#unique candle making experience near me
theecandlelab · 5 months
Website : https://www.theecandlelab.com
Address 1 : Freeway Business Center, 1950 Compton Ave, Suite 112, Corona, California, USA
Address 2 : The District @ Tustin Legacy, 2425 Park Ave, Tustin, California, USA
Thee Candle Lab offers a unique experience in candle making, specializing in custom, vegan wax candles. Guests can enjoy workshops, events, and a variety of candle-making services. The candles are crafted in decorative glass or recycled alcohol bottles, adding to their uniqueness. The business caters to various events, including team bonding, birthdays, and weddings, with a focus on creating personalized candles with a blend of 30 fragrances.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/drunknlit/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/thee-candle-lab-tustin
Keywords: Candle making workshop Candle making for beginners Candle making workshop near me Candle making date night Personalized candle gifts Candle making for couples Candle making team building Candle making techniques DIY candle workshop Eco-friendly candle making Sustainable candle making Unique candle designs Candle making bridal shower custom candle crafting class vegan candle making experience personalized candle creation event group candle making sessions unique candle making experience candle crafting with recycled bottles luxury candle making workshop creative candle making class interactive candle workshop custom fragrance candle workshop candle making birthday parties candle making bachelorette party scented candle crafting workshop candle making for special occasions candle making corporate events fun candle making activities candle making with natural wax artistic candle creation workshop family friendly candle making candle making gift experience candle making holiday party educational candle making workshop themed candle making event handmade candle crafting customized fragrance candles creative diy candle ideas artisan candle crafting luxury candle designs candle crafting inspiration eco friendly candle making modern candle crafting innovative candle workshops candle crafting for all ages specialty candle experiences personalized candle decor candle making and relaxation aromatherapy candle crafting whimsical candle designs candle crafting mastery candle making workshop corona custom candle crafting class tustin vegan candle making experience in corona diy candle workshop tustin personalized candle creation event corona candle making for beginners tustin group candle making sessions corona unique candle making experience tustin candle crafting with recycled bottles corona luxury candle making workshop tustin creative candle making class corona interactive candle workshop tustin candle making team building corona custom fragrance candle workshop tustin candle making birthday parties corona candle making bachelorette party tustin candle making bridal shower corona
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Seashells | (Scavenging not encouraged coz of enviormental risks)
But if like me you happen to have a jar of seashells that you collected as a child a couple decades ago well...
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Draw down the moon.
The gravitational pull of the Earth’s closest celestial body is so powerful, it causes waves to crash on every coastline in the world.
Line your sacred circle with seashells when drawing down the moon or during full moon rituals.
Release something.
Write something you want to let go of on a seashell—a person, a job, or even a thought.
During the waning moon, toss the shell into the ocean.
Walk away and don’t look back.
Create a sea witch altar.
If you live near a coastline, are a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) or you work with the Element of Water often, consider devoting a space in your home for a sea witch altar.
Pile on seashells high to bring the spirit of the ocean into your sacred space.
Place seashells in the western corner of your circle.
Water rules the western direction.
Seashells symbolise the treasures hidden deep beneath the ocean’s surface.
When casting your circle, place seashells in the western corner.
Meditation seashells.
If you love using your fine art skills in magic (or just want to try it for the first time), try using seashells as a base for an art spell.
Need some ideas?
Check out these amazing “zen” seashells for some magical, meditative art therapy.
Dry cleansing.
Try storing magical tools with seashells to clear negative energy.
This technique is particularly useful for tools that cannot have contact with water, like your tarot cards.
Add them to your witchy candle-making.
If you make your own candles for spell casting, incorporate your collection of seashells into your craft.
Try this gorgeous tutorial for turning seashells into tea candles.
Or, press candles into the base of a pillar candle while the wax is still warm.
Use them in love spell.
In love and attraction spells, the Element of Water rules emotions and matters of the heart.
Include a small seashell in an attraction spell bag.
When working with the goddess Aphrodite.
If you work with Aphrodite, honour her with an offering of seashells.
In particular, oyster shells represent the deep, hidden beauty of womanhood and the feminine divine.
Make a set of runes.
Collect 24 shells of roughly the same size.
Then, use a fine-tipped black marker to draw a runic symbol on each one.
Voila!  Your set of runes is not only unique, it’s infused with your creative energy.
Add them to ritual baths.
Infuse your ritual bath experience with the magic of the ocean.
Surround your tub with seashells, add some sea salt to the water and indulge in a ritual bath that draws on the oceanic energy of sea magic.
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diningeperiance · 28 days
Affordable Luxury: Private Dining on a Budget
Achieving a luxurious private dining experience without a hefty price tag is possible with smart planning. When searching for restaurants with outdoor seating near me consider venues that offer both ambiance and value. Here are some strategies to ensure a memorable dining experience while staying within your budget.
First, choose the right venue. Outdoor seating can offer a beautiful and unique dining experience, often at a lower cost than renting a private room. Look for restaurants that provide semi-private spaces or offer group discounts. Many establishments have beautiful patios or gardens that can serve as a perfect backdrop for your event without additional fees.
Next, streamline the menu. Work with the restaurant to create a fixed menu that suits your budget. Fixed menus often provide a set number of courses at a fixed price, which can help control costs. Discuss the possibility of including a few high-impact, low-cost items such as seasonal vegetables or local specialties. This approach allows you to offer a diverse and appealing menu without overspending.
Timing can significantly impact the cost. Opt for hosting your event during off-peak hours or on weekdays when restaurants are more likely to offer discounts or special packages. Many restaurants have happy hour menus or mid-week specials that can provide excellent value. Booking in advance and negotiating terms can also help secure the best deals.
Consider the extras. Simple, elegant touches such as candles, fresh flowers, or customized menus can enhance the experience without a significant expense. Ask the restaurant if they can provide these extras as part of the package or if you can bring your own decorations. Sometimes, adding a personal touch can make the event feel more special and intimate.
In conclusion, a luxurious private dining experience on a budget is achievable by choosing the right venue, creating a fixed menu, timing your event wisely, and adding thoughtful extras. With careful planning and smart choices, you can host an impressive and memorable dining event without overspending.
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lucielxbe · 3 months
NGS2P2. ⋆ interview; reflecting.
the usual interviews, luciel is used to answering questions in front of the camera. he’s relaxed, but he maintains his posture straight. an interview is yet again another performance of playing a role. while he waits for his turn, he thinks the list of possible questions that would be asked. since this is after the performances, there’s most likely going to be some reflecting.
as someone with a classical music background, what do you think of your performance? was it unusual?
there it is. luciel rests his clasped hands on a leg, tilts his head to the side as if pondering. “it was something relatively new to me. i’m more used to performances with an atmospheric feel to it that evokes strong emotions to the listener from the soundscape… so i’ve learnt a lot of new perspectives. i think i did quite well for my first time, and i’m satisfied with it. but of course, i’m not stopping at just being satisfied. i’m going to be even better the next time and come back with an improved version of myself.”
were there any challenges you struggled with particularly?
“rapping was one of them,” an embarrassed chuckle came. “it’s not something my parents are going to be too happy about… so the entire time i wasn’t, feeling it, you know? if i can’t feel it, then i can’t do it. there was some fear and guilt that was lingering at the back of my head. it took me a while… for that, i’m grateful to seira for helping me overcome it. i have more confidence in rapping now, and i want to explore more styles in the future.”
do you think your rank will go up after the performance? is there a specific rank you’re aiming for?
at this, luciel makes an ‘aah’ expression. he presses his lips before answering, “i would hope so. if my rank didn’t go up after all that, i won’t be too happy about it. it means that i didn’t improve at all from my auditions. as for what rank i’m aiming for… i don’t just want to jump by one or two ranks, i want to be somewhere near the top. it’s natural that everyone wants a high rank, i’m the same. i didn’t come here to just only be satisfied.” although what luciel was truly aiming for is the rank at the very top. he doesn’t say that… not yet. for now, he wants to remain a little humble.
you were labelled as part of the ‘strange cast’ during your auditions, how do you feel about that?
just strange, huh? that was rather hilarious. “was it because i surprised the judges with a variety of skills from me?” his expressions didn’t change much throughout the interview until now, it seems like he finds this question amusing. “i don’t think it’s strange, rather, i believe i’m fortunate. it’s thanks to my family that i was given the opportunities to try out various things in my life — them approving of it is… an entirely new point,” he adds the last part with a lighthearted laugh. “i don’t just try out new things, i also make sure that i work hard in everything i try out and to not leave it as just a memory in my life. i always, burn the experience in my body.”
is there anything you’re looking forward to as the show moves forward?
“working together in a group, that’s what i’m looking forward to. it’s been solo performances up until now, and even back in the classical scene i’ve always been more of a soloist. so i’d like to expand to performing in a group. every individual is unique here, so i want to get to know more of how everyone conveys their story in music. how they feel about it.”
the interview stops there, but luciel’s thoughts did not come to a halt. he thinks about what his friend, a fellow contestant, had said to him: are you here to feel something?
he’s right. that’s what luciel is here for — to see if this show can start a fire within his empty darkness, to see if he can have a taste of what it means to be truly alive. he’s felt it for a brief moment when he was performing the first mission, but it faded away as quickly as it came. it’s as if god blew off the candle the moment it was lit.
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glassmarcus · 5 months
Chrono Cross: A Reputation that precedes itself
*Played in April 2022, Written in November 2022,
I heard a lot of shit talk regarding Chrono Cross in the decade between me playing Chrono Trigger and it. No positive comment about it came without a caveat. It was always an enjoyable disappointment at best or a complete insult at worst. I heard nothing about it held a candle to the original. I heard it only weakened the world of Chrono Trigger as a whole. I heard only the music was solid and even then, Chrono Trigger still had the edge in that area. Yet. I still desired to play it. It was never convenient, so I didn't take the plunge. But now that the Radical Dreamers Edition has been released, my primal urge to complete franchises has awakened and has set its sights on Chrono Cross. And upon playing it, I can say for certain that all the bad stuff I heard about the game is basically spot on. Yea, no hot takes really. This review will not be particularly unique.
Chrono Cross is a bit of a train wreck. Party Recruitment is obtuse and for the most part pointless. The story delivers itself in the least digestible way possible. The looming threat of one shots makes defensive play seem required. The frame rate is bad and even worse with the "enhanced" graphics. It's never clear what's interactable in the world. You'll spend far more time than what is acceptable in multiple menus that are a drag to navigate. There's a misstep at every turn and while some of the remaster's features alleviate the sluggishness and tedium, it's not enough to release its true potential.
Despite all these gripes, I still would consider myself a fan of this game. It just has a vibe you can't really get anymore. There’s a moody ominous air about it, while also having no issue throwing goofy shit in your face without missing a beat. It gets a little up its own ass near the end, but I really think there's a solid blend of Edge and Levity throughout most of the game. It expertly toes the line and gets away with more than even Chrono Trigger does in terms of having schlock elements while still being a story you can be legitimately invested in. It has big Hell House energy. Probably more than even Final Fantasy 7. So many enemies and characters feel like they're from a different world, but because they are presented so confidently within it, you have no choice but to accept that they belong. These character designs with these dialects have the nerve to ask for your full attention with no reservations. And I have to respect that
While mechanically and narratively it drops the ball in a lot of places, I think there is a ton of merit to be found here. All and all, I'd describe the story as a bit trash by the end. Not valueless, but certainly not the type of story I wanted it to become. I feel like Cross wasted the intrigue built in the beginning and middle. It's not a spoiler to say that this game back loaded all its Chrono Trigger connections and these connections are the worst part of the story. Well, maybe it is a spoiler, but heeding my warning is more important than being blind on this game. If it implemented these connections throughout, it would still be kind of dumb. But at least the plot would be cleaner and I wouldn't have been tricked into loving the game in the beginning. Instead it blindsides you, revealing that it was secretly a hack job the whole time, a plot twist I really should have seen coming given its reputation.
But, there are moments which are Undeniable Peak Video Game Experiences and I can't help but look back at them and think about how raw Cross was in those instances. The branching choices the game gives you in the first act and the paradigm shift near the end of it are perfect examples of why video game stories are special. I popped off at the latter more than anything from Chrono Trigger. This game takes big swings, and when it hits it hits. And even when it grazes, you still feel the power behind it.
The gimmick of having half the cast of the game being playable is bonkers. It made the party bloated and undeveloped. There was no way all these characters would feel like they had any meaningful baring on the narrative, no matter how much time they had to work on this game. Serge, Kid, and a few others are the only ones who are important. The rest are jokes who you wouldn’t want to play as because there are only 3 party slots. Why use this slot on a character who at most has 1 side quest and otherwise doesn't effectively exist? It's not their story. Chrono Cross doesn't belong to 80% of its playable cast and by the end you have this huge party which should feel like close friends and family when it's mostly just acquaintances and 4th cousins.
Even so, I can’t deny the sense of adventure this perverse decision brings. One thing (of many things) I adore about One Piece is how you follow a protagonist going around the world, meeting colorful characters and forcing them into his found family. Any notable weirdo has the chance to join the crew and Chrono Cross elicits that same feeling. There's even a skeleton party member to complete this analogy. And if Cross can remind me about One Piece then it's definitely doing something right. Though you could also compare the cast bloat to Late One Piece too, so it might be doing somethings wrong as well. I had an issue with only 3 party slots back in Chrono Trigger. That had only 7 guys you play as and I felt I had less of a connection to some because I never had them in my party frequently. This game has 45 party members. I care about like 6 of them. That's kind of a big issue for me. There are moments in the game where you lose team members for an extended period of time. These have the potential for heart felt reunions with the friends you’ve grown apart from. I felt this sense of reunity with one character. 1 character out of dozens. Sure, I feel grateful about the reunion I had with that one character, but I can’t help but feel disappointed by the woeful dearth in kinship I felt for everyone else. It’s fine for some to get more focus than others, but there’s a disparity here that borders on hilarity.
Another big swing it takes is its world traversal. Instead of having multiple time periods with wildly varying geography and characters, Chrono Cross takes a more reserved yet more interesting approach by having two versions of the same time period. There's less variety this way, but it allows for more intimate exploration of the little space you have. Seeing how versions of characters differ between timelines and the subtle changes to the world hits a different part of my brain than the era skipping in Trigger. It's similar to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, where the other version of the map is interesting because you are comparing it to the original. Seeing the changes and using those differences to progress is what gives you that time traveling feeling, rather than going somewhere seemingly unrelated and butterfly effecting your way to victory. I just wish this was executed a bit better. It feels pretty on rails til the end and there's only one spot where you can timeline hop, so it's a bitch to do. There's a lot of potential in this structure, but it yet again ends up paleing in comparison to Chrono Trigger by not taking full advantage.
The swing Chrono Cross takes which lands consistently is its combat. The battle system is fantastic. Everything in battle has a cost, but that cost only affects you WITHIN the encounter. Your attacks require stamina, which recharges by defending or swapping characters. Your magic requires combat points, which recharge by attacking. Your spell slots are one use only, but recharge after the battle is over. It's a very 'use it or lose it' type of game. It kinda works like old Vancian Dungeons and Dragons Magic where you chose your spells at the beginning of the day and they recharge at the end. Only with Chrono Cross they comeback after each battle. This allows for more interesting individual encounters as opposed to having a gauntlet of jobbers strangling your resources. Not necessarily better, but something I prefer and want to see more of. There's such a good flow to it and there's no stress at all because you end up wasting nothing in the long term.
Attack accuracy is a big part of the combat as well, and normally I hate that RNG being heavily involved in video games, but Chrono Cross does the impossible and makes it actually interesting. You have 3 basic attacks: light, medium, heavy. Light attacks cost less stamina, but they do little damage; medium attacks do moderate damage for moderate cost; heavy attacks trash enemy life bars, but cost a lot. The heavier the attack, the less likely it will hit. I thought this would be annoying, but it actually created an interesting risk and reward dichotomy. 2 heavy attacks and 1 light attack will do way more damage than 7 light attacks, but you will probably miss one of those heavy attacks. There's a combo system implemented which incentivizes you to go light->medium->heavy as each hit increases the accuracy of the next. It has a built in Bread & Butter Combo by default. But this is usually not the optimal way to deal with the issue at hand and certain situations require certain combinations to maximize damage or build combat points. It fucking rules. It's like if Xenogears combat had meat to it rather than just looking pretty. It's not perfect. The Magic the Gathering field magic shit is pretty pointless most of the time and makes the final boss more obtuse than it needs to be. Cross is starving for dual techs which were my favorite part of Chrono Trigger combat. There aren't enough encounters that push you to master the system. But honestly, aside from the music, the combat is the one thing that actually doesn't look embarrassing compared to Chrono Trigger.
When looking at this as a Chrono Trigger sequel it gives a less than favorable impression. It does some cool things with the universe and themes, but also some head ass stuff that is ultimately detrimental. Chrono Cross is a game with a heavy duality motif. So it's fitting that Chrono Trigger is both a sequel and not a sequel. It seems like the intention was to make Chrono Trigger a Final Fantasy II situation. Similar elements and branding, but completely self contained. Then somewhere down the line it decided to not be self contained. I can only assume that this is some quantum event which split us into two timelines. One where Chrono Cross isn't a sequel and one where it is. We are in the timeline where it is. The problem timeline. The one that shouldn't exist. One where the franchise was brought to a halt and Chrono Cross is vilified as an insult to a masterpiece.
But in parallel, there could very well be a world where Chrono Cross is actually respected as something different. A game that neatly ties up all the interesting plot threads it sews throughout the adventure. Or at the very least fails in a less pathetic way. Maybe this makes Chrono Trigger fans less brackish. Maybe this leads to the franchise continuing, not as a linear story, but as a series of vignettes outlining the perils and theories behind time manipulation. That timeline sounds like one I'd love to be a part of. Should I be anguishing over the reality we have been robbed of? Should I accept that this is the way things are and give in to the flow of time? I don’t know and probably never will. These are the kind of questions Chrono Cross ask and I was too confused by the last handful of hours to notice if there were any answers. But no matter what timeline you belong to, I'm confident in saying that it's worth your time. Because there's a lot worse things you can be in this world than a decent game that isn't as good a Chrono Trigger.
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paradiseicecream · 9 months
Elevate Your Celebration with a Paradise Ice Cream Truck Birthday Party!
When it comes to hosting a private function that leaves a lasting impression, it's all about the details. And what detail could be more delightful and delectable than an ice cream truck birthday party? If you're looking to infuse your event with a dose of sweetness and fun, Paradise Ice Cream has just the recipe. With a menu of silky smooth, premium quality ice creams and refreshing slushies, your guests are in for a treat that will make your celebration truly unforgettable. ice cream truck birthday party near me
A Taste of Paradise
Picture this: your private function in full swing, laughter filling the air, and a colorful ice cream truck pulling up to the scene. Paradise Ice Cream brings not only delicious desserts but an experience that will be etched in your guests' memories. The allure of a cool, creamy scoop or a flavored slushie is irresistible, and it's this kind of attention to detail that sets your event apart.
Premium Quality to Impress
At Paradise Ice Cream, quality reigns supreme. Our commitment to crafting silky smooth ice creams using only the finest ingredients ensures that every bite is a moment of sheer indulgence. Whether it's a milestone birthday, a corporate gathering, or any private occasion, our premium ice creams are guaranteed to impress even the most discerning palates. The velvety textures and rich flavors create a symphony of taste that elevates your celebration to new heights.
Options for Every Palate
We understand that every guest has unique tastes, which is why our menu offers a diverse array of options. From classic chocolate dipped soft serve to the timeless charm of creamy vanilla topped with sprinkles, there's a flavor for every craving. And it's not just about the flavors - it's about catering to everyone's dietary needs too. Our ice creams are gluten-free and halal certified, with nut-free selections available, ensuring that all your guests can indulge without worry.
A Celebration to Remember
Whether you're envisioning a dreamy wedding day or a lively milestone birthday bash, Paradise Ice Cream is here to turn your vision into a reality. Our ice cream truck birthday parties are designed to inject a sense of joy and whimsy into your event, creating an atmosphere where everyone can let loose and savor the moment. It's more than just a dessert; it's a catalyst for fun, laughter, and unforgettable memories.
Convenience at Your Doorstep
The best part? You don't need to go searching for an "ice cream truck birthday party near me." We bring the party to you! Our vibrant ice cream truck rolls up to your chosen venue, ready to serve up scoops of happiness. This convenience allows you to focus on enjoying the celebration while we take care of delighting your guests with a taste of paradise.
In a world where events are remembered for the experiences they offer, a Paradise Ice Cream truck birthday party stands out as a remarkable choice. With premium quality ice creams, a variety of flavors to suit every taste, and a commitment to making your celebration extraordinary, Paradise Ice Cream transforms any private function into an epic affair. So, whether you're raising a toast at a wedding or blowing out candles on a milestone birthday, make your special moment even more memorable with the magic of an ice cream truck party. After all, every scoop is a symphony of celebration!
For More Info: -
ice cream truck for parties near me
ice cream trucks near me
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glam-123 · 1 year
beauty parlor at home Noida|salon at home Noida|beautician near me
Title: The Convenience and Charm of Glam code  Beauty Parlors at Home.
Beauty parlors have long been a go-to destination for individuals seeking professional grooming services. However, in recent years, a new trend has emerged, providing beauty services in the comfort and convenience of one's own home. The concept of a beauty parlor at home has gained popularity due to its numerous advantages, offering a personalized and intimate experience tailored to the individual's needs. This article explores the rising trend of home beauty parlors and the benefits they offer, bringing the beauty salon experience directly to your doorstep.
Personalized and Tailored Services:
One of the key advantages of having a beauty parlor at home is the ability to receive personalized and tailored services. Unlike traditional salons where clients often have to wait their turn and settle for generic treatments, home beauty parlors provide undivided attention to each individual. Skilled professionals visit your home, taking the time to understand your specific requirements and preferences, allowing for a customized experience.
Whether you desire a relaxing facial, a rejuvenating massage, a stylish haircut, or a manicure and pedicure, beauty experts at home will adapt their services to suit your needs. This personalized approach ensures that you receive the highest quality of care, focusing solely on you without any distractions. With home beauty parlors, you can truly indulge in a pampering session tailored exclusively for you.
Convenience and Time-Saving:
One of the main reasons behind the increasing popularity of beauty parlors at home is the unparalleled convenience they offer. Traditional salons often require clients to commute, navigate traffic, and spend valuable time waiting for their turn. In contrast, home beauty parlors eliminate the need for travel, saving precious time and energy.
By bringing the salon experience to your doorstep, home beauty parlors provide unmatched convenience. They can accommodate your schedule and adapt to your availability, making it easier to fit grooming appointments into a busy lifestyle. Whether you have a demanding work schedule or family commitments, you can enjoy professional beauty services without disrupting your routine.
Comfort and Relaxation :
Another advantage of a beauty parlor at home is the unmatched comfort and relaxation it offers. Home is a familiar and comforting environment where you can truly unwind and enjoy your beauty treatments without any external disturbances. The absence of a crowded salon and beautician near by you only focus at you and  ensures a peaceful and serene ambiance, enhancing the overall experience.
Moreover, home beauty parlors allow you to create a soothing and personalized atmosphere according to your preferences. You can choose your favorite background music, dim the lights, or even light scented candles, transforming your space into a tranquil oasis. This personalized setting promotes relaxation, elevating your beauty treatments to a whole new level of indulgence.
Safety and Hygiene :
In light of recent global events, safety and hygiene have become crucial considerations for many individuals. Home beauty parlors address these concerns by providing a controlled and sanitized environment. Since the treatments are carried out in your own home, you have complete control over the cleanliness and sanitation of the surroundings, ensuring a safe experience.
Professional beauty experts who offer home services adhere to strict hygiene protocols, using sterilized equipment, and maintaining high standards of cleanliness. This eliminates the need to worry about shared spaces or potential exposure to unclean surfaces. Home beauty parlors prioritize your safety, providing peace of mind while enjoying your grooming sessions.
Conclusion :
The rising trend of salon at home in Noida offers a unique and convenient way to indulge in professional grooming services. With personalized attention, time-saving convenience, enhanced comfort, and a focus on safety, home beauty parlors are revolutionizing the way we approach beauty treatments. By blending professional expertise with the comfort of your own space, these parlors ensure that you
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hello ma'am id like to request a captain rex x f! or gn! reader,, maybe he's promised to take reader out on a date after he returns from a mission and when he does he asks you out and stuff bksbegksgjsn hope that provides inspiration
Ooooh I love this idea and it really did spark something in my brain so thanks for that!! :D. So happy to be writing again. See below for some happiness and fluff!
Date Night With The Captain
AO3 Link
Pairing: Rex x gn!Reader
Summary: You and Rex have been pining over each other for a while now, thankfully your good friends in the Elite Guard intervene to help speed things up.
Warnings: General Audience. Don't think there is any. One bit of swearing.
Word Count: 1.5k
It was another warm, smoggy day on Coruscant. The hatch door to the landing bay of the Republic Military HQ was open, allowing whatever small breeze the planet had to offer through. The top of your Republic issued jumpsuit was tied around your waist, letting the trousers hang loosely around your lower half, in attempt to keep yourself cool. You had the radio on as you worked beneath a red A-Wing, your mind on autopilot as you rewired, cut and welded through the repairs. Casually rolling back and forth on your dolly, humming along to the newest song the radio had to offer.
Given your work as a mechanic for the Republic since the start of the war, you’d gotten to know a lot of the clones from various battalions. You always had fun working on the ships for the Wolfpack as they were natural pilots who took a real appreciation in your work. In return, you made sure to always touch up the artwork of the two buckets and General Plo’s face for them on each ship, as you knew how much it meant to the men. Other battalions, while lovely, really did love to make your job difficult. Aka, the 501st. The clones weren’t too bad when it came to flying, it was more the involvement of General Skywalker which usually meant most of your ships didn’t even make it back, and the few that did were in a questionable state. Captain Rex always had the job of checking the ships back in to you due to Skywalker’s fear of facing your wrath for another ship mishap.
Captain Rex... you felt your mind drift to think of the clone you’d been getting close with over the past few years. He was easy company. A strong, friendly presence that was always welcome in your repair bay. He’d usually stick around for longer then he should, relaying their latest mission as he nursed a cup of caff while you worked away. You’d developed quite a crush on the Captain as time went on, how could you not? His buzz cut blonde hair, his caring nature, and that handsome face which despite being a clone, had something unique about it that made you smile every time he looked at you.
Yep, you were crushing bad on the Captain. But it wasn’t entirely one-sided. Just before he departed for his last mission, you think he was attempting to ask you out on a date before his comm went off and pulled him away and back to the war. You’d been running that interaction through your brain ever since he left, trying to guess how he would’ve liked to finish his sentence.
You let out a sigh at the thought. A person could dream right. You were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when someone yanked your dolly from out under the ship, taking you with it. You were presented with a helmet-less, Commander Fox who’s curly hair was hanging just above his eyebrows. He didn’t say anything as he shoved a cup of caff in your direction.
You got yourself up from laying on your back and gratefully accepted the caffeine “Cheers, Fox”
“You need to take a break every so often” he stated while sipping at his own beverage.
“Rich coming from you” you winked at him, “Let me guess, Stone forced you to take a break by sending you to bring me a drink and make me take a break”
“Pretty much”
“Classic” you enjoyed the comfortable silence which fell between you both. Despite his overly stressed exterior, Fox was one of your closest friends. He and the other Elite Guard Commanders always made sure to check in and look after you and you did the same for them.
After a few minutes, he spoke again “Oh, Thorn needs your advice on something. He asked you to meet him in the mess hall”
“Dating drama again?” You questioned with a chuckle.
“Most likely” Fox replied with a roll of his eyes.
You bid Fox a farewell and set off to find Thorn. The military base very much stuck to a black and grey colour scheme so it was near impossible to distinguish one hallway from another if you didn’t know you way around by memory. Your jumpsuit made some swooshing noises as your legs skimmed past one another while you walked. Tools and bolts rattled in your pocket as you went. A contrast to the quiet you found in the hallways this evening.
Eventually you spotted Thorn standing outside the mess hall where he waved you inside and disappeared into the room.
You eventually caught up and walked in and the sight you were met with took your breath away. The lights in the hall were dimmed and there was a single table set up. A few candles lit up the centre and there were two portions of standard mess food waiting on either side in their signature metal trays. Standing next to the table was an awkward looking Captain Rex, his armour still dirty from battle. He had his helmet off, letting you see the flush of pink on his cheeks as he rubbed a hand down the back of his neck.
Thorn was practically bouncing with excitement as he pushed you forward into the room. “Well you kids have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t dooo!” He shouted as he ran out the door, closing it behind him.
You and Rex stood there for a moment, taking each other in. He looked quite vulnerable in that moment, waiting to see your reaction.
“Hey Captain, glad to see you’re back safe and sound” you said with a smile as you walked towards him. “What’s all this?”
“Well, I uh, I’ve been meaning to take you out for a while now, but things kept getting in the way. I know it’s not Coruscant’s finest dining experience-“
“It’s perfect” you cut him off, smile beaming on your face as you realised everything you’d been dreaming about these past months was true. “How’d you manage to pull this one off?”
“It was Thorn’s idea to be fair, he managed to get Fox on board to give us access to the mess hall after hours.” You chuckled at his words, of course they were meddling. Not that you minded of course, you knew exactly what you signed up for when it came to being friends with the Coruscant Elite Guard.
“You hungry?” Rex asked, much more relaxed now he had your approval on his surprise.
“Absolutely starving” you replied as you took your seat opposite the handsome Captain.
The pair of you chatted away as you ate the standard food that the base pumped out on the regular. Rex filled you in on his latest battles and 501st drama. He mentioned that it was only him from his battalion who had returned, and he was only back for a couple of days with the General to give a briefing to the Council before heading back out again. Which explained why Fives, Kix and Jesse hadn’t come storming into the repair bay to say hello to you.
You relayed what you and the guard had been up to, the pranks that Stone and Thorn had been playing on poor Fox, any fun stories about Palpatine that Fox had bitched about to you all.
Everything came so naturally with Rex; you spoke for what neither of your realised was hours. The candles burning slowly down until they were nearly running out of wax. You didn’t realise how much you’d missed his presence until right now.
Seeing an opportunity, you took his hand in yours on the table. Running your thumb over the hardened skin on his knuckles. “This has been probably the best evening I’ve had in a long time” you admitted, blushing.
“You and me both. But it’s not quite over yet” you cocked your head at the trooper in front of you as he hit something on his comm link and suddenly some slow jazz song started playing through the room’s speakers. Rex stood up and offered you a hand to join him. You nearly swooned at the entire thing. You’d never experienced romance like this. How did you get so lucky that he’d chosen you for all of this?
You took his outstretched hand as he led you to a slightly more open portion of the hall. You wrapped your arms around his neck, he was about to put his on your hips but paused and quickly asked for permission with a quiet “May I?” before he did so. It surely was not possible for a living being to be this adorable, handsome, perfect. Right?
The pair of you began to sway casually to the song that was playing. “So how did I do?” He asked with a small smirk on his lips.
“Honestly Captain, you couldn’t have done anything better. This is perfect” you smiled up at him. Your eyes met his fiery amber ones, filled with such warmth and content. You couldn’t wait any longer, you leaned up and placed your lips on his in a soft, first kiss. Both your movements were slow against one another, enjoying the languid pace set by the dancing and music, letting it guide your kiss.
You pulled away and met his eyes again. Yep you were falling for this man. Badly. But from the looks of it, he wasn’t too far behind you.
The pair of you danced the night away, the war forgotten for that one evening.
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cacodaemonia · 4 years
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Skin tones are complicated!!!
Every person’s skin is unique, and the colors and tones change a lot depending on lighting. There has, thankfully, been a lot of talk about whitewashing in media, so I see a lot of posts saying, “this is how you paint dark skin.” But there is no one way to paint dark skin – or any skin! So let’s look at how complex skin is.
Skin is very thin, and the cells that contain melanin are quite close to the surface. Because skin is so thin, it is somewhat translucent, meaning light doesn’t just reflect off of it, but also penetrates it. This means that bright light scatters just a little bit under the skin, often causing slight color variations, like a reddish edge to sharp shadows caused by light illuminating the blood under the skin.
As you can see, in all of the photos below, the colors range from almost black to stark white. Then you have to consider that human eyes don’t see things exactly the same way that cameras do, no matter how advanced the camera is. Eyes see an even greater range and subtlety and tones because our pupils adjust to the lighting depending on what we’re looking at. I’m not a photographer, but I understand that cameras have to take the whole scene into account when determining how much light to let into the lens. Thus, shadows often look darker than what the eye would see, and highlights look too bright.
For this reason, I do not recommend using the eyedropper tool on photos if you are working digitally. I think that learning to see colors on your own helps you to understand how they change under different conditions. That might just be the old fart in me talking, though. ;) That said, I’ve done my best with these photos of Temuera Morrison to explain some of the complexity of what the eye sees.
[three photos of Temuera Morrison]
These are all indoor lighting. Left is cool indoors, middle is likely a camera flash, right is warm window light. Note that the color samples from the left image are generally cooler and more washed out than those from the other two. Also note that, in people with facial hair, the skin around the jaw is less saturated than the skin elsewhere on the face and ears (ears are usually more red than face skin). The sharpness of the highlights and shadows depends heavily on how close/diffuse the light source is. Generally, closer/brighter light sources (like flashlights, direct sunlight) make sharper shadows, while more distant/dimmer light sources (like candles, sunlight on a cloudy day) leave softer highlights and shadows.
[three photos of Temuera Morrison]
These are both outdoor, natural lighting. Left is probably sunset, right is near midday. Note the warm colors from sunset, and cooler, less saturated colors at midday. Also note the subtle, slightly blue highlights on the left side of the face in both images. The sharpness of the highlights in the right image is due to both the direct sunlight and sweat on the skin, which makes it more reflective. Skin oils do this as well.
I’m not the greatest artist, but I have a lot of experience with this subject, so I hope these tips help both artists and non-artists understand why you can’t just slap down 5 color swatches and say, “use these to paint a face.”
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sserpente · 4 years
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A/N: Geralt smut was requested numerous times, so here we are! What would Halloween time be without Vampire Imagines, after all?
Words: 2562 Warnings: smut, vampire!Reader, prostitute!Reader
“Geralt of Rivia! I haven’t seen you in a while.”
The Witcher hummed with pursed lips. Julius was almost as bad as Jaskier in terms of liveliness and discretion. He had certainly not wanted the entire brothel to know he was here. Several pairs of curious eyes were resting on him now.
He shook his head in disbelief before he strutted towards the counter like he owned the place and handed a terrified young boy—a new waiter, he presumed, he was not familiar with his face—his swords. He only trusted Julius with storing away his weapons safely for the duration of his… stay.
“The usual I presume?” Julius barked in a loud voice. Geralt resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “Danica is sick, I’m afraid. Nothing too serious, the healers say she’ll get through it.”
Couldn’t‘ve told me that earlier, he thought. He nodded when the young waiter offered him a mug of ale.
“Look, before you say anything—I know you only come here for Danica. But I have a new girl. Young, beautiful, cocky. You’ll like her. Her beauty is… elf-like, almost. Wouldn’t tell me where she’s from or who her parents are but she’s of age and she’s experienced. Interested?”
Geralt was about to say no. Quenching his thirst with the ale, he took a few greedy gulps when the creaking wooden door which led to a dark staircase into some more private rooms on the first floor revealed a clearly flustered man in his late thirties, maybe early forties—and one of the most beautiful women he had ever had the honour to lay his eyes upon.
Enamoured, he followed every single one of your movements. He could not deny that there was something about you that was not quite… human. You moved with too much grace, too much felicity and the way your dark red dress wrapped around your near-perfect curves and brought out your eye-colour was almost unnatural to look at.
With a cheeky smile, you waved your most recent customer goodbye who left weaving out of the brothel a little as if he was drunk. At least, the guests’ attention had now found another victim.
Your head spun around when Julius called your name. There was a strange man sitting at the bar. A man with blonde, almost white hair, a handsome face and mesmerising yellow eyes. You recognised him at once.
Julius took a deep breath. “This is…”
“Geralt of Rivia,” You completed, eyebrows raised in awe. “The infamous White Wolf. Danica told me a lot about you… and your adventures.”
Your eye-colour was unnatural too, he noticed up close. You were about as human as he was. Julius, on the other hand, had no clue who he had welcomed into his brothel, so it seemed.
“She’s not here today, I’m afraid.” Tilting your head in an innocent manner, you gave Julius a knowing look. Geralt hummed once more.
“I’ll be upstairs in a minute.” He said, directing his attention towards his beer again. A triumphant smile spread on your lips as you turned on your heel and headed back upstairs into your room.
The Witcher kept his promise. You had long lost your dark red dress when he entered after you. You glanced at him across your shoulder, giving him a mischievous smile and letting him take in your bare behind. Men liked your arse, of course but they liked your back too. Their lustful stares stirred the hot embers inside of you, making the experience about as pleasurable for you as it was for them.
“What are you waiting for, White Wolf? Take off your clothes.” You demanded with a soft voice, steering towards the bed with languid steps. You sprawled out on the mattress then, fully aware of how his yellow eyes followed you with an intimidating hunger in them. You suppressed a chuckle. He might have been a Witcher… but in the end he was just a man too.
Leaning back, you arched your back a little and watched him take off his armour. Piece by piece, the heavy metal and the dark leather came off his body, revealing a handsome, muscly young man covered in dozens of battle scars. They made him all the more beautiful and unique, his signature necklace shimmering in the candle light.
You were surprised he had not yet asked about the curtains being closed but then again, you were not wearing any clothes.
Geralt was already semi-hard when he peeled himself from his trousers—a bold reminder your naked body had the desired effect on him. Once he had ridded himself of his boots as well, he approached the bed so slowly you feared he’d get stuck. Curious, you watched him climb on the mattress until he hovered above you like a wolf about to devour its prey. You purred. He appeared to live up to his name.
Licking your lips, you brought your hands up to stroke his chest. His muscles danced underneath your fingertips, his necklace hanging down in an almost trance-inducing manner. Geralt leaned down to bury his face in your neck when all of a sudden, the heavy metal grazed your skin and a sharp burning sensation rippled through you. An ear-piercing scream escaped your lips, your eyes turning blood-red at once. You felt your fangs press against your gums, willing to grow for you to defend yourself against the pain.
“I fucking knew it…” Geralt mumbled alarmed. His white hair tickled your skin when he moved away, his hands wrapping around your throat, sensing the imminent danger you were radiating. Blinking rapidly, you tried your best to make those terrifying red eyes disappear—even if every fibre of your being screamed to taste him. A Witcher’s blood was sweet and empowering they said… what would it be like if you sank your fangs into his warm skin?
“What are you?” He spat. You lifted your chin as best as you could in your current position, responding to him with a frightful hiss revealing your fangs to him.
Great, Geralt thought. A vampire… just what I needed. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead forced himself to let go of your throat for you to breathe but kept his hands on your throat.
“You’re not afraid, are you?” You choked out, cracking a scornful smile. Geralt bared his teeth.
“What are you doing here? Seducing men to feed on them?”
“No,” You spat, glaring at him, “I do no such thing.” Tapping his strong hands with your own, it took him another moment to finally let go. You gasped. “The man you saw leaving earlier. He had no bite marks on him now, had he?”
The Witcher cocked his head. “Does Julius know?”
“Does Julius know?”
“No, Julius doesn’t know and it’ll stay that way, do you hear me?”
“Are you threatening me?” Geralt frowned, the dark tone in his voice not to be underestimated. Strangely, it sent a shiver through your entire body.
“Do you think me stupid enough to threaten a Witcher? No. Consider this a gentle warning.” You gave him a bitter-sweet smile. Once it faded from your face, you looked up at him with cold eyes.
“I don’t feed from anyone here.” It was only then the White Wolf finally relaxed. Sighing, albeit still cautious, he sank into the cushions to your left.
“Then what is a vampire doing in a brothel?”
“I could use the money and I like sex.”
Geralt raised his eyebrows in a seemingly unimpressed manner. “Who doesn’t…?” He mumbled.
“Exactly,” You shrugged your shoulders, “you’re not gonna kill me, are you?”
“No. I kill monsters.”
Amused, you raised an eyebrow and propped yourself on one elbow to look him in the eye, hoping that your irises had returned to their normal colour by now. “Am I not a monster?” You teased.
His smirk surprised you. “I have a feeling I will find out.”
“Well then, White Wolf… what is it you are going to do?” Geralt sat up straight, capturing your body with his. He had already paid Julius. Vampire or not, you were beautiful and willing. What more could he want after endless and boring days of travelling?
“Just make sure those fangs stay where they are.” He murmured darkly into your ear. You flinched yet again when his silver necklace came in contact with your bare skin.
“You should take it off.” You suggested.
Geralt shook his head. “I don’t take it off. Ever.”
“Fine,” you growled, “then let me get on top.” You did not leave him enough time to protest but rolled you both over so you came to straddle him.
“Have you been with a vampire before?” You asked, genuine curiosity swinging in your voice as you ran your fingers over his chest, careful not to touch his necklace again. His semi-hard manhood grazed against your pubic bone, making him groan when you rubbed against him and watched him grow fully hard before your eyes. You licked your lower lips. You would be wet in no time with this strong and handsome man underneath you—as long as you could ignore the urge to bite him that was.
“No…” He growled.
Fuck… who were you kidding? You were wet already. Humming contended, you positioned yourself above his length, standing proud now, and slowly—painfully slow—lowered yourself onto him. Inch by antagonising inch, you sheathed him inside of you, smiling at him digging his strong fingers into your hips to urge you on.
Geralt threw his head back in pleasure, revealing his neck to you. He realised his mistake only the fraction of a second after, his yellow eyes quickly fixating on your elegant and naked form above him again. Lust was sparkling in his bright irises when you began moving on top of him, your breasts bouncing with every time he bucked his hips to thrust up into you.
Circling your hips in a downright skilled manner, you held onto his muscly thighs for balance, riding him faster and faster. Leaning back like this, it would be nearly impossible for you to come as well but well—Julius paid well and having a man like Geralt of Rivia inside of you more than made up for your lack of orgasms at work.
His grunts fuelled your own desire for him to the point you longed for him to flip you over and rut into you from behind. Sweat was glistening on his forehead and his upper body in the flickering candle light, his chest heaving with every single breath and the room slowly filling with the smell of sex.
Geralt’s growl was animalistic when he emptied himself inside of you, his cock twitching against your walls as it coated them with his warm seed. With a smug expression, you let him ride out his orgasm before you let him slide out of you, lying down next to his exhausted body and feeling his sperm run down your inner thighs and stain the white bedsheets. Good thing it was impossible for a vampire to get pregnant.
Just one bite, a malicious voice in your head whispered. Just a few drops… You blinked. No. Geralt was a Witcher. Unlike your other clients, he would have overpowered you within the blinking of an eye. Sighing, you tore your gaze away from his neck, away from the delicious vein pulsating under his skin and instead stared at the dark ceiling, resting your forehead against his shoulder.
You were not as talkative as Danica after sex. He liked that. This was going to be a both satisfying and peaceful night. All the more surprised was he when, after what seemed like an eternity, you rose up from the bed and moved to put on your dress.
“What are you doing?”
“Come now,” you responded both mockingly and softly at the same time. “Are you that cuddly after sex? I stayed with you long enough, Julius must be waiting for me already. Go get your pants back on, White Wolf.” Geralt frowned.
“I paid Julius for the whole night.”
Your eyes widened. “Excuse me? I do not work at night, I have told him that. I go hunting at night.” You added sheepishly.
“Hmm…” Suspicious, he narrowed his eyes at you. “Hunting where?”
“Downtown. Don’t look at me like that! I don’t kill, not anymore. They usually don’t remember that I fed on them.”
“So you weaken them.” He concluded.
“I have to stay alive somehow, Witcher. What do you expect me to do? Hunt animals?”
“Does the village know there’s a vampire living among them then?”
“They have their suspicions. But I am smart about it. No one would ever expect it to be me.” You shrugged, ignoring his scrutinising gaze. Of course he was not okay with you feeding on humans, you should have expected it. Witcher or not, he had no right to keep you here just because he paid for you.
“There is nothing you can do to stop me, Witcher. I need sustenance just like you… unless you will let me feed on you?” You tilted your head in a provocative manner. “Your blood would keep me nurtured for a long time, I’m sure.”
Unbeknownst to you, Geralt actually considered it for a moment. Stopping you for a whole night from harming innocent humans in return for more sex with you… there was worse. The bite of a ghoul for example or that of a werewolf. Oddly enough, he actually trusted you when you said you had no desire to kill your victims.
“Get back on the bed.” He demanded surprisingly soft, offering you his wrist in the process. Your lips parted, mouth watering. Was he being serious?
Excited, you abandoned your dress and jumped back on the mattress, straddling him once more. He moaned when you sank your fangs into his flesh, tasting his blood. It was even better than you had imagined and certainly, you had never been naked while feeding on someone before. You wondered…
A pleasant shiver went up and down your spine when he cupped one of your breasts with his hands, kneading it pleasurably and playing with your nipple until it hardened under his touch. Hungrily, you rubbed your crotch against his stomach, your clit throbbing and screaming for more attention as you spread your wetness all over him. Geralt did not seem to mind.
He pulled you away from his wrists the moment you came undone, hot bliss surging through your body like liquid fire. The taste of the White Wolf’s blood on your tongue along with the friction to your most intimate parts was too much to bear even for a vampire. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you let your pleasure consume you, noticing only in a deep haze that Geralt had grown hard again.
His wrist looked nice with your bite mark on it. You longed to give him more.
“Thank you…” You murmured when he flipped you both around so you came to lie on your back. Geralt was kneeling before you, between your legs, ready to take you once more. And you had a feeling that this would not have been the last time you would be sharing a bed with the White Wolf.
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you considered supporting me on Kofi! It’s either for caffeine or red wine, I’ll take both. ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years
Tips for not ruining your trip to Greece
Coronavirus and Medical care
First of all, if you can, it’s better to postpone your trip to Greece for another year. (For the year 2021). Sorry to start my post like this but let me explain. It’s likely you have another corona variant than the locals and if you infect them, their vaccination will be for nothing and they will have to pass more months of a super strict, borderline fascist lockdown. Also... you might be infected with another variant. If you MUST come, please wear a mask at all times and keep distances! (The same goes for Greeks who want to visit other countries).
Tourism is great but too many tourists will get the country back to square one pandemic-wise. If our healthcare system gets overloaded, a tourist won’t get sufficient healthcare either if something happens to them! I mean, our healthcare system is still overloaded due to corona patients so... I don’t know if it’s a good move to come here right now. In case of emergency, I am not sure if you will receive fast or proper care.
Generally, it’s good to know some stuff in Greek about your condition because half of Greece doesn’t speak English. Doctors are likely to understand the condition in English (because most of English health words come from Greece) but I’d say be prepared for good measure. Write your allergens and conditions in Greek on a paper in your wallet and hand it to someone if you need them to know. Learn important words such as “medicine“, “sick“, “It hurts” etc. (or have them written down somewhere. The important thing is that you can say them or show them to Greeks).
You can ask me if you can’t find the translation of some phrases and don’t how you pronounce them. Avoid the Erasmian pronunciation. It was made so foreigners can learn Greek easier, but it sounds alien to Greeks and it’s not likely it’ll help you.
Protection from the elements
I don’t understand how half the globe thinks we are a tropical place or a dessert and then they don’t prepare at all for a tropical place or a dessert when they come here in Summer xD At least being over-prepared would help! So...
Don’t come in Summer??? Yes, I know, it sounds stupid but you really don’t have to come in the peak of tourist season. Coming early May, June, September and October (where the sea is still warm) will get you a good tourist experience with less crowds and heat. If you are disabled and/or easily overwhelmed, avoiding the peak season will probably do you good. You can come any month really. We have different places for different seasons. All it takes is five minutes of googling.
If you come from a less sunny place (no matter your skin color) make sure to always wear more sunscreen than usual!! If the sun is up, always wear sunscreen when going outside - don’t forget your face and nape!!
Avoid going out at 12:00-16:00 and don’t stay under the sun too long! If you catch yourself being outside the hours 12:00-16:00 GET INSIDE no matter how alluring the sea or the pool looks. A sunstroke can rob you of 2-3 days of fun and waste your money. 
If you are light skinned, red skin indicates your skin is hurt. (You’d be surprised to learn how many people don’t get it). Cover the red part and don’t continue going out in the sun for long. The rest of your skin is going to become red and peel soon if you don’t take care. If you are out, have the red part very well covered! Moisturizing creams help red skin a lot.
Wear a hat, it only helps! (it can make a small difference when it comes to sunstroke) Also, it’s better to *cover* your skin to protect it from intense sunlight! (no matter your skin color) Don’t be fooled by the heat and start going around in your swimwear for hours!
Swimming doesn’t protect you from the sun! The water reflects the sunlight and you can get even more damage! (Usually people have half of the body out of the water and that’s where the light hits).
When the light starts getting quite low prepare for mosquitos. Mosquito repellent sprays, creams and candles, as well as mosquito nets on the doors and windows, are your friends! Avoid getting near to bodies of sweet water.
Drink lots of water frequently! Take many bottles with you in a bag, I am not joking. Observe your urine to see if it’s darker than usual - if it is, then you need to hydrate more, no matter what you feel you are doing. Don’t drink *frozen* water (just mildly cold, “δροσερό”). Frozen water is not as refreshing and helpful as you think. It can also hurt your neck and lungs if they get exposed to frozen water constantly and make them irritated and swollen. (Lungs get cold because of the water going down near them. It’s rare, but it happens)
Make sure your alcoholic drinks are safe! Ask the locals if any place is notorious for serving adulterated alcoholic drinks and better avoid getting cheap alcohol from the kiosk (unless the kiosk has a stock of a reasonably priced sealed bottles of a certain brand you trust. But then again... still be hesitant).
For your wallet health
Do all the above to avoid sunstrokes and dehydration or say goodbye to your free days and money :P
Exchange homes with a Greek for a month. There are some programs which do that. If you are that type of person, this solution might work for you. You even can stay with your Greek friends for some days, if that’s possible for them.
You don’t have to go to an island. We have plenty of places that are just as gorgeous and more merciful to your wallet. If you want to go to an island, there are some cheaper ones. And, even though each island has a unique history, lots of islands have similar environment and aesthetics.
Avoid tourist traps (trust me, you’ll be attracted to them, even Greeks get attracted there and then regret it :p)  and search the area for other restaurants before sitting somewhere. For cheap but qualitative food use the supermarkets, your local bakery and cooked meal restaurants. (Try ordering from sites like efood.gr and deliveras.gr)
For souvenirs spend money on something that you can’t get in your country. Don’t get a cactus souvenir on a plain pot and say “I got that from Greece” because it won’t show and nobody will care xD Buy something more... obvious. (Ok I don’t mean you have to buy a shirt that says “GREECE”, something more subtle, if you like :p)
You can probably find the same souvenir for cheaper in another less popular tourist area (or even in the shop ten meters down the road!).
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gangrenados · 4 years
May I pretty please with extra cherries on top ask for the full sfw alphabet with Dickiebird? 🥺🥺 But if not (and I totally understand) can I please have A, B and C? Thank you 🌻
So you got me with the cherries ngl. Hope you like it!! 💖
Warning: this is super long so sorry about that 😅
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He isn't too picky so even a spend a noon with you without running for your life it's a good start.
Dick likes to take out to wander around to city and search for hidden gems, it could be looking out for new restaurants (nothing too fancy) or look out spots. Those dates are always fun.
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He admire how you can look at the bright side even when the situation is too gloomy. Your optimistic way of seeing life has stuck with him in one way or another, giving him hope that maybe nothing is entirely lost.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Dick wouldn't leave your side, too scared that might get worse. If you're sad he's going to let you cry or rant about what's bothering you if you feel like doing it, if not then he's going to hold you until you don't need him anymore.
But if you're having a panic attack Dick is going to do his best to help you calm down. He's gonna point at random things in the place you two are and ask you kindly to name them so you can on another thing, also he will help you to control your respiration.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Dick dosen't really like to think about the future, it scares him. However, he hopes that his future with you would be full of love and peace, just the two of you having a happy life together without fearing for someone coming up to tear apart that happiness.
He sometimes daydream about you and him living a happy life together, married and with a child, maybe two. Yeah, that's his happy little fantasy and he craves to have one day...
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Dick is a man that likes to have control over everything so he dosen't feel like his life is falling apart, he might end up emotionally blackmailing you without noticing which lead to him avoiding you until he finds a way to end with that behavior.
However, that dosen't mean that he will force you to follow his lead, he dosen't want to make you upset or uncomfortable in some way.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights are a thing Dick would like to avoid at all cost, so that's one of the reasons he locks up his emotions/ don't tell you when something is bothering him; in the long run all the hidden emotions will explode.
He's bitter and sometimes even cruel when you're in a big fight, his anger blinds him and make him say pretty nasty things that he will surely regret once he has cooled down.
It would take some time for him to collect himself and go to apologize, first he needs to take away his rage and re think everything before he goes to you and he he apologizes you can clearly see how the guilt, angst and sadness is eating him alive.
And I think he will forgive, but forget (in case you were the one wrong) would take a little bit of time...
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He knows he can be a pain in the ass sometimes and his temperamental issues dosen't really help, but he's glad that you can put him in place and calm him down and he's definitely grateful for that.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
There's a few things that he doesn't want to tell you and will do his best to make sure you won't be able to find out the truth until it's too late. Dick truly believes that keeping you from knowing the truth will make your life easier, he's afraid that you'd get hurt somehow thanks to his erratic life, so this is way of keeping you safe.
It cost him a death near experience to confess you that he was Robin, yeah you're shocked and angry expression had stuck with him since.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Before you came in his life he was a man full of rage; he was angry at world and himself for not being able to define what he really wanted. You didn't changed him overnight and sometimes he's back at his old behaviours when he's too stressed, but you certainly change his way to see life in a way.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Dick dosen't like to call himself a jealous man because he doesn't get jealous over stupid things. Although it's easy to tell when he's jealous since he will keep you closer to him and his gaze will grow colder, ready to tell the other person to fuck off if they dosen't get the hint that you're with him.
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
My boy Dick is a good kisser, he knows how to make you forget about your surroundings with just kiss.
Your first kiss was unexpected and stolen by you during a playful fight, you wanted to distract him and take some advantage. It didn't worked out as you planned since your little kiss transformed into a make out session.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He confessed his love for you by accident, both of you were drunk and having a good time so he just blurted it out with a big grin and kiss. Dick was kind of ashamed for his overly happy behavior, but he was glad that you felt the same way as him.
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Dick wants to get married and all the sweet stuff that comes with it, he has dreamed to have a family of his own for so long and starting it with you would be amazing.
Propose: Dould take you to where your first date was and have a fantastic day together.
He would be nervous, but will try to hide it, remembering the words of encouragement his teammates and family gave him (all of the asked him to not screw it, Rachel made him promise it) so when you noticed his way behavior, Dick told you what was on his mind, how he felt about you and then he proposed to you.
I see him being the kind of husband who is supportive, the one who is always there to bring a hand when you have problems and also kiss you hello or goodbye. Dick would be a good husband, trying his best to have a good marriage and if you have kids, provides them love and healthy way of living.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Dick dosen't call you by a bunch of nicknames since he finds the majority of them too cheesy. Call him old fashioned, but his favorite ones are: baby, babe, darling when he's feeling cheesy, or even sunshine
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Dick fall in love hard and he would rather pretend that's nothing is going on until the reality slaps him in the face. It dosen't matter how hard he tries to hide those feelings, the others will start to suspect quickly for his dismay.
Dick is gonna be more calm and even flirty around you, doing his best to not fuck up the moment, also his protectiveness over you will multiply.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
It's complicated, Dick dosen't like to be very affectionate with you in front of the team since he wants to keep the leader image, especially for the youngers. So he will settle for having an arm around you and just a simple peck from time to time.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Dick has many skills that have been quite helpful, such as his ability to help you keeping your life if a criminal wants to kill you, and even his detective skills have getting handy in more than once.
But you must say that his acrobatic skills surprisingly are helpful too, it always puts you in a good mode seeing him do flips around the place when he's bored, he even tried to bring the flexibility during sex but if you're not as trained as him then it surely ended up being a unique experience; you had a lot to laugh in the aftercare, that's for sure.
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He's a romantic guy in his own way and it sometimes fall in the cliche kind of romance.
If you two hadn't see each other for too long he's going to settle up a nice and intimate date that will involve wine, candles and takeout since he sucks at cooking. After that it would lead to some fun time if you know what I mean...
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Dick may not see you as much as he would like, but that doesn't mean he won't give you support in whatever you may want to achieve, but he has the tendency to be the voice of reason when your idea seems a little bit too irrational.
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Dick needs the thrill to live, he's addicted to it and a routine will bore him quickly.
He would try out some things to make your relationship a little bit more interesting, maybe it would be a new dynamic between you two or something from that sort. However, he wouldn't force you to do the change.
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Well, he knows a lot about you and it's good at reading you the majority of the time, but this man can be so clueless that it's amazing how much he knows about you, but can pass unnoticed the simplest things.
He tries his best to understand your problems and bring a solution to them or just listen to what you have to say. However, it might be kind of hard for him to fully understand your angriness if your problem is mundane, but he does tries to understand.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is something very important for Dick and he wouldn't want to be the one who do something to interfere in it, but his vigilante duty tend to step in and steal some of his time with you alongside his training with the Titans and his job.
Sometimes days can go by and you don't hear nothing about him (he says that he prefers not to call you when things are getting out of hands and he dosen't want you to get in the crossfire) or you'll go to bed alone and wake up in the same way. He hates it, but he feels like he's turning back on the city if he doesn't take the high and lows of the vigilante life.
Wild Card - random fluff headcanon but I did a blurb because he's my husband and I love him
Dick couldn't tell how long it has been since he had arrived to your place tired and covered from head to toe in purple-ish bruises. The week hasn't been kind to him, too many dangers trying to damage the city, but he was glad to be resting on top of you, far away from the battlefield for an instant.
The sound of rain crashing against the window was lulling him to sleep, making his eyelids feel as heavier as lead, but Dick didn't wanted to fall asleep. He wanted to make up for the lost time and enjoy your moment together.
The lingering touch of your fingers brushing against his back was oddly comforting, a reminder that you were here and you both were safe.
You kissed him on his head before he failed at his purpose of staying awake and submitted to the luring calmness of the noon and just fall to sleep with warmth sensation of knowing that he could finally rest.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
This man is a fan of cuddling with you with his head resting on your chest and your arms wrapped around him as you caress his scalp, yeah that's his favorite way to take a well deserved nap.
He can get pretty clingy when you two are alone, he dosen't see you that often thanks to his two jobs so he wants to make up for the lost time with you. So prepare yourself for stolen kisses and quick hugs that he isn't sure how to start.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will get himself busy somehow, it dosen't matter if that means drowning in paperwork or doing extra training, Dick wants to keep the fact that you're out as long as possible so he wouldn't overthink.
But when there's nothing left to do, he will listen your voicemails again and even re read your over sweet conversations, but please don'tet the others know about this...
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
You have become someone important in Dick's life and therefore he wants to keep you by his side as long as possible, so he's going to try to maintain your relationship.
Dick would search for you, it doesn't matter how far you and the dangers he has to face. He wants to know you're still out there, safe and sound and you can bet he will try his best to protect you.
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Tag list: @nervousfandom @la-femme-lupita @c0-77 @jasontoddismyhusband
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sneezefiction · 4 years
you’re my adventure
Nishinoya x Reader - Scenario
desc: engagements and soft moments
a/n: a request from @curlykoo for some fluffy, sweet Noya! i’m sorry I couldn’t pull off a sequel to the angsty noya fic, but I hope this makes you smile <333 thank you so much for requesting + waiting ! (my titles get cheesier every time i post lmao)
warnings: none! (legit, you’re gonna b smothered in fluff)
wc: 1500
“Keep your eyes covered, y/n.” Nishinoya says, leading you gently by your hand to a destination in the open air.
Midsummer nights are never chilly, but you wouldn’t have minded a small jacket or cardigan.
He’d planned for your ultimate comfort and, with your eyes still closed, envelops you in a light, fluffy blanket. He knows you well.
So you trust him and keep walking, one hand in his, the other grasping the blanket on your shoulder.
Your feet finally tap the side of a small curb, and with that he says,
“Now open!” In a nervously, excited whisper.
Noya exists for the purpose of adventure. To know and taste every sensation. To feel ridged mountainsides. To hunt for new experiences. Capturing every living, breathing thing in a mental photo. Documenting each distinct memory.
Novelty is forever fleeting, but some are born to find it. Again and again and again.
And that’s Nishinoya for you. Always finding, forever searching.
But for so long, he’s done it alone.
And, he supposes, alone isn’t… bad.
It’s true, there’s freedom in venturing by himself. He’s free to do as he pleases, whenever he pleases.
No one to look out for, nothing to tie him down.
Just endless journeys for him to explore.
But there’s a point when “alone” simply becomes “lonely.”
And that shift was a hard pill to swallow… because to settle down and stifle the “lonely” seemed to mean he had to lose his true love. Adventure.
Little did he know, the true adventure was about to start as you made your entrance into his life.
It’s Friday once again.
And Fridays are deemed exploration days by your bubble-machine of a boyfriend, Nishinoya.
Thus it makes sense that the week is incomplete, if not absolutely suffocating to him, if he hasn’t had a chance to leave your snug apartment to feel grass below his feet and the rustle of wind through his hair.
You usually give him space to go off, self-examine, and explore by himself. It’s something he’s always needed to do and it’s never gotten in the way of your relationship.
If anything it made you love him and his unique spirit even more.
However, every once in a while, he’ll want you to join him.
Tonight just happens to be one of those nights. No rhyme or reason to it.
It’s not the most unusual request, but as you asked “where to,” he refused you an answer.
Yet, the sparkle in his eye told you that he was hiding something.
Something significant.
Something special he just had to share with you.
So you let him take you by the hand, pulling you toward this secret destination.
“And open!”
It takes you a moment to realize where you are.
It’s exactly where you had your first date with this spiky-haired boy. The roof of the parking garage.
You fondly remember blue tongues and sugary, sweet lips from the slushies Noya had bought you back then. How he chased you after you ruffled-up his hair, letting you think you could get away, but catching up with you in no time. How when he caught you, he cupped your cheeks, staring into your eyes adoringly.
You shared many long, devoted kisses that night. Delicate touches. Conversations about passions and desires.
Since then, you’ve been attached at the hip.
Y’all rarely revisited that exact spot, deeming it a “sacred place” meant only for perfect moments and irreversible discussions and decisions. Your heart is racing.
The lot is comfortably empty, a brilliant full moon above you acting as the primary light source.
Before you are a pile of pillows and blankets, a small cluster of candles, and… of course…
Those truly iconic blue slushies.
You’re at a loss for words.
He leads you to his setup, letting you get comfortable enough to fully take in the scene.
It’s romantic.
Unbelievably thoughtful.
For someone so carefree, you forget just how much beauty and ambiance matters to Nishinoya. Every last detail is there, pristine yet cozy. The location and atmosphere, perfect.
You break the silence,
“Noya, this is… stunning.” Your mouth hangs open slightly, in awe of the scene set before you.
That he cared so deeply for this very moment, for you, to do all of this.
“I just- I- Even the slushies!” You’re laughing, words coming out in jumbles.
So you slouch down into the pillow, legs curled into your chest, hands resting on your knees.
The stars overhead are completely outshone by your wide, sparkling eyes.
“So what’s all this for, baby? It’s not our anniversary, y’know?” You smile, genuinely curious and a little nervous.
Your usually chatty, animated boyfriend is completely silent.
He wordlessly gets down on his knees in front of you and sets his hands on top of yours.
Taking both of them into his own, he waits a minute, stroking them with his thumb.
He then takes the deepest breath he can muster,
“Y/n… all my life I’ve wanted to be free.” He starts, voice shaky.
“You know how much I love adventure...” 
You nod slowly, your eyes shining as they meet his, 
“and I’ve had my fair share of them.” He expresses with a smile on his lips, picturing one of those precious moments right now.
And suddenly, his words gain strength and confidence.
“But I never realized that I could feel this free. Especially not with someone else by my side.”
Your heart skips a beat. 
This isn’t any old conversation anymore.
No, this pertains to you. Your relationship. Your Noya.
“Y/n… you should know, my old life pales in comparison to these past two years I’ve spent with you.” He states boldly, no longer wavering.
“Those 22 years don’t match up to the amount of life I get to share with you now.”
He can hear his heart beating out of his chest.
“You’re my adventure, y/n.” He reveals, his face warm, but heart even warmer.
And the happiest of tears are dripping down your chin, onto his hands.
“I want you to know that out of every amazing mountaintop I’ve climbed, you’re better than it’s peak.”
“Not even the bluest, clearest ocean, the steepest waterfall, or the most beautiful flower can compete with all the wonderful things I’ve experienced with you.”
He shifts and shuffles to grab something out of his pocket.
But, of course, he drops it first.
Nishinoya let’s the most comical gasp you’ve ever heard, escape his lips.
You laugh, tears falling faster, but youe smile growing so wide your face begins to hurt.
He recovers the item quickly and mentally kicks himself for ruining the vibe like the complete goof he actually is.
But it’s clear what’s going on.
It’s barely made visible by the moonlight and the subtle glimmer of candles...
but there’s a small, velvet box in the palm of his hand.
Even though you’d already begun to expect it, you can’t help put both of your hands over your mouth in shock.
“Y/n, I’m gonna need your hands back, please.” He laughs, knowing his secret is out now.
“Because, you see… I have this ring…” He pauses,
“...and I kinda want you to wear it for the rest of your life.”
He gazes at you for a moment longer, soaking in your reaction.
“Please marry me, y/n!” The words fall out his mouth in the most Noya way.
It feels just like a movie.
Where the whole world ceases to spin and gravity releases its hold on the both of you for just a moment. 
Because you suddenly no longer feel anything but his touch. His gaze. His nearness.
You remove the shaky hand from your mouth and reach it out to him.
He wraps his fingers around your palm tenderly, carefully placing a simple, but beautiful diamond-studded engagement band on your ring finger.
Of course, you take a second to examine the ring... but your eyes slowly drift back to admire your real treasure.
Your eyes meet his again.
But this time, it’s not just your boyfriend.
This is your future husband.
And the pent-up energy is too much for Noya, so he moves on to what he does best:
He full-on tackles you in the biggest, most life-giving hug you’ve ever received.
You’re thrown back onto more blankets, your head guarded by his hand so it doesn’t touch the ground.
You’re both giggling and gasping for air from, the tears you just spilled leaving you breathless.
And you lay there, chest to chest, his head laying on your shoulder.
It takes a moment, but Nishinoya lets out one last sigh before shifting to lay down next to you.
In your eyes, he sees everything.
He sees endless opportunities. Countless journeys.
And he cannot wait to pursue all of it.
He does his best to express this with simple, but bold words,
“I can’t wait to explore every part of life with you.” His head tilting to face you, your fingers now interlocked with his.
Your heart is bursting, unable to contain the joy you’re experiencing…
Yet all you can say is, 
“Yes… me too, Noya. I love you so much.”
tags:  @cherryonigiri
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Spooky Movie Night [Javi Gutierrez x Reader]
Summary – It’s Halloween and Javi Gutierrez loves to celebrate different seasonal holidays in his own special way. He plans a spooky surprise before you both settle down and watch one of his favourite Nic Cage horror movies.
Pairing – Gender neutral reader x Javi Gutierrez (No Y/N)
Warnings – mentions of general spooky Halloween themes but nothing too detailed, food and drink, mild spoilers (not really) about Javi’s character. Overall just a super sweet and fluffy one shot.
Word count – 1.8k
A/N: Okay I read the script for The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent and AAAA! I actually… really liked it. One thing to come from it is my undeniable love for Pedro Pascal’s character, Javi Gutierrez. So here we are. It’s nearing Halloween and after a short break, I couldn’t help but pop out a semi-spooky but cute and fluffy one shot for Javi. I really hope you enjoy.
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It was the evening of October 31st, and a cold evening at that. You had never really celebrated Halloween but you knew that traditions would quickly change when you moved in with Javi. He loved celebrating seasonal festivities in any which way he could. Last Easter, he invited his whole family over and planned an egg-hunt, even having his hench bodyguard Carlos dress as the Easter bunny. Of course, Javi told you it was to please his young niece’s and nephew’s, but the smile on his face when a hopping Carlos granted Javi with a chocolate egg ignited a feeling inside you that you had never felt before. Javier Gutierrez was as sweet as sugar, precious, and unlike any man you had ever met before. There was not an air of toxicity to Javi Gutierrez and you knew that everything he done for you, he done with good intentions. He had the purest of hearts.
After finishing dinner, you couldn’t shake the icy feeling that hung above you and so you announced you’d be taking a bath, wanting to get ready for the horror movie marathon Javi had prepared for you both to watch later that night. You’d already set out your pyjamas and even noticed Javi had folded them neatly for you, placing them at the end of his bed. You grabbed Javi’s lighter from his bedside drawer and picked out some of your favourite fall scented candles, carrying them to the bathroom. The walk to the bathroom felt scary. The amber light at the end of the hallway was flickering, and as you dragged your bare feet across the carpet, you left yourself a mental note to ask Carlos to change the bulb. Almost reaching the bathroom, you gasped at the shadow which had been casted from the flickering light. It was an unusual shape… ghost-like, a silhouette that hovered over you. If you blinked, you would’ve missed it. Deciding it was just your mind playing games on you, you tried shaking the feeling and entered the bathroom.
You placed two candles on the window sill and light them, engulfing the smell of seasonal cinnamon and baked apples. After twisting the antique gold taps, you made yourself comfortable on the edge of the white marbled tub, legs crossed, and swirled your fingers in the warm bubbly water, absorbing the soapy citrus scent. It was Javi’s soap but you needed something to put yourself at ease and figured bathing in Javi’s scent was a good idea; so, you poured the remnants of it in the running water. The heat of the water began to steam up the glass shower screen, so you took your index finger, and began doodling pumpkins and ghouls, waiting for your bath to fill up. You smiled a little, leaning back and admiring your artwork when the bathroom door burst open.
“Boo!” Javi cried out, his hands in the air. You took a second to take him in; a white bed sheet hanging over his body, smothering his face and two messy holes cut out the fabric exposing his deep chocolate eyes. You gasped, almost falling back into the tub when Javi jolted forward, grabbing your arm and pulling you to safety. You grabbed on to him and yanked the bed sheet off him, throwing it into a puddle on the floor. Your heart was racing, and Javi looked equally as petrified. “I’m so sorry!” He exclaimed anxiously as nerves raced through his body. His dumb joke had you almost fall back into the bath tub. He felt so guilty. You could’ve really hurt yourself.
You froze up, holding on to him and hesitated after you were sure you had regained your balance. “Javi,” you spoke softly, raising your hand and cupping his cheek. He nuzzled his face into the palm of your hand. “It’s okay. I’m okay.”
“I just wasn’t thinking. Wanted to scare you, for Halloween,” he shrugged helplessly looking defeated.
“Well, mission success. Consider me scared.” you smiled at him and you swore you saw a spark in his eyes. You straightened the collar of his brown button down shirt and pulled him into another passionate kiss. He kneeled to your level, not breaking the contact, and wrapped his arms around your waist. You were the first to break away. “You gonna let me take my bath in peace now?” You joked, still a little breathless. Javi nodded, leaning over you and turning off the running water. You stood up and began to undress yourself, letting your clothes fall on the floor and checking the temperature of the water before you settled on it being just right. Javi took your clothes in his arms and bent over, picking up the white bed sheet that had pooled on to the floor. On his way out of the bathroom, he felt his heart flutter at the sight of you engulfed in the bubbles, eyes closed. He noticed your little Halloween doodles on the glass shower screen and took the opportunity to draw a heart with yours and his initials inside. Javi left the bathroom with his hands full of laundry.
You couldn’t let yourself fall asleep in the bath. Not this evening. You kept yourself awake by thinking of the spooky themed activities Javi had in store for you tonight. The truth is, you couldn’t stand horror movies, and Javi didn’t know this. You refrained from telling him because you knew how excited he was to watch Nic Cage’s 2006 rendition of the horror flick ‘The Wicker Man’ with you. He had been walking around the house all morning, quoting it. You even caught him pointing at an orange, whispering eerily at it, doing his best Nic Cage impersonation. Holding back a laugh, you approached him from behind and wrapped your arms around him. “What ya’ doing Javi?” You sung, almost teasingly. He jumped at your touch, almost dropping the orange.
“Nothing.” he replied to you, his voice a little thicker than usual. Your lips curved into a smile as you realised he was trying to get his voice back to normal-Javi, rather than his adorkable Nicolas Cage impression. You didn’t push him further. You didn’t want to embarrass him, so instead, you pressed a kiss into his cheek and felt his skin heat into a blush. Pulling away, you were greeted with Javi’s enormous grin. “Are you excited? For, you know. Tonight. The movie marathon I have planned. You know I think you’ll really like it.”
You contemplated taking Javi to one side and asking him if he’d rather watch the Nic Cage rom-com, Valley Girl with you instead. But took a deep breath and smiled back at him. “I can’t wait.” You assured him and it was as if his grin got even bigger. Taking the orange from his hand, you walked to the kitchen counter and began to peel it, pulling out the segments and feeding yourself and Javi as you let him babble on to you about movie trivia.
“And you know, Winona Ryder turned down the role as Willow because she hated the script!” As Javi rambled on, you skilfully through an orange segment into his open mouth. He swallowed it whole, making you giggle, before continuing. “I mean- I just can’t imagine hating anything that Nicolas Cage is part of.”
After your bath, you wrapped a towel around your head and slipped in to your cosy pyjamas before meeting Javi in the living room. It was dark, only the television screen illuminating the room. He was waiting for you, and had the movie all set-up, ready to play. On the coffee table, Javi had sprawled out left over candy from the trick-or-treaters, and two goblets of- “Javi, what’s in the cups?” you asked quizzically, pointing at the still red liquid.
“Blood.” Javi grinned at you. You raised an eyebrow before raising the goblet and taking a sip. You smiled into the cup before pulling it away, licking the sweet but sticky residue of cherry soda from your lips. Javi’s jaw dropped. “You drunk it! How could you drink it?” Javi exclaimed. “I told you it was blood!”
“Where would you get blood from?” You laughed at Javi’s cute reaction before sinking down next to him on the sofa and wrapping a blanket over you both.
“You smell nice,” Javi hummed.
You looked up at him. “It’s your soap.” You smiled.
“I know.” Javi returned the smile.
Javi took the remote and pressed play on the movie. You both settled down. The movie was hard to follow, but maybe that’s because you were so distracted by watching Javi. You knew when an intense scene would follow, because Javi would instinctly hunch over and try get closer to the television screen. You’d watch him for minutes, and he was so engulfed into the movie, there was moments you thought he had forgotten to blink. You admired the way he knew it line by line and the way he’d recite random facts about the movie’s production during the less interesting bits. Watching movies with Javi was always an experience, but watching movies with him this Halloween was like no other. There wasn’t a single thing you would change about Javi. He was perfect in his own unique way.
You let out your fifth yawn of the night and Javi turned the television off. “Hey, Jav,” you mumbled tiredly, rubbing your eyes. “What ya doing? Movie… movie wasn’t finished.” Another yawn. Javi let out a chuckle, pushing your damp hair out of your face and standing up. This time, Javi gently tugged the blanket from you and pushed his arms under you before sweeping you off your position on your sofa and carrying you in his arms. You let out a cry and buried yourself into his chest. “Javi!”
“Bed time,” he said. You couldn’t see his face but you were certain you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“But the movie-“ you began to protest.
“We can finish it next Halloween.” Javi promised and you were far too tired to argue with him.
Javi gently tucked you into his bed, placing a kiss on your forehead. You closed your eyes and felt yourself fall into a slumber. Javi undressed himself and turned out the lights. You stirred slightly when you felt him climb into next to you.
“I love you Javi,” you whispered.
“I love you too.” Javi replied.
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
If requests are still open, could you do the love one w Bruce Wayne please??
Sure, they’re still open, and I can most certainly try! Though I must admit that quite a few of these headcanons have actually been mentioned or featured in separate sets I've done throughout the years. While some aspects may have changed since then, not much really feels like it's changed to me. As such, I'll try my best to answers these, but will also provide links that go into further detail. Hope that's alright!!
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Who said “I love you” first?: You say it first, though the effort to do so makes you nervous. After all, you weren’t even sure if Bruce returned your feelings: Certainly, you were his longest-lasting and seemingly the most engaging relationship he’d had to the date, but you were most certainly not the first girl he’d brought home or shared some interesting experiences with. You wanted to trust that Bruce did hold some feelings for you deep down beneath that stoic and calm exterior, but some part of you worried: Maybe you were a passing phase of some kind? In actuality, no, you were definitely someone special. The problem (if it could be called that) was that Bruce just doesn’t use the phrase, “I love you” so lightly, much less often: If he’s going to use it, he wants it to really stand out and mean something. It therefore calms your nerves a great deal once he finally does it in the quiet of your home, just as you’re both about to depart for your respective work days. Suffice to say, your day is absolutely made, knowing that by the end of it, you’ll be going back to the home of someone who you can confirm, without a doubt, loves you.
What are their primary love languages?: Bruce enjoys physical touch, but not quite for the reasons people think he does. Being touch starved resulted in him seeking the hold of someone -- anyone -- in far too many cases of desperation. And sadly, it’s resulted in a lot of heartbreak and manipulation.But what makes it all so different when it comes from you is that you don’t take advantage of him by playing to his needs; you just provide the hugs and kisses because you actually want to. You’d really be surprised how many strings were attached to Bruce’s past instances of spooning, or how many threats lingered in the lipstick stains on his cheeks. There’s nothing so malicious in yours. Only ever desire or good will. And for this, you tend to be rewarded with Bruce’s zeal for giving gifts. Well, not so much zeal as it is how he feels he can best present you how much he cares. It took a bit of time (much to his embarrassment [world’s greatest detective his ass]) but eventually he did realize that it wasn’t necessarily material and superficial goods you sought after: It was in little things like small gestures of his love for you, or in the kitschy post cards he would sometimes send you with codes littered on them. Little unique items, wrapped or postmarked with his heart, destined only for your ownership.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?: Not very often, at least not any extensively intense PDA. Sure, you’ll hold hands while in public, or he’ll place a hand at your waist as you attend a gala together. But despite Bruce loving physical touch, this doesn’t mean he wants to over-do it, much less in a way that might make you feel uncomfortable. Besides, anyone can share a kiss. But only someone he truly trusts can share a touch that sticks with him. When you’re at home, he’s not adverse to you joining him in his study and keeping him company as he looks over files both for Wayne Enterprises, and for Batman-oriented content. There have been plenty times where you’ve fallen asleep against his chest, his arm wrapped about your waist so that you won’t fall over.
What are their favorite things to do together?: It depends. Date nights are actually a bit more difficult for the two of you than the average billionaire’s, mainly because the average billionaire doesn’t also double as a vigilante. You’ve managed to do some more typical things like go to events that support the arts like operas or the ballet. Other times, you try to keep it decidedly lowkey -- though it’s a bit hard to do a lowkey paint-and-sip when all the people around you are either sneaking photos of your boyfriend, or eyeballing him because, hey, he’s far prettier than whatever subject the group was set to paint. But sometimes, these things can prove to be a headache: Because where there aren’t regular nosy civilians, there are the even nosier paparazzi. So when the time permits it, the two of you might rent out a place like the museum or a restaurant and just enjoy yourselves. But ultimately, not everything can beat just spending the night in, catching up on one another’s week or just plain resting. Snuggled up together, of course.
Who’s better at comforting the other?: You are, even though you may not always think so. You would think that cheering up or comforting the man who has everything would be a tough job, but the reality is that it really isn’t if you actually make an effort. To be quite frank, sometimes the fact that you made an effort at all is enough to lift his spirits even by 1%. You may have your doubts about the extent to which your attempts work but the truth is that when Bruce so much as smirks in your direction, you’ve done a damn good job. You worked for that smirk; own it. Bruce just simply isn’t the world’s most emotive person, even in private. But that doesn’t mean you should be so quick as to doubt your competency. Talk to him; hug him; rub his back consolingly; tell him an awful joke. He’ll appreciate you for it.
Who’s more protective?: Bruce is. The deaths of his parents kickstarted his protective streak in some form, and it’s really only evolved since then due to various incidents (including but surprisingly not limited to the Kryptonian Attack). And as dreamy as it can be, knowing that you’ll always have the protection of this massive wall of a man and his arsenal of weaponry and physical attacks, it needs to be taken with a grain of salt: Bruce can and has gone off the deep end, becoming overzealous to the near point of destruction. If he fears a threat may be directed at you or will effect any of his loved ones, there is very little that will stop him from going on the attack and sparing no expense.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?: Physical. Now that he’s aware of how much meaning and care can actually be packed into a single touch, Bruce seeks yours out. In addition, he doesn’t mind being able to return the favor by even just holding your hand and rubbing it with his calloused thumb.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?: Ironically, “Aquaman” by Walk the Moon comes to mind. It’s not that Bruce is incapable of expressing or experiencing love: It’s more like occurrences both romantic and non-romantic have resulted in him becoming protective of his heart and increasingly reluctant to be even 90% open and vulnerable. (Remember: The two most frequent examples from his love life are women who ultimately used him or manipulated him in some way, so who could really blame him?) But you’ve been almost saintly patient with him, holding his hand the entire way not to be condescending or even pull him along, but to guide him and show him your constant support of his efforts and progress. And lo, the Crown Prince of Gotham eventually let his head underwater: And he can breathe there. He wasn’t wrong to be afraid of going in -- he just needed the right swimming partner. But for something more in-universe, look no further than a few jazz standards because fun fact: Bruce is actually a talented singer. No, seriously. He’s a crooner! And next to nobody knows about it because he makes a constant effort to hide it. Hell, even you didn’t know about it until the day he slipped up. And you had the addicting voice of the late and great Ella Fitzgerald to thank. Not even the world’s greatest detective could refuse her crisp yet calming voice, allowing her rendition of “These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You)” to take up space in his ears and head until he could no longer bear it: Without even noticing it, he was singing it quietly as he fumbled around in the kitchen, fixing himself some coffee. He nearly dropped the mug when he turned around and saw you wearing a stunned expression on your face. And ever since then, Bruce singing jazz has become a lot more common in the house than ever before. When you’re upset, you might ask for him to sing. You need to sleep, you listen to a recording of him you sneaked. And sometimes, you just want to hear him sing: Of trips to romantic places, of candle lights on little corner tables, of two lovers who walk on the streets like dreamers . . . The foolish things that remind him of you.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?: Bruce isn’t exactly the most creative when it comes to nicknames. A lot just don’t sound quite right coming out of his mouth, at least to him, especially since he’s aged up some since his more notorious playboy days. “Babe” or “Honey” have always been a part of his repertoire, but he’s noticed that “Darlin’“ and “Sweetheart” seem to flow a lot more smoothly with time. You, on the other hand, at least try to be more personal and creative. But it’s a lot harder than it seems, given that Bruce isn’t exactly the easiest name to derive nicknames from. Of course, you stumble your way to cheesy ones like “Prince Charming” or “Handsome”, but you always find yourself crawling back to throwing “Babe” and “Sweetie” right back at him.
Thank you for the request!
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The only gift he wants.
The note that had greeted you as you had approached the front door of the Ramshackle dorm; the chilly wind of winter biting at your skin as it somehow managed to slip under your clothing; had come as a surprise to you; a pleasant one but a surprise nonetheless. Prompted with curiosity; you kneel down to pick it up; before standing once again as your eyes were instantly drawn to the elegant cursive that made up the writing; but rather then the pure elegance that the note had; combined with its simplicity; what drew your attention were the initials at the end of the message; just two letters but ones that made you heart jump in your chest as you couldn’t help but read the message once more.
Come to the Diasomnia dorm; I’ll be awaiting your arrival. - M.D
Although you were unable to fathom the reason as to why he wanted to see you; the heat quickly rose to your cheeks as your mind raced from which why to the next. Maybe he was just lonely and wanted to see the one who had come to be his friend? Or...Maybe- At the mere possibility your cheeks heated up once more; shaking your head several times to dismiss the thoughts that were rushing through your head; you smile even as your cheeks were still pink from blush. Whatever the reason was; you weren’t going to deny the dragon fae prince; especially since he had a special place in your heart and with what day it was; you could think of no better way to spend the day before Christmas. Your magic teacher and friend Luna Le Fay; had given you the day off earlier; saying something about having something important that she needed to do before tomorrow; to which you immediately deduced as last minute Christmas shopping after she had unintentionally left it until the last minute as a result of her usually busy schedule; but knowing that the pink haired magician would never admit this; you only smiled and thanked her at the time. 
At first you had offered to go with her to help; but strangely for some reason she was very insistent about going on alone. However not wanting to hover and thinking nothing of it; you had only obliged and went on with your day. Now having arrived back at Ramshackle; how insistent Luna had been about you not coming with her felt akin to a foreshadow to something as you pocketed the note; but rather then letting your thoughts center around something that was likely only a conclusion that had no way of being proven you walked back down the small path that lead to the gate; closing it behind you and headed to the Hall Of Mirrors. Using the mirror to take you to the Diasomnia dorm; after stepping through it you had immediately been expecting to be met with the sight of the equally beautiful but ominous castle that made up the Diasomnia dorm; but instead what greeted you was something quite different.  The thorns that would normally sit; running along the beginning of the path that led up to the dormitory had been cleared away; as soft white snow now covered the barren soil that would accommodate the sinister looking plants however some of the thorns remained; only this time making a small fence like barrier around figures that seemed to have been made out of snow and something else. Taking a step closer; while being careful to not unwittingly fall off of the marble path; you were quick to discover that they were animals; all crowding around what could only resemble a snowman; the generic red and white santa hat and scarf sitting on and around its neck as pebbles made up it’s eyes and smiling mouth while the carrot; tuck out as it’s nose; but it’s most defining and unique feature was the two little pointed stones that were at each side of it’s head; giving the appearance of two tiny horns. A smile quickly came to your expression at seeing this; before shifting into one of curious intrigue as your eyes once again looked back to the animals that were scenically placed around the snowman. Has someone made them out of magic? Or was there something else that was keeping their structure together? After all a snowman was easy to make; but making shapes like these out of just snow was an impressive and no doubt difficult feat and must’ve taken whoever had made them a while; it was only after you looked over your shoulder that you noticed a similar scenery; but only this time the snowman and the animals were arranged differently to that of the first; all decorated by small fences made out of the thorns. Not wanting or willing to ruin the holiday whimsy that the arrangements gave; reminding yourself that you had someone waiting; you hurried up the pathway before entering the Dormitory only to be caught off guard once again at the sight that greeted you. The sitting room of the dorm was far more decorated then the outside; complete with a Christmas tree decorated with ornaments and tinsel and fairy lights; as the two candle bars that had formerly been near the place the tree now stood had been put away; no doubt to avoid setting the tree ablaze; while wrapped presents now sat beneath it. However as you took notice of the tinsel that was tastefully decorating the sitting room; you noticed something about the tinsel that made you look again with unexpected surprise...Was the decorating the room.….Thorns?? Just with little Christmas tree decorations hanging off of them? The sight should’ve been silly but it was actually quite pretty; especially how they seemed to curl to hold the decorations that each thorn they held. It was nothing short of fitting to the dorm that held them and the respected witch in such high regard. 
This was the first time you’d ever seen the Diasomnia dormitory look so...Cheery you had never complained of course but to see it so elaborately but tastefully decorated was quite a sight to see. Your thoughts drifted to the same thought that had come to you while you had been making your way up to the dormitory that you were now in before your thoughts immediately drifted to your friend; the recent addition to Diasomnia. Of course; why had you not thought of this sooner? This had the pink haired girl all over it; not to mention the Vice President of the dorm who likely would’ve been all too eager to go along with her plans once he found out about the common tradition; though you did feel a little sorry for Silver and Sebek since you knew decorating like this; not to mention the arrangement outside must’ve taken quite some time to do. The living room was eerily quiet though; as it seemed as though that you were the only one present; however the sound of approaching footsteps quickly tore through that notion as you looked up; just in time to see the person who you knew had sent you the note appear from one of the off-splitting hallways. Immediately feeling your heartbeat skip a beat as chartreuse met your own brown eyes; a feeling of which was only made more prominent as they softened as genuine smile of contented happiness came to his expression; the emotions that you could see were just as easily heard as seen by his smile as he spoke. 
“ You came...I’m glad. I apologize for sending you such a sudden note; truthfully I would’ve come to you myself; but the little one; along with Lilia; had been keeping us busy all day with the decorating until very recently. I’m still not familiar with a lot of human culture; so when she told me of Christmas and how humans celebrate it I was a little surprised. I couldn’t say no to Luna when she asked if we could decorate the dorm. I enjoyed it though; as did Lilia and Silver; Sebek was against it at first; but despite what he says I know he enjoyed it too after a while. “ just before your lips can part to speak; he answers the question before you can even say it. 
Your tongue; feeling as though it had wedged itself down your throat comes out once again as you find your voice once more; trying to pay little attention to the heat on your cheeks and the racing of your heart you only smiled a kind and understanding smile- one that softened the ancient fae’s heart each and every single time he saw it- as you spoke; thankful that you didn’t sound like a fool in front of him. Yet as you recalled how his expression softened further at the mention of the pink haired female; you soon found your embarrassed induced anxiety fading as it once more proved just how soft he was; beneath the exterior that others found intimidating. 
“ N-No it’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting the note that’s all. Thank you for inviting me though. That sounds a lot like Luna; as soon as I saw the snowman outside I immediately thought of her so it makes sense. The thorns are pretty too; before now I never would’ve guessed they could be used like that but I like it. Although...Where is everyone? Luna told me she had to do something before but it’s quieter than it normally is; they didn’t forget to invite you did they? “
You could already feel the annoyance building up inside of you as the thought resonated through your thoughts; but Malleus only gave a shake of his head; the smile still present on his expression as his chartreuse eyes continued to look back at you with that same softness. 
“ No, child of man. They didn’t. In fact; the reason why I’m here alone is because of Luna. As innocent as she is she’s undoubtedly cunning; but when she suggested what she did I couldn’t bring myself to refuse her idea; especially when it would give me time alone with the one I’ve been desiring to have to myself for so long. “
The way the words were spoken with so much ominous near cryptic meaning; your heart; having little to no experience of brain cells and being romantically dead- as stated from Luna many times over; although she had no right to talk herself; the meaning of the words would’ve normally gone right over your head; however as these words were spoken rather then flying overhead as usual; instead made your heart; which had barely calmed down from it’s earlier crescendo; skipped once more; your heart fully comprehending the meaning; but your thoughts still meeting them halfway with uncertain confusion. Every time Luna brought up the subject of the ancient fae’s obvious- although it was more obvious to her than you- feelings towards you; you had brushed it off; unable to comprehend that such a beautiful and powerful; but gentle and kind individual could possibly hold any feelings like that towards you. It was a silly thought. Your anxiety and doubts would poke and prod at your thoughts; only further helping in your thoughts; as the thought He would never look at me twice would play over and over again in your thoughts more than one time; no matter how many times Luna insisted upon it. When the pink haired magician had; seemingly overcome with frustration; spun around on her heel to face you both; after the three of you had begun spending time together; the words “ Would you both just kiss already?? “ had instantly brought a blush to your cheeks while you were completely unsure of what to make of her sudden outburst; you hadn’t looked to Malleus; thinking only that he would be just as confused as you; and when you said nothing; due to not being able to form the correct words; Luna had turned around with a huff and walked off; quiet grumbles escaping her as she walked on ahead but noticeably at a pace that would leave much time for both you and Malleus to catch up. 
Now however; as your eyes looked back into Malleus’s own eyes; those same thoughts and what Luna had said to you slowly became to seem...Less ridiculous; not with how those beautiful chartreuse eyes of his seemed to regard you as if you were the most precious and lovely thing in the world; a world of which you knew he must’ve seen many beautiful things. Seeming to take notice of your current ‘ Cat got your tongue state ‘ Malleus eyes; for just a moment filled with a fond; amused affection as they narrowed while a quiet laugh escaped him. Walking closer to you; his eyes still holding that soft look that you couldn’t describe as anything else but revered affection as his gloved hand reached out; settling on your cheek and holding your far more fragile cheek in his far larger leather covered hand.
“ Are my feelings finally reaching you? You’ve always been so oblivious towards them that they’ve always gone right over your head. Though that is partially my fault as well; as speaking on my feelings; especially ones of this nature; have never been ones I’ve been skilled at or had much knowledge of. Not when my presence has incited fear in so many I’ve met..” as the amusement was replaced by a vulnerable loneliness that you knew was the result of the endless judgement and exclusion that he was often subjected to; your fingers tingled with the desire to reach out and touch him; if for no other reason then to provide him with comfort. You knew there was no way you could ever possibly understand just how deep that loneliness ran inside of him; but you could understand it; as your magic had resulted in something similar from others as well; though you had come to hold it an a more positive light; something that was largely thanks to Luna and your other friends; the memories of those who had regarded you in such a way because of the danger that came with your magic were still wounds that cut deep; even after all this time. 
Heart swelling with compassion; you reached out a hand and placed it gently on his right cheek; instantly taking notice of just how much colder his own skin was beneath your own; you chose to ignore it; however when Malleus’s eyes widened with surprise; you began to regretting the forward gesture at just how taken aback he looked.
Your cheeks heated up once again as you instantly began stumbling over words of apology while you began to take your hand away
“ I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean- “ 
The arm that wrapped itself tightly but gently around your waist as they pulled you against him; your feet on top of his own as he held you close to his chest; the hand that had been holding your cheek slipping into your long brown curls and settling gently at the back of your head; all seemed to happen in one single moment; before the feeling of cold but soft lips as they pressed against your own; moving against yours with both passion; gentleness and a endearing inexperience; became the only thing apparent in your thoughts. Stunned shock rippled through you at the sudden but gentle kiss; while your heart once again beat on a similar crescendo as it had earlier; so fast and loud that in that moment you wouldn’t have been surprised if he could hear it; however you didn’t pull away; instead finding yourself gradually overcome by a feeling as if your entire body was melting against him as you closed your eyes; returning his own kiss with inexperienced shyness; as your hands reached up, one embracing him while the other went around his neck; absentmindedly toying with one of the silk ebony strands at the back of his neck and as you did; you swore you could feel him tremble slightly from such a intimate but loving gesture; before he depend the kiss all while he continued to use the same care and patience. When he pulled away; it was only then that you once again registered the need for breath as your own escaped in quiet but breathless pants from the kiss alone. 
“ For so long I’ve wanted to do things like this...But I only held myself back because I didn’t wish to be selfish with you.. No matter how much I want nothing more than to lock you away; where it would be me and me alone you’d see. Dragons are often very possessive of their precious treasures after all; and you are the most precious of all; Princess. “ running his fingers through your hair; you; having no desire to leave his arms could only look back; the blush still present on your cheeks; breath and thought still stolen from such a loving and revering kiss. Truly..Never before had those beautiful chartreuse eyes looked as bewitching to you as they did at that moment; yet you knew he wasn’t doing so deliberately; despite how sinister the words sounded; you held enough belief and faith in him; along with your other emotions towards him; to know he wouldn’t. 
“ I’ve been gifted with many things from people over the years; but tonight for this holiday there is only one thing that I truly want. Say you’ll be mine. If you do, I swear I will give you the universe if that’s what you desire. “ the yearning, breathless plea that seeped from his voice matched his eyes as they continued to look into your own. It was a request that you hardly needed to think about as you smiled; your own eyes filled with affectionate and passionate love that you hadn’t known you were capable of until this very moment. 
“ I’m yours. “ 
It’s often said that the Christmas season was a time that many wishes were granted and in that moment, two more had just come true.
ღ.:。.✿`°¤,¸.•*´`*•.¸,¤°´✿.。.:**.:。.✿`°¤,¸.•*´`*•.¸,¤°´✿.。.:* *.:。.✿`°¤,¸.•**.:。.✿`°¤,¸.•ღ
@bubblegum-snowdrop​ I may have- probably butchered Malleus’s character just a bit; but since I know things have been tough for you recently; I wanted to write this for you so I hope you like it and that it makes you smile bean. ^~^ Well that and I wanted to write this for you as a Christmas present too. Either way; I hope you enjoy it. ^~^
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