the area I've never seen. Cato kneels beside Clove, spear in hand, begging her to stay with him. In a moment, he will realize it's futile, she can't be saved. I crash into the trees, repeatedly swiping away the blood that's pouring into my eye, fleeing like the wild, wounded creature I am. After a few minutes, I hear the cannon and I know that Clove has died, that Cato will be on one of our trails. Either Thresh's or mine. I'm seized with terror, weak from my head wound, shaking. I load an arrow, but Cato can throw that spear almost as far as I can shoot. Only one thing calms me down. Thresh has Cato's backpack containing the thing he needs desperately. If I had to bet, Cato headed out after Thresh, not me. Still I don't slow down when I reach the water. I plunge right in, boots still on, and flounder downstream. I pull off Rue's socks that I've been using for gloves and press them into my forehead, trying to staunch the flow of blood, but they're soaked in minutes. Somehow I make it back to the cave. I squeeze through the rocks. In the dappled light, I pull the little orange backpack from my arm, cut open the clasp, and dump the contents on the ground. One slim box containing one hypodermic needle. Without hesitating, I jam the needle into Peeta's arm and slowly press down on the plunger. My hands go to my head and then drop to my lap, slick with blood. The last thing I remember is an exquisitely beautiful green-and-silver moth landing on the curve of my wrist.
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harvest moon a wonderful life gamecube
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
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Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Namco Publisher: SVG Distribution ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: March 17, 2004
Frozen Baby
Bring your son to the place where you link. Put iton the right side on the shadow and it willfreeze. You cannot pick it up or do anything else.It can still move normally as if you were pressingX, but it cannot walk around and you cannot pickit up. Your wife will have to pick it up when itis its bedtime so you do not have to worry losingit. It will also return to normal if you reset.
The Horse Races
On the day of the horse races, save, then go to the races. Remeber all the winners, restart, and bid 99 on all the winners to get lots of medals. If you’ve taken good care of your horse, bid on him and you can win alot of medals.
Change Weather
If it is raining or there is a hurricane, enter the mine and dig. After you are done, the rain or hurricane will be over.
Fishy Cash
Need some cash NOW? Well I have figured out a way to do that! You know the digging site up by the waterfall? Go buy a fishing pole from Van and go fishing there! The different kind of fish are:
~Namame~Big Namame~Huchep~Big Huchep~Yamame~Big Yamame~And anything else that floats by!
The fish that you get here are worth, LOADS OF CASH! (Note) Remember to fish right by where the waterfall starts, that’s where all the fish are, and fish right beside the dig site, not on the other side of the river!
Grade A Milk
Do you want to make fast cash? Well here’s the solution for you! Don’t you hate when you get grade B milk? Well here’s a way to get grade A milk from now on! Make sure to talk to you cow everyday, just to see how there doing. If you don’t then they start to feel disowned. You can also buy a brush and brush the cattle everyday. You can also press the Y button while near their head to “love” them.
See Nina Again
After you get married, sadly, Nina dies. But if you go to Gallen’s house about 6:00 A.M., you can help polish her grave. If you do, Nina’s spirit, ghost, or whatever call it, will appear smiling.
Get Muffy By Summer The 1st
To get Muffy, give her flowers every day, and talk to her. One thing you should not do is when she asks you “What are you here for” do not say to see you, she will get embarrassed, say to talk (or to chat). If you keep this up, you will get 4 hearts and engaged by summer 1st. You will find her diary in the bouquet of flowers in the Blue Bar.
A Valuable Mushroom
Okay, in fall, you see a slim, and tall mushroom behind Vesta’s farm. It is called a Matsutake (forgive me if I spelled this wrong). Do not eat it!!! You only get 2 a year so don’t eat it! It is worth 100G. So that’s an easy 200G. So do not eat it because it is valuable.
Money Every Month
First buy a boy and a girl chicken.Then put the fetilised eggs in the encuvator. When the chicks grow to be an adult, sell them. You get alot of 450g Monthly. (or twice a Month depending on what day it is).
Free Seed Maker
You know Daral. In the first year at 10:00-12:00he will say they stole my idea and he will give it to you.
Racoon In The Distance
If you go to Vesta’s ranch in the early fall, go to the upper right corner of the ranch and you will see a racoon walking around. This hint might work any time of the year.
S Rank Crops
Once you are in chapter 3 go to Takuros house at 5:00-10:00pm and he will show you his new plant. It has two heads and talks, every day talk to him and if he asks you a qustion always answer politely. Eventualy he will ask you if you need some thing and the word hybrid will apear as an option. Click it and select 1 crop or seed and mix it wiyh an upseed flower after clicking hybrid. When he returns the item it will be an S rank crop and the flower will be gone.
Play With The Pyros
The 2 protecnitionists live in what looks like a water tower. Its between the trailor home and blue bar. Go in it via the rope hanging from the “water tower”. Once inside talk to 1 of the pyrotecnitionists (if home) and they will ask you if you want to play a game.
Sashimi Those Cheap Fish!
You don’t have to settle for selling Van the cheaper fish. Cook them into Sashimi and you get 150G per fish! There are certain fish you don’t want to make into Sashimi, however. These are: Arna, Big Arna,Yamame, Big Yamame, Sharshark, Big Sharshark, Big Rainbob and Big Huchep. The regular Rainbob and Huchep should be made into Sashimi.
Steady Money
Buy chickens and a fishing pole. Get as many hensas possiable raise them eventully they will givegolden eggs($300). Catch Fish biggest $1000. Takeout 99 fodder sell them to van there you have it$990 G.
When you buy things that are expensive from Van, do you ever wonder if you can get it for a better price? You can! Just haggle with him if it is expensive. For example if you want to buy a teddy bear that Van may be selling, go to Van and when available click the “Discount?” option, keep at it until both you and Van are happy with the price!
Food Procesing Room
This room is 30,000g. If you buy it, then you will have a good imcome. You can make butter & cheese in this new place. It will help you out with recipes and different meals.
Help With Nami
Are you having trouble getting Nami to fall for you? Well, once you get the Blue Feather, go to Celia and Muffy and when they ask “Are you serious?” say No and break both of their hearts. By the end of the first year, Nami usually will purpose to you herself. But don’t use the Blue Feather on her, though, unless she has 4 hearts. But if she has 4 hearts, why would you be doing this to poor Celia and Muffy?
Change Chicken Gender
This trick only works for a hatching chicken. Do not save the game until you get the gender of chicken that you want. After the chick hatches, reset or turn off the Gamecube. The chick might change to male or female. Note: This may require a few attempts.
Digging Up Things
Digging for treasure at the excavation site is another way to make some extra money. Catch Carter between 9:00am and 5:00pm to start digging. Go over each square a few times to find some treasure. At the end of each digging day Carter will look over what you’ve found. He’ll swipe anything that he thinks is valuable and leave you with the rest. You can either sell your treasure to Van, sell it yourself, or give it away.
Buying Cattle
When you have saved up your gold and want to get a new cow you should consider the following: Normal cows are not too much 2 buy and don’t sell milk very high. If you get a female Star cow then you will be fine. The star cow will produce grade A milk and it is worth 405G. WOW!! The grade S is even greater, it is 540G. So you should think about it. =)
Milking 4 Money
After a few years of raising cattle you’ll have enough money to buy a Milk Processing room. It costs 60,000G, but is worth every piece of gold. The Milking room makes milking so much easier, it’s automatic! You’ll need to show your cows where to go by pushing them into the building a few times and from then on they will go in themselves to be milked.
Easy Money
First, buy the banana tree (1,500G). Then, get the seed maker (6,000G). In year 2, the banana tree should be full grown. Get 15 bananas and put them in the seed maker. You should get 30 seeds, which sell for 750G each. Sell these to Van for a grand total of 22,500G.
That’s Good Food
To make food you first need to get the recipe. You can find recipes in every house. One of the most important resipes that you’ll need is the curry resipe. To get it you must become friends with Ruby(she likes potatoes). After you have your recpie you go to your kitchen to make the food, and that is how you make your food.
Seasons And Seeds
SEEDS: Seasons: BUY SELLTomatoes: Spring- Fall 30g 35gWatermelon: Spring- Summer 60g 75gMelons: Summer- Fall 50g 70gStrawberries: Fall - Spring 30g 35gTurnips: Summer- Winter 20g 25gPotatoes: Winter- Spring 40g 60g Carrots: Fall - Winter 30g 45g Sweet potatoes: Fall only 40g 60gTREES:Peaches: Summer Harvest 1,120g 40gOranges: Summer Harvest 820g 30gGrapes: Fall Harvest 900g 35gBananas: Summer Harvest 1,500g 35g Apples: Fall Harvest 820g 25g
If you want to bread your cow don’t buy a male because the male is too young. If you still want a new calf get a miricle potion from another farm.
Timing Is Everything
To get the blue feather to give to your favorite girl you just go to the spring and eat one of the red and white mushrooms to see the Harvest Sprites, but you can only get the blue feather in the first summer.
Horse Race
Save the game, then go to the horse race. Do not bet yet. Make a note of the winners, then reset the game. Load the saved game, then bet 99 on the winners. You can get a lot of medals. Also, if you are competing, bet on yourself if you take extremely good care of your horse. If you win, you will get a lot of medals.
Free Milk Processing Building
At front screen x, y, x, b, z, start.
How To Get Marlin Quick
Give Marlin fruit, milk, or veggies. Talk to him every day and if he asks you a question say the nice stuff.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Ruby Spice Glitch
To get 99 Ruby Spice and plenty of G, get Ruby Spice by befriending Ruby. Then, go to your kitchen and choose any recipe and put in one Ruby Spice. Confirm it and put it in your sack. Have patience this takes a while. Note: Sell all but one Ruby Spice because you dont get any more. If you sell 98 you will get 9800G.
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