#union cavalry
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cavalrycommand1876 · 1 year ago
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Patrol Under Fire by Don Spaulding
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szkin-art · 6 months ago
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NPC portraits for the Lancer game I'm playing in~
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aunti-christ-ine · 1 year ago
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roscoe-conkling · 2 years ago
"So it came to pass that as he trudged from the place of blood and wrath his soul changed." ...Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage
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vulturesouls · 9 months ago
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Union Cavalry officer, Philadelphia, 1860s
J Paul Getty Museum
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obtener2 · 2 years ago
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Mid-June 1863, the U.S. capital became desperate for additional defenders. An ominous rumble sounded beyond the Blue Ridge. Perilous gunfire could not be dismissed as rebel guerrillas, who hovered in small squads across the Potomac. Startling reports created panic. Rumors contradicted one another, except for one consistent theme—General Lee marched north. A Family and Nation Under Fire
iBooks https://goo.gl/SAVc8A
nook https://goo.gl/DSQXGu
Amazon: https://goo.gl/A3brGd
KSU Press http://goo.gl/Z3z4Xs
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cavalrycommand1876 · 2 years ago
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Union Cavalry Saber Charge
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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“Russian Calvary on Parade,” Chicago Tribune. February 17, 1933. Page 2. ---- Russian cavalry, part of the mighty Soviet war machine, on parade in Moscow during recent maneuvres. The Red army consists of 650,000 conscripts, but officials say they can put a force of several million held in short order.
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vox-anglosphere · 8 months ago
During the Great War the entire British Empire was called to arms.
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revoltedstates · 7 months ago
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Soldiers of Co. H, 3rd Indiana Cavalry, smoking cigars and holding bouquets. Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. Detail from a larger company photo, Library of Congress.
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ripstefano · 2 months ago
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Wellington's Heavy Cavalry
At the Battle of Waterloo, Wellington’s heavy cavalry played a dramatic and decisive, though ultimately costly, role in the unfolding of the conflict. Early in the battle, as French infantry advanced in columns against the Anglo-Allied lines, Wellington ordered his heavy cavalry to counterattack. The Household Brigade and the Union Brigade surged forward in a thunderous charge that smashed into the French infantry formations. The sheer weight of their attack broke through several columns, scattering soldiers and causing significant chaos among the French ranks. The Scots Greys, part of the Union Brigade, famously charged through the melee and captured a French eagle standard, a rare and prestigious feat in Napoleonic warfare.
However, the cavalry’s enthusiasm turned into overreach. After their initial success, many troopers pursued the retreating French far beyond the safety of their own lines, losing cohesion and becoming disorganized. This exposed them to devastating counterattacks by French lancers and cuirassiers, as well as artillery fire. While their charge inflicted heavy casualties on the French and temporarily halted their momentum, the heavy cavalry themselves suffered significant losses, including the death of Major General Sir William Ponsonby, the commander of the Union Brigade. Despite their high cost, the charge underscored the power and peril of heavy cavalry in battle.
From "Wellington's Heavy Cavalry"
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karrakincavalrycollege · 3 months ago
The Karrakin Cavalry College is now "accepting" Union-standard Universal Academic Application forms from any prospective students who would like to completely embarrass themselves in front of our admissions board.
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bretwalda-lamnguin · 1 year ago
I’m not sure if this is a controversial take or not, but I don’t think Fingon was a particularly good or capable king. The Silmarillion almost seems to damn him with faint praise, his bravery and selflessness are always singled out. But nothing about him seems to suggest he’s a great leader.
All of his best and most heroic actions are either individual or directly leading small numbers of troops, the rescue of Maedhros, routing Glaurung with his horse archers. Not much is said of his leadership during the battle in Hithlum, between the fourth and fifth battles.
I think it’s quite notable that his lands in Dor-lómin are just handed over to Hador. It suggests to me that Fingon either had very little following there or that he wasn’t doing a good job of ruling it and even Fingolfin saw this. After Fingolfin’s death he’s the only viable Nolofinwean heir, Turgon and Aredhel are missing, Argon is dead.
I also think it’s notable that everyone calls the alliance the Union of Maedhros, and Fingon is unable to leverage Orodreth and Nargothrond to back it. Maedhros is the power behind Fingon’s throne, and everyone knows it. Maedhros is the politician and the military strategist. Fingon has little skill or little interest in these I think. I also like the idea that despite the love between them, Maedhros is manipulating Fingon at least a bit. Maybe unintentionally, but Maedhros is a Machiavellian at heart, a determined and capable pragmatist. He will trample the hearts of those he loves to get what he wants.
I also think it’s notable that Fingon charges in after Gwindor while Turgon hangs back. Fingon has let the tail wag the dog, and been drawn into breaking his strategy by one of his subordinates. He’s passionate and emotional, Húrin has to restrain him from charging even before this! Turgon doesn’t get drawn in even when Fingon does, and I’m pretty sure that Fingolfin and Maedhros would not have done this either. That’s not to say Gwindor should have been abandoned to die, but providing some force to relieve them and cover their retreat when they inevitably get bogged down and have to pull back (like Turgon did for Fingon) is very different to committing the whole army to a gamble made with no prior thought.
I like Fingon! He has many good qualities, and up until the 5th battle was a major factor in the success of the Noldor. He’s brave and dashing, selfless, a good cavalry commander. He rescued Maedhros and stopped a civil war! He routed Glaurung! But I do not think he was ever a good king.
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agbpaints · 4 months ago
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4th Order of St. Michael
Formed: 3061
Disbanded: 3070
Parent Command: LAAF (Nominally)
An on again off again tradition from the world of Hesperus II, the Stellar Order of St. Michael is a martial organization of Catholic mechwarriors who seek to uphold feudal revivalist chivalric ideals, drawing heavily from the Lorix Order, while protecting the interests of the noble house Brewer, Duke of Hesperus. Mechwarriors of the order are typically drawn from the planetary nobility of the region and pledge themselves in 20 year tours. While the Order of St. Michael has a reputation for being a fanatical and individually well trained force in the field, their lack of tactical acumen is legendary- as of 3151 the Order has been disbanded due to near total combat losses six times.
The 4th Order of St. Michael was founded in 3061 by Gunther Brewer-DuChambe in the aftermath of the Great Refusal and rising sentiments of martial patriotism following the Second Star League's victory over the Clans. When the Federated Commonwealth Civil War broke out, the Order threw their lot in with the Lyran Alliance, participating in the Fifteenth Battle of Hesperus II in 3065 as well as actions on Alkaid and Gladius the following year. In 3068, the Order was recalled to Hesperus to deal with increasing raids by Word of Blake forces. On January 26th, the WoBS End of Wisdom annihilated the Order's monastery north of the city of Maldon with a sub-nuclear orbital bombardment as part of Operation STEEL HAMMER. Brewer-DuChambe and a lance of his warriors were not present at the time, having left the monastery for a patrol several days prior. The last remnants of the Order of St. Michael made there way to Defiance Industries' fortress factory on-world and assisted in the defense, fighting to total destruction on February 5th, one day before the planet surrendered.
At their peak, the 4th Order of St. Michael consisted of two companies of battlemech assets and two Union class dropships. This iteration of the Order prefered heavy cavalry machines and fast assault tactics. The majority of the mechs used by the order were models produced by Defiance Industries on Hesperus, though some mechwarriors pledged to the order brought with them heirloom machines passed down from their families.
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milfstalin · 2 months ago
There is also a second theory. Stalin’s secret police chief Genrikh Yagoda — a pornography aficionado whose apartment reportedly held a dildo collection — is said to have enjoyed viewing Skorodumov’s holdings. Librarians believe that he personally ensured the latter’s safety.
the gooner strikes again
Safely ensconced in the spetskhran, the erotica collection became available for viewing by top Stalinist henchmen. According to legend, they included the mustachioed cavalry officer and civil war hero Semyon Budyonny and grandfatherly Mikhail Kalinin, the longtime figurehead of the Soviet state.
“They were supposedly interested in the visual stuff — postcards, photos,” Chestnykh said. A Politburo member did not need a pass: “No one could refuse them.”
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ospreyarcher · 2 years ago
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My new book is now available for preorder!
After a century-long sleep, a Union soldier wakes up in 1965. Cavalry lieutenant Russell Krause is all at sea in this strange new century of electric lights and automobiles. But he soon acquires a guide: Caleb O’Connor, a kind-hearted, history-loving college student with secrets he’s desperate to hide. Caleb is gay, and he’s completely smitten with this lively, warm-hearted soldier, who has swiftly become his best friend. But Russell’s nineteenth century understanding of friendship is far more affectionate than any 1960s friendship is allowed to be. In between telling Russell about escalators, record players, and the Civil Rights movement, Caleb has to explain that men in 1965 are no longer allowed to hold hands or share beds or kiss… which is tough, because Caleb would love to be kissing Russell. Despite these chilling changes in social customs, Caleb and Russell’s loving friendship grows ever closer. But the cultural divide may prove wider than even love can bridge.
Content warnings: period-typical attitudes in general, but especially toward homosexuality
The Sleeping Soldier will be coming out on August 7. Preorder now!
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