#unknown 💭
maimura · 2 months
guys u dont understand how nerve wracking it is to work on a smau
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tteokdoroki · 5 months
[mouth pressed directly against microphone] say something about megumi
PLEASE CKSKKDJD thinking about megumi and corruption
m just formatting it :3 it’ll probably go up while im in the shower <3
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salsflore · 11 months
but before i sleeep .......
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weirdo09 · 1 year
i really dislike my mom
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the-dreamworld-system · 7 months
I think there is some sort of cosmic balance contained within each individual. because the second we started experiencing Big life issues several small inconveniences / pet peeves stopped existing around us.
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agentstarkid · 1 year
I'm gonna be meeting someone who's gonna worship me and be so so soooo into me in these last few months of the year 😏
at least that's what 3 tarot girlies on tiktok told me 😂
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Biggest fan đŸ†âœšïž
Mapi LĂ©on x reader
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warning : fluffy 💭💗
(my first language isn't english nor spanish, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes)
Summary :
Mapi is your biggest fan
Being an athletes in a unknown sport you never expect her to show up at a national competition after she told you she couldn't make it due to some "important" football stuff.
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Mapi made it clear from day one that you were her priority, unfortunately due to her extremely demanding career you would often be left alone for days. Today was one of those days days, she had left for the US and would be comming back in 2 days, unfortunately meaning she would miss your competition.
You were a "hobby athletes", your sport wasn't know enough to make a living out of it but still to have world championship. Although money wasn't a problem with Mapi, you still preferred to be able to rely on your own.
Today was the first national competition of the season, meaning that if you placed first, you would immediately be qualified for the world championship. As you were getting ready to put your make-up on, your phone screen lighted up, call incoming, as soon as you saw your girlfriend name on the screen you didn't hesitate to answer. Seeing her sleepy face on the screen made it impossible not to chuckle at her cuteness.
(M): Hola mi amor, te extraño
hi my love, i miss you.
Hi bebé, yo también te extraño, ¿cómo estås?
hi baby i miss you too, how are you ?
Estoy cansado, el entrenamiento ha sido agotador. OjalĂĄ estuvieras aquĂ­.
Tired, training has been exhausting. i wish you were here
Le deseo eso al bebé, 2 días mås para sobrevivir y seré todo tuyo para disfrutar.
I wish that to baby, 2 more days to survive and i will be all yours to enjoy.
Tengo que volver a entrenar, te hablo mĂĄs tarde, Âżvale? Te quiero, buena suerte en tu competiciĂłn.
I have to go back to training, i will talk to you later okag ? I love you good luck with your competition
You were left staring at you phone in shock, your girlfriend that would normally wait till the last second to hang up, till Alexia dragged her ass back to the field, just hang up on you without letting you respond.
Finding it weird but not thinking much about it you got your keys and got at to the competition location. Arriving to the parking lot, you meet your coach that informed you of a surprise at the medals ceremony.
Your performance was amazing, not a single flaw, not a single point deducted, just perfect. Right before the medals ceremony, your coach went up to you.
Cuando estés en tu podio no olvides mirar a la multitud.
when your on your podium don't forget to look at the crowd.
Looking at him like he was crazy, he just send a sweet smile while walking away. There was crowd but it was friends or family of the competitor nothing special.
You were annonce first overall, getting up your podium, gold medal hanging around your neck, you smiled happily at the crowd. Eyes zooming over it to find what your coach was talking about, there you find her, your girlfriend huge smile over her face, her barca flag in between her hands, clapping. She was the loudest one in the room, screaming her heart out as if she was in a concert. Mouth hanging open, you got off the podium and run as fast as you could to your girlfriend. Arms wrapped around you as you cried into her neck, the rollercoster of emotion crashing into you.
Si hubiera sabido que te harĂ­a llorar no habrĂ­a venido.
if i had known i would make you cry i wouldn't have come
Hitting her in the arm after her stupid jocke, her torso vibrating from her laugh as she hold you close.
ÂżContenta con tu sorpresa?
happy with your surprise ?
You nobbed eagerly, her hand finding your hair massaging your scalp.
¿Qué estås haciendo aquí? No se suponía que regresaras hasta
what are you doing here ? you weren't supposed to come back until
You were cut off by a kiss.
¿No puedo sorprender a mi novia? Nos dejaron salir temprano, así que pensé: ¿por qué no ver a mi hermosa novia, la vida de mi vida? Estuviste increíble, nena, estoy muy orgullosa.
can't i surprise my girlfriend ? we were let off early so i thought why not see my beautiful, the live of my life. You were amazing baby i'm so proud.
Mapi lips found yours one more, hands rooming along each other bobies, you felt like you were the only one left in the world. Until your friend coughed, signaling you that there were kids in the room, you chuckled a bit as you rolled your eyes. Taking Mapi hands in yours dragging her to your car, the drive home was filled with little kisses and sweet words. Arriving home, both tired from your day, you cuddled till you both falled asleep.
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Author note :
This is my first ever fic, I know I still have a lot to learn but if you have advice or request don't hesitate !
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oepionie · 1 year
💭masterlist | 💬ao3 link
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SYNOPSIS: You meet two mysterious yet beautiful mermen around your age and you ask them to sing for you. They agree—though there's one condition....they want a kiss in return. A fair deal and you decide that nothing could possibly go wrong....right?
âŠč [ cw ] — suggestive, making out, lovesick/slightly yan-coded behavior, both of them pin for you, drowning, the tweels deserve a warning themselves, fighting, mild blood and injuries, mentions of murder, everyone here is morally grey◞
âŠč [ tags ] — gn! reader, on my siren eel agenda, flirty pirate mc, siren-eels are not to be messed with but mc is reckless, jade and floyd having an ariel moment but they're
a fucked up version of ariel, typical siren-behavior, floyd calls you pretty◞
âŠč [ w.c ] — 3.3k+◞
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WHAT AN ODD LITTLE pirate you were.
Raised by your mother, horrific twisted tales of the deep were practically bedtime stories for you. She was a former ship's captain and a seasoned sailor who had spent more than half of her life at sea.
Mother weaved tales of glorious bloody battles, of thrashing waves, and, most importantly, of dangerous creatures in the sea. Hatred and fear for these grotesque marine creatures have been indoctrinated in you since you were young. It was imbued to the very core of your being, hammered and nailed into your head.
Alas, it appears that you have entirely disregarded the cautions that were issued to you. Any capable pirate knew better than to invite merfolk around.
Especially if you were all alone on a ship.
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This year, spring had arrived a little earlier than usual, but you didn't mind at all.
It was at an obscene hour of the night when you were aimlessly paddling your little rowboat over the waves.
Floating a few feet away from your ship, you were gazing out over the sea where the waters were flat and serene, blue as far as your vision would allow. It was a sight you've grown all too accustomed to seeing.
You've sailed a hundred expeditions down this route and you were well aware of the carnage and bloodshed that’s been wrought here in the name of piracy.
A majority of which you've taken part in as—Captain (Y/N).
Young as you were, despite your youth, you had ambition. Already having established yourself as a living legend—or, as some have dubbed you, a living nightmare.
Sailors—young and old—have perished in your name, ships have sunk at your command, and your sword has spilt the blood of hundreds. You had amassed a great fortune from wandering merchants, and fellow pirates alike, all of which were misfortunate enough to fall upon your path.
These were tales and legends from bygone eras; the golden age of piracy had long since passed. Nowadays, you just cruise the sea anyway you pleased.
Adventure seldom found you.
In the middle of reminiscing, you abruptly became aware of a shimmering brilliance beneath the murky sea.
'Maybe it was a trick of the waves? Or was it the moonlight's illusion?' You ponder to yourself as you stand at the stern of the boat and look out into the dreary waters.
The entire ocean sleeps when the moon is full. In the middle of the night, no fish or creature would dare remain thus near a boat...so what could possibly be out there?
Peering down, you make eye contact with a pair of glowing yellow eyes, slitted into diamonds.
Startled, the unknown creature slips back into the darkness with scarcely a ripple to disrupt the waves enveloping all about them. You're hypnotized by their shimmering skin as they moved smoothly and elegantly past the icy surfs.
In those short seconds while staring into the pitch-black sea, your mind conjures only one word.
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STRANGE AND STRANGELY FASCINATING, it was. "It" being the obsessive infatuation the Leech twins had for you.
Since they were little, the two brothers have been watching you grow up on that ship, peeping at you behind rocks and tall clusters of brilliant coral.
Curiosity and an interest for humans drew them to you at first, so they thought nothing of it. However, later, as they grew older, that interest developed into something more.
One that made their hearts feel like it was going to burst, a blood-curdling carnage of red and pink spills gushing out in a splatter. With the mere mention of your name, their stomachs sink and turn. The hems of love along their hearts diving into obsession—both feelings closely akin.
Jade and Floyd haven't run upon anyone who was courageous enough to meet creatures like them. Though, they shouldn’t have expected anything less from a pirate like you with an astronomical desire for adventure.
As you waved down at them from the ocean's depths, both of them swiftly swam up to the surface, eager to meet you. Their hands were clamoring and their hearts were racing to a tune that sang praises for you.
"There you are." You grinned handsomely, cocking your head to the side. The flowing fabric of your blouse blew wildly in the fresh salty wind, exposing bits and pieces of your chest and neck for them to see. "Hello~"
Big love-tinted eyes peeked up at you, drinking in every feature, blemish, and scar on your flesh. Occasionally, your gazes would meet and they would quickly avert their stare—a deep blue hue creeping up their cheeks, almost as if they felt bashful around you.
Even then, you thought it would be more appropriate if you were the one who was acting timid.
Because, by the gods, their beauty was such a sight to behold above the waters. In all your years out at sea and land, you've seen no maiden nor man with such features.
Such captivating features.
Teal-haired, with keen, slitted eyes that were veiled with thick, drooping lashes. Cheeks colored with a pale touch of death.
They were breathtakingly beautiful.
There was an urge, a pull at your heart to dive down and join them—drowning yourself in their embrace. Though, you resisted, almost immediately recognizing the sorcery that pulled on your carnal desires.
Mother and weather-beaten sailors had warned you of this. This overwhelming want. This spellbinding stare. Yet as they both drift closer, the forewarned dangers vanishes from your thoughts like mist. You're now left with little more than a hazy consciousness as you see them approach your boat.
You are in grave danger yet you are not afraid. Fear does not grip you as you raise a leg over the side of the boat, swing it over the top of the wood, and then sit over the edge, never taking your eyes off the mermen in front of you.
Their entire body, apart from their eyes, were submerged in the water which made it hard to determine what their species were. Though you could occasionally catch the flicker of their tail slapping against the surface.
Speaking of their tail, it was an utterly resplendent sight! Even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to explain its magnificience as it gleamed brighter than any of the gold or jewels your sullied hands have ever taken hold of.
Its lack of a single color and its vivid, luminous nature fascinated you. Depending on how the moonlight hit it, it radiated a wide range of shades, from the deep tint of blueish teal to a rich shade of bluish jade.
"First time away from your home?" You rasp, waving a hand in the ocean, watching as small ripples curved against the water's surface, tides of the blue abyss travelling outwards.
Minutes pass, and yet you get no response.
you two don't talk much, do you?"
Jade and Floyd knew all about pirates, heard every story, whisper, and tale of the bloodthirsty monsters fueled by lust for gold and glory. And yet, they somehow struggle to picture you as the avaricious captain you were labelled as.
Still, while you appeared free and jovial, both of them could sense that you yearned for the thrill of danger, for life-threatening adventure, and for the many fantastic yet perilous things the ocean has to offer.
They exchanged glances, and at that instant, their plan was set in place.
Appearing docile, Floyd shook his head no, hovering near you and spinning around playfully.
"Awe, aren't you a cute little guy?" You cooed, running a rough hand along his back. The mer shivered, preening at your compliment.
"I really shouldn't be so close to you, though. Us pirates usually avoid approaching any merfolk since
they feel your methods, your ways of living are
" You trailed off, waving a hand in the air as you searched for the right words.
"Spooky?" Jade spoke out, swimming closer to you with a sinister glitter in his eyes. Breath hitching in your throat, you leaned towards him, an amused smirk slowly stretching across your cheeks. "Oh ho? You do talk."
"I can do much more than that." Jade purred, the tone of his voice sinking into a sonorous lull.
Well, you certainly can’t deny that something draws you to these two.
The predictability of your life on these seas has gotten boring to you. Gone were the days of bloodthirsty glory instead, it was always the same routine. Poring over the same ancient yellowed maps, loitering about the deck, and secluding yourself away in the vast sea.
You know your mother would be horrified by your actions, disgusted to see you mingling and, Poseidon forbid—flirting with these
Though you couldn't bring yourself to care. Speaking with these two was the closest thing to excitement you've felt in a long time.
"That's a pretty voice, love." The grin on your face lacks any of the warmth it had in the past few moments.
You tip your head back and giggle, raspy and brittle, "I heard a mer's song was, um, what did those bards call it? Ah, yes—A voice that is so alluring that men and women jump overboard in squadrons."
"Hauntingly beautiful, that's what the poets call you mermaids
" You hum, watching them slyly from your row boat while reclining back against the wood.
Gaze drifting down their body, your arms folded around your chest and your gaze turned half-lidded, lips curled up in a sensual, cat-like smirk. "
and I can see why. Haunted, I am."
Both of them go abruptly silent and you chuckle, staring at them through the wreaths of grey smoke that curled into fanciful hazy whirls from the foggy environment.
Floyd and Jade squirmed as they both felt the strong pull of their instincts, screaming at them to just drag you into the waters already.
Your conniving praises and silver tongue was starting to get to them. One more push and—
I've been meaning to ask," You murmur, and seem to take a moment to stare into their innermost souls.
"Can you sing for me
Something snaps.
Floyd makes a low sound, somewhere between a trill and a growl, while Jade's eyes darken considerably. Beneath your piercing, ice-cold gaze, the twins felt their nerves prickle up like the flickering electric stings of a jellyfish. 
This is a dangerous game you're playing. 
You're quite the flatterer," Jade—ever so composed—is quick to snap out of it and smiles simply, tapping his talons along the wooden deck. "
I suppose I could grant you your wish. Though, there is to be an exchange for it."
"Hm? What's that, mate?" You looked up at your ship from your little boat, eyes darting to the windows of your chambers. "That ol' girl isn't new to the seas so there's quite a lot of stuff there. Maybe some of my treasures will catch your fancy—"
"No." Jade interrupts you, the shadow over his eyes returns. "
I do not wish for any treasure or gold. All I want is a kiss."
"A kiss?" You parroted, an eyebrow elevated and amused laughter peaking from your lips. "I have chests of golds and heaps of ruby-eyed jewelry; yet, all you want is a kiss, is that truly what you desire?"
"Nothin' more?"
Jade ponders and pauses for a while, before turning to face his brother. "Floyd, perhaps you want something as well?"
"I wanna kiss from pretty shrimpy too!" Floyd cooed, pursing his lips at you and imitating kissing sounds by hollowing his cheeks. His strong arms, taut with ripping muscle, are crossed over one other as it rests upon the rims of your boat.
"So, what do you say, Captain? Is it a deal~?" Floyd stretches out a hand expectantly.
And you take it.
"Deal." You smirk. "One kiss for each of you, in exchange for a song. Pirate's honor."
Not like the honor of a pirate was worth much anyways.
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The melody lifting from Jade's lips was somewhat familiar to you, yet it was of a faraway nostalgia. You couldn’t remember where you'd last heard it, but it felt
right. He had a voice that was velvety smooth; thick, and deep like a dream.
"Upon one summer's morning /  I carefully did stray," Jade sang, deep voice flowing off his lips in a sweet honeyed song—its melody lathering itself on your tongue. The saccharine taste of its imbricating rhythm obliterating every bit of skepticism you held towards them. "Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay."
"My heart is pierced by Cupid / I disdain all glittering gold." Jade continued, tucking the long dark strand of his hair behind his ear—leaning his head atop the rickety rims of the boat's mossy wood. "There is nothing can console me / but my jolly sailor bold."
"Come all you pretty fair mers, whoever you may be / Who love a jolly sailor that ploughs the raging sea." Floyd hums along, lovingly tracing a hand up your arm. His voice was a lovely little thing; echoing deep throughout the air.
As expected, they sang beautifully, hauntingly; with an accent in a tongue native only to the sea. There was a mystical lull weaved into their voices—fitting to their titles as bewitching creatures of the sea.
"My heart is pierced by Cupid /I disdain all glittering gold." Jade stares straight ahead, his sapphire gaze alluringly fixed on you seated in front of him.
"There is nothing can console me
" Pushing himself up the wooden edge of your boat, the eel lures you over and you followed. "
but my jolly sailor bold."
As Jade's song came to its finality, he leaned in close and pressed a swift warm kiss atop your agape mouth, such tenderness in his affections—and that of heavily masked lust. The eel parted from you, nipping at your bottom lip and watching with unbridled delight as a flicker of pink hue glazed over your diluted eyes.  
"Come in the water, shrimpy~" Floyd cooed at you, claws reaching out to trace against the curve of the ships side. "We don't bite~"
Songbound, you leaned in towards the two and plunged in.
You don’t think about holding your breath.
The water was ice-cold and it strikes at you like a venomous bite. Yet before you could sink, two strong hands grasp at your waist, keeping you afloat in spite of the rough rocks of the sea. Jade was cradling you close to his chest, his hold firm and uncompromising while his tail encircled and bound your legs together.
"Hello, shrimpy~" Crooning, Floyd moved to rest his wet cheek against your tangled hair, talons pushing past the fringes of your damp torn-up shawl to rest against your thighs.
The slippery pads of his fingers trailed up to your torso; Travelling from your hips, past your corset, all the way up to your chest. The eel toyed with the drawstrings of your poet shirt before grasping it tight and yanking you forward.
"You're so pretty~" Floyd trailed his other hand up your neck, sharp talons feathering over your pulse dangerously. The eel craned his head down to meet you eye to eye. 
"I could just eat you up." The silky strands of his lashes fluttered against his lidded gaze as he leaned in close, breath fanning across your burning cheeks. Floyd pulled you into a deep kiss, loving the way you groaned against his mouth.
Chuckling against your lips, Floyd tightened his hold on your neck—his claws almost breaking skin, "You like that, shrimpy?"
You return the kiss, dazedly smiling against his lips before pulling away, lungs in desperate need of oxygen.
Floyd could see drops of water resting atop your swollen lips, and as your tongue darts out to wipe them, a fiery desire ignites in the deep curves and crooks of his heart. It didn't take long before he was diving in once more, lips pressing against the side of your neck.
While his brother was fixated on marking your skin, Jade hugged you from behind—affectionately cuddling into your hair.
The eel ran his hand up your throat and grasps your jaw with webbed hands to tilt your head backwards. He presses his lips against yours, the thick muscle of his tongue prying your mouth open before it darted in.
Floyd glides away from your form after a few minutes, leaving your neck sufficiently bitten and marked. He grinned excitedly and took your hands in his webbed ones, whisking you away from Jade.
You couldn't help but notice how he was gently dragging you away from the rowboat. "Say, shrimpy~ You ever wondered what it's like to swim under the sea?"
A flash of clarity hits you, shattering the enchanting spell that both mermen had cast upon your heart. You sensed danger as both eels started to close in, grinning ominously which revealed their fangs—long and dripping with thirst.
It seems that your fun little swim was over.
"I can't say I've ever experienced the pleasures of drowning—" you muttered. "And I don't intend to do so very soon."
The texture of their tails may appear solid and rough, but when you kick your legs at Floyd's, you immediately discover how the skin is supple when touched.
The sharp end of your worn boots cut at his silky luminescent skin, dragging along the scales of his flesh and leaving a deep cut in its wake. A small trickle of blue blood spreads into the waters and the eel hisses, darting away from you.
You try to swim away, but something—or rather, someone—gets in your way.
"My my, leaving so soon, pearl?" Jade quips, grin all-to-sharp.
In hindsight, it was foolish to interact with two mermen you hardly knew, especially ones who were taut with sharp teeth and firm muscles. Any pirate with half a mind would know to turn the other way and flee if these two approached them.
The mer both advanced to surround you, a mysterious glimmer swimming behind the haze of their duo-colored eyes.
A startling epiphany rushes over you.
As slippery as they might be, there’s no hiding the lethal sheen of pink in their eyes—especially not from you, a pirate who’s spent a fair number of their days hauling the cold dead bodies of lovesick sailors away from their watery graves.
These two weren't your run-of-the-mill mermen, no. You have heard about them before—in tales and legends.
Mermaids. Vampires of the sea. Water nymphs. Naiads. Sirens.
Many names, yet they are all the same.
A sighting like this is not unusual. This species of mer is mostly found in the deepest, darkest sections of the ocean, and they only come up to hunt at night.
It seems that you've walked right into their trap. Sailors were their easiest prey.
"Ah." You grit your teeth, a low, breathy snarl slipping past your swollen lips. "I should've known."
There’s a warm yet strong pressure against your shoulders and arms; followed by an odd feeling of heaviness as you were suddenly propelled down the water's surface. Webbed hands keep you pinned beneath the waves and you're suddenly all-too-aware of your body's exhaustion; of the salty liquid flowing past your tongue and the scorching gurgle that ignites your lungs as water fills it.
There's a ruckus around you, and you can barely hear Jade's voice, who was eerily calm in the midst of your murder. A bottle is then abruptly forced into your mouth, the potion within it spilling down your throat and leaving you disoriented.
It appears that today is the day that the monotony in your life finally ends. The pull of unconsciousness becomes too strong to resist, and the world darkens.
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@keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisoniousheart @kawaiipotatoghost @ramvuda @sweeneyblue1 @the-lost-anime-dad @kyraxiyn @mayaaaeo @fluffimemes @awkwardspontaneity @phoneandchips @gussuri @mushroomchaos101 @rainybeebs @furoidoleech @lunavixia @heatofmyexoheart @veras-fanfic-reblogs @pianopuppygirl @cross-crye
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rae-pss · 8 months
Begging for more self aware whb🙏🙏
masterlist ˗ˏˋ꒰ 💭 ꒱ . . . okay, i can't write shit to save my own life. please, i'm hating it here (😭). but, whatever, hope you like it, dear anon (<3). ˗ˏˋ꒰ 💭 ꒱ . . . lowercase intended, 207 words, satan pov, mc is referred with they/them.
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it was a strange feeling.
an unknown sensation that satan couldn’t pinpoint when it appeared, yet since one day it didn’t stop circling his head. It was almost like a broken record going on and on.
and, as time went by, he began to realize how other demons started to experience that same sensation. little by little, different demons watched onto that their mc wasn’t the one they so desired to see, to speak, to touch
 but, a container for what the one used to communicate with them.
A feeling that whenever his red irises fell on mc’s figure became even more prominent.
it was as if mc was another person entirely as if they weren’t themselves in the first place. and, he wasn’t meaning it as if they were solomon, as so many compared them to because they were his descendant; but, more like they felt like the vessel of someone else. someone whom satan couldn’t reach.
nor was it a presence similar to god’s, so omnipotent and benevolent, it seemed somehow superior to his. he could reach god if he even knew where he currently was; however, with this one it was different.
it wasn’t there, in a physical speaking way, but its essence was felt.
now, the only question left to answer was: could they find you, get to you? could they bring you there, with them?
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
tumblr deleted all my tags :) don’t mind the post
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salsflore · 1 year
i fell asleep again . . [ insert something about wanting to take a nap with zhongli here ]
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kyutpudding · 4 months
IMAGINE Getting a text from an unknown number saying cringey pickup lines like "do you smell something burning? Smells like my love burning for you" then proceeds to send a bunch of heart emojis but What you do not know is that it's YOUR CRUSH trying to get YOU to fall for him ( He doesnt know you have a crush on him though and he totally did not peek at your phone while its still on when you left it in class the other day) so basically you both like each other but is too obliviousđŸ€“
I don't know why this just gave me university/college au Popular!Gojo x Normie!reader. Like imagine Gojo having many fangirls from his own majors combine with girls from other different majors. And then there's just our dear reader, just a normal hooman who harbours a cute little crush on this beautiful being cuz who wouldn't? Well turns out the man himself is head over heels for our dear reader. He'd just be stalking their social media's with atleast 20 different accounts just to check if they're out on a date with some creature or IS in a relationship. At the same time will also fantasise himself on a date with them, be it a romantic cafe/restaurant date or a amusement park date.
SO IMAGINEâ‰ïžđŸ’­
Gojo and reader sharing the same physics class, and after the lecture everybody rushed out of the hall including our reader, but reader's phone slipped out of their bag to which they didnt notice at all dropped back on their chair. They then proceeded to sprint of of the lecture hall. Lo and behold there was THE Gojo Satoru who pops out of nowhere and grabbed reader's phone(EXCUSE ME?), blame his curiosity, he turned on reader's phone just to find NO PASSWORD/PATTERN/PIN like NO security AT ALL. There he secretly went to adventure in search for reader's phone number( and maybe sneek a peek to check if they already got a lover) luckily not which leaves him giggling like a highschool girl. Once he got what he needed, low-key just left reader's phone on the desk and left like nothing happened but deep inside her was celebrating and was excited to bombard them(using a entirely new number ofcourse) with love quotes and cute emojis hoping to win their heart.
To which the reader later on found a bit adorable, giggling at the silly pickuplines but decided not to remind in fear of getting hack(LETS NOT UNDERESTIMATE TECHNOLOGY ALRIGHT FOLKS) Reader would probably be the type to have NEVER been In a relationship because of their parents or is genuinely just not interested in having one. BUT they would also be the type to NOT confess when they have a crush on somebody. They would just quietly let the feelings fade as time goes by, their crush would most likely not be interested or already has a partner so why risk getting rejected (so slay) After going back to the lecture hall after noticing they lost their phone, to which they're glad was on their desk. What they didn't expect is to have an Unknown number text them, sending pickup lines and love quotes which they're sure are from Google but its still cute so it's fine. Occasionally would get spammed by heart emojis and love stickers. Reader did not expect to have a passionate secret admirer but they absolutely did not expect that the said admirer was her very own crush.
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nickssidewitch · 4 months
✹ Analysis of Matt’s Recent Dreams 💭🛌
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In the recent Sturniolo Triplets video (Aquarium Adventure + Boys Trip) Matt talks about having dreams of killing people, specifically his brother Chris and some random King and Queen of an unknown area. This is actually so interesting to me from a spiritual analysis perspective.
A lot of people automatically think that “dreams like this mean that you actually have the urge to kill someone”, when in reality that’s actually usually false!
Let’s break down what these dreams could mean together. Maybe they can help anyone who has been having dreams similar to these as well!
Firstly, there were 16 people in total in his dream about him traveling to an unknown area (the 14 strangers plus him and Nick). The number 16 revolves around change, love, and intuition. Matt might be going through a spiritual change that is either about to become physical or is already becoming physical. The number 16 is reminding him to love himself and take care of his family. In that specific second dream, he is trying to save both his and Nick’s passports, so he is literally taking care of his family (But then he and Nick have an argument by the end, so it means that they have some things they have to talk about in the material world). The number 16 shows Matt has to build on trusting himself and others as well in order to work on himself and progress in different aspects that will be further discussed throughout this post.
They’re all paragliding, and flying is a pretty common dream that can signify overcoming problems and rising above them to free yourseld. He was flying with a tool (the paraglider) which means that in the physical world, he has the tools to overcome certain problems or worries he may have; he just needs to open up his mindset and remember that he has those tools so that he can use them and free himself.
There were snakes below them all, and the snakes could represent bad or toxic people that he wants to avoid in his life, or they could represent challenges in his life that he wants to avoid as well because he might lack the confidence or willpower to face them.
There was a very tall fence (he said like 80 feet, which I will get back to in a second 😉) that was used to protect the occupants of the paraglider. This could indicate that there are boundaries he has set or that he needs to set in order to help him progress. Since the fence protected him from specifically snakes (Remember that snakes = toxic or bad people), then that means he needs to set and/or maintain boundaries with bad-minded and shifty people, whether it’s some fans, or some people already in his life or who are about to be in his life. Set a fence that can prevent people from harming him and his mindset.
Back to the fence being specifically around 80 feet tall, the number 80 can represent that he has people around him in the physical and metaphysical planes that are protecting him from evil energies. The fence was there at the right time (to save them from the snakes) and the height number of 80 can also be a reminder to Matt that he is in the right place at this moment in his life. He shouldn’t dwell and worry about his past or fear his future. He needs to appreciate the now more (which I feel like he’s been doing a lot recently), and needs to remember that he is indeed in the right place.
Matt mentioned they were stranded in a foreign area and didn’t know how to get home. This one’s kind of self-explanatory: Maybe he’s feeling a bit stranded and might be feeling angry at the thought of feeling that way.
The boy that they survived with who was only there for one moment was a fan of theirs. When the fan was helping them in their journey, he was sneaking a video of them between his legs, which is interesting because they’re in a literal life or death situation. This fan could represent his relationship to his fans in the sense that while it’s nice to have them because they’re helpful and have gotten him far in his personal journey, sometimes they can still catch him at his most vulnerable moments and would still want a photo or viral moment. I have to clarify because some people might take this whole part the wrong way: He doesn’t hate his fans. He’s just trying to think of ways not to have a parasocial relationship become an issue or become too invasive and weird.
Matt mentions how he and Nick stole things to survive, Matt taking the essentials such as food and water, while Nick stole a notepad and a pen. Maybe there are things that he thinks Nick may be putting off telling him. Or maybe there are things he’s not telling Nick. Or maybe (and this is the one I’m leaning towards) Dream-Nick is telling him that “the pen is mightier than the sword”, meaning that writing things down and rationalizing his thoughts and feelings are much more effective than trying to solve problems with force or unnecessary violence. We’ll come back to this thought when we start to talk about the King and the Queen.
The whole concept of “death” from a spiritual perspective means that something is transforming or transitioning. It’s like finishing a chapter of a book and turning the page to a whole new one. Seeing all of those people die who were on the paraglider with him could represent old ideas and mindsets that are also dying that he wants to leave behind as he grows. Matt also mentions that he kills three lives himself (one in one dream and two in another). That could mean Matt is “killing” old chapters of aspects of his life and starting new ones. He could also be wanting to free himself from old habits and old chapters.
However, Matt mentioned he killed specific people (Chris in one dream, and the King and Queen in another).
Let’s start off with his brother Chris. It seems so morbid that he would do that to his own brother in a dream, but remember that your dreams don’t have a direct translation to reality, so he wouldn’t actually want to harm Chris. What that could mean, however, is multiple things. Maybe he and Chris had an argument on that day and he was repressing some anger towards him that manifested into that dream. Or maybe there’s something that Chris did that upset him and caused him to feel anger or negative emotions that he repressed. I truly don’t know the reason because it’s not for me (or anyone) to know, only for Matt to know and figure out.
Let’s move onto the King and the Queen. What’s interesting about the King and Queen is that there are 4 “King” and 4 “Queen” cards in tarot. The King and Queen were holding some things of value to him (the passports and basic needs). But they were also holding his weapon of choice: the knives. What this can indicate to me is that the tarot cards these royal beings could be related to are the “King/Queen of Swords (the knives)” and “King/Queen of Pentacles (his valuables like the passports and food)”.
The King and Queen of Swords represents rational thought, order, and achieving goals through intellect and then taking action. The Queen plans the action and then the King takes the action, both with the use of logic and lack of emotion. Matt still killing The King and Queen with their own swords yet doing so reluctantly shows that he is wants to kill off the ideas of overusing logic, but is still confused with his emotional side. He has to learn to balance his use of logic and impulse of emotions when dealing with situations. He probably is avoiding rational thinking and clear, direct communication with people about the way he’s feeling because he’s afraid of not knowing how to properly balance logic and emotion.
The King and Queen of Pentacles represent the master of material things both for stability and comfort, the King representing stability and the Queen representing comfort.
Maybe the King and Queen can represent an older couple in his life that provided those things for him (I’m very certain it’s his parents or grandparents, but I’m leaning towards parents). I’m uncertain of the full meaning behind this (maybe because it’s simply not meant for me to know), but I think it’s saying that he isn’t communicating the way he should be with them, and that’s why they want him to stay in that stranded, unknown place. They want him to open up more about his emotions and be kinder to himself, and that’s why they took his valuables. Again, not gonna go into full detail about this because I simply don’t know what this really means, and I honestly feel like that’s only meant for him to figure out for himself. Matt says that in the King and Queen dream, he was crying while killing them as well, and this remorse or guilt is similar to how he felt when he killed Chris in the previous dream. He might already know that he’s not being open with them about his feelings and thoughts, and that’s why he feels this guilt.
At the end, Dream-Matt felt like he killed the King and Queen for no reason because he couldn’t get his valuables. But, it turned out that Nick had already retrieved the passports anyway. This ties back to the “pen is mightier than the sword” idea. Remember how Nick stole a notepad and a pen? What Dream-Nick might represent is that sort of alternative route one can take to achieve his goals. He didn’t have to kill the King and Queen, so he didn’t, but he was able to do what Matt wasn’t able to do himself: retrieve the passports. Matt was too busy killing the King and Queen that he didn’t even notice Nick taking the passports. Matt probably still has to learn to take those alternative routes in his daily life: Don’t be impulsive or resort to physical, damaging expressions of his emotions; be logical, think things through, and express yourself to a journal or those your trust. You will achieve your goals.
If Matt somehow magically finds this and says “that’s a whole bunch of hullabaloo”, that’s totally okay. And if he sees this somehow and is super interested, that’s also totally okay. I just personally thought it was interesting as someone who analyzes spiritual stuff like dreams for a living (take the “for a living” with a grain of salt because I’m not a professional and I don’t get paid for this 😭). I feel like it would be nice for him to see this, but again, I don’t even care that he does. If anyone who reads this finds some sort of explanation to their own dreams, then that’s all that matters to me.
Love y’all! đŸ€âœšđŸ«¶đŸŸ
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abigail. abyss. achlys. adam. adelaide. adeline. agatha. agnes. albert. alexander. alfred. alice. amelia. angel. annabelle. apparition. arch. archie. arthur. atticus. aud. augustus. babel. babylon. barren. beatrice. benedict. benjamin. blanc. bliss. bubbles. bug. bunny. cain. calvin. cassian. cassius. catherine. cecilia. celeste. charlotte. chimera. clara. clementine. cloudi. cloudy. crow. dahlia. daisy. daphne. darcy. daze. deja. delusion. dorothy. dove. dream. echo. eleanor. elizabeth. emily. enigma. ernest. error. eve. evelyn. exite. eyes. felicity. felix. flaw. flower. gideon. glitch. glitchy. graham. harriet. hattie. haven. haze. hazel. henry. hmone. hollis. hugo. hun. illusion. imogen. inara. ink. iris. itzal. ivy. izhi. jane. juliet. juno. jupiter. kai. kasumi. kasumu. ka’awa. kgodi. kiri. kohu. kora. lilione. link. lucy. lulu. luminal. mabel. margaret. mars. matilda. matrix. mazin. meglena. mercury. miglė. mihika. mirage. misty. mok. mold. moon. moss. moth. muggur. nameless. nebula. neptune. niara. nihari. nihilo. nihira. nirav. nix. nobody. noir. noire. noiresse. noirette. nostalgesse. nostalgette. nothing. nox. ocula. odditie. olive. oliver. olivia. orion. oytuman. penelope. phoebe. pluto. poppy. portal. pujoq. raven. rinan. rinku. rĆ«kas. salem. sanoe. saturn. senka. serene. shroom. shrum. shunya. sierra. sky. smile. socket. sophie. spook. spookie. spooky. spotty. stitch. sugar. sumu. sunny. suong. taktuq. telle. terhi. theodore. thoka. tomanbikĂ€. tooth. tripp. tuban. unknown. usva. vacara. vacio. vega. venus. victoria. vivian. void. vortex. walter. xihir. yogiri. zero. zeta.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ?/?. ?t/?t. [redacted]/[redacted]. abandon/abandon. backroom/backroom. being/being. bizarre/bizarre. blank/blank. blur/blur. clock/clock. cloud/cloud. creature/creature. daze/daze. deja/vu. deranged/deranged. dim/dim. dizzy/dizzie. dream/dream. eerie/eerie. empty/empty. entity/entity. error/error. eye/eye. familiar/familiar. float/float. flower/flower. fog/fog. forget/forget. glitch/glitch. gone/gone. gray/gray. haze/haze. hush/hushe. it/it. ix/ix. jpeg/jpeg. lim/liminal. liminal/liminal. lost/lost. miss/missing. mush/shroom. no/exit. nostal/nostalgia. nostalgia/nostalgia. null/null. o/o. odd/odd. one/one. rem/ember. shush/shushe. space/spacey. stat/static. static/static. strange/strange. stuck/stuck. surreal/surreal. tele/vision. th?y/th?m. that/thatthing. thing/thing. thon/thon. tooth/tooth. tv/tv. un/canny. un/un. uncanny/uncanny. vague/vague. voi/void. void/void. vor/tex. watcher/watcher. weird/weird. where?/where?. x/x. yellow/yellow. zero/zero. âș . ☁ . âšȘ . ⚫ . ❓ . ❔ . 🌁 . đŸŒ«ïž . đŸšïž . đŸ‘ïž . đŸ‘€ . 💹 . 💭 . 🔇 . đŸ”Č . 🔳 . đŸ•łïž . đŸ—ïž . đŸ˜¶â€đŸŒ«ïž . đŸšȘ .
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ariesmoontarot · 6 months
Who is Thinking of You & Why💭
(Romantically based)
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The Piles:
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Pile One♡:
There is a relationship between you and someone else that is a bit unhealthy. I feel like things could be on and off with them for some of you. There's this energy of not wanting to give up or miss out on love, and especially your good years. So, you may be settling for this relationship, but at the same time you're unhappy and slowly falling out of love with them. I feel like this is the person thinking about you. I also feel like they love to get a reaction out of you just to see that you care about them and yeah, they definitely might call you crazy for your reactions to their behavior. They also might not make the best decisions in their life, and it affects them and the relationship they have with you. I feel like for some of you, you could be married to this person, and you don't want to end up going through a whole divorce and then feeling regretful of how much of time you spent with this person. It's like you don't want to feel like you've wasted your good years on a relationship you're not happy in anymore.
This person is thinking of you because they feel like they're insecure in the relationship. They feel like you are going to leave if you haven't already. They're thinking about how you were very generous with them and especially gave them love and support when they needed it most. They're also thinking about you bring balance into their life and it almost feels like things just go right when you're around. I feel like you and this person either got into an argument or misunderstanding over each other and they're thinking about this as well. I feel like they want to resolve things with you in whatever way that is. They feel like you make them happy and you're really fun to be around. They also want to take care of you and be there in the ways that you need, but they been struggling to be confident and happy with themselves so showing up for you isn't something they feel capable of. They're just thinking a lot about their self-doubt and mistakes. They feel like you won't forgive them for the things they've done. They're also thinking about how they want more with you and generally speaking, so they're trying to be patient and focus more on taking care of themselves so they can be better. I get the sense that they are educating themselves and trying to learn more about important things so they can be more self-aware and knowledgeable. They get this boost in energy when they're around you or even just thinking about you and it encourages them to want to take certain actions that are more beneficial. I feel like this person knows they have a big ego and a bit of control issues so they're thinking about ways to try and surrender more to their feelings and change overall. I feel like they want to go with the flow and not be controlling towards you. It's like when I said they love to do things to get a reaction out of you. It's like they love pushing your buttons to test your loyalty and love for them. I see them thinking about how they can stop being toxic in those type of ways. Even if they're hot and cold, one minute they're so in love with you and the next they're so distant. They are trying to work on this. They only behave like that because of insecurity and fear of the outcome going in a way where they can be hurt. They try to control the relationship with you and have power over their feelings and your feelings when they really have no power over either. They really miss you and even if you're still together they just miss when things were good between you guys, and they feel like you're happy without them. They might even feel like you're better off with someone else.
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Pile Two♡:
The person thinking about you is someone from your past and obviously they miss you. Things are hot and cold with this person. It's like the future between you guys is unknown, but all you both know is that you still hope for things to change, and both of your hearts wait for each other. Even in this present moment you both have love towards each other and it's complicated. You know what you need, and I feel like loving this person is something that you question at times. I feel like they question their love for you too. It's like a mystery between you and things are so foggy. The feelings you both feel almost feel unexplainable.
This person is thinking of you because they realized the truth. It's like they're starting to see how they treated you and how it's made you feel. I also feel like they're thinking about how they feel for you because they see that now you're gone, they miss you. They realize how they let someone else come in between you guys and how they just forced you to walk away. They settled for the easiest option and refused to change even when they knew they needed to. I feel like they're thinking about everything now. They feel like they took you for granted and didn't appreciate you enough. They felt deep feelings with you but ran from them because they were afraid of real intimacy. They want more with you and they're thinking about how they can fix this, but they don't know how to approach you. They've been spending time self-reflecting and in solitude just trying to gain an understanding over everything honestly. I see them wanting to reach out and possibly even trying to, but I see you rejecting them or not answering. They're trying to trust that things will work out between you no matter how things may seem.
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Pile Three♡:
The person thinking about you is definitely someone you know. It's possible you never really had a long-term relationship where commitment was involved, but you could have. You and this person could've been on and off for a while and I feel like the connection was very deep between you guys, but something happened to throw the energy off between you. I feel like one of you walked away, or it could be both for some of you. January could be significant. Sangria, or the color yellow as well. I feel like this person is thinking about how they didn't show up for you in the ways they should have. They procrastinated a lot in the connection and things became pretty unhealthy for the both of you. I feel like sex could've been a big factor for some of you. Take that how it resonates. It's like you had to lose this person to learn how to really love yourself and they're thinking about the same thing. They feel like losing you was a big lesson for them, and they really miss you. Despite whatever happened, they still think about you. I feel like for some of you this person is going to come clean and communicate with you about how they're feeling towards you.
This person is thinking about how you're guarded towards them, and you are pretty much setting boundaries with how close you let them get. I feel like this person is thinking about how they didn't really value your needs as much as they did their own and put you last in some way. I see them thinking about how they need to put in the work in order to be with you because they've hurt you in some way. They know you don't trust them as much as you did. They're thinking about how you are someone they want to have a relationship with, but they're trying to learn and gain understanding over a lot right now. I feel like they may have chosen someone else over you for some of you. For others of you this person just had a fear of intimacy and did not commit the way you did. Or wasn't as invested as you. They were pretending and not showing their true feelings. I feel like there is an energy of gaslighting themselves and you. They're thinking about how they just pretended with you because of insecurity. It's like they put on this front to act all prideful and tough when in all reality they were afraid of being open with you. They were afraid of showing their true selves. I feel like for some of you, if this person hurt you they are feeling very guilty about it and they may have pretended like this never happened or not trying to really face the feelings that come with the decisions they chose to make. For others of you, this person is still struggling with guilt in some way. Maybe they're just afraid to admit they were wrong and come clean to you. They're thinking about how you don't necessarily reveal too much to them. They are trying to intuitively figure out how you're feeling and thinking about them without expressing this to you. I feel like they're going to communicate with you that they want to be with you without necessarily considering the challenges they may face with you being guarded towards them. It's like this is not going to be easy and they didn't think about the work they'd have to put in, but you aren't backing down for nothing. You're smarter and more firm on your boundaries. They will come to realize this. They are going to have to be more confident and take action fast because if not, they feel like you're going to leave. However, I see them taking action and trying to change in order to be with you.
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Pile Four♡:
I feel like this is a new person for most of you. Someone you just, or haven't met, but others of you already know this person. There is deep passion between you, and I feel like you had a past relationship that really caused a good deal of hurt for you. I see you're moving on from this when you meet this person. Even if it's been some time since that relationship ended. I see this is someone very romantic and they're going to want to love you in all the ways you deserve. I feel like you will be having a hard time letting go of the past though.
This person is thinking about you because they feel like things would be better if you both were together. They feel like you're stuck right now and invested in a situation that isn't going anywhere. They know you have all of this love to give and you're just not in your best self because of the relationship or feelings that are holding you back. They think you're a bit stuck in your head and you overthink too much because you've been hurt before. I feel like they're just thinking about how they can be there for you and bring you peace. They feel like you're happy on your own and you're very self-assured. They are thinking it's because you are so independent it's hard for you to really submit yourself into a relationship again because of your fears. However, they feel like the opportunity will come. I feel like they want to heal with you and help you let go of things that are taking away your joy and bringing you down. They want to see you in your best energy and I feel like they're thinking of ways on how to help you get there. It's like you've lost hope and you felt very pessimistic about your love life, but I feel like this person helps you see things more positively. They encourage you and motivate you to be your best and this is good because it's like they're giving you the support you need in order to let go of the past. I don't see you taking advantage of them or anything like that. It's just like they willfully want to make the decision to help you and be a friend, lover, and anything they can do for you I see them happily doing it. I feel like this person is thinking that they don't care what it takes, they want to love you. They want to put in that effort and be patient with you because they feel very guided to, and they see potential here. They see the potential in you and even if you don't end up together, they'll be happy that they got to be there for you and support you even from a bit of a distance. I feel like they're thinking about how they just can't explain their feelings at times, and it caught them off guard when they started to feel deeply for you. They're not typically someone who commits easily or just invests their time into someone, but they want to take that risk.
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lizpaige · 7 months
WIP Wednesday 💭
here's a snippet of my declan outside pov of pynch (set of vignettes exploring declan's trust of one adam parrish)
Text from Ronan I need a ride to church
There were two baffling things about this text from his brother. One, Ronan texted him. Also, Ronan texted him without profanity, a middle finger, and with more than one letter. Declan often found the ever infuriating letter k more often than even a response from his brother. The second unknown was why Ronan was willing to spend time in the Volvo with Declan driving. Anytime they did have to travel together, Ronan was quick to explode in profanities about Declan’s A-safety rating driving habits before threatening to throw himself out while they were cruising at a respectable 65 on the highway. 
Declan immediately thought the worst. He must have totaled the BMW. He tried calling Ronan once, twice, but gave up before the third time with no answer. He tried texting, knew that was useless, but tried anyway. No answer. Typical. He could feel the acid creeping up his throat, the anxiety of having to deal with the insurance mess, the unknown of what kind of deathtrap vehicle Ronan could dream up next. 
So when he pulled up to their childhood home on Sunday morning, he was shocked to see the BMW sitting unscathed in the driveway. 
“What the fuck,” Declan grunted under his breath, unsure if he was happy to see the vehicle or angry that Ronan put him through hell on the lead up to absolutely nothing.
“See?” Matthew grinned from the passenger seat. “The car is fine! You had nothing to worry about.”
Declan shot off a text to Ronan, he did not want to get out of the car, and scrolled through a few work emails while he waited for his brother to show up. He let the anger simmer and slowly dissipate, working on breathing through his nose. He would not be the first to blow up today, and let Ronan paint him as the bad guy to Matthew. He could already see it now, Ronan shrugging innocently at Declan, a quiet and sarcastic I just wanted more time with you, bro, and Matthew would hear none of its irony. 
Two or three minutes passed and Declan looked up at the front door just in time to see a shadow pass behind the glass. Good, kept them waiting long enough. The front door open and his brother wasn’t alone. 
Behind Ronan, still in the shadows of the foyer, was clearly Adam Parrish, in wrinkled clothes, dark circles under his eyes, and a smirk. He was saying something to Ronan, who laughed genuinely, the kind of laugh Declan heard most often when Ronan was making jokes at Declan’s expense. Something else passed between them, a look Declan couldn’t quite place, it was too quick. 
Ronan hopped off the top of the porch onto the gravel, heading toward the Volvo. 
“Lynch,” Adam called from the doorway, stepping out and using his back to keep the screen door open. 
Ronan turned, patted his pockets, and then tossed a set of keys, no doubt the ones that belonged to his BMW, to Adam, who caught them deftly. 
What. The. Fuck.
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