#interactive candle workshop near me
theecandlelab · 8 months
Website : https://www.theecandlelab.com
Address 1 : Freeway Business Center, 1950 Compton Ave, Suite 112, Corona, California, USA
Address 2 : The District @ Tustin Legacy, 2425 Park Ave, Tustin, California, USA
Thee Candle Lab offers a unique experience in candle making, specializing in custom, vegan wax candles. Guests can enjoy workshops, events, and a variety of candle-making services. The candles are crafted in decorative glass or recycled alcohol bottles, adding to their uniqueness. The business caters to various events, including team bonding, birthdays, and weddings, with a focus on creating personalized candles with a blend of 30 fragrances.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/drunknlit/
Yelp : https://www.yelp.com/biz/thee-candle-lab-tustin
Keywords: Candle making workshop Candle making for beginners Candle making workshop near me Candle making date night Personalized candle gifts Candle making for couples Candle making team building Candle making techniques DIY candle workshop Eco-friendly candle making Sustainable candle making Unique candle designs Candle making bridal shower custom candle crafting class vegan candle making experience personalized candle creation event group candle making sessions unique candle making experience candle crafting with recycled bottles luxury candle making workshop creative candle making class interactive candle workshop custom fragrance candle workshop candle making birthday parties candle making bachelorette party scented candle crafting workshop candle making for special occasions candle making corporate events fun candle making activities candle making with natural wax artistic candle creation workshop family friendly candle making candle making gift experience candle making holiday party educational candle making workshop themed candle making event handmade candle crafting customized fragrance candles creative diy candle ideas artisan candle crafting luxury candle designs candle crafting inspiration eco friendly candle making modern candle crafting innovative candle workshops candle crafting for all ages specialty candle experiences personalized candle decor candle making and relaxation aromatherapy candle crafting whimsical candle designs candle crafting mastery candle making workshop corona custom candle crafting class tustin vegan candle making experience in corona diy candle workshop tustin personalized candle creation event corona candle making for beginners tustin group candle making sessions corona unique candle making experience tustin candle crafting with recycled bottles corona luxury candle making workshop tustin creative candle making class corona interactive candle workshop tustin candle making team building corona custom fragrance candle workshop tustin candle making birthday parties corona candle making bachelorette party tustin candle making bridal shower corona
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j-a-smiths-blog · 3 months
2008 2July24: Chapter 184
Where are my days going?
I ended up writing the shell of the storyline last night and revealed it to my nephew, who will be playing a role in the short film. I explained that it's not exactly a silent film as I will have some lines... but they won't be delivered as dialog... well, at least at the beginning, they wwon't.
Anyways, the Englishman catches a ride on a ship that is part of the Manila Trade route... from Acapulco, he rides to the Philippines. Due to the current diplomatic ties between Spain and England, the captian feels it is safer to send the man ashore at the tip of the province of Bataan. Once ashore the man explores and then develops and builds himself a little dwelling which doubles down as a small do all workshop while working in the shop he begins to notice peaking eyes each day and since he doesn't speak the language he chooses to place a plate of food and a cup of water near the window. The young man enjoys the food and inspects the plate and cup as the English man had made them on his contraption called a treadle lathe. The interaction becomes becomes more to the point where the englishman brings the young man in and offers to teach him the ways as an apprentice.
Now... there is plenty to develop still, but as a shell, that gets me going in the right direction to have the treadle lathe, earthen oven and small forge to fabricate things for film purpose but underlying purpose would be to make items to sell real world...
Well, around 4 a.m., I woke to go to the bathroom. My film buddy in New York City read over the shell I sent and, of course, had questions. So there I was at about 445 a.m. back in filmmaker mode. The opening scene will be me writing of my journey in my journal. Well, the opening scene takes place onboard the galleon.
I went far enough to start thinking the opening scene out as far as I could at the time. If I establish the shot correctly, I would need to build a small rig that would look like the weather deck, with small openings between some of the planks. then I'd need at least one good candle.... adding a light over top of me and the candle would be my only lighting I'd prefer to use to light the scene... and just as I said this, I figured one more quick effect... the overhead deck rig... I need to have this on wheels so as I'm sitting at the seat, I can use my feet to push and pull it to act as the ship moves through the waters...
So I mean... I have some developing to do and, of course, some writing to do so I can really start pulling this story together.
0 notes
The night had started all too serious, as Khivol had prepared himself to confront his sister alone. Rafkyl had been understandable nervous for his friend, wanting to go with him, however as Khivol removed the pendant that had hardly left his side, and handed it to the sea dweller, Raf knew there was no way he could; after all, he had his own matters to tend to, and it seemed that the elder god planned to join him. As Khivol left his apartment, he absolutely had planned on going straight to his sister’s office, yet as he arrived at the corner of a street, still several blocks away from the small shop she had rented out for the past thirty or so sweeps, Khivol couldn’t help but feel something tug at him to turn down the street to his left, instead of continuing straight. 
As he did, he immediately knew why the street felt familiar, the jade coloured neon sign down near the end of the street catching his eye. His hesitation to continue onward quickly faded away, as he found himself nearing the small occult shop, the sign he remembered making sweeps ago hanging above the doorway. Before he knew it, he had his hand on the door knob, and he stepped inside, the smell of incense, candles and odd ingredients hitting him like a gust of wind, and the droning hum began in the back of his head, like a whisper he had hoped to forget. 
Behind the counter was a petite jade, who idly flipped through a magazine, while chewing on some gum and leaning on one of her arms. Glancing up from her magazine, returning her eyes to it’s pages only to shoot her gaze back up to the indigo who had just entered the shop, the woman’s lips twitched into a smirk, as she slipped out of her chair, heading over to Khivol. 
“ Oracle be damned.., so you are still alive after all? Your sister had me convinced some asshole had landed you in your grave, she worries too much, clearly.” Branni chuckled, crossing her arms, looking up at the indigo who now towered over her. Her soft tones pulled Khivol out of the anxiety that he had started feeling, her talking to him like nothing ever happened, making him feel at home. However, before he was able to speak, Branni raised a brow, looking over his face, and tilting her head in intrigue. “ What’d you do? You’re not wobbling or anything… and.. What’s with that aura?” 
Khivol’s brows raised then furrowed, before realizing just how long it had been since the two of them had talked. Realizing the change in his body language, Branni motioned for him to follow her, leading him to the back of the shop, where she began to make some tea, and he took a seat at a table, covered in a velvet cloth, and a red, blue and gold patterned scarf was repurposed as something she draped across the table, clearly something she did her readings on. It took him a moment to realize it was one of the many things he had given her while they still were together. 
“ You still take your tea the same?” Branni’s voice pulled Khivol out of his thoughts, and he looked to her, surprised to see a reddish coloured jar of honey in her hand. 
“ You seriously still keep some of that around?” He smirked, chuckling before nodding. “ Yeah, same as always.” Branni smiled, placing her free hand on her hip, giving him a smirk once more. 
“ Yeah, of course, I wouldn’t want to be out if you visited..,” As she added a teaspoon of the ruby honey, as well as a touch of milk from the minifridge tucked under the counter,, Branni glanced at Khivol over again, raising a brow at him as she set his and her tea down at the table. “ So, I take it that it’s a long story? Well I‘ve got all the time in existence. What the fuck has happened since we last talked?” 
Setting his hands around the cup before him, soaking up the warmth it radiated, Khivol took a moment to organize his thoughts. Before taking in a deep breath, sighing softly as he began to speak. 
“.., I started trying to.., numb myself with drugs and alcohol, I hoped it’d kill my sixth sense, so I could be with you again.., It worked, however it took a lot longer than I thought, and in that time I.., I tried black jack with some of the people I drank with.., that turned into a.., a terrible cycle of addiction and debts..” Raising a brow, Branni refrained from interrupting him, letting him continue on. “ What started as a way to be able to live my life without discomfort turned into me ruining my life.. And I couldn’ face seeing you knowing the mess I had made.., even if I had the abilty to actually be near you.., the guilt became my new sixth sense…Well, two sweeps ago I.., I think I was nearing my limit. I was starting to accept that things would never get better.., but then I met him.., an elder god by the name of-” 
“Dhy’Yhvn?” Branni asked, cutting Khivol off as she realized just what the aura was that she was sensing. Khivol looked up at her, surprised but not at that she could know, but that she did know. 
“ Yeah. I take it you learned a lot about other elder gods from the Oracle then?... Yeah he showed up.., promised me he could help me and that he wanted to help me.., I think it was that he wanted to help me that made me give him a chance.., It’s been two years now.. I haven’t gambled, I don’t rely on my vices and.., I’ve felt in control again..” Branni sips her tea, processing all he had told her. Although his words were brief, she could tell all the intricacies he dared not speak, her insight being able to fill in the blanks, “ I’ve learned some from them.., But I’m guessing that’s why your sister came to me, you haven’t talked to her since meeting him, Knowing her I don’t blame you..,Lys never liked the supernatural, let alone the things beyond what we consider just that…” A silence washed over the two of them before Branni glanced over to the Tarot deck between them, and she reached over, splitting the deck into five piles, and setting them in the spread that Khivol recognized as the one often referred to as the Message from the Universe. Humming as he sipped his tea, Khivol raised a brow at Branni, his ears twitching as he formed what he was about to ask her. 
“ When she talked to you, did Lys have her around?” Before he got his answer, Khivol told Branni when to stop shuffling each pile, and told her which to reverse the alignment of. 
“ Yeah, I could sense this ‘Goddess’ before she even entered the shop.., what a lie, I know Lystal doesn’t believe it but it’s still terrifying to think of who she’s defied with her web of lies.., The Oracle only has spoken good of Dhy’Yhvn.., the rest she wouldn’t trust any more than she herself should be trusted. Shall we begin?” Taking another drink from her tea, before setting it to the side, Branni cracks her knuckles, turning the first card over, revealing 
“ The seven of wands, This card suggests that someone, or something is blocking your path, Before you can continue on your journey, you must face this challenge, you need to be strong, confident and brave, this is not a fight to ignore and because it’s reversed you must consider what it is you’re defending. Perhaps you should lower your defences while dealing with this.” 
Khivol exhaled sharply out of his nose, a knowing smile on his face. “ Work life, Right?” Branni nodded, raising a brow at him. Moving onto the next card. 
“ Four of cups. This card represents that you have been disappointed by something or someone, and you are stuck emotionally. You can’t be bothered to look further than your own brooding mind and it’s a shame because what you need is not far away, you just need to listen to the voice of wisdom to get there.” After a moment of letting Khivol take in the card he had gotten for his emotional life, Branni turns over the next, the one that represents his intellectual life.” The Queen of swords.The Queen knows much from her experiences and her studies bay it have been from books or the people around her. While the Queen can exist comfortably in any situation, interacting with people, sharing intellectual pursuits and making good, loyal friends, the queen may come off as apathetic, unable to show affection and may come off as intimidating and lacking warmth. For you, the Queen is reversed, suggesting that the Queen is cold, judgemental and harsh, her intellectual gifts being diminished by her bitterness, and she may even use her intelligence to inflict unnecessary pain.”  
Khivol hesitated from taking a sip of his tea as Branni explained the Queen card, simply giving her permission to continue as she noticed his expression change stopping her from turning the next card. 
“ The Page of Pentacles is someone who is skilled with crafty, hands on approaches to the world, enjoying learning new things and excelling in things like classes and workshops. The Page of pentacles uses their craft to help them earn and save money, always trying to have something extra on top of their income, often using it to express their generosity, giving unexpected gifts. However when the card is reversed, it suggests someone who is under a position of servitude, or someone who may not want to give more than they have to.”  Not seeing anything in Khivol that tells her to stop for a moment, Branni moves on to the center pile, turning over the card, revealing the major arcana that represented Khivol’s Spiritual life. Upon seeing the card, both her and Khivol both took a moment to laugh, meeting eyes with one another. Branni glances down once more at the card, beginning the explanation, knowing all too well that Khivol already knew, but still took enjoyment in hearing her speak. 
“ The Hermit stands for seeking one’s own truth, representing self reflection and withdrawing from the situation at hand as to find the answer you need.” She looked up at Khivol once more, giving him a smile. Khivol shook his head in disbelief. 
“ They always know too much don’t they?” Sitting up in the chair to take the Hermit into his hand, looking deep into the illustration depicted, Khivol sighed. “ That’s what this was, wasn’t it.., some time to think.., some time to reflect on the questions I had….” 
Branni waits until she’s sure he’s done musingn before weaving her fingers together, leaning on her elbows looking up at her old mate. “ Want to talk about what each of these mean to you?” Running his thumb against the card’s smooth surface, before returning it to the pile it belongs, straightening it out idly, Khvol nods, looking at the cards before him.
“ A lot of these just tell me what I already know.. I need to talk to Lystal.., I need to tell her how I feel and why I’m doing what I’m doing.. She is the Queen and I am disappointed in her.., not just because of all of this ‘goddess’ bullshit, but because.., because of how she’s treated me…, I don’t blame her.., not entirely but it still hurts and I.. I’m just tired of how she’s handled my problems.., Like I wanted it all to be like that.. Like I enjoyed it..” a depressed sigh follows his last words as Khivol takes a moment, looking to the page of pentacles. “.., However I’m also another obstacle.. One because I’ve held myself back in becoming happy.., but also I.. I’m not giving enough of myself into the things I care about.., to the people I care about..I’m scared, I think we both are.., I’m… scared of…” 
“ Of losing someone again?” Branni reached over, placing a hand on Khivol’s, her brows knitted in concern as she watched his expression change from shock to sadness as he holds back tears. “... Khiv...I know how much it hurts.. I still love you. The only reason I did it was be cause I was going to end up killing you, and I couldn’t stand that.. I wanted you to learn to control your powers.., not burn them away.., I’m sorry..” 
“ I don’t blame you Bran, I could never..” 
“ No but you’re blaming yourself, and it wasn’t your fault, It never was your fault, Not the accident, not your powers.., not any of it.. And you can’t let fate make you afraid of getting with someone else.., If you love them, don’t let them get away… I’m sure they love you too, You deserve love.” 
Khivol’s breath hitched as he laughed nervously, quickly being unable to hold back the tears that began to roll down his cheeks, however instead of the natural indigo hue  they typically were, his tears were tinted with the same strange blue hue that took to his eyes when Dhy’Yhvn’s blessing shined through. Getting out of her seat, Branni goes over to him, pulling him into a hug, which he quickly returns, sobbing into her chest as she soothingly pets the back of his head. Many minutes passed before the Khivol scooped the tiny jade into his lap, calming down from the emotional breakdown enough for Branni to part their embrace, so she could get a good look at him. 
“ It’s going to be okay Khiv..,Let’s not be strangers anymore okay?.. If you ever need someone to talk to.. I’m here..,” 
“ I’d like that… Thanks Bran….” Khivol smiles, resting his cheek against her head. 
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the-royal-courier · 7 years
Courier Classifieds 4/10
A memorial for the man known as Dragaur will occur on Thursday evening at half past seven bells near the gravestone he was known for sitting upon. A simple ceremony of words and candles to bring solace to those who knew him.
The private island, Sharktooth Cove is officially open to the public. Teran Harbor is a free city due east from Thandol Span. The islands boast lumber, ore, fishing, farming, and business opportunities for all.
So set sail today to experience all that Teran Harbor has to offer!
(OOC Information: This is a player run community intending to create another roleplay hub outside of Stormwind. OOCly located on the pre-cataclysm version of Theramore Island, reach out to Levv today to secure your business location or talk about how your guild or group or self can participate in a neutral town style RP  @levvnightfall @theteranharbor )
For Sale
Fine Dwarven brews available from Ironforge’s Ironstout Clan Brewery.  Beer is available in casks, half-kegs, and bottles.  Be sure to stop by the Steel Pub and try Loch Modan Maple Mead!  Dwarven Honey Mead, sweetened with freshly tapped Maple sap from Loch Modan.  Only available in Spring, so act now! Please contact Bathildis Ironstout for more information.  (Bathildis in game @ironstoutbrews )
Ludlow Signature Wines now open and catering to the wine lovers of the realm. For ordering or inquires, contact Elizebella Ludlow of Ludlow Vineyards (@elizebella, @ludlowvineyards )
The Queen’s Garters is Stormwind’s premier lingerie boutique.  Alliance women insist on only the finest intimate apparel and The Queen’s Garters answers their call. We offer a unique buying experience for each customer. Serving women and their intimate apparel needs with beautiful lingerie, corsets, stockings and more.  
And because women aren’t the only ones who buy lingerie, our experienced staff can help any man buy the perfect gift for his wife, girlfriend or lady love.
Private fittings available by appointment.
The Queen’s Garters, 4 Canal Street, Stormwind City
Because it’s what’s underneath that counts.
(In-game location:  Canal Tailor & Fit Shop, To schedule a private fitting contact @queensgarters, @nariele, or in-game Nariele )
The Hexy Lady, offers a plethora of hexes, enchanted items, and potions for the right price. Bartering acceptable. Contact Mistei for more information on how they can help you!
(Contact @noble-witch or find her in-game under Mistei, via ic mail or walk-up.)
Simple Solutions is now offering its services throughout Stormwind City and its adjacent areas. Everything from small cabins to wide, open spaces used for lavish parties. No home or office is too big or too small for an extensive and discrete sanitation that will allow you to keep going about your business and leave the trivial, tedious work to another. Not only will everything be elegantly clean, but trash will also be removed and disposed of appropriately. You will be free to choose the scent to fill your home, office, or workshop after services have been rendered, free of charge. They include but are not limited to: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, pine, rain, roses, peaches and oranges. All prices are negotiable and payment is to be received upon arrival at the very latest.
Contact M. Grimwald at the Stormwind City Harbor or through a messenger, mail or simply word of mouth. (OOC: You can also send me a message through Tumblr at @everythingisbetterwithpirates or whisper in-game.)
Now Hiring
Are you looking for a job full of excitement? Have you the fortitude to work with all types of individuals? Are you willing to get your hands dirty? Susan Gampre is looking for individuals to assist her growing business. Currently positions are available in the bar and grill, security, and entertainment divisions of the group. Stop by or send your inquiries to Ms. Gampre.
(OOC: Sisters in Sin is easily explained by the stereotypical, quick to the point definition: Brothel house. In character the group hopes to provide a place for any to indulge themselves in women and vice- all for the right price. This guild is not for the faint of heart. There are dark themes explored. As such the guild is 18+ only. Sisters in Sin are here to have fun with their writing, they just approach at a more unethical angle. Reach out to @susan-gampre for more information on how to join the guild. )
To carry the name of <House Dragonblade> means to carry the ideals of justice, honor, and charity. Seeking anyone of a kind heart and strong mind, House Dragonblade wants you if you want to make a difference. 
(Contact @odessii-dragonblade or Odessii in game)
Looking for ways to quell your boredom? Endlessly walking around the city? Yearn for a way to find a new adventure? Skilled in Archaeology? Combat? Research?
Look no further, House Preston is recruiting! We deal in trade, combat, research, and we’re expanding into so much more! We would love your help!  Not a crafter or fighter? Not of noble birth? We will still accept you into our house. We have a multitude of things to do and if you are thinking you might want to learn how, we can help with that too!
Interested in joining our growing house? Talk to one of us today!
(OOC:  We prefer 18+ due to occasional content. A strong knowledge of lore or willingness to learn is encouraged.  Any level / race / class accepted.
How would have heard about us? If you frequent the Cathedral District, noble social circles, the Broken Isles, you’ve probably seen or interacted with us!
Contact Retribution or Ananorah @ananorah to discuss how you can join House Preston.)
Doomwatch is an organization with Alliance ties that is devoted to defeating the Burning Legion and protecting Azeroth. We also do artifact hunting and public relations, we formed to fight the Burning Legion but developed into a close knit family who will do anything to protect this family.
(An interview is required. Contact info: Annyana or Orgrimskar, via whisper or by mail)
Seeking able bodied and like minded fellows to join the honored House Ironbourne. Councils, guards, magi, healers, crafters and the like, all are welcome at Ironhearth to join the Lord and Lady of Ironwrath in making a better world for those under their care.
(House Ironborne is an RP guild that revolves around nobility and everything that comes with it. Politics, war, alliances, fighting, back stabbing, and loyalty. We seek role players who are interested in stepping into the various positions within the guild. We welcome and encourage player plot lines both individual and guild centric. We believe in quality over quantity and desire players that will maintain the respect of the guild while having fun through role play.
Led by Duchess Jossetta Ironborne, guild RP centers in part around the Ironborne estate, Ironwrath, located in the Hinterlands, Ironhearth, the village outside its gates, and the world that is Azeroth. Interested players should contact Jossetta in-game or here on tumblr @jossetta or @houseironborne We look forward to hearing from you.)
Lord Dandez Northbane is seeking able bodied men and women to aid in safeguarding his homeland from demonic and domestic threats. The devastation left in the wake of the demonic invasions has created a situation where people are suffering and need strong defenders. Rebuilding and protection is a priority for House Northbane.
All specializations are accepted by House Northbane. Contact Lord Northbane or his Royal Guard Valdasowin to discuss pledging your service to the house.
Currently Open Positions
Mercenaries Seasoned Knights Diplomats Crafters Trademasters Retainers
(OOC: All races and classes are welcome, though at this time limited demon hunters will be accepted. The minimum requirements to join the guild are TRP and MessageBoard. Discord to be launched soon. Contact Dândez, Valdasowin, or Darrus in game to join.)
Do you feel the call to serve? Are you dedicated to ensuring the safety and peace of those around you? The Stormwind City Guard is looking for you. We are actively recruiting guardsmen into our ranks to ensure the city is protected at all times. Do you have what it takes to protect and serve? Formal applications for assignment within the guard should be submitted to the Command Center care of Commander Aldenhardt.
(OOC: The Stormwind City Guard is looking for experienced roleplayers that are interested in playing a guard ICly. Please read over the site to see our IC and OOC guild rules and guidelines for RPing a guard. At this time please note we are not accepting Demon Hunters as guards. Death Knights are on a case by case decision. We do require an application and an IC interview. Former members of the old Stormwind Guard will be accepted. Contact  Aldenhardt in game or @percy-aldenhardt )
House Matheredor is currently recruiting able bodies for various roles to help in defending the kingdom as well as assisting in the research and hunting down of dangerous magical artifacts that could threaten the very fabric of the kingdom.
Jobs Available:
-Guards -Scouts -Researchers -Healers of all types -General laborers -Those with political aspirations -Shopkeepers -And many others!
House Matheredor’s primary lands are in the mountain ranges in the Northern part of what is now the Western Plaguelands. If you wish to join the house or contact us in any way we have a Stormwind office located in the large building behind the Shady Lady in the Dwarven District.
Application Process consists of an out of character interview with Adorlan or any other officer who is online followed by a small in character introduction. Contact Adorlan (Adorlan ingame or @adorlan) or Kerydwen (Kerydwen ingame).
The Amberstaff Coalition, based out of Ambermill in Silverpine Forest, is an organization of mages and martials devoted to studying, teaching, and working with magic to protect and serve Azeroth. Our goal is to provide a welcoming refuge to magi while finding and ridding the world of fel casters, though within a controlled environment we have studied the practice of minor demonology. Our martials provide our first line of defense for Amberstaff, protecting the magi who may not have enough experience to protect themselves.
If you are interested in learning about magic, striving to gain control over your powers, or wish to use your skills to protect others, seek out an Amberstaff member today. We are ready to see you reach your full potential.
(OOC Note: The Amberstaff Coalition is a caster-based guild that has an additional tree for the martials. We host weekly classes in which we are training magi to become wizards of our order, able to act upon and study the majority of all schools of magick. We partner with several other guilds for RP in the Isles and elsewhere around the worlds. We are accepting all classes, contact one of us for more information -Helarsar, for those with magical aspiration or Aacer for those with more fighter type attributes.)
The Royal Courier is hiring! We are looking for intrepid individuals who like to write and capture moments of time. There is a lot happening in the world right now from invasions to daily crime to happier moments. The Royal Courier strives to be everywhere to cover the important events and happenings. If you have an engaging personality, are not afraid to ask the tough questions, and like to network; This might be the job for you!
Currently looking for the following positions to be filled immediately:
Investigator Advertising Office Staff
Contact Risri Elthron for more information on how you can join our expanding team (@risrielthron)
Have a classified ad see our guidelines Here, then send a message to @risrielthron or Risri in game. Use it to make friends, find work, hire employees, and more!
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carolinaare · 7 years
If you thought I’d suffer from heat deprivation in London’s chilly Autumn after a year spent in the sun-drenched Coogee Beach, you are mistaken. I am making the most of what the UK Capital has to offer and damn, there’s no shortage of events on this side of the pond. Here’s a round-up of events you need to look out for this Autumn.
Harry Potter, A History of Magic Exhibition at The British Library – from October 20
As a Potterhead and a fan of any British Library exhibition to this date, A History of Magic Seems unmissable: rare books, manuscripts and magical objects from the British Library’s collection, showcasing the folklore and magic at the heart of the Harry Potter saga.
The exhibit celebrates the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – feel old yet?
Blade Hairclub Halloween Hairclubbing Night – Saturday 28 October 
Considering how appalling my blow-dry skills are, booking in with a friend to get the Halloween look at Blade Hairclub in Soho sounds like the right way to kick off my Halloween weekend.
To get the party started, Blade will be playing tunes from classics such as Beetlejuice, Nightmare before Christmas and Screaming Jay Hawkins. iPads are also positioned at each station enabling scary film fanatics to immerse themselves in some of the best horror films that Netflix can provide, including It Follows, Babadook, Hush and Paranormal Activity.
But no Hairclubbing sesh is complete without cocktails, which will be Halloween-themed for the occasion:
Poisoned Apple – VSOP Calvados, Elderflower Liqueur, fresh pressed apple, apple juice, lemon juice, Abbott’s Bitters;
Devil’s Blade – Rittenhouse Rye, Campari, Ancho Reyes Red Chile Liqueur, Orange bitters;
The Pumpkin King – Organic Vodka, Maple Syrup, Pumpkin Puree, Vanilla, Black Walnut bitters.
All Hallow’s Eve by Lamplight at the Tower Hamlets Cemetery – Saturday 28 October 
This year, I’ve decided I’m going to have at least one DYI Halloween night and instead of going to fancy events in very little clothing, I will actually do something spooky. Enter Cemetery Club’s lamp-lit tour of the Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park, set to celebrate the lives of the quarter of a million people buried there, from heroes to villains, locals and mavericks. The tour will be an occasion to explore the Victorian customs associated with Hallowmas, and taste authentic Soul Cakes, made from a recipe from the time of old Queen Vic herself.
Tours on Saturday 28 and Tuesday 31st, either at 6:30 or 8 PM;
Tickets £12/£10.
U SUCK Halloween Special at The Old Blue Last – Saturday 28 October
My DYI night will be followed by by a dance and a sing-along to the best break-up bangerZZZ and pop kiss-offs at The Old Blue Last. It’s on the same night as the Cemetery Tour so I might end up wearing at least something Halloweeny. Whether you’ve been dumped by a satanic being (haven’t we all), ghosted by a moron or just wanna have some fun, this looks like the place.
Saturday October 28th, 10pm-4am;
Fancy dress strongly encouraged;
FREE all night long.
Halloween Movie Ball at The Grand, Clapham  – Saturday 28 October 
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Picture by The Grand
Picture by The Grand
For all of you South Londoners out there, The Grand in Clapham will throw a part paying homage to the finest and freakiest Horror Movies of all time to the sound of party favourites. The event includes photo booths, make-overs, balloon drops, prizes for the best dressed and more confetti than you can think of. Fancy dress: compulsory.
Eat Blood-Injected Charcoal Balls at Old Street Station
There’s no Halloween without creepy food options but this year I wanted to go a bit more left-field than your average pumpkin stuff… so why not try charcoal activated cheese balls filled with “spicy blood”?
Picture by Dona Rita
On Tuesday 31st October, Brazilian Chef Rita will make a a special batch of Brazilian cheese balls Halloween set to taste like a “melted-cheese inferno”. Brazilian Cheese Balls are the go-to snack in Latin America. They’re gluten-free, made with Cassava and cheese and are crunchy outside and cloud-like inside.
This time however, Chef Rita will be blending this dark and detoxifying twist with the original recipe, the cheese balls will be served with a Syringe, filled with your choice of sweet or spicy blood (don’t worry, it’s only jam and Sriracha sauce). You can inject the balls with blood, spill it all over for a gory look or pour it in your mouth as Halloween make up. The choice is yours.
The pop-up is near the stall in front of the ticket hall at Old Street Underground Station;
A portion of 6 blood-injected charcoal balls costs £5;
Opening times: 7.30am to 7pm, open until late on Halloween;
You can try a less devilish version until the 26th of November, the day the pop-up closes.
Junkyard Golf Club Day of the Dead with El Jimador – Tuesday 31 October
Right, so the 31st is a Tuesday which sucks a bit, but at least Junkyard Golf Club in Brick Lane is teaming up with el Jimador to transform its crazy golf labyrinth into a Day of the Dead scare fiesta complete with actors, magicians and circus performers, cocktails and, well… golf. A round is just £9.50 including booking fee which is great if, like me, you are going just for shits and giggles and plan to be kicked out due to how appalling your golfing skills are.
Picture By Junkyard Golf
Performers on the line up include jugglers, unicyclists, LED hoopers and The Magic Ball Man, who caused a storm last year with a hypnotic video that racked up over 22 million views on Facebook.
Junkyard Golf London at The Old Truman Brewery, from 7 to 10 PM;
Tickets available here.
Skylight Launches Its Rooftop Skating and Fondue Nights in Tobacco Dock – Thursday 2 November
Ever since it launched in the summer, news about Skylight has been giving me a huge FOMO. I thought I’d have to wait until Summer to check it out, but luckily, Tobacco Dock’s rooftop is relaunching as a top Winter destination on Thursday 2 November, complete with seasonal drinks, fondue,  street food AND London’s first rooftop ice rink.
Picture By Skylight
A £10 skating ticket gets you 45 on the ice rink, while you can play ice hockey for £3. The cheese fondue will start at £14.95 per person with tables available to book in advance and ladies and gentlemen, Skylight will also offer delicious chocolate fondue at £9.95 per person.
Who am I kidding, this is where I break my leg. I know this. Cocktails and ice skating will never be a good match for someone as clumsy as I am, but with its unobstructed views of some of London’s most iconic buildings, Skylight is one of those venues you just can’t miss out on.
Thursday & Friday 5pm – 11pm;
Saturday & Sunday – 12pm – 11pm.
Christmess in Southwark, Launching on 15 November
We all know talking about Christmas is forbidden before December first, so you will excuse me for writing about Christmess instead, run by Slap Ya Papa and Marbles & Ware.
Picture by: Christmess
Launching on 15th November for a six-week run, Christmess is set in Victorian London – and at The Hunter Penrose to be precise, a barely touched warehouse in the heart of Borough Market.
The immersive event includes live entertainment brought to you by Santa’s little helpers, green fairies, St Nicholas and all the Christmas peepz with a twist. Food is left in the capable hands of Slap Ya Papa, who will cook up a 12-dish soulful lunch or dinner made of platters of Cajun roasted turkey and candied yams.
Open throughout the day, the downstairs area will be a workshop filled with creations by independent makers. Craftspeople from across the capital will be making and selling an abundant trove of stocking fillers and makers will also be offering present making classes such as a Floral Wreath weaving and Beeswax candle making.
Tickets: £55 per person;
Feasts: Wednesday – Sunday, 6.30pm – 11.30pm.
Museum of Witchcraft Opening – 2 November
Cornwall’s most magical Museum comes to London with an exhibition made of scary photographs of haunted objects from The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic by Sara Hannant and Simon Costin. I’m looking forward to seeing all the magical objects on display, including a Witch Mirror, a waxen curse poppet, spells and charms and items from a Black Magicians altar.
The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic has the largest and most remarkable collection of witchcraft-related objects and books in the world, focusing on this misunderstood aspect of British folk culture.
The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History
November 3rd 2017 – 28th Febuary 2018.
Jazz Before Jazz Was Jazz, Two Temple Place – Sunday 12 November
Arts education charity The Arts Society and my favourite London band, Kansas Smitty’s, are teaming up to tell the story of the way jazz became Jazz, starting from the slave songs of American plantations, African polyrhythms, and the European classical tradition.
Made of talks, interactive workshops, Smitty’s signature juleps, Deep South inspired street food and performances by the Kansas Smitty’s House Band, this event comes as a prequel to The Age of Jazz, an exhibition produced by The Arts Society and the Bulldog Trust, which opens at Two Temple Place in January 2018. The exhibition will kick off a year of celebrations for The Arts Society which marks its 50th anniversary next year.
Autumn Events To Watch Out For If you thought I'd suffer from heat deprivation in London's chilly Autumn after a year spent in the sun-drenched Coogee Beach, you are mistaken.
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