missazune · 10 months
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Fuuko Izumo, Andy, Juiz, Victor || UNDEAD UNLUCK
i got to do the meme with them
(the fear in fuuko’s eyes)
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zombiewilder · 14 days
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last udul doodle until i can make more progress on my wips
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italeteller · 1 month
Juiz, Billy and the mechanics of Unjustice
Unjustice is one of the few negation abilities we don't fully understand yet, which I believe is a deliberate choice by Tozuka to get us when we least expect it. Much speculation has been made about it online, but we have gotten a few clues:
-Unjustice is likely a compulsory activation type - there'd be no point in Juiz covering her eyes unless she were protecting her allies from an ability that can't be turned off
-It only works when the user looks at the target directly, with her eyes uncovered. The glass visor on her helmet is probably made of a material that doesn't affect her ability
-It forces the target to do the actions opposite to their vision of justice - protectors attack, survivors self-harm, fighters stop fighting. Juiz herself says that her ability only has an effect when someone is acting by their sense of justice, so we can assume it's not like Untruth which negates anything
-There are times when Juiz looks at people with her eyes uncovered and her ability doesn't activate, which leads me to believe Unjustice has an additional activation requirement
But watching the Billy betrayal arc on the anime something clicked for me: I don't think Juiz can see into people's hearts the way Billy could. Otherwise she would've seen Billy's vision of justice when they fought. Juiz lost an arm because she misinterpreted his vision of justice, which she wouldn't have done if she had been able to see into his heart
Now, is it even possible that Billy could modify part of a negation ability? Yes. We do in fact see him do this twice:
-When he copies Unstoppable, his way of activating it is nothing like Top's. Top runs or physically moves his entire body, while Billy kicks the floor a few times then shoots off
-He also was able to use Unmove while blind by "seeing with sound"
And when you consider that Billy's vision of justice (I assume) is that only the strong should fight and the weak should be protected, it makes sense that he would gain the power to see into people's hearts and judge whether they're weak or strong
But if this is true, why only give this extra ability to Billy? He only ever gets to use it on one arc and then he loses Unjustice, so what does the series get out of it?
Well, we see Andy's very soul is tied to Fuuko's survival, and has in fact been that way since they joined the Union; we see Shen was being 100% honest about his dream of being the strongest in all creation, something that will come up again in the Summer arc; and we see that Juiz is bound to live and lead, which never comes up again
And then it hits me. The confirmation to my suspicions of Unjustice having an extra activation requirement: I believe Juiz can only activate Unjustice when it fits her own vision of justice
She uses it on Andy and Tatiana when they're getting rowdy, because to lead she needs her underlings to follow her orders
She uses it against the Acks when they explicitly confirm they mean to kill most of humanity (which she wouldn't need to have asked if she could see into their hearts)
She uses it against Burn to save her own life
She means to use it against Rip during the Spring raid because he was attacking them with killer moves, and she successfully uses it to make him attack Spring, because they're inside his ability's area and if they don't kill him they'll all turn into cherry trees
And finally, she uses it on Victor when he tries to kill her. Victor even remarks that Unjustice had never worked on him before. These are people who've spent millenia together, and she never accidentally tagged him with Unjustice? This also leads me to believe Unjustice is a voluntary activation type, and the helmet and the shades were Juiz putting on an act so nobody would have a clear picture on Unjustice's powers. If it were compulsory, Victor would've been affected as soon as he tried to attack Juiz the second time. It wouldn't have taken until he was choking her for the effect to trigger
So yeah, I think I cracked it. I'm sure once Julia gets the abilitiy we'll get the full breakdown, but for now I feel pretty confident in my theory. What do y'all think?
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imnosupaman · 7 months
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aawmanga0009 · 3 months
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dr-senpai13 · 9 months
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They are the parallels ever
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gregor-samsung · 3 months
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עץ לימון- شجرة ليمون [Lemon tree] (Eran Riklis, 2008)
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rickopedia · 3 days
"This person took his part, but affected others. He exercised his freedom, but with injustice. Freedom can’t be exercised as everyone wants. Justice disappears when you harm others. I’m not talking about morality, I’m talking about the bad exercise of freedom."
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thxnews · 1 year
Living in Fear No More: Rwanda's Top Genocide Fugitive Behind Bars
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  One of the world’s most wanted genocide fugitives has been arrested after being on the run for more than two decades, the UN tribunal prosecuting war crimes committed in Rwanda announced on Thursday. Fulgence Kayishema is alleged to have orchestrated the killing of approximately 2,000 Tutsi refugees at Nyange Catholic Church during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) said in a statement. He was arrested in South Africa on Wednesday in a joint operation between the IRMCT Office of the Prosecutor and the authorities.  
Finally facing justice
Kayishema has been at large since 2001 and was among four remaining fugitives from the genocide, during which an estimated one million people were killed, and roughly 150,000 to 250,000 women raped, over a period of some 100 days. In a statement released by his Spokesperson, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said the arrest "sends a powerful message that those who are alleged to have committed such crimes cannot evade justice and will eventually be held accountable, even more than a quarter of a century later."   Mr. Guterres commended the cooperation between the IRMCT and the South African authorities for the apprehension, and recalled that "all States have an obligation to cooperate with the Mechanism in the location, arrest, detention, surrender and transfer of the accused persons still at large."   IRMCT Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz said his arrest ensures the long-standing fugitive will finally face justice for his alleged crimes. “Genocide is the most serious crime known to humankind. The international community has committed to ensure that its perpetrators will be prosecuted and punished. This arrest is a tangible demonstration that this commitment does not fade and that justice will be done, no matter how long it takes,” he added.  
International partners for justice
Mr. Brammertz said the thorough investigation that led to the arrest was made possible through the support and cooperation of South Africa and the Operational Task Team established by President Cyril Ramaphosa to assist the ICMRT Fugitive Tracking Team. They also received “vital support” from similar Task Forces in other African countries, notably Eswatini and Mozambique. “Rwandan authorities under the leadership of Prosecutor General Aimable Havugiyaremye continued to be our strongest partners and provided essential assistance,” he said.   The Chief Prosecutor also cited support from other countries, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, saying “Kayishema’s arrest demonstrates yet again that justice can be secured, no matter the challenges, through direct cooperation between international and national law enforcement agencies.”   The IRMCT performs essential functions previously carried out by the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), which closed in December 2015, and another for the former Yugoslavia, which concluded two years later. Kayishema was indicted by the Rwanda tribunal in 2001. He was charged with genocide, complicity in genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, and crimes against humanity for killings and other crimes committed in Kivumu Commune, Kibuye Prefecture, during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. According to the indictment, he and other co-perpetrators murdered more than 2,000 refugees - men, women, elderly persons, and children - at the Nyange Church in Kivumu commune, on 15 April 1994. He “directly participated in the planning an execution” of the massacre, working methodically over two days following, to transfer the corpses to mass graves.  
Further step forward
The arrest marks “a further step forward” in the effort to account for all those fugitives still at large who have been indicted by the ICTR. Since 2020, the OTP Fugitive Tracking Team has accounted for five of the fugitives at large, including another of the architects of the genocide which was orchestrated by the extremist Hutu regime at the time, - Félicien Kabuga. - Augustin Bizimana. - Protais Mpiranya. - Phéneas Munyarugarama. - Fulgence Kayishema. There are now only three outstanding fugitives.   Sources: THX News & UN News. Read the full article
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anfuureak · 4 months
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undead unluck "how well they can find the clit" but it's only only a handful of people because i forgot it was due today and therefore everybody else is only notes and a white background (sorry)
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reality-detective · 3 months
A few "Blacks Law Dictionary" definitions 🤔
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allastoredeer · 3 months
The phenomenon of certain radioapple artists drawing Alastor looking like this manly handsome hunk is just ridiculous when in canon he's a feminine looking twink who's thin as hell with a tiny little waist and long legs. It's so painful to me. They're fucking de-twinkifying Alastor and denying him of his girlypop status for their macho top agenda 😭
The denial of his girlypop status is what gets me the most. Why would they take away his sassy wrist flicks? Where's his whimsy? Where's the side of him that called Susan an "ornery old bitch" in the sassiest way possible?
They've stolen his flamboyancy. His trolling nature. His ✨pizzazz✨
I don't like macho Alastor. He scares me (ʘ‿ʘ)
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nessiefynn · 11 months
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Victor and Juiz I had to draw it to get it out of my head
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imnosupaman · 9 months
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aawmanga0009 · 3 months
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generally-surviving · 9 months
what I love so sincerely about undead unluck post-loop is that the characters that weren't relevant and didn't get any screen time in the first loop are now expanded upon, recontextualising their existence in the first part.
Void Volks, for example, was just a hulking piece of metal. but Fuuko LEARNED about him while he was gone- enough to the point that she was prepared for his tragedy and to thusly reroute it. we see him as a person, who just wanted to exist in a world that could accept him. and Fuuko does her damndest to ensure his departure from the world he was living in before is one hell of a finale, because both of the depatures in his previous loop- the tragedy in the boxing ring and then Andy's merciless kill "you should've read up more on your abilities"- were just so cruel and sad.
This is also why Fuuko DESERVES to be the #1 seat at the round table. Juiz's vision of justice was ruthless and calculated and hardened to the world because of those 99 previous loops. their kindness had withered into something else. they wanted to kill Fuuko for her vision of justice because of that loss of innocence. we see this as they send Fuuko off, and then as we see them as someone reborn the way they were at the very start: starry-eyed and righteous- the person they always were at their core but far less refined and sharpened. Gina and Fuuko recognise them immediately.
And that's why Fuuko deserves her seat. Juiz was too tunnel-visioned after seeing so many bleak and horrific ends to the world they'd been fighting so hard to protect. Because if they didn't become callous and see only one goal, then they'd surely break apart after seeing themselves fail time and time again. But they were far too stuck in their ways to accomplish what Fuuko did in this final loop. Fuuko is a fresh perspective, with hope that has only strengthened after seeing everything she loves come apart at the seams.
That's why Gina is almost like a symbol of that in this new loop. Unchange. Even in her final moments in the first loop, she says that they were fighting for the world to stay the same, about how she wants to change. And then Fuuko takes the reigns this time around and Gina is granted that change. Fuuko has already started that path to change by creating a safe haven for negators, and fighting to create skills she didn't have before just to save Leila or fight Feng and Void.
Juiz had told her "if you want to bring change, then you better work hard for the #1 seat" and she did.
on a side note, I hope Andy and Victor get separate bodies later on.
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