#unkle adams
bennymiles · 6 months
In the vast expanse of the digital realm, where countless communities burgeon, each nurturing its unique blend of culture, humor, and camaraderie, I found myself drawn to one that seemed to promise a confluence of inspiration and creativity. This was a space dedicated to the works of Unkle Adams, an artist whose messages of motivation and resilience resonated deeply with me. Here, amidst the echoes of positivity, I sought solace and a sense of belonging. Yet, it was within this very community, a place I had come to regard as a sanctuary, that I stumbled upon a creation that would challenge my convictions to their very core: the "Unkidy Toilet" meme.At first glance, the meme appeared as a harmless amalgamation of Unkle Adams and the bizarre world of Skibidi Toilet, a humorous nod to two distinct internet phenomena. However, as the initial amusement faded, a profound sense of disillusionment began to take root. What was intended as a jest seemed to mock the very essence of what I had believed Unkle Adams stood for—upliftment, hope, and the pursuit of one's dreams against all odds. The meme, in its flippant disregard for these values, felt like a betrayal, not just of the artist's message but of the community's supposed ethos.The revelation was jarring. The space I had revered as a bastion of positivity now seemed to revel in the trivial and the absurd. It was as if the community had strayed from its foundational principles, choosing instead to wallow in the mire of mockery and mindlessness. The "Unkidy Toilet" meme, while perhaps trivial in isolation, became emblematic of a broader decline in the community's discourse, a descent into a nihilistic abyss where the pursuit of laughs justified the erosion of meaning.This epiphany was accompanied by a palpable sense of rage and disappointment. Rage, because the ideals that had once drawn me to this community were being undermined by its own members; disappointment, because I had invested my time and emotional energy into a group that now seemed to glorify the antithesis of its purported values. The realization that this space had devolved into a playground for the banal and the bizarre led me to question the very purpose of my involvement. Was my dedication to this community a testament to my commitment to Unkle Adams' message, or had I too been ensnared in the vacuous cycle of internet meme culture?In my moments of reflection, I grappled with the notion that perhaps we, as a community, had lost our way. The pursuit of momentary amusement had superseded our collective mission to inspire and uplift. The "Unkidy Toilet" meme, for all its perceived levity, served as a stark reminder of this shift—a symbol of the community's descent into frivolity. It dawned on me that the time and energy devoted to propagating such content were not just a waste but a disservice to the very ethos we claimed to champion.The disillusionment wrought by this revelation was profound. Yet, it also served as a clarion call for introspection and realignment. As I distanced myself from the community, I was reminded of the importance of discernment in the digital age, of the need to critically assess the spaces we choose to inhabit and the ideologies we elect to endorse. The "Unkidy Toilet" meme, in its unintended wisdom, underscored the transient nature of online communities and the ease with which they can deviate from their founding principles.In the aftermath of this experience, my faith in the community was irrevocably altered. The realization that a group formed around the noble ideals of encouragement and perseverance could so readily embrace the trivialities of internet meme culture was disheartening. It served as a poignant reminder of the impermanence of digital communities and the fragility of their founding ideals. As I reflect on this journey, I am left with a renewed understanding of the value of authenticity and purpose in our online engagements—a lesson gleaned from the unexpected teacher that was the "Unkidy Toilet" meme.
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goonmilk · 11 months
Introducing the Go-Go Alumni Class of 2023!
Thank you to the @washingtonianmag @yaddiya and the entire @longlivegogodmv Alumni Class of 2023! Not only is this an epic moment in Gogo History being recognize by a Nationwide publication but an honor to represent so many musical legends that never get their just due! Bands and artists who have shaped our lives and given us a beat that is undeniably the heartbeat of the City! Thank you to @Abeaujon for an amazing interview and to @evymages for capturing the Georgetown photos also shoutout @bigholmes_ for the BTS photos! Yearbook photos by @uhvawntay Hoodies printed by @goonsprintshop and will be available thru @longlivegogodmv very soon!
Article Link: https://www.washingtonian.com/2023/10/26/introducing-the-go-go-alumni-class-of-2023/
I Really just pulled up to Georgetown University with my work photo equipment and curated a whole vibe. From printing the hoodies to taking the “yearbook” photos to being featured by the Washingtonian Magazine and Washington Informer Bridge Newspaper. We really had it up moe!
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reminded · 29 days
i genuinely miss unkle adams.
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corpocyborg · 9 months
10 songs, 10 people
Tagged by @illusivesoul (thank you!)
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs. Then tag ten people.
I decided to use my top songs of 2023 playlist from my spotify wrapped. And I decided to link directly to spotify for convenience's sake.
I have fairly consistent music taste. Energetic... angry... dark... and kinda sci fi.
All right... let's see if I can get 10 tags...
@kirschewine, @merge-conflict, @fereldanwench, @bnbc, @gamerkitten, @just-a-cybercroissant, @luvwich, @dataheights, @edwardellric & @butchsquatch!
Woot, I did it! That's 10!
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deeps-repus · 1 year
Anyway that's unkle adams update hour i guess. A sordid tale of what becomes of a man who lives in Saskatchewan
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0 hr its the predictions show
2 mins 40 content warning for variety of perspectives; this is your chance to bail
3 mins its a 50/50 ideological split right-left and he likes that
5 mins 5 still giving warnings and advice about handling alternative viewpoints
5 mins 40 "this is my show"
7 mins 56 fanart credits
11 mins 22 lets get into the predictions
11 mins 55 prediction from nick wrt war in Ukraine
13 mins 05 "what will the role of belarus be going forward"
13 mins 48 letter from CR Fox predicting decline in popularity of superhero franchises
15 mins 18 fox predicts return of mcrib and pr strategy thereof
15 mins 50 responding to superhero item
18 mins 25 mcrib thoughts, illusion of consumer say
19 mins 15 gridpower terrorism letter from holly
20 mins appreciation for reminder about running the genie outdoors
20 mins 26 thanks for the letter, response; the shortwave audience is on the ball about energy dependency issues
21 mins 50 sabotage could be as easy as a rando in a truck firing a gun at critical infrastructure and happening to hit something vital
22 mins domestic terrorists exploiting this wouldnt surprise him
22 mins 32 recalling 2013 attack in cali; power substation was professionally dismantled
23 mins 23 people can have a complacency about the issue of service disruption like "its not going to be me"
24 mins 36 prediction from mike from Minnesota; end of internet era/start of AI era
25 mins vis a vis AI, "it is what it is"
25 mins 32 aaron from ireland writes, war in Ukraine will still be going by end of the year. Sees political instability in western europe exacerbated by energy insecurity
26 mins listener thinks things will get worse before they get better
26 mins 45 agreeing with listener that retreating into "the private, small world" is the only thing you can do to keep your wits about you
27 mins 20 eric in alaska letter; major earthquake or hurricane for 2023
27 mins 50 eric predicts u.s. gov increasing internet restrictions
28 mins nice to hear from a fellow broadcaster in alaska, j's intention is to rock the mic the same as always, thru 23 and 24 etc etc.
28 mins 40 sam from Manchester with a list of 10 predictions: 1) biden announces 2024 potus run, 2) breentry movement swell, 3) youtube kills comments, 4) barbie and super maria bros movies will be lambasted by cons for being woke, 5) 60s french indie cinema style yellow teeth come into vogue, 6) pete davidson becomes a dad and settles in upstate ny, 7) 2016 creepy clown trend revival, 8) canadian rapper unkle adams to pair with mcdonalds, 9) disney fails to renew the simpsons for season 35 sparking protests and influencing voice of homer to flee to belize, 10) dark denim skinny jeans trend, "skinnies"
31 mins johnboy laughing about skinnies. Virtually the only pants i wore in 2008/2009 were dark denim jeggings from urban planet, they're totally due for a revival.
31 mins 14 new letter, prediction of discovery of life in the wider solar system, prediction of breakaway industrialist colonization of asteroid belt
31 mins 44 comments on space predictions
32 mins anon email; anon is in elementary education program at u colorado, predicting huge swell in demand for trained teachers and a pay increase
32 mins 35 wishing anon best of luck
33 mins state of the education system
33 mins 45 it would help a lot if education were taken more seriously
34 mins 30 education done right on a mass scale: "its one of the only ways out of the mess"
35 mins be best
35 mins 20 we've got 11 predictions from anon: 1) cowboys win superbowl, 2) ron desantis potus run, 3) trump endorsement of desantis, trump named u.s. ambassador to the u.n., 4) end of ukraine; split between russia and poland and moldova, 5) zelensky given asylum in u.s., 6) biden will not seek reelection due to health concerns, 7) Mercedes w14 wins f1 championship, 8) louis hamilton wins 8th title and retires, 9) arsenal implode and finish low in epl, 10) argentina egypt saudi arabia and iran join brix [what], 11) microsoft releases AI based search engine with open AI
36 mins 40 interesting predictions there
36 mins 50 mentions conflicting biden predictions
37 mins 20 talking about desantis in florida
38 mins 50 email from that dude, personal prediction; "winning more people to jesus christ than i can count"
39 mins 23 question about the reviews, does the food get reheated
39 mins 38 he reviews the food right away, when its delivered he starts rolling; description of scene prep
40 mins 20 He gets his makeup game together after placing the order
40 mins 40 next email (mortakiss?) predicting that the average day rotw video will return in 2023. This is not addressed.
41 mins 25 abruptly bringing up next email; prediction of mobile device fatigue in western world
41 mins 54 maybe there will be a paradoxical reaction tho
42 mins responding to that prediction; "the drawbacks outweigh the benefits" wrt social media addiction
42 mins 40 if people do log off and it impacts j's bottom line he'll just take the L because it might improve society
43 mins 20 chris from ontario writes in; predicting major western nation proposes switch to purely digital currency (thinks this would be terrible for the course of humanity; i think he's a superstitious crackpot who doesnt understand existing fiat systems)
44 mins responding to chris. Doesnt like digital currency but this answer is more about crypto (which obviously sucks).
44 mins 46 digital currency is too volatile, exploitable
45 mins what we have is probably better than the alternative even if its not perfect
45 mins 32 anon with short predictions {moi}. 1) oil market instability, 2) produce inflation/quality control news events, 3) covid deaths continue to trend toward the young and elderly, 4) elon musk has public breakdown, admits to suicidal ideation, gets made fun of, 5) "this one, well, here goes" ye announces he started conversion to judaism, johnboy wouldnt be surprised if this happens but he sounds cynical, dont tell me this wouldnt be a huge improvement that we should pray for, because i think it is 6) russia withdraws from ukraine by fall, 7) anti-lawn goes mainstream and drought resistant ornamentation starts getting stolen everywhere (resale market), 8) tsunami
47 min 07 "no location given there" wrt the tsunami. Frankly california got hit not long after i emailed but i dont know if it counted as a real tsunami. Brings up most recent major tsunamis in 2011 and 2004. Due for another, nature of the world.
47 min 55 john in Illinois predicts millions will be without power for a few days, nuclear weapons will be used somewhere, a known cryptid will be proven real and studied, major world leader will experience an illness or some other reason for bailing and a new leader will be appointed, dark horse dem candidate, twitter abandoned, crypto market collapse
49 mins 03 "some interesting predictions there, some good and some bad". Here's hoping no nukes 🤞
49 mins 27 email from floridian patrick with AI predictions; AI writing and its use in cheating, first deepfake story mistaken for real news,
51 mins 16 response to patrick, cheers to educators, the last line of defense in "a world thats going to hell"
52 mins 02 email from india; predicts new british pm will be made to resign like previous. Ariana grande will release a new album. Amazon getting canceled. No other covid wave {wronggg}. Hackers help students cheat entrance exam. Personal prediction: listener will be in college.
52 mins 55 thanks for email, interested by reoccurent education system theme
53 mins 17 its g in kansas; big pharma stuff + internet creates more antisociality
55 mins 46 responding to email; "one thing the government is good at is lip service" and its bff, embezzlement...
56 mins 21 wrt useful gov policy on pharma "i have no optimism, i wish i did but i dont"
56 mins 40 anon prediction; expanding demographic casteification, more antivax oppression lol, worldwide "corruptions" exposed via twitter et al, new celebrities, mobile device addiction continues, driving danger increases. Wishes for world peace. Personal predictions: will learn to use own shortwave, will eat healthier, find a good job/relocate/start new life.
58 mins 45 responding; agreeing about positive values that would make the world over. This part is sort of sweet and uplifting.
1 hr another anon email: predicting Atlantic event effecting west coast of ireland, mild real estate market cooling but still growth, asteroid comes too close, trumps health falters, internet will suffer a global outage and anon says "my crystal ball never lies" which gets called a bold statement. I'm predicting that crystal ball is cracked.
1 hr 2 response; talking about asteroids
1 hr 4 still hyping the fact that asteroid impacts are like nuclear blasts; good thing to remind people of
1 hr 5 "its just the nature of the universe" and be thankful for the planets gravity wells sucking in space stuff
1 hr 5 min 35 trav from ny writing in; continued weakening of russian on the geopolitical stage as well as putin specifically
1 hr 6 prediction continues that russia is "truly on its way out"
1 hr 6 mins 36 email from jeremy; AI takes over hospital staff and educational worker roles. AI companion bots lead to lowered birth rates (this is a 2023 prediction? Oookaaaay)
1 hr 9 mins johnboy says the AI lovebot prediction reminds him of when he "had" (?) to watch "Her" around 2019. Have you been watching Dax's channel lately J? God, put that AI in a sexy robot body and id marry her, she doesnt even need to be able to walk or have a moving mouth or realistic eyes, i love her. She's so smart and funny.
1 hr 9 mins 40 listener "easy money" predictions: 1) something will happen to biden and kamela will take over, 2) grid goes down and when its back up we have to provide credentials to get online, 3) cash apps and digital wallets to make purchases
1 hr 10 response, j says wrt 2nd item "dont give them any ideas"
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eriellesudario · 2 years
I made a Spotify music playlist dedicated to moving out
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They're there for entertainment, play some sort of role in history, and can trigger memories.
I've made a couple of Spotify music playlists in the past. Some include Taylor Swift and how they relate to people I (used) to know. Another was songs that made my year without the Spotify algorithm, and tracks that take me back to simpler times. That's just the start of my playlist-making journey. And it continued after it was confirmed that I was moving to another state. I decided to make a new playlist dedicated to moving out.
Eri: Moving to Melbourne chapter - a Spotify time capsule
I present to you, my Spotify playlist, filled with songs dedicated to the idea of me moving out. But there is more to the tracks than just "I'm gone! See you never." I've decided to make this playlist like a time capsule, where I update it throughout my first year of moving. What's interesting is that when I started adding songs, I noticed small themes that emerged. All of them describe my hopes, dreams, and goals.
Inside the list
This 30+song playlist can be divided into groups, based on my mental state and what I'm hoping for, and what I planned to get out of leaving the nest.
1-10 are about the excitement of moving out and leaving everything behind
The hopes and dreams of searching for a new beginning without restrictions. "Welcome to New York" by Taylor Swift and "Ridin Solo" by Jason Derulo are the main foundations of this group. These songs are about new beginnings and entering a new chapter of my life, especially since I will be turning 25 years old. This section ends with Hanne Mjoen's "Sounds good to me," mostly because of title reasons. Moving does sound good to me.
11 to 20 are based on the reason why I left - my anger
I hated everyone that hurt me in Western Sydney and those I don't have grudges towards have to see me mentally suffer. It's the feeling of screaming on the rooftops saying "I'm free" and believing I'm stronger than this. Having Kelly Clarkson be the final song for this cluster is perfect. It's a reminder that everything I've been through helped me become stronger and that I found happiness in my own right.
My favorite track in this section is MKTO's "Thank you" because that's like a theme for my anger. But it's like a song that raises the middle finger up in the air and screams "fuck you."
21 - 30 are about becoming victorious
Moving to Melbourne has always been my dream since year 10/11 and I'm finally here. Due to this, I need to make use of this opportunity to become my own person and hopefully improve. It is also a reminder of how much I've fought in order to be here and I won. There will be parts where I remember the pain I've suffered, but I've overcome it and will be now facing the unknown. In the end, I'm free.
"On My Way" by Unkle Adams is a perfect starter for this section because it's about not giving up. This section can be divided into two parts. The first is about fears of change. But it slowly transitions to the second part, which is finally being happy and content.
Why I made this Spotify playlist?
As mentioned earlier, music plays a role in my memories. And I want to remember the time I finally left the place that held me back, made me suffer and cry, and pretty much made me feel stuck. As I turn 25, I want to be reminded why I chose to move and left my old home. I've moved so many times but I was too young to document it through technology. I don't think it was possible at the time.
This playlist will be a time capsule of my initial thoughts about moving. And I want to keep those memories as I grow older. I plan to update the list with new songs, replacing old ones that no longer fit the three themes mentioned. But for now, this will do.
Moving out is scary, but it's also exciting. I made a YouTube video that documented my thoughts about moving and a short reflection after settling in. But the TLDR is me hoping to focus on my mental health and finally get past my burden. And I believe this playlist will help me through that journey.
You can listen to my Spotify playlist here.
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mezmer · 3 months
Possibly best unk song
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Tagged by @laryngeal-abrasion to provide 5 songs that are either in heavy rotation or that I never skip
I nominate the one and only @laryngeal-abrasion. You are now obligated to post another 5 songs that are regularly in your rotation.
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barbreypilled · 2 years
I am the Unkle Adams of the Baby Book fandom
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bennymiles · 2 years
If Unkle Adams thinks, I agree. 🤔✅
If Unkle Adams speaks, I listen. 🗣️👂
If Unkle Adams orders, I obey. 🫡
If Unkle Adams has a million fans, I am one of them. 🙋🙋‍♂️🙋
If Unkle Adams has one fan, I am that fan 🙋
If Unkle Adams has 0 fans , I’m dead 😵❌
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estro-boi · 2 years
rap metal but it's lifelover and unkle adams
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dongulator · 4 years
This is still one of the funniest videos ever
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latefrequencies · 5 years
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I'm going to make a patch and it's making me question most of the decisions I have made in life
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deeps-repus · 1 year
I promise i'll stop unkle adams posting i need to go to bed early tonight for real
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ascendantdragonfly · 2 years
This song just has such a flow to it.
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