adelaydebclouds · 2 years
Babe! You may remember that I've always seen Steve and Danny as kind of "aromantic before they met each other" and "now dannoromantic and supersealromantic"? Do you remember how I thought there was no name for it (so I needed to come up with one myself)? Huh, I just found out that the name/definition actually existed! Uniromantic. Uniromantic, babe 😍
Wow. I'm queer myself and never heard this name! Tho always felt (like you) all in life & love is possible.
Let's see.
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from LGBTQIA+ wiki
For one's whole lifetime (YES). One & only (love). No one else (ofc). Attracted to person regardless of their gender (sure). -> yes, can see mcdanno there!!! :-)
Thank you Ell 💖 (tho remember I'm "dannosexual" & "supersealsexual" fan & you can use them interchangeably with "uniromantic" ^^)
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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#uniromantic!Steve and uniromantic!Danny
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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Steve is also the first man ever telling you "take your pants OFF", isn't he, Danny? 😉
Well, if you have to put the pants on now - it means that someone caused you to take them off some moments earlier, huh? I bet it wasn't you 😛 but that someone who is in the same room now and is staring and talking to you 😄
@anastablack Babe, your recent post and our talk reminded me of this very McDanno moment. It's "just" a h50 blooper (alas!) but it fits into our headcanon, don't you think? 😄
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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ellena-asg · 1 year
For the tumblr game: Danno
Thank you, Meri! ♥️
So, Danny...
Sexuality Headcanon:
The same as Steve's. Ever since I watched the show I see them both as "not hetero, not gay, not bi but the secret X thing" 😉
At the begining I felt they're aromantic (and forced so much by the show writers to woo/date/marry ladies) and I still feel they're definitely platonic when they interact with other people. But to each other - they're super romantic.
They're best friends and they're the special ones to each other. They feel (real) attraction/love only to each other. So I headcanon both Danny and Steve as definitely uniromantic and The Pilot is a very special episode to me cause the scene in the garage is like kind of "Geez, I'm interested. In THAT way. For the first time in my life I really fucking feel... Geez!" (also: "Gosh, I'm in love. With this irritating handsome guy? Gooood, Jeeeeesus, Maaaary, Anyone?" 😂).
So, uniromantic. And they're the first and only characters in my fandom life whom I see in this way 🙂
Gender Headcanon:
Man. Cis.
A ship I have with said character:
Only Steve, only McDanno ♥️
A BROTP I have with said character:
In some way it's still Steve. Best friends forever - being married doesn't change it 😉
But speaking about completely platonic brotp: Chin. Chin is like an older brother. But Lou and Jerry and Kame, all boys in Ohana are true brothers ♥️ And ladies! ♥️ Kono is his sister so much! Mary too. Abby. I also love his brotp with Amy (Meka's wife). And of course Gracie! His daughter is his brotp. His Big Friend!
What I see on screen is also brotp-to-be: Danny & Sang Min. Seriously, both are Daddies, they love their kids so much, they'll do everything for them. They understand each other as fathers (scene in the prison and in Danny's car/on the beach ♥️). They both are loyal to Ohana. They ARE Ohana. And both are sassy and silver tongued 😂 (just imagine poor Stevie with these two 😂😂😂). Both are Masters of Dorkness. In Sarcasm they trust.
And sometimes they both are BAMF! Sang once was on the dark side and Danny... when he fights for victims or his Ohana, for Grace and Steve especially, when he's furious or in vigilante mood, yeah sometimes he's close to darkness, he knows the Fire (like in that episode with Marco Reyes).
And they both would give Steve their livers (Danny gave his part and Sang: "I woulda offered you my liver, McGurrett, but we both know it’s no god" 😄).
Oh, and Danny is from Jersey, Sang is from China but they both love Hawaii and it's their home forever.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Any person who is not Steve 😉 Speaking about show's canon ones: Melissa (I like her but she and Danny are veeery NOTP), Gabby (l love her much but again: NOTP with Danny). Other ladies he dated. But especially: Rachel (sorry, I'm allergic to abusers). She and her family were highly toxic to Danny and Grace. She's like Doris, even worse sometimes. I feel anxious (and mad at show writers) every damn time she's somewhere near Danny or Ohana generally.
A random headcanon:
I once had a dream about Danny so here is my a bit angsty fluffy AU with happy end:
Kono (like in the canon) feels tired and sad and thinks about leaving Five-0 and going (with Adam) to the mainland & fighting with human traffic criminals. Chin and Abby think about living in San Francisco. Max and Sabrina think about Africa. Meanwhile Rachel comes (with her mother Amanda) to Hawaii (Rachel was somewhere far away with Stan) and claims she is sorry and wants Danny back. Williamses from Jersey also come to Hawaii. They more and more ask Danny about Rachel. Bridget mentions that they all miss Danny in Jersey.
Stevie is devastated, he is sure that Danny will go to Jersey with his family and with Rachel. For sure "for Gracie". He also can't imagine living in Hawaii without almost whole Five-0, his Ohana. So Steve decides that he will go back to the Navy (*drama*). Danny is devastated. Governor Sam is devastated too, no Kono, no Chin, no Max, no Steve and no Danny... He thinks that Five-0 has no future and promises Lou and Jerry that he'll find them a new job.
Clara, hearing about Five-0 news, says that her cousin from Italy has mentioned recently there's a job offer in Italian police with higher rank and higher salary and so on. Rachel's mother is like "oh, Italy, finally some civilized place and a job for ambitious people". Danny's family is like "Well, your friends want to leave Hawaii, we're so sorry honey, but... maybe you'll think about Italian offer? Your grandma spoke Italian, you are so brilliant, you can learn it too and...". Rachel smiles and smiles and is soo sure that she will go to Italy with Danny and Grace (sorry, I've got issues with Charlie's plot so he isn't there 😂).
So all other Ohana members talk now about The Four and Max and so on leaving them. Kono, Max, Chin and Steve decide they will leave Hawaii next year. Governor then says to Danny "Better take that job in Italy, Danny. It's a really good offer".
Danny is like "What the hell they all are talking about?!". He only listens to them and says nothing. He's too much anxious, surprised, devastated and veeeery pissed off. What? No Kono, Adam, Chin, Abby, Sara, Max, Sabrina... No Steve the hell???!!! No Hawaii?! No Ohana?! No Five-0? He and who? Rachel? Buahahahahha. No funny. No fair. Nightmare! She will never change, he knows. And he can't love her. And he loves... Steve. And why the hell they all are so sure he is okay with this? He's NOT okay. They can't decide what is better for him - Italy, Jersey, no Hawaii. Seriously? All he wants is his home, his Honolulu. His beloved job and beloved police unit. His beloved Hawaiian people. And beaches. Pineapples. His Ohana. His whole Ohana. And Steve the hell. And Grace. No Rachel, no Italy, just NO.
Danny is so devastated. He's sure that he'll never see his guys again. He'll never see... Steve. He's in his darkest mood. Anxiety attacks, panic attacks, ANGER attacks, they come back to his head.
One day at some party he drinks too much. Gracie sees it. Some other day when he and Grace are crossing the street Danny is almost hit by a car cause he suddenly stood still like frozen and Grace had to scream his name to make him safe. He generally is more and more quiet, each day he looks like "something bad happened" and even though he pretends all is okay, he's good, Gracie sees it all.
One day she just asks. He says all is okay. She then says she feels him cause she doesn't want to leave either. She wants Ohana. Uncle Steve. And Danno, her beloved daddy. He asks her about Jersey, Italy, Rachel. She says NO, NO and... NO. She says that she knew he's sad and she knows how much he loves this place and these people. And her. She says he can't always think only about her. And that he CAN always have both: her and uncle Steve. "What you mean, Monkey?" he asks.
She says she noticed his reaction on Rachel and Amanda (and also Williamses' words about leaving Hawaii) and wanted to know finally what's going on. So one day, when Danny was sleeping hard in the living room (when he drank a bit too much beer for a second time) she checked his room to find "anything". And she finally found. His old letters/messages to Rachel and to the court. She also found something like his diary or letters-never-sent. There was all in them, Danny's pain, truth about his marriage, about her grandmother and mother's cruel plan aka You Will Never See Grace Again, his fear that he would lose Gracie, his love for Grace and Ohana. His pain after losing Matthew. His memories of wanting to kill himself when Rachel took Grace. His bad days and good days. His soul healing in Hawaii with Ohana. With Grace. With Steve. And photos. There were many photos of Ohana being together. And happy.
So, Grace tells Danny that everything will be all right. That NOW they're Super Team. They have to fight for the happiness. They're staying in Hawaii. They need to change Ohana's minds by showing them how wonderful this land is. How many people still need Five-0. How much they all love each other. Danny is amazed. Grace talks and talks. She has so many ideas. One of them is: Gracie will go to court with Danny and say she wanna be under Danny's sole custody (cause the situation and Gracie's feelings have changed so much). She says that the judge will listen to her and she doesn't need as much money as Rachel to win. Danny is speechless. Then Grace says: "We're staying here. Forever. We need to be more Hawaiian, daddy". She has a plan. Danny is very intrigued.
Danny and Grace, when they're with Ohana, pretend they are excited about Italy. Danny says he and Grace learn a lot about their "promised land" (nature, culture, whole history etc) and they also learn "language of love", "language of their Ohana" (Clara is happy and thinks about her mother 😂) with Captain Tanaka's help (his wife knows Italian and some other languages). Lou jokes that Tanaka helps Danny cause he never liked Danny much and that Tanaka is happy that Danny will leave this land. Danny laughs and only says "Maybe, maybe not". When they are like "So, maybe you'll show us your language skills?", Danny says "No, not now". And when they try to ask Mrs Tanaka about Danny's progress, she only joyfully says "He learns so fast, he's truly a brilliant mind, what a memory, what a voice, when he talks I can see all: the sun, the sea, sand, the wind... he melts my heart, he sounds... like his people. His level? He'll be native one day, I'm sure!". Rachel is happy. Steve is devastated.
One year later. Steve, Kono and so on organize the Farewell Party. With looooong tables, with a big stage and microphones (to say Aloha to all their people), with flowers and all that jazz. There are so many people there on the beach. All of them. Whole Ohana and their little Ohanas. All people who know Five-0: survivors (rescued - forever grateful - victims), Hawaiian people, Ruth, Dekker, Victoria models, guy from the gun store, aunt Deb and her Leonard, HPD, SWAT, Williamses, absolutely everyone. So, they all celebrate and then Amanda says "So, Daniel. Your language teacher claims you're a master now. It's time to prove it, right?". Rachel's face is like "Aww, Italy, we're coming. I only need Danny to like me hmmm how to change his mind...". Steve fights with his pain. Deb asks "Maybe some song for your Ohana?". Danny smiles. "For my Ohana, you say? Well, I did it all to save my Ohana so...". When he said "to save my Ohana" all eyes were on Rachel and Grace. Danny continues: "So yeah, I can sing for Ohana too. Come on, Monkey. We'll do it together".
So they all wait there to hear some Italian words but then, on stage, Gracie grabs something and... she starts playing on ukulele. Then Danny starts singing... in the absolutely Perfect and Beautiful Hawaiian. He's singing Hawai'i 78. Soon Gracie is singing with him. All people around are in damn shock 😂😂😂 Kawika, Mamo, Kono's mama, all native guys are like *we're sorry, our brains are now loading, please wait a while*. Chin, Kono, Danny's parents... Lou, Mary, Gerard, Odell, Kame, Sang Min 😂 They all CAN'T BELIEVE 😂 And Stevie... Gosh, he can't breathe. Somebody ventilate him, quickly! 😆 Rachel? She realizes that she lost.
When Danny and Grace sing "Cry for the gods, cry for the people, cry for the land that was taken away and then yet you'll find... Hawai'i" - Steve and their Ohana, they all have tears in their eyes.
Soon Danny and Grace sing (with sassy smiles on their faces) some other Hawaiian songs for Ohana and in the end they and Steve and all Ohana talk about their feelings, Gracie explains her and Danny's plan to save Ohana, Danny finally fights with his anxiety, insecurity and all other demons and asks all his sunshines to stay with him in Hawaii. He whispers Hawaiian "I love you" in Steve's ear. Ohana laughs, they ask if Danny is bewitched or what. He answers "By you guys, yeah".
Of course all will stay in their beloved land, Five-0 is safe, Ohana is safe, all are happy together. They cry and laugh. Rachel comes and starts ranting and shouting at Danny but then Gracie gives her a card and only says: "What? You'll take me away from Danno? Not this time. By the way, it's MY lawyer's number. Call him. Goodbye!". Steve needs some air again 😂 Clara and Eddie are soooo happy that Danny finally fights for himself SO MUCH. They understand all and Clara is like "Hmm, Eddie, maybe WE TOO will have a home here?" 😆 And Eddie is like "But they don't have Papa's Tomato Pies here, honey. And you know, I love our place in Jersey and... We can visit. They can visit. You know".
Okay, I just wanted to say that my random headcanon is that Danny loves Hawaii more and more and one day he wants to be "one of these people totally" so he learns Hawaiian. Because he CAN. And because he is like One Big Surprise. He's booooorn to be wiiiiiild 😂 (and here he's free thanks to Gracie, he's determined and motivated and "I'll show you all!" 💪💪💪).
General Opinion over said character:
Danny? Danny is The Sunshine. The Warrior. The Protector. Care Bear Number One. He's anxious and strong. He's sassy and kind. He's sensitive and BAMF! He's wise. He's a lovely dork. He's the best parent, son and friend ever. He's Steve's everything. He is a great cop/detective. He CARES about people so much (and much more than about himself). His heart is golden. He's precious. Soo precious. Ohana loves him. Fandom loves him. He deserves absolutely the best! ♥️♥️♥️ We all can write looooong essays about him and his kindest heart, right? 😍
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